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DOTM: Rebirth

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Ok, clearly we have some issues with the current nomination process. There have been a number of suggestions as to how to do it properly, we need to come up with a decision before next month... Suggestions include: A panel of judges to determine which nominees will be eligible. Each nomination must have a reason. Separate divisions for new diaries (or diaries won't be eligible until a particular length/ they've been around long enough). I think a combination of the three would work best, but I'm open to suggestions...
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First off, I'd just like to say well done to you, G Prime. As this is your baby, I was worried you would say "go away, it's my idea and it sticks" but you've shown great integrity by opening up to people to see what they think. I think the judges would be a good idea. I would be happy to be a judge, and promise if Titan's is in there I will not be biased towards it, or biased towards anyone elses. I think I'm mature enough to give my reccomendations purely on what diaries I think most deserve to be there. I think the previous two winners should also be judges, as they are ineligible and can't be biased, but still show talent as diary writers. I think G-Prime should be one too, because it is his baby and he has done a great job with it. Then there should be one or two more, I don't really have a preference over who. I think the nomination thing should stay, but people say why they think their nomination deserves to be in the running. It is then down to the judges to pick the most worthy. I'm not sure about separate divisions. I think that if they have to go through "Inspection" if you like from the judges, then they should be allowed to go through regardless, as the diary is obviously good. However, if you do separate them, I think the divide should be 5 shows, which for many would be a month (4 TV shows and a PPV) but it is more fair than saying a month, as someone could have one show in a month and be on the same level as someone who has done 16. So obviously my feelings on it are not too different from yours, but thought I would just put in my opinion on the matter.
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just to confirm that it will include sci-fi diarys right? :D i don't wanna have to sulk like a girl again! Also, our multiplayer diary would be allowed to be included right? I know it has 3 writers, but its my main diary (and Keefys too now!) I'd be distraught if it wasn't allowed to be nominated (and it deserves it for Keef and Nevermores efforts alone!) Just to weigh in with the Judges i think the ones suggested have all been good so far, i would like to add The Stallion to the list though (if he wants to be) he reads a hell of a lot of diarys, plus hes a real nice guy!
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;239110]I thought so.[/QUOTE] Having said that.... I have designed all the faux websites for this diary I did sort the data And i have put together most of the graphics Oh and my 1st ever diary was averaging about 30 reads per post before Keef was even a member. So its not as if im a diary newbie, i have both been there and done that! Not a pop at you Keef, i just dont wanna feel like im the third wheel! EDIT: I think i have been diary writing for longer then Nevermore as well havn't i? Could be wrong there, but i think we started at a similar time.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;239115]Calm down my good man. I already told you I loved you that I was just poking a little fun at you. I think your graphics are the bomb![/QUOTE] lol, i was only yanking yah! :D im just feeling argumentative! ;) now make me some pie!
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;239093] A panel of judges to determine which nominees will be eligible. [/QUOTE] Probably should be people not actively writing although having past diaries is not an issue. Also should be people that have been on the boards for a bit and have a history of being active posters and diary readers. But I guess all of that is a given.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone want to put their hand up for the panel? You don't necessarily have to read every dynasty, as each nomination will have a reason, and there's a good chance at least one other panel member will have read the nominated dynasty. And, perhaps in fairness, if a panel member's own dynasty is selected, then they won't be allowed to judge it's worthiness, it's left to the other four members. Come on guys, it's only one week until nomination time ;)
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;243606]I think TheEgo, Tristram, and TheStallion should all be on the panel because they have written some of the best dynasty/diaries that I have ever read on these boards! They inspired me to begin my own!!![/QUOTE] All great choices, I'd also inculde docstevens as well, as I remember he was interested and has wrote a great diary in the past (DOTT WWF comes to mind)...
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I want to throw my hat in the ring for a judge, if I may. I have only had 2 attempts at writing diaries, and flunked them both. I can be totally impartial that, I have no worries about one of my diaries getting nominated, therefore, I have no biases. Everyone is nomintaing writers, and I am just a reader. I think it's important for a reader to be on the panel, because I bring the insight of just being entertained.
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Payne and Outlaw, y'all are on the panel now. You're both pretty respected around here, and I know you can be impartial. (Outlaw's on the panel this month anyway, as he's one of the last two winners). Just one more volunteer, unless you guys think I should do it.
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And that rounds out our three man panel. I'll be an auxiliary panel member, meaning that should one of our regular panel members also be a winner from the previous two months, I'll take the extra spot. (Like, this month, Outlaw has two spots on the panel, as a regular member, and as the winner two months ago, so I'll take one spot.) The panel will work as follows: The regular nomination process takes place, this is now a shortlist. When the shortlist is closed, each judge will send me a copy of the list, with Yes/No written next to everything (except their own diary, if one is included), depending on if they think the dynasty should be included (yes) or not (no). I'll count up the votes, if it's mostly 'Yes', the nomination will be included in the voting. If it's mostly 'No', then thanks for trying, better luck next month. Oh, rather than having to go through it all for two categories, any diary with less than five shows will simply not be included that month. Sound good?
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Guest loves2spooge
since egos on the panel i would like to nominate his diary because he probably wouldn't be able to nominate his own if that makes any sense
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