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TCW - "Virtual" Dominance Becomes Real

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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]TCW - "Virtual" Dominance Becomes Real[/B][/SIZE] With my head held high I walk into Total Championship Wrestling's Headquaters, I see a patiently waiting promotion ready now to go into top gear. I've been through it all, ive jumped on a already dead promotion, ive began my own for two months, ive seen all there is to see, one thing I haven't is TCW's well deserved rise, in my mind TCW have Dominance over the rest. Some may say, there already doomed, I say the future isn't already written. That was the winning line in the mind of Tommy Cornell, one thing that is now written is the my name on the bottom of the new head booker job.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]My First Job in TCW[/B][/SIZE] Tommy has always been a bigger picture guy and that was the reason for my first job within TCW, to go through my whole roster and write a small summary on each of the general future for them and their currrent potential. [B]Main Eventers[/B] [B]Liberty[/B] Now we've got a great pop machine here, his ring skills should be shielded by this for the near future, yet at this point a main event title isn't the way to go as we need good wrestling in the main event, Liberty should still be an uppercarder though, his momentum should be built untill the bullet should be fired and have him lie down for somebody. [B]Troy Tornado[/B] Troy has got a lot ahead of him now he has recieved his heel turn. Since that storyline though I think we need to find more of a focus for him, we've got a long term goal, yet not a short one. [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] He is a great monster heel and should be used as that, due to his lack of skills we should keep his matches small, and keep him out of the main event. It is the perfect time to job him to someone though who really deserves it. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] Now Rahn has a good amount of potential, he could be the next big thing. But, he is still a little while away, see him as our insurance plan [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] A well deserved champion and should be our top heel and the man to beat in TCW [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] He can give us a good buyrate and can give a decent match when needed. But RDJ's future potential is near null, use him to get a few buyrates, then we really need to rethink this man's career [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [B]Joel Bryant[/B] I see a good upper card heel here who can easily go single and to go single should be our goal for him [B]Texas Pete[/B] He should be against other midcarders and maybe our maybe not go over, he has future potential but now isn't the time for him, settle him into the midcard for a while first. [B]Rick Law[/B] He has got a lot of potential, but we should keep it on hold for this season and go for broke then. [B]Rocky Golden[/B] He's doing really well in his current position, i'd like to keep him in the uppercard [B]American Buffalo[/B] I'd prefare to take him slowly and see who he has chemistry with. [B]Wolf Hawkings[/B] I have arrived just after a face turn, its exactly what I would have done as we've got way to many of them on our roster. Wolf is awesome in the ring and has an unlimited amount of potential [B]Midcarders[/B] [B]Wrestling Machines[/B] Wrestling Machines are both destined for greatness, for now though keep them as a team [B]The Darkness Warriors[/B] We should really maxamise them as the BLZ Bubb's crew [B]Painful Procedure[/B] The team aren't dead at all, although they are put as midcarders I feel that they could be part of some big time uppercard matches [B]Robert Oxford[/B] Joel isn't the right partner for him, give Joel a singles push and find a new partner of Oxford [B]Ronnie V. Pain[/B] Really in the last chance list here, job him out see if we can find any chemistry, if so give them a storyline to work with, no luck then he's got to get released [B]Charlie Thatcher[/B] Hope for some chemistry to build something off [B]Giant Tana[/B] Whenever we need someone to do a job to a brawler and get a good match out of it, Tana's our man [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [B]Chance Fortune[/B] I love this guy, he's got the skills to pay the bills, but his character is in need of inspiration [B]Ice Man CA[/B] He has got to pay his dues a bit, but pretty soon we need him to move up the ladder before he's seen as being purely a jobber [B]The Nation Of Filth[/B] TV only tag team [B]Freddie Huggins[/B] Another guy who has got good skills to pay the bills, although most likely a main event waiting to happen has got alot of potential to become a solid fixture in the midcard [B]Openers[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Long term plan - TCW world champion baby [B]The Young Guns[/B] Make a good tag team although gold doesn't seem to be anywhere near them, they can put on a good opening match to any show[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]From TheSmartMarkNation.com [SIZE="5"][B]TCW's New Owner Makes Some New Signings[/B][/SIZE] Only 42 hours removed from the big revealing of TCW's new owner, signings are being made, and there is an obvious oare for the future over them. CZCW's Black Eagle has been scooped up by TCW, a signing which was just waiting to happen. Also Fumihiro Ota the solid Japanese star has also been signed to a contract, rumours backstage say a possible team between them is being thought about. [SIZE="5"][B]TCW Have Made The Leap Under a New Booker To Get a Developemental Contract[/B][/SIZE] CZCW the very same promotion who TCW stole one of their best talents from earlier today Black Eagle have agreed to become TCW's new developemental territory. Developmental signings are going to be made soon[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] The young skilled Wolf Hawkings has overcome many big men in his TCW road so far, but can he do it again, as he will be facing American Buffalo. Painful Procedure have been rocking in the tag team devision a long time do they have what it takes to put down the "Tag Team Master" Robert Oxford & Joel Bryant? The TCW Champion Tommy Cornell has survived one month with the belt after beating RDJ back in December. Will his championship reign end on this edition of Total Wrestling as he will defend his belt against Rick Law in the main event [B]TUNE IN TO TOTAL WRESTLING TUESDAY AT 9PM ONLY ON GNN SPORTS[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Attendance - 5,000[/B][/SIZE] [B]DARK MATCH: AARON ANDREWS VS. CHARLIE THATCHER[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Charlie Thatcher def. Aaron Andrews with a Crusher Legdrop Notes: An awesome dark match, it was really surprising, they have great chemistry with each other, this is something we should bring to TV or PPV at some point [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]LIBERTY IS IN THE RING[/B] Liberty: This ring has had some brutal and bloody things occur in it, that isn't wrestling, its just violence, dude. One of these wrestlers or should I say Fighters is Genghis Rahn, is this what this company needs, someone with no respect for the buisness of wrestling he is... Genghis comes out Genghis: Who the hell are you to come out and offend my fighting style...dude. You are obviously looking for a beating and you've asked the right guy. Genghis runs into the ring and begins with right hands to Liberty's head. He whips him but Liberty reverses and drop toe holds him and locks in a good ol' headlock. Genghis uses his power to break it and rolls out the ring, points in disgust at Liberty and makes his way up the ramp [B]THE WRESTLING MACHINE VS. THE YOUNG GUNS[/B] [B]Result:[/B] The Wrestling Machines Notes: The Wrestling Machines & The Young Guns are a good clash of styles and both teams can but on a good match. Although there didn't seem to be chemistry there, it was pretty solid, the young guns though worked the match there style and didn't think about there opponents, which took the match down [B]Rating: C-[/B] A BLZ Bubb Video Of Dominance is Shown [B]BLZ BUBB VS. ICE MAN C.A[/B] [B]Result:[/B] BLZ Bubb in a squash Notes: A very good squash match it made BLZ Bubb look good but the five minutes it went was complete quality, BLZ Bubb really shows in a short match envioroment. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Backstage Taunting[/B] Rocky Golden bumps into Wolf Hawkings, Hawkings says sorry and attempts to walk off but Rocky grabs him by the arm Rocky: Sorry! Sorry!, why the hell are you saying sorry, eh. Its a showing of weakness Wolf: I don't need your advice Rocky: Oh, you don't Wolf: Yeah, I would be more worried about your match tonight if I was you Rocky: I might just do that Wolf: Well good Wolf walks away, as Rocky stands there thinking and then makes his way to the ring [B]GIANT TANA VS. ROCKY GOLDEN[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Rocky Golden Notes: Pretty decent match, Rocky is doing well in his current position [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]AMERICAN BUFFALO VS. WOLF HAWKINGS[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Wolf Hawkings Notes: Awesome match, the weird pairing have great chemistry, Wolf Hawkings can carry even the only brawling type to a really good match [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Rick Law Wants The Title[/B] Rick: Tommy my name isn't RDJ, my name isn't BLZ Bubb, im another kind of animal, I am here to bring justice to the world of wrestling, by taking your title around my well deserved waist, you've been warned [B]PAINFUL PROCEDURE VS. THE TAG TEAM SPECIALISTS[/B] [B]Result: [/B]Painful Procedure Notes: I solid if mediocre match, although this was the valley to Wolf Hawkings match. Painful Procedure go over in a very back and forth match-up [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]TCW Championship Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Tommy Cornell Notes: A great main event, Law was kept very strong throughout the match, although Cornell hit some really stiff kciks to Law's back. Cornell takes the win after BLZ Bubb comes in and knocks him out of his shoes with a clothesline. [B]Rating: B[/B] After the match BLZ Bubb continues the beat down, as Cornell walks away proudly holding his belt Overall: B-[/CENTER]
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Oh a good chemistry for Thatcher! That might save his job for some time. Sorry, I just can't get into that Thatcher. I can see good things into the other big brawlers, but not this one. Hard to see Ice Man CA in another role than a jobber, huh ? That's what I'm thinking too ;) A nice first show, I'll be there to see this unfold.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] Troy Tornado will be reliving an old feud as he takes on Randall Hoperkirk from Painful Procedure in what is sure to be a masacure Will Rocky Golden continue his Dominance and put Billy Jack Shearer down for the count In the main event, Texas Pete will be facing off against Ricky Dale Johnson, the winner will get a shot at Tommy Cornell and his belt at Malice in Wonderland, will RDJ get his rematch, or will the texan get his shot at the belt. [B]FIND OUT TUESDAY AT 9PM[/B][/CENTER]
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Nice first show. I'm a HGC/TCW mark so I'll pretty much read any diary on them. Very good rating for the Thatcher/Andrews match same goes for Buffalo/Hawkins, although the American Buffalo isn't quite the poorly skilled hoss that Thatcher is. I've found that Rocky Golden works out well in his default role, which is somewhat surprising since he doesn't seem anything too special. I've also found that so far Liberty is my MVP, putting on better matches than Cornell (although he's been aided by good opponents). Oh and one more thing, it's Wolf Hawkins not Hawkings. Other than that, I'll look forward to seeing your next event.
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[CENTER]From SmarkMarkNation.com [SIZE="6"][B]TCW's First Developemental Signings[/B][/SIZE] The first developemental contracts have been signed as TCW signs two 21CW wrestlers, Philip Cooper & "Mile High" Adam Matravers & MAW's Rising Star Erik Strong. These are certainly going to be potential stars. [SIZE="6"][B]TCW Makes New Signings[/B][/SIZE] TCW earlier today announced developmental signings, while they were at it they also picked up a new worker to move up right away. They have hired The Canadian Vetern Biff The Bruiser, some say to bring a old school swing to the promotion.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Attendance - 5,000[/B][/SIZE] [B]GENGHIS RAHN VS. GIANT TANA[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Genghis Rahn Notes: Giant Tana jobs in another good brawl [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Genghis Rahn Shows His Anger[/B] Genghis: Liberty last week you insulted my style, that is the textbook defination of my style, its called destroying your opponent physically untill he can't get back up. You will have the oppertunity to experience my style up close and personal at Malice in Wonderland [B]JOEL BRYANT VS. WOLF HAWKINGS[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Wolf Hawkings Notes: A fantastic match, this could have main evented this show easily, a pairing to remember for the future [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Tommy Cornell Disess The Crowd & Shares His Thoughts on RDJ & Texas Pete[/B] Tommy: I look around what do I see, Ricky Dale Johnson t-shirts. You don't know talent when you see it, you would rather support a freaking smoker, who poisons you whenever you go to your corner shop, whenever you go see your mistress, on a lonly friday night. Your being poisoned from this man's smoke every day, who do you cheer?, who do you boo?. My respect for this buisness stretches far enough to put on a show for you idiots. What about Texas Pete, eh?. Well, someone inform him that 1980's called and they wan't there gimmick back. I don't even get enough respect from managment as they have put me in a match tonight with the Ice Man, Ice Man C.A Ice Man C.A's music hits, Tommy puts down the microphone [B]ICE MAN CA VS. TOMMY CORNELL[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Tommy Cornell Notes: Tommy Cornell looks really good taking it to Ice Man CA in a beautiful little match. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]A Word From RDJ?[/B] Jack Avator is seen backstage attempting to get RDJ's comments on his match and Tommy Cornell's comments, RDJ stares blankly at him before walking away. [B]No. 1 Contenders Match RICKY DALE JOHNSON VS. TEXAS PETE[/B] [B]Result:[/B] RDJ Notes: In a good 15 minute contest, which proved to be very heated and very even. RDJ goes over with a half nelson slam. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Rocky Golden & Wolf Hawkins Backstage[/B] Rocky Golden is interupted while cutting a promo backstage by Wolf Hawkins, Wolf informs him that he's arranged a match up between them for the PPV. Rocky: Well, isn't that just great Wolf: Don't let it put you off too much you've got Billy Jack Shearer to worry about tonight Wolf lets out a smile and walks off, leaving Rocky something to think about [B]BILLY JACK SHEARER VS. ROCKY GOLDEN[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Rocky Golden In a less than average dissapointing match up, Golden continues dominence. Will the other half of Painful Procedure have a more successful night? [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]RANDAL HOPERKIRK VS. TROY TORNADO[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Troy Tornado Notes: Fantastic match-up from Troy tornado's good old days. The main event made the show. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Overall: B-[/B][/CENTER]
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I'll be paying attention to this diary as well, to see if there's anything that might help me in my own booking of TCW. I'm proud to report that I've elevated Wolf Hawkins to the main event and the Wrestling Machines to the upper midcard but that's all so far. Good luck dude.
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview[/B][/SIZE] Wolf Hawkings wants momentum going into his match with Rocky Golden in two weeks time, will he get it when he faces Freddie Huggins? The Darkness Warriors have been backing up BLZ Bubb for the past weeks, in there first tag team match this month they'll be facing painful procedure In the main event, Liberty will take on Joel Bryant, will Liberty show his dominance or will Joel Bryant show his strength and beat the unbeatable Liberty [B]TUNE IN TO TOTAL WRESTLING TUESDAY AT 9PM ONLY ON GNN SPORTS[/B][/CENTER]
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All hail King Cornell ! Hell, he dragged Ice Man C.A. to a quality bout ! I honestly had to read back to understand why Cornell trashed Texas Pete, I so skip over the match annoucement the first time. Couple of nice pairings so far, it's should be good for the ratings.
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Attendance - 5,000[/SIZE] [B]DARK MATCH: CHANCE FORTUNE VS. CHARLIE THATCHER[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Charlie Thatcher Notes: No good chemistry here, oh well, I wasn't expecting any. Charlie picks up some momentum, as we look for something for Fortune to do. Rating: C- [B]FREDDIE HUGGINS VS. WOLF HAWKINS[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Wolf Hawkins Notes: Fantastic early possible match of the night, i'm regreting putting this on first now. During the match Rocky Golden can be seen scouting his opponent on the backstage moniter Rating: B- A video showing BLZ Bubb screwing Rick Law out of the title match two weeks ago As the announcers hype up the next match between BLZ Bubb and Ice Man C.A they talk about how unlucky he is having to go against BLZ Bubb 2 weeks ago, Tommy Cornell last week then once again Bubb to go through tonight [B]BLZ BUBB VS. ICE MAN CA[/B] [B]Result: [/B]BLZ Bubb Surprisingly decent match up, another squash for BLZ Bubb Rating: C [B]BLZ Bubb Calls Out Rick Law[/B] BLZ Bubb grabs the microphone and shouts RICK LAW down it, as simple as that sentance was, it is very clear that he wants Law to come out and face him Law comes out and quickly runs to the ring When law enters the ring he stares into the yellow eyes of BLZ Bubb and begins to approach him. Suddenly, The Darkness Warriors come up from behind and beat down Law. Law is in trouble as Raul grabs a baseball bat from under the ring. Jay & Bubb hold Law in place as Raul is about to shoot for the fences. Wait, here comes Painful Procedure who The Darkness Warriors will be facing later tonight and knocks down Raul and grabs his bat, he hits Jay in the gut with it and then Raul, he turns round to see, Bubb heading for the backstage area, he throws down the bat and helps Law to his feet. The Announcers then hype up the following match between Tommy Cornell & Aaron Andrews, they get word that an incident is going on backstage [B]Aaron Andrews Beatdown[/B] Aaron Andrews is seen on the floor with big Charlie Thatcher kicking away at him and security men attempt to get him off, he shoves a few over and spits in Andrews face. The announcers point out how is he suppost to compete. Charlie walks off and ambulance crew arrive, Aaron tells them that he has a match and needs to go out to the ring [B]Tommy Cornell in the Ring[/B] Tommy: Whats wrong with this freakin' company, I can't just comes out here and face my scheduled opponent without some bull like this. I need to keep in fighting shape to be able to keep my title around my waist this is a freakin' conspiricy. Its managments fault and its you idiots fault. Aaron Andrews slowly holding his back comes out to the ring [B]AARON ANDREWS VS. TOMMY CORNELL[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Tommy Cornell Notes: Tommy show no remorce over the all ready hurt Andrews and ends it quickly Rating: C+ [B]The Wrestling Machines Backstage[/B] The Wrestling Machines are backstage, 2# is watching 1# taping up his hands, 1# looks up at 2# and they give a sadistic smile to each other [B]TEXAS PETE VS. WRESTLING MACHINE 1#[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Texas Pete Notes: Both look very good and Texas Pete looks much more intence than usual, the announcers say its due to his loss last week, Texas Pete grabs a chair and smashes Machine to cause a DQ. Rating: B- Texas Pete brings him to the outside of the ring and exposes the concrete floor. He picks him up and piledrives him. Machine 2# runs out but its too late the damage has been done. [B]PAINFUL PROCEDURE VS. THE DARKNESS WARRIORS[/B] [B]Result:[/B] The Darkness Warriors Notes: An awful match from two good teams, BLZ Bubb comes out and destracts Shearer and he found himself rolled up for the three by Jay Rating: D [B]LIBERTY VS. JOEL BRYANT[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Liberty Notes: Liberty and Joel Bryant give a good if not, very formualic match. Liberty kept having to work to keep Joel off his feet and Joel kept giving high impact moves to Liberty Rating: B- Genghis comes out and gives a sarcastic clap for Liberty as the show goes off the air Overall: C+[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]TCW Malice in Wonderland Announced Matches So Far[/SIZE][/B] [B]TCW Championship Match Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson BLZ Bubb & The Darkness Warriors vs. Rick Law & Painful Procedure Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins Genghis Rahn vs. Liberty Aaron Andrews vs. Charlie Thatcher[/B] ONE WEEK TO GO[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]TCW Total Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] In the last Total Wrestling before Malice in Wonderland... When Chance Fortune takes on Troy Tornado will the coin spin be heads or tails? Last week, Texas Pete destroyed Wrestling Machine 1# with a piledriver to concrete, Wrestling Machine 2# believes actions are better than words, he will have a chance to show that when he takes on Grunt In a sneak peak at Malice in Wonderland the crowd in the Missouri State Armoury and the viewers at home will see 3 on 3 action as the team of Tommy Cornell, Rocky Golden & Genghis Rahn will face RDJ, Wolf Hawkins & Liberty [B]DONT MISS IT TUESDAY NIGHT[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Attendance - 5,000[/B][/SIZE] [B]TAG TEAM SPECIALISTS VS. THE YOUNG GUNS[/B] [B]Result:[/B] The Tag Team Specialists Notes: Very solid tag team match, it keeps my chin up about the tag devision after last weeks poor performance from Painful Procedure and Darkness Warriors Rating: C+ [B]Rocky Golden Has Some Advice[/B] Wolf is seen in his locker room, he stands up and Rocky Golden appears on the screen, they stare at each other. Rocky: Tonight your going against Ronnie V. Pain, i've got some advice for you Wolf: ...oh, you do, ive got some for you Rocky: Really Wolf: yeah...Watch your back! Rocky: watch my back? Wolf: yeah, because at Malice in Wonderland I will be kicking it Wolf walks off [B]RONNIE V PAIN VS. WOLF HAWKINS[/B] [B]Result: [/B]Wolf Hawkins Notes: I just stuck Ronnie here because I needed to use him soon, but Hawkins carried him like a pro to a fantastic match Rating: B- A video recap was shown of the incident of Law getting beat down last week and painful procedure coming to his rescue. They also hype up the 3 v 3 match at Malice in Wonderland [B]Chance Fortune Wants A PPV Match[/B] Chance: Ive spun the wheel many times in my career and I don't even get a match at the PPV Robert Oxford can be seen in the background listening and then approching Oxford: I'll see you there Chance looks stuned at the suddeness and nods in acceptance Oxford walks off then returns Oxford: Oh, and your title is on the line Chance looks less appealed now [B]BLZ BUBB & RAUL DARKNESS VS. RICK LAW & BILLY JACK SHEARER[/B] [B]Result:[/B] BLZ Bubb & Raul Darkness Notes: BLZ Bubb & Raul Darkness steal the win in a less than average match-up, I put this together to help me figure out where to place this in the card, it did just that Rating: C- [B]Aaron Andrews Interview[/B] Avator: Last week Charlie Thatcher assaulted, em...atta... Andrews: No, assaulted is the right word, I was assaulted last week, anything I can say won't make a difference if your apparently the enemy of an idiotic meat head, you need your actions to do the talking, and at Malice in Wonderland, my actions will certainly do my talking [B]AARON ANDREWS VS. FREDDIE HUGGINS[/B] Result: Im sure the low rating wasn't due to skills and more due to lack of popularity, anyway Andrews has momentum for his match with Thatcher Rating: C- [B]CHANCE FORTUNE VS. TROY TORNADO[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Troy Tornado Notes: Great chemistry and a great match Rating: B [B]Wrestling Machine 2# Seeks Revenge[/B] Machine: Texas Pete will get his, at Malice in Wonderland, just as Grunt will get his tonight [B]GRUNT VS. WRESTLING MACHINE 2#[/B] [B]Result: [/B]Wrestling Machine 2# Notes: Machine and Grunt put on a great match, great chemistry here aswell. Rating: B- [B]RDJ, WOLF HAWKINS & LIBERTY VS. TOMMY CORNELL, ROCKY GOLDEN & GENGHIS RAHN[/B] [B]Result:[/B] Liberty pins Rocky Golden Notes: Although his second match of the night Wolf puts on a solid showing, everything was scripted well and made a great match Rating: B- Overall: B-[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]TCW Malice in Wonderland Final Card[/SIZE][/B] [B]TCW Championship Match Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson 3 v 3 Battle BLZ Bubb & The Darkness Warriors vs. Rick Law & Painful Procedure Special Challenge Match Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins The Clash of Styles Genghis Rahn vs. Liberty One-on-One Aaron Andrews vs. Charlie Thatcher Revenge Match Texas Pete vs. Wrestling Machine 2# Will The Losing Streak Continue Ice Man CA vs. American Buffalo All Action Title Chance Fortune vs. Robert Oxford Special Attraction Match The Japanese Connection vs. The Young Guns PREDICTIONS WELCOME[/B] [/CENTER]
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TCW Malice in Wonderland Final Card TCW Championship Match [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs. Ricky Dale Johnson 3 v 3 Battle BLZ Bubb & The Darkness Warriors vs. [B]Rick Law & Painful Procedure[/B] Special Challenge Match Rocky Golden vs. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] The Clash of Styles Genghis Rahn vs. [B]Liberty[/B] One-on-One [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Charlie Thatcher Revenge Match Texas Pete vs. [B]Wrestling Machine 2#[/B] Will The Losing Streak Continue Ice Man CA vs. [B]American Buffalo[/B] All Action Title [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Robert Oxford Special Attraction Match [B]The Japanese Connection[/B] vs. The Young Guns
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TCW Championship Match [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs. Ricky Dale Johnson [B]I think it'd be wise to keep the title on Cornell for now, although what do I know... I took it off him one show after Psycho Circus in HGC. :rolleyes: [/B] 3 v 3 Battle BLZ Bubb & The Darkness Warriors vs. [B]Rick Law & Painful Procedure[/B] [B]Hard to call, both Bubb and Law are saddled with fairly deadweight partners in this, but I'll go for Law and PP.[/B] Special Challenge Match [B]Rocky Golden[/B] vs. Wolf Hawkins [B]Hawkins has been calling this and come across like this match is already a foregone conclusion... methinks he's wrong.[/B] The Clash of Styles Genghis Rahn vs. [B]Liberty[/B] [B]I've developed a new love for Liberty in the last month.[/B] One-on-One [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Charlie Thatcher [B]Andrews is one for the future... Thatcher is barely one for the present.[/B] Revenge Match [B]Texas Pete[/B] vs. Wrestling Machine 2# [B]Cornell's been downplaying Texas Pete and his gimmick so perhaps this is the first step in the road towards becoming a credible challenger for the World title?[/B] Will The Losing Streak Continue Ice Man CA vs. [B]American Buffalo[/B] [B]Ice Man CA... jobber.[/B] All Action Title [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Robert Oxford [B]When I think of 'All Action', Robert Oxford doesn't come to mind and Fortune is ideal to be holding the belt from the start... no reason to stop it now.[/B] Special Attraction Match [B]The Japanese Connection[/B] vs. The Young Guns [B]The Young Guns... they're like a team version of Ice Man CA.[/B]
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