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DOTM: Rebirth

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I don't want to flame or start an argument here, and I apologise if this offends anyone (particularly The Ego) but why exactly is The Ego on the panel? It seems as though he's there because he asked first. Not exactly what I had in mind when I said we should have a panel deciding who is worthy. From what I've seen, his diaries are either "love 'em or hate 'em", he barely sticks with one for more than a few weeks and he is probably in line to be nominated this month, and hence not impartial. If it were someone like Tristram or Nevermore who have gained a legendary type status it would make sense to have them on the panel regardless of whether they had an active diary, but surely The Ego isn't being regarded as highly as them?! Those two stand out way, way, way on their own. Like I say, I know this seems to be unfair and really out of order on Ego, and I don't want to p*ss anyone off, and I know it seems like I'm being biased because I've never liked any diary he's had to offer, but I don't get what qualifies him for the role. I think someone like you, G-Prime, is far better suited as you have had a long term, successful diary.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;244178]I don't want to flame or start an argument here, and I apologise if this offends anyone (particularly The Ego) but why exactly is The Ego on the panel? It seems as though he's there because he asked first. Not exactly what I had in mind when I said we should have a panel deciding who is worthy. From what I've seen, his diaries are either "love 'em or hate 'em", he barely sticks with one for more than a few weeks and he is probably in line to be nominated this month, and hence not impartial. If it were someone like Tristram or Nevermore who have gained a legendary type status it would make sense to have them on the panel regardless of whether they had an active diary, but surely The Ego isn't being regarded as highly as them?! Those two stand out way, way, way on their own. Like I say, I know this seems to be unfair and really out of order on Ego, and I don't want to p*ss anyone off, and I know it seems like I'm being biased because I've never liked any diary he's had to offer, but I don't get what qualifies him for the role. I think someone like you, G-Prime, is far better suited as you have had a long term, successful diary.[/QUOTE] Well, basically, he volunteered. And being on the panel has nothing to do with one's own writing ability. You don't have to be able to write a good dynasty to be able to distinguish a good dynasty from a bad one. However, if someone better were to volunteer, it could be put to a vote or something...
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;244179]Well, basically, he volunteered. And being on the panel has nothing to do with one's own writing ability. You don't have to be able to write a good dynasty to be able to distinguish a good dynasty from a bad one. However, if someone better were to volunteer, it could be put to a vote or something...[/QUOTE] People currently writing diaries should NOT be on the panel as they have "something to gain" from this. However, if an active writer wanted to be on the panel that would work IF their diary was not included. Getting "non-writing" volunteers is easy and Payne is a great choice since he is well known and not currently writing a diary. I also volunteered but clearly do not have the name status to be worthy of inclusion but I think there are others who could be found. Just my 2 cents...now I will go back to mod making where things are much less confusing! :D
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;244239]People currently writing diaries should NOT be on the panel as they have "something to gain" from this. However, if an active writer wanted to be on the panel that would work IF their diary was not included. Getting "non-writing" volunteers is easy and Payne is a great choice since he is well known and not currently writing a diary. I also volunteered but clearly do not have the name status to be worthy of inclusion but I think there are others who could be found. Just my 2 cents...now I will go back to mod making where things are much less confusing! :D[/QUOTE] You volunteered? Sorry, I forgot about it. Guess that bumps Ego down off the list then. Sorry Ego, you're off the panel. Also, I said earlier, if someone on the panel is nominated, they don't get to determine whether their own dynasty gets through to the voting stage. So that leaves our regular panel as DocStevens, Payne and Outlaw. This month's guest panel members are Outlaw and Tommytomlin. As Outlaw's on the panel twice, I'll take the extra spot, to keep the numbers odd, to prevent a draw. Any objections? Comments? Questions? The floor is open.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;244178]If it were someone like Tristram or Nevermore who have gained a legendary type status it would make sense to have them on the panel regardless of whether they had an active diary, but surely The Ego isn't being regarded as highly as them?! Those two stand out way, way, way on their own.[/QUOTE] Woah, cheers for that dude ;). Not expected but always nice :D. I'd love to put my name forward for one o' these but I don't read enough or the diaries on here to be worthy of judging them. [QUOTE=The Ego;244294]Christ, does keefmoon want a tissue??[/QUOTE] Ego, I may have misunderstood your tone. However, if this was intended as I believe it was, it's a tad harsh. Keefy was merely stating an opinion and qualified it enough times to avoid insult, surely. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=The Ego;244294]Christ, does keefmoon want a tissue??[/QUOTE] Fair enough. I didn't think you'd like what I had to say, but I thought it was worth saying. I think you're diary will probably win DOTM (for better or for worse, I'm trying not to insult you) and hence you shouldn't be on the panel. However, if you were to be added to the panel on the basis of your diary writing abilities, I think there are people above you on the list, like the guys I mentioned. Again, not taking away from you, but the proof is there that you haven't had a diary running for as long as guys like Tristram or Nevermore, and with a 3 star rating on your latest effort it's not as popular either. Again, not offering my opinion on your diary, just taking the few facts I have as a way of backing up my point about the panel. Sorry if you didn't like what I said, or the tone it was written in. I was just being honest and calling it as I see it. [QUOTE=Nevermore;244298]Ego, I may have misunderstood your tone. However, if this was intended as I believe it was, it's a tad harsh. Keefy was merely stating an opinion and qualified it enough times to avoid insult, surely.[/QUOTE] Meh, the guy is entitled to his opinion. I didn't mean to insult him or anything, but I can see why he would be. No-one likes hearing that someone doesn't like your diary, and I'm sure he puts lots of time and effort into it. It's just not my cup of tea. If he feels insulted, then that's his right. And I'm sorry if this is the case.
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Guys im sorry, i acted childish, apologies to those who i offended. But on the same token, i personally would never say to someone - "i dont like your diary" and comments like that are what puts people off coming back onto this board, its lucky i got a terrific ego that i put effort into something for me, and myself only. If you dont like a diary, in the interest of sportsmanship and class, you have no reason to say anything. As i know most people agree with my above comment, i feel obliged to post this, and hopefully get your DOTM award back on track.
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Keefy described your diary as "love it or hate it", so, I don't think he intended to bash you in anyway. Just consider yourself like Marmite (and I won't hear a bad word said about Marmite). Anyway, it's big of you to apologise; I wish more people were willing to keep their egos in check (why did I make that pun? It was shocking :p). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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If i made a mistake in my previous comment, then i apologise, but i dont feel i did, I am sorry for being assy, having a busy spell - working 18hour days it seems, and it got the best of me!! As you can tell with lack of diary updates!
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[QUOTE=The Ego;245253]Guys im sorry, i acted childish, apologies to those who i offended. But on the same token, i personally would never say to someone - "i dont like your diary" and comments like that are what puts people off coming back onto this board, its lucky i got a terrific ego that i put effort into something for me, and myself only. If you dont like a diary, in the interest of sportsmanship and class, you have no reason to say anything. As i know most people agree with my above comment, i feel obliged to post this, and hopefully get your DOTM award back on track.[/QUOTE] It is big of you to apologise, although it would have been even bigger not to use the word "but" in the next paragraph :p Of course I had apologised too, so I think that sorts out any bad blood there may be. However, to follow your pattern, I'm going to have to use a negative. As much as you wouldn't ever say you didn't like someones diary, I would never accuse anyone of being the reason people are leaving the forum, unless they totally deserved it (which I don't think I did). Nevermore was right- my point was your diaries appear to be love 'em or hate 'em (which is a fair point if you remember the diary you started which had a 4 page discussion on your merits as a diary writer even before your second post.) I was merely pointing out a fact. And I wanted to clarify my point by saying it was not swayed on me not liking your diary. You obviously put a lot of time and effort into it, and it has been very popular (I expect it to win this months DOTM and have so far been right on 2 out of the 3). However, as I've not posted on it (and done what you said should be done- take it or leave it, and I left it by not saying anything) my comment about not liking your diary was in the context of pointing out I wasn't being biased in my opinion you shouldn't be on the panel due to my opinion of your diary. With that said, if you did feel offended or anything by what I wrote then, again, I'm sorry.
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The diary you mention with 3 or 4 pages of discussions was nothing to do with me, for about 6 months (maybe less) JAYDEN was posting as me on here and that EW site, i think the grammar was a giveaway. I hadnt even made the original post.
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Just an observation from someone on the outside looking in, if you guys want the DOTM to be taken seriously you should just drop the back and back debate and focus on the DOTM. A new thread should be started (whoever is in charge needs to start it) and just get things going. Whoever wants to run this thing just needs to make it happen and I think everyone will fall into line. Sure there will be some complaints but that is too be expected. Lets get the show on the road! :)
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