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IPW REALizing the dream

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(NO! I am not done with my Draft a C-verse roster diary. Just taking a break giving this a try) [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]We see a rather nice apartment. There is a bed in the middle of it. Twin bed, nice sheets. We see a very tall man, about 6' 2 sitting on the side of the bed. He is sweating very heavily.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Sh*t man, what the hell am I doing? I was just speaking **** on a wrestling message board about starting a promotion. Next thing I F*c@ing know. Some guy has come in and told me that he is in the wrestling business and he has 10,000 dollars to start a promotion. He told me that I should pick a date for our first show and get some talent. I put up one poster. I sent emails to about 15 wrestlers telling them about the show, didnt even tell me if they would show up or not. Shows tomorrow. I dont know what the f*(k i am gonna do.[/COLOR]
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The day had come. I got up and went to the venue early to set up the ring. However, when I got to the venue, all I could do was start getting emotional. I mean, I had done it. I had become a pro Wrestling head booker. I was now holding shows in the West St. Paul Armory! The place that had shows from Steel Domain and Ed Hellier, to Northstar Premier Wrestling, and John Johnson. Now SDW is gone, and so is NPW. I am now the head man. [COLOR="Lime"]As, I enter the WSPA. I see a man in an ROH T-Shirt and a FIP cap.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hello, I am Nick Clements. I am sorry sir. But you are going to vacate the premises so that we can get ready for the show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Excuse, me sir. My name is Gabe Sapolsky. I am the Booker of ROH, FIP and Insane Proffesional Wrestling. I presume that you are my new head booker.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Oh yes sir. I am the guy you spoke to over the internet about starting the promotion. I am Nick Clements.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] Nice to meet you Nick. Now, before we start officially start this promotion, I have a couple ground rules. 1) We have to make money by the end of the next two years.[/COLOR] I nod in agreement. [COLOR="royalblue"]2) NO Steroid users.5 and 3) they must be athletes[/COLOR] I nod [COLOR="royalblue"]Now, Who did you get for this first show[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Well, First I got a couple of locals. I got Arik Cannon. The Northstar Express. I even got Benjamin Sailor. I pulled Altar Boy Matthew at least into semi-retirement. I got Alexander Karelev, I dont know how! I also got Axl Rotten and B-boy.[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Thats a good list. I pulled a couple strings and brought a couple of guys/gals with me. First I pulled the Blue Meanie outta Pennsylvania. Second, I pulled a guy named Rorshach outta Chikara. Oh, I got some divas. I got the recently released Barbie Blank and also, ECW original, BEULLAH MICGUILLICUTTY[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Oh, Boy. I better get writing our show.[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="5"][B]IPW: SMASH-IVERSARY[/B][/SIZE] West St. Paul Armory Attendance: 300 (FLUKE)
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/ryancruz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/darincorbin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [SIZE="4"]SORRY NO PIC[/SIZE] Northstar Express vs. Altar Boy Matthew/Apocolypse [B]WINNER:[/B] NSE [B]GRADE:[/B] D+ [B]NOTE:[/B] Great way to open up the Anniversary show
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BlueMeanie.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/AxlRotten.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] Blue Meanie vs. Axl Rotten [B]WINNER:[/B] Meanie [B]GRADE:[/B] D [B]NOTE:[/B] Maybe an ECW Invasion? Probably not
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BobbyRoode2.jpg[/IMG], NO PIC, [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h172/Crychon/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]ROODE:[/COLOR] Every one LISTEN UP! My name is Robert ROODE! I am CANADIAN! Let me spell it out for you. C-A-N-A-DIAN. To my left is ASH, and to my Right is Teddy Anu- I mean Hart. Teddy Hart. We are team Canada. [B]GRADE:[/B] F
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BobbyRoode2.jpg[/IMG], NO PIC, [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h172/Crychon/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h172/Crychon/AndySumner.jpg[/IMG], No PIC, [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/azrael.jpg[/IMG] Team Canada vs. Azrael/Sumner/B-Boy [B]WINNER:[/B] Canada [B]GRADE:[/B] D+ [B]NOTE:[/B] Great Main Event.
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I liked your first show just one problem... Don't worry so much about graphics and focus on in ring action... If you'll notice my matches usually are about 5 to 10 bullets and only usually feature maybe about half of them talking about what actually happened... Example: Blue Meanie and Axl Rotten [LIST] [*]One on one match from Two ECW Guys (State the obvious) [*]Absolutely tore down the house (Even if they didn't sell the match like it was worth watching) [*]Meanie and Rotten brawled all over the arena (Give some insight to the reader on what kind of match it was actually) [*]High points of the match where Rotten hitting a DDT through a Table and Meanie hitting a Meaniesault off the Top Rope onto Rotten who was on the floor [*]Finish came when Meanie and Axl were fighting on the top rope... Meanie elbowed Axl off and Meanie then hit the Meaniesault for the Big V![/LIST]See it adds to the match and really you don't have to know jack**** about writing matches to do it... Just a little kayfabed diary writing secret.... That Tristram guy... Where would he be without that format??? NOWHERE!!! Thanks for the feedback on my diary!
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"]IPW: Strive to Survive.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Tag team Action[/SIZE] Northstar Express vs. THE ALTAR BOYS!!! [SIZE="5"][B]IPW vs. TNA!![/B][/SIZE] The Amazing Red vs. Sonjay Dutt Nick Clements vs. A current TNA Star Tie Breaker: Who is the Current TNA star set to face Nick Clements? Winner gets to select the Match for the IPW: Universal Title[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"]IPW: Strive to Survive.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Tag team Action[/SIZE] [B]Northstar Express[/B] vs. THE ALTAR BOYS!!! [SIZE="5"][B]IPW vs. TNA!![/B][/SIZE] The Amazing Red vs. [B]Sonjay Dutt[/B] Nick Clements vs. A current TNA star = My guess is [B]Jay Lethal[/B] Tie Breaker: Who is the Current TNA star set to face Nick Clements? Winner gets to select the Match for the IPW: Universal Title[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/Logos/IPW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"]IPW: Strive to Survive[/SIZE] West St. Paul Armory Attendance: 12!
15 man Strive to Survive Battle Royal for a spot in the VERY FIRST UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [LIST] [*]Rules: [*]Win by pin or submission [*]Final Four Competitors were Blue Meanie, Axl Rotten, Benjamin Sailor, and Adran Hawkins [*]Meanie hit the meaniesault on Sailor [*]for the 1...2....3 [*]Meanie jumped on Axl's back to pin Hawkins [*]Meanie hit a Meaniesault onto a chair, that was "conveniently" placed on Axl's stomach [/LIST] [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BlueMeanie.jpg[/IMG] [B]WINNER:[/B] Da Blue Guy [B]GRADE:[/B] C- [B]NOTES:[/B] very expensive C-
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/ryancruz.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/darincorbin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/AltarBoyLuke.jpg[/IMG], NO PIC (did this guy even exist?) Northstar Express vs. Altar Boyz [LIST] [*]Nice Tag match [*]Northstar Express are two Minnesota Natives [*]Altar Boyz are from NWA: Anarchy [*]They trade blows for 5 minutes [*]Lights go out [*]when they come back on, all 4 competitors are on the ground. [*]two hooded figures are seen at the entrance ramp [*]The ref has no choice but to throw it out. [*]DRAW! [*]Who are the hooded figures? [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] Draw [B]GRADE:[/B] C- [B]NOTES:[/B] I like where this fued is going? I will give the first person to correctly guess the hooded figures, a chance to make a match.
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/SonjayDutt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/AmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] Sonjay Dutt vs. Amazing red [LIST] [*]TNA= Sonjay [*]IPW= Amazing Red [*]great X-division style match [*]springboard plancha DDT by Sonjay onto Red [*]battle onto the entrance ramp [*]code red on the floor about the 12 minute mark [*]Dutt comes back and hits the Hindu Press around the 14 minute mark [*]1...2....3 [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] Sonjay [B]GRADE:[/B] D+ [B]NOTES:[/B] Was def. hoping for better. main event up next.
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/Random_Male04.jpg[/IMG] Nick Clements vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] "The Monster" ABYSS!!!!!!!!!!!! [LIST] [*]Monster Abyss= great secret [*]I loved how I got him [/LIST][LIST] [*]Put me in the red, probably [*]oh right the match [*]Basic Abyss match [*]Shock Treatment around 10:00 [*]Nick comes back and puts on his finisher [*]Baked Chicken (ground leg chicken wing with a boston Crab) [*]Abyss taps at 14 minute [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] Nick Clements [B]GRADE:[/B] C [B]NOTES:[/B] I like how this match went. 2 more appearances for abyss and Sonjay.
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Okay, I've checked this out as you asked and enclosed are my points of criticism: [LIST=1] [*]The Backstory is ill-defined, somewhat unbelievable and seems rushed. I know I'm a fine one to talk seeing as ECW Worldwide has no backstory at all and just a vague description of previous happenings but that's kind of my point. Either bother or don't; if you have a cool idea for a backstory, write it out fully and invest some time in it but, if you don't, I would find it more interesting/understandable to say "Hey, I fancied trying something new out. So, I created a fed in-game with the following credentials..." rather than coming up with an explanation that is hurried. [*]You've booked yourself as a succesful wrestler and, to be honest, I don't like it. Using oneself at all can seem egotistical and I was always wary of that with my charcter in ECW Worldwide. The way to combat that is to book yourself in a believable fashion. For instance, I've never wrestled so I was an authority not an in-ring worker. Moreover, although a stable my character was involved in did enjoy a moderate success, I didn't make myself the be all and end all. In fact, I think the best moments of my character were when I was getting my arse handed to me (far more believable). Conversely, your victory over Abyss seems unfounded and nonsensical. [*]Your promos are a bit rushed as well. There is a simple rule for them as far as I'm concerned: if there is nothing important to be said there is no point in a promo being booked. In my view, there is nothing worse than a "I'm gonna kick your ass 'cos I'm so much better than you..." style interview and your Team Canada effort seemed a little along those lines. Without trying to sound arrogant, take my Raven promos as an example: they always portray important plot points and often contain an interesting little quirk to keep the reader's attention, be it a quote or abstract idea. [*]The pictures are not always included in the same order as the names you have written which can make things confusing. [*]Describe your matches more like Chuck said and this also applies for charcters/promos. You have to give readers a reason to care. Unless they are excited by match write-ups or empathise with your characters, they have no reason to read your diary. [*]Your grammar is a bit off at times. This is a pet hate of mine that is, perhaps, a bit anal but a diary is undoubtedly more enjoyable to read when there are less errors. Typoes are forgivable, of course, but glaring mistakes can feel like a kick in the teeth to a prospective reader. [/LIST] Harsh? Maybe but you asked for my opinion and I gave it plainly. I should also say that, seeing as you have recieved advice from some of the best writers on here, such as Stallion and Clarity, it would be disappointing if you did not capitalise on such an opportunity. Good luck ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"][B]IPW: IMPACT-FULL[/B][/SIZE] West St. Paul Armory ATTENDANCE: 16
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/Aero.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/TomCarter.jpg[/IMG] Aero vs. Tom Carter [LIST] [*]Debut for both [*]Nice CHEAP!!! opener [*]Offense goes back and forth for 4 minutes [*]Reckless Youth gets a low blow around 4:30 [*]Hits a moonsault at 5:30 [*]1 [*].... [*]2 [*]...... [*]Shoulder up [*]Superplex off the tope rope from Youth onto Aero at 7:30 [*]Another Moonsault gets the Victory for Reckless Youth [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] Reckless Youth [B]GRADE:[/B] D- [B]NOTES:[/B] Dont have chemistry
NO PICS of Nathan Rulez and AJ Kirsch vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/AltarBoyLuke.jpg[/IMG], NO PIC of Matthew Kirsch Rulez vs. Altar Boyz [LIST] [*]Im getting really sick of all this NO pic stuff [*]Anyway, onto the match [*]TOTAL and COMPLETE annialation by the Altar Boyz [*]but again [*]around the 7:30 mark the lights go out [*]when the lights come up, again, two hooded figures stand between the four bloodied bodies [*]however, this time, a third hooded figure stands at the entrance, holding an URN!!! [*]Match has been called a no contest [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] No Contest [B]GRADE:[/B] D [B]NOTES:[/B] No guesses on the hooded figures and their manager?
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/rorschach.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/Blitzkrieg.jpg[/IMG] Rorshach vs. Blitzkrieg [LIST] [*]MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING [*]Rorshach comes from CHIKARA [*]Blitzkrieg comes from California [*]Nice even match for 7 minutes [*]Rorshach does more of a power game [*]Blitzkrieg, as he did in WCW, does a flying act [*]Rorshach gets planted with a SPIKED DDT [*]Krieg ends it with a sky twisting press [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] Krieg [B]GRADE:[/B] D+ [B]NOTES:[/B] Nice steady incline with the grades
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"][B]IPW: UNIVERSAL POUNDINGS[/B][/SIZE] Saturday, Week 2, August [B]IPW: Universal Championship match[/B] Blue Meanie vs. (Gremlinator's pick) TED DIBIASE JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [B]because we love the ladies match[/B] Barbie blank vs. Joy Giovanni[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="6"][B]IPW: Universal Poundings[/B][/SIZE] American Legion Attendance: 12
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BarbieBlank.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/JoyGiovanni.jpg[/IMG] Barbie Blank vs. Joy Giovanni [LIST] [*]Buck Naked match [*]Not enough selling [*]Guess next time I should script the entire match instead of letting them go off the script a little [*]Barbie strips Joy in a 7 Minute borefest [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] Barbie Blank [B]GRADE:[/B] D- [B]NOTES:[/B] No show next month
[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/TedDiBiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BlueMeanie.jpg[/IMG] (w/[IMG]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/NickC13573/TEW%20Zone/BeulahMcGillicutty.jpg[/IMG]) Ted Dibiase Jr. vs. Da Blue Meanie [LIST] [*]FOR THE IPW: UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!! [*]Beulah did some good work at ringside [*]She got involved at the 13 Minute mark, when she tripped Dibiase up [*]Led to a Meaniesault at the 16 Minute mark [*]1 [*]..... [*]2 [*]..... [*]Shoulder up [*]Dibiase turned the tide of the match at the 17 minute mark [*]Led to a Million Dollar Elbow at the 19 Minute Mark [*]1 [*]... [*]2 [*].... [*]3!!!!!!!!!! [/LIST] [B]WINNER:[/B] TED DIBIASE JR!!!!!!!!!!!!! [B]GRADE:[/B] D [B]NOTES:[/B] Building around Dibiase
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;233922][B]FROM TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.COM[/B] Paul Michael Levesque, who has been out with torn ligament damage in his knee, has announced his retirement from the sport of Pro Wrestling.[/QUOTE]:eek: Wow that's surprising...I guess he's devoting himself to being Mr. Stephanie McMahon
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