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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling April 1983[/B][/CENTER] [B]Money[/B] 750,000 [B]Prestige[/B] Cult C+ [B]Location[/B] Mid-Atlantic (USA) [B]Style[/B] Carolina Traditional [B]Owner Goals[/B] Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. Days Left To Achieve: 23 months, 3 weeks Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion cannot drop below $187,500 at any time during the time period. Days Left To Achieve: 11 months, 3 weeks Goal #3: BLOCK: The roster should be biased toward genuine athletes. You cannot sign any wrestler with less than a D grade in athleticism. Days Left To Achieve: 23 months, 3 weeks. [B]Promotion Pacts[/B] Georgia Championship Wrestling (working agreement) World Class Championship Wrestling (hostile) Championship Wrestling From Florida (working agreement) Central States (working agreement) World Wrestling Council (working agreement) All Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Pacific Northwest (working agreement) Southeastern Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Maple Leaf Wrestling (working agreement) Mid-South Wrestling (working agreement) World Wrestling Federation (at war) International Wrestling(Montreal) (at war) Houston Championship Wrestling (working agreement) American Wrestling Association (working agreement) [B]TV Shows[/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling [B]Announcers[/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett [B]Popularity[/B] Great Lakes: E+ Mid-Atlantic: C+ Mid-South: E Mid-West: E New England: F+ North West: E South East: C- South West: E Tri-State: E- Puerto Rico: E-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff Jos Leduc Ric Flair(NWA World Heavyweight Champion) Terry Funk[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jerry Brisco Jimmy Valiant Ricky Steamboat(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Roddy Piper[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk, Jr. (Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion) Greg Valentine(United States Heavyweight Champion)[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. Bugsy McGraw Jay Youngblood(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Mike Rotundo Sweet Brown Sugar[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dick Slater Magic Dragon One Man Gang The Assassin The Great Kabuki[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Private Jim Nelson[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dizzy Ed Hogan Kelly Kiniski Ken Timbs Rick Harris[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Angelo Mosca Jr.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Masa Fuchi Mike Davis[/COLOR] [b]Enhancement Talents[/b] [color=blue]Mark Fleming Vinnie Valentino[/color] [b]Occasional Wrestlers[/b] [color=blue]Abe Jacobs Jack Brisco Johnny Weaver Rufus R. Jones[/color] [color=red]Paul Jones[/color] [b]Managers[/b] [color=red]Gary Hart Sir Oliver Humperdink[/color] [b]Announcer[/b] [color=blue]Bob Caudle[/color] [b]Colour Commentator[/b] [color=blue]David Crockett[/color] [b]Referees[/b] Randy Anderson Stu Schwartz Tommy Young [b]Authority Figure[/b] Jim Crockett, Jr. [b]Road Agent[/b] Gene Anderson [b]Personality[/b] Tony Schiavone [b]Teams[/b] [color=blue]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw (Full Time) Roddy Piper and Bob Orton, Jr. (Semi Active) Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo (Semi Active) Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw (Semi Active) Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood (Full Time)(NWA World Tag Team Champions) Jack Brisco and Jerry Brisco (Full Time)[/color] [color=red]Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk (Full Time) The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon (Full Time) Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang (Full Time)[/color] [b]Stables[/b] [i]Gary Hart's Family[/i] Gary Hart Magic Dragon The Great Kabuki [i]House of Humperdink[/i] Kelly Kiniski One Man Gang Sir Oliver Humperdink [i]Paul Jones' Army[/i] Paul Jones The Assassin [/quote] ...
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Welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling where the W on the marquee stands for WRESTLING! This is the home of the dirtiest player in the game, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion The Nature Boy Ric Flair. This is the place where Dusty Rhodes tries to live out his American Dream every night. This is the place where the Brisco Brothers put on a pro wrestling clinic in the ring. This is where Wahoo McDaniel chops his opponents down to size. Welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! [B][center]Around the Other Territories[/center][/B] The vacant AGPW International Heavyweight Title was claimed last night as The Cuban Assassin became the new champion. This victory marks his first reign with the belt. The vacant AGPW North American Tag Team titles were claimed last night, as Burke and Comrade Gerry became the new champions. This victory marks their first reign with the belts. Brad Armstrong, Scott Armstrong, Mike Jackson, Tony Falk, Pat Rose, Nightmare Dan Davis, Steve Kyle and Brickhouse Brown found themselves unemployed last night, as SECW ended their contracts. [center][B]At War[/b][/center] Due to a shifting in policy, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling worked to change some of the agreements they had with certain other organizations. Up in Montreal, International Wrestling took offense to this and declared war upon the group. We here at Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling have nothing but the utmost respect for this organization but if they want a war, they got a war. And as most everyone knows, the World Wrestling Federation stepped away from the National Wrestling Alliance banner and are competing on their own. That's fine with us but they declared war on the system of the NWA and that does not sound so good. The system has worked very well and we intend to keep things that way. Therefore, no contracted workers from Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling will be able to work for both us and Vincent McMahon's World Wrestling Federation. [b][center]Back To Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/center][/b] Things are definitely heating up within the Mid-Atlantic region and tonight's show will be no different. The lineup for the show is as follows: Non-Title Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line Dory Funk, Jr.(c) vs. Mike Rotundo Ivan Koloff vs. Jerry Brisco Bob Orton, Jr. vs. The Assassin Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang Predictions/Comments/ETC. always welcomed!
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[B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Wednesday, Week 1 April 1983 Location: Salem Civic Center. Salem, Virginia Attendance: 5,000 Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: .73[/B][/CENTER] [I]The cameras open up within the Civic Center in Salem, Virginia in front of a sold-out raucous crowd! It finally focuses in on Bob Caudle and David Crockett behind the announce table.[/I] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] "Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett and we have some great action to bring to you fans, including our main event contest between Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes." [B]David Crockett:[/B] "But, remember Bob, that's a non-title match so even if Flair does happen to lose he doesn't lose the belt." [B]Bob:[/B] "You're right, David. Let's head up to the ring for our opening bout of the night where we get to see the NWA World Tag Team Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood in action." [I]Grade: A[/I] [QUOTE]******************************************************** *Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang* ******************************************************** Kiniski and OMG were already in the ring when the cameras panned up and Steamboat and Youngblood made their entrance to cheers from the crowd here in Salem. Steamboat and Youngblood dominated the match as one might expect them to against the relatively inexperienced team of Kiniski and One Mang Gang. Steamboat picked up the win over Kiniski with his Flying Body Press. [B]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. Kelly Kiniski and One Mang Gang by pinfall[/B] [I]Grade: D+[/I][/QUOTE] Following the match, as Steamboat and Youngblood were being handed their belts, they were blindsided from behind by Dory Funk, Jr. and Terry Funk! Dory hit Steamboat in the back of the head with the Mid-Atlantic belt while Terry hit Youngblood with the cow bell! The Funks continued their attack on the NWA World Tag Team Champions with stomps to the head and then each picked up a belt, draping it over Steamboat and Youngblood's bodies, signifying with their hands at their waists that they want the titles. [I]Grade: B-[/I] A video begins to play as the ring gets cleaned up, showing Wahoo McDaniel standing against a generic background. [B]Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] "MACW wrestling fans, I'm Wahoo McDaniel, your friendly indian chief, reminding you to tune in next week here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and you'll get to see me in action!" Wahoo does a pose as the cameras fade out. [I]Grade: B-[/I] [QUOTE]*************************************** *Bob Orton, Jr. vs. The Assassin* *************************************** This was a fairly decent match between two veterans of the squared circle. Neither man gained a distinct advantage in this one with the action going back and forth until the end when the Assassin locked a chokehold on Bob Orton, Jr. Referee Tommy Young tried to get the Assassin to break the hold but he wouldn't break it after a five count so the referee had no choice but to disqualify the Assassin. [B]Bob Orton Jr. b. The Assassin by DQ[/B] [I]Grade: C[/I][/QUOTE] Following the match, the Assassin did not let up on the chokehold even with referee Tommy Young trying to get him to stop. Paul Jones came in and pushed the referee back in the corner while the Assassin finally released the hold and gave a few stomps down on Bob Orton, Jr. before finally exiting the ring with his manager. [I]Grade: C[/I] The camera moves up toward the interview area where Ric Flair is standing by alone. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] "Tonight, tonight, tonight. Dusty Rhodes, you get a shot to do what everyone in the back thinks they can do but knows in their heart they can't: take on the Nature Boy. Whoo. The National Wrestling Alliance is built around one man, the World Heavyweight Champion the Nature Boy Ric Flair. You are looking at the best wrestler alive today and I've got the belt to prove it. Tonight, Dusty Rhodes, when you walk that aisle you better know that you are facing the best there is. Whoo. And remember to be the man you've got to beat the man and Dream you're learning tonight just who the man is." [I]Grade: B+[/I] [QUOTE]******************************** *Ivan Koloff vs. Jerry Brisco* ******************************** Two great wrestlers here tonight facing one another inside the ring. This was an open match between the two with Koloff starting out with the advantage and working over the back of Jerry Brisco. Koloff took several near-falls during the match but couldn't quite keep Brisco down. This led to Koloff getting frustrated and pushing the official. Referee Stu Schwartz pushed him back, leading to Brisco taking back the advantage due to the distraction. Brisco started taking out the knee of Koloff during the match and went for the Figure 4 but Koloff poked him in the eye! Koloff rolled over to his corner and picked up the chain, wrapping it around his arm. The referee warned Koloff but the Russian Bear ran and hit Brisco with a chained Russian Sickle! The bell was called for immediately. [B]Jerry Brisco b. Ivan Koloff via DQ.[/B] [I]Grade: C[/I][/QUOTE] Following the match, Koloff put the boots to a fallen Jerry Brisco, wrapping the chain around Brisco's neck. Ivan looked up as the crowd cheered when Jack Brisco came running out from the back! Jack clotheslined Ivan Koloff out of the ring and checked on his brother, keeping Koloff from re-entering. [I]Grade: C+[/I] The cameras move quickly out into the parking lot where Bob Orton, Jr. is walking toward his car. He looks around for a moment before getting out his keys. He's about to to step in his car when he is blindsided by the Assassin with a double sledge! The Assassin rams Orton, Jr's head into the car door before pulling back and slamming him onto the trunk! The Assassin wipes his hands and turns walking away, leaving Orton Jr. in pain. [I]Grade: C-[/I] [QUOTE]*************************************************** *Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line* *Dory Funk, Jr.(c) vs. Mike Rotundo * **************************************************** This was a better match than most people would have thought as Mike Rotundo seemed able to hold his own against the veteran and Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion. Dory did dominate a lot of the match but Rotundo would not be pinned or submit. The match ended up with a ten minute time limit draw. [B]Dory Funk Jr. drew Mike Rotundo[/B] [I]Grade: D+[/I][/QUOTE] The cameras moved up to the interview area where Dusty Rhodes was standing by. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] "Ric Flair, you talk about tonight and how you think the Dream is going to have to walk your aisle. Well, let the Dream tell you that he doesn't mind walking that aisle. As a matter of fact, he's gonna get funky like a monkey down in that aisle. And why wait? Let's start it right now, daddy!" [I]Grade: B+[/I] [QUOTE]******************************** *Non-Title * Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes* ******************************** Dusty headed right down to the ring for the match and the Nature Boy made his way down for a nice-looking brawl between the two. Dusty knocked Flair out of the ring several times, getting the crowd really into it. Flair slowed the match down with a rake of the eyes and began focusing on Rhodes' knee. Later during the match, Flair went for the Figure 4 but Dusty rolled him into a small package and Flair was surprised by the fact that Dusty got a three count on it! [B]Dusty Rhodes b. Ric Flair via pinfall[/B] [I]Grade: B[/I][/QUOTE] After the match, Dusty rolled out of the ring and went into the crowd celebrating his victory! He looked up at a shocked Flair, making a belt motion around his waist. [I]Grade: B+[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Major Signings[/CENTER][/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling has brought several new wrestlers into the territory. Things are definitely looking exciting for the promotion as we welcome the following athletes in: Harley Race Arn Anderson Road Warrior Hawk Robert Gibson Fallen Angel Referee Earl Hebner Referee Dave Hebner They should be making their debuts or returns here to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling within the following weeks, including some showing up at our upcoming house show. === [CENTER][B]WWF In Your Neighborhood Results[/CENTER][/B] George Steele defeated Charlie Fulton Grade: D Tony Garea and Eddie Gilbert defeated Samula and Johnny Rodz Grade: D Don Kernodle defeated Bruno Sammartino Grade: C The Invaders defeated S.D. Jones and Rivera Grade: D- Big John Studd defeated Frankie Williams Grade: E+ Tiger Chung Li defeated Salvatore Bellomo Grade: E+ Masked Superstar defeated Jules Strongbow Grade: C- The Wild Samoans defeated Ivan Putski and Tito Santana to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles Grade: C- Jimmy Snuka defeated Tony Atlas Grade: C- Don Muraco defeated Rocky Johnson to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title Grade: C Sgt. Slaughter defeated Pedro Morales Grade: C Bob Backlund defeated Ray Stevens to retain the WWF Heavyweight Title Grade: C === [B][CENTER]MACW In Your Town Preview[/CENTER][/B] Ric Flair and Greg Valentine vs. Dusty Rhodes and Wahoo McDaniel Roddy Piper vs. Jos Leduc Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. The Funks(NWA World Tag Team Titles On The Line) Arn Anderson vs. Private Jim Nelson Robert Gibson vs. Road Warrior Hawk
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[B][CENTER]MACW In Your Town Friday, Week 1 April 1983 Location: Park Center. Charlotte, North Carolina Attendance: 2,000 Overall Rating: C[/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE]Road Warrior Hawk defeated Robert Gibson in 5:55 by pinfall with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Grade: D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Arn Anderson defeated Private Jim Nelson in 6:43 by pinfall with a Spinebuster. Grade: D-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Steamboat & Youngblood defeated Dory Funk Jr. & Terry Funk in 14:37 when Dory Funk Jr. was disqualified for using a weapon after interfered. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 1 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Grade: C[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Roddy Piper defeated Jos Leduc in 12:35 by submission with a Sleeperhold. Grade: C+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ric Flair and Greg Valentine defeated Dusty Rhodes and Wahoo McDaniel in 19:40 when Ric Flair defeated Dusty Rhodes by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Grade: C+[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Preview![/CENTER][/B] Harley Race vs. Dusty Rhodes The Funks vs. The Rock and Roll Express Ric Flair vs. Sweet Brown Sugar(Non-Title) Wahoo McDaniel vs. Dick Slater The Road Warriors vs. Mark Fleming and Vinnie Valentino[/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC. always appreciated.
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[B]Major News![/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling is announcing that Rowdy Roddy Piper has has become a turncoat and made the decision to sign with the World Wrestling Federation along with Hulk Hogan, Michael Hayes and Jesse Ventura. We here at MACW wish him the best. :-) [QUOTE][B][CENTER]WWF Championship Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] Tiger Chung Li defeated S.D. Jones Grade: D- Ivan Putski and Tito Santana defeated The Invaders Grade: D+ Sgt. Slaughter defeated Tony Atlas Grade: C Andre The Giant defeated Jimmy Snuka Grade: C+[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Wednesday, Week 2 April 1983 Location: North Carolina State Fair Arena. Raleigh, NC Attendance: 5,000 Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: [/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors vs. Mark Fleming and Vinnie Valentino [/U][/B] MACW started off with the debut of the Road Warriors with their manager Paul Ellering taking on Mark Fleming and Vinnie Valentino. The Warriors dominated the match as one might expect from these two. Hawk picked up the pinfall over Valentino after hitting the Doomsday Device. [B][U]The Road Warriors b. Mark Fleming and Vinnie Valentino =D-[/U][/B][/QuOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]The Snake Is Coming[/COLOR][/B] [I]The camera pans along a swamp at night. The sounds of various animals can be heard within the background and suddenly the camera turns to face a King Cobra staring back at it. The Cobra moves for the camera and it fades into "The Snake Is Coming."[/I] Grade: C- [QUOTE][B][U]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Dick Slater[/U][/B] Wahoo came down to the ring with cheers from the crowd taking on the grizzled veteran: 'Dirty' Dick Slater. Wahoo dominated most of the match as he seemed to get the focus. During the match, Greg Valentine came down and added some color commentary. Wahoo picked up the win after a samoan drop. [B][U]Wahoo McDaniel b. Dick Slater via pinfall =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Victory Celebration[/COLOR][/B] Wahoo celebrated the victory inside the ring, moving to each corner and getting cheers from the fans. [I]Grade: B-[/I] [B][COLOR=RED]Guest Insult[/COLOR][/B] Bob Caudle, David Crockett and Greg Valentine were all settled within the commentary booth talking about Wahoo's win. Valentine said the win wasn't anything special. He's broken Wahoo's leg before and he could do so again. [I]Grade: B-[/I] Wahoo came forward to the commentary booth and stared down Valentine, grabbing a microphone and telling Valentine to keep his mouth shut. The two men got nose-to-nose before it was broken up by several wrestlers. [I]Grade: B+[/I] [B][COLOR=RED]What Is His Problem?[/COLOR][/B] The attention turned toward the interview area where Bob Orton, Jr. was standing by with Tony Schiavone. They talked about the attack last week made by the Assassin. Orton said he doesn't know who is paying off this Assassin to attack him but he's going to find out. [I]Grade: C-[/I] [B][COLOR=RED]New Number One Contender[/COLOR][/B] The attention was shifted back to the announce table where Bob Caudle announced that due to his nontitle victory, Dusty Rhodes has been named the number one contender to Ric Flair's NWA World Heavyweight Title. [I]Grade: B-[/I] [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair vs. Sweet Brown Sugar(Non-Title)[/B][/U] Ric Flair came out looking very angry and made short work of Sweet Brown Sugar. He dominated the match and didn't even need to cheat to beat the masked wrestler with the Figure 4 Leglock. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Sweet Brown Sugar via submission =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]No Way![/COLOR][/B] Ric Flair approached Bob Caudle after the match, telling him that there was no way he was putting the NWA World Title on the line against that cheater Dusty Rhodes! Dusty obviously had to cheat to beat Flair the first time and the Nature Boy needs to move on to better competitors than that redneck. [I]Grade: C+[/I] [QUOTE][B][U]The Funks vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/U][/B] The Rock and Roll were making their debut here in MACW against the top contenders for the Tag titles in the Funks. Ricky Morton played the face-in-peril for most of the match until he made a hot tag to Robert Gibson. Gibson clotheslined Dory and then focused on Terry. He pushed Terry in the corner and rose up, giving ten solid punches while the crowd counted on. When Robert came down, though, Dory gave him a shot to the back and held Gibson. Terry and Dory double-teamed him, ending with a Spiked Piledriver and a pinfall victory. [B][U]The Funks b. The Rock and Roll Express via pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Post-Match Attack[/COLOR][/B] Paul Ellering came out as the Funks left, leading his Road Warriors down toward the ring. As Morton and Gibson were slowly getting up they were attacked by the Road Warriors! Morton was given a Doomsday Device and Ellering held his Road Warriors' hands up in victory. What a dastardly attack. [I]Grade: E[/I] [B][COLOR=RED]Main Event Tonight[/COLOR][/B] Dusty Rhodes hyped his #1 contendership and then spoke about his match tonight against the returning Harley Race. He said tonight he's going to go out there and prove why he was made the top contender. [I]Grade: B+[/I] [QUOTE][B][U]Harley Race vs. Dusty Rhodes[/U][/B] This was a great match that could have main evented anywhere around the world. It went back and forth until the end when Ric Flair came out and smashed Dusty in the knee with the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt right in front of the referee! The bell sounded as Flair rolled inside the ring. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Harley Race =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Race and Flair focused their joined efforts on the American Dream with stomps on the knee. Race pushed the referee out of the ring as Flair locked on a Figure 4, using the ropes for leverage and having a screaming Dusty end the show. [I]Grade: B-[/I]
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[B]Memoirs of a Head Booker[/B] [I]Jim Crockett doesn't suspect a thing. Or, rather, that's what I would like to believe. But the man cannot be so naieve, can he? No, he probably sees the dollar signs, the money that I can bring him as a promotion. That is one of the most important things in life, isn't it? But the territorial system is dying. The old breed is passing away and a new life is going to be formed. Vince McMahon started the trend by breaking away from the National Wrestling Alliance and trying to go out on his own. That is a fool's game at the moment. He might be considered a frontrunner right now but without the backing of the NWA Board of Directors he will fall by the wayside. No, at the moment we need the backing of the NWA. They will supply us with ready-made talent and a World title. Then when the timing is right the NWA will have no choice but to bow down to us. They will have nothing left but Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. We already have the NWA World Heavyweight Champion on a written contract. We have the United States Champion, among others. Yes, it will be sooner rather than later that the NWA will be on it's knees.[/I] The Mysterious Booker
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 3, April 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Trask Coliseum, Wilmington, NC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] The show opens at the podium where the combination of Ric Flair and Harley Race are standing by. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Dusty Rhodes! Last week you saw what happens when you mess with the Nature Boy. You not only get Ric Flair but a legend in his own right the King Harley Race."[/COLOR] [B]Harley Race:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's right, Ric. You see what you are looking at here is a collection of two of the finest wrestlers ever to grace the squared circle and tonight we make a pledge right here to continue to make the life of Dusty Rhodes a living hell as long as he continues to remain within the Mid-Atlantic territory."[/COLOR] [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Whoooo!"[/COLOR] =B- [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Ivan Koloff vs. Jimmy Valiant[/U][/B] A pretty hot match to start off the show between Koloff and Valiant. The Boogie Woogie Man played to the crowd and got some USA chants started during the match. Koloff played to those, covering his ears some and growling at the crowd when he held the advantage. Koloff won the virtually short match when he got Valiant to submit with the Inverted Backbreaker. [B][U]Ivan Koloff b. Jimmy Valiant by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Parking Lot Fun[/COLOR][/B] The cameras quickly moved to the parking lot after the match to show Kabuki and Magic Dragon stomping on a fallen Mike Rotundo. The crowd in the arena booed as they were shown what was going on. Gary Hart appeared in the picture smiling and calling off his boys as the officials came over. But why oh why did they attack Mike Rotundo? =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Attack[/COLOR][/B] A video replay occured of the attack The Assassin made on Bob Orton, Jr. in the parking lot a couple weeks back. This time, though, the cameras pulled back to see a man nodding his head. Could this be the man that orchestrated the attack? =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Back To Parking Lot Fun[/COLOR][/B] After the video the cameras returned to the parking lot where EMTs were attending to Mike Rotundo. A stretcher had been brought out and he was being placed on it. He's gonna be checked out at the local hospital here after the number that The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon did on him. =D [B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Dory Funk Jr. vs. Vinnie Valentino[/U][/B] Was this even a match? The Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion came out and dominated the severely overmatched Valentino. It only took 51 seconds for Funk to gain the submission with the Funk Spinning Toe hold. [B][U]Dory Funk Jr. b. Vinnie Valentino by submission =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Attacker Revealed[/COLOR][/B] After the match, Funk rolled Valentino out of the ring and took up a microphone. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Assassin, get your ass out here, boy."[/COLOR] The Assassin came out from the back along with his manager number one Paul Jones. They stepped inside the ring and shook hands with Dory. [B]Dory Funk, Jr:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You did a good job in that parking lot, boy, against Bob Orton. We don't need him here in Mid-Atlantic anyway. You'll get your money later on. Orton, so, yes, as you've seen it is the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion that called out the bounty on your ass. You don't like it, that's tough, because here on the Doublecross Ranch and the Mid-Atlantic territory that's how we do business. You've now got two choices: you can face me like a man or crawl on your belly like a coward out of the territory. You've got until next week to decide, boy."[/COLOR] =C [B][COLOR=BLUE]Number One Contender[/COLOR][/B] The camera turns focus on the podium and out walks the American Dream Dusty Rhodes to a nice crowd ovation. He takes up a microphone. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I believe we have a little problem here tonight if you weeeeelll. You see the American Dream was named the numba one contenda after beating that ole Nature Boy a couple weeks back but the Dream has yet to see his title shot. Now I know the Nature Boy has been in the building alongside that nasty Harley Race but I don't want my match tonight. No, no, no. I am looking at a major card we havea coming up called the Spring Stampede. This is where the American Dream wants his title shot. This is where Dusty Rhodes is going to get what's coming to him. And Ric Flair the whipping you gonna get courtesy of the American Dream is gonna be...shameful."[/COLOR] =B+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Introducing...[/COLOR][/B] The camera slides over to the announcer's table where Tony Schiavone is sitting alone. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening everyone. I hope you've enjoyed watching Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling so far. Tonight it is my pleasure to introduce to you a man who's going to be making his debut here soon in the Mid-Atlantic territory: Rick Martel. He's a name that some of you may know from other places but I can tell you that he is a great athlete. He has wrestled in the United States and in Canada and has won titles all over. We will be proud to have such a great international athlete here in the Mid-Atlantic region...[/COLOR] =D- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Turn The Attention To Someone Important[/COLOR][/B] Tony Schiavone's words were halted by the sudden appearance of the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko. The crowd is a little stunned by Zbyszko's appearance but he has a microphone. [B]Tony Schiavone[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What are you doing here, Larry Zbyszko? We have a show to run..."[/COLOR] [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Listen up, Schiavone, you better shut your mouth and all these fans out here better shut their mouths too. Because you see you are going to have a better man debuting here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. You are going to be having a Living Legend debuting here by the name of Larry Zbyszko. You all know my exploits from Georgia. You know what I've done up north and now you're going to see what I'm going to do here. They don't call me the Living Legend for nothing."[/COLOR] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"But this isn't your time, Larry. I'm talking about a great athlete like Rick Martel."[/COLOR] [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I don't see Rick Martel out here, Schiavone. I don't see him making his presence felt. All I see, all I hear is you going on and on about him when he hasn't even been seen here. It's a disgrace. And don't worry I will make my presence felt on this Rick Martel, this young punk. He truly is a shining example of the young and the useless around here."[/COLOR] Larry sneered in disgust, dropped the microphone and walked off. =D [B]Match 3[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Rock and Roll Express vs. Dizzy Ed Hogan and Mike Davis[/U][/B] The female fans cheered when the Rock and Roll Express came out. They stepped onto the turnbuckles and played to the crowd but Hogan and Davis made a quick attack from behind to gain the sneak attack advantage. They turned their focus on Ricky Morton early with frequent double-teams but their advantage didn't last very long as Morton quickly tagged out and Gibson dominated their opponents. They used several double-team moves on both Hogan and Davis, ending the match with the double dropkick and Gibson getting the pin on Dizzy Ed Hogan. [B][U]The Rock and Roll Express b. Dizzy Ed Hogan and Mike Davis by pinfall =E+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Power And Paint[/COLOR][/B] A music video played, hyping the power of the Road Warriors. Hawk and Animal are shown dominating wrestlers just like last week. The video ends with a closeup of Hawk and Animal in their gear with the spiked shoulderpads and Paul Ellering standing behind them. =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Legion of Doom[/COLOR][/B] Back in the arena, the focus turns to the podium where Paul Ellering has stepped out and is standing with a microphone. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You have all just seen the dominance that my Road Warriors will be creating here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. You will be witnessing soon the dominance that they truly will have here. If there are any tag teams here in this region that think they can step up and defeat my Road Warriors then step up to the plate but do not but surprised when my Road Warriors annihilate you and leave you fallen in their path to the NWA World Tag Team Titles. But my Legion does not stop there. No, it doesn't. I have others who will be following me. Others who believe as I do. Others who have proven themselves to be tough enough to join the Legion of Doom. Who are they? I won't tell. At least not yet. I always have one Ace up my sleeve. But suffice to say he will be the future NWA World Heavyweight Champion, the future Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion and he will hold any other belt that he chooses to hold because the Legion of Doom is the most dominant force in professional wrestling. Bet on it."[/COLOR] =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]We Want Our Shot[/COLOR][/B] After Paul Ellering walks away, Gary Hart leads the Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon to the podium. [B]Gary Hart:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Listen up Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I know that each and every person watching is wondering why my team from the orient beat up Mike Rotundo. You want to know why we did it? To send a message. We wanted to send a message to Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood that they cannot continue to duck us. I have taken the two best international stars in wrestling today and teamed them together with one purpose: winning the NWA World Tag Team Titles. You can take on the other teams if you want. You can face the Briscos or the Rock and Roll Express but the fact of the matter is that eventually you will have to face The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon. You will have to face my team and you will lose to them and lose those gold belts. Steamboat, Youngblood we're coming for ya!"[/COLOR] =C [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Ken Timbs vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/U][/B] The Native American came down to a solid crowd ovation. Joining Bob Caudle and David Crockett on commentary for this match was U.S. Champion Greg The Hammer Valentine. As Wahoo put his headdress away, Timbs came over with a forearm shot to the back. He hit Wahoo's head into the turnbuckles and began to kick him in the gut, taking him down to the mat. Timbs is no slouch, being a former member of the Fabulous Blondes. But Wahoo soon regained the advantage, using the crowd's support. Valentine insulted Wahoo at every chance he got during this match. Wahoo picked up the win by submission with his indian deathlock. [B][U]Wahoo McDaniel b. Ken Timbs by submission =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Celebration Indian Style[/B][/COLOR] After the match, Wahoo did a native american dance inside the ring to cheers from the crowd, celebrating his victory...=C+ [COLOR=BLUE][B]Then The Insult[/B][/COLOR] While Wahoo celebrated inside the ring... [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That Wahoo is a poor excuse for a wrestler. If I got inside the ring with him, I'd wipe the floor with that indian. Are you kidding me? So, he took care of Ken Timbs. Big deal. He hasn't done one thing that's impressed me. After all, I did break his leg, remember?"[/COLOR] =C+ As Valentine continued the insults, Wahoo came walking down past the podium... [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hey Injun over here. Got any of that fire water?"[/COLOR] [B]Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You better watch your mouth, Valentine. I warned you last week to stay out of my business."[/COLOR] [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I go anywhere I want to go, pal. I'm the United States Heavyweight Champion and you're not. You're not even good enough to hold a belt here..."[/COLOR] =B Those last words were enough to cause Wahoo to belt Valentine with a right hand! Valentine fired back and things broke down by the announcers! Wahoo pushed Valentine onto the announce table and then over as they rolled on the ground, fighting for position on one another. Valentine got on top and began laying those strong punches and an elbow on Wahoo. Security and other wrestlers came out quickly, breaking things up though and holding both men apart. =B [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]THE MAIN EVENT![/CENTER][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]One Man Gang vs. Dusty Rhodes[/U][/B] Sir Oliver Humperdink acquired this match for the One Man Gang taking on the number one contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Title in Dusty Rhodes. As one might expect, this match wasn't a pretty or technical match to say the least. It was a brawl that had the Gang gaining the advantage with help of his manager but the plucky Dusty Rhodes fighting back against the odds. The American Dream started to gain the advantage and did a few right hands to the Gang and a little flip, flop and fly with the Bionic Elbow, sending the OMG to the mat much to the chagrin of Sir Oliver Humperdink. Dusty turned toward him and did his crotch grab toward Humperdink, infuriating the manager further. But this allowed Ric Flair to come out of the crowd behind Dusty and slide into the ring. Flair drove his NWA World Heavyweight title into the back of Dusty's knee, causing the referee to call for the bell! Flair stood over a fallen Dusty Rhodes, putting a few stomps on the knee and gave a strut as the cameras faded to black. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. One Man Gang by disqualification =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]Overall Rating: D[/SIZE][/B] [B]Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .63 [B]Notes:[/B] Not a very good show at all to tell you the truth. The fans were disappointed that they didn't see enough wrestling but there were definitely things that I had to take care of in order to be prepared for the upcoming Spring Stampede card at the end of the month. It could be worse. We did get a sellout crowd. We didn't get a great rating but word-of-mouth probably killed that. One Man Gang I'm sure was a surprise for the main event but he's got a good character and who knows maybe one day he'll be a true main event superstar. Right now though he did the job for ole Dust. [QUOTE][B][SIZE=3][CENTER]NEXT WEEK![/SIZE] Rick Martel will be in the building to speak about Larry Zbyszko's comments. Just what will he have to say after being upstaged? Bob Orton, Jr. will face the Assassin in a match where he will be looking for revenge on the attack and a first step in taking care of Dory Funk, Jr. PLUS! Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Harley Race and all your favorite Mid-Atlantic Superstars.[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Civic Center in Florence, South Carolina Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Nature Boy Ric Flair and King Harley Race vs. American Dream Dusty Rhodes and Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Bob Orton, Jr. in a Grudge Match against The Assassin[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rick Martel makes his Mid-Atlantic debut against Masa Fuchi[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]All of this and much, much more on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! Predictions are open.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 4, April 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Trask Coliseum, Wilmington, NC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]United States Challenge[/COLOR][/B] The show opens at the podium where Greg Valentine is standing by looking at the camera. [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wahoo McDaniel, last week you made the mistake of putting your hands on me. That's a mistake that you're not going to live to regret. At the big Spring Stampede card I am challenging you to a match and I'll even be willing to put my United States Title on the line to get the match. At Stampede, you're going to feel the hammer get dropped on you!"[/COLOR] =B- [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Rick Martel vs. Masa Fuchi[/U][/B] Rick Martel made his Mid-Atlantic debut here in the ring tonight taking on japaense sensation Masa Fuchi. Martel dissected Fuchi inside the ring with his technical expertise. He picked up the submission victory with the Quebec Crab, his version of the Boston Crab. [B][U]Rick Martel b. Masa Fuchi by submission =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warrior Hype[/COLOR][/B] Another music video played, showing the power and paint of the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. At the end it said "Road Warriors coming to you at Spring Stampede." =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Living Legend Or Martel?[/COLOR][/B] Following that music video, the cameras turned their focus to the podium where Tony Schiavone was standing by with Rick Martel. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening wrestling fans. I'm here tonight with the man who just picked up his first win here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Rick Martel. Rick congratulations and welcome to the Mid-Atlantic region."[/COLOR] [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you, Mr. Schiavone. I would just like to thank the fans for their support in welcoming me here to this region. This is just the beginning. I have my eyes set on the main prize here the NWA World Heavyweight Title and with the fans behind me I know I can accomplish this goal."[/COLOR] =D As Rick talked, Larry Zbyszko came out to the podium, grabbing the microphone. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Listen up you young punk if anyone deserves a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title it's me: the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko. I AM the National Heavyweight Champion after all. And I'm a lot smarter than you are too."[/COLOR] [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I have a lot of respect for what you've accomplished Mr. Zbyszko but the fact of the matter is that you've done less here right now than I have."[/COLOR] [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's because anyone would be willing to face a young punk like you. Only a select few have the guts to step in the ring with me."[/COLOR] Zbyszko pushes Martel back slightly and Martel gets nose-to-nose with him. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Alright Gentlemen that's enough. This isn't the ring."[/COLOR] [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yeah I'll see you in the ring one day punk."[/COLOR] =D [B]Match 2 [COLOR=BLUE]Grudge Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Bob Orton, Jr. vs, The Assassin[/U][/B] Nobody expected this to be a classic technical encounter. As soon as Bob Orton hit the ring he began brawling with the Assassin. The action quickly spilled outside the ring with Orton slamming the Assassin's head into the steel barricade that is meant to keep the fans from ringside. Orton threw the Assassin back in the ring but while the Assassin distracted the referee, Paul Jones hit Orton in the back and kicked him low before tossing him back in the ring. This gave the Assassin the advantage he needed as he began working over the lower back of Bob Orton, Jr. The Assassin pushed Orton into a backbreaker but Orton would not submit. Instead he used the crowd support to fight back, throwing punches at the Assassin to get him to break the hold. Orton started coming back but Dory Funk Jr. came down to ringside, distracting him. Paul Jones climbed on the apron, getting the ref's attention as Dory slid inside the ring and began brawling with Bob Orton, Jr. They went back in a corner where the referee saw the two men and called for the bell. [B][U]Bob Orton, Jr. b. The Assassin by disqualification =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Wonderful Rescue[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Orton climbed up and began delivering punches on the Mid-Atlantic Champion to the count of the fans before the Assassin nailed him with a double sledge and pulled him off. The Assassin and Dory Funk, Jr. stomped down on Orton, Funk wrapping in that Funk Spinning Toe Hold to the disgust of the crowd. But the crowd began to cheer when another man came running down to ringside and inside the ring. He clotheslined the Assassin. Dory came running at him and was caught in a powerslam. Paul Orndorff rose to his feet and flexed as Dory and the Assassin slid out of the ring to meet up with Paul Jones. =C- Paul Orndorff was handed up a wireless microphone. [B]Paul Orndorff:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I knew you guys would be afraid to fight someone you hadn't worn down first. Dory, Assassin I'm stepping in to my friend's side here. Bob Orton, Jr and I go back a long way and the fact of the matter is that pretty soon you guys are going to receive a wonderful beatdown courtesy of Mr. Wonderful and a recovering Bob Orton, Jr."[/COLOR] =D+ [B]Match 3[/B] [QuOTE][B][U]Ivan Koloff vs. Angelo Mosca Jr.[/U][/B] The Russian Bear came out after the ring was cleared to take on another second generation superstar in Angelo Mosca Jr. The Bear continued his dominance in the ring that he's been showing the last few weeks, easily dispatching Mosca, showing that the young superstar was outclassed in the ring. Koloff picked up the win by submission with the Bear Hug. [B][U]Ivan Koloff b. Angelo Mosca Jr. by submission =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]A Replay of Events[/COLOR][/B] Gary Hart's promo from last week was shown where he explained the truth behind the attack by The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon on Mike Rotundo. They want to prove a point and take out anyone en route to a title shot against Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood =B- The camera then zooms in on David Crockett standing at the podium. [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, I am here to talk about the heinous attack made by The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon last week on a defenseless Mike Rotundo. An attack like that is reprehensible. I cannot believe that someone would do something like that. I am recommending serious disciplinary action against those two. As a matter of fact, let's see what I am talking about. Remember, this is not for the faint of heart."[/COLOR] =D And the video tape rolls of the attack by Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon on Mike Rotundo in the parking lot last week. The double-team moves, the mist spraying and the fact that Rotundo had to be stretchered out of the building. =D+ [B]Match 4 [COLOR=BLUE]#1 Contenders Match[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/U][/B] Gary Hart led his team toward the ring following the playing of the video laughing at what they just witnessed. The crowd booed them and then cheered as the team of Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, the Rock and Roll Express came out. Kabuki and Dragon let them have the ring and play to the fans some before the match began. The Rock and Roll Express started the match hot with the fans behind them but a little trickery from Gary Hart turned the tide with Ricky Morton in the ring. Kabuki and Dragon used double-teams to keep Morton in their corner, taunting Robert Gibson into the ring and choking Morton with the tag rope while the referee pushed Gibson back out. Kabuki locked Morton in a front face lock later in the match and Morton rose up, beginning to push toward his corner. He was inching his way there, closer and closer as Gibson reached his hand out. The fans clapped, trying to get behind Morton and give him the energy to push Kabuki back. Nearly there. Almost. He got it! But, wait, the referee was distracted by Magic Dragon! Referee Tommy Young comes over and tells Gibson he didn't see the tag and is forcing Robert back to the corner. Kabuki holds Morton up for a straight thrust kick from Magic Dragon. Dragon comes inside the ring now, clapping his hands while the referee's back is turned. He makes a cover on Morton but only gets a two count. He reaches down and pinches the nerve on Morton's shoulder as the crowd begins to chant 'Rock and Roll', 'Rock and Roll.' Morton slowly feels the crowd's momentum and starts to get to his feet. He fires a couple of elbows into Dragon's gut to get him to release the hold and bounces off the ropes, landing a dropkick square on Dragon's jaw! Both men are down! Slowly they try to make it toward their respective corners. Dragon gets the tag first but Morton does a forward roll toward his corner and makes the tag to Robert Gibson! Gibson is a man on fire with right hands to both Kabuki and an incoming Magic Dragon! Double noggin knockers sends both Kabuki and Dragon staggering! Ricky Morton comes back in the ring to meet up with Dragon while Gibson has ahold of Kabuki! They go in opposite corners, climbing up and railing on their opponents with punches while the fans count along to ten! They hop back down and whip Kabuki and Dragon toward each other. Reversal on both sides! Gibson and Morton do-si-do and land punches that drop both Kabuki and Dragon! Referee Tommy Young tries to get some control here as he begins to move Ricky Morton out of the ring. Magic Dragon has already rolled to the outside. Robert Gibson begins to ascend the top turnbuckle but Gary Hart climbs up and pushes him off and to the mat! The referee didn't see it! Kabuki makes a cover on Gibson as the referee turns around. Gary Hart holds Gibson's feet down out of sight of the official and a three count is made! The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon have won! [B][U]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon b. The Rock and Roll Express by pinfall =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Stay Out Of It[/COLOR][/B] The cameras move over to the podium again where Dory Funk Jr. and the Assassin walk out. Dory holds up the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title to boos from the crowd. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You see this belt? Do you know what it means? It means that I'm the best in the Mid-Atlantic territory. It means that guys like Paul Orndorff shouldn't be able to even get in the same ring with me, much less touch me like he did. Orndorff, if you think what we did to Bob Orton, Jr. was bad you better think again. Why? Because it will be ten times worse for you if you continue to meddle in our business. I am giving you this one chance to back off and sit on the sidelines, boy. I hope you take it."[/COLOR] The Assassin just crosses his arms over his chest and nods. =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Accepted Challenge[/COLOR][/B] As Dory and the Assassin exit stage right, Wahoo McDaniel enters stage left. [B]Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Valentine, I've had a lot of time to think on that challenge you issued earlier tonight. If you are so willing to part with that United States title in a match with me then I am more than willing to show you that this indian isn't always so friendly. So at Spring Stampede you have yourself a match. Wrestling fans come out to see the last title defense by Greg Valentine this Sunday night."[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][SIZE=5][CENTER]THE MAIN EVENT![/CENTER][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Nature Boy Ric Flair and King Harley Race vs. American Dream Dusty Rhodes and Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant[/U][/B] Ric Flair and Harley Race came out in nearly matching robes with "King" on Harley's and "Nature Boy" on Ric's. Ric placed the NWA World Heavyweight Title at ringside as they waited the entrance of Dusty and Valiant. When the two more common men came down, Dusty circled the ring and looked down at the NWA World Heavyweight Title, glancing up to Ric and doing the 'I want the belt' sign at his waist. The match started off slow with Ric using some mindgames in keeping Harley Race in the ring with Dusty to start things off. Only when Harley gained the advantage did Ric come in and place a few stomps on Dusty but when Dusty started firing back, Ric made a quick tag. Dusty and Jimmy exhibited several tags in and out with a few double-teams on Race and Flair but Flair raked the eyes of the Boogie Woogie Man and it was time for the bad guys to start their advantage. They focused on the knee of Valiant with stomps and the usual Flair tactics. Flair taunted the Dream with a strut and a 'Whooo' right near the Dream but dodged out of the way of a Dusty Rhodes punch. Flair quickly tagged in Race but this gave Valiant a little bit of time to recover and he gave punches to Race's gut. The Boogie Woogie Man stuck a knee into Race's belly and backed him into a corner, doing a little dance, winding up and nailing Race with a right hand! He whipped Race into the ropes and each man came across with a clothesline, sending them both down to the mat! Each one was starting to crawl toward their corner. Race tagged in Flair and Valiant tagged in Rhodes! The American Dream met Flair in the center of the ring and Flair begged off back toward his corner. The Dream followed him in and Flair raked the eyes of the Dream, turning him around and chopping the chest! The Dream popped back up though, no-selling the chop! Flair dropped to his knees, begging off of Dusty and Dusty grabbed Flair by the hair, holding up a fist to cheers from the crowd! Dusty punched Flair several times and picked him up, whipping him toward the turnbuckle! Flair flipped over the top and onto the apron where he was met with a Dusty Rhodes clothesline that sent him falling outside the ring. Dusty leaned over the ropes, taunting Flair as Harley Race came inside the ring and nailed Dusty with a forearm shot to the back. Dusty slowly turned and looked at Harley with those wide eyes. He began peppering the King with right hands, doing a little flip, flop and fly before dropping Race with the Bionic Elbow to cheers from the crowd. But from behind Dusty, Ric Flair slid into the ring and nailed Dusty in the knee with the NWA World Title! Dusty went falling to the mat as the referee called for the bell. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant b. Ric Flair and Harley Race by disqualification =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] The attack didn't stop there, though. Flair continued to stomp on the back of the knee of Rhodes. Jimmy Valiant couldn't be seen but he was knocked out outside the ring by Harley Race. Inside the ring, Flair clamped on the Figure 4 Leglock, reaching back and using the ropes and then Harley Race's hands for leverage! The American Dream is definitely hurting! He's calling out in pain as Race releases Flair's hands and works several stomps in on Dusty's knee! The hold is finally broken but the damage was done. What kind of condition will Dusty Rhodes be in for Spring Stampede this Sunday? =B- [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .59 [B]Notes:[/B] Shows like this are definitely hurting our popularity overall. I am hoping that some of the wrestlers will be getting over sooner rather than later. Hopefully, I won't be cramming these guys down their throats too much. A real tell-tale sign will be this Sunday's Spring Stampede. It's our big card of the month so I am hoping that the turnout will be great. There will definitely be some great matches taking place there. The Assassin and Bob Orton, Jr. just don't click inside the ring. This may force me to make some changes in that storyline. Hopefully not too many though. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE=4]SPRING STAMPEDE[/SIZE] [B]Will Dusty Rhodes be able to compete in the NWA World Heavyweight Title match at Spring Stampede? Will The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon win the NWA World Tag Team Titles after the statement they made against Mike Rotundo? Will Bob Orton, Jr. be around to seek more revenge against Dory Funk, Jr. and The Assassin? The answer to these questions plus more at Spring Stampede![/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]MACW Spring Stampede![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair(c) defends against Dusty Rhodes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]United States Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Greg Valentine defends against Wahoo McDaniel[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]NWA World Tag Team Title Match: Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against the Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Dory Funk Jr. defends against Paul Orndorff[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rick Martel vs. Dick Slater[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Road Warriors vs. The British Bulldogs[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]All of this plus much, much more in the works! Predictions are open![/CENTER][/COLOR]
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[B][SIZE=1]Sunday, Week 4, April 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC. Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MACW'S SPRING STAMPEDE![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B]Ivan Koloff[/B] b. Rufus R. Jones by submission with a Bear Hug.[B]=D+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Rock and Roll Express[/B] p. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang after a double dropkick on Kiniski.[B]=D-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 3[/B] [QUOTE][B]Jake Roberts[/B] p. Sweet Brown Sugar following a DDT.[B]D+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Road Warriors[/B] p. The British Bulldogs when Hawk pinned Davey Boy Smith following a Doomsday Device.[B]D-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 5[/B] [QUOTE][B]Rick Martel[/B] p. Dick Slater following a Flying Cross Body Press.[B]=C-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 6[/B] [QUOTE][B]Paul Orndorff[/B] b. Dory Funk Jr. by disqualification when the Assassin came in and attacked Orndorff.[B]=D+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 7[/B] [QUOTE]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon drew Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood following a double countout.[B]=C+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 8[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Brisco Brothers[/B] p. Mike Davis and Rick Harris when Jerry Brisco rolled up Mike Davis.[B]=D[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 9[/B] [QUOTE]Wahoo McDaniel drew Greg Valentine following a double countout.[B]=B[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Match 10[/B] [QUOTE]Ric Flair drew Dusty Rhodes following a 30 minute time limit draw.[B]=B-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Overall: C+[/B] [B]Attendance:[/B] 6,874 [B]Notes:[/B] Several of these matches were thrown together at the last minute and it showed. The One Man Gang dominated the Rock and Rolls when he was in there. Jake Roberts made his debut and laid his snake across Sweet Brown Sugar after picking up the win. Steamboat and Youngblood were attacked by Kabuki and Dragon prior to the match. At the end of the show, Arn Anderson came out and joined Harley Race and Ric Flair in giving Dusty Rhodes a spiked piledriver. Hmmm. A 3 man group with Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. One more would make 4. We lost money on this card but continued a lot of the storylines so it was worth it. The month is over though and it's time to start making some money South East.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling May 1983[/B][/CENTER] [B]Money[/B] 720,517 [B]Prestige[/B] Cult C+ [B]Location[/b] Mid-Atlantic (USA) [b]Style[/b] Carolina Traditional [b]Owner Goals[/b] Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion cannot drop below $187,500 at any time during the time period. Goal #3: BLOCK: The roster should be biased toward genuine athletes. You cannot sign any wrestler with less than a D grade in athleticism. [b]Promotion Pacts[/b] Georgia Championship Wrestling (working agreement) World Class Championship Wrestling (hostile) Championship Wrestling From Florida (working agreement) Central States (working agreement) World Wrestling Council (working agreement) All Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Pacific Northwest (working agreement) Southeastern Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Maple Leaf Wrestling (working agreement) Mid-South Wrestling (working agreement) World Wrestling Federation (at war) International Wrestling(Montreal) (at war) Houston Championship Wrestling (working agreement) American Wrestling Association (working agreement) Calgary Stampede Wrestling (working agreement) New Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Southwest Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (working agreement) Championship Wrestling Association (working agreement) [B]TV Shows[/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling [b]Announcers[/b] Bob Caudle and David Crockett [b]Popularity[/b] Great Lakes: E+ Mid-Atlantic: C+ Mid-South: E Mid-West: E New England: F+ North West: E South East: C- South West: E Tri-State: E- Puerto Rico: E- [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [color=blue]Dusty Rhodes Wahoo McDaniel[/color] [color=red]Harley Race Ivan Koloff Ric Flair(NWA World Heavyweight Champion) Terry Funk[/color] [b]Upper Midcarders[/b] [color=blue]Jay Younblood(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Jerry Brisco Jimmy Valiant Ricky Steamboat(NWA World Tag Team Champion)[/color] [color=red]Dory Funk, Jr. (Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion) Greg Valentine(United States Heavyweight Champion) Larry Zbyszko[/color] [b]Midcarders[/b] [color=blue]Bob Orton, Jr. Bugsy McGraw Magnum T.A. Mike Rotundo Paul Orndorff Rick Martel Ricky Morton Robert Gibson[/COLOR] [color=red]Arn Anderson Dick Slater Jake Roberts Magic Dragon One Man Gang Road Warrior Animal Road Warrior Hawk The Assassin The Great Kabuki[/color] [b]Lower Midcarders[/b] [color=blue]Sweet Brown Sugar[/color] [color=red]Kelly Kiniski Ken Timbs King Kong Bundy(yet to debut) Rick Harris[/color] [b]Openers[/b] [color=blue]Private Jim Nelson[/color] [color=red]Dizzy Ed Hogan Mike Davis Rick Rude(yet to debut)[/color] [B]Enhancement Talents[/b] [COLOR=BLUE]Vinnie Valentino[/COLOR] [color=red]Masa Fuchi[/color] [B]Occasional Wrestlers[/B] [color=blue]Jack Brisco Mark Fleming Rufus R. Jones[/color] [color=red]Paul Jones[/color] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=RED]Bobby Heenan(yet to debut) Gary Hart Paul Ellering Sir Oliver Humperdink Woman(yet to debut)[/COLOR] [B]Announcer[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator[/B] David Crockett [B]Referees[/B] Dave Hebner Earl Hebner Randy Anderson Stu Schwartz Tommy Young [B]Authority Figure[/B] Jim Crockett, Jr. [B]Road Agent[/B] Abe Jacobs Gene Anderson Johnny Weaver [B]Personality[/B] Tony Schiavone [B]Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw (Full Time) Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo (Semi Active) Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw (Semi Active) Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood (Full Time)(NWA World Tag Team Champions) Jack Brisco and Jerry Brisco (Full Time) Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (Full Time)[/COLOR] [color=red]Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk (Full Time) The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon (Full Time) Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang (Full Time) Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk (Full Time)[/color] [B]Stables[/B] [I]Gary Hart's Family[/I] Gary Hart Magic Dragon The Great Kabuki [I]House of Humperdink[/I] Kelly Kiniski One Man Gang Sir Oliver Humperdink [I]Legion of Doom[/I] Paul Ellering Road Warrior Hawk Road Warrior Animal [I]Paul Jones' Army[/I] Paul Jones The Assassin[/QUOTE] ...
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Macon City Auditorium in Macon, Georgia. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]The American Dream Dusty Rhodes vs. the returning Terry Funk![/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The King Harley Race vs. Jerry Brisco[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk, Jr. defends his title against the debuting Magnum T.A.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw vs. Kelly Kiniski and the One Man Gang[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B][center]All this and much much more as Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling comes to you L I V E from Georgia! Predictions Are Open![/CENTER][/B][/COLOR]
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 1, May 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Macon City Auditorium, Macon, GA. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Two Upcoming Matches Announced[/COLOR][/B] After the opening video of the show, the focus was on the podium where Bob Caudle and David Crockett are sitting. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle along with David Crockett. David, we just received some fantastic news before we went on the air. Why don't you share that with everyone?"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you, Bob. What I have just found out is that we will be having two huge matches in 3 weeks here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. The first will be the main event as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair defends his title against the man who is still the number one contender: The American Dream Dusty Rhodes."[/COLOR]=B+ [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That is a huge main event matchup to be sure. So what is the other match?"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"The second match is a rematch for the United States Heavyweight Title as Greg The Hammer Valentine defends the belt against his top contender: Wahoo McDaniel."[/COLOR]=B- [B]Match 1[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line Dory Funk Jr. vs. Magnum T.A.[/U][/B] Speaking of action, they headed up to the ring next for the opening bout: a defense of the Mid-Atlantic Title by Dory Funk, Jr. against the debuting Magnum T.A. Magnum got some definite crowd support in this match as he got several near-falls on the champ. The tide turned with a little help from the Assassin outside the ring, setting Magnum up for a Spinning Toe Hold by Funk to pick up the submission win. [B][U]Dory Funk Jr. b. Magnum T.A. by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Post-Match Rescue[/COLOR][/B] Following the sound of the bell, Dory Funk, Jr. refused to release the Spinning Toe Hold on Magnum T.A. The Assassin got inside the ring and stomped on Magnum, pushing the referee out of the picture. Suddenly, the crowd cheered as Paul Orndorff came shooting out of the back and into the ring! He took down the Assassin with a clothesline! Dory ran into a belly-to-belly suplex before the champ left the ring with Orndorff standing tall and checking on Magnum's condition.=C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Quest For A Win[/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved over to the podium where Tony Schiavone stood by with Dusty Rhodes. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone. I hope you're enjoying your MACW action. I'm standing here with the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Dusty, it looks like you're going to be getting that rematch with the Nature Boy in three weeks."[/COLOR] [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Listen up Mr. Tony Schiavone for a moment if you will. Ric Flair, you may have survived our last encounter at Spring Stampede with the belt but it won't be too much longer before the Dream gets his next opportunity at you. In three weeks you better believe that the Dream is gonna be ready. When the American Dream says it you can take it to the bank and in three weeks the American Dream is going to become your new NWA World Heavyweight Champion, daddy."[/COLOR]=B [B][COLOR=BLUE]New But Better[/COLOR][/B] As Dusty walked off, Tony was joined by Rick Martel. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Interesting words from Dusty Rhodes. Now I've got another superstar here. A man by the name of Rick Martel. Rick, you've fought all over the world and you've started off strong here in Mid-Atlantic."[/COLOR] [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I owe it to all these great fans. They are the reason I compete in here night after night. And you're right I have competed all over the world but the best wrestlers are right here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. And I am going to prove that I belong here by going in night after night and competing against and beating the best."[/COLOR]=D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]None Better Than Me[/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved to the bad guy locker room where Larry Zbyszko and Arn Anderson had been watching the monitor. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That punk kid thinks he's pretty good, doesn't he? He doesn't know the meaning of the word good. He's just that strong, shining example of the young and the useless. I'm the guy that broke Bruno Sammartino's neck. I am the man who is the Living Legend in this business but Rick Martel gets all that press? I'm sick and tired of hearing about him and I'm going to take care of him sooner rather than later."[/COLOR] Arn just nodded in the background, rubbing his chin=C- [B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]The King Harley Race vs. Jerry Brisco[/U][/B] Just as everyone would expect, this was a great albeit short match between two quality pros. Race cheated occassionally to take the advantage but Brisco battled back. Race finally picked up the win following a Piledriver on Brisco. [B][U]Harley Race b. Jerry Brisco by pinfall =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Butt Out![/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved up to the podium again where Dory Funk Jr. is standing by with Tony Schiavone. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"A big win by Harley Race here tonight. But I'm standing here beside Dory Funk, Jr. Dory, you've been having some issues as of late with Paul Orndorff coming in after what you and your Assassin did to Bob Orton, Jr."[/COLOR] [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You better listen and listen good, Tony, because I do not like to repeat myself. Paul Orndorff put himself in a bad position. He decided to come out here and repeatedly stop myself and the Assassin from doing our jobs. We wanted to prove a point here tonight against Magnum T.A. and we got stopped by that Mr. Wonderful. Paul, you've got one chance here and now to stay out of my business. If you don't, bad things are going to happen to you."[/COLOR]=C- Dory is cut off by the arrival of Paul Orndorff onto the set. [B]Paul Orndorff:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Dory. I came here to the NWA, to the Mid-Atlantic area for one reason: to get revenge for your attack on my good friend, Bob Orton, Jr. He asked me to come out here and help him and I'm going to do just that. And that includes taking that shiny belt off from around your waist.[/COLOR] [B]Dory Funk, Jr.[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You think you're man enough to do that, Paul Orndorff? Do you really want to step inside the ring with me? How about next week? Do you think you can handle getting to the building next week?"[/COLOR] [B]Paul Orndorff:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I can do more than handle it. You have yourself a deal."[/COLOR]=C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Open Challenge[/COLOR][/B] Paul Ellering and the Road Warriors were shown in a pre-recorded interview. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"The people here in Georgia they know my Road Warriors very well. They know how tough these guys are. They know how mean my Warriors are. So we don't need to come out here tonight. However, my Road Warriors are issuing an open challenge. Any team that wants to come out and face them next week will be allowed to do so. That means any team from the AWA or the WWF or from Georgia Championship Wrestling. If you want to face my Road Warriors then bring it on. However, just remember one thing: what goes up, must come down."[/COLOR] Ellering's laughter ends the video tape.=D [B]Match 3[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw vs. Kelly Kiniski and the One Man Gang [/U][/B] This was a halfway decent matchup. Nothing great but kind of what you would expect from these two teams. One Man Gang dominated briefly and then tagged in Kiniski and Kiniski was taken advantage of by Valiant and McGraw. The Boogie Woogie Man picked up the pinfall on Kiniski with a Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop while a frustrated OMG looked on from the outside, shaking his head. [B][U]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw b. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]NWA World Tag Team Titles[/COLOR][/B] The camera returns to David Crockett at the podium. [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ladies and Gentlemen, for those of you who didn't get to Charlotte for our Spring Stampede offering, there was an NWA World Tag Team Title contest with Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood taking on The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon. As you will see on the video tape here in a few moments, that was definitely a war between those two teams that does not look like it's going to be coming to any type of conclusion any time soon. The match ended in a double countout but didn't stop there. It - well, you'll see on the video."[/COLOR]=D A video played after highlighting the attack made by Kabuki and Dragon prior to the match and then the match itself which was wild and quick paced. It broke down into a pier six brawl late in the match and both teams were counted out but that didn't stop them. It took several wrestlers and security to finally break up the two teams. =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Quest For A Win[/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved up to the podium and Bob Caudle. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello wrestling fans. Before we get to our main event of the evening I'd like to bring out a man who will be having a title defense in three weeks: United States Champion Greg The Hammer Valentine."[/COLOR] Valentine steps out beside Caudle, snatching the microphone. [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"The fans hear enough of you talking, Caudle. I just need one man to listen to me and to listen well. Wahoo McDaniel, you may have gotten out at Spring Stampede with a double countout but that doesn't mean you'll be so lucky in three weeks. I am sick and tired of hearing people ask me just how I'm going to combat you. The fact of the matter is, I am going to go out there and I am going to break your leg like I did before. Only this time I'm going to make it a permanent break. I hope you enjoy riding around in a wheelchair, Wahoo, because that is the only way you're gonna be able to move after our fight and I drop the hammer on you."[/COLOR]=C+ [B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][SIZE=5]The Main Event![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]The American Dream Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk! [/U][/B] Dusty Rhodes is cheered down here in Georgia as he took on the Funker. This was your classic back and forth singles match between two great legends of the business. Funk took the early lead and began working on Dusty's leg in preparation for that spinning toe hold. The crowd got Dusty back in, who blocked Funk's finisher and started going a little crazy on the Funk. Dusty hit a little flip flop and fly, knocking Funk to the mat. He dropped a Dusty Rhodes' Bionic Elbow and picked up a clean pinfall, looking a little surprised since no one attacked him this week. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Terry Funk by pinfall =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]More Parking Lot Violence[/COLOR][/B] Before the show could go off the air, the cameras hurried back to the parking lot showing Dory Funk Jr. and the Assassin attacking Paul Orndorff in much the same way they did Bob Orton, Jr! Funk opened the trunk of a car and put Orndorff's arm in it, slamming the trunk down on Orndorff's arm! It has to be broken! Several wrestlers finally made the save but the damage was done and the show ended with a happy Dory Funk Jr and Assassin.=C [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C+[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 2,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .75 [B]Notes:[/B] A great show here in Macon Georgia. The crowd really seemed into it and this should have raised our popularity overall. PreShow matches included Wahoo McDaniel beating Rick Rude in a C rated match and a surprise PreShow match that had Ric Flair successfully defend his NWA World Heavyweight Title against Paul Orndorff in a B- match. Bobby Heenan is working out well so far as the manager of Rick Rude in the dark matches they've had. The TV rating was up from the previous weeks. Everything seems to be doing a lot better right now. Hopefully, we'll be able to keep it up. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE=4]NEXT WEEK[/SIZE] [B]Will Paul Orndorff make the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title match against Dory Funk, Jr? Ric Flair WILL be in the building to talk about his upcoming match against Dusty Rhodes. What will he have to say about it? What is Larry Zbyszko planning to do to Rick Martel? Will any of these questions be answered next week? Will anyone be reading?[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory in Tampa, Florida. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]The American Dream Dusty Rhodes vs. The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Road Warriors Open Challenge Is Accepted[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dory Funk, Jr. Defends His Mid-Atlantic Title. But Against Who?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ric Flair vs. Sweet Brown Sugar[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]One Man Gang vs. Jimmy Valiant[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]All This and Much Much More! Predictions are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 2, May 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory, Tampa, FL. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]One Man Gang vs. Jimmy Valiant[/U][/B] MACW kicked off with a match between the One Man Gang and the Boogie Woogie Man. Valiant got the crowd going during part of this match but OMG dominated most of it. The One Man Gang picked up the pinfall after a front suplex. [B][U]One Mang Gang b. Jimmy Valiant by pinfall =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Orndorff Injured![/COLOR][/B] The cameras zoomed in on the announcers: Bob Caudle and David Crockett. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"David, we have been informed that Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff was given a concussion last week in that parking lot attack by Dory Funk Jr. and the Assassin and won't be here to compete tonight."[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That is correct. It is an unfortunate circumstance that he cannot receive his shot at the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title but we do have someone to replace him later on tonight against Dory Funk, Jr."[/COLOR] =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Such A Softie[/COLOR][/B] As David and Bob finish speaking, Dory Funk, Jr. and the Assassin come out to boos from the crowd, moving over to the podium. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Bob, David, can you believe this guy? He says he wants to get revenge on The Assassin and myself and he doesn't even show up to the arena. Sure he can hide behind that excuse of doctors and whatever else he wants to hide behind but the fact of the matter is that he isn't showing up to try to take this belt off me. To keep me from a title defense, you'd have to kill me."[/COLOR] The Assassin just nods with his arms stretched across his chest.=C- [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair vs. Sweet Brown Sugar [/U][/B] Of course this is a non-title match as Sweet Brown Sugar gets a shot at the Champion. Flair dominated the match as most people would think, lighting up Sweet Brown Sugar's chest with those fierce knife-edge chops and then turning his focus to the knee of SBS. He gave a little strut and dropped a knee across the forehead of SBS before rolling him up in a small package and SBS couldn't kick out. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Sweet Brown Sugar by pinfall =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Post-Match Rescue[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Flair was handed the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt and bashed it against the knee of Sweet Brown Sugar! SBS cried out in pain from behind the mask and Flair stretched his knee out and dropped a kneedrop across the knee! Flair backed up and went to the second turnbuckle but in came the American Dream! Flair dropped to the mat and quickly exited the ring, leaving Dream to hit the ropes and stare out at him. =C+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]You've Done It Now![/COLOR][/B] Ric backed all the way to the podium, snatching a microphone. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Dusty Rhodes, you had no business stepping out here like you did. Our fight isn't until the end of the month, fatso. But you just crossed a line that you didn't want to cross. Let me tell you something, Dream, Mid-Atlantic Whooo Championship Wrestling is built around the gold standard here. It's built around a limousine riding, jet-flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing sonofagun named Ric Flair who holds the NWA World Heavyweight Title. You know what that means, big boy? That means that I am the best this business has to offer. And if you think that at the end of the month you're going to take that away from me? You're dead wrong, pal. 'cause I'm the Nature Boy. Whoooo. And when you walk that aisle remember to be the man you have to beat the man in the middle of that ring. And the Nature Boy IS the man and you're gonna bleed all night long. Whooo!"[/COLOR] =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Dory Funk Jr. vs. Mike Rotundo[/U][/B] It turns out that the mystery man to face Dory Funk, Jr. is none other than the return of Mike Rotundo after being beat up earlier in the year by The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon. Rotundo started off hot in this title defense, getting several near-falls early. But slowly the tide turned with a little help from the Assassin on the outside. Dory continued his winning ways in this successful title defense with the Funk Spinning Toe Hold. [B][U]Dory Funk, Jr. b. Mike Rotundo by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]A Match Request.[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Rick Martel walked out to slight cheers from the crowd, really unsure of what to make of the young man. [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Larry Zbyszko week after week you've been running your mouth about how good you are and how bad I am. Right here, in front of everyone in this arena tonight, I am challenging you to a match!"[/COLOR] The crowd cheered for that. Everyone's been waiting for Martel to get his hands on Zbyszko. =C- Larry Zbyszko stepped out but he wasn't alone. He was flanked by Arn Anderson and they chose to stay back away from the ring. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Listen up you young punk. You don't deserve to get in the ring with a Living Legend like myself. You don't even deserve to be able to lace up my boots in the locker room. But I will give you a chance to earn those stripes. In two weeks, you're going to have a match with Arn Anderson here. If you can beat the Enforcer, Double A then maybe you'll prove worthy of having a match with a Living Legend like myself."[/COLOR] =C- [B]Rick Martel[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You have yourself a deal, Zbyszko. In two weeks I'm going to prove to you that I am a fast rising star here in Mid-Atlantic. And all the fans are going to get to see me kick your ass."[/COLOR] =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors vs. Mark Fleming and Private Jim Nelson[/U][/B] The Road Warriors came out for their open challenge match this week. After a couple of minutes of waiting, Mark Fleming and Private Jim Nelson came out to face them. The Warriors dominated the bout, not surprisingly. Outside the ring, Paul Ellering gave the thumbs down signal to his Road Warriors and Mark Fleming was hit with the Doomsday Device, leaving Hawk to make the pin and pick up the victory. [B][U]The Road Warriors b. Mark Fleming and Private Jim Nelson by pinfall =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Snake[/COLOR][/B] A video begins to play, showing a swamp with only the crickets chirping. The camera pans around the desolate area until focusing in on Jake Roberts petting a snake. [B]Jake Roberts:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Adam and Eve once trusted a snake and they were given the ability to see themselves as they truly were. They were given insight to their own lives and kicked out of the Garden of Eden for becoming too Godlike. This snake isn't going to give anyone that type of insight but I will ensure that you go to see your maker. I am not the original sinner but I do enjoy them. I am the snake you should worry about, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Trust me."[/COLOR] =C+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Challenge Refused[/COLOR][/B] Back within the arena, the NWA World Tag Team Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood came out to the ring to a decent ovation here in Florida. They climbed inside with a microphone in hand. [B]Ricky Steamboat:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I didn't come out here tonight to do a whole lot of talking. That's just not my style since my actions in the ring speak louder than anything else. But everyone has seen what happened at Spring Stampede when the Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon jumped myself and my partner before the match, leading to a double countout in the title defense. Kabuki, Dragon you want another shot at these belts that Jay Youngblood and I hold? You come out here tonight and we'll give you your shot."[/COLOR] Ricky and Jay stood there waiting to see if the challenge would be answered. =D After several minutes of waiting, Gary Hart led his team of the orient out but they didn't go to the ring. [B]Gary Hart:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Listen up, Steamboat and listen good. Nobody dictates to my team when and where they wrestle except me, you got it? As far as wrestling here tonight? These fans in Florida don't deserve to see my team inside the ring so you can forget it. You're going to have to lose those belts another night. And you better believe that you WILL lose those belts when you face the Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon again. But tonight? No way."[/COLOR] =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]U.S. Title Hype[/COLOR][/B] While the ring was being cleared, the attention shifted to the podium where Wahoo McDaniel walked out to some cheers from the fans here. [B]Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, in a couple of weeks I am going to get another shot at the United States Title. I am a former 3 time holder of the belt and it means a lot to me due to my native american heritage. Greg Valentine, you can talk about dropping the hammer on me. You can talk about this. You can talk about that. But what are you going to do when I come to the ring and scalp you? I won't be taking your hair though. No, I will be taking that United States Heavyweight Title."[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff[/U][/B] And it was time for the main event of the evening as the American Dream Dusty Rhodes took on the Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. As one might expect this wasn't exactly a technical wrestling war. The brute Russian really took it to the American Dream's back in preparation for that bear hug during the match but Dusty fought back and used the momentum of the crowd to turn the tide in his favor. He started wailing away on the Russian, who seemed surprised at the strength and will to win that Dusty had. But the cameras turned their focus on the rampway where Ric Flair came running out from the back while Dust had his back turned. Flair gave a chop block to the knee of Dusty, causing the DQ. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Ivan Koloff by disqualification =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Following the match, Flair continued to work over Dusty Rhodes' knee. The same one he's been focusing on week after week. He dropped a knee across it and gave a strut across the ring before several wrestlers and officials came out to stop him and check on Dusty. =B [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C+[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 2,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .74 [B]Notes:[/B] A great show here in Tampa, Florida. The crowd was hot for most things but the SteamboatYoungblood/KabukiDragon feud just doesn't seem to be getting over here in the South East. PreShow Matches included Rick Rude getting a win over Vinnie Valentino in an E- bout. Rude definitely doesn't seem capable of carrying a match yet but he can definitely be carried to a decent bout. PreShow also saw The Great Kabuki, Magic Dragon and Greg Valentine beat Ricky Steamboat, Jay Youngblood and Wahoo McDaniel when Valentine forced Wahoo to submit after cheating.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Robarts Arena in Sarasota, Florida. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Double Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Ric Flair vs. A Wrestler of Dusty Rhodes' Choosing[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dusty Rhodes vs. A Wrestler of Ric Flair's Choosing[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Mid-Atlantic Title On The Line: Dory Funk Jr. defends against Jerry Brisco[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Arn Anderson vs. Magnum T.A.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]All this and much, much more coming to you live! Predictions are now open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 3, May 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Robarts Arena, Sarasota, FL. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo [/U][/B] A tag match opened up MACW wrestling as the number one contenders to the NWA World Tag Team Titles took on Rufus and Mike Rotundo. The top contenders dominated the bout as one would expect them to do. Kabuki finished off Rufus with a Heart Kick. [B][U]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon b. Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Stalker[/COLOR][/B] Within the heel dressing room, Dory Funk Jr. can be seen leaning against a locker eye to masked eye with the Assassin. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Now that we've taken out Bob Orton, Jr. and Paul Orndorff, I think my title is pretty safe. You've definitely earned your money, Assassin."[/COLOR] The Assassin just nodded and Dory leaned over, picking up a large wad of bills and counting them off silently to himself as he flicked each one over, giving the Assassin his pay. =C The Assassin walked out of the dressing room and down the hall. He paused and slowly looked around as though someone were following him. Then he shrugged and continued on walking. The camera pulled back to show the black sillhoutte of someone standing there. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"There is definitely someone stalking the Assassin!"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yeah but who could it be, Bob? Could it be a third man?"[/COLOR] =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Title On The Line: Dory Funk Jr. defends against Jerry Brisco[/U][/B] Another week, another title defense for Dory Funk, Jr. This time was a much more stern test as he took on Jerry Brisco. Brisco got an early advantage and several near-falls as his mat-wrestling expertise showed but Funk took a cheating advantage and got the lead back. He worked over Jerry's leg in anticipation of a Funk Spinning Toe Hold. However, when he went to apply it, Brisco reversed it into a small package that was just a half a count away from a new Champion. Both men got to their feet and Brisco clotheslined Funk down. Brisco whipped Funk in and got a drop toe hold, rising up quickly and turning it into that feared Figure 4 Leglock! The title was definitely in jeopardy as Funk cried in pain but wouldn't submit! Funk pulled closer and closer to the ropes. But instead of grabbing the ropes he grabbed the cowbell out of the corner and lifted up, swatting Jerry Brisco with it to break the hold! The referee immediately called for the DQ! [B][U]Jerry Brisco b. Dory Funk Jr. by disqualification =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Next Week![/COLOR][/B] As referees restored order inside the ring, the cameras turned their focus on the podium where Dusty Rhodes walked out. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Next week, Ric Flair, you're gonna step into the ring with the American Dream. Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair, the two greatest athletes in the NWA. The two greatest athletes in the world stepping into the ring one more time to get it done, daddy. Ric, you know I respect what you've done for this industry but you have something I want. You have something the American Dream craves: that NWA World Heavyweight Title. It doesn't matter who the Dream faces tonight. It could be Harley Race, Kevin Sullivan or even Ric Flair himself, daddy. Next week, the Dream is gonna get it done."[/COLOR] =B+ The focus turned to the announcer's booth where Bob Caudle and David Crockett were joined by Tony Schiavone. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Guys, I just wanted to join you for a moment to talk about another match coming up next week: Rick Martel faces his stiffest challenge to date when he takes on Double A Arn Anderson. Everyone knows I have been pushing Rick Martel as an exceptional athlete but this should be a great match between the two. Everyone don't miss out on it next week!"[/COLOR] =D [QUOTE][B][U]Arn Anderson vs. Magnum T.A.[/U][/B] Speaking of Anderson, he came out for this next match facing MACW newcomer Magnum T.A. Magnum surprised many people in this bout when he seemed to be matching the Enforcer hold for hold. Anderson came back, though, to boos from the crowd and picked up the pinfall win going into next week's battle with Rick Martel with a patented Anderson Spinebuster. [B][U]Arn Anderson b. Magnum T.A. by pinfall =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Next Week's Match[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Anderson slid out of the ring and was joined at ringside by the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko and David Crockett. [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"An impressive win Mr. Anderson. Next week, in a match made last week, you will be taking on Rick Martel. Any thoughts?"[/COLOR] [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yeah he has thoughts but the bottom line is that he's facing a young and useless punk kid. Rick Martel is not going to get to challenge the Living Legend because my Enforcer here is going to ensure that he doesn't make it that far. That's all that needs to be said, Crockett."[/COLOR] Arn looks a little agitated and walks off with Zbyszko. =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]First Mystery Opponent Revealed[/COLOR][/B] Following the entrance of Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair stepped out to the top of the ramp in all his glory, spinning around a moment before walking to the podium and taking a microphone. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Dusty Rhodes, tonight you are going to step into the ring with a man who is a LEGEND in this business. He's a man who I am happy to call my friend. Whooo. Your opponent for tonight is none other than the King Harley Race!"[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes vs. Harley Race[/U][/B] Harley came out and slowly walked toward the ring and slid inside. Two legends going one on one in this match. Buckle your seatbelts because this one was definitely a bumpy ride. The match wasn't pretty as both men attacked with closed fists. Harley raked the eyes of Dusty and just went to town on the American Dream, busting him open during this match. He threatened to use a cord to choke Dusty but the referee stopped him from doing so, threatening him with a dq. Harley went to the top turnbuckle to finish off the American Dream but the Dream dodged out of the way of a flying headbutt! The crowd clapped their hands, trying to pump up the Dream and it seemed to work as Rhodes got to his feet first and clotheslined down Race, mounting him and firing away with closed fists! The referee had to pull a bloody Dusty Rhodes back. Dusty waited for Race to get to his feet and then began peppering him with right hands and a little flip, flop and fly later gave him a Bionic Elbow! Dusty turned around to play to the crowds and was CRACKED in the forehead with the NWA World Heavyweight Title! The bell sounded as Ric Flair stood over his opponent for next week with a smile on his face. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Harley Race by DQ =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors[/COLOR][/B] A music video began to play as the ring cleared, showing the training that the Road Warriors went through to come to MACW. They were shown lifting weights and then beating up everybody in the gym! =C Following the video, Paul Ellering was shown at the podium with the Road Warriors behind him. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, NWA be prepared for a new era to come. Be prepared for the era of the Road Warriors, the era of my Legion of Doom. Yes, there are more soldiers to come here. More men to show up. Men who are smart like I am. While all of you out there are reading the Farmer's Almanac I'm reading the Wall Street Journal. But you should not fear, unless you step into the ring with one or more of my men. When you face my Road Warriors, you have one question to ask yourself: is the going up worth the coming down? Come on, boys."[/COLOR] =C [B][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] The camera panned over to the announce table where Bob Caudle and David Crockett were joined by Promoter Jim Crockett, Jr. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, I am pleased to have with us at this time MACW promoter Jim Crockett, Jr. Mr. Crockett, I believe you have a special announcement to tell the fans."[/COLOR] [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes I do, Mr. Caudle. Thank you. If I may bring out Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, the Rock and Roll Express."[/COLOR] The R&R Express came out to the podium to cheers from fans, mostly the female fans though. [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you gentlemen. Next week is going to be a very special week as we will be having the two of you going for the NWA World Tag Team Titles as you take on the current champs of Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Congratulations."[/COLOR] =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]Rock and Roll Express[/COLOR][/B] Both members of the Rock and Rolls smiled and nodded at the announcement. [B]Ricky Morton:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you, Mr. Crockett, for this opportunity. We promise not to let you down or any of our fans down as we get the chance to go for the gold against a great veteran tag team like Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood."[/COLOR] [B]Robert Gibson:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Like my partner said, we don't plan on letting anyone down in this match. We have a lot of respect for the current champs and next week Rock and Roll will live on in a clean match and hopefully a clean victory against Steamboat and Youngblood. Thank you again, Mr. Crockett."[/COLOR] =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] The camera panned back over to the podium where Greg The Hammer Valentine was standing with his United States Heavyweight Title. [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Next week is going to be a big week for a lot of people but it's gonna be a repeat week for the Hammer. Another week, another successful title defense. Wahoo, you can say all you want about scalping me of the title belt but the fact of the matter is that when the Hammer is dropped down on you, you might not even remember that you're a native american. You might not even remember your name, you piece of garbage. Next week, the Hammer is going to prove once again that he deserves this belt. You can bet on it because the choice is clear."[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair vs. ???[/U][/B] The music of 2001 A Space Odyssey blared through the arena as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion walked down to the ring, spinning around and letting loose a 'Whooo.' He stood in the corner and awaited the entrance of his opponent. Who did Dusty Rhodes choose? The curtains parted and out walked... Wait for it.... Wait... Still waiting... It's... BLACKJACK MULLIGAN!! The veteran and father of Barry Windham came running out from the back and cleared the ring, reaching over the top rope for a wide-eyed Flair! Flair took off the belt and his robe and gave them to the ring attendant, walking around the ring. He tried to climb inside but Blackjack was standing right there so he backed off, telling the referee to push Blackjack back and the referee did try to hold Blackjack back. After several tries, Flair finally was able to roll inside the ring and rose slowly in the corner. As Blackjack came over, Flair ducked in the ropes, telling the referee to push Blackjack back. As the referee did so, Flair slipped out and gave Blackjack a thumb to the eyes. Flair pulled Blackjack into the corner and laid into him with a strong knife-edge chop. A second one and a third reddened the chest of Blackjack Mulligan. Flair pulled Blackjack out of the corner and gave him a knee to the gut, going for a suplex but Blackjack blocked it! He blocked it a second time and spun around before lifting Flair up high in a long, standing vertical suplex. The blood rushed to Flair's head before he got dropped to the mat. Flair bounced up slightly, grabbing his back and crying out in pain. Blackjack continued the advantage against Flair for several more minutes, adjusting his glove as though he were going for the claw hold but Flair rolled outside the ring. He got chased by Blackjack and eventually rolled inside. When Blackjack rolled in, Flair stomped on him, taking back the advantage. The Nature Boy turned his attention to the knee of Blackjack Mulligan during the next few minutes, raising him up and dropping his knee across Flair's knee. Flair slid outside the ring and drew Blackjack's legs on either side of the ringpost, slamming that knee against the ringpost! Flair slid in the ring and gave a little strut, letting out a 'Whoooo' to boos from the partial crowd here. This gave Blackjack a little time to recover and when Flair whipped him toward the turnbuckle, Blackjack reversed it! Flair hit the corner hard and Blackjack ran in with a clothesline splash in the corner! Flair took two steps out of the corner and flopped on the mat before rising up and begging off! Blackjack wasn't buying it though and picked up Flair, whipping him across with so much force that Mulligan fell to the mat! Flair flipped over the top turnbuckle and landed on the apron. He glanced at Mulligan and went running across the apron, climbing the turnbuckles quickly but he was caught! Flair shook his head and cried 'NOOOO!' to no avail as Mulligan slammed him off the turnbuckles. Mulligan had the momentum at this point and approached the hurting Flair. Flair slowly rose to his feet and then ducked a clothesline that hit the referee! The referee was knocked out! Mulligan turned, surprised at who he hit and Flair kicked him downstairs in a low blow! The Nature Boy swung around and hit Mulligan with a chopblock to the knee, looking to see another referee running down toward the ring! He dragged Mulligan toward the ropes and made the cover. 1...Flair's feet go on the ropes...2...the referee doesn't see it!...3! Ric Flair wins the match and momentum moving toward next week's Championship bout! Flair rolled out of the ring quickly and took his title as the crowd booed! Next week, major bouts! Don't miss out! [B][U]Ric Flair b. Blackjack Mulligan by pinfall =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C+[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 2,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .73 [B]Notes:[/B] A definite awesome show leading into next week's major show as the NWA World, World Tag Team and United States Titles will all be defended plus Rick Martel against Arn Anderson. But it's getting to be a little too expensive to come to the South East. I've been losing money there despite putting on some great shows that the fans seem to be enjoying. But that may be because of the popularity issue and the size of the buildings that the shows can be held in. Not to mention some very expensive superstars. Be sure to tune in next week though as nearly all of the titles are defended in the last week of May.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Richmond Arena in Richmond, Virginia. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:[/B] Champion Ric Flair defends against Dusty Rhodes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match:[/B] Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match:[/B] Champion Greg Valentine defends against Wahoo McDaniel[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rick Martel vs. Arn Anderson[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][B]All this and much much more! Predictions are open![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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