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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 4, May 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Richmond Arena, Richmond, VA. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] Before heading inside the arena, Dusty Rhodes was shown standing in front of a dark black background. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ladies and Gentlemen make sure you stay tuned. Tonight, the American Dream gets another shot at Ric Flair's NWA World Heavyweight Title, daddy. Tonight, the Dream is going to walk out the champ and you can see it right here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling.[/COLOR] =A [QUOTE][B][U]Rick Martel vs. Arn Anderson[/U][/B] This would be the match to see if Rick Martel could get a match against Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko was at ringside in Anderson's corner. This was a pretty technical match with Double A using a little more brawling and experience against Rick Martel. Late in the match, Zbyszko climbed up on the apron when it looked like Anderson might get pinned. This distracted both the referee and Rick Martel as they went over yelling at Zbyszko. This distraction allowed The Enforcer to slowly get to his feet. Anderson charged Martel but Martel moved out of the way at the last second and Zbyszko was knocked off the apron by Anderson! Anderson looked stunned and turned around into a kick to the gut and suplex by Martel. Martel quickly moved and locked in the Quebec Crab! Anderson fought for nearly a minute, trying to get to the ropes but couldn't quite get there and had no choice but to submit. [B][U]Rick Martel b. Arn Anderson by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Assassin[/COLOR][/B] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett and tonight -"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Bob, but I'm being told we need to go to the back. That something has happened."[/COLOR] And the cameras moved to video footage from backstage where The Assassin was lying slumped against a locker. Officials are trying to ask him what happened but they aren't getting an answer and now calling for EMT's. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Looks like somebody took out the Assassin!"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Could this be the same person who was stalking him last week?"[/COLOR] C- [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/U][/B] A huge match signed last week as the Rock and Roll Express get a shot at the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Before the match, the teams shook hands and then it began with some quick, high flying moves by Steamboat on Gibson. Steamboat tagged out to Youngblood and the champs used their experience advantage to focus on Gibson for a minute or two before he reversed a Youngblood move and made the tag to Ricky Morton. The crowd popped for Morton, who came in on fire. He clotheslined down Youngblood and took Steamboat out with a dropkick. Once things calmed down, the champs took the advantage again, showing Morton's selling and face-in-peril techniques as Steamboat and Youngblood could only get two counts on him. The crowd started getting slightly behind Morton as the underdog and as Steamboat had a reverse chinlock on him, Morton slowly started to get up. He pounded an elbow into Steamboat's gut. A second one. Then a back body drop sent both men to the mat. The referee began his count as both men lay on their back. At 3 they both began to stir and began crawling toward their corners. Well, Steamboat did. Morton was moving toward a wrong corner. Steamboat tagged into Youngblood and Youngblood went chasing after Morton. Morton ducked a clothesline and somersaulted over to tag in Gibson! Robert Gibson came in with a head of steam, punching Youngblood and knocking him in the corner. Morton and Steamboat came in and they moved to the opposite corner. The Rock and Roll Express went up on the opposite corners and each hit a monkey flip, sending Steamboat and Youngblood right into each other! The Express hit a double dropkick on Youngblood and Gibson made a cover but only got a 2 count due to interference by Steamboat! Ricky Morton and Steamboat began brawling as Gibson lifted Youngblood. He wrapped arms around his waist and sent him into the ropes, bouncing off and landing on top but Youngblood reversed the move and leaned back with a bridge getting a 1...2..3 count! A successful title defense for Steamboat and Youngblood! [B][U]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. The Rock and Roll Express by pinfall =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dory Funk, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] The Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk, Jr. walked out to boos from the crowd, stepping to the podium. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I hope you're all happy. My partner, my friend the Assassin is now being taken to the local medical facility to be checked out after being sneak-attacked earlier tonight. It is a disgrace. Stalker, whoever you are, you come out here next week and face me in the ring. I'll be ready and waiting for you."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Greg Valentine defends against Wahoo McDaniel[/U][/B] And now it is time for the U.S. Title match. A huge match between Wahoo McDaniel and Greg The Hammer Valentine. Wahoo and Valentine brawled early in the match with Wahoo getting the advantage and several near-falls. Valentine cheated his way toward the momentum and used several restholds, working on the knee of the indian chief in the process. Wahoo screamed out in pain but there was nothing he could do about it. Later on during the match, the two met in center ring with clotheslines, knocking each of them flat on the mat as the referee began his ten-count. At about 3, Wahoo stirred. At 5 Valentine started stirring. Each man trying to use the ropes to get to his feet. When each man got to his feet, Wahoo clothesline the Hammer down. Wahoo began doing his native american dance around the ring, bringing the Hammer down with chops at each turn. After several chops, he picked up the Hammer and whipped him into the ropes, clotheslining him down and then locking in the Indian Death Lock! The Hammer's eyes went wide as he cried out in pain, looking for the ropes at every place he could see but he was too far away! He held out for as long as he could before submitting and we have a new U.S. Champ! [B][U]Wahoo McDaniel b. Greg Valentine by submission =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Post-Match Attack![/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Greg Valentine grabbed the belt from the referee! When Wahoo turned, Valentine smacked him in the face with the U.S. Title belt! Wahoo went down and hard after this hard-fought bout. Valentine held the belt and exited the ring with it! That's not right! It's not his belt anymore! =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] Ric Flair stepped out from the back and moved to the podium for a moment, running his fingers through his hair. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Beautiful women waiting in a limousine, an NWA World Heavyweight Champion and a party here in Richmond, Virginia. And everybody wants to know what's causing all this. Whooo. Tonight, Dusty Rhodes, you're right everybody wants to see the main event. Everyone wants to see the Nature Boy in all his glory. They want to see Dusty Rhodes get one more chance to walk that aisle against the greatest NWA World Heavyweight Champion known to be walking on planet earth. Whooo. They also want to see me kick Dusty Rhodes' ass, brother. You better believe it."[/COLOR] (Flair points to someone in the front row) [COLOR=RED]"Oh you don't want to see that? Well, another thing you won't want to see is the fact that your girlfriend has an all-day ticket to space mountain fat boy. Now just sit your ass down and enjoy the match tonight. Dusty Rhodes, tonight you're going to see the Nature Boy style and Whooo profile and just like last week you're going to bleed Whooo all night long."[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Ric Flair defends against Dusty Rhodes [/U][/B] And what a main event for the end of the evening tonight as the Nature Boy defends the NWA World Heavyweight Title against the American Dream. The match started as one might think with Flair playing mind games with the Dream, using the ropes and going outside the ring to regroup when Dusty got too much momentum going. Early on, Flair tried the chops in the corner but Dusty didn't sell them at all, reversing things on Flair and giving him a Bionic Elbow but Flair rolled out of the ring before Dusty could get a pinfall. Back inside the ring, Flair turned his attention to the knee of Dusty Rhodes that he has been working on since their feud began. He set it down on the bottom rope and stomped on it, locked in a kneebar inside the ring and then slowly began to strut when he had the advantage on Dusty. He released a 'Whooo' to mostly boos as he turned his eyes back to the Dream. He looked around for a moment and then backed into the ropes, slightly bouncing off and dropping a knee across the forehead of the Dream, busting him open again like he did last week. Flair looked confident as he moved around to the legs again, picking them up and yelling to the crowd that it's over. He locked in the Figure 4 Leglock in the center of the ring! Dusty screamed out in pain as Flair cinched in the hold and held it tight, raising up slightly and putting even more pressure on Dusty's legs! Dusty shook his head, though, unwilling to give up. Dusty lifted, trying to move to the ropes. He inched closer and closer, shaking his head, unwilling to submit as the referee asked him over and over again. Dusty came closer...closer...inching his way. Got them! He got to the ropes and referee Stu Schwartz made Flair break the hold. When it was broken, Flair went right back to work on the knee, stomping on it and even dropping a knee on it. Flair pulled Dusty away from the ropes and it looked like he might go for the Figure 4 again but Dusty kicked him away with his uninjured leg! Flair hit the mat hard but got right back up and got kicked again for his troubles! He got back up and walked over, catching a right hand to the gut by the Dream. A second one! Dusty used Flair and the ropes to get to his feet, limping on that hurt knee with blood coursing down his face. He whipped Flair toward the turnbuckle and Flair flipped over the top. Flair ran across the apron and began climbing the turnbuckle but Rhodes was there to meet him! Flair cried out "Nooooo!" before Dusty slammed him off and then fell when his knee buckled out from under him. Flair held his back and used Dusty's injury to slide out of the ring. He grabbed his NWA World Title and walked off up the apron as Dusty stood bloody-faced and limping slightly watching the Nature Boy running like a scalded dog. The referee had no choice but to count Flair out. Therefore the winner of this match is Dusty Rhodes but he is NOT the NWA World Heavyweight Champion due to the rule that titles can only change hands on pinfalls or submissions. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Ric Flair by countout =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=B-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .78 [B]Notes:[/B] Definitely the best show I've had since taking over as Head Booker. Flair and Dusty always work well together and it showed tonight. The fans were definitely not happy with Dusty not winning the title tonight. Hopefully it will keep them tuning in next week/month. We are still bleeding money which means cuts and evaluations will be made very soon. The two dark matches had Mike Rotundo beating Rick Rude in a C grade affair with both of them showing good chemistry together in the ring. King Kong Bundy also pinned Sweet Brown Sugar with an avalanche in an E+ affair.
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[B][CENTER][U]MACW Wrapup[/U][/CENTER][/B] -May was a rather successful month in terms of popularity growth but not in terms of monetary growth. Due to that, MACW has been forced to release several wrestlers that we feel are being paid too much in terms of their future here. The following wrestlers have been released: Dick Slater Referee Earl Hebner Paul Jones Sir Oliver Humperdink We wish them each the best of luck in their future endeavors. -We would like to congratulate Wahoo McDaniel on winning the United States Heavyweight Title at our last card. Of course that win was tainted by Greg Valentine attacking him after the match and stealing the belt. Wahoo will surely have something to say about it this week on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -We have also signed some lower card wrestlers to help us out. This includes the new team of the Southern Boys featuring Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong. Steve Armstrong is, of course, a member of the famous Armstrong family. We have signed several other wrestlers as well but those are being kept silent for the moment. -Ricky Romero and Mae Young each retired from wrestling. We wish them each the best in their futures. -MACW has been actively seeking new talent from other federations as well. Recently, however, we have been turned down by Curt Hennig and Davey Boy Smith as they wished to remain loyal to their current federations: the AWA and Calgary Stampede Wrestling respectively. -Our war continues with the World Wrestling Federation. Their current Champions are as follows: WWF Heavyweight: Sgt. Slaughter(beat Bob Backlund week 2 of May) WWF Intercontinental: Don Muraco(14 Defences) WWF Tag Team: The Wild Samoans(13 Defences) Their prestige is at a B right now in Cult size.
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw.jpg[/IMG] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling June 1983[/CENTER][/B] [B]Money[/B] $579,278 [B]Prestige[/B] Cult C+ [B]Location[/B] Mid-Atlantic (USA) [B]Style[/B] Carolina Traditional [B]Owner Goals[/B] Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion cannot drop below $187,500 at any time during the time period. Goal #3: BLOCK: The roster should be biased toward genuine athletes. You cannot sign any wrestler with less than a D grade in athleticism. [B]Promotion Pacts[/B] Georgia Championship Wrestling (working agreement) World Class Championship Wrestling (hostile) Championship Wrestling From Florida (working agreement) Central States (working agreement) World Wrestling Council (working agreement) All Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Pacific Northwest (working agreement) Southeastern Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Maple Leaf Wrestling (working agreement) Mid-South Wrestling (working agreement) World Wrestling Federation (at war) International Wrestling(Montreal) (at war) Houston Championship Wrestling (working agreement) American Wrestling Association (working agreement) Calgary Stampede Wrestling (working agreement) New Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Southwest Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (working agreement) Championship Wrestling Association (working agreement) [B]TV Shows[/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling [B]Announcers[/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett [B]Popularity[/B] Great Lakes: E+ Mid-Atlantic: C+ Mid-South: E Mid-West: E New England: F+ North West: E South East: C- South West: E Tri-State: E- Puerto Rico: E- [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes Wahoo McDaniel(United States Heavyweight Champion)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Harley Race Ivan Koloff Ric Flair(NWA World Heavyweight Champion) Terry Funk[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jay Younblood(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Jerry Brisco Jimmy Valiant Ricky Steamboat(NWA World Tag Team Champion)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk, Jr. (Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion) Greg Valentine Larry Zbyszko[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. Bugsy McGraw Magnum T.A. Mike Rotundo Paul Orndorff Rick Martel Ricky Morton Robert Gibson[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Arn Anderson Jake Roberts Magic Dragon One Man Gang Road Warrior Animal Road Warrior Hawk ??? The Assassin The Great Kabuki[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Steve Armstrong Sweet Brown Sugar[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Kelly Kiniski Ken Timbs King Kong Bundy(yet to debut) Rick Harris[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Private Jim Nelson Tracy Smothers[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dizzy Ed Hogan Mike Davis Rick Rude(yet to debut)[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]??? Vinnie Valentino[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Masa Fuchi[/COLOR] [B]Occasional Wrestlers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jack Brisco Mark Fleming Rufus R. Jones[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=RED]Bobby Heenan(yet to debut) Gary Hart Paul Ellering Woman(yet to debut)[/COLOR] [B]Announcer[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator[/B] David Crockett [B]Referees[/B] Dave Hebner Randy Anderson Stu Schwartz Tommy Young [B]Authority Figure[/B] Jim Crockett, Jr. [B]Road Agent[/B] Abe Jacobs Gene Anderson Johnny Weaver [B]Personality[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone[/COLOR] [B]Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw (Full Time) Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo (Semi Active) Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw (Semi Active) Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood (Full Time)(NWA World Tag Team Champions) Jack Brisco and Jerry Brisco (Full Time) Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (Full Time) Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong (Full Time)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk (Full Time) The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon (Full Time) Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang (Full Time) Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk (Full Time)[/COLOR] [B]Stables[/B] [I]Gary Hart's Family[/I] Gary Hart Magic Dragon The Great Kabuki [I]Legion of Doom[/I] Paul Ellering Road Warrior Hawk Road Warrior Animal[/QUOTE] ...
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;240462]Released Dirty Dick huh? I always liked him. Loved Paul Jones. The wrestler and as a manager.[/QUOTE] Part of it is the fact that they are getting paid too much for what I believe they bring to the table. The other part is the creative issue with having nothing for either of them. I set up a notepad and put in it how much each guy is getting paid per show and went down the list, comparing and contrasting guys who I think are 'worth it' and I'm gonna use the chart to make my shows as well so I can hopefully start making some money.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Dedmon Center in Radford, Virginia. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:[/B] Ric Flair defends against Jerry Brisco[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jake Roberts vs. Private Jim Nelson[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Road Warriors vs. The Debuting Southern Boys[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match:[/B] Dory Funk Jr. defends against Wahoo McDaniel[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Mike Rotundo vs. Ken Timbs[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions are open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;240507]Part of it is the fact that they are getting paid too much for what I believe they bring to the table. The other part is the creative issue with having nothing for either of them. I set up a notepad and put in it how much each guy is getting paid per show and went down the list, comparing and contrasting guys who I think are 'worth it' and I'm gonna use the chart to make my shows as well so I can hopefully start making some money.[/QUOTE] My comments were in no way intended as being critical of your moves. I was just commenting. That's why I like reading others diaries to see the moves they make and see how there story differs from the one I am telling.
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NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: [B]Ric Flair[/B] defends against Jerry Brisco [B]The Nature Boy all the way! WOOOOOOO![/B] [B]Jake Roberts [/B]vs. Private Jim Nelson [B]Gotta go with the snake[/B] [B]The Road Warriors [/B]vs. The Debuting Southern Boys [B]No contest[/B] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: Dory Funk Jr. defends against [B]Wahoo McDaniel [/B] [B]This one troubles me. I see Wahoo winning, but not taking the title. I'll call no contest, dq or some other cheap finish where Chief wins and Hoss keeps the belt. [/B] [B]Mike Rotundo[/B] vs. Ken Timbs [B]I like Rotundo[/B]
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;240590]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: [B]Ric Flair[/B] defends against Jerry Brisco [B]The Nature Boy all the way! WOOOOOOO![/B] [B]Jake Roberts [/B]vs. Private Jim Nelson [B]Gotta go with the snake[/B] [B]The Road Warriors [/B]vs. The Debuting Southern Boys [B]No contest[/B] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: Dory Funk Jr. defends against [B]Wahoo McDaniel [/B] [B]This one troubles me. I see Wahoo winning, but not taking the title. I'll call no contest, dq or some other cheap finish where Chief wins and Hoss keeps the belt. [/B] [B]Mike Rotundo[/B] vs. Ken Timbs [B]I like Rotundo[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the predictions. The show will be up sometime soon.
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 1, June 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Dedmond Center, Radford, VA. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Mike Rotundo vs. Ken Timbs[/U][/B] The opening few minutes of the first broadcast in June kicked off with 'Iron' Mike Rotundo stepping in the ring with Ken Timbs. Rotundo showed off his vast technical knowledge in the ring against Timbs, catching Timbs off-guard at every turn. Timbs used a little rake of the eyes to gain a short advantage but it was only short-lived as Rotundo ducked a clothesline attempt and brought Timbs into an Airplane Spin! This disoriented Timbs enough for Rotundo to get the pin. [B][U]Mike Rotundo b. Ken Timbs by pinfall =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dory Is Stalked[/COLOR][/B] The cameras move to the back to catch Dory Funk Jr.......walking! He pauses for a moment and looks around as though he senses someone watching him but then shrugs it off and hurries toward his dressing room. =D The camera continues to follow the Mid-Atlantic Champ into his dressing room where a note is taped to his locker. Dory snatches it off and reads it. His eyes go wide and he drops the note, leaving the dressing room quickly. The camera zooms in on the note and it reads 'You're Next!' =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Another Rematch[/COLOR][/B] The cameras zoom in on the announce table where Bob Caudle and David Crockett are sitting. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"David, welcome to another exciting edition of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. We've got some great matches lined up for the folks at home, including a main event where Ric Flair puts the NWA World Title on the line against Jerry Brisco."[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Should be a good one, Bob. Speaking of that NWA World Title though I have been informed that in two weeks from tonight the Nature Boy will have to put the title on the line one more time against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes due to the cheap way he walked out of the match last week."[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Another rematch between Flair and Rhodes? That should be a great one!"[/COLOR] =B+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]I Don't Think So[/COLOR][/B] Without any ceremony, Ric Flair came running from the back, approaching Caudle and Crockett. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What do you mean I have to face that fatboy again? I already faced him several times and he couldn't get the job done! You can forget it! I'm the Nature Boy. I'm the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! I'm the man around here, remember? I make the matches. Dusty Rhodes, you will NOT be getting a shot at this belt. You'll never see this belt again, Dream! Whoooo.[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: Dory Funk Jr. defends against Wahoo McDaniel [/U][/B] Dory looked all around as he walked slowly toward the ring. He wasn't sure who or what he was going to be facing tonight besides Wahoo McDaniel. This was your standard match for these two, nothing too special about it as Wahoo used the various distractions of Dory to his advantage. Late in the match, Wahoo seemed to be looking for a victory with his War Dance going in full effect when Greg Valentine came down to the ring. Valentine slid in behind Wahoo and when the Native American turned, he got POPPED in the head with the U.S. Title belt. Valentine spit down on him and walked away as the referee called for the DQ. [B][U]Wahoo McDaniel b. Dory Funk, Jr. by disqualification =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Lucky Or Unlucky Break, Kid?[/COLOR][/B] The cameras turned their focus on the podium as out walked Larry Zbyszko along with his Enforcer Arn Anderson. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I don't have much to say here tonight. But all my comments are directed at that punk kid Rick Martel. Martel, you may have gotten a lucky break against my Enforcer but the fact of the matter is that you won't be so lucky when you face me. I am a true Living Legend and you're nothing but a worthless kid."[/COLOR] =C- As Zbyszko continued, out ran Rick Martel with a wooden folding chair in hand! Zbyszko and Anderson took a powder and Martel stood tall, grabbing a microphone. [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Larry Zbyszko, anytime, anyplace."[/COLOR] =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors vs. The Debuting Southern Boys[/U][/B] One almost has to feel sorry for Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong tonight. The team they were chosen to debut against is a team that has been a dominant force here in MACW and the train hasn't been stopped yet. The Road Warriors ran over Smothers and Armstrong in this match. Hawk picked up the pin on Armstrong with the Doomsday Device. [B][U]The Road Warriors b. The Southern Boys by pinfall =E+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Post-Match Attack And Save[/B][/COLOR] But the Road Warriors weren't done yet! Paul Ellering climbed into the ring and they continued their attack on the Southern Boys with Tracy Smothers being lifted on Animal's shoulder. Hawk turned him inside out with that top rope clothesline! =E- And out came the Brisco Brothers with chairs! They slid in the ring and the Road Warriors just stared at them. Since the carnage was done, Paul Ellering led his team out of the ring and to the back. =E+ [QUOTE][B][U]Jake Roberts vs. Private Jim Nelson [/U][/B] Jake walked out from the back with his usual snake bag with something moving in there. David Crockett said that he didn't want to see what kind of snake Jake brought out with him tonight. As for the match, the Snake dominated as one would expect him to. Nelson did not prove even close to a formidable adversary. Roberts finished the match the usual way: DDT. [B][U]Jake Roberts b. Private Jim Nelson by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Snake's PostMatch[/COLOR][/B] Following the match as Nelson lay on the mat, Jake walked over to the bag, opening it up slowly and revealing the rather large snake inside the bag. He walked over with the snake and placed it on the hapless body of Private Jim Nelson, laughing as the snake squirmed around him. =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Bob Caudle/Wahoo McDaniel/Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] The cameras slowly turned up to the podium where Bob Caudle and David Crockett were sitting. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Last week, wrestling fans, you saw the epitome of poor sportsmanship. Last week, Wahoo McDaniel won the United States Heavyweight Title from Greg Valentine fair and square in the center of the ring and after the match Valentine. Well, for those of you who didn't see it, let's just go to the tape and show you what happened."[/COLOR] =B- A tape played, showing highlights from their match last week where Wahoo won the U.S. Title belt. Then it showed the sneak attack by Valentine where he took the U.S. Title belt and smashed Wahoo in the head with it. This was followed by Valentine smashing Wahoo again earlier tonight. =B The cameras then focused on the ring where Wahoo McDaniel stood. [B]Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, I stand here as the United States Champion but I have no belt to show for it. I have no symbol of that title around my waist because Greg Valentine has seen fit to take that symbol. Well, in two weeks, I am going to make sure that I leave here with my belt. Valentine I will give you a rematch to try and win MY belt back but it will be in an indian strap match!"[/COLOR] =B Greg Valentine walked out to the podium with Tony Schiavone, facing Wahoo. Valentine has the United States belt around his waist. [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Tony, just be a good little mic stand and hold the mic up to my lips. Wahoo, I have only two words for you: you're on. And when I beat you at your own little style of match and win back MY United States Heavyweight Title I'm gonna send you packing from here for good. Remember, after 3 days fish and indians start to smell bad."[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends against Jerry Brisco [/U][/B] And it was time for the main event of the evening as the Nature Boy defended his NWA World Heavyweight Title against Jerry Brisco. Jerry had come out earlier with his brother and stopped the Road Warriors from doing damage to the Southern Boys. This was a good technical matchup with both men putting on a wrestling clinic for the crowd. It seemed like each man had a move and countermove for the other. In a clean win, Flair picked up the pinfall with a small package and successfully defended his NWA Title. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Jerry Brisco by pinfall =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .82 [B]Notes:[/B] Things continue to soar here in Mid-Atlantic. We made money on this broadcast for about the first time. We got our highest ratings on tv. Things are looking up. We also sold-out the place. Things definitely are going to continue on the offensive here with more and more things planned out. One Man Gang pinned Bugsy McGraw with the 747 Splash in a C- match in the preshow. Greg Valentine beat Rick Martel by pinfall following interference from Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko in the preshow as well. That was actually a B- rated match.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;240590]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: [B]Ric Flair[/B] defends against Jerry Brisco [B]The Nature Boy all the way! WOOOOOOO![/B] [B]Jake Roberts [/B]vs. Private Jim Nelson [B]Gotta go with the snake[/B] [B]The Road Warriors [/B]vs. The Debuting Southern Boys [B]No contest[/B] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: Dory Funk Jr. defends against [B]Wahoo McDaniel [/B] [B]This one troubles me. I see Wahoo winning, but not taking the title. I'll call no contest, dq or some other cheap finish where Chief wins and Hoss keeps the belt. [/B] [B]Mike Rotundo[/B] vs. Ken Timbs [B]I like Rotundo[/B][/QUOTE] 5 out of 5 for you outlaw. Very good! You can choose the name of my next touring major house show.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the John Kresse Arena in Charleston, South Carolina. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Dusty Rhodes vs. A Mystery Opponent[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Midnight Express make their debut against the Mulkey Brothers[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Rick Martel vs. Greg Valentine[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Dory Funk Jr. defends against Private Jim Nelson[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 2, June 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the John Kresse Arena, Charleston, SC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] The show opened with Jim Crockett, Jr. sitting behind a desk with a generic blue background behind him. [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening Mid-Atlantic wrestling fans. It has come to my attention that Ric Flair has refused to give Dusty Rhodes that one more title shot that I promised him. I want you all to know that in a couple of weeks Dusty Rhodes WILL get another shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title. And if Ric Flair no-shows I will strip him of the title belt and give it over to the American Dream. Thank you and enjoy the show."[/COLOR] =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dory Funk Jr.[/COLOR][/B] Once inside the arena, the crowd booed as the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk, Jr. came walking out toward the ring, microphone in hand. His opponent for tonight, Private Jim Nelson, was already in the ring. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"After reviewing the tapes from last week, everyone knows that I got a note from some mysterious man saying that I am next. We all saw what he did to the Assassin. But what I am out here for is answers! I want to know exactly who it is attacking me and my friends! Why don't you come on down to the DoubleCross Ranch and we'll settle this like men instead of making those cheap sneak attacks."[/COLOR] Dory waited, looking around. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Too chicken to show yourself to my face is that it? Well, let me show you exactly what's going to happen to you."[/COLOR] Without warning he turned and hit Nelson in the head with the microphone! =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match Dory Funk Jr. defends against Private Jim Nelson[/U][/B] As one would expect, Dory dominated this title defense against the former Private in Sgt. Slaughter's Army. He still glanced around some during the match, making sure he wasn't the victim to a sneak attack. He picked up the submission win over Nelson with the Funk Spinning Toe Hold. [B][U]Dory Funk, Jr. b. Private Jim Nelson by submission =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Dusty Rhodes made his way out and stepped inside the ring. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans worldwide welcome to the M A C W daddy. This is where it all happens. The flagship of the National Wrestling Alliance. And speaking of the NWA, I am going to be having the opportunity here in a couple of weeks to take that NWA World Title off the hands of one Nature Boy Ric Flair. Ric, you can run but you can't hide from the Dream, daddy. I've walked that aisle and watched as you ran scared back up it clutching your belt. I've beaten the man time and time again Ric Flair. And when we meet one more time in that ring, the beating you're gonna get is gonna be...shameful."[/COLOR] =B+ While Dusty was still in the ring, Ric Flair walked over to the podium and picked up a microphone. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Shameful would be somebody like you wearing MY NWA World Heavyweight Title, fat man. But I'm not gonna have to worry about that, jack. You see I know who your mystery opponent is tonight and let me tell you, Whooooo, he is a good one. He will definitely make sure that you don't make it to face me for my title belt. But if Jim Crockett says you get one more ride against the Nature Boy you better make sure you strap in tight because this ride is going to end with you looking at the lights. Whooo!"[/COLOR] =B+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Larry Zbyszko, Arn Anderson and Rick Martel[/COLOR][/B] A video highlights package played showing the attack Rick Martel made on Zbyszko and Anderson last week during their interview. =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Rick Martel vs. Greg Valentine[/U][/B] A great technical matchup on paper to be sure as Martel took on the Hammer. This was your typical face vs. heel battle with the Hammer using cheap means to keep the advantage while Martel battled back with the crowd support. Late in the match, Valentine went to the corner and picked up the United States Title that he's still carrying and while the referee was down, he popped Martel with it, busting him wide open! Valentine put the belt back in the corner and locked on the Figure 4 Leglock as the referee started to come to. Seeing Martel knocked out, referee Tommy Young had no choice but to call for the bell. [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Rick Martel by submission =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Larry Zbyszko, Rick Martel[/COLOR][/B] After the match, the Living Legend came walking down to the ring and slid inside with a big smile on his face. He leaned down and smacked Martel in the face. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Rise and shine. Come on. I know you're awake in there."[/COLOR] Slowly Martel started to wake up. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Since you took a wicked beating here tonight I'm not gonna challenge you to a match tonight. Even though you did say any time, any place, any where. But I'm a Living Legend. I don't need to do that. But I will challenge you to a fight in a couple of weeks. Give you some time to heal. How about it?"[/COLOR] =C- Zbyszko shoved the microphone down in Martel's face. [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Any time, any place, any where Zbyszko. I will prove to you and to each and every fan that I can beat you in the ring. I promise you that."[/COLOR] =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Paul Ellering[/COLOR][/B] The cameras turned their focus on the podium where Paul Ellering had walked out with a copy of the Wall Street Journal in hand, rolled up and smacking it against his palm. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Last week, my Road Warriors took out a couple of debuting punks called the Southern Boys. Everyone saw how dominant my team could be. Then out came the Brisco Brothers with chairs to stop us from finishing the job. Meddling in my affairs once is bad enough Jack, Jerry. Now you are in the sights of my Road Warriors. You are looking across at a hungry team. A team that dines on death. Soon, very soon Brisco Brothers, you will learn that the going up is not worth the coming down."[/COLOR] =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]The Midnight Express make their debut against the Mulkey Brothers[/U][/B] Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton came out to boos from the crowd when they stepped inside the ring with the plucky Mulkeys. Of course the Express dominated the match and Stan Lane got the pin on Bill Mulkey after an awesome move called the Veg-O-Matic where Lane got Bill into a bearhug and then dropped him down for a legdrop by Eaton. [B][U]The Midnight Express b. The Mulkey Brothers by pinfall =E+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes, ???[/COLOR][/B] The cameras quickly moved backstage as Bob Caudle and David Crockett spoke of something occuring back there. Dusty Rhodes was seen trading punches with someone but the other person couldn't be seen around Dust. Dusty got pushed into a table and was being choked and all that could be seen was the back of the short person as he choked Dusty Rhodes. Slowly the man released as agents and officials came out to break it up and he slowly turned his head toward the camera to reveal...Kevin Sullivan?!?! =C [B][COLOR=BLUE]Greg Valentine, Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR][/B] A video played, showing the comings and goings in the storyline involving Greg Valentine, Wahoo McDaniel and the United States Title. An Indian Strap Match coming soon! =B Then the cameras turned their focus to Bob Caudle and Wahoo McDaniel down at the podium. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wahoo, we've all seen the things leading to your Indian Strap match in a couple of weeks with Greg Valentine. Do you have anything to add?"[/COLOR] [B]Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"There aren't many more words that need to be said, Mr. Caudle. When I defend my United States Title in my own specialty match Greg Valentine he is going to learn why I am the Champion and why he lost it to me before. Yes, he's broken my leg before. Yes, he's carrying MY belt but he better watch his back because when he least expects it I will take back my title and I will do in an honorable Native American fashion."[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes vs. Kevin Sullivan[/U][/B] Kevin Sullivan came out to the ring first being accompanied by Ric Flair. It took several moments before a bleeding Dusty Rhodes came out from the back and slid inside the ring. Sullivan went right for the kill, working over the forehead of the Dream, busting him open even further. The crowd booed Sullivan and Flair. Flair looked very pleased as Sullivan continued the advantage. Sullivan pushed Rhodes into a corner late in the match and tried to whip him across but Rhodes grabbed the top rope and stopped it! The crowd cheered as Rhodes pulled Sully in the corner and began pounding away on him! The American Dream whipped Sullivan across the ring and into the turnbuckles. The Dream walked over and began peppering Sullivan with right after right before giving a little flip, flop and fly and a Bionic Elbow! Dusty played to the crowd before turning and taking yet another belt shot from Flair! The referee called for the bell as Flair stood over Dusty one more time. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Kevin Sullivan by disqualification =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .83 [B]Notes:[/B] Well, things are looking better and better here for MACW. We didn't grow in popularity this time but we didn't lose any either. But better yet our tv rating seems to be on the rise, going up and up. Dusty and Sullivan had good chemistry in their match but Sully was just a one-time event. In the preshow, King Kong Bundy beat Vinnie Valentino with a Splash in a D- match. Arn Anderson also defeated Mike Rotundo in the preshow with a DDT in an E+ match.
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[B][CENTER]MAJOR RELEASES![/CENTER][/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling announces that the following wrestlers have been offered releases from their contracts: Harley Race Terry Funk Magic Dragon Rick Harris Sweet Brown Sugar We wish them all the best and look forward to possibly working with them again in the future.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Civic Center in Florence, South Carolina. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Dusty Rhodes vs. Abdullah The Butcher[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ivan Koloff vs. Magnum T.A.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Tag Team Title Match[/B] Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Brisco Brothers vs. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[B]Dusty Rhodes[/B] vs. Abdullah The Butcher [B]By Dq[/B] [B]Greg Valentine[/B] vs. Tracy Smothers [B]Ivan Koloff[/B] vs. Magnum T.A. [B]Sickles from Uncle Ivan![/B] NWA World Tag Team Title Match [B]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/B] defend against The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon [B]The Brisco Brothers[/B] vs. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 3, June 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Civic Center, Florence, SC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]???[/COLOR][/B] The show opened out in the parking lot with the sounds of people milling into the building. A pickup truck slowly pulled up into the parking lot. The driver's side door opened and out walked...Bob Orton, Jr! He's come back after that heinous attack by Dory Funk, Jr. and the Assassin! And he looks like he's walking with a purpose into the building. =C- [QUOTE][B][U]The Brisco Brothers vs. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang[/U][/B] This was your stereotypical Kiniski/OMG match here lately. The One Man Gang dominated the Briscos while he was in there but when Kiniski got tagged in, the Briscos took back the advantage and kept OMG out of the ring. Eventually they wore down Kiniski enough for a Jerry Brisco Figure 4 and got the submission out of him. [B][U]The Brisco Brothers b. Kelly Kiniski and One Man Gang by submission =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]One Man Gang, Kelly Kiniski[/COLOR][/B] The Briscos took off out of the ring as the One Man Gang climbed inside. He shook his head as he looked down at Kiniski. He offered his hand to his tag team partner and lifted him up...short-arm clothesline! The crowd booed as the One Man Gang took his now former partner down. The OMG stomped on the fallen Kiniski and then backed up and dropped a 747 Splash! The One Man Gang smiled as he left the ring slowly. =D- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. and Dory Funk, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] Headed to the ring next is the return of Bob Orton, Jr! He gets a nice crowd ovation as he slips inside with a wireless microphone in hand. [B]Bob Orton, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for that warm welcome back. Now everyone has been wondering just who took the Assassin out. Who left a note for Dory Funk, Jr? Well..."[/COLOR] Bob tilts his head, scratching his chin in thought. [B]Bob Orton, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"IT WAS ME! It was me, Dory! I took out one of the men who took me out of wrestling. You're next, Dory! You and your Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title!"[/COLOR] =C Bob takes a few steps back as Dory Funk Jr. sprints to the ring! He slides inside and they come to blows! They exchange rights and lefts with neither man gaining a sizeable advantage. Dory ducks a punch and clotheslines Bob down! He mounts Orton and Orton fights back on the ground, rolling around in the ring. Referees, officials and wrestlers all come out from the back and get in the ring, seperating the two men. It won't be too long before these two men get into a match, will it? =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, Tony Schiavone[/COLOR][/B] The camera turns it's focus to the podium where Tony Schiavone is standing. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"It has been a wild beginning here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I am being joined at this time by the NWA World Heavyweight Champion the Nature Boy Ric Flair."[/COLOR] Ric walks onto the set wearing a grey suit and sunglasses. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ric, next week you're going to be taking on Dusty Rhodes in another match defending your NWA World Heavyweight Title. Your thoughts?"[/COLOR] [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Tony Schiavone. You better listen and listen good. Everybody knows that when the Nature Boy comes into town that the girls get a little wilder, the parties get a little better and everybody is left wondering what's causing all this. Whooo. As for Dusty Rhodes, he better hope that he survives his match this week against Abdullah the Butcher. If for some reason, some way he survives this week he gets the opportunity mandated by Jim Crockett to walk that aisle one more time against the Nature Boy. American Dream, you get this one final shot at me, at my NWA World Heavyweight Title. When you lose, you get nothing. You don't get another shot while I'm Champion. That's the deal. Now, Tony, I'm gonna head to the back, get into my stretch limousine and go out partying here in Florence. Whooo."[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Tag Team Title Match Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/U][/B] As most people know, this would be the last match here for the Magic Dragon. This was a decent contest with the Great Kabuki being focused on and Steamboat and Youngblood coming close to losing their belts time and time again. They fought back, though, and Steamboat managed to get the submission victory on Magic Dragon with the Double Chicken Wing. [B][U]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone, Rick Martel, Larry Zbyszko[/COLOR][/B] The camera moves back down to Tony Schiavone at the podium. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Welcome back down here, wrestling fans, and congratulations to Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood for their defense of their NWA World Tag Team Titles."[/COLOR] Rick Martel walks onto the scene. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I am joined now by Rick Martel. Rick, in two weeks the match was signed for you to face the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko in the ring."[/COLOR] [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes, it was, Tony. I'd like to thank each and every fan here in Mid-Atlantic for supporting me. In 2 weeks, Larry Zbyszko you're going to learn how I beat Arn Anderson and you're going to learn that this Quebec Champion is not to be messed with."[/COLOR] =D Larry Zbyszko stepped out by the commentators and picked up a microphone. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"So you're a Quebec Champion now, Martel? When did this happen? Another classic example of the young and the useless trying to make things up that don't really belong. You know I don't like you, I know I don't like you. In two weeks you're gonna learn why they call me the Living Legend after I break your neck."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Ivan Koloff vs. Magnum T.A. [/U][/B] This was a pretty good match between two classic wrestlers. Magnum came out to the ring waving a U.S.A. flag while Koloff just sneered at him. Neither man dominated this bout, it was pretty open back and forth with the crowd chanting U.S.A., U.S.A. to get Magnum back into it. A ref bump came late and Koloff clocked T.A. with the Russian chain he keeps in his corner before locking in a Bear Hug. Referee Dave Hebner slowly woke up and saw Magnum in the Bear Hug and called for the bell. [B][U]Ivan Koloff b. Magnum T.A. by submission =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors, Paul Ellering[/COLOR][/B] Back at the podium, the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering walk up, scaring off Schiavone. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Week after week my Road Warriors come out here and they have hardly broken a sweat. Each team they go against fall down by the wayside of my Road Warriors. And every team will until they get to the top of the mountain: the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Tell em Hawk."[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Hawk:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Weeeeellllll. There's a big difference, a big stinking difference between us and every other tag team out there in Mid-Atlantic. We've got the brains here with Paul Ellering and the brawn with myself and Animal. We are the true epitome of the unstoppable force. We have worked so very hard to get where we're at, right Animal?"[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Animal:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's right, Hawk. We snack on danger and dine on death! Tag teams here in MACW step right up and we'll knock you back down!"[/COLOR] [B]Both Road Warriors:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ohhhhhhhh what a rush!"[/COLOR] =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors, Bugsy McGraw, Jimmy Valiant[/COLOR][/B] A graphic played on the screen stating that in 3 weeks the Road Warriors will get their shot at some tougher competition as they will take on the team of the Boogie Woogie Man and Bugsy McGraw! =D [QUOTE][B][U]Greg Valentine vs. Tracy Smothers [/U][/B] This match went on about how people would figure it would. Valentine came down to the ring wearing the United States Title belt and took on the member of the new Southern Boys team. Smothers tried to start quickly against Valentine and use his speed but Valentine quickly outclassed the young upstart and quickly nailed his Hammer Elbow Drop and picked up the pinfall. [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Tracy Smothers by pinfall =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone, Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR][/B] Tony Schiavone had returned to the podium and this time he was joined by the U.S. Champ. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone. Tony Schiavone here along with the United States Champion Wahoo McDaniel. Wahoo, next week you will take on that man that was just in the ring: Greg Valentine for your United States Title."[/COLOR] [B]Wahoo McDaniel[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes and no offense to Tracy Smothers but he's not Wahoo McDaniel. He's not the United States Champion. Though I don't really feel like the U.S. Champ right now since Greg Valentine has my belt. But next week after I whip Valentine to within an inch of his life with that strap I will take back my title belt. And I will defend it against all comers. I intend to be a fighting Champion and next week it starts with the Hammer."[/COLOR] =C [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes vs. Abdullah The Butcher [/U][/B] Main Event time as the American Dream stepped in the ring against the veteran Abdullah the Butcher. A very good match though Dusty and Abdullah didn't seem to click very well inside the ring. Abdullah was nearly disqualified several times for going after Dusty with a fork but referee Tommy Young stopped him before he could use it on Dust. Late in the match, a ref bump took Young out of the picture. And out ran Ric Flair! Didn't he say he was leaving?!?! The Nature Boy slid in the ring with the NWA World Title and Abdullah held Rhodes up. Flair released a 'Whooo' and came running forward but Dusty ducked and pushed Abdullah into the belt shot! Flair rocked the Butcher and Dusty took Flair out with a Bionic Elbow! Dusty locked in a Weaver Lock on Abdullah and referee Tommy Young came to in time to get the submission from the Butcher! Dusty released and stared down at Flair as the show faded to black. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Abdullah the Butcher by submission =B-[/U][/b][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Township Auditorium in Columbia, South Carolina. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Ric Flair defends against Dusty Rhodes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match, Indian Strap Match[/B] Wahoo McDaniel defends against Greg Valentine[/QUOTE] [QUOTe]The Rock and Roll Express and Magnum T.A. vs. The Midnight Express and Ivan Koloff[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Predictions Are Open![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair defends against [B]Dusty Rhodes [/B] [B]Cheap finish DQ/Countout, Flair still keeps the belt.[/B] United States Heavyweight Title Match, Indian Strap Match [B]Wahoo McDaniel[/B] defends against Greg Valentine [B]You don't beat Wahoo in a strap match.[/B] [B]The Rock and Roll Express and Magnum T.A.[B/] vs. The Midnight Express and Ivan Koloff [B]This one could go either way, but since Uncle Ivan defeated TA in singles I'll go the other way here. [/B] See if I can keep my streak going.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 4, June 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Township Auditorium, Columbia, SC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dory Funk, Jr., Bob Orton, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] The show opens with the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk Jr walking out looking rather angry! He steps inside the ring and is handed up a microphone. [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Bob Orton! You coward! You no-good yellow bellied weasal! How dare you come out here and try to do to me what you did to my partner, my friend the Assassin. I'm going to make sure you can't do that to anyone else. I am challenging you to a steel cage match. It will keep people from seperating us and I'll even put my Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title on the line to get the match!"[/COLOR] =D+ Dory looked a little surprised to see Bob Orton, Jr. actually walk out. He stayed up on the ramp, though, and just looked at Dory. [B]Bob Orton, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"A man gets a little taste of his own medicine and he doesn't like it, huh? I'll tell you what: I'll think about giving you a shot at me inside the steel cage. Until then, live in fear."[/COLOR] =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko[/COLOR][/B] The camera moves up to the podium as Bob Orton, Jr. walks to the back. Standing there is Tony Schiavone. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, next week we're going to be bringing you a great matchup as two Mid-Atlantic newcomers square off: Rick Martel and Larry Zbyszko. The Living Legend is, of course, no stranger to the ring, having wrestled in many different promotions. Martel is a little younger but still well-traveled in circuits both here and in Canada. It should make for an excellent matchup."[/COLOR] =D+ Larry Zbyszko walks out, holding up a hand to interrupt Schiavone. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Did I hear you right, Tony? Did you just call me a newcomer? I'm the Living Legend. I broke Bruno Sammartino's neck in two. Leave it to someone like you to talk about the laurels of a newcomer trying to ride my coattails to stardom. Isn't that what you're doing with Bob Caudle right now? But that's not really important. What's important is that the young and useless punk is going to get what he deserves next week when he steps inside the ring with a real Living Legend: me."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]The Rock and Roll Express and Magnum T.A. vs. The Midnight Express and Ivan Koloff[/U][/B] Your standard 6 man tag fare here as Stan Lane seemed a little off his game tonight but Ivan Koloff's perfomance stood out as good. It ended with a pier 6 brawl in the ring with the Rock and Roll's taking care of the Midnight Express, leaving Magnum and Koloff battling it out. Magnum took the advantage and rolled Koloff into a small package and Koloff couldn't kick out, giving Magnum the win! [B][U]The Rock and Roll Express and Magnum T.A. b. The Midnight Express and Ivan Koloff by pinfall =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Paul Ellering[/COLOR][/B] The camera focuses back on the podium and Tony Schiavone. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That was some great wrestling action. I am Tony Schiavone and I'm about to be joined here by the manager of the Road Warriors Paul Ellering."[/COLOR] Ellering walks out on cue, hitting a copy of the Wall Street Journal on his hand. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Well, well, well Tony. You finally get to interview someone with class and brains here. Of course I mean me. Now what question did you need answered? 2 plus 2 equals 4."[/COLOR] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's not a question I need answered, Mr. Ellering. I was just wondering what you thought of the upcoming matchup between your Road Warriors and Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw."[/COLOR] [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You're an insult to my intelligence, Tony. Do you really think my Road Warriors have anything to fear from Valiant and McGraw? I didn't think so. Those two lowlifes are going to learn to fear my Road Warriors. My Legion of Doom grows stronger and stronger each day and remember that soon a new member will be reveiled."[/COLOR] =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] As Paul Ellering walked off, Greg Valentine walked up with U.S. Title in hand. [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Having some fun, Tony? I am about to have a lot of it when I take on Wahoo tonight. That indian is going to learn what it's like to take on the Hammer. He's going to learn just how LUCKY he got when he beat me before and I am going to be going home with MY United States Title.[/COLOR] =C [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title Match, Indian Strap Match Wahoo McDaniel defends against Greg Valentine[/U][/B] The Hammer walked out with the United States Title belt over his shoulder and stepped inside the ring, waiting for the entrance of the Champion. The strap was already inside the ring when Wahoo came out and referee Tommy Young began putting the wrestlers within the strap. He tied Wahoo's wrist first and then Valentine's. As the bell sounded, the two men contested in a test of strength, tugging on the strap. Wahoo finally got the better and yanked Valentine into a clothesline. The crowd cheered on their feet as Wahoo smacked Valentine on the back with the strap. Valentine's back welled up red. As the match continued on, the Hammer gained the advantage against Wahoo and choked the Chief with the indian strap. Wahoo fought back with the crowd's approval and began his war dance, using the strap to chop down Valentine. He whipped Valentine against the ropes and lowered his head but Valentine stopped short, smacking the back of Wahoo's neck with that Hammer Elbow! Wahoo hit the ground hard and Valentine dropped another Hammer Elbow Drop and covered the Chief, getting a 1-2-3! Greg Valentine wins back the U.S. Title from Wahoo McDaniel! [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Wahoo McDaniel by pinfall =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]???[/COLOR][/B] The next video opened up outside a jewelry store where Ted DiBiase stood looking toward the camera. [B]Ted DiBiase:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. As some of you may know I AM the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and I am coming soon to your television sets. Why? Because everybody wants to see the Million Dollar Man in action. But before then I am headed into my favorite jeweler to pick up some trinkets since I don't seem to have enough."[/COLOR] Ted walked forward and opened the door, pausing by the door and looking out toward the camera. [B]Ted DiBiase:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Sorry. You have to make a certain amount of money to even be welcomed in here and each and every one of you just don't fit the bill. But don't worry soon you'll be able to see the Million Dollar Man in an arena near you."[/COLOR] Ted let out that deep, dark laughter before walking inside and the camera fading out. =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] It faded out to another video, this one recapping the events between Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair leading up to this match tonight, including Dusty's wins albeit in non-title match and by countout. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair defends against Dusty Rhodes [/U][/B] And tonight it is time for the Nature Boy Ric Flair to defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Dusty came out first to cheers from the crowd and he was slowly followed out by the entrance of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion the Nature Boy Ric Flair. This one started out like most of their other matches, with Flair stalling on Rhodes. Anytime Rhodes got the advantage early, Flair rolled outside the ring to get a breather. Referee Tommy Young used a liberal ten count to ensure that Flair wouldn't walk out again. Flair got Rhodes in the corner and used a thumb to the eye to take the advantage. And Flair began his usual systematic working of the already hurt knee of Dusty Rhodes. He banged it hard against the ringpost with Dusty crying out in pain and continued his attack on it. A Figure 4 attempt was reversed into an inside cradle for a 2 count only. Flair went right back to the knee after that, making it hard for Dusty to even stand on that injured knee. Dusty tried a comeback, though, with crowd support in his favor. He was able to stand albeit limping around the ring and when he went for a clothesline, Flair pulled the referee into the arm of the Dream, sending Tommy Young crashing to the mat! Dusty looked horrified at what happened but quickly turned his attention to Flair, punching the Nature Boy in the forehead and finally busting him open! Flair's forehead began to look a bloody mess as he backed up in the corner. He poked Dusty in the eyes and then went into his tights, removing a chain! He placed it over his hand and cowered back in the corner, waiting for Dusty to come over. Dusty limped his way back toward Flair but blocked a punch! Dusty gave Flair a Bionic Elbow right there in the corner before putting the chain around his elbow and hitting the NWA Champ with ANOTHER Bionic Elbow! Flair slumped to the mat and Dusty dragged him out of the corner and made the cover as the referee came to. He got a 1-2-3 count! [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Ric Flair by pinfall =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Tommy Young[/COLOR][/B] A dazed Tommy Young raised Dusty's hand and gave him the NWA World Heavyweight Title. As Dusty headed to the back, the cameras still focused on the ring where Tommy Young had bent over and picked up...the chain! He looked at it confused for a moment and then looked a little angry as Ric Flair tried to convince him that Dusty used it on him. =E- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] Meanwhile, in the back, the celebration was on as the American Dream held up the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt. He was greeted by several wrestlers, including Rick Martel, giving their congratulations and that's all the time we have! =C+ [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=B-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .85 [B]Notes:[/B] Definitely an excellent show with the crowd going home happy with Rhodes winning the NWA World Title. Or did he? You'll have to tune in next time to find out. But this was definitely one of my best shows right now. In the preshow, The Fantastics defeated Team Murder in a horrible match as it was learned that Dizzy Ed Hogan and Mike Davis have no chemistry as partners. Better learning that sooner than later, right? Also, Jake Roberts drew with Ricky Steamboat due to a double DQ in a C+ encounter.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;242439]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair defends against [B]Dusty Rhodes [/B] [B]Cheap finish DQ/Countout, Flair still keeps the belt.[/B] United States Heavyweight Title Match, Indian Strap Match [B]Wahoo McDaniel[/B] defends against Greg Valentine [B]You don't beat Wahoo in a strap match.[/B] [B]The Rock and Roll Express and Magnum T.A.[B/] vs. The Midnight Express and Ivan Koloff [B]This one could go either way, but since Uncle Ivan defeated TA in singles I'll go the other way here. [/B] See if I can keep my streak going.[/QUOTE] Close but not quite this time. Glad to see I could stump you some. lol.
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling July 1983[/CENTER][/B] [B]Money[/B] $564,165 [B]Prestige[/B] Cult C+ [B]Location[/B] Mid-Atlantic (USA) [B]Style[/B] Carolina Traditional [B]Owner Goals[/B] Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion cannot drop below $187,500 at any time during the time period. Goal #3: BLOCK: The roster should be biased toward genuine athletes. You cannot sign any wrestler with less than a D grade in athleticism. [B]Promotion Pacts[/B] Georgia Championship Wrestling (working agreement) World Class Championship Wrestling (hostile) Championship Wrestling From Florida (working agreement) Central States (working agreement) World Wrestling Council (working agreement) All Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Pacific Northwest (working agreement) Southeastern Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Maple Leaf Wrestling (working agreement) Mid-South Wrestling (working agreement) World Wrestling Federation (at war) International Wrestling(Montreal) (at war) Houston Championship Wrestling (working agreement) American Wrestling Association (working agreement) Calgary Stampede Wrestling (working agreement) New Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Southwest Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (working agreement) Championship Wrestling Association (working agreement) [B]TV Shows[/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling [B]Announcers[/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett [B]Popularity[/B] Great Lakes: E+ Mid-Atlantic: C+ Mid-South: E Mid-West: E New England: E- North West: E South East: C- South West: E Tri-State: E- Puerto Rico: E- [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes(NWA World Heavyweight Champion) Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff Larry Zbyszko Ric Flair Ted DiBiase[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jay Youngblood(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Jerry Brisco Jimmy Valiant Paul Orndorff Rick Martel Ricky Steamboat(NWA World Tag Team Champion)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk, Jr. (Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion) Greg Valentine(United States Heavyweight Champion)[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. Bugsy McGraw Magnum T.A. Mike Rotundo Ricky Morton Robert Gibson[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Arn Anderson Bobby Eaton Jake Roberts King Kong Bundy One Man Gang Road Warrior Animal Road Warrior Hawk Stan Lane The Assassin The Great Kabuki[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Fulton Kelly Kiniski Steve Armstrong Tommy Rogers[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ken Timbs[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Mark Fleming Private Jim Nelson Tracy Smothers[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dizzy Ed Hogan Mike Davis Rick Rude[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bill Mulkey Randy Mulkey Vinnie Valentino[/COLOR] [B]Occasional Wrestlers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jack Brisco Rufus R. Jones[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=RED]Bobby Heenan(yet to debut) Gary Hart Paul Ellering Woman(yet to debut)[/COLOR] [B]Announcer[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator[/B] David Crockett Gene Okerland [B]Referees[/B] Dave Hebner Randy Anderson Stu Schwartz Tommy Young [B]Authority Figure[/B] Jim Crockett, Jr. [B]Road Agent[/B] Abe Jacobs Gene Anderson Johnny Weaver [B]Personality[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone[/COLOR] [B]Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw (Full Time) Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo (Semi Active) Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw (Semi Active) Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood (Full Time)(NWA World Tag Team Champions) Jack Brisco and Jerry Brisco (Full Time) Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers (Full Time) Bill Mulkey and Randy Mulkey (Full Time) Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (Full Time) Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong (Full Time)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]??? ??? ???? and ???? ???? ????? Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton (Full Time) Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk (Full Time)[/COLOR] [B]Stables[/B] [I]Gary Hart's Family[/I] Gary Hart The Great Kabuki [I]Legion of Doom[/I] Paul Ellering Road Warrior Hawk Road Warrior Animal [/QUOTE] ...
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[B][CENTER][SIZE=4]Ric Flair Upset![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] The latest word on the street is that Ric Flair has been telling anyone and everyone just how upset he is over the loss against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. He's not so much upset over the loss as how he lost the belt. As everyone saw, Dusty Rhodes stole a chain that Ric brought in the ring and hit Flair with it with that bionic elbow and picked up the victory. Ric Flair is scheduled to have a meeting with the NWA Board of Directors this week to speak about the incident. Word has it that more information will be following on this week's edition of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. [B][CENTER][SIZE=4]Lack of Competition In Tag Ranks?[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] There is a definite concern amongst MACW fans about the lack of real tag teams within Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. There doesn't seem to be much turmoil over the NWA World Tag Team Titles, which seem strongly in the hands of Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Though rumor has it that there is a new tag team on the horizon looking to make a name for themselves. We'll see if these two men can step up within the tag ranks and earn a shot at Steamboat and Youngblood.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hills, South Carolina. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Ric Flair and Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Dusty Rhodes and Bob Orton, Jr.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Stan Lane vs. Robert Gibson[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match[/B] Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against the Fantastics[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Larry Zbyszko vs. Rick Martel[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Road Warriors and Ivan Koloff vs. Jimmy Valiant, Bugsy McGraw and Magnum T.A.[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B]
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