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21CW: Bringing Back the UK Scene

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Ok, I never expected to be here, ya know? Wrestling's always been a passion of mine I suppose, and I confess to being a smart on the subject. But booking a promotion? Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that one. But you know what happens when you post a video on YouTube, one that ends up pretty highly rated out there. Then, you get a phone call. Yes, a phone call. I am damn aware of how corny that sounds, but it happens. Especially when your future boss is a bit of a hothead, and his head bookers a stubborn prig. "Hello, is this Ben Avatar?" "Speaking. Who is this?" "Hey Ben, my name is Jeff Nova. I don't know if you've heard of me." "Yeah, I've heard of you. Why are you calling me? Did I say something wrong on the show? I don't want to be sued again." "No, no, no. You see, we want to go in a different direction here at 21st Century Wrestling. Sports Entertainment is great, absolutely great. But here in the UK, it seems to not be able to stand on its own." Yeah, I know that. I devoted an entire episode to mocking 21CW for going in their rip-off of a direction. Now, I really hope he didn't see that one. "I saw the episode in which you suggested this..." DAMN. "And I'm quite intrigued." DAMN? "I want you to come over here and become our head booker. You can hire anyone that you think would take us in the right direction. I really just want to make some cash here, and putting on a nice show would be okay as well." "OK Mr. Nova, I'll come over... How am I to get there?" "A plane ticket should come... right now." Something thumped onto the floor below my mail slot. Oh s***, they're watching me! "I'll see you tommorrow, Mr. Avatar." "Ok... I'll see you tomorrow." "I'll be waiting." Woah. What the hell just happened here?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/logos/logos%202007/21CW.jpg[/IMG] [B]21CW Best of British Wrestling (973 Fans)[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] [B]ARTHUR T. TURTLE vs. DAVEY CELTIC[/B] One of those new signings that are to return 21CW to its roots as a high-flying, action oriented product goes against our resident young untalented jobber. Turtle is a weird-looking dude, but he can get it done in the squared circle. He beats the jobber named Davey Celtic with a Turtle Bomb (450 Splash). (E) Rod "The God" Todd walks out to the center of the ring. [COLOR="Indigo"]"Hello all you Toddaholics out there! *Crowd Boos* Yes, I back in your adulation and praise! But on to more pressing matters. Apparently, I am to face Adam Matravers in the ring tonight. Well, I'd just like to say, that Adam Matravers is going to feel the Wrath of God! And that's the bottom line, 'cause The God said so! If you heeeeed what The Todd is preachin'!"[/COLOR] (C) [B]DAVID BLACK FRANCIS vs. ROLLING JOHNNY STONES[/B] --21CW United Kingdom Championship-- A better match then the last one, but that's really not saying much. These two actually have in-ring ability, unlike Mr. Davey Celtic. The match is an open one, both men getting serious offense. Rolling Johnny Stones goes for his trademark Rolling suplexes, but Francis slips free, and hits a big bulldog for the win. (D) [B]DJ REASON vs. LEO PRICE[/B] A better match then the last one! Woo! These two are both good workers, Leo Price in particular having a serious chance to move up the card here in 21CW. But it's DJ Reason who takes command of this bout, ending the match with a superkick for the 1-2-3. (D+) [B]STEVIE STOAT vs. LUKE COOL[/B] This match is a step down, but it's still better then the opener. I suppose that's how it should be, as we enter the main event type portion of the evening. These two men are capable technical workers, and they showcase that style of wrestling. In the end, Stoat finishes things with the Stoat Pounce for a pin. (D) Our World Champion, Joss Thompson, comes out to the center of the ring. [COLOR="Indigo"]"You know, it's a travesty that I, the 21CW World Heavyweight Champion of the World, isn't booked in a match tonight. I mean, I'm the guy you all came out to see, right? So I'm making an open challenge to anyone in the back. That's right, anybody. And, to sweeten the pot a little, I'll stick my title up on the line. That's right, a title shot. And all you have to do is come out and face me. But don't jump up so quick, I'll give you until the next match is over to decide."[/COLOR] (C+) [B]ROD "THE GOD" TODD vs. ADAM MATRAVERS[/B] A legitimately good match, really, a legit one. These two get the crowd to pop by using all sorts of aerial manuvers to get the place jumping. The fans are convincingly behind Matravers, and he doesn't disappoint, taking the match with one Mile High Moonsault. (D) Joss Thompson returns to the ring. [COLOR="Indigo"]"Bravo pathetic underlings, bravo. You put on a show for these idiots. Have fun doing nothing as these ingrates are wowed by real talent. Now, who wants to accept my challenge. Who wants a shot at the gold?"[/COLOR] (C) JD Morgan! He walks out of the back to a big pop, and Joss looks a little shaky in the ring. [COLOR="Indigo"]"Hell yes Thompson, I'd love to kick your ass and take your belt. Thank you oh so very damn much for suggesting it!"[/COLOR] (D+) [B]JOSS THOMPSON vs. JD MORGAN[/B] A great main event to a good show. These two top technical starts tenaciously treat the tremulous denizens of this tarry town's tavernesque stadium. Damn, I couldn't keep it up. Anyway, JD Morgan takes the fight to Joss Thompson, who seems overwhelmed by the passion of the veteran fighter. Morgan seems to grow stronger as the match continues, before Thompson grabs his belt and hightails it out of there, laughing at the furious challenger. (C-) [B]Overall Rating: D+[/B] Woo. [/QUOTE]
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One thing to keep in mind, Truth, is that what constitues "good" ratings is relative from promotion to promotion. D's and C's are pretty much in line with what would be expected from 21CW -- you're not necessarily doing anything wrong. You can also play ahead a couple of shows before you decide if you're going to move ahead with the game as a diary. I myself was convinced I wanted to do a TCW diary, but that never saw the light of the board because, like you, I couldn't quite find a motiviation that made me want to write it down. No worries, though. We'll still be here when you've found something more to your liking, don't give up!
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