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Danger And Violence Extreme Wrestling: Hardcore Lives

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[CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]The Savior of The Extreme[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Danger and Extreme Violence Wrestling. The words can send a shiver down your spine. Now, I'm a guy from Philly, not much, but something I suppose. Sounds like an oxymoron, I know, but wait until you see this. Now, I've always been a DaVE mark. Just the combination of all the wrestling styles in a balls to the wall, hardcore, "extreme" environment can produce some of the greatest things in wrestling today. I've watched Danger Zone TV for way longer then I should have, considering their product, and been a mark for all of the stars that have made their way through the hardcore halls. I cheered my ass of the day the East Coast Wars ended as Johnny Martin picked up the gold. I mean, I was six years old, a kid, a baby, but I knew wrestling even then. Or, at least I like to think I did. Anyway, the stars, the extremists. Martin, Caulfield, Tyler, Eddie Peak. Hell, Eisaku Kunomasu and Pablo Rodriguez. And of course, Nemesis. Something about DaVE always brought the best out of professional wrestling. That is, until recently. DaVE had been struggling recently, under financial duress, constant talent raids, and all the issues of man. I soldiered on, watching the program struggle and fight. Big Cat Brandon and Eddie Peak put on a show recently, but both men were rumored to be on their way out. Acid and Jack Giedroyc had recently brought a new edge to the roster, but they could be gone as soon as their contracts expire. Hell, even the deal with East Coast Today could be out. DaVE is in a time of turmoil. My name is Maddox Vibert. I'm the Savior of The Extreme.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Arial Black"]First Day Jitters[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] There are days that you will remember for the rest of your days on this planet. They are the kind of days that put a smile on your face, the kind of days that make you enjoy the rest of the stuff you put up with, day in and day out. There are days that make you want to go for it all, to drive to the damn sun and beyond. There are days that make you jump for the joy of living. There are days that you step into your dream job. There are days that a wrestling icon drives you through a table. There are days that all of that happens. This, was one of those days. I stepped into my office above the McGaw Arena, which has been called "The DAVE Arena." It's our home base, our place in the sun. The place that all the insane, crazy, lunatic, weirdoes that follow this promotion gather in a kind of mass religious experience to see something you can't see anywhere else, to get something you can't get anywhere else on this dammned planet. Now, that arena is a place to be seen. It's a hellhole by any common standards, the place is absolutely unsafe, it's absolutely unclean, it's totally and completely perfect. Especially for us, the unsafe, the unclean. I shined up my pretty brass nameplate that says "Maddox Vibert, Head Booker" in big letters. I already love it like a son. Now, I didn't have anything to do this day. This was the last day of the tenure of one John Campbell, better known as "Nemesis" as head booker for DAVE. Tonight was Back In Black, the first Pay-Per-View of the new year for any goddamned promotion in the world. Dad set it up that way, to make DAVE the first company to make its mark on the new year. To be the true innovator of whatever year we can keep this running to. This insane, awesome, disgustingly lovely thing that was created. It came out of survival, now it has turned into a strange, beautiful flower of its own. John Campbell walked through the door. Now, the man is a big man. He's scarred and twisted all over, and has been through more fights and battles then I can count. People say our industry is fake. Say that to John Campbell, who's bled, vomited, been lit on fire, been sent through tables from forty feet, and done more then that. That's just an introduction to the introduction of the things John Campbell has done. And he is an intimidating man to have step in your office, especially if you've taken his job at the tender age of sixteen because, and everyone knows it's because, your father happens to hold all the strings. Except one. The respect of the wrestlers. Phil Vibert is many things. He is businessman, manager, worker, father, husband, mentor. But he is not one of the boys. And to most of the wrestlers, those other things don't matter. "Kid, you're nothing. Nothing but a stain on the battered image of this damn business. Riding the coattails of big boss daddy into a posh spot that you'll hold for the rest of your damn miserable years on this earth, at least as long as he's here. Collecting your paycheck for doing jacks*** and just being a damn tic on the heartblood of this company. You make me f***ing sick." Damn, harsh dude. But what can I expect from John Campbell? I plan not to be a tick. I plan to be something more. I plan to matter, I plan to shape. I plan to run this company like it should be run, make this company what it should be. Tonight's the end of an era. Tomorrow, the future begins.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb201/MaddoxMan/DAVE/Banners/DAVEBackInBlack.jpg[/IMG] [B]DAVE Back In Black[/B] [B][U]Mitch Naess Hypes The Show[/U][/B] "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Danger And Violence Extreme's BACK IN BLACK! People of the audience, this is the first Pay-Per-View of the whole damn year, so tonight you see what set's the stage for all of the future! And, if we have our say, the future is going to be VIOLENT! Tonight, Eddie Peak defends his DAVE Unified Gold against "Big Cat" Brandon inside the Steel Cell! Also, Jack Giedroyc will defend the Brass Knuckles title against Joey Minnesota, and The New Jersey Devils face three challenging teams: Adrenaline Rush, The New Wave and The McWade Brothers. And, "The Hardcore Original" Chris Caulfield will face Vin Tanner! So tonight, expect hardcore action that no one will ever see again! Back In Black Starts Now!" [B][U]JD Morgan vs. Art Reed[/U][/B] Hardcore wrestling isn't usually about the technical styles that these two men employ. But it is today. JD Morgan is a veteran of DAVE, a legend here who's been through the fires more times then I can count. But Art Reed, Art Reed's still trying to make a name for himself here. He shows that fire, that desire as he goes right after the legs of JD Morgan, trying to set up for the Dread Lock. JD Morgan battles, but with the aid of chairs grinding into the knees of Morgan, several brutal submission holds, and finally an Art Attack through a table. (Top Rope Suplex) Allows Reed to lock on the Dread Lock. Morgan fights, he battles, he struggles, but there's no ropes, no quarter here in DAVE. He taps out to save himself even more punishment. Winner: Art Reed Rating: D+ (No Chemistry) [B][U]Joey Minnesota Shoot Promo[/U][/B] "Jack Giedroyc, you think you're hardcore. You think you're a wrestler to be reckoned with. You think you're something. Jack Giedroyc, you are nothing. You've been pushed down our throats, given match after match, and sure you look good, you've won your matches. But it's been luck, damn pure luck. Joey Minnesota needs no luck to win his matches. Remember, I've started from the bottom of this industry, and I've made it here. The next step on that road is me winning the DAVE Brass Knuckles title here, in that very ring, TONIGHT! So Jack Giedroyc, rub that belt up real good, and kiss it goodbye, because here comes Minnesota!" Rating: C [B][U]The New Jersey Devils (C) vs. Adrenaline Rush vs. The New Wave vs. The McWade Brothers[/U][/B] [U]DAVE Tag Team[/U] This is a stiff brawling affair, punctuated by the high-flying aerial stylings of Adrenaline Rush, and a few nice sports from Guide. I have to watch for Guide, the man is a beast in the ring and continuously shines in his matches. And tonight, all the shininess is rewarded. You see, Nemesis hates Tank Bradley. Hates him with a passion. Says his belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly. Says he's got no heart, no endurance. And here on his last night as the man running the show, he's gonna take the belt of him. Nothing against Alex Braun, but Bradley just can't cut it. The match goes on, twisting back and forth between the eight men involved. The McWades show their strength and experience, kicking the living hell out of everyone else using double team and straight crushing moves. Adrenaline Rush does their flippity-floppity all around the ring, standard cruiserweight stuff. And The New Jersey Devils clumsily imitate The McWades. And The New Wave? They win the match. Guide piledrives Bradley onto a steel chair, busting him open, and setting up an Asai Moonsault for the pin. Winners: The New Wave (NEW DAVE Tag Team Champions) Rating: D+ [CENTER] [B][U]Jack Giedroyc Shoot Promo[/U][/B] "Joey Minnesota thinks I haven't earned my shot at the top. Joey Minnesota says I haven't worked for anything. He says it's all been put in my f***ing lap since I came here to Danger and Violence Extreme. Well, Joey Minnesota, you're dead wrong." [I]Jack Giedroyc is attacked by Minnesota from off camera, blasting him with a steel chair to the head. He takes Giedroyc down then begins to beat him about the head, shouting "I'm wrong! I'm WRONG! Tell me I'm wrong again!" He continues to beat the living daylights out of Giedroyc, who ends up lying comatose on the floor. [/I] The camera looks at the prone form of Giedroyc for a few moments. It begins to shift away when Giedroyc stands up. "Joey Minnesota. You have awakened "The Wrath of God." Tonight, you will see your secret fear incarnate, see the worst thing you can think of. Parrots. Tonight Joey Minnesota, I am Parrots Incarnate." [/CENTER] Rating: C+, C [B][U]Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid[/U][/B] Two of the new breed of DAVE go at it here. Acid is a fan favorite, and he gives them everything here. The man's talented as all hell, flies around and is willing to put his body at risk for anything, and plays his damn part beautifully. The man IS a machine, or at least you believe it when you watch him. Gonzalez is a good wrestler, a good wrestler. But the man seems to be unable to raise his game. Here's a match that he could do a hell of a lot with, and here he is, unable to put anything on. Acid is the man who carries this match, and as a man who is supposedly supposed to keep going, he does that to a T. Every time Shawn Gonzalez seems to have him down, he just gets up. And not a struggling return to his feet no, a scary automaton like chachunk-chunk that brings him back. And eventually, there is nothing Gonzalez can do. Acid Reign Bomb puts him down and out. Winner: Acid Rating: C- [B][U]Chris Caulfield vs. Vin Tanner[/U][/B] Vin Tanner is Vin Tanner, nothing more, nothing less. We all know that. But Campbell had the two going at it for the last several months. The last thing I want is two geriatrics going at it in the ring, grabbing rest holds and battling to survive. This match is good. This match is good. Nothing special, nothing with that pow feeling that you get when you're watching something special. But it's good. Vin Tanner saves his job. Chris Caulfield... Chris Caulfield already has something. The match is a hardcore struggle, Tanner taking the early lead. He doesn't have much of a character, just a guy who likes to kick some ass. That's all he does, he doesn't tell a story in the ring, doesn't make the fans a part of the action. But his blows are stiff and crisp, his chairshots ring throughout the building. But the man has no soul. Chris Caulfield has soul. Winner: Chris Caulfield Rating: C+ [B][U]Jack Giedroyc (C) vs. Joey Minnesota[/U][/B] [U]DAVE Brass Knuckles[/U] The battle that a lot of fans had been waiting for was delivered here. These two battle throughout the arena, as here in Hardcore Land, there are no count outs, there are no disqualifications. Only pure carnage. Giedroyc's gotten over fast, and this weird "Wrath of God" thing could be interesting. He's floated without a gimmick for too long, so this one works. Minnesota's just a ****y young badass who wants to make his mark. Typical? Yes. Effective? Yes as well. The match is Minnesota-dominated, with Giedroyc getting sporadic runs of offense, building tension in the arena. Giedroyc takes the big spots, takes the big hits. He goes throughout the place, not doing much, but just continuing to go. To battle, to fight. To scratch and claw his way to the top. And someone must be on his side, because he manages to reverse a Minnesota Salute into a thundering Crashing On, getting the win. Winner: Jack Giedroyc (RETAINS DAVE Brass Knuckles) [B][U]Eddie Peak Promo[/U][/B] "There are times that the thrill of the battle drives you to things you cannot believe. There are times that the scent of blood drives you to do things you cannot believe you would ever do. I have never had one of those times. I am cold. I am calculating. Blood, blood is the lifeforce that drives me. Pain, pain and suffering are what I live for. Battle is my worship. The ring is my temple. And the blood, the sweet, sweet blood. Tonight you become my feast Big Cat Brandon. Tonight you will worship at the altar of Eddie Peak. Tonight, is not extreme. Tonight, is not a war. Tonight is a sacrifice. A sacrifice that will keep my soul filled, and my body strong. Big Cat Brandon, your blood will make me strong tonight. This belt, this belt is a reason that you come to me. This belt has caused you to drive yourself mercilessly hard. But it is all for naught Big Cat Brandon. It is all for naught. Tonight, The Shark Shall Feed. Tonight, The Shark will kill." Rating: B [B][U]Eddie Peak (C) vs. Big Cat Brandon[/U][/B] [U]DAVE Unified Championship[/U] [I]Steel Cell Match[/I] As the Steel Cell is lowered, the crowd grows quiet. They know what the cell can do. It can rend flesh. It can rip, tear, mutilate, destroy. It is hellish in design, and hellish in incantation. And Eddie Peak and Big Cat Brandon are ready to go to war inside of it. Eddie Peak is a man who will do whatever it takes. Now his character, the shark, the feeder, that's part of him. But whatever Eddie Peak is, he is not stupid. The man is smarter then the vast majority of our fans give him credit for. It is that smart, that animal intelligence, that shines through in this match. Brandon is just a massively strong guy who will destroy you. But he's not as smart as Eddie Peak. The match is brutal in execution. Both men are willing to put it all on the line for these fans, put it all on the line for the sake of keeping them on the edge of their seats. And they do that tonight. Brandon at one point Big Cat Pounces Eddie Peak into the side of the steel cell, tearing bloody groves in his back. The battle continues, both men going at it. Brandon is the big cat, the alpha male, the one with the POOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUNNNNNNNNCCCEEEEE. Period. Sorry. Anyway, tonight Brandon looked unstoppable. But Eddie Peak, he stopped him. He manages to step out of the way of Brandon, who is looking for another Big Cat Pounce. He then slams Brandon into the side of the cell several times, busting him open. Then, he hoists his massive challenger on his shoulders, and hits the Peak of Perfection! 1-2-3! Just barely, as Brandon's shoulder almost made it up. Winner: Eddie Peak (RETAINS DAVE Unified Championship) Rating: B+ [B]Overall: B-[/B] [/center]
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;243233]Whoa! The Wrath of God! Awesome! I think we should just pass a law that Giedroyc is always the Wrath of God. Nice to see another DaVE dynasty going on the board - interested to see what you do with these guys.[/QUOTE] This is most agreeable to me. I saw in one of the posts in your dynasty that you wanted to see "The Wrath of God" go all over the board, so I took the liberty. Hope it's okay.
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