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[B]Barry Windham[/B] vs. Arn Anderson [B]Just a guess.[/B] [B]Wahoo McDaniel [/B]vs. Ivan Koloff [B]Even though my gut tells me that this could go the other way. Sickles all around.[/B] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match Dory Funk Jr. defends against[B] Mike Rotundo [/B] [B]Another gut shot, as maybe its time to get the MA belt off Funk and onto young Rotundo. [/B] Non-Title Match [B]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood [/B]vs. The Road Warriors [B]They are still the best at this point in time. The Warriors are too green, even though it is a nontitle match. [/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 4, August 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Civic Center, Greenwood SC. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Barry Windham[/COLOR][/B] The show begins down at the announce table with Bob Caudle and David Crockett. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett. Tonight, we are going to have the entrance of former Florida Heavyweight Champion Barry Windham, David."[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Yes, Bob, tonight Barry Windham will be taking on a friend of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion in Arn Anderson. This should be a great matchup in our main event! But before we get there, let's head up to the ring for our first match of the night."[/COLOR] =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]Non-Title Match Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. The Road Warriors[/U][/B] What a great way to open our broadcast! A non-title match between Boat and Blood and the Road Warriors. The Warriors showed some dominance early against the more experienced team of Boat and Blood but slowly Ricky Steamboat started coming back for his team against Hawk and Animal. Just like in similar weeks, as Steamboat tried to go for the Flying Cross Body he was knocked off the top turnbuckle by King Kong Bundy, causing the DQ! [B][U]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood b. The Road Warriors by DQ =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Following the match, the Road Warriors got into a shoving match with King Kong Bundy and One Man Gang and a 6 man brawl broke out between all 3 teams! Officials and other wrestlers had to hit the ring to seperate these 6 men! =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match Dory Funk Jr. defends against Mike Rotundo[/U][/B] We go from a non-title match to a title one as Dory Funk, Jr. defends the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight belt against "Iron" Mike Rotundo. As with their match before, Dory dominated the early-goings and it looked like it might become an easy night for the Funkster but somehow Rotundo began fighting back! The crowd really started getting into it as the plucky underdog used some amateur wrestling tactics, catching Funk off guard. An Airplane Spin later and we have a NEW Mid-Atlantic Champion in Mike Rotundo! [B][U]Mike Rotundo b. Dory Funk, Jr. by pinfall =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Barry Windham[/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved up to the podium where Mean Gene stood with Barry Windham. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello everyone and congratulations to Mike Rotundo for winning the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title. I am joined here today with a man who will be challenging Ric Flair in one week for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Barry Windham, welcome to Mid-Atlantic."[/COLOR] [B]Barry Windham:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you, Mr. Okerland. I just want to say that I've seen how fierce the competition is here in Mid-Atlantic and I am honoured to be a part of the program. In one week, I am going to get the opportunity that has eluded me until now: a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Ric Flair, you're a great wrestler. Right now you're the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. That means you're the best there is. But next week I'm looking to make my mark. I am looking to become the best and that means beating you for the belt. Gene, be prepared because next week Ric Flair is going to be taken to the limit."[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][B][U]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Ivan Koloff [/U][/B] Two veteran wrestlers going at it in the ring tonight as the Russian Bear takes on the Native American. The crowd was obviously in the favor of Wahoo during this match. Let's take you to the end of the match where Wahoo was starting his comeback. [QUOTE][B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ladies and gentlemen, this has been some good wrestling action here. Wahoo McDaniel just broke a bear hug with a couple of ear slaps and he's gone into his war dance!"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You know what that means, Bob! Clothesline by Wahoo! Ivan is slow to get up. A chop to the chest brings Ivan back down to the mat. Wahoo is on fire!"[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wait, what's this? Jake The Snake Roberts is walking down to the ring with that snake bag. What is he doing here?"[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I don't know but he's headed to the ring and Wahoo is just now seeing him. Jake is reaching into that bag and that has to be the largest snake I've ever seen!"[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wahoo is hightailing it out of there and I don't blame him one bit. But referee Stu Schwartz hasn't seen Jake technically interfere."[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"No, he's counting Wahoo out of the ring! Jake is keeping Wahoo from getting back inside the ring! Ivan is going to steal one!"[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What a lousy way to win but Jake is chasing Wahoo through the crowd with that snake!"[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B][U]Ivan Koloff b. Wahoo McDaniel by countout =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR][/B] A pretaped interview began with Dusty Rhodes against a blue background being held up by a pair of crutches. [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for watching the show and listening to the American Dream. Tonight I come to you with a humble heart. I come to you as the man Dusty Rhodes. As you can all see, I am having to walk around on these crutches because of the dirty deeds of Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. Ric Flair, you may have beaten me before but I trusted you to keep it even steven on me. Fool me once shame on you and there won't be a fooling me twice, daddy. Once this leg injury heals you better be ready because the American Dream is going to be coming for you."[/COLOR] =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ted DiBiase, Johnny and Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] After the Dusty interview, the cameras focused in on Bob Caudle. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Wrestling fans, we all saw what happened last week between Ted DiBiase and the Valentines. Ted DiBiase paid the man controlling the cage with Johnny Valentine in it to drop the cage before it had been lowered to the mat. This is pretty sickening footage so you might not want to let any kids or those of you with squeamish stomachs watch the video."[/COLOR] =C+ A video began to play, detailing the last few moments of what occured between Ted DiBiase and the Valentines. The Million Dollar Man issued his challenge and then said to drop the cage and Johnny Valentine and the cage went falling to the mat! This part was shown from several different angles as Greg could only watch. =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson[/U][/B] And it is main event time as the newcomer Barry Windham takes on the Enforcer Arn Anderson. The crowd didn't care for this match at all. And I couldn't really blame them. Something about the chemistry between Barry Windham and Arn Anderson was off. They just couldn't seem to click in this match. By the end of the match, the fans seemed ready for it to end and it did with some interference by Ric Flair, popping Windham in the face with the NWA World Title belt. [B][U]Barry Windham b. Arn Anderson by disqualification =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Flair and Anderson put the boots to Windham! Flair had Anderson hold the challenger and Flair put the belt right up to Windham's face. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You see this, Windham? You'll never have it! Never! Whooo!"[/COLOR] And Flair kicked Windham for good measure to boos from the crowd. The last segment getting more heat than the match did! =B- [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C-[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 5,000 [B]TV Rating:[/B] .77 [B]Notes:[/B] Money seems to definitely be fluctuating back and forth here. Attendance remains sellouts, tv ratings are fluctuating. To start the next month off there will be some roster cuts to get the roster down to a more manageable size so be looking for those. In a preshow match, Rick Martel beat Rick Rude in a C- match. Also in the preshow, Ric Flair defeated Magnum T.A. in a C match.
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[B][CENTER]MACW Releases Several Athletes![/CENTER][/B] Jim Crockett, Jr. has officially announced that Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling has released the following athletes: The Assassin Jimmy Valiant Porkchop Cash Bugsy McGraw Randy Mulkey Bill Mulkey We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling September 1983[/CENTER][/B] [B]Money[/B] $648,906 [B]Prestige[/B] Cult C+ [B]Location[/B] Mid-Atlantic (USA) [B]Style[/B] Carolina Traditional [B]Owner Goals[/B] Goal #1: CRITICAL: The promotion must not be in debt when the time expires. Goal #2: CRITICAL: The promotion cannot drop below $187,500 at any time during the time period. Goal #3: BLOCK: The roster should be biased toward genuine athletes. You cannot sign any wrestler with less than a D grade in athleticism. [B]Promotion Pacts[/B] Georgia Championship Wrestling (working agreement) World Class Championship Wrestling (hostile) Championship Wrestling From Florida (working agreement) Central States (working agreement) World Wrestling Council (working agreement) All Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Pacific Northwest (working agreement) Southeastern Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Maple Leaf Wrestling (working agreement) Mid-South Wrestling (working agreement) World Wrestling Federation (at war) International Wrestling(Montreal) (at war) Houston Championship Wrestling (working agreement) American Wrestling Association (working agreement) Calgary Stampede Wrestling (working agreement) New Japan Pro Wrestling (working agreement) Southwest Championship Wrestling (working agreement) Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (working agreement) Championship Wrestling Association (working agreement) [B]TV Shows[/B] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling [B]Announcers[/B] Bob Caudle and David Crockett [B]Popularity[/B] Great Lakes: D- Mid-Atlantic: C+ Mid-South: E+ Mid-West: E+ New England: E- North West: E+ South East: C- South West: E+ Tri-State: E Puerto Rico: E- [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Roster[/CENTER][/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Dusty Rhodes Greg Valentine(United States Heavyweight Champion) Ricky Steamboat(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Wahoo McDaniel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff Ric Flair Ted DiBiase[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Barry Windham Jay Youngblood(NWA World Tag Team Champion) Jerry Brisco Rick Martel[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Dory Funk, Jr. Jake Roberts[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bob Orton, Jr. Magnum T.A. Mike Rotundo Ricky Morton[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Arn Anderson Bobby Eaton King Kong Bundy Mr. Perfect One Man Gang Road Warrior Animal Road Warrior Hawk Stan Lane[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Kelly Kiniski Private Jim Nelson Robert Gibson Steve Armstrong[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]Ken Timbs[/COLOR] [B]Openers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Fulton Tommy Rogers Tracy Smothers[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talents[/B] [COLOR=RED]Rick Rude[/COLOR] [B]Occasional Wrestlers[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jack Brisco Rufus R. Jones[/COLOR] [B]Managers[/B] [COLOR=RED]Paul Ellering(Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Hawk) Woman(Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane)[/COLOR] [B]Announcer[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator[/B] David Crockett Gene Okerland [B]Referees[/B] Dave Hebner Randy Anderson Stu Schwartz Tommy Young [B]Authority Figure[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/COLOR] [B]Road Agent[/B] Abe Jacobs Gene Anderson Johnny Weaver [B]Personality[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Johnny Valentine Sam Steamboat Tony Schiavone[/COLOR] [B]Teams[/B] [COLOR=BLUE]Rufus R. Jones and Mike Rotundo (Semi Active) Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood (Full Time)(NWA World Tag Team Champions) Jack Brisco and Jerry Brisco (Full Time) Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers (Full Time) Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (Full Time) Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong (Full Time)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RED]One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton (Full Time) Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk (Full Time)[/COLOR] [B]Stables[/B] [I]Legion of Doom[/I] Paul Ellering Road Warrior Hawk Road Warrior Animal [/QUOTE] ...
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[CENTER][COLOR=BLUE]Live this Wednesday night from the Macon City Auditorium in Macon, Georgia Jim Crockett Promotions Presents [B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][B][U]Main-Event![/SIZE][/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match[/U][/B] Ric Flair defends against Barry Windham[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The Road Warriors vs. The Southern Boys[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ted DiBiase vs. Bob Orton, Jr.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Number One Contenders Match To Mid-Atlantic Title[/U][/B] Mr. Perfect vs. Rick Martel[/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE]Predictions Are Now Open[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/macw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]Wednesday, Week 1, September 1983[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER] [COLOR=BLUE][B]Taped from the Macon City Auditorium, Macon GA. Broadcast via TV Local - Mid Atlantic on Saturday at 8:00 PM EST Jim Crockett Promotions presents...[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE=6][CENTER]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ivan Koloff, Boris Zhukov[/COLOR][/B] Standing in front of a blue screen is Ivan and Boris. [B]Ivan Koloff:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"It is time to take gloves off. It is time to show all you puny americans just what mother russia is all about. It does not matter if it Magnum T.A., Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, any american wrestler that step into the ring with Russian is at automatic disadvantage. And I am going to be showing my new partner here: Boris Zhukov everything I know about Russian fighting."[/COLOR] [B]Boris Zhukov:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Thank you very much, Ivan. America has done nothing for me. All that has happened is that I was abandoned. Long live Mother Russia!"[/COLOR] =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Number One Contenders Match To Mid-Atlantic Title Mr. Perfect vs. Rick Martel[/U][/B] The in-ring portion of the show began with this technical classic as Mr. Perfect came to the ring to take on Rick Martel. The announcers spoke about the upset win last week by Mike Rotundo over Dory Funk, Jr. for that Mid-Atlantic belt as the action went fast and furious in the ring. Both men showed a great chemistry with each other but in the end it was Mr. Perfect with his Perfect Plex that came out the victor and top contender. [B][U]Mr. Perfect b. Rick Martel by pinfall =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Mr. Perfect[/COLOR][/B] The camera focuses in on the podium where Gene Okerland is standing by. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"My congratulations go out to Mr. Perfect for his win over Rick Martel in that match that just took place. In a moment, we'll have a word with Mr. Perfect and get his thoughts on becoming the number one contender."[/COLOR] =D Mr. Perfect walked up, wiping his forehead with a pristine white towel. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Mr. Perfect, congratulations on the win."[/COLOR] [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Well, you know it shouldn't surprise you or anyone else that no one has been able to beat me here in Mid-Atlantic. Rick Martel should have known better than to get inside the ring with Mr. Perfect because everything I do in life is absolutely that: perfect."[/COLOR] [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What about Mike Rotundo? He is still the Mid-Atlantic Champion."[/COLOR] [B]Mr. Perfect:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What about Mike Rotundo, Gene? He is no match for Mr. Perfect. And when I get him in the ring I WILL become the Perfect Champion."[/COLOR] =D+ [QUOTE][B][U]Ted DiBiase vs. Bob Orton, Jr. [/U][/B] This would be Bob Orton, Jr.'s last match within MACW since his contract ran out the next day so anyone can guess just how this went. The Million Dollar Man dominated the match and finished Orton off with the Million Dollar Dream for the submission win. [B][U]Ted DiBiase b. Bob Orton, Jr. by submission =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ted DiBiase, Greg Valentine[/COLOR][/B] Following the bout, DiBiase went to stuff a hundred dollar bill in Orton's mouth but he got double sledged from behind by Greg Valentine! Valentine tossed DiBiase out of the ring and stared him down from inside the ring as DiBiase backed off. Valentine grabbed the fallen hundred dollar bill and tossed it into the crowd! =B- [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ricky Steamboat, Jay Youngblood[/COLOR][/B] The cameras moved up to the podium, focusing in on Bob Caudle and David Crockett. [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"What a memorable night of action we've had so far, David. A new number one contender and Greg Valentine got a small measure of revenge against the Million Dollar Man."[/COLOR] [B]David Crockett:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"I am sure the Million Dollar Man has more up his sleeve than that, though. But next week we're going to have a great match! We're going to see a defense of the NWA World Tag Team Titles as Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend the belts against a yet-to-be-announced team. There's a lot of speculation going on as to who will get the title shot."[/COLOR] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Indeed, David. One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy and the Road Warriors all want a shot at the champs."[/COLOR] =C- [QUOTE][B][U]The Road Warriors vs. The Southern Boys [/U][/B] Your typical tag match with the Road Warriors. Of course they dominated the Southern Boys with their power and paint. Hawk got the pin on Tracy Smothers after nailing him with the Doomsday Device. [B][U]The Road Warriors b. The Southern Boys by pinfall =D-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Road Warriors, Paul Ellering[/COLOR][/B] The camera zoomed in on the podium, following the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering over to greet Tony Schiavone. [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Hello wrestling fans. As you can see, I'm here with Precious Paul Ellering and the Road Warriors after their fantastic win here tonight."[/COLOR] [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"You call that just a win, Schiavone? We call it just another day at the office. Except my men enjoy what they do. They have fun destroying lives and taking names."[/COLOR] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Next week they might get a chance to take more than that. There is going to be a mystery tag team taking on Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles."[/COLOR] [B]Paul Ellering:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Might be, Schiavone? Who else is there that can compete with the raw power of my Road Warriors? Who else can compete with my own utter intelligence? While these other guys were watching tv I was reading the Wall Street Journal. None of them are worthy of taking my Road Warriors' place and next week we will prove it when we take the belts from Steamboat and Youngblood."[/COLOR] =C [QUOTE][B][U]Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Wahoo McDaniel [/U][/B] Another veterans match as Dory Funk, Jr. takes on Wahoo McDaniel. This one was mostly a brawl with Wahoo actually using that to his advantage. Wahoo took control and came close to finishing off Funk when Jake Roberts came out again this week with his snake. This time there was no bag. Jake held the snake in his hands and walked out toward the ring. Wahoo saw him and began backing up again, sliding out of the ring and heading through the crowd as Jake gave chase yet again. And again the referee had no choice but to count Wahoo out. [B][U]Dory Funk, Jr. b. Wahoo McDaniel by countout =C+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Ric Flair, Barry Windham[/COLOR][/B] A pre-taped video began to play with Ric Flair in front of a blue background, pacing slightly. [B]Ric Flair:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Barry Windham, last week I told you that you're never going to be able to hold my NWA World Heavyweight Title. That fact doesn't change because tonight you're going to get to walk that aisle against me. Tonight you are going to bleed, you are going to sweat and you are going to pay the price for stepping inside the ring with the Nature Boy. Whooo. Barry Windham, the limousine is fired up, the ladies are waiting, the champagne is on ice. All you've got to do to steal that away from me is to take this title and that's not gonna happen, brother. I am the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Whooo. And whether you like it or whether you don't like it you better learn to love it because diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair. Whooo."[/COLOR] =B+ As the video faded it focused in on the podium where Barry Windham was standing by with Mean Gene. [B]Gene Okerland:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Barry Windham, we are just moments away from your shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title against the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Any final thoughts?"[/COLOR] [B]Barry Windham:[/B] [COLOR=RED]"Gene, tonight is the night I get the chance at a lifetime of riches and success. The NWA Title means everything in this business. It is the number one belt. All I can say is that I am ready for Ric Flair and I hope he's ready for me."[/COLOR] =B [QUOTE][B][U]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair defends against Barry Windham [/U][/B] Main event time and what a way to end the show than with a match to decide the NWA World Heavyweight Champion as Ric Flair defends the belt against Barry Windham. Another of those great scientific classic matches where Windham plays up to the crowd and Flair uses every trick in the book to maintain an advantage. Late in the bout, Windham reversed an irish whip and Flair flipped over the turnbuckles. He glanced at Windham and ran across the apron, climbing the turnbuckles but was caught by Windham! Windham slammed Flair off the top and Flair grabbed his back, crying out in pain. He crawled toward the corner and begged off, shaking his head. While Windham focused on Flair, Arn Anderson climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee! Windham leaned in and Flair poked him in the eyes! Windham staggered slightly and was met by a low blow from Flair behind the referee's back! Flair quickly rolled Windham into a small package as Arn dropped off the apron and held onto the tights as the referee counted the 3 count for a successful title defense for Ric Flair! [B][U]Ric Flair b. Barry Windham by pinfall =C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE] After the match, Arn Anderson came into the ring and joined Flair in putting the boots to Windham for the second week in a row! Ric Flair was handed the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt and he smacked Windham across the head with it while Arn Anderson held him! Ric and Arn stood side-by-side in the ring with Flair holding up the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt as the show went off the air. =B [B][SIZE=4]OVERALL RATING=C+[/SIZE] Announcer:[/B] Bob Caudle [B]Colour Commentator:[/B] David Crockett [B]Attendance:[/B] 2,000 [B]TV Rating:[/B] .83 [B]Notes:[/B] We are slowly but surely building a real interest in the South Eastern portion of the United States. More cards like this and they will continue to pour in. In the preshow, Mike Rotundo beat Rick Rude in a C- match. Also in the preshow, Boris Zhukov beat Tommy Rogers in a D- match.
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