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EWA: From Local To Global (C-Verse)

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[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/WIldcat83/EWA.png[/img][/center] Ok Guys, my name's Kyr. I'm a big fan of the TEW series, never got around to getting one until 07 came out, but I played EWR to death and beyond. Now, in every C-Verse game I've played, I've tried to go from Local to Global. I don't know why, but I sort of feel that that's how the C-Verse is meant to be done, building up from nothing to something. I got to international once, my computer crashed. I got back to Cult, computer crashed. Well, I just got a new computer, and I'm going to start again. And I thought I'd post the progress for you guys to see. I mean, I'm no good at writing, so don't expect much from the write-ups, but if you could read along and post a response every once in a while, that'd be nice. Ok, the scenario I'm starting with is as follows. Excellent Wrestling Alliance is the promotion's name. I just liked the logo that I came across in the logo thread. (Credit goes to Wildcat for the piece) So I'm using that. 10,000 dollars are in the bank. Let's say.... I won the lottery with a ticked a mysterious stranger sent me after a phone call. Bit of a small lottery, but what the hell? Shows are going to be broadcast on the internet until further notice, as exposure is always good, and I don't expect a profit until we at least hit small. And, the roster is full of the C-Verse Indy Guys that everybody loves to use here: Kashmir Singh, Cal Sanders, Thomas Morgan, Ginko Kuroda, Rafael Ruiz, and many more. As I grow, the roster will shuffle around though, so stay tuned for that. And... that's about it. Thanks for reading my ramblings, and the first show'll be up soon. Global, here we come!
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This is the news section. Here, we discuss all the stuff I see in the world of wrestling as the month goes on. This month, not much happened. Several people moved around, including the typical "Carl Batch to SWF" stuff. And, here in EWA, we signed our roster. Our announcer's currently a randomly generated guy named Max Power. Yes, you read that correctly. We thought that was awesome. Xander Summer is refereeing the dark matches, we hope he'll eventually hit that magic D- skill mark. In the main show, Jonathan Smith wears the striped shirt. Our road agent is a random wrestler who's gonna work tonight. Um... roll the show! [CENTER]EWA Genesis Saturday, Week 2, January 2007 (8 Fans) [/CENTER] 1 - Authority Figure Announces a Tournament Our resident authority figure, my user character, (Who's named Jack Bauer and is also the colour commentator.) announces that to crown the first ever EWA Major Champion, there will be an eight-man tournament. The matches are as follows: Thomas Morgan vs. Rafael Ruiz Raphael vs. Kashmir Singh Ginko Kuroda vs. Frankie Dee Cal Sanders vs. Tempest Appleby Yes, one stunning roster here. Also, those who win this round but lose in the second will face off for the EWA Less Major Championship next month! The small party pops. Oh, and all of these first-round matches will take place TONIGHT! (F, F) 2 - Thomas Morgan d. Rafael Ruiz A good opener, as two of our best technical "stars" are in the match. Probably wasn't the best choice to put them here, but what the hey, the rating's gonna be horrible anyway. (D) 3 - Kashmir Singh d. Raphael One thing I've noticed when I do these games is that talented cheap workers are all heels. I mean, like the first six people I hired were designated heels. So, who do you think will go over here? The face. (D-) 4 - Frankie Dee d. Ginko Kuroda We have Ginko as a heel. Hm, the one woman in the promotion, fighting against the odds and against thousands of years of male domination, a... you-know-what. Maybe that was a poor decision. Well, it doesn't matter here as Frankie Dee goes over. (D-) 5 - Cal Sanders d. Tempest Appleby Actually, this was a good match. Sanders is a relatively good flyer, and Tempest is the best we have. Then Ed Larkins, because there's no other option. Sanders takes the win cause he can do something else then fly. And he's a pet project of mine. Always. (D-) Overall Rating: D- Drat, no D despite the opener. I set up the damn order of the tournament wrong. Oh well. NEXT MONTH: The EWA Major Title tournament continues! And we figure out the top two for both the Major and Less Major Gold!
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News, news, news. Nothing major to report. A few signings, no title changes. Sean McFly and Jeremy Stone put on the first A* match of the year on a normal NOTBPW TV show. Our roster is nicely filled, but as the overness of our winners grows, they'll get too expensive. But we made one "big" signing in a windy guy from Europe. Bad foreshadowing is our favorite. [center]EWA Breakdown Saturday, Week 2, February 2007[/center] 1 - Announcers Hype Our darling announce team of Max Power and Jack Bauer hype the fact that tonight we will see the first ever EWA Major Champion of the World! Also, we will find out the two competitors that get a shot at the EWA Less Major gold! Remember, the four final competitors are Kashmir Singh, Frankie Dee, Thomas Morgan and Cal Sanders! So stay in your seats fans, because you're going to see one heck of a show! (F) 2 - Kashmir Singh d. Thomas Morgan A good match here, as Kashmir Singh shows off his surprising amount of power while Thomas Morgan performs dastardly deeds to stay in the match. Every time Singh was going for his trademark Jackhammer he was gouged in the eyes or kneed in the nards. Or some other devilish maneuver. But, Singh eventually got Morgan, nailing the Jackhammer for the victory. (D-) 3 - Cal Sanders d. Frankie Dee A very good match, solid in both pacing and psychology. It had lots of technical skill and some flying to boot. But the two participants are just not over, so the rating suffers. This is the kind of time I wish that I could see the "Match Quality" and "Crowd Reaction" labels from EWR. Not that it matters, because y'all are smart enough to recognize the quality of the bout. Also, I am aware I just typed "y'all." It will never happen again. Cal Sanders wins. (D) 4 - Hype Video A video plays, showing the performances of both Kashmir Singh and Cal Sanders throughout the EWA Major Title tournament. Our crack video editing staff, consisting of the penguin with a rubber glove on his head from Wallace And Gromit, serving his jail time with forced labor, makes a good one. (F) 5 - Graphics After the video, in a total shift of subject, it is announced that next month at "In Like A Lion," we will have a dual main event. The eventual Major champion will defend his gold, and Thomas Morgan will go one-on-one with Frankie Dee for the Less Major Title. (F, F) 6 - Kashmir Singh vs. Cal Sanders The battle to crown our first ever Major Champion is a good one, worthy of the title. As the best ever match in EWA history, the crowd is wowed with the athletic prowess of our two wrestling stars. In the end, Kashmir Singh hits a Jackhammer for the 1-2-3, and the belt. (D+) 7 - Kashmir Singh Celebrates Kashmir goes into the "crowd," who runs from the strange man invading their space. He does do a nice celebration dance though. It contains the funky chicken. (F) Overall Rating: D D is the letter for "Duh, this show rocked!" NEXT SHOW: - Kashmir Singh defends his title against the most expensive man on the roster. - Thomas Morgan vs. Frankie Dee, Less Major Title on the line! And much, much more.
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So far, so good - and I'm so pleased to see Kashmir Singh holding a Main Event Title! It's going to be interesting in 9 months time when these guys who aren't used to winning suddenly realise they're being pushed and demand a salary to match. But, until then, starting off with D- and D is definately strong. Care to share us your Key Features of your fed? Sorry, little bit of a stato, and like the full background on what's going on.
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The wrestling world this month was shook to the core as Rip Chord passed on to the other side. This man, this Rip Chord was a legend in this business, a man who inspired all of us to love this industry like we do. He will be missed greatly. His last business act was to sell the company he created, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling to Fumihiro Ota, who promises to lead the company as Rip would. Thank you Rip for all the memories, and all the greatness you showed to us. [CENTER]EWA In Like A Lion Saturday, Week 2, March 2007 (9 Fans) [/CENTER] 1 - Mark Smart d. Ginko Kuroda A good opener to get the fans ready for EWA action. Smart's a good worker, and one of the few fliers we have on the roster. Ginko's also very solid and puts Mark over well. (D-) 2 - Raphael Promo Raphael cuts a promo on Kashmir Singh, saying tonight, Singh isn't going to make one defense of the EWA Major Title, that it's coming to "The Fabulous One." And we all know who that is, it's Raphael. (F) 3 - Tempest Appleby d. The Tic We were hoping for more from this match, but we didn't get it. Something about The Tic equals disappointing matches it seems. Tempest does his best trying to sell this one, but it's weak. But still good enough. (E+) 4 - Thomas Morgan Self-Hype The point of this segment was to try to establish Morgan as a self-loving heel who thinks he's the greatest thing going. Basically, the egotistical gimmick in a nutshell. Luckilly, Morgan plays this kind of character well, and when he finished the "crowd" wanted to see him get rocked. (F) 5 - Thomas Morgan d. Frankie Dee (WINS EWA Less Major Title) A good match to put over Morgan, and to set up a bit of a feud here. Morgan plays the typical heel taking "shortcuts" to victory at every turn. Dee is an ultra-serious wrestler and looks disgusted with Morgan. Eventually Morgan hits a low-blow that the ref doesn't see and gets the cheap win. (D-) 6 - Thomas Morgan Beatdown After the match Thomas Morgan beats Frankie Dee down, saying that he's a punk and that he's not worthy of wrestling someone like "The Trademark." 7 - Kashmir Singh d. Raphael (RETAINS EWA Major Title) A good main event, but not a step forward from the other matches on the card. Raphael plays to the crowd, fluffing his hair, and doing all the typical fabulous heel stuff. Kashmir plays to the fans too, and they cheer him. And they go home happy when he gets the win. Overall Rating: E+ Drat, I thought that was a D- show at least. NEXT SHOW: [QUOTE] Kashmir Singh vs. Cal Sanders (EWA Major Title) Thomas Morgan vs. Raphael (EWA Less Major Title) The Breeze Debuts![/QUOTE]
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The news of the month is that there is no news here in EWA. No resignings, no one jumping ship for greener pastures. It happens I guess. Wait until a few months from now! [CENTER]EWA April Showers Saturday, Week 2, April 2007[/CENTER] 1 - Ginko Kuroda d. Rafael Ruiz Rafael's our normal road agent, and as I wanted to check out some chemistry in the dark matches, he's on the main show. Ginko's been a consistant, solid performer in our three months of existance, but she hasn't gotten a win yet. So she does here. (D-) 2 - Kashmir Singh Promo Kashmir cuts a promo on his chosen opponent for the night, Cal Sanders. He says to Sanders that he's beaten him once, and hell, he can do it again any night of the week. And tonight's the scheduled night. Biatch! (F) 3 - Mark Smart d. The Tic Good high-flying match, but Tic seems to be a poor performer. This match should be better then this, as there are no chemistry issues, and both are high flying performers. But, once again he disappoints. Ugh. (E+) 4 - Cal Sanders Promo Cal Sanders tells Kashmir Singh that he may have been beaten once before, but lightning doesn't strike twice. He's going to win tonight, and take the EWA Major Title. (F) 5 - Thomas Morgan d. Raphael (RETAINS EWA Less Major Title) Good match, good match. Nothing incredible, but truly solid. Good lead-in to the main event. Morgan's going to retain here because... we've got no reason for he to lose it. He beats Raphael straight up. (D-) 6 - Kashmir Singh d. Cal Sanders (RETAINS EWA Major Title) Once again, why does Kashmir retain? Why the hell not? His matches are consistant enough, and the man is getting [i]over.[/i] He's become, in the space of three months, one of the more popular members of our roster. Not that that's saying much, but it's true. (D-) Overall Rating: D- Good solid show. You can tell that "story" isn't our top priority, but it's there. Because, otherwise momentum goes nowhere and ratings suffer. Anyway, next month, things'll be... the same. [QUOTE]EWA Mayflower Madness Kashmir Singh vs. The Breeze Thomas Morgan vs. Ginko Kuroda Mark Smart vs. Cal Sanders[/QUOTE]
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