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WKC.com: WKC On The Road! [IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]WKC ON THE ROAD![/SIZE] 12th September 2008[/B] Last night was a historic night for the Wrestling Kings of Canada as, for the first time ever, they travelled from Ontario and went to Alberta where they did what they do best in a sold-out arena – wrestle their hearts out. The 300 fans in attendance were lucky enough to see the WKC Heavyweight Championship defended outside of Ontario for the first time, as in the main event of the evening Joey Matthews defeated Robert Roode with a Virginia Necktie to retain his championship. But that wasn’t all, as the action-packed hour that they witnessed also saw Brent Albright defeat Chad Collyer in a rematch from Slammin’ in the Sun, Nicholas Sinn gain a victory over TNA alumni Jay Lethal and Rocky Romero make short work of Xtreemo heading into the tournament which will crown the first ever Rising Star Champion. The show also saw Rocky Romero guarantee victory in the Rising Star tournament and Joey Matthews touch the situation with Chris Jericho and the small clan that he’s put together, which can be seen at the Media section of this site. Overall, the show was a huge success and WKC are looking forward to travelling back in the near future. In the meantime, don’t forget that WKC Unlikely Allies will be held on September 25th, so if you missed last night’s house show don’t hesitate to order your tickets for this rocketbuster - which be headlined by WKC Champion Joey Matthews teaming up with his preceder Christian Cage to take on Mark Jindrak and Matt Morgan! [b][u]Quick Results:[/u][/b] - Rocky Romero def. Xtreemo ([b]D[/b]) - Nicholas Sinn def. Jay Lethal ([b]C-[/b]) - Brent Albright def. Chad Collyer ([b]D+[/b]) - Joey Matthews def. Robert Roode to retain the WKC Heavyweight Championship ([b]C-[/b]) ([B]Overall Show Rating: C-[/B])
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WKC.com: Rising Star Tournament Brackets Revealed [IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]RISING STAR TOURNAMENT BRACKETS REVEALED[/SIZE] 25th September 2008[/B] In less than twelve hours, at WKC Unlikely Allies, the tournament to crown the first ever WKC Rising Star Champion will be kicked off. WKC.com can now exclusively reveal the tournament’s participants and who they will be wrestling in the first round of this tournament. The tournament brackets are as follows: [CENTER][IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/9247/risingstarbracketsqk8.png[/IMG][/CENTER] With the return of Cloudy and Cheech, as well as stars such as The Naturals and Brent Albright in action, this is sure to be a blockbuster tournament! If you haven’t gotten your tickets for tonight’s sold out event, be sure to catch the next rounds within the coming months.
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WKC Unlikely Allies [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC UNLIKELY ALLIES[/B] [I]25th September 2008 Held at the [B][COLOR=RED]SOLD OUT[/COLOR][/B] Serbian Hall, in front of 2000 people[/I] [I]The darkness in the Serbian Hall is ended as lights hanging about thirty feet from the canvas light up and illuminate the ring, the fans going wild as Jim Cornette climbs through the middle and top ropes with a black case in his hand. Every fan that saw last month’s show knows what’s in it. Jim Cornette allows the fans to quieten as he waits to talk.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Last month, I announced to you all that I had plans to bring in a new championship, and hold an eight man tournament to determine who the first champion would be. Well, right now, I am proud to reveal to you all… [I]Jim Cornette sits the case on a wooden podium that has been provided for the unveiling of the new championship, then unclipping it at the top.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] The WKC Rising Star Championship!!! [I]The fans pop yet again as Jim Cornette opens the case to reveal a glimmering silver championship belt, complete with an engraved maple leaf and numerous small stars on it, with the words ‘WKC Rising Star Championship’ and a blank nameplate near the bottom.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/COLOR][/B] And this belt ain’t gonna be handed to nobody, it’s gonna be fought for! And you know what? Why don’t we kick off this tournament right now!?! [I]Cheers are heard throughout the arena as the music of The Naturals is heard and Andy Douglas makes his way to the ring, not accompanied by co-Tag Team Champion Chase Stevens, who is also booked to wrestle in the Rising Star Tournament later tonight…[/I] [B]Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match Andy Douglas vs Cheech[/B] Cheech of Up in Smoke made his comeback here after a good few months away from the ring, and now switched to his usual stoner gimmick. This was a satisfying match to open the show as two up-and-comers definitely worth the Rising Star Championship faced off in an intense match, for the first time ever in singles competition. A nice, clean match which went on for just over ten minutes, seeing Andy Douglas hit a Tornado DDT on Cheech and get the three count to send him into the semi finals, while leaving Cheech infuriated in the ring. [B]Winner: Andy Douglas Rating: D+[/B] [B]Tag Team Contest The New Hart Foundation (Dallas Hart & Blade Hart) vs Xtreemer Than U (Ash & Xtreemo)[/B] Another solid showing from Bret’s sons here, Blade in particular, whose performance really stood out. A rather short match which was mostly dominated by the Hart’s who once again proved that they were made for the wrestling business. It got to around the four minute mark where the opponents started to build up some momentum, and looked as if XTU could be making a comeback, but it was then when Ash went for a kick to the gut which Blade Hart quickly counted by catching the leg and tripping Ash to the floor, quickly locking in a Sharpshooter for the victory via submission. [B]Winners: The New Hart Foundation Rating: D-[/B] [I]Teddy Hart joins his cousins in the ring for the second month in a row, to a very negative reaction thanks to his recent beef with Canadian legend Lance Storm.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Teddy Hart:[/B][/COLOR] Lance Storm, I’m not a very patient guy and my patience is wearing thin with you. Your refusals of my challenges point in the favour of you being a scared little coward… [I]The fans boo intensely as Teddy Hart finishes his sentence.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Teddy Hart:[/B][/COLOR] SO why don’t you prove me wrong and meet me down here in the ring? [I]A few moments pass as Teddy Hart waits in hope of Lance Storm coming down to the ring. He gets the impression that Storm won’t be coming down, and sighs, when suddenly the music of Lance Storm hits to a huge pop! Sporting a WKC t-shirt and a pair of tracksuit bottoms, Storm makes his way through the entrance curtain and walks out to the top of the walkway, but moves no further sensing a possible beatdown from the Hart trio.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Teddy Hart:[/B][/COLOR] Lance Storm, I’m getting sick and tired of you! [COLOR=Blue][B]Lance Storm:[/B][/COLOR] You know, you’re quite a pain in the ass yourself, Teddy- [COLOR=Red][B]Teddy Hart:[/B][/COLOR] Do something about it then! Go on, Lance, I dare ya! Watcha gonna do, bring back another ‘representative’? [COLOR=Blue][B]Lance Storm:[/B][/COLOR] Well as a matter of fact, if you insist, I do have somebody backstage who would be happy to teach you a lesson – and his name’s not Petey Williams. [COLOR=Red][B]Teddy Hart:[/B][/COLOR] Fine by me, I’ll kick this one’s ass too, and after I’m done with him, you’re the only one left. So go ahead, send out whoever the hell you think can beat the past, present and future of professional wrestling! [I]After the heated words of Teddy Hart, there are a few moments of silence as Lance Storm signals for his representative to come out. Suddenly, Teddy’s face lights up with shock as the familier music of his old tag team partner hits the sound system.[/I] [COLOR=Blue][B]Lance Storm:[/B][/COLOR] That’s right Teddy, say hello to your opponent… Jack Evans! [B]Teddy Hart (w/The New Hart Foundation) vs Jack Evans (w/Lance Storm)[/B] A decent match between two spectacular high flying spot monkeys here, and you can bet they took it to the top rope… Alot… From the get-go Teddy Hart was constantly trying to pull off dirty victories, illegally using the ropes to his advantage. Teddy began pulling out all stops, including removing his wrist tape and choking Jack Evans out with it (and cleverly hiding it with his arm as if he were performing a Sleeper Hold). From that point on Teddy Hart seemed as if he were dominating the match, but nothing – not the Open Hart Surgery, the Stu Hart Special or his uncle’s Sharpshooter – could keep Jack Evans down. The match carried on for over fifteen minutes, and following a big Clothesline, Teddy went to the top rope looking for one of the many aerial moves in his arsenal. However, using all of his heart Evans managed to not only get to his feet, but knock shake the ropes and knock Teddy Hart off the turnbuckle. With Teddy down, Jack Evans went to the top and hit his famous 630° Splash for the victory. [B]Winner: Jack Evans Rating: C-[/B] [I]As soon as the bell rings to signify the end of the match, The New Hart Foundation jump on Jack Evans and begin to deliver forearms and boots to him, keeping him on the mat and punishing him to the max. Lance Storm has had enough – he takes off his t-shirt and runs to the ring in aid of Evans. He quickly delivers a sharp Super Kick to Blade Hart, but is taken out from behind by Dallas Hart with an elbow to the back of the skull. With Teddy Hart on his feet, and Blade Hart slowly recomposing himself, all three of the Harts continue to dominate Storm and Evans until officials run down the walkway to put an end to the assault. The fans are booing in disgust as Teddy Hart and his cousins walk back up to the entrance curtain with grins on their faces, proud of what they have done to Canadian legend Lance Storm and the amazingly athletic Jack Evans.[/I] [B]Jimmy Stone vs Andrew Martin[/B] An incredibly short match here, lasting only the span of 2:54. Jimmy Stone did an awesome job selling for Andrew Martin, who at this point the fans are getting a little bit bored with. As if two Big Boots wasn’t enough to satisfy him, Andrew Martin sadistically raised Jimmy Stone up to his feet and hit the TKO to finish him off. [B]Winner: Andrew Martin Rating: C-[/B] [I]Following an intermission, Rocky Romero makes his way out to the ring with something to say before his First Round match of the Rising Star Tournament takes place.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Rocky Romero:[/B][/COLOR] Shut up! Everybody shut up for a second! Tonight marks an important night in the history of Rocky Romero’s career, and in fact, the history of WKC! Tonight marks the start of my domination – tonight the era of Rocky Romero begins! Not only am I going to take the WKC Rising Star Championship, but I’m going to assist the Y2J Assembly to dominance, and I am going to go on to become… the greatest WKC Heavyweight Champion that there will ever be! [B]Rising Star Tournament – First Round Rocky Romero vs Chase Stevens[/B] Both of these two men looked good in this match, with Rocky Romero playing the dirty, do-anything-to-get-the-win roll very well. He was constantly trying to get roll-up victories with the use of Chase Stevens’ tights and pinfalls with his feet on the bottom rope, and then unleashing on Stevens when the referee didn’t like what he saw. He dominated a lot of the match, and every time Chase Stevens began to build up some fast momentum, his hot streak would be stopped by a knee to the gut or a kick to the leg. it was at around seven and a half minutes that Chase Stevens finally got a break, as he pushed Romero – who was attempting a Superplex – from the top turnbuckle and then connected with a Shooting Star Press, looking to have the victory sealed. His dreams of becoming the first ever Rising Star Champion were shattered, however, as – when Cloudy jumped to the apron and distracted the referee – Cheech rolled into the ring and hit a sick Implant DDT on Stevens, allowing Romero to regain his composure and take the victory. [B]Winner: Rocky Romero Rating: D+[/B] [I]At that point, on the plasma screen hanging above the entrance curtain was taken over by a look at the updated brackets for the Rising Star Tournament:[/I] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/734/risingstarbracketsupdatoi8.png[/IMG] [B]Robert Roode vs Black Dragon[/B] Yet another really entertaining match, as Black Dragon looks to continue getting wins while Robert Roode looks to get to the front of the line for another WKC Heavyweight title shot. Both men are very evenly matched, which made for a good mix of technical wrestling from both men and high flying action from Black Dragon. With the winner of this match almost guaranteed to get a shot at the WKC title at some point, both men were desperate for the win, which resulted in some fast-paced action with a lot of two-counts. After some fifteen minutes of action, Robert Roode connected with a Roode Awakening, smirking as he had damn near taken Dragon’s head off. Roode slowly dropped to the mat and very casually lent back against Black Dragon, but as the referee’s count reached two Black Dragon quickly counted it into a Crucifix Pin, hooking both of Roode’s arms and making it unable for him to escape before the three count. With a quick victory, Black Dragon quickly exited the ring and made his way up the walkway, leaving Roode devastated in the middle of the ring. [B]Winner: Robert Roode Rating: C-[/B] [I]Following the final intermission of the evening, Mark Jindrak and Matt Morgan are in the ring, accompanied by Chris Jericho, awaiting the arrival of their opponents. Former WKC Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage’s music hits and the fans absolutely nuts for him, cheering and shouting negative chants aimed towards Chris Jericho. He looks excited about getting his payback on Morgan and Jindrak. He gets to the bottom of the walkway and the music for his partner, Joey Matthews, hits. Everybody looks up the entrance curtain waiting for the current WKC Heavyweight Champion to arrive… But he doesn’t. Everybody is confused, even Chris Jericho. Nobody has any idea where Joey Matthews has gotten to. Following a short discussion between Christian Cage, Jim Cornette, referee Jim Korderas and the ring announcer, the ring announcer states that Christian Cage has chosen to continue with the match anyway! The fans cheer for the courage of Christian, even with their doubts that he may be making the wrong move for his health.[/I] [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6525/markjindrakdg3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1704/mattmorganyj2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/4060/christianlh4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/97/joeymercuryxz3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Contest Mark Jindrak & Matt Morgan vs Christian Cage & Joey Matthews (absent)[/B] Christian Cage kicked off the match with Mark Jindrak, and due to the fact that Jindrak and Morgan had to tag in and out, seemed as if he might have something of a chance in it. He and Jindrak fought very evenly for the first five minutes, both getting a good amount of time on offence, but it wasn’t until Mark Jindrak managed to catch Christian Cage with a Facebuster on the knee that Christian Cage fell behind. Matt Morgan was immediately tagged in, and the numbers game then began to catch up with Christian, with constant tags going on between Jericho’s cabinet to keep the fresh man in. From that point on Christian Cage pretty much didn’t get a touch of offence in, and looked doomed, until… After around twelve minutes of Christian Cage being totally dominated, the fans’ attention was turned to the walkway where Joey Matthews – with his ribs taped up and a band-aid on his forehead, just above his right eye – rushed down to the ring and got up to the apron, holding his arm out for a tag in. Christian Cage tried to fight over to his corner, but Mark Jindrak made sure that he couldn’t do it by holding onto his ankle. Christian hopped up to one foot and, to Jindrak’s surprise, caught Jindrak in the temple with an Enziguri! The fans went wild as Cage got the tag in to Matthews who quickly charged into the ring and took down the interfering Matt Morgan with a Clothesline. He then turned his attention back to Mark Jindrak, who was also floored with a Clothesline. Matthews was on fire. Christian Cage and Joey Matthews very much stayed on the offence as the match passed the twenty minute mark, Matt Morgan beginning to tire himself. Looking to finish off the bout, Christian prepared Mark Jindrak for an Unprettier, Mark Matt Morgan running in to interfere. As the referee turned his back to prevent Morgan’s interference, however, it was Chris Jericho who eliminated Joey Matthews by pulling him off of the apron and throwing him into the barricade, before crawling into the ring and delivering a brutal Low Blow to Christian! There was nobody to make the save as Jericho hid behind the ring apron, as Mark Jindrak immediately hit the Mark of Excellence to keep Christian Cage down for the three count! [B]Winners: Mark Jindrak & Matt Morgan Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] Overall a decent show with a good selection of decent matches, though the main event was something of a disappointment. Fans are also awaiting Chris Jericho in in-ring action again, which is sure to do WKC a world of good. But overall, not bad. [B]C-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] Just like I said in the Overall Thoughts section, I was happy with every match but the main event, which was a bit of a letdown. I look forward to the proceeding of the Rising Star Tournament, I’m having fun with that. Some of you might be wondering about the involvement of Jack Evans; basically, I had him on loan from way back at the Anniversary Show where I didn’t get to use him, and this was the last date I’d have to use him. In other news, rumor has it that he’s not been offered a contract extension by Dragon Gate. A possible full-time return to WKC for Jack Evans? Perhaps. :p Another thing worth mentioning is that Dallas Hart arrived late to the show (couldn’t he just ride with his damn brother!?! :p). He got a warning this time, and he felt as if he was being victimized! He now has a strong dislike with my user character (Lance Storm), which I hope doesn’t cause problems with resigning him in the future. Not much else to say. I’ll be updating the dynasty in a few days time with some matches for the next event, which will be WKC Halloween Hijinks.[/QUOTE]
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WKC.com: WKC Halloween Hijinks Matches Revealed [IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]WKC HALLOWEEN HIJINKS MATCHES REVEALED[/SIZE] 1st October 2008[/B] On October 16th, the Wrestling Kings of Canada will hold their second annual Halloween Hijinks event, live in the Serbian Hall. Earlier today, WKC.com learned of four new matches that will take place at the event, joining the two Rising Star Tournament matches on the card. The first two matches were made by WKC owner, Chris Jericho, who announced that WKC Heavyweight Champion Joey Matthews will be defending his championship against Andrew Martin, who has been a part of the WKC roster since the promotion was first born. “I don’t like the guy,” Chris Jericho commented, “and I’m not trying to reward him by giving him an opportunity at the Heavyweight title. But I know better than anybody just how much of a badass Martin is, and I think if there’s anybody that can take that title off of Matthews, it’s likely Andrew Martin. I know he can do the job for me.” To add to that, Jericho has set a special Handicap match for Halloween Hijinks, which will see Christian Cage step in the ring with Dallas and Blade, sons of Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart. Ever since the First Anniversary show, Chris Jericho has done his all to make Christian’s stay in WKC hell, and he takes his hatred to the next level at Halloween Hijinks. To add to the matches made by Chris Jericho, WKC Commissioner Jim Cornette has scheduled a couple of matches for the event, the first being a rematch from Unlikely Allies between Robert Roode and Black Dragon. Roode was infuriated after that match, so a win over Black Dragon this month would be settling – but a loss would be devastating. The second match made by Cornette will be for the WKC Tag Team Championships, between champions The Naturals and Up in Smoke. “Up in Smoke costing Chase Stevens his chance at the Rising Star Championship was unfair, so at Halloween Hijinks I’m gonna give The Naturals a chance at some good ol’ payback!” said Cornette. With all that, plus the progression of the Rising Star Tournament, WKC Halloween Hijinks is shaping up to be one hell of a show! There are plenty of tickets left, so don’t think twice about ordering yours now – for just £12! [B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] WKC Heavyweight Championship: Andrew Martin vs Joey Matthews (c) Handicap Match: Christian Cage vs The New Hart Foundation Robert Roode vs Black Dragon WKC Tag Team Championships: Up in Smoke vs The Naturals (c) Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match: Jay Lethal vs Chad Collyer Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match: Brent Albright vs Cloudy
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This is getting stronger by the show at the moment. The Rising Star Tournament and introduction of the title itself should add a lot of structure to your undercard, which in some cases it hasn't had since the early days of WKC, save for a few feuds such as Albright vs Sinn, although that was more midcard level. I see you're still holding off a full-blown Jericho return for the time being, although I think you're coming to the point for pulling the trigger and really making Y2J a fulltime force in the promotion. Also good news about Jack Evans, it'd be great if you could get a full commitment from him for a proper return. I'm thinking that you really need to find more to do with Test however.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;272682]This is getting stronger by the show at the moment. The Rising Star Tournament and introduction of the title itself should add a lot of structure to your undercard, which in some cases it hasn't had since the early days of WKC, save for a few feuds such as Albright vs Sinn, although that was more midcard level. I see you're still holding off a full-blown Jericho return for the time being, although I think you're coming to the point for pulling the trigger and really making Y2J a fulltime force in the promotion. Also good news about Jack Evans, it'd be great if you could get a full commitment from him for a proper return. I'm thinking that you really need to find more to do with Test however.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't too sure about how that last show was going to be recieved, I kind felt that it might of had too many run-ins, but I'm glad it was liked. I too am looking forward to the Rising Star Tournament, it's going to be a great way to mix things up a bit and help me focus on more than solely the main event and upper midcard. Oh, and I do have something for Martin. ;)
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WKC Heavyweight Championship: Andrew Martin vs [b]Joey Matthews (c)[/b] I would so like to see Martin win the title, but I personally see Matthews holding on to it for a little while longer. Handicap Match: [b]Christian Cage[/b] vs The New Hart Foundation It probably make more sense for me to say the N.H.F., but I just can't seem them beating the first WKC Champion Christian Cage. [b]Robert Roode[/b] vs Black Dragon This one is pretty hard to call, because I don't know either man that well... well I know who Robert Roode is somewhat as I have started to get in to TNA, but other than that... WKC Tag Team Championships: Up in Smoke vs The [b]Naturals (c)[/b] I just see the champions retaining this time. Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match: Jay Lethal vs [b]Chad Collyer[/b] I hate Jay Lethal... Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match: [b]Brent Albright[/b] vs Cloudy Albright has been getting built up over the last few shows so I don't think he is going to lose to Cloudy unless Sinn gets involved in the match.
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WKC Heavyweight Championship: Andrew Martin vs [B]Joey Matthews (c)[/B] It's not Martin's time yet... at least, I get the impression that it isn't. Handicap Match: [B]Christian Cage[/B] vs The New Hart Foundation Cage is a WKC institution, he'll pull the win out here somehow. Robert Roode vs [B]Black Dragon[/B] An upset? WKC Tag Team Championships: Up in Smoke vs [B]The Naturals (c)[/B] I can't see another quick title change on the cards, especially not given the opposition. Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match: [B]Jay Lethal[/B] vs Chad Collyer Hmmm, Lethal seems to prove more solid... so he makes it through. Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match: Brent Albright vs Cloudy If Albright doesn't take the tournament, it'll take more than Cloudy to put him out, Sinn intervention or not.
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WKC Halloween Hijinks 2008 [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC HALLOWEEN HIJINKS 2008[/B] [I]16th October 2008 Held at the McKay Centre, in front of 997 people[/I] [I]The Wrestling Kings of Canada are back in a ‘tiny’ sized arena again for Halloween Hijinks (thanks to some idiot backstage forgetting to reschedule the event as a ‘Medium’ sized event rather than last year’s ‘Small’), and just three fans short of a sell-out. Nevertheless, the fans and wrestlers alike are all ready for what is sure to be one hell of a Halloween celebration.[/I] [B]Pre-Show Match Teddy Hart vs Xtreemo[/B] An entertaining match to get the fans in the mood for some great wrestling. While Teddy Hart had most of the offence in this short match, the fans were pleasantly surprised to see Xtreemo – who is yet to gain a victory in singles or tag team matches so far – hold his own and actually start to build some momentum at some points. The two actually worked well together, showing some great chemistry. Teddy Hart got the victory before the match hit the five minute mark with a Triple Bypass. [B]Winner: Teddy Hart Rating: C-[/B] [I]Moments before the show is set to start, the cameras go to Jim Cornette’s office, where he is tidying up the files on his desk before he goes out and joins Conrad Hauser on the announce table. As he closes the door of his office, however, he turns around to see Up in Smoke approaching him, and they don’t look happy.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Cloudy:[/B][/COLOR] What the hell’s this about us having a tag team match tonight? You know by Rising Star Tournament match is tonight, right!?! [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Of course I know, what’s you’re point? [COLOR=Red][B]Cloudy:[/B][/COLOR] That’s unfair! Why should I have to wrestle twice tonight when my opponent doesn’t have to? [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] You’d think I was doing you a favour, giving you a shot at the WKC Tag titles. But if you don’t wanna face The Naturals tonight, that’s fine – just don’t be expecting to get your match against Brent Albright. Oh, and by the way, you guy best be ready because that tag team match is… now! Now if you boys’ll excuse me, I’ve got a show to call. [I]Jim Cornette walks down the corridor, leaving Up in Smoke furious that Cloudy will have to wrestle two matches tonight.[/I] [B]WKC Tag Team Championship Match Up in Smoke vs The Naturals (c)[/B] An average match from these two tag teams to open up the show. Chase Stevens started off the match, wanting to get revenge on Up in Smoke, and on the challengers side Cheech stepped up, hoping to keep his partner as fresh as possible for his Rising Star Tournament match later on tonight. The two displayed some good technical wrestling for the first few minutes and Cheech drilled Stevens on his head with a high angle suplex, gaining control. Cloudy was tagged in, hoping to get an easy victory from Stevens and avoid his stamina getting too low, but it was not to be as, towards the four minute mark, Chase Stevens avoided a Clothesline and got the tag to Andy Douglas, who immediately took Cloudy to the floor with a Clothesline of his own. On fire, he knocked Cheech off of the apron and turned back to Cloudy, with complete control of the match. Towards the six minute mark he hit the Natural Selection and tagged Chase Stevens in, allowing Stevens to hit the Shooting Star Press off of the top rope for the victory. [B]Winners: The Naturals Rating: D[/B] [I]Backstage, Conrad Hauser has found Chris Jericho’s locker room/lounge and, knocking the door, opens it up and peeks inside to see if Jericho is in there.[/i] [COLOR=Green][B]Conrad Hauser:[/B][/COLOR] Chris, can I ask you a few questions. [I]Sighing, Chris Jericho sits up from his leather couch that he was watching the show on, walking outside the locker room and standing next to Hauser.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Conrad Hauser:[/B][/COLOR] Chris, I must just ask you about the matches that you made for tonight. What was the reason for putting Christian Cage in a handicap match tonight against Dallas and Blade Hart? [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] Um, have you not been following what’s going on over the last few months, or is your head just totally full of crap? You do actually realize that I don’t like Christian Cage, don’t you? I just wanna know if I’m paying you to go out there and do absolutely nothing but stare at the big sweaty men. [COLOR=Green][B]Conrad Hauser:[/B][/COLOR] But do you actually think that Christian Cage has a chance tonight? [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] *mocking Conrad Hauser* [I]Do you actually think that Christian Cage has a chance tonight?[/I] NO! Of course Christian Cage doesn’t have a chance – he’s stepping in the ring with the two sons of Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart, do you like his chances? No me neither, that’s the point. Now hit the brick’s junior, I’m going to watch Christian Cage and Joey Matthews have their asses kicked. [I]Chris Jericho steps back into his lounge area, slamming the door shut leaving Conrad Hauser humiliated at the comments of Y2J.[/I] [B]Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match Jay Lethal vs Chad Collyer[/B] An excellent match between these two future stars here, in which Jay Lethal’s more high-flying style mixed well with Collyer’s very technical based Moveset. Both men looked strong throughout the matchup, proving why they deserve to advance to the semi-finals of the Rising Star Tournament. Beyond the five minute mark, there was a lot of near-falls, both men wanting to get the win so badly. Jay Lethal started building up momentum, hitting clotheslines and forearms and crossbodys in quick succession. He went to the top rope, looking for a high risk move, and leapt of hoping to connect with a Hurricanrana. As his legs hit the shoulders of Collyer and Lethal fell backwards, however, Collyer held Jay Lethal in that position. The fans knew that Lethal was in trouble as Collyer dropped him into a Texas Cloverleaf, forcing him to tap out and advancing to the semi-finals in 8:25. [B]Winner: Chad Collyer Rating: C[/B] [B]Robert Roode vs Black Dragon[/B] These two put on a match very similar to the one that they had last month at Unlikely Allies, with decent technical action, though not quite as good as the action from the match that it followed. With Robert Roode determined to redeem himself after his somewhat embarrassing loss last month, he wasn’t about to let the same thing as last month happen again, going immediately for a pin after every big move. Neither man was prepared to let the other get a victory while they could still kick out. It was around the ten minute mark when Black Dragon was performing a 10 Punch on Robert Roode, standing on the second rope, but Roode counted as he hooked his arms around the thighs of Dragon and lifted him from the ropes, before dropping him on the back of his neck with a Powerbomb. Roode immediately went for the pin and put his feet on the ropes for extra leverage… But referee Jim Korderas saw before he counted three! Refusing to continue counting, Jim Korderas got to his feet as Roode release the pin, getting to his feet also to argue with the referee. He kept his back turned to his opponent for too long though, and Black Dragon had enough time to recover and execute a Backslide on Roode, shocking him for the three count. [B]Winner: Black Dragon Rating: C-[/B] [I]The cameras quickly go to the dressing room of WKC Heavyweight Champion Joey Matthews, as Christian Cage walks in.[/I] [COLOR=Blue][B]Christian Cage:[/B][/COLOR] Hey Joey, just wanted to quickly wish you good luck in your title match tonight. [COLOR=Blue][B]Joey Matthews:[/B][/COLOR] Good luck to you too, man. Just so you know, if Jericho or any of his lackeys try to pull anything with you, I’ve got your back. [I]Christian Cage thanks Joey Mercury as the entrance music of The New Hart Foundation – which is notably similar to the music of the legendary Bret Hart. Christian leaves the locker room and begins to make his way to the ring area.[/I] [I]The cameras go back to the ring where Dallas, Blade and Teddy Hart are standing, Blade and Dallas dressed to compete. Of course, Teddy can’t stay away from the microphone, and has something to say to everybody in attendance.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Teddy Hart:[/B][/COLOR] Everybody… take notice. Take notice of the future of professional wrestling, standing in this very ring. Take notice of three future Heavyweight Champions, three stars ready to shine. Lance Storm, take notice as we defeat and dismantle another great Canadian wrestler, Christian Cage, proving to everybody that we are the hottest three kids in Canadian wrestling today. Take notice of the new generation… of The Hart Foundation! [B]Handicap Match Christian Cage vs The New Hart Foundation (Dallas Hart & Blade Hart)[/B] A very decent match, which made all three men look quite good. The New Hart Foundation once again displayed their teamwork while Christian Cage did some good selling, looking really good in the ring. The Hart Brothers generally had the most offence, often having Christian in their corner and double teaming him. Every time that Christian Cage began to build up any momentum, the numbers game caught up and he’d be taken to the floor by the other Hart, putting the NHF back in control. The final straw seemed to be when, after a big Superplex from the top rope, Dallas Hart went to lock in the Sharpshooter, which he used to finish off Canadian Adrenaline two months ago. However, Christian Cage used all of the strength that he had left to push Dallas back into his partner, causing Blade to fall from the apron. Looking at what he had done to his partner in shock, Christian Cage hit the Unprettier and got the pinfall before Teddy or Blade could do anything about it. [B]Winner: Christian Cage Rating: D+[/B] [I]The camera goes back to the lounge area shown earlier in the night. Still in his wrestling attire, Robert Roode storms in with a furious look on his face… But he doesn’t seem to be the only one in the room who is pissed off.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Robert Roode:[/B][/COLOR] Chris! Did you see what the hell happened out there!?! I had no chance, the referee had me distracted!!! Chris? Aren’t you gonna say anything?! [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] Shut the hell up, Bobby, and get out. I’m not in the mood. [I]Robert Roode gets the point that Chris Jericho isn’t happy about Christian Cage winning, and leaves Jericho alone.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] *talking to self* Well, I’ve just gotta think positive. Christian can wait… Tonight, I get the Heavyweight title off of that little assclown Joey Matthews… [B]Rising Star Tournament – First Round Match Brent Albright vs Cloudy[/B] The fans were going wild for Brent Albright in this one as he continues to gain more and more fans every month. It was an entertaining match between then two with a lot of potential stacked up in the ring. Around midway through the match, Cloudy’s partner Cheech tried to get involved, but the referee didn’t hesitate to send him straight to the back, evening out the odds! Both men looked good, but with so much momentum the fans were sure that they knew who was going to be advancing to the semis of the Rising Star Tournament. And sure enough, they were right as Brent Albright hit a Half Nelson Suplex and kept Cloudy’s shoulders pinned to the mat for three. [B]Winner: Brent Albright Rating: C-[/B] [B]WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] [IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/8290/andrewmartinek7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/6219/joeymercuryva9.jpg[/IMG] [B]Andrew Martin vs Joey Matthews (c)[/B] Not a bad match, definitely a pleasing defence when compared to the saga that Joey Matthews had with Christian Cage. A lot of the fans were afraid that they were going to see the WKC Heavyweight Championship fall into the hands of Andrew Martin, who completely dominated parts of the match with his strength. Alot of near falls for Andrew Martin, but Joey Matthews wasn’t prepared to let the WKC Heavyweight Championship slip from his reach that easily. However, the strength of Andrew Martin meant that whenever Matthews built up much momentum, it only took a big kick to the face or a shove to the chest for Andrew Martin to get back into control. The match slowly passed the fifteen minute mark, and Andrew Martin slowly began to tire and frustrate himself, still not able to get a victory. Andrew Martin was determined to finish Matthews off and secure his first championship win in WKC, hoisting Matthews up to his shoulders and getting ready for a TKO. It was as if Matthews had a second wind, however, as he slipped off of the shoulders of Martin and began to deliver lefts and rights, cornering him. Taking a few steps back, Matthews then ran towards the challenger and executed a Stinger Splash. With a rush of adrenaline, Joey Matthews taunted to the fans, who by this point are on their feet to see Matthews retain the title. As Matthews turns around, however, Andrew Martin runs towards Matthews going for a Big Boot out of nowhere – but the champ ducks the boot, and the 997 fans are going crazy as Matthews hits the Shoulder Neckbreaker on Andrew Martin, covering him for the three count and retaining the WKC Heavyweight Championship! [B]Winner: Joey Matthews Rating: C[/B] [I]Following Joey Matthews victory, the fans give him a standing ovation as he walks up the walkway and heads through the entrance curtain, with another – and perhaps the hardest so far – championship defence under his belt. However, just as he disappears through the entrance curtain, another person appears with a microphone in his hand, screaming as he makes his way to the ring.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] What the hell was that!?! We talked about this! You said you had it covered!!! [I]Andrew Martin is speechless, looking sincerely sorry towards Chris Jericho as he enters the ring.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] You told me that you were going to get that title out of the hands of Matthews, and you told me that you’d make sure he didn’t walk out of this arena! Well you know what… No, Andrew Martin, you don’t deserve to be in here with me! Get the hell out of my ring – YOU’RE FIRED! [I]The fans are shocked as Chris Jericho delivers those two powerful words to Andrew Martin, who holds his hands together as if begging Chris Jericho to keep him employed. Chris Jericho just stares at Andrew Martin with angry eyes, showing no compassion as he leaves the ring and makes his way to the back.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] The best show in terms of a good combination of wrestling and angles that WKC has put on in a while, and it’s definitely the best show that they’ve ever put on without Chris Jericho on the card. If they keep pulling these out, WKC could be headed to big places. [B]C[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] I was really impressed with that show! Only two matches rated under C-, and the last time I got an overall card rating ‘C’ Chris Jericho was in action! As for the Andrew Martin thing… Yeah, might’ve guessed what’s happened there. I’ll provide an official ‘Wrestling Observer’ update tomorrow covering it. The Rising Star Tournament continues to look strong, I was honestly surprised that Chad Collyer and Jay Lethal pulled out a ‘C’ with no out-of-the-ordinary chemistry. I was also happy about the pre-show match rating – in the Booking Team section I’ve been told that Xtreemo should be put in matches with people higher on the card to see how he fairs, and I’m impressed. Sure, chemistry was a factor, but if at some point I could maybe get a feud out of the two it’d defiantly be healthy for Xtreemo’s popularity. Obviously, that’s thinking a little far ahead since Teddy already has a feud, but it’s still good to know that one of the undercard workers has a potential push lined up for the future. (NOTE: Sure enough, after I had typed this up I checked recommended pushes again and he’s been elevated to Midcarder from Lower Midcarder – and I think he only became LM a show or two ago). Kind of screwed up with forgetting to edit the size of the event – it could’ve been worse though, as I almost forgot to extend it from 1 hour to 90 minutes. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to switch from Small to Medium when I did that though… :confused: Ah well, not too important. It was still a great show in my eyes, and I hope you all agree. :p[/QUOTE]
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Wrestling Observer: WKC - Workers Leaving & Unsuccessful Approches [IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7233/internetam5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]WKC - Workers Leaving & Unsuccessful Approches[/SIZE] 18th October 2008[/B] - Very bad news came for WKC this past week as WWE alumni Andrew Martin refused to negotiate a new contract, saying that he is too big for the company. A lot of people are upset with Martin about this as he caused a lot of plans to be changed for the Halloween Hijinks show this past Thursday, which ended with Chris Jericho ‘firing’ him, giving an excuse for his absence. The current feeling is that Andrew Martin won’t be resigning under any circumstances at this point, even though he is currently working for no other promotions, according to sources. In an interesting note, moderators banned user ‘panix04’ from the WKC forums for finding this situation hilarious, with such comments as “WTF? ROFLMAO!” - Eddie Colon will also not be resigning for WKC. According to his blog he turned down negotiations because he felt that he could make more money elsewhere. Eddie Colon is also not currently working for any other promotions, interestingly. - Immediately following his departure from Dragon Gate, Jack Evans was approached by WKC for a possible full-time signing, following his multiple past appearances in the company. Jack Evans refused, however, also due to feeling he can make more money at another promotion. - Recently released WWE superstar Chavo Guerrero Jr was also approached by Chavo Guerrero this week, but Chavo refused as he wanted to go on to a bigger promotion. As earlier reported, Chavo chose to sign a touring deal with All Japan Pro-Wrestling. - WKC Heavyweight Champion Joey Matthews signed a deal with National Wrestling Dynasty this week, and main eventer Mark Jindrak also signed for International Wrestling Cartel. - WKC wrestler Samson won the NCW Quebecois championship this week in a triple threat at Northern Championship Wrestling’s Montreal Chairshot Massacre event. This is the first time that Samson has won the title, though his partner (in both NCW and WKC) Jimmy Stone is a former holder of the title. [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] So, uh, yeah, not so great for me. I’m going to be looking for somebody to fill a spot on the roster, though I guess the good side of it is that I can use the opportunity to move somebody like Robert Roode or Black Dragon up into the main event. It did cause me to change plans for the last show, however. Since I needed a reason for Jericho to fire Martin, I needed the rest of Jericho’s clan to lose their matches on the night also, so that Jericho would be pissed off after the main event. Heck, I wasn’t even 100% planned who was going to win the main event before this came up![/QUOTE]
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Ah.... shame you lost Andrew Martin, that leaves a reasonably considerable (reasonably considerable?) hole in your roster. Not that it had the same amount of impact that Orlando Jordan pulling out did in the earlier stages of this dynasty. WKC is more well rounded now as a promotion as are your events, so I'm sure you'll cope without too many problems. Also it sucks that Jack Evans wouldn't ink a deal. I'll be interested to see if you've got your eye on any new talent to replace the recent losses.
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WKC Explosive Activity [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC EXPLOSIVE ACTIVITY[/B] [I]20th November 2008 Held at the [B][COLOR=Red]SOLD OUT[/COLOR][/B] Serbian Hall, in front of 2,000 people[/I] [B]Pre-Show Match Xtreemer Than U (Ash & Xtreemo) vs The Fresh Broz (Buzz Fresh & Doug Fresh[/B] For the fans that arrived early, the show was kicked off with a try-out match for Buzz Fresh (The Buzzard) and Doug Fresh (Dougie Fresh) in WKC, and they looked pretty impressive. It was a short match with XTU on the offence mostly, displaying some neat flying skills. Xtreemo got WTU their first tag team victory when he hit Doug Fresh with a 450 Splash around the five minute mark. [B]Winners: Xtreemer Than U Rating: D[/B] [I]Fans are ready for the main show to begin, and as the lights dim slightly, they know that the moment has arrived. Suddenly, jeers begin as the entrance music of Chris Jericho hits the sound system and The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla makes his way to the ring, but not alone. He is accompanied by members of his newly formed stable, Mart Jindrak, Matt Morgan and Robert Roode. The fans continue to boo after Jericho’s entrance music has stopped, but at the same time are interested to hear if Jericho has anything to say about his firing of Andrew Martin last month.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] You might be wondering why Im smiling – I mean, why would I be happy? Last month, not only did Dallas and Blade Hart fail at defeating Christian Cage in a HANDICAP MATCH, but that meathead Andrew Martin couldn’t take the WKC Heavyweight title away from Joey Matthews. Naturally, I was pissed off, but tonight it’s different for three reasons – reason number one being that I’ve gotten rid of Andrew Martin, reason number two being that I know Joey Matthews won’t walk out of the Serbian Hall tonight with the Heavyweight title around his waist, and reason number three… I don’t know, I can’t explain it, I’m just feeling generous tonight. I’m in the giving mood; I’m in the mood to give opportunities. So tonight, three people on the roster will get the chance to win the WKC Heavyweight Championship, and those three people will be… the three people standing in this ring! That’s right, the main event of tonight will be Joey Matthews defending the WKC Heavyweight title in a fatal four way against Robert Roode, Matt- [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Hold on a second! [I]Chris Jericho looks disgusted as he is cut off by the WKC Commissioner, Jim Cornette.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Chris Jericho, for the past months I’ve watched you abusing your powers, making unfair matches to put down Christian Cage and Joey Matthews, and I’ve just let it happen! Well not tonight – Joey Matthews will NOT be defending the WKC Heavyweight title in a fatal four way! [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] Who gave you the right to do that!?! [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] You did, Chris, when you signed my contract! Now, Joey Matthews isn’t gonna be defending his title in a four way tonight, but he IS gonna be defending his title. [I]The fans cheer upon finding out that they’ll get to see a WKC Heavyweight title match tonight.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] That’s right, and here’s how it’s gonna work – we’re gonna have ourselves a good elimination four way dance, with the winner going on to the main event to face Joey Matthews for the Heavyweight title! Now, I’m glad that you three are dressed to compete, ‘cause that four way will be taking place… NOW! And the forth competitor will be… [I]The fans go crazy as the music of Christian Cage hits, ‘The Instant Classic’ making his way down to the ring to get the four way dance kicked off and decide the number one contender to the WKC Heavyweight title.[/I] [B]WKC Heavyweight Title #1 Contender Match Elimination Fatal Four Way Robert Roode vs Matt Morgan vs Mark Jindrak vs Christian Cage[/B] A good match to kick off the show, the fans were really excited after the announcement. The match started as Christian Cage immediately targeted Matt Morgan, aiming to take the big man off of his feet, but Robert Roode and Mark Jindrak quickly intervened and the numbers game had immediately stacked up against Christian, as Jericho’s clan members were trying to get him eliminated first. Jericho spent much of the first five minutes on the mat, being beaten down and constantly forcing himself to kick out of near falls. As the match rolled on, they were ready to dispose of Cage once and for all. As Robert Roode propped Christian Cage up and held him, Matt Morgan stood back before running up… but as he went for the Big Boot, Cage ducked and Morgan cracked Robert Roode right in the face! Christian Cage quickly Clotheslined Matt Morgan over the top rope and, as Mark Jindrak ran towards him, Back Body Dropped him over the top too. In the ring only with Robert Roode, who moments ago had almost had his head taken off, Christian Cage immediately covered Roode and the first elimination of the match occurred. Christian Cage used the time alone in the ring wisely, catching his breath and waiting for his two opponents to join him back in the ring. The numbers game was still too much though, as Jindrak and Morgan got into the ring on opposite sides, and Cage could only focus on one (Morgan) as the other (Jindrak) got into the ring on the other side and attacked Cage. Morgan and Jindrak didn’t let Christian get a touch of offence for there on, pounding on him and again trying to get pinfalls after every other move. The heart of Christian kept him in it, and he continued to kick out, much to the disappointment of Jindrak and Morgan. It got to the 14 minute mark and Jindrak and Morgan were still unable to put Christian Cage out of the match. Mark Jindrak went to the top rope to attempt a Crossbody, to see if that gave him any luck. Before Christian Cage gave Jindrak and chance to hit the Crossbody, however, he turned around and jumped into the ropes, shaking them and causing Jindrak to lose his balance. Mark Jindrak slipped and fell onto the ring apron, before rolling to the floor as Matt Morgan immediately went for Christian. Christian ducked a Clothesline from Morgan and got a Schoolboy from behind, the referee counting to three and eliminating Matt Morgan! The fans went crazy as Christian Cage had narrowed it down to one more opponent to get rid of in order to earn his title shot. He got to his feet and briefly celebrated the elimination to the fans, but he turned around and walked straight into a Big Boot from the angry Matt Morgan, perhaps knocking him unconscious! With Christian Cage flat on the canvas, Mark Jindrak rolled into the ring and hooked the leg of Christian Cage, one… two… three! Mart Jindrak sat up with a delighted look on his face, having earned (well, not quite [I]earned[/I]) a WKC Heavyweight title shot for later this evening. [B]Winner: Mark Jindrak Rating: C-[/B] [B]Rising Star Tournament – Semi Final Match Andy Douglas vs Chad Collyer[/B] Not a bad match, but both men could’ve done better. Unfortunately Chad Collyer and Andy Douglas didn’t click so well, which is something that nobody really noticed during the Naturals/Collyer & Stryker feud. Andy Douglas also seemed a little bit sloppy out there tonight, for whatever reason, but nevertheless it wasn’t a bad match. The match went on for about 7 minutes when Andy Douglas set up for the Natural Selection and, for the second time in a match featuring The Naturals, Cheech and Cloudy ran down to the ring. As Cheech stepped up to the ring apron, Andy Douglas let go of Chad Collyer and ran towards Cheech, who dropped from the ring apron. However, with his back turned to Chad Collyer, Andy Douglas got hit with a Bridging German Suplex, which was enough to keep his shoulders on the mat for the three count. [B]Winner: Chad Collyer Rating: D+[/B] [B]Cody Rhodes vs Teddy Hart[/B] The young Cody Rhodes made his debut here against a member of another legendary wrestling family, Teddy Hart. At the start of the match, Teddy disrespected Cody Rhodes as he looked at him, before putting his hand on his face and shoving him backwards. Cody Rhodes didn’t take it lying down, and immediately sprung on Teddy Hart with a Spear, delivering lefts and rights to him while he was on the ground. From there on Cody Rhodes continued to build momentum with Clotheslines, Flying Forearms and Dropkicks, putting on a good performance in his debut. He made a mistake when he went to the top rope, however, as he flew from the top rope looking for a Missile Dropkick but Teddy Hart managed to see it coming and moved out of the way. Immediately, Teddy Hart went for the Hart Rate (a Back Suplex spun out into a Sitout Powerbomb) and quickly got the three count, putting the short match to an end. [B]Winner: Teddy Hart Rating: D+[/B] [I]Following the close victory, Teddy Hart mounts Cody Rhodes and begins to deliver closed fists to the face, as his cousins Blade and Dallas join him in the ring and stomp at the body of Rhodes. Teddy Hart gets to his feet and tells his cousins to hold Rhodes as he goes and retrieves a steel chair from ringside. Blade and Dallas have Cody Rhodes’ arms hooked so that he can’t move, but before the assault can continue, Lance Storm sprints to the ring with a steel chair of his own, making the save! All three of the Harts quickly evacuate the ring as Lance Storm swings his weapon, making sure that the Harts can’t do any major damage to the newest wrestler to come from the Rhodes family.[/I] [I]Following a brief intermission, the cameras go to backstage where WKC Commissioner and Announcer Jim Cornette is storming around the corridors, apparently look for somebody. He turns around a corner, and sees both members of Up in Smoke walking in the opposite direction with smug grins on their faces after costing Andy Douglas his spot in the Rising Star Tournament Finals. Jim Cornette immediately confronts them.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] What the hell was that out there earlier? Why do you insist on making sure that The Naturals can’t win a match? [COLOR=Red][B]Cheech:[/B][/COLOR] Cornette, it’s simple – we want another shot at the WKC Tag Team titles, and this time, a FAIR one! [COLOR=Red][B]Cloudy:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah, not with me competing in another match on the same night, that was unfair! How could you expect me to have a good chance in either of those matches? [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Another shot at those titles is what you want? Well if it stops you from interfering in every god damn match, well fine, you’ve got another shot at them next month at Christmas Chaos! [I]Jim Cornette heads back to the ringside area to join Conrad Hauser at the announce table, leaving Up in Smoke with satisfied looks on their faces.[/I] [B]Samson vs Nicholas Sinn[/B] Another decent match which kept Nicholas Sinn looking strong, as he dominated it for the most part. A few knowledgeable Canadian fans near the front had a Samson chant going for a while throughout the match, obviously aware of his recent championship victory over in NCW, though it was not acknowledged and he did not bring his championship out with him. Nicholas Sinn ended the match early at around the 4:45 mark with the Hell-Bow. [B]Winner: Nicholas Sinn Rating: D+[/B] [I]A brief shot is shown of backstage where Christian Cage is sitting in on a table in a medical room, with a doctor holding his eye open and shining a small torch into it, apparently worried about his condition following the brutal Big Boot that Matt Morgan hit him with earlier in the night.[/I] [B]Rising Star Tournament – Semi Final Match Rocky Romero vs Brent Albright[/B] Match of the night so far here, as both man went out there and did all that they could to advance to the next round. Brent Albright’s fan base in WKC continues to grow, as there was a strong following for him during this match throughout. There were some good technical skills shown and a lot of stiff kicking and brawling from Rocky Romero. Both men went for ten minutes with no signs of slowing down, and it was ultimately Brent Albright who got the victory and advanced to the finals of the competition after a great match put to an end with apicture perfect Half Nelson Suplex. [B]Winner: Brent Albright Rating: C[/B] [I]As Brent Albright celebrates his victory, Chad Collyer walks out from behind the entrance curtain, moving his hands across his waist to signify that he will be crowned the first ever Rising Star Champion. As both men stare each other down, the complete brackets of the Rising Star Tournament appears on the screen, with a gap where it says Rising Star Champion:[/I] [IMG]http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/8207/risingstarbracketsos8.png [/IMG] [B]WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6525/markjindrakdg3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/97/joeymercuryxz3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Jindrak vs Joey Matthews (c)[/B] Mark Jindrak returned to the ring for his second match of the night here, this time for the biggest prize in the promotion. The two locked up in the middle of the ring, starting off slow because they knew this wouldn’t be a short match, and that they needed to preserve their energy for later on when it really mattered. Matt Morgan was sent to the back early on when it appeared as if he was trying to get himself involved, tripping Joey Matthews as he bounced off of the ropes. Referee Jim Korderas showed that he wasn’t gonna take any nonsense from Jindrak, Morgan or anybody else in Jericho’s clan, and so the match continued. After some slow, technical working, both men began to speed up, constantly going for the pin and trying to get the victory. The match passed the ten minute mark and both men were still going strong, and had surprisingly played clean for the most part (although there was a few sports where Mark Jindrak would use the ropes to his assistance or get a thumb to the ye of Matthews). The match began to slow down again as it hit the fifteen minute mark, Mark Jindrak was starting to get tired but he wasn’t going to give up if it meant suffering the same fate as Andrew Martin. Both Jindrak and Matthews started to pull out some of the more impacting moves that were more likely to get them the win. The whole complexion of what before had seemed a normal, clean title match changed however, at around the 17 minute mark. Mark Jindrak, after a nice High Dropkick, attempted a Springboard Clothesline, but when Joey Matthews fell to the ground to avoid it Jindrak had a huge collision with the referee, knocking Korderas to the ground. The two continued to wrestle and go for the victory for the next minute or so, and Joey Matthews hit his signature Virginia Necktie, but when he covered Mark Jindrak there was no referee to make the count. As the fans counted all the way up to nine, Joey Matthews stood up and wiped sweat from his forehead, disappointed that his attempt couldn’t get him the victory. He shook the referee in attempts to revive him, with little success. He turned around to continue working on Jindrak when… BAM! He suffered the same fate as Christian Cage earlier this evening, a vicious Big Boot from Matt Morgan. Matt Morgan put Mark Jindrak on top of Joey Matthews and shook the referee violently, trying to wake him up and effectively doing so. Jim Korderas saw the cover and crawled into a position where he could see Joey Matthews’ shoulders, slowly making the count. One….. Two….. Kickout! The fans go wild as Joey Matthews uses all of his energy to kick out of the cover, to everybody’s shock! After both receiving a big move each, Matthews and Jindrak slowly worked their way up to their feet, giving each other all that they had in the form of big punches. With little to know fuel left, Mark Jindrak ran away from Matthews, bouncing off of the ropes and then running back towards him. Going for the Clothesline, Joey Matthews ducked and quickly set up for the Virginia Necktie. The fans are on the edge of their seats with excitement, with no idea who is going to get the win. Jindrak counters the Necktie with an elbow to the head sending Matthews stumbling. Matthews regains his composure and turns around, going for a big right fist to the face of Jindrak. Jindrak ducks and instantly, Matthews is hit with eh Mark of Excellence. The fans are speechless as Jindrak makes the cover, and the referee counts one… two… three! [B]Winner: Mark Jindrak Rating: C[/B] [I]Following his biggest victory in his short stay in WKC, Mark Jindrak can’t believe it, as he is greeted in the ring by Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, and Chris Jericho. As Mark Jindrak stands there and raises the WKC Heavyweight Championship into the air, it dawns on everybody that WKC may never be the same again with Chris Jericho and his posse now in a dominating position. The show ends as Robert Roode and Matt Morgan lift Mark Jindrak onto their shoulders and he sits with a huge grin on his face, holding the championship high in the air…[/I][/CENTER] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] Another awesome show from the Wrestling Kings of Canada, it seems as if they’re getting stronger by the month. The fans were shocked by the climax, and it should be interesting to see what happens with the title around the waist of Mark Jindrak. [B]C[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] Wow, where do I begin? Another great show that was a lot of fun to write up. I’d love to know what you guys thought of it. The title change was something that I wasn’t completely sure about until the minute that I booked it, I just figured that if Joey Matthews won, who else would there be for him to face? The storyline would have just been going round in a circle, and I needed to guide it into a new direction. Cody Rhodes is a new signing that I’m excited about, ever since pushing him to the moon in my WWE game I’ve totally marked out for him, and even though he’s currently an Enhancement Talent (he’s F- across the board except in one region with this data) I’m hoping that I can rise him up the cards soon. As for signings to replace Andrew Martin… There was one particular person that I had my eye on, but yeah, he rejected due to already having too many contracts. One of those contracts is up in 45 days, however, so I'll soon find out whether he's gonna resign or not. I'm open to suggestions - I might even enter negotiations with a few people and hold a poll to see who you guys think I should sign.[/QUOTE]
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Another good show, I think it shows when there are certain events the writer really enjoys writing. The whole thing came off really crisply. At first, I have to say I was a little taken aback to see Jindrak walk out with the gold, but then you're right? Where would Matthews go to next for an opponent without basically recycling what's already transpired in his reign. Now he can go back into the hunt and have to fight his way through Jericho's group to get to Jindrak and his belt. Also the execution was good as well. The match had enough outside interference to leave Mercury feeling aggrieved, yet the actual end sequence and lead up were clean, giving Jindrak enough credibility as a champion at the same time. It'll also be interesting to see if Roode and Morgan start getting some title aspirations of their own the longer Jindrak holds the belt. The Rising Star tournament entered the final stages well, although the rating for Douglas and Collyer must have been a bit disappointing. I think Albright remains the best candidate for the belt, although I though Sinn's victory (and placement of it) served well as a reminder that he's still on the scene and looking to get back on track following his loss in the blow off bout against Albright. Finally, Cody Rhodes should prove an asset when built up. It's nice to have an obvious 'next gen' programme to walk into. Not too sure on potential signings, it's hard to tell who's really around and available for you due to how far into the game you are now.
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WKC.com: Christmas Chaos 2008! [CENTER][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/5103/christmaschaos08nr7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] Yep, I've signed a new wrestler, and one that could make a big impact too. Basically, WWE fell to Cult and, while there was alot of people released, most of them were either old and not really worth building up, too popular to sign with me or I just didn't like them. However, the one that I did sign wasn't a part of WWE from the start and was picked up when they went Global. I'll say no more. ;)[/QUOTE]
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WKC Christmas Chaos 2008 [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC CHRISTMAS CHAOS 2008[/B] [I]18th December 2008 Held at the [COLOR=Red][B]SOLD OUT[/B][/COLOR] Serbian Hall, in front of 2,000 fans[/I] [B]Pre-Show Match Doug Fresh vs Cody Rhodes[/B] Doug Fresh worked the pre-show once again, this time in a singles match and accompanied by his brother, Buzz Fresh. He and Cody Rhodes had a sort of average match that the fans were understandably no so thrilled by, since neither of the two are so well known. A nice, even match which saw Cody Rhodes pick up the victory against Fresh after a Snap DDT just before the five minute mark. [B]Winner: Cody Rhodes Rating: D-[/B] [I]As the fans quickly rush to their seats following the pre-show match, the lights dim and the music of new WKC Heavyweight Champion Mark Jindrak begins to play. The fans begin to boo as loud as they can, letting their displeasure for the new champion be known as he emerges from behind the entrance curtain wearing a formal outfit. Mark Jindrak doesn’t seem to care, however, as he walks down the walkway with a huge smile on his face, ignoring the boos and chants from the fans sitting in the front row. He walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring, walking straight towards the turnbuckle and climbing to the second rope, holding the WKC Heavyweight Championship above his head to an extremely negative response. He climbs down from the turnbuckle and requests a microphone from the ring announcer.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Mark Jindrak:[/B][/COLOR] Right here is the present of WKC. What you see right now is the new WKC Heavyweight Champion, and you better get used to it, because this title isn’t leaving my waist for a long, long time. You see, me having this title signifies the start of dominance, the dominance of Mark Jindrak, the dominance of the Y2J Assembly. Last month we not only took out Christian Cage once and for all and put him out of action… [I]The fans boo at the fact that Christian Cage isn’t in action tonight due to injuries caused by Matt Morgan’s Big Boot.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Mark Jindrak:[/B][/COLOR] …But I went on to capture this championship from Joey Matthews, succeeding two goals in one night. And tonight, when I step into the ring with Matthews once again, I’ll BEAT him once again, and prove to everybody why I am- [I]Suddenly, the fans erupt as Mark Jindrak is cut off mid-sentence with a big Spear from Joey Matthews, sending the WKC Heavyweight Champion to the canvas! With Jindrak on the mat, Matthews mounts him and begins to strike him in the ribs and face, trying to make him hurt before their rematch later on tonight. Referee Jim Korderas runs down the walkway and slides into the ring, immediately trying to drag the former Heavyweight Champion away from the man who took is title. Korderas manages to get Matthews out of the ring, who has an angry look on his face as if eager to get his hands on somebody.[/I] [B]Opening Contest Robert Roode vs Jay Lethal[/B] A good match to kick off the show here, with both men looking strong. The match started off fast paced as Jay Lethal immediately started to build up momentum with Arm Drags, Clotheslines and Flying Forearms, jumping all over the place as Robert Roode tried to swing the match in his favour. After about three minutes of fast paced action, both technical and high-flying, Jay Lethal was caught mid-air when attempting a Springboard Moonsault Splash from the second rope. Robert Roode caught him on his shoulder and slammed him down into the mat. From there on out Robert Roode was on the offence and it seemed as if he didn’t quite take Lethal seriously, sometimes taking his time to pin after a big move and as a result giving Lethal enough time to kick out. After almost five minutes of totally being on the offence and taking Lethal down with a big move every time he tried to get something going, Roode decided that it was time to finish of Lethal, putting him in position for The Payoff. However, mid-Suplex, Jay Lethal counted as he dropped back down to where he was standing before and got a Small Package, the referee counting the three count to give Lethal the upset victory! [B]Winner: Jay Lethal Rating: D+[/B] [B]Samson vs Teddy Hart[/B] A short but decent match between these two as Teddy Hart continues his arrogant and disrespectful persona, getting in a few eye pokes and using the ropes for leverage here and there. After a short 3:34 of mostly Teddy Hart dominating, the match came to an end when Teddy Hart hit his uncle’s signature Piledriver, then going to the top rope and hitting a Shooting Star Press for the victory. [B]Winner: Teddy Hart Rating: D+[/B] [I]Following Teddy Hart’s victory, the crowd pops as Lance Storm appears on the screen set up above the entrance curtain.[/I] [COLOR=Blue][B]Lance Storm:[/B][/COLOR] Teddy Hart, month after month you’ve disrespected wrestlers in a way that has disgraced your second name, and you’re right, it is about time that I do something about it. But I don’t just want you – I was your cousins, Blade and Dallas too. So, since you want to prove the fans wrong and outwrestle me, I’m gonna make you an offer that should please you – The New Hart Foundation verses Lance Storm and two partners of his choice in a Six Man Tag Team match. What do you say, Teddy? [I]A smile comes across the face of Teddy Hart, and he nods, apparently delighted at the offer that Lance Storm is making him.[/I] [I]The cameras go to backstage where Robert Roode is storming down the corridor and comes to a door labelled ‘Chris Jericho’. Robert Roode begins to pound the door with his fist, apparently desperate to talk to the owner of WKC. Chris Jericho opens the door, staring at Robert Roode who has an angry look on his face.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] What is it, Bobby? [color=Red][B]Robert Roode:[/B][/COLOR] Did you see that out there? I’m on a losing streak! [I]Chris Jericho pokes his head out into the corridor to check if anybody is around, the gestures for Robert Roode to join him in the lounge area where he is watching the show, slamming the door shut behind him so that the cameras can’t catch any more of the conversation.[/I] [B]WKC Tag Team Championships Up in Smoke vs The Naturals (c)[/B] A decent match between the two teams similar to the one put on by the same teams two months ago at Halloween Hijinks. Neither team looked too dominant over the other and there were moments when it seemed that either team could get the three count and take the titles home. The fans definitely waned to see The Naturals take the victory with heavy chants for them throughout the match, whether they were on the offence or defence. After a good five minutes of even, fast paced action the match began to swing in favour of the champs as Cloudy accidentally took out his partner with a Dropkick that was aimed for Chase Stevens. The Naturals quickly seized on the opportunity and less than a minute later, Andy Douglas hit a Tornado DDT on Cloudy leaving his legal partner to hit the Shooting Star Press for the three count. [B]Winners: The Naturals Rating: D[/B] [I]Referee Jim Korderas hands The Naturals their WKC Tag Team Championship belts and they hold them up in celebration – but somebody isn’t done. From behind, Cheech smashes a steel chair across the back of Chase Stevens, and when Andy Douglas turns around to defend his partner, he receives a shot to his skull, causing him to fall to the floor and within moments blood is rushing from his head. The fans boo as Cheech and Cloudy hold up The Naturals’ tag team titles above their head, then dropping them to the mat and walking away, proud of their actions as Jim Cornette on the announce table criticizes them for being sore losers. As Up in Smoke walk up the walkway, one person walks from behind the entrance curtain and passes them on the way down.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] Ouch! I mean, that’s gotta hurt, right? It’s so unfortunate that something like that would happen right before your big title defence… [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] What the hell? The Naturals just defended their titles! [I]The fans are confused at what Chris Jericho just said. Chase Stevens, who has barely recovered from the steel chair shot enough to sit up, also has no idea what Chris Jericho is walking about.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] That’s right, your night isn’t over! Now, let me introduce to you the challengers… at a combined weight of four hundred and five pounds… they are the future of the tag team division… ROCKY ROMERO AND ROBERT ROODE!!! [COLOR=Green][B]Conrad Hauser:[/B][/COLOR] Roode and Romero!?! [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] What the hell!?! The Naturals are in no condition to defend their titles now! [B]WKC Tag Team Championships Rocky Romero & Robert Roode vs The Naturals (c)[/B] As you’d imagine, Romero and Roode didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the huge advantage that they had going into this title match, and it wasn’t pretty. Rocky Romero immediately went to work on Chase Stevens as Robert Roode held Andy Douglas by the hair and punched him repeatedly in the forehead, further opening up the wound as he bloodied up his knuckles. The match was over within minutes as Rocky Romero disposed of Chase Stevens over the top rope and Robert Roode held Douglas in a Suplex position, waiting as Romero jumped from the top rope and delivered a Cross Body to Douglas as Rode fell backwards. The whole arena was shocked was Rocky Romero covered Andy Douglas for the three count, crowning he and Robert Roode the new WKC Tag Team Champions and adding to the dominance of the Y2J Assembly. [B]Winners: Rocky Romero & Robert Roode Rating: D[/B] [I]After the ring is cleared of all for competitors and a portion of the blood spilt from Andy Douglas’ head (the rest staining the canvas) the lights go out and suddenly a video begins to play on the screen, starting with a man standing in a dark area, his back facing the camera. Suddenly, a lot of clips begin to play of him competing in WWE, ROH, FIP and PWG accompanied by a fast piece of music, and the fans immediately know who it is. The video comes to an end with the same shot as before only with the man facing the camera, and the words ‘DAVEY RICHARDS IS COMING’ appear. As the video ends and the arena lights up again, the fans chant “DAVEY! DAVEY! DAVEY!” in anticipation for his debut.[/I] [I]Nicholas Sinn stands in the ring, apparently having made his way down while the video was playing.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Nicholas Sinn:[/B][/COLOR] Davey Richards? That’s the ‘big new signing’? Davey Richards? Nobody gives a damn about Davey Richards! You know who people care about? Nicholas Sinn! People buy tickets to watch Sinn in action; people buy tickets to watch Sinn defeat people! Why hype Davey Richards’ debut, when you could’ve just used that ninety seconds to hype The Original Sinn? [B]Jimmy Stone vs Nicholas Sinn[/B] A good match between these two as the fans booed and made negative chants against Nicholas Sinn for most of the match, and at one point a heavy Davey Richards chant began, angering Sinn into beating Jimmy Stone more aggressively. The match saw Sinn on offence for a large potion of the match, until the final moments when Jimmy Stone began to build some momentum. He took Sinn to the mat with a Forearm, and then took him to the mat again with a Dropkick, but when he went for the Clothesline Sinn ducked. Jimmy Stone kept running into the ropes, and when he bounced back towards Sinn he got hit with a huge Clothesline from Heck, keeping his shoulders down for a three count. [B]Winner: Nicholas Sinn Rating: C-[/B] [I]The cameras go back to Chris Jericho’s lounge area for the second time in the show, and this time Jericho has the company of Mark Jindrak and Matt Morgan. Mark Jindrak is sitting down on Jericho’s leather couch in his wrestling attire taping up his wrists, the WKC Heavyweight title belt laying on the couch next to him.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] Now Mark, just remember, keep that title at all costs. Remember that Matt Morgan’s got your back – I can trust you to make sure Jindrak keeps that belt can’t I Matt? [COLOR=Red][B]Matt Morgan:[/B][/COLOR] Yes sir. [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] Good. Now we’ve got the WKC Tag titles captured, and with a Heavyweight champion like you, there’s no stopping us. Up to the job, champ? [I]Just then Rocky Romero and Robert Roode walk into the room with huge smiles on their faces, the WKC Tag Team Championships draped over their shoulders.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Chris Jericho:[/B][/COLOR] And here come the champs! Aha, nice work guys… [I]The cameras go back to the ring as the WKC Rising Star Championship is ready to be won…[/I] [B]Rising Star Tournament Final - WKC Rising Star Championship Chad Collyer vs Brent Albright[/B] From the get go these two wrestlers made it clear that they wanted to win, kicking off the match with some awesome technical wrestling, constantly going for the victory after their big impact moves. The match saw a lot of Suplexes, Headlocks and submission moves, both men going all out to be crowned the WKC Rising Star Champion and elevate their WKC careers. The fans were solidly in the corner of Brent Albright, though there was a minority of the crowd that, being former Heartland Wrestling Association fans, were routing for Chad Collyer. Both men continued to wrestle with no signs of stopping, knowing that a win in this tournament could set them up for a title shot in the future. The match continued past the ten minute mark, however, just moments later Brent Albright’s chances of winning were tarnished when he leapfrogged over Chad Collyer, who was running towards him, but awkwardly hit the floor causing his knee to give way under his weight. Chad Collyer took advantage of the situation and worked on the knee for the rest of the match, at times stomping it and applying a leg lock on more than one occasion. Brent Albright kept fighting, but with a big handicap since he struggled to lift Chad Collyer whatsoever. He struggled on and stuck in the match past the fifteen minute mark, and began to build some momentum. Hobbling on one leg, Brent Albright set Chad Collyer up for a Half Nelson Suplex from behind, but Collyer hooked his leg around the injured leg of Albright and pulled, tripping him to the mat. Immediately, Chad Collyer locked in his signature Texas Cloverleaf to Brent Albright, applying pressure to not only the spine of Albright but more importantly, the legs. Screaming in pain Brent Albright stayed in the hold for as long as his knee would allow him to do so, but for his own good, he tapped out. Chad Collyer released the hold and fell to his knees with a smile on his face, having become the first Rising Star Tournament winner and earning another championship after an awesome match. [B]Winner: Chad Collyer Rating: C[/B] [I]After the match, the fans can’t help but applaud the efforts of both men, whether or not they like Chad Collyer. Brent Albright takes the shining silver championship belt and limps across the ring to Chad Collyer, holding out the championship and handing it to the new champion as a sign of respect. As Collyer takes the belt from Albright, Albright shakes the hand of Collyer and holds it up in the air. The fans applaud the sportsmanship of both men.[/I] [IMG]http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/5738/risingstarbracketsfinaltl5.png[/IMG] [B]WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/97/joeymercuryxz3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6525/markjindrakdg3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey Matthews vs Mark Jindrak (c)[/B] Following an awesome match between Chad Collyer and Brent Albright to decide the WKC Rising Star Champion, the fans couldn’t wait to see more, and it was going to be hard to live up to what the fans were expecting after the last bout. For Joey Matthews, however, tonight wasn’t about entertaining the fans – it was about gaining revenge on Mark Jindrak and regaining the WKC Heavyweight Championship. Mark Jindrak, on the other hand, was all about winning at all costs and it showed – from the moment the bell rung he was all about stealing a quick victory, with roll-ups with aid from Matthews’ tights, to using the ropes during a cover. Matthews, however, had the most offence throughout the opening five or so minutes, but surprisingly didn’t go for one pinfall. He wanted to make sure that Jindrak hurt before he got the cover. After being it with a Super Frankensteiner Mark Jindrak rolled under the bottom rope to the outside, and the fans booed, wanting to see him return to the ring to receive more punishment from the former WKC Heavyweight Champion. Joey Matthews exited the ring also, to prevent a countout from happening, but when he got to the outside of the ring Mark Jindrak quickly Clotheslined him to the barely padded concrete. Mark Jindrak threw Joey Matthews back under the bottom rope into the ring, then retrieved a steel chair from underneath the ring! The fans booed, knowing that if he got himself Disqualified he’d walk away still the Heavyweight Champion. But before he could do anything to Joey Matthews with it, the referee grabbed it from his hands, not allowing the match to end like that! With his back turned, Jindrak suddenly found himself in a Schoolboy from Matthews – One, Two, Kickout! The fans almost thought that Matthews had won his title back, as the referee threw the steel chair into the corner of the ring. The two competitors continued to battle as the match passed the ten minute mark and quickly approached the fifteen minute mark, and the fans were loving it. Both men displayed some great wrestling, with countless near falls – every time Matthews got a near fall they’d shout at the top of their voices on the three, but Jindrak’s shoulder would be up. Mark Jindrak was running on borrowed time, as Joey Matthews hit an Enziguri, almost taking Jindrak’s head off. Backstage, Jericho, Morgan and the new tag champs knew that Mark Jindrak was in danger of losing his title, and it wasn’t long before Matt Morgan was rushing towards the ring in aid of Mark Jindrak. The referee could see it all, and Morgan knew that if he got Jindrak disqualified, the title would still be in their hands. He entered the ring and his intentions were clear as he ran up for the Big Boot, but Joey Matthews ducked it! Matthews quickly picked up the steel chair lying in the corner of the ring, and smashed it across the head of Matt Morgan, knocking him to the ground and out of the equation! The referee tried to roll Morgan out of the ring as Joey Matthews went back to Jindrak, helping him to his feet – but behind the referee’s back, Jindrak hit a devastating Low Blow, taking Joey Matthews to the ground! Knowing that he was moments away from a victory, Mark Jindrak hoisted Matthews up to his feet and lifted him up into a Suplex position, then planting his head into the ground with a Vertical Suplex Implant DDT! With the referee’s eyes back on the action, Jindrak covers Joey Matthews, getting the three count and retaining the WKC Heavyweight Championship! [B]Winner: Mark Jindrak Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] A very entertaining show with two awesome matches to finish it off. A great way to end 2008, but with the newly won WKC Tag Team Championships, it appears as if the era of Team Y2J is only just beginning… [B]C[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] Another very pleasing show. Not a great undercard when compared to recent months, but the last three matches definitely earned the show a good rating. I’m still happy with where things are going – and where they’re due to go – with this dynasty. I’m happy with the ending of the Rising Star Tournament, and don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that Brent Albright’s gonna be slowing down. Albright remains to be one of my favourite characters to book in this game, behind Joey Matthews, and he’ll be getting his rematch. ;) Besides, Brent Albright was the obvious option, and sometimes I like to go against the obvious option. :) Davey Richards is the new signing, as you’ve probably guessed if you saw the poster thingy. He’s just come off of a year long stint in WWE, and while he didn’t get a single victory during his stay on SmackDown, he was one of the most sensible people to sign (at least, in my view). It’s good to already have an angle set up for him, because it also gives Sinn something to do, who’s just kinda been kept strong ever since he came off of the feud with Albright. I decided to do the Tag Title swerve because it gives the division the excitement that it lacks, while it’s had frequent mini-feuds, this will spice it up a little bit. So yeah, that’s the story behind that. Other than all of that, not anything else to say. It’s good to know that I can succeed in getting C rated shows without Cage or Jericho (though obviously that means that with the aid of them I can get even better). Apologies for a show in such quick succession to the last if any readers haven’t caught up with the previous show by the way, I was just bored today and excited to write up this show in particular. Feedback on the show is welcomed and appreciated. Oh, and I’ll be doing end of year awards from the game and my own awards for WKC at some point.[/QUOTE]
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That was a good year-ender. I think I stated a couple of pages back that I thought Albright would feature in the final, although might not take the belt and I think you made the right decision in putting it on Collyer. Albright isn't really a rising star in WKC, he's nicely established and holding the title will do more for Collyer. The Naturals losing was an interesting move, although the manner in which it happened keeps them strong whilst slapping the belts on Romero and Roode. I'm liking the way Y2J is turning WKC into a dictatorship and assembling his 'army', although I'm a little surprised at how little Storm has really spoken up yet... currently focussed on putting Teddy Hart in his place of course. Nothing too much to say about the main event... necessary rematch with the face failing to recapture the gold. Logical booking. As for the new signing, Davey Richards should help produce for you. The WWE always snap him up when the game starts, but he could well prove a big player in WKC.
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Wrestling Observer: 2008 End of Year Awards [IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7233/internetam5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]END OF YEAR AWARDS: 2008[/SIZE] 31st December 2008[/B] 2008 has come and gone so quickly, and now with 2009 almost upon us it’s time for us to acknowledge the very best of 2008. [SIZE=3][B]WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: Masahiro Chono[/B], for his performances in NJPW[/SIZE] [I]Highest Rating: B Average Rating: B 2008 Record: 58 Wins, 25 Losses, 3 Draws Championship Victories of 2008: IWGP Heavyweight {03} (Week 4, August – Present); NJPW G-1 Climax Tag League {04} (with Shinsuke Nakamura) (Week 1, November – Tournament)[/I] [SIZE=3][B]YOUNG WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: Mark Briscoe[/B][/SIZE] [I]Highest Rating: B- Average Rating: C+ 2008 Record: 17 Wins, 17 losses, 0 Draws Championship Victories of 2008: PWU Tag Team {02} (with Homicide) (Week 3, February – Present)[/I] [SIZE=3][B]VETERAN WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: Gran Apache[/B][/SIZE] [I]Highest Rating: B- Average Rating: C+ 2008 Record: 9 Wins, 2 Losses, 1 Draw Championship Victories of 2008: n/a[/I] [SIZE=3][B]FEMALE WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: Jazzy Bi[/B][/SIZE] [I]Highest Rating: C+ Average Rating: C 2008 Record: 29 Wins, 32 Losses, 4 Draws Championship Victories of 2008: n/a[/I] [SIZE=3][B]PROMOTION OF THE YEAR: World Wrestling Entertainment[/B][/SIZE] [I]Highest Rated Show: B- (numerous events/TV tapings) Lowest Rated Show: D- (RAW, Week 3, January)[/I] [SIZE=3][B]MOST IMPROVED PROMOTION OF THE YEAR: Fighting Spirit Federation[/B][/SIZE] [I]Highest Rated Show: B (numerous TV tapings) Lowest Rated Show: D+ (FSF Battle for Europe)[/I] [SIZE=3][B]MATCH OF THE YEAR: Charlie Haas[/B] vs. Super Crazy (WWE No Mercy)[/SIZE] [I]Match Rating: A[/I] [SIZE=3][B]SHOW OF THE YEAR: ROH Honor Reclaims Boston[/B], November[/SIZE] [I]Overall Show Rating: B Highest Individual Match Rating: B Main Event: Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Sabin, Jack Evans and Roderick Strong for the ROH World Heavyweight title[/I] [SIZE=3][B][U]TOP 25 WRESTLERS OF 2008[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7586/top252008kg1.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Notes:[/B] Like I said when I did it at the end of 2007, while it’s not really relevant to the dynasty, it’s nice to know how the game world is unravelling in somebody else’s save (if anybody has any questions on the game world, by all means ask). Also, something interesting to note, the first WWE wrestler (keeping in mind that they got the best promotion award) on the Top 100 list was Bobby Lashley… and he was also the last WWE wrestler on it, at 99. :p That’s pretty much all, I’ll get the WKC end of year awards up later on.[/QUOTE]
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WKC.com: End of Year Awards 2008 [CENTER][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [SIZE=6][B]WKC END OF YEAR AWARDS 2008[/B][/SIZE] With WKC’s first full calendar year behind it, it’s time for WKC.com to take a look at the highlights of 2008 – from the shows to the matches, and of course, the wrestlers themselves. So, without further ado… [SIZE=5][B][U]WRESTLER OF THE YEAR[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/97/joeymercuryxz3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Joey Matthews[/B][/SIZE] From start to end, Joey Matthews arguably had the best 2008 in WKC – kicking it off with several awesome matches over the WKC Heavyweight title with Christian Cage, in which his chances of becoming champion were twice ruined as the matches were ended via disqualification due to outside interference. In June, however, Matthews finally achieved what he had been trying to for so long when he became champ – albeit with a controversial finish. Joey Matthews shocked everybody when he chose to fight against Chris Jericho rather than with him, and had a nice reign as champion where he defeated such stars as Andrew Martin, Robert Roode and even managed to retain it in a big six man title challenge. While the year didn’t end so sweetly for him, he with definitely be gunning for another Heavyweight title reign in 2009. [B][U]Runner-Up:[/U] Mark Jindrak[/B] When thinking about the best of 2008, it’s hard not to mention the recent success that Jindrak has had. Less than two months ago, Mark Jindrak had a great night when he won a fatal four way and captured the gold in the span of ninety minutes. Going into ’09, Jindrak is in a dominant position in WKC. [SIZE=5][B][U]ONE TO WATCH IN 2009[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/3230/brentalbright3pj6.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Brent Albright[/B][/SIZE] 2008 has been one long hot streak for Brent Albright. Ever since coming off of the feud with Nicholas Sinn, Brent Albright has been getting better every month, building himself up with strong wins and a very impressive showing in the Rising Star Tournament, building up to one of the greatest matches in WKC history against Chad Collyer. While Albright didn’t get the victory in the big title match, he put in a great effort and showed tons of heart. You’ve got to believe that Brent Albright will be hoping for a WKC heavyweight title shot in the near future. [B][U]Runner-Up:[/U] Chad Collyer[/B] He may of not built up the biggest fanbase since debutting, but Chad Collyer’s performances in WKC have given him undeniable success. With a short but successful tag team with Matt Stryker, and more recently some phenomenal singles matches with the likes of Brent Albright and Jay Lethal, Collyer has gotten two title victories on his resume in the past year alone. Will 2009 be the year that Collyer goes for the Triple Crown? [SIZE=5][B][U]SHOW OF THE YEAR[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]WKC Spring Showdown – 13th March 2008[/B][/SIZE] Spring Showdown was highly anticipated by many people, as it marked the first time that Chris Jericho would compete in a wrestling match for over two years. And boy, the show was everything that people were expecting and more – with a great match between Brent Albright and Robert Roode, a big match between Joey Matthews and Matt Morgan which ultimately settled no problems between the two as it ended with a draw, a great championship match which saw Bryan Danielson pay Ontario a visit to face Christian Cage for the Heavyweight title and finally, the much hyped match that put The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla in the ring to face Andrew Martin, the card is considered by most the greatest in WKC history. Without a doubt, this gets the Show of 2008 award. [B][U]Runner Up:[/U] WKC First Anniversary Show[/B] The First Anniversary Show can’t go unmentioned in this area, as it put on display an amazing match between Joey Matthews and five other top contenders with his WKC Heavyweight title on the line, as well as the end of the rivalry between Brent Albright and Sinn, the debut of Dallas and Blade Hart (sons of Bret ‘The Hitman’), the first successful WKC Tag Team title defence for The Naturals and of course, the infamous moment that saw Chris Jericho betray his best friend Christian Cage and align himself with Robert Roode and Rocky Romero, triggering the ongoing feud between Chris Jericho’s clan verses seemingly everybody else on the roster. [SIZE=5][B][U]MATCH OF THE YEAR[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/8290/andrewmartinek7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/4140/chrisjerichonp5.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Andrew Martin vs Chris Jericho – WKC Spring Showdown (13th March 2008)[/B][/SIZE] The first match between Andrew Martin and Chris Jericho, which was highly hyped in the preceding months which made the fans so excited for it – and boy, they lived up. Andrew Martin desperately wanted the victory, the fans were all over Jericho since it was his comeback to competitive action, and both men told a great story in the ring. While it didn’t end as many fans were hoping for it to, there’s no denying that it was an awesome match. [B][U]Runner-Up:[/U] Chad Collyer vs Brent Albright (WKC Christmas Chaos 2008 – 18th December 2008)[/B] While it didn’t feature two of the highest people on the card, in terms of technical showings this match totally delivered, and all of the pure wrestling fans were totally into it. Both men proved that they have what it takes to challenge for the WKC Heavyweight title, Chad Collyer in particular showing that he is alot better than people realized, having predicted a victory for Albright from the start. A great match with a great show of sportsmanship following it, the fans can’t wait to see the rematch this month at WKC Begin With a Bang. Well, that’s it for the 2008 awards, don’t forget to book your tickets for WKC Begin With a Bang on 29th January as the Wrestling Kings of Canada prepare for another awesome year of action.[/CENTER]
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WKC Begin With A Bang 2009 [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC BEGIN WITH A BANG 2009[/B] [I]29th January 2009 Held at the [COLOR=Red][B]SOLD OUT[/B][/COLOR] Serbian Hall, in front of 2,000 people[/I] [B]Pre-Show Match Eric Young & Jay Lethal vs The Fresh Broz (Doug Fresh & Buzz Fresh)[/B] A short pre-show match which was the team of Eric Young and Jay Lethal try out as a team. No out of the ordinary chemistry, but they didn’t look bad either. Jay Lethal looked really special out there, and after a short 4:39 got the cover on Buzz Fresh with a Lethal Injection. [B]Winners: Eric Young & Jay Lethal Rating: D[/B] [I]As the starting time for the main show reaches, the fans rush to their seats as, for the second month in a row, the show opens with Mark Jindrak’s music. Mark Jindrak makes his way down to the ring, this time without Chris Jericho and Matt Morgan beside him, with the WKC Heavyweight Championship around his waist. He doesn’t take the smile from his face after successfully defending his championship against Joey Matthews last month at Christmas Chaos. As he gets in the ring, he receives a microphone from a staff member and gets to talking.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Mark Jindrak:[/B][/COLOR] And so, the dynasty of Mark Jindrak begins… Since my first match in WKC, I have proved that I’m the smartest wrestler, the most talented wrestler, and the wrestler with the best physique here in WKC. In other words, I am perfect, and I’ve proved that over the last two months when I not only won the WKC Heavyweight title, but then had a very successful first championship defence and proved that – contrary to what internet awards say – I am the best wrestler in WKC! And, since I don’t have a challenger for tonight just yet, I’m gonna give my case even more evidence, as I’m making an open challenge to anybody in the world to face me for this title in the main event! [I]As soon as the words leave the lips of Mark Jindrak the fans go crazy as the music of Christian Cage hits the sound system! Mark Jindrak looks up to the entrance ramp in shock as the man that he and Matt Morgan concussed two months ago walks through the entrance curtain. The champ shakes his head as if to deny Christian a title shot as the first ever Heavyweight champion moves his hands around his waist to signify that he wants the WKC Championship again.[/I] [B]Opening Contest Tag Team Match Xtreemer Than U (Ash & Xtreemo) vs Canadian Adrenaline (Samson & Jimmy Stone)[/B] Two teams that have never really gotten their big break in WKC faced off here in hopes of becoming contenders to the WKC Tag Team Championships. As neither of the teams have really ever established a clear alignment, the fans weren’t sure who to get behind and so just enjoyed the action. A short match which saw neither team really take control until the last few moments, and Xtreemo hit a 450 Splash on Jimmy Stone to get the victory for XTU. [B]Winners: Xtreemer Than U Rating: D-[/B] [I]Following the first intermission of the night, the music of Lance Storm hits and the fans get to their feet to give the legend a standing ovation. Storm walks through the entrance curtain wearing the red and white wrestling tights that he rarely wears, as he gets ready for a warm-up match for his six man tag match with The New Hart Foundation (set to take place at a currently unconfirmed date). He gets into the ring and the fans quieten down as they await the arrival of his opponent, when suddenly, Teddy Hart smashes a steel chair across his back from behind! Blade and Dallas immediately follow and, just like what happened back in September at Unlikely Allies, begin to beat down Storm. Officials run down to the ring and drag the Harts away from Storm, who are intent on making sure that Lance Storm can’t make it to the six man tag team match.[/I] [I]Jim Cornette gets into the ring with a microphone in his hand, and he means business.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Earlier this evening we saw two great tag teams face off in a match, but on the subject of tag teams, last month The Naturals were put into a match that they had NO chance in, defending their tag team titles after being assaulted by Up in Smoke. Now I’ll deal with Cheech and Cloudy later on, but my top priority at the moment is giving The Naturals a chance to win their tag titles back! My contract says that I can’t overrule decisions made by Chris Jericho, but I can sure make my own decisions! And since neither four men are doing anything tonight, I might as well get this off of my list! Let’s have ourselves a Tag Team Championship match, right here, right now! [I]The fans pop after hearing that Rocky Romero and Robert Roode will have to defend their titles – and not with such an advantage – tonight.[/I] [B]WKC Tag Team Championships The Naturals (Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens) vs Robert Roode & Rocky Romero (c)[/B] A good match which kicked off fast as The Naturals constantly went for the finish trying to recapture the Tag Team Championships for their team. It was started by Andy Douglas and Rocky Romero, a pairing which quickly changed as the match had frequent tags from the start, both teams being smart and keeping the fresh man in the ring. It was only about five minutes in, however, when Rocky Romero took advantage of the plaster on the forehead of Andy Douglas, ripping it off and with some hard closed fists opening the wound up again. For the next few minutes the newly crowned WKC Tag Team Champions kept Douglas in the ring and beat him down to the point where he had no chance of kicking out of a three count, when they allowed him to get the pinfall to his partner, who was in a 2 on 1 situation. After putting up a good effort, Chase Stevens was hit at around the eight minute mark with the Suplex/Crossbody combination that the due used last month to win the titles (which they’ve christened R-4 according to Conrad Hauser – a reference that both of their first names and second names begin with R) to get the pinfall and retain their titles. [B]Winners: Robert Roode & Rocky Romero) Rating: D+[/B] [I]For the second month in a row, a hype video is shown promoting the arrival of former ROH, FIP and WWE wrestler, ‘Mr Intensity’ Davey Richards. The fans cheer that the star is going back to the indys after his stint in the ‘E[/I] [B]Nicholas Sinn vs Cody Rhodes[/B] Following the hype video for Davey Richards, the man that critisised the attention that Richards has been getting, Nicholas Sinn, was in action against the second generation up-and-comer Cody Rhodes. Much like his match against Teddy Hart two month ago, Cody Rhodes put in more of an effort than anybody was expecting, taking it to Sinn who took Rhodes lightly. As Rhodes ducked the Clothesline From Heck, he hit an awesome Dropkick on Sinn and began to build up momentum with rights and lefts, before finally nailing Nicholas Sinn with his Snap DDT. The fans were on their feet as they thought Cody was going to get an upset victory, but Nicholas Sinn kicked out on the two count! Cody couldn’t believe it, and went to the top rope to try and finish Sinn off, and jumped off for a Flying Crossbody… but Sinn sidestepped it, causing Cody to bellyflop right into the canvas. Sinn quickly took advantage and hit the Hell-Boy on Cody Rhodes, getting himself the victory after five minutes. [B]Winner: Nicholas Sinn Rating: C-[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]Nicholas Sinn:[/B][/COLOR] Mr Intensity? That’s what you call yourself, Davey Richards? Well I’m Nicholas Sinn, and I’m more intense that you’ll ever be! I’m sick of the attention that you’re getting, an I’ll prove that you’re nothing special next month – if you’re ‘intense’ enough to meet me in the ring, that is! [I]Ash and Xtreemo are walking down a corridor following their victory earlier tonight in the opening contest. They discuss challenging Robert Roode and Rocky Romero for the WKC Tag Team Championships, when Cloudy and Cheech overhear them.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Cheech:[/B][/COLOR] You? Tag Team Champions? [I]Up in Smoke look at each other and laugh.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Cloudy:[/B][/COLOR] I might not be thinking so straight, Cheech, but even in this state the thought of these guys with titles around their waists is… [COLOR=Red][B]Cheech:[/B][/COLOR] Ridiculous? [COLOR=Red][B]Cloudy:[/B][/COLOR] Haha, yeah, ridiculous. [COLOR=Red][B]Cheech:[/B][/COLOR] Face it guys, you’re just not championship material. Up in Smoke are still the only rightful challengers for the Tag Team Championships, and that’s the way that it’s gonna stay. [COLOR=Blue][B]Xtreemo:[/B][/COLOR] Is that so? We’re not worthy contenders? How about next month you face me and Ash and we’ll prove to you just how worthy contenders we are? [I]Xtreemer Than U walk away as Cloudy and Cheech look at each other and begin to giggle immaturely again.[/I] [B]WKC Rising Star Championship Brent Albright vs Chad Collyer (c)[/B] The rematch from last month was on, as Albright got another shot at the Rising Star Championship, and the fans were excited. After the great show of sportsmanship after their last match, each man had a good share of fans behind him as the match kicked off. Both men were immediately trying to outwrestle each other and some nice technical wrestling was put on display, as one minute Chad Collyer would have Brent Albright in a headlock and the next Brent Albright would be Suplexing Collyer to the mat. The match was very even, until about seven or eight minutes in when Chad Collyer connected with a Chop Block to the knee that costed Albright the title last month, causing Albright to fall to the floor. With one move, Chad Collyer had swung the match in his favour. Collyer worked on the knee for the remainder of the match, and around the twelve minute point he locked in the Texas Cloverleaf that finished Albright off last month. He applied as much pressure as he could to the knees and back of Albright, trying to force him into submitting, but Albright hung on and managed to get to the ropes, keeping himself in the match. His knee in agony, Brent Albright hobbled up to his feet as the referee asked if he was okay to continue the match, to which he responded positively, and the match continued. The two competitors continued to wrestle, trying to get the win. The fans were behind Albright, but doubted a victory for him due to his disadvantage. Chad Collyer went for his Texas Cloverleaf for a second time, but Albright used his one good leg to kick himself out of the predicament, sending Collyer stumbling backwards. Albright quickly hopped to his feet and went for a Clothesline, which Collyer managed to duck out of and suddenly hit the Butterfly Suplex, putting Brent Albright out for the three count and a successful title defense. [B]Winner: Chad Collyer Rating: C[/B] [I]The fans applauded the efforts of both men after a gruelling fifteen minute match. However, their applauds slowly finished and their excitement was replaced by confusion was WKC owner Chris Jericho walked down the walkway and rolled into the Ring, joining the WKC Rising Star Champion, Chad Collyer. Y2J begins to mutter to Collyer, but without a microphone so that nobody can hear what he is saying. With a grin on his face, he extends his arm and offers a handshake to Collyer; the fans boo as they know what’s happening. After staring at the hand of Jericho for a few moments, Collyer shakes his head and turns his back on Jericho, leaving the ring! The fans cheer as Chad Collyer has supposedly refused an invitation to join the clan of the WKC owner, who cannot believe what has happened![/I] [B]Black Dragon vs Teddy Hart (w/ The New Hart Foundation)[/B] Two WKC originals and Canadian wrestlers faced off in one on one action here, in what proved to be a good match (though sort of cooling after the great action from the previous one). Teddy Hart made it clear that he was playing dirty as he attempted to gain the victory and roll on into the Six Man Tag Team Match with Lance Storm and two unknown partner with momentum on his side. Black Dragon was no pushover, though, as he used his stiff kicks and high risk moves to make sure that Teddy Hart didn’t run away with the win. With two equally matched competitors, the match came to an end just a few moments shy of the ten minute mark when Black Dragon hit a big Crossbody from the top rope, but Teddy Hart rolled backwards and made it a cover of his on, hooking the tights of Dragon for leverage and making sure he couldn’t kick out on three. [B]Winner: Teddy Hart Rating: C-[/B] [I]As Teddy Hart celebrates the victory with his cousins Blade and Dallas, the screen hanging above the entrance curtain his suddenly occupied with Lance Storm, who is sitting in a locker room and holding a bag of ice to his head after being assaulted by the three youthful members of the Hart family earlier on in the show.[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]Lance Storm;[/B][/COLOR] You know, Teddy, before tonight I had a plan. My plan was to bring in the two greatest Canadian wrestlers that I could find, bring them in for one show and assist them in outwrestling you three punks. But tonight, a fuse blew inside of me, when I felt that steel on my back that plan was thrown out of the window. So that isn’t the plan anymore. I’m not gonna show up to that six man tag match to outwrestle you, and I’m not gonna be with the two greatest Canadian wrestlers that I can find. I’ve got a new plan now… And that plan, is to give you… an extreme… beating… [I]All three of the Harts look up and the screen with worried looks on their faces.[/I] [B]WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] [IMG]http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/4060/christianlh4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6525/markjindrakdg3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian Cage vs Mark Jindrak (c)[/B] The match kicked off as Christian Cage and Mark Jindrak – who was unsurprisingly accompanied by Matt Morgan – circled the ring and locked up, Mark Jindrak being put in a headlock and quickly retreating to the outside as he discussed tactics with Morgan. He climbed back up onto the apron and was quickly joined by Christian Cage, who wanted to get him back in the ring, but Jindrak grabbed the head of Christian and dropped back down to the floor, causing Christian’s throat to collide with the top rope and shoot backwards. And with that, Mark Jindrak had gained control of the match within the first minute. The offence switched hands a lot within the match, as Mark Jindrak constantly got the momentum back on his side with sneaky thumbs to the eye and other dirty tactics. As the match progressed the fans could see that Christian Cage had the match under control, as things started going wrong for Mark Jindrak – starting with Matt Morgan once again being sent to the back for attempted interference. As the match slowly passed the ten and fifteen minute marks, Christian Cage was in control. However, it was around the latter when Mark Jindrak reversed the tables cleanly as he stepped out of the way of a shoulder thrust against the turnbuckle, sending Christian Cage straight into the ringpost shoulder first. As Christian stumbled back, Jindrak hit the Mark of Excellence! The fans prayed as Jindrak covered Christian Cage; One… Two… Kickout! The fans got to their feet once again as Christian Cage threatened to end the era of Mark Jindrak just two months before it began! Both men on their feet again, they began to battle and Chris Jericho subtly came down the walkway to get a close-up view of his man in action, hardly anybody realized. Mark Jindrak tried to capitalize on the Mark of Excellence hit moments earlier, as he hit his signature standing dropkick. Dragging Christian Cage to his feet again, he got in position for a Back Suplex setting up for another Mark of Excellence. This time, however, Christian Cage managed to counter by rolling backwards over the shoulder of Jindrak and landing on his feet behind him, quickly hooking the arms and hitting the Unprettier! The fans went wild as Christian Cage covered Mark Jindrak – One… Two… Chris Jericho drags Christian Cage off of Mark Jindrak to the outside, and slaps him in the face, causing him to be disqualified! [B]Winner: Christian Cage (via Disqualification) Rating: C[/B] [I]The fans and Christian Cage alike are shocked as to what just went down! Christian Cage immediately began to chase Jericho around the ring, but as Jericho slid into the ring and Christian followed him, Christian was taken out by a big Clothesline from Jindrak! Jericho and Jindrak quickly roll out of the ring and hightail it with the WKC Heavyweight Championship belt, when Jim Cornette stops them verbally.[/I] [COLOR=Green][B]Jim Cornette:[/B][/COLOR] Hold on for one second! Chris Jericho, ever since the First Anniversary Show I’ve sat here and watched you throw your weight around, and let’s face it, if it weren’t for Matt Morgan Mark Jindrak wouldn’t be the Heavyweight Champion in the first place – let alone have defended it! And now you’re getting Jindrak disqualified to keep that title – well you know what, I’m sick of watching you screw the likes of Joey Matthews and Christian Cage out of matches! So I’m making a match right now – next month at WKC Bitter Retribution, Christian Cage is gonna step into the ring for a one on one match with… you! [I]The fans go crazy as they discover that Christian Cage and Chris Jericho, former best friends and now bitter rivals, will face each other in one on one action for the first time since the two were in WWE! The camera pans in on Christian Cage, who has a huge smile on his face that he finally gets his revenge on Y2J at an event with a suitable title. The show comes to an end with the image of Christian Cage’s delighted face…[/I][/CENTER] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] A decent show mostly angle-driven but with decent wrestling as well, in particular the last few matches. It was sort of weight down by the undercard, but nevertheless a successful show for WKC. [B]C-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] I’m not disappointed with this show at all, while it could have definitely gotten a better rating had it gotten some stronger matches on the undercard, it featured all the storyline progression that I could’ve asked for. From the main running storyline with Chris Jericho, to the Lance Storm/Hart Foundation, to Sinn/Richards and even sparked a mini feud between Xtreemer Than U and Up in Smoke. I was happy with it all. Not much left to comment on concerning the show whatsoever. However, I will just mention that I’m heavily thinking about starting up a WWE dynasty, and depending on the Summerslam results I may do so within the next week or so. However, people that have been reading the diary for quite long will know that there’s clearly things that I’m building up to with this, and I’m not gonna completely drop it. I’m gonna try to carry on with it part-time or, at the very least, I may put it on hiatus for the time being. I just have a lot of ideas that, hoping that Summerslam goes the way I want it to (the main events in particular), I’d love to put on display here. That is all.[/QUOTE]
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