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GWA - A New Wrestling Governing Body

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[B][SIZE="5"]January 2007[/SIZE][/B] The phones had been ringing off the hook this past month, so many people wanting to know exactly who this new governing body in wrestling would be. We had our suspicions, maybe Vince's WWE was going global and having several outlets, but still, he would have to change his full outlook of his company. The NWA was still going strong, but had no "basecamp" for it's World Heavyweight and World Tag champions, so this news was definately not good for them, a new governing body could kill off the NWA completely. There were several reports about this new body contacting promotions across the world about possibly joining them, but we weren't told who the companies were. Meanwhile, NWA's search for a new carrying company of their top titles was not going so well. They had options from little run Generic Pro Wrestling Entertainment, a company that had been in existance since the 1970's but had never expanded beyond their home area. They had constantly looked for NWA Membership, but were always overlooked due to their size. Ring of Honor was a strong bet, NWA saw alot of potential in their fueds and workers, and definately wanted them as their new star company.
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[B][SIZE="5"]February 2007[/SIZE][/B] This was certainly a busy month for everyone involved in the NWA and the new governing body of wrestling. The NWA officially announced GWPE as their newest Affiliate, shortly after this announcement, NWA.com revealed NWA:GWPE's website, and announced that Bryan Danielson was signed to GWPE, all previous workers were released from their contracts, and it would be upto whoever the new Owner and Head Booker are to bring in new staff and talent. The new governing body revealed themselves as the GWA, Global Wrestling Association, headed by 7 "Board Members" 6 of the 7 were revealed with the GWA "unvieling" and reports of the 7th were never far from the news. From America, the GWA board members were Jim Cornette, and Bill Watts, Mexico's board memebr was Gene Okerlund, Europe's was Kishi, Britain's would be Mike Sparks, and Japan's was Simon inoki. The board seemed relatively weak, with the exceptions of Cornette, Watts, and Inoki, however Mean Gene and Mike Sparks' inclusions were somewhat of a surprise, why no Mil Mascaras, no El Hijo del Santo for Mexico, noone really stood out for England, but people such as Tom Billington, William Regal, Steve Corino or Doug Williams could easily have been the representitves for Britain. Kishi was have expected across Europe due to his involvement in Italy with NWE. Canada hadn't been revealed, and there was no reports at the time of who the company was, although contact had been made with several companies.
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[B][SIZE="5"]March 2007[/SIZE][/B] Canada's Northern Championship Wrestling were unvieled as the final member of the newly created GWA. That meant that Chakal was the final member of the GWA board. Negotiations with little companies in all countries were set up, meetings were arranged, and agreements were made, for the 6 other companies to be revealed. America's GWA companies would be Raw Action Wrestling (GWA:RAW, ran by Jim Cornette) and Grand Wrestling Tour (GWA:GWT, ran by Bill Watts), from Mexico would be Corazon de Leon Lucha Libre (GWA:CdLLL, ran by Gene Okerlund), Europe would have European Wrestling Anarchy (GWA:EWA, ran by Kishi), from Britain, British Assault Wrestling (GWA:BAW, ran by Mike Sparks) and finaly, from Japan, Japanese Pro Wrestling (GWA:JPW, ran by Simon Inoki). All companies were to have Regional TV deals, and each companies shows would be on each day of the week, this was incase other GWA members became popular enough to gain a National TV deal, something which was handed to Jim Cornette's GWA:RAW promotion, much to the upset of the other GWA board members. GWA set up new titles for every region, GWA:RAW would take the GWA World Heavyweight and World Heavyweight Tag titles as they had National exposure, the lesser known American Heavyweight and American Tag would go to the touring GWA:GWT, Mexican Heavyweight and Mexican tag to GWA:CdLLL etc this way, each company could have their own champions, and, should GWA:RAW allow it, they could have the World Heavyweight champion too! After NCW's agreement to join the GWA, they were allowed to keep all their titles, however, they had to rename their Par Equippe and Quebecois titles to Canadian Tag and Candian Heavyweight respectively. They too were given a Regional TV deal, and they gained a significant boost in popularity too due to their involvement with the GWA. GWA also set up a website this month, which allowed people to find out the latest news on every promotion in the GWA.
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[B][SIZE="5"]April 2007[/SIZE][/B] The GWA got right to announcing who their new talent would be, they also announced who the head bookers for each company would be. Sunny War Cloud was kept on as GWA:NCW's Head Booker, and was assured by both Chakal and the GWA board that his position was safe, Simon Inoki kept GWA:JPW in the family by giving step-father Anotnio Inoki the book, Kishi made Ron Rivera GWA:EWA's head booker, Greg Gange was made head booker at GWA:GWT, Bob orton was chosen to be GWA:BAW's head booker by Mike Sparks, and towards the end of the month we were told that recently released Michael Hayes was made Head Booker at GWA:CdLLL by Gene Okerlund. That just left the question mark over GWA:RAW's head booker, Jim Cornette wanted to take a risk, should he give it to a new comer, a retired worker, or a good friend. It was finally decided that former ICW Champion, and one of the only two people to ever hold all EWLA Titles, Diego Digou would be the new Head Booker of GWA:RAW. Digou and Cornette got straight to business and accuired several workers from all over to bring together a unique product. Bringing in AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels was the big shock, TNA had been trying to prevent workers from working with comapnies that had National Exposure, however these two jumped onto the GWA bandwagon, for how long though, is unknown. Lesser known workers were brought in as "gap fillers" until "big names" wanted to join the GWA, workers such as the 'Tag Twins' Chad and Kyle Graham, Phil Stevens and Billy Todd, professionally known as Prototype and The Kidd respectively, Japan's Hidetoshi Inamoto would return to his Hiratima gimmick, and Mexico's Luca Rodriguez would once again don a mask and become Flash Majik. The initial roster was small, but it was one that could be used as a base to build upon. After several other meetings with Cornette, Digou brought in Gemma Atkinson for Cameo's and Managerial appearances whilst she was awaiting Hollywood Film deals, Robbie O'Neill and Katie O'Neill to be used as enhancement talent and as a manger respectively, and finally brought in good friend Davide Simeone and his protoge Nico Dal Pozzo. May was rapidly approaching, only GWA:RAW and GWA:NCW were equipped and ready for TV, GWA was something to be apart of, but it was soon looking like a laughing stock with 5 of it's 7 current promotiions no where near ready for it's TV Debut.
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[B][SIZE="5"]May Week 1 2007[/SIZE][/B] This was it, this was my first day as a Head Booker, no more booking one off Indy shows, no more backseat booking, this was it, i was the Head Booker, of a company that had a decent fan base already established, and we hade some new talent to work with, all chosen by me and Jim, i was nervous about preparing for this coming Saturday's TV Debut, but i knew i could work something out and put on a good showing. ====================== I walked into my office to find a message on my answer machine: "....You have 1 new message, message 1, left at 9:17 on Monday Week 1 May....Hi Diego, it's Jim, listen, i just heard that WWE have started their "Spring Cleanup" i think it would be best for us to capitalize on this, i totally understand if you don't want to, but for temporary measures, might be best to seize up some talent fresh off screen. Let me know if there's anyone in particular you want, and i'll personally try and get them for ya...." I immediately turned on my Laptop, checking out WWE's website, regularly refreshing the page to see if there was any new developments. [CENTER][B]"WWE has come to terms on the release of Arn Anderson, Michael Cole, Dean Malenko, Mike Chioda, and Jerry Lawler. We wish them all the best in all future endeavors."[/B][/CENTER] Perfect! I can get myself an announce team, a referee and a couple of respected road agents right there! I got straight onto the phone with Jim, and got the wheels in motion for signing up the talent before anyone else could. Arn Anderson got back to us almost imediately, and he was hired, we talked about several things, we must have been on the phone a couple of hours, becasue i got some names of people that were next to be released, none of them really interested me, but i thanked Arn for the advice all the same. I sent out a press release advertising our first show, and announced that on Saturday, GWA:RAW on TV would reveal not only new GWA World Heavyweight Tag Champs, but also a new GWA World Heavyweight Champion! We would be seeing the 'Tag Twins' Chad and Kyle Graham go against 'Up and Comers' Prototype and The Kidd for the GWA World Tag straps, and we would have a 3-way dance between Davide Simeone, Flash Majik and Hiratima for the GWA World Heavyweight title, i felt we had the "World" part covered, with Italian, Mexican/American, and Japanese workers all going for the title. I had contacted several of my wrestling contacts across the US and UK in the hopes they could set up some meetings for me with potential new workers, and they didn't dissapoint, i had 7 meetings over the Friday and Saturday leading upto our TV debut. My first meeting was a combined meeting with The SAT, Jose and Joel Maximo, and their cousin Amazing Red, we discussed terms and contracts and everything, and all was signed and sealed, well, except for Jose, he wanted a little more here, a bit extra there, and we ended up agreeing to meet back up on the Sunday, but at least i managed to get Joel and Red out of this meeting. My next meeting was with Dale Richie, a bright prospect from England who currently wrestles with 3CW in the North East, he also works for wZw amongst others. He jumped at the chance to join us, due to his friendship with fellow worker NDP, and was eager to create a tag team with someone on the roster, and hopefully become a big hit for the company. Saturday's meetings rolled along, and deals were signed with some talent i'd asked Jim for, Michael Cole joined us as a commentator, we also brought in Teddy Hart, Nick Mitchell, Rob Conway, Sabu, and Brian Hebnar, i felt that these could all help us somewhere within the card, although Nick [Mitchell] wasn't too keen on actually wrestling for us, he wanted to have a role similar to that that he had whilst on Raw, something i wasn't sure about giving him. With the roster now looking a bit better for us, i asked all talent to head to the Great Lakes Arena, our base for shows, and prepare themselves for our TV Debut. [CENTER][B][U]Current Roster:[/U][/B] AJ Styles Arn Anderson - [B]Road Agent[/B] Billy Todd (as The Kidd) Brian Hebnar - [B]Referee[/B] Chag Graham Christopher Daniels Dale Richie (as Kid Richie) Davide Simeone Diego Digou - [B]Announcer/Head Booker[/B] Gemma Atkinson - Manager of "High Fliers" Hiratima and Flash Majik Hidetoshi Inamoto (as Hiratima) Joel Maximo Katie O'Neill - Manager of NDP Kyle Graham Luca Rodriguez (as Flash Majik) Michael Cole - [B]Announcer[/B] Nick Mitchell - [B]Personality/Semi Active Wrestler[/B] Nico Dal Pozzo (as NDP) Phil Stevens (as Prototype) Rob Conway Robbie O'Neill (as Amazing Robbie) Sabu Teddy Hart The Amazing Red[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on TV live in front of a sell out 5,000 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Arena. We get quite a spectacular opening to the TV Debut of GWA, must have spent quite a bit on the opening pyro alone! Once the pyro's settle, we are welcomed to the show by the Announce Team, Diego Digou, Jim Cornette and Michael Cole. A video airs on the big screen, promoting the appearance of AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels on tonights show, it ends by letting everyone in attendance know that the two of them are going 1 on 1 tonight! [B]Segment Rating[/B] - E+ "Just look at me....Just...look at me....." here comes Rob Conway, as reported on WN prior to tonights show, former WWE employee Rob Conway is facing off against Ted Hart tonight! The match itself was very back and forth, Hart getting in a decent offence to begin with, however Conway turned the tide of the match towards the 4 minute mark, and seemed to dominate the final section of the match too. Conway hit the Ego-Trip, sorry, Swinging Neckbreaker for the victory in 10:39 [B]Match Rating[/B] - D Some generic pop music plays, and out comes Amazing Robbie and Kid Richie, collectively known as Team Redcar, following them is the more familiar known music of The SAT, however we only have Joel Maximo and The Amazing Red. Both teams brought their best to this match, the teamwork between SAT was awesome, these definately should stay a team, anyways, the matchup itself was good, but like the last match, the fans weren't too interested in it. The British lads from Redcar did really well, and got the victory thanks to Kid Richie's 450 on The Amazing Red. An upset victory mind, but a well earnt one all the same. [B]Match Rating[/B] - D Another video package is shown on the big screen, this time promoting the Davide Simeone vs Flash Majik vs Hiratima GWA World Heavyweight Championship main event [B]Segment Rating[/B] - B- Time for our first advertised match, well, that we were told of at the beginning of the show. AJ Styles came down to the ring first to his usual music, followed by the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels in his TNA gimmick get up. This was an excellent match, the chemistry that these two have between each other is absolutely amazing, so many near falls, Daniels hit the last Rites twice before Style's hit a Styles Clash for one of the nearest 2 counts i've seen in a long time. Styles went for the Spiral Tap but Daniels moved, Daniels hooked in the Angels Wings for another near fall, then hit the Last Rites for the win. [B]Match Rating[/B] - B Newcomer NDP came out to Survive by Rise Against, he was followed by Sabu coming out to a generic "Hardcore" theme. The two went at each other, with neither gaining a clear cut advantage throughout the match. Sabu tried bringing in weapons but was disarmed everytime by referee Brian Hebnar, Sabu managed to bring in a chair for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but he missed the landing, and NDP capitalised and hit the NDP Driver for the victory. [B]Match Rating[/B] - C [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWATag.jpg[/IMG] Next up was the GWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship matchup between the 'Tag Twins' Chad and Kyle Graham, and the 'Up and Comers' Prototype and The Kidd. This match wa a complete mash of styles, the Extremists Chad and Kyle focusing more on the brawling and power moves whereas the Quick Moving Prototype and The Kidd focused more on their speed and agilty. We saw a good showing from crowd favourites Up and Comers, but ultimately they fell to Tag Twins after Prototype missed a ProtoPlex on Chad, and walked into a Superkick from Kyle sending him over the top rope, leaving The Kidd to fend for himself, after Kyle teased another Superkick, Chad hit an Air Raid Siren on Kidd, and Kyle followed that up with a Corkscrew Moonsault for the 3 count, and the GWA World Heavyweight Tag Straps! Tag Twins grab the titles and go into the crowd to celebrate with the fans, despite the chorus of boos coming from them. [B]Match Rating[/B] - B- [B]Segment Rating[/B] - B- [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Main Event time, out comes Davide Simeone to his old Italian Music by Davide Van De Sfroos, followed by Genericos #76 for Flash Majik, and Rising Sun plays for Hiratima. All of these guys are fan favourites, so it should be interesting to see who the fans get behind. Simeone starts off the dominant competitor, baring in mind this is his first match since hsi retirement from a back injury 6 years ago, he's definately not lost a step, Flash Majik manages to knock Simeone out onto the Announce Table which allows Hiratima to jump Flash from behind. The two good friends and tag partners shake hands as a sign of mutual respect, then get into battle, they have an excellent run of counters and high flying offence, however it's broken up when Simeone returns to the ring, throwing both men out of the ring! Announce tables are broken apart and left bare, ready for being put through, the referee doesn't want that to happen of course and starts to count out all competitors. Hiratima then hits a moonsault on Flash for a near fall, as soon as he stand sup he's hit by a HUGE clothesline that turns him inside out by Simeone, who then walks into a Hurricanrana pinfall from Flash, as soon as Simeone kicks out he's hit by a Middle Kick from hiratima, then a double enzeguiri by Flash and Hiratima and the crowd starts a chant of this is awesome as Flash and Hiratima look around acknowledging the crowd, they then go back at each other, hit arm drag after arm drag, hip toss after hip toss, and finally a double clothesline on each other, Simeone crawls over to Flash for a near fall, then goes over to Hiratima for an even closer 2 count! Simeone picks up Flash and throws him from the ring, and then hits a Spinning Face Buster on Hiratima for the victory, and becomes the new GWA World heavyweight Champion! Simeone then celebrates with his new title, thanking the fans for their support, and congratulates Hiratima and FLash Majik for their efforts. [B]Match Rating[/B] - B+ [B]Segment Rating[/B] - A* [B]Show Rating[/B] - B- [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B]Rob Conway[/B] defeated Ted Hart in 10:39 by pinfall with a Swinging Neckbreaker. [B]Team Redcar[/B] defeated The SAT II in 8:46 when Kid Richie defeated The Amazing Red by pinfall with a 450. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] defeated AJ Styles in 15:55 by pinfall with a Last Rites. [B]NDP[/B] defeated Sabu in 11:54 by pinfall with a NDP Driver. [B]Tag Twins[/B] defeated Up and Comers in 10:43 when Kyle Graham defeated The Kidd by pinfall with a Corkscrew. [B]Tag Twins win the GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles.[/B] [B]Davide Simeone[/B] defeated Flash Majik and Hiratima in 20:55 when Davide Simeone defeated Flash Majik by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. [B]Davide Simeone wins the GWA World Heavyweight title.[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWABanner.jpg[/IMG] What a debut show for GWA:RAW last night, we crowned a new GWA World Heavyweight Champion in Davide Simeone, and also crowned new World Tag Champions in the Tag Twins Chad and Kyle Graham! The show itself was spectacular, given how few roster members RAW had, they certainly made it a show to be proud of! ========================= The fans are all over Davide Simeone at the moment, and he seems to be the perfect choice to carry our organisations top title, and we can assure you, there will be some worthy challengers from all over the world brought in to have their rightful shot at the title. The Tag Champs are the opposite, you hate them, but, there's no denying they are the best team going around right now, there's no other team, barring the High Fliers Flash Majik and Hiratima that deserve a shot from within the GWA right now. ========================= We at GWA are happy to confirm that there is potential new championships in the works for GWA:RAW to carry after their succesful TV Debut. Speaking of their TV Debut, it got an 11.09 Rating, the highest of Saturday night! ========================= GWA:RAW are pleased to announce that they have signed up the following new talent: Dean Malenko Mike Chioda Ted DiBiase Jr Franklin Death Jerry Lawler Jose Maximo Xavier Check the GWA:RAW section of the website for more on the new talent.[/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE="5"]May Week 2 2007[/SIZE][/B] [B]Sunday[/B] After a succesful GWA:RAW on TV this past Saturday, my confindence couldn't have been any higher, i went into every talent meeting with such a prescence that i magaed to accuire every worker i went after! I had my re-arranged meeting with Jose Maximo the day after the TV Show, and it would appear that he had watched the show, because he agreed a deal lower than i had first offered him on Friday, obviously he, like everyone else, saw the excellent chemistry that Joel and Red had, and the bright future they could have as a tag team in their own right. I also got my main targets, referees and road agents, i brought in Mike Chioda as my senior official, i felt we needed more than just Brian, so brought in the recently released Chioda to help out, also released Dean Malenko also joined us as a Road Agent, he will definately be a big help to our younger technical highfliers, i also agreed a deal with Franklin Death, an 18 year old that wanted to become a road agent, i offered him the chance to be trained by Double A and Malenko and he jumped at it. Following on from their meetings as the Grear Lakes Arena i had to rush across to our Great Lakes HQ and have a meeting with Jerry Lawler, he was bitterly upset about his release from WWE, and wanted the GWA to overtake them, although it'll definately be a while before that could even be considered, we appreciated his comments, and brought him in as a Colour Commentator, replacing Jim Cornette on screen. My final two meetings were with potential talent, after failing to bring in Ted DiBiase as a road agent, i thought i could tempt him in by hiring his now unemployed son, Ted DiBiase Jr, now don't get me wrong, i don't dislike Ted Jr, i just wasn't ready to bring him in yet, but, i need some Enhancement Talent to elevate, and Ted does fit that description, following him was Xavier, the youngster has alot of talent, and he has a good deal of experience already, hopefully these two can be big players for the company in years to come. [B]Monday[/B] Monday wasn't as eventful as Sunday, but, i felt that we signed up a potential champion, Scott Garland, more well known as Scotty Too (2) Hotty, fresh off his release from the WWE, Garland was wanting to work for a company with National Exposure, and after being shunned by TNA, opted to join us. I went through our roster, and thought it was still way too small, not as small as others, but we definately could do with alot more workers, so i went about setting up more meetings, the first to respond was Earl Hebnar, i may have just signed a new senior official in Mike Chioda, but i stil wanted one more referee, and Earl Hebnar was available, so i hired him, and Chioda, surprisingly, offered his Senior Official title to Hebnar. [B]Saturday[/B] Following Hebnar's meeting on Thursday, i got a call from Nicho el Millonario, Psicosis to WWE fans, asking if there was a spot open on the roster, after thinking for all of about 3.932 seconds, i told him there was, and that we would be willing to offer him a contract should he be interested. He was, and we had ourselves yet another established worker within the company! Jim had been happy with my progress in my first two weeks in charge, and was constantly hyping up the company at the weekly GWA meetings, hopefully i wouldn't let jim down with this weeks GWA:RAW on TV!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on TV live in front of another sell out 5,000 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Arena. The fans in attendance are treated to a pre show match between Amazing Red and Teddy Hart (no longer Ted). The match itself was a good one, well deserving of a place on the actual show. Amazing Red took the victory with a Code Red. [B]C-[/B] We get a toned down opening to the show this week, looks much better than last weeks i must say, despite last weeks obviously costing a whole heck of a lot more! As with last week, we open the show with a video package hyping up an upcoming match, this time between newly crowned GWA World Heavyweight Champion Davide Simeone and The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Sabu vs the High Fliers Flash majik and Hiratima [B]B-[/B] Team Redcar came out to a decent reaction from the fans, their opponents were already in the ring, we were told they were Ted DiBiase Jr and Xavier. The match itself was very spotty, DiBiase tried to use a technical approach but that was quickly shot down, Xavier came in and played the "jobber" role well, and was ultimately pinned by Amazing Robbie with an Amazing Robbie DDT. [B]D[/B] NDP makes his way to the ring, he then proceeds to let all of us fans how lucky we are to see him tonight, and that tonight, he will show why he is the future of GWA! [B]D+[/B] Scotty comes down to the ring to make his GWA debut, he's no longer doing his hip hop gimmick, he comes down in Blue and Black tights rather than pants, and has dyed his hair brown, to some strange techno music, not sure what his gimmicks supposed to be, but he's definately a good guy. The match was good, Scotty definately helped NDP during this, i just hope that this is one of only few losses for Scotty so he's not a Jobber for Life. NDP took the win with an NDP Driver. [B]C[/B] Christopher Daniels made his way to the ring, awaiting his opponent, AJ Styles' music hits, and down he comes for commentary, Shelley Cam appears on the big screen, and down comes Alex Shelley, who must have been brought in last minute, as there was no meeting with him over this past week. This matchup was a great match, one to rival Daniels/Styles from last week, these two have good chemistry with each other, and this match definately improved because of it. Shelley hit a ShellShock for a damn near fall, Shelley argued with the referee about the fall, allowing Styles to hit a Styles Clash on Daniels, Shelley covered and once again failed to get the 3 count, whilst Shelley again argued with the ref, Daniels turned him round and hit a Last Rites for the victory. [B]B[/B] Up and Comers Prototype and The Kidd, now collectively known as Next Generation, made their way to the ring to face Rob Conway and Nick Mitchell. The crowd was dead for Mitchell, and only half there for Conway, this match saw alot of toilet break leavers, and some people just talked to each other rather than paying attention. The Kidd won the match for his team with a KiddPlex on Mitchell. [B]C[/B] Tag Twins are backstage having a celebration drink after just finding out The SAT are their opponants tonight... yes they are that ****y they are already acting as if they've won [B]D[/B] AJ Styles makes his way to the ring, when some new Genericos music hits, and out comes Nicho el Millonario. This was a good high fliers style matchup, lots of high paced energy, soo many counters, reversals, uses of the rope, if you blinked you missed a move these guys were going so fast. The crowd was really into this, hopefully they wont be burned out for whatever follows! Nicho el Millonario got the victory with a Guillotine Leg Drop. [B]B[/B] Christopher Daniels makes his way to ringside and proceeds to beat the crap out of AJ, AJ manages to escape to the walkway and the two battle it out all the way to the back. [B]D[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWATag.jpg[/IMG] The SAT make their way to the ring to an ok reception, after their music dies off, we are left in silence for a while until the sound of a bomb exploding thunders over the speakers and some really heavy rock music blares following it. Out come the Tag Twins to a very hostile reception, but they just swagger towards the ring acting all smug. They have every right to be mind you, they pull apart The SAT and dominate the match from beginning to end, Joel goes through a table during this match, which suprisingly the referee doesn't see or hear! Chad gets the victory with a 450 on Jose Maximo. Tag Twins make defence number 1 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag Titles. [B]C[/B] Having just picked up the victory, Tag Twins celebrate in the ring, but go completely over the top, running around the ring like crazy, hugging everyone around ringside, and pouring water over each other. [B]B-[/B] This match was an all out battle, Sabu bringing the weapons, Simeone the brawling, and the High Fliers bringing, well the high flying moves! Sabu always looked like the weakest man in the ring unfortunately, and after yet another missed Triple jump moonsault (this time slipping on the rope) Flash Majik won the match using his Flash Flipping DDT. [B]B[/B] [B]Show Rating[/B] - C+ [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Pre Show[/U][/B] [B]The Amazing Red[/B] defeated Teddy Hart in 10:13 by pinfall with a Code Red. [B][U]Show[/U][/B] [B]Team Redcar[/B] defeated Xavier and Ted Dibiase Jr. in 7:53 when Amazing Robbie defeated Xavier by pinfall with an Amazing Robbie DDT. [B]NDP[/B] defeated Scotty in 11:08 by pinfall with a NDP Driver. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] defeated Alex Shelley in 9:58 by pinfall with a Last Rites. During the match we also had AJ Styles run in and attack Daniels. [B]Next Generation[/B] defeated Rob Conway and Nick Mitchell in 11:35 when The Kidd defeated Nick Mitchell by pinfall with a KidPlex. [B]Nicho el Millonario[/B] defeated AJ Styles in 10:04 by pinfall with a Guillotine Legdrop. [B]Tag Twins[/B] defeated The SAT in 11:51 when Chad Graham defeated Jose Maximo by pinfall with a 450. Tag Twins make defence number 1 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles. [B]High Fliers[/B] defeated Davide Simeone and Sabu in 17:11 when Hiratima defeated Sabu by pinfall with a Flip Over DDT.[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWABanner.jpg[/IMG] We are fresh off the heels of yet another GWA National TV show, and although it wasn't as great as its predeccesor, it was still a quality show that helped increase our popularity! We really are excited by the opportunities available to us at the moment, and all of our promotions seem to be making steady process. ========================= The tag Champs retained their titles last saturday against The SAT. Yes they celebrated before the match had even started, but it just shows how confident they are, the match itself definately showed that the SAT have great potential to one day hold the straps, just not yet. NDP is making steady jumps up the card, coming off a victory over Sabu is one thing, but beating Scotty this week has certainly got his confidence up, the future of GWA? Maybe, we'll have to wait and see! ========================= As reported last week, we are certainly looking into bringing in a new title, it will be for the midcarders, not sure on what it will be called yet, or even what it will look like, but we have sent off a request for the belt, and the creators assure us it will be here by our PPV Debut! ========================= GWA:RAW are pleased to announce that they have signed up the following new talent: Joey Matthews Check the GWA:RAW section of the website for more on the new talent.[/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE="5"]May Week 3 2007[/SIZE][/B] [B]Sunday[/B] My head was splitting, i'd had a headache all night, we had, as expected, dropped in viewership from our Debut Show, but i couldn't help but blame myself, there was nothing there to really grab anyones interest, i had to find something to get people interested in watching our product. I approached Jim with the idea of bringing in Storylines, something that the GWA didn't want to commonly occur, despite it being a big part of wrestling today, reluctantly, the GWA agreed, and the whole GWA Wrestling Ratio was restructured, we now had 80% of the card to use for wrestling, whereas the other 20% would be for angles. I got straight into thinking up storylines, and well, i couldn't think of much, we had a lack of true main event quality workers, so i couldn't surround anything around Davide, the tag team division was strong, but i didn't really know what to do with them, other than pushing Team Redcar, and having my two Main Event teams in the High Fliers and the Tag Twins, but they're in singles competition as well as tag, i also had Upper carders like Next Generation but they too are a team that can be used as singles stars too, then the fillers of The SAT and then my makeshift teams are open for title shots, but only as "Morale Boosters" to the Tag Twins. I settled on one storyline, and that was for Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles, where it would lead to, i had no idea, but i cetainly saw this as a potential long running fued with plenty of twists and turns along the line. [B]Monday[/B] I took Monday off to do some talent scouting, unfortunately there wasn't much locally that i could go and see, so i watched a basic indy show with nobodies on the card, well, all except Eddie Colon, he really caught my eye, so i arranged a meeting with him for Wednesday so we could talk about possible employment. [B]Tuesday[/B] I returned to my office on Tuesday to find i had some voicemail. "...You have 2 New Messages, Message 1, left at 7:46 on Tuesday Week 3 May...Hiya, erm, this is Brooke Adams, i used to work for WWE on their ECW brand...anyways, erm, sorry it's so early, but i was wondering, would you be interested in hiring me at all? I would really like to come to the GWA for some training, maybe i could be some help in a backstage role if you didn't want me on screen?...Well, phone me back and let me know if anything comes up...Bye..." That was weird, why would Brooke openly offer herself to do some backstage work, and what type? ah well, i'll phone her later, maybe she could be used on screen as a personality or something, i don't know. "...Message 2, left at 10:21 on Tuesday Week 3 May...Diego, it's Jim, why aren't you at the office yet? Oh nevermind, just log onto WrestlingNews.com or WWE.com, either way, have a look at a potential new worker for GWA. Bye..." I logged onto the laptop and headed to the websites Jim mentioned, WN had a report on Rob Van Dam's early release, but i'd already seen that, so i never clicked on it, i headed over to WWE.com, and there was nothing there, what's gone from the sites that i should have seen? i decided to check WN again, see if there was anything i was missing, i clicked on the RVD story, and sure enough... "To update on last weeks news, RVD has officially been released from his WWE contract, the news was broken to subscribers of WWE Mobile, and it was reported on WWE.com, however it was removed shortly after, although RVD's official website has noted his release as official as well, more as we get it" That was enough for me, i phoned Jim and ordered him to get a meeting arranged, i wanted RVD before anyone else could get a chance, whether that was from TNA, ROH, Japan, Mexico wherever, RVD was coming to GWA, i just had to get that meeting arranged fast. I phoned Brooke back around about 6ish, we talked for a while and really hit it off, she seems eager to learn about wrestling rather than just be eye candy, we agreed a deal to be signed at the TV Tapings on Saturday, she said she wouldn't talk to any other company as long as the deal is definately ok, so seems we've got ourselves a loyal worker right there! [B]Wednesday[/B] Wednesday rolled along, and i had two meetings to attend, the first was the prior arranged meeting with Eddie Colon, i told him i had some plans for him for later down the line, but that he would be facing off, and losing against NDP this coming Saturday, he was fine with that, and just wanted to get some wrestling in before he was given a push. The second meeting was one that Jim had set up, Rocky Romero, half of the Havanna Pitbulls, i'd have much rather had the full team, but that'sa nother meeting later on if i can get it. Anyways, Rocky drove a hard bargain, but i managed to sign him to a contract, so he should appear in some form on Saturday. [B]Friday[/B] Another day another meeting, the roster is definately starting to ge tto the point where i only need to hire workers in case of injury or a rise in popularity. Anyways, todays meeting was with Brent Albright, a worker i have had my eye on a while, but kept forgetting to arrange a meeting with, Arn set this one up for us, Brent signed our first offer, so he's definately being used this week! We have a fairly full roster now, with the potential addition of a 3rd title a couple of extra midcard workers could be brought in, but my main target now is Rob Van Dam, to bring him in would mean i could get a credible Main Event title fued going. This saturdays show is nowhere near ready, with the new additions, looks like its late night writing and early morning changing this week!
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[center][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on TV live in front of 4,961 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Arena. [B]Pre Show[/B] Amazing Red once again made a pre show appearance, this week his opponent was Ted DiBiase Jr. The match wasn't all that great, and unfortunately, despite his famous father, DiBiase Jr. just isn't getting any sort of reaction from the crowd. Red took the win with a Code Red. [B]D[/B] Scotty took on Brent Albright in a better match. The two got the crowd into the match, and that obviously helped when the show actually started. Scotty took the win with a Worm, much to the joy of the crowd. [B]C-[/B] Not sure if this is on the actual show or not, but Joey Matthews then came out and cut a promo saying how good he was, and that he would soon be in action in a GWA:RAW ring. [B]C[/B] We didn't get any pyro to announce that the show was starting, however we did get the announcers speeding to their announce table at the top of the walkway. We get a video of the Tag Twins defeating Next Generation for the GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles. [B]C[/B] Team Redcar looked to continue their winning streak, once again taking on Xavier, who is teaming with Teddy Hart this week. An ok back and forth match, Team Redcar definately have a good understanding with each other, hitting several double team moves on their opponents. Kid Richie ended the match with a Swanton Bomb on Xavier. [B]D+[/B] Jim Cornette makes his way to the walk way and announces that after several weeks of discussions, the GWA board have agreed to create a new title, and it will be debuted at the upcoming PPV. [B]D+[/B] Rob Conway made his way to the ring, acting all ****y as usual, Sabu came to the ring to a chorus of cheers. The match was the best we'd seen so far, with Conway dominating the majority, Conway hit a Swinging Neckbreaker and looked to have the win until Sabu grabbed the bottom rope, Sabu then managed to hit an Arabian Facebuster and a quick ref count gave him the win. [B]C[/B] AJ Styles comes to the ring and challenges Christopher Daniels to a match for the new title at GWA:RAW on PPV, Daniels doesn't respond and Styles goes looking for him [B]D-[/B] Next Generation came out to a great reaction, they were followed by The SAT who were booed to the ring. Nothing much to say about his match, nothing special, but nothing bad. The Kidd got the win for his team with a Kidd Krusher on Jose Maximo [B]C-[/B] A video plays hyping Davide Simeone vs. Nicho that will Main Event tonight. [B]B[/B] AJ Styles came out announcing himself, hopefully not something he'll be doing on a regular basis, he was followed by Rocky Romero. Romero took the fight to Styles, but just couldn't seem to get any true offence. Christopher Daniels came out to the ring half way through the match, and with the referee distracted hit a Last Rites on Styles. Romero couldn't capitalise on Daniels' interferance and ended up falling to a Styles Clash. [B]C+[/B] A video plays hyping Tag Twins vs. High Fliers tonight for the GWA World Heavyweight Tag Titles [B]B-[/B] NDP came out to a mixed reaction, this youngster is definately turning heads here in the GWA, his opponent weas debutant Eddie Colon, who is having a tryout match according to reports. These two hit it off right from the go, the match was brilliant, Eddie coulodn't have dreamed of a better opponent for his tryout, the two had great chemistry, and really helped ge tthe match over with the fans. Eddie took a hell of a beating, and damn near managed to get the win after a sneaky athletic roll up to counter the NDP Driver, NDP became infuriated and hit a vicous Spinning Face Buster that just spiked Colon's head into the mat. [B]B-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWATag.jpg[/IMG] Next up was our semi main event, Tag Twins vs High Fliers for the GWA World heavyweight tag Titles, surely a match that will take it to the Tag Twins and prove whether they deserve the titles or not. The 2 teams enjoyed spells of domination within the match, Hiratima playing the "Face In Peril" role until the hot tag to Flash Majik, Tag Twins brought in some new Double Team moves, which proved very effective, Flash having to be stretchered to the back half way through the match after a Flapjack/Face Crusher. Hiratima put on a good showing by himself, but ultimately couldn't defeat the Twins on his own, falling to an Air Raid Siren from Kyle, followed by a Corkscrew from Chad. Flash Majik managed to make his way back towards the ring just before the 3 count was made, angering the Tag Twins, the Twins then went out and got a Table each, putting both their opponents through the tables, Hiratima on the inside of the ring, Flash on the outside. [B]B+[/B] The match is over, but Tag Twins decide to add insult to injury to Hiratima by beating him down, Flash comes in to make the save, and both teams end up brawling all the way to the back. [B]C+[/B] Main Event time, GWA World Heavyweight Champion Davide Simeone makes his way to the ring to face of against Nicho el Millonario, who is now going as plain old Nicho. The two put on the match of the night here, several pin atempts, several great counters, and alot of periods of free flowing wrestling. Nicho went for a moonsault on a standing Simeone, but under-estimated where his opponent was, landing right infront of him, Simeone saw his opportunity and locked in the Full Nelson, then hit the Spinning Face Buster for the win. [B]A[/B] All in all a great show for GWA:RAW, definately a show to build upon and should surely of increased ther popularity. [B]Show Rating - B[/B] [U][B]Quick Results[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U][B]Pre Show[/B][/U] [B]The Amazing Red[/B] defeated Ted Dibiase Jr. in 4:37 by pinfall with a Code Red. [B]Scotty[/B] defeated Brent Albright in 6:17 by pinfall with a Worm. [U][B]Show[/B][/U] [B]Team Redcar[/B] defeated Xavier and Teddy Hart in 10:31 when Kid Richie defeated Xavier by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb. [B]Sabu[/B] defeated Rob Conway in 12:32 by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster. [B]Next Generation[/B] defeated The SAT in 5:32 when The Kidd defeated Joel Maximo by pinfall with The Kidd Krusher. [B]AJ Styles [/B]defeated Rocky Romero in 9:46 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. During the match we also had Christopher Daniels run in and attack Styles. [B]NDP[/B] defeated Eddie Colon in 9:56 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. Tag Twins drew with High Fliers in 19:42 following a double disqualification. Tag Twins make defence number 2 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles. [B]Davide Simeone[/B] defeated Nicho in 11:56 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.[/QUOTE][/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWABanner.jpg[/IMG] Another great show this past weekend from GWA:RAW, they are really out-doing themselves, and with workers like Davide Simeone, Nicho, AJ Styles and Chritopher Daniels, the Tag Twins and the High Fliers, all at the top end of the show, it's not hard to see why! ========================= Once again the Tag Twins retained their tag titles, however, it was due to a double DQ, putting your opponents through tables is one thing when the match calls for that type of ending, but to do it 'just for giggles' as Chad explained to us, is out of order. Expect another match between these two teams in the near future, quite possibly at our upcoming PPV. Eddie Colon made a great impression on all of us up here at the GWA HQ, his match with NDP showed that he has true potential to be a big star for the GWA, he just needs the right push. ========================= It's official, GWA will be unvieling a new title at the upcoming PPV, and it would appear that AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels will be going on on one at the upcoming PPV for the new strap, the title will be kept under wraps until the winner is handed the title. ========================= No new signings to report on today, but we've heard rumours that GWA:RAW are interested in bringing in Rob Van Dam who was recently released from his WWE contract, and also that they are going after Brock Lesnar, who is said to now be ready to return to America and Professional Wrestling. Check the GWA:RAW section of the website for more on the new talent.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAInsider.jpg[/IMG] Hello everyone! Welcome to the latest GWA Coloumnist, me, The Insider! I'll let you in on little secrets i've heard around the GWA HQ. So, let's get straight to the good stuff shall we? Several released WWE stars are heading to GWA, a former [B]Hardcore Icon[/B] has held preliminary talks with the company, could this be an indication into a new arrival? Along with the Hardcore Icon, an [B]Extreme Highflyer[/B] is all but confirmed as a new member of the GWA, a friend of his that is currently on a GWA Roster refused to talk to us aboutt he situation. Could a new [B]tag team[/B] be heading to GWA:RAW? Reports are that are recently released TNA Tag Team will be here within the month. A [B]Masked big man[/B] is expected to appear at this coming PPV, expect him to be aligned in some way with a Title Challenger to aid his "Boss" to the title, or titles as it could be. [B]Team Redcar[/B] are an exciting pair, but don't expect their push to last long, the duo are said t obe having disagreements backstage that could see either one of them get released. The New title has been named the [B]Brawler[/B] belt, expect it to look similar to the old WWE Hardcore belt, and be defended in the 24/7 Rules. Well, just a little update for this week, catch me next week, where i reveal a few extra details, and maybe a few more PPV spoilers! [I][B]The Insider![/B][/I][/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE="5"]May Week 4 2007[/SIZE][/B] [B]Sunday[/B] Well, this time last week, my head was splitting and i could barely sleep due to our drop in viewers, however, this week, i'm feeling much much better, that late night/early morning booking paid off, it's not something i want to make a habit of, but if i can pull off cards like last nights, then i can definately get some great idea's out of drowziness! I was impressed last night with the matches from Eddie Colon and Nicho, two workers who i would expect to get over well with the crowd if i book them right, the only problem right now is, is that there is no lower level title, with have a Main Event title, and we have the Midcard tag titles, and now we're bringing in the midcard title, really, only Nicho is a potential challenger out of the two. The tag match went well i thought, although Flash being injured certainly was not a part of the match, that was a legitimate injury he suffered, however he is said to be ok now, and is willing to work through it, he should only be out for about a week anways, so he can work both next weeks GWA:RAW on TV, and also the PPV as well. [B]Monday[/B] My only meeting of the week occured today, Alex Shelley, who i was very keen to bring in before we did our talent trade with ROH a couple of weeks back, finally got back to us for contract discussions, we talked about potential fueds, tag team partners, how we wanted to use him, and he seemed eager to join us, of coruse, we did have to make a few assurances, things like who he could wrestle, he couldn't be "squashed" or "dominated" during matches, but he finally agreed to a contract with us, and i'd expect him to make an appearance this coming TV tapings. [B]Midweek[/B] I had a few meetings with Jim [Cornette] going over our final plans for this coming Sunday's PPV Debut, everything seemed ok, until we checked out the latest "Coloumnist" that GWA had hired, The Insider as he called himself, trying to expose everything we're doing, obviously we were pissed, and the fact that he revealed a name for the title was very upsetting, there's already reports that the GWA Board want him gone, they just can't find him :S [B]Saturday[/B] The day of our final TV tapings before the PPV tomorrow, everything is set up nicely for the PPV, only a few matches to be announced on the show tonight. Our main concern was the title match, we needed someone that hadn't faced Davide, someone not involved in a match, and someone that could potentially gain us buyrates, RVD hadn't got back to us, and Brock Lesnar as the GWA website had noted, wasn't actually wanting to work for us yet, so we didn't really have a main event set up! This should be fun! The shows complete, but the PPV has gaps, not what i had planned for our PPV Debut!
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[center][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on TV live in front of 4,961 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Arena. [U][B]Pre Show[/B][/U] Sabu started off the pre show this week, taking on Ted DiBiase Jr, obviously another loss for the 3rd Generation star. Sabu dominated the match, but DiBiase is showing some promise despite another loss, Sabu took the win with an Arabian Facebuster. [B]D+[/B] Scotty came to the ring to cheers, followed by Amazing Red, who also recieved cheers, finally Xavier came down to a huge amount of boos. A good open match with each worker getting equal amounts of offence, Xavier never looked likely to get win, and after Red missed a Code Red, Scotty threw Xavier over the top, then hit a Worm on Red for the win. [B]C-[/B] We actually got a pyro entrance this week, nothing too flash, but at least this week we knew when the show started! Brent Albright made his TV debut against Teddy Hart, the two never really clicked, and the match was very awkward, fans definately didn't like it. Albright took the win with a Crowbar Submission. [B]C-[/B] AJ Styles announces to Christopher Daniels that tonight, he's going one on one with Alex Shelley! [B]D[/B] Daniels and Shelley made their way to the ring, and these guys are no strangers to each other, having faced each other in a good match a couple of weeks ago, and also facing each other this past Monday on TNA's iMPACT! The match was a good solid bout, the two definately have good chemistry together, Shelley can definately be a big player in the company if pushed right. Daniels got the win with a Last Rites. [B]B-[/B] Team Redcar came out, these guys are really getting popular with the local crowd, they were followed out by The SAT, who aren't really getting over within the company, maybe Joel needs to hook back up with Amazing Red again? The two teams constantly tried to out do each other with their high flying moves, Amazing Robbie out did them all with a running Shooting Star Press off the top rope, landing on Joel Maximo on the outside to chants of this is awesome! The match moved back inside the ring, and kind of dulled down after that, Robbie locked in his RobbieLock on Jose, who "fell unconcious" just before getting to the ropes. [B]D[/B] In a rematch from last week, NDP took on Eddie Colon once again, and put on yet another good match, these two can definately go on to do good things within the company for years to come. Eddie once again took the match to NDP, but, the self proclaimed "Future of GWA" NDP looked to use his dirty tactics and managed to regain the advantage, hitting the Spinning Face Buster for the pinfall. [B]B-[/B] NDP celebrated for a while, then saw that Eddie was trying to get up, and opted to add insult to injury, and beat Eddie down untill officials ran to the ring to remove NDP. [B]E[/B] Next Generation stepped up their claim for a Tag title shot by taking on the makeshift team of Rob Conway and Rocky Romero. Both teams went at each other with everything they had, the fan favourites managed to get an advantage, before hitting their respective finishers on Conway and Romero. The Kidd then made the cover on Romero after his KiddPlex for the win. [B]C+[/B] Christopher Daniels came to the walkway and announced to AJ Styles (who was already in the ring) that he would be facing a debuting Joey Matthews tonight! [B]D+[/B] As Matthews made his way to the ring, Daniels took a place at the announce table and it would appear that he's joined commentary for this match. The match itself was good, the tchnical highflying style is definately something the fans are into at the moment and these two guys didn't dissapoint. Surprisingly Daniels stayed at the announce table throughout the match, but Styles was obviously distracted by his prescence, constantly looking over his shoulder for a sneak attack. Styles nearly fell to a vicous Super Kick from Matthews, but he managed to duck underneath, and catch him with a Styles Clash seemingly out of nothing. Styles took the win whilst Daniels made his way to the ring. [B]B-[/B] Daniels made his way into the ring, Styles was ready for him, and after disposing of Matthews after his attempted sneak attack, it was on, Daniels vs Styles, battling it out with each other, Daniels snook under the bottom rope and was seemingly gone, until Styles started the fight up, dragging Daniels to the back as we went to a commercial. [B]D[/B] Davide Simeone and High Fliers made their way to the ring first, followed by Nicho and Tag Twins for our main event. Tag Twins and High Fliers battled with each other, trying to gain the advantage for tomorrow night's title match. Nicho tried to injure Simeone in the hopes that he could beat him, and gain a title match for tomorrows PPV. Nicho's attack didn't last long, and was quickly got rid of Nicho with a devastating Spinning Face Buster. After Tag Twins dumped High Fliers out of the match, they focused on the GWA World Heavyweight champ, trying to bust him open with several shots to the skull, and after being marginly succesful, Simeone went into a blind rage, and took them both out, hitting Spinning Face Busters left and right. After hitting 7 consecutive SFB's, Simeone pinned Chad for the win. [B]B+[/B] Katie O'Neill, manager of NDP came to the walkway and announced to us all that she will be debuting a new client in the company, when it will be, no one knows but her, but he will be going straight for Simeone's title! [B]D[/B] All in all, another good showing from these guys, they definately have potential to push up to the next level, they just need a few big stars to join them and help them bring in new fans. [B]Show Rating - B-[/B] [U][B]Quick Results[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U][B]Pre Show[/B][/U] [B]Sabu[/B] defeated Ted Dibiase Jr. in 5:51 by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster. [B]Scotty[/B] defeated The Amazing Red and Xavier in 6:42 when Scotty defeated The Amazing Red by pinfall with the Worm. [U][B]Show[/B][/U] [B]Brent Albright[/B] defeated Teddy Hart in 11:14 by submission with a Crowbar. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] defeated Alex Shelley in 10:36 by pinfall with an Angel's Wings. [B]Team Redcar[/B] defeated The SAT in 10:47 when Amazing Robbie defeated Joel Maximo by submission with a RobbieLock. [B]NDP[/B] defeated Eddie Colon in 10:51 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. [B]Next Generation[/B] defeated Rob Conway and Rocky Romero in 10:09 when The Kidd defeated Rob Conway by pinfall with a KidPlex. [B]AJ Styles[/B] defeated Joey Matthews in 15:31 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. [B]Davide Simeone and High Fliers[/B] defeated Nicho and Tag Twins in 14:44 when Davide Simeone defeated Chad Graham by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.[/QUOTE][/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAInsider.jpg[/IMG] Well after last weeks debut column, i pleased to announce that i, The Insider, am back, with a PPV Special! The final card for tonights GWA:RAW on PPV is as follows: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels for the Vacant GWA Brawler Championship NDP vs Sabu Tag Twins vs High Fliers for the GWA World Heavyweight Tag Titles Team Redcar vs Next Generation Davide Simeone vs Nicho for the GWA World Heavyweight Championship That's right people, only 5 matches for this 3 hour PPV, although each match is well worth ordering for! Expect the Masked big Man to make his debut tonight, probably in the Simeone/Nicho title match. Team Redcar will be defeated tonight, their push is definately coming to an end soon! NDP to go over Sabu? likely, but it is a Hardcore Deathmatch, so you can't rule out Sabu here! Tag Twins have held the titles for less than a month, i'd be very surprised if they dropped them here tonight! There's rumblings that GWA are looking to bring in some new workers, with WWE growing ever popular, GWA need something extra to help them push up the popularity scales, and just need the right workers, maybe these "Extremists" won't be the only one's joining the company? Only a little column this week, well, because there's the big PPV coming up in a couple hours! Until next time, i was, [B][I]The Insider![/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[center][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on PPV live in front of a sell out 10,000 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Coliseum. Just a little sidenote here, alot of people have been reading up from this "The Insder" bloke that works with GWA, and no one here seems to like him, he hasn't been correct in several of his predictions, and to "spoil" tonights PPV, just doesn't seem in his, or GWA's best interests, that being said, several people are disgusted that there is only 5 matches confirmed for tonights show! [B]Pre Show[/B] A couple of Pre PPV "Free Matches" for those that are undecided on whether to buy the PPV or not, having seen who's been advertised for the pre show, i have to say, it wouldn't make me want to order the PPV to be honest. Anyways, Eddie Colon and Scotty defeated The SAT in the first Dark match, nothing fancy, Scotty and Eddie stood out as being good in this match, and seem that they could have a future as a tag team based on this performance. Colon got the win with a Moonsault on Jose Maximo (seems someone doesn't like him, he's taken the hit in every match he's been in!) [B]D-[/B] The Amazing Red defeated Ted Dibiase Jr., Teddy Hart and Xavier in the Dark Match Main Event as it were. Another jumble of workers just pushed into a match to give them some exposure. Red got the win with a Red Star Press on Teddy Hart [B]D+[/B] GWA's PPV debut was finally upon us, and we had a spectacular Pyro Opening, really put the TV Debut's to shame, fans were a little dissapointed with how much smoke there was once it had finished, but all in all they seemed to be impressed. Jeff Jarrett made his GWA debut (which is surprising, given there were no reports of him actually having any meetings or involvements with them) before eventually getting interupted by Joey Matthews. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before things take a violent turn and they start brawling. A whole host of staff hit the ring to break them up, and as they are being pulled apart it is Jarrett tells the crowd he's taking on Joey Matthews tonight! [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAMC.jpg[/IMG] First match was the highly anticipated matchup for the GWA Multicontinental belt, not the Brawler belt as the so called "Insider" had claimed. The match was good, Daniels and Styles really gave their all in it, and the fans definately were into it, with chants of "Lets go Daniels" "Lets go Styles" battling each other all match. Styles managed to counter a Last Rites and caught Daniels in the Styles Clash, as Styles was about to dive forward, Daniels rolled Styles through, grabbing not only AJ's tights, but also the middle rope to secure the victory. [B]B-[/B] Daniels then stands up, grabs his title, and runs to the top of the rampway to celebrate, before Styles can gain any measure of revenge. [B]C[/B] Brent Albright came to the ring to an ok reaction, nobody really cared for the former "Gunner Scott" in all honesty, seems like he's not going to be pushed too much with reactions like this! Following him to the ring was 'The American Dragon' Brian Danielson, fans really popped for this, he could be a popular member of the company if he actually signs on. The match was very back and forth, with some good technical prowess being shown from both guys. Danielson came close to getting the victory, however, Albright just proved to be too much for Danielson, hitting the One Night Stand for the win. [B]C-[/B] In a rare appearance, Prototype took part in a singles match, taking on "Insider's Number 1 Contender" Nicho. The two seemed to click right from the go, and the fans were heavily behind Prototype. The match "enthusiasm" died down towards the end of this match, but the workers still were going at it, Prototype managed to hit his patented Lift and Cut finisher for the win. [B]B[/B] Rob Conway made his way to the ring, singing away, to loud boos from the crown, he was followed out by the Reflection of Perfection himself, Mark Jindrak! Man GWA have gone [i]all[/i] out for this show!. Jindrak wasn't exactly welcomed to GWA here, but, the fans didn't pay much attention to who was in the ring anyways, as a fight broke out between some fans a couple of rows behind me. Conway took the win with a Swinging Neckbreaker....Yawn! [B]C[/B] As Alex Shelley made his way to the ring for his singles match with his "unknown" opponent, A masked man (no, not a Big Masked Man like The Insider has reported) ran towards him, and hit him with a huge clothesline to the back of his head. The masked man rolled Shelley into the ring, and began a huge beatdown of the rising star. He then pulled off his hoodie to reveal a Superman shirt, only this had a H where the S should be. Shelley then realised who it was, and proceded to beat down on this "Hero" gaining a measure of revenge for the rampway attack. Shelley battled away, and barely made any mistakes, but he slipped climbing to the top rope, which allowed the masked man a chance to gain an advantage, and once he did, he never lost it. He hit a Rolling Cutter on Shelley and took the win. He then pulled of his mask and revelaed himself to be Chris Hero! Shelley didn't look too pleased. [B]B-[/B] Time for NDP's true test, a Hardcore Deathmatch against The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Sabu! Sabu took control of this match, using various weapons to gain any type of advantage in the matchup. NDP took his fair share of a beating, but gave out as good as he got, firing hard chair shots towards the Death Defying Maniac. NDP, grabbed a backfull of Thumbtacks, and just spread them all over the ring, laying some on a previously used, and now bent in 2 chair, he picked up Sabu, and hit a devastating Spinning Face Buster onto not only the tacks, but the chair as well! Sabu was left a bloody and battered mess after this brutal match! [B]C-[/B] NDP then grabbed a microphone, and proceeded to tell us all that he is indeed the future of GWA, and that he just beat Sabu at his own game! [B]C+[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWATag.jpg[/IMG] Time for the Tag Titles to be defended. Tag Twins and High Fliers didn't even make an entrance, they battled through the crowd, and just went at each other with anything they could find. The match really was nothing spectacular in terms of wrestling, however, the fans enjoyed every minute due to the sheer brutality on show. Kyle Graham got the win when he knocked out Flash Majik by throwing him face first into one of the camera poles, and hitting his Air Raid Siren off the stage onto a platform a couple of feet below. [B]B[/B] Seems Next Generation have been split up, we see a video hyping The Kidd air over the big screen. I'm sure i saw Joey Matthews run towards the ring during this, the whole Coliseum was dark so didn't get a good view of who it actually was. [B]C+[/B] Team Redcar made their way to the ring, the crowd are all over them tonight, maybe the Insider got the better of Team Redcar? Anyways, they were followed to the ring by Rocky Romero, who then revealed Ricky Reyes as his Tag partner, and we have Team Redcar vs havana Pitbulls right here tonight! The Pitbulls seemed off their game tonight, and were ripped apart by the Redcar lads, Amazing Robbie taking the win with a RobbieLock on Rocky. [B]C-[/B] Double J walked towards the ring to a surprisingly large number of cheers, but, as expected, was jumped by Matthews (who had been hiding under the ring, i knew i'd seen him before hand!) The match was ok, the fans were into it, good back and forth action, some high flying from Matthews, a guitar shot from Jarrett, which suprisingly, the ref didn't see, nor hear! Jarrett took the win with a Figure Four leglock! [B]B-[/B] Davide Simeone made his was to the ring, he stood awaiting his opponent, Diego Digou (yes,GWA:RAW's head booker!) emerges on the walkway, and announces himself as the mystery opponent! Digou then proceeds to berate Simeone, telling him how he should always look out for number one, but should never turn his back on his friends! [B]A*[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] The GWA World Heavyweight title was on the line tonight, and we've got a good match up to contest it here tonight! Two former friends, Davide Simeone and Diego Digou going against each other. Digou is suprisingly a very good wrestler, out wrestling Simeone in several areas of his offence, but, Digou has to be careful here, he shouldn't out wrestle his champion, that's basically saying the Champ ain't no good! Digou went for a Digou Cutter, but as he went to grab Simeone's head, Simeone hooked an arm, then hooked the other, and span Digou into the canvas head first...Spinning Face buster! 1...2...3...! What a match! [B]A*[/B] Fantastic show overall, don't think GWA:RAW could really have done any better tonight. Show Rating - [B]B+[/B] [B]Quick Results[/B] [QUOTE][B]Pre Show[/B] [B]Eddie Colon and Scotty[/B] defeated The SAT in 6:51 when Eddie Colon defeated Jose Maximo by pinfall with a Moonsault. [B]The Amazing Red[/B] defeated Ted Dibiase Jr., Teddy Hart and Xavier in 7:02 when The Amazing Red defeated Teddy Hart by pinfall with a Red Star Press. [B]Show[/B] [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] defeated AJ Styles in 11:57 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. [B]Christopher Daniels wins the GWA Multicontinental title[/B]. [B]Brent Albright[/B] defeated Bryan Danielson in 5:51 by pinfall with an One Night Stand. [B]Prototype[/B] defeated Nicho in 8:32 by pinfall with a Lift and Cut. [B]Rob Conway[/B] defeated Mark Jindrak in 8:38 by pinfall with a Swinging Neckbreaker. [B]Chris Hero[/B] defeated Alex Shelley in 11:32 by pinfall with a Heros Welcome. [B]NDP[/B] defeated Sabu in 12:25 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. [B]Tag Twins[/B] defeated High Fliers in 16:47 when Kyle Graham knocked out Flash Majik. [B]Tag Twins make defence number 3 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles[/B]. [B]Team Redcar[/B] defeated Havanna Pitbulls in 11:35 when Amazing Robbie defeated Rocky Romero by submission with a RobbieLock. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] defeated Joey Matthews in 10:59 by submission with a Figure Four Leg Lock. [B]Davide Simeone[/B] defeated Diego Digou in 22:20 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. [B]Davide Simeone makes defence number 1 of his GWA World Heavyweight title[/B].[/QUOTE][/center]
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] As we reported earlier, there were two pre show matches before the PPV aired. [LIST] [*]Eddie Colon and Scotty defeated The SAT in 6:51 when Eddie Colon defeated Jose Maximo by pinfall with a Moonsault. [*]And The Amazing Red defeated Ted Dibiase Jr., Teddy Hart and Xavier in 7:02 when The Amazing Red defeated Teddy Hart by pinfall with a Red Star Press. [/LIST][LIST] [*]There was alot of smoke from the opening pyro, i don't know how visible it was on tv, but live, it was like a thick fog. [*]Thankfully it had died down by the time Joey Matthews came to the ring, but it still meant Jeff Jarrett was talking within the smoke. [*]Not as big a pop for Jarretts entrance as i first imagined, but, like noted before, the smoke was like fog, so we couldn't see who was coming to the ring. [*]The opening bout was a classic, two guys going at each other for a brand new belt, and two guys that have great chemistry together. Lots of "Lets go Styles" and "Lets go Daniels" chants were going around the Colliseum. Not alot of cheers though when Daniels took the win the way he did. [*]Brent Albright wasn't well recieved by the local crowd, he had a decent reaction on his TV debut, but tonight, not much, fans were into Danielson, alot of people want him back in the company in future, GWA, make it happen! Fans were very upset at Albrights win, alot of people went for a toilet/merchandise/food break during this match. [*]Prototype vs Nicho was a good match, the fans were surprised to see Prototype on his own, he definately seems to have enough talent to make it on his own. Nothing much to note on during this match. [*]The fans were very dissapointed to see Mark Jindrak make his way towards the ring, not sure why, the guys a good worker, just cant seem to get over with the crowd. Anyways, as noted in the show write up, a fight broke out between two guys a couple of rows behind me, apparently it was over some merchandise that was bought, as security broke the fight up, one guy could be heard screaming "Feel the Fooooooorrrrrcccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!" [*]Alot of people were really into the Shelley/Hero match, not alot of people knew it was hero, but for the fans that follow RoH, it was surprisingly obvious who it was. [*]NDP has a good future ahead of him, he really can work, he was over with the fans, and is continuously gaining overness, i wouldn't be surprised if he had a face turn in him somewhere down the line, him beating Sabu was actually, quite a shock to the fans, after all, the hardcore side of things really is Sabu's territory. [*]Tag Twins and the High Fliers was a good matchup, again, a mash of styles, just like last weeks matchup between the two, alot of fans were shocked to see Flash Majik get knocked out, and it did seem legit because as soon as Kyle hit the move, he checked on Flash, something that really could have hurt his character had more than the select few saw him do it. [*]Alot of people were confused by The Kidds' hype video, there's been no report of a break up of Next generation, so why they're promoting them seperately i have no idea [*]Team Redcar were over, but the Havana Pitbuls were over even more, there were loads of Pitbulls chants when Romero made his initial debut for GWA, but tonight it was just crazy. [*]Double J Jeff Jarrett was insanely over when he came out for his match, fans were suprised he'd used the Figure 4 for the finish, fans popped mad for the Guitar Shot. [*]No one knew who Davide Simeone's opponent was, when there was the silence when Simeone was waiting, everyone was either shouting for Nicho to come out, or the The Insider, loads of fans had Signs for the Insider, it's amazing how surprisingly popular that knob is. When Digou came out, not alot of people knew who he was, other than the fact he's GWA:RAW's announcer, even after explaining his history with Simeone to the crowd didn't seem to help, but they accepted him as his challenger. [*]The matchup between Simeone and Digou was fantastic, one of the best i've seen in a long time, considering Simeone has only just come out of retirement, and Digou was "officially" retired. There was a big guy that stood up near the front row that was wearing a mask, he held up a sign to the crowd saying "The Insider Sent Me!" which got a lot of laughs from the crowd, Simeone and Digou even stopped to make a note of it, which really got the crowd going. [*]Not much happened after the show had ended, Digou slipped away to the back, whilst Simeone celebrated with the fans, then the fans left. [/LIST] All in all it was a good match, the fans really seemed to like it, hopefully GWA can build upon this. GWA:RAW on PPV got a 0.71 buyrate.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on TV live in front of 4,749 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Arena. [B]Pre Show[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AShelley2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/EColon_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Sabu_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/BrentAlbright_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/TedDiBiaseJr_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Xavier_001.jpg[/IMG] Sabu started this match off with James Newborn (renamed from Ted DiBiase Jr. Wonder whether they're trying to distance him from his father?) Sabu played the face in peril, Albright (also a face, but on the heel's team) tried to give Sabu a few advantages, but nothing came of it. Colon got the hot tag and cleared house. Shelley came in, got beat down for a while, before tagging in Sabu. Sabu defeated James Newborn with an Arabian Facebuster! [B]C-[/B] No real opening tonight, just some opening music. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/DiegoDigou_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JerryLawler_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/MichaelCole_001.jpg[/IMG] We cut straight to the Announce table. Digou, Lawler and Cole all hype up the debut appearance of former Weight Lifting Champion James Martinez. [B]C[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoelMaximo_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoseMaximo_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/RockyRomero_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/TeddyHart_001.jpg[/IMG] Joel and Jose were out first, Romero and Hart followed. Hart was dominated by Jose (maybe management are going easy on him now?) Joel tagged in, beat down on Hart some more. Romero got involved, Hart went up top, OPEN HART SURGERY....on Romero! Cover....1....2...Hart breaks it up, obviously he didn't mean to hit Romero. Romero upset, tags in Hart and leaves the match! Joel hit a Maximo Explosion on Hart for the win. [B]D+[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoeyMatthews_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/BrookeAdams_001.jpg[/IMG] Camera's cut to the back, Joey Matthews bursts into Brooke's room, he demands a match with Martinez to show him that in wrestling, he'll be nothing compared to Matthews! Apparently Brooke's the new authority figure! Why!? [B]D+[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/NDP4_001.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KONeill_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AmazingRed_001.jpg[/IMG] NDP comes out to a mixed reaction, Red comes out to a good cheer. NDP dominates from start to finish. Red's thrown from the ring, he landed damn near in the splits, he gets up, but is definately in alot of pain. NDP hits the Spinning Face Buster for the win. [B]C+[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AmazingRobbie4_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KidRichie_001.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Psicosis2_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/rconway_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Team Redcar come out, the announcers make a note of their undefeated streak as a tag team. Nicho and Rob Conway come out, why are they teaming together? Conway overpowers the lighter workers, Nicho comes in, and goes all Lucha on them! Richie manages to escape a Swinging Neckbreaker, Robbie hits a Hurricanrana on Nicho to send him from the ring! Richie with a 450 on Conway, Robbie with an Amazing Robbie DDT to follow it up! 1...2...3....!!!!!! The fans go nuts! [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AmazingRobbie4_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KidRichie_001.jpg[/IMG] Team Redcar celebrate like mad in the ring after picking up an upset victory! [B]D-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Martinez_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoeyMatthews_001.jpg[/IMG] A video plays hyping the Martinez vs Matthews match later tonight. [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CDaniels_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AJStyles_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CSabin2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] New MC champion Christopher Daniels comes to the ring, and announces that AJ Styles will be facing an opponent of his choosing, and he chooses, Chris Sabin! [B]D[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AJStyles_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CSabin2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Styles and Daniels have a brief staredown as Styles makes his way to the ring. Sabin follows, shaking Daniels' hand, tells him he'll get the job done tonight! The two go at each other, alot of highrisk moves. Battle up the walkway, Daniels gets involved! Last Rites on Styles at the top of the walkway! Daniels tells Styles if he wants a rematch for the title he's got a count of 10 to beat, and Sabin to beat too! Styles manages to get back to the ring just after the 9 count, Daniels is ordered to the back! Styles hits a Styles Clash on Sabin for the 3 count. [B]B-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAMC_001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CDaniels_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/S2Hotty_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Daniels comes out to the ring immediately after the matchup, Styles attacks Daniels as Scotty makes his way to the ring. Michael Cole lets us know that this is match is for Daniels' Multicontinental Championship. Styles is dragged to the back by security! Scotty hits the Worm! new Champion surely!...1....2........kick out! Man that was a long 2 count. Daniels exposes the middle turnbuckle, Scotty walks over and goes head first strait into the exposed steel! Daniels turns Scotty round and hits him with the Angel's Wings for the win. Daniels retains! [B]C+[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Martinez_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoeyMatthews_001.jpg[/IMG] Joey Matthews comes to the hyping himself, much to the crowds disgust. Long pause, Goldberg type pyro's go off, and out comes Martinez! Power based match, Martinez constantly picking up Matthews, curling him, and doing various lifts with Matthews being the "weight" himself! Martinez hits a Running Powerslam for the win. [B]B-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/ChadGraham2_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KyleGraham_001.jpg[/IMG] Tag Twins hype their title defence against High Fliers and Next Generation. [B]B-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWATag_001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/ChadGraham2_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KyleGraham_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/FlashMajik_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Hiratima1_001.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/gatkinson2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Prototype_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/TheKidd_001.jpg[/IMG] All 6 men come brawling from the back, no entrance music or anything, the titles aren't even with the champs! Everyone gets towards the ring, Prototype, Chad and Flash Majik all get in the ring, and the bell rings. Effectively a 3 way dance, with their tag partners on the outside. Lots of tags, lots of brawling, very little double team moves. Flash and The Kidd fight on one side of the ring, Kyle and Prototype on the other, Chad and Hiratima in the ring. Hiratima hits a Spider Suplex on Chad off the top rope! Crowd go nuts! Kyle runs into the ring with a chair, Hiratima steals it from him, and hits Kyle with it! Hiratima can't believe what he's done, Flash doesn't look happy, referee calls for a DQ! [B]B[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KONeill_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/rvd_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Katie O'Neill comes out to the walkway, and announces that as promised, she will reveal her client to the world tonight! Walk by Pantera hits, and out walks RVD to a huge ovation! RVD then announces he's here for one thing, the GWA World Heavyweight title, fans boo heavily! [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/DavideSimeone_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/rvd_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KONeill_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Davide Simeone walks out, and he and RVD go at it. Good back and forth match up, RVD with alot of his highflying offence. Guard rail legdrop to the back of Simeone's head, Simeone looks dazed. Rolled into the ring...5 Star Frogsplash! 1...2....kick out! Simeone managed to kick out somehow! RVD goes back up top, and goes for another Frog Splash, but misses! RVD stumbles to his feet, and gets hooked by Simeone, Spinning Face Buster! Simeone takes the victory. [B]B+[/B] All in all another good show, fans were suprised at RVD's arrival as it was reported last week that negotiations failed just before the PPV, hence Digou's appearance in the main event. [B]Show Rating - B[/B] Quick Results [QUOTE][B]Pre Show[/B] [B]Alex Shelley, Eddie Colon and Sabu[/B] defeated Brent Albright and Newborn and Xavier in 7:03 when Sabu defeated James Newborn by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster. [B]Show[/B] [B]The SAT[/B] defeated Rocky Romero and Teddy Hart in 8:54 when Joel Maximo defeated Teddy Hart by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. [B]NDP[/B] defeated The Amazing Red in 6:32 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. [B]Team Redcar[/B] defeated Rob Conway and Nicho in 11:40 when Amazing Robbie defeated Rob Conway by pinfall with an Amazing Robbie DDT. [B]AJ Styles[/B] defeated Chris Sabin in 8:40 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] defeated Scotty in 7:36 by pinfall with an Angel's Wings. During the match we also had AJ Styles run in and attack Daniels. [B]Christopher Daniels makes defence number 1 of his GWA Multicontinental title.[/B] [B]James Martinez[/B] defeated Joey Matthews in 9:53 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. [B]Tag Twins[/B] defeated High Fliers and Next Generation in 14:21 when Hiratima was disqualified while fighting Chad Graham. [B]Tag Twins make defence number 4 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles.[/B] [B]Davide Simeone[/B] defeated Rob Van Dam in 15:47 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.[/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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Have done a new style of writing, hopefully this means i can get more done with writing less, and also by adding in the pictures i think it makes it easier to seperate where each match/angle ends and the new one starts. Any comments or feedback is appreciated on it :)
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[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWAInsider.jpg[/IMG] Ok, so last week's PPV was really bad on my part, but, at least i got a few mentions ey! Anyways, I, The Insider, will not stop in my pursuit of giving you what i know, and, well, i did tell you RVD would be joining didn't i! Team Redcar could be pushed towards a Tag Title reign soon, yes they were rumoured to be getting the split, but, they seem to have won management over. Teddy Hart to be fired? Well, his attitude is getting really bad backstage, and the GWA aren't too pleased with him, he could be shown the door by the end of June! Simeone will drop his title at the next PPV, As much as he is over right now, he doesn't need a belt to be popular, by dropping it to someone, probably Flash Majik, who looks like he's on the verge of going solo, will allow him to go full in on a fued with Nicho, or RVD. As noted in Sabu's recent WI Radio interview, he wants out of GWA already, and despite GWA not accepting his release, GWA are said to be very negative on him, despite a good showing against NDP last Sunday. Styles vs Daniels will be a long fued, Styles may end up taking the title from Daniels, but i wouldn't put money on it, Daniels wants a long run with the title, hence the future challenges Styles will have in his path. Diego Digou is said to be considering a full time return to the ring, will it happen? Who knows! I don't yet, but i know it's been discussed! Finally, there are rumblings going around that Katie and Gemma want to start wrestling! Although neither are technically wrestlers, their requests could be granted with a new Womens Division being talked about! As always, I have been, [B][I]The Insider[/I][/B]!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=7][U][B]The Weekly Round Up[/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=5][I][B]The Injury Report[/B][/I][/SIZE] GwA:RAW's Amazing Red suffered a Distended Anus this past week in his match against NDP, we could make jokes, but the way he sustained the injury was just too painful to laugh at. [SIZE=5][I][B]The Champion Report[/B][/I][/SIZE] Tag Twins retained their Tag titles in a unique 3 way tag match, unfortunate ending via DQ, but, it's a succesful defence at the end of the day. Christopher Daniels retained his newly won Multicontinetal title after defeating Scotty, not an overly great match, and a surprising choice for an initial challenger, but, at least Daniels can now start a succesful reign as the new MC champ! Davide Simeone was in action, taking on the newly signed RVD in a non title matchup, more on RVD in the New Workers Report. [SIZE=5][I][B]Show Report[/B][/I][/SIZE] The show itself was a good solid show, the fans enjoyed it, and there were no real bad points. The performances of NDP, Team Redcar and James Martinez definately shone, NDP taking on Amazing Red got a unsurprising win, but showed an amazing amount of talent. Team Redcar once again won a tag match, wonder if we'll ever get to see these two guys go against anyone in singles matches? James Martinez took on Joey Matthews in a great match, the two definately had something there, a potential fued idea maybe? The TV rating for the show was 9.94. [SIZE=5][I][B]New Workers Report[/B][/I][/SIZE] Rob Van Dam finally agreed a deal with GWA, it's said to be a very expensive deal, however with no downside. RVD had initially rejected negotiations to appear at GWA:RAW on PPV as Simeone's mystery opponent, however he had a change of heart after seeing the success of the PPV. James Martinez made a succesful debut, defeating the jealous Joey Matthews with a Running Powerslam. The former Weight Lifter uses a very powerful move set, and just completely overpowered Matthews. Martinez is surprisingly over with the local wrestling fans. GWA signed 3 new workers prior to the TV Tapings, Jimmy Hart was brought in as a part of the newly revamped Booking Team, he is expected to make some sort of appearance on screen as a tag teams manager, who's however, we don't know just yet. Former TNA backstager Bill Behrens joined, he is to be a part of the Booking Team also, however is not expected to appear on screen at all. The third was James Martinez, who we've already reported on. There has apparently been feelers sent out to GWA:JPW's Simon Inoki about joining and forming a Japanese Heel Stable, there is also talk of bringing in some new Japanese workers like Yoshihiro Tajiri, Jushin Liger and Masato Tanaka, who will be brought in is still unknown however. Mick Foley, who was released from his WWE contract is also said to be in new talks with the GWA after initially rejected their first offer, he could well be making his way towards GWA in the coming weeks. Finally, Hulk Hogan has declared that the GWA are deep in negotiations with him, no source would confirm this, however with Jimmy Hart now a part of the Booking Team, you'd half expect to see Hogan in the GWA sooner or later. Well, this is all for the debut edition of WN Weekly, we'll catch you all next week![/center]
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[center][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWARAW.jpg[/IMG] WrestlingNews.com brings you GWA:RAW on TV live in front of 4,826 fans in attendance here at the Great Lakes Arena. Fans in attendance were treated to some dark matches again this week. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AShelley2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CSabin2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Motor City Machine Guns faced off against each other, a rare sight for RoH/TNA fans. Sabin took the early advantage. Sabin went for a Cradle Shock, Shelley slipped out the back. Shelley gained control of the match. Shelley hit the Shellshock for the victory. [b]C[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoeyMatthews_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/EColon_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Joey Matthews came to the ring to a chorus of boos. Eddie Colon followed to cheers. Colon never got an advantage in the match, Matthews used some cheating tactics throughout the match. Matthews used a Double Underhook DDT, and got the win. [b]D+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/RockyRomero_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoseMaximo_001.jpg[/IMG] Rocky Romero took on Jose Maximo in the Dark Match Main Event. Maximo surprisingly takes an early lead in this match. One fan is shown with a sign saying "Somebody push Jose!", got a few laughs from the crowd. Maximo lost momentum after being propelled head first into the top turnbuckle. Romero hit a Jujigatame for the win. Another loss for Jose, you've gotta feel sorry for the guy. [b]C[/b] Usual show opening, nothing fancy this week. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Martinez_001.jpg[/IMG] James Martinez is shown on the big screen, a brief video plays to hype him up before his match. [b]C-[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Martinez_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/rconway_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Martinez doesn't wait for his video to finish before "muscling" his way into the ring , Rob Conway cowardly walks towards the ring. Conway tries to stay away from Martinez throughout the match, gaining little to no offence throughout. Martinez wins with a Gorilla Press Slam. [b]C-[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Martinez_001.jpg[/IMG] Martinez celebrates with the fans after his match. [b]C-[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CDaniels_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AJStyles_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/SJoe3_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Christopher Daniels, who introduced himself as the "Best Damn Multicontinental Champion in History" Anyone want to tell him he's the first one? introduced AJ styles to his newest challenge, Samoa Joe! [b]D+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AJStyles_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/SJoe3_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Styles and Daniels had a brief exchange before Daniels went to the back. Joe came out to several cheers from the crowd. Not a classic by any means, more towards the line of showing off Joe's brutality more than anything else. Styles attempted the Styles Clash several times, failed at everyone! Joe went for a Muscle Buster, but Styles flipped out of it, hitting a Neckbreaker. Styles went up top and hit a Spiral Tap for the win. [b]C+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/rvd_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] Rob Van Dam comes to the ring and challenges Davide Simeone to a match for the GWA World Heavyweight title. [b]B+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AmazingRobbie4_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KidRichie_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/JoelMaximo_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/AmazingRed_001.jpg[/IMG] Team Redcar come out to the ring, theyare followed by The SAT members Joel Maximo and Amazing Red, his butt must be healed now then! Red spent alot of time on the defence, with Richie and Robbie taking turns as the attacker. Joel came in, and spent alot of time trying to turn the match around, he couldn't. Richie hit a 450 on Joel for the win. [b]D+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/NDP4_001.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KONeill_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/FlashMajik_001.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/gatkinson2_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] NDP took on Flash Majik in one of the only advertised matches. Hiratima wasn't at ringside, no explanation why. Gemma and Katie got into a catfight at ringside, lots of HLA chants going about. Flash tried too hard to win this match, trying to hit all his more ring based moves rather than his top rope/high flying moves. NDP locked in the Spinning Face Buster, and got the win. [b]B[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/NDP4_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/FlashMajik_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Hiratima1_001.jpg[/IMG] NDP decides to add insult to injury and beats down on Flash, Hiratima comes running to the ring, chair in hand. Hiratima swings at NDP, who ducks and rolls out the ring, the chair keeps swinging and hits Flash Majik, who slumps to the canvas motionless. Paramedics come to the aid of Flash as Hiratima can be heard saying "Sowwy" [b]C+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/GWATag.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/ChadGraham2_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KyleGraham_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/TedDiBiaseJr_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Xavier_001.jpg[/IMG] Tag Twins come to the ring, Newborn and Xavier come to the ring to challenge for the GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles. Tag Twins dominate the match from begining to end. Chad gets the win with a 450 on Xavier. Tag Twins make defence number 5 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles. [b]D+[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Prototype_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/TheKidd_001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/ChadGraham2_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/KyleGraham_001.jpg[/IMG] Next Generation attack Tag Twins in the ring, and leave them down and out. Obviously they're staking their claim in the tag titles, thought they were splitting up though? [b]B-[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/CDaniels_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Sabu_001.jpg[/IMG] The "Best Damn Multicontinental Champion in History" makes his way to the ring for this non title match. Sabu is out next. Sabu and Daniels don't seem to click here, match seems awkward to watch. Daniels and Sabu get similar amounts of offence during the match. Daniels picks up the win after hitting an Angel's Wings. [b]C[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/DavideSimeone_001.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/Psicosis2_001.jpg[/IMG] In the only otehr advertised match, Davide Simeone took on Nicho in a non title match up. RVD was ever present after joining for commentary, causing constant distractions for Simeone. Nicho never really managed to get much out of this match despite the constant advantages. RVD managed to entice Simeone out of the ring, Nicho sneak attacked him, and we had a battle up the walk way. The two competitors were counted out, to aload of "Bull****" chants from the crowd. [b]B[/b] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/rvd_ndp_001.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/DavideSimeone_001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/NDP4_001.jpg[/IMG] RVD attacks Simeone after the match and takes him towards the ring, a security guard hopes into the ring to try and break up the fight, until he turns and hits Simeone over the head with his Club. The security guard takes off his gear to reveal himself as NDP! [b]B+[/b] A show that could really have been improved, why Newborn and Xavier were chosen as the squash team for Tag Twins was unthinkable, surely stick the SAT in there, at least they're a credible tag team! The main event really was poor, we saw that match 2 weeks ago, and the ending just relly made no sense. [B]Show Rating - C+[/B] [u][b]Quick Results[/b][/u] [QUOTE][b]Pre Show[/b] [b]Alex Shelley[/b] defeated Chris Sabin in 4:13 by pinfall with a Shellshock. [b]Joey Matthews[/b] defeated Eddie Colon in 4:44 by pinfall with a Double Underhook DDT. [b]Rocky Romero[/b] defeated Jose Maximo in 4:46 by submission with a Jujigatame. [b]Show[/b] [b]James Martinez[/b] defeated Rob Conway in 11:05 by pinfall with a Gorilla Press Slam. [b]AJ Styles[/b] defeated Samoa Joe in 14:35 by pinfall with a Spiral Tap. [b]Team Redcar[/b] defeated The SAT II in 11:29 when Kid Richie defeated Joel Maximo by pinfall with a 450. [b]NDP[/b] defeated Flash Majik in 8:33 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster. [b]Tag Twins[/b] defeated Newborn and Xavier in 13:12 when Chad Graham defeated Xavier by pinfall with a 450. [b]Tag Twins make defence number 5 of their GWA World Heavyweight Tag titles.[/b] [b]Christopher Daniels[/b] defeated Sabu in 13:58 by pinfall with an Angel's Wings. [b]Davide Simeone[/b] drew with [b]Nicho[/b] in 10:42 following a double count out. During the match we also had Rob Van Dam run in and attack Simione.[/QUOTE][/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/GWA/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="7"]The Weekly Round Up[/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="5"][I]The Injury Report[/I][/SIZE] The Amazing Red has now recovered from his unfortunate Distended Anus, expect him to be back to full schedule as of this week. [SIZE="5"][I]The Champion Report[/I][/SIZE] Tag Twins showed their "dominance" in the Tag Division by defeating the team of James Newborn and Xavier, they managed to drag a half decent match out of their inferior opposition, and took the win with a 450 from Chad on Xavier. As we saw after the match, Next Generation attacked Tag Twins, is this an indication that they're the next title challengers? Christopher Daniels, "The Best Damn Multicontinental Champion in History" took on Sabu in a non title match up, nothing fancy, but he got the victory. Seems the Styles/Daniels fued will go on for a while, Daniels is hand picking Styles' opponents it seems, but Styles just wont be beaten! Finally, Davide Simeone was once again in action, and once again no defending the title, not that we expect the top title to be defended weekly on tv or anything. Nicho was his opponent once again, The Insider must be very happy to see that! Anyways, Simeone drew with Nicho after newcomer RVD managed to get Simeone out of the ring. Simeone was then attacked by RVD and fellow Italian NDP after the match. [SIZE="5"][I]Show Report[/I][/SIZE] The show could have been better in all honesty, but they got the messages across with certain matches (Styles/Joe to continue Styles/Daniels fued, Tag Twins/Newborn and Xavier to help push Tag Twins as dominant in the tag division). Martinez was used a fair bit last show, but, he is over with the fans, so why not capitalise on that! Not sure what they have planned for him, but he looked good against Conway, hopefully he wont be beaten too soon. Why was NDP involved in the Simeone attack? Well, we're not sure, because RVD didn't come out with Katie, so it seems their pairing has ended, it doesn't surprise me to be honest, RVD and Katie had no chemistry together as Manager/Client. Don't expect anything with NDP and Simeone next week. The TV rating for the show was 10.74, surprisingly up from last week despite a poorer show. [I][SIZE="5"]New Workers Report[/SIZE][/I] As reported in last weeks WN Weekly, Simon Inoki held negotiations with the GWA, about being apart of more than one GWA company. The board approved his request, and he held talks with GWA:RAW. He was signed moreorless immediately and is now a part of the GWA:RAW booking team which has seen a complete overhaul in recent weeks. No word on whether there will be a Japanese stable of somesort, but expect a few GWA:JPW workers heading over to GWA:RAW in the coming weeks/months. GWA have revealed that they have held succesful negotiations with several new workers. Samoa Joe, who debuted on this past weeks GWA:RAW on TV, has signed a 15 month contract, no idea what they will do with him, as he was defeated straight away, a push of somesorts is not expected at the time of writing. JJ Dillon has joined the GWA:RAW Booking Team, that in effect completes the 5 man booking team, Dillon may end up appearing on screen as a manager, no confirmation on this though. Former TNA tag Team The Naturals were signed to contract this past week as well, GWA seem to be really priding themselves on a Team Heavy tag team division, this of course will be something that WWE will be envious of, as their tag team division sucks to put it blunlty! A side note on this is, The Insider reported that this may happen! Yoshihiro Tajiri joined GWA:RAW this past week too, he is not involved with GWA:JPW, but could be in the future after he held talks with Simon Inoki recently. Expect Tajiri to be a good guy when he debuts. The reason he didn't debut last week is because management approached him with a possible gimmick, showing him as a member of the Yakuza, Tajiri rejected this in case it was seen as in insult, therefore endangering his health if he agreed. Finally on worker accuisitions, Maven Huffman, formerly of Tough Enough and WWE fame, joined the company, no reason behind this hiring as far as i'm aware, whether he will wrestle at all or just be a backstage figure is also unknown at this time. NDP extended his current contract for an extra 18 months, the on the rise Italian was said to be over the moon at being able to stay on with the company, expect him to continue getting pushed in the coming weeks. We'll be back next week as always, bringing you WrestlingNews' round up of the goings on within GWA:RAW![/CENTER]
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