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A tour means your promotion sis only active for certain months out of the year I think with a minimum of 6 months active. You set up a tour by setting up a number of weekly events. You can check soemthing like my 5SSW Diary or there is a PGHW diary which is pinned and a BHOTWGs diary. For my 5SSW I have 3 two month tours with two months between each tour (the standard for 5SSW). I checked 5SSW and the computer is set up to run 3 weekly shows during the tour so I made three weekly events "5SSW [Tour name] (Monday)", "5SSW [Tour name] (Wednesday)" and "5SSW [Tour name] (Saturday)". I do one blow of show at the end of the tour although I have seen some people do one monthly show for each touring month. You should have the minimum ammount of required wrestlers (as per the ideal roster) on any tour but they don't a;; have to be permanent employees. You can have a base set of permanent employees and then hire enough workers to fill out the ideal roster on touring contracts which means they'll work for you for one your and then their contract will run out. Or you can have exactly the ideal roster in workers and then hire a few jobbers on touring contracts so that the guys you want to push have some one to win over.
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ok. It sounds like I wouldn't be able to use the tour then. My fed is your run of the mill federation - regional in size. I was hoping to use touring to send some of my disgruntled workers through the Canadian territory to increase my exposure there. I'm guessing that I can't do that.
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Yeah touring is a mainly Japanese phenomena that allows them to run a large number of shows in short period of time. Which give their workers time to rest up between tours and their fans a chance to wind down between tours so they don't get burned out by the product. What your looking to do is just a tour of canada for that I would just hold a small event each week and call it "[fed name] Canadian Tour" and then just hold a show in a different area of Canada each week.
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On that note, you may want to do a brand split, keeping only the essential workers on your touring brand, and the rest of your workers on the other brand - otherwise everyone will expect to work the Canada shows in addition to the others you put on.
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Yes that is correct and James is right if you only want to use certain guys on the tour then do a brand split and make sure the show is set only to be for that brand and only those guys will expect to be used on the tour show. However if you leave your regular shows unbranded they will expect to be on those shows as well.
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