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TNA - Russo's Reign

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[quote]This is all part of my sick, perverted little mind[/quote] [quote][u][b]TNA Lockdown – April 15th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://www.areavoices.com/wrestling/images/thumbnail/cage300.gif[/img] Chris Sabin retained the X Division Title in the Xscape Match over Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt & Shark Boy. Robert Roode defeated Petey Williams. Senshi defeated Austin Starr with Bob Backlund as the special guest referee. James Storm defeated Chris Harris in a Blindfold Match. Christopher Daniels defeated Jerry Lynn. Team 3D defeated LAX in the Electric Steel Cage Match to become the NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions. Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, Sting, Samoa Joe & Rhino) defeated Team Cage (NWA World Champion Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Scott Steiner, Abyss & Tomko). (Sting gets the title shot against Christian Cage next month at Sacrifice)[/quote] [quote][u][b]TNA Impact April 19th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/Tna-impact-the-trailer.jpg[/img] Christopher Daniels defeated AJ Styles & Samoa Joe & Rhino in a Four Corner Match. Robert Roode defeated Chris Harris. Team 3D defeated Christian Cage and Abyss.[/quote] [quote][u][b]TNA Impact April 26th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/Tna-impact-the-trailer.jpg[/img] Sting and Kurt Angle went to a No Contest. Jay Lethal defeated Sonjay Dutt & Shark Boy & Alex Shelley. Team 3D defeated Tomko and Steiner. Sting and Christian Cage went to a No Contest.[/quote] [size=14][u][b]News and Rumours[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://www.wrestlinginc.com/v2/wi/img/hdr/winc_logo.jpg[/img] [i]TNA are looking to get a lot of focus back in the X-Division in the coming months, it seems as if lately the direction of TNA has been going further and further away from the once brilliant X-Division, but this is set to all change in the coming months as Russo wants to get the full division over and have it thriving once again. Management is currently on the look out for new X-Division stars but isn’t going to rush into any quick signings, as they want to make sure there is a lot of potential for whoever they bring in. Shawn Michaels is set to take some time off for surgery on his knee in the near future, this could possibly result in someone getting his spot, as he is likely to be off TV for quite some time. Rumour has it that Randy Orton will get an extended push even though the guy always swims in a sea of controversy. There is still talk going on between TNA and Spike TV regarding a 2 hour slot. An agreement likely is very near and the word on the street is they may go to 2 hours before the summer is over. Many TNA fans are just wet with excitement at the thought of this as a lot of the matches on Impact seem a bit too rushed and it is a squeeze trying to get everyone on the show. Once the Chris Harris and James Storm feud has run its course, both men are likely to go their separate ways and getting prolonged pushes as they have big fanbases, both are good on the mic and good in the ring. James Storm seems to have the biggest potential of the two but only time will tell if he fills that potential. TNA’s first goal rating wise is to at least get into the 1.5 rating that way they are on par with ECW and can work their way up from their, many backstage feel that the main thing is having a solid show every week, and if they keep doing that then the fans will start watching eventually. Vince Russo apparently is adamant that Raven’s stable Serotonin is not getting over in the slightest and wants to see changes within the stable. This has lead to confrontations between Russo and Raven backstage. Many think that Raven has some tricks up his sleeve to get the stable over. We shall have to keep tuned into Impact for that one. Konnan is still awaiting his Kidney Transplant however he will continue to appear on Impact to help his team LAX. Both Hernandez and Homicide are over with the TNA crowd in a big way. Kevin Nash is said to want to wrestle again, but is happy doing his segments with the younger guys right now. He has stated that he is willingly to put one of them over in the ring eventually but it has to be the right individual and the timing has to be perfect. Jeff Jarrett is likely to be kept away from the Main Event, as he is more liked in the Midcard and can get the midcard guys with potential ready for the Main Event. Jarrett is happy to be back in action in TNA.[/i] [b][u][size=14]TNA Impact May 3rd Preview[/size][/u][/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/Tna-impact-the-trailer.jpg[/img] [u][b]Confirmed Matches[/b][/u] Brother Ray vs Hernandez Senshi and Jerry Lynn vs Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin Petey Williams vs Robert Roode
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[i]OOC: Ill be keeping the shows on a recap format at about 2000 words or so a show. That way i should be able to update this fairly reguarly and i wont lost interest. I thought the first show got the ball rolling on the direction i wanted to go and im just about to write the next show right now, updates should be 2-3 a week, more so this week as im off work all week, feedback is appreciated.[/i] [quote][size=14][u][b]TNA Impact May 3rd 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [color=red][u][b]Who is the Number One Contender?[/b][/u][/color] [b]Kurt Angles[/b] music hits in the arena and the crowd go nuts. He walks to the ring with a purpose and quickly addresses why he is starting off Impact here tonight. He gets on the mic and says that this whole situation of Sting being the number one contender is just ludicrous. He challenges Sting to match here tonight to determine the Real Number One Contender. [b]Sting’s[/b] music abruptly hit and he makes his way to the ring to a great reception from the crowd. He gets in the ring and starts to address Angle. He says at Lockdown he earned the shot and he doesn’t owe Kurt Angle or anyone one else anything at all, but he adds that he Is a man of honour and he will give Angle his shot here tonight, he says that if Angle beats him then he has no problem giving up his Number One Contender spot. Sting demands that Angle shake his hand and that’s exactly what happens. As they are shaking hands the music of the TNA World Champion hits in the arena. [b]Christian[/b] appears on the ramp smiling and shaking his head. He has a mic in hand and addresses Sting and Angle. Cage says that it really doesn’t matter who wins between Sting and Kurt Angle in the Number One Contenders match here tonight because he will do what he always does and that is kick ass and walk away still holding his TNA World Championship. He says he will be watching on tonight while Angle and Sting soften themselves up for him. Christian drops the mic and slaps his chest as Impact goes to commercial with Sting and Angle looking at Christian Cage with much disgust. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Brother Ray (with Brother Devon) vs Hernandez(with Konnan and Homicide)[/b][/u][/color] [b]Brother Ray [/b]took on [b]Hernandez[/b] in singles action. Both men’s respective tag team partners were at ringside watching on and cheering their teammates. Team 3D recently beat LAX for the Tag Team Titles and you just know LAX are not done trying to wrestle the Tag Team titles back. The match itself was an all out brawl. [b]Devon[/b] and [b]Homicide[/b] and [b]Konnan[/b] were taunting each other on the outside, but it had no real bearing on the match whatsoever. The end of the match came when Brother Ray pinned Hernandez with the [b]Brother-Bomb [/b]for the 3 count. After the match Konnan slipped something out of his underpants and handed it to Homicide, and before you ask no he does not have a plastic penis. Homicide had a Steel Pipe in his hand! He slid in the ring and nailed Brother Ray across the head, splitting him open in the process! Devon ran in to attack Homicide but he also got nailed! Brother Ray and Devon lay there in a pool of there own blood as Homicide looked down at them proud of his dirty work. This situation is far from over between these two teams. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Brother Ray[/b][/u][/color] [u][b][color=red]Christian Lays out the Plans[/color][/b][/u] The camera’s cut to [b]Christian’s [/b]locker room where he is with [b]Tomko[/b] and [b]AJ Styles[/b]. Christian starts off by telling Tomko and AJ Styles that because he has the TNA Title he is a wanted man and has a target right across his chest. He says he is busy enough dealing with Sting and Kurt Angle coming after his Championship. He explains that he knows Rhino and Samoa Joe want his title as well, that why he says that he needs Tomko and AJ Styles to sort them out and keep them well away from him. Tomko and AJ Styles say that this will be no problem. Christian then tells them that he went to Jim Cornette and managed to get them a Tag Team Matchup against Joe and Rhino here tonight. He tells them to kick their Asses and do the Instant Classic Proud. AJ Styles pats Christian on the back and tells him not to worry about a thing as he is simply Phenomenal, but he reminds Christian that he is still owed a title shot while Tomko just stands there stroking his beard and creepingly smiling at Christian. [color=blue][u][b]Tag Team Match – Senshi & Jerry Lynn vs Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley[/b][/u][/color] [b]Senshi[/b] and [b]Jerry Lynn [/b]took on [b]Chris Sabin [/b]and [b]Alex Shelley [/b]in tag team competition. Chris Sabin has been impressive as the X-Division champion as of late. Jerry Lynn and Chris Sabin have been engorged in a feud in recent months with Sabin having Lynn’s number. Alex Shelley is one of the hottest competitors in the X-Division and is compared to Chris Jericho when he was underrated in WCW. We all know what happened when Jericho went to WWF, he became a Superstar and some think that Shelley is underutilized in TNA. Senshi has been impressive since returning to TNA and is looking to regain the X-Division title in the near future. The match was a typical X-Division match, high paced and full of high spots the end of the match came when Jerry Lynn hit the [b]Cradle Piledriver [/b]on Sabin to pick up the victory! Jerry Lynn could be in line for another shot at Sabin’s X-Division title know you have to believe. [color=blue][u][b]Winners – Senshi and Jerry Lynn[/b][/u][/color] [u][b][color=red]Daniels Wants the Gold[/color][/b][/u] We are shown [b]Chris Daniels [/b]in what can only be described as a Boiler Room. He is there all by himself and looking really really creepy I have to say. He starts off in a rather monotonous tone and says that since day one in TNA he has been overlooked for title opportunities, he says he is MVP of the X-Division. He goes on to say that Chris Sabin is not a deserving Champion and he plans to set things right. He says that Sabin is a cheat and a scam and that the Fallen Angel Is going to have to Sacrifice another Soul and this will happen real soon. He tells Sabin to enjoy his run while it lasts as the camera fades to black. [color=red][u][b]The Pioneer of the X-Division[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video package of the Pioneer of the X-Division [b]Jerry Lynn[/b]. We are shown footage of him in the early days of TNA and how he was the trendsetter for all these great X-Division competitors. We see the lethalness of his finisher the Cradle Piledriver and we see how he has great technical skills. We also see Jerry Lynn working out in the gym and this highlights the strength of Jerry Lynn and how hard he works to be ready for his matches. The video fades out with the words Pioneer of the X-Division. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Petey Williams vs Robert Roode[/b][/u][/color] [b]Robert Roode [/b]took on [b]Petey Williams [/b]in single action. IT has been said that Robert Roode is one of the future superstars of TNA. In recent months he has been going at it back and forth with Eric Young, with him owning Eric Young’s contract. However there is no sign of Eric Young here tonight. Petey Williams hasn’t really been doing much since the split up of Team Canada donkey’s ago. The match was a fast paced brawl of sorts. It was even throughout and Roode managed to pick up the win with the [b]Reverse Lariat[/b]. When Roode was Celebrating his win the music of [b]Jarrett[/b] hit in the arena to a fantastic response. Jarrett ran to the ring and started pummeling Roode and eventually hit the Stroke. It’s set to be Roode vs Jarrett at Sacrifice, if Jarrett wins then Eric Young is a free man but it Roode wins then Eric Young is his forever and there is nothing Eric Young or Jeff Jarrett can do about it. Jarrett heads up the ramp as the fans chant his name. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Robert Roode[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]The Chronicles of AMW[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video package of the former Multiple Time Tag Team Champions [b]AMW[/b]. It shows all their great matches and their awesome continuity in the ring together and how good they were as a team, but then the video takes a more darker turn as it shows how [b]James Storm [/b]turned on [b]Chris Harris [/b]by hitting him clean in the face with a bottle doing damage to Chris Harris’s eye in the process. We are shown the ****iness and arrogance of James Storm since the incident and how he walks about drinking beer and kicking ass. We are then shown Chris Harris training to take on James Storm at Sacrifice. The video ends showing us a graphic highlighting that both men will collide at Sacrifice in a Last Man Standing match. [color=blue][u][b]Rhino and Samoa Joe vs Tomko and AJ Styles[/b][/u][/color] [b]Rhino[/b] and [b]Samoa Joe [/b]took on [b]Tomko[/b] and [b]AJ Styles [/b]in Tag Team Action. Earlier in the night Christian told Tomko and AJ Styles that he is so busy with Sting and Angle coming after his Title and he doesn’t need Rhino and Samoa Joe knocking on his door as well. So Tomko and AJ Styles vowed to take care of Rhino and Samoa Joe for him in the foreseeable future. During the match the commentary team talked about how Christian has Tomko and Styles wrapped around his little finger doing all his dirty work for him. The match itself was a dandy with both engaging in some in a hell of a battle the end of the match saw Samoa Joe go for the Muscle Buster on AJ Styles but Tomko came in a broke up the move allowing AJ Styles to hook in the [b]Styles Clash [/b]to pick up the win! But it wasn’t finished there, Rhino came in a Gored Tomko and then Gored AJ Styles. Making a statement, Rhino consoled Joe over his loss and both men walked off up the ramp together, their obviously united in their quest to eliminate Tomko and AJ Styles and get their respective opportunities at Christian’s Championship. [color=blue][u][b]Winners – Tomko and AJ Styles[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]The James Gang Terrorize the Hoe[/b][/u][/color] The camera cuts to a backstage incident where [b]The James Gang [/b]are pouring Milk all over [b]Christy Hemme[/b]! They are just terrorizing her and she is screaming for her life but no one is helping the hoe. The James Gang are laughing their head off at their actions when out of the blue they get attacked. It’s [b]Basham[/b] and [b]Damaja[/b]! Their start beating the hell out of the James Gang and sending them crashing into the wall. Basham and Damaja beat on them some more then grab Christy Hemme and drag her to safety. We are shown The James Gang down and out. The James Gang will be looking for revenge real soon you have to believe. [color=blue][u][b]Number One Contendership Match – Sting vs Kurt Angle[/b][/u][/color] [b]Sting[/b] took on [b]Kurt Angle [/b]in a Number One Contendership matchup. Earlier in the night Angle said he wanted his opportunity and Sting accepted the challenge. Christian stated that it didn’t matter who was Number One Contender and that both men would just soften themselves up for him here tonight. During the match the commentary team talking up the audacity of Kurt Angle and how that Angle is disrespecting Sting by saying that Sting is not a deserving Number One Contender but they also talked about the heart of Sting by taking on this challenge from Angle here tonight. The match itself was back and forth as wrestling matches can be with Sting getting the Advantage then Angle getting the advantage and this went on throughout the match. The end of the match saw Angle go for the Angle Lock but Sting used his leg to propel Angle into the turnbuckle Sting then locked in the[b] Scorpion Death Drop [/b]and went for the pin but the lights went out and when they came back on Sting appeared to be knocked out. Angle finally came to his senses and managed to get his arm over Sting and the referee counted the pinfall. The commentary team speculated as to who did this and Tenay and West both agreed that it must have been Christian or one of his mates. The show went off the air with Angle celebrating his victory. He gets his shot at Christian and Sting has been screwed by someone [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Kurt Angle[/b][/u][/color][/quote]
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[quote][u][b]RAW Results for May 3rd 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://wweeuroshop.com/images/competition/rawLogo.jpg[/img] JTG defeated Santino Marella for the IC Title. Victoria defeated Michelle McCool. Matt Striker defeated Viscera. Val Venis defeated Chris Masters. The Hardy Boyz defeated Cade and Murdoch to retain the Tag Team Titles. World’s Greatest Tag Team defeated Umaga and Randy Orton.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Smackdown Results for May 4th[/b][/u] [img]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c197/Anarchyshadow/Thomas/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/img] Paul London and Brian Kendrick defeated The Miz and Funaki. Finlay defeated Tommy Dreamer and Daivari in the Triple Threat match. Gregory Helms and William Regal defeated Deuce and Domino for the Tag Team Titles. Chavo Guerrero defeated Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the Cruiserweight Title. Chris Benoit defeated MVP to retain the U.S. Title. Batista and Kane went to a No Contest.[/quote] [quote][u][b]ECW Results for May 4th[/b][/u] [img]http://www.wrestlingsuperstore.com/images_home/ECW-Logo-color.gif[/img] Marcus Corvon defeated Balls Mahoney and Elijah Burke in a Triple Threat Match. The Sandman defeated CM Punk. Khali, Lashley and Carlito defeated Kevin Thorn, Snitsky and RVD. Edge defeated Ric Flair.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Backlash Results for May 9th[/b][/u] [img]http://www.buttonhole.com.au/images/WWE-Backlash06_banner.jpg[/img] Balls Mahoney defeated Jim Duggan. Torrie Wilson defeated Michelle McCool. The Boogeyman and Carlito defeated Cade and Murdoch. The Hardy Boyz defeated Val Venis and Shelton Benjamin to retain the Tag Team Titles. JTG defeated Charlie Haas to retain the IC Title. Benoit defeated Finlay and MVP to retain the U.S. Title in a Triple Threat Match. Chavo Guerrero defeated Funaki & The Miz & Scotty 2 Hotty to Retain the Cruiserweight Title. Randy Orton defeated the Great Khali. Gregory Helms and William Regal defeated Deuce and Domino to retain the Tag Team Titles. Maria defeated Victoria to win the Women’s Title. The Undertaker defeated Umaga. Edge defeated RVD and Flair for the ECW Title.[/quote] [size=14][u][b]News and Rumours[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://www.wrestlinginc.com/v2/wi/img/hdr/winc_logo.jpg[/img] [i]WWE have started to make some serious cost cutting measures. This week they released a handful of workers with the most notable being Mick Foley, Tazz, Eric Bischoff, Michael Cole, Theodore Long, Dean Malenko, Roddy Piper and Ron Simmons. TNA officials are reportedly interested in negotiating with Foley, Tazz, Bischoff and Piper and using them in some capacity. More on this as we get it, but it seems like Vince McMahon might be leaning towards the younger Superstars on the roster and establishing a new direction for the WWE. TNA is said to be interested in anyone that gets released from the ECW Brand. They see as The Sandman, Sabu and RVD as future targets as they are rumoured to be very unhappy with the direction of the ECW Brand. We will keep you updated with this in the coming weeks and months as we always do. TNA’s next Pay Per View is scheduled for May 27th. Things have been building up nicely for it on recent Impact’s and it should be unmissable. Vince Russo is apparently very high on the mic skills of Robert Roode and is looking to make him a focal point in the coming months. Russo thinks that there are many young superstars in TNA just a great Interview or great angle away from becoming massive superstars in TNA. Many insiders gave a big WTF to the random team of William Regal and Gregory Helms winning the Tag Team Titles on Smackdown. Everyone was of the opinion that Deuce and Domino should be long-term champions but the script seems to have changed. Only time will tell if Regal and Helms are a regular tandem or whether they’re just doing away with sensibility in the Tag Division all together. The big news coming out of Backlash was that Edge is the new ECW Champion. One has to think that he has left RAW for good now and found his new home in ECW where he will be the Franchise of the brand. Many feel that Edge will be delighted with this as he hated being held down by Triple H on RAW and now he has no glass ceiling and will be the main focus of the ECW shows.[/i] [size=14][u][b]TNA Impact May 10th Preview[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [u][b]Confirmed Matches[/b][/u] Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn Alex Shelley vs Senshi Jay Lethal vs Sonjay Dutt Raven vs Petey Williams
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....[quote][size=14][u][b]TNA Impact May 10th 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [color=red][u][b]Sting Knows Who Cost Him his Shot[/b][/u][/color] The music of [b]Sting[/b] hits to start off Impact and he makes his way to the ring to a fantastic response from the crowd in attendance. He looks a focused man and no wonder. Just as he hit the Scorpion Drop on Angle last week and was set to retain his Number One Contender status the lights went out and when they came back on he was unconscious and Angle managed to pick up the victory. You gotta believe Sting has an inkling as to who the culprit was and so do these fans you have to believe. He gets on the mic and speculates as to who did the deed on him last week. He says you don’t have to be a genius to work out who done it. But he asks why did Christian do it? What did he have to gain by having Angle become the Number One Contender and not Sting? Sting went on to say that Christian’s ass is his sooner or later. Sting says that’s not the first time he’s been screwed and it sure as hell wont be the last. The music of [b]Christian[/b] hits and he makes his way down to the ring and Sting looks irate, he’s thinking how does Christian have the balls to come down here after costing him his shot last week? Christian gets in the ring with a mic and tells Sting to calm down, he says that he has something to tell Sting before Sting tries to kick his ass. Christian stresses that it was not him that attacked Sting last week, he reiterates the point that him and Angle kicking each others ass was beneficial to him and he did not care who won the match as he would beat them anyway, Sting has a ponderous look on his face. Sting replies by asking what is he supposed to believe all he knows is that he was attacked last week and Christian or one of his buddy’s is the number one suspect. [b]Cornette’s[/b] music hits in the arena he has something to say. Cornette says that he is going to find out who did this to Sting, but as for tonight he says Sting still deserves to get his hands on Christian, and that both Angle and Christian need a warm-up for their big matchup at Sacrifice later this month. Cornette says that tonight Sting & Rhino & Samoa Joe will take on the team of Christian & Tomko & AJ Styles. Cornette’s adds that Sting will get a fair shot at becoming the number one contender down the line, he then abruptly leaves as Impact goes to commercial we see Sting and Christian staring each other down. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn[/b][/u][/color] [b]Christopher Daniels [/b]took on [b]Jerry Lynn [/b]in singles competition. This match was announced during the week on Tnawrestling.com. Jim Cornette said that since Jerry Lynn managed to pin Chris Sabin in a tag team match last week then this puts him right back in the title picture. Cornette also noted that he watched Daniels talk last week about he wants Sabin’s X-Division title and what a perfect way to find an opponent for Chris Sabin than have Daniels and Jerry Lynn square off here tonight in the spirit of competition. During the match the commentary team talked about how Daniels has become an even darker individual as of late and how he could be unstoppable in his quest for the X-Division title, they also talked about Jerry Lynn and how he is the pioneer of the X-Division and him pinning Sabin last week show’s he still got what it takes here in TNA. During the match [b]Sabin[/b] came out on the ramp with a notepad, obviously taking notes on both men, as he will have to no doubt face on of them down the line here in TNA. The end of the match came when Daniels hit the [b]Angel Wings [/b]on Jerry Lynn to pick up the victory. After the match Daniels had a sick smile on his and started laughing uncontrollably and pointing at Sabin who looked a bit taken aback by it all. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Christopher Daniels[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]LAX are Not to be Messed With[/b][/u][/color] [b]LAX[/b], [b]Konnan[/b], [b]Hernandez[/b] and [b]Homicide[/b] are back with Jeremy Borash. As usual Konnan does the bulk of the talking, he started off by saying that last week LAX made a bold statement to Team 3D but also to the world. Konnan continued by saying that last week LAX left Team 3D battered and bloodied and lifeless. He said that Hernandez and Homicide would get their belts back one way or another and last week was the first step in getting the belts back. He says that Team 3D will want revenge but that’s not the way it’s gonna go. Homicide took over from Konnan from there and said last week that LAX outsmarted Team 3D, he says Team 3D are no longer the team they once were and they have developed weaknesses over the years. Hernandez finished off by saying that the belts are coming back to the Latino’s, the show went to commercial with LAX fiercely looking into the camera looking like really tough individuals. But you just know Team 3D are gonna come looking for LAX real damn soon. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Alex Shelley vs Senshi[/b][/u][/color] [b]Alex Shelley[/b] took on [b]Senshi[/b] in a one on one matchup. Recently Senshi hasn’t really been doing much in TNA apart from the stuff with Nash where he never seems to smile or show emotion, he just wrestles matches and the crowd like him for it. He’s rather stiff in the ring and has a really realistic fighting style. Shelley has been regularly teaming and hanging about with the X-Division champion recently. Both guys seem to make a good team and click rather well. Time will tell though if Shelley is just hanging with Sabin so he can get some juicy footage on him and some insight into Sabin’s personal life and use it against him. The match itself saw Senshi take it to Shelley with hard kicks and body blows, and Shelley use his unique offense to gain an advantage on Senshi. The end of the match came when Shelley managed to roll Senshi up for the pin and use leverage by grabbing onto the ropes for the cheap win. Shelley is a resourceful fellow and knows every trick in the book. Senshi continues his floundering career here in TNA. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Alex Shelley[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Hemme’s Hunks[/b][/u][/color] The music of [b]Christy Hemme [/b]hits and she makes her way down to the ring with her boys [b]Damaja[/b] and [b]Basham[/b], the crowd is booing this triosome and doesn’t like any of them one bit. They get in the ring and Christy gets on the mic and talks about how she has been bullied by the James Gang for a while now, and how last week was the last straw, she said she was terrified last week when they were pouring milk all over her and how it was so disgustingly shocking behavior. She continued by saying that her knights and shining armour’s rescued her however and she will not be bullied any longer, she said the James Gang started on her for no reason. She added that women deserve respect in this business and with her hunks by her side she would make sure respect would come to her and all the women in TNA. She said that Basham and Damaja took care of The James Gang last week, and if they tried to attack her again, they would get the same treatment so they best steer clear of her. Just then the music of [b]Lance Hoyt [/b]hit in the arena and he ran to the ring in somewhat of a rage. Hemme fled the seen through the crowd, but Basham and Damaja stayed to fight, but Hoyt took them both out with Big Boot’s. Hoyt then went through the crowd after Christy Hemme who was out of sight. As Impact went to a commercial we see Basham and Damaja holding their faces after the devastating Big Boot’s they received from Lance Hoyt. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Jay Lethal vs Sonjay Dutt[/b][/u][/color] [b]Jay Lethal [/b]took on [b]Sonjay Dutt [/b]in one on one action. Recently Kevin Nash has been taking these two superstars under his wing trying to lead them to success in TNA. Sonjay Dutt however seems to be the butt of everyone’s jokes and he appears to be growing weary of everyone by the day especially Kevin Nash. Lethal however has taken some transformations and come out dressed like Randy Savage and even seems to be a carbon copy in the ring the way he has adopted his ring style down to the tee. [b]Nash[/b] was on commentary and was hilarious as usual telling tales about all the great moments of his career of course they were exaggerated as per usual. The match itself was a dandy with Dutt impressing all in attendance with his array of Leg Scissors and great Dropkicks. Lethal also looked the part hitting various Randy Savage like moves. The end of the match came when Lethal hit the [b]Top Rope Elbow drop [/b]for the win. After the match Nash made his way down to the ring and told both men to shake hands. Lethal extended his hand to Dutt but Dutt didn’t want to shake his hand and instead hit Lethal with a slap heard around the arena! Nash looked incensed and grabbed Dutt by the head and told him to apologise to Lethal but Sonjay managed to push Nash away and he then hit Nash with a Slap as well! Sonjay Dutt then quickly fled the ring and headed up the ramp leaving Nash and Lethal both fuming. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Jay Lethal[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Harris’s Hell[/b][/u][/color] [b]Chris Harris [/b]backstage with Jeremy Borash and he addressed his upcoming match with James Storm at Sacrifice. He says that now the eye patch is off he is finally ready to settle this situation with his former partner and that this will be their last ever match no questions asked. He goes on to say that he thought James Storm was his best friend in the whole world and they were probably the best tag team in the world at one point in time but James Storm had to go and ruin it all by turning on him many months ago by hitting him in the face with that bottle that left him blind in one eye. Harris continued by saying that the eye is fully healed and he is ready to fight and eliminate James Storm from TNA. He says he will pull out all the stops come sacrifice and will walk out the victor. Chris Harris end the interview by saying Storm is gonna be real sorry for his actions. Out of nowhere comes James Storm and he attacks Harris and takes him down. Storm lays in shots to the face of Harris in a real vicious way. Security manages to pry the two away from each other. The sneaky James Storm strikes again, but Harris looks like he is ready to face off with his nemesis at Sacrifice. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Raven vs Petey Williams[/b][/u][/color] [b]Raven[/b] took on [b]Petey Williams [/b]in singles action. At ringside were Raven’s very different shall we say stable Serotonin. They just floated around at ringside never taking their eyes off Raven, its like Raven has them brainwashed and they think about nothing except Raven. Petey Williams lost to Robert Roode last week and he was looking to rebound with a victory here tonight. The match itself was mostly Raven. Raven took It to Petey Williams rather aggressively and Williams never really gave Raven any trouble. In the end Raven ended the match with the [b]Raven Effect [/b]for the win. After the match Serotonin got in the ring and they all huddle round Raven in a pack almost surrounding him like he was a king or something. Impact went off the air as Raven looked up at the sky. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Raven[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]It Pays to be Roode[/b][/u][/color] [b]Robert Roode’s [/b]music hits in the arena and he makes his way to the ring with the bootilicious Ms Brooks. He has a spring in his step and gets in the ring and addressed the crowd while Ms Brooks stands there doing what she does best which is look beautiful and very horny. Roode started off by saying he did not appreciate being attacked after his match last week. He says that last week Jarrett caught him after a very grueling match but that is the only way that Jeff Jarrett could ever get the better of Robert Roode. Roode continues by saying that at Sacrifice he knows that If Jarrett wins then Eric Young is a free man. But he added that if he beats Jarrett he will own Eric Young forever and Eric Young will never be a free man ever again. He says that come Sacrifice Jarrett and Young are going to be humbled and as always he will prove that it pays to be Roode. [color=red][u][b]It’s Real. It’s Damn Real[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video package of [b]Kurt Angle[/b]. We are shown all of the great things he has done since he came to TNA. We are shown his debut on Impact when he collided with Samoa Joe. He are then shown the main highlights of his feud with Samoa Joe and all the great matches he had with the guy. We are then shown him pinning Sting last week in a Sea of Controversy. We are also shown Angle sweating his fit little ass off in the gym. A man in the background tells us that at Sacrifice Kurt Angle will get his shot to be the TNA Champion and that It’s Real, It’s Damn Real. [color=blue][u][b]Six Man Tag – Christian & Tomko & AJ Styles (with Scott Steiner in their corner) vs Sting & Samoa Joe & Rhino[/b][/u][/color] [b]Christian[/b] & [b]Tomko[/b] & [b]AJ Styles [/b]took [b]Sting[/b] & [b]Samoa Joe[/b] & [b]Rhino [/b]in a six man tag team match. During the match Steiner hovered on the outside sending insults in the direction Sting’s team. Steiner looked pumped up as always and his usual angry at the world self. During the match the commentary team speculated as to who attacked Sting and they both agreed that it must have been Christian or one of his buddy’s, its just that simple. They said that they don’t know the reason they wanted Angle to win but they have no doubt there’s some logic there. The end of the match came when Samoa Joe hit the [b]Muscle Buster [/b]on Tomko for the win. After the match Steiner came into the ring and took out Joe with a hard clothesline, he then hit Rhino with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Sting attacked Steiner but Steiner managed to get the better of him and hit an overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex when the music of [b]Kurt Angle [/b]hit! He rushed the ring and took out Steiner with a German Suplex. Tomko then attacked Angle but Angle shrugged him off and hit a few shots to the face of Tomko then threw him to the outside. Christian was cowering in the corner and the enraged Angle pointed at him then ran at him but Christian managed to escape. As Impact went off the air we see Christian and his posse cowering up the ramp then the camera switches to the Number One Contender Angle who is looking very pumped up in the ring! Angle is ready for Christian at Sacrifice! [color=blue][u][b]Winners – Sting & Samoa Joe & Rhino[/b][/u][/color][/quote].....
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[quote][u][b]RAW May 10th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://wweeuroshop.com/images/competition/rawLogo.jpg[/img] Trevor Murdoch defeated JTD & Charlie Hass for the IC Title. Lance Cade defeated Chris Masters. The Hardy Boyz defeated Val Venis and Kenny. Maria defeated Victoria to retain the Women’s Title. Umaga defeated Shelton Benjamin. Shawn Michaels defeated Randy Orton.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Smackdown May 11th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c197/Anarchyshadow/Thomas/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/img] Brian Kendrick defeated The Miz. Deuce defeated Domino. Finlay defeated Funaki. Chavo Guerrero defeated Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the Cruiserweight Title. Chris Benoit defeated William Regal to retain the U.S. Title. The Undertaker defeated Batista to retain the World Heavyweight Title.[/quote] [quote][u][b]ECW May 11th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://www.wrestlingsuperstore.com/images_home/ECW-Logo-color.gif[/img] Kevin Thorn defeated Little Guido. Mike Knox and Elijah Burke defeated Stevie Richards and CM Punk. Edge and Bobby Lashley defeated Ric Flair and Khali. Carlito and Sabu defeated RVD and The Sandman.[/quote] [size=14][u][b]News and Rumours[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://www.wrestlinginc.com/v2/wi/img/hdr/winc_logo.jpg[/img] [i]Raven has been training hard to lose some of that excess baggage he has been carrying around his waist. Officials are said to be high on Raven and want him in the best shape of his life for what’s ahead of him in TNA. The IC Title has once again changed hands with Trevor Murdoch the new Champion after defeated the title holder JTD and Charlie Haas in a Triple Threat match. No one seen JTG as a long term champion anyway but it was still a shocker to see the title change hands on RAW once again. We shall see in the coming weeks if Murdoch does any better than JTG did with the belt. Deuce and Domino are now feuding. WWE are keen to push Deuce as the bigger star out of the two. Many backstage are raging though as they though Deuce and Domino could strengthen the Smackdown Tag Division. The Who Attacked Sting Storyline should be one of the main focuses in the coming weeks on Impact. The whole Internet smark community is sure there is going to be no swerve and that it will be Christian who is found out to be the attacker.[/i] [size=14][u][b]TNA Impact Preview for May 17th 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [u][b]Confirmed Matches[/b][/u] Lance Hoyt vs Damaja Jerry Lynn vs Alex Shelley Chris Sabin vs Senshi Martyr vs James Storm Raven vs Hernandez
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...[quote][size=14][u][b]TNA Impact May 17th 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [color=red][u][b]Steiner Wants Angle[/b][/u][/color] [b]Christian Cage's [/b]music hits in the arena and he makes his way down to the ring to jeers from the crowd. Behind him is [b]Scott Steiner [/b]who looks even more muscular than he did last week if that’s even possible. Christian gets in the ring and grabs a mic and has something to say as he always does, this boy loves a good little chatter on the mic. Christian gets on the mic and says that here tonight, his big buddy has a little proposition for Kurt Angle but first Cage has some words for Angle. Cage says that at Sacrifice Angle faces his biggest test in his pro wrestling career as he goes one on one with the Instant Classic, Cage continues by saying that some people like to dodge challengers whereas he thrives on beating the best this company has to offer. Cage ends with saying that Angle is no different to any of his previous opponents, he will by looking up at the ceiling come the end of the night. Christian hands the mic to the mean looking Steiner. Steiner starts off by saying that last week he took out everyone on team Sting that is until Angle decided to come out and stick his big nose where It didn’t belong, Steiner proposes that Angle face him one on one here tonight and gets taught a lesson. [b]Angle’s [/b]music promptly hits and he appears on the rampway looking focused and determined. Angle has a mic in hand and he addresses Steiner’s Challenge. Angle says that he would like nothing better than to Suplex Scott Steiner out of his tights tonight and that is simply what he will do and as for Christian Cage he is counting the days until he can get him in an Angle Lock and make him Tap Tap Tap! As Impact goes to commercial Angle is growling at Steiner and Cage and they are staring back at the crazed Olympic Champion. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Lance Hoyt vs Damaja (with Christy Hemme & Basham)[/b][/u][/color] [b]Lance Hoyt [/b]took on [b]Damaja[/b] in singles competition. Last week Damaja and Basham bragged that they took out the James Gang and Christy Hemme said her hunks are backing her up now and that she will never be bullied here in TNA again. During the match Hemme and Basham were at ringside cheering their main man on, pun intended me thinks. The match itself saw the ticked off Texan Hoyt take it to Damaja with punches and kicks and other generic offense. Damaja gained back the advantage with some cowardly heel tactics. The end of the match came when Hemme distracted the referee and Damaja hit the Low Blow followed up by a [b]Swinging Neckbreaker [/b]to pick up the win. After the match Hemme directed Basham into the ring for a beatdown on Hoyt. Basham and Damaja took it to Hoyt with kicks while he was on the ground but then the music of [b]The James Gang [/b]hit! Basham, Damaja and Hemme quickly and cowardly departed the ring and through the crowd. The James Gang attended to their big friend Hoyt as Impact went to commercial. [color=blue][u][b]Winner - Damaja[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Cornette Will Track Down Sting’s Attacker[/b][/u][/color] A video package plays showing the number one contenders match between[b] Sting [/b]and [b]Kurt Angle [/b]a couple of weeks previous. It shows Sting hitting the Scorpion Death Drop on Angle then the lights going out and when they come back on Sting is knocked out and Angle puts his arm over him to be the number one contender. [b]Cornette’s[/b] face then comes up on the screen and he addresses the situation by saying he is doing everything in his power to find out who was behind this and that your guilty til proven innocent and he will be checking out everyone on the TNA roster and quizzing them. H points out the fact that everyone is pointing the finger at Christian Cage but he says that until he proves it is Cage he cannot do anything about it. Cornette finished off by saying Sting will be compensated. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Jerry Lynn vs Alex Shelley[/b][/u][/color] [b]Jerry Lynn[/b] took on [b]Alex Shelley [/b]in a singles matchup. After an impressive run in the X-Division recently Jerry Lynn missed out on the number one contender spot at Sabin’s title after a loss to Chris Daniels. Lynn has a chance to get back on the Wagon this week though as he takes on Alex Shelley. Shelley is a firm favourite all across the internet and they say he deserves a prolonged push in TNA. Time will well if he gets it. The match itself saw Lynn use his veteran brain to keep Shelley grounded but we also saw Shelley use his Speed on Lynn. The end of the match came when Jerry Lynn hit the [b]Cradle Piledriver [/b]to pick up the victory. After the match Shelley got on the mic and demanded a rematch right here next week on Impact. Lynn got on the mic and said it would be a pleasure to face off with such a talented young individual next week on Impact. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Jerry Lynn[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Jarrett Comforts Eric[/b][/u][/color] The camera’s are in the locker room and [b]Jeff Jarrett [/b]is sitting on a chair talking to [b]Eric Young [/b]who is sat on the bench. Jarrett tells a nervous Eric Young that everything is gonna be put right come Sacrifice. Jarrett continues by saying that when he beats Roode Eric Young will be a free man and he can once again go about his business on Impact every week without worrying about whether Robert Roode could fire him at any minute or not. Eric Young responds to Jarrett by saying that he is the best friend he could hope for and that he will repay Jarrett by any means possible. Jarrett puts his arm around Eric Young and tells him he doesn’t owe him one thing. [color=blue][u][b]Non-Title Match – Chris Sabin vs Senshi[/b][/u][/color] [b]Chris Sabin [/b]took on [b]Senshi [/b]in a non-title match. During the match [b]Daniels[/b] joined Tenay and West on the commentary. A couple of weeks back Daniels signaled his intentions to take the X-Division title from Sabin and last week he took the first step in getting his goal accomplished by beating Jerry Lynn to become the first in line to Sabin’s title. Sabin has recently been getting more and more ****y and he seems to think he is above everyone else. The match itself saw Senshi use his kicks to good effect but in the end it was not enough as Sabin hit the [b]Cradleshock[/b] for the win. After the match Sabin looked at Daniels who had took his head set off and was pointing to Sabin. Sabin looked away as if he was intimidated and no wonder. Daniels looks more focused than ever and he will get his title opportunity at Sacrifice. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Chris Sabin[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Joe and Rhino make a Challenge[/b][/u][/color] [b]Samoa Joe’s[/b] music hit in the arena and he and [b]Rhino[/b] made their way down to the ring very swiftly. Joe was the first to get on the mic. He started off by saying last week he got the pin that won Team Sting the big six man tag last week. He continues by saying that all the talk about Tomko and AJ Styles keeping them away from Sting has got himself and Rhino to thinking. Joe says that himself and Rhino have a little challenge regarding Sacrifice. Rhino takes over from Joe. Rhino says that himself and Joe are challenging Styles and Tomko to a Tag Team Match at Sacrifice, but not any old match. They want a NO DQ match anything goes, one fall to a finish. And once their done with them they will go on to get a shot at the Heavyweight title respectively. Joe takes the mic from Rhino and demands an answer right now. The music of [b]AJ Styles [/b]hits, and he and [b]Tomko[/b] appear on the ramp looking contemplative. Styles has a smile on his face as he addressed the challenge. Styles says that Christian gave himself and Tomko a task and they will fulfill that task and come Sacrifice the task will be completed, he says that a NO DQ match is right up their alleys as that gives them license to take Rhino and Joe out by any means necessary. Tomko gets handed the mic, he says that he was born a monster and he says you cannot tame a monster no hard you try and their both gonna find that out come Sacrifice. Tomko drops the mic and him and Styles walk off leaving Rhino and Joe shaking hands in the ring, knowing what they have to do come Sacrifice. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Martyr vs James Storm[/b][/u][/color] [b]Martyr[/b] took on[b] James Storm[/b]. At Sacrifice James Storm has the match to settle his score with Chris Harris in a Last Man Standing match. Chris Harris’s eye patch is now off and he’s ready to kick his former tag team partner’s ass, who know whether it will come to fruition or not, guess you’ll have to buy the PPV. The Former Matt Bentley, Martyr, is currently in Raven’s Serotonin. The match itself was dominated by James Storm who took it to Martyr with his heavy brawling and he won the match with a Powerbomb. After the match James Storm went back to drinking his bottle of beer and headed up the ramp, but out come [b]Chris Harris[/b]! Harris took it Storm with left’s and right’s and had him reeling. Harris tossed Storm in the ring and hit him with a couple of more shots then hit the Cata-a-Tonic! Harris looked down at Storm with disgust as Impact went to commercial. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – James Storm[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Nash and Lethal Address Things[/b][/u][/color] [b]Kevin Nash [/b]and [b]Jay Lethal [/b]are backstage with Jeremy Borash. Kevin Nash starts off by saying that Sonjay Dutt made a big mistake by slapping himself and Lethal in the face last week, he continues by saying that Dutt will be taught some respect sooner or later. Nash brings to the forefront the fact that Sonjay is not in the arena tonight and Nash doesn’t blame him as he knows when they come to face its not gonna be for the faint hearted. Lethal chips in with his Randy Savage inspired accent. Lethal says that all he wanted to do last week was shake Sonjay’s hand but Dutt decided to turn on him, Lethal says he thought he had a great friend in Dutt but he guesses he was wrong. Nash pats Lethal in the back and they both walk off. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Raven vs Hernandez (with Konnan and Homicide)[/b][/u][/color] [b]Raven[/b] took on[b] Hernandez [/b]in a singles match. LAX have been involved in a dirty and dangerous with Team 3D. LAX left Team 3D in a pool of there own blood just a couple of weeks back and Brother Ray and Brother Devon have not been seen since. Raven got a nice victory last week and will be looking for a victory here tonight, Kaz and Martyr were conspicuous by their absence. During the match the commentary team speculated as to when we would see Team 3D again and that they will be raring to get their hands on LAX for the vicious beatdown they received at the hands of them. The match itself displayed Hernandez’s raw strength. Raven had a good spell in the match when he hit all his signature moves. The end of the match saw Raven go for the Raven Effect only for Hernandez to counter and hit a [b]Sitdown Powerbomb [/b]to pick up the win. After the match LAX celebrated celebrated the victory and headed to the back. [b]Martyr[/b] and [b]Kaz[/b] made their way down to the ring. They got in the ring and started beating on reason! For apparently no reason forever. They viciously took it to Raven and then both grabbed his head and picked him up and delivered a Double Raven Effect DDT. They then both spat in the face of Raven and walked off together. What is happening to Serotonin! [color=blue][u][b]Winner - Hernandez[/b][/u][/color] [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Kurt Angle vs Scott Steiner[/b][/u][/color] [b]Kurt Angle [/b]took on [b]Scott Steiner [/b]in a one on one matchup. At Sacrifice Angle and Christian Cage will go one on one for the Heavyweight Title. Scott Steiner acts as of a sort of bodyguard for Cage, softening up opponents for him, watching his back etc. And what a bodyguard he is to have, his own reflection probably is scared of him. During the match the commentary team talked about how Angle has been on fire since jumping to TNA and he has chance to be the Champion and how he is going to give everything in his tank to wrestle that title away from the champion Cage. The match itself was Suplex Based with both men suplexing the snot out of each other. The end of the match came when Angle hit the [b]Angle Slam [/b]from the Top Rope in an amazing show of Athleticism for the win! As Angle was celebrating the victory, [b]Christian[/b] ran down to the ring and took out Angle with a shot to the head with the Championship Belt. As the show went off the air Cage got up on the ropes and posed with his most prized possession. [color=blue][u][b]Winner - Kurt Angle[/b][/u][/color][/quote]...
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[quote][u][b]RAW Results May 17th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://wweeuroshop.com/images/competition/rawLogo.jpg[/img] Trevor Murdoch defeated Balls Mahoney and Steven Richards to retain the IC Title. Maria defeated Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson and Victoria to retain the Women’s Title. Kenny defeated Lance Cade. Charlie Haas defeated JTG. Shawn Michaels defeated Umaga. John Cena defeated Johnny Nitro to retain the WWE Title.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Smackdown Results May 18th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c197/Anarchyshadow/Thomas/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/img] Chris Benoit defeated Deuce and Gregory Helms to retain the U.S. Title. Chavo Guerrero defeated Funaki to retain the Cruiserweight Title. The Boogeyman defeated The Miz. Finlay defeated Scotty 2 Hotty. Kane defeated William Regal. The Undertaker defeated Batista to retain the World Heavyweight Title.[/quote] [quote][u][b]ECW Results May 18th 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://www.wrestlingsuperstore.com/images_home/ECW-Logo-color.gif[/img] Elijah Burke defeated Gene Snitsky. Kevin Thorn and Bobby Lashley and Eugene defeated Viscera and Sabu and CM Punk. Ric Flair defeated RVD. Edge defeated The Great Khali to retain the ECW Title.[/quote] [size=14][u][b]News and Rumours[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://www.wrestlinginc.com/v2/wi/img/hdr/winc_logo.jpg[/img] [i]RVD is apparently close to signing a new deal with the WWE. Word had been that he was keen to just let his contract run out and possibly take a break then come and work for TNA or have a stint in Japan. But his latest run with Ric Flair has rejuvenated him on the ECW brand and he is looking forward to extending his deal with the WWE. Christian has penned an 18 month Contract extension. He is said to be delighted with his new and improved contract. TNA management are of course delighted to have Christian tied down for the long term. TNA are still looking to bring in some talented X-Division style wrestlers but haven’t found anyone suitable yet. WWE’s current push of Maria as the Women’s Champion is said to be in aid of getting her on the cover of Playboy. Maria is becoming immensely popular with the male contingent of the audience and sparks a reaction wherever she goes.[/i] [size=14][u][b]TNA Impact Preview for May 24th 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [u][b]Confirmed Matches[/b][/u] Samoe Joe vs Petey Williams Jerry Lynn vs Alex Shelley Jay Lethal vs Senshi James Storm and Chris Sabin vs Chris Harris and Chris Daniels
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...[quote][b][u][size=14]TNA Impact May 24th 2007[/size][/u][/b] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [u][b][color=red]Compensation for Sting[/color][/b][/u] The show comes on and [b]Jim Cornette [/b]is standing in the ring with a mic in hand with something to say. He starts off by saying that last week he declared that Sting would be compensated for the fact he got attacked by a mystery man a couple of weeks back and lost his Number One Contendership to Kurt Angle. Cornette says he was thinking all week of ways to make everything a little bit better for Sting, and he said he has come up with a great way to make Sting feel better about the whole situation. Cornette says that tonight Sting gets his hands on the man who everyone wants to get their hands on here in TNA, Cornette declares that tonight Sting will take on Christian in a Non-Title match! Just then [b]Christian Cage’s[/b] music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a miffed look on his face. Christian gets in the ring and confronts Cornette. Christian gets on the mic and asks how he can possibly be dragged into all of this since he was not involved in the attack of Sting whatsoever, Christian continues by saying that Cornette constantly finds ways to try and bring him down and that Cornette hates having Cage representing the company as the Champion but Cornette declares that his decision is final and tonight Cage will take on Sting in a Non-Title match. Cornette wasn’t finished thought and had something more to add. Cornette added that there would be a special Guest Referee, which brought a horrific look to the face of Christian Cage. Cornette said the Special Ref for the bout would be none other than Kurt Angle, this brought Cage to his knee’s in utter distraught as Impact went to the first commercial break. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Samoa Joe (with Rhino) vs Petey Williams[/b][/u][/color] [b]Samoa Joe[/b] took on [b]Petey Williams [/b]in singles competition. At Sacrifice it is all set as Joe and Rhino take on AJ Styles and Tomko. Samoa Joe has been a cult favourite with the TNA audience since arriving TNA and is an athletic monster. As for Rhino his interim Tag Team partner, since coming to TNA he has been quite the revelation. WWE messed Rhino around and made him swim in sea of Midcard mediocrity and Rhino looked a shadow of his former self, but since coming to TNA it’s like a firecracker has been lit right up his arse, as he has been a one man wrecking crew and a man not to be taken lightly. During the match the commentary talked up Christian’s plan to pit Styles and Tomko against Joe and Rhino to make sure they didn’t get near Christian’s World Title any time soon and how it has been effective as Joe and Rhino are simply focused on beating Styles and Tomko’s asses at Sacrifice. The match itself saw Joe being the dominant Son of a Bitch that everyone knows he is taking it to Williams with everything he has and the crowd eating it up. The match ended when Joe hit Petey with the [b]Muscle Buster [/b]for the win. Rhino got in the ring and celebrated with Joe and they both started shouting at each other, one can only assume this was their way of hyping theirselves up for Sacrifice. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Samoa Joe[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]The James Gang and their Friend[/b][/u][/color] [b]The James Gang[/b] and [b]Lance Hoyt [/b]are backstage with Jeremy Borash and Kip James starts off by saying that the bitch finally brought in a team with some initiative a team that think they are tougher than the James Gang, he adds that they may think they have what it takes to take the James Gang out but that is simply not the case, he says that a couple of weeks ago Basham and Damaja got himself and BG James good but he says their back. BG James takes over and says that last week the best friend they have defended their honour, of course they’re talking about Lance Hoyt. BG James said that Hoyt took on Damaja last week and he was screwed out of a victory he continued by saying Hemme quickly instructed Basham and Damaja to give Hoyt a post match beatdown, but he insists that the James Gang were there for Hoyt just like Hoyt has been there for them time and time again. BG reminds us that at Sacrifice it will be Basham and Damaja against the James Gang and BG says there best friend Hoyt will be right there at ringside making sure Christy Hemme doesn’t try to screw them out of a victory. Hoyt takes over from James and he stares sternly into the camera and has just one thing to say. Hoyt tells us that while BG and Kip would never hit a woman he has no problems with hitting a woman if it is for the greater good. The camera fades with the scary Hoyt growling into the camera. Id be very scared if I was Christy Hemme and I wouldn’t be interfering in any James Gang matches in the future. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Jay Lethal (with Kevin Nash) vs Senshi[/b][/u][/color] [b]Jay Lethal[/b] took on [b]Senshi [/b]in a singles matchup. [b]Kevin Nash [/b]was at ringside during the match. There for moral support one would assume. Weeks previous the mentoring from Kevin Nash to Sonjay Dutt took an unfortunate turn as after a match between Lethal and Dutt which Lethal won for the record. Nash ordered both men to shake hands, Lethal extended his hand but Dutt slapped Lethal, when Nash came in to confront Dutt he also got a slap and Dutt quickly fled. This led to Nash last week saying there will be hell to pay for Dutt and that he and his protégé Jay Lethal will make Dutt pay. The match itself saw Senshi get tore in about Lethal with his Martial Arts offense, mostly getting the better of Lethal throughout the match. During the match[b] Dutt [/b]appeared on the big screen teasing Kevin Nash to come and get him as he’s in the parking lot. Nash rushed to the back as the match was still going on. The match itself still saw Senshi take it to Lethal but Lethal managed to pull out the victory with the [b]Top Rope Elbow Drop[/b]. As Lethal celebrated the victory the camera’s went to the parking lot where Nash was looking for Dutt he was calling out Dutt’s name and all of a sudden out of nowhere came Sonjay Dutt and he hit Nash right in the gut with a lead pipe! Nash was down and out and Dutt hit a couple of more stiff shots with the pipe to the gut of Nash. Dutt fled the crime scene and we are shown Nash with blood coming out of his mouth. It looks like internal injuries. Medics arrive on the scene as Nash looks in bad shape. Dutt lured Nash into the parking lot and he has done some damage here. Perhaps Dutt is a lot smarter than people give him credit for, but on that note what a change in Sonjay Dutt in the past month. [color=blue][u][b]Winner - Jay Lethal[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Raven got Betrayed[/b][/u][/color] The music of [b]Raven[/b] hits and he walks to the ring seemingly without emotion in his face. He is dressed in his old school gear, the blue short cut jeans with the freaky goth top on. Last week Raven lost to Hernandez and after the match Kaz and Martyr came down to the ring and just started beating the hell out of Raven for seemingly no reason. Raven has a mic in hand and he starts to talk about this whole debacle. He starts off by saying that last week the most hanus of crimes took place right here on Impact, he said he thought Kaz and Martyr were possibly the most loyal friends that he had ever had by his side in the wrestling business. He goes on to say that all week he has been trying to work out why they would just turn on him like this. Raven this that the behavior of the two men he took under his wing is inexcusable and there will be consequences very very soon. Raven continues by saying in this business once you cross him there is no way back. That very moment [b]Kaz[/b] and [b]Martyr[/b] appear on the rampway in their old ring gear that they used to wear when they regularly teamed together a very long time ago it seems like now. Kaz gets on the mic first and says that Raven made a mockery of both his and Martyrs careers by making them both look like fools, he says that anything they don’t for Raven was never good enough and they deserve better than that as they are two of the best athletes in this business today. Martyr takes over from their and starts off by saying that Raven is an ageing man and both he and Kaz are the future of this business, that they are both athletic and have great physiques and that Raven is nothing but a guy that loves to talk and has a rather enlarged gut. This prompts Raven to say the talking is over and he runs down the ramp at Kaz and Martyr. They both run away through the backstage area and Raven follows as the show goes to commercial. [color=red][u][b]We Got the Tables[/b][/u][/color] The music of [b]Team 3D [/b]hits and the place goes nuts for the multiple time and current TNA Tag Team Champions. They make their way down to the ring looking like they mean business and you just know that they do. They get in the ring and Brother Ray has a mic obviously wanting to address LAX. Ray starts off by saying a couple of weeks ago him and his brother Devon got the beating of their lives from LAX. He said most tag teams in professional wrestling would have never been able to make it back to wrestle after such a beating but he proclaims him and his brother are not normal individuals. He says they are back to make a challenge. He then slaps Brother Devon in the chest and Devon goes outside and reaches under the ring and grabs a table, he slides back in and the camera zooms in on the table, on the table it says LAX. Brother Ray says that this table is reserved for LAX and at Sacrifice they are challenging LAX to a good old-fashioned Tables match. Ray wants some answers and he wants them now he proclaims. The music of LAX hits and [b]Konnan[/b] appears on the ramp with a mic in hand. Konnan says that there is no need for Homicide and Hernandez to be out here tonight because he has only one thing to say and that is to say that he accepts on behalf of LAX. Konnan adds that Team 3D will beat at their own game and the title will be back where they belong. Brother Ray interrupts Konnan by saying that once Hernandez and Homicide are puts through tables and the match is over that him and his brother are coming after Konnan, Konnan just looks at Ray with utter contempt as the show goes to a break. The Tag Team title match is all setup for Sacrifice as Team 3D take on Hernandez and Homicide in a tables match for the belts. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Jerry Lynn vs Alex Shelley [/b][/u][/color] [b]Jerry Lynn[/b] took on [b]Alex Shelley [/b]in singles competition. Last week Jerry Lynn picked up a victory over Shelley and Shelley got on the mic after the match and asked for a rematch and Jerry Lynn accepted with no problem. During the match the commentary talked about how the X-Division is so competitive and everyone wants a shot at the X-Division Title, they said these two are high up on the pecking order for a shot at that belt and if Jerry Lynn picked up another victory over Shelley then surely he would be right back in line for a shot, but they also said if Alex Shelley wins here tonight then he must lay claim to be in the pecking order also. The match itself was a fast paced affair with Lynn and Shelley going back and forth. The match ended when Lynn went for his Cradle Piledriver but Shelley countered and managed to lock in a[b] Piledriver [/b]of his own to pick up the win. After the match Shelley got on the mic and said that it was a victory a piece between him and Jerry Lynn and he wanted closure to prove who the best between the two is. Jerry Lynn responded by saying that Alex Shelley showed what he was made of here tonight, and challenged Shelley to a match at Sacrifice to decide who the best really. Shelley accepted and told Jerry Lynn that he was good but he is going to show him why he is the future of the X-Division. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Alex Shelley[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]The Rise to Roodeness[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video package highlighting the career of [b]Robert Roode [/b]here in TNA. To start with we are shown his early days in Team Canada where he was known as the powerhouse of the group, then we are shown his emergence as a singles competitor since the Split Up of Team Canada. We are shown all his impressive victories as a solo guy and highlighted is his finishing move the Reverse Lariat which it seems could take someone’s head off one of these nights as it is so powerful. We are then shown the whole debacle in recent months between Eric Young and Robert Roode and how Roode now owns the contract of Eric Young. The video then moves on to promote the matchup between Robert Roode and Jeff Jarrett where if Jarrett pins Roode then Eric Young is a free man in TNA, but if Roode wins then Roode owns Eric Young forever and Young’s life will continue to be a living hell in TNA. The video closes out with a graphic of the faces of Jarrett and Roode going head to head. [color=blue][u][b]Tag Team Match – James Storm and Chris Sabin vs Chris Harris and Chris Daniels[/b][/u][/color] [b]James Storm[/b] and [b]Chris Sabin [/b]took on [b]Chris Harris [/b]and [b]Chris Daniels [/b]in a tag team matchup. James Storm and Chris Harris have been engaged in a war in recent times in TNA, with Harris having to wear an eye patch at one point in time after been smacked with a James Storm beer bottle that shattered in his eye. The eye patch is now off however and both men are set to face off at Sacrifice in a Last Man Standing match to settle the score. The whole Sabin and Daniels situation over the X-Division title all started a few weeks ago when Daniels proclaimed that he was going after Sabin for his title, the next week Daniels beat Jerry Lynn to become the number one contender, both men will go one on one at Sacrifice for the belt in what should be a dandy. The match itself had many highlights with Storm and Harris having some fierce exchanges. Daniels and Sabin had some interesting exchanges as well with Daniels taking to the champion. The end of the match came when Daniels hit the [b]Angel’s Wings [/b]on Sabin for the win, giving him some incredible momentum going into Sacrifice and you gotta believe he is as confident as ever going into Sacrifice. [color=blue][u][b]Winners – Chris Harris and Chris Daniels[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]LAX and Team 3D Collide[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video package featuring the history between [b]LAX[/b] and [b]Team 3D [/b]in the battle for the Tag Team Titles. We are shown LAX taking out Team 3D and leaving them in a pool of their own blood. The video documents the great career that Team 3D have had and talks about how they have been Champions wherever they have went. It then goes on to show all the great moments since LAX have arrived on the scene and how they made an almost immediate Impact in TNA Wrestling. It shows the scenes earlier in the night where Team 3D made the challenge for a Tables Match at Sacrifice and how Konnan accepted the challenge for his men. The video ends with the graphic of both teams going to head in what is likely to be a brutal match at the PPV. [color=blue][u][b]Non-Title Match – Christian Cage (with Scott Steiner) vs Sting (Special Ref – Kurt Angle)[/b][/u][/color] [b]Christian[/b] took on [b]Sting[/b] in singles action. [b]Scott Steiner [/b]was at ringside during the matchup looking tough and very scary as he usually does we have to say that don’t we? [b]Kurt Angle [/b]acted as the Special referee. At Sacrifice it will be Christian against Kurt Angle with the World Heavyweight Title on the line, unmissable for true TNA fans, lets hope they buy the PPV and don’t go out for burgers and milkshakes or something. Cornette says this is Sting’s compensation for losing his Number One Contender spot as he was attacked by some mystery man as the lights went out in his match with Angle, but im sure you’ve all heard it before. During the match the commentary disputed who will come out on top at Sacrifice, Tenay and West both agreed that Angle has been on fire recently and not even the cowardly heel tactics could hold off Angle from gaining his first Title in TNA. Angle seemed to be a fair referee throughout the match, not giving an advantage to either competitor. The end of the match saw Sting ready to end the match after hitting the [b]Stinger Splash [/b]and he tried to lock in the Scorpion Death Drop but Steiner got on the apron and Angle told him to get off, but Sting was getting distracted from all this and went to hit Steiner but Steiner jumped off the apron and Sting swung and missed. Sting then started arguing with Angle and was shouting and balling at him telling him that Steiner had no place at ringside. Angle took exception to his and hit Sting with a hellacious punch that sent Sting reeling and Christian took advantage hitting the [b]Unprettier [/b]and Angle delivered a quick count to make Christian the winner! Christian quickly defected to the outside and him and Steiner abruptly left leaving sting and Angle in the ring. Sting was still down and Angle just snapped and locked him in the Angle Lock. Sting started screaming in pain! Angle held onto the move as the show went off air. Christian has beaten Sting and Angle is snapping the Ankle of Sting heading into Sacrifice, its absolute madness here in TNA! [color=blue][u][b]Winner - Christian Cage[/b][/u][/color][/quote]...
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[quote][u][b]RAW Results for 24th May 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://wweeuroshop.com/images/competition/rawLogo.jpg[/img] Matt Striker defeated Robbie McAllister and JTG in a Triple Threat Match. Stevie Richards defeated Charlie Haas and Kenny and Rory McAllister in a Fatal Four Way. Lance Cade defeated Val Venis. Maria defeated Victoria to retain the Women’s Title. Trevor Murdoch defeated Jeff Hardy to retain the IC Title. Randy Orton and Johnny Nitro defeated Shawn Michaels and Umaga.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Smackdown Results for 25th May 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c197/Anarchyshadow/Thomas/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/img] Chavo Guerrero and Funaki and Tommy Dreamer defeated Jamie Knoble and Scotty too Hotty and The Undertaker in a six man tag. London and Kendrick defeated The Miz and Daivari. MVP defeated Dave Taylor. Ken Kennedy defeated The Boogeyman. Gregory Helms and William Regal defeated Finlay and Deuce to retain the Tag Team Titles. Kane defeated Batista.[/quote] [quote][u][b]ECW Results for 25th May 2007[/b][/u] [img]http://www.wrestlingsuperstore.com/images_home/ECW-Logo-color.gif[/img] Marcus Corvon defeated Sabu. Kevin Thorn defeated The Sandman. RVD defeated The Great Khali. Edge defeated Ric Flair and Carlito to retain the ECW Title.[/quote] [size=14][u][b]News and Rumours[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://www.wrestlinginc.com/v2/wi/img/hdr/winc_logo.jpg[/img] [i]TNA are currently scouting the Japanese looking for talent to bring in a semi-regular basis. Justin Liger, Great Sasuke, Tajiri and Taka Michinoku are among the names rumoured to be coming in soon. There was movement in the WWE Rosters this week as Tommy Dreamer jumped to Smackdown with Striker moving to RAW. Chris Sabin has recently been complaining about niggling injuries and may need some time off in the near future. Sabin will fight through the pain at Sacrifice though as he takes on Chris Daniels with the X-Division Title on the line. Russo is absolutely delighted at the passion Konnan has displayed on the mic recently and is said to be a very big fan of his. Basham and Damaja are currently negotiating long-term contracts with TNA. The Naturals may soon return with perhaps a new gimmick to bolster the Tag Division in TNA. TNA are expecting at least a half decent PPV buy for Sacrifice, getting a good buy rate will perhaps give them leverage in their bid to win 2 hours.[/i] [size=14][u][b]TNA Sacrifice Preview May 30th 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/nwatna/sacrifice.jpg[/img] [u][b]TNA World Heavyweight Title Match [/b][/u]– [i]Christian © (with Scott Steiner) vs Kurt Angle[/i] [u][b]No DQ Tag Team Match[/b][/u] – [i]Rhino and Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles & Tomko[/i] [u][b]Last Man Standing Match [/b][/u]– [i]Chris Harris vs James Storm[/i] [u][b]X-Division Title Match[/b][/u] – [i]Chris Sabin © vs Christopher Daniels[/i] [u][b]Tables Match for Tag Team Titles[/b][/u] – [i]Team 3D © vs LAX (with Konnan)[/i] [u][b]Eric Young’s Contract Match [/b][/u]– [i]Robert Roode (with Ms Brooks) vs Jeff Jarrett (with Eric Young)[/i] [u][b]Tag Team Match [/b][/u]– [i]The James Gang (with Lance Hoyt) vs Basham and Damaja (with Christy Hemme)[/i] [u][b]Singles Match [/b][/u]– [i]Alex Shelley vs Jerry Lynn[/i]
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[quote][size=14][u]TNA Sacrifice May 30th 2007[/u][/size] [img]http://www.pwwew.net/ppv/nwatna/sacrifice.jpg[/img] [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Alex Shelley vs Jerry Lynn[/b][/u][/color] [b]Alex Shelley[/b] took on [b]Jerry Lynn [/b]in singles action. This match came about because the last couple of weeks on Impact both men have been facing off and they are currently at 1-1. This is the match to decide it all, one has to think that the winner of this match will hold leverage to getting an X-Division title shot in the future. The match itself was typical of what you would expect from these two, very high paced. One has to say that Jerry Lynn doesn’t show any signs of slowing his styles down despite his advancing years. We have to say that Shelley looks better and better in the ring every time we have the pleasure of watching him in action. During the match all of sudden a video started playing on the titantron, up came the words ‘Paparazzi Productions’ and both men’s head turned to the titantron. We are shown a video of Shelley with a camera and he is in a bar and hiding behind a Palm Tree, he directs us who is at the bar and we get a good shot of two people and we can hear them talking. It’s Jerry Lynn and a mystery brunette, we hear Lynn say to the little stunner that she can not tell anyone about this not even her best friend because if his wife ever found out she would leave him and take him for everything he’s got, the woman agreed to secrecy and Jerry Lynn leans in for the kiss and we see them having a passionate embrace, the video then fades to black. Back in the ring the look on Lynn’s face is pure shock and he turns round in a rage and goes to clothesline Shelley but Shelley ducks and then hooks in a [b]Small Package [/b]for the win. Shelley abruptly leaves the ring and runs up the ramp, when he gets the top of the ramp he points and laughs to the distraught and shamed Jerry Lynn who has some explaining to do, this thing just got personal between Alex Shelley and Jerry Lynn. [u][b][color=blue]Winner – Alex Shelley[/color][/b][/u] [color=blue][u][b]Tag Team Match – The James Gang (with Lance Hoyt) vs Basham and Damaja (with Christy Hemme)[/b][/u][/color] [b]The James Gang[/b] took on[b] Basham [/b]and [b]Damaja [/b]in tag team action. In recent months The James Gang have been targeting Christy Hemme and bullying her for lack of a better word, basically making her life a living hell as they took exception to her trying to get equal rights for women in wrestling. These past couple of months she has been bringing in tag teams to try and take out the James Gang for her and they had all failed but this past month she finally found a team that were capable of getting the job done, they got the job done on the night did Basham and Damaja but the James Gang have came bouncing back and they have the young and athletic Lance Hoyt backing them. Hemme and Hoyt were both at ringside during the match. Hemme tried to stay as far away from Hoyt as she could as Hoyt says he is not adverse to hitting a woman. The match itself was a brawlfest with not many wrestling moves on display, but we didn’t expect it to be a Benoit vs Guerrero classic did we now? Basham and Damaja beat on The James Gang and vice versa. The James Gang picked up the win when Kip James hit the [b]Sleeping Neckbreaker [/b]for the win. After the match Hoyt came in and celebrated with The James Gang while Hemme led her to team to the back, as they looked rather beat up. [color=blue][u][b]Winners – The James Gang[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Lethal Updates us on Big Kev[/b][/u][/color] [b]Jay Lethal[/b] is backstage with Jeremy Borash and he has an update for all the TNA fans about the condition of [b]Kevin Nash[/b]. Lethal says that Nash is in stable condition and that he is being monitored closely by the doctors but he shouldn’t have to stay at the hospital too much longer as long as his condition keeps improving, Lethal informs us that the internal bleeding is continuing which is a cause for concern but Kev will be okay as he is a fighter and he will be back on Impact as soon as he gets better. Lethal then directs to Sonjay Dutt he said Dutt used to be him and Kev’s friend, and a very close friend at that. Lethal says he cannot believe that Dutt decided to ambush Nash in the parking lot and hit him with that lead pipe and ruin Nash’s insides. Lethal says he has nothing more to say to Borash and he walks off but out of nowhere comes [b]Dutt[/b] and again with a Steel Pipe, he goes after the two knee’s of Lethal and hits him with continued vicious shots to the legs, then he runs off and Lethal is screaming in pain, some serious damage has been done to Lethal now! [color=red][u][b]He’s the Bodyguard[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video package of [b]Scott Steiner [/b]with some snazzy rock music playing in the background. We are shown all his power, his strength and his muscles and also some good wrestling moves thrown in for good measure. We are then shown how he is always two steps behind Christian Cage watching the champ’s back and is always loyal to his man. We are then shown Steiner in a gym working his ass off, this is obviously how he gets his great physique? The video ends with the words ‘He’s the Bodyguard’. [color=blue][u][b]Eric Young’s Contract Match – Robert Roode (with Ms Brooks) vs Jeff Jarrett (with Eric Young)[/b][/u][/color] [b]Robert Roode[/b] took on [b]Jeff Jarrett [/b]in one on one action. This whole debacle started about 7-8 months ago when Robert Roode acquired [b]Eric Young’s [/b]contract by shady means. Since then Robert Roode has been bullying Young and making him his personal slave for lack of a better term. Jarrett made his return to TNA a few weeks back to help out his friend Young which has brought us to this point here tonight where Jarrett go one on one for Young’s contract. If Jarrett wins Eric Young is a free man but if Roode wins he owns Young’s contract and his life will continue to be made a living hell. Eric Young was in Jeff Jarrett’s corner cheering him on and Ms Brooks was at ringside for her man. The crowd was solidly behind Jeff Jarrett throughout the matchup and were just desperate for him to get the win for one of their favourite superstars Eric Young. The match itself saw Roode dominate for large periods of the match with Jarrett making various comebacks throughout. The end of the match saw Jarrett hit the [b]Stroke[/b] for the win. Eric Young is a free man and he came in and celebrated with Jarrett. Ms Brooks and Robert Roode looked absolutely gutted as they headed backstage. Roode can bully Eric Young no more as he is a free man! [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Jeff Jarrett[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Sting Confronts Cornette[/b][/u][/color] The camera’s cut to backstage and [b]Sting[/b] is in [b]Cornette’s[/b] office giving him an absolute rollicking by the looks of things. Sting is shouting at Cornette trying to convey to him that in the Main Event of Impact last week when he was about to put Christian Cage away and gain a Non Title victory over the World Champion Steiner got on the apron and distracted Angle and then he tried to confront Angle about it and got smacked in the face and then Cage took the advantage as he always does as Cage can never win a match fairly. Sting demanded Angle here tonight but Cornette dismissed Sting’s demands as absolutely ridiculous, he said to Sting that he might get his hands on Angle at a later date but it certainly wont be here tonight, Sting walked out of Cornette’s office saying we will see about that. [color=blue][u][b]Tables Match for Tag Team Titles – Team 3D © vs LAX (with Konnan)[/b][/u][/color] [b]Team 3D [/b]took on[b] LAX [/b]in a Tables match for the Tag Team Titles. A few weeks back LAX did a hanus attack on Team 3D leaving them bloody and battered but couldn’t keep them down as Team 3D returned to challenge LAX with their Tag Team Titles on the line. LAX are former Tag Team champions and have been a major force here in TNA in recent history. Team 3D since jumping over to TNA have been as impressive as we have ever seen them and they will be hoping to old onto the belts here and go on to have a very impressive title reign. During the match the commentary talked up the Tag Team division in TNA and said there is simply no beating it as these two teams are as tough as any team they have ever seen in wrestling. The match itself involved weapons, brawling and plenty of action. The first elimination came when Homicide got eliminated by a[b] Powerbomb [/b]through a table. The referee sent Homicide to the backstage are and demanded Konnan go back there with him as he was sick and tired of Konnan trying to interfere in the matchup. This left Hernandez having to fight both Devon and Brother Ray, he somehow managed to eliminate Devon with a [b]Flapjack[/b] through the table in the corner. This left both Hernandez and Brother Ray to fight it out as Devon was banished to the backstage area. Brother Ray and Hernandez fought it out back and forth, the end of the match saw Brother Ray hit a Chain Shot on Hernandez knocking him clean out. Brother Ray then placed Hernandez on a table and then came off the top rope with a [b]Senton Splash [/b]to win the match. Brother Devon made his way back to the ring to celebrate with his Brother. Team 3D win in their own mat and keep their prized possession the TNA Tag Team Titles. [color=blue][u][b]Winners – Team 3D[/b][/u][/color] [color=blue][u][b]X-Division Title Match – Chris Sabin © vs Christopher Daniels[/b][/u][/color] [b]Chris Sabin[/b] took on [b]Chris Daniels [/b]with Sabin’s X-division title on the line. A few weeks back Chris Daniels signaled his intention to go after the X-Division title and made it clear that he was going to stop at nothing until he got his match and won the title. The next week he took on the in form Jerry Lynn for a shot at Sabin tonight and he managed to come out on top with an impressive show and he’s been nothing less than impressive since then, tonight is his chance to fulfill his goal and become the new X-Division champion. Chris Sabin in the last 6 months has been a rather changed man from what we saw in the early days of TNA, he has become one of the ****iest young men this company has ever seen and thinks he is above everyone else and gives no one respect, he loves one person and that person is himself. Onto the match, during the match the commentary team talked about how the TNA X-Division is so exciting to watch and how it’s all part of the great package that TNA has to offer. The match itself saw Daniels take it to Sabin in furious fashion, he looked absolutely hell bent in gaining the title but Sabin managed to get some offense of his own in and took advantage of Daniels with his smart but cowardly heel tactics using things such as eye pokes. The end of the match saw Sabin go for the Cradleshock but Daniels bounced out of the move and hit the [b]Angel's Wings [/b]on Sabin to win the X-Division title! We have a new X-Division title here in TNA and he is Chris Daniels. He did what he said he was gonna do and he’s won the belt. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Chris Daniels[/b][/u][/color] [color=blue][u][b]Last Man Standing Match – Chris Harris vs James Storm[/b][/u][/color] [b]Chris Harris[/b] took on [b]James Storm [/b]in a Last Man Standing match. These two former multiple tag team champions here in TNA have been feuding for a long damn time. It all started last year when they were in a matchup for the tag team titles and James Storm turned on his tag team partner by hitting him a bottle which smashed right in his eye and leaved him blinded for several months and put him out of action indefinitely, since then Storm has been taunting Harris and Harris has tried to respond but most times came up short as a man with one eye isn’t really much use in a fistfight. But recently Harris was able to take off the eyepatch and the odds are even once again. Harris once again has two eyes and here tonight these two face off in their last ever match against each other to settle the score once and for all. During the match the commentary talked about both Harris and Storm and how both these men have the potential to be World Champions here in TNA in the near future, they both agreed that these two men are perhaps the future of the whole company. The match itself was brutal, there is really no way other way to describe it apart from calling it brutal. These two men just beat the utter snot out of each other, the match featured Trash Can Shot, chair shots, Arm Drags on Steel Steps and brawling in the crowd. The end of the match saw Chris Harris saw Harris Smash a [b]beer bottle [/b]over the head of Storm for the win. Harris was perhaps the winner but both men came out winners here tonight as the crowd gave both men standing ovations respectively. Chris Harris got his own back on James Storm and he can now move on with his life. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Chris Harris[/b][/u][/color] [color=blue][u][b]No DQ Tag Team Match – Rhino and Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles & Tomko[/b][/u][/color] [b]Rhino[/b] and [b]Samoa Joe [/b]took on the team of [b]AJ Styles [/b]and [b]Tomko[/b] in tag team action. This whole saga started a few weeks ago when Christian Cage exclaimed to his so called friends Tomko and AJ Styles that he was a marked man because he is the TNA World Champion and a couple of these challengers need to be eliminated and that they could help him out by going after Rhino and Samoa Joe and keeping them at bay and even better taking them out all together. Joe and Rhino have said in recent weeks that they will make short work of Tomko and Styles and then go on to get their shots at the World Title respectively. During the match the commentary team talked about the awesome competition for the World Title here in TNA and how any of these four men could be the new World Champion at the drop of a pin. The match itself was filled with several high spots involving weapons. Both teams just beat the utter hell out of each other and the end of the match saw Rhino hit a [b]Piledriver[/b] off the middle rope and through a table on AJ Styles to pick up the win. After the match Joe confronted Rhino and tried to say that he was trying to hog all the glory by taking the win, Rhino took exception to this and pushed Joe. Tomko saw the opening and clotheslined the hell outta both men. Tomko then picked up Rhino and delivered a whip to the ropes and charged at him with a Jumping Splash. Tomko then averted his attention to Joe and picked him up and delivered a very impressive TKO. Tomko took out both Rhino and Joe by himself! He then picked up AJ and then led him up the ramp. Rhino and Joe won the match but Tomko and AJ Styles got the last laugh. This was all down to Joe and Rhino arguing after the match though! Egos are getting in the way it seems. [color=blue][u][b]Winners – Rhino and Samoa Joe[/b][/u][/color] [color=blue][u][b]TNA World Heavyweight Title Match – Christian © (with Scott Steiner) vs Kurt Angle[/b][/u][/color] [b]Christian Cage[/b] took on [b]Kurt Angle [/b]in a matchup for the TNA World Heavyweight Title. It really does not get any bigger than this, this is where everyone in the wrestling business aspires to be, and that is in the Main Event of a TNA Pay Per View extravaganza. This all started a few weeks back when Angle and Sting met in the Main Event of Impact in a Number One Contenders match with the winner meeting Cage here tonight. Sting got screwed that night when the lights went out and when they came back on Sting was knocked out and Angle gained the advantage and went on to here tonight. In recent weeks Angle has looked an absolute wrestling machine. He has never been as ready as he is right here tonight to take the belt away from Cage. On Impact this past week though things took an unexpected turn when Sting took on Cage in a non-title match with Angle as the Special Guest Referee. Just as Sting hit the Stinger Splash he was about to finish off Cage with the Scorpion Death Drop but Steiner got up on the apron to distract Sting. As Steiner hopped off the apron knowing his task of distracting Sting was complete. Sting started balling and shouting at Angle, telling him that he wasn’t doing a good job of making this a fair match and Angle just snapped at sting and hit him with a hellacious punch which allowed Sting to lock in the Unprettier for the victory. After the match Angle locked in the Angle Lock as Impact went off the air. Sting tonight demanded Kurt Angle but Cornette said that not tonight, maybe at a later date. Sting abruptly left Cornette’s office saying Well See. Onto the match, Steiner was at ringside as he is usually is with Cage. He’s his bodyguard as Cage calls him, never leaves his side apparently. Angle was in control for long periods of time, working on Cage’s ankle and keeping him grounded. Christian managed to worm his way back into the match for a period using his usual Heel Routine. Angle managed to regain some momentum however hitting a range of Suplexes. As the match went on we see [b]Sting[/b] in come through the crowd, which see’s Angle direct his intention to him. Sting crosses the barrier and has a bat in hand and points to Angle with it. Angle challenges Sting to get in the ring but Sting just hovers around the ringside area. This allows Cage to take the advantage and sway the match in his advantage. Cage works on Angle in the corner, Steiner gets up on the apron to distract the referee and Sting comes over and delivers a devastating shot to the ribs of Angle and Cage takes the advantage and delivers the [b]Unprettier[/b] to win the match! Sting has cost Angle the TNA World Heavyweight Title! Cage gets his hands raised then heads up the ramp with Steiner on his way backstage, he’s obviously dying to get out tonight and celebrate the victory with his peeps. Sting now enters the ring and starts beating on Angle with the bat, Sting has obviously lost the plot. Security rushes the ring before any more damage is done to Kurt Angle. The music of [b]Cornette[/b] hits as Sting is being dragged away, he comes out with a mic and has something to say to Sting. He tells Sting that is suspended for two weeks, as he needs some cooling off time. Cornette then adds that he has some important news regarding [b]Sting’s Attacker [/b]from a few weeks back this week on Impact. He tells Sting that he thinks he should tune in to find some important information, as he will be pleasantly surprised who was behind it all. Sting demands to know who it was right now, but Cornette leaves and tells security to get Sting out of his building. We are shown Angle in the ring receiving medical attention as the Pay Per View goes off air. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Christian Cage[/b][/u][/color][/quote] [i]TNA Sacrifice got a 1.12 PPV Rating with the live crowd attendance being 3,335. Direct TV is threatening to cancel its PPV agreement with TNA unless the next couple of PPV Buy Rates improve drastically. For the record WWE Backlash did a 8.22 just so you can see how far TNA has to go before it’s anywhere near competing with the WWE.[/i]
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[size=14][u][b]TNA Impact Preview May 31st 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [u][b]Confirmed Matches[/b][/u] X-Division Title Match - Chris Daniels © vs Petey Williams James Storm vs Brother Devon (with Brother Ray) Chris Sabin vs Senshi
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..[quote][size=14][u][b]TNA Impact May 31st 2007[/b][/u][/size] [img]http://static.filefront.com/images/vqwmhbkyjx.jpg[/img] [color=red][u][b]Cornette Unveils his Information[/b][/u][/color] [b]Cornette’s[/b] music hits in the arena and he walks to the ring like a man on a mission. He gets in the ring and gets straight to the point he says that last night at Sacrifice Kurt Angle got screwed out of the Heavyweight Title he said due to Sting’s interference which the referee did not see Christian managed to walk out of Sacrifice with the belt still around his waist. Cornette reminds us that last night after Sting disgusting attack on Kurt Angle after the match that Sting is suspended for two weeks. Cornette says he has information regarding Sting’s attacker a few weeks back and he will get to that soon but first he starts talking about the next PPV Slammiversary he reminds us of the King of the Mountain match and he says the qualifying will begin here tonight on Impact as he wants to start the qualifying off with a bang by having two former World Champions going at it, and those two former World Champions are Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner. He says the winner will be the first qualifier for the King of the Mountain match which Christian has already been entered for, as he is the Champion. Cornette also tells us that he has a blockbuster Main Event to announce for tonight and that is that we have a big Six Man tag pitting Christian and AJ Styles and Tomko taking on the team of Rhino and Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle. Cornette then gets straight onto the Sting attacker situation he says that last night two men came to his office and divulged some information to him and if their telling the truth this whole mystery can be solved and once Sting’s suspension is up he can gets his hands on the individual. Cornette demands that the two informants come out and tell the TNA audience who was behind all this. There is a slight pause and Cornette shouts out c’mon this is not the time to get shy. The music of [b]Kazarian[/b] and [b]Matt Bentley [/b]hits in the arena and they make their way to the ring to a lot of damn boo’s. By this point I think everyone has worked out who they’ve put the blame on for this situation. They both get in the ring and Cornette hands Kazarian the mic. Kazarian is smiling from ear to ear as he begins to speak, he said that before the untimely death of Serotonin Raven confided in both himself and Bentley and told him everything. He said that Raven was planning ways to get back to the top here in TNA and that he thought no better way than to make a statement than to attack Sting and cost him his shot at the Heavyweight Title. Bentley takes the mic and says that Raven wanted to reveal this when the time was right but Bentley says he and Kazarian couldn’t keep it bottled up any longer and they had to go to Cornette. Bentley hands the mic back to Cornette and then him and Kazarian leave the ring to boo’s. Cornette says that he will make sure Raven pays for his actions and he is sure he will have hell to pay when Sting returns. The crowd chant we want Sting as the show goes to commercial. [color=blue][u][b]X-Division Title Match – Chris Daniels vs Petey Williams[/b][/u][/color] [b]Chris Daniels[/b] took on [b]Petey Williams [/b]in a matchup with the X-Division Title on the line. On TNAWrestling.com earlier today it was announced that Daniels and Sabin would meet in a rematch for the X-Division next week on Impact, that is presuming that Daniels managed to get past Petey Williams here on Impact this week. During the match the commentary team talked about the fact that a few weeks back Daniels had signaled his intention to win the X-Division title and how last night at Sacrifice he followed up on that and he is here tonight defending his newly won title. The match itself saw Daniels take it to Williams and look really impressive in the process showing why he did indeed become Champion last night. Daniels looked in no danger of losing the match despite Petey’s best efforts and Daniels ended the match with the [b]BME[/b] and he goes on to the rematch with his Sabin next week on Impact as the Champion, im sure Daniels eyes will be glued to the screens backstage tonight as Chris Sabin takes on Senshi later in the night. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Chris Daniels[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Paparazzi Productions is Back in Business[/b][/u][/color] [b]Alex Shelley[/b] is backstage with Jeremy Borash and Borash asks Shelley what made him do what he did last night. Shelley and Borash turn their attention to the TV Monitor. We are shown last night match between Shelley and Jerry Lynn, we see the events that occurred during the match where a video started playing on the big screen that showed Jerry Lynn cheating on his with a with a woman, this prompted Lynn to get distracted and get very mad and eventually lost the match in the process. We then see Shelley laughing at Jerry Lynn as the video footage ends. Back with Borash and Shelley and Shelley starts off by saying that this is not a personal thing on Jerry Lynn. He says for months and months all these great things have been happening in TNA and he has not been part of them, he continues by saying that he needed to make himself a center of attention again and that’s when he started doing some investigations and eventually caught Jerry Lynn on camera to show what a cheating little creep Jerry Lynn is and that Jerry isn’t a saint like all the fans think he is. Alex Shelley says that now everyone is looking at him, he says exposing Lynn has brought back the spotlight back on himself and that’s exactly what he set out to do from day one. Shelley ends by saying that he knows Jerry Lynn shouldn’t be mad at him but he should be mad at himself for cheating on his wife and he says he not only owes his wife and apology but also all his fans who are truly disappointed in him. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – James Storm vs Brother Devon (with Brother Ray)[/b][/u][/color] [b]James Storm[/b] took on[b] Brother Devon [/b]in a single matchup. Last night James Storm last match against Chris Harris ended with a Beer Bottle shot to the face of Storm. He is here though tonight fighting on and be sure he might have got beaten last night but this man has a lot to offer TNA in the near future. Team 3D last night successfully defended their Tag Team Title against LAX with Brother Ray being the Soul Survivor of that brutal matchup, Brother Ray is at ringside tonight for this matchup. The match itself was a brawl and nothing more, Devon was methodical in his approach and James Storm just beat the hell out of Brother Devon at times. During the match [b]LAX[/b] made their way down the rampway, Brother Ray went to confront them and ended up getting a beatdown on the rampway, this distracted Devon and he was going to help his brother but Storm hit him with a Low Blow not allowing Devon to help his brother. Wit the referee distracted and trying to break up the madness on the outside James Storm smashed a [b]Beer Bottle [/b]over the head of Brother Devon and made the cover. When the ref seen the pinfall in the ring he slid back in and made the count and James Storm picked up the victory. After the match once Brother Ray had been well and truly in the fight of his life against the three members of LAX they diverted their attention to the wounded Devon. They got in the ring and just beat the hell out of him. Hernandez hit him with a Powerbomb to leave the Exclamation mark. LAX have obviously not given up their goal to set the Tag Title back around their shoulders. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – James Storm[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Eric Young Celebrates[/b][/u][/color] The camera’s go to a club where [b]Eric Young [/b]is partying. He is obviously still celebrating Jarrett getting the victory therefore his contract is now free. Young is dancing with girls and people are gathered around him just having a good time, downing Beers of all sorts and popping open bottles of Champagne. Young keeps shouting out ‘Im a Free man, Im a Free man!’. One of the girls promptly gives him a passionate kiss and Young is just tonguing the face off her. He comes back up for her and looks into the camera and proclaims. ‘Thank you Jeff Jarrett’. The show goes to commercial with young doing a mean little dance. [color=blue][u][b]Singles Match – Chris Sabin vs Senshi[/b][/u][/color] [b]Chris Sabin[/b] took on [b]Senshi[/b] in one on one action. Last night at Sacrifice Sabin took on Daniels and lost his X-Division title. Sabin had a decent run with the belt and will be looking to win it back next week as he has a rematch with Daniels with that very Championship on the line. During the match we see [b]Daniels[/b] watching the match backstage with a very concentrated look on his face. The commentary team talked up how Sabin is one of the very best high flyers in the game but his attitude just overshadows that. They said it will be interesting next week to see if Sabin can get his belt back or if Daniels will lock him in the [b]Angel’s Wings[/b] once again and once again pick up the victory. The match itself saw Senshi impressing more than Sabin hitting Sabin with surefire shots one after another but the Tenacious Sabin hung in there and managed to pick up the victory with the Cradleshock. This victory should give Sabin a bit of confidence leading into his rematch next week and you know he’s just got something up his sleeve to pull out the victory next week. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Chris Sabin[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]The James Gang Think It’ Over[/b][/u][/color] The music of the[b] James Gang [/b]hits and they make their way to the ring with huge smiles on there faces accompanied by [b]Lance Hoyt[/b], their best friend in life it seems. Last night the James Gang beat Christy Hemme’s team of Basham and Damaja. They get in the ring and all three do some posing for their fans and then BG James gets the mic and has something to say. He says that last night at Sacrifice he put this whole thing to bed with Christy Hemme and her boys and now its time for himself and Kip James to move onto bigger and better things. BG says that what he’s getting at his, himself and Kip have earned a Tag Team Title shot and their waiting no longer they want it right here tonight! Music hits in the arena but it’s not the music The James Gang want to hear. It’s the music of [b]Christy Hemme[/b] and all three men look at her with utter distain. She is accompanied by her men that lost last night [b]Basham[/b] and [b]Damaja[/b]. Hemme gets on the mic and she says that this thing between her and the James Gang is far from over, she says that they have to pay and they will pay for their actions. Hemme says that the James Gang wont be getting their title shot anytime soon. Just as she finished talking two men come in and attack The James Gang and Kip James. There are dressed in Blue Ripped Jeans and have no tops on, it’s the [b]Naturals[/b]! Basham and Damaja also run into the ring and the 4 on 3 beatdown occurs. Basham and Damaja and The Naturals punch and kick the utter snot out of The James Gang and Kip James and it looks as if this situation is far from over. All 4 men and the women look down on the pain that’s been inflicted as Impact goes to commercial. [color=red][u][b]The Dangerous Sonjay Dutt[/b][/u][/color] We are shown a video of the recent events, which occurred between [b]Kevin Nash [/b]and [b]Jay Lethal [/b]and [b]Sonjay Dutt[/b]. The video starts off by showing the two slaps which started it all when Nash ordered Dutt to shake Lethal’s hand after a match in which Lethal pinned Sonjay but Sonjay instead slapped Lethal and then Nash got a slap as well. We are then show the absolutely disgusting events of the past two weeks where Kevin Nash was ambushed by Sonjay Dutt by a lead pipe in the carpark and has suffered internal injuries and is still in hospital being attended to and then we are shown the shocking events that occurred on Sacrifice last night when after a Jay Lethal interview where he was updating us on the condition of Kevin Nash he was attacked by Dutt with a lead pipe just like Big Kev was and left down and out. The video ends with a picture of Sonjay Dutt’s evil face with a disgusting smirk on it. When will Sonjay Dutt break his silence? Will he even be at an Impact long enough to talk? Or does he just attack people with Lead Pipes then run away and not face the consequences to his actions? I guess we will find out long enough, as long as we keep tuning in. [color=blue][u][b]King of the Mountain Qualifying Match – Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Steiner[/b][/u][/color] [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] took on [b]Scott Steiner [/b]in a match for the first qualifying spot of the King of the Mountain Match. Earlier in the night Cornette announced that he thought there was no way to start off the qualifying than having two proven World Champions and that’s exactly what these two guys are we can tell you that without hesitation. During the match the commentary team talked about how this match could headline any PPV across the world and people would be sitting watching. They said it’s a shame one of these two men can’t qualify because they could both add to the match. The match itself saw Steiner control the match for long periods using his sheer strength and he worked on Jarrett in the corner but the wiley Jeff Jarrett managed to get back into the match and work on Steiner with some holds. The end of the match saw Steiner arguing with the referee, and Jarrett was taking a breather putting his head through the ropes all of a sudden out of nowhere came [b]James Storm [/b]and he viciously smashed Jeff Jarrett over the head with a [b]Beer Bottle [/b]knocking him out! The referee didn’t see it and Steiner locked in the Steiner Recliner and the bloody Jeff Jarrett was unconscious and the referee had no choice but to end the match giving Steiner the victory and he goes onto the King of the Mountain match for the World Title. Why did James Storm smash a Beer Bottle off of the head of Jarrett though? What’s his damn problem? Guess we will find out someday someway. [color=blue][u][b]Winner – Scott Steiner[/b][/u][/color] [color=red][u][b]Harris and a Cup of Coffee[/b][/u][/color] [b]Ms Brooks[/b] is at the snack table pouring herself a cup of coffee when out of nowhere comes [b]Chris Harris[/b], he comes up and puts her hand round her and she looks kind of uncomfortable and she asks him what the hell he is doing putting his hand round her, he responds by saying that he knows she seen him last night, defeated his James Storm and coming out on top and settling the score with a victory. He then starts getting to the point by saying that he watches her when she’s with Robert Roode and how he sees behind her whole act, he said he knows that she is only with him for the money. He goes on by saying that she should be with a man who knows how to treat women and a man that would take care of her and not a man that throws her into wrestlers to protect himself, he then calls Robert Roode a coward and says he isn’t half the man he is. During this whole speech Harris is spouting Ms Brooks just looks at Harris like he is wearing a dunce cap or something. Ms Brooks throws Harris’s arm off her and tells him to get lost. Just then [b]Robert Roode [/b]appears on the scene and asks Ms Brooks what the hell is going on. Brooks then says that Harris is trying to come onto her. This prompts Roode to get into the face of Harris and he tells Harris to stay the hell away from her. Harris says that Roode can’t be by her side forever and he will catch her alone again. Harris then back off down the corner with a ****y swagger as Roode attends to Ms Brooks and asks her if she’s okay. As the camera is fading Roode says that Chris Harris hasn’t seen the last of Robert Roode. [color=blue][u][b]Six Man Tag Team Match – Christian Cage and AJ Styles and Tomko vs Rhino and Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle[/b][/u][/color] [b]Christian Cage[/b] and[b] AJ Styles [/b]and [b]Tomko[/b] took on [b]Rhino[/b] and [b]Samoa Joe [/b]and[b] Kurt Angle [/b]in a six-man tag. Last night at Sacrifice Kurt Angle failed to win the Heavyweight title from Christian as Sting interfered with a Bat shot to the ribs of Angle, Angle then got a hellacious beating from Sting after the match aswell which prompted Cornette to suspend Sting and giving him a cooling off period for two weeks. Last night at Sacrifice Rhino and Samoa Joe got the victory over Christian and AJ Styles via a Rhino Driver through a table but after the match Joe confronted Rhino accusing him of trying to hog all the glory, Rhino pushed Joe away rather aggressively Tomko saw the advantage to beat up men and did so rather convincingly. Tonight will tell if Joe and Rhino can put their differences behind other and work as a team. The match itself saw Angle get right on Christian and just take it right to him, Angle still wants that Heavyweight Title and it showed here. Rhino and Joe seemed to have patched up their differences and worked well as a team. The end of the match saw Tomko hit the [b]Big Boot [/b]on Samoa Joe to pick up the win. After the match Rhino came in the ring and started mouthing off to Joe telling him that this wasn’t good enough. Joe pushed Rhino and Rhino pushed him back, but Rhino just walked off, he obviously had the cooler head here and realized fighting Joe would get him nowhere. We see Cage and Styles and Tomko celebrating the victory as they head up the ramp. [color=blue][u][b]Winners - Christian Cage and Tomko and AJ Styles[/b][/u][/color][/quote]..
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