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CZCW - Pretty Handsome Akward

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[FONT="Century Gothic"] [CENTER] [B]Stardate: January 2007[/B] [B]State Of Company: Anarchy[/B] [B]Outlook: Negative[/B] The Coastal Zone was a mess. After Jimmy P. or James Prudence, as he would now like to be called, turned on his partner Donnie J. for 'holding him down', Donnie went on to win the Coastal Zone Championship from Fox Mask in his first attempt, this being after James Prudence was given [B]three seperate oppurtunities[/B], losing cleanly each time. This did not sit well with Prudence, and he took it out on his former friend, partner and current CZCW Champion, taking out Donnies knee with a chair, the extent of these damages not yet known. This wasn't the only problem however, as young superstar Frankie Perez had left CZCW for greener pastures in NOTBPW. The young, tight group of guys that used to go out and bust their balls for the company, had become a bunch of greed driven power mongers. Adding fuel to that fire, owner Cliff Anderson hired workers from other companies, with somewhat more established names, guys like Hell Monkey, Mario Heroic, Joey Poison, and Ed 'Phenomenal E.' Larkins to come in and spice things up, trying to generate some interest. All it did was annoy the rest of the CZCW roster that felt they were being pushed to the sidelines, further down the cards that they had worked so hard to make enjoyable with each passing event. The most vocal with his discontent was the man known in CZCW as Plague. He felt that he'd paid his dues, and didn't want to take a backseat to these newcomers who had earned nothing. He made a prophecy, and took on his first protege, a man known as Tempest Appleby, with a revamped look, would now just be known as Tempest, and would be taken under Plagues wing. Plague declared himself and Tempest as the beginning of CZCW's [B]'Cute Poison'[/B]. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] [I]And so it began...[/I] [/FONT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B]UPDATE[/B] [B]Courtesy: [url]www.czcwreslting.com[/url][/B] In an attempt to try and 'quell the beasts' within the CZCW locker room, Cliff Anderson has come up with a somewhat innovative idea. 'We've got plenty of talent here, some that have proved themselves, and some that may not have proven themselves here, but elsewhere. I've heard all the crying and moaning I can handle. We're going to determine a # 1 Contender for Donnie J, hopefully healthy, to defend his CZCW World Championship against. Names will be drawn from hats. 16 names will be broken into four teams. No, not divisions, [B]4 teams of 4[/B]. There will be [B]two 8 man tag team matches[/B]. With the winners of each match, [B]8 men[/B], advancing into a tournament to decide the new # 1 Contender.' Cliff was reporting that he was going to make the picks at the next show, but instead, he decided to pick the shows during our interview with him, and [B]begin the mayhem at the next card CZCW Welcome To The Coastal Zone! [/B] [U]Team One[/U] Fox Mask James Prudence Snap Dragon Marc Speed [U]Team Two[/U] Remmy Skye Insane Machine Joey Beauchamp Hell Monkey [U]Team Three[/U] Jacob Jett Ultimate Phoenix Mario Heroic Masked Cougar [U]Team Four[/U] Plague Tempest Ed Larkins Joey Poison [B][U]First Main Event[/U][/B] Jacob Jett/Ultimate Phoenix/Mario Heroic/Masked Cougar [B]vs.[/B] Plague/Tempest/Ed Larkins/Joey Poison [B][U]Second Main Event[/U][/B] Remmy Skye/Insane Machine/Joey Beauchamp/Hell Monkey [B]vs.[/B] Fox Mask/James Prudence/Snap Dragon/Marc Speed [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]CZCW Welcome To The Coastal Zone[/SIZE][/U][/B] [FONT="Century Gothic"] [I][SIZE="1"]*Tonight would be an epic event for CZCW. An innovative tournament to decide the new # 1 Contender, as well as some highly anticipated undercard matches would take place, but nobody was prepared for the anarchy that was to occur...*[/SIZE][/I] The day started out fine. It was one of their bigger cards, and Cliff Anderson thought it would be a good idea to have a meet and greet before the show. All of the new employees of the company, Hell Monkey, Jacob Jett, Joey Poison, Ed Larkins and Mario Heroic were on hand, taking pictures and signing autographs with fans, as were fan favourites Remmy Skye, Ultimate Phoenix, Fox Mask, Snap Dragon, and even the man leaving for greener pastures in NOTBPW, Frankie Perez. Other wrestlers, such as Citizen X, Marc Speed, James Prudence, Matt Sparrow and Flyin Jimmy Foxx could be seen in the background, not taking part in the meet and greet. Cliff and Farrah made their way to the announce table, and the lights in the gymnasium went down... The mood was good, and the anticipation was hanging in the air. A new year. [B]A new era.[/B] [/FONT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] Cliff Anderson made his way to the ring, and once again told everyone how the event would work. There would be an opening match to kick off the evening, with a young newcomer to CZCW, Alexander Fayt taking on Jeremiah Moose. Then things would get down to the nitty gritty. The first match, of Remmy Skye, Joey Beauchamp, Insane Machine and Hell Monkey taking on Plague, Ed Larkins, Tempest and Joey Poison would commence. Then it would be Fox Mask, Snap Dragon, Marc Speed and James Prudence taking on the team of Ultimate Phoenix, Mario Heroic, Masked Cougar and Jacob Jett. There would then be a short intermission, and a draw would take place to see who would then face who from each winning team, with one loss eliminations meaning the two men in the finals would have [B]wrestled in three matches in one night[/B]. [B]There would be no crossover matches until the final, which would occur at the next CZCW event.[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Oh Come What May...[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] Next we are backstage where we see Hell Monkey and CZCW Xtreme Champion Insane Machine, both laid out on the concrete, with paramedics working on them. [I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Paramedic[/B]: We're going to have to take them in the ambulance...[/I][/COLOR] The camera pans back to see a black rose lying on the ground in a puddle of their blood... ---------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt vs. Jeremiah Moose[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JeremiahMoose.jpg[/IMG] This was actually a pretty good match, and it got the fans who were already hot with anticipation ready for first eight man tag team match. The newcomer, the man calling himself 'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt, got the win with a burning hammer he calls 'The Oxceltyne Burner'. [B]Rating: D-[/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------- *Cliff was backstage pacing in his office, talking on his cell phone. He didn't look too happy.* [COLOR="Indigo"][I][B]Cliff Anderson[/B]: What do you mean they won't be here, I need them both back here in FIVE minutes! What do you mean they were attacked backstage Farrah, by who?!? [/I][/COLOR] *long pause* [COLOR="indigo"][I][B]Cliff Anderson[/B]: What do you MEAN they didn't see who it was? Well YOU get back here then, you weren't attacked! I can't be down two wrestlers and one color commentator![/I][/COLOR] *Cliff slams his cellphone shut and walks out of his office.* ------------------------------------------------------------ [U][B]First Eight Man Tag Team Match (Tournament Round 1)[/B][/U] Plague and Tempest made their entrance together through the crowd, at the same time that the playful Joey Poison and Phenomenal E. Ed Larkins made their way to the ring to 'Barracuda' by Heart. Tempest and Plague had somewhat smug grins on their faces as they stood behind the barrier looking at Poison and Larkins in the ring. Next out came Remmy Skye and Joey Beauchamp who stood on the top of the ramp, as Cliff Anderson announced two 'replacement partners' [B]Citizen X and Matt Sparrow![/B] After some jawing back and forth the match got under way, but hardly under control. The double teaming and cheating tactics of Plague and Tempest were starting to get on the nerves of Poison and Larkins, because they had almost got their team disqualified several times. A big brawl began to break out, in which a good spot saw [B]Ed Larkins do a diving shooting star press to the outside from the ring over the top rope [/B]onto a whole pile of guys. Finish came while the referee was outside trying to sort out the mess, and Plague and Tempest had isolated Remmy Skye in the ring with a chair. Tempest gave him a drop toe hold, face first to the chair, and Plague came down across his head with a legdrop, breaking the chair. Tempest got rid of the evidence as Plague grabbed the referee and got the three count. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] Tempest, Plague, Ed Larkins and Joey Poison advance! -------------------------------------------------------- *Plague grabs a microphone.* [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Plague:[/B] You two are welcome. Because you both know if it weren't for us, you wouldn't be moving on.[/I][/COLOR] *Poison motions for a mic to be tossed to him as to make a rebuttal.* [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Joey Poison[/B]: Hold the phone there Jacko. We never asked for your help, nor did we cheat to win, NOR did we take out Hell Monkey and Insane Machine... not so much, unlike yourselves perhaps?[/I][/COLOR] *Plague steps up into the face of Poison.* [COLOR="red"][I][B]Plague:[/B] Now thats a mighty fine accusation Mr. Poison...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Joey Poison:[/B] If the shoe fits...[/I][/COLOR] *Tempest and Larkins now start jawing as officials from the back rush the ring to seperate the men. Cliff Anderson stands up from the announce table.* [COLOR="Indigo"][I][B]Cliff Anderson:[/B] If you guys want to go at it so bad, then tonight, I don't even have to make a draw. Second round matches will see Ed Larkins vs. Plague, and Joey Poison vs. Tempest.[/I][/COLOR] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] [U][B]Eight Man Tag Team Match (# 1 Contender Round 1)[/B][/U][B] Mario Heroic/Masked Cougar/Jacob Jett/Ultimate Phoenix vs. Snap Dragon/Marc Speed/Fox Mask/James Prudence[/B] The two teams came out and went at it right away, knowing what was at stake. Fan favourite and CZCW legend Fox Mask had the crowd behind him the whole time, despite the fans lack of love for his teammates. Jacob Jett got into a smaller altercation with Mario Heroic when Jett wouldn't tag Heroic into the match. Finish saw Fox Mask get the pinfall on Ultimate Phoenix to a huge ovation from the crowd. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [I]Marc Speed, Snap Dragon, Fox Mask, and James Prudence advance![/I] *Fox Mask celebrates in the ring, as the rest of his team look somewhat annoyed and head to the back.* ------------------------------------------------------------- *Cliff Anderson then stands up, with a bucket in his hands, and begins to draw names. [B]Snap Dragon [/B]was the first name selected, and [B]Marc Speed [/B]was the second, meaning that[B] Fox Mask [/B]would be facing off against [B]James Prudence [/B]and Speed would face Dragon, to go along with the already booked Plague vs. Ed Larkins and Poison vs. Tempest matches.* ------------------------------------------------------------- [U][B]Round Two # 1 Contender Tournament[/B][/U] [B]Plague vs. Ed Larkins[/B] Both men were somewhat rested from their early encounter, Plague looking to continue his dominance in CZCW and Larkins looking to start some. Plague showed his poise by taking control early, but Larkins showed some high risk offense that paid off. Tempest made his way down to the ring and distracted Larkins, allowing Plague to hit the [B]'New Jersey Turnpike'[/B] for the win. After the match Larkins was beat down by Tempest and Plague, until Joey Poison ran down with chair and chased them off. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] [I]Plague advances![/I] [B][U]Round Two # 1 Contender Tournament[/U][/B] [B]Joey Poison vs. Tempest[/B] The two were already in the ring, so they got started right away. The referee tried to get control of the match by sending Plague to the back but he wouldn't listen. Larkins had already been escorted to the back to get stitches after being opened up by the vicious attack from Tempest and Plague. Poisons adrenaline was flowing and he took control early, but constant attempts to interfere by Plague kept slowing him down and making him lose his concentration. Tempest couldn't seem to mount any offense and it was looking grim for him, until a ref bump allowed Plague to get in the ring with a chair. Unbeknownst to him, [B]Ed Larkins [/B]had run out from the back after getting stitches, and was in the ring behind him now, as the fans were chanting 'Eddie' in unison. Plague rocked the chair back to nail Poison but Larkins grabbed it. Plague turned around to see what was going on and then [B]Joey Poison superkicked him in the head from behind[/B], sending him out of the ring. Larkins and Poison now turned their attention to Tempest who backed away into the corner as Poison and Larkins stalked him. Plague got back up onto the apron and was trying to get in the ring but Poison and Larkins heard him comind and turned around, leading to Plagues retreat. [B]Plague backed up the ramp[/B], tossing his hands in the air, [B]as Tempest looked on in disbelief![/B] Poison and Larkins hit a [B]shooting star press/legdrop [/B]to the head from the top rope combo before Larkins got the referee to come to his senses to make the three count. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [I]Joey Poison advances![/I] *Tempest lay on the mat, gritting his teeth, eyes wide open as he had been [B]left to fend for himself by his new 'mentor' [/B]after helping him not too long before.* -------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Round Two # 1 Contender Tournament[/U][/B] [B]Marc Speed vs. Snap Dragon[/B] This match was somewhat one sided, and despite a few spurts of offense, [B]Snap Dragon outclassed and outwrestled Marc Speed[/B], showing that he didn't really deserve to be this far along in the tournament. Snap Dragon won the match with the 'Dragons Breath' at 6:45 of the match. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]Snap Dragon advances![/I] -------------------------------------------------------- *Donnie J. made an appearance next, making his way out to the ring on crutches. He got a huge ovation from the crowd, almost as big as Fox Masks, as these fans really love their champion, and they showed it.* [I][B]Donnie J:[/B]This right here is where it is at! The Coastal Zone! The best fans, and the best talent in North America![/I] *Fans pop.* [I][B]Donnie J[/B]: And tonight, we crown a new # 1 Contender for my Coastal Zone Championship[/I] *pats the belt draped over his shoulder* [I]and alot of questions have been asked about when I would return, of even IF, I would return.[/I] *Donnie pauses for a moment, looking almost in thought about the questions he brought forward.* [I][B]Donnie J:[/B] You bet your ASS I'll be back! I don't care if I have to wrestle this match in a wheelchair, let alone on these crutches. I'm your champion for a reason, and I'm going to prove it next month if I have to drag my ass to the ring![/I] [I][B]Donnie J[/B]: And to the man that did this to me... James Prude, lets just say I've got a little vested interest in his match tonight against Fox Mask, and if, and I MEAN if, he can get past him, whoever he faces in the final. Because nothing would please me more than being able to defend this title against him, while getting to beat the living hell out of him at the same time![/I] *Donnie grabs his title with one hand and holds it over his head as the crowd pops for him once more.* [I][B]Donnie J:[/B] You had [B]THREE [/B]seperate chances to beat Fox Mask for the title James, and you lost each time. But, you know... don't let that get your stomach all tied up for tonight or anything... Good luck James ole boy.[/I] [I][B]You're gonna need it.[/B][/I] *Donnie fraternizes with the fans a bit before leaving to the back.* --------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Round Two # 1 Contender Tournament[/U][/B] [B]Fox Mask vs. James Prudence[/B] Was a really underrated, underappreciated match, but these two put on a good show, and both men are on total opposite sides of the spectrum in the eyes of the fans, so it helped immensely. Fox Mask is on his journey to regain his Coastal Zone Championship, and Prudence is trying to stake a claim that he deserves a chance to become Coastal Zone Champion for the first time. And both men wrestled with that desperation. Match of the night by far as these two let it all hang out and neither would give in. Finish saw Prudence poke Fox in the eyes, and roll him up grapping the tights AND using the ropes for leverage behind the referees back to get the three. Fans were livid that after such an amazing match, Prudence had to revert to such lowdown dirty tactics to win, but he had finally beaten Fox Mask, and he celebrated like he [B][I]HAD[/I][/B] just won the title. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [I]James Prudence advances![/I] ------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff then ran down the last two matches of the evening. [B]Plague vs. Joey Poison[/B] and [B]James Prudence vs. Snap Dragon[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------- We would now be taking a short intermission! [/FONT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] This match had been building up for one night, yet the tension in the air, and the [B]anticipation in the room made it feel like their were months worth of build [/B]towards this match. Joey Poison, current 4C Heavyweight Champion, and Plague would square off inside the squared circle next! ----------------------------------------------------------- *Plagues music played, as he came out with Tempest following somewhat reluctantly behind. He slowly sauntered to the ring, taking in all the adoration that the fans could throw at it. At least, the way he reacted you would think they were cheering him. He took his time getting to the ring, and grabbed a mic on the way in.* *Poison was out next, with a stitched up Ed Larkins following close behind, and the two looked like they were on top of the world. [B]They were really enjoying their debut in the Coastal Zone! Poison and Larkins charged the ring, which scattered Tempest and Plague to the outside.*[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"][B]Plague[/B]: What do you think this is Joey? This isn't Canada. We don't need anymore Canadians running around, tainting our country. You can't just come prancing around here like you own the place. You don't. And tonight, it is going to be [B]fate[/B] that is your downfall.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Joey Poison[/B]: I don't believe in luck, chance, destiny or fate. I walk along my own path. But since we are on the subjects of irradicating 'Canadians' from this lovely America, then why not look directly to your left at the good ole [B]'Mover From Vancouver' Tempest Appleby[/B]? [/I][/COLOR] *Tempest begins throwing a temper tantrum on the outside as Plague just stares down Poison. Plague then motions for Ed Larkins to go to the back. Poison then motions for Tempest to go to the back. Plague stands there for a second before [B]whispering in Tempests ear. Tempest immidiately begins to walk to the back, which stunned Joey Poison, as he motions for Larkins to go as well.[/B] Plague hops up onto the apron and the match gets underway.* This match had potential to be better than the Fox Mask/James Prudence match, but it was basically just an all out brawl from the get go. These two men showed no remorse for eachother, and no disregard for their own bodies. It spilled out into the crowd a few times, and the referee just let them go at it, using whatever they could. The match ended when a man who couldn't really be made out clearly at first came in and hit Poison with a burning hammer while the referee was knocked out. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Indigo"][I][B]Cliff Anderson[/B]: Oh my goodness! Thats Alexander Fayt!!! What is he doing here... I think we all know now what Plague meant when he said 'fate would be Poisons downfall'![/I][/COLOR] Fayt spits on the lifeless body of Poison as he drapes Plague overtop. The referee comes too and the match is over. The crowd is in an uproar, and Plague doesn't even realize hes won yet! Fayt drags Plague out by his ankles, barely knowing where he is and helps him quickly up the rampway as Poison lay motionless in the ring! [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [I]Plague advances to face James Prudence or Snap Dragon![/I] [/FONT] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]Just letting you people know updates will be in full as the diary progresses, just easing myself back into the diary writing process/form.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] The night had been one big clustereffbomb, and the finale would be a match between Snap Dragon and James Prudence, two of the least favoured to win this tournament. [B][U]Semi Final # 1 Contender Tournament Match[/U][/B] [B]James Prudence vs. Snap Dragon[/B] *Donnie J. made his way out to the ring on crutches and had a seat at ringside with Cliff Anderson, taking a headset to do DVD commentary on the match. Out next was James Prudence, and he had something to say to Donnie J.* [I][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James Prudence:[/B] Tonight Donnie, not only did I do what you said I couldn't do, and what I haven't done before, I did it AFTER I had already wrestled a match. And when I beat Snap Dragon next, making it three matches in one night that I've wrestled in, and won, what makes you think you, at not even 100% could beat me? Just some [B]food for thought while you rest up...[/B][/COLOR][/I] Snap Dragon was out next, jacked up, and the crowd was behind him, which is something he isn't used to. He charged the ring, and the match was on. It wasn't a very good match, and the only thing saving it was both mens experience, and ability to sell the hell out of eachother. The Main Event match definitely should have been Plague vs. Poison, and that obviously showed some of Cliffs major booking flaws. The finish of the match actually came cleanly, when [B]Prudence used Donnie J's superkick finisher on Snap Dragon to get the win.[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [I]James Prudence advances to the finals![/I] After the match, Donnie J left his position at the table and entered the ring as a gased Prudence tried to gain his breath. Out of nowhere, Donnie attacked Prudence with one of his crutches, while hopping on his good leg, [B]nailing him across the knee.[/B] He begin repeatedly smashing the crutch, which had already been bent from the initial blow, across James' knee. He picked up a microphone. [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Donnie J[/B]: Well, heres some 'food for thought' for you Jamie boy. Looks like you won't be 100% for our match either. Thats if you even MAKE IT past Plague to get there. Good luck, you're gonna need it.[/I] [/COLOR] Donnie tossed the mic on top of a screaming Prudence as he leaned on one crutch, and held his title high above his head. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]Confirmed Matches For CZCW Who's The Man?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U]# 1 Contenders Match (Tournament Finals)[/U][/B] [I]Plague vs. James Prudence[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Both these men advanced in the tournament to the finals and will duke it out for a chance to face Donnie J for his Coastal Zone Championship.-[/I] [B][U]Tag Team Revenge[/U][/B] [I]Alexander Fayt/Tempest vs. Joey Poison/Ed Larkins[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Poison and Larkins from 4C wanted to get their hands on any of the members of the newly formed group, and Plague was already booked. Tempest and Fayt will team together for the first time, and try to prove how dominant their group really is.-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [I]-These two had an altercation during the first round, eight man tag team match which may have lead to them losing. They will settle this dispute the old fashioned way.-[/I] [B]MORE MATCHES TO BE NAMED! Card subject to change.[/B] [QUOTE] [U]Quick Picks[/U] Plague vs. James Prudence Tempest/Alexander Fayt vs. Joey Poison/Ed Larkins Mario Heroic vs. Jacob Jett [/QUOTE] [/CENTER][/FONT]
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[center] Posted on [I]wrestlethis.com[/I] [QUOTE] We conducted an interview last night with owner and current head booker of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, Cliff Anderson. Some of the topics discussed were, his take on if he had a lack of judgement while booking, the future of CZCW, the current state of the company, and his goals for the company over the next year. For a full recap of the interview scroll down for the transcripts. *Generic music plays.* Dan Scott: Hello everyone, glad you could join us, I'm your host for this evenings broadcast, and tonight we have with us Cliff Anderson, owner and head booker for the Coastal Zone wrestling promotion. How are you Cliff? Cliff Anderson: I'm fine thanks for asking. Dan Scott: Great, good to hear. First of all, the most noticeable thing in CZCW seems to be the lack of respect. Whether it be towards you, referees, the fans, and most noteably, the wrestlers in the back. What is your take on this, and have there been any plans to rectify it? Cliff Anderson: Alot of people have been asking me this question lately. Whether it be guys showing up late, or just common courtesy, there is a lack of something in that locker room. Some guys won't even sign autographs, let alone help set up the arenas for the nights show. That's something we are going to have to change. Dan Scott: Has there been anything put in motion yet to change this? Cliff Anderson: At this moment in time, no. But it cannot be too long until something needs to be done, hopefully it gets corrected before then. Dan Scott: Another problem seems to be talent leaving to greener pastures. Whether it be NOTBPW like Frankie Perez, or maybe just another up and coming promotion that they feel has more potential and direction? Cliff Anderson: Well Frankie and I talked about this for quite some time when he told me. He had no ill feelings towards the company, and wished it, and everyone in it the best. He saw an oppurtunity and he had to take it. I feel our company has taken a huge direction talentwise, and have brought in some key names to help bolster our product. Dan Scott: Which brings me to my next point. Guys like Joey Poison, Hell Monkey, Jacob Jett, Mario Heroic, Ed Larkins... all up and coming, yet established in their own right stars. Plague made a comment on this at your last event, guys like this coming in and getting shots that, maybe other guys who have been here, and sweat and bled for this company should be getting, which maybe he had a point, seeings how two CZCW superstars are in the finals for the # 1 Contender Tournament? Cliff Anderson: That may very well be an accurate point. It may have made a few guys in the back a little angry. But maybe that is what they needed. We needed something fresh, and these guys can help bring it. All I can do is give them the oppurtunities, they have to take it from there. Dan Scott: And now onto Plague. The guy has always been vocal of his discontent for you, and basically everyone else in CZCW. At Welcome To The Coastal Zone however, he took on a protege, a man formerly known as Tempest Appleby, and, at the end of the night it seemed as if Alexander Fayt were in the fray of that as well. What measures are you taking to ensure that they don't get out of hand, and begin running things the way they want them run? Cliff Anderson: Plague is definitely a man of manipulation, and a man of oppurtunity. All I can say to the two newcomers, Fayt and Tempest, is be careful who you trust. Plague wants one thing that has eluded his grasp for years now, and hes in a prime spot to acheive it. Dan Scott: And finally, alot of people have been criticizing your booking as of late. A couple of the most glaring examples being how you had Plague vs. Poison before you had Prudence vs. Snap Dragon. You saw the build up between Poison and Plague happening all night, and the fans reacted it to each and every plot twist and turn, and to throw that in front of Dragon/Prudence, many felt it was a crowd killer for the Main Event. Cliff Anderson: I've been catching alot of grief from some of the decisions I have been making recently. But I stand firmly by them. I am the owner of this company, and I will do what is best for this company, end of story. Dan Scott: Thankyou for your time, and good luck in the future for CZCW, we hope to have you on here again sometime! [/QUOTE] Shortly after this interview, Cliff posted a match on the CZCW website for the upcoming event CZCW Who's The Man? and it made one have to scratch their head in awe... [U][B]CZCW Xtreme Championship Match[/B][/U] [I]Citizen X vs. Insane Machine[/I] Citizen X, would be battling Insane Machine for the high flying Xtreme Championship... Odd.
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[center][B][U][SIZE="5"]CZCW Who's The Man?[/SIZE][/U][/B][FONT="Century Gothic"] The show started with two dark matches: [B]Velocidad [/B]defeated Jeremiah Moose. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] defeated Marc Speed. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE][/U][/B][/I] [I]-Plague is seen backstage with Alexander Fayt and Tempest.-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Plague[/B]: We have an oppurtunity. Tonight, we take charge of CZCW. You two handle Poison and Larkins and send them back to Canada, and I will be one step closer... One step closer to finally becoming Coastal Zone Champion![/I][/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------- First match of the night was the [B]CZCW Xtreme Championship [/B]match. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Xtreme.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]CZCW Xtreme Championship[/U][/B] [I]Citizen X vs. Insane Machine (C)[/I] Citizen X got off to a good start, but Insane Machines high flying risks paid off as he was able to hit some high impact moves that really paid off, and got the win with a frog splash to get the win. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [I]Insane Machine retains![/I] ------------------------------------------------------------ [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] These two came out, and the ring announcer announced that it would be to decide the next[B] contender to Insane Machines Xtreme Championship.[/B] FINALLY, a smart booking decision. This definitely heightened the intensity of the match, and both men seemed to be fighting with a sense of urgency. Jett was clearly the more loved of the two with the CZCW fans, and this was getting under the skin of Heroic towards the end when he couldn't put Jett down for the three. The match spilled to the outside, and Heroic tried a plancha to the outside, but Jett moved, sending Heroic crashing onto the concrete. Jett rolled back into the ring, and lay there on his back catching his breath as the referee called for the bell. Mario Heroic wasn't even moving, let alone could he make it[B] back inside the ring before the ten count.[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [I]Jacob Jett wins via count out![/I] ------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Poison and Ed Larkins [/B]were seen backstage walking towards the ring, when they got stopped by an anonymous off camera interviewer.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Interviewer: Joey, Eddie, tonight is just your second night in the Coastal Zone, but in one night, at Welcome To The Coastal Zone, you didn't quite the welcoming you were expecting. [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Joey Poison[/B]: To be honest. We expected it. We knew there would be guys insecure about their abilities, and about what they have done with their careers wondering if we would come in and take chances that should be theres.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]Interviewer: And you think Plague and company are jealous?[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"][I][B]Ed Larkins[/B]: Oh we know they are. Who wouldn't be? Plague is an over the hill gothic junkie who has never done, nor will he ever do anything in his career. And now hes going to ruin the careers of two other men by dragging them down with him. Tonight, we beat some sense into them.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]Interviewer: With the current lack of tag teams in CZCW right now, apart from both of you going for singles gold, are there any plans to challenge Air Force 1?? Indications have been made by Mr. Anderson that the winners may get a title shot?[/COLOR] [I][B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Poison[/B]: We are the [B]'Phenomenal Poison'[/B] baby. There ain't no stopping us. It won't be too long before all the titles in CZCW are strapped around Canadian waists.[/I][/color] [I]-With that Poison and Larkins continue onto the ring.-[/I] ------------------------------------------------- [B][I]Phenomenal Poison vs. Tempest & Alexander Fayt[/I][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] There was a big staredown to start this match, before Alexander Fayt called for a microphone. [COLOR="royalblue"][I][B]'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt:[/B] You know, you got one thing correct Poison. It won't be long until all the CZCW titles are around the waist of Canadians. But its the two you're looking at. [/I][/COLOR] -Fayt pauses.- [I][COLOR="royalblue"][B]'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt[/B]: Go back home Joey, take this as your only and final warning. We're giving you a chance to walk away. Take it, because when we are done with you, walking at all might be a blessing.[/COLOR][/I] [I]-Crowd is booing loudly now at newcomer Fayt, who is apparently excellent on the microphone.-[/I] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt[/B]: There are dreamers, and there are doers. Many people talk of their destinies. Their fates. Tonight, I hold your fate in my hands. I am the puppet master, and I will manipulate your strings as I see fit, until I close the curtain on the show. [/COLOR][/I] Fayt tosses the microphone out of the ring, and immidiately we have a brawl on our hands. The match spills to the outside of the ring, both pairs going out opposite sides of the ring, Fayt controlling Larkins and Poison controlling Tempest. The referee tries to get them back into the ring but they are not responding, just brawling on the outside, now into the crowd. The referee stands in the ring, and begins counting both teams out. Neither seem to notice, or even care. [B]The referee reaches the ten count, counting both teams out, resulting in the second count out finish of the night! The match would end in a draw.[/B] It takes about twenty minutes before officials, and even other wrestlers from the back can seperate the two pairs, of which [B]Tempest had been busted open and was bleeding heavily[/b] from Joey Poison. ---------------------------------------------- Fox Mask made his way out to the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrange"][I][B]Fox Mask:[/B]Last week, I had a chance to be in the finals tonight, and to be the # 1 Contender, getting a chance to regain MY title, becoming SIX time, Coastal Zone Champion. We all know what happened... but I'm not here to cry and moan about it.[/I][/COLOR] -Crowd chants 'You Got Effed' at the finish to his match with James Prudence.- [COLOR="darkorange"][I][B]Fox Mask[/B]: I'm letting bygones be bygones, and I just want a match tonight, life goes on and I still have a job to do so, lets have it. Open challenge time. Who has what it takes?[/I][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Hell Monkey shows up at the top of the ramp! Fans are on their feet after he was supposed to be in the # 1 Contender Tournament last week, but both himself and Insane Machine were taken out before the match!-[/I] [I][COLOR="Red"][B]Hell Monkey[/B]: Seems like we both got screwed last week, so, in the spirit of the sport, lets keep this one clean. And to who did what they did last week to myself and Machine... don't think we didn't see you, and don't think we aren't coming. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Hell Monkey vs. Fox Mask[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] Fox Mask showed why he is a legend in CZCW, and a 5 time champion, and Hell Monkey showed why he is such a hot prospect in the world of wrestling right now. This match was amazing, and had the crowd right in it the whole way through, both men taking tons of punishment but neither being able to put the other one away. I thought the match was [B]over on 4 or 5 occasions but neither man would give in. [/B]The finish came after [B]22:56 [/B]of wrestling when Hell Monkey was able to kick out still... but a half a second to late as Fox Mask got the three count. After the match, Fox Mask helped up Hell Monkey and the two shook hands and embraced, before Hell Monkey held up the arm of Fox. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [I]Fox Mask wins![/I] ------------------------------------------------- [B][I]-James Prudence was seen in his dressing room, wrapping up his knee, wincing in pain as it seemed to be a little tender still...-[/I][/B] [B]Main Event next to come!~[/B] [/center] [/font]
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] It was time for the Main Event, and the crowd was riled up from the prior match with Fox Mask and Hell Monkey. It was time to see if Plague would finally get one step closer to achieving his dream, or if 'Platinum' James Prudence would get closer to proving to everyone that he is the better Fly Boy. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] Donnie J made his way down the ramp on crutches with his title over his shoulder, and took a seat beside Cliff Anderson once again to help call the match for the DVD. [I]Plague vs. James Prudence[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] Both men made their entrances, and there was no time wasted in getting the match started. Plague went to work on Prudences leg right away, noticing the limp that was caused in the attack by Donnie J. This tactic seemed to work as it had Prudence grounded from the get go. However Plague was sidetracked when [B]Ed Larkins and Joey Poison came from the back and stood around ringside.[/B] This allowed Prudence to gain some composure and get in some offense, but he found it hard trying to mount an offense with a bum leg. The arrival of Poison and Larkins was short lived as [B]Tempest and Fayt[/B] made their way down the ramp, and Poison and Larkins stood opposite the ring from them. Plague got distracted when Poison and Larkins jumped up on the apron, and the referee was forced to get in their faces. [B]This caused Tempest and Fayt to jump up onto the apron and get in the ring behind the referee, but as soon as Poison and Larkins saw them in the ring they dropped down and pointed in the ring towards them.[/B] The referee then turned his attention to those two, trying to get them out of the ring and restore order. When they wouldnt leave he threatened to kick them to the back. This caused Tempest to grab the referee by the shirt and get in his face. Meanwhile, Prudence still down and out on the canvas, Plague leaned outside the ropes to shout obsene things at Joey Poison and Ed Larkins,[B] but he was met by a superkick from Joey Poison, landing him flat on his back in the middle of the ring![/B] Prudence draped and arm over him, and just as the referee was turning around he dropped to his [B]knees making the count to three![/B] Prudence, exhausted rolled onto his back and put his arm in the air, until he saw the referee over top of him [B]shaking his head and holding up two fingers![/B] He dropped his arm down and covered his face with his hands, not beleiving what just happened. He grabbed the rope and tried to pull himself to his feet, as on the outside, after realizing what happened Tempest and Fayt had taken the battle to Poison and Larkins and they were brawling like mad. Plague was now up again too, [B]groggy from the shot to the head, as Prudence used the ropes to hold himself up.[/B] The referee was on the outside now trying to get both teams to the back when[B] Donnie J hobbled into the ring. [/B] He got [B]behind Prudence, and wound up with his crutch[/B], and as Prudence put pressure on his leg to go after Plague,[B] it buckled and he fell. It just so happens he fell right out of the way of the crutch shot, and it nailed Plague right between the eyes![/B] The referee just happened to be back inside the ring now as James Prudence made the cover. [B]This time he had done it![/B] James Prudence would take on longtime friend and former partner Donnie J for the Coastal Zone Championship! [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [I]James Prudence advances![/I] The two teams continued brawling on the outside as Donnie J hobbled up the ramp, livid at what just happened. Prudence was leaning on the ropes to keep himself up, staring up at Donnie J as the show came to an end... [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] [B][U][SIZE="5"]CZCW Surf Slam May 2007[/SIZE][/U][/B] Current Card: [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [U]CZCW Tag Team Championship Match[/U] [I]Tiger Salvaje Jr. & Velocidad vs. Air Force 1 (C)[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TigreSalvaje.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]-The two masked luchador youngsters are being tossed together, to take on the current Champions, who haven't had much of a challenge lately.-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG] [I]-After his count out loss to Jacob Jett at Welcome To The Coastal Zone, one has to think Heroic wouldn't go down quietly, and would want a rematch. Until then he would get a chance to redeem himself against Matt Sparrow, who is also looking to climb the ranks towards the Xtreme Champion, Insane Machine.-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG] [I]-CZCW legend, hot off a win over Hell Monkey, will take on the death defying Remmy Skye in singles competition.-[/I] [B][U]Tag Team Rematch - No Disqualification[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [I]-After both teams being counted out last time at Welcome To The Coastal Zone, a NODQ rematch has been signed, with huge tag team title contention implications on the line.-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Plague, livid after his loss to James Prudence last week, requested a match with anyone he could get his hands on, and Cliff Anderson responded, putting him a match with The Phoenix!-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [I]James Prudence vs. Donnie J (C)[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [I]-This match has been a long time coming, and there is no love lost between either man. Friends turned partners, and partners turned bitter enemies, these two know as much about another man that you're not intimate with that any man could know. Both men are beat up and battered, but who will rise above for the greatest prize in CZCW?-[/I] [/FONT] [/CENTER] [B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] Velocidad/Tiger Salvaje Jr. vs. Air Force One 1 Mario Heroic vs. Matt Sparrow Fox Mask vs. Remmy Skye Alexander Fayt/Tempest (Tempting Fate) vs. Joey Poison/Ed Larkins (Phenomenal Poison) Ultimate Phoenix vs. Plague Donnie J (C) vs. James Prudence
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] [B][U][SIZE="5"]CZCW Surf Slam DVD[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]-The show started out with a new youngster coming out to the ring before the taping for the DVD began. It was young Canadian [B]David Wayne Newton[/B].-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] [I]-He said it was his time to shine, and he was going to be the next best thing in professional wrestling. Fans didn't really care. He made an open challenge that was accepted by...- [/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Another young Canadian, Frankie Dee. Was a fairly good match, and those that were semi-interested in the match were pleasantly surprised with the quality. DWN got the win with a Fisherman's Suplex.-[/I] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Tiger Salvaje Jr. & Velocidad vs. Air Force One[/U][/B] Tiger and Velocidad showed alot of heart, and lots of promise as a team. They brought lots of energy, and high octane offense to the match, and had a few near falls, but it wasn't enough to beat the experienced team of [B]Snap Dragon and Flying Jimmy Foxx.[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]Air Force 1 retain![/I] ---------------------------------------------------------- [I]-Footage of Mario Heroic is shown petitioning for a rematch with Jacob Jett, and too make it for the # 1 Contender for the Xtreme Championship match. he didn't care what stipulation, just as long as he got Jett in the ring, with a chance to face Insane Machine afterwards.-[/I] [I]-Cliff told him he would think about it, but told him he'd better worry about Matt Sparrow tonight, and to get out there because his match was next. Heroic had a sly smile on his face until he turned around, and his jaw dropped.-[/I] [I][COLOR="Red"][B]Mario Heroic[/B]: You... what are you doing here? I thought you were slated to re-sign...[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Blue"][B]Off Camera Man[/B]: Don't always believe what you hear... Now if you'll excuse me, Mr. Anderson and I have some business to attend too.[/COLOR][/I] [I]-Heroic stumbles through the door and heads to the ring.-[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Mario Heroic vs. Matt Sparrow[/U][/B] Was a pretty standard match, with Sparrow bolstering the boring meter, and the crowd really got on his case for it. Heroic used all the underhanded tactics that he could think of, and the crowd still wouldn't get off Sparrows case. Hes just that unspectacular. Heroic got the win with a 'Hero Attack' to a sigh of relief from the crowd. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [I]Mario Heroic wins![/I] ---------------------------------------------------------- [I]-[B]Jacob Jett[/B] was then seen walking into Cliffs office, and his jaw drops as well. The camera then pans and we see the mans face...-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [I]-IT'S DARRYL DEVINE! Jacob Jett shakes his hand and embraces him with a half hug, looking surprised, yet happy to see him. Devine, looks somewhat uncomfortable.-[/I] [I][COLOR="blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B]: Dude, whats goin on? I thought you were staying in SWF, what happened?[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: Surprise?!?[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B]: Man, I'll say...[/COLOR][/I] [I]-Devine interupts him and steps passed him towards the exit of Cliffs office.-[/I] [I][B][COLOR="Red"]Darryl Devine[/COLOR][/B]: Look man, I gotta go, I'll see ya around.[/I] [I]-Devine leaves abruptly as Jett stands there looking confused as the camera fades out.-[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------ [B][U]Fox Mask vs. Remmy Skye[/U][/B] Two fan favourites here, as Fox Mask is a legend in CZCW, a former 5 time Coastal Zone Champion, and well, the fans love seeing Remmy Skye almost kill himself, in some form or another every night. Remmy was really outclassed, as lately, it seems as if Fox Mask has a fire lit inside him after losing to James Prudence in the # 1 Contenders Tournament. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [I]Fox Mask wins![/I] -Fox Mask and Remmy shake hands after Mask wins in considerably dominant fashion.- ------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] -Plague is shown showing up to the arena with his bags, and heading to his locker room, where Alexander Fayt and Tempest are already dressed and ready to go. [B]Plague throws his bag across the locker room and stares at the two of them.-[/B] [COLOR="red"][I][B]Plague[/B]: What in the HELL happened last week? Can you two get anything done? All you had to do was beat Poison and Larkins, and ensure that I beat Prudence.[/I][/COLOR] [I]-Plague paces around for a bit.-[/I] [COLOR="red"][I][B]Plague[/B]: But what happened? You couldn't get EITHER of those small tasks done. Because if you don't remember, I got nailed in the head with a crutch, causing 7 stitches, [B]and costing me MY shot at whats RIGHTFULLY MINE![/B][/I][/COLOR] -Plague is yelling, reprimanding to two for what happened last week, and losing his chance to become Coastal Zone Champion. Alexander Fayt stands up, and walks towards Plague.- [I][COLOR="Blue"][B]'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt[/B]: Look, you need to calm down. It wasn't our fault. We took care of Poison and Larkins. How were we to know Donnie J was going to get involved? So you better back up, and cool off. We've got another chance tonight, and when the time is right, we will take back your chance.[/COLOR][/I] [I]-Fayt walks passed Plague and out the door, as Tempest is just sitting there, not responding to anything, as Plague is still simply livid.-[/I] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]-The music of Frankie Perez begins to play, as Cliff Anderson said he would be having a tribute to a long time, hard working member of the CZCW family. but everyones surprise, Perez walked through the curtainand made his way to the ring as the 300 fans in attendance exploded in unions for 'P-Dawg'.[/i] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Frankie Perez:[/B] Thats right folks, the P-Dawg is back. You see, I went north of the border, and I found something was missing. My home. I told them I couldn't be away from the place that made me what I am, and they told me I was welcome to come back whenever I wanted. So here I am. And I've got one agenda, that has eluded my grasp since day one, and I'm not leaving until I've strapped it around my waist. The Coastal Zone Championship. And I'm going to go through each and every opponent thrown in my path until I get there.[/I][/COLOR] -Some new music begins to play, interupting Perez, who is visibly annoyed. Out from behind the current walks the man we saw earlier, Darryl Devine! Devine has a mic...- [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Darryl Devine:[/B] Blah blah blah. You think you're big time Perez, and you think that because you're working for NOTBPW now that you've achieved something. You've done nothing. I've been to SWF. The top company in the world, and I've wrestled the best of the best. And just like EVERYONE else here in CZCW, I'm here for that Coastal Zone Championship. [B]You didn't do anything noteable here, other than a subpar Xtreme Championship title run, what makes you think you can do it now?[/B][/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Blue"][B]Frankie Perez[/B]: Well, Mr. Hotshot, why don't you come down here and I'll show you? Because if my memory serves me right, all you amounted to was a curtain jerker in SWF. So lets cut the talking and get down to business...[/COLOR][/I] [I]-Devine tosses his mic aside and charges the ring, as a referee Pee Wee runs from the back right behind him. Devine slides into the ring and the match is on.-[/I] [I]-Was a pretty good match from the two, and the finish saw Devine hit his 'Devine Drop' to get the three count.-[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [I]Devine wins![/I] [I]-Perez was unhappy with the referee, because he said that his foot was under the rope, but Pee Wee said he didn't see it, and just shrugged his shoulders. Perez was upset, but he perked up when the crowd gave him a [B]standing ovation [/B]when he left the ringside area.-[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------- COMING UP NEXT - Tempting Fate vs. Phenomenal Poison Plague vs. Ultimate Phoenix Donnie J (C) vs. James Prudence [/font][/center]
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] [B][U]Tempting Fate vs. Phenomenal Poison[/U][/B] [I]-Next up was the no disqualification match between Tempting Fate and Phenomenal Poison. Joey and Ed came out in street clothes, ready for a brawl, and Fayt and Tempest came out with stoic expressions on their faces, not really phased by anything.-[/I] [I]-Poison and Larkins charged the two before they could even hit the ring and this one was started. Tempest got tossed into the first row of seats, and that allowed Poison and Larkins to [B]double team Fayt, with a vicious irish whip into the steel ringpost shoulder first.-[/B][/I] [I]-It didn't take long for Tempest to get back into the mix, as he had a steel chair in hand, jabbing Poison in the gut with it, and lifting it above his head to slam Joey in the back with it, but Larkins cut him off before he could.-[/I] -This match showed the dexterity of both teams, as guys were bleeding like crazy, and using whatever, and doing whatever they had to to get an advantage.- -Finish saw [B]Plague[/B] walk out from the back and go to the first row, taking a [B]beer bottle [/B]from one of the guys. He walked up behind Joey Poison who was beside the ring apron, and broke the bottle over his head. Plague rolled him into the ring and guided Tempest into the ring as well, as Fayt kept Larkins occupied on the outside. Tempest got the three count on an out cold, bloody Joey Poison.- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] [I]Tempting Fate win![/I] ---------------------------------------------------- [I]-Larkins rushed into the ring and immidiately begin to tend to Poison as officials ran to the ring as well. Plague stood at the end of the aisle just before the curtain with a microphone.-[/I] [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Plague[/B]: Fayt, Tempest... THAT is how you get things done.[/I][/COLOR] [I]-He tosses the mic and goes to the back, not waiting for them.-[/I] ----------------------------------------------------- -Next up, ironically was Plagues match with Ultimate Phoenix. They cleaned the ring as best they could, as Larkins helped Joey to the back on his own feet and free will, which got a good ovation from the crowd.- [B][U]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Plague[/U][/B] -Plague was still looking upset and disgruntled like before, and the match with Phoenix never got underway because Plague lost it and attacked Phoenix with a chair and left.- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [I]Ultimate Phoenix wins via disqualification![/I] --------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] This was a match everybody came to see, and it delivered on the shear brutallity of the match alone. Neither man wanted to lose to the other, especially not with the title on the line. Both men were still banged up in their knees, which was aparent, but both men were determined to overcome it to walk away with the title. Prudence, whose injury was of a lesser extent, began working on the knee that he had injured several months ago, but Donnie J did the same to Prudence. It was a slow paced, methodical match, but the two pulled it off. There was some high flying spots that the crowd didn't expect to see, so popped heavily for them when they happened. Another point in the match saw Donnie J attempt a plancha to the outside, but as he went to take off over the top rope, [B]his leg gave out[/B], and he sorta flopped onto the ropes. Finish saw Donnie hit the 'Death On Miami Beach' at the 26:34 mark of the match to get the pinfall. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [I]Donnie J retains![/I] Both men were down and collapsed, gasping for air and writhing in pain. As both men got to their feet, Donnie extended his hand to James as the fans cheered Prudence to accept it. Prudence spat in his face, and dropped to the canvas, rolling out of the ring to a huge array of boos from the crowd. [/center] [/font]
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] -We are sad to inform you that [B]Matt Sparrow [/B]has left the company. He felt under utilized, and all we can say is, well, [B]good riddance[/B].- Card So Far For [B]CZCW Battle On The Beach[/B] Citizen X vs. Frankie Dee [B][U]Ladder Match[/U][/B] Masked Cougar vs. Velocidad vs. Ash Campbell vs. Jeremiah Moose Tiger Salvaje Jr. vs. Ed Larkins Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton Mario Heroic/Marc Speed vs. Mighty Fine (Jacob Jett/Darryl Devine) [B][U]Tag Team Championship Match[/U][/B] Tempting Fate (Fayt/Tempest) vs. Air Force 1 (c) (Snap Dragon/Jimmy Foxx) [B][U]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/U][/B] Joey Poison vs. Plague vs. Donnie J (c) vs. James Prudence [/FONT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] [SIZE="5"][B][U]CZCW Battle On The Beach[/U][/B][/SIZE] [I]-Tonight was going to be an amazing show. Several of the CZCW elite would be away working the WLW tour, but we would make due with what we had. Away on this tour were Hell Monkey, Insane Machine, Ultimate Phoenix and Bulldozer Brandon Smith.-[/I] [B][U]Citizen X vs. Frankie Dee[/U][/B] This match would start the DVD up, with hot newcomer Frankie Dee, taking on the pissed off CZCW veteran Citizen X. Citizen X got the win, and after the match tried to [B]recruit[/B] Frankie Dee into his [B]'army'.[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [I]Citizen X wins![/I] ------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG] -The camera catches up with Tempest and Fayt, who are halfway through a conversation already.- [I][COLOR="Blue"][B]'The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt[/B]: Look man, don't listen to what hes been saying. We go out there tonight, we beat up Air Force 1, without his help, and we get those titles. And then, when thats said and done, we turn our attention to some much needed areas of improval...[/COLOR][/I] [I]-Tempest gives him an odd look as the camera then fades away.-[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Devine and Jett are backstage talking as well.-[/I] [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: Now why did you go and do that... did I tell you I wanted this?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][I][B]Jacob Jett[/B]: No... but I just figured, you know, we've always been partners![/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: Yeah, and now we've got a match tonight, while I try to help YOU sort out YOUR mess with Mario Heroic? When I could be fighting Donnie J for the Coastal Zone Championship![/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="red"][B]Jacob Jett[/B]: What are you sayin man?[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: I'm saying I'm done being stuck in tag team hell. I went to SWF to get away from the whole tag team business, and when I signed my contract here, I made sure Cliff was obligated to give me a shot at Donnie J, or whoever holds the title within the first three months. From now on, it is going to be 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine. Not Darryl and Jacob.[/I][/COLOR] [I]-Darryl leaves the room leaving Jett looking confused and somewhat angry.-[/I] --------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][B][U]Ladder Match[/U][/B][/SIZE] [I][U][B]Masked Cougar vs. Velocidad vs. Ash Campbell vs. Jeremiah Moose[/B][/U][/I] Ash Campbell got a good reaction from the crowd, being in that the fans recognized him as being the son of Nemesis. But, Masked Cougar got the fans full support, as he usually does. Good high paced match, with Cougar really helping everyone in the ring along, selling like a madman and bumping like crazy. In the end though, we saw a CRAZY bump from Velocidad, jumping from the TOP of the ladder on the inside, doing a shooting star press onto the three men on the outside. Only problem with that was Masked Cougar sidestepped it, and he only connected on Ash and Jeremiah. This allowed Cougar to easily slide in and climb the ladder to claim the prize. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [I]Masked Cougar wins![/I] ------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] -Cliff Anderson is talking backstage with Donnie J.- [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Cliff Anderson[/B]: How you feeling Don?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Donnie J[/B]: I been better mang, I ain't gonna lie to you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]Cliff Anderson[/B]: Then why did YOU request this match tonight, your knee still isn't even close to 100%![/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]Donnie J[/B]: I've gotta prove to all the doubters out there that I am the real deal. That I deserve this Coastal Zone Championship, and what better way then doing it against three deserving guys such as Poison, Plague and Prudence.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]Cliff Anderson[/B]: Well, all I can say is be careful out there...[/I][/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Frankie Perez vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/U][/B] -Frankie Perez made his way to the ring to a standing ovation once again, just like last week, in just his second appearance back in the Zone. He is set to take on young gun Davis Wayne Newton.- -DWN comes out with a microphone.- [COLOR="Navy"][I][B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B]: If it isn't the legend, P-Dawg. If memory serves me correct P-Diddy, you didn't fair so well last week against Darryl Devine. You and I have alot in common though Doggy Boy. You made your start here in CZCW, and so am I. You are considered a legend here in CZCW, why, I don't know, but I, I will be considered a legend worldwide...[/I][/COLOR] -Davis wants to continue talking, but Perez has already bumrushed the aisle and caught him by surprise. He battles with DWN back to the ring, as both men roll in and the match is underway.- -Perez begins just kicking the crap out of the youngster, chopping his chest and kicking at his legs. Almost any part of skin that you could see on DWN's body was red from being beat to death by Perez, who had a fire lit under him.- -DWN gains control for awhile after he poked Perez in the eye, and then mule kicked him in the gonads without the referee seeing, but that was short lived and Perez got the win making him tap out to the P-Clutch.- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [I]Perez wins via submission![/I] --------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Ed Larkins vs. Tiger Salvaje Jr.[/U][/B] Two newcomers to CZCW, both very talented high flyers went at it in this match. But Larkins being the more experienced of the two, and Tiger being as green as they come, Larkins got the win fairly easy. But the two shook hands and celebrated after the match. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [I]Ed Larkins wins via pinfall![/I] ------------------------------------------------------ Part II of the DVD shortly! [/center] [/font]
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[CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"] [SIZE="4"][B][U][I]CZCW Battle On The Beach Part II[/I][/U][/B][/SIZE] Cliff Anderson stood up from his announce position, and announced at the next show, [B]CZCW Wave Of Fury[/B], there would be a triple threat ladder match for Insane [B]Machines Xtreme Championship...[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] vs.[IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Mario Heroic & Marc Speed vs. Mighty Fine - Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine[/U][/B] Jacob Jett started out the match, as did Mario Heroic and the match started out well. Speed and Heroic took advantage by using double team techniques, as Devine watched on from the apron. Devine hopped off the ring apron, and left the ringside area to a chorus of boos about 5 minutes into the match. Jett finally got a head of steam, and dove towards his corner to make a tag, but that warm hand was not there to embrace. Jett made somewhat of a comeback, but fell victim to the double team, as Heroic hit a 'Heros Welcome' on Jett for the win. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [I]Heroic and Speed win![/I] ------------------------------------------------------------ [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Tempting Fate vs. Air Force 1 (c)[/U][/B] Fayt and Tempest really wanted to prove to Plague that they weren't a waste of his time, and they could get things done. But Snap Dragon and Flying Jimmy Foxx wanted to prove why they were tag champs, and that it wasn't just a lack of depth in the tag team pool that kept the straps on them. Fayt really was a house on fire, as neither Dragon nor Foxx had any answer for him at first. Snap Dragon then resorted to underhanded tactics, which slowed Fayt down, and made him tag out. Tempest was just the same however, seemingly finding no weak point in his armor for them to expose. A good double team move saw Fayt powerbomb Foxx's back onto the knee of Tempest. [B]It looked vicious[/B]. Finish saw Fayt and Tempest hit their finishing move [B]'The Downward Spiral'[/B] on Foxx, which is Tempest spearing the opponent in the stomach, while Fayt superkicks them in the back of the head. Fayt with the cover! [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG] [I]Tempting Fate are the NEW Tag Team Champions via pinfall![/I] -------------------------------------------------------- The Main Event four corner title match was next, and Tempest and Fayt went to their locker room to celebrate. They walked in, [B]ecstatic at their accomplishment, holding their belts with pride.[/B] They walked in and Plague [B]pushed Tempest aside[/B], knocking him to the floor as he burst out the door. Fayt and Tempest looked upset and confused as the camera faded back to the ring. --------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Plague vs. James Prudence vs. Joey Poison vs. Donnie J. (c)[/U][/B] Every man in this match seemed to have some sort of chip on their shoulder in this match. Plague and Poison couldn't avoid fighting eachother, nor could Prudence and Donnie J. Match was hard to keep track of, but referee Pee Wee did a pretty good job. Match was long, into the 22 minute mark when the finish went down like so. Poison hit an Antidote Web on Prudence, right after Prudence hit Donnie J with the 'Platinum Hit' superkick. Poison and Plague were battling it out while the other two were down, and Plague sprayed a silver mist into the face of Poison. He hit the [B]'New Jersey Turnpike' [/B] on Poison, leaving him motionless, and blind on the mat. However, Donnie J was to his knees, and grabbed Plague by the tights, tossing him through the ropes to the outside! Donnie J flopped on top of Poison as referee Pee Wee counted the three count! [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [I]Donnie J retains![/I] --------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] Plague was livid after the match, throwing ringside chairs, and beating on Donnie J, Prudence and Poison with any sort of weapon he could find. Tempest and Fayt came out and helped continue the beatdown as well. Pee Wee was a victim of a [B]'Downward Spiral' [/B]and Plague had bigger fish to fry. Tempest and Fayt tossed everyone over the top rope, and even beat down Ed Larkins who tried to run in and save the day. [B]Plague was at the announce table, and had grabbed Cliff Anderson![/B] Plague threw him into the ring, as well as a chair, while Tempest and Fayt held him. Anderson was begging and pleading, trying to reason with Plague, but nothing was getting passed the rage in his eyes. He nailed Anderson over the head with the chair, and then picked up his limp, lifeless body and hit him with a [B]'New Jersey Turnpike'[/B] onto the chair! Plague stood there, staring into nothing as the show came to an end... [/FONT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B][U][SIZE="5"]CZCW WAVE OF FURY[/SIZE][/U][/B] Remmy SKye and Masked Cougar vs. Tiger Salvaje Jr. and Velocidad Jeremiah Moose vs. Ash Campbell Marc Speed and Citizen X vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frankie Dee [B][U]Rematch[/U][/B] Jacob Jett vs. Mario Heroic [I]Jacob and Mario will finally get a chance to face off one on one, after their first match ending in a countout win for Jett, and the second one being a tag team contest where Jett's partner Darryl Devine left him for the slaughter.[/I] [B][U]Revenge Match[/U][/B] Alexander Fayt/Tempest/Plague vs. Joey Poison/Ed Larkins/Ultimate Phoenix [I]The problems between these two factions has been very apparent since Larkins and Poison arrived in CZCW, and with Phoenix getting brutally assaulted by Plague before their match even started, he wanted in the fray too, getting a shot at Plague. [/I] [B][U]CZCW Xtreme Championship Match[/U][/B] Hell Monkey vs. Fox Mask vs. Insane Machine (c) [B]PLUS![/B] What is the condition of owner Cliff Anderson after the attack at the hands of Plague? And what consequences if any, will Plague face for his actions? [/center] [/font]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] -Cliff Anderson is in a wheelchair outside of a hospital with a neckbrace on, talking on a cell phone.- [I][COLOR="red"]Cliff Anderson: Look, I don't care what you have to do, or how much it costs. Bring him in, I need protection, I won't allow this to happen again![/COLOR][/I] -He pauses, listening to the man on the other end.- [I][COLOR="red"]Cliff Anderson: Do what you must with Plague. I don't want him suspended. I want him to suffer. I want him to [B]BEG ME[/B] to suspend him![/COLOR][/I] -He pauses again, this time rolling his eyes.- [I][COLOR="red"]Cliff Anderson: In my condition I can't run the Zone right now. Find a replacement. I can't afford to not run shows right now, so find someone, and just get it done![/COLOR][/I] -Pauses, getting even more impatient now.- [I][COLOR="Red"]Cliff Anderson: I don't know how long I'm going to be out for. But things better be fixed by the time I get back, do you understand me?[/COLOR][/I] -Cliff slams his phone shut and starts to turn himself around, wheeling himself back into the hospital.- [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"] [B][U][SIZE="5"]CZCW Wave Of Fury DVD[/SIZE][/U][/B] [U]Dark Matches[/U] [B]Remmy Skye and Masked Cougar defeated Velocidad and Tiger Salvaje Jr.[/B] [I]Velocidad and Tiger tried valiantly, and are definitely beginning to mesh well as a team out there, but still didn't have what it took to get the job done tonight.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Ash Campbell vs. Jeremiah Moose[/B] [I]Ash Campbell made his pro debut tonight! The son of Nemesis defeated Jeremiah Moose is a poor match.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]Main Show - DVD Start[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/random_male72.jpg[/IMG] [I]-Some generic music starts to open up the taping of the DVD, and a man that nobody has seen before walks through the curtains. The fans are turn their heads in anticipation, as he is dressed head to toe in a suit, carrying a microphone.-[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: My name is Caleb Hart. I am here, to sadly inform you that Mr. Anderson is going to be out of commission for sometime, because of the sadistic events that took place back at Battle On The Beach. I, on the other hand, I am the man behind the scenes that you probably would never see, in circumstances regular, but I am Cliff Andersons accountant.[/I][/COLOR] [I]-Crowd isn't really giving him much of a reaction.-[/I] [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: Tonight, CZCW Wave Of Fury, we have a very solid card for you folks, and we've got a few surprises as well...[/I][/COLOR] [I]-'The Accountant' Caleb Hart, is interupted now by the sound of Plagues music, as he comes through the curtain, with the new tag team champions, Alexander Fayt and Tempest.- [/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [I][COLOR="Red"][B]Plague[/B]: I don't care who is in charge, or what I have to do to get recognized around here. If that means putting you in the hospital beside that old man, then so be it. It is time for some divine intervention, because it has been far too long.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR="Blue"][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: And the only person that can change that is YOU, and YOU haven't. You have choked at every oppurtunity you've been given![/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Plague[/B]: It is a sad state of affairs here in CZCW, and it is only going to get worse unless you give me what I want. You see, scars are souvenirs you never lose... the past is never far. But what do you do? What do you do, when all your memories are [B]razor blades[/B]? When everything you can possibly remember... hurts? What do you do? When we fall... the earth will die, the sun will set, and the moon will shine, and the only image will be the angels shadow in your eyes! [B]Plague[/B]: You need to realize, that you are all just mere gardeners in the yard of life, while I... [B]I walk a different road[/B]. A road of horror, a narrow road with no turns that only the bravest of men would dare travel. Pain... pain is a bridge on that road carrying the traveller over dark waters of deceit and scorn. Debt... a debt incurred in this road is a lifelong bond; a hunger to be satiated is a debt of blood and it requires sacrifice. An untouchable sacrifice...[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="blue"][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: Yeah... whatever you say there... and thats why I was informed to bring in someone, and pay someone else a 'little bit more' to provide some protection for myself, and for Mr. Anderson when he returns. Meet our newest insurance policies...[/COLOR][/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] -The two come from the crowd and stand behind Mr. Hart.- [I][COLOR="blue"][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: And now, with stating that, I'd like to share with you our first match for our next event, [B]CZCW Cage Chaos... Plague vs. 'Bulldozer' Brandon Smith and Rhino Umaga, in a handicap match! [/B]Enjoy the rest of your night boys...[/COLOR][/I] -Plague is shaking mad in the ring, while Fayt and Tempest don't seem to be too impressed either...- ---------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Marc Speed and Citizen X vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Frankie Dee[/B] -Newton and Dee made their debuts into CZCW facing off against eachother, and saw a good oppurtunity here to take out two veterans of the promotion but saw themselves falling short.- [B]Rating: D[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CitizenX-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Speed and X win![/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Jacob Jett vs. Mario Heroic [/B] Jett and Heroic finally got to have a go at eachother one on one, although this time Jett seemed to be a determined man, and seemed to have something on his mind. Was a good match, definitely showing that these two could easily be at the top of this company if they were given the oppurtunity. Jett got the win with the 'Freefall' 450 Splash. [B]Rating: C- [/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [I]Jacob Jett wins![/I] -Jett grabs a microphone.- [I][COLOR="blue"][B]Jacob Jett[/B]: Darryl, bro, we've been through alot, but NOT ONCE, have I ever walked out on you. So I don't care WHAT your agenda is here in CZCW, because at [B]Cage Chaos[/B], its you and I in a cage.[/COLOR][/I] -Crowd pops loud to hear [B]Jett vs. Devine[/B] at Cage Chaos!- ------------------------------------------------------------ [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] -We now see Darryl Devine back in what used to be Cliff Andersons office, looking at Caleb Hart.- [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: Wow, that was fast. He only made the announcement about, lets say two minutes ago...[/I][/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Red"][B]Darryl Devine[/B]: Cut the crap you punk! Cliff already assured me that my title match would be given to me at Cage Chaos! I signed a contract, and when I signed a contract, he promised me that shot, and he promised it to me then![/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: I've got a question for you, where is Cliff right now, Mr. Devine?[/I][/COLOR] -Devine goes to speak but Hart cuts him off.- [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: And how has all the pull around here right now...[/I][/COLOR] -Devine again, livid goes to speak, but Hart brings his voice louder and cuts him off again.- [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Caleb Hart[/B]: [B]THEN[/B], I suggest you turn around and leave, before you lose your title shot for good...[/I][/COLOR] -Devine reaches across the desk and grabs Hart by the shirt collar, until he sees Brandon Smith and Rhino Umaga step up right behind him. He lets go of Harts shirt and storms out of his office, as Hart has a smug grin on his face.- ----------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Joey Poison/Ed Larkins/Ultimate Pheonix vs. Tempest/Plague/Alexander Fayt[/B] This match has been brewing for awhile. Mainly because of Plague, attacking Poison, Larkins, or brutally assaulting Ultimate Phoenix, resulting in a loss for Plague, he has gotten under the skin of all three men. Throw in the numerous tag team battles we've seen between [B]Phenomenal Poison and Tempting Fate[/B], and this match sets itself up fairly nicely. Plague for the most part, seemed to almost want to stay out of the match, which is unusual for him. The match soon jumped out of control, and all the men were brawling nonsensically around the ringside area. The legal men were Alexander Fayt and Ultimate Phoenix. Fayt, was smart enough to roll back into the ring, while Plague held Phoenix on the outside. Phoenix was counted out! Yet again, Plague Fayt and Tempest, [B]steal another win![/B] One has to wonder how many times they can get away with wins like that over Poison and Larkins before it gets out of hand? Poison and Larkins console Phoenix, after the cheap loss. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/TempestAppleby.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [I]Alexander Fayt, Tempest, and Plague win![/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] -An interviewer caught up with James Prudence, for a statement for the DVD.- [COLOR="blue"][I]"James, what are your plans now? You've had two chances at Donnie in the last little while... and hes capitalized on both, retaining his Coastal Zone Championship"[/I][/COLOR] quirked the reporter. [I][COLOR="Red"][B]James Prudence[/B]: Thanks for stating the obvious Sherlock... but I'm going to have to take drastic measures. Because if I can't get the Coastal Zone Championship, then I don't deserve to be in the zone. Man to man Donnie. One more shot. If I lose... I'll leave the Zone.[/COLOR][/I] -Prudence walks away as the interviewers jaw drops.- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Xtreme.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]CZCW Xtreme Championship Match[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] Crowd was pumped to see this match, especially since Hell Monkey and Insane Machine were both absent from the last event. [B]A ladder match for the Xtreme Championship![/B] Three amazing wrestlers. It was an amazing match as well. Last 25 minutes before a winner was crowned. Neither man wanting to give in. Fox Mask had been on a role lately coming into the match, but Insane Machine has been Xtreme Champion multiple times, for long reigns each time. Hell Monkey was relatively new to the title, but not too either of his opponents, or the style of wrestling. Finish saw Fox Mask giving a flip powerbomb to Insane Machine off the top of the ladder! Hell Monkey scaled to the top rope and hit a twisting phoenix splash onto both men, hurting himself, but damaging them more in the process. Monkey climbed the ladder, and was our [B]NEW XTREME CHAMPION![/B] [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I](very disappointed with this, especially when Heroic and Jett got a C-)[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CZCW_Xtreme.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] [I]Hell Monkey is the new Xtreme Champion![/I] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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