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Extreme Action: Heyman vs. Russo (A Biggz-Phenom Production)

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[b]Part 1- The Pitch From Shane[/b] [i]"You actually went through with it."[/i] Vince McMahon looked up from his laptop and turned his head towards his son, who was sitting across the aisle on the chartered airplane. [i]"What's that Shane?" "You actually went through with it...you're the ECW World Champion."[/i] Vince smirked to himself, running through Backlash in his mind, re-living the moment that he became the ECW World Champion. He looked up at Shane with a smile, then went back to working on his laptop. After a couple moments of silence, Shane again chimed in. [i]"You think it's for the best?"[/i] Vince looked up from his laptop again, this time without the smirk. [i]"Do I think it's for the best? Shane, I wouldn't have done it otherwise." "Well pop, what I'm saying is that when you first brought ECW back, the first One Night Stand, it got a huge reaction. Even the second one with Rob Van Dam beating Cena. I just wonder if taking ECW the direction you have is the right idea."[/i] Vince looked perturbed now, taking off his reading glasses and folding the monitor halfway down to get a better look at Shane. [i]"What are you getting at son?" "I know Steph's the writer and all, but lately, I've been thinking. With TNA having talks of adding a second hour, I'm just wondering if there's a better way we could be using ECW." "A better way? What'd you have in mind?"[/i] Shane shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He didn't usually pitch ideas to Vince, he left that to his sister, but he had something on his mind and he was gonna share it. [i]"What if we took ECW back to it's roots. Let the fanbase build, then move the show to Thursday, go head to head with Impact."[/i] That was the kind of talk Vince liked. [i]"Head to head huh?" "Head to head pop. We use ECW to get rid of TNA. You spent the money bringing it back, let it do what it can do."[/i] Vince took a minute to let the idea sink in before responding. [i]"Where's all this coming from Shane?"[/i] Shane hesitated before answering. [i]"I'm not gonna lie to ya pop. Paul E called me last week..." "Paul E? So all this, this is Heyman's idea?" "Yea, but pop-" "-Nevermind it Shane. If I had known this was another one of Heyman's ideas, I wouldn't have even bothered listening." "Pop, I agree with him. The way I look at it, you can meet with Heyman and work something out...or we can watch the ECW ratings drop while TNA continues to build their product and sooner or later, we're going to have to deal with them."[/i] Vince didn't even dignify it with a response, so Shane continued. [i]"He agreed to re-new his contract, give you final say over what goes on air, and he'll guarantee Rob re-signs too."[/i] At that, Vince looked up. One of the concerns Vince had is what would happen when Van Dam's contract expired. It'd been speculated, and pretty much confirmed, that he'd be in TNA as soon as possible. And Vince knew he'd take a legion of fans with him. [i]"I'd still have final say?" "That's right." "And Rob re-signs?" "Rob re-signs."[/i] Vince nodded his head. [i]"I'm willing to talk."[/i] Shane finally smiled. [i]"Good. I set up a meeting with Heyman for tomorrow morning." "Tomorrow morning it is."[/i] Shane was all smiles while Vince went back to work on the laptop, knowing the importance of the meeting tomorrow. [b]Part 2- The Meeting With Heyman[/b] Paul Heyman stood outside the door, pacing back and forth. He knew when he went in, he was essentially giving up his pride, asking for his job back, going back to work for Vince McMahon. But this was the only way for him to revive ECW. Sure, Vince would have the final say, but at least he'd be back on TV, back doing what he loves. Anything was better than sitting at home and watching ECW Tuesday Night become another version of Heat or Velocity. His mind was already made up or he wouldn't be here, so he knocked on the door and entered, finding Vince sitting behind his makeshift desk at the arena. [i]"Ah Paul, come in come in."[/i] Vince stood briefly, but there was no handshake. Heyman sat down and waited, figuring Vince was going to control the way this meeting went. [i]"Well Paul, Shane told me what you had in mind. And I'll admit, it's got me intrigued." "Good. I really think it can be good for both of us." "I'm sure, I'm sure."[/i] Vince paused for a second. [i]"Shane had mentioned that you're agreeing that I'll still have the final say over what goes on air. Is that true?" "Well, yea. It's your company, you've got the final say Vince. But I think you'll like-"[/i] Vince stops Heyman before he can finish and moves on to his next thought. [i]"Shane had also mentioned you can guarantee Rob Van Dam re-signs with the company."[/i] Heyman half rolls his eyes at Vince interrupting him, but maintains his composure. [i]"That's true. Rob's still skeptical, he doesn't think he'll ever get a fair shake, but I've talked to him and if I was in charge of ECW, he'd stick around." "You understand we won't be looking to move ECW to Thursdays right away. We need to see the ratings up before we can get that done." "I understand."[/i] Vince looks through some papers, then back at Heyman. [i]"One more thing Paul E. What are your plans for this?"[/i] Vince pulls the ECW belt from down at his side and lays it on the desk. Heyman's eyes narrow, just seeing Vince McMahon with the ECW belt is infuriating, but Heyman remains calm. [i]"I've got a couple ideas-" "I'm not just going to hand it over. That'd make me look like a fool." "Well then Vince, I guess the question is, what'd you have in mind?"[/i] Vince smiles, happy with how quick Heyman was watching on. [i]"I'll leave ECW alone, I'll give you the chance to turn it around, but I'm going to do one more thing before I leave." "And what's that?" "I'm going to main event ECW's One Night Stand."[/i] Heyman leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling. [i]"If you don't like it Paul E, you can leave anytime."[/i] Heyman sat forward. He wanted more than anything to tell Vince to screw himself, to walk out. But he thought of the boys in the back, how much they put themselves through for him over the years and he knew he couldn't leave them in this situation. If this is what it took to get ECW back, he'd do it. [i]"Alright Vince. You win."[/i] Vince again smiled. He knew he had Heyman right where he wanted him. [i]"Well Paul E, do you have some ideas for tonight?" "I've got a whole show planned out." "I suggest you get out there and start telling the boys what you need em to do then. Congratulations."[/i] This time Vince extended his hand and Heyman reluctantly shook it. He walked out of the meeting happy to be back, but still with a sick feeling in his stomach. He knew that anytime Vince wanted, Paul was his puppet. Heyman just hoped McMahon wouldn't abuse the power. Then again, this is Vince McMahon we're talking about.
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[b]April 30, 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Meeting[/b] [quote][b]11a.m. – [/b][i]Dixie Carter, Dutch Mantell, and Vince Russo all enter a small conference room. Jeff Jarrett is absent from the meeting as he is still with his wife who is recovering from health issues.[/i] [b]Dixie Carter: [/b]Thank both of you for coming in today for this meeting. Quite simply I’ve sat down with numerous staff members and wrestlers and made a decision that a change is needed with TNA at this point. Lockdown was the final straw in what has been a downward spiral in our product’s quality. The fans used to be excited about our match-ups and now they are being consumed by chants and comments about how things are being done. While the fans do not dictate what we do here after being present at Lockdown it was evident since late 2006 things have been on a downward slope. I don’t want to make it sound drastic here, as both of you have you jobs with TNA still, but we need to have this change. Dutch, we are moving you to a Road Agent and Talent Scout for us. Obviously you can still pitch ideas but you are off of the creative team at this point and time. Vince, we are promoting you to lead creative writer. This decision is made so we can prepare ourselves now for the eventual two hour timeslot we are being granted by Spike. I think this is the best move for us long term. I would like to hear your thoughts, Vince, on what you have planned or thoughts you have had. [b]Vince Russo: [/b]First off, let me say thank you, and I’m sure Dutch will still be involved in some way with ideas so we can brainstorm. I agree that we have been on a slight turn downwards recently, but it is nothing we can not fix with our young roster. I think that we need to focus on our big pay per views coming up. Slammiversary is right around the corner and it may be too late to turn it around for then, but I do plan to right everything by Bound for Glory. We need to use Bound for Glory and our other big pay per views to move outside of Orlando. I think we’ve done a fine job so far, but we need to expand right now. I think the schedule we run is a huge plus for us and the wrestlers in the long run, but I think we can add a house show or two every pay per view weekend. Lockdown suffered because of the all gimmick pay per view angle, which I think is fine once or twice, but not for a yearly show. The Lethal Lockdown match itself is a good draw we do not need every match to be a gimmick match. The way the electrified cage match was set up made it fail and the blindfold match was a disaster. I think we need to limit our gimmick matches for the time being to make them special again. Ladder matches were once seen as special, now they are common place it seems. One of the only matches I think we have done a good job with has been the King of the Mountain match. I think we can set up a good contest for that match and that could be the turning point in our product. But right now I think our goals should be limited to working on our pay per views. Less gimmick matches and expanding in our eastern and mid-western regions before branching out more. Dixie Carter: Well I think I should let you two out of here so you can focus on future plans and informing the rest of the TNA staff and roster of the changes that are coming. Dutch, I would like reports from our tapings and pay per views about backstage incidents, morale, and other problems that we could face. Thanks guys for coming in. [i]The meeting ended without much else to say. The future of TNA is starting to shape up with Vince Russo in charge. The questions will start to pour in about Russo taking over and the eventual direction this will lead the company. We will also find out how Dutch Mantell will take to his new position and being taken off the creative team. The anti-Russo websites and bloggers on the internet will be lighting up the keyboards, but for those with TNA, how will this affect them? Sacrifice and Slammiversary are coming up so the cards and angles will start to take shape. With Russo’s past being so unpredictable no one can imagine what is possible. Is TNA poised for a run to the top? Vince Russo is looking to prove his worth to everybody, especially Dixie Carter.[/i][/quote]
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[center][img]http://www.cygywrestling.com/images/ecwlogo4.gif[/img] 1st Tuesday of May, 2007[/center] [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] One Night Stand Takes Shape[/color] As soon as the initial pan of the arena is over, "No Chance" hits and Vincent Kennedy McMahon steps out to an arena full of boos. He's got the ECW World Championship around his waist and is all smiles, despite the reaction. Once in the ring, he smoothens out his sportcoat, then takes hold of the microphone. Vince McMahon- [i]"I stand before you tonight, not as Mr. McMahon, one of the richest executives in the World...though I am still one of the richest executives in the World. But tonight, I stand before you as the new ECW World Champion!"[/i] That brought the boos to an entirely new level. Vince McMahon- [i]"I know why you're booing. In the past, ECW Champions have been...well...commoners. They've been regular people, like yourself. Now that someone truly elite holds the belt, you feel like I'm above you. But, even though it's true, I am above you, I don't hold it against you. It's not your fault you are nothing more than common pieces of garbage, you just don't know how to better yourselves. That's what I'm here for, to teach you. Just follow my lead and you too can be...well, you can be average. I was gonna say that you too could be great, but c'mon, what's the liklihood of that happening?."[/i] The heat Vince was getting at this point was ridiculous. Vince McMahon- [i]"I know that this belt has had some mediocre champions throughout it's history. It's probably the least prestigious belt in wrestling, but I'm going to change all that. I will be the greatest ECW Champion in history. And it all starts tonight with my first title defense. Knowing that ECW does stand for [b]Extreme[/b] Championship Wrestling, I feel it's only right to defend this belt in the most extreme of extreme matches...a good ol' fashioned, death defying...arm wrestling match."[/i] The crowd booed at the lack of extreme in the extreme match. Vince is just soaking in the heat, loving every minute of it. Vince McMahon- [i]"And of course, I'll be facing the strongest man in ECW. The man, the myth, the legend...Little Guido!"[/i] Before the crowd can even react, "ECW Theme Song" by Harry Slash and the Slashtones comes on and Paul Heyman steps out to a wild eruption from the crowd. Heyman pauses in the middle of the aisle and looks around with a smile on his face. Once in the ring, he pulls a microphone out of his pocket, complete with the ECW logo. When the crowd quiets down, Heyman starts in. Paul Heyman- [i]"Cute Vince. Real cute. The way you manipulated your way into the ECW World Title, used Umaga as a pawn, stole the belt from Bobby Lashley. Not that it matters, Bobby Lashley didn't have the heart of an ECW Champion anyway. At first I didn't understand, but now I know what it's about Vince. You couldn't get rid of ECW, so now you're trying to tear us down from the inside. Now that you've got the belt, it's only a matter of time too. There's only one problem Vince. We've been over it a thousand times. I can't just sit back and watch you destroy it. It's been through way too much to be destroyed by you."[/i] Vince listened to Heyman, but laughed at the last line. Vince McMahon- [i]"How many times are we going to go through this Heyman? Everytime I think I've gotten rid of you, you pop back up. You're like a recurring disease. What makes you think this time is any different? You don't even have any power around here Paul E. Matter of fact, security! Security!"[/i] Heyman smirked. Paul Heyman- [i]"Not so quick Vince. You know, for being such a brilliant business man, you sure don't keep track of the paperwork that comes through your office. See, I do have power. As a matter of fact, I have complete control over ECW as of three o'clock this afternoon, thanks to your lovely wife Linda. Hell Vince, even [b]you[/b] signed off on it. Maybe if you weren't so busy stealing title belts, you'd know that."[/i] McMahon's face went beet red and he was at a complete loss for words. Paul Heyman- [i]"Cat got your tongue Vince? That's ok, all you need to do is listen right now anyway. You're the ECW World Champion. As far as I'm concerned, that means you're now an employee of mine Vince."[/i] Now it was Vince's turn to smile, though Heyman wasn't quite sure why. Vince McMahon- [i]"So what? I still own this place. I know my obligations as champion. I've only got to defend this pathetic belt once a month and I'm doing that tonight against Guido."[/i] Paul Heyman- [i]"That may be true Vince. And that's fine. You see, I don't need you out here every week. Matter of fact, after tonight, you can take the rest of the month off if you want, I don't care. But June is a new month. And June 3rd, I want you good and ready for a little event I like to call ECW's One...Night...Stand!"[/i] The crowd popped at the mention of One Night Stand. Paul Heyman- [i]"See Vince, at One Night Stand, I've already decided that there's going to be a a three way dance for the World Title. That's right Vince, that means you have to face not just one member of ECW, but two members of ECW. And I don't want any excuses out of you. Especially since you're the King of Extreme and all. So go ahead, do what you want for the next month. Walk around with the ECW World Title, proclaim yourself the greatest ECW Champion ever, make an ass of yourself all you want, but at One Night Stand, you're getting in the ring and I guarantee you that the ECW World Title is coming home."[/i] The crowd popped yet again, but Vince took care of that. Vince McMahon- [i]"Oh shut up, I'm the first respectable champion this belt's ever seen, you idiots just don't know a good thing."[/i] That got the crowd back to booing and Vince turned to Heyman. Vince McMahon- [i]"And just who else is in this match?"[/i] Paul Heyman- [i]"I'm glad you asked that Vince. There's going to be two qualifying matches, one tonight and one next week. Next week, it's going to be Mr. ECW, Rob Van Dam stepping in against...."[/i] Heyman smiled as he looked around the arena. Paul Heyman- [i]"...C...M....Punk."[/i] The crowd erupted, showing exactly how over Punk really is. Heyman wasn't done though. Paul Heyman- [i]"And tonight, it's going to be Marcus Cor Von taking on the man who bleeds ECW, the innovator of violence....Tommy Dreamer!"[/i] Another big pop from the crowd. Heyman rolls out of the ring, leaving a speechless Vince standing with a blank look on his face. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] Where's My Shot[/color] Paul Heyman had just slumped down in a chair back in what you might call his office. There was a foldout table there and, well, that's about it. Not that Heyman minded, he was just happy to be back and happy to have gotten one up on Vince McMahon. That's when Elijah Burke stepped into the room and tried to ruin the mood. Elijah Burke: [i]"Marcus Cor Von? Tommy Dreamer? Rob Van Dam? And..."[/i] Burke continued through clenched teeth. Elijah Burke: [i]"CM....Punk? What about me? What about Elijah Burke?"[/i] Heyman's eyes grew wide as he remembered a saying similar to that from years past. He stared at Elijah, then shook his head and muttered to himself. Paul Heyman- [i]"Nah, too dark."[/i] Elijah took offense to that and responded as such. Elijah Burke- [i]"What'd you say?"[/i] Heyman addressed Burke now, who wasn't going to leave until he was satisfied. Paul Heyman- [i]"Sorry, thought you were someone else for a second. The whole 'what about me' thing. Yea, nevermind. Anyway, what is it I can do for you?"[/i] Elijah Burke- [i]"Are you deaf? I want a title shot. I'm the leader of the New Breed. Not CM Punk, not Marcus Cor Von, me. And don't get me started on the originals..."[/i] Paul Heyman- [i]"No no, wouldn't want to get you started. I'm not sure what to tell you though, the decisions already been made."[/i] Elijah Burke- [i]"How can you justify giving CM Punk a shot over me? He's beneath me, only reason anyone even knows his name is because of me!"[/i] Paul Heyman- [i]"That may very well be true. But he seemed to be pretty important when you were begging him to join your little group of misfits, didn't he? Now, like I said, the decision's been made."[/i] Burke went to argue more, but Heyman again told him the decision was made and Burke stormed out of the office, surely headed somewhere to pout. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] Snitski vs. Chad Cheetum[/color] [b]Match Summary:[/b] Chad Cheetum got a decent response for being the local boy, but once snarling Snitski stalked his way down the aisle, the crowd went quiet, not quite the hoped for response. The bell rang and Snitski was unphased by everything Cheetum threw at him, right and left hands, even a dropkick. Even though he was backed against the ropes, when Cheetum charged with a clothesline, Snitski picked him up and planted him with a side slam. From that point, Snitski was dominant, tossing Cheetum into the corner, then driving him hard into the mat with a devestating clothesline. [b]The Finish:[/b] After toying with Cheetum, Snitski sent him into the ropes and nearly took his head off with a big boot. The three count was academic. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] The Break-Up[/color] Elijah Burke once again storms into a room, this time into the room where Kevin Thorne and Matt Striker are hanging out. They quickly back up and let Burke take out his frustrations on a locker door before finding out why. Matt Striker- [i]"Well, you showed that locker who's the boss."[/i] Striker made the joke with a smile, but the look on Burke's face wasn't a happy one. Kevin Thorne- [i]"Did you talk to Heyman"[/i] Burke smirked to himself, then answered Thorne. Elijah Burke- [i]"Did I talk to Heyman? Yea I talked to Heyman. But did he listen? Of course not. Not only did Marcus somehow get a shot, but that chump CM Punk is still in a contendership match. And me? I get nothing."[/i] Matt Striker- [i]"You want to take CM Punk out? Then Heyman'll have no choice but to put you in his place."[/i] Burke looked at Striker, then at Thorne. Elijah Burke- [i]"Not this time. Maybe Marcus Cor Von had the right idea. All he did was look out for himself and he's in a match competing for the World Title shot while I sit back here with you two losers."[/i] Neither Thorne or Striker bother responding. Elijah Burke- [i]"Yea, I'm gonna get my hands on CM Punk, and I'm gonna get the title shot, but I'm doin it on my own. I'm tired of being held back. It's time I start making my own mark."[/i] Matt Striker- [i]"What are you saying? We're the New Breed."[/i] Elijah Burke- [i]"Not anymore. At least I'm not."[/i] Burke walked off while Thorne and Striker sat down to figure out their next move. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] Cor Von Speaks[/color] Meanwhile, Marcus Cor Von stood in front of an ECW back drop, knowing he was going to be stepping into the ring against Tommy Dreamer later on for the chance at a title shot. He looked completely focused as he addressed the camera. Marcus Cor Von- [i]"I'm sure nobody expected my name to be called tonight, especially for a shot at the ECW World Title. I guess you could say I benefitted from having good timing...and good connections. A little birdie landed on my window this morning and instead of flying away when I stood up, it started talking to me, telling me all kinds of things. It told me Paul Heyman would be back tonight. It told me there'd be a title shot given out tonight. It told me the names hadn't been decided on yet. Add all that up and I made the decision that the Alpha Male was going to get himself a title shot. So I showed up early, I was here when Paul Heyman arrived. I made sure he knew I was the first in the building. And someone just happened to leave a tape of my finest moments on his desk. I'm not sure who could have done that, but I have a feeling that little birdie did me one more favor. So now, I stand here with just one obstacle in my way. An obstacle by the name of Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer, this ain't your time old man. Your body's broke down, you're falling apart, you need to just throw in the towel. Throw it in now and I'll save you a spot in my fan club Dreamer. You can save your dignity and be cheering when I win the title at One Night Stand. Don't do it for me Tommy, don't do it for your family, do it for yourself. Please Dreamer, don't get yourself killed. Walk away now Dreamer, just walk away."[/i] Cor Von got his point across, though it left people wondering about this little birdie. Who was giving Cor Von information? How'd he know about Heyman, know to show up early? After pleading with Dreamer, Cor Von left the scene. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] Vince McMahon vs. Little Guido in an Arm Wrestling match for the ECW World Title[/color] [b]Match Summary:[/b] Little Guido didn't even get an entrance, not a televised one anyway. Vince, on the other hand, came out to massive amounts of pyro and a lot of heat from the crowd. He strutted his way to the ring. When referee Mickie Henson tried to take the ECW belt from him and hand it to the timekeeper, Vince made him hold onto it, saying he didn't want it out of his sight. Henson held the belt over his shoulder and the two combatants stepped up to the arm wrestling table. As soon as they locked up, Vince pulled back, saying that he had a cramp. Henson insisted he get back to the table and he did. They locked up and Guido was putting up a good fight, forcing Vince's hand to start towards the table. WIth a loud grunt, Vince started to re-gain control. He had Guido's hand nearly all the way down, but Guido again started fighting back. [b]The Finish:[/b] As soon as Guido had his hand back to even with McMahon's, Vince lost it. He used his left hand to clobber Guido, then shoved the table aside and started pounding Guido, eventually picking up the table and using it as a weapon to pound the Italian. Henson had already DQed McMahon, but he didn't seem to care. He grabbed the ECW World Title, then stood over Guido and proclaimed "Now [b]that's[/b] extreme!" [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] CM Punk's In The Building[/color] CM Punk is next up in front of the ECW back drop. He gets a huge pop when the crowd sees him on the screen. After a brief smile, he gets down to business. CM Punk: [i]"I'm sure the question on everyone's mind, the question I know is on the mind of one man, is why did I do what I did to Elijah Burke last week. Why would I accept his invitation only be betray him. Let me make one thing clear, I didn't betray Elijah Burke. I was set to join the New Breed. Together, we could have been the dominant faction in ECW, but Elijah just couldn't handle that. He had to be the leader, he couldn't take the fact that the guys preferred me to him, the fans preferred me to him. That's why he had me sit outside the ring like a scolded child during the match. And that's why he got what he deserved. It was only a matter of time before Burke did it to me, that much was obvious. All I did was strike first. And now look at where we stand. You, you just lost every ally you have in this company. Me, I'm facing Rob Van Dam for a shot at the World Title next week. In one month's time, I'll be the World Champion and you'll be lucky if I let you towel me down afterwards. [/i] CM Punk is interrupted by the arrival of Rob Van Dam, who steps into the picture and looks Punk up and down. Rob Van Dam: [i]"C....M....Punk."[/i] CM looks back at Van Dam. CM Punk: [i]"Rob....Van....Dam."[/i] RVD smiles, then shakes his head. Rob Van Dam: [i]"No no, it's like this..."[/i] Van Dam points his thumbs towards himself and the crowd takes their cue to chant along. Rob Van Dam: [i]"Rob...Van....Dam!"[/i] A huge pop follows that and Punk nods his head, impressed. CM Punk: [i]"At least you know your name. Now what is it I can do for you?"[/i] Rob Van Dam: [i]"Turns out you're my opponent for next week's match. And I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten that you turned us down. You had a chance to be in the Originals and you turned us down."[/i] Van Dam steps a step closer and continues. Rob Van Dam: [i]"Now I get my chance to make you regret your decision. I've been to the top of the mountain before, I've held the ECW World Title. I know what it feels like and I want that feeling back."[/i] CM Punk: [i]"All that means to me is that you've had your chance. And now, it's my turn. I live for competition Rob. I thrive on it. It's like blood for my body. You want that feeling back? Tough. It's time for me to know that feeling. It's time for me to move onto One Night Stand. It's time for me...to beat...you. Dont take it personal Rob, it's just what I do."[/i] Punk gets the last words in the discussion and walks off camera, while Van Dam just stares at him. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment:[/b] Marcus Cor Von vs. Tommy Dreamer[/color] [b]Match Summary:[/b] Cor Von started the match off pushing Dreamer face first into the corner. He let Dreamer turn around, then slapped him across the face. That lit a fire under Dreamer, who grabbed Cor Von and traded places with him, then went to work with rights and lefts to the body of Cor Von, ending the series with an uppercut. Dreamer then climbed up for the ten punch. After the ten, Dreamer dropped back to the met and pulled Marcus out of the corner, watching as he fell to the mat. Dreamer stood Cor Von up and drove a forearm into the small of his back, then bodyslammed Marcus and went for the cover, but Cor Von kicked out. Dreamer pulled him to his feet, but Cor Von used a back elbow to break out of Dreamer's control, then rammed his head into the top turnbuckle and followed up by running Dreamer's face along the top rope. Cor Von stayed in control, using cheap tactics to remain in control. After a hard irish whip forced Dreamer to hit the turnbuckles and step back out of the corner, Cor Von picked him up in the air with a bearhug, instantly causing Dreamer to scream out. Cor Von kept the hold locked on until referee Mike Posey started the arm check. Dreamer's arm dropped twice, but on the third, his hand stayed up. Dreamer did the double ear slap on Cor Von and got dropped to the mat. Cor Von approached him, but Dreamer hit him with a left hand to the midsection, then planted him with a russian leg sweep. Dreamer went for the pin, but again Cor Von kicked out. The two went back and forth with right hands in the middle of the ring, then Dreamer backed himself into the ropes and walked right into a standing spinebuster from Cor Von, who sprung back to his feet. Cor Von took a moment to rest against the top rope, catching his breath while Dreamer struggled to get to his feet. Once Dreamer did, he tried to show he still had some fight in him and swung a left hand at Cor Von. Cor Von blocked it and lifted Dreamer into the air, turning and slamming him back first into the corner. Dreamer stumbled out and walked right into a clothesline from Cor Von. Cor Von went for the pin but only got a two count. Cor Von went for an irish whip, but Dreamer reversed it and pulled Cor Von into a midsection kick, followed quickly by a DDT! Dreamer laid his arm across Cor Von, but to everyone's surprise, he was unable to get the three count. [b]The Finish:[/b] Dreamer and Cor Von both laid on the mat for a second, then struggled to get to their feet. Both men got their about the same time and it was Dreamer who lifted Cor Von into the air, turned him upside down, then fell back and spiked him head first into the mat with a piledriver. Dreamer grabbed the leg of Cor Von and fell back into a pinning position. Mike Posey made the three count and the crowd popped huge for Dreamer. The show ended with Dreamer getting his hand raised while propped up against the second rope, still seated on the mat, a victory well-earned. [quote][size=1]One Night Stand Takes Shape- 10 Minutes, B- Rating Where's My Shot- 3 Minutes, B- Rating Snitsky d. Chad Cheetum- 5 Minutes, C Rating The Break Up- 4 Minutes, C- Rating Cor Von Speaks- 3 Minutes, C- Rating Guido d. McMahon- 7 Minutes, B- Rating CM Punk's In The Building/RVD Joins In- 6 Minutes, B Rating Dreamer d. Cor Von- 12 Minutes, C- Rating [b]C- Rating Overall[/b][/size][/quote]
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[center][img]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/NWA_TNA_Logo.gif[/img][/center] [i]iMPACT opens with Christian Cage in the ring with a microphone. He looks angry and determined as he stands in the middle of the six-sided ring.[/i] [b]Christian Cage:[/b] Sting, we are just a few weeks out before Sacrifice where we will meet for my NWA World Championship. You see Sting... I'm not the least bit concerned about your chances of becoming the new champion, because I am confident that you offering nothing new that can beat me. You see, I've never been pinned or submitted, and you will NOT be the first to do so. You are still the same old Sting. Nothings changed. Just because you have the title shot doesn't mean anything. These fans can cheer for you all that want, but that doesn't mean anything. When you step inside this ring at Sacrifice and stand across from someone who is downright flawless, you'll understand exactly why it doesn't matter. Sacrifice, Sting. I'll give all these peeps another instant classic, because... [i]*crowd says, "That's how I roll."[/i] [i][Commercial Break][/i] [b]'Black Machismo' Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt vs. Serotonin[/b] The first match of iMPACT was a quick tag match featuring a lot of young TNA stars. Lethal and Dutt assumed early control of the match with quick tags and precise moves. Havok was isolated from his teammate for the match, Kaz. Havok got the chance to tag out and did so as he threw a thumb to the eye of Dutt. Kaz started to work on Dutt as Lethal attempted to get the crowd behind them. Dutt finally made the hot tag where the spirit of the Macho Man possessed Lethal. Lethal nailed the top rope elbow drop on Havok for the win. [b]Winners: 'Black Machismo' Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt[/b] [i]Backstage Kevin Nash, Senshi, Bob Backlund, and Alex Shelley are all in a room.[/i] [b]Kevin Nash:[/b] I think Sonjay needs to go through my gimmick change program. The 'Playa from the Himalaya' is just not working, you see, but we have other business to attend to. Guys, I've suspended Austin Starr for his actions against the legendary, extraordinary, supercalifragalisticexpaladocious, 8-Second wonder... Mr. Backlund. So I have set up a match between you Alex and Senshi. [i]Senshi stares at Alex as Alex just looks back as if to say, "What? I didn't do anything."[/i] [b]Mr. Backlund:[/b] I want to fight Austin Starr, I want him re-instated. [b]Kevin Nash:[/b] I'm afraid I can't do that, I tried to let him back in but he could not name all the president's in order. [b]Alex Shelley:[/b] Don't worry Bobby, we'll show you the greatest technical match of all time. I may break out my secret move. [b]Mr. Backlund:[/b] And what would that be? [b]Alex Shelley:[/b] He's standing right there, I can't tell you. But I can tell you its name is "Robert Backlund Taught Me This". [i]Senshi rolls his eyes at Shelley sucking up to Mr. Backlund.[/i] [b]Kevin Nash:[/b] Alright guys, out of my office, I have an appointment with some TNA Knockout hopefuls and they need my undivided attention. [i][Commercial Break][/i] [i]iMPACT comes back with Jeremy Borash standing with Kurt Angle.[/i] [b]Jeremy Borash:[/b] Kurt, earlier today you were informed by Jim Cornette that at Sacrifice you will be taking on AJ Styles & Tomko with Rhino as your partner, thoughts? [b]Kurt Angle:[/b] After Lockdown when I missed out on the opportunity to battle for the championship I knew I'd have to start all over again. AJ Styles likes to run his mouth and I knocked him off the top of the cage. Rhino has also has had his problems with AJ Styles in the past so I know both of us will relish the fact we will get a chance to take him out. The icing on the cake is having a chance to beat down Chrisitan's lacky, Tomko. Violence will be brought to the forefront in that match as Rhino and myself will leave Styles & Tomko in a pool of their own blood. And that's real... DAMN Real! [b]Robert Roode & Eric Young vs. VKM[/b] On their way to the ring Ms. Brooks and Roode chastised Eric Young. VKM came out with close friend Lance Hoyt to make sure Ms. Brooks did not get involved in this number one contender's match for the tag team championship. Eric started the bout against Kip who was more powerful and controlled the tempo as Eric was being yelled at by Roode. Young made the tag out and Roode came in and started to get the advantage back to their side until VKM used their experience and isolated him. Ms. Brooks continued to yell at Eric for not helping Robert, but he couldn't as he had not been tagged in yet. Ms. Brooks tried to distract Kip but Hoyt stopped Ms. Brooks and sat her back down off the apron. Roode shoved Kip off into BG and made the tag to Eric. Eric fought back and forth with BG who tagged in. Roode made the blind tag by slapping Young on the back and superkicked James and got the pin as Kip was stopped by Eric. After the match Eric tried to celebrate but Ms. Brooks and Roode slapped him for his poor performance. [b]Winners: Robert Roode & Eric Young[/b] [i][Commercial Break][/i] [i]Backstage Abyss is shown with James Mitchell.[/i] [b]James Mitchell:[/b] Listen you disgrace, I will call your mother if you don't take this match against Scott Steiner at Sacrifice. It will be the first King of the Mountain qualifier. I know you don't want to listen to me anymore, but I'm trying to lead your worthless ass to the world title. [i]Abyss groans.[/i] [b]James Mitchell:[/b] Sting and those goons tried to feed you lies, but I know the truth. I will call your mother now sign the contract. [i]Abyss signs the contract as Mitchell laughs.[/i] [b]The next scene shows LAX sitting outside near their car.[/b] Konnan: Team 3-D, you finally won a match against us. So do we get a second chance like we gave you so many? No! You tuck your tails and start dodging us, the greatest team to ever grace the ring. You are cowards who challenge others who don't deserve a shot at gold, and we get screwed over. Rest assured that we will be at Sacrifice waiting for you, awaiting to see if you walk out with the straps. We will wait paitently and eventually you'll have to come to the realization that you just are not up to par with us. Ariba la raza! [b]Homicide:[/b] BLLLLLLAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [b]Hernandez:[/b] To live and die in L.A.X. [i][Commercial Break][/i] [b]Rhino vs. Scott Steiner[/b] The main event of iMPACT pitted two of the men from Lethal Lockdown against one another. The two men went power vs. power and use a variety of power moves against one another. Rhino took the early advantage and kept the pace high. Steiner used his power to get back on the offensive and threw Rhino from the ring. That is where the match broke down into bedlam as AJ Styles came from the back as Steiner manhandled the referee. AJ took cheap shots at Rhino and threw him back inside the ring. Angle came down to ringside to even up the sides. Rhino fought back against Steiner and went for a Gore but missed and his the post. Steiner then went and taunted Angle that enticed him to the apron. AJ threw a chair in the ring and Steiner nailed Rhino with it and got the pin. Angle went after Steiner and AJ but the damage was already done. [b]Winner: Scott Steiner[/b] [i]After the match concluded a promo video of Sting was shown.[/i] [b]Sting:[/b] Sacrifice. Do you even know what that means Christian? Have you ever sacrificed? I have. I've sacrificed my entire life to get to this point in my career. We are only a few weeks out from when we step in to that ring one-on-one. I hope you come prepared because I'm coming for the gold. I'm going to make you a sacrificial lamb that night and relieve you of your championship duties. It's only a matter of time. You will be sacrificed. [i]iMPACT ended with a recap of the night before fading out.[/i]
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[center][img]http://www.cygywrestling.com/images/ecwlogo4.gif[/img] 2nd Tuesday of May, 2007[/center] [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Cor Von And His Birdie[/color] Marcus Cor Von's sitting up in a chair, his head resting on his hands, his elbow's on his knees. Marcus Cor Von- [i]"I'm not saying your information didn't get me a match, but it didn't put a title around my waist, now did it?"[/i] Cor Von's obviously talking to his informant, who remains off screen. Marcus Cor Von- [i]"I need more than that. I thought you had an "in" around here."[/i] From off screen, Layla steps into the picture. She walks up to Cor Von and pushes him back in the chair, then straddles his lap. Layla- [i]"You gonna be mad at your little birdie forever?"[/i] Layla says it with her most seductive look and Cor Von seems to relax a bit. Layla- [i]"Besides baby, you know I'll make it up to you."[/i] Cor Von finally cracks a smile. Marcus Cor Von- [i]"Yea, ha, you will."[/i] Layla looks him in the eye, then plants a kiss on him as the scene fades. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Snitsky vs. Troy Lords[/color] [b]Match Summary: [/b]Same thing as the rest. Snitsky stomped his way to the ring, snarling and ignoring the boos. Once there, he fought off everything Troy, a local Pittsburgh indy wrestler, could throw at him, then took him down with a massive falling clothesline. He threw Lords into the corner and worked him over with rights and lefts. He went for an irish whip, Troy hit the ropes, slid underneath a clothesline from Snitsky, but came back and got decimated by a powerslam. [b]The Finish: [/b]That was a good enough set up that Snitsky ran him over with a big boot. Snitsky made the easy pin. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Italian Pride[/color] Little Guido's pacing back and forth down the hallway, obviously stressing about something. He nearly bumps into Kelly Kelly coming around the corner. She looks at Guido, then asks him a question. Kelly Kelly- [i]"Um...are you uh...ok?"[/i] Guido looks up at her as if she should already know the answer. Little Guido- [i]"Am I ok? Do you know anything?"[/i] Guido realizes who he's talking to, then shakes his head. Little Guido- [i]"Nevermind. No, I'm not ok. Did you see what Mr. McMahon did to me? He embarassed me and took away my pride. Do you know what pride means to an Italian? Pride is everything. And he took that away from me. He took it away!"[/i] Guido's growing more and more intense by the word and is now in Kelly Kelly's face. She looks a tad frightened, but luckily is interrupted by Matt Striker walking by. He stops and takes one look at Guido with a ****y smirk before chiming in. Matt Striker- [i]"You can say that again."[/i] Striker goes to walk away, but Guido runs in front of him and stops him, going chest to chest with the former school teacher. Little Guido- [i]"What'd you say?"[/i] Striker backs up a step, creating distance between himself and Guido, then answers. Matt Striker- [i]"I said you can say that again. About McMahon taking your pride. He embarassed you [b]paizon[/b]."[/i] Striker laughs to himself and again tries to walk away, but this time Guido spins him around. Little Guido- [i]"You so bad, you meet me in the ring and I'll show you my pride."[/i] Striker just smiles at the challenge. Matt Striker- [i]"I'll be glad to teach you a lesson and finish off what Mr. McMahon left."[/i] Striker and Guido go their seperate ways, but the heated Italian walks off mumbling to himself. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Marcus Cor Von vs. Stevie Richards[/color] [b]Match Summary:[/b] Stevie Richards locks up with Cor Von, but Cor Von easily pushes Stevie back into the corner, then followed up with an open hand chest slap. Cor Von gave him another one, then pulled him out of the corner and delivered a scoop slam. Cor Von went for a splash, but all he got was the knees of Richards in his gut. Richards to his feet and gives Cor Von a side suplex, standing quickly and pulling Cor Von up. Cor Von used a go behind and soon had Richards locked up in an abdominal stretch. When referee Mickie Henson checked on Richards, Cor Von reached back and used the top rope for extra leverage. He broke it when he sensed Henson coming back around. This continued for a minute before Henson finally caught Cor Von and forced the break. That allowed Richards to use a hip toss and flip Cor Von over onto his back. Richards followed that with a low dropkick to the chest of a sitting Cor Von and went for the pin, but Marcus benched him off. Richards looked to be setting up a sidekick, but from the outside, Layla reached in the ring and grabbed Richards foot. He managed to shake her off, but the opportunity for the sidekick was gone. [b]The Finish: [/b]Richards swung a right hand, but Cor Von ducked it and hooked Richards in a full nelson. He lifted Richards into the air, then dropped him seat first. Cor Von rolled over and looked at Layla, who shouted for him to finish things. Cor Von grabbed Richards and sent him into one rope while going to the adjacent rope himself. Both met in the middle of the ring when Cor Von drilled him with the Pounce! Richards hitting the ropes kept him in the ring and Cor Von made the pin for the three count. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Burke Tries Again[/color] Backstage, Elijah Burke has once again found his way into Paul Heyman's makeshift office. Heyman looks less than pleased, but hangs up his phonecall and listens to what Burke has to say. Elijah Burke- [i]"Alright, now, before you say no again, just hear me out. I don't think you understood quite what I meant when I said I deserve the title shot because I was the leader of the New Breed. That means I was a mentor to Marcus Cor Von, who had a shot last week. I was a role model for CM Punk, a guy who decided to turn down the originals and join me before getting greedy. Matt Striker and Kevin Thorne may have been out of this business already if it wasn't for my leadership. I just think you're underestimating my value to ECW and my credentials as a title contender."[/i] Heyman checks his wrist watch and looks utterly bored at dealing with Burke. Paul Heyman- [i]"You done?"[/i] Burke recaps it in his head, then decides he's done and tells Heyman so. Paul Heyman- [i]"Good. Now, like I said last week, the decision's been made, I'm sorry. Only thing I can do is suggest that you go out there and find a way to make your mark so that the next time I'm dishing out title shots, your name pops into my head."[/i] Elijah Burke- [i]"Make my mark?"[/i] Burke, half talking to himself, seems to have a sudden realization. Elijah Burke- [i]"Oh, I'll make my mark, count on that."[/i] [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Little Guido vs. Matt Striker[/color] [b]Match Summary: [/b]Striker and Guido started off yapping at each other, then Guido shoved Striker who came back with a knee to the midsection, then started hammering away at Guido's back. Striker tossed him through the ropes and followed him to the outside, despite Scott Armstrong's protest to let him be. Striker rammed Guido's head into the guardrail, then tried to send him into the ringsteps. Guido reversed it and it was Striker who hit the ringsteps and went tumbling over. Guido rolled Striker back into the ring. Guido delivered chops to the chest of Striker in the corner, then snap suplexed him to the middle of the ring. Guido went for the cover, but Striker kicked out. Striker bodyslammed Guido, then dropped an elbow to his chest. Striker used a hard irish whip to send Guido into the corner, but Guido managed to take him down with a head scissors when Striker charged. Guido followed up with a smooth dropkick, knocking Striker back into the corner. [b]The Finish: [/b]Guido went for a tornado DDT, but Striker shoved him off. Striker approached Guido, but got lifted up and dropped with an inverted atomic drop. While he hopped around the ring clutching his groin, Guido went up to the top turnbuckle. As soon as Striker was in position, Guido finished him off with the Sicilian Slice followed by the three count. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]Pot. Kettle. Black.[/color] Tommy Dreamer's backstage stretching, minding his own business. Vince McMahon, black bandana on his head and ECW belt around his waist, walks into the picture. Dreamer stops stretching, his eyes narrow, and he steps in front of McMahon. Tommy Dreamer- [i]"I think you're in the wrong place...[b]champ[/b]."[/i] McMahon chuckles, then puts his hand on Dreamer's shoulder. Vince McMahon- [i]"This is the ECW locker room, right?"[/i] Dreamer doesn't even dignify it with a response. Vince McMahon- [i]"Seems like the perfect place for the ECW World Champion then."[/i] Tommy Dreamer- [i]"Yea well, you may be champion for now Vince, but I know and all those fans know, it's only temporary."[/i] Vince McMahon stops with the jolly attitude and gets an angry look across his face. Vince McMahon- [i]"That's Mr. McMahon to you Tommy Dreamer. You think you're all big and bad now that you're in the match at One Night Stand, is that it? You think you can take this belt off my waist?"[/i] Dreamer steps up to McMahon and answers the question. Tommy Dreamer- [i]"Yea, I do."[/i] Vince backs up a step from Dreamer and quickly changes back to his original lighthearted attitude, deciding he doesn't want a fight after all. Vince McMahon- [i]"I look forward to you trying. Just be careful Dreamer...you're not exactly the youngest chicken in the coup ya know."[/i] McMahon again puts his hand on Dreamer's shoulder, then steps past him and walks off. Dreamer, on the other hand, just stares at McMahon, shocked at that last comment, wondering if Vince knew exactly how stupid he sounded. [color=#FF0000][b]Segment: [/b]CM Punk vs. Rob Van Dam[/color] [b]Match Summary: [/b]It was hard to determine who had more fans and the staredown before the match had the crowd on their feet. Once they locked up, it was RVD who used a go behind, then shoved Punk into the ropes. Punk came off with a hard right hand that spun RVD around and then followed up with a clothesline that knocked RVD over the top rope and to the outside. Punk tried a baseball slide, but RVD stepped out of the way, then slid back in, wanting the fight to continue in the ring. Punk slid back in and took RVD down with an armdrag. RVD got right back to his feet and slid between the legs of Punk, then caught Punk with a spin kick to the chest. RVD followed up with forearms to Punk in the corner, then put his feet in Punk's chest and monkey flipped him to the middle of the ring. RVD leaped up to the top turnbuckle and came off with a crossbody. Punk ducked it and RVD landed hard on the mat. Punk kicked him in the abs when he was on all four, then gave him a knee to the side of the head. Punk picked RVD up and sent him into the ropes, picked him up, then ran him back first into the turnbuckles. Punk then made the climb to the second turnbuckle and delivered ten straight right hands to RVD before jumping and connecting with a foot to the side of RVD's head. RVD fell face forward to the mat and Punk backed up to the second turnbuckle again. He landed a legdrop on the back of RVD's head, but when he went for the pin, he only got a two count. Punk pulled RVD to a sitting position, then dropkicked him in the back of the head and tried the pin again, still unable to get the three. Punk pulled RVD to his feet, then sent him to the corner. Punk raised his arm to the crowd, then followed in only to eat a pair of boots from RVD! With Punk spun around, RVD planted him with a running bulldog. RVD rolled Punk over and delivered rapid right hands to his head, then stood up to catch his breath real quick. RVD stood up and quickly dropped a leg drop across the throat of Punk. RVD went for the cover, but he too only got a two count. RVD pulled Punk to his feet only to drive him to the mat with a bodyslam right by the ropes. RVD backed across the ring and landed the Rolling Thunder on Punk. RVD again went for the pin, but Punk got his foot up on the rope before the three. RVD wasn't sure what to do next, so he watched Punk pull himself to his feet, then kicked him in the midsection followed by a kick to the thigh but he missed the spin kick and Punk drove him to the mat with a reverse DDT. Punk got up slowly, but did get to his feet. While Mike Posey checked on RVD, Punk signalled for the Go To Sleep. He turned around to signal to the other side of the arena and was surprised by a boot to the midsection from Elijah Burke! Burke quickly stood next to him and drove him to the mat with the Elijah Experience, then rolled out of the ring. [b]The Finish: [/b]RVD, unaware of what happened, finally got to his feet. Both he and Posey looked at Punk, then at each other. RVD didn't let it stop him though, he lept like a cat up to the top turnbuckle, then landed the Five Star Frog Splash. He rolled off, clutching at his ribs, but was able to roll back, hook the leg, and get the three count for the win. The camera focused on RVD getting his hand raised, then showed Burke backing up the rampway. The last image seen is Punk motionless in the ring. [quote][size=1]Cor Von and His Birdie- 2 Minutes, C Rating Snitsky d. Troy Lords- 6 Minutes, C+ Rating Italian Pride- 4 Minutes, C- Rating Marcus Cor Von d. Stevie Richards- 9 Minutes, B Rating Burke Tries Again- 2 Minutes, C+ Rating Little Guido d. Matt Striker- 8 Minutes, C- Rating Pot. Kettle. Black.- 3 Minutes, C+ Rating Rob Van Dam d. CM Punk- 15 Minutes, B Rating [b]C- Rating Overall[/b][/size][/quote]
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