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TNA- Death Of A Piper, Rise Of A ReQuiem

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[QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][B]May 1st 2007 411Wrestling.com JIM CORNETTE RELEASED FROM TNA! Article Posted By: [/B][COLOR="Magenta"]Ted Lavender[/COLOR] Breaking news from the Planet known simple as Jarrett. It seems that Jim Cornette has in fact been released from TNA as of an on-screen role. The hows and whys of this are still unclear, but it's been reported at several other sites and it seems legit. How this will affect the TNA iMPACT! taping tonight is unknown. We'll keep you updated and be sure to check out my weekly Wednesday Morning hang over article that will begin next week [/Mick Foley Style Plugging][/FONT][/QUOTE] ---
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[QUOTE][B]May 1st 2007 411Wrestling.com QUICK SPOILERS FROM THE iMPACT! TAPING Article Posted By: [/B][COLOR="Magenta"]Ted Lavender[/COLOR] The spoilers just in from our find friends viewing the show at the iMPACT! Zone. Highlight below to read: [COLOR="Silver"]In the opening segment, Kurt Angle and Sting confronted each other over who was the proper number 1 contender. Cage and A.J. then came out and Cage said neither one of them was the number 1 contender as he was giving the shot to his "good lil' pal" A.J. A new authority figure came out, calling himself "The Pepsi Piper" Nick Lyoko, and announced that Jim couldn't handle it and that he was now the man in charge. He announced Angle/Sting vs A.J./Cage tonight with the person getting the pin fall getting the shot against Cage. Jeremy Borash interview Team 3D about their up-coming non-title match with Rhino/Samoa Joe. Team 3D vs Rhino/Samoa Joe went to no contest after interference from Steiner/Tomko and LAX attacking both team respectively. James Mitchell was backstage talking to Abyss. He said tonight was Abyss last shot to please him before he pulled the plug on his father. Seritonin (Matry, Kaz and Havok) /w Raven DEF. Abyss /w James Mitchell after Mitchell turned on Abyss hitting him with his can. Raven and Mitchell then shook hands and Raven ordered Serotonin to cane Abyss, leaving the monster down in the ring. Sting/Angle Def. Cage/A.J. after Cage walked out on A.J. refusing the hot tag. Sting and Angle both put A.J. into their respective submission holds. They were announced as duel Number 1 Contenders, so at Sacrifice we will have a triple threat match.[/COLOR] Expect a full TV recap this Thursday.[/QUOTE] ```
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"The spoilers just in from our find friends viewing the show at the iMPACT! Zone. [B]Highlight below to read:"[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="White"]if those are supost to act as spoilers for the show you don't need to highlight them to read, since you quote them. Right now they are readable without highlighting them. If you want to do that, I find it easiest to just put the spoiler part in white and tell people **spoilers below**[/COLOR][/QUOTE] same piece done without quote to show difference [COLOR="White"]if those are supost to act as spoilers for the show you don't need to highlight them to read, since you quote them. Right now they are readable without highlighting them. If you want to do that, I find it easiest to just put the spoiler part in white and tell people **spoilers below**[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][B]May 3rd 2007 411Wrestling.com FULL iMPACT! TAPING RESULTS Article Posted By:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]Ted Lavender[/COLOR] [I]In the opening segment, Kurt Angle and Sting confronted each other over who was the proper number 1 contender. Cage and A.J. then came out and Cage said neither one of them was the number 1 contender as he was giving the shot to his "good lil' pal" A.J. Boom! The pyros go off as Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us to TNA iMPACT! Things get right under way as Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring and gets on the mic.[/I] [B]Kurt[/B]: Sting! We have unfinished business so get your ass out here! … Come on Stinger! I’ll wait all night if I have to! [I]Sting’s music hits, and he heads down the ramp way, bat in hand and grabs a mic of his own.[/I] [B]Sting[/B]: Unfinished business? Oh Really? Is that so? Angle, I won my number one contender spot fair and square. So stop being selfish, and wait your own turn. [B]Kurt[/B]: Oh I see how it is. I’m the bad guy because you screwed me out of *MY* shot when you got the pin at Lockdown! Well listen here, BUCK-O, I may not be a perfect angel but you’re not saint yourself. What are you doing? Leaving Abyss to the wolves while you go on your title quest?! [B]Sting[/B]: I haven’t forgotten about Abyss, but regardless that is NONE of your business. Now if your going to keep yapping that mouth of yours then I say why don’t we just do this thing RIGHT HERE! TONIGHT! [I]They both throw down their microphones, when “Back In Black” by AC/DC blasts over the loudspeaker. Out comes a man in a black sports jacket, tie, tye-dye blue t-shirt with the Spike TV logo on it, and a kilt and sports goggles on his head.[/I] [B]Nick[/B]: Hold it hold it hold it hold it! Now I was hoping to make my debut a little bit more spectacular then this, but I can not let a match of caliber happen on free TV. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I am Nick Lyoko, Official Prompter Of Nelson Television Ratings for Spike TV… But you can just call me, The Ratings Guy. I personally have been hand picked by SPIKE TV management to assist with TNA Management with the running of TNA. That hence-forth means I am ABOVE TNA Management. Now Sting, Mr. Angle. I do sympathize with your predicament but I however have a solution. You see right here, tonight on iMPACT!, you two will take on the team of Christian Cage and A.J. Styles. The person to get the pin fall or submission in that match will become number 1 contender for the title shot at Sacrifice. However should Cage get the pin there will be no title defense at backlash! THE RATINGS HAVE SPOKEN~! [I]Commercial, Team 3D vs. Rhino/Samoa Joe is NEXT! We come back, Team 3D is on their way to the ring and while they are they play a pre-recorded promo in the upper hand corner of the screen.[/I] [B]Ray[/B]: How many years have we chased our dream to become the greatest Tag Team of all time? Why with this very victory over LAX, it can very easily be said that we have surpassed even the Road Warriors themselves. Now every team in TNA is thirsting for our blood. But I got news for them, our blood is thicker then WOOD! Rhino and Joe, you think a make shift team like you stands a chance against us? I promise you, some is going threw a table! [B]Devon[/B]: OH MY BROTHA, TESTIFY~! [QUOTE][B]Non-Title Tag Team Match Team 3D(c) vs. Rhino & Samoa Joe[/B] Description: Blah match, Rhino and Samoa Joe have no chemistry with each other. Also was rather short, as a run in by LAX attack the 3Ds and Steiner and Tomko attacking Joe/Rhino lead to a No-Contest. [B]WINNER[/B]: NO CONTEST[/QUOTE] [I]We go backstage where we see Abyss locked up in a straight jacket and on a gurney. Mitchell is standing next to him with a large gold key around his neck.[/I] [B]Mitchell[/B]: You see? Do you see what I had to do to you, you little son of a bitch? Your own MOTHER doesn’t even love you. LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU! You are NOTHING with out my brain Abyss. I took you from being a stupid Animal to the world title. LOOK NOW! Sting doesn’t even care about you! He’s off chasing the world title again! I’m giving you one last chance Abyss, and if you lose tonight, everything you know and love is going to go to straight to hell! Click, Click, Click! DOOMSDAY! HA HA HA HA HA HA! [I]Commercial. Serotonin vs. Abyss is next.[/I] [QUOTE][B]Handicap Match Serotonin (Matry & Kaz) /w Raven & Havok vs. Abyss /w James Mitchell Description[/B]: Tenay brings up the past history between Raven and Mitchell. Abyss starts out strong but constant interference by Havok got the better of the big man eventually. However Abyss started to make a strong comment after Raven yelled out something about his father, but that was nulled after Mitchell got in the ring and nailed Abyss in the balls with his cane leading to a DQ. After the bell rang, Mitchell and Raven had a stare down leading to a handshake. Mitchell ordered Serotonin to beat down Abyss, who stalled until Raven snapped at them. They left Abyss battered and bloody in the middle of the ring. [B]Winner[/B]: Abyss[/QUOTE] [I]Commercial, the main event is next![/I] [B] [QUOTE]Number 1 Contendership Tag Team Match For The NWA World Title Sting & Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage(c) & A.J. Styles Description[/B]: Great match that saw Cage never even step foot into the ropes and had A.J. getting beat down for most of the match. A.J. went to make the hot tag to Cage but Cage got off the apron not wanting a piece of Angle or Sting. Sting put on the Scorpion Deathlock and Angle put on the Ankle Lock making A.J. tap simultaneously. The Ratings Guy, who was out at ringside, asked the ref to announce a winner. The Ref said that both Angle and Sting won. The Ratings Guy then made Angle vs. Sting vs. Cage at the Sacrifice PayPerView as the show went off the air. [B]Winners[/B]: Sting & Kurt Angle[/QUOTE] [B][I][U] Final Show Rating: D+[/U][/I][/B][/QUOTE] ```
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