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God's of Wrestling: The best of Indy Wrestling(Realworld)

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Solid diary here although that botching no hoper Amaazing Red going over Mike Quackenbush is an absolute joke, plus if Quack went through he would of pulled off a much better match with Hero. Also King helping Hero i am a bit iffy one due to their whole past and such and all the **** that has gone down between them.
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[QUOTE]Nice to see Davey Richards win the ROH gold.[/QUOTE] Yep. I'm liking how ROH is simulating itself in-game. Unfortunately, the update that I'm using isn't as updated as I'd like and there's still TNA guys on the roster. [QUOTE]Solid diary here although that botching no hoper Amaazing Red going over Mike Quackenbush is an absolute joke, plus if Quack went through he would of pulled off a much better match with Hero. Also King helping Hero i am a bit iffy one due to their whole past and such and all the **** that has gone down between them.[/QUOTE] The Red/Quack match was very back and forth and I think I wrote it so it'd seem both guys were on the same level. But I think there's far more fuel to add to the fire between Red and Mike Quackenbush. You're right with the Kingston/Hero plothole. I forgot the fact that these two have such a heated past in CZW. Although I think Eddie Kingston's motivation was to get revenge on Necro Butcher more than just help Hero win. Also, I may be wrong but didn't Kingston and Hero team up with each other shortly after their Loser Leaves CZW match in another promotion? I'm sure both guys did it to stick it to Zandig but there's a real life example of how not all indy wrestling shows choose to follow each others storylines. Look out for the next podcast which I am currently working on that'll bring all of the current storylines together. Thanks for the feedback guys. Keep it coming. :)
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[CENTER] __________________________ [B][SIZE="5"]At first... They fought for pride... Pride quickly turned into Revenge... But now that the Quest of a Champion is completed... The long voyage home seems blocked by a Storm.... __________________________[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]The God of Wrestling Champion: "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson defends against.... #1 Contender and Finalist Chris Hero and returning to Professional Wrestling for one night only...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]God's of Wrestling presents... [COLOR="Blue"]"Storm Warning"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]3-Way Dance for the God of Wrestling Championship[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson defends against Chris Hero & Lance Storm[/COLOR] [/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=The_Watcher;245956]Also, I may be wrong but didn't Kingston and Hero team up with each other shortly after their Loser Leaves CZW match in another promotion? I'm sure both guys did it to stick it to Zandig but there's a real life example of how not all indy wrestling shows choose to follow each others storylines. [/QUOTE] No they didn't. the Hero and Kingston thing isnt just kayfabe they legit dont like each other it wasnt just a CZW storyline. They wouldn't team to stick it to Zandig because Hero left on very good terms with John afterall cZW is one of the main reasons he got where he is today and its only because of his hectic schedule he cant work for them no more.
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[QUOTE]No they didn't. the Hero and Kingston thing isnt just kayfabe they legit dont like each other it wasnt just a CZW storyline. They wouldn't team to stick it to Zandig because Hero left on very good terms with John afterall cZW is one of the main reasons he got where he is today and its only because of his hectic schedule he cant work for them no more.[/QUOTE] Ooh I didn't know they really hated each other outside of the ring. Damn I could've sworn I read something about them teaming with each other after their last CZW match somewhere on the czw fans message board. Oh well I'm probably just mistaken. Anyways, with all of that aside, Chris Hero and Eddie Kingston did have an epic match in their final CZW appearence. It's too bad the company lost those two.
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[QUOTE=forlan;245973]No they didn't. the Hero and Kingston thing isnt just kayfabe they legit dont like each other it wasnt just a CZW storyline. They wouldn't team to stick it to Zandig because Hero left on very good terms with John afterall cZW is one of the main reasons he got where he is today and its only because of his hectic schedule he cant work for them no more.[/QUOTE] Actually they are good friends, it's a storyline. I did a few shows with both of them and if they really don't like one another, they sure put one of hell of an act backstage.
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What did you go by working shows with them? Or were you a backstage worker? What promotion...details, details. I can honestly say Lance Storm didn't even make me blink. Never liked him. You should replace him with Quack. Now there's a main event.
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[QUOTE=lowki02;246122]Actually they are good friends, it's a storyline. I did a few shows with both of them and if they really don't like one another, they sure put one of hell of an act backstage.[/QUOTE] They are far from good friends, lots of people i've spoken to within the business have said so, obviously they are civil to each other what do you expect them to do, go at it in the locker room, they are professionals and put such differenes aside.
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[QUOTE=forlan;246212]They are far from good friends, lots of people i've spoken to within the business have said so, obviously they are civil to each other what do you expect them to do, go at it in the locker room, they are professionals and put such differenes aside.[/QUOTE] Dude, it's a work... plain and simple. Just like the Homicide-Corino "hatred," it's good business, that's all. Same with Hero and Kingston... [QUOTE=MaxxHexx;246210]What did you go by working shows with them? Or were you a backstage worker? What promotion...details, details. I can honestly say Lance Storm didn't even make me blink. Never liked him. You should replace him with Quack. Now there's a main event.[/QUOTE] I worked with a lot of promotions... PWElite, NWA Cyberspace, World-1, PWF, NYWC, Chikara, just to name a few... Hero and Kingston worked with one another in PWElite in Boonton, NJ in an impromptu match. I had to go pick up Kingston on the side of route 287 because he got a flat, haha.
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]A few days ago we found out that Bryan Danielson will defend his newly won championship against Chris Hero and Lance Storm. Chris Hero was awarded the #1 Contendership after making it all the way to the finals in the Championship Tournament. It's no secret that Chris Hero and Bryan Danielson have a heated past but add a wrestling vetern to the mix and you're sure to have one helluva match. This will surely be a technical wrestling masterpiece. Lance Storm invades God's of Wrestling for One Night Only, taking on two of the best wrestlers in the world. Storm and Danielson have competed against each other in the past, Bryan Danielson managed to retain his ROH Championship against Lance Storm in Ring of Honor. This time, Lance Storm is looking to redeem himself and get back that win from American Dragon.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match1-3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple Threat Match for the God of Wrestling Championship[/B] "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson defends against Lance Storm and "The Savior of Professional Wrestling" Chris Hero [COLOR="blue"]During the Championship Tournament, alliances were formed and destroyed. Brent Albright faced his first loss here at GOW at the hands of Bryan Danielson. The Crippler was so humbled and impressed by Danielson's skills he showed his appreciation and congratulated him afterwards. During Bryan Danielson's match against Ricky Banderas, the Monster got out of hand and was about to injure his opponent. Luckily for American Dragon, Brent Albright ran out and made the save. It seems that Albright has such a strong respect for Danielson that he is willing to risk his life and take on this unknown monster. Ricky Banderas has been unbeatable in GOW. No matter who he is in the ring with, nobody can come up with a strategy to take this monster out. Banderas is dead set on taking over God's of Wrestling and there's only one man standing infront of him...[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match2-3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Grudge Match[/B] Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle vs "The Crippler" Brent Albright [COLOR="blue"]Necro Butcher and Eddie Kingston just plain out hate each other. Ever since our first show these two have been at each others necks. We thought that these two finally settled their score during the Championship tournament, but we were wrong. Late last night, Eddie Kingston left us a message at GOW main headquarters. He vented his frusteration towards what happened at the Tournament and demanded 1 finaly match with Necro Butcher to settle the score. Here's the transcript of what Eddie Kingston said in our answering machine....[/COLOR] [B](Phone Transcript) Eddie Kingston:[/B] I'm sick of this ****! I hate that ****in' piece of ****, Necro Butcher. I hate that piece of crap so much that I helped a man who I can't ****ing stand, a man who I fought with to hell and back. I sold my ****in' soul to the devil just so I could watch Necro Butcher lose, and let me tell ya it was worth it. I've been in this company for about 3 months now, but every time I step through these doors for work, I keep on hearing everyone call Necro Butcher fearless. I hear my own friends talking 'bout how Necro Butcher is the toughest son of a bitch in professional Wrestling. Bull ****. You think Necro Butcher is fearless?! I've been stabbed, hit with baseball bats, I was in a drug rehab for 2 in a half ****in' years, everyday of my life has been a ****ing trainwreck untill I found this sport. My fathers an alcoholic, my uncles, my whole entire family tree is filled with drug addicts, hustles and thieves. I am fearless!! I have nothing to fear in this life!! I am the last of a dying breed!! GOW, you wan't to see fear?! Next month, I'll do the impossible and strike free in that bastard's eye. Next month, I wan't to ****in' settle this once and for all. Next month, you can wrap those ropes with Barbwire because I am going to prove to the world that Necro Butcher is nothin' but a bitch!! [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match3-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Barb-Wire Ropes Match[/B] Eddie Kingston vs Necro Butcher[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=lowki02;246351]Dude, it's a work... plain and simple. Just like the Homicide-Corino "hatred," it's good business, that's all. Same with Hero and Kingston... I worked with a lot of promotions... PWElite, NWA Cyberspace, World-1, PWF, NYWC, Chikara, just to name a few... Hero and Kingston worked with one another in PWElite in Boonton, NJ in an impromptu match. I had to go pick up Kingston on the side of route 287 because he got a flat, haha.[/QUOTE] Not wanting to clog up this solid diary but Corino is actually deaf in one ear because of Homicide, there is no love lost and that is 100% not a work, to say that is a work is just kidding yourself to be honest. Just because people can manage to have a match with one another it does not mean they are friends. Also to call PWElite a promotion is farcical, a couple of absolute jokes of shows, like an all womens show that ende dup being 3/4 men. What next, Jimmy Jacobs and Jim Fannin not having a real hatred? Back to the diary next card is shaping up nicely keep up the good work mate
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[QUOTE=forlan;246367]Not wanting to clog up this solid diary but Corino is actually deaf in one ear because of Homicide, there is no love lost and that is 100% not a work, to say that is a work is just kidding yourself to be honest. Just because people can manage to have a match with one another it does not mean they are friends. Also to call PWElite a promotion is farcical, a couple of absolute jokes of shows, like an all womens show that ende dup being 3/4 men. What next, Jimmy Jacobs and Jim Fannin not having a real hatred? Back to the diary next card is shaping up nicely keep up the good work mate[/QUOTE] PWElite had four shows all together, two that were insanely awesome and two that lacked in star power except for Beefcake on the first show. You're an internet mark who obviously believes everything that you read. Corino is indeed partially deaf but it's not from Homicide. You keep drinking that kool-aid, dude, because it's the people like you who actually keep the business alive. It's a good thing that you believe that you're reading and seeing because it just shows that the era of kayfabe is still alive to an extent.
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[CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]Albright and Danielson werent the only two who have bonded during the Championship Tournament. It seems that Amazing Red and Mike Quackenbush's tournament match has brought these two together. All 6 competitors were contestants in the Tournament and they all faced each other as well. This time there's no quest for gold, it's just about the quest for respect.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match4-3.jpg[/IMG] [B]6-Person Tag Team Match[/B] "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, The Amazing Red & Cheerleader Melissa vs Davey Richards, Akuma & "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans [COLOR="Blue"]Women's wrestling has always been apart of GOW. We take pride in our SHIMMER Division, a division where women are treated as competitors and not just eye candy. Lacey has been a dominant figure in our SHIMMER Division, this time she looks to continue her dominance against Daizee Haze.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match5-3.jpg[/IMG] [B]SHIMMER Showdown[/B] Lacey vs Daizee Haze[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=lowki02;246386]PWElite had four shows all together, two that were insanely awesome and two that lacked in star power except for Beefcake on the first show. You're an internet mark who obviously believes everything that you read. Corino is indeed partially deaf but it's not from Homicide. You keep drinking that kool-aid, dude, because it's the people like you who actually keep the business alive. It's a good thing that you believe that you're reading and seeing because it just shows that the era of kayfabe is still alive to an extent.[/QUOTE] I think its you drinking the kool-aid if you think that any of the PWElite show were anything but farcical overbooked shows where most of the talent "phoned it in". You are trying to be too smarky because you "supposedly" have worked in the biz, sitting in the crowd eating a damn hot dog doesn't constitute working in the business sunshine. Even if you have put up the ring or whatever what right would that give you to go around breaking kayfabe, much of wrestling you can either believe or not and "high-class" smarks like you that think everyone should believe everyone is all good friends and nothing is ever a shoot etc. These people work hard in a business they love then people like you try to ruin it, regardless of truth or not to hatreds and whatnot you don't have a right to say anything on the subjects, you are just a fan that thinks he knows more than others when you clearly do not. What next, you going to tell me Peter B Beautiful and Ian Rotten had a spot of lunch after Ian legit worked him over on the King of the Death? Stop thinking you know everything and actually try to enjoy wrestling, i bet you are the type that has his little self-promotion video podcasts on youtube answering questions like a Kent Jones or an Oliver Scott? Anyhoo if you want to say anything more then pm me rather than clogging up the diary EDIT: And you say i believe everything i read, fact is i have every shoot interview ever done by Corino for any company, so its what ive heard from the horses mouth so to speak.
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]The Tag Team Division has been red hot as of late in GOW. Every tag team on the roster is trying to show their dominance in the division as the #1 team. Both Havana Pitbulls and the Trailer Park Boyz have been battling over tag team supremecy. The Trailer Park Boyz even wen't to the length of bringing in "White Trash" Johnny Webb as their manager to help them steal some very important victories. During the 2nd Night of the Championship Tournament, Havana Pitbulls faced The Iron Saints and the Trailer Park Boyz in a Triangle Tag Team match. Both the Pitbulls and Trailer Park Boyz errupted in an all-out brawl around the arena. These two teams got counted out and the Iron Saints picked up the win. Havana Pitbulls battled with the Trailer Park Boyz all the way into the parking lot. Although Nate Webb and Johnny Webb managed to escape, Josh Abercrombie wasn't so lucky and got Double Powerbombed into a Trash Can/Dumpster. This time these two teams will get a chance to compete against each other in singles action. Who will come out as the dominant team?[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match7-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match[/B] Rocky Romero vs Nate Webb [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match6-3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match[/B] Ricky Reyes vs Josh Abercrombie[/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Tag Team actions heats up in GOW as the Iron Saints look to keep their winning momentum intact as they take on the team of Delirious and Hallowicked, known to some as Incoherence. With every team in GOW battling for Tag Team supremecy, a win is a must here if these teams wan't to be a top contender. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match8-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Match[/B] The Iron Saints vs Delirious & Hallowicked[/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]God's of Wrestling's "Storm Warning" is shaping up to be a great event. With a huge main event scheduled, one would assume that there'd be noway that the undercard could compete....well guess again. The last and final match to be revealed can be considered a dream match to some independent wrestling fans. Claudio Castagnoli takes on Sterling James Keenan in what will surely be a European Wrestling showdown. Both men have a solid european style. Claudio spent most of his wrestling days wrestling in the Swiss and Germany while Keenan made a name for himself in the UK. Both Keenan and Castagnoli do not have the greatest win/loss record here so a win here is a must. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match9.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match[/B] Claudio Castagnoli vs Sterling James Keenan[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/stormwaning.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]God's of Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [B]God of Wrestling Championship Match[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson defends against "The Savior of Professional Wrestling" Chris Hero & making his in-ring return for one night only, Lance Storm[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"][I]*The 3-way match will be scheduled for 1 fall and fought under a 2 hour time limit. This championship match is officaly sanctioned by GOW and the United States Athletic Commission.[/I][/SIZE] [B]Barbwire-Ropes Match [COLOR="Red"]Necro Butcher vs Eddie Kingston[/COLOR][/B] [B]Grudge Match [COLOR="red"]Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle vs "The Crippler" Brent Albright[/COLOR][/B] [B]6-Person Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, The Amazing Red & Cheerleader Melissa vs Davey Richards, Akuma & "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B] [B]SHIMMER Showdown [COLOR="red"]Lacey vs Daizee Haze[/COLOR][/B] [B]Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Ricky Reyes vs Josh Abercrombie[/COLOR] Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Rocky Romero vs Nate Webb[/COLOR] Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]The Iron Saints vs Delirious & Hallowicked[/COLOR] Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Claudio Castagnoli vs Sterling James Keenan[/COLOR][/B] [B]Plus much more God's of Wrestling action...[/B] [/CENTER]
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God of Wrestling Championship Match "American Dragon" [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] defends against "The Savior of Professional Wrestling" Chris Hero & making his in-ring return for one night only, Lance Storm *The 3-way match will be scheduled for 1 fall and fought under a 2 hour time limit. This championship match is officaly sanctioned by GOW and the United States Athletic Commission. Barbwire-Ropes Match [B]Necro Butcher[/B] vs Eddie Kingston Grudge Match Ricky Banderas w/[B]Percy Pringle[/B] vs "The Crippler" Brent Albright-Ricky will win the squash but Percy is the real winner here as he has been renewed as a colorful character. That and he gets all the merchanise revinues from Ricky Bandares. 6-Person Tag Team Match [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, The Amazing Red & Cheerleader Melissa [/B]vs Davey Richards, Akuma & "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans SHIMMER Showdown [B]Lacey[/B] vs Daizee Haze Singles Match [B]Ricky Reyes[/B] vs Josh Abercrombie Singles Match [B]Rocky Romero[/B] vs Nate Webb Tag Team Match The Iron Saints vs [B]Delirious & Hallowicked[/B] Singles Match [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] vs Sterling James Keenan [COLOR="Red"][B]BRING IN JIGSAW AND TEAM HIM WITH QUACK AS THEY ARE THE SECOND BEST TAG TEAM EVER BEHIND THE BRISCOES[/B][/COLOR]. Well not the best of all time but second best currently on the indy scene.
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="6"]God's of Wrestling presents... Storm Warning[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="1"]Show: Storm Warning Place: Savvis Center, Mid West Attendance: 11,685[/SIZE][/B] _______________________________________ [B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/SterlingJamesKeenan.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Claudio Castagnoli vs Sterling James Keenan[/SIZE][/B] This match was a technical wrestling clinic. Castagnoli used his amazing european technical skills to outwrestle his opponent while Keenan used his quick thinking to counter the Swiss banker's holds. Castagnoli hit Keenan with a Ricola Bomb(Crucifix Bomb) to pick up the win. [B]Winner: Claudio Castagnoli(7:45) C-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/vitothomaselli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/SalvatoreThomaselli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Hallowicked.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Delirious.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The Iron Saints vs Hallowicked & Delirious[/SIZE][/B] Hallowicked and Delirious get some quick offense in at the earlier stages of the match, using their crazy antics to take the Saints off of their game. The Iron Saints double team Hallowicked and hit him with a Double Suplex. Delirious eventualy gets tagged in and cleans house. He attempts a Top Rope Splash when Salvatore Thomaselli stops him and nails a Top Rope Brainbuster. 1..2..3 [B]Winners: The Iron Saints(7:31) C[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RockyRomero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/natewebb.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Rocky Romero vs Nate Webb[/SIZE][/B] Rocky Romero dominated the majority of the match, nailing very impressive strong style offense. Webb takes the easy way out and eye rakes Romero behind the ref's back. Nate Webb pounds on Romero, picking up some near falls. Romero makes a come back and hits a chain of suplexs. Rocky Romero sets Nate Webb on the Top Rope for a Super Exploder when Johnny Webb runs out and throws powder in his eye. Webb rolls up Romero. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Nate Webb(9:55) C-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]SHIMMER Showdown[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Lacey.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/DaizeeHaze.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Lacey vs Daizee Haze[/SIZE][/B] Lacey and Haze start off the match with some back and forth mat wrestling. Haze gets the upper hand and shocks her opponent with some impressive wrestling holds. Lacey gets frusterated and knees Haze in the mid-section. Lacey lays the boots to her opponent. Eventualy Haze starts fighting back and nails Lacey with a strong suplex in the middle of the ring. Daizee goes up top for a Leg Drop but misses Lacey completly. The evil Lacey takes advantage of the situation and beats Daizee Haze with an Implant DDT. [B]Winner: Lacey(8:31) D[/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Intermission[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]During Intermission we get to witness over FOUR Million Dominoes get pushed over. It's a new world record. Also featuring snazy lighting effects and hit 80's music. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]6-Person Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/daveyrichards.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/GranAkuma.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Davey Richards, Jack Evans & Akuma vs The Amazing Red, Mike Quackenbush & Cheerleader Melissa[/SIZE][/B] The match starts off with some impressive lucha action. All 6 competitors try to out-shine each other. The match quickly spills to the outside. Mike Quackenbush hits a No-Hands Halo, Amazing Red hits a Spingboard Shooting Star and Jack Evans nails everyone with a 630 Moonsault. Everyone is laid out on the outside. Mike Quackenbush is in the ring with Davey Richards. Quackbush hits a Quackendriver III. 1...2...Jack Evans breaks up the pinfall. Evans nails Quack with a Standing Phoenix Press. 1...2...Amazing Red breaks it up. Red hits Evans with a Code Red. 1...2...Akuma stops the pinfall. Akuma nails Red with a Falcons Arrow. 1...2...Cheerleader Melissa stomps on Akumas head. Melissa tries to end things by hitting her modified Vertebreaker on Akuma. 1...2...Davey Richards just barely saves the match for his team. Richards nails Melissa with a Side-Exploder, she pops back to her feet, he hits the ropes and nails a Running Lariat. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Davey Richards, Jack Evans & Akuma(20:3) C[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Afterwards, Quackenbush slides in to check on Melissa. Amazing Red rolls back into the ring and shoves Quack. It seems that Red is blaming Quack on their loss. Quack and Red have a staredown. The staredown quickly turns into a shoving contest which turns into a wild brawl. Quackenbush and Red start brawling around ringside. Officals are forced to run out and break them apart. These two have some unfinished business to take care of. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyReyes.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/JoshAbercrombie.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ricky Reyes vs Josh Abercrombie[/SIZE][/B] Abercrombie jumps Reyes before he can even get inside of the ring. Abercrombie starts stomping away at his opponent. He hits his Taliban Backpack on Reyes but surprisingly only gets a 2. Reyes starts fighting back, nailing Abercrombie with a flurry of clotheslines. Reyes attempts his Fisherman's Buster but Johnny Webb runs out and gets on the apron. Reyes drops his opponent and walks towards White Trash. Webb attempts to throw Powder in Reyes eyes but he ducks and accidentaly hits Abercrombie. Reyes nails Webb off of the ring apron then hits Abercrombie with a Fisherman's Buster. 1...2..3! [B]Winner: Ricky Reyes(19:46) C[/B] [B][SIZE="6"]To Be Continued....[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]When God's of Wrestling returns we'll see a Grudge Match between the Monster Ricky Banderas along with Percy Pringle take on Brent Albright, we also have a Barbwire-Ropes Deathmatch between Necro Butcher and Eddie Kingston, and our Main Event, Bryan Danielson will defend his GOW Championship against his arch enemy Chris Hero and Lance Storm. [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Grudge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyBanderas.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle vs Brent Albright[/SIZE][/B] Banderas and Albright immediately brawl inside of the ring. They fight into a corner. The referee tries to break them up but he is shoved by Albright. He tries to break up their fight in the corner again but this time he's shoved by Banderas. The referee gets inbetween them one last time and gets punched out by both men at the same time. He calls for a Double DQ. [B]Winner: Double DQ(3:21) C-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The brawl spills to the outside. Albright finds a chair and nails Banderas across the head, he no sells it. Albright swings again, this time Banderas stumbles a bit. Albright nails him again, Banderas falls to one knee. Albright hits him with one last shot, Banderas finally falls over. Brent Albright has managed to put the Monster on his back. Brent Albright celebrates and heads to the back.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Barbwire Ropes Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/EddieKingston.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Eddie Kingston vs Necro Butcher[/SIZE][/B] The Ropes are wrapped in Barbwire. Both men exchange stiff punches. Nether man is willing to go down. They go from exchanging punches to headbutts. Both men are busted open from the stiff headbutts. Kingston attempts to whip Butcher into the Barbwire but he puts on the breaks. Necro Butcher side-steps a Clothesline attempt by Eddie Kingston and sends him into the Barbwire. Kingston is stuck, he rips the Barbwire off of his BLK Out's shirt and skin. Necro Butcher cuts Kingston open even more with the Barbwire, slicing his forehead with a piece of wire. Necro and Kingston brawl a bit more. Butcher throws a wild punch but Kingston ducks a hits an Exploder Suplex into the Barbwire. Butcher rips the Barbwire off of his back. The fight spills to the outside of the ring. Both men brawl around ringside and use various items as weapons. Kingston finds a Fork and stabs Necro in the head. Necro Butcher is a bloody mess. Eddie Kingston tries to whip Necro into a row of chairs but Butcher reverses it and sends Kingston flying through the chairs. Necro Butcher sets up a Table near the ring apron. Kingston and Necro battle on the ring apron, exchanging forearms and punches. Necro gets the upperhand and hits a Belly-to-Back Suplex off of the apron through the table. This match has turned into a car wreck!! 1...2...Kickout!! Both men are back inside of the ring. Necro Butcher attempts his Tiger Driver but Kingston backdrops him into some Barbwire. Eddie Kingston grabs a piece of Barbwire and wraps it around his entire arm. Kingston runs at Necro and nails a Barbwire Lariat. Butcher pops back up on his feet after nearly getting his head taken off and gets hit with a Royal Flush DDT. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Eddie Kingston(14:50) C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Triple Threat Match for the God of Wrestling Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BryanDanielson2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson defends against Lance Storm & "The Savior of Pro Wrestling" Chris Hero[/SIZE][/B] Hero and Danielson stare each other down. Storm tries to get inbetween them but gets ignored and shoved away. Hero and Danielson start brawling, back and forth. Storm is completly ignored. Suddenly, Lance Storm climbs to the top rope and hits a Missle Dropkick on both men. Danielson and Hero get sent flying to the outside. Lance Storm hits a Plancha to the outside. The crowd goes bananas. The GOW fans start a "You Still Got It!" chant. Storm and Danielson are in the ring. They start exchanging wrestling holds. Danielson gets the upperhand and sends Storm off into the ropes for a dropkick when Hero pulls down the top rope and sends Storm to the outside. Hero and Danielson brawl some more on the inside. Hero hits his Cravat Cutter. 1...2...Lance Storm breaks it up. Storm lands some Forearms on Hero and hits a Beautiful German Suplex. 1...2...Danielson breaks it up. Danielson is full of fire. He manages to hit Storm with a Bridging Dragon Suplex. 1...2...Hero breaks it up. All 3 men collapse. The crowd goes nuts. All 3 men start exchanging punches while they are on their knees. Hero ducks one of Danielson's punches and eye rakes him. Hero and Storm fight. Storm sends Hero into the ropes and applies his Rolling Single Leg Boston Crab. Hero tries to fight off the hold. He's inches to the ropes. Storm drags Hero to the middle of the ring. Chris Hero is about to tap-out when Danielson charges at Storm. Lance Storm throws a wild punch but Danielson ducks and nails another Dragon Suplex. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner and STILL Champion: Bryan Danielson(18:01) B+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]After the match, Bryan Danielson helps Lance Storm up to his feet. Lance Storm shows his appreciation for American Dragon's good sportsmanship and shakes his hand. The two embrace in a hug. Suddenly, Chris Hero nails Danielson from behind with a Chair, knocking him out. Lance Storm chases Hero out of the ring before any more damage could be done. Hero raises his arms as if he just won the Superbowl while to walks to the back. Lance Storm and GOW E.M.T.'s attend to the fallen Bryan Danielson. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B]When a man is pushed to his limit, and his voice has been ignored and taken away, he is left with only one option, to battle with honor and fight for a noble cause, and when all of the pain and blood are wiped away, just remember the day our brave men fought in...[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/wargames.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Since day 1, Chris Hero and Bryan Danielson have built up a rivalry. Both men picked up a win in singles competition then wen't onto face each other in the Championship Tournament finals. American Dragon managed to defeat Chris Hero in the finals and win the Championship. A month later, Bryan Danielson defended his title against his arch enemy Chris Hero and pro wrestling legend Lance Storm. After the Triple Threat match, Chris Hero attacked Bryan Danielson from behind to further continue this feud. Brent Albright and Bryan Danielson found respect for each other during the Championship Tournament. They bonded so much that Albright ran out and protected Danielson during a beatdown at the hands of Ricky Banderas. Brent Albright challenged the Monster to a match for the following month. Albright and Banderas fought to a double dq, although Brent Albright was able to finally knock Ricky Banderas down after 3 chairshots. This rivalry will be of gigantic proportions. Havana Pitbulls and the Trailer Park Boyz also share a history together. Both teams looked strong during the first GOW show, defeating their respective opponents. The following month, these two teams faced each other to prove which team is truly the most dominant team in GOW. Trailer Park Boyz managed to beat the Pitbulls after their cousin, "White Trash" Johnny Webb, ran out and helped his team pick up a victory. During the Championship Tournament, Havana Pitbulls, Trailer Park Boyz and Iron Saints got into a scuffle and challenged each other to a Tag Team Triangle Match. The Iron Saints won the match after Pitbulls and TPB fought outside of the arena and got counted out. This feud is about to explode and we can't wait. God's of Wrestling officals have decided to put all 8 of these superstars in 2 rings, covered in a huge steel cage. All of their unfinished business, their pain and suffering will come to a conclusion in one of the biggest GOW matches...WARGAMES!![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match1-4.jpg[/IMG] [B]WARGAMES[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, Brent Albright & The Havana Pitbulls vs Chris Hero, Ricky Banderas & Trailer Park Boyz[/COLOR][/B] [B]A Tribute Video to past Wargames Matches[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Mike Quackenbush vs Amazing Red, a high flying dream match to many, took place during the Championship Tournament. Although both men seemed evenly matched, Amazing Red was able to pick up the victory. It seemed that these two had mutual respect for each other. A month later they agreed to team with each other along with Cheerleader Melissa against Davey Richards, Akuma & Jack Evans. Davey Richards managed to pin Cheerleader Melissa in an action packed match. Amazing Red put the blame on Quackenbush. The two started shoving each other and before long a fight errupted. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush has personaly requested a re-match against Amazing Red but this time it'll be one of his speciality matches, a 2 out of 3 falls Lucha Match. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match2-4.jpg[/IMG] [B]2 out of 3 Falls Match [COLOR="Red"]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs The Amazing Red[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]It is no doubt that Mike Quackenbush and Amazing Red are two of the top Super Jr. Heavyweights in North America. To celebrate their 2 out of 3 Falls Re-match, lets take a look at some very special tribute videos. [/COLOR] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush[/B] [B]The Amazing Red[/B] [COLOR="blue"]2 Out of 3 Falls Lucha Match "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs The Amazing Red Live at God's of Wrestling's "WARGAMES"[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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