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One Darkness Wrestling

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[i]This is the story of One Darkness Wrestling, where, when our tale begins, the great and heroic [b]Fox Mask[/b] seeks to do battle against his archnemesis, the vile [b]Prince Adam[/b] for control. And so it begins....[/i] [b]Fox Mask[/b] enters the ring and announces that he is Fox Mask, the mighty fox spirit hero of CZCW, here for a very specific purpose. (C) He then reveals that his intent is to hunt down and destroy the wicked [b]Prince Adam[/b] before he plunges ODW into a time of evil unlike ever seen before in the world (C-) [b]Prince Adam[/b] enters the ring and accepts the challenge, saying that it will be mere child's play for him to defeat the kitsune. (C-) The two then trade barbs back and forth, the argument continuing as each goes their separate ways to prepare for the match (D) After the ring clears, [b]Too Hot[/b] runs in the ring, wearing bright purple MC Hammer style balloon pants, talking about how he's going to dance his way on up to ruling ODW and ain't nobody gonna stop him. (C) [b]Mikey James[/b] enters the ring and without premable begins a match with [b]Too Hot[/b]. [b]Mikey James[/b] wins by pinfall at 2:55 (E) After the match, [b]Mikey James[/b] explains to the audience that he is a wandering martial artist who has come to ODW to prove his skills and to test himself against worthy competition. (D) The sultry [b]Devil's Daughter[/b] slinks in, dressed in a black and red corset that goes perfectly with her hair. She purrs that she saw [b]Mikey James[/b] handily defeat [b]Too Hot[/b] and offers him to join the Blood Alliance, the rulers of ODW. She also warns that if he does not accept, she and the other members of the Blood Alliance will make him pay. (D) [b]Mikey James[/b] refuses, saying that he must learn more of ODW and its people before he takes sides. (D) [b]Devil's Daughter[/b] hisses in anger and storms out of the ring, James exiting soon after. [b]Fox Mask[/b] and [b]Prince Adam[/b] re-enter the ring for their match. [b]Fox Mask[/b] wins by pinfall in 5:38 (E) After the match, [b]Prince Adam[/b] swears revenge as he makes his way out of the ring and the show ends. Overall: E Attendance: 13 Popularity: 0.4% (+0.4% increase) Notes: [b]Mikey James[/b] showed noticeable performance skills improvement after several segments in this show. [b]Devil's Daughter[/b] bettered her Charisma. A terrible announcer and bad referee are killing what are some pretty high quality matches, so an upgrade will be sought.
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Random thoughts: In case you couldn't tell from the opening post, I've gone with my usual 0.0% promotion setup, because I'm slightly masochistic like that. Well, that and I enjoy building things up over time. I gave myself a goodly amount of money, but even with that, I'm predicting I've got enough cash to last maybe a year. Why a year? I'm going the blitzkrieg route with a show a week, red ink be damned. Since this is TEW 2K5, not 2K7, this strategy might work. I do need to pick up a better referee and announcer though, particularly with the wrestlers I currently have. I also need to find some real cheap talent that I can develop in-house and build the future of my promotion around, because let's face it. The type of guys I'm bringing in now aren't going to stay around and I'll need to have something to fill the void. In terms of style, I wholeheartedly admit I know jack about wrestling. Used to watch WWF back in the 80s some, but that's about the extent of it. So instead of going with the tortured, nonsensical crap I did before, I'm making the cards very minimalist in their description. In fact, these metaposts will probably be longer than the cards themselves. It's only been one card, but so far, I'm really liking [b]Mikey James[/b] and [b]Devil's Daughter[/b]. They're proving quick learners and may provide a shifting point once this Fox Mask-Prince Adam line plays itself out. [b]Too Hot[/b] cut a pretty good promo there, but I'm having real problems judging who puts on good matches because of the sucky ref/announcer situation. One thing I do like about this dynasty so far is I have an actual idea of what storylines I'm going to be running, which was the biggest stumbling block of my prior TEW "diaries" (loosely used term). Will other people like it and read it? Who knows? I'm going to stick with this one, though, and I'd be interested in hearing other opinions and suggestions, etc. I'm sticking with 30 minute shows each week for now, Sports Entertainment blah blah blah. I still need to figure out approximately how long matches and angles should be, because I thought I had a good balance between angles and matches in the first show, but I got bitched at for not having enough storyline material. Maybe it's because I only have one official storyline going. I do have a couple others planned, but I'm still feeling out my minimal roster (not all of whom were in the first card obviously), but we'll see how it goes.
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[b]Winter Wars Skirmish: Friday, Week 4, December[/b] [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] bounces into the ring to the sounds of canned disco music, wearing garishly bright '70s attire. He says that he's here in ODW to prove himself the King of Dancers. (D) [b]Too Hot[/b] enters and says that [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] needs to go back where he came from, because there's only room for one Dance Master! He goes on to insult [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b]'s dancing abilities, skill with the ladies, and his manhood. (C-) [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] growls, pounces [b]Too Hot[/b] and the match is on. [b]Too Hot[/b] wins in 3:41 by submission (D) and then rouses the crowd with an impromptu, whirling crazy dance as he sings about how he's the best, the greatest dancer there ever was. (E) [b]Fox Mask[/b] enters next, but before he can reach the ring, [b]Prince Adam[/b] and [b]Devil's Daughter[/b] rush either side of him, punching him simultaneously and throwing the fox hero to the floor. They begin pounding him without mercy.(D) Once their target is unconcious, [b]Prince Adam[/b] and [b]Devil's Daughter[/b] announce that Fox Mask's quest to interfere in the ODW is over and that the Blood Alliance, the rightful lords and masters of ODW shall at last take their proper place, ushering in a new reign of terror. (C-) Just as they're about to deliver the final blow to [b]Fox Mask[/b], [b]Mikey James[/b] leaps into the ring and takes [b]Devil's Daughter[/b] and [b]Prince Adam[/b] out with two well-placed shots. (E) [b]Mikey James[/b] helps [b]Fox Mask[/b] up. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]You are hurt, fox spirit.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I must defeat Prince Adam and Devil's Daughter. They will cause great harm if they are not stopped.[/COLOR] [color="DarkGreen"]Then I shall go with you, old one. It is not right that they should attack you unfairly, like demons. I am Mikey James. I trained under Dong Fan of the White Lotus Dojo.[/color] [color="Red"]Yes, you are right. They -are- demons. Very well, Mikey James. We fight together. I am Fox Mask and together we shall be the Spirit Warriors.[/color] (C-) Once they are again, a madcap, laughing, cackling, glowing yellow-eyed [b]Goldbug[/b] in a gold and white jester's outfit with bells on jumps into the ring, sing-songing as he prances about. [i]"The spirits want to slay my lady But my lady lives, will say my bladey Prince Adam is the master But -she- makes my heart beat faster Karateman's ugly as a pug And we'll win, or my name's not Goldbug."[/i] (C) The lights go out. Final rating: F Attendance: 16 Popularity: 0.8% (+0.4%)
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[b]January Notes[/b] Okay, fans were ticked that there wasn't more actual wrestling last week. Good lesson to know. I'm still getting harped on about storylines, so maybe I should think about changing my style. It's not like there's any prestige or popularity to lose, really. [b]Roster[/b] [b]Main Eventers[/b] [b]Devil's Daughter (H)[/b] Gimmick: Vampiric (C-) Momentum: F She's not taking off like I'd anticipated and I'm blaming that in large part on the fact that her gimmick isn't cutting it. I may need to repackage her into something else. Her charisma and performance have been going up at least. [b]Mikey James (F)[/b] Gimmick: Martial Artist (B+) Momentum: F His momentum was at C- before last week, so I'm not going to discount him yet. Besides, he's only 19 and he's been making considerable strides in his performance skills. [b]Mean Jean Cattley (H)[/b] Gimmick: Bad Ass (U) Momentum: F I need to figure out what to do with him. It doesn't help that he's contractually obligated to a bunch of different federations. [b]Fox Mask (F)[/b] Gimmick: Comic Book Hero (B) Momentum: C- Easily the biggest star on my roster right now and the real hero, literally, of the promotion. If he goes wandering off, it'd take a lot of rewriting to figure out what to do with him gone. [b]Upper Midcarders[/b] [b]Flemmy Lemming (H)[/b] Gimmick: Disco Stud (B+) Momentum: F I see real potential for the feud between him and Too Hot. It's got as much heat as my main storyline right now (D). [b]Prince Adam (H)[/b] Gimmick: Royalty (B+) Momentum: C- He and Fox Mask are really clicking as the main opponents right now and I don't think it'll be too long before he gets into the Main Event if he stays as hot as this. Why do i have an Upper Midcarder involved in my biggest storyline? Eh, because I want to and because it seems to be working so far. [b]Too Hot (F)[/b] Gimmick: Dancing Fool (A) Momentum: D Had a solid C in momentum before last week. He's clamoring to be put up as a main eventer and honestly, I'm tempted to give it to him. He has the hottest gimmick on the roster and some decent mo'. But I want to see mo' mo' out of him before he gets promoted. [b]Midcarders[/b] [b]Frankie Perez (F)[/b] Gimmick: None Momentum: F Need to figure out what to do with him, too. Really just roster fodder right now. [b]Goldbug (Nevada Nuclear) (H)[/b] Gimmick: Acolyte (A) Momentum: C- Having his little ditty as last week's main event turned out to be a smashing success. I predict some good things for his future if he can keep it up. I've always been something of a mark for NN's look, so if I can turn him into a star, that'd be fantastic. [b]Marc Speed[ (H)/b] Gimmick: Teen Idol (U) Momentum: F Another one I have to find something to do with. [b]Lower Midcarder[/b] [b]Young Leo[/b] Gimmick: Clean Cut (U) Momentum: F I'm really looking forward to seeing what I can do with him. I'm tossing around a few ideas in my brain right now, so we'll see what comes out of it. Thoughts, opinions, suggestions, etc. are welcomed as always.
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