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BHOTWG 1975 - The Kitozon Years

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Just thought I would let everyone know I am still here haha. I will be posting Inferno of Purity in two parts, so I can focus on the matches and write as well as I can without feeling like I should just speed through them so I can write the others. First part should be up tonight, second part probably tomorrow night, then a tour review shortly afterwards.
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/InfernoofPurity.jpg[/IMG] [u]Inferno of Purity (Part One)[/u] Friday, Week 3, June 1975 Held in front of 25,961 at the Kanagawa Stadium in Kanto [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Alexander Tomov vs. Osei Khama[/u] [i]Tomov managed to ground the big man and lock in the Russian Clutch, and Osei promptly tapped out.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Warlord Agony vs. Yuto Ijima[/u] [i]Ijima took the win after dropping the big man with an Ijima Driver.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Yuto Ijima by pinfall [b]D+[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Takehide Minobe[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TakehideMinobe.jpg[/IMG] When Kazuo came down to the ring, he got a fairly mixed reaction, but he didn’t seem to realise at all. He was staring intently at the ring, almost as if he was going through his entire game plan before the match started. When Minobe made his way down to the ring, every person in the building seemed to be booing him with all of their might, which is quite impressive considering how short a time he has spent in BHOTWG so far. Both men looked at each other with the same angry expression before the bell rang, and as soon as it did, Minobe ran full speed at Kazuo, intent on taking his head off with a roundhouse kick. Mitsushi ducked underneath his leg however, and swept his other leg out from under him, causing Minobe to tumble backwards and hit the mat. He shot right back up to his feet however, not wanting to give Kazuo any ground, and the two met in a standoff. Neither man moved for a long time, not wanting to make themselves vulnerable to the others obvious strengths, Minobe’s kicks and Kazuo’s speed and technical ability. Despite this, however, Minobe tried to get the upper hand again by running in close and catching Kazuo with a stiff kick right to the chest, followed by a jab to the jaw. Mitsushi took this with little effect however, as he seemed to just shake it off and replied kindly with a kick of his own. Minobe staggered backwards for a moment before regaining his balance and booting Kazuo in the gut to regain control again. Kazuo doubled up, and Minobe took advantage with a double axe handle to the back before hoisting him up into the air for a suplex and bringing him crashing down to the canvas. He tried to get the pin, but Kazuo kicked out just before the two, causing the fans to mutter a little. Minobe pulled Mitsushi up to his feet and attempted to whip him across the ring, but Kazuo countered and whipped Minobe across the ring instead. When he came back, Kazuo bent forward in order to throw Minobe up for a back body drop, but Takehide kicked him stiffly in the chest when he did, causing Mitsushi to stand bolt upright and step backwards. Minobe capitalised and took Kazuo off of his feet with a quick clothesline, and then drove his elbow into Kazuo’s sternum before going for the cover yet again. He seems to be showing a much improved wrestling game here tonight, as he has strayed from his usual kickboxing style. Kazuo kicked out at two, and was pulled up to his feet yet again. Minobe connected with two consecutive jabs right to the jaw before going for an uppercut. Kazuo managed to move out of the way just in time, and took advantage of Minobe’s shock by booting him in the gut. He then slapped Minobe across the back of the head before driving his elbow into the back of his head as well. Minobe dropped down to the one knee, but slowly made his way back up to two, but was instantly booted in the gut again by Kazuo. He then grabbed his opponents head and proceeded to drive his knees into the former kick boxer’s forehead. Minobe dropped down to his knees after the sixth strike, which caused Kazuo to run to the ropes in hopes of following up with a running knee. Minobe moved out of the way, just like Kazuo had, and nailed Mitsushi right in the ribs with a stiff punch. He then booted his opponent in the gut before flipping him over onto the mat with a snap mare takedown. Minobe then kicked Kazuo strongly right in the spine, which caused Kazuo to yell in pain before locking him in a rear chin lock. This proved to be the wrong choice however, as Kazuo easily fought out of the move and made his way back up to his feet. He then elbowed Minobe three times in the gut before running to the ropes, and ducked underneath a desperate clothesline attempt from Minobe, before bouncing off of the ropes again. When Takehide turned around, Kazuo leapt into the air and connected with a Cross Body Press, and went for the pin on a surprised Minobe. He kicked out at two, but it was clear that Kazuo was not going to just give up, which took the smirk that had been present on Minobe so far right off of his face. Kazuo got back up to his feet, and as soon as Minobe had as well, he ran towards his opponent and booted him in the gut. Kazuo then whipped him in the corner, and tried to follow up wit ha corner clothesline, but met nothing but turnbuckle, as Minobe quickly moved out of the way. Takehide then got control of the match again by connecting with a spinning crescent kick right to the side of Kazuo’s head, causing the young star to drop forwards onto the mat, almost as if he had been knocked out by that single shot. Minobe pulled him up to his feet, although that was hard to do as Kazuo had gone limp, before Minobe hoisted him up onto his shoulders. Takehide spun around, with his arms outstretched almost as he was taunting the crowd. This proved to be his mistake, for the second time in the match, as Kazuo used this time to wriggle off of Minobe’s shoulder and dropped down behind him. He then booted Minobe in the gut when he turned around, and drove him down into the mat with a DDT, spiking him on the canvas and causing the crowd to cringe and moan in what appeared to be worry. Kazuo then pulled his prone opponent up to his feet and booted him in the gut. He lifted Minobe up into the air for the Ore Ga Mitsushi Brainbuster, but the former kickboxer managed to reverse the move by dropping down behind Kazuo and nailing him a Reverse DDT. He then quickly took advantage of the situation by pulled Kazuo up to his feet, and then nailing him right in the temple with a hook kick, causing Mitsushi to crumple backwards onto the mat. Minobe made the cover, and the referee made the count. Takehide had gotten the upset victory here tonight, and the fans didn’t appear to like it as they booed him. [b]Winner:[/b] Takehide Minobe by pinfall in 7:38 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Fairly good match. Had to make Kazuo lose in order to prevent the fans complaining about a young lion beating a non-young lion as Minobe has C- respect, and Kazuo has D-.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Black Manta vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/blackmanta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Both men came down to eh ring with a purpose. Jin was here to once again prove his worth, and since this was the last show of the tour, he wanted to secure his roster spot with a victory over Black Manta, as he also felt that having him on the roster would give the youngsters someone to learn from if the ‘big dogs’ weren’t available. Manta came down with the same sort of situation, making sure he had a roster spot for the next tour, but he wasn’t about proving himself, he was about showing all that he could do, as he felt that is the best thing he could probably do right now. When the bell rang, the two participants shook hands and instantly began to circle each other, watching each other to see who would break rank first and run at the other. This proved to be Manta, whose inexperience led to him forgetting that Jin would know what to do when he charged. Manta tried to clothesline the veteran down to the mat, but Jin easily ducked it and drove his elbow into the back of Manta’s head, causing his opponent to stagger forwards clutching his skull. Jin followed up with a strong double axe handle that caused Manta to drop down to one knee, and finished off with a huge back suplex that dropped Manta right on the back of his neck, causing him to grab in pain. Jin went for the cover, but his opponent kicked out right away. Both men shot back up to their feet and stared at each other, with Manta rubbing his neck in pain, before extending their hands to each other again and shaking. The crowd applauded this act of showmanship. Both men then locked up, with each trying to gain control. The more experience Jin managed to take it after a sharp knee to the gut and following that up by wrenching Manta’s arm back. Jin occasionally made the hold more painful by elbowing the limb every few seconds, in order to make sure he did as much damage as he possibly could before releasing the hold. Manta managed to resist the pain for a short time and struggled up to his feet. This was short lived however; as Jin noticed he was recovering and whipped him over with a modified arm drag. Manta tried to get over to the ropes, but Jin dragged him right into the middle of the ring before locking him in an arm bar. He wrapped his arm around Manta’s to make sure he had complete control of it before using his free arm to punch Manta in the ribs from time to time to weaken his opponent even more. Jin eventually grew tired of the hold, and when it became clear that Manta wasn’t going to tap out to it, no matter how much pressure he put into it, and pulled Manta up to his feet. Jin then whipped his opponent across the ring, and when he came back, Jin tried to lift Manta up into the air to hit a spinebuster, but Manta slipped behind him and wrapped his arms around Sakamoto’s waist, appearing to go for a German Suplex. Jin punched the clenched fist that Manta had formed in order to keep arms wrapped around Jin’s waist, and eventually managed to break it open. Then he grabbed Manta’s arms and used them to swing into a hammerlock hold, which caused Manta to leap forward and wrench his arms out of the hold in order to escape it. A small grin of laughter seemed to pass over Jin’s face, but it was gone almost immediately. Manta focused on Jin again and locked up, and managed to wrestle control of the match away from him by sticking him into a head lock. Jin tried to fight his way out of it with a series of punches to Manta’s gut, but he resisted the pain and just kept locking the move in tighter every time Jin tried to escape it. Sakamoto managed to power out of the hold thought, and pushed Manta away. Jin then waited for Manta to retaliate, but the youngster didn’t do anything, instead he just locked up again. Jin got control this time, and quickly drove his knee into Manta’s gut in order to keep it that way, and took him over with a snap suplex. Jin went for the cover, but Manta kicked out right away, albeit rubbing his back in pain from the suplex. Jin then stood up and waited for Manta to do so as well, and when he did, Jin rushed in and booted him in the gut and threw him up and over with a lightning fast gutwrench suplex, causing Manta to hit the canvas with thud and grab his back again. Jin pulled him up to his feet before whipped him into the corner, and when Manta hit the turnbuckles, Jin ran in and connected with a running clothesline, squashing Manta in the corner. Sakamoto then pulled Manta out of the corner, mainly to stop him falling to the mat and rolling to the outside, and booted him in the gut again. He then connected with a forearm to the side of Manta’s head, followed by a spinning back hand to the same spot. Manta shook his head after it connected, looking as if he was waking up from a daze, before collapsing forward onto the mat. Jin instantly went right back to work on Manta’s arms again, driving his elbow into the limb and then locking him in a tight arm bar. Manta was ready for this hold however, as he rolled forward, escaping the hold, and then dropkicked Jin in the face, catching him off guard. Manta then looked around and heard some fans begin to chant for him, which made him decide to go up to the top rope, something he hasn’t done so far in this match. When he reached the top, he flew off, going for the Black Hole Plunge, but Jin moved out of the way in time, causing Manta to eat canvas. He then stood up and pulled his opponent up, booted him quickly in the gut, hooked the leg, and connected with the Warriors Code, a Spinning Fisherman Suplex. He bridged it to make the cover, and the referee made the count. Manta had no energy to kick out after missing a move and then being nailed with such a big move. [b]Winner:[/b] Jin Sakamoto by pinfall in 7:59 [b]B-[/b] -[i]Good match from these two, I’m impressed[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Shikimara Mibu vs. Tatsumaki Azai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] When Shikimara came down to the ring, he seemed extremely bemused, almost as if he had not quite grasped the reason as to why his partner had walked out on him, officially breaking up their team, when he though everything was absolutely fine. Despite the fact they, as a team, lost most of their matches on this tour, Shikimara thought they were doing pretty well, having started out as champions. When Tatsumaki made his way down to the ring, he had a look of utter focus on his face, with his eyes never moving away from Shikimara, as if he didn’t trust his partner to just stand there. The bell rang, but Azai didn’t budge at all, instead he simply stood still and stared at Mibu, who was looking at him from across the ring with a confused look on his face. He seemed to be thinking if he could reconcile with Azai, possibly apologise for the trouble he has caused or something. He walked over to his former partner and extended one hand, seeming to want to place it on Azai’s shoulder, but Tatsu suddenly burst full of life and grabbed the arm, twisted it round, and put Mibu into a tight hammerlock submission. Mibu flailed with his free arm, before wrenching his locked arm free of the hold, and then looked at his foe with a look of hatred. He charged in, with his arm outstretched for a clothesline, but Azai easily ducked the move, and took Mibu down to the mat with a drop toehold, causing Mibu to hit his face on the canvas and rub his nose in pain. Azai then leapt forward and grabbed Mibu’s head. After slamming it into the mat just for good measure, he locked his former partner into a tight headlock, using all of his strength to keep the Sleeping Dragon down, as he knew that if he let Mibu get out of the hold, his former friend would explode like so many former foes have witnessed. Mibu began to break out of the hold, so Azai repositioned himself so he had his weight on the area where Mibu was breaking through, and it seemed to work, as Mibu immediately stopped moving, almost as if he was giving up already. Azai then tried to reposition himself again, but this is what Mibu had been waiting for, as he exploded full of energy, pushing Azai off of him and into the air. He sat up, made his way up to his feet and stared a hole right through Azai, and his eyes flashed red for a split second, as if something had just clicked. He sprinted towards Azai, and when Tatsu ducked a clothesline attempt, Mibu caught Azai off guard with a sharp elbow to the back of the head, followed by a spinning double axe handle to the spine, which caused Tatsu to drop down to the one knee. Mibu then walked over to him, punched him in the back, and then lifted him up so he was standing on both feet before whipping him across the ring. When Azai came back, Mibu threw him up and over, sending him crashing down in a really big back body drop. Mibu went over and made the cover, but Azai kicked out at two, causing Mibu to simply stand up and pull him up to his feet before smashing him across the jaw with a closed fist. Azai spun around and dropped down to the one knee, clutching his jaw in pain, but was instantly picked up by Mibu, who hoisted him up into the air and drilled him backwards into the mat with a big back suplex. Azai rubbed his back in pain, and slowly made his way back up to his feet. Mibu ran at him again, eager to knock him off of his feet, and wildly flailed his arm to connect with a clothesline, but Azai leapt up, latched himself onto Mibu’s outstretched arm and dragged him down to the mat for an armbar. Mibu tried to roll forward, but he proved to be just too large to do so, as Azai easily kept him from moving at all by putting severe amounts of pressure on the arm by switching from a regular armbar to a fujiwara armbar. Mibu tried to claw his way over to the ropes, but Azai stopped him from doing so, constantly pulling the big man towards the center of the ring whenever he did, and then driving his elbow into the limb or head butting it to regain control of Mibu. Azai then slowly got up to his feet, pulling Mibu with him, constantly wrenching the arm out of the socket to stop Mibu from having a chance at getting control. Azai then used the arm as leverage to flip the big man over with an arm drag, before locking him in another armbar. Mibu managed to power out of this however, by simply making his way up to both feet, with minimal visible effort, and then elbowing Azai stiffly in the gut, forcing him to release the hold in pain. Mibu then ran to the ropes, and when he came back, Azai tried to take him down again with a drop toe hold, but Mibu simply ran over his legs and came back with a running kick to the head of Azai, who dropped to the mat and went limp. Mibu pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, and as soon as he made contact with the turnbuckles, he charged full speed at his former partner, intent on breaking him in half with a spear in the corner. Azai was worried at this time, as he seemed to have awoken the beast with Mibu for some reason during this match. He quickly thought of a way to evade the spear, and he did so by leaping over Mibu’s head, landing behind the big man, and then ran to the ropes. Mibu staggered out of the corner and stumbled into the middle of the ring before turning to face Azai, who kept bouncing off of the ropes to build up speed. Mibu tried to clothesline him when he came too close, but Azai ducked under it and bounced off of the ropes one more time. This time, as soon as Mibu turned to face him, Azai leapt into the air, span his leg whilst doing so, and connected with a spinning kick right to Mibu’s jaw, a move that has been re-named the True Warrior’s Spirit, causing the monster to fall backwards and hit the mat with a thud. Azai then scurried over and made the cover, while the referee made the count. Azai managed to get the victory, and quickly made his way up the ramp, not wanting to be around his partner when he recovered from that kick. [b]Winner:[/b] Tatsumaki Azai by pinfall in 7:37 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Guess there was a problem due to their conflicting styles.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Atsushi Nagamichi & White Manta w/Flash Asagi vs. Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura w/Kenzo Isozaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] When Nagamichi and Manta came down to the ring, they had a very focused expression on their faces, Manta more so due to not technically being a part of this rivalry. Flash Asagi followed them down to ringside, as he wanted to see how Atsushi fared, as well as being there to back up his team should there be trouble. Byron came down to the ring with a big grin across his face, while Satoru had the same empty expression that he always has, most likely because he just wanted to start the match already. Kenzo came down with a huge smile, as he was incredibly happy about his match later tonight. He was mainly here to aid his stable mates. Both teams spoke to each other, but as soon as the bell rang, Atsushi and Byron went to the apron, and it was then clear that Manta and Satoru would be starting out the match against each other. The two men circled each other for a short time, before Satoru charged in at Manta and elbowed him in the gut, causing him to double over. He whipped manta over with a snap mare takedown, but the veteran found his way back up to his feet quickly, and snapped off a beautiful dropkick right to Satoru’s gut, causing him to fall backwards to the mat. Sugimura shot back up to his feet and charged at Manta again, but this time when he tried to elbow Manta like before, the veteran grabbed his arm, elbowed the limb and then brought him down to the mat with an arm bar. Satoru struggled to get out of the hold originally, but eventually managed to roll out of the move. Manta got up to his feet as well, but was met with a forearm to the side of the head from Satoru which caused him to stagger backwards, giving Satoru the chance to charge at the veteran and take him off of his feet with a running clothesline. Sugimura went up to the top rope, and when he saw Manta getting up, he leapt out of the corner to attempt a missile dropkick. Manta managed to move out of the way just in time however, and Satoru crashed to the canvas below. Manta then went over to his corner and tagged in Atsushi in order to keep himself fresh. Satoru slowly made his way back up to his feet, but was instantly knocked back down with a running elbow smash right to the jaw. Atsushi went for the cover, but Sugimura kicked out almost right away, causing the fans to loudly boo him. Nagamichi pulled the Masked Assassin back up to his feet, but Satoru escaped his clutches with three consecutive elbows to the gut, causing Atsushi to double over in pain, grabbing his stomach. Satoru quickly grabbed his opponents arm and whipped him across the ring, and when Atsushi came back, he took him down with a drop toehold, causing him to fall flat on his face and grab his nose in pain. Satoru quickly shifts around Atsushi and grabs his arm before locking him in a tight crow bar. He occasionally applied pressure to the shoulder joint by pulling the arm back further whenever Nagamichi tried to escape the submission. Eventually however, Atsushi fought his way back up to standing and nailed Satoru in the side of the face with a forearm. Satoru didn’t want Atsushi to gain momentum, so the masked assassin kicked him in the back of the knee, causing him to drop down, and promptly locked him in an arm wrench. Atsushi yelled out in pain, but managed to roll forward to get out of the hold, but Satoru instantly grabbed Nagamichi’s head and shoved him to the ground before he could get away properly. Sugimura then went over to his corner and tagged in Byron, who eagerly hopped into the ring, clearly energetic. When Atsushi stood up, Byron ran at him full speed and connected with a stiff dropkick which caused Atsushi to hit the mat and roll backwards from the impact. Valmont then went up to the top rope and waited for Atsushi to get back up to his feet, and when he did, he flew off of the turnbuckles and nailed a picture perfect flying head scissors takedown, sending Atsushi flying across the ring. Byron went over to his opponent and attempted to pull him up to his feet, but got nailed in the chest with a vicious chop from Atsushi which caused him to stagger backwards and lose his momentum. Nagamichi quickly followed this up with a running chop which caused Byron to drop down to one knee, and then nailed Valmont in the head with a stiff knee, which caused him to fall backwards onto the mat rubbing his skull. Atsushi shifted his to the mat as he locked Byron in a tight grounded headlock, putting as much pressure on the British flier’s skull as he could, in order to take advantage of the knee he connected with earlier. Valmont tried to power out of the hold, but Atsushi had shifted too much of his weight into the hold which stopped him from doing so, but eventually managed to roll over while in the hold, and then pushed up with all of his strength, slowly getting up to both feet. He then twisted several times in order to try and get Atsushi into a backslide cover, but Nagamichi fought out of it and then struck Valmont in the back of the head with a stiff elbow shot, causing him to stagger forwards. Atsushi then wrapped his arms around Valmont’s waist, and due to his temporarily dazed state, he couldn’t counter, and then hoisted him up and over with a German Suplex, causing him to land on the back of his neck. Atsushi went over to his corner and tagged Manta back in, and the veteran hastily clambered into the ring and waited for Byron to get back up to his feet. When he did, Manta booted him in the gut and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, Manta leapt into the air and connected with a Jumping Enziguri, causing Byron to flip over from the impact of the move and stare up at the ceiling with a glazed look in his eyes. Satoru ran into the ring to try and stop a pinfall attempt, but Atsushi came back into the ring and floored him with a Sensational Hammer. Manta made the cover and managed to get the victory for his team and Tasuku Nandaba’s stable. [b]Winner:[/b] Nagamichi & Manta by pinfall on Valmont by Manta in 9:32 [b]B[/b] – [i]Really good match considering who was in the match.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Kiba Izumi Submission Singles[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] When Stunner made his way down to the ring, he seemed to be extremely happy. He may have been happy to be facing Kiba, or he may simply just be happy at the fact he is having a match. When Kiba came down to the ring however, his expression was a completely different story, as he was completely focused, and looked almost upset that he was having to wrestle, as if he felt he didn’t need to in order to prove himself. The fans in the crowd were wondering whether Stunner could get the upset victory in this match and begin a new winning streak, or whether Kiba was going to be too much of a challenge for him to overcome. As soon as the bell rang, both men charged at each other and locked up. Kiba managed to gain control due to being taller and a little bit more powerful, and slapped on a tight side headlock on Stunner. The young star managed to fight out of the move pretty quickly, as he pushed Kiba away and then kicked him in the back before whipping him strongly across the ring. When Izumi came back, Stunner tried to take him off of his feet with a Running Spin Kick to the jaw, but Kiba ducked it, grabbed Stunner’s leg as it came down, and then used that to take his opponent down with a sudden STO, causing Stunner to crash to the mat and land on the back of his neck, causing him to roll around in discomfort and rub his neck. Kiba quickly took advantage of this situation when he took hold of Stunner’s leg once again and kicked at the knee three times before driving his elbow into the joint and dropping to the mat to lock in a knee lock, applying pressure from time to time by pulling the lower leg further around him. Stunner yelled out in pain when it was first locked in, and struggled to find an initial way to get out of the hold, but then suddenly realised what he could do, and locked Kiba in a body scissors out of nowhere. Izumi released Stunner’s leg, which caused Stunner to release the leg scissors and roll away before slowly making his way up to his feet. Kiba ran at him with an outstretched arm, obviously attempting a clothesline, but Stunner ducked underneath it and dropkicked Kiba in the back, causing him to fall forward and hit the mat. Stunner quickly took control of the match by springing forward and locking in a neat grounded side headlock, which Kiba struggled to escape at first, but then managed to get out of it after smashing his forearm into Stunner’s back several times, forcing him to release the hold and move away in order to recover. Okazawaya stood up, and got ready for another sneak attack, but Kiba just locked up with him again. Izumi managed to get control again, this time wrenching Stunner’s arm up behind his back in a hammerlock, causing Stunner to grunt in pain and desperately try to wrench his arm free. Kiba refused to let him do so, and he continually pushed Stunner’s arm further up his back every time he tried to get free. Stunner eventually gave up on trying to escape the hold that way, and decided to try and elbow Kiba in the side of the head to make him release it. Kiba ducked underneath the first attempt, and thought he had kept control, but that was not the case, as Stunner used Kiba’s double over position to quickly drive him down into the mat with a vicious DDT which caused the crowd to groan in worry. Kiba remained limp for a while, before slowly making his way up to his feet, Stunner had done the same, as he was trying to recover from the recent submissions he had been locked in. Kiba then ran towards Stunner to attempt a shoulder block, but the smaller Stunner evaded the move by leapfrogging Kiba in a truly athletic style, and so Kiba kept running towards the ropes. He bounced off of them and attempted to nail Stunner with the same shoulder block, but Stunner countered by leaping into the air and nailing a beautiful jumping leg lariat which connected right with Kiba’s jaw, sending him crashing to the mat. This was a chance for Stunner to lock in a hold while Kiba was dazed, but he had used up a lot of energy in order to do that move, and he recovered on the mat. He slowly made his way up to his feet, and walked over to pick Kiba up off the mat, but was nailed three times in the gut when Kiba countered with stiff elbow shots. Stunner doubled over in pain, and Kiba drilled him in the back with a strong double axe handle that sent him down to the mat clutching his back. Kiba then stomped at his knee in order to weaken it up for the Feral Ankle Lock, and after the seventh shot, dropped down to the mat and applied a leg scissors to Stunner’s lower leg, further softening the limb up for his finisher. Stunner grunted loudly in pain and clawed his way over to the ropes, eventually managing to grab onto the bottom one to force Kiba to break the hold, which he didn’t do until the referee counted to three, which caused the fans to boo him loudly for the lack of sportsmanship. Izumi didn’t care at all, as he has shown in his last few matches, and resumed his stomping of Stunner’s knee in order to keep it soft. Okazawaya managed to get away from this and rolled out of the ring in order to recover, but he soon found himself flat on his back when Kiba performed a move many thought he couldn’t possibly do, when he flew off of the top rope and connected with a Diving Cross Body Press to the outside onto Stunner, which made the crowd applaud him despite their dislike of him. Kiba rolled Stunner back into the ring and locked him in a tight cross knee lock, trying to make the legs as weak as possible so Stunner would tap out immediately to the Feral Ankle Lock. Stunner struggled and struggled while in the hold as he constantly tried to reach out for the ropes which were not that far from where he was, but Kiba stopped him from moving at all. Stunner eventually managed to power out of the hold by pushing himself up on his arms, and then using that added strength to get to the ropes and force Kiba to break the hold. Stunner held onto the bottom rope while using his free arm to rub his leg as it was really beginning to hurt, but before long he was pulled up to his feet by Kiba and booted in the gut. Kiba draped Stunner’s arm over his shoulder, kneed him in the gut for good measure and then took him up and over wit ha nice vertical suplex, causing Stunner to grab his back in pain from the impact. Kiba went over to his opponent and picked him back up before whipping him strongly into the corner. He charged at Stunner, but found nothing but turnbuckle as Stunner leapt over him and landed behind him. Kiba turned around and was met with a strong dropkick right to the face which sent him hurtling back into the corner. Izumi hit the turnbuckles with the back of his head and slowly dropped to the bottom pad. Stunner saw this and backed away before charging in and driving his good knee into Kiba’s face, causing the veteran to roll out of the ring, albeit incredibly loosely as that move seemed to have dazed him. Stunner took this time to heal his injuries, as he didn’t dare follow Kiba out in case the veteran had laid a trap for him. Izumi made his way back into the ring before the referee counted him out, and instantly went back on the assault, kicking and punching away at the smaller Stunner, connecting with an uppercut to the jaw that knocked him down to the mat. Kiba waited for him to get up before charging at him with a clothesline attempt, but Stunner ducked it at the last nanosecond, ran to the ropes and exploded with a Running Destiny Kick! Kiba flew backwards and hit the mat with a thud, while Stunner slowly made his way over and locked in a Sharpshooter! Kiba screamed out in pain while in the hold, and it seemed like Stunner was about to win despite not softening up his opponent, before Kiba eventually clutched the bottom rope with both hands, and actually wrapped his arms around them to prevent Stunner from pulling him back into the middle of the ring. Kiba slowly pulled himself up to his feet using the ropes, and charged at Stunner, eager to regain his control of the match, but was taken down by a really fast drop toehold. Stunner then quickly locked Kiba in a leg lock, putting his foot on Izumi’s knee, and then pulling the lower leg back, applying pressure from time to time by increasing the stretch. Kiba screamed out in pain every time he did so, and only got out of the hold by again clawing his way over to the ropes. Stunner backed off, actually recovering himself, as he hadn’t fully rested the injuries he suffered earlier in the match, and when Kiba stood up he charged towards him. He tried to knee him in the gut with his good knee, but Izumi grabbed it before Stunner made contact with him, and then took him down to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip. Kiba kept hold of the leg, and once again unloaded with a series of kicks to the knee, before leaping into the air, straightening the leg out on the mat, and nailing a leg drop on the knee, causing Stunner to yell out in pain and reach for his knee, as if to plead for Kiba to stop. Izumi took this expression of pain as permission to inflict even more, as he grabbed Stunner’s lower leg and began to slowly wrap it around his own, stretching it beyond how it was supposed to. The fans began to boo him again, while Stunner screamed out in pain. Kiba got bored of the hold however, and stood up, giving Stunner some more valuable time to relax. Izumi waited for his opponent to get up to his feet, and when Stunner did, Kiba ran towards him and thrust his knee into Okazawaya’s gut, causing the smaller man to double over in pain. Kiba drove his elbow into Stunner’s spine, making him drop down to one knee, and then whipped him across the ring. When he came back, Kiba snapped him over with an amazingly quick Powerslam, and Stunner yelped in pain before rolling back to the outside again. Izumi tried to drag Stunner back into the ring by his hair, but the young star got the better of the veteran by bringing his neck down across the ropes. Stunner then used the time when Kiba was rolling around in pain on the mat to climb up to the top rope of a nearby corner. When Izumi turned to face him, he leapt off of the ropes and tried to connect with a Missile Dropkick, but Kiba caught him in mid-flight, and rolled him over into a Boston Crab. Stunner flailed with both of his arms in an attempt to get to the ropes, and when it seemed like he was just about to get there, Kiba dragged him back into the middle of the ring. Stunner tried once more, but this prompted Kiba to put a stop to the match, as he switched from a Boston Crab into the Feral Ankle Lock with blinding speed! Stunner screamed and screamed in pain, and desperately tried to get to the ropes, but Kiba refused to move, even going so far as to apply a leg scissors submission as well to prevent Stunner from moving at all. Okazawaya tried every direction, and the fans urged him on, but eventually he succumbed to the pain and tapped out. As the referee raised Kiba’s hand in victory, the fans were on their feet applauding the effort of both men, especially Stunner, who had put up a heck of a fight. The two men had put on a classic, something that will stick in the minds of the fans for a long time. [b]Winner:[/b] Kiba Izumi by submission in 10:39 [b]A[/b] [i]- Fantastic match! Wow! They had pretty good chemistry together, which could mean good things for both men.[/i] _______________________________________________ [i]Comments appreciated. There will actually be two more parts, considering the length of the show. Next part will be up within the next few days.[/i][/center]
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[I]Apologies for posting this so late, work has been crazy lately. This is part two, matches 6-10, and part three, the final three matches, should be up Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. Sorry again to those who may have thought I was not interested in this anymore, I tend to get distracted easily, and when I need to unwind after work, I tend to forget about the show. Comments are always appreciated, and I would really like to know what you think of the matches I've written so far, as I've tried my best with ones that deserve it.[/I] __________________________________________________________ [center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/InfernoofPurity.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Inferno of Purity (Part Two)[/u][/b] Friday, Week 3, June 1975 Held in front of 25,961 at the Kanagawa Stadium in Kanto [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Ares Aegaleus vs. ??? Greek God Challenge[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/AresAegaleus.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/bg_bio_original.jpg[/IMG] The fans were eagerly awaiting this match up, as they loved to see Ares back on the Japanese wrestling scene, although the true BHOTWG fan dislikes him due to him working for GCG during the 60’s. When he walked down to the ring, he got a very mixed reaction, but he showed no reaction to it. He slowly made his way up the ring steps and then stepped over the ropes into the ring, and turned to stare at the entrance ramp to see who he would be facing. He waited for a short while, when suddenly another huge guy charged out from the back and ran, as well as he could, down to the ring. The crowd exploded with boos as he did so, as they instantly recognized him. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] Ares looked slightly surprised at who his opponent was, but as soon as Saito made it onto the apron he clobbered him in the side of the face with a closed fist, causing the other behemoth to lose his grip and fall backwards to the outside. Ares instantly followed him out; knowing full well what would happen if Saito gained momentum. He grabbed his opponent by the head, but was forced to release him when Saito nailed him in the gut with three punches. Ares backed away, but quickly readied himself for another assault, easily ducking a clothesline attempt from Saito and drove his elbow into the back of the behemoths head causing him to stagger forwards. Ares took this time to climb back into the ring but Saito stopped him from doing so, pulling his legs back and causing Ares to hit his head on the ring apron. He then pulled Ares up to his feet before chopping him strongly in the chest, but was hit with a punch across the jaw in retaliation. Saito backed up the ramp after the shot, and Ares followed him, constantly trading punches with the behemoth. They continued fighting up the ramp and disappeared backstage, at which the referee called for a stop to the match. The fans were annoyed the match had been so short, but were happy to see both men showing true determination. [b]Winner:[/b] No Contest at 3:42 due to the referee losing control [b]B-[/b] [i]- Pretty good for what it served to do.[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Shogo Takani Submission Singles[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] When these two men came down to the ring, they looked completely focused, as a win for either man could mean big things for them. If Sanada walked away with the win at the end of the match, he would be one step closer to getting a title shot, and if Shogo walked away with the win he would have proved he is still the best technician on the roster, having single-handedly ending the undefeated streak of Noriyoshi Sanada, and could possibly get a title shot due to doing so. When the bell rang, Sanada rushed towards Shogo, eager to take the more experienced veteran off of his feet. But Sanada was taken down instead by a sudden back elbow to the jaw from Shogo, and fell backwards onto the mat clutching his jaw. Shogo walked over to him and pulled him up to his feet, but got hit in the gut by a fist from Sanada who then tried to suplex Shogo, but the veteran was too heavy to lift at the moment, and Sanada’s back gave in and he dropped down to one knee. Shogo took advantage of this opening by driving his knee into the top of Sanada’s head, causing the undefeated star to fall backwards onto the mat, Shogo then ran to the ropes and when he came back he leapt into the air and drove his knee into Sanada’s head once more, causing Noriyoshi to roll around in pain. Shogo then switched his focus to Sanada’s legs, stomping at the knee several times before locking him in a generic knee lock. Sanada showed the skill that has kept him undefeated when he rolled out of the knee lock, bringing Shogo forward onto the mat in front of him, and then dropkicked him in the back of the head, causing the aged veteran to roll around on the mat for a little while before slowly getting back up to his feet. This was a mistake on Takani’s part however, as Sanada charged at him and connected with another dropkick, this time to Shogo’s chest, causing him to fall back onto the mat. Sanada quickly chased his opponent, grabbing his arm, stretching it out, and then driving his elbow into the joint. He continued the assault by pushing the arm away from where his elbow was, as he had quickly replaced it with his knee, causing Shogo a lot of pain. Takani pulled his arm out of the hold, albeit painfully, and rolled onto his front in order to prevent Sanada from getting near his arms again. Noriyoshi came up with a new game plan on the spot, which surprised the fans and Shogo, and leapt into the air, before stomping down on Takani’s back with both feet in a double foot stomp. Shogo grunted in pain, but yet he couldn’t get away as Sanada had quickly dropped the elbow right into the spine of the veteran, stunning him temporarily. Sanada then took advantage of this dazed state by pulling Takani back onto his knees, and then locked him in a surfboard. The veteran yelled out in pain and thrashed about with his arms, trying to reach for the ropes, but was pretty much in the middle of the ring. He eventually fought his way out of the hold by finding a way to elbow Sanada, causing his opponent to release him due to the shock of the impact. Shogo got up to his feet fairly quickly, but was clearly suffering from that series of attacks, as he seemed to be out of breath and slightly hunched, clutching his arm. Sanada attempted to take advantage of this again, as he charged in towards Shogo, but the veteran ducked out of the way with amazing speed for someone his age, and took Sanada down with a stiff kick to the back, which had such impact that Sanada yelled out in pain and crumpled forward onto the mat. Shogo instantly began to target his legs again, stomping on his knees and then leaping into the air before driving his knee into Sanada’s knee. Shogo stood up with trouble after this, as he seemed to have hurt himself doing that move, but Sanada appeared to have suffered more, as he was rolling around the mat clutching his knee in pain. Shogo went over to his undefeated opponent and pulled him up to his feet before booting him in the gut and hoisting him into the air for a suplex. Sanada managed to wriggle out of it and landed behind Shogo, but he lost his advantage due to his bad knee, as he couldn’t steady himself in time, allowing Takani to swing around and nail him with a back hand slap to the side of Sanada’s face, causing him to back away and drop down to one knee. Shogo ran to the ropes, and when he came back he tried to kick Sanada stiffly in the chest, but Noriyoshi moved out of the way of the move, causing Shogo to stumble forwards due to loss of balance, and then nailed his veteran opponent in the back of the knee with a sweeping kick, causing him to fall backwards onto the mat. Sanada kept on the offensive, just like before, and locked Shogo in a tight knee lock, before also grabbing one of Takani’s arms and locking it into a crow bar, causing Shogo to scream in pain due to the pressure being applied by the two holds. Takani, against all odds, managed to claw his way to the ropes with his free arm, and grabbed onto the bottom rope to force Sanada to break the hold, which he did instantly due to not being the ‘cheating’ type. He pulled Shogo back into the ring as soon as he released the ropes however, and tried to lock in the Sanada Pyramid, but the veteran fought his way out of it by scrambling back over to the ropes and latching onto them. Sanada went over to Shogo and kicked him in the stomach, and continued to do so until the veteran released the ropes, and then pulled him back into the middle of the ring. Sanada decided that he needed to make sure Shogo was out before he locked in his submission, so he pulled Shogo up to his feet, booted him in the gut and then hoisted him onto his shoulders, with the veteran facing the ceiling in a Torture Rack position. Takani tried desperately to wriggle out of the move, but Sanada nailed an Argentine Backbreaker Drop, which Sanada apparently calls the Legacy Drop. Shogo bounced off of Sanada’s shoulders and screamed in pain before rolling around on the mat, holding his back. Sanada then didn’t waste any time and immediately locked in the Sanada Pyramid, which Shogo instantly tapped out to due to the damage his back had just taken. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission in 12:04 [b]B[/b] [i]- Good match, not as good as it could have been though...[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Match 8:[/b] Black Serpent Cult© vs. Onishiki & DEMON Yukata For the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] When the Cult came down to the ring, with their belts proudly draped over their shoulders, they seemed on top of the world. They had broad smiles across their faces, and walked with confidence. Fans looked at them quizzically, wondering why they looked so happy, but soon turned their attention to the entrance ramp where Dayu Ichihara, Satoru Sugimura and Byron Valmont, Kenzo was not present as he was preparing for his match, appeared and soon caught up with their stable allies. This brought a huge amount of boos from the crowd, but the Cult was still smiling as happily as ever. When Onishiki and DEMON Yukata came down to the ring, they were not smiling, but merely staring at the five people in the ring. All but Cobra & Viper cleared the ring as Onishiki & Yukata entered, and the bell rang to signify the start of the match. Cobra left the ring and went over to his corner, while Yukata did the same for his team. Onishiki and Viper initially circled each other, but both charged in at the other and met in the middle with a collar & elbow tie up. Viper appeared to have won control at first, but Onishiki then pushed Viper away and slapped him across the jaw. The fans agreed with this gesture and mocked Viper, but this only served to anger the gaijin, who leapt into the air and connected with a spinning kick to the side of Onishiki’s head, causing the former sumo to drop to the mat and stare at the ceiling. Viper’s face was one full of rage, as he never liked to be insulted, and he began to leave the ring to try and get to his snake, which was wrapping it’s way around Satoru, who looked extremely worried about the animal, but Dayu stopped him from doing so, telling him to focus on the match. Viper turned back round and focused on Onishiki, but was met with another slap to the jaw which spun him around and was then cracked in the back with a double axe handle from the Samoan Sumo. He dropped down to one knee, and Onishiki approached him to pulled him back up to both feet, but Viper spun round and connected with a punch to the side of the face, causing Onishiki to stagger backwards rubbing his face in pain. A smile appeared, and it seemed that Onishiki was happy with how Viper reacted, before he suddenly kicked Viper stiffly in the face, causing him to fall backwards onto the mat. Onishiki stomped on his stomach briefly before pulling the champ up to his feet and whipping him across the ring. When Viper came back, Onishiki lifted his knee and drove it into his gut, causing the champ to flip over and clutching his stomach in pain, as it had just been subjected to a lot of sudden pain. Onishiki then pulled him up to his feet again before whipping him into his team’s corner, and as soon Viper hit the turnbuckles, he charged in with a corner clothesline attempt, but Viper suddenly moved out of the way, and Onishiki crashed into the corner and fell backwards onto the mat. Viper turned his attention briefly to Yukata on the apron, and he punched him off before turning his attention back to Onishiki, pulling the Samoan up to his feet. Viper locked him in a side headlock, but was hit in the gut three times by an elbow strike from Onishiki who ran to the ropes as soon as the champ released the hold. The Samoan tried to come back with a clothesline, but Viper ducked underneath his arm and chopped him in the back before sweeping his legs, causing Onishiki to drop backwards onto the mat. Viper then grabbed one of the Samoan’s arms and locked him in a standard armbar, occasionally pulling the arm back further than before to apply as much pressure as possible. It seemed as thought this might make Onishiki tap out already, but the big man summoned up all of his strength and fought his way up to both feet, bringing Viper up with him, who was looking incredibly bewildered at what was happening. Onishiki quickly snapped off a Powerslam, using the arm that was in the arm bar to lift Viper up and flip him over for the move. Onishiki slowly got up to his feet, and took a few moments to recover his injuries so far, before tagging out to Yukata. The DEMON hopped up onto the top rope, and as soon as Viper made his way up to his feet, leapt out of the corner and connected with a Missile Dropkick which sent Viper flying backwards from the impact. He scurried over and made the cover, but before the referee could even get in the position to make the count, Cobra had come in and broke up the pinfall, stomping on Yukata’s back. DEMON shot up to his feet, and tried to pull Viper up as well, but he was too heavy, so Yukata ran to the ropes as soon as he saw the champ stirring and, when he came back, leapt into the air to try and connect with a Tornado DDT, but Viper caught him in mid-air and brought him crashing down with a Sit-Out Spinebuster, the Poison Bite. Viper then slowly made his way over to his corner before reaching out his hand and tagging Cobra into the match. Cobra eagerly bounded into the ring and began to stomp away at the prone Yukata, trying to inflict as much damage as possible. Onishiki came back into the ring to try and stop him, but Cobra avoided a shoulder block attempt and took the Samoan down with a pair of stiff kicks, one to the back, and one to the chest. He then turned his focus back onto Yukata, who was slowly making his way back up to his feet, and quickly made his way over to him and booted him in the gut, causing the DEMON to double over. Cobra lifted his elbow up, and then brought it crashing down onto the back of Yukata’s neck, causing the DEMON to fall down to the mat clutching it. Cobra continued his attack by stomping on Yukata’s head and neck, before pulling him back up to his feet. Yukata tried to mount a comeback, unloading a series of forearms to the chest and chin of Cobra, but it seemed to have no visual effect, as the champ remained expressionless, before exploding with a sudden clothesline, causing Yukata to flip over backwards from the power behind the move. Cobra tried to make the cover, but this time it was Onishiki’s turn to break up the pin, as he ran into the ring and kicked Cobra just in time, as the referee’s hand was about to come down for the three. Cobra got up to his feet quickly and pursued Onishiki to his corner, catching him with a punch to the chin, causing the Samoan to lose his balance on the apron, once he had got back on it, and fall backwards to the outside, where he was instantly swarmed by Dayu, Satoru and Byron on the outside. Cobra diverted the referee’s attention from this matter, and stopped as soon as his team mates had left a battered Onishiki alone. He then went over to Yukata, who was still lying prone on the mat, and pulled him up to his feet, only to be elbowed in the gut, punched under the chin, kicked in the gut and then dropkicked in the face, causing him to fall backwards. Yukata took this time to hit continuous leg drops to the arms of Cobra, trying to take away his ability to lock in the Constrictor Clutch. Cobra managed to evade one of the leg drops, causing Yukata to hit the mat wrongly and grab his legs in pain, giving Cobra time to get up to his feet and kick him in the side of the head. He pulled Yukata up to his feet and whipped him into the corner, and tried to follow up with a Shoulder Thrust, but Yukata displayed his athleticism by leaping over him and somehow managing to pull him down into a Sunset Flip Pin. Cobra was caught completely off guard and so didn’t kick out until just before the referee’s hand was going to make the three, which caused the fans to take in a sharp breath. Cobra quickly got up to his feet and began to unload with a series of punches to the face of Yukata, rendering him seemingly unconscious. Onishiki made his way back into the ring and pulled Cobra off of his partner before booting him in the gut. Cobra doubled over, and was hoisted up into the air for a suplex, but in doing so he kicked the referee in the jaw, who fell over and hit the mat, knocked out. Onishiki finished with the suplex, and Cobra hit the mat hard, but suddenly Satoru and Byron clambered into the ring and charged towards Onishiki. Satoru tried to clothesline the Samoan down, but Onishiki stood firm, and when Byron leapt into the air to connect with a head scissors, he caught the Brit’s throat in mid-air, and brought him crashing down to the mat with a chokeslam. Onishiki stayed standing, and when Satoru tried to clothesline him, he caught the smaller man, picked him up and placed him on his shoulder before driving him down to the mat with a Samoan Driver. Dayu was throwing a fit on the outside and ran into the ring himself, and narrowly ducked under a clothesline attempt from Onishiki before nailing the Samoan with a back elbow to the back of the head. Ichihara then spun Onishiki around, lifted him up and nailed the Ichihara Power Drive. Onishiki rolled out of the ring in pain, and Dayu quickly made himself scarce, taking the prone bodies of Satoru and Byron out of the ring with him. Viper, who had sat idly by during what had just happened, came into the ring and pulled Yukata up to his feet before connecting with an incredibly stiff Snakebite Roundhouse Kick. DEMON collapsed backwards onto the mat and he looked to be knocked out, and Viper pulled his partner onto him to make the cover before waking up the referee. The ref slowly made the count, and the Black Serpent Cult got the victory, despite the controversial way they achieved it, and walked away with the belts in hand. [b]Winner:[/b] Black Serpent Cult by pinfall on Yukata by Cobra in 12:43 to retain [b]B[/b] [i]-Good match.[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Match 9:[/b] Elemental vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima vs. Gnasher Udo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] Almost all of the people who came down to the ring looked incredibly happy, as they all had a chance to beat the already legendary Elemental, and doing so would not only put their name in history, but also make people take notice of them. The only person who wasn’t happy when he came down to the ring was Elemental, who had a fairly worried expression. This was most likely because of the fact that he had very little chance of coming away from this match the victory, as he didn’t even have to be part of the fall, plus he could possibly face a 4-on-1 attack almost right away, as he was definitely the main target of the match, and if they took him out, then the other four could fight amongst themselves and become the new top junior. Once all five men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and instantly leapt out of the ring, as each athlete leapt into the air to take down Elemental, just like he had predicted. Kuno connected with a side kick to the chest, Bishima with a head butt and Udo with an enziguri. Elemental showed great resilience when he only fell down to one knee despite this assault, but he was sent down to the mat when Edo Phoenix, who had run to the ropes while the others attacked, leapt into the air in position for a Cross Body Press, twisted 360 degrees in mid flight, and connected. He tried to hook the leg, but the other three men stomped on him in unison, taking away his momentum. Bishima and Udo then appeared to form an alliance of sorts when they double teamed Kuno, punching him on either side of the head six times before he fell down to the mat. Edo was up to his feet now, and before Bishima and Udo had realised, Edo had connected with a jumping kick to both of their backs, sending them flying forward. Phoenix then went up to the top rope, and seemed to be attempting to go for a Cross Body Press of his own, but Elemental suddenly sprang to life and leapt through the air and connected with an amazing Super Hurracanrana which threw Edo half way across the ring, causing him to crash to the canvas and grab his back in pain before rolling out of the ring. Elemental got up to his feet, but had absolutely no time to recover, as Kuno booted him in the gut before heaving him over for a suplex. Elemental hit the canvas hard, and Kuno tried to roll through into a mounted position so he could pummel away at Elemental, but as soon as he got ready to punch Bishima connected with a dropkick to the back of his head, causing him to flop forwards onto the mat and roll out of the ring to recover. Bishima pulled Elemental up to his feet, and looked around for Udo, but all he got was a boot to the gut and a double axe handle to the back as Gnasher appeared in front of him. He fell to the mat clutching his stomach, and Udo quickly turned his attention to Elemental, but was taken down to the mat himself by a dropkick. Elemental rolled out of the ring after this in order to recover, but got clotheslined down by a recovered Kuno. Kuno rolled him back into the ring, but couldn’t follow him as he was hit in the face by a baseball slide from Bishima and flew back into the barrier and sunk to the ground. Bishima picked Elemental up and whipped him across the ring and when he came back he leapfrogged the phenom, and when he came back the next time, he ducked under his legs. He repeated this two times, but all he did was allow Elemental to build up speed, and when Bishima tried to clothesline Elemental, the phenom leapt up onto his shoulders and pulled off the most amazing tilt-a-whirl head scissors we will probably ever see, rotating around Bishima six times at a blinding speed before snapping the move off, causing Bishima to flip over and hit the mat hard. The fans erupted when they saw this, while Bishima just rolled around in pain. Udo noticed Kuno was coming to outside of the ring, and charged towards the ropes. He tried to connect with a Diving Body Press, but Kuno connected with a beautiful dropkick in mid-air, causing Udo to hit his feet at full speed and then crumple to the mat on the outside. Kuno walked over to him and pulled him up to his feet before punching him in the gut and then kicked him in the gut for good measure, causing the masked evil to drop down to one knee. Kuno ran away from where Udo was, and as soon as he started to get back up to his feet, Akahashi charged in at full speed and went for a hurracanrana but Udo ducked. Kuno landed on his feet though, and turned to face his opponent, only to be caught completely off guard with a spinning back hand to the jaw. Kuno dropped down to one knee and rubbed his chin, accidentally giving Udo time to think of what his next move should be. Kuno got back up to both feet, but was hastily kicked in the gut by Udo and doubled over in pain before being spiked on the outside mat with a DDT. Udo then rolled back into the ring, as he believed he had effectively taken Kuno out of the match for a good long while. While this had been happening, Elemental had tried to get the cover on Bishima, only for the Evil One to kick out just before the referee made the three count. Edo Phoenix suddenly burst back into the action with a Basement dropkick to Elemental, and then connected with a Running Shooting Star Press to Bishima, and then tried to make the cover himself, but Elemental broke it up with a boot to the back of Edo’s head. Phoenix stood up and went face to face with Elemental in the middle of the ring. The fans began to chant each of their names, with Elemental only slightly taking the lead in number of people. Both men ran to the ropes at exactly the same time, and when they came back they tried to take the other down with a clothesline. Both ducked the other’s attack, which resulted in their outstretched arms locking together and pulling them both to the mat. They shot up to their feet again, and ran at each other once more. Elemental managed to surprise Edo by taking him over with an arm drag, but Phoenix retaliated with one of his own. Elemental then clotheslined his rival down to the mat, and went to drop his elbow into his chest, but Edo moved out of the way and tried to do the same on a prone Elemental, but the phenom did just as he had. The two got back up to their feet almost instantly again and had another staredown. Udo then attempted to enter the fray after taking care of Kuno, but was taken down to the mat by a sudden double team dropkick from Edo and Elemental which caused the fans to cheer loudly. The two rivals then went back to staring each other down, but Bishima had gotten up and charged towards them. Edo and Elemental then suddenly teamed up again when they caught Bishima off guard with a huge Double Hip Toss, causing him to hit the mat hard on his behind, and he yelled out loud in pain before grabbing his butt and rolling around. Edo and Elemental seemed to smile at each other. That moment of smiling broke when Edo swung wildly to his left, trying to catch Elemental off guard with a punch, but the phenom ducked it, grabbed the arm and dropkicked Edo’s shoulder, causing his rival to stagger forward and clutch his arm in pain. He ran towards Edo, and just narrowly ducked a back elbow shot, but got nailed with a stiff elbow to the back, causing him to drop down to his knees in pain. Edo then ran to the ropes, and when he came back, he seemed to be going for a running dropkick to the back of Elemental’s head, but he was floored by a sudden Thrust Kick from the phenom, who then filled with life and began to kick everybody he saw. Bishima and Udo were up again, but were knocked back down with stiff kicks to the chest, back and head. Elemental then saw that Edo was prone on the mat, facing the ceiling and went over to his rival before leaping into the air. The fans let out very loud gasps as Elemental performed a 450 degree turn while in the air and then connected with it on Edo’s stomach. The fans counted along with the referee as he hit the mat, and in the last nanosecond before Elemental was going to take the win, Kuno appeared out of nowhere and connected with the Glittering Mirage, knocking Elemental flying and effectively breaking up the pin. Kuno went over to the phenom and pulled him up to his feet before whipping him across the ring, and when he came back, he tried to boot him in the gut but Elemental leapt up onto his shoulders and went for a hurracanrana, but Kuno blocked that and turned it into a throw, spinning round to pick up speed. Elemental then countered that by completely a head scissors takedown. The fans applauded this move, as it was quite a tricky one. Elemental slowly got up to his feet, as did Kuno, although he was slightly slower due to being very dizzy. Elemental tried to run in a dropkick Akahashi into the corner, but Bishima appeared out of nowhere and connected with a Snap Enziguri. The phenom flipped forward from the impact, and Bishima got back up to his feet quite quickly. Edo appeared to have recovered and took Bishima down with a Blazing Enziguri, a modified Jumping Enziguri, and he just managed to duck a Glittering Mirage attempt from Kuno and retaliated with an amazingly fast sweep kick which took the young stars legs out from under him. Udo then appeared, having climbed to the top rope, and sent Edo flying backwards into the opposite corner with a Missile Dropkick, having flown across half the ring himself. Elemental made his way back up to his feet and took care of Udo with a running double axe handle to the back of his head. Elemental then went and picked Udo up before trying to whip him into the corner, where Kuno was punching Edo, but Gnasher reversed the move and Elemental ended up being whipped into the corner instead. The phenom showed his incredibly quick thinking when he stopped just short of Edo and Kuno, pushed himself into the air using the top rope, spun around in mid air and rolled onto the mat, before catching Gnasher off guard by springing up from the mat and throwing him forward with a hurracanrana. Udo flew forward and hit Kuno, who tumbled forward and squashed Edo in the corner. All three men slowly made their way up to their feet while Elemental backed away. The phenom then charged in, and ran up Udo’s chest, causing the Masked Evil to try and get out of the way, only to be dropkicked stiffly in the chest when Elemental finished off the Wind Sprint Attack. The power behind the kick pushed Udo back and causing him to squash Edo and Kuno who flopped out of the corner, seemingly out cold, while Udo dropped forward and slowly rolled out of the ring. Bishima tried to do something, but ended up getting booted in the gut and being nailed with the Earth Breaker! But Elemental wasn’t done yet, as he noticed Akahashi Kuno lying prone near the corner, and quickly made his way up and left the top with an Inferno Splash! He connected and made the pin, and due to methodical way of wrestling, nobody was around to break up the cover, and Elemental managed to take the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Elemental by pinfall on Akahashi Kuno in 11:46 [b]C+[/b] [i]- Disappointing to say the least.[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Match 10:[/b] Kenji Fukamura© w/The Youth Rising Stable vs. Kenzo Isozaki w/The Fire Dragon Stable For the Burning Pacific Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] When Kenji came down to the ring, he looked incredibly confident, considering that he took a loss to his challenger just last night. It may have had something to do with the fact that he had Tasuku Nandaba, Atsushi Nagamichi, Flash Asagi and Stunner Okazawaya behind him as his bodyguards. Akahashi Kuno was still recovering from his match, and so was absent. When Kenzo came down to the ring, he looked just as smug, as he had his reinforcements in the guise of Dayu Ichihara, Satoru Sugimura, Byron Valmont and the Black Serpent Cult. He laughed at Kenji and his stable mates in the ring as they were outnumbered. Kenzo ran down to the ring, and it seemed like Kenji’s team charged out to meet him as well, but they leapt right past Isozaki and collided with Kenzo’s friends, ending up brawling all the way backstage. Kenzo climbed into the ring and stared at Kenji. As soon as the bell rang, Kenzo ran towards the champ, before leaping into the air in an attempt to knock Kenji down with a leg lariat, but the champ rolled out of the way just in time, causing Kenzo to crash land on the mat. He got up quickly, but clearly showed effects, as hunched slightly to the right in pain. Kenji rushed towards Kenzo, and ducked a clothesline attempt, retaliating with a kick to the back of the challenger’s knee. Isozaki dropped down to one knee and slowly made his way back up to both feet, still feeling the effects of the missed lariat, but got dropkicked in the back, causing him to stagger forward slightly due to loss of balance. Kenji then walked up to Kenzo and tried to lift him up into the air for a back suplex, but Isozaki flipped backwards when lifted up and landed on his feet behind Kenji. As soon as Fukamura turned around, Kenzo kicked him in the gut and then leapt into the air before coming back down with a quick scissor kick. Kenji hit the mat hard, but began to stir fairly quickly, as Kenzo hadn’t put all of his strength behind the kick, and got up to his feet eventually. Kenzo ran up to him when he saw this, and tried to take him down with a running dropkick to the chest, but Kenji leapt over his opponent and rolled forward in order to get up right away. Isozaki kept moving and bounced off of the ropes in order to gain some momentum before attacking Kenji again, and as soon as he was near enough to the champ he leapt into the air and connected with a jumping shoulder block to the back of Kenji, causing Fukamura to fall forwards onto the mat in pain and shock. Kenzo quickly followed up by stomping away at Kenji’s knees, focusing a fair amount of his assault on Kenji’s right knee, as the champ uses his right leg to perform the Superstar Kick, eventually driving his elbow into the joint in order to obtain a point of leverage and then pulled the lower leg up in the direction of his head. This applied a lot of pressure to Kenji’s leg an caused the champ to yell out in pain while scrambling towards the ropes in order to make Kenzo break the hold, and eventually managed to get wrap his arms around the bottom rope, despite much resistance by Kenzo. He eventually got up to his feet, and began to walk towards his challenger, but Kenzo snapped off a nice dropkick which sent Kenji flying backwards into the ropes. He slowly worked his way back up to his feet, and Kenzo was already up and ran towards the champ as soon as he was completely upright. Isozaki tried to clothesline Kenji over the top rope, but the champ ducked underneath and threw Kenzo over the ropes instead, sending him crashing to the outside. Kenji followed him out and waited for Kenzo to get up to his feet, and as soon as the challenger did, Kenji unloaded a series of kicks to the chest and back of Kenzo, eventually causing the larger man to drop down to one knee due to the impacts of the moves dazing him. The champ took a run up before kicking Kenzo one more time in the face and then, once he had fallen backwards, leapt into the air and connected with a Back Senton. Kenzo had the air knocked out of him and rolled around for a little while before he let out a yell of pain, as Kenji had jumped into the air and connected with a Knee Drop right to his spine. Kenji backed away from Kenzo before charging in and dropkicking his opponent right in the face, causing him to fall backwards onto the padding. Kenji rolled back into the ring to break the 10 count, just in time as well, as the referee had reached nine. He left the ring again to continue his attack on Kenzo, but when he approached his opponent he got floored with a clothesline. Kenzo pulled him up and rolled him back into the ring before following him in and going for the cover, getting a solid two count. Kenji slowly got up to his feet, and just managed to duck under a running forearm smash, and used Kenzo’s momentum against him by taking him down with a drop toehold. He then hopped up towards the head of Isozaki and locked him in a standard front headlock, putting all of his weight onto Kenzo’s head and neck, aiming to apply as much pressure as he could while also preventing Kenzo from being able to easily escape the hold. Kenji began to lose his grip, and Kenzo easily rolled out from underneath him in order to break out of it, but Kenji summoned up his strength and pushed up, pushing Kenzo up with him as the champ had wrapped his arms around Isozaki. Kenzo managed to twist around and surprised Kenji with a backslide pin attempt, but he only got a two count, as the champ kicked out fairly easily. Kenji got back up to his feet again fairly quickly, as did Kenzo, but due to being taller he took longer, and Kenji had already charged towards him to attack him when he realised. Kenzo then desperately swung his right arm in front of him in an attempt to clothesline Kenji down to the mat, but the champ dove between his legs and then dropkicked him in the back, causing him to drop down to one knee. Kenji then quickly locked Kenzo in a full nelson hold while the challenger was still down on his knees. Isozaki managed to initially fight his way out of the hold by getting up to standing, and due to his size advantage he was able to break out of the hold. Kenji caught his opponent off guard with an amazing feat, a Tiger Suplex, bringing Kenzo crashing down on the back of his neck. The champ bridged the move as well, and it seemed like he was just about to get the victory and retain his title, but Kenzo kicked out at the very last second, causing the fans to applaud him for showing that kind of resilience. He took a long time to get up to his feet, while Kenji made it up to his feet almost immediately, and went right back on the offensive. As soon as Kenzo was up to his feet, the champ charged him and booted him in the gut before whipping him into the corner. He ran in after him, but Kenzo leapfrogged Kenji and managed to push the champ into the corner instead, causing him to hit his head. Kenzo took advantage of this temporary daze by jumping up onto Kenji shoulders, who was facing the other way, and snapped off a modified reverse hurracanrana. Kenji landed right on his head, causing the fans to gasp. He seemed to be out cold, and Kenzo made the cover right away in order to capitalise. Kenji kicked out just in time however, which got a round of applause. Kenzo pulled the champ up to his feet and booted him in the gut, causing him to double over, and then took him up and over with a suplex. Isozaki then went up top and turned so he faced the audience. He leapt into the air and twisted, going for the Kenzosault, but he found nothing but canvas, as Kenji had rolled out of the way. Kenzo struggled up to his feet, as he was hurting from the impact as well as dazed, and didn’t notice Kenji running towards him. The champ connected with a beautiful Superstar Kick, and Kenzo fell backwards onto the mat, staring up at the ceiling. Kenji had spent a lot of his energy, and fell onto his opponent’s chest to make the cover. The referee slapped the mat, and the champ retained his belt in a very good match. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 12:03 [b]B[/b] [i]- Good match, no other notes really, the fans really love these two, which could mean really big things in the future..[/i] __________________________________________________________[/center]
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[center]__________________________________________________________ [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/InfernoofPurity.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Inferno of Purity (Part Three)[/u][/b] Friday, Week 3, June 1975 Held in front of 25,961 at the Kanagawa Stadium in Kanto [B][U]Match 11:[/b] Connor Thompson vs. Paul Kingsley[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] These two men have a long and bitter history against each other, as they have fought each other for a long time, as Paul has been the main rival of Connor ever since they both arrived in this company. Normally the fans wouldn’t like to see a foreigner vs. foreigner match, but this they ate up right away, as they cheered and booed incredibly loudly when Connor and Paul came out respectively. When the bell rang, Paul instantly tried to take control of the match, charging towards Connor with his fist in front of him, appearing to go for a left hook. Connor had learned how to evade the move over the years, and so easily ducked under Paul’s arm, and retaliated with a stiff punch of his own right to the gut of his rival, causing him to double over. Paul staggered backwards slightly due to the impact of the shot, and fell victim to a stiff elbow to the side of the head, causing him to fall to the side and roll around on the mat. He got back up to his feet slowly, but was instantly hit across the chest with a strong knife edge chop from Connor which caused him to stagger backwards once again. Connor tried to follow up with another chop, but the tough Brit managed to duck the shot and scooted out of the way. He soon charged back in however, eager to cause his rival a lot of pain, and booted him strongly in the gut. Connor doubled over briefly, but recovered almost instantly and nailed Paul with a strong headbutt. The Brit staggered backwards, seemingly dazed from the shot, but came back with a head butt of his own, sending the Aussie Hero down to one knee. Paul ran to the ropes, and when he came back he appeared to go for a stiff kick to the face of Connor, but the Aussie grabbed his leg and twisted it into a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Paul grabbed his leg in pain for a few seconds before quickly making his way back up to his feet. The two men had a staredown, with neither giving way visibly. Connor broke the silence by charging in with an outstretched arm, and connected right with Paul’s chin, sending the British veteran straight down to the mat. Connor went over to his rival and pulled him up to his feet before whipping him strongly across the ring, and when he came back Connor tried to take him over with an arm drag, but Paul countered the move with an arm drag of his own, sending Thompson crashing to the mat instead. Connor shot up to his feet and stared at Paul, who immediately charged at him to try and keep the momentum in his favour. Connor took him down with a stiff backhanded shot to the jaw, causing the Brit to fall quickly to the mat. Kingsley slowly got up to his feet, rubbing his jaw, although it was more in a “I can’t believe he did that” way rather than pain. Paul managed to catch Connor off guard by locking up with him and driving his knee into his gut, causing him to double over again. He then drove his elbow into the back of the Aussie’s neck before head butting him viciously, causing Connor to drop down to the mat grabbing his head. He then pulled his rival up to his feet before booting him in the gut and lifting him up into the air, aiming for a suplex. Connor managed to wriggle out of the move however, and dropped down behind Paul, and as soon as he landed he kicked Paul in the back of the knees and then punched him stiffly in the back. Kingsley dropped down to one knee and tried to get back up to standing, but got levelled with an amazingly fast and strong kick from Connor to the back of the head. Thompson tried to get the pin, but Paul kicked out just before the three, which made the crowd gasp and then boo. Connor pulled his rival up to his feet and tried to whip him into the corner, but the Brit managed to reverse it and whip Connor into the corner instead. The Aussie Hero hit the turnbuckles hard, and yelled out in pain. When he saw Paul running to splash him, he dropped down to the mat and rolled out of the ring, causing Paul to hit the turnbuckles himself. Connor then quickly slipped back into the ring and squashed Kingsley in the corner with a clothesline. He then dragged his rival out of the corner and booted him in the gut, and as soon as he doubled over, kicked him in the chest, causing Paul to fly backwards onto the mat. Connor then ran to the ropes, and when he came back, drove his elbow right into Paul’s chest, seemingly working on that area. When he tried that move again however, Paul moved out of the way, causing Connor to elbow the canvas, damaging the bone. Paul took advantage of this and pulled the Aussie up off of the mat, and when he was on both feet, wrenched his damaged arm. Paul then tried to leg drop the arm after stretching the limb across the mat, but Connor managed to yank his arm out of the way just in time. Connor quickly made his way up to his feet, not wanting to let Paul recover, and pulled his opponent up to his feet, as Paul was rolling around on the mat holding his legs in pain after the missed leg drop. He then booted his rival in the gut and went for a Northern Lights Suplex. It was a modified version, which he calls the Heroic Slam, where he snapped the move off in order to get more impact. Paul rolled around on the mat, but as soon as he saw Connor coming over to make the pin, he shot up to his feet and connected with a vicious Left Hook, knocking Connor down to the mat, as he had caught the veteran completely off guard. He scrambled over to make the cover, and it almost seemed like he was about to get the win, but Connor kicked out at the very last nanosecond, purely out of instinct. The fans erupted when they saw this, while Paul threw a fit in the ring, as that move is supposed to knock the victim out. He pulled his opponent up to his feet and tried again, but Connor surprisingly ducked the shot, and punched Paul in the gut. He then nailed the Thunder From Down Under, dropped Paul right on his head. The fans counted along with the referee’s count as Connor made the pin. Paul was, ironically, out cold due to being dropped on his head, and couldn’t kick out. [b]Winner:[/b] Connor Thompson by pinfall in 13:45 [b]B+[/b] [i]- Really good match.[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Match 12:[/b] Dayu Ichihara vs. Seison Yamanaka Submission Singles[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] When these two men came down to the ring, they were met with completely opposite reactions, with Dayu having the largest round of boos to happen tonight, while Seison got a huge ovation due to being both a fan favourite and Master Kitozon’s protégé. Dayu seemed to be followed by Satoru Sugimura, who was slowly making his way down to the ring, but was attacked and dragged to the back by Kenji Fukamura, who wanted to even the odds. When the bell rang, Dayu charged right in and locked up with Seison. He easily got control of the smaller man, locking him in a headlock, but Seison’s superior agility enabled him to break free of the hold, scoot around Dayu and then lock him in a reverse bear hug hold, all in one fluid movement. Dayu was caught completely off guard, and struggled to break out of that hold, but he eventually used his superior strength to simply wrench Seison’s hands apart and spun around. He then looked to overpower the smaller man by having a simple test of strength, pushing Seison slowly to the floor. The younger man managed to find some spirit within him however, managing to fight his way back to standing, which surprised Dayu, who was completely unaware Seison had this sort of flare, due to him not showing it in their previous matches. Dayu brought an end to his resistance however, booting him in the gut and then taking him over with a modified arm drag. He kept hold of Seison’s arm, locking him in a reverse arm bar. Yamanaka tried to wrench his arm free, but due to Dayu’s strength, he was not able to, and instead tried to reverse the hold into a triangle choke. He somehow managed to use his situation to his advantage and rolled onto his back, pulled Dayu towards him using his arm, and then wrapped his legs around the head and neck of Ichihara. The fans began to chant “Tap” to Dayu, wanting him to appear as a weakling and tap out within the starting minutes of a match, but the veteran showcased his amazing power by wrapping his free hand around the back of Seison, then managed to move his held arm so he could holds his hands together, and lifted Seison high into the air. The fans gasped in admiration, as this was an amazing feat, before Dayu slammed Seison viciously into the mat with a modified Sit-Out Spinebuster. Ichihara seemed to go for the cover, but then realised that he had to win via submission and instead locked the dazed Seison into a tight headlock. He used his strength to hold the smaller man down, but Yamanaka managed to roll out of the hold and got up to his feet incredibly quickly. When Dayu got back up to his own feet, Seison charged towards him and dropkicked him square in the chest, but it didn’t seem to have any effect, as Dayu simply stared at him with a smirk on his face. Seison tried again, but this time Dayu shifted out of the way, and as soon as Seison hit the mat, he grabbed hold of one of his legs and stomped on the back of the knee before locking him in a knee lock. Yamanaka clawed his way over to the ropes, as he couldn’t break the move any other way, forcing Dayu to release him. Ichihara was unphased however, as he got up to his feet quickly and stomped on Seison’s back instead. He then dragged him back to the center of the ring, and locked him in a grounded abdominal stretch, the move that had ended Elemental’s undefeated singles streak. Seison flailed wildly with his arms in order to grab some ropes, but he was too far away. Dayu thought he was going to win easily, and so loosened the hold, which proved to be a bad move, as Seison slipped out of the hold and rolled to the ropes, wrapping his arms around them to prevent Dayu from locking in another hold. Ichihara went over to him and pulled him off of the ropes before dragging him up to his feet. Yamanaka tried to punch Dayu in the chest, but it didn’t have any effect, and the bigger man simply whipped Seison across the ring. When Seison came back, Dayu tried to lift him and slam him for a Spinebuster, but on the way down, Seison countered by rolling through the move and locking Dayu in the Red Sun Rising!! Dayu screamed in pain, as Seison had sat down in the move in order to apply as much pressure as possible, and tried to fight his way to the ropes. However, every time he got close to the ropes, Seison dragged him back into the middle of the ring. Dayu was very close to tapping, but all of a sudden he gained power and spirit, as he reached his arms back and grabbed Seison’s head, catching the smaller man off guard, and locked him in a modified STF, causing Seison to instantly release Dayu’s legs. Ichihara released his hold so he could roll out of the ring. Yamanaka got up to his feet fairly quickly, and saw Dayu on the outside, but instead of following him, he sat down in the middle of the ring and meditated (apparently). Dayu felt he was being mocked, and hastily rolled back into the ring, stood up, and charged towards the still sitting Seison. He went to kick his Rival’s Protégé, but at the last split second, Seison moved his chest and head out of the way of Dayu’s foot, and then tripped Ichihara up with a drop toehold. Seison quickly shot up to his feet and grabbed Dayu’s legs, and quickly locked in the Red Sun Rising. Dayu screamed in pain again, and clawed his way to the ropes, almost reaching them. Seison got frustrated that Dayu was taking so long to tap out, and released the hold so he could attack Dayu’s back, but this just gave Ichihara time to get up to his feet and attack Seison, knocking him clean off of his feet with a clothesline. Seison hit the mat hard, and Dayu rolled him over in order to lock in the Dayu Clutch, the grounded abdominal stretch he has recently become known for, for the second time in this match. Seison struggled and flailed, trying to escape the hold, but it was to no avail. He almost began to tap, which caused the fans to explode with cheers of encouragement for the young warrior, and Yamanaka managed to reverse the move small package like move, but due to pinfalls not being allowed, it was pointless. But Seison surprised everybody, as he changed the small package into another Red Sun Rising! Ichihara was now right in the middle of the ring, and he was in a huge amount of pain. He initially hesitated to tap out and tried to get to the ropes, but as soon as Seison sat down on his back in order to maximise the pressure, Dayu tapped out madly, causing the fans to explode with cheers. [b]Winner:[/b] Seison Yamanaka by submission in 17:33 [b]B+[/b] [i]- Not as great as their last two encounters, but still really good.[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Master Kitozon© vs. Tasuku Nandaba For the Burning World Championship [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] When Master Kitozon made his way down to the ring, he got a huge amount of cheers from the audience, as they were incredibly happy that they would get to see their hero in action. His entrance was as elaborate as ever, using up BHOTWG’s entire supply of fireworks, which to be honest isn’t much, but still a unique thing to happen in 1975, as nobody but Kitozon has ever had fireworks in their entrances before. When Tasuku came down to the ring, he got a good amount of cheers, as many fans were glad to see another legitimate athlete in the main event, as well as just generally being fans of Tasuku. Before the bell rang, Kitozon extended his hand towards the young star, and it was promptly shaken. Both men then bowed to each other, and the bell was rung to officially start the match. Almost right away, Kitozon charged towards Tasuku and locked up with him. He gained control easily, quickly kneeing Tasuku in the gut and then locking him in a headlock when he doubled over. The young superstar tried to escape the hold by punching Kitozon in the gut, but the legend showed absolutely no effects of the strikes, instead retaliating with punches of his own to the back of Tasuku, eventually causing him to drop to his knees. Kitozon took this as a sign of weakness and kneed Tasuku in the gut again to force him up to his feet, and he then released the hold and backed off. Nandaba looked at him quizzically, as he didn’t understand why Kitozon had released the hold, but swiftly overcame his doubt and charged towards Kitozon. The legend seemed to smile when Tasuku did so, but that quickly disappeared and Kitozon countered with a chop to the chest of the young star, stopping him dead in his chest, and making him drop down to one knee. Kitozon then kicked Tasuku strongly in the chest, then once in the back, and then finally another to the chest, but this didn’t cause the desired effect it would seem, as Tasuku did not fall backwards onto the mat, instead he got up to his feet and just shook the damage off as if nothing had happened. Kitozon smiled at this as well, and eagerly locked up with his opponent one more time. He seemed to gain control once again, but Tasuku suddenly powered out of the tie-up, and booted the legend in the gut and then knocked him down to one knee with a strong elbow to the side of the head. Kitozon shook his head, as if to shake of the damage like Tasuku had done earlier, but he still looked dazed. Tasuku noticed this and continued the assault, not wanting to give Kitozon any time to recover whatsoever. He ran to the ropes, and as soon as he came back, he kicked Kitozon strongly in the chest as well as kneeing him in the face due to the positioning of his leg, sending the legend backwards onto the mat. Tasuku ran to the ropes again, and when Kitozon slowly got up to one knee, he was sent right back down by a running knee to the side of the head from the young star that is Tasuku Nandaba. Tasuku then pulled the legend up to his feet, booted him in the gut, and then promptly scoop slammed him down to mat. Kitozon grunted slightly in pain and grabbed his back before Tasuku drove his elbow into the legend’s gut, and then ran to the ropes again before jumping into the air and driving his knee into the chest of Kitozon. The legend seemed to be falling under this assault of powerfully moves, but he made his way up to his feet, which slightly surprised Tasuku, who had expected Kitozon to stay down for a bit longer. Tasuku charged at the legend, aiming to clothesline him down to the mat, but Kitozon ducked under his arm and connected with a back elbow to the ribs of Tasuku, causing the young star to stumble and drop down to one knee. Kitozon then snapped off a beautiful side kick to the back of Tasuku’s head, causing him to drop to the mat, the young star slowly rolled onto his back after the shot, and had a very surprised look on his face, as Kitozon was showing absolutely no effects of his attacks. Kitozon went over to him and dragged him into the middle of the ring before attempting a pin, but the young star kicked out almost right away. Kitozon got up to his feet and waited for Tasuku to do the same, and as soon as he did, he charged towards the young star and connected with a running shoulder block, knocking Tasuku down to one knee. Kitozon then shocked the audience even more by picking Tasuku up from his seated position and threw him overhead with an Exploder Suplex of sorts, showing his amazing power, acquired during his time as a Sumo wrestler. Tasuku hit the mat with a sickening thud and grabbed his back in pain before being forced to the mat when Kitozon came over to pin him. The referee counted to two before Tasuku kicked out, albeit weakly, as he was still getting aftershocks from the impact he suffered when he hit the mat. Kitozon immediately pulled the young star up to his feet and whipped him across the ring into the corner, and when Tasuku collided with the turnbuckles, in doing so he yelled out in pain, the legend charged towards him and squashed him with a clothesline. Tasuku fell forwards, but Kitozon grabbed him before he did and pushed him back into the corner. This time, he repeatedly drove his shoulder right into Tasuku’s gut, causing the young star to gasp for air, and finished with a strong chop to the chest. Nandaba slowly staggered out of the corner, and then flopped onto the mat with a dazed look on his face. Kitozon went for the cover again, but Tasuku got his foot on the ropes before the three count. Kitozon pulled the young star up to his feet and booted him in the gut before suplexing him, causing even more damage to Tasuku’s back. Nandaba rolled around in pain before rolling out of the ring in order to recover. Kitozon was going to have none of that, as he felt it was another sign of weakness, something he won’t tolerate, and followed Tasuku out. He tried to roll the young star back into the ring, but Tasuku stopped him from doing so and elbow him in the gut and then punching him in the forehead. Both men began to brawl with each other, and it seemed like Kitozon was going to be the first person to beat Tasuku in a brawl, when suddenly the young star fought off three straight punches from the legend and then toppled Kitozon with a series of six punches of his own. Tasuku then rolled Kitozon back into the ring and tried to go for the pin, but the legend kicked out almost immediately, which caused Tasuku to flop backwards onto the mat in utter disbelief. The legend surprised him even more, as he shot up to his feet and drove an elbow into the gut of the young star, who was still lying on his back. Kitozon got back up to his feet and kicked Tasuku in the side of the head, causing the young star to grab his skull and grunt in pain. Kitozon then pulled the young star back up to his feet before booting him in the gut and locking him in another tight headlock. Tasuku tried to escape numerous times, but each time he did, Kitozon either elbowed or punched the young star in the back to keep control. Nandaba eventually summoned enough strength to break out of the move once again, this time grabbing one of Kitozon’s hands and wrenching it behind his back into a hammerlock. The legend initially struggled in the move, and was in a lot of pain every time that Tasuku pushed his arm further up his back, but eventually he managed to get out of the hold by elbowing Tasuku in the gut. The young star released the legend, and Kitozon quickly gained control once again, grabbing hold of Tasuku’s head and repeatedly driving his knees into it, before finishing off the assault with a double knee to the forehead, causing the young star to crumple backwards onto the mat, seemingly knocked out. Kitozon went over and went for the cover, and managed to get a solid two count before Tasuku kicked out, which caused the fans to cheer in both relief and appreciation that they would see more of this match. Kitozon pulled the young star up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, when he came back the legend tried to slam the young star to the mat with a Spinebuster, but Tasuku countered by darting forward and exploding with an STO on the legend, driving him into the mat. Nandaba went for the pin, and managed to get a two count, which caused him to smile, before Kitozon kicked out. Tasuku tried to pull the legend up to his feet, but was stopped in his tracks by three straight punches to the gut, causing him to both double over and release Kitozon. The legend took advantage of this and knocked Tasuku down to the mat with a running shoulder block, and then drove his knee into the side of Nandaba’s head once he hit the mat. He continued to do this, seemingly relentless, driving his knee into Tasuku’s head several times. Nandaba flailed after each shot, and seemed to fade with each one, but he managed to summon up the strength to move out of the way of another knee attempt and made his way up to his feet. He was shaky at first, and Kitozon easily ducked any shots, but then struck with a lightning fast uppercut to the jaw of the legend, causing him to stagger backwards clutching his chin. Tasuku then took control with a huge clothesline that took Kitozon right off his feet. Both men were down in the middle of the ring, and the referee began to make the count. Both men got up at seven, to which the fans erupted with cheers, and instantly locked up again. It was a total stalemate, as neither was going to back down at this stage of the match. Eventually both men broke the hold and stepped back, before engaging in a staredown. Kitozon seemingly won, as Tasuku hesitated to attempt a move, allowing the legend to strike him with a knife edge chop. He jumped up slightly and staggered backwards rubbing his chest before charging towards the legend. Tasuku managed to boot Kitozon in the gut, causing him to double over, and tried to suplex him. Kitozon countered however, dropping forward and going for a suplex of his own. Tasuku then countered this, dropping forward himself, but instead of going for a normal suplex, he hooked Kitozon’s leg and lifted him up for a Fisherman Suplex. The legend didn’t manage to reverse this move in time, and he paid the price for it, as Tasuku drove him backwards into the mat with all of his power. Nandaba couldn’t capitalise however, due to his damaged back, instead taking the time he had gained to recover. He eventually got up to his feet and went over to the legend and pulled him up to his feet. He booted him in the gut, ran to the ropes, and when he came back he connected with a Running Axe Handle to the legend’s gut, causing him to drop down to one knee. Tasuku kept moving, and bounced off of the ropes again. When he came back this time, he punched Kitozon in the head, causing the veteran to drop down to one knee, as well as appear dazed. Tasuku bounced off the ropes one more time, and when he came back this time, he connected with a Base Collision! The fans erupted in cheers as well as boos, as this could well be the time Kitozon loses. Kitozon flopped lifelessly about on the mat after the move, and Tasuku eagerly hooked the leg. The referee began to make the count: 1… 2… T…h…r…e…NO! Kitozon kicked out, causing all of the fans to cheer the roof off, while Tasuku flop backwards once more, in utter and complete disbelief. But this time, the young star got up to his feet quickly, and stomped on Kitozon’s gut before waiting for the legend to get up to his feet. As soon as he did, he charged towards Kitozon, going for the Full Swing Lariat, but the legend ducked at the last second, causing Tasuku to keep on running and bounce off of the ropes. Kitozon readied his hand, and went for the Kitozon Chop, and he connected with it! But in doing so, he was also hit with the Full Swing Lariat, knocking him out. Tasuku crumpled to the mat as well due to the Kitozon Chop he took. The fans cheered once more, impressed by the double collision they had just witnessed, and the referee once again began the count. Neither man moved for a long time, and it looked like it would be a draw, but at the very last chance, Kitozon moved and draped his arm across Tasuku, causing the referee to break the count and begin the pinfall. 1… 2… 3! The fans stood up and cheered yet again, and they also applauded the two men with pride, as they had put on one hell of a match, during which neither man ever gave way, and the match only ended because one man just simply couldn’t continue. The cheers immediately turned to boos when Dayu Ichihara appeared from the back and made his way down to the ring. He clambered into it and went over to his rival, and when he did, he yelled in Kitozon’s face about how he was a pathetic champion, and how he didn’t understand why so many people loved him. Dayu then pulled Kitozon up to his feet and booted him in the gut. He then taunted the crowd by signalling for the Ichihara Power Drive, but he took way too long doing so, and Kitozon suddenly escaped the move and booted Dayu in the gut before running to the ropes. When he came back he drilled Dayu with a huge Kitozon Chop, making the crowd pop like crazy. Tasuku began to stir at this point, saw what was happening and made his way up to his feet. Kitozon noticed this, and nodded towards his opponent before going over to Dayu and pulling him up to his feet. He whipped his long-time rival across the ring before signalling towards Tasuku, who nodded and charged towards Ichihara. Dayu couldn’t move out of the way in time, and was obliterated with a Base Collision! The fans cheered at their team work, but suddenly began to boo when the rest of the Fire Dragon Stable charged out from the back, albeit a little slowly, due to the beatings they have all taken in their matches. Kitozon and Tasuku looked slightly shaken, but they readied themselves. The Black Serpent Cult, Satoru, Byron and Kenzo all climbed into the ring at the same time, and charged as a unit towards Kitozon. Tasuku stepped in their way, and quickly eliminated Satoru and Byron with a double clothesline. He was caught with a Snakebite Roundhouse Kick however, and he fell to the mat. Kitozon looked at him, then at the three men in front of him. His eyes seemed to flash red, and he unloaded with a combination of kicks, punches, slaps and elbows to all three, with each succumbing to the assault and falling to the mat. The legend then pulled Viper up to his feet, and ran to the ropes, when he came back he did something that surprised everybody in attendance, as well as Viper, when he connected with a Full Swing Lariat on Viper! The fans exploded once again, something they had done so many times tonight for Kitozon, and the Fire Dragon Stable made their way out of the ring, except for Viper, who was thrown out by Kitozon. The legend beat his chest in triumph before laughing at the retreating enemy. He then went over and pulled Tasuku up to his feet before embracing him and raising his hand. The fans applauded them both, and the final image of the tour for the fans was the team of Tasuku and Kitozon standing tall, while the Fire Dragon Stable fled the scene. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon by pinfall in 22:45. Master Kitozon makes defence number 4 of his Burning World Championship [b]B+[/b] –[i] When will Kitozon get the blasted A or A* match he should have gotten already?[/i] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [b]Notes:[/b] A very good event card. Some matches completely surprised me (Junior Tag match and Stunner vs. Kiba), while some slightly disappointed (Five-Way Junior and Shikimara vs. Tatsumaki). Apologies on the late postings, I stupidly took way too many overtime hours at my job this last week, so I have had next to no time to write until now. [/center]
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I really apologise for the sporadic postings guys, work has been hellacious, and I lost my urge to write over the last couple of days as well. Tomorrow morning I will write up a tour review, including the roster for the tour (with win/loss records, and accomplisments during the tour), followed by a post about the world happenings after the tour, and then a post about the next tour. I do really hope I haven't lost any readers due to my lack of posts. I will be toning down the amount of writing slightly, so don't expect as thorough show results for the next tour, unless of course you guys would like me to continue to write as I do?
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[center][b][u]Blockbuster Tour Review[/u][/b] This has been a fantastic starting tour for BHOTWG, with many classic matches taking part, and there are sure to be many more when we start the next one in September. We have seen some new faces appear, some of which have taken the promotion by storm, for instance Satoru Sugimura, who while not a completely new face, returned and recently made it big as part of the Fire Dragon Stable alongside Dayu Ichihara, Kenzo Isozaki, the Black Serpent Cult and Byron Valmont. We have seen the debut of Edo Phoenix, who many fans love for his amazing high flying skills, second only to Elemental himself. During this tour we have also seen the rise of two new superstars, Tasuku Nandaba and Kenji Fukamura. Tasuku was already very popular with the fans, but he wasn’t considered Main Event material by some due to his lack of finesse. But he has improved at an incredible rate due to high profile matches with Dayu Ichihara, Paul Kingsley and the legend himself, Master Kitozon. A lot of people that we have spoken to felt it wasn’t quite his time to step up to a world title match, but he proved them all wrong, as he went toe to toe with the Master, and was just shy of walking away with the belt. Kenji became out first Pacific Champion, and is still the champ heading into the next tour. He has risen up the ranks of BHOTWG with constant victories, before falling to his most recent challengers over the last two months, The Black Serpent Cult and Kenzo Isozaki. He overcame the odds despite his obvious disadvantages, and walked away with the belt each time. The sky is the limit for both of these men, and we shall see how they perform at the Red Hot Tour’s opening show, as that is the crucial event were the promotion sees if people kept training while they were off the road. Here is a review of the roster: [u]Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 12-0-8 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Formed part of the Youth Rising Stable [b]Review:[/b] Kuno has been a major part of the budding Junior division, pulling off consistently good performances, even against the less proven workers like Seijiro Orinichi. He also seems to be getting closer to getting his second one on one match with Elemental, hoping to be the first junior wrestler to beat him. The fans have grown to like Kuno as well, and we only hope he can continue to improve during the next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Akira Shirou[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 8-0-3 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Akira has not been seen that much at all during this tour, but whenever he was he showed everybody why he was so feared during his tag team days. He has decimated a lot of his opponents, and even came close to ending Stunner Okazawaya’s undefeated streak, but he provoked the referee and lost the match following a low blow from that referee! Hopefully we will see more of this behemoth next tour, perhaps better than ever. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Alasi Tua[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/alasitua.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 4-0-1 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Alasi was an experiment of sorts, one which didn’t have much success due to the fans dislike of Alasi’s skills. Tua went undefeated after losing his debut match to Jin Sakamoto, but failed to produce good matches. [b]Status:[/b] Allowed to leave. [u]Alexander Tomov[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/AlexanderTomov.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 11-0-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Tomov is an incredible worker, and is vital in the development of new talent, due to his huge knowledge of the basics and his technical ability. He never really had big matches during this tour, mainly working dark matches, but he will definitely have a chance later on down the line. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Ares Aegaleus[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/AresAegaleus.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 1-1-0 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Has not lost yet [b]Review:[/b] Ares only recently joined us, but has already made a huge splash, decimating Eiji Kiriyama in his debut, and then having a huge fight with fellow monster Toshiro Saito. We can only hope to see more of this legend next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Atsushi Nagamichi [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 5-0-8 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Formed part of the Youth Rising Stable [b]Review:[/b] Atsushi has not accomplished much this tour, and has not really impressed that much, except for his last two matches which have been incredible. We hope he can improve and thus be used more, but nevertheless he is still a valuable member of the roster, and a willing tag team partner for whoever needs one. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Bishima [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 2-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Hasn’t been that active, but has sure as heck impressed us with his aerial skills. Bishima is one of our rising stars in the Junior Division, and we hope that he can improve his all round skills, that way he can truly be the best. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Black Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/blackmanta.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 1-0-10 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Not a very successful tour for Black Manta, who came in on a touring contract. He has produced some good matches however, and so we look forward to working with him again. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Byron Valmont[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-14 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Formed part of the Fire Dragon Stable [b]Review:[/b] Byron has had an eventful tour, taking part in a huge stable war. He has improved steadily as the tour has gone on, and we can only hope he focuses more on telling a story than flipping around at every chance he can take, as that would allow him to be featured more. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Cobra & Viper[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Combined Win/Loss Record:[/b] Cobra – 10-0-1, Viper 9-0-2 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Formed part of the Fire Dragon Stable. Won the Burning Japanese Tag Team Titles [b]Review:[/b] A fantastic tour for these two men, as they have produced fantastic matches and won their second tag title belts with BHOTWG. They also took part in the forming of the Fire Dragon Stable, and Viper took Tasuku Nandaba down in the closing minutes of Inferno of Purity. We can only imagine what kind of action we will see from these two next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Connor Thompson[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 6-0-3 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] A good tour from this man, as he has taken part in some of the greatest matches we have ever seen in BHOTWG, as well as challenging the legend Master Kitozon for his belt. Although he came up short during the match, he proved to the fans that he still has what it takes to wrestle a great match. We hope he can keep this streak going into the next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Dayu Ichihara[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 7-0-7 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Became leader of the Fire Dragon Stable [b]Review:[/b] A very eventful tour for Dayu, as he has been part of some great matches and has also become head of the heel stable. He also decimated the protégé of his rival two times, but it would appear he got to c0cky, as he lost their last match fairly easily. He will definitely bounce back, and we just hope that his matches will be as good as the ones this tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]DEMON Yukata[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-9 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] A pretty good tour for Yukata, as he has produced some very good matches and has remained near the top of the card the entire time. Many fans are hoping that he gets a singles title shot soon, but we have decided to wait for him to improve just a little bit more before letting him have such a title shot. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Edo Phoenix[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 9-1-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] A really good tour for the talented Edo Phoenix. He first true time in the ‘Big Two’ has lead to him getting a huge amount of attention, especially because many fans are hoping he will one day have his ‘dream match’ with Elemental. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Eiji Kiriyama[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/eijikiriyama.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 6-0-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Eiji has impressed a fair amount this tour, having some really good matches. He actually went on a six-match winning streak, but that was ended when his opponent ended up being the Greek God Ares Aegaleus. He will likely be looking to get up on his feet during the next tour, so we are keeping an eye on his progress. [b]Status:[/b] Injured but staying [u]Elemental[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 6-0-2 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Elemental, the phenom, has had a mixed tour really. He suffered his first losses at the hands of Dayu Ichihara, but is still undefeated by Junior wrestlers. Apart from that, he has had a fantastic tour, producing great matches with some of the other high fliers. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Flash Asagi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/flashasagi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 2-0-12 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Became part of the Youth Rising Stable [b]Review:[/b] Flash is a good prospect, and has shown that in all of the matches he has been in. Sadly he hasn’t been victorious in many of them, but that is sure to change next tour, as he continues to be a member of the Youth Rising Stable. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Gnasher Udo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-1-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Gnasher came in as part of a touring contract, but quickly shot up the rankings with some great matches. As a result, he has joined the roster full-time, and is looking to truly make his mark next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Haku Suzuwara[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hakusuzuwara.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 0-0-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Haku is one of the newest additions to the roster, and we hope he improves like he has. His matches have not been that great, but he has shown a lot of improvement, so we will see how he does next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Hitoshi Higa[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hitoshihiga.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-3 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Hitoshi has not been seen much this tour, but he has left his mark whenever he has been seen. The only thing we can say is that we feel sorry for whoever ends up in his way next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG]] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 7-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] This veteran has had some great matches with us this tour, and has been fundamental in the development of some of our younger talent. He will be joining the roster full-time to continue his duties. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Kazuo Mitsushi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 9-0-7 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Kazuo has had a fairly good tour, producing some good matches. Hopefully he will continue this streak and will show the fans some improved skills next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Kenji Fukamura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 10-0-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Joined the Youth Rising Stable. Became the first Burning Pacific Champion. [b]Review:[/b] Kenji has had an amazing tour, becoming the first Pacific champion. He has produced some fantastic matches, especially in his last few meetings with Kenzo Isozaki. During the next tour we can look forward to more title matches, and possibly a very long reign from this rising star. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Kenzo Isozaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 2-0-2 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Joined the Fire Dragon Stable [b]Review:[/b] What a debut for this young man. He has produced some fantastic matches and is still riding a huge wave of momentum. Hopefully he will continue his chase for the Pacific title, as whenever he faces Kenji the match is amazing. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Kiba Izumi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 7-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Kiba has performed fantastically this tour, and his matches have always been great. His recent match with Stunner Okazawaya has been the best match either man produced during their entire tenures with the company. Kiba seems to be destined for great things, we just hope he gets there before his age catches up with him. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Master Kitozon[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 10-0-0 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Undefeated. Still Burning World Champion. [b]Review:[/b] Kitozon has lived up to his legendary status, producing simply amazing matches, no matter who the opponent was. Can the legend keep on rolling with the belt? [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Naoshi Shinomori[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/naoshishinomori.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 0-0-12 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] An uneventful tour for Naoshi, which has ended up with him being released, despite developing well. [b]Status:[/b] Released following end of the tour [u]Noriyoshi Sanada[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 16-0-0 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Undefeated [b]Review:[/b] Sanada has proved he has the skills to become great, pulling off fantastic match after fantastic match. The fans have really begun to like him, and the other wrestlers have begun to fear him due to his devastating finisher. All that can be said is that the next tour will be easy for Sanada if he continues to perform like he has in this tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Onishiki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 6-0-8 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Onishiki has been a great worker during this tour, pulling off some great matches during it. We hope he can continue to perform at the calibre he has been for the next tour, as the other workers have begun to fear him. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Osei Khama[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/oseikhama.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 1-0-7 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Not much to say except that Osei is slowly developing, and should begin to make it onto the main cards during the next tour should he continue at this pace. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Paul Kingsley[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 4-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Paul has been really good in the upper echelons of the card, pulling off some good performances when required. He is still feared throughout the locker room, which can only mean good things for him next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Saionji Omura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/saionjiomura.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-0 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Saionji has completely failed to impress this tour, and has been released. [b]Status:[/b] Released [u]Satoru Sugimura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 6-0-8 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Joined the Fire Dragons Stable [b]Review:[/b] Satoru Sugimura has been fantastic during this tour, which has lead most of the management to question why he was released in the first place. He has improved slightly, but has still produced great matches with a multitude of opponents. The next tour could be the big break for Satoru, as he could well be in line for a shot at the Burning Pacific Championship. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Seijiro Orinichi [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/seijiroorinichi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 0-0-8 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Seijiro hasn’t been seen much, but during the matches he has had he has impressed most of the fans and management. He will be a part of the next tour, and that could be the chance he needs. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Seison Yamanaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 6-0-5 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Seison has truly performed to the level he should be, pulling off fantastic matches with the big guys in the main event, proving to the fans that he deservers his place, and that it isn’t just out of favouritism. The next tour will be a big one for Seison, as he could fight his way to a title shot. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Sensei Iketani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SenseiIketani.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 0-0-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Sensei has been a valuable presence in the Junior division, and despite not winning any of his matches, he has performed very well. He will be joining us for the next tour, so we can look forward to seeing more of him. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Shikimara Mibu[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 2-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Mibu has lost his tag team partner and has not had a great tour to be honest. The next tour could well be a make or break chance for him, as he needs to perform well in singles matches to impress us. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Shogo Takani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-9 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Shogo, the deadly technician, has truly outperformed himself this tour, showing everybody that he is still good enough to be in the place he is. He has never let his opponents relax, constantly attacking them. This has sometimes been the reason he loses, but the next tour could well be a different story for him. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Stunner Okazawaya[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 14-0-2 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Went on a 13-0 winning streak [b]Review:[/b] Stunner has been a great young prospect this tour, going on a very long winning streak that was only ended by another undefeated man, Noriyoshi Sanada. Stunner might be able to get back on track in the next tour, so we look forward to seeing him in action. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Takehide Minobe[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TakehideMinobe.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 1-0-4 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Takehide has been a strong presence in the lower card since his debut in May. He is feared in the locker room for his stiff kicks, and he will use that to his advantage in the next tour. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Tasuku Nandaba[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG]] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 9-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] Became leader of the Youth Rising Stable [b]Review:[/b] Tasuku’s rise to the top during this tour has been fantastic, with amazing match after amazing match. He capped it off with a great match alongside Master Kitozon for his title. Nandaba has become incredibly popular with the fans as well due to his rise to the top, and we bet he will keep on going during the next tour, and won’t stop until he gets another title shot. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Tatsumaki Azai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Azai is now a free flying wrestler, breaking away from Shikimara and going solo. Azai, when he first appeared after the break-up, sported a whole new look (I’ve asked Sadistic for a new picture, he hasn’t gotten back to me yet lol), and defeated his former partner in a good match. The next tour is the big chance for Azai, as he can prove that he is a good singles talent. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Toshiro Saito[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 5-1-7 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Toshiro has been a huge menace in the main event since the beginning of the tour. Despite having an interesting win/loss record, Saito is the most feared person on the roster next to new arrival Ares Aegaleus. These two behemoths are sure to clash during the next tour, so don’t miss it. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Warlord Agony[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/warlordagony.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 0-0-3 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] Not that much of an eventful tour for Agony due to his late arrival. He has been kept on the roster in hopes that he improves, as he has the drive and skill about him to do so. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 3-0-6 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] White Manta has been a great veteran presence on the roster, bringing great skill to the youngsters, and sometimes pulling off the upset win, but nevertheless pulling out great matches. The next tour will be seeing more of Manta as well as Black Manta, so expect some fantastic tag team matches from them. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [u]Yuto Ijima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/yutoijima.jpg[/IMG] [b]Win/Loss Record:[/b] 4-0-5 [b]Tour Accomplishments:[/b] N/A [b]Review:[/b] The veteran Yuto has had an average tour in our view, not pulling out any stellar performance, but not having many bad ones either. We hope to see him improve during the next tour, as he has the ability to. [b]Status:[/b] Staying [i]The next post will be about what happens in the rest of the world during the break between tours.[/i][/center]
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[CENTER] [B][U]Final Prediction Tally for the week[/U][/B] [B]SadisticBlessings:[/B] 17/19 [b]Mr T Jobs To Me:[/b] 8/13 [B]chris caulfield:[/B] 4/6 [b]Midnightnick:[/b] 3/13 Thank you for predicting guys. SadisticBlessings, you can choose the main event of the first tour show as well as pm me your choice of a worker to get a good push. [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] Now that we have reached the end of our tour, we say goodbye to some of the workers we have had: Naoshi Shinomori Danger Kumasaka Saionji Omura Alasi Tua Kano Shizuna But we also welcome former touring employees as full-time workers: Edo Phoenix Gnasher Udo Iketani Nayashi (Formerly Sensei) Satoru Sugimura Jin Sakamoto White Manta Alexander Tomov. And finally, we welcome some completely brand new faces: [u]Shoraku Kishi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/ShorakuKishi.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Bio:[/b] Graduated from the Excalibur Combat Dojo in August 1975. [b]Finisher:[/b] Eclipse Driver [b]Highest Stats:[/b] Stamina/Star Quality – B Business – B- [u]Derek Barnes[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DerekBarnes.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Bio:[/b] "Bad Boy" Derek Barnes is a great brawler who regularly stars in TWL as half of the Biker team The Motorheads. Barnes also works in APWF and CWB, as he is originally from that area. He is also over in Japan thanks to a very successful tour in Japan where he went on a 6-month reign of terror before being bested twice by Master Kitozon. Has now returned to BHOTWG to once again terrorise the roster. [b]Finisher(s):[/b] Full Turbo Powerslam [b]Highest Stats:[/b] Consistency – A* Toughness – A [u]Mike Barstow[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MikeBarstow.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Bio:[/b] Cheatin' Mike Barstow is a thorughbred heel who wastes little time getting under the fan's skin- He typically steals signs and beverages from the people in the front row during his entrance. He will also occasionaly use his amateur background to keep an opponent in a headlock for obscene amounts of time. Other than his shennanigans, he is considered an excellent mat worker. He worked in Japan for most of 1973 and '74, and he has yet to do much stateside since his return. Has now once again returned to Japan, first for GCG from March through to June, and now BHOTWG. [b]Finisher:[/b] Pretzel Knot [b]Highest Stats:[/b] Stamina/Basics/Consistency/Toughness – B+ Mat Wrestling/Toughness - B [b][u]Worldly News[/b][/u] [u]Promotions[/u] OLLIE have fallen to Cult Size EWA have risen to Small size RWA have risen to Small size AICW have risen to Regional size. [u]Worker News[/u] Top Cat Aguila has left OLLIE Othello Dawson has left RWA R.J Danzig has left CPWC and SWF. Has signed on to tour with GCG. Coach Dic-k Pangrazzio has left SWF for a developmental deal with CCW. Crippler Ray Kingman has left CPWC. Saionji Omura has signed with CFArts Naoshi Shinomori has signed with CFArts Mitch Haggans has signed with GCG Alasi Tua has signed with APWF [u]Title Changes[/u] Edmund Jackson is the new CPWC World champion, defeating Preston Holt. Jessica Smith is the new CPWC Womens champion, defeating Heidi Brooks. Farmer Fran is the new AAFW Champion, defeating The Masked Machine George DeColt & Whipper Spencer Marks are the new CWF National Tag Team champions, defeating the former champs Frenchie Marcel & Woolly Steppe. [/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] [I]Credit to: J Silver[/I] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] Now we begin our second tour of the year, the Red Hot Tour. We had an amazingly eventful tour before, and we can only hope that this one is just as good. Will we see the phenom that is Elemental become undefeated again? Or will Stunner Okazawaya regain his streak instead? [LEFT][U][B]Schedule for the Tour[/B][/U] Tour Show #1 - Friday, Week 1, September Tour Show #2 - Sunday, Week 1, September Tour Show #3 - Friday, Week 2, September Tour Show #4 - Tuesday, Week 3, September Tour Show #5 - Thursday, Week 3, September BHOTWG Quest of Honor - Friday, Week 3, September Tour Show #6 - Wednesday, Week 4, September Tour Show #7 - Sunday, Week 4, September Tour Show #8 - Friday, Week 1, October Tour Show #9 - Tuesday, Week 2, October Tour Show #10 - Wednesday, Week 3, October BHOTWG Night of the Burning Hammer - Friday, Week 3, October Tour Show #11 - Tuesday, Week 4, October Tour Show #12 - Saturday, Week 4, October Tour Show #13 - Wednesday, Week 1, November Tour Show #14 - Thursday, Week 2, November Tour Show #15 - Sunday, Week 2, November Tour Show #16 - Tuesday, Week 3, November BHOTWG Everlasting Mission - Friday, Week 3, November[/LEFT] Now let's get on with the first show preview, where there is definitely going to be a lot to see, as many people will have old scores to settle from the last tour. [B][U]Card for Tour show[/U][/B] [B][U]Friday Show[/U][/B] [u]Kochi Stadium in Shikoku[/u] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Shoraku Kishi vs. Kazuo Mitsushi [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Mike Barstow vs. Jin Sakamoto [B][I]Tag Team[/I][/B] Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura vs. Akahashi Kuno & Flash Asagi [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Stunner Okazawaya w/??? vs. Kenzo Isozaki [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Derek Barnes vs. Tatsumaki Azai [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Kenji Fukamura vs. White Manta [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] Tag Team[/I][/B] Tasuku Nandaba & Connor Thompson vs. Dayu Ichihara & Cobra w/Viper [I]Will Tasuku be able to get revenge against the Black Serpent Cult? Will members from either Tasuku's or Dayu's factions be a part of the final decision?[/I] [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry to have to say this guys, but I can't continue with this diary for a long time, due to my A-Levels taking up a lot more time, as I do a lot of work now in the evenings, my usual write up time. I might possibly write up one show each weekend, depending on how long it is. Sorry to disappoint some people, and thanks to the bunch of people who have been reading, I might be back soon.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Friday Show Kochi Stadium in Shikoku Singles [B]Shoraku Kishi[/B] vs. Kazuo Mitsushi Singles Mike Barstow vs. [B]Jin Sakamoto[/B] Tag Team Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura vs. [B]Akahashi Kuno & Flash Asagi[/B] Singles [B]Stunner Okazawaya w/???[/B] vs. Kenzo Isozaki Singles Derek Barnes vs. [B]Tatsumaki Azai[/B] Singles Kenji Fukamura vs. [B]White Manta[/B] Main Event Tag Team Tasuku Nandaba & Connor Thompson vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara & Cobra w/Viper[/B]
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And here I was, worrying that this diary came to an end during my absence. Glad to see I was mistaken! :D This looks to be a tough two weeks predictions wise, since the new tour starting means everyone who deserves a win might not be getting one! Friday Show Kochi Stadium in Shikoku Singles Shoraku Kishi vs. [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] [i]Fresh out of the academy, Shoraku Kishi could be a computer generated Yoshimi Mushashibo for all I care - he's an unknown, and therefore he's got no right going over someone like Kazuo in his first professional match.[/i] Singles [B]Mike Barstow[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto [i]Both are talented, but Barstow has a lot more time to endear himself to the fans than the aging Sakamoto. Plus, who loses in their first match after jumping ship from a rival company?[/i] Tag Team Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimura vs. [B]Akahashi Kuno & Flash Asagi[/B] [i]One of the tougher choices today, but my instincts tell me Youth Rising will need the win here to counter some losses further down the card. Plus, Kuno's skills really stand out in this crowd. The spoiler, of course, is Sugimura, who you seem keen on pushing. I actually took quite a while teetering back and forth on this, so I'm interested to see who you pick.[/i] Singles Stunner Okazawaya w/??? vs.[B] Kenzo Isozaki[/B] [i]Stunner deserves a good push, I'll admit. But thus far I think I've overlooked something and am just now realizing it: not only is Kenzo a great midcard addition, he's now Elemental's biggest threat in the weight class stat-wise. That being said, I think Kenzo is in for a very nice push this tour.[/i] Singles [B]Derek Barnes[/B] vs. Tatsumaki Azai [i]He's fought Kitozon before. KITOZON! How could he lose to this schmuck?[/i] Singles [B]Kenji Fukamura[/B] vs. White Manta [i]In what I'm sure will be a good match, the old fart just doesn't have what it takes to really stand toe-to-toe with the nigh-unstoppable Pacific Champion. Would you really sacrifice the momentum from his win at Inferno to someone practically in his 40s?[/i] Main Event Tag Team Tasuku Nandaba & Connor Thompson vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara & Cobra w/Viper[/B] [i]Giving the good guys the win straight away doesn't seem too likely, as this feud seems to be one of the focal points of your mid-and upper-midcard. Has the potential to be a great match, but I have a feeling the point here is to show Dayu has been motivated to train even harder after losing to Yamanaka at Inferno of Purity. This should also be a telling match for Cobra's long-term future, as he's the weak link overness-wise and a good performance here means good things for him down the road.[/i]
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] Friday, Week 1, September 1975 Held in front of 3,553 people at the Kochi Stadium in Shikoku [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Shogo Takani vs. Haku Suzuwara [/u] [i]Shogo dominates the youngster in a surprisingly good match.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Shogo Takani by submission [b]B-[/b] – Good match between the two. [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Alexander Tomov vs. Kiba Izumi[/u] [i]A long match ends with Kiba getting the victory after escaping the Russian Clutch and locking in the Feral Ankle Lock.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kiba Izumi by submission [b]B[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. Kazuo Mitsushi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/ShorakuKishi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] A really good debut match for Shoraku, who showed great tenacity for such a young buck. He tried to get the better of Kazuo, and actually managed to during the early goings, focusing on taking out Kazuo’s knees. However, Kazuo managed to fight back after ducking a clothesline and kicking Kishi right in the jaw. Kazuo went for the cover, but the young star managed to kick out just in time, and fought his way back up to standing. Mitsushi desperately tried to knock the young man down, but the Shoraku nailed a picture perfect dropkick right to the chest, sending the rising star flying backwards. Kishi went to pick him up, but got stopped right in his tracks with a stiff uppercut and staggered backwards. Kazuo got charged full of adrenaline and charged towards the young Kishi and took him right off of his feet with a jumping back elbow and then went for the cover, but only just missed the pinfall, as Kishi kicked out just before the three count. He pulled his opponent up to his feet and kneed Shoraku right in the gut, causing him to double over and then hoisted him into the air. The young star countered however, dropping down behind Kazuo and then spun him round before booting him in the gut. Shoraku then lifted Kazuo high into the air and seemed to be going for the Eclipse Driver, a Sit-Out Crucifix Powerbomb, but Kazuo managed to wriggle out of this, catching the young star off guard and then kicked him in the back of the head. He then waited for his opponent to get up and as soon as he did, he booted him in the gut, lifted him up, and then dropped him with a vicious Ore Ga Mitsushi Brainbuster. It was lights out for Kishi, despite the fantastic performance he had shown, and Kazuo got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall in 5:07 [b]C[/b] – [i] Pretty good for Shoraku’s very first professional match, considering Kazuo’s lacking psychology skills. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Mike Barstow vs. Jin Sakamoto [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MikeBarstow.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Mike was having his first match here with BHOTWG, and showed the great skills that caused him to be hired. He fought Jin over command of the mat, as both men were talented technicians, but in the end Mike managed to sneak control away from Jin after a stiff punch right to the gut, winding the veteran. The two men actually took the match to standing for a while, engaging in a vicious brawl which surprised the fans. It started when Mike slapped Jin, causing the veteran to get angry and assault him with several knees, kicks and punches to his upper body, causing the new star to stumble backwards and collapse. Jin then showed something he rarely ever did, lack of experience, as he let his anger get the better of him as he charged towards Mike. Barstow saw him coming and tripped him up, causing him to fall out of the ring and land on his back, causing him to yell out in pain. Mike then surprised the fans again when he leapt over the top rope and squashed Jin, further damaging his back. He rolled him back in, but failed to get the pinfall, so he resorted to submissions and locked in a tight Crowbar on Jin. The veteran suddenly sprang full of life and rolled around until he reached the ropes. Mike released the hold, but stood up and dragged Jin back into the middle of the ring, kneed him in the back and then locked him in the Pretzel Knot. The veteran desperately tried to get back to the ropes, but his back was in too much pain, and tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Mike Barstow by submission in 9:42 [b]B-[/b] [i]- A fantastic debut match for Barstow.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Fire Dragons (Valmont & Sugimura) vs. Youth Rising (Kuno & Asagi) [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/flashasagi.jpg[/IMG] This was a fantastic match between these four, and it really helped develop the chaos that was forming between these two factions. At the start of the match, it was Kuno and Valmont who faced off, and they put on an amazing aerial show, with Valmont going for the Bombs Over London early on, but Kuno moved out of the way and then nailed him with an enziguri was soon as he stood up. They continued to fly around, and after Kuno dropkicked Valmont off of the top rope, he tagged out to Asagi, who flew off of the apron and connected with a twisting splash to Byron. Kuno was too tired to continue, while Satoru charged around from his corner and kicked Asagi right in the head when he got up to one knee, knocking him down. He then dragged Asagi into the ring and drove elbow after elbow into his gut, weakening him. Satoru went back to his corner and Byron clambered back in, going for the cover. He didn’t get it however, and the match returned to it’s aerial content, but Asagi was clearly less agile, due to the beating he took. After Asagi missed a Missile Dropkick, Byron tagged out to Satoru, who instantly began to work on the back of Flash, elbowing him several times and ending with a jumping knee drop. He then pulled Flash up to his feet, kicked him in the back of the knees and locked him in the Masked Assassin, a modified Surfboard. Asagi screamed out in pain, but Satoru wouldn’t let go, and Flash almost tapped when suddenly Kuno flew in from his corner and connected with the Glittering Mirage, knocking Satoru to the ground. Kuno got back up and looked around, only to be nailed with a Missile Dropkick from Byron, knocking him out of the ring. Byron woke up his partner, and Satoru quickly got up and pulled Asagi up with him. As soon as he was up, Satoru nailed him with the Sugimura Slice. Byron then helped out by flying over the top rope and connecting with a Cross Body to Kuno on the outside. Satoru went for the cover and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Fire Dragons by pinfall of Satoru Sugimura on Flash Asagi. [b]B-[/b] – [i]Pretty good match, although slightly lower than I expected[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya w/Tasuku Nandaba vs. Kenzo Isozaki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] When the fans found out that Tasuku was going to be accompanying Stunner, they went nuts. And at first, it seemed like Stunner was going to win, as he hit a huge amount of hard hitting moves right from the start, showing he has been building his muscle mass as of late. Kenzo tried to use his speed to his advantage, but Stunner’s smaller size allowed him to outmanoeuvre Kenzo, and at one time, Stunner almost got the cover after a lightning fast enziguri right to the back of the head, knocking Kenzo right to the mat. Kenzo kicked out just in time, and sprang up to his feet, showing his resilience. He then caught Stunner by surprise, taking him down to the mat with a quick arm drag and then locking in a tight armbar. Stunner fought out of it, but Kenzo wasn’t about to let go, as he kept the hold on and just simply dragged Stunner back to the centre whenever he got too close. Stunner seemed about ready to tap, but he managed to fight his way back up to his feet and elbowed Kenzo a few times in the gut and then dropkicked him in the chest. He ran across the ring, and when Kenzo got up, he kicked him in the chest, and then continued running, as if building up speed for the Destiny Kick. Kenzo saw this coming however, and the second time he went past, Isozaki kicked Stunner stiffly in the chest, causing the smaller man to flip over and hit the mat hard. Tasuku groaned from ringside in dismay at how his young protégé had fallen, and walked up the ramp. Kenzo took advantage of this by climbing up to the top rope and nailing a beautiful Kenzosault. He got the pinfall and the second victory for Fire Dragons tonight. Tasuku then ran back down to the ring and dragged Stunner to the back with him to prevent him from getting beaten up. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki by pinfall in 12:15 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Pretty good, not the best Kenzo or Stunner have done, but still good.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Derek Barnes vs. Tatsumaki Azai [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DerekBarnes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] A good match that served its purpose of introducing Derek Barnes to the crowd once again. He dominated most of the match pretty much until the end, kicking and punching away at Azai, knocking him right down to the mat eventually, as Azai couldn’t take the punisment. He took the match to the mat then, which proved to be a mistake, as Azai quickly outwitted him and locked him in a body scissors. After a long struggle, Derek managed to escape and went back to punching and kicking Azai, this time on the mat, making sure he had total control. After that, he backed away in order to recover and then pulled Azai up to his feet, only to be met by a strong fist to the side of the head. He staggered backwards, but fired back with a punch of his own, this caused the two to flat out brawl with each other, fighting for control. However, Derek was the more experienced brawler, and ended up winning the fight after an extremely stiff elbow to the temple which knocked Tatsumaki down to the mat. Derek kept control of the match doing pretty much this all the way through, whenever Azai gained momentum; he would just brawl his way out of it. There was a time when Azai gained control after a clothesline, but he got a bit too carried away, and while getting ready to connected with a fist drop, Derek moved out of the way and punched him in the head when he got back up. He then pulled Azai up to his feet, booted him in the gut and heaved him onto his shoulder. He put his arms out to the side and spun them round to signal what was next, and the crowd booed. Azai managed to wriggle out of the move due to how long Derek took with the taunt, but was met with an extremely powerful left hook to the jaw that knocked him out. Derek was ready to end the match and picked Azai up once more and nailed the Full Turbo Powerslam, connected with so much force the ring shook. Naturally, he got the victory, and made his way up the ramp with a smirk on his face. [b]Winner:[/b] Derek Barnes by pinfall in 13:43 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Good debut.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Kenji Fukamura vs. White Manta [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] Manta tried to catch Kenji off guard in the early goings, but the young star managed to surprise the veteran by how much he managed to dodge. Whenever Manta did manage a comeback however, it tended to be short as Kenji would always nail an amazing move that killed his momentum dead. Manta managed to gain control from Kenji after dodging a thrust kick and then taking the young star to the mat with a sweep kick. He then promptly locked Kenji in a tight Crowbar, and just when it seemed Kenji was going to get out of the move, he quickly changed to a knee lock, pulling the lower leg back as far as it would go in order to deal as much damage as possible. He constantly punched the back of the knee in order to prevent Kenji from getting away, but mainly to stop him from using that Superstar Kick he has become famous for. After a very long time, Kenji managed to summon the strength to power out of the move and crawl over to the ropes in order to stop Manta from locking it in again. This made him a sitting duck however, as Manta charged in and dropkicked his knee from out of nowhere, causing the young star to collapse in pain. Manta began to get confident and stomped away at the joint continuously. When he stopped, Manta ran around the ring in order to build up momentum for the White Out, as he felt the end of the match was looming. However, he took a little too much time, and out of nowhere, Kenji shot up to his feet and connected with a Superstar Kick right to the jaw, sending Manta flying backwards onto the mat. Kenji fell to the floor, as his knee was hurting, and crawled over to make the cover, and managed to take the victory, but at what cost? [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 11:10 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Not as good as before, but still good for the age of Manta.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba & Connor Thompson vs. Dayu Ichihara & Cobra w/Viper[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] Both teams were eager to get the victory in this match, and showed it when they literally tore each other apart. The first half of the match was Dayu and Tasuku ripping into each other, due to their current position of leaders of their respective factions. It was a very even playing field, as neither man gained sufficient momentum, but it was very brutal. Dayu showed his immense knowledge of puroresu when he flung Tasuku into the air and brought him crashing down with a modified Front Slam, and Tasuku showed the same when he threw Dayu overhead with a Release Belly to Belly suplex, and dropped Dayu right on his head. Despite this, each man kept coming back for more, and eventually, both men tagged out to their partners. Cobra came in and instantly tried to work over Connor’s knees to take advantage of the older mans weakness, but the veteran stopped him in his tracks with a Big Boot to the jaw, sending him right down to the mat. He then picked up Cobra and threw him into the corner before tagging out to his partner, which caught some fans off guard. Tasuku eagerly jumped in and shocked some fans when he showed his athleticism and cart wheeled towards Cobra, and after doing so he leapt high in the air and connected with a huge splash. His opponent flopped out of the corner, and he dominated for a little while after that. Cobra managed to escape after he ducked a clothesline and kicked Tasuku three times in the back, then connected with a Cobra Strike, a jumping spin kick, knocking the next generation superstar down to the mat. He tagged out to Dayu, who promptly went about stomping on every part of Tasuku’s body, before locking him in all sorts of submissions. Nandaba managed to stretch towards the ropes, but was pulled back to the middle of the ring just short of grabbing onto the bottom rope. He refused to give up now, despite Dayu having his patented Grounded Abdominal Stretch locked in, and powered out of the move before running to his corner and tagging out. Connor pretty much continued what Tasuku had been doing, cleaning house. He levelled Dayu with a lariat, and then threw Cobra high into the air with a back body drop when he tried to interfere. Ichihara managed to catch him by surprise when he pulled him down to the mat with a roll-up, but Connor managed to kick out at two. He then shot up to standing, but was hit with a stiff clothesline from Dayu, who had shot up to his feet as well. The Rival then assaulted Connor with several kicks and stomps to his chest, causing the veteran to scream in pain. Cobra was back on the apron, and Dayu tagged out to him. Cobra ran in and tried to continue kicked at Connor, but the veteran caught his leg and brought him down with a leg whip. Thompson then stomped away at Cobra, but he suddenly stopped and dropped down to one knee, seemingly too tired, which allowed Cobra to roll away, get up and then dropkick him in the face. Cobra capitalised from this point onwards, pulling off big move after big move, showcasing his abilities to the crowd. He got too c0cky however, as after a big Exploder Suplex that he called the Poison Plex, he taunted the crowd, which allowed Connor to go over to his corner and tag in Tasuku. Nandaba slowly crept into the ring, as Cobra was still taunting, before taking him down with a stiff punch to the back of the head, and then pulled him back up to his feet. Cobra tried to swing a punch at Tasuku, but the superstar easily evaded it and came back with one of his own, knocking Cobra down to one knee. He then ran to the ropes, eager to make Viper, who was at ringside, see what he could do, due to what Viper did to Tasuku at Inferno of Purity. He kept bouncing off of the ropes until Cobra was standing, and as soon as he was, he nailed the stiffest Full Swing Lariat I think the fans had ever seen. Viper leapt up onto the apron to try and attack Tasuku, but Stunner Okazawaya ran down to the ring and connected with a Destiny Kick to his knee, causing him to fall off. Tasuku didn’t go for the pin quite yet, as he noticed Dayu getting into the ring. He ducked a clothesline attempt, but got hit in the back of the head with an elbow, causing him to stagger forward. But Connor interfered before anything could happen, throwing Dayu out of the ring. Nandaba then made the cover, and got the victory for his team, making it 1-3 for Youth Rising. [b]Winner:[/b] Nandaba & Thompson by pinfall on Cobra by Tasuku Nandaba in 16:11 [b]A[/b] [i]- Fantastic match, Cobra really outperformed himself today, which means great things for him down the road.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] Good show, with the Main Event really pulling through for me. After some advice from SadisticBlessings, I have decided to shorten the length of the matches I write, and go back to my old method of writing, where I summarise and then do a little move-by-move, as that is a bit more fun to read in my view. Of course, if more people prefer my more recent style to my old one, state so and I will consider reverting back. SadisticBlessings got 5/7 for this one, and Chris Caulfield got 0/7. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] [I]Credit to: J Silver[/I] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] What a way to kickstart the tour. The Fire Dragons seemed to have got the upper hand, but what does this mean in the long run? That said, things can only get better for these 12 men, as you, the fans, are really beginning to love it. [B][U]Card for Tour show[/U][/B] [B][U]Sunday Show[/U][/B] [u]Akita Stadium in Tohoku[/u] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Shoraku Kishi vs. DEMON Yukata [I][B]Tag Team[/B][/I] Mike Barstow & Kiba Izumi vs. Jin Sakamoto & Tatsumaki Azai [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Bishima vs. Stunner Okazawaya [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Derek Barnes vs. Onishiki [B][I]Triple Threat[/I] Kenji Fukamura at ringside[/B] Kenzo Isozaki vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. Satoru Sugimura [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] Singles[/I][/B] Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka [I]Will Seison be able to overcome the behemoth that is Toshiro Saito? Or will the monster send a message to Kitozon through his pupil? Will Dayu also make an appearance to help his friend do so?[/I] [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Great way to start off the tour - I'm very impressed by the main event, considering the relatively one-dimensional nature of both Tasuku and Thompson's skills. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cobra (and, perhaps later on, Viper as well) become a serious main event level threat a few tours down the road. The show was definitely a much quicker read, and felt like it was really flowing at some point. I liked that you beefed up the main event too; considering the high rating, it probably deserved it. Also, I think you've got a typo there in your preview - Barnes is scheduled twice, once against Onishiki and once against Azai. Since Azai is already booked (and that was a match from last week) I'll predict as though Barnes - Onishiki is the right match. Sunday Show Akita Stadium in Tohoku Singles Shoraku Kishi vs. [B]DEMON Yukata[/B] [i]We all saw how poorly received Kazuo and Gnasher Udo's early wins were - same thing here if Kishi wins. DEMON has talent, so it's not a total loss. Kishi is in a learning period right now. Once he's earned a modicum of respect, a push may be in order if he's proven himself.[/i] Tag Team [B]Mike Barstow & Kiba Izumi[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto & Tatsumaki Azai [i]Lots of technical skill in this match, and for some reason I'm expecting a surprisingly high rating. Kiba was getting a small push near the end of the last tour, which I think might be an indicator of your future plans for him, and Barstow already showed he's a bit higher on the pecking order than Sakamoto last week. Easy pick.[/i] Singles [B]Bishima[/B] vs. Stunner Okazawaya [i]Man, it has been a LONG time since Bishima got a chance to look good in a match. He's pretty much the definition of "lost in the shuffle" right now, even though he's one of the better lightweight workers on the roster. Now, I may just be throwing my prediction away here since Stunner has been a favorite of yours, but in this case I feel Bishima's greater skill and C- popularity deserve the win.[/i] Singles [B]Derek Barnes[/B] vs. Onishiki [i]Sometimes in life you're the bowling ball, other times you're one of the pins. In this case, Onishiki is definitely one of the pins.[/i] Triple Threat - Kenji Fukamura at ringside Kenzo Isozaki vs. [B]Akahashi Kuno[/B] vs. Satoru Sugimura [i]Kuno is the most popular of the three, and while it certainly seems unlikely given the 2 on 1 nature of the match that he could pull out the win, I can't see Fukamura just being there without serving a purpose in the match. If he's at ringside, you know he's getting involved.[/i] Main Event - Singles Toshiro Saito vs.[B] Seison Yamanaka[/B] [i]Now seems to be the time for Yamanaka to win the big matches, as the build towards Night of the Burning Hammer is about to begin. With Dayu vs Kitozon officially sucking, Master vs Student seems to be the most likely scenario if you're hoping for an A or A* match. Unless you manage to steal a major star from GCG, I don't see what other options you have.[/i]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] Sunday, Week 1, September 1975 Held in front of 4,742 people at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Osei Khama [/u] [i]Sanada continues his streak by making the big man tap.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission [b]B-[/b] – Quite surprising. [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Yuto Ijima vs. Flash Asagi[/u] [i]Yuto returns to the ring and defeats Asagi with the Ijima Driver..[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Yuto Ijima by pinfall [b]C[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. DEMON Yukata[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/ShorakuKishi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] Shoraku tried his best during this match, as he wanted to pick up a win after losing to Kazuo in his debut, but the veteran DEMON Yukata proved too much for him, despite being taller than Yukata. Shoraku managed to knock the veteran down several times, utilising his power advantage, nailing many clotheslines and elbows, but Yukata eventually managed to counter and turn the tide of the match. Yukata ducked under an elbow attempt, kicked Shoraku stiffly in the side and then nailed an amazing enziguri. He went for the cover, but Shoraku managed to kick out before the three count. Shoraku quickly shot up to his feet, catching Yukata off guard and booted him in the gut. The veteran DEMON doubled over, allowing Kishi to drive him down to one knee with a tough double axe handle. Shoraku then ran to the ropes, trying to build momentum, but when he came back, he was hit with a huge head scissors from Yukata that sent him flying across the ring. Kishi hit the mat hard, but shot back up to his feet, showing his resilience, only to be knocked down by a stiff elbow to the side of the head from the smaller veteran. Yukata was getting pumped, and looked to the crowd to get support, and got a little in the forms of chants of his name. He began jumping up and down, waiting for Shoraku to get up, and when he did, he charged towards Shoraku. Kishi tried to block the coming move, but failed, as Yukata leapt into the air and delivered a picture perfect Jumping Leg Lariat called the Scarlet Mirage. Shoraku crumpled to the mat and Yukata made the cover, managing to get the victory. Once again Shoraku ends up losing, but looks fantastic in doing so. [b]Winner:[/b] DEMON Yukata by pinfall in 6:39 [b]C+[/b] – [i] Kishi is catching me off guard with his matches so far. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Mike Barstow & Kiba Izumi vs. Jin Sakamoto & Tatsumaki Azai [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MikeBarstow.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] This match was a classic in terms of technical wrestling, as all four men knew their way around the mat. Mike and Jin started out the match, and each desperately tried to gain the upper hand, but both men knew how the other wrestled, which resulted in a stalemate. This stalemate came to an end when Jin ducked underneath a forearm attempt and drove Mike down into the mat with a high angle back suplex, dropping the foreigner right on his head. Jin then made his way over to his corner and tagged in Tatsumaki, causing the fans to explode, as they wanted to see Azai get back on track. He ran into the ring and snapped his elbow into the skull of Mike, who was trying to reach his corner. Azai continued the beating, dragging Mike into the middle of the ring and locking him in several holds, almost breaking his arm at one point with a tight crowbar. He then tried to bring Mike up to his feet, but the foreigner countered with a couple of stiff punches to the gut of Azai, causing him to stagger backwards. Mike then exploded with a huge clothesline out of nowhere, flipping Tatsumaki over. Barstow slowly made his way back up to his feet, and when he did, he leapt over to his corner and tagged in Kiba. Izumi leapt into the ring and charged towards Jin, who had climbed into the ring, and took him off his feet with a spinning back elbow. He then pulled Azai up to his feet and booted him in the gut before whipping him across the ring, and when he came back, he tried to go for a clothesline, but Azai ducked and kept running. Kiba turned around to face him, and was met with a Pride Attack, Azai’s renamed Feral Assault, which knocked him clean off his feet and sent the fans into a frenzy. Both men were down, and it was a while before either started moving. When they did get up to their feet, Kiba immediately grabbed control of the match when he unloaded a series of strong forearms to the face and neck, and then whipped Azai across the ring, and this time he took no chances by leaping into the air and tackling Tatsumaki with a shoulder block. He then stomped viciously on the back and legs of Azai, weakening the area for the Feral Ankle Lock. He then quickly locked the move in, catching Azai completely off guard. Barstow re-entered the ring and attacked Jin as he tried to break up the hold, and the two ended up brawling all the way to the back. Azai struggled and tried to get out of the hold, but couldn’t hold on for long and tapped out, much to the disappointment of the fans. [b]Winner:[/b] Barstow & Izumi by submission on Azai by Izumi in 15:49 [b]B[/b] [i]- A really good match for these four men.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Bishima vs. Stunner Okazawaya [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] This match was full of tension, as a win for either man would mean they were back on track. Stunner instantly managed to gain control through some quick high impact moves, but he began to tire, which allowed Bishima to take control instead. Bishima took to the skies, but was stopped dead in his tracks by a stiff chop to the chest when he landed, knocking him off of his feet. Stunner kept control for a little while after this, focusing on Bishima’s chest, stomping, chopping and punching it. He then went for his Running Destiny Kick, trying to end the match quickly, but Bishima ducked underneath the move and countered with a neckbreaker, stopping Stunner’s momentum dead. Bishima picked his opponent up and whipped him across the ring, leapfrogged him when he came back, and then shocked the fans when he backflipped onto Stunner’s shoulders and connected with a head scissors, sending Stunner flying across the ring. He went for the cover, but didn’t manage to get the pinfall. He tried to do the same move again when he picked Stunner up, but this time Okazawaya was ready and slammed him down to the mat instead. Stunner then stood up and leant in the corner, trying to recover a little bit, but he took a little too long, as Bishima was back up and he dropkicked Stunner stiffly in the chest, sending him into the turnbuckles. Stunner cringed in pain and dropped onto his knees, leaving him open for a dropkick to the side of the head. Bishima went up top, aiming for the Evil Rising Splash, a high elevation Shooting Star Press, but missed! Stunner had moved out of the way and got himself ready to nail the Destiny Kick, and as soon as Bishima was up, he ran to the ropes, and leapt into the air when he reached Bishima, but once again the high flying menace had managed to duck under the move, and dropkicked Stunner viciously into the ropes, and then connected with a back suplex. Bishima then quickly hopped onto the top rope and connected with the Evil Rising Splash, and managed to get the hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Bishima by pinfall in 12:11 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Could have been better, both are still improving. [/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Derek Barnes vs. Onishiki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DerekBarnes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] Onishiki was basically acting in Kitozon’s part here tonight, as he is a good friend of Kitozon, and as such is standing up for Japan as well. Derek looked as menacing as ever during his entrance and the first part of the match, taking Onishiki down with many vicious flurries of attacks. He then tried to suplex the former sumo over, but the big man resisted and whipped Derek across the ring. This momentum change didn’t last however, as Derek swiftly clotheslined Onishiki down to the mat. Barnes then taunted the crowd, trying to anger them just so his victory would be that much sweeter, but this took a little too long, as Onishiki shot up to his feet and clubbed Derek in the back and then whipped him into the corner. The big man hopped up and down on the spot, making the crowd get behind him, before charging full steam ahead towards Derek. Barnes tried to get out of the way, but it didn’t work, as he was squashed by Onishiki and crumpled to the mat. Onishiki continued his domination for a fair while after, hitting big move after big move in order to keep his momentum going, until Derek countered an STO attempt into an arm bar drop, and locked the veteran in a tight arm bar variation. Onishiki managed to fight out of it however, showing his brute strength when he powered out of the hold, lifted Derek into the air and then slammed him down to the mat with a Powerslam. Onishiki began to get a little too confident however, and this came back to bite him when he went for the Samoan Driver a bit early, and Derek countered it into a Reverse DDT, planting the veteran Samoan. Derek quickly got back up to his feet and kept the momentum on his side when he continually connected with leg drops and elbow drops to Onishiki, before waiting for the big man to get up to both feet. When Onishiki did make it up, Derek booted him stiffly in the gut and then hoisted him up onto his shoulders. Barnes was clearly in pain from lifting the big man up, and so quickly ran forward and nailed the Full Turbo Powerslam. He went for the cover, and managed to get the victory after Onishiki was unable to kick out after having the air knocked out of him. [b]Winner:[/b] Derek Barnes by pinfall in 14:03 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Pretty good, but could have been a little better.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki vs. Akahashi Kuno vs. Satoru Sugimura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] When Kenji took his place at ringside, both Kenzo and Satoru were temporarily distracted by him, taunting him in order to anger him and make him disqualify his team mate. However, all it served to do was give Kuno time to prepare himself, as he delivered a fantastic dropkick to both men, sending them over the top rope and out to the floor. Kuno then delivered on his expectations when he raced across the ring and flew right over the ropes without touching them and connected with a senton to both men when they tried to get up. Kuno continued his domination for a little while, knocking each man down after the other, but eventually the numbers game proved too much for him to handle, as he was stopped with a stiff punch to the gut followed by a strong uppercut from Satoru. Kenzo then went up to the top rope and flew, connecting with a Diving Leg Drop, taking all the air out of Kuno, and then went for the pin. It looked like he may have got the three, but Satoru pulled him off and went for the pin himself, which only served to anger Kenzo, who chopped his team mate in the chest and took him down with a clothesline. The two team mates battled it out for a long time, allowing Kuno to recover, and after Kenzo was knocked out of the ring with a dropkick from Satoru, he connected with an enziguri to back of Sugimura’s head, causing the masked assassin to crumple backwards onto the mat. Kuno went up to the top rope, and aimed to go for the Glittering Knockout, newly re-named Glittering Mirage, on Satoru, but Kenzo had recovered and pushed Kuno off of the top, causing him to hit the mat hard. Kenzo then climbed up himself, causing Kenji to leave the announce table and get into the ring, both Satoru and Kenzo didn’t notice though. Kenji began to stomp his foot and signalling to Kenzo, and in a split second just before Kenzo was about to fly off of the top, Kenji charged across the ring and amazed the fans when he connected with a Jumping Superstar Kick, sending Kenzo flying backwards onto the outside barricade, causing him to yell out in pain. Satoru quickly capitalised, and as soon as Kenji stood up, nailed him with the Sugimura Slice, causing him to roll out of the ring, and then did the same to Kuno when he stood up. Satoru was the only man standing, and made the cover on Kuno, gaining the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimura by pinfall on Akahashi Kuno in 13:10 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Not as good as I had expected, but still pretty impressive.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men have reasons to take away a win here tonight, and both have shown time and again that they refuse to give up on their quests. Despite the obvious mismatch in size, Seison looked more confident than ever, fully concentrated on how to bring down the behemoth that is Saito. He tried to take out the giant’s legs, but this didn’t work as Saito just kept pushing him away whenever he got too close. He then tried to dropkick the big man down, but Saito caught him mid kick and threw him across the ring, causing Seison to hit the mat hard. Seison got right back up however, and returned his to focus to attacking the giant’s legs, trying to weaken Saito, but all he got this time was a huge fist right to the head, causing him to crumble to the mat as if he was hit by a concrete block in the face. Saito picked him up and booted him in the gut before hoisting him into the air and nailing a strong suplex that causing Seison to bounce off of the mat from impact. Saito then went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count as Seison showed his resilience by kicking out. Toshiro was angry, as he though Seison would have given up by now, and pulled the smaller youth up to his feet and threw him into the closest corner. Seison tried to escape, but Saito clotheslined him against the turnbuckles, practically squashing him. Saito lifted Seison up and placed him on the second rope. He then backed away and went for a running elbow smash, aiming to knock Seison to the outside. Seison countered however, flipping over Saito and running towards the opposite ropes, and when he came back he connected with a massive dropkick that sent Saito tumbling over the top to the outside, causing the fans to explode in excitement. Yamanaka then stood his ground, waiting for Saito to get back in the ring, thinking he would be able to control the monster, but when Toshiro got up onto the apron, Seison went to kick him off, but all he got was a massive slam from Saito, who caught his leg and then connected with a chokeslam. Seison bounced off of the mat and didn’t move for a while. Saito stepped over the ropes and went for the cover, but Yamanaka somehow kicked out one more time, refusing to give up. Saito was getting really frustrated now, and pulled his opponent up to his feet and chopped him in the chest before unleashing a load of punches and chops upon the smaller man, causing him to fall to the mat seemingly out cold. Saito was pleased and taunted the crowd about their fallen hero in training before going to pick the small man up. Seison managed to fight back, albeit not enough, by punching Toshiro several times in the gut, only to be clobbered over the head and then hoisted into the air, in position for the Saito-Plex. Toshiro turned to face every direction, showing off how weak Seison was, and then threw the smaller man into the air and connected with a massive POWER Crush!! Yamanaka bounced and flipped off of the mat from the impact, and was definitely unconscious. Saito went for the cover, but was distracted by movement outside of the ring, and turned to face the entrance ramp. Suddenly Ares Aegaleus appeared from the crowd, causing Toshiro to dare the Greek God to enter the ring. Ares happily accepted this challenge and clambered into the ring, only to get booted in the gut and whipped across the ring by the behemoth that is Saito, inadvertently knocking down the referee when doing so. When Ares came back, Saito tried to clothesline him out of his boots, but the bigger man simply took the shot, and then clobbered Saito over the head, causing the monster to stagger. Ares then ran back to the ropes, and when he came back, he took Saito clean off of his feet with a massive Spartan Spear! The ring shook as if an earthquake had just happened, and Ares quickly left the ring and exited through the crowd, who patted him on the back. Seison came to, and saw a prone Saito in the ring and clambered on top while the ref woke up as well and made the count. Against all odds, Seison had beaten the behemoth, but this definitely won’t be the end of this war. [b]Winner:[/b] Seison Yamanaka by pinfall in 17:46 [b]B[/b] [i]- Poor by main event standards, now we have to produce a fantastic match next week haha.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Match of the Night:[/b] Barstow & Izumi vs. Sakamoto & Azai [b]Let-down of the Night:[/b] Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka [b]Surprise of the Night:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. DEMON Yukata [b]Notes:[/b] Not good, we’re dropping again. Hopefully, some storylines will begin to take shape soon and allow for better matches. Predictions wise, Sadistic got 7/7, so you can pick the next main event. Shoraku is really impressing me, he is pulling off some fantastic matches despite his less than amazing skills. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [i]Apologies on the very late post guys, school was as crazy as you like, and that on top of work left no time for this sadly, but now that it is Half-term, I can begin churning out shows.[/i] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] [I]Credit to: J Silver[/I] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A good show with some surprising twists and turns on top of some great matches. What will come of what happened during the Triple Threat match? Why did Ares intervene in the main event? We hope these answers will come to fruitions on the next show. [B][U]Card for Tour show[/U][/B] [B][U]Friday Show[/U][/B] [u]Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku[/u] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Shoraku Kishi vs. Hitoshi Higa [I][B]Tag Team[/B][/I] Derek Barnes & ??? vs. Onishiki & Tatsumaki Azai [i]Derek's opponents so far team up to take on him and his partner of choice[/i] [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Edo Phoenix vs. Satoru Sugimura [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Kenzo Isozaki vs. Jin Sakamoto [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Cobra & Viper vs. Kenji Fukamura & Tasuku Nandaba [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] Singles[/I][/B] Connor Thompson vs. Toshiro Saito [I]What sort of state will Toshiro be in after his loss last week? Will Ares make another appearance?[/I] [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Actually, to be fair, I got 6/7 - I bet on Kuno for the win in the triple threat. :p Also, I dunno if the game recognizes this or not, but is it possible that the main event was less than great because the fans didn't like interference? Back then, from what I understand at least, Japanese fans were very vocal about finishes that weren't clean. I think it was appropriate in this case, since you're putting Ares vs Toshiro over as a feud, but it was a thought. I'd've expected Saito vs Yamanaka to earn a B+ at least! Friday Show Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku Singles Shoraku Kishi vs. [B]Hitoshi Higa[/B] [i]Young lions are young lions... looking forward to seeing what Kishi can do in a couple years, though![/i] Tag Team [B]Derek Barnes & ???[/B] vs. Onishiki & Tatsumaki Azai [i]My pick for Derek's partner? Paul Kingsley. They've got the matching headgear already and everything! No matter who it is, I can already sense that Barnes' push is going somewhere. So I don't see it ending here.[/i] Singles Edo Phoenix vs. [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] [i]Man... talk about a tough call. Satoru is getting an obvious push, but I haven't seen Edo Phoenix on a main card in forever. Could Phoenix pull a Bishima and win this one? In this case, I don't think so. The difference is, Stunner's push had already slowed down when he lost. Satoru is just getting started.[/i] Singles [B]Kenzo Isozaki[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto [i]Kenzo, as I think I've mentioned already, is looking more and more like Elemental's next big rival - both as someone who could put on a great match with him, and someone Elemental could refine his technical skills while fighting. Jin is a talented guy, but "championship material" he is not.[/i] Singles Cobra & Viper vs. [B]Kenji Fukamura & Tasuku Nandaba[/B] [i]As good as the champs are, I can't see Tasuku taking a loss this early in the tour. Both of the BSC are possible future stars, but Tasuku and Kenji are getting a turn on top first.[/i] Main Event - Singles Connor Thompson vs. [B]Toshiro Saito[/B] [i]I want Connor to win this. I really do. But the way the promotion is progressing at the moment, his winning here would be completely out of left field. Toshiro is building toward a major feud with Ares right now - and as much as I hate to admit it, Thompson's age is probably becoming a liability. Thus, Saito is the logical choice to win here. I wouldn't hold it against you if I were proven wrong, though.[/i]
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] Friday, Week 2, September 1975 Held in front of 3,742 people at the Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Gnasher Udo vs. Haku Suzuwara [/u] [i]Gnasher wins his first match of the tour with the Udo Moonsault.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Gnasher Udo by pinfall [b]D+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: The Mantas vs. Kuno & Nagamichi[/u] [i]Youth Rising members Akahashi Kuno & Atsushi Nagamichi team up and defeat the two Manta’s with stereo Running Knee’s.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kuno & Nagamichi by pinfall [b]C+[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. Hitoshi Higa[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/ShorakuKishi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hitoshihiga.jpg[/IMG] Shoraku once again tried to get a victory, giving it all he had, but he just couldn’t slow the roll of Hitoshi Higa, who kept knocking him down every time he gained even a dot of momentum. One such time was when Higa threw Kishi overhead for a German Suplex, but the youngster flipped and landed on his feet, and then dropkicked Higa in the back, making the taller man stagger forwards and drop down onto one knee. Kishi then ran to the ropes and charged towards Higa, leaping into the air to dropkick him in the back of the head, but the big man moved out of the way at the last second, causing Kishi to hit the mat. Higa then stood up, pulled Kishi up with him and whipped into the corner and followed up with a strong clothesline, crushing Kishi, and then unleashed a huge volley of stiff elbow shots right to the temple, causing the young Shoraku to drop to the mat, seemingly out cold. Higa then pulled him back up, kneed him in the gut and then locked him in a hammerlock, and the fans began to get up on their feet as they could guess what was next. Hitoshi summoned his strength and threw Kishi overhead with the Higa Hammerlock Suplex, causing Shoraku to hit the mat hard. Higa made the cover, and got the dominating victory. After Higa had left the ring celebrating, Kishi stood up and received some applause from the crowd for his efforts. [b]Winner:[/b] Hitoshi Higa by pinfall in 4:43 [b]C+[/b] – [i] Kishi once again outperforms himself. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Derek Barnes & Paul Kingsley vs. Onishiki & Tatsumaki Azai[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DerekBarnes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] When Barnes & Kingsley came out next to each other, the expression on many fans’ faces was that of surprise, as Kingsley looked like he could be Barnes’ father. When the match started, it was Barnes and Onishiki who started out, and they fought a very strong battle, giving it all they had, which made the fans applaud both men. Derek managed to reverse a suplex from Onishiki into a neckbreaker and then slowly made his way over to his corner and tagged in Paul, who came in and cleaned house, stomping wildly at Onishiki on the mat and then floored Azai with a right hook when he tried to intervene. He then pulled Azai up to his feet and whipped him across the ring, and when he tried to clothesline the young star, Azai ducked under his arm and answered with a thrust kick right between the shoulders of Paul, causing him to drop forward onto the mat. Azai then went back to his corner and climbed back onto the apron after waking up Onishiki, who slowly made his way up to his feet and dropped an elbow into the gut of Paul. He then pulled the veteran up to standing before kneeing him in the gut and then took him over with a strong suplex. Onishiki then stood up and began to viciously assault Paul, constantly driving his knees into the side of the head of Paul. Derek clambered into the ring and pulled Onishiki off of Kingsley and drove him down to the mat with a knee to the gut followed by a strong clothesline. He then pulled Onishiki up to his feet and woke up Paul before whipping the Samoan across the ring. Kingsley stood up, and when Onishiki came back, dropped him with a Spinebuster, showing his strength. Derek then dared Azai to enter the ring, which he did, and received a kick to the gut and a stiff elbow to the back of the head for it. Azai dropped down to one knee, and was knocked down to the mat with a double axe handle. Paul pulled Onishiki back up and connected with a devastating Left Hook, knocking Onishiki right down to the mat, with a glazed look in his eyes. Derek booted Azai in the gut at the same time and heaved him onto his shoulders, and promptly drilled him into the mat with the Full Turbo Powerslam. Both Derek and Paul made the cover on their respective people, and got the strong victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Barnes & Kingsley by double pinfall in 13:14 [b]B[/b] [i]- Surprising rating, probably the best showing by all four men in a long time.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Edo Phoenix vs. Satoru Sugimura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] This match had as much tension as Stunner vs. Bishima on Sunday, as both men were looking to progress, both are talented, and both were determined to get the victory. The fans were really behind Edo and chanted his name and said “Let’s Go Phoenix” (in Japanese obviously) during his entrance and the beginning of the match. Satoru just seemed annoyed that nobody was chanting his name, and utterly destroyed Edo as soon as he was in the ring. Edo fought back, and tried to get to the top rope and gain some momentum, but Satoru threw him off and then connected with a series of leg drops to a downed Edo. He then stomped viciously on the gut and legs of Edo, trying to take away his breath and ability to fly, and then locked him in a tight leg lock. He pulled the lower limb as far back as possible, causing Edo to scream out in pain and try and reach the ropes. Satoru noticed this, stood up and dropped his leg across the back of Edo’s knee and then stood up again, pulling Edo up with him. Phoenix pushed him away and connected with two forearms, causing Satoru to stagger a little bit, giving Edo the opening to jump into the air and connect with a hurracanrana. Satoru rolled out of the ring, giving Edo time to recover. Satoru quickly rolled back into the ring however, catching Edo off guard and kicked him in the face, knocking him down. He then ran to the ropes, and when he came back he leapt into the air and connected with a Flip Senton, amazing the crowd, and then locked Edo in a grounded headlock. Edo tried to roll out of the move, but Satoru kept with him. Phoenix eventually managed to get out and threw Satoru to the outside allowing him to recover once more. The match continued much like this, with Edo managed to mount comebacks, only to be stopped in his tracks by Satoru. However, at the end, Satoru noticed Edo was climbing to the top and connected with an amazing enziguri then knocked Edo off the top and to the mat. Satoru then taunted the crowd, but got distracted when Kenzo walked down to the ring, and began to yell at his stable mate to go back. This allowed Edo time to recover and connected with the Blazing Enziguri, a jumping Enziguri, which flipped Satoru over and then climbed to the top rope. Kenzo smirked and headed backstage while Edo flew off of the top and connected with the Blaze of Glory, and got the victory, causing the fans to explode with happiness. [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall in 13:19 [b]C[/b] – [i]Horrible rating for both men, could have been a lot better. I didn’t actually include Kenzo’s appearance as interference, and there were no bad chemistry notes, so I guess these two just don’t mesh in terms of styles or something.[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/KenzoIsozaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Both men were matched, as they were basically the same size, and were both talented on the mat. However, Kenzo constantly used his speed advantage over the veteran, managing to steal a lot of momentum from time to time. In the first half of the match, Jin used his experience at first to gain control of the youngster, managing to counter a lot of moves and get a couple of near falls. Kenzo managed to bounce back each time though. One such moment was when Kenzo dropkicked Jin to the mat, then stood up and raced across the ring, and as soon as Jin was back up, dropkicked him again. He then waited for the veteran to get up, and tried to connect with a head scissors takedown, but Jin stood firm and countered into a powerbomb, driving Kenzo right into the mat with a thud. Jin then took the match to the mat, locking him in several holds, mainly focusing on Kenzo’s legs like Satoru had in the previous match. Jin dealt as much damage as possible, even standing up and slamming Kenzo’s right knee into the mat several times at one point. Kenzo managed to fight back, escaping Jin’s grip and kicking him in the knee with his good leg, causing the veteran to drop down, and then brought him down to the mat with an armbar, trying to pull the veteran’s limp out of the joint. Jin screamed in pain and fought his way over to the rope, which caused Kenzo to stand up and release the hold, only to kick Jin in the shoulder, causing the veteran to roll out of the ring. Kenzo hopped up and down in the middle of the ring and waited for Jin to stand up, and when he did, he ran across the ring, bounced off the opposite ropes and then flew over the top rope, attempting to connect with a Springboard Head Scissors, but once again Jin countered, this time into a vicious piledriver. Jin rolled his opponent into the ring and tried to get the cover, but Kenzo kicked out just in time. The veteran then pulled out every move he know, even connecting with a sick Warrior’s Code, a Death Valley Driver into a neckbreaker on the knee, but Kenzo kept kicking out. Eventually Jin got to angry for his own good, and when he tried to go for a second Warrior’s Code, Kenzo wriggled out of it and nailed a reverse hurracanrana. He then hopped onto the top rope, not noticing that Satoru was making his way down to the ring, and connected with the Kenzosault. He got the pinfall and the victory, and immediately began a stare-down with Satoru. Was the stable already breaking up? [b]Winner:[/b] Kenzo Isozaki by pinfall in 15:58 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Good match and good showing by Sakamoto.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Black Serpent Cult vs. Kenji Fukamura & Tasuku Nandaba[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] This was perhaps the only match in a long time where the fans were constantly on their feet from start to finish, as every participant got a huge number of near falls, and pulled out all of their big moves. When the match started, it was Kenji against Cobra, and the obvious size disadvantage for the Pacific Champion resulted in the fans cheering for him. Cobra viciously assaulted the young star, constantly looking at Tasuku, as if to mimic what he and his partner did to Nandaba at Inferno of Purity. Kenji managed to fight back several times, but the fluid teamwork of the BSC was totally against him. At one moment, Kenji managed to reverse a belly to belly attempt from Cobra into a Flip Over Neckbreaker, and then snappily drove his elbow into the head of the tag champ. Viper ran into the ring to stop Kenji, and levelled the second generation superstar with a stiff kick to the jaw that sent Kenji flying backwards. Cobra and Viper pulled off several double team manoeuvres, including stereo punches to the temples of Kenji, almost knocking the young star into unconsciousness. Tasuku was hopping up and down on the apron, eager to get in, and Kenji noticed this. The BSC also noticed, and dragged Kenji away from his corner, and tried to nail him with a double spinebuster. Kenji managed to flip out of it and leapt to his corner, making the hot tag to Nandaba. Tasuku leapt, literally, over the top rope and charged towards Cobra and Viper, levelling them with a double clothesline. He then pulled Viper up to his feet and threw him over the top with a suplex. Cobra tried to fend off Tasuku, but due to the rising stars adrenaline and momentum, he succumbed to a vicious flurry of stiff rights and lefts and fell to the mat. Tasuku eventually pulled him up to his feet, and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, Tasuku leapt into the air, and connected with a jumping lariat, flipping Cobra over onto his head. Viper had re-entered the ring, and capitalised on the vulnerable Tasuku, nailing him with the Snakebite Roundhouse Kick. Tasuku tumbled back into the ropes, when out of nowhere Kenji nailed Viper in the back of the head with a Superstar Kick, causing the tag champ to stagger backwards. Tasuku then sprang full of life and charged towards Viper, nailing him with a Base Collision! Kenji then kicked Viper out of the ring, while Cobra slowly made his way to his feet. Tasuku ran across the ring and nailed him with a stiff Full Swing Lariat, turning him inside out and then made the pin, managing to steal the victory, resulting in perhaps the biggest win so far in Kenji Fukamura’s career. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba & Kenji Fukamura by pinfall on Cobra by Tasuku Nandaba in 13:35 [b]B+[/b] [I]- Fantastic match from these four, and Kenji learned a massive amount for wrestling with the other three.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Connor Thompson vs. Toshiro Saito[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] This match had been seen plenty of times before, but every time these two stepped in the ring, they come out with something different. Toshiro was very upset over how his match ended last week, and Connor was noticeably unsure of facing Toshiro due to his anger. Both men were equally skilled in terms of actually wrestling, with both staying true to the puroresu that the fans love, but Saito was way too powerful for Connor, and dominated a fair amount of the match. One great time of the match that most fans will remember was when Toshiro was stomping wildly at Connor, trying to break his chest in, and when Connor tried to get up, Toshiro shoved him back down and drove his elbow into the throat of the veteran, causing Connor to choke and struggle for breath due to the impact of the strike. Connor then slowly made his way up to his feet, as Saito had not noticed him due to taunting the crowd, and quickly snuck up behind the behemoth, wrapped his arms around his waist and nailed an amazing Back Suplex into a bridge, a move which shook the ring from the impact. Connor used all of his energy to pulls this off, and when Saito only just kicked out, the fans yelled out in disappointment, and Connor was visibly upset and rolled out of the ring to get his breath back. Saito managed to get back to dominating the match again, as after he recovered from being dropped on his head, he went to the outside and attacked Connor. Connor fought back several times, obviously having recovered, but Saito was just too strong, as he kept slamming Connor back down onto the mat whenever he countered or attacked. An example of this was when Toshiro whipped Connor strongly into the corner, and tried to follow up with a clothesline, but Connor moved out of the way. Saito hit the turnbuckles and backed out of the corner in pain, which Connor took advantage of with a modified backbreaker, as he brought the behemoth Saito backwards onto his knee, using up a lot of energy once again. But the damage done to Toshiro was huge, as he favoured his back for the rest of the match. Toshiro never managed to truly gain control after that move either, as Connor continually took advantage over his new weakness. However, when Connor tried to take him up and over for the Thunder from Down Under, Saito resisted being lifted up, allowing him to suplex Connor instead. He then slowly made his way up to his feet, still in pain from the backbreaker earlier, and waited for Connor to get up. When he did, he kneed the veteran stiffly in the gut and put him in position for the POWER Crush, but Connor wriggled out of the move and swept out Saito’s knees from under him, causing him to hit the mat. Connor then pulled the giant back up and tried to go for the Thunder from Down Under once again, but yet again Saito countered, this time Saito used the momentum from the reversal to snap off the POWER Crush! Connor bounced off of the mat and stared up at the ceiling, completely out cold, as Saito hooked his leg. The behemoth was back on track, as he won the match, albeit it being a very hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Toshiro Saito by pinfall in 16:39 [b]B[/b] [i]- Once again, Saito underperforms, I’m wondering if he has got ring rust or something.[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Match of the Night:[/b] Black Serpent Cult vs. Fukamura & Nandaba [b]Let-down of the Night:[/b] Edo Phoenix vs. Satoru Sugimura [b]Surprise of the Night:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. Hitoshi Higa [b]Notes:[/b] That’s more like it, a final B rating. GCG finally hit another B rating, after two straight months of hitting B-‘s and C+’s. We are definitely doing better than them, as we haven’t had a single C+ rated show so far. SadisticBlessings gets 6/7 again, so you can pick an upper midcard match for the final show before Quest of Honour (in two show’s time). ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] [I]Credit to: J Silver[/I] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] Are we beginning to see the end of the Fire Dragon stable already? Will Dayu step in to force them to be friends again? These are but a few of the questions we are now asking ourselves here at BHOTWG, as Satoru Sugimura and Kenzo Isozaki are pretty much ready to come to blows right now. Tune in to watch the highlights of the next show to see if they are answered. [B][U]Card for Tour show[/U][/B] [B][U]Tuesday Show[/U][/B] [u]Saitama Sports Field in Kanto[/u] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Shoraku Kishi vs. Shogo Takani [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Satoru Sugimura vs. Iketani Nayashi [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Paul Kingsley w/Derek Barnes vs. Jin Sakamoto [B][I]Singles[/I] Non-Title[/B] Kenji Fukamura vs. Mike Barstow [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] ???[/I][/B] ??? vs. ??? [I]SadisticBlessings can choose this match, as he won the right two shows ago[/I] [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Good stuff. Always good to see the younger guys stealing the show! Tuesday Show Saitama Sports Field in Kanto Singles Shoraku Kishi vs. [B]Shogo Takani[/B] [i]As far as resident jobbers go, Kishi is a good one. As I said last week, I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do once he's earned a push.[/i] Singles [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] vs. Iketani Nayashi [i]Honestly, if Iketani wins this one I'll be shocked.[/i] Singles [B]Edo Phoenix[/B] vs. Bishima [i]This one's a bit tougher, for one reason - Edo Phoenix totally sucked last week, but Bishima put on a good match with Stunner. Nonetheless, Kanto is Edo Phoenix's base in terms of popularity and I think you'll keep him strong there for now.[/i] Singles [B]Paul Kingsley w/Derek Barnes[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto [i]Jin is essentially the same story as Kishi, just 20 years older - a jobber, but one who always puts on a good match nonetheless. Kingsley and Barnes may well be gearing up for a run in the tag division also, so they'll need some momentum to start things off.[/i] Singles - Non-Title [B]Kenji Fukamura [/B]vs. Mike Barstow [i]For some reason I'm feeling a draw here, but the odds are low so I'll go with the obvious. Kenji has momentum, and needs to keep it up. Barstow being new means he could win this and become the next challenger, also... but this early on the tour, it seems unlikely.[/i] Main Event Singles - Non Title [B]Master Kitozon[/B] vs. Viper [i]I didn't choose this match to see Viper win, but to see what Viper is capable of against the best. Let's see that excellent chemistry! A*![/i] :p
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] Tuesday, Week 3, September 1975 Held in front of 2,000 (sellout) people at Saitama Sports Field in Kanto. [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Osei Khama vs. Haku Suzuwara [/u] [i]Haku loses another match, but Osei begins to really take form with the Golden Crush Bomb.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Gnasher Udo by pinfall [b]D+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Flash Asagi vs. Hitoshi Higa[/u] [i]Higa wins the match in quick fashion.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Hitoshi Higa by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]Apparently the lack of psychology shown really hurt the match….so how good could the match have been?[/i] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. Shogo Takani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/ShorakuKishi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] Shoraku actually came out to some cheers tonight, as he has gained some fans over the past couple of weeks. Shogo came out to a fair amount of boos, which only served to anger him, and as soon as he entered the ring, he took Kishi right down to the mat and pummelled him with lefts and rights. Shogo spent most of the match in control, with Shoraku managing to get a couple of shots in, only to be knocked back down as usual. A highlight of the match was when Shogo was getting a full head of steam, hitting four consecutive suplexes, and when he tried to go for a fifth, Shoraku countered by swinging it into a vicious DDT, spiking Shogo into the mat. He went for the cover, and some of the fans got up on their feet to see if he was going to win, but Shogo kicked out just in time. Kishi never regained that sort of control again, as Shogo learned from his mistakes. Near the end of the match, Shogo had just nearly broken Kishi in half with a horrific backbreaker, and was focusing on his Kishi’s legs as well, trying to weaken him for Shogo’s finisher. When the veteran tried to go for the move, Shoraku rolled out of it, catching Shogo by complete surprise, and shot up to his feet. When Shogo turned around, Kishi nailed him with a right, then a left, and then spun around before nailing a lightning fast, yet strong, discus clothesline, causing the veteran to hit the mat. Kishi once again went for the cover, but Shogo kicked out in time, and when he did, he synched in the Twisting of the Knife, and the young Kish tapped out almost immediately. [b]Winner:[/b] Shogo Takani by submission in 5:39 [b]B-[/b] – [i] Shogo has greatly helped Shoraku in this match, as Kishi learned several new submissions during the preparation. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Satoru Sugimura vs. Iketani Nayashi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SenseiIketani.jpg[/IMG] It was quite a strange event, as when Iketani came out, he received boos, as he was seen as a traitor because of his work in America, as well as Satoru beginning to get cheers. Both men gave it their all, with each showing off their area of expertise. Satoru grounded Iketani, taking away his advantage, but soon found himself to be nearly equalled in skill on the mat. Satoru quickly turned the match in his favour after driving his elbow into the temple of Iketani while he was in a headlock. From there, Satoru stood up, kicked Iketani in the back several times and then locked him in a chinlock, stretching Iketani backwards. The veteran flailed around, trying to reach the ropes, but when Nayashi was able to begin moving towards the ropes, Satoru shoved his foot into the gut of Iketani and then locked him in an armbar, effectively keeping him on that spot. Satoru managed to keep using this advantage, but from time to time, Iketani would fight back and locked in a move of his own. The defining moment of the match was when Iketani countered an irish whip and connected with a strong elbow to the head of Satoru, stunning him. He then quickly jumped up to the top rope and got ready to fly with a missile dropkick. When Satoru turned and faced him, he jumped and connected, sending Satoru flying backwards. He then got a bit c0cky, as he went up top once more, this time aiming for a double axe handle. Satoru was ready for him however, and when Iketani came down, Sugimura booted him in the gut and then drove him into the mat with a Sugimura Slice. Nayashi was out cold, and Satoru made the cover. [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimura by pinfall in 8:28 [b]C-[/b] [i]- Probably due to Iketani basically debuting, but Satoru is greatly underperforming.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] These two, for some reason, just seemed to mesh inside the ring. Both had the same style, and could cover each other’s weaknesses. The momentum was fairly even between both men, as they continued to trade blows and pull off some fantastic moves. The fans were completely behind Edo tonight, as he was their ‘hometown boy’, and chants of ‘Let’s Go Phoenix’ once again filled the air. Both men pulled off every single move they could, and it resulted in some fantastic near falls. There was a moment when Bishima was in control, following a dropkick to the face of Edo, and he ran to the ropes. When he came back, he cartwheeled and tried to connect with a standing moonsault, but Edo kipped up before Bishima reached him and then snapped off a beautiful reverse head scissors, dropping the evil one right on his head. Edo then went up top, going for the Blaze of Glory, but Bishima rolled out of the way, hopped up to his feet, moonsaulted onto a prone Edo Phoenix and went for the cover. Edo kicked out just in time, and the fans blew the roof off with cheers and applause for these two. Bishima pulled his opponent up to both feet and booted him in the gut before chopping him in the back, causing Edo to drop down to one knee. Bishima ran to the ropes again, and when he came back, he somersaulted over Edo and brought him down with a vicious neckbreaker. Edo rolled around on the mat in obvious pain, while Bishima went up top. He performed the twisting moonsault, the Evil Splash, and almost connected, but Edo quickly rolled out of the way before he hit it. Bishima ate canvas, and didn’t move for a while. Edo slowly made his way up to his feet, and waited for Bishima to do the same, and when the Evil One was up, booted him in the gut and connected with the Blazing Enziguri, then went up top and flew off, connecting with the Blaze of Glory out of nowhere. He made the cover, and the fans exploded into cheers once again when he got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall in 9:40 [b]B-[/b] – [i] Quite a good match, the fans liked to see their hero win.[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Paul Kingsley w/Derek Barnes vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] This match was full of tension, as it was a fight between two veterans, and no matter who won, the winner would have proved he is the better and that he deserves his spot. The early part of the match was filled with both men trying to beat the other at their best. For Paul it was trying to outwrestle Jin on the mat, and for Jin it was trying to outfight Paul. This got neither man anywhere, and they ended up at a stalemate. They then went back to their respective advantages, and Paul managed to gain the first load of control following a stiff knee right to the jaw of Jin which knocked the veteran over. Paul managed to keep control basically in his hands for a little while after, until Jin mounted a huge comeback. He ducked underneath a punch attempt, punched Paul in the gut, causing the Brit to double over, and then nailed him with a dropkick, a move not usually seen from Jin. Paul staggered backwards, and tried to connect with another punch when Jin came running towards him, but he missed when Jin scooted around behind him, and then took him out with a massive back suplex. Paul landed on the lower part of his neck, and rolled around in pain while Jin got the fans into the match. Jin managed to keep control for a fair while after, seemingly having figured out the way Paul works. However, the veteran gaijin countered another back suplex attempt by elbowing Jin right in the temple, and then floored him with an uppercut. Paul pulled his opponent up to his feet and kneed him in the gut before whipping him across the ring into the corner, and tried to follow up with a clothesline, but Jin rolled underneath him and evaded it, only to be floored when Paul ran up behind him and connected with a clothesline anyway. Jin was seeing stars due to the impact behind the clothesline, and when he staggered up to his feet, he was dropped right back down by a left hook from Paul. Kingsley then made the cover, and Derek Barnes was hopping up and down on the outside from excitement as the referee made the count. [b]Winner:[/b] Paul Kingsley by pinfall in 13:29 [b]B-[/b] [I]-Could have been better, but was still good.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kenji Fukamura vs. Mike Barstow[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MikeBarstow.jpg[/IMG] Kenji was full of energy, while Mike just looked ready to deal some damage in the ring. Both men got a strong reaction, as the fans were clearly behind Kenji, chanting his name and standing on their feet, while booing Mike practically out of the arena. Both men were able to gain control at various points during the early going, with Kenji normally making a comeback in true underdog fashion, as Mike unleashed his whole arsenal of holds on the youngster. Kenji managed to get a huge load of momentum when Barstow tried to go for the Sleeper Slam, his most recent pinfall finisher he has been working on, but Kenji reversed it into a release Dragon Suplex, dropping Mike right on his head. When Mike groggily made his way up to his feet, Kenji ran towards him and tried to go for a Spinning Heel Kick, but Mike stopped him dead in his tracks by catching him in mid-air and then locking him in a tight leg lock, causing the young star to scream out in pain. Mike dropped down to the mat and wrapped his legs around the knee of Kenji, forcing the younger man to claw his way over to the ropes in order to break the hold. Mike did so, only to viciously stomp Kenji in the gut and back, eliciting boos from the crowd. Barstow got distracted by this, something he now wishes he had not done, as Kenji recovered and made his way up to his feet. The fans began to taunt Mike and told him to turn around, and when he did, Kenji leapt into the air and connected with the spinning heel kick, knocking Mike out of the ring. Kenji dropped down to the mat in pain afterwards however, while Mike recovered on the outside. Barstow rolled back into the ring a while after and tried to regain control, but when he pulled Kenji back up to his feet, all he got was an elbow to the face followed by a clothesline. Kenji ran to the ropes, but when he came back, Mike tripped him up and locked him in a leg lock once again. Kenji was near the ropes thankfully, and wrapped his arms tightly around them to break the hold, and when Mike did, Kenji quickly rolled out of the ring to recover. Barstow tried to follow the Pacific champ outside, but Kenji rolled back in shortly after and stood up. Mike rolled back in as well and charged towards the champ, but Kenji ducked underneath a clothesline attempt and responded with a kick to the gut, causing Mike to double over. Kenji went over to the corner and rested, but this prompted Mike to charge towards him again. Fukamura realised and out of nowhere nailed the Superstar Kick. Barstow went stiff as a pole and then fell to the mat, obviously taking a lot of damage from the shot. Kenji limped over to Mike, as he damaged his own leg pulling off his finisher, and grabbed his leg, pulled it back, drove his knee into the gaijin’s back, and pulled Mike’s head back as well. Barstow flailed out of desperation, but when he found out he couldn’t move, he tapped out. Kenji’s new finisher had been revealed in amazing fashion, the Kudos Klutch, and had gotten the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by submission in 15:57 [b]B-[/b] [I]- A good match, but not great. Hopefully you like the name of Kenji’s new finisher that I created. Felt as since he is tipped to be a future legend, I might as well have him innovate a move lol.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Master Kitozon vs. Viper[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] This was easily the most anticipated match of the night, as Kitozon had not been seen in action for a while, and Viper had been the one who had taken the brunt of the attack at Inferno of Purity. When Kitozon came down, with his amazing pyro effects, he got a huge round of cheers, while Viper got a huge round of boos. Kitozon simply toyed with Viper in the early going, seemingly taking a beating but then coming right back. One such moment was near the start of the match, when Kitozon missed a chop and Viper retaliated with a kick to the chest and a clubbing blow to the back which caused the legend to drop down to one knee. Viper then kicked him in the chest and unloaded a series of kicks, alternating between the back and chest of Kitozon. The Legend just seemed to take it, as he neither fell backwards nor stood up. When Viper was finished, Kitozon sprung full of life, nailing seven consecutive punches to the gut of Viper, and then a trio of chops. Viper retreated to the ropes, but Kitozon followed him and whipped him across the ring. When he came back, Kitozon clasped his hands together and levelled the tag champion with a double axe handle right between the eyes. Viper staggered back up to his feet quickly, not wanting to fall prey to any submissions from the icon, but Kitozon simply continued the assault. He overshot a punch however, allowing Viper to knee him in the chest and then nail him with a spinning kick to the throat, knocking the legend down to the mat. Viper then took the match to the mat, locking Kitozon in a grounded headlock, and then incorporated both of the legend’s arms into the hold. Kitozon waved his arms to get the fans behind him, and began to fight out of the hold, but when he got up to one knee, Viper kicked him right in the face, making the Legend flop backwards onto the mat. Viper went for the cover, but the legend kicked out before the referee even reached one. Viper pulled him up to his feet, but Kitozon once again regained control, throwing Viper into the corner and squashing him with a clothesline. Kitozon managed to keep control for a good ten or so minutes after this, stopping any attempt at a comeback by Viper. The tag champ managed to sneak control away however near the end of the match when Kitozon went for a release German Suplex, Viper elbowed the icon in the ribs and reversed the move into a German suplex of his own, dropping Kitozon right on his head. Viper remained in control after that, and kept the icon grounded. Kitozon managed to finally gain control when Viper was a bit slow in pulling him up to his feet, allowing the legend to drive his elbows into the gut of the champ. Viper released Kitozon, and Kitozon took advantage, headbutting him in the back of the head and then driving his knee into the forehead of Viper. The tag champ remained doubled over, so Kitozon ran to the ropes, and when he came back, he ducked underneath a clothesline attempt, bounced off the other ropes and leapt into he air when he came back a second time, nailing Viper with a Flying Knee. Viper flew backwards and rolled around in pain, while Kitozon began to signal for the Kitozon chop. Boo’s filled he arena when Cobra ran down to the ring, but these boos turned to cheers when Kitozon floored the other Cult member with a lariat, and then waited for Viper to get up. When he did, Kitozon charged towards him and nailed the Kitozon Chop, flooring him and then made the cover. He got the victory, a very hard fought one, and made Viper look fantastic in doing so. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon by pinfall in 25:09 [b]B+[/b] [i]- A fantastic match from Viper. Probably went on too long, but I wanted a solid main event type of match[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Match of the Night:[/b] Master Kitozon vs. Viper (any match with Kitozon will be lol) [b]Let-down of the Night:[/b] Satoru Sugimura vs. Iketani Nayashi [b]Surprise of the Night:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. Shogo Takani [b]Notes:[/b] Another B rating, I’m hoping I can pull off a fantastic Quest of Honour PPV. GCG only hit C+ on their latest show, headlined by Nishiwakamaru, Maku****a & Hanshiro Furusawa defeating Sadaharu Jimbo, Yoshinaka Toshusai and Dragon Akagawa. I really question the creative mind behind GCG right now. SadisticBlessings is once again the prediction god, so he can pick a match for Quest of Honor, I will pm you the matches currently prepared. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] [I]Credit to: J Silver[/I] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] What a fantastic night, we are truly looking forward to Quest of Honor, and this night only helped to build towards it. [B][U]Card for Tour show[/U][/B] [B][U]Thursday Show[/U][/B] [u]Gifu Arena in Chubu[/u] [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Shoraku Kishi vs. Onishiki [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Satoru Sugimura vs. Akahashi Kuno [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Shogo Takani vs. Jin Sakamoto [B][I]Singles[/I][/B] Kenji Fukamura vs. Cobra [I][B]Singles[/B][/I] Derek Barnes vs. Kiba Izumi [B][I][U]Main Event[/U] #1 Contendership for Burning World Championship[/I][/B] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Seison Yamanaka [I]Who will go on to face Master Kitozon at Quest of Honor? Will it be the fabled Master vs. Student match? Or will Tasuku get a second chance?[/I] [I]Predictions & comments welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Thursday Show Gifu Arena in Chubu Singles Shoraku Kishi vs. [B]Onishiki[/B] [i]By now I think we all know the drill. As much as I like Kishi, by the way, I wouldn't complain about seeing some of the other lower card guys in the opening matches for a change.[/i] Singles Satoru Sugimura vs. [B]Akahashi Kuno[/B] [i]Tough call. This one could easily go either way, especially because you seem to have a soft spot for Satoru. However, you yourself admitted he's been sucking lately. I'd say we'll see Kenzo cause problems for Satoru again.[/i] Singles [B]Shogo Takani [/B]vs. Jin Sakamoto [i]Another tough call... this time because neither of the two participants are someone you'd expect to see winning matches this far up the card. I went with Shogo because he's more established, and is coming off a recent win while Jin has lost every match so far this tour.[/i] Singles [B]Kenji Fukamura[/B] vs. Cobra [i]As shown last week, "non-title" doesn't necessarily mean the champ is going to lose. Cobra is probably going to have to defend the tag titles at Quest of Honor, so I don't see him winning here. As you've probably realized after last week's main event though, the BSC are amongst the most reliable guys on your roster when it comes to delivering match ratings.[/i] Singles [B]Derek Barnes[/B] vs. Kiba Izumi [i]As much as I like Izumi, I don't see him walking away with a win given the push I've seen so far for Barnes. I see him going undefeated at least until he meets a respectable uppercarder who can put him in his place, and that's not happening here.[/i] Main Event - #1 Contendership for Burning World Championship Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Seison Yamanaka[/B] [i]Really, REALLY tough call. Tasuku vs Kitozon Round II is possible, but at the same time you can't deny the strength of a Yamanaka vs Kitozon main event. I see Seison winning this, facing Kitozon, and going to a double KO or time limit draw at Quest of Honor to set up the eventual rematch at Night of the Burning Hammer.[/i]
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[center] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/RedhotTour.jpg[/IMG] Thursday, Week 3, September 1975 Held in front of 2,000 (sellout) people at Gifu Arena in Chubu. _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Shoraku Kishi vs. Onishiki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/ShorakuKishi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] Shoraku once again got some cheers on his way down to the ring, but he also appeared to be walking with a limp, evidently not fully recovered from his match on Tuesday against Shogo. The early parts of the match was full of exchanges of moves, with Shoraku constantly reversing the big moves that Onishiki tried to throw at him, but eventually succumbed to a shoulder block followed by a massive clothesline from the Samoan Sumo. There were several near falls during the start as well, with Kishi almost stealing the victory. One such moment where Shoraku gained a near fall was when Onishiki was getting confident after hitting a back suplex, and slowly pulled Kishi up to his feet. He tried to whip the youngster across the ring, but Shoraku reversed the move and whipped the samoan into the ropes instead. When Onishiki came back, Kishi ducked underneath a clothesline attempt and grabbed Onishiki’s head, leapt into the air and connected with a Jumping Neckbreaker, called the Kishi Drop, causing Onishiki to grab his head in pain. Kishi went for the pin, but Onishiki kicked out just before the three, causing the fans and Shoraku to groan in disappointment. Onishiki slowly made his way up to his feet, and when Kishi went for a dropkick to knock him back down, the Samoan Sumo stood firm. He then assaulted Kishi on the mat with a mounted punch flurry, knocking the youngster out cold. Onishiki pulled him up to his feet, booted him in the gut and went for the Samoan Driver, but Kishi managed to wriggle out of the move somehow. Onishiki turned around, was booted in the gut himself and then lifted into position for the Eclipse Driver, but proved too heavy for Kishi, who’s leg buckled underneath him, causing him to drop the former sumo. Onishiki capitalised, booting Kishi in the gut again and then nailed the Samoan Driver, spiking Kishi right on his head. He made the cover and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Onishiki by pinfall in 5:48 [b]C[/b] – [i]Not the best performance from Kishi, but still good. [/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Satoru Sugimura vs. Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] This match had quite a lot of tension, as it was a match between the Fire Dragons and the Youth Rising stable. However, Satoru seemed to just see this as a match between him and Kuno, as he was attempting to break away from his stable after what happened a couple of weeks ago. The match itself was a total stalemate for a lot of it, as neither man was able to get much in terms of momentum. Kuno gave his all to make his team proud, and attempted to out fly Satoru, but this just seemed to anger the Masked Assassin, who countered a Cross Body attempt late in the match with a dropkick to the chest of Kuno. Satoru got up to his feet and waited for Kuno to get up to his, and when he did, he ran to the ropes. When he came back, he tried to go for an enziguri, but Kuno ducked, and retaliated with an enziguri of his own, knocking Satoru down for the count. Kuno was beginning to feel that it was time for the Glittering Magician, and began to jump up and down to get the fans behind him. When Satoru got up to one knee, Kuno charged towards him to nail the move, but the Masked Assassin ducked underneath it and brought Kuno’s head down onto his shoulder. Kuno rolled around in a lot of pain, allowing Satoru to recover. Kuno slowly got up to his feet, and Satoru seemed ready to go for the Sugimura Slice, when Kenzo Isozaki suddenly appeared and ran down to the ring. When Isozaki climbed in, he was met with some stiff punches from Satoru, and amazingly, Kuno, who joined in against his enemy. Both men whipped Kenzo across the ring and flattened him with a double flapjack when he came back, causing him to roll out of the ring. Satoru laughed at his fallen former ally, and turned to Kuno, who booted him in the gut and ran to the ropes. When Kuno came back however, Satoru nailed him with the Sugimura Slice, driving his head into the mat, causing the crowd to groan in pain. Satoru made the cover, and got the victory. He then quickly left the ring and pursued Kenzo to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimura by pinfall in 9:47 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Much better.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Shogo Takani vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men are veterans, and wanted to prove that they are able to perform to the level they are needed to. Shogo was pretty much in control of this match from start to finish, as he used his superior experience to outwit Jin. Jin managed to make a couple of comebacks, but was always taken right back down soon after. One moment where he came really close to winning was when he countered a suplex into a front suplex, and almost got the cover, but Shogo kicked out at the last moment. Shogo made his way up to his feet, and tried to push away Jin, but the warrior refused to move, and instead whipped the elder Shogo across the ring into the corner, and when he hit the turnbuckles, tried to follow up with a running elbow, but Shogo ducked at the very last second, causing Jin to hit the corner post with his exposed elbow. Sakamoto screamed out in pain and rolled around on the mat. Shogo instantly targeted that arm, dropping his knee into the elbow joint several times to weaken it up, and then locked him in a stretched version of a Crowbar, causing Jin extreme amounts of pain. Shogo was trying to get Jin to tap, but his fellow veteran refused to do so, and managed to get up to his knees in an attempt to get out of the hold, but when Shogo noticed he was doing so, he brought Jin’s arm crashing across his knee, causing the warrior to scream out in more pain. Shogo stood up and laughed at the damage he was causing before stomping on Jin’s knee, following up with a leg drop across the joint as well. Jin tried to claw his way over to the ropes, but Shogo dragged him into the middle of the ring, pulled his leg up and locked him in the Twisting of the Knife. Jin yelled out in pain, but didn’t tap out right away, instead trying once again to claw his way over to the ropes, but when he found out he couldn’t, he tapped out before permanent damage was done, giving Shogo the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Shogo Takani by submission in 8:16 [b]B-[/b] – [i] Shogo was tiring by the end, not good.[/i] _____________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Kenji Fukamura vs. Cobra w/Viper[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] This was full of tension to amazing proportions, as Kenji is riding a huge wave of momentum following his recent wins. Cobra was intent on claiming that momentum for himself, as he tore into the Pacific champion, trying to injure him and make a point. The match was full of near falls and all sorts of amazing moves, as both men gave it all they had. One great near fall was when Cobra went for a big back body drop, but Kenji somersaulted in the air and landed on his feet, surprising Cobra and then dropkicked the tap champ to the mat. Kenji then began to run around the ring, obviously full of adrenaline, and waited for Cobra to get up, signalling for the Superstar Kick, only to have Viper climb up on the apron and club him in the back. Kenji stumbled forward in pain, allowing Cobra to catch him off guard by scoop slamming him. Cobra then waited for Kenji to get up, booted him in the gut and whipped him across the ring. This time when Kenji came back, Cobra snapped him over with a suplex. Cobra then pulled Kenji up to his feet, only to drive him into the mat with an STO. He made the cover, and Kenji kicked out at 2.999999999999. Cobra was furious and pulled Kenji up to his feet, booted him in the gut and tried to go for a suplex, but the young Pacific champion dropped down behind him. When Cobra turned around, Kenji ran to the ropes, and nailed a dropkick to Cobra’s left knee when he came back. This caused the tag champion to drop down to one knee, which Kenji took as a sign to dropkick him in the face, causing Cobra to fall back onto the mat. Kenji then stomped on the back of Cobra, trying to weaken him up for the Kudos Clutch, but the vicious Cobra suddenly sprang full of life and grabbed hold of Kenji’s leg, and threw him to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip. Kenji bounced off the mat, before slowly getting up to his feet, only to be kicked right in the jaw by Cobra, who tried to get the cover, only to have the resilient champ kick out. Kenji sprang up to his feet this time, and unleashed a flurry of kicks on Cobra, causing him to retreat to the corner. Kenji tried to whip the bigger Cobra across the ring, but Cobra reversed the move and whipped Kenji into the ropes instead. When Kenji came back, he ducked under a clothesline attempt, and when Cobra turned around, nailed him right in the throat with the Superstar Kick! Cobra tumbled backwards onto the mat, and Kenji fell on top to make the cover. Viper was livid on the outside as the referee made the count. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 14:48 [b]B+[/b] [I]- No chemistry notes, just great workers.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Derek Barnes w/Paul Kingsley vs. Kiba Izumi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DerekBarnes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] Derek got a lot of boos from the crowd when he came down, but he only seemed to use this to fuel his hatred of the country. When Kiba came down, he got cheers for the first time in a while due to being the person standing up against Derek. The match was quite high paced, with few slow moments, except when Kiba managed to keep Derek on the mat for a minute or two. Derek managed to get out of the hold, mainly out of fear of being locked in the Feral Ankle Lock, and stomped on Kiba before pulling him up to his feet and booting him in the gut. Kiba doubled over, and Derek suplexed him up and over, before going for a cover attempt. Kiba kicked out quite quickly (try saying that quickly), and got up to his feet, only to be chopped in the chest and punched across the jaw. He fell back on the ropes, and Derek eagerly whipped him across the ring, and when he came back, Derek floored him with a Big Boot. Barnes went for the cover, and was cheered on by Paul on the outside, but Kiba kicked out, and sprang up to his feet quickly again. Derek stared at him with a confused expression, which quickly changed to surprise when Kiba thrust kicked him in the jaw and then hit a leg drop across the throat of Derek. Kiba then stomped on Derek’s knees before locking him in a tight leg lock. Barnes managed to fight his way over to the ropes, only to have Kiba get up and drag him back to the middle of the ring and slap on the Feral Ankle Lock! Derek flailed around in pain, desperately trying to reach the ropes, but when he found he couldn’t, he seemed about ready to tap. However, he summoned his resilience and used his free leg to kick Kiba in the face, forcing the Hound from Hiroshima to release the hold and get back up to his feet. Derek followed him up, booted him in the gut and drove him into the mat with a DDT, before signalling for the Full Turbo Powerslam. Kiba initially resisted being lifted up, which the fans replied to with huge cheers, but Derek punched him incredibly stiffly in the gut and hoisted him onto his shoulders. Derek then charged forward and nailed his finisher, before making the cover and getting the academic victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Derek Barnes by pinfall in 16:39 [b]B-[/b] [I]- Not great.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Seison Yamanaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] This match was full of tension, intensity and fan involvement, as the crowd was split right down the very middle, with half rooting for Tasuku and half rooting for Seison. Both men shook hands before the match started, as they had deep respect for each other, before locking up. The match was full of high impact moves from Tasuku, and some very methodical wrestling from Seison, who managed to ground the rising superstar on several occasions. One such time was in the middle of the match, when Tasuku was building towards the Full Swing Lariat, and tried to go for a backbreaker, but Seison flipped out of it, and pulled Tasuku down to the mat for an armbar. Nandaba flipped out of that, resulting in a stand off between the two which caused the fans to applaud in appreciation. Another time was when Tasuku was again building momentum, this time he whipped Seison into the corner, and followed up quickly with a high impact clothesline which crushed the smaller man. Yamanaka flopped forward, but when he did so, he grabbed hold of Tasuku’s leg and tripped the rising star up and locked him in a tight leg lock. Tasuku managed to use his amazing strength to pull himself to the ropes, but Seison just pulled Tasuku back to the middle. Yamanaka, sensing victory at that moment, loosened the hold, stood up and went for the Red Sun Rising, a single leg Boston crab, but Tasuku once again showed his amazing strength when he pushed Seison away using his foot. Tasuku then staggered up to his feet, and when he saw Seison running towards to him in an attempt to trip him up again, Tasuku grabbed the Master’s Student, lifted him up into the air and brought him crashing down with a huge Spinebuster, called the Home Run Slam. He went for the cover, but Seison kicked out, showing his amazing resilience and catching Tasuku off guard, as that was a very impactful move, and he was sure he had crushed Seison with it. Nandaba stood up and pulled Seison up to his feet, only to be elbowed sharply in the gut by the smaller man and then hit with a dropkick to the knee, followed by a clothesline that took him down. Seison then once again tried to go for the Red Sun Rising, wanting to end the match now, but Tasuku, once again as well, countered the move. When he was pushed away however, Seison kept hold of the foot, and fell to the mat, wrapped his legs around the knee of Tasuku and locked him in a grapevine ankle lock. Tasuku screamed out in pain, and clawed his way over to the ropes, dragging Seison behind him by doing so, and latched onto the ropes. Seison released the hold and stepped away, allowing Tasuku to get up to his feet out of respect. When Nandaba did get up, Seison ran in close and began to take shots at the knee and arm of Tasuku, who replied by shoving Seison away quite comically. Seison then ran right back in, only to be floored by a punch from Tasuku. The rising star then backed away from Seison, wanting to recover from the damage his leg had taken during the match so far. He backed into the corner, but this seemed to spark a new level of energy in Seison, who charged towards Tasuku, cart wheeling while doing so to show of his athleticism, and landed a kick on Tasuku, who went stiff as a board before falling flat on his face. Seison then signalled for the Red Sun Rising, only to have Tasuku power out of the hold and throw Seison right across the ring. Tasuku climbed up to his feet, now noticeably limping from the pain in his legs, and waited for Seison to get up. When he did, Tasuku walked over and whipped him into the corner with force. When Seison hit, Tasuku showed off his athleticism much in the same way that Seison did. After he cart-wheeled, Tasuku leapt into the air and squashed Seison, then pulled him out and floored him with a clothesline. Tasuku was getting confident and began to get the crowd behind him by signalling for the Full Swing Lariat. As soon as Seison was up on his feet, Tasuku charged towards him, but due to his leg he couldn’t move as fast as usual, and Seison was able to counter by dragging his outstretched arm into an arm bar. Yamanaka then swiftly grabbed the opportunity and locked in the Red Sun Rising. He dragged Tasuku into the middle of the ring, stopping him from grabbing the ropes, and then sat down on his back. Tasuku screamed out in pain, and tried to grab each of the ropes, but in the end he tapped out due to the unimaginable pain. When Seison realised he had won, he released the hold and fell onto his back in amazement. The fans had exploded and were on their feet in appreciation. Seison slowly began to get up, but was lifted into the air by Tasuku and placed him on his feet. Tasuku then put out his hand, and Seison eagerly shook it before he embraced Tasuku. [b]Winner:[/b] Seison Yamanaka by submission in 27:40 [b]A*[/b] [i]- What can I say…..I am gobsmacked. An A* match from guys with not the best skills or popularity, and no chemistry notes either….wow. Why the heck hasn’t Kitozon pulled off this rating yet?[/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [b]Match of the Night:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Seison Yamanaka [b]Let-down of the Night:[/b] Derek Barnes vs. Kiba Izumi [b]Surprise of the Night:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Seison Yamanaka [b]Notes:[/b] What a fantastic night, we delivered a match of the year candidate, and just before Quest of Honor as well, so this will be hard to follow up on. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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