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2001 An new dawn - NWA: Wildside

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[CENTER] [U][B]2001 – The death of Wrestling[/B][/U] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/images.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]The Monday Night Wars had both the WWF and WCW, the two top North American wrestling promotions, vying for ratings. Through developments such as the nWo and the Montreal Screwjob, fans continually compared the two promotions, and the Internet wrestling community was full of debate as to which of the two was superior. However, among other factors, mismanagement within WCW (such as allowing wrestlers themselves to book matches) eventually led WCW to a downward spiral from which it would never recover. The Monday Night Wars came to an end on March 23, 2001, when the WWF bought WCW for what was considered to be a bargain price. The final night of the Monday Night Wars occurred on March 26, 2001: RAW primarily focused on the major storylines heading into WrestleMania X-Seven, while Nitro held their final episode with a Night Of Champions. Vince McMahon opened up Nitro and announced a simulcast later that night to address the future of WCW. Throughout RAW, McMahon publically named several WCW wrestlers who would not be retained. After Sting defeated Ric Flair in WCW's final match, the simulcast began. McMahon talked about the buyout of WCW and how he fully intended to fire all WCW personnel, to the cheers of the RAW crowd and the jeers of the Nitro crowd. McMahon then announced that he would sign the contract and make the purchase official at WrestleMania. However, Shane McMahon appeared on Nitro and announced (in kayfabe) that he had signed the contract and purchased WCW out from under his father's nose, planting the seed for what was considered a lucrative future storyline opportunity. The Invasion did not begin immediately afterwards, as the WWF was preparing for WrestleMania X-Seven, the year's largest show, a mere days away. [I]taken from wikipedia[/I] [/QUOTE] As died WCW, so did our developmental deal and that nice little source of income. It was a sad day in wrestling history. With the death of WCW the WWF no longer had any real competition and without competition its product would decline in quality as it wouldn’t have the incentive to continue innovating. The people who would suffer the most were the fans, that was obvious. Of course, my own future as a member of the NWA booking team wouldn’t be too bright either unless we did something major. Hell, even Bill had given up and so me and him were sat in a hotel room locked in deep discussion whilst he finished off yet another can of beer… [B]Bill Behrens[/B]: [I]Sit down, I though I’d let you know before you heard it somewhere else.[/I] [B]Myself:[/B] [I]Ok, Bill, you’re starting to scare me, you ain’t selling up to Vince are ya?[/I] The smile on my face quickly disappeared as Bill sat still, no expression on his face… [B]Bill Behrens:[/B] [I]Vince has made me an offer, a very generous offer. See, following his purchase of WCW he’s got the first option on purchasing the company.[/I] [B]Myself:[/B] [I] I wasn’t aware the company was up for sale[/I]. [B]Bill Behrens[/B]: [I]It wasn’t until Vince made an offer that we became available[/I]. [B]Myself[/B]: [I]And where does that leave me exactly? I think its safe to say that after mine and his past I’m gonna find myself on the scrap heap pretty quickly. Vince can’t stand me, not since…[/I] [B]Bill Behrens[/B]: [I]I’m fully aware of your past. Listen, I didn’t call you in here to tell you we’ve been sold. I called you in here to tell you something you’re gonna like… a lot. See, I’m not cut out for this head booking stuff anymore. I’m pretty tired of having to book matches, liaise with all the roster, basically all the stuff that you’re gonna do.[/I] [B]Myself[/B]: [I]Huh?[/I] [B]Bill Behrens:[/B] [I]You’re the new head booker[/I]. [B]Myself[/B]: [I]I don’t get it[/I]. [B]Bill Behrens[/B]: [I]See, I’m pretty insulted by Vince’s offer. I’m not particularly happy with him thinking he can buy me out. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of buying out every wrestling promotion under the sun. If he wants to run us out of business so be it.[/I] [B]Myself[/B]: [I]And you’re gonna make me head booker just to spite him that little bit more[/I]. [B]Bill Behrens[/B]: [I]Well, just because you did… you did... you know what you did - hell everyone in wrestling knows, worst kept secret in wrestling history buddy. Anyway, that isn't the only reason that I’m just putting you in charge. I like your style. I like the things you come up with. I know I’ve vetoed some of your ideas in the past. You know, I never wanted us to become so like WCW, so obsessed with sports entertainment.[/I] [B]Myself:[/B] [I]What changed?[/I] [B]Bill Behrens:[/B] [I]Well, WCW ain't gonna be putting on any more shows. There are a hell of a lot of people who ain’t happy about that. There’s a void. There’s a void that needs filling. We are gonna fill that void. We are gonna take up the mantle as the challenger to Vince’s little pet. NWA Wildside is gonna be big.[/I] [B]Myself[/B]: [I]You know it’ll take a while to get used to. People aren’t gonna be happy accepting the change.[/I] [B]Bill Behrens[/B]: [I]Its your call but I’d thought you’d be a little bit more happy with this offer.[/I] [B]Myself:[/B] [I]Don’t get me wrong, the opportunity to stick it to Vince, that’s something you don’t get everyday. And hell, I’ve been wanting to go more entertainment based for the last couple of months. You sure about this?[/I] [B]Bill Behrens:[/B] [I]Damn sure![/I] And so I was the new head booker of NWA Wildside. My first high profile job since the WWF and that night. The night it had all gone wrong. The night… never mind. No point dwelling on that now, I had to get ready for my first show as head booker. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"]NWA On The Road[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/nwa-3d.gif[/IMG] [B]Adam Jacobs vs. Homicide[/B] Homicide defeated Adam Jacobs in 7:49 by pinfall with a Lariat. [B](D+)[/B] [B]AJ Styles vs. CW Anderson[/B] AJ Styles defeated CW Anderson in 11:58 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. [B](C-)[/B] Overall a D but due to problems with the product settings. I suppose its better we get these worked out before the first show really though. I’m gonna use these shows as stand alone NWA shows and as a trial basis. Some of the names that appear on these shows may make it onto the full roster and a fair amount probably won’t. If I bring any big names in for these shows I might keep their identities secret until they transition to making a tv appearance just for shock value. Also for the non-televised shows I'm gonna keep the reports short unless something genuinely important happens during the show. The first tv show should be up some time tonight. [B][U]A couple of taster matches for the time being:[/U][/B] AJ Styles vs. Jimmy Rave BJ Whitmer vs. Robbie Rage - number one contenders match for the NWA Georgia Heavyweight Title[/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/wlogo.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/BillBehrens.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]NWA Wildside owner, Bill Behrens, comes out to the ring, mike in hand… [B]Bill Behrens:[/B] [I]Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank you all for taking turning up in such great numbers tonight. The wrestling world may have just lost one great promotion but us in the NWA, we embody the soul of real wrestling. We are in no way like some soulless company that just bought out its major rival to the detriment of all the fans around the world. We believe in giving the fans what they want. Well, I think its time that we did something about this. With the blessing of the NWA top management, I have authorised the creation of a new title belt that will be debuted on this show within the next few weeks but, hang on, I’ve got more to say. I am gonna make a personal promise to all of you. Next week I will provide you all with a surprise that will top anything that you see tonight. Oh yeah, before I forget, tonight we’re gonna have a number one contenders match between BJ Whitmer and Robbie Rage for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Enjoy.[/I] [B](D-)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/ToddSexton.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/TonyMamaluke.jpg[/IMG] [B]Todd Sexton vs. Tony Mamaluke Tony Mamaluke defeated Todd Sexton in 7:30 by submission with a Sicilian Stretch. (D)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/Homicide.jpg[/IMG] Homicide is shown backstage getting ready for his match up. Upon seeing the camera crew he stands up and goes over to them… [B]Homicide: [/B] [I]Wow, wow, wow, so look who it is, a punk ass camera crew busting into my locker room. Seems to me like a lot of people are getting delusions of grandeur at the moment. First off Bill Brehrens thinks he’s gonna be the saviour of wrestling. Next the camera crew think they can wonder around the place like they own it. And then finally, David Flair is being treated like the second coming just because he’s the son of Ric Flair. Big deal, whoopee! David, just because your surname is Flair don’t make you any less of a punk ass. Your dad, I respect. You I do not. And in about 5 minutes time, I’m gonna beat your punk ass all the way back to daddy. Enjoy these last few minutes before the match, you sure as hell ain’t gonna enjoy those minutes when we’re in the ring together.. Thug Life 4 Life![/I] [B](D)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/DavidFlair.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/Homicide.jpg[/IMG] [B]David Flair vs. Homicide[/B] Flair the big name Homicide the underdog You wouldn’t tell though Homicide dominated the match up start to finish Homicide delivers a Cop Killa to Flair. Flair ain’t getting up from that one. Homicide slides out of the ring and returns chair in hand The ref pleads with him not to use the chair. Homicide ain’t listening Chair shot from Homicide to Flair The ref calls for the bell [B]David Flair defeated Homicide in 7:52 by disqualification. (E+)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] AJ Styles is backstage, about to go out for his match up… [B]AJ Styles:[/B] [I]My oh my, its good to be back in the NWA! Its good to be somewhere where you can beat the hell out of someone and then still know that you can go for a drink with them afterwards. Its something else to know that you can do that and the reason why this place is different from everywhere else? Cause we’ve got respect for each other. Unlike this so called world wrestling rubbish, we respect each other and we are loyal to each other. Me and Jimmy, we been beating the hell out of each other for years. End of the day though, outside of that ring I respect the boy, I admire the boy and I got his back every day of the week. Up next I’m gonna step in the ring with him, we’re both gonna give it our all and we’re both gonna do our best to entertain these fans. That’s why this promotion is great, that’s why I’m proud to be a member of the roster and that’s why we are the future of wrestling. Take note Mr. V, we’re coming for you.[/I] [B](D+)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG] [B]AJ Styles vs. Jimmy Rave[/B] An open match up A couple of high flying moves Both workers were wrestling inside themselves – they’re both capable of a lot better [B]AJ Styles defeated Jimmy Rave in 9:40 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. (D+)[/B] After the match, AJ offers Jimmy a hand up. Jimmy glad fully accepts as both wrestlers celebrate together as the fans show their approval. [B](C-)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/PrinceJustice.jpg[/IMG] Prince Justice is shown backstage polishing his title… [B]Prince Justice:[/B] [I]So, we’ve got a number one contenders match up tonight. Robbie Rage and BJ Whitmer, going head to head with the winner getting a shot at my title. To be honest I don’t see what the fuss is all about. Its not like the winner is gonna get their hands on my title or anything. Those two poor excuses for wrestlers aren’t worth a thing. I’m the champion and I’m the champ for a reason. Next week I’ll face one of you two, and next week I’m gonna win. End of story![/I] [B](D+)[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/RobbieRage.jpg[/IMG] [B]BJ Whitmer vs. Robbie Rage[/B] A pretty open match. Whitmer got the upperhand early on. Rage hit a big slam which derailed his momentum Rage took control Whitmer briefly battled back. Rage regained control. Rage sets Whitmer up, he’s going for it… [B]Robbie Rage defeated BJ Whitmer in 9:34 by pinfall with a Shoulder Buster. (C-)[/B] [I]Overall the show got a D+ but it could have been so much better. A lot of the matches were disappointing, predominantly due to the piss poor road agent job that our boss did. Among other things that need to happen is the signing of a new road agent. All in all though, our popularity increased and we scored a 0.06 rating so it’s a solid enough start[/SIZE].[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NWA On The Road[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i290/sheepyx/nwa-3d.gif[/IMG] [B]??? vs. David Young[/B] ??? defeated David Young in 7:55 by submission with a Devil's Lock. [B](D)[/B] [B]CW Anderson vs. Robbie Rage[/B] Robbie Rage defeated CW Anderson in 9:39 by pinfall with a Shoulder Buster. [B](D+)[/B] [I]A D rated show which should boost the popularity of the promotion. The mystery worker will debut very soon although that doesn't necessarily mean on the next tv show. A week of frustration as our other major target signed for one of our rivals which is very annoying. We’ve made another attempt to sign him but as it stands the much hyped surprise could well end up being nothing too impressive.[/I] [B][U]Just one taster match this time:[/U][/B] Robbie Rage vs. Prince Justice (c) [I]for the NWA Georgia Heavyweight Title[/I][/CENTER] [I]OOC Any guesses as to mystery worker from the show or predictions for the title match up are more than welcome.[/I]
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