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Bushy Business: A Wrestling Story

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[CENTER]An Offer I Couldn't Refuse Sunday, Week 4, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]To make this thing official, I'm going to have to make this promotion an official promotion. Can't do that without being sanctioned by the Missouri Department Of Athletics. Director of that association is an old friend of my uncle's, Bill Lumbergh. Bill Lumbergh is what I like to call a douche bag. Mr. Lumbergh isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and seems to be a corporate robot. So I gladly walked into Mr. Lumbergh's office and tried to get that license.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Mr. Lumbergh? [I]No one was in the office so I looked down the hall and there was no one there. So I sat in his seat behind a desk comfortably before he showed up. I'm sure Mr. Lumbergh wouldn't care at all since my uncle and him are pretty good friends. Oh here he is now...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/BillLumbergh.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] What the hell are you doing in my seat? [I]Mr. Lumbergh didn't look very happy and me sitting in his seat wasn't doing me any favors. I quickly got up from the chair, not to disrespect the guy's wishes. I needed to get as much on Mr. Lumbergh's good-side as possible. Then the man would drop a bombshell on me that wouldn't help me in any way.[/I] [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] Your uncle owes me a lot of money, kid. The man borrowed money from me and now he is investing it in an RV rental store. He still hasn't paid me back, I'm about to go break his legs myself. If you could get him to pay me back, that would be great. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Well Mr. Lumbergh, I came by to see if I can get a license for my new wrestling promotion I'm starting. [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] Did you get the memo? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] What memo? [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] The memo about wrestling licenses... [I]I don't really know where I would get myself one of these memos. The chances of me actually getting me a license is very slim since the bad blood my uncle has with this guy. Then I got an offer I couldn't turn down.[/I] [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] Well kid, we aren't giving out anymore licenses here in the state of Missouri. But I'll make you a deal, kid. If you can pay me back all the money I let your uncle borrow then I won't suspend the license I'm going to give you. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] How much does my uncle owe? [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] $3,500... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] You got yourself a god damn deal! [U][B]Bill Lumbergh[/B][/U] Okay so if you could get me that money as soon as possible, that would be great. [I]I left his office seeming lucky I could actually strike a deal to actually get a license. It seemed to me that, that was easier than it should have been. I have a feeling that the original $3,500 isn't what it seems.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]A Ring Of Fire Sunday, Week 4, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Well it is lunch time for me so I have to hop on my Vespa and grab a bite to eat. What is better than a nice extra long Coney dog from Sonic? I only pick up AM radio on my Vespa, so there is only one choice. The name of this program is Swap Shop located out of Potosi, Missouri. They always have some great buys on truck tires, vintage blankets, and NASCAR memorabilia. Then I heard a buy that could be very important for me to purchase.[/I] [U][B]Stereotypical Hick Caller[/B][/U] Yeah, I've got a few things I need to get out of the front yard. I've got the frame of a 1993 Chevy Barretta, a couple of cases of Keystone and Pabst Blue Ribbon that have gone bad, and a wrasslin' ring with a little flame damage. So if anyone is interested, I'm located in Richwoods, Missouri and my number is 555-3478. [I]I whipped out my phone as fast as I can. I called the number and it rang a few times. The Swap Shop caller then picked up and I wasn't greeted with a normal hello.[/I] [U][B]Stereotypical Hick Caller[/B][/U] Brandy, get the kid off of the oven, he may mess up the burners! Howdy, what can I do you for? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Umm, I'm interested in the wrestling ring that you had for sale on Swap Shop. [U][B]Stereotypical Hick Caller[/B][/U] Yeah, you going to need directions to my house to come get that sucker. Now do you know how to get to Richwoods? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yes, yes I do. [U][B]Stereotypical Hick Caller[/B][/U] Well okay, you take a turn around the pond that is shaped like a horseshoe. You then drive past the Gas n' Bait, you'll come up on a street with a tree that has a sign that says "Beware Of Dog F' That Beware Of Owner". You'll then keep on going until you come to a house with a fence with a big Confederate flag on it, that's mine. Don't be scared of the llamas. [I]I hung up the phone and drove my Vespa all the way down to Richwoods. It hit me that how am I suppose to get the wrestling ring back to my house with a Vespa. I just assumed that the man selling it may help me haul it back up to my house. I then came upon the street with the "Beware Of Dog F' That Beware Of Owner" sign. I then came upon the man's house, which had a 1993 Chevy Barretta in the front yard. I knocked on the door and the man opened it.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/JoeDirt.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Stereotypical Hick[/B][/U] Well howdy, partner. Your the one here for the wrasslin' ring? Well my name is Joe Dirt. Come on in, I'll take you around back to the ring. [I]We walked through his house. He had about 8 kids, all with mullets. They were decked out in their favorite Tony Stewart #20 apparel. His wife was cooking up some chitlins and eggs. She wasn't bad looking for being a hick, way too good looking for her husband. Mr. Dirt then took out back to show me the ring.[/I] [U][B]Joe Dirt[/B][/U] Well there she is! [I]He showed me a taken down wrestling ring that wasn't in very bad condition The mat had some burn marks on it, but nothing too bad. Joe Dirt then had to explain to me what it was from.[/I] [U][B]Joe Dirt[/B][/U] Those burn marks are from when my youngest child, Hank Williams, was fighting my other child, George Jones, with a blow torch. Things escalated pretty quickly and the torch got out of control, kids are fine though. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] So Joe, how much is this going to cost me? [U][B]Joe Dirt[/B][/U] It would cost you $500, but you seem like a nice kid. I'll make it $1000...just yankin' on your balls, bud. For you, I'll make it $250. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Could you help me out? I can't haul anything since I drive a scooter. Could you haul it up to my house? [U][B]Joe Dirt[/B][/U] Sure, I've been meaning to head up towards the city. I heard you guys have this thing called indoor plumbing, sounds neat. [I]So me and Joe Dirt put the stuff in the back of his 1982 Ford F-150. We hoped in the truck and I was bombarded with the smell of McDonald's egg sandwiches. The ride to my house was going to be an interesting one, with some interesting conversations. [/I] [U][B]Joe Dirt[/B][/U] Have you ever seen the movie Dunston Checks In?[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Well I've made the point of making something a little bit more accessible to the real world diary people out there. Jim Force month was a nice little idea, but it seems out of place for real world diaries. I propose the idea of a future Joe Dirt month for real world diaries.
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[CENTER]The Wal-Mart Run-In Monday, Week 1, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Well it is Memorial Day here in the USA, and that means one thing...Barbecue! My dad needed some supplies for it; such as tongs, meat, and some type of desert. There is one place to get all these things and that is Wal-Mart Super Center. I know, I'm supporting the devil by shopping at Wal-Mart, but I don't really care. To my surprise, a well known wrestling star in the independent circuit was working on Memorial Day...sucks for him![/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RetailDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]This, people, is Retail Dragon. Some of you may know him from Chikara Pro. He is a rather talented wrestler, who could be a big pick-up for my promotion. And since he is working in the area, why not see if he would like to join Midwest Championship Wrestling.[/I] [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] Hello, I'm Retail Dragon, "The Extreme Customer... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Service Specialist!" Yeah, I know who you are, you're the wrestler from CHIKARA. And boy do I have an offer for you? But, first could you show me where the tongs are? [I]Well, Retail Dragon being the customer service specialist, guided me to the tongs. I would have him stay by my side during the whole visit to Wal-Mart so I could discuss the potential of having him come to Midwest Championship Wrestling.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] So, Retail...I mean Dragon, would you be interested in joining a very small promotion I have started? [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] I don't know...I've got a lot of stuff on my plate. You know I got CHIKARA and then I've got a whole different job here at Wal-Mart. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade those jobs for anything, but it is quite the work load. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I understand, Retail Dragon. One thing I do know is that those two jobs can't be paying the greatest and I'm sure you could use a couple more dollars in your pocket. I'll let you choose Wal-Mart over wrestling for me if you want, just on your days off I would like really showcase your talent to a local audience. [I]I now had all my stuff that I needed and was heading out the door of Wal-Mart. Retail Dragon then gave me a few words that might give me a little hope in maybe being able to get him to join Midwest Championship Wrestling.[/I] [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] Bye, have a nice Memorial Day! [I]A rode my Vespa home and got the supplies to my dad. I got on the computer and started to scout a few people out before the barbecue started. I've got a good amount of wrestlers located from all over the country, and one that isn't even located in the country. Here is the list of wrestlers I may try to get and have contacted through E-Mail:[/I] Alex Price Anthony Franco Caprice Coleman Chad Parham Oman Tortuga Diablo Santiago Hi69 John Walters Lizzy Valentine Nigel Sherrod Jim Fannin Scrappy McGowan Last but not least, Retail Dragon[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Dragon Dragon is crap when it comes to wrestling skills in T-Zone. His entertainment is good, but I'd rather go with someone with some great wrestling skills. And I don't really want to turn the place into a CHIKARA rip-off or anything, so getting guys like Chuck Taylor and Ruckus wouldn't help the cause.
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[CENTER]Great Craftsmanship Tuesday, Week 1, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Well after yesterday's work, I was feeling very motivated to work on some of the stuff that comes with being a wrestling promotion. Now what does a wrestler have to shoot for outside of winning and the cash and prizes? Championships that is, but since I don't feel like wasting promotion money on something stupid like an original title belt, I crafted my own. I had a couple replica WWE title belts laying around so I though I'd use them. First off, we got ourselves a replica WWE US Title, spinner edition. Yes, I used to be a John Cena fan, not huge, but enough to buy a replica belt. I took a hammer and clawed out the US and spray-painted over the American flag on the background. I hope that isn't some type of federal offense. I then made a good "M" out of duct tape, and presto...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/MCWHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [I]You got yourself a prestigious MCW Heavyweight Title! Next is a pair of replica WWE Tag Team Titles, the Smackdown! ones. This one was a little trickier and took a lot more spray-paint and it took some silver model paint, too. I spray-painted over all the WWE logos, scared that we could get sued for showing them. I then painted over them with "M"s. Now we got ourselves...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/MCWTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [I]a great pair of MCW Tag Team Titles! Yes, that is what I'm talking about. Now it was either this or a couple pairs of hockey gloves that would be called the MCW Gloves Of Prosperity and the MCW Heavyweight Title would become a headband called the MCW Headband Of Greatness. Now after that great craftsmanship, I did a little more scouting and came up with a few more names that could join MCW, I then contacted them through E-Mail. The names are shown below:[/I] Kaos Mark Marcos Kevin Dunn Niles Young[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Home Sweet Home Wednesday, Week 1, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today was another day to work on the promotion. This time I need to find a venue that would be the home of Midwest Championship Wrestling. Now there is this place that is walking distance away from my house, literally just a few dozen steps. One problem, it would be pretty hard to book up seeing as it is ran by Vets. The name of the place is American Legion Rock Memorial Post 283, yes it is an American Legion Hall. Wrestling promotions are known to be able to book up places like this and Knights Of Columbus Halls, but a promotion like mine, I don't know. I take a walk over there and stare at it before I go inside...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/AmericanLegionRockMemorial.jpg[/IMG] [I] I then open the door and I see a rather familiar face behind the bar counter. The face that if you saw it, you have memories. Thing is, the person he reminded me of is dead... [/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RodRoddy.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Rod Roddy?[/B][/U] Hey you, come on down! [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Aren't you... [U][B]Rod Roddy?[/B][/U] Rod Roddy? No, I'm Rod Roddy's twin brother, Ron. It is a shame what happened to my brother, he was a great man. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yes, yes it was... [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] What can I do you for? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I came to ask you if I could possibly book the place up on occasion , maybe once a month? [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] Well, I guess that is possible. What is the means you need to use this place for? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Well I just started a wrestling promotion and I think this place would be perfect. [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] A wrestling promotion...? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yeah, I would pay you every time we use it, I'll pay you for anything. Be it music, food, drinks... [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] No problem, I'm a huge wrestling fan. My favorite is John Cena... [I]I tried to blank what Ron Roddy just said to me. I usually laugh at people right in there faces if they are John Cena fans, but just for the benefits this guy is giving me, I held back.[/I] [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] One favor, sir? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yes, what is it? [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] Could I be your ring announcer? You wouldn't have to pay me, I get money from the government every month. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] No problem, but I better be getting on my way. [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] Nice doing business with you! [I]I left the place with a smile on my face. I came out of it with a venue and a ring announcer. And I'm sure by who Ron's brother is, he must have a very good ring announcer voice. I went home and scouted out a few more potential MCW superstars, which I contacted through E-Mail. The list of them are below:[/I] Preston James Scott Commodity Scoot Andrews Sedrick Strong Shane Hagadorn Shiima Xion Ultramantis Black Robert Brisko[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Damn Kids Thursday, Week 1, June, 2007 [/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Well now it is time to get down to some true business. Every small wrestling promotion has to have a street team. You know, people who go around promoting your company. They usually hang out fliers or some type of advertisement. Well, there are a few people that I know would get the job done. Who better to be a street team then sugar-motivated kids? Kids will do anything for candy, chocolate, or ice cream, it's common sense. That is why I have assembled three kids to be my street crew.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/DeweyWilkerson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/JackPowell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/PhilipHyper-Hypo.jpg[/IMG] [I]Dewey Wilkerson, Jack Powell, and Philip "The Hyper-Hypo" Vernon are their names. These are three of the weirdest kids I've ever met in my life. All three have particularly weird things about them. Dewey Wilkerson is a rather smart kid, but he seems to be oblivious to the outside world. Jack Powell has a growing disorder, and at the age of 10, has the body of a 42 year-old. Philip Vernon is hypoglycemic and hyperactive. I lined them up in my garage and asked them a series of questions and see if they could get the job done.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Hello, boys... [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] Hello! My name's Philip! I'm a hyper-hypo... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] That's great, Philip. I've got an offer for you boys. [U][B]Jack Powell[/B][/U] What is it? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Hold your horses, Jack. Let me ask you guys a few questions. [U][B]Dewey Wilkerson[/B][/U] My mom told me to be home by 4 or she is going to ground me from watching TV and drinking soda. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Okay, Dewey. Do you guys enjoy wrestling? [U][B]Dewey Wilkerson[/B][/U] Yeah, my favorite is John Cena. [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] Yeah, me too. [U][B]Jack Powell[/B][/U] Me three! [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] That is very funny, Jack. You like to be in the spotlight. [U][B]Jack Powell[/B][/U] Yeah, that is what my mom says. I don't like when she says it... [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] You're conceded... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Do you boys love chocolate? [U][B]Dewey Wilkerson[/B][/U] I love chocolate! [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] I do too, but my mom says I can't have it because it makes me extra hyper. [U][B]Jack Powell[/B][/U] Me three! [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] You're becoming awfully repetitive... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] How about you kids hand out fliers for me and I'll give you chocolate and will let you attend my wrestling shows? Who knows, maybe John Cena will be at one... [U][B]Dewey Wilkerson[/B][/U] I got to go, if I don't get home in 10 seconds, my mom is going take away my Transformers! [U][B]Philip Vernon[/B][/U] Yes, anything for some chocolate. [U][B]Jack Powell[/B][/U] I'm game as long as you throw in a juice box. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] You got it, Jack. I'll see you rascals later. [I]The kids left and I was feeling satisfied because I know Philip could get the job done by himself if he had some sugar in his system. I then took the day off of promotion operations and relaxed. I sat down and watched some Montel Williams show, and no, he wasn't the father.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]The First Crop Friday, Week 1, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today I got my first batch of wrestlers to be part of Midwest Championship Wrestling. The request to do business with Jim Fannin was denied because Fannin wanted to focus on his work in IWA: Mid South. I was hoping to place Fannin in the role of color commentator. Also, I am running into some trouble with the deal of Scrappy McGowan. The man is asking too much, but if he were to be full-time referee, I guess he would need that much. I asked him to call me back tomorrow to asses the situation. Now let's meet the workers I have already inked deals with...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/AnthonyFranco.jpg[/IMG] Anthony Franco is a fairly decent technical-based wrestler. He was trained under CM Punk at the ROH School Of Wrestling and has been known to work in Tri-State promotions like CHIKARA. I am placing Franco in the role of mid-carder for now and we'll see how he develops from there. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/CapriceColeman.jpg[/IMG] Caprice Coleman is one of the more well-known names I contacted. Coleman is a well-rounded wrestler, who expertises in aerial moves. Coleman is known for his work in the Florida independent scene. He was one of the main stars in NWA: Anarchy, but has recently left. Caprice Coleman is being placed in the main event slot for obvious reasons. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/ChadParham.jpg[/IMG] Chad Parham is a technically gifted athlete, who like Caprice Coleman, is known for work in the Florida independent scene. Parham is the current NWA: Anarchy Heavyweight Champion. He isn't the greatest on the microphone, but he can pass by. Parham is being placed in the upper mid-card area, but there is surely room for him to move up to the main event picture. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/DiabloSantiago.jpg[/IMG] Diablo Santiago is a mediocre wrestler with mediocre entertainment skills, but Santiago gives you that other element. He gives you depth and he gives you a tag division. Santiago and Oman Tortuga are the tag-team The Outcast Killas. I am still awaiting word from Tortuga, but it should be a go. Tortuga is being placed in the upper mid-card and will most likely be a part of the most dominating tag-team in Midwest Championship Wrestling. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/NigelSherrod.jpg[/IMG] Nigel Sherrod is a great announcer who is known for his work in Deep South Wrestling. Sherrod was left without a job after DSW went defunct, but I have opened my arms for Sherrod to join MSW in hopes of making it a mainstay in wrestling, something DSW couldn't do. Sherrod will be the main announcer for MCW's videos or tapings, whichever will be happening. [I]That is all for today on what I heard back. I'm sure that their will be some more people I will hear back from tomorrow. The plan is to try and fill the spots of the main event and quite possibly get a referee. With the groundwork laid, it should be easier to get more people into MCW. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]The Dragon Has Landed Saturday, Week 1, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]I headed over to Wal-Mart to pick up a wiffle-ball bat for me and my friends to play while we have a cook-out. I knew going in that I could run into Retail Dragon, and I could find out if he was interested or not. I go past the tricky sport that is motion-activated doors and walk inside...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RetailDragon.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] Hello, I'm Retail Dragon. I'm your...wait it is you. How are you today? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Fine, Retail Dragon, how's things in your life? [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] It's been up and down. I got dropped by CHIKARA, but here at Wal-Mart I got a $1 raise. I also got a 15% employee discount. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Why did you get dropped by CHIKARA? [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] They were getting mad that I was picking Wal-Mart over them. That is just me, I love being a customer service specialist. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] That sucks, but my offer is still on the table. I'll let you work all your shifts here at Wal-Mart over my promotion. Hell, I'll even let you be "The Extreme Customer Service Specialist" at Midwest Championship Wrestling. [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] I like the sound of that... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] It seems you could use a little more money in those pockets of your's... [U][B]Retail Dragon[/B][/U] You got yourself a deal! [I]Retail Dragon then escorted me to the athletics department and I bought a wiffle-ball bat. I then left happy that I have just acquired quite possibly the most talented wrestler that will be on the MCW roster. I got home and sat on the phone for hours trying to get some more people to be part of Midwest Championship Wrestling, which is starting to shape up. I got deals done with a few more people to join the roster...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/AlexPrice.jpg[/IMG] Alex Price is a Canadian worker who is rather young at the age of 19. He is a high-flying based wrestler with some good entertainment skills. The youngster is pretty arrogant for being so young, but he has the skills to back it up. I'm placing Price in the mid-card area but the chances of him moving quickly are very slim. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/Hi69.jpg[/IMG] Hi69 is the first person from out of North America to join the Midwest Championship Wrestling roster. He is, like many others, a high-flying wrestler. He is a highly scouted prospect all over the world, but he hasn't been able to land many jobs outside of the Kaientai Dojo, which is ran by TAKA Michinoku. Hi69 is being placed upper mid-card and will likely make and impact on MCW. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/KidKaos.jpg[/IMG] Kid Kaos is a well-rounded wrestler from the California wrestling scene. He is most known for his work in XPW, but was recently part of the Wrestling Society X roster. Kid Kaos is probably the most mainstream person on the MCW roster. I'm placing Kaos in the main event by the sole fact that he is more known than anyone else. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/LizzyValentine.jpg[/IMG] Lizzy Valentine is a valet who has very good looks. She is known for her work in Wrestling Society X as the manager of Matt Sydal. She has fantastic entertainment skills and has some decent wrestling skills. It is unknown who Valentine's client is going to be for now, but that should be revealed at least by the first show. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/NilesYoung.jpg[/IMG] Niles Young is a very good wrestler who could very well be your first MCW Heavyweight Champion. Niles Young was recently let go by Combat Zone Wrestling, where he once was CZW Junior Heavyweight Champion. He is one of the more well-rounded workers on MCW, which could easily lead him to the top. I placed him in the main event because he looks to have the most upside about him. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/OmanTortuga.jpg[/IMG] Oman Tortuga now completes the first tag-team in Midwest Championship Wrestling. Him and Diablo Santiago make up the tag-team called The Outcast Killas. These two men aren't the greatest wrestlers but they should be a dominant part of the tag division in MCW. Oman Tortuga, like his partner, is being placed in the upper mid-card. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RetailDragon.jpg[/IMG] Retail Dragon is a very, very well-rounded wrestler. He has great technical skills, he has good aerial skills, and he is decent at rumbling. Retail Dragon also has good charisma and good microphone skills. He is known pretty well for his work in CHIKARA, which he was recently fired in. Retail Dragon is coming in as an upper mid-carder, but there is a very good chance he will be moving up. [I]That is it for today's signing and I'm very tired. I'm still awaiting the return call of many people. I'm looking to fill the few spots left in the roster and the next batch of contacted wrestlers aren't going to be easy to choose from. There is also spots left at the referee position, which desperately needs to be filled.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Almost There Sunday, Week 1, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]I had a pretty easy day at the office, also known as my house. I only got in contact with a few people and narrowed the choices down. I pretty much eliminated the idea of formed tag teams outside of The Outcast Killas because the others I have made efforts to aren't really worth the unnecessary space on the roster. Any talks with Scrappy McGowan fell through so I'm looking for a new referee. I have narrowed it down to a few choices and they are listed below:[/I] Bob Densmore Lockport Joe Mike Posey Ollie Tharp [I]After the referee has been determined I believe we are good to go, but there is still the thought of bringing in Ultramantis Black to be the color commentator for us. He has above decent microphone and announcing skills and a very unique gimmick to go along with it. Now is the people I have added to the Midwest Championship Wrestling roster...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/JohnWalters.jpg[/IMG] John Walters is one of the most distinguished guys on our roster. He is easily one of the best pure wrestlers on the lower-independent circuit. He is a former ROH Pure Title holder. John Walters brings the ability and the drive that the main event scene needs here in MCW. That is why I am putting John Walters in the top-tier of the MCW roster. John Walters should be a mainstay in MCW for the long haul. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/ShiimaXion.jpg[/IMG] "The Virgin Killer" Shiima Xion is a great up-and-comer in the independent circuit. After cutting ties with International Wrestling Cartel, Xion is coming to MCW for some competition. Xion is a egotistical youngster and should be looked at as one of the people who will make a move in MCW. I am placing Shiima Xion at mid-card status, which moves Anthony Franco back to lower mid-card. Xion should be one of the fastest moving stars in MCW. [I]That is it for the business operations on Sunday. It looks as if Midwest Championship Wrestling is shaping up pretty quickly. Just a few more adds and we should be done and could get the wrestling started.[/I] [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]It All Begins Monday, Week 2, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today was a pretty easy day that didn't include me talking to anyone that I was looking to work for MCW. I got to thinking on the fact that this stuff is moving very quickly and their is the chance that I may have to book a show for this month. I thought that the event should showcase quite possibly a tournament. I don't think it should be for the title, but I believe there should be two separate brackets. The winner of their bracket becomes a #1 contender for the MCW Heavyweight Title. The title would then be on the line the next month. I was also thinking the possibility of a luchadore rules tag team match. That means that lucha tags are legal. If you didn't know, lucha tags are where you can tag the opponent to make yourself the legal man. That is the only thoughts I have on the first event, but they aren't written in stone yet. Tomorrow I should hear back from Ultramantis Black and I could have the brackets for the first event ready.[/I][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]The Heat Is On Tuesday, Week 2, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today was another easy day at work, but I did get to some phone calls. I got to talk with Ultramantis Black, who had to tell me about his baseball playing days and his career ending injury. Things fell through when Ultramantis Black was angry that I said Hallowicked was a phenomenal wrestler. Now I'm on a quest for a color commentator and a referee. I did come in contact with a couple people who could be my color commentator. They are listed below:[/I] Mike Sullivan Nick Mondo [I]Although all that happened, I was able to get some business done. I developed a bracket for the first event to be held by Midwest Championship Wrestling. Here it is... [/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/Tournament.png[/IMG] [I] I have also came to the conclusion that the luchadore tag match could be for the MCW Tag Team Titles. I can confirm that one of those tag teams will be the combination of Diablo Santiago and Oman Tortuga, The Outcast Killas. The other team hasn't been determined yet, but it will be confirmed when the event has officially been announced. Check in for an update tomorrow, hell maybe I can get a referee.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Meltdown For The Masses Wednesday, Week 2, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today I went on a little trip to get my mind away from business. Me and my friends went to a Gateway Grizzlies game. Nothing takes my mind off of wrestling like minor league baseball. There is something about Frontier League baseball that really gets my blood pumping. Good thing I was treated to one of the greatest sports meltdowns of all time. The Grizzlies coach, Phil Wellman, was really upset by a call at home plate. He came marching out of the dugout like a man possessed...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/PhilWellman.jpg[/IMG] [I]Then Phil Wellman would go on a tirade that would soon be seen by millions across the world via Youtube.com. This has to be one of the greatest displays of managerial battles of all time. He did all the classics, but he also through in a few new ones...[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Thank god for the invention that is the camera phone... [I]Yes, that little scene lasted a good two minutes. That is what the Grizzlies need to lift them to a 2-0 win over the rival team, the Evansville Otters. That is also what I needed to fire me up and get my passion to become a person who runs a wrestling promotion either to the top or right into the ground, either way, I'm making that rosin bag my bitch![/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Back To Basics Thursday, Week 2, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Another boring day on the job where I didn't have anything to do. I have to keep myself busy or I'll go insane. So I spent my time going through some movies. I wasn't really interested in White Men Can't Jump or My Cousin Vinny. I wanted something that would help my passion for wrestling. Something that would remind me to go for my dream in wrestling. That is why you have to think to yourself, "What would Jimmy King do?" That can only mean one thing...[/I] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2c/Movie-ready-to-rumble.jpg[/IMG] [I]Yes, ma'am, Ready To Rumble. This is probably the best wrestling-oriented movie ever made. David Arquette, Oliver Platt, Scott Cann, how can you go wrong? Wrestling appearances by Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, Bam Bam Bigelow, the greatest wrestlers in the world. But there is one man who stands out from all the rest...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/SalBandini.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Sal Bandini[/B][/U] Sal Bandini, wanna wrestle? [I]Martin Landau, in my opinion, is the star of the movie. He supples us with many funny lines and he taught me a lot about wrestling. He kind of has this Bruno Sammartino, old school, factor about him. He is rugged and dirty and taught me most of the tactics I know today to use for regular life. There is one thing that Sal Bandini told me that I will always remember.[/I] [U][B]Sal Bandini[/B][/U] Kickin' me was right. Checkin' to see if I was okay was wrong. [I]That is what I base my life on. Do what you got to do to get the win, but never feel remorse for what you do. Never, I say never, have regrets for what you've done. Especially don't have regrets after it happens, who knows, Sal Bandini may pop up and hit you in the balls. I can answer Mr. Bandini's question...Yes, I wanna wrestle![/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Signing The Stripes Friday, Week 2, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today I got a little business done, that means I signed a referee. Technically we could get things rolling now, but I'm still waiting to hear back from my potential color commentator. Either it be the hardcore legend, Nick Mondo or Mike Sullivan, I need one. But now I can introduce to you the senior refer...well really the only referee[/I]. [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/BobDensmore.jpg[/IMG] Bob Densmore is a veteran referee that has worked for promotions like IWA: Mid South and others. He is a pretty decent official and has decent consistency, two things you want out of your stripes. Bob Densmore will be the only referee in Midwest Championship Wrestling, so he will be counting all the pin-falls. [I]The signing of Bob Densmore brings me to the fact that referees are highly regarded here in MCW and if any contact is done after an official has been knocked out, the one starting the action afterwards will lose the match, and yes that means if a title is on the line it will switch hands if the instigator happens to be the champion. I will have a revised rulebook up by the end of the week, that is for certain, as Midwest Championship Wrestling isn't going to be a normal wrestling promotion.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Just wanted to comment on here. This is a very funny read and a unique backstory. I enjoyed your St. Louis Wrestling Club diary as well as others that you have done. I was reading at the beginning of this one, but I've missed a some time in it due to just not having time due to real life stuff going on. But I think after the next couple of days I should be able to get back to normal which means I can finally get mine started again and catch up on all the great ones going on on here including this one. Anyway just wanted to say I'm enjoying this.
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[CENTER]The Process Is Complete Saturday, Week 2, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today I am glad to say that the Midwest Championship Wrestling roster is complete. Time to get this show on the road and my what a road it is going to be. I was able to get my hands on my color commentator today and we had a conversation on where this promotion is heading. And now for the man who will be calling matches as the veteran...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/MikeSullivan.jpg[/IMG] Mike Sullivan is a veteran wrestler who is known for his work in the Northeast wrestling scene. Sullivan has appeared on a WWE card at a house show held in no other than the great Madison Square Garden. He has pretty good microphone skills and if he wasn't retired he would be a decent wrestler. Mike Sullivan should be a great addition to the MCW roster. [I]The rest of the day, I took the time to think out the event a little more. The tournament is a go, but any other matches are up in the air at this point. I can tell you that the event will be named after the most influential man to this promotion. You can take a guess on that...[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Law And Order: Special Beach Unit Sunday, Week 2, June 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]I find myself awake late at night drafting the rulebook for all normal matches held in MCW. To motivate myself by switching the television on to CourtTV. And I have now been exposed to the greatest show of all-time...Beach Patrol. This is easily the best law show I have ever witnessed. Yes, this show is better than TJ Hooker, Baywatch, and CHiPS. This show puts Law And Order to shame, it puts Law And Order: Special Victim's Unit to shame, and also, it puts Law And Order: Criminal Intent to shame. It puts those things to shame like Hulk Hogan put Law And Order: Special Victim's Unit star, Richard Belzer, to shame. The show really got me in the mood to right some laws. So here we go, they are teen rules...let's picture one David Letterman saying them as tonight's Top 10 List.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/DavidLetterman.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] Hey, kids, it's time for tonight's Top 10 List. Tonight's Top 10 List is the top 10 Midwest Championship Wrestling rules. [I] You know when you get David Letterman you get his band director. You know when you get a guy with a gap in his teeth from Indiana, you get a small bald guy from Canada. Without further ado... [/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/PaulShaffer.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Can't wait, Dave... [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #10. Lucha-tags are legal in MCW, that means that if the non-legal man touches the legal or non-legal opponent, they become legal. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Oh that could spell trouble, Dave... [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #9. Ref bumps cause for a stop of contest and if their is any action afterwards, the match will go to that who is not the instigator. In title matches, titles do switch hands if it is the champ who is the instigator. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Better watch out for the stripes! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #8. Martinetes are illegal in MCW if they are done three times in a match. That means any type of piledriver or impact DDT. If the violator does reach the limit, they are disqualified and in title matches, the title goes to the opponent if not already champ. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Better not drop him on his head! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #7. Foreign objects are typically illegal but if the crowd approves of weapon usage and the referee approves then they can be used. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Death by tire iron! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #6. In promos, if there is any negative mention of and of the following three people, you will be warned. Those three people being Tom Selleck, Bill Cosby, and "Thunder" Dan Majerle. Three total warning result in a single event suspension. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Don't be hatin'! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #5. If any form of the move the Tiger feint kick is used it will result in an immediate suspension. We try to stay loyal to the great Tiger Mask. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Tigaaaa Suplex! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #4. All equipment will be checked before the matches by the referee. If there is any illegal substance on you, you will have to put down everything you got on you in 45 seconds. If you are not able to do that, you will be automatically disqualified. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #3. In any case of a double countout, double DQ, or some other type of draw, competition goes to a fan-voted tie-breaker. It is all up to the fans to choose how the match is decided. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] We want checkers! We want checkers! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] #2. Botched moves are endorsed in Midwest Championship Wrestling. Botched moves can lead you into the main event picture. Accidentally fall off the top-rope, that's okay, because you could be going for the MCW Heavyweight Title next show. [U][B]Paul Shaffer[/B][/U] You screwed up...that was awesome! [U][B]David Letterman[/B][/U] And the moment we've all been waiting for... #1. Tony Danza is the boss! Now for America's fastest growing game show... [U][B]Late Show Choir[/B][/U] Will it float, will it float? Will it float, will it float?[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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