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RPW: Going From Nothing To Everything

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[QUOTE=Remianen;266814]This is fun. But one thing I don't understand is people's fixations with freakin' Steven Parker or Mean Jean Cattley. Dammit, leave them to MAW![/QUOTE] I'll admit that I've never been the greatest fan of Parker, but Mean Jean Cattley - Skill, Charisma, and a booking job that means he's not going to be signed up on a written contract anytime soon? Sign me up! Can't see Parker keeping the title for too long with Perez and The Gauges around... although Parker will be easier to keep than any of them.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;266814]This is fun. But one thing I don't understand is people's fixations with freakin' Steven Parker or Mean Jean Cattley. Dammit, leave them to MAW! Tempest or Cal or Kashmir for champion in 09!!![/QUOTE] Parker has a good set of skills that really improve over time. his only drawback in the beginning is lack of overness across USA , once he gets to any promotion with any kind of tv or ppv deal, his popularity levels can skyrocket. That is what happended in my first diary and by 2010, Parker was USPW, CZCW and DAVE champion with B pop across the board and B-C range matches.
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[CENTER]RPW Faceoff Saturday, Week 3, February 2009 Stanley Hall (300 Fans - Sell Out)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]1. Tempest Appleby defeated Velocidad[/COLOR][/B] (RETAINS RPW High Octane Title) (D) A high-flying show opens up RPW Faceoff, with Appleby defending his belt once again against the former champion, Velocidad. The match is solid, both men pushing the pace, trying to out do the other. But at the height of the action, Velocidad is viciously hit from behind by Joey Beauchamp. Our referee, Oz Lord, has no choice but to call for the DQ, and Appleby retains. Beauchamp backs off, a deranged look on his face, screaming that no one will beat Appleby but him. Nobody. [COLOR="Red"][B]2. Cal Sanders Announces Stipulation[/B][/COLOR] Katie Cameron announces to the crowd before her with Cal Sanders at her side, that tonight's match in the Best Of Seven Series between Sanders and Joss Thompson will be a flag match. She brings out four flags, and ties one to each turnbuckle. The winner will be the man who collects all the flags. [B][COLOR="Blue"]3. Cal Sanders defeated Joss Thompson[/COLOR][/B] (C) Yeah, we here at R-P-Dub are running out of stipulations. This one's a stretch, but it works in action. Thompson and Sanders work to take the flags from the posts, as well as one another, with feverish abandon. In the end, each man has two flags, when Cal Sanders leaps from the top turnbuckle with a Leap of Faith, crashing into Thompson, knocking the flags free. He picks them up off the ground, winning the match, and evening the best of seven at two apiece. [B][COLOR="Blue"]4. Frankie Perez defeated Kashmir Singh[/COLOR][/B] (C-) A solid match, with Kashmir Singh keeping up with the more talented Perez. But Singh's a grinder, and he shows that here, almost putting Perez away a number of times. But, in the end, Kashmir falls just short. Frankie Perez takes control with a series of forearm strikes, then whips Singh off the ropes into a P-Kick. [B][COLOR="Red"]5. Parker / Gauge Hype Video[/COLOR][/B] (D-) A video plays on the projector, hyping up the feud between Steven Parker and Greg Gauge. They show the events of the last few months, including Greg Gauge's absence, Parker defending the belt twice, and more. The video ends with a graphic. PARKER VS. GAUGE. II. [B][COLOR="Blue"]6. Greg Gauge defeated Raphael[/COLOR][/B] (C-) Real nice match, considering Raphael's in the main event instead of Steven Parker. And the crowd goes home happy, as the valiant Gauge manages to lock on the Proton Lock, getting the pretty-boy Raphael to tap. Yay! [SIZE="4"][B]Overall: C-[/B][/SIZE] Woo, good show folks. Raphael and Gauge always deliver. Popularity Report: Mid-Atlantic: 25.6 Great Lakes / Southeast: 7.3 Everywhere Else: 6.1 Prestige: 15.3 [QUOTE]RPW Heat Wave Velocidad vs. Joey Beauchamp Amber Allen vs. Matthew Gauge Frankie Perez vs. Raphael Steven Parker vs. Greg Gauge (RPW Main Event Title) [/QUOTE] RPW: Wheee!
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[CENTER]RPW Heat Wave Saturday, Week 3, June 2009 Stanley Hall (300 Fans-Sell Out) [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]1. Velocidad defeated Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR][/B] (D+) Beauchamp took the fight to Velocidad, driving the overmatched luchadore into the corner. He was beating on Velocidad, taking out the frustration he has accured over the last few months. But Velocidad kept kicking out. After enough of this, Beauchamp went up top for a Breeze Block. But there's nobody home! Velocidad.... Velocidad Tornado! A victory for the underdog! [B][COLOR="Red"]2. Joey Beauchamp Tantrum[/COLOR][/B] (E+) Joey Beauchamp is angry. I mean... real angry. Velocidad hurries out of the ring as Joey Beauchamp grabs the ring bell. But The Breeze isn't focused on Velocidad. Instead, he belts himself across the face with the bell, knocking himself out cold, and looking very silly in the process. Oh well. [B][COLOR="Blue"]3. Matthew Gauge defeated Amber Allen[/COLOR][/B] (D+) After Joey Beauchamp was dragged from ringside my Martin Theocatt and I this match got started. Angry Amber Allen asked a man with a 'at to get Amber Allen this a** whuppin. Stupid alliteration. Matthew Gauge with the squash. Okay match though. [B][COLOR="Red"]4. Matthew Gauge Promo[/COLOR][/B] (D-) Matthew Gauge takes this moment to rant about Steven Parker, and he says that he'll lose his RPW Main Event Title tonight to Greg Gauge, and Matthew will be there to celebrate with his brother. [COLOR="Blue"][B]5. Raphael defeated Frankie Perez[/B][/COLOR] (C) Frankie Perez is leaving the company tommorrow, so we leeched his momentum here. But we respect the man enough that it was a cheap finish, with Raphael hitting the low blow behind Oz Lord's back, and getting the pinfall win. We're open to working with Frankie again, but we should probably be Regional first. [COLOR="Red"][B]5. Steven Parker / Greg Gauge Video[/B][/COLOR] (D-) A video plays on the projector, hyping up the feud between these two great young competitors. Steven Parker is shown defending his title against Plague and Rick Sanders, while Gauge is shown coming so close two times before. [B][COLOR="Blue"][B]6. Greg Gauge defeated Steven Parker by count out[/B][/COLOR][/B] (Steven Parker Retains the RPW Main Event Title) (C+) Too effing bad. Steven Parker had to go and ruin a fantastic match by sneaking out of the ring, and running away to the back when Gauge gained control. But he was met by Matthew Gauge, who beat the snot out of Parker and left him down and out on the ring ramp. [B][SIZE="4"]Overall: C[/SIZE][/B] Excellent... [I]I've decided to no longer do the popularity report, it's too much like opening your Christmas Presents early to me. Post if you want it back though, I'd oblige.[/I] [QUOTE]RPW Still Hot Velocidad vs. Tempest Appleby (RPW High Octane Title) Raphael vs. Marc Speed Cal Sanders vs. Joss Thompson (2-2, All Tied Up) Greg Gauge vs. Steven Parker (Non-Title) [/QUOTE] RPW: Did Anyone Notice We Were Missing?
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