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Bushy Business: A Wrestling Story

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[CENTER]The Price Isn't Right Monday, Week 3, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Another boring day at base today, chalk full with the enjoying of Juicy Juice juice boxes, which by the way is a major sponsor for the PBS program Arthur and help you throw a mean screwball, and a bag of Cheddar Pretzel Combos. This combination is only slightly lower than the Combos and purple Gatorade combination. Now to get on the PBS train, I watched probably the most PBS I have in one day then I've seen my entire life and I used to be a pretty big Sesame Street fan. You see there was an Antique Roadshow marathon on and I just had to watch. There is nothing more compelling than watching people get their stuff appraised. I finally got the final episode, the newest one, and the first product to be appraised is... [/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RollieFingersCard.jpg[/IMG] [I]Oh yes, it was my Rollie Fingers counterfeit baseball card that I sold to Frondi. This was a surprise to me since Frondi seemed to be pretty interested in the card and now is selling it. I guess maybe Frondi fell on to hard times and needed that cash. Then his face appears on the TV screen...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/Frondi.jpg[/IMG] [I]He sat there like he didn't know where he was at. He had a blank stare on his face and just looked directly into the camera. Then the appraiser showed up and this guy had a great name. His name is Bruce M. Shackleford...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/BruceMShackleford.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Hello, Bruce, I'm Frondi! [U][B]Bruce M. Shackleford[/B][/U] Well Frondi, can you tell us about what you brought to us? [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] It is a 1968 Rollie Fingers rookie card... [U][B]Bruce M. Shackleford[/B][/U] Yes, I've heard of this card. This is the one that is the actual counterfeit card Fingers made himself to relieve his debt and money owed to the government. [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Yes, this is true... [U][B]Bruce M. Shackleford[/B][/U] Yes, sorry to break it to you, Frondi, but the card isn't worth what it used to be. It has been made known public that Rollie Fingers is out of debt and that the card bears no meaning now since the value of the card was based on Rollie Fingers tax evasion. [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] ... [U][B]Bruce M. Shackleford[/B][/U] That makes the value of this card around $120. [I]Everyone in the room started to clap but Frondi sat there in amazement. His jaw was literally on the floor. No one knew that Frondi had just sold the card for $55,000 a month ago. I sat their with my hand in my Combos bag smiling. [/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Revenge Is Sweet And Sour Tuesday, Week 3, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today is an extra special day since it is only a day after it was revealed on my newest favorite television program, Antique Roadshow, that I made a lot more money than I should have from the Rollie Fingers card. Things that made it even better was my 20-piece Chicken McNugget meal with sweet n' sour sauce. That is the only thing McDonald's is worth other than the McRib and Shamrock Shakes. I was motivated to go do some research on some of my roster, but I got caught up in an interesting instant message conversation with...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/Frondi.jpg[/IMG] [I]Yes, exactly the person I want to see that can drive my self confidence higher. I don't feel great feasting off of a mentally challenged person's misfortune, but don't tell me you wouldn't. It's not like I cheated him or anything, it was just wrong timing. I can tell you this much, Frondi wasn't happy.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Hello? [I] Five minutes passed by and I didn't get a message. I was about to sign out of Yahoo! Messenger when Frondi returned with an eerie message. [/I] [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Payback is in order... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] For what, Frondi? [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] For taking all my money. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Frondi, I had no idea the card's value decreased. [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Don't give me that. You non-mentally challenged people always try to pull a fast one on us. I'm not going to sit by and let it happen to me. I'm going to ruin everything you dream to have. [I]Before I could return the favor, Frondi had signed out. I don't exactly get how he can ruin my life when he doesn't even know me. He doesn't know what I spent my money on and I highly doubt he could get out of the home he lives at in New Jersey. I can't take those threats seriously...[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]It's Party Time! Wednesday, Week 3, June, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Today was a pretty good day even with the fact that there is the possibility that Frondi may be hunting me down. I planned a party for the roster to come to at the same venue that we will be holding shows, American Legion Rock Memorial Post 283. Not only will it get the roster comfortable with the venue, it will also be an easy drunk-walk for me after my run-in with a bottle of Southern Comfort and many odd conversations about Thundercats. I headed down the street and met with one of my recently met friends. I stood outside and wondered in the marvel of this building...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/AmericanLegionRockMemorial.jpg[/IMG] [I]I walked in the door and there wasn't anyone in sight. I took a walk around. I then spotted the bar and thought about snagging a bottle of Malibu, but then all of a sudden...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RodRoddy.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Oh god! [I]Ron Roddy just popped out of nowhere. I took a good amount of time to catch my breath. Nothing can prepare you for a man popping up from a counter, I don't care what anyone tells you.[/I] [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] I startle you? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yeah, I wasn't ready for that. Reminded me of 'Nam... [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] Aren't you 16? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yeah... [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] So what can I do you for? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I'm looking to rent this place out not only for a show, but also for a party the night before. [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] What nights you need? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Saturday night for the party and Sunday evening for the show. [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] I got a wedding reception Sunday night, but I believe it is Kendall, Barry's brother, Windham so I think they would understand. Them Blackjack Mulligan's sons, they know better. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Well great... Should I pay you for the bar or anything? [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] I'll cover that. You going to have any fine young ladies around here? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Sure... [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] Good... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Well...um...see you. [U][B]Ron Roddy[/B][/U] See you later, old sport. [I]What the hell is this, The Great Gatsby? Ah who cares if he called me old sport. Ron Roddy seemed like a serious pervert there with those last comments, but that's cool. As long as I don't have to pay for the booze, then I'm good. The party is set and lets hope everything goes well.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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