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ECW - Extreme Judgement!

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Hey guys, Most of you wont know who i am and probably never heard of me, but I come from BOOK/Afterlife! The place where Tommy made his fame as one of the best BOOKers ever. I have been reading a few dynasties here and I really have got into the style so I decided to start one of my own. Unfortunately my “good” computer has decided to stop working for the time being so I am currently using a old rikity laptop. That meaning I haven’t been able to buy the game yet to try it so this will be starting just from my imagination. However when my PC decides to start working again I will get it and either continue from the point on I got to with this one… or start a new one, I haven’t decided yet. Anyway, this first episode of ECW is going to be EXTREMELY brief (no pun intended) because I just wanted to get it up and done so you guys could read… so I apologize in advance if it is to short for your rules or im breaking any rules. But after this one the episodes will be much more detailed with pictures, more information, commentary and a actual layout. I hope you guys enjoy what I have posted! Its not much but it’s a kick start… if not… oh well I tried :P It begins on 22nd May 2007 (which happens to be today) It is the first ECW show after Judgement Day. All results are the same, but I will only be doing ECW not Raw or Smackdown. Enjoy!
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[B]ECW - LIVE![/B] [I]Tuesday 22nd May[/I] [B][I]Extreme Judgement?[/I][/B] [B]#1 [/B]McMahon opens up the show to a livid crowd, coming to the ring with Shane and umaga. World title on his shoulder, he says that he is the most dominant champion in ECW history and that nobody can stop him. ECW would be nothing without him and while he is champion there is nobody who can change that. This brings out Stephanie McMahon much to the surprise of those in the ring. Vince welcomes her to the celebration but steph says she isn’t there to celebrate anything. She says she is sick of her dad ruining ecw saying that he is not only giving ecw a bad name but also giving her a bad name. Vince is angry but confused and asks if she knows who she is talking to and that he can do whatever he wants around here. Steph asks Vince to think back when wcw where invading wwf, think about who the actual owner of ecw is… that’s right it’s her. Vince looks shocked. Steph says she has finally had enough of this rubbish Vince is forcing down all the ecw fans throats. She says that she is bringing in a man Vince and ecw know very well and he is going to turn everything around from this point on. This then brings out Paul heyman (huge pop) heyman says Vince has spat in the face of ecw. He says Stephanie has given him complete control over ecw, he says it’s going back to the way it was before Vince got his filthy hands on it and it’s starting tonight. Vince says he can’t do anything; Vince is the chairman of wwe and can’t be told what to do by anybody. Heyman has a different opinion and says while that ecw title is around Vince’s waist he is on the ecw roster and since he is on the roster he works for him. However now that Paul is running the show again, things will be done correctly. Firstly since Shane and umaga aren’t on the ecw roster he gets security to escort them out of the building. Vince says he doesn’t care he is the most dominant ecw champion ever and there is not a thing steph, heyman or anyone else can do about it. Heyman says that Vince is not the most dominant champion ever because it is this man who he will be defending his title against tonight. Rhino then bursts through the crowd and gores Vince out of his shoes. And the crowd erupt. End of segment sees rhino and heyman stand over a unconscious McMahon and says… this is e…c…w [B]#2 Match #1 = [I]Sandman vs. Matt Striker[/I][/B] Sandman gets DQed when he uses his kendo stick, but then heyman comes out and says that from now on this is the old ECW and there are no disqualification’s anymore. The referee restarts the match just as Striker is getting to his feet and Sandman uses his cane cracking over Strikers skull again to get the 1.2.3 and the easy win. [B]#3[/B] After a commercial break we cut to Vince Mcmahon backstage holding his chest, he walks into a office and squares up to Steph saying he can’t believe she would do this to him. She’s says she is sick of him not giving what the fans want and that he brought it on himself. Vince thinks for a moment before walking off to start looking for someone. [B]#4[/B] The fans erupt as we then move to RVD, Sandman, Dreamer and Stevie Richards are all backstage welcoming Rhyno back to ECW. Lashley then walks into view and he and Rhyno square up to each other. Lashley says that it is not fair that Rhyno just walks in to a title shot because of Paul Heyman when he has been robbed so many times by the Mcmahons. Rhyno accepts that and says that once he has beat McMahon to an inch of his life and brought the title back home to ECW he would be happy to put it on the line against Lashley anytime he wants. They agree and shake hands as the camera cuts to commercial. [B]#5 Match #2 = [I]Marcos cor von vs. Tommy Dreamer[/I][/B] Elijah burke comes to the ring with Cor Von and keeps getting involved, distracting dreamer. Marcos cor von wins with the pounce after Burke tripped Dreamer. Elijah and Cor Von then beat down Dreamer until CM Punk makes the save. [B]#6 [/B]Vince McMahon is backstage talking to the Major Brothers. He promises them pushes and title shots if they come out and protect him from Rhyno tonight. They reluctantly agree when McMahon shouts at them telling them to do what he says or else. [B]#7 [/B]Backstage Dreamer is being seen to by doctors in the medical room, CM Punk is still with him. Dreamer thanks him for the save and says CM Punk has the heart of an original. Cm Punk says it’s a honour to be in ECW and if he could change time and go back to be in the original ECW he would in a heart beat. Dreamer smiles and shakes CM Punk’s hand. We then cut to the ring for the main event. [B]#8 Match #3 Main Event[/B] [B][I]ECW World Title = Rhyno Vs Mr Mcmahon [/I][/B] – Rhyno comes out first, followed by McMahon to huge heat who is accompanied by the Major Brothers. In the ring McMahon shouts at the Major Brothers to attack Rhyno. They stare at Rhyno for a while before shrugging there shoulders and leaving the ring walking up the aisle staring at Vince and waving him goodbye. McMahon is furious but then realises who is still in the ring with him and when he turns around he is hit with a huge gore GORE… GORE, nearly breaking him in half. Rhino makes the cover for the quick pin and the ECW World title (huge pop). The ECW originals come to the ring along with Paul heyman, CM Punk and the Major Brothers, they all shake hands and they all celebrate with Rhyno for the win. Heyman gets a mic and as Vince is in pain on the mat he says to him… “Vinny Mac, get ready because ECW is going back to its roots… ECW is going back to being EXTREME! And you can’t stop us.” Show ends with Heyman smiling and a furious McMahon on the outside of the ring holding his stomach.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;238030]Welcome Stevie! Rhyno Goring Vince = Ratings.[/QUOTE] Aye, very good first show!! I would like to add, nice touch with Lashley! Kind of not gonna fit in with your style of ECW probably, but nice to think of him in there, as the fans obviously do care about him. I can't wait till you get your computer up and running!!
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