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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 1, July 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Winthrop Coliseum, Rock Hills, SC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Jim Crockett[/COLOR][/B] The show began with a video based on the main event from last week. It showed Ric Flair's bloody face and Dusty Rhodes hitting that Bionic Elbow with the chain. It then flashed to Tommy Young finding the chain and then Dusty's victory party. =B Then came Jim Crockett sitting behind a desk with the NWA logo behind him. [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am a representative here today from the National Wrestling Alliance. And it has been the decision of the NWA to strip the American Dream Dusty Rhodes of the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Title pending another board meeting. Dusty has already been informed of this decision and has given up the NWA World Title belt. Thank you very much and enjoy the show."[/COLOR] =C+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw[/COLOR][/B] The show opened at the podium where the Boogie Woogie Man and Bugsy are standing. [B]Jimmy Valiant:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Bugsy, you and the Boogie have got it going down and tonight we're teaming with that cool cat Magnum T.A. against those nasty Road Warriors and Ivan Koloff. Road Warriors, Ivan Koloff you better watch out because the Boogie is coming to get you tonight!"[/COLOR] [B]Bugsy McGraw:[/B] [COLOR=RED] And Roadies don't think for one second we've forgotten about our upcoming match. We're training and preparing better than ever and we're going to show you that we're no pushovers!"[/COLOR] =D [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors and Ivan Koloff vs. Jimmy Valiant, Bugsy McGraw and Magnum T.A. [/U][/B] Some more 6 man tag team action as Ivan Koloff teams up with the Road Warriors this week against Magnum T.A., Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw. This was the opposite of the other 6 man tag match last week since this week was more of a slow, plodding power contest with the Road Warriors and Koloff mostly dominating. Road Warrior Hawk got the pinfall on Bugsy McGraw after the Doomsday Device. [B][U]The Road Warriors and Ivan Koloff b. Jimmy Valiant, Bugsy McGraw and Magnum T.A. by pinfall =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr., Dory Funk Jr.[/COLOR][/B] Following the 6 man tag match, a video played showing the highlights from the Bob Orton Jr., Dory Funk Jr. storyline. =C- When the video stopped, we focused in on the podium where Bob Orton, Jr. had walked out. [B]Bob Orton, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Everyone has seen what happened within the past. They all saw how Dory Funk and the Assassin took out me and then my friend Paul Orndorff. Orndorff might not even wrestle again. But the cage match is coming soon, Dory. Soon, you will be losing your Mid-Atlantic Title and quite possibly your career. And it all begins tonight as I team with Dusty Rhodes against you and Ric Flair. Dusty is a good man. Just try to take us out."[/COLOR] =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Larry Zbyszko vs. Rick Martel [/U][/B] This is a much highly anticipated matchup between two excellent technical wrestlers. Zbyszko underestimated Martel early on and it nearly cost him the bout quickly on a roll-up. The Living Legend turned things around on Martel, though, and the veteran began showing why he is called the Living Legend. He focused on the neck of Martel with knee strikes, choke holds and other moves. Martel fought back, though, and ended up picking up a clean victory with a Flying Cross Body! Who would have thought?! [B][U]Rick Martel b. Larry Zbyszko by pinfall =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Rick Martel, Larry Zbyszko, Arn Anderson[/COLOR][/B] After the match, Martel rose up fists up in victory, being grabbed by referee Randy Anderson with his arms raised. Martel went to several different corners to celebrate. =C- As Martel went up the last corner, Arn Anderson approached him from behind and gave him a forearm shot to the back! The Enforcer yanked Martel off the turnbuckles and dropped him with a Spinebuster. Zbyszko slowly got to his feet and joined Anderson in stomping Martel into the mat. But tonight Martel knows he got the best of Larry Zbyszko. =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ted DiBiase[/COLOR][/B] The cameras closed out, showing a video of a certain mansion. Pools, tennis courts, a built-in movie theater all there. Sitting in the front row? The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. [B]Ted DiBiase:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Welcome to my home everyone. Sit back, relax and watch some tv. Or maybe go swimming in my pool. But don't expect to stay long. Money doesn't hang out with the likes of you. But don't worry the Million Dollar Man will soon be in an arena near you."[/COLOR] Ted pulls out a cigar and lights it with a hundred dollar bill. =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against the Fantastics [/U][/B] These 4 men shook hands before the match and then it was on. This was a fast-paced matchup between 4 fan favorites. A clean encounter with Ricky Steamboat looking good out here. Steamboat got the win over Bobby Fulton by submission with his Double Chicken Wing. [B][U]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. The Fantastics by submission =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]One Man Gang, ???? ???? ?????[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, the One Man Gang came out from the back and attacked Jay Youngblood from behind while another large behemoth of a man came in behind Steamboat and knocked Steamboat into the corner. He backed up and ran giving Steamboat an Avalanche! One Man Gang threw Jay Youngblood in the ring and gave him the 747 Splash! One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy stood in the ring raising their arms in victory. =C [QUOTE][B][U]Stan Lane vs. Robert Gibson[/U][/B] Midnight Express vs. The Rock and Roll Express here in singles competition as Robert Gibson takes on Sweet Stan Lane. A fairly decent singles match with two competitors that are used to wrestling in tags. Robert Gibson picked up the victory by DQ when Bobby Eaton attacked him in the ring and a double-team starting by the Midnight Express. [B][U]Robert Gibson b. Stan Lane by DQ =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Midnight Express, Rock and Roll Express[/COLOR][/B] The Express set Gibson up for the Veg-O-Matic but in came Ricky Morton to make the save! The Express hit the bricks and Morton stood over his partner. =D- [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair and Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Dusty Rhodes and Bob Orton, Jr. [/U][/B] It's main event time as two seperate feuds collide here in tag action. The Nature Boy was going to start but saw Dusty Rhodes was starting so he tagged out to Dory Funk, Jr. The two veterans did battle with Flair getting a few shots in later during the match whenever Rhodes was on the ground. When Rhodes started trying to get back an advantage, Flair quickly tagged out. Rhodes was focused on in this match, keeping Bob Orton, Jr. out on the apron. Ric Flair looked good out here. Dusty was able to make a late tag to Bob Orton, Jr. who came in like a house on fire, taking down both Flair and Funk with clotheslines, punches and body slams. All 4 men came into the ring and paired up with Flair and Rhodes and Dory and Bob. Referee Tommy Young had a hard time keeping up with everything and Flair landed a low blow to the American Dream behind the referee's back. He rolled up Rhodes and placed his feet on the ropes and the referee counted the illegal man Rhodes out. What's going on here?! Flair rolled out of the ring with his hands held high and the big question about Dusty being pinned was left hanging as the show came to a close. [B][U]Ric Flair and Dory Funk, Jr. b. Dusty Rhodes and Bob Orton, Jr. =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .73 [B]Notes:[/B] A step backward from last week's show but that is to be expected considering how great last week's show was. We lost some popularity in the Mid-Atlantic region because of this show but we made money. It all evens out in the wash, right? In the PreShow Bob Orton, Jr. beat Arn Anderson in a C grade match. Also in the PreShow: Greg Valentine beat Mike Rotundo in a B- match.
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Wow, two surprises. Flair losing the title to the American Dream and Wahoo gettng beat in the Strap match? Way to keep it unpredictable. Didn't get a chance to predict on the last show. Spent the whole weekend at the ballfield(nothing new there.) Good effort though. Glad to see you continuing with this(didn't know if you would since you started the WCW one.) Got mine back up and started check it out and leave a prediction or two. ;)
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Newark Field House in Newark, Delaware. Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Ric Flair vs. Rick Martel[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Greg Valentine defends against Jerry Brisco[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dizzy Ed Hogan vs. Magnum T.A.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Road Warriors vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. The Mulkey Brothers[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predicitions Are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;244617]Wow, two surprises. Flair losing the title to the American Dream and Wahoo gettng beat in the Strap match? Way to keep it unpredictable. Didn't get a chance to predict on the last show. Spent the whole weekend at the ballfield(nothing new there.) Good effort though. Glad to see you continuing with this(didn't know if you would since you started the WCW one.) Got mine back up and started check it out and leave a prediction or two. ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the compliment! I do try to keep things unpredictable around here. I do plan on having another look at yours. It's been looking pretty good so far!
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[B]Ric Flair [/B]vs. Rick Martel United States Heavyweight Title Match [B]Greg Valentine [/B]defends against Jerry Brisco Dizzy Ed Hogan vs. [B]Magnum T.A.[/B] [B]Road Warriors[/B] vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw [B]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy [/B]vs. The Mulkey Brothers
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 2, July 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Newark Field House, Newark, DE. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. The Mulkey Brothers [/U][/B] The show opened with action as the brand new team of the One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy took on the Mulkeys. This matchup wasn't even a contest as OMG and KKB were in full control throughout. The match ended when Bundy hit Randy Mulkey with his Avalanche followed by a 747 Splash from the One Man Gang for the pinfall win. [B][U]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy b. The Mulkey Brothers by pinfall =E+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=blue]Gene Okerland, Dory Funk, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] The camera moved up to the podium where "Mean" Gene Okerland was standing by. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello professional wrestling fans, I'm Mean Gene Okerland here with an exciting interview for Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I'm here with Dory Funk, Jr."[/COLOR] Dory steps into view. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Mr. Funk, you and your family have been around the wrestling business for a very long time. But have you ever been as prepared for a match as you seem to be with Bob Orton, Jr. inside the cage?"[/COLOR] [B]Dory Funk, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"First of all, welcome to Mid-Atlantic Gene. Now shut-up and let me talk. Cowboy, you have stepped into the wrong ring, stepped against the wrong man. There is a reason why I am the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion. It's because I'm the best around here. And when we step into the ring I'm going to not only prove it but I'm going to end your career."[/COLOR] =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] The camera moves to a backstage office area where Jim Crockett, Jr. is sitting behind a desk. [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"After the emergency session with the NWA Board, a decision has been reached regarding the vacant NWA World Heavyweight Title. There will be a rematch between Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes to determine the new Champion. This will take place inside a steel cage so there cannot be any disqualifications or countouts. We will keep you informed on when the match will take place. Thank you very much and enjoy the rest of the show.[/COLOR] =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Tony Schiavone, Rick Martel, Larry Zbyszko[/COLOR][/B] The camera returns back to the interview podium where Tony Schiavone is standing by with Rick Martel. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone. What an announcement made just now by Jim Crockett, Jr. Speaking of superstar matches, we had one last week when the man beside me beat the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko. Rick, congratulations on your victory."[/COLOR] [B]Rick Martel:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you, Mr. Schiavone. I'd also like to thank the fans who have supported me so far in my matches here in the Mid-Atlantic region. I had a good match against a tough opponent last week and I expect to continue my winning ways against other opponents here in Mid-Atlantic."[/COLOR] =D A video played showing highlights from the match between Martel and Zbyszko, ending with Martel getting the win. =C- Coming back from the video, Larry Zbyszko is standing alone at the podium. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Rick Martel, just because you have the fans here supporting you it doesn't mean anything. So I slipped on a banana peel and lost to you last week. You better enjoy it because it won't happen again. You're still not even in the league of the Living Legend."[/COLOR] Larry shook his head and walked off. =C [QUOTE][B][U]Road Warriors vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw [/U][/B] Paul Ellering led his Road Warriors down here against the team of Valiant and McGraw. Valiant and McGraw tried to start out quickly early but Hawk and Animal no-sold their punches. They just looked at Valiant and McGraw. From there on, the Road Warriors dominated the match, clotheslining down both their opponents and continuing to stomp on Valiant and McGraw. Valiant was taken down with a power slam and McGraw given a shoulderblock. Paul Ellering called for the thumbs up and Animal lifted Bugsy McGraw onto his shoulders and Hawk climbed to the top turnbuckle. It was a Doomsday Device flipping McGraw over onto the ground. Hawk made the cover, sticking his tongue out and got the 3 count. [B][U]The Road Warriors b. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw by pinfall =D[/B][/U][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Paul Ellering, Road Warriors, Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw and The Brisco Brothers[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Paul Ellering got into the ring and pointed at Jimmy Valiant. Animal stomped on Valiant and then lifted him up, preparing for the Doomsday Device. =D But in came the Brisco Brothers with wooden chairs! They laid them across the backs of the Road Warriors, who barely sold the shots. But again Paul Ellering pulled his Road Warriors back and off. =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]??? ???????[/COLOR][/B] The camera moves out to a baseball field. A pitch is made and a hit is made sending the ball way out. It's going..it's going..it's gone! A home run! Flash to another baseball field, another pitch, another home run. 4 baseball fields shown in total, each with home runs. At the end, the camera zooms in on the man doing the hits. [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Now that's PERFECT!"[/COLOR] And the camera fades out. =D [QUOTE][B][U]Dizzy Ed Hogan vs. Magnum T.A. [/U][/B] As most people would think, T.A. dominated this bout. Magnum was clearly the class over Ed Hogan. Magnum sent Hogan into the turnbuckle and when Hogan came out, Magnum hit a Belly-To-Belly Suplex and then a small package to pick up the win. [B][U]Magnum T.A. b. Dizzy Ed Hogan by pinfall =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title Match Greg Valentine defends against Jerry Brisco [/U][/B] This would be the very first title defense of the United States Title by the Hammer. This was a very good technical match with both men focusing on the legs. Near the end of the match, referee Tommy Young took a bump before Brisco locked the Figure 4 on Valentine! Valentine was crying 'I quit, I quit' but there was no referee to call for the bell! Brisco released the hold and went over to the referee, trying to help him up and Valentine rolled out of the ring. Valentine grabbed his belt and walked around the ring. Brisco saw him moving and leaned through the middle and top rope only to take a belt shot from Valentine! Valentine rolled inside the ring and rolled up Brisco, using his feet on the ropes as Tommy Young came to and counted the 3 count. [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Jerry Brisco by pinfall =B-[/u][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ted DiBiase[/COLOR][/B] The video changes to the inside of a limousine where Ted DiBiase is lounging back and relaxing, drinking champagne out of a flute. [B]Ted DiBiase:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone and welcome back to the Million Dollar Man's show. I, of course, am the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase here with you. Today we are heading to another exclusive jewelry store where they are set up only for the Million Dollar Man's tastes."[/COLOR] The limo comes to a stop and the driver gets out, opening the door for DiBiase. The Million Dollar Man gets out and tips the driver a $500 bill. He looks back toward the camera. [B]Ted DiBiase:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Did you really think you'd be worthy enough to come into the Million Dollar Man's personal jewelry store? Of course not. But don't worry. Next week I will be stepping into the ring for the first time in the Mid-Atlantic region. So you should all be prepared to see the Million Dollar Man in action. Wrestlers beware."[/COLOR] Ted throws his head back and laughs that dark, evil laugh as the camera fades out. =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair vs. Rick Martel [/U][/B] And it's time for our main event as the Nature Boy Ric Flair takes on Rick Martel in a one-fall encounter. The Nature Boy seemed a little revived in this match after learning earlier he'd be getting a shot at regaining his NWA World Heavyweight Title. Martel's chest looked raw following the match from all the chops that Flair laced into him. Martel held his own against the former NWA Champ, surprising Flair several times during the match. But Flair's experience kept him in the ballgame. Eventually, he rolled up Martel into a small package and used the tights to get the pinfall. The show ended with Flair's arms being raised. Would they be raised in the cage with the NWA World Title around his waist? [B][U]Ric Flair b. Rick Martel by pinfall =B-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C+[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .75 [B]Notes:[/B] A step ahead from last week's show. We gained some popularity within the Mid-Atlantic region with this great showing and a fantastic main event and pre-main event. Within the preshow, Mr. Perfect made his debut defeating Jack Brisco with the Perfect Plex in a C+ match. Also Larry Zbyszko went to a time-limit draw with Ricky Steamboat in a B rated match. Next week will mark the in-ring debut of Ted DiBiase for MACW.
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[B][CENTER]WWF Up-To-Date[/CENTER][/B] [I]Leaving[/I] Masked Superstar left on Monday, Week 2, June 1983. George Steele left on Monday, Week 1, July 1983 Superstar Billy Graham left on Monday, Week 1, July 1983 [I]Signings[/I] Jesse Ventura arrived on Sunday, Week 1, April 1983 Michael Hayes arrived on Monday, Week 2, April 1983 Hulk Hogan arrived on Monday, Week 2, April 1983 Roddy Piper arrived on Tuesday, Week 2, April 1983 The Junkyard Dog arrived on Saturday, Week 1, July 1983 Paul Orndorff arrived on Saturday, Week 1, July 1983 [I]Extensions[/I] Charlie Fulton Don Kernodle Linda McMahon Don Muraco Buddy Rogers [I]Title Changes[/I] Sgt. Slaughter won the WWF Heavyweight Title from Bob Backlund on Thursday, Week 2, May 1983. Backlund had 5 defenses prior to losing the belt. Slaughter has defended the title 9 times so far. Jules Strongbow won the WWF Intercontinental Title from Don Muraco on Thursday, Week 1, July 1983. Muraco defended the title 20 times before losing the belt. Strongbow has defended the belt once.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Civic Center in Wheeling, West Virginia Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Ric Flair, One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]Non-Title Match[/I][/B] Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Mike Rotundo[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][I][B]Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Title Match[/I][/B] The Midnight Express vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ted DiBiase vs. Kelly Kiniski[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 3, July 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Civic Center, Wheeling, WV. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors, Brisco Brothers[/COLOR][/B] The television show opened with an up close and personal interview with the Road Warriors, showing their past accomplishments and how they grew up on the streets of Chicago. =D Inside the arena, the Briscos are standing at the podium. [B]Jerry Brisco:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Everyone has seen the issues that my brother and I have had with the Road Warriors. Those two punks come here to Mid-Atlantic and start trying to beat down our tag teams here? That doesn't fly with the Brisco Brothers."[/COLOR] [B]Jack Brisco:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's right, Jerry. And we are here to issue a challenge to a match with the Road Warriors. Are you two men willing to step into the ring with these two great athletes?"[/COLOR] =D [QUOTE][B][U]Ted DiBiase vs. Kelly Kiniski[/U][/B] The Million Dollar Man came out for the first time in an arena to face Kelly Kiniski. DiBiase put on a wrestling clinic against Kiniski, showing that he isn't just money but he's also good inside the ring. He finished off Kiniski with the Million Dollar Dream. [B][U]Ted DiBiase b. Kelly Kiniski by submission =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors[/COLOR][/B] Back at the podium, Paul Ellering escorted the Road Warriors out. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Those Brisco bums want to step inside the ring with my Road Warriors? Jack, Jerry you just signed your own death warrant. You are looking at the faces of your destruction right here, my Road Warriors, my Legion of Doom. Also my future NWA World Tag Team Champions. Briscos, anywhere, any time, any place."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Title Match The Midnight Express vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/U][/B] Speaking of Tag Team Titles, the formerly vacant Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles were on the line here as the Midnight Express took on the Rock and Roll Express. A very good tag team bout between these 4 men with Morton playing his usual face-in-peril role that he does so well. When Gibson got tagged back in, he was on fire. He took down both members of the Midnight Express. Ricky Morton tried to come in but referee Tommy Young grabbed him and began pulling him outside. Stan Lane came in the ring and hit Robert Gibson over the back with a chair. He tossed the chair out of the ring and the Midnights hit the Veg-O-Matic. Stan Lane kept Ricky Morton from getting in and Bobby Eaton made the cover on Robert Gibson, getting the 3 count. [B][U]The Midnight Express b. The Rock and Roll Express by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Johnny Valentine, Larry Zbyszko, Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] The cameras focused on someone within the crowd. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a former wrestler within the crowd tonight. It's the father of current U.S. Champion Greg Valentine: Johnny Valentine!"[/COLOR] Johnny stood up and waved to the crowd. =B+ Then he fell forward and the crowd gasped as...Larry Zbyszko attacked Johnny Valentine! The Living Legend is stomping on Johnny. He tosses Johnny over the barricade and follows him, locking in a sleeperhold. =C+ And from the back rushes Greg Valentine! He moves around the ring and threatens Zbyszko with his title belt. Zbyszko releases Johnny and backs off, laughing as Greg checks on his father, staring daggers at the Living Legend. =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Mr. Perfect[/COLOR][/B] A video begins playing, showing several different golf courses. At each one, Mr. Perfect tees off and sends the ball right into the hole. A hole in one! After the 5th one, the camera zooms in on Mr. Perfect smiling. [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Now, that's PERFECT!"[/COLOR] =D [QUOTE][B][U]Non-Title Match Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Mike Rotundo[/U][/B] The Mid-Atlantic Champ came out for this non-title match against Mike Rotundo. Iron Mike put up a great effort against Dory but Dory mostly dominated the match. Late in the match, Bob Orton, Jr. came out toward the ring and stopped at ringside, distracting Dory. Dory threw a punch at Bob, who dodged it and Mike Rotundo threw Dory back with a German Suplex and a bridge and got a surprising 3 count! [B][U]Mike Rotundo b. Dory Funk Jr. by pinfall =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] A video displayed Dusty Rhodes working out and getting prepared for his upcoming match against Ric Flair. He worked inside a steel cage in some of the video, showing that he is growing adept to doing so. =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair, One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood [/U][/B] 6 man tag team pandemonium as we had two former NWA World Champs and the current NWA World Tag Team Champs in this match. Ricky Steamboat looked good in this match. Ric Flair looked excellent in this match. The match came to it's conclusion when Flair hit Dusty Rhodes with a chain right in front of the referee! [B][U]Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. Ric Flair, One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, all 6 men came into the ring and it was a huge brawl to end the show with neither side having a real advantage as the show went off the air. =C+ [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .71 [B]Notes:[/B] And there was a definite setback here as shows seem to be flip-flopping between good and bad. We didn't lose any money here but at the same time we lost popularity. In the preshow, Wahoo McDaniel beat Rick Rude in a C rated match. In the preshow, Jake Roberts drew with Rick Martel in a B rated match.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Civic Theatre in Akron, Ohio Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Ric Flair vs. Jack Brisco[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ivan Koloff vs. Rufus R. Jones[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dusty Rhodes vs. Larry Zbyszko[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]United States Heavyweight Title Match[/I][/B] Greg Valentine defends against Ken Timbs[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jake Roberts vs. Jimmy Valiant[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 4, July 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Civic Theatre, Akron OH. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] The show began with the arrival of the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The crowd here in Ohio rose in boos for the Nature Boy as he walked out to the ring and stepped inside. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Akron Whooo Ohio you are the presence of greatness. And tonight things are going to get even better for you. Jack Brisco has decided to walk that aisle against Ric Flair. Brisco, as if you didn't have things bad enough with that challenge to the Road Warriors you have to make the mistake of challenging the Nature Boy tonight? You will just be a speedbump on my way to reclaiming my NWA World Heavyweight Title in 2 weeks. Remember, it's hard to be humble, Jack Brisco, when you're this good. Whoooo!"[/COLOR] =B [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors[/COLOR][/B] The camera then turns down the podium where the Road Warriors are standing by with Paul Ellering. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Finally someone with a little sense. It's nice to have such a smart man here in Mid-Atlantic. We only ask one thing of you Ric. That's to leave a few scraps for my Road Warriors here to pick. Tell em Hawk."[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Hawk:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Weeelllll. It seems to me that one of our opponents in two weeks has himself in a bit of a tussle with someone. Don't worry, Jack, we'll make sure your brother has a hospital bed right beside you after we get done with him. Tell em Animal."[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Animal:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ohhhhhh what a rush! Jack Brisco, Jerry Brisco you better be prepared to face the best team in the NWA in two weeks. Then after we get done with you it's on to Steamboat and Youngblood and those NWA World Tag Team Titles. And if you don't like it then man up and try to stop us."[/COLOR] =C [QUOTE][B][U]Jake Roberts vs. Jimmy Valiant[/U][/B] The Snake in his toughest encounter so far as he takes on the Boogie Woogie Man and Jake dominated the Boogie. Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising since Valiant was attacked two weeks ago by the Road Warriors. Jake finished off Valiant with the short-arm clothesline and a DDT. [B][U]Jake Roberts b. Jimmy Valiant by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Jake Roberts[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Jake walked over to his corner and removed the large snake from it's bag. He walked over to the Boogie Woogie Man and placed the snake on top of him, laughing deviously. =C+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] The camera turned it's focus to the podium where Greg and Johnny Valentine are standing. [B]Johnny Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone who sent in cards and called wondering if I am alright. I am fine. It's going to take a lot more than a simple attack to keep me down."[/COLOR] [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Larry Zbyszko, you made a huge mistake when you chose to attack my father. He is a true living legend in this business unlike you. And I am going to prove it. I want you in a match, Zbyszko. I'll even put my United States Title on the line to get the match. You want to hold the title, here's your chance."[/COLOR] =C [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title Match Greg Valentine defends against Ken Timbs[/U][/B] The Hammer came down to the ring following the interview, prepared to defend his U.S. Title against Ken Timbs. Johnny Valentine stood in his son's corner as Greg dominated the match. Valentine eventually picked up the win by submission with the Figure 4 Leglock. [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Ken Timbs by submission =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Dusty Rhodes vs. Larry Zbyszko [/U][/B] Zbyszko didn't answer Valentine's challenge but had a real challenge here when facing the American Dream. Dusty and Zbyszko had a good short match here, ending only when Ric Flair came out to the ring and attacked Dusty, clipping out his knee. [B][U]Dusty Rhodes b. Larry Zbyszko by disqualifiction =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] Flair continued the attack on Dusty, stomping on his knee. He dragged Dusty knee over to the corner and locked in a figure 4 around the ringpost! Several officials had to come down and pull Flair off Dusty. =B [B][COLOR=BLUE]Mr. Perfect[/COLOR][/B] A video began to play showing Mr. Perfect within a basketball court, making several shots from various parts of the court. He took a shot from midcourt and swished it! Then he looked at the camera. [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Watch this."[/COLOR] Mr. Perfect walked over to the opposite end of the court and heaved up a shot. The camera followed the basketball from one end to the other with that last shot going in! Then the camera returned to a smiling Mr. Perfect. [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Now, that's PERFECT!"[/COLOR] =D [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ivan Koloff[/COLOR][/B] Ivan Koloff made his way down to the ring for his match against Rufus R. Jones, taking the microphone first. [B]Ivan Koloff:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Please everyone be quiet and rise for singing of Russian National Anthem!"[/COLOR] Ivan began to sing to boos from the crowd! When he finished he handed the microphone back to the ring announcer and looked toward Rufus. =C [QUOTE][B][U]Ivan Koloff vs. Rufus R. Jones [/U][/B] The Russian Bear dominated this match against Rufus. The crowd tried to get Rufus into it with "U.S.A." chants but Rufus was no match for the Russian Bear. Ivan got Rufus to submit with a Bear Hug. [B][U]Ivan Koloff b. Rufus R. Jones by submission =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ivan Koloff, Magnum T.A.[/COLOR][/B] Magnum T.A. came running down to the ring after the match and met Ivan with punches. Ivan fought back and the two continued to brawl out of the ring and up the aisle. =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] The camera turned it's attention toward the podium where Dusty Rhodes walked out with a limp. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ric Flair, I'm still standing. I'm still here! I said before that you're one of the best athletes in the business today and I wasn't lying. I don't know why you have to try to take those shortcuts in the ring and around it. But you better believe that the American Dream will still be standing tall inside the ring when it's all said and done. Dusty Rhodes will be holding the NWA World Heavyweight Title, you understand? When we get in the ring it's gonna get real funky. I'm gonna give you a little flip, flop and fly, a little bionic elbow and a pinfall. We gonna get a funky like a monkey inside that ring in two weeks. You betta believe that when the American Dream and the Nature Boy get inside that ring it's gonna be...shameful."[/COLOR] =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair vs. Jack Brisco[/U][/B] And we hit main event time as the Nature Boy stepped into the ring here in Ohio to take on Jack Brisco. This was a solid technical matchup with a hot crowd that got into it when Flair gave Brisco those hard knife-edge chops in the corner. There were some Flair fans and some Brisco fans out in the crowd tonight. Moreso Brisco than Flair and they tried to rally Jack against the Nature Boy. But tonight it wasn't meant to be as Flair picked up the pinfall victory with a clean small package. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Jack Brisco by pinfall =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] Dusty Rhodes stepped out from the back as Flair rose to his feet and the two men stared each other down. They will be competing against each other in two weeks here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. The show ended with Dusty Rhodes limping down toward the ring. =B- [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 1,966 [B]TV Rating:[/B] .85 [B]Notes:[/B] The tv rating was pretty high for this last show in the month and we gained some popularity here in the Great Lakes region but at the same time we're still bleeding money. Something has to be done soon to stop that even if it means cutting some salaries. The Flair/Rhodes cliffhanger ending was fun to do, though. In the preshow, the Midnight Express beat the Fantastics, retaining their Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles in a D- match. Also in the preshow, the Road Warriors went to a double countout with Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood in a C- match.
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling August 1983[/CENTER][/B] [B]Money[/B] $487,843 [B]Prestige[/B] Cult C+ [B]Location[/B] Mid-Atlantic (USA) [B]Style[/B] Carolina Traditional [B]Owner Goals[/B] Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion cannot drop below $187,500 at any time during the time period. Goal #3: BLOCK: The roster should be biased toward genuine athletes. You cannot sign any wrestler with less than a D grade in athleticism. [B]Promotion Pacts[/B] Georgia Championship Wrestling (working agreement) World Class Championship Wrestling (hostile) Championship Wrestling From Florida (working agreement) Central States (working agreement) World Wrestling Council (working agreement) All Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Pacific Northwest (working agreement) Southeastern Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Maple Leaf Wrestling (working agreement) Mid-South Wrestling (working agreement) World Wrestling Federation (at war) International Wrestling(Montreal) (at war) Houston Championship Wrestling (working agreement) American Wrestling Association (working agreement) Calgary Stampede Wrestling (working agreement) New Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Southwest Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (working agreement) Championship Wrestling Association (working agreement) [B]TV Shows[/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling [B]Announcers[/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett [B]Popularity[/B] Great Lakes: D- Mid-Atlantic: C+ Mid-South: E Mid-West: E New England: E- North West: E South East: C- South West: E Tri-State: E Puerto Rico: E- [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes Greg Valentine(United States Heavyweight Champion) Ricky Steamboat(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff Larry Zbyszko Ric Flair Ted DiBiase[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. Jay Youngblood(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Jerry Brisco Jimmy Valiant Rick Martel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk, Jr. (Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion) Jake Roberts The Assassin[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bugsy McGraw Magnum T.A. Mike Rotundo Porkchop Cash Ricky Morton[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Arn Anderson Bobby Eaton King Kong Bundy Mr. Perfect One Man Gang Road Warrior Animal Road Warrior Hawk Stan Lane[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Fulton Kelly Kiniski Private Jim Nelson Robert Gibson Steve Armstrong[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dean Malenko(1 time appearance) Ken Timbs[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Tommy Rogers Tracy Smothers[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Rick Rude[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bill Mulkey Randy Mulkey Vinnie Valentino[/COLOR] [B]Occasional Wrestlers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jack Brisco Rufus R. Jones[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=RED]Paul Ellering Woman(yet to debut)[/COLOR] [B]Announcer[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator[/B] David Crockett Gene Okerland [B]Referees[/B] Dave Hebner Randy Anderson Stu Schwartz Tommy Young [B]Authority Figure[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/COLOR] [B]Road Agent[/B] Abe Jacobs Gene Anderson Johnny Weaver [B]Personality[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Johnny Valentine ??? ????????? Tony Schiavone[/COLOR] [B]Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw (Full Time) Porkchop Cash and Rufus R. Jones (Full Time) Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo (Semi Active) Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw (Semi Active) Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood (Full Time)(NWA World Tag Team Champions) Jack Brisco and Jerry Brisco (Full Time) Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers (Full Time) Bill Mulkey and Randy Mulkey (Full Time) Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (Full Time) Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong (Full Time)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton (Full Time) Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk (Full Time)[/COLOR] [B]Stables[/B] [I]Legion of Doom[/I] Paul Ellering Road Warrior Hawk Road Warrior Animal [/QUOTE] ...
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[B][CENTER]Don Curtis Passes Away![/CENTER][/B] Former wrestler Don Curtis passed away recently due to a drug overdose. He was a former WWWF United States Tag Team Champion with his partner Mark Lewin. Curtis started off in the 50's as a matinee-idol hero. He will be missed by all. [B][CENTER]Retirements Abound[/CENTER][/B] The following wrestlers have announced their retirement as of this month: Bob Orton, Sr. Smasher Sloan The Fabulous Moolah Bobo Brazil The Crusher We wish them all a happy time in their retirement.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Macon City Auditorium in Macon, GA Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]6 Man Tag Action! Ric Flair and the Road Warriors vs. Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]Inside of a Steel Cage. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line[/I][/B] Dory Funk Jr. defends against Bob Orton, Jr.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles On The Line[/I][/B] The Midnight Express defend against the Southern Boys[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ted DiBiase vs. Jimmy Valiant[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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Ric Flair and the Road Warriors vs. [B]Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers [/B] [B]Possibly by DQ[/B] Inside of a Steel Cage. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line [B]Dory Funk Jr. [/B]defends against Bob Orton, Jr. Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles On The Line [B]The Midnight Express[/B] defend against the Southern Boys [B]Ted DiBiase [/B]vs. Jimmy Valiant
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 1, August 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Macon City Auditorium, Macon GA. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] Following the opening credits, the cameras focused in on Bob Caudle and David Crockett. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett. David, next week we are going to determine the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion when Dusty Rhodes takes on Ric Flair."[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What a match that will be. But tonight Ric Flair will be teaming with the Road Warriors to take on Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers in top 6 man tag team action!"[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Speaking of Ric Flair, he's down here at the podium with Gene Okerland."[/COLOR] =B+ The camera pans to the podium, focusing in on Gene Okerland and Ric Flair. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone. I'm here with the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair. Ric, tonight you team with the Road Warriors to take on your opponent next week Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers."[/COLOR] [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Meeeeeeeean Whooo Gene! My limousine is fired up in the back and the girls are all waiting shouting out 'What's causing all this?' Whooo. But before I get to the girls, tonight I am going to be teaming with the future tag team champions of the world in the Road Whooo Warriors against that big fat American Dream and those lousy Briscos. Dusty, tonight I'm not going to take you out completely. No, I'm gonna leave a little bit left of you for next week inside that cage. Whooo. The Road Warriors, tonight, are going to take care of the Briscos and that leaves just me and you big Dust and everyone always knows that when you walk that aisle against the Nature Boy you're gonna bleed all night long. Whooo!"[/COLOR] =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Ted DiBiase vs. Jimmy Valiant[/U][/B] The Million Dollar Man came out for this opening bout against the Boogie Woogie Man. DiBiase and Valiant had good chemistry and it showed during this match though it was mostly dominated by DiBiase. The Million Dollar Man secured the pinfall victory after a Fist Drop. [B][U]Ted DiBiase b. Jimmy Valiant by pinfall =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Larry Zbyszko[/COLOR][/B] The cameras panned over to the podium where Larry Zbyszko was standing by. [B]Larry Zbyszko:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Everyone I've met on the streets and everyone here has been asking the same question of me. Why Living Legend? Why did you attack Johnny Valentine? Why did you attack a man with a bad back? The answer is simple. I am the ONLY Living Legend in this industry, in this company. To have Johnny Valentine here was an insult to me. And what was even more insulting was his son coming out and attacking me THEN challenging me to a match. So you want to lose that U.S. Title so badly, Greg Valentine? Well, let me put it to you this way. If you want to get the Living Legend inside the ring we have to put your father inside a cage and suspend him above the ring to ensure that he doesn't interfere in the beating you're going to take. If you'll agree to that then I will accept your challenge."[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles On The Line The Midnight Express defend against the Southern Boys [/U][/B] The Midnight Express were escorted out by their new manager: a beautiful woman known simply as Woman. With Woman in their corner, the Express dominated and both men really looked good out there. Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane used several double-team moves on Armstrong and Smothers. In the end, Bobby Eaton got the pin on Smothers after the Midnight Express hit him with the Veg-O-Matic. [B][U]The Midnight Express b. The Southern Boys by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]One Man Gang, King Kong Bundy[/COLOR][/B] The cameras went backstage, showing a man talking with a backstage worker. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hey, that's Sam Steamboat! Ricky Steamboat's father!"[/COLOR] Two men walked up behind Sam Steamboat and when he turned he was levelled with a punch! One Man Gang pushed Steamboat against the wall and choked him there, holding him as King Kong Bundy built up a head of steam and hit an Avalanche against the wall on Sam Steamboat! Sam crumpled down, holding his ribs. That had to hurt! [B]One Man Gang:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Tell your son we're coming for him!"[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Inside of a Steel Cage. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line Dory Funk Jr. defends against Bob Orton, Jr.[/U][/B] The steel cage was constructed during the commercial break and during the OMG/Bundy attack on Sam Steamboat and it was time for one of our main events as Dory Funk, Jr. defended his Mid-Atlantic Title against his rival Bob Orton, Jr. Both men are looking for revenge here in this match as Dory Funk took out Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton took out the Assassin. This match got bloody early as both men used the steel cage to their advantage, banging the other's head into it. Later during the match, Bob Orton used the crowd to his advantage, raising up on Dory in the corner and punching as the crowd counted along to ten. Dory staggered out of the corner and his forehead looked like raw meat. Bob stepped back and bounced off the ropes but Dory moved forward too quick and they banged heads, sending both men down to the mat. Referee Tommy Young began the ten count as both men lay there. The crowd tried to support Bob Orton, Jr. and slowly both men were staggering to their feet. Dory dropped down, clipping the knee out from Bob Orton, Jr. Orton grabbed his knee in pain and Dory climbed to the second turnbuckle slowly, leaping off and stomping on the hurt leg of Bob Orton, Jr! Dory grabbed the leg and spun around with the Funk Spinning Toehold and after several seconds, Bob Orton Jr. had to submit! [B][U]Dory Funk, Jr. b. Bob Orton, Jr. by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Mr. Perfect[/COLOR][/B] A video began to play showing Mr. Perfect within a pool hall by himself. He walked around the pool table with the cue stick and then started taking some shots. Different scenes flashed with him making more and more difficult shots. It was a rather difficult shot he made at the end before flashing a smile at the camera. [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Now, that's PERFECT!"[/COLOR] =E+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Brisco Brothers[/COLOR][/B] As the final pieces of the cage were being removed, the cameras focused on the Brisco Brothers at the podium. [B]Jerry Brisco:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Next week wrestling fans be prepared to tune in as my brother and I take on the Road Warriors right here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Hawk, Animal, Paul Ellering you guys better be prepared for the fight of your life because we're going to bring it to you."[/COLOR] [B]Jack Brisco:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's right, Jerry. Next week here on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, the Road Warriors aren't going to know what hit them."[/COLOR] =C [QUOTE][B][U]6 Man Tag Action! Ric Flair and the Road Warriors vs. Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers[/U][/B] And it was main event 6 man tag team action as Ric Flair teamed with the Road Warriors to take on Dusty Rhodes and the Briscos. Road Warrior Animal started out with Jerry Brisco and it was technical wrestling meets brawling as they took turns with the advantage, Animal showing the first real kinks in the armor of his team. He quickly tagged out to Flair, who took Jerry to school for several moments, beating his chest with those knife-edge chops before Jerry was able to tag out and it was Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair face-to-face. Ric quickly tagged out to Hawk and slid out of the ring. Later during the match, Flair and Dusty did get stuck in the ring together as the Road Warriors and Briscos brawled. Flair tried to beg off but Dusty would have none of it, punching Flair over and over again. Dusty did a little flip, flop and fly and hit Flair with the Bionic Elbow! He was able to get behind the Nature Boy and locked in the Weaver Lock! Flair struggled but he couldn't get free and eventually had to submit! After the match, Dusty let go and Flair just looked wide-eyed at him as the show went off the air! [B][U]Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers b. Ric Flair and the Road Warriors by submission =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C+[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 2,000 (Sold Out) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .83 [B]Notes:[/B] The tv rating was definitely staying high which was a great thing. We didn't lose any money either and sold out the Macon City Auditorium. Next week should be great, though! Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes, Road Warriors vs. The Briscos and more! In the preshow, Greg Valentine defeated Arn Anderson by DQ when Larry Zbyszko attacked Valentine. It was a C match. Also in the preshow, Ricky Steamboat beat Rick Rude in a C- match.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;245999]Ric Flair and the Road Warriors vs. [B]Dusty Rhodes and the Brisco Brothers [/B] [B]Possibly by DQ[/B] Inside of a Steel Cage. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title On The Line [B]Dory Funk Jr. [/B]defends against Bob Orton, Jr. Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles On The Line [B]The Midnight Express[/B] defend against the Southern Boys [B]Ted DiBiase [/B]vs. Jimmy Valiant[/QUOTE] Definitely great choices! Good job!
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory in Tampa, FL Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][I]Inside Of A Steel Cage. NWA World Heavyweight Title Match[/I][/B] Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]One Man Gang vs. Ricky Steamboat[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Road Warriors vs. The Brisco Brothers[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dean Malenko vs. Mike Rotundo[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 2, August 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory, Tampa FL. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Dean Malenko vs. Mike Rotundo[/U][/B] The show opened with a match which holds the debut of Dean Malenko within MACW. Dean Malenko is the son of the Professor Boris Malenko. This was a very technical contest between these two athletes with holds and counterholds. Rotundo showed a lot within this match and ended it with an Airplane Spin. [B][U]Mike Rotundo b. Dean Malenko by pinfall =D[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Road Warriors[/COLOR][/B] The camera moves over from the ring toward the podium where Mean Gene Okerland is standing by with the Road Warriors. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"A huge win for Iron Mike Rotundo tonight. And I am here beside the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. Gentlemen, tonight you face your toughest challenge when you take on the Brisco Brothers."[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Animal:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What do you mean we face a tough challenge, Gene? Don't you know that anybody who steps into the ring with the Road Warriors will be the team facing impossible odds? It doesn't matter if it's the Brisco Brothers or the Rock and Roll Express or the Southern Boys or even the Mulkey Brothers. We'll take down each and every team on our way to the top. Tell 'em Hawk!"[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Hawk:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Weeellll, you see Jack and Jerry Brisco we have something or should I say someone that you don't have. We have the brains behind the operation of the Legion of Doom. We've got Precious Paul here. We also have the muscle and the speed to take out each and every team here in MACW. Brisco Brothers, you're not the first but you are the next because we snack on danger and dine on death! Tell 'em Paul!"[/COLOR] [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes, Gene Okerland, you can tell that my Road Warriors are ready to step inside that ring against an experienced tag team like the Briscos. The question becomes are the Briscos ready to step into the ring with the mighty force known as the Legion of Doom? We will see tonight."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors vs. The Brisco Brothers[/U][/B] This would be your definite classic bout of power vs. technical expertise, youth vs. experience. Animal started things off quickly for the Road Warriors, clotheslining down Jack Brisco and then lifting him up in a press slam, pressing him several times up and down before slamming him over. Jack went back in the corner and regrouped with his partner, tagging out to Jerry Brisco. The Briscos began a technical assault on the larger opponent, using several double team moves to bring Animal down to the delight of the crowd. Quick tags were the name of the game for the Brisco Brothers. But Animal eventually gained the advantage and tagged out to Hawk, who used his speed to keep the Brisco Brothers off balance. Animal ended up coming back in and the Road Warriors dominated the Briscos until Paul Ellering signalled for the Doomsday Device. Jack Brisco was lifted up onto Animal's shoulders and Hawk went to the top and...clothesline off the top by Hawk! Hawk made the cover and the referee made the 3 count! [B][U]The Road Warriors b. The Brisco Brothers by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]The Road Warriors[/COLOR][/B] Following the match, Paul Ellering motioned the Road Warriors to attack Jerry Brisco! The Road Warriors laid in with stomps and took Jerry, ramming his head into the steel cable that connects the turnbuckle to the ringpost! It busted Jerry Brisco open and Hawk smeared some of the blood on his face as the Road Warriors stood tall and victorious. =C After that vicious beating, the cameras turned and focused on the two announcers as they sat behind their booth. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What a reprehensible attack by the Road Warriors!"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COlOR=RED]"Indeed, Bob. But speaking of reprehensible, we have to talk about the attack made by Larry Zbyszko on Johnny Valentine. That was absolutely horrible."[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes it was David. Johnny Valentine is retired after a serious back injury and Larry Zbyszko tried to take advantage of that. But I can tell you that a new stipulation has been added to the Greg Valentine and Larry Zbyszko match. Not only will it be for the United States Title. Not only will Johnny Valentine be suspended above the ring in a cage but it will also be Loser Leaves Town!"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What?!"[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's right, David. Either Greg The Hammer Valentine or the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko will no longer be with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling after next week!"[/COLOR] =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]One Man Gang vs. Ricky Steamboat[/B][/U] Ricky Steamboat is looking for some revenge in this match as the One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy attacked his father just last week. Steamboat came out quickly against the OMG with a dropkick and chops to the large chest of the Gang. Steamboat rammed OMG's head into the cornerbuckle and OMG just looked at him for a moment and started with an advantage, kicking Steamboat in the gut and giving him shoulder shots in the corner. The One Man Gang started cranking in the advantage, using his weight as he used several restholds to wear down Steamboat. King Kong Bundy looked supremely confident outside the ring until OMG went for the 747 Splash but Steamboat rolled out of the way! The crowd cheered and clapped, rallying behind Steamboat as both men slowly moved toward their feet. Steamboat bounced off the ropes and hit OMG with a clothesline, rocking the big man. Steamboat hit another clothesline then a dropkick and that felled the huge One Man Gang! Steamboat went to the outside and climbed the turnbuckles slowly. One Man Gang was getting to his feet. He spun around, staggering slightly until he faced Steamboat. Steamboat leapt off the top turnbuckles and hit that flying body press! Referee Randy Anderson counted 1...2...and the pinfall was broken up by King Kong Bundy! Anderson had no choice but to call for the DQ. [B][U]Ricky Steamboat b. One Man Gang by disqualification =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Boat and Blood, One Man Gang and Bundy[/COLOR][/B] Bundy picked up Steamboat and clotheslined him down! Bundy played to the crowd a moment as the One Man Gang was slowly getting to his feet. Finally Bundy picked up Steamboat and whipped him into the turnbuckles, getting ready for that Avalanche! But right as Bundy is about to go charging, Jay Youngblood comes down and pulls Steamboat from the ring. Jay looks up at Bundy and Gang as he helps his partner to the back. Things are definitely heating up here. =D+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair[/COLOR][/B] The camera focuses in on the podium where Mean Gene Okerland is standing by with Ric Flair. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening again ladies and gentlemen. Mean Gene Okerland here alongside one of the number one contenders to the NWA World Heavyweight Title The Nature Boy Ric Flair. Ric, tonight is the night that you take on the American Dream Dusty Rhodes to determine the new NWA World Champ."[/COLOR] [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Meean Whooo Gene! Tonight is the night that the entire wrestling world is talking about. Tonight is the night that the Nature Boy sits right back up on his throne where he belongs. Whooo. Dusty Rhodes, I'll give credit where credit is due: you are good but Ric Flair is great, brother. Walking that aisle against anyone else you might even win some matches but tonight you're walking that aisle against the Nature Boy WITH the NWA World Heavyweight Title on the line. There's only one outcome that could come of this match: Ric Flair walking away with the belt. Whooo!"[/COLOR] =B [quote][b][u]Inside Of A Steel Cage. NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes [/U][/B] The crowd rose on their feet as the steel cage was finished being constructed here in Tampa Florida. The introductions were made with Ric Flair coming out first to a round of boos from the crowd. Then the American Dream was introduced and the place exploded with cheers! Dusty climbed inside the cage and the door was locked and he stood across from Ric Flair staring him down. Both men looked confident going into this one. Once the bell sounded, the two men circled one another. Dusty went to lock up but Flair avoided it and began his strut across the ring, releasing a 'whooo' to a booing crowd. The two men circled again and this time a collar and elbow tieup was successful. Dusty backed Flair into a corner but Flair turned it around and released a knife-edge chop to the chest of the American Dream! A second one! A third one and Dusty grabbed Flair, turning him around in the corner and peppering him with rights and lefts! A bionic elbow from the Dream and Flair falls to the mat, trying to roll outside but realizes that he's stuck in the ring because of the cage! Dusty pulls Flair back by the foot and then lifts him by the hair. He looks toward the cage and rams Flair's head into the steel cage! Flair bounces off of it and staggers back, falling to the mat. Dusty goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count says referee Tommy Young. Dusty swings a leg over and mounts Flair, beginning to punch the Nature Boy as the referee warns Dusty about the closed-fists but there's nothing that can be done since it's inside the cage with no DQ! Dusty has already busted open Flair's forehead! Flair is slightly bleeding above his eyebrows. Dusty pulls Flair up and lands a hip toss on the Nature Boy that has Flair grabbing his back and crying out in pain! Flair pulls himself away from Dusty, raising his hands and begging off. Dusty looks to the crowd who basically say 'no mercy.' When Dust turns back to Flair, Flair lands a thumb to the eyes and uses the turnbuckle to raise himself up to his feet. He grabs Dusty and swings him around into the corner, hitting three straight shoulderblocks to the gut. Flair lets Dusty stagger out of the corner and drops a shoulder on Dusty's knee! As we all know, the knee has been Flair's focal point since the feud began so it's already weakened. Flair lifts the leg and ties it into the bottom rope, beginning to stomp on the knee several times over before he wraps it around the bottom rope and stretches it with Dusty crying out in pain! Flair finally releases at the urging of the referee and gives a little strut to the booing crowd. He bounces off the ropes and drops a knee across Dusty's forehead! Dusty is not looking too good as Flair wipes his own blood from his brow. Flair grabs Dusty's leg and tries to pull Dust from the ropes but is struggling with pulling the larger man. He finally manages to pull Dusty away and goes for the Figure 4, only to be thwarted by a small package! 1.... 2....! Kickout by Flair! Flair barely made it out before the three count but he's the first to his feet and goes right back to the knee, stomping on it hard! Flair lifts Dusty, causing Dust to put weight on that injured leg as he forces the Dream into the corner. Flair chops HARD against Rhodes' chest! Again! Again! AGAIN! Flair is wearing out the Dream's chest with those knife-edge chops! He turns the Dream from the corner and rakes the American Dream's face against the cage! The Dream barely seems able to fight as Flair releases him and hits another shoulder shot to that injured knee with only grabbing the ropes keeping Dusty from falling. Flair grabs one of Dusty's arms and tries to whip him across the ring but Dust has ahold of the ropes and isn't going anywhere! Flair tries again and is still unsuccessful! Dusty grabs Flair and rams his head into the steel cage! Flair staggers out, barely standing before flopping to the mat face-first. The American Dream gets cheers from the crowd as he picks up Flair and goes to body slam him but his knee gives out! He falls into the turnbuckle with Flair regaining his bearings somewhat and getting back to a vertical base! Flair chops Dust but Dust punches Flair! Chop! Punch! Chop! Punch! Chop! Punch! Punch! Punch! A headbutt from Rhodes sends Flair down to the mat! Rhodes is a little staggered himself after that one. But he makes a cover on Flair, hooking the leg. 1... 2... Shoulder Up! Dusty shakes his head in disbelief. What else could Flair take, right? Dusty pulled Flair up again and rammed his head into the steel cage once more, grinding Flair's head into the cage with cheers from the crowd! Flair's head is bleeding profusely as Dusty sets him up for a vertical suplex! Dusty slowly lifts Flair but Flair shifts and Dusty's knee goes out, falling with Flair on top. But Flair doesn't go for the cover, instead he rises up quickly and goes for Dusty's knee, dropping a kneedrop on it before setting up the Figure 4 Leglock...it's successful! Dusty's eyes go wide with pain as Flair cinches the hold in, placing his palms on the mat and rising up for more leverage! Dusty shakes his head and cries out 'no' when asked if he gives up. Flair tells the referee to ask again and then grabs the middle rope when Tommy Young isn't looking. Dusty is in immense pain! That much can be seen. Flair releases the rope before Young turns back around and Flair denies using it but points toward Dusty. Dusty is not one to submit easily though. But Flair uses that middle rope again and the pressure is really put on the American Dream as the crowd tries to tell the referee what is going on. After about a minute and a half in the Figure 4, Dusty has no choice but to submit! Referee Tommy Young signals for the bell and for the door to be opened. [B][U]Ric Flair b. Dusty Rhodes by submission =B+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] Flair releases the hold and slides to his feet, rubbing his forehead as he is still bleeding like a stuck pig. He is handed the NWA World Title belt...by Arn Anderson?! Tommy Young is down outside the ring and the cage door has been locked again! What's going on?!?! Flair smashes Dusty across the knee with the belt and then pushes it right up against Rhodes' face, saying that the Dream will never again see this belt! Arn Anderson stomps on the fallen Dusty's knee as Flair struts around the ring with the NWA World Title in hand. What a way to end the show! =B [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=B-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 2,000 (Sold Out) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .86 [B]Notes:[/B] Fans are definitely buzzing about Arn Anderson's involvement after the main event. Isn't he with Larry Zbyszko? And conspicuous by their absence on television were both him and the Valentines. But they do have a big match to prepare for next week. The tv ratings were great this week. A .86 is nothing to scoff at right now. The Fantastics defeated Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw in the preshow in a D match. Arn Anderson defeated Jay Youngblood in the preshow also in a C match.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from Cameron Hall in Lexington, VA Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][I]United States Heavyweight Title Match. Johnny Valentine suspended in a cage above the ring. Loser Leaves Town.[/I][/B] Greg Valentine defends against Larry Zbyszko[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Mr. Perfect debuts against Bob Orton, Jr.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jake Roberts[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match[/I][/B] Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against the Midnight Express[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Open![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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United States Heavyweight Title Match. Johnny Valentine suspended in a cage above the ring. Loser Leaves Town. [B]Greg Valentine[/B] defends against Larry Zbyszko [B]Flipped a coin[/B] [B]Mr. Perfect [/B]debuts against Bob Orton, Jr. [B]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy[/B] vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw [B]Have you been looking at my booking sheet?[/B] [B]Wahoo McDaniel [/B]vs. Jake Roberts NWA World Tag Team Titles Match [B]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood [/B]defend against the Midnight Express
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 3, August 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from Cameron Hall, Lexington VA. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, Arn Anderson[/COLOR][/B] The show begins with the sound of 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' playing throughout the arena as fans rise in boos for the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair and his partner in crime Arn Anderson. They both walk out to the podium and stand tall with Ric rubbing the belt. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Lexington, Virginia and the entire world wanna know: what's causing all this? Whooo. I told you last week and the week before last and every day since I've been here that to be the man you've got to beat the man and last week Dusty Rhodes just couldn't get it done. Whooo. American Dream you have no excuse as to why you're not here tonight. I might have even granted you a rematch but as it is the Nature Boy and his brand new Enforcer here, Double A, Whooo. We are going out to party right here in Lexington. Because you see there is no one here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling worthy of facing this NWA Champion. There is no one in the world that can beat the Nature Boy along with his Enforcer right here behind me. As a matter of fact..."[/COLOR] Ric walks over to the announcers and looks into the monitor. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"This belt looks great around my waist, doesn't it? It fits the Nature..."[/COLOR] =C+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]????? ???????[/COLOR][/B] The Nature Boy is interrupted as a video begins to play espousing the talent of a newcomer here to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. He's a former Florida Champion and he's coming here to take on Ric Flair for the belt in 2 weeks. His name? Barry Windham!!! =C+ As we come back to live footage, Flair is red in the face! He grabs Arn, asking if he knew anything about this and Arn shook his head. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"WOW! What a major announcement coming from Jim Crockett! It's gonna be Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham in 2 weeks for the belt!"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"He's a 2nd generation superstar, Bob! One of the top names in our business right now. He's been red hot down in the South East. What a blockbuster announcement!"[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against the Midnight Express[/U][/B] As fans were buzzing with that announcement, the NWA World Tag Team Titles were defended here as Steamboat and Youngblood defended against the Mid-Atlantic Tag Champions the Midnight Express with their manager: Woman. This was a pretty good match with a nice back and forth pace to it. Woman helped out her men several times behind the referee's back. But toward the end, Steamboat got momentum and went up top for his Flying Cross Body but he was pushed off by One Man Gang! On the other side of the ring, King Kong Bundy was attacking Jay Youngblood! What an attack by the top contenders, causing the dq here." [B][U]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. the Midnight Express by disqualification =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]???? ????[/COLOR][/B] "He's Simply Ravishing, ow!" A music video played hyping the entrance of Rick Rude to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. It showed him working out and showing off his hard-earned body and at the end he said that he's coming to MACW and will prove he has the best body there. =C- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, Jim Crockett, Jr.[/COLOR][/B] As we cut back to the live feed, Jim Crockett, Jr. walks out to a mixed reaction from the crowd and stands at the podium. [B]Jim Crockett, Jr:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Good evening wrestling fans, I'm...!"[/COLOR] And Crockett is cut off by the emergence of Ric Flair from the back along with Arn Anderson. Flair walks quickly over to the podium. [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What is the meaning of this?"[/COLOR] [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You know very well what this is about, Crockett! You set me up! I AM the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. I call the shots around here. Windham never challenged me. I never signed a contract to face him!"[/COLOR] [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That doesn't matter, Ric. You have an obligation to the NWA Board of Directors and to myself specifically. If you choose not face Mr. Windham in two weeks then you will be stripped of that title belt by the Board and I will personally suspend you."[/COLOR] [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You can't do that! This company would be nothing without me! The NWA NEEDS Ric Flair! They need the Nature Boy to compete."[/COLOR] [B]Jim Crockett, Jr.:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Then don't let me down, Ric. Show up and defend that belt in two weeks like a MAN! And speaking of men, Barry Windham will be here in a match next week to warm up for that title bout."[/COLOR] Ric went to speak and then paused and smiled, nodding as he walked off with Arn, plotting. =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jake Roberts[/U][/B] It's the Native American against the Snake in this bout. Two great masters of in-ring psychology facing one another here and this match didn't disappoint. Each men met with move and counter with neither gaining a real distinct advantage. Late in the bout while Wahoo had the advantage, the snake bag began to move slightly. Wahoo saw this and his eyes went wide and he began backing away with fear! Apparently, Wahoo is afraid of snakes! Jake seized the opportunity to get the advantage and laid Wahoo out with the DDT, getting the pinfall. [B][U]Jake Roberts b. Wahoo McDaniel by pinfall =B[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Jake Roberts, Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR][/B] Following the bout, Jake walked over to his snake bag and opened it up, sliding the snake out. He walked over to the fallen Wahoo McDaniel and placed the snake on him, smiling and laughing. But, then, Wahoo started to stir and his eyes went wide when he saw the snake and he fainted! =B+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] The cameras slowly moved up to the announcers. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I don't think Wahoo will want to face Jake again any time soon. But we do have a somber announcement to give you wrestling fans."[/COlOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes, it appears that as a result of injuries suffered at the hands of Ric Flair and Arn Anderson, Dusty Rhodes will not be able to compete for several weeks. He will be going to see a second doctor this week to determine whether or not he will need surgery for the injury he suffered. But we wish him all the best."[/COLOR] =B- [QUOTE][B][U]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw [/U][/B] Was this even a match? Valiant and McGraw were dominated in this 'bout' from the get-go in a very short encounter. Valiant ended up suffering from the Avalanche by King Kong Bundy and the 747 Splash by the One Man Gang. Bundy made the pinfall and picked up the win. [B][U]King Kong Bundy and One Man Gang b. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw by pinfall =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors, Boat and Blood[/COLOR][/B] The cameras went back to the announcers following that bout. [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Bob, we just got another major announcement about the card next week! Why don't you tell our fans!"[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, make sure you tune in to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling next week as we will be seeing the NWA World Tag Team Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood in non-title action against none other than the Road Warriors! The Road Warriors have been physically dominating tag teams here in Mid-Atlantic, including the Brisco Brothers!"[/COLOR] =C+ [B][COLOR=BLUE]Paul Ellering, Road Warriors[/COLOR][/B] On cue, Ellering brings his Road Warriors out there to the announcers' stand. [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"That's right, Caudle, Crockett. You heard it correctly. My Road Warriors will be taking on Steamboat and Youngblood but they are cowards and won't put their belts on the line against my team. They know that my Legion of Doom will run roughshod over them in a heartbeat just like we did the Brisco Brothers last week. Tell 'em Animal."[/COlOR] [B]Road Warrior Animal:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Last week, you all saw how we manhandled those idiots the Brisco Brothers. They were no match for Road Warrior power. Steamboat and Youngblood will be just another bump in the road for us. Tell 'em Hawk!"[/COLOR] [B]Road Warrior Hawk:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Well, it seems to me that the Road Warriors are a runaway train streamrolling over everybody in our paths, especially those Brisco Brothers. We beat those guys up so bad that they're not even here this week. Steamboat, Youngblood you better take a lesson from the Briscos and run and hide with your tails between your legs next week. If you don't we're going to come in there and just kick your asses."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Orton, Jr. [/U][/B] This match would mark the in-ring debut of Mr. Perfect for Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. He walked out with a smile on his face, chewing gum and slid inside the ring with a white workout towel. He tossed the towel up and caught it behind him before tossing it out of the ring. His opponent, Bob Orton, Jr., has been on a bit of a losing streak since losing to Dory Funk, Jr. Perfect dominated the bout in this one, leaving no doubt as to why he is called Mr. Perfect. He hit a rolling neck snap late in the bout and then caught Orton with the Perfect Knee Lift and got the pinfall. [B][U]Mr. Perfect b. Bob Orton, Jr. by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] A pre-taped interview began with Greg Valentine standing in front of a blue screen. [B]Greg Valentine:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Tonight is the night, Larry Zbyszko. Tonight you and I go one on one inside this very ring. One of us walks out as the United States Champion, the other leaves the territory for good. Tonight, Living Legend, you are going to pay for what you did to my father and you are going to learn that when the Hammer drops the match is over."[/COLOR] =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]United States Heavyweight Title Match. Johnny Valentine suspended in a cage above the ring. Loser Leaves Town. Greg Valentine defends against Larry Zbyszko [/U][/B] Referee Randy Anderson was inside the ring waiting as first Larry Zbyszko came out and then the U.S. Champion Greg Valentine and his father Johnny Valentine walked out with both of them heading to the cage positioned beside the ring. Johnny gave his son some last minute advice and then stepped inside the cage. It was locked and began to rise above the ring and would remain up there for the length of the match. The Hammer slid inside the ring and went right after Zbyszko, clotheslining the Living Legend down and then mounting and hammering away with rights and lefts! The bell sounded and the match officially began as Zbyszko tried to cover up. The referee finally pulled Valentine back and Zbyszko got outside the ring in a hurry to regroup. The Hammer just stared the Living Legend down and thwarted several attempts by Zbyszko to get back inside the ring. Finally the Living Legend got back in and he began to work a slow pace against the Hammer, taking advantage of Valentine's straight-ahead nature in this bout to catch the Hammer in some mistakes and get several near-falls. Johnny tried to get the crowd behind his son and it slowly began to work and the tide was turned in the Hammer's favor. Valentine went to the knee of Zbyszko, twisting and wrenching it. Zbyszko's eyes widened in pain as Valentine continued his work there. Johnny cheered his son on from the cage as Valentine locked in a Figure 4 Leglock in the center of the ring! Zbyszko flopped in pain, trying to reverse it but Valentine didn't budge! Zbyszko held on as long as he could until..."I Quit! I Quit!" Zbyszko gave up! [B][U]Greg Valentine b. Larry Zbyszko by submission =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ted DiBiase, Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] Greg released the hold and celebrated as the cage was being lowered and he was handed the United States Title. The celebration was cut short, though, as Ted DiBiase walked out from the back and stood at the top of the ramp. [B]Ted DiBiase:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I am the Million Dollar Man and on the Million Dollar Man that belt would look nice. Greg Valentine, consider this an official challenge. Drop the cage!"[/COLOR] Greg looked up in horror as the rope seemed to snap and the cage his father was in fell to the mat and hit hard, falling over and leaving Ted DiBiase laughing his dark evil laugh as the show went off the air. =B- [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sold Out) [B]TV Rating:[/B] .75 [B]Notes:[/B] The tv rating wasn't as great as it has been within the past but the positive story here is that we made money! We are now officially over the hump so to speak, in the positive and hopefully we will be able to end the month in the same way. Fans are buzzing about Johnny Valentine's fall tonight from the cage. Will he be alright? We'll have to see next week! In the preshow, Magnum T.A. went to a double countout with Ivan Koloff in a C match. Also in the preshow, Ric Flair beat Rick Martel with a Small Package pin in a B match.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;247695]United States Heavyweight Title Match. Johnny Valentine suspended in a cage above the ring. Loser Leaves Town. [B]Greg Valentine[/B] defends against Larry Zbyszko [B]Flipped a coin[/B] [B]Mr. Perfect [/B]debuts against Bob Orton, Jr. [B]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy[/B] vs. Jimmy Valiant and Bugsy McGraw [B]Have you been looking at my booking sheet?[/B] [B]Wahoo McDaniel [/B]vs. Jake Roberts NWA World Tag Team Titles Match [B]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood [/B]defend against the Midnight Express[/QUOTE] Your coin was smart in it's selection of Greg Valentine. Larry Zbyszko is off to LarryLand, I mean the WWF. I'm sure you weren't expecting the angle with Wahoo and Jake The Snake. That one should be fun.
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from Cameron Hall in Lexington, VA Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE]Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Ivan Koloff[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match[/I][/B] Dory Funk Jr. defends against Mike Rotundo[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][I]Non-Title Match[/I][/B] Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. The Road Warriors[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Now Open![/COLOR][/CENTER]
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