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Diary situation...

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Ok so I am in Diary Limbo at the moment... I just started a WWE Diary that I am having a little bit of fun with but am getting no feedback on and I want to do a project and stick with it and make sure everyone enjoys it... Here is what I have been considering doing... PWG CHIKARA New Age WCW Canadian Wrestling Revival Fantasy Diary (Ala Berrysi's WWE Excess) Continiung WWE Start from scratch Indy Fed (From Backyard to Globalish ya know??)
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If I hadn't seen the fact you've gone with a PWG diary now, I'd have suggested for you to continue doing your WWE one, as you did say you were having fun with it and that should be the main thing when doing a diary. :)
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[QUOTE=berrysi;234143]If I hadn't seen the fact you've gone with a PWG diary now, I'd have suggested for you to continue doing your WWE one, as you did say you were having fun with it and that should be the main thing when doing a diary. :)[/QUOTE] agree with the idea of sticking with your WWE diary. It sounds like your falling into the trap of "no one is commenting, that must mean no one likes it". first and foremost stick with a diary you like. I promise you that even though you may not be seeing comments from others people are reading the diary. for example check out the stats for my DAVE diary (out of 384 posts 352 of them are mine alone) it took 12 days before anyone replied to mine (which on here is like forever) and a lot of times I go months without a comment. If you are going to go by the numbers for if anyone is reading your diary, go by number of views, not replies. longer than needed, but the idea is in there I think. (and somehow I got c-verse diary of the month) :confused:
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