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The InVasion!

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[img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/invasion.png[/img] [u][b]September 4th 1995:[/b][/u] WCW Monday Nitro premieres on TNT and goes head-to-head with WWF Monday Night Raw – thus beginning the Monday Night Wars. [u][b]March 23rd 2001:[/b][/u] World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc confirmed its purchase of World Championship Wrestling from AOL/Time Warner and Ted Turner. [u][b]March 26th 2001:[/b][/u] The Monday Night Wars officially came to an end with a simulcast of both Raw and Nitro where Vince McMahon announced that he would fire all of the WCW wrestlers and liquidate the company. He announced that he would sign his name of the contract at the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania X-Seven. It was then that Shane McMahon shocked the world by appearing on Nitro and announcing that the contract had already been signed by himself and that he was the new owner of WCW. This night set the seeds of the potentially most-lucrative and greatest storyline in history. [u][b]March 31st 2001:[/b][/u] After brief negotiations between the WWF and TNN, about adding more television time for the company in order to continue to showcase WCW as its own entity, failed the decision was made that following Wrestlemania a storyline war between WWF and WCW would begin. The new storyline would be slowly integrated into existing storylines and ultimately become the focus of the promotion. The greatest storyline ever is underway. [QUOTE][img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wrestlemaniaxseven.png[/img] [u][b]WWF Wrestlemania X-Seven Results[/b][/u] [i]Sunday, April 1st 2001 Houston, TX[/i] Chris Jericho © def. William Regal to retain the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfintercontinental.png[/img] (7:08) Tazz and The APA def. Right To Censor (3:53) Kane def. Raven © and The Big Show for the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/img] (9:18) Eddie Guerrero def. Test © for the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfeuropean.png[/img] (8:30) Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit (14:02) Chyna def. Ivory © for the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfwomens.png[/img] (2:39) Shane McMahon def. Vince McMahon in a Street Fight (14:12) Edge and Christian def. The Dudley Boyz © and The Hardy Boyz in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwftagteam.png[/img] (15:42) The Iron Sheik won the Gimmick Battle Royal (3:05) The Undertaker def. Triple H (18:17) Steve Austin def. The Rock © in a No Disqualification Match for the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfheavyweight.png[/img] (28:06)[/QUOTE] [b][size=5][center][i][color=red]The Battle Lines have been drawn...[/size][/i][/center][/color][/b] [i]---OOC--- I'll be posting the first Raw preview and results and the first Smackdown preview very shortly so that this thread is up to date with its counter-part over at Corp-X... I have also noticed that the small title graphics look slightly out of place over here as well.. they dont fit as well as they do over at Corp-X but it shouldnt prove to be much of a problem.. Enjoy.. ---OOC---[/i]
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Raw Preview - 02/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/rawiswar.png[/img] [color=red][u][b]The Wrestlemania Fallout[/b][/u] WWF Raw is War Preview [i]Last night at Wrestlemania X-Seven we saw five WWF Championships change hands and the beginning of a new era as Stone Cold Steve Austin sided with his long-term nemesis Vince McMahon in order to re-capture the WWF Championship. Tonight on Raw we hope to hear from both the new WWF Champion and our Owner to try and figure out why they joined forces. Also tonight we have three title defences from new champions as we see the European, Hardcore and Tag Team titles are defended live on Raw. Eddie Guerrero defends his newly won European Title against Al Snow; Kane defends the Hardcore Title against Raven; and the new Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian are also in action. Tonight’s episode of Raw is set to be an epic one with so many questions needing answers. Will Shane McMahon make an appearance? How will The Rock react to being screwed out of the WWF Championship? Find out all of this and more, Live on the New TNN![/i] [u]Confirmed Matches[/u] [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfeuropean.png[/img]: Eddie Guerrero © vs. Al Snow [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/img]: Kane © vs. Raven [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwftagteam.png[/img]: Edge & Christian © vs. TBA Rhyno vs. Steve Blackman[/color]
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Raw Results - 02/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/rawiswar.png[/img] [u][b]WWF Raw is War[/b][/u] Monday, April 2nd 2001 Fort Worth, TX [color=red]Raw begins with a video package detailing brief highlights of every match from Wrestlemania X-Seven, culminating with Steve Austin selling his soul for the WWF Championship and joining forces with Vince McMahon to defeat The Rock. We cut inside the arena and we are live from Fort Worth, Texas. The Rock’s music hits and the former WWF Champion makes his way defiantly down to the ring.[/color] [b][The Rock][/b] – “Finally… The Rock, has come back… Hold on, hold on – The Rock isn’t here for pleasantries. Stone Cold Steve Austin, get your roody-poo candy ass out here right now, The Great One wants his rematch.” [color=red]Vince McMahon’s music hits and the WWF Owner smugly makes his way down to the ring.[/color] [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Well, well, well, if it isn’t The Rock? Rocky, what seems to be your problem? Ha – wait, I know what’s wrong with you. You’re confused, aren’t you Rocky? You got hit with a steel chair so many times last night that you’ve forgotten something. You’ve forgotten that the WWF Championship has left you for it’s rightful owner – Stone Cold Steve-“ [b] [The Rock][/b] – “Vince, shh. The Rock hasn’t got the time to stand here and listen to you talk to yourself. The Rock wants Stone Cold Steve Austin right here, right now. The Rock is asking, no, no, no – The Rock is demanding that you give me Steve Austin tonight for the WWF Title.” [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Now Rock, Steve’s not here yet – and I can’t in good conscience make a match for the WWF Championship without consulting him first. So I’m sorry Rock, you will have no rematch.” [color=red]The Rock smiles at Vince, who smiles back and starts laughing. The Rock stops and raises his eyebrow and stares at Vince – whose face drops. Rock charges at Vince and nails him with a right hand sending him to the canvas. Rock grabs Vince and tightly locks him in a Sharpshooter – forcing McMahon to immediately tap out and plea with The Rock.[/color] [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Ahh! Stop it! Ok, ok, ok – you’ve got your rematch tonight.” [color=red]The Rock releases the hold and allows Vince to slowly get to his feet.[/color] [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “It won’t be just any match though Rock, it’ll be inside a fifteen foot high Steel Cage!” [color=red]The Rock grabs Vince by the arm and pulls him straight into a Rock Bottom from the People’s Champion.[/color] [b][The Rock][/b] – “If ya smell…… What The Rock…… Is Cookin!” [color=red]The Rock poses on the turnbuckle as Raw goes to commercials. ---------------[/color] [color=red]We return to Raw and join our commentary team of Jim Ross and Paul Heyman as K-Kwik is making his way to the ring.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! We are just twenty-four hours removed from the biggest Wrestlemania on record and we have so many questions that need answering tonight Paul.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Well we might just find out one of those answers in the main event as we’ve got a rematch from Wrestlemania for the WWF Championship, but it’s inside a Steel Cage – as The Rock and Stone Cold meet once again.” [color=red]Two men run through the crowd and jump over the barricade, before sliding into the ring.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “What the hell!? Is that, is that Lance Storm and Mike Awesome – from WCW?” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “You’re damn right J.R. but what business have they got out here?” [color=red]Lance Storm spins K-Kwik around and nails him with a Super Kick. K-Kwik staggers backwards and is grabbed by Mike Awesome. Awesome nails him in the mid-section and connects with a huge Awesome Bomb over the top rope.[/color] [b][Lance Storm][/b] – “If I could be serious for a minute… I am here to deliver a message, on behalf of Team Canada and World Championship Wrestling – I would like to declare war!” [color=red]The APA storm the ring as Storm and Awesome quickly escape – with Bradshaw and Faarooq giving chase through the crowd.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Declare War? What is he on about? Why the hell are Lance Storm and Mike Awesome of WCW interfering in a match on Raw? Thank god for the APA is all I can say.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “This has gotta be something to do with Shane McMahon – maybe he’s trying to beat Vince at his own game?” [color=red]We head backstage to see the new WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian in their locker room, both men are holding their ribs but sporting big smiles.[/color] [b][Edge][/b] – “Ha-ha, this reeks of awesomeness! Edge and Christian – seven time Tag Team Champions?” [b][Christian][/b] – “That’s so cool, but hey – we’ve got a really, really, big match tonight-“ [color=red]A delivery man walks in holding a package and distracts the Tag Champions.[/color] [b][Delivery Man][/b] – “I’ve got a package here for a ‘Rhyno’, do you guys know where I can find him?” [b][Edge][/b] – “Hey, he’s not here – but you can leave it with us, we’ll make sure he gets it.” [color=red]The delivery man hands Edge the package and leaves. Edge and Christian immediately open the box.[/color] [b][Christian][/b] – “What do you reckon it is?” [color=red]Edge pulls out a black bag, and they both look inside. Christian pulls back in shock as Edge places it back in the box.[/color] [b][Christian][/b] – “Who the hell sends a man that? That’s just, not cool dude.” [b][Edge][/b] – “This has gotta be a joke, why would he want that here?” [color=red]We cut to a graphic telling us that Steve Austin vs. The Rock for the WWF Championship inside a Steel Cage is our main event tonight, before heading to commercials. ---------------[/color] [color=red]We return to Raw with Al Snow in the ring and the new WWF European Champion – Eddie Guerrero making his way towards the ring.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “What do you think is in the bag Paul?” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “It could be anything, I don’t know – why are you asking me?” [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Calm down Paul, it was only a question. And anyway – we’ve got ourselves a European Title Match, and it’s Eddie Guerrero’s first defence after winning the title last night at Wrestlemania.” [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfeuropean.png[/img] [color=red][b]Eddie Guerrero © vs. Al Snow[/b] The bell rings and the match is underway with Al heading straight for the new champion – only for Latino Heat to duck and nail Snow with a Dropkick. Guerrero attempts to lock in an Armbar, but Snow wriggles free and traps the arms of Eddie. Snow proceeds to headbutt Guerrero three times and sends him to the canvas. Al points to the top rope and quickly makes his way up – he launches himself backwards with a Moonsault but Guerrero moves out of the way, sending Al crashing to the canvas. Both men get back to their feet at the same time but Eddie has control as he connects with a Brainbuster on Snow before heading up to the top rope himself. Latino Heat shouts out his own name as he launches himself from the top rope and lands a perfect Frog Splash on Snow to pick up the three count and the victory. [b]Winner by Pinfall: Eddie Guerrero (2:47)[/b] We head backstage to the Commissioners Office with William Regal sat behind his desk, as Chris Jericho bursts in. Regal jumps to his feet and meets the Intercontinental Champion with an angered expression.[/color] [b][Chris Jericho][/b] – “How’s it going William? I heard you wanted to see me.” [b][William Regal][/b] – “Now shut up you little twerp, last night you cheated me out of the WWF Intercontinental Championship and I do not appreciate being besmirched by a little- Listen sunshine, this Thursday night on Smackdown you’ll face the whole of the Right to Censor in a Handicap match – if you lose, you will face myself at Backlash for that Intercontinental Championship – now get out of my sight.” [color=red]Jericho rears back to punch Regal, but fakes causing Regal to stumble backwards and fall over his chair. Regal gets back to his feet as Jericho laughs.[/color] [b][Chris Jericho][/b] – “Sorry Junior, but it looks like you won’t be facing Y2J at Backlash – because come Thursday night the Right to Censor will never… ever… be the same… again!” [color=red]Jericho storms out of the Office, leaving Regal looking severely pissed off as we head to commercial.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “A handicap match against the whole Right To Censor didn’t see Jericho fare very well a few weeks ago on Raw – will it be any different come Thursday night?” [color=red]---------------[/color] [color=red]We return to see Rhyno entering the locker room and walking up to Edge and Christian.[/color] [b][Rhyno][/b] – “Sup guys? Have you guys seen a package for me?” [b][Christian][/b] – “Yeah man, we’ve got you’re package – but seriously, is this a joke?” [color=red]Rhyno snatches the black bag from the hands of Christian and squares up to him breathing heavily. Edge steps between them and backs Christian away.[/color] [b][Edge][/b] – “Calm down man, he was only messing with you. Come on Christian we’ve got a match next.” [color=red]Edge and Christian cautiously leave the locker room as Rhyno looks inside the bag and smiles to himself. We cut to the corridor to see Lance Storm and Mike Awesome running, they turn the corner and find Shane McMahon stood in front of a limousine with the license plate reading ‘WCW1’.[/color] [b][Shane McMahon][/b] – “Fantastic – everything’s going to plan guys. This War is on now guys – get into the limo and we’ll talk the rest of the plan over.” [color=red]We head back to ringside with Jim Ross and Paul Heyman.[/color] [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Look’s like I was right J.R. – this is all Shane’s doing.” [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Guess you were right, but that doesn’t explain what the rest of Shane’s plan is – and what has gotten into Rhyno?” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Stop asking me about things I don’t know J.R. – I guess only time will tell.” [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Nonetheless, tonight we still have three title matches scheduled including the huge Steel Cage Match for the WWF Championship. But now it’s backstage to Michael Cole, who is standing by with Triple H.” [color=red]We head backstage to Michael Cole standing alongside Triple H, who is pacing back and forth.[/color] [b][Michael Cole][/b] – “Triple H, you have requested some interview time – so I’d like to ask, what is on your mind after last night’s Wrestlemania?” [b][Triple H][/b] – “Michael, you can shut up. Last night, two travesties took place – The Undertaker cheated to defeat me; don’t worry Taker, this isn’t over yet. But Michael the biggest travesty of them all was what happened at the very end of the WWF Title Match. Vince McMahon, my father-in-law, betrayed me and chose to team up with that bastard Rattlesnake. He didn’t even tell me it was going to happen, but tonight I’m gonna tell him what’s gonna happen. The Game is going to walk down to the ring, enter that Steel Cage – and smash Steve Austin’s skull in. I am gonna show Vince why he chose the wrong man to be his personal Champion – because I am The Game, and I am That Damn Good.” [color=red]---------------[/color] [color=red]We return from the Commercial break with Edge and Christian, the new WWF Tag Team Champions, making their way down to the ring.[/color] [b][Edge][/b] – “Everybody look at the Seven-Time WWF Tag Team Champions! That’s right we won TLC2 last night at Wrestlemania – but we’re such totally rad champions that tonight we will face a formidable tag team and make our first defence. We are going to face the greatest team in the WWF that have never held these precious WWF Tag Team Championships! Bring these boys out here.” [color=red]The music of Kaientai plays as Taka and Funaki make their way to the ring, with Edge and Christian laughing to themselves in the ring. [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwftagteam.png[/img] [b]Edge and Christian © vs. Kaientai[/b] The bell sounds as Christian and Taka start out the match – Taka charges at Christian, who sidesteps and trips Taka into the ropes. Taka bounces backwards and is nailed with a back drop for a quick two count from Christian. Christian makes the tag to Edge as Taka does the same to Funaki and the new legal men charge at each other. Edge ducks a Funaki clothesline and connects with a huge Spear as he rebounds – Edge makes the cover and picks up the easy pinfall. [b]Winners by Pinfall: Edge and Christian (1:14)[/b] Edge and Christian perform an over-the-top celebration, until The Dudley Boyz hit the ring. Bubba and D-Von begin take the fight to the Champions and both connect with several right hands – only for Edge and Christian to drop to the canvas and roll from the ring. Bubba and D-Von signal that they want their belts back as Edge and Christian back up the ramp.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “It seems like The Dudley Boyz weren’t happy with Edge and Christian’s stupid celebration – I think they want the Tag Titles back Paul. [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Ya think J.R? What would I ever do out here without you figuring out these difficult riddles?” [color=red]We cut to Rhyno walking backstage with the black bag over his shoulder and heading towards the ring – he is in action, next! ---------------[/color] [color=red]We return to see Steve Blackman already in the ring as Rhyno makes his entrance, holding the black bag in his hand.[/color] [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Here he is J.R. – The Man Beast, RHYNO!” [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “But what is in that black bag? Edge and Christian seem to think that it’s some sort of joke.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Well what do they know? Rhyno seemed to get a bit heated when they said that though J.R.” [color=red][b]Rhyno vs. Steve Blackman[/b] Rhyno places the black bag in the corner as the match begins – with Blackman nailing a flurry of kicks and punches to the back and ribs of Rhyno as he crouches in the corner. Blackman backs away and measures up Rhyno as he turns around, before launching a Superkick – only for Rhyno to move and slam Blackman with a Belly-to-Back suplex. Rhyno crouches in the corner as Blackman gets to his feet – before charging and ripping Blackman in half with a huge Gore. Rhyno covers the lifeless Blackman and gets the victory. [b]Winner by Pinfall: Rhyno (0:49)[/b][/color] [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “GORE! GORE! GORE!” [color=red]We cut backstage to Jonathon Coachman and Kurt Angle.[/color] [b][Jonathon Coachman][/b] – “Last night at Wrestlemania, you Kurt Angle, gained a pinfall victory over Chris Benoit. But after the match Benoit attacked you backstage and forced you to submit. Your thoughts?” [b][Kurt Angle][/b] – “My thoughts? Let me tell you what I think, shall I. I think that Chris Benoit is a sneaky, cheating SOB who hasn’t got enough technical ability to make me submit in the ring. He had to brutally assault me backstage without provocation and the only reason that I “tapped out” was because I had the intelligence to realise that Benoit would instinctively break the hold. And Coach – I have had enough of Benoit, I want him at Backlash in a Submission Match!” [color=red]Chris Benoit walks into view and squares up to Angle.[/color] [b][Chris Benoit][/b] – “Why wait till Backlash, Kurt?” [color=red]Benoit connects with a right hand and the pair unleash rights and lefts on each other before they are quickly separated by officials and referees. ---------------[/color] [color=red]We return with the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin and his wife Debra arriving at the arena and walking with a purpose. They soon find Mr. McMahon’s Office and Steve walks straight inside.[/color] [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Stone Cold! Thank god you’re here. Look – we’ve got a problem with The Rock.” [b][Steve Austin][/b] – “What do you mean, a problem? I leave you alone for five minutes and you start having problems with The Rock – what have you done Vince?” [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Look it’s not as bad as it sounds, we can handle this. There’s also a slight problem with Triple H as well – but we can take care of that as well.” [b][Steve Austin][/b] – “God damnit Vince, what the hell is the problem? Have I got a match? Is it for the WWF Title?” [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Stone Cold, you’ve got The Rock inside a Steel Cage for the WWF Title – and you’ve got about 15 minutes to get ready.” [b][Steve Austin][/b] – “Damn Vince, this is not exactly like you told me – why don’t you just cancel the match?” [b][Vince McMahon][/b] – “Steve, you know I can’t do that – and anyway, we’ve got this covered. I have got a back-up plan, don’t worry about a thing.” [color=red]We head back to ringside as Raven is making his way to the ring with his shopping trolley full of weapons. He throws all sorts of weapons and trash into the ring before sliding in himself.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Austin doesn’t seem happy with Vince tonight, and by god it serves him right – if he hadn’t sold his soul he wouldn’t be in this mess.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Stop being so bitter J.R. – and you heard Mr. McMahon, he’s got everything under control.” [color=red]Fire bursts out of the stage and the new WWF Hardcore Champion makes his way to the ring and the match is under way. [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/img] [b]Kane © vs. Raven[/b] Raven climbs onto the apron and throws himself off onto Kane – only to be caught and driven straight into the ring post. Kane grabs hold of Raven by the hair and slams him face first into the steps at ringside before grabbing him and throwing him into the ring. Kane climbs up the steps and over the top rope as Raven gets to his feet with a trash can lid in his hand. Raven charges and nails Kane square in the head with the trash can lid and send Kane backwards into the ropes. Raven connects a second time with the trash can lid before pulling Kane away from the ropes and mounting the top rope with a cookie sheet. Raven launches himself off but Kane turns and catches him around the throat; before lifting him up for a Chokeslam. Raven reverses and nails Kane in the head with the cookie sheet – he makes a cover, but Kane powers out at two. Raven slides to the outside and pulls an empty trash can from under the ring – throwing it into the ring and sliding in after it. Raven drags Kane to his feet and holds him by the head – ready for the Raven Effect DDT. Kane punches Raven in the kidneys and powers out; before nailing him in the mid-section with a kick. Kane grabs Raven and lifts him up – before sending him crashing through the trash can with a huge Powerbomb. Kane drags Raven off of the crumpled can and makes the cover – to pick up the three count. [b]Winner by Pinfall: Kane (3:59)[/b] The Big Show hits the ring and beats down on Kane – sending him into the corner with right hands. Show drags him out of the corner and grabs him by the throat and lifts him up – before nailing Kane with a huge Chokeslam. The Big Show raises his own arm and shouts at the crowd as Raven crawls into the middle of the ring and drapes his arm over Kane – to pick up a three count and win the Hardcore Title. Raven rolls out of the ring and runs up the aisle with his new title as The Big Show looks on. [b]Winner by Pinfall and NEW WWF Hardcore Champion: Raven (0:34)[/b][/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “That Raven is one lucky guy Paul; he took advantage of The Big Show and the 24/7 rule.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “That’s not luck J.R. – that is intelligence. Raven is a great Hardcore Champion and fully deserves this victory.” [color=red]We head backstage to see the WWF Champion and Chairman, Stone Cold and Mr. McMahon walking towards the ring. We then get a split screen showing The Rock heading towards the ring as well – our main event is next! ---------------[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Welcome back everybody, it is now time for our main event – a rematch from Wrestlemania as The Rock and Stone Cold square off inside a Steel Cage for the WWF Championship.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Last night was huge J.R. and tonight will be no different – I have the feeling that something huge is going down.” [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfheavyweight.png[/img] [color=red][b][u]Steel Cage Match[/u] Steve Austin © vs. The Rock[/b] The Rock is the first man out, and The Great One does not look happy – he mounts the turnbuckle and taunts for the crowd before pacing around the ring as the Cage is lowered around him. The new WWF Champion makes his way out, alone, and The Rattlesnake slowly makes his way to the ring – he hands over the title belt and the bell sounds for the start of the match. The two combatants square up to each other and talk trash before Stone Cold raises his hand and give Rock the finger. The Rock looks at the crowd before connecting with a right hand – the pair then go back and forth with right hands before The Rock gains the advantage and connects with a series. Rocky grabs Austin by the head and smashes him face first into the turnbuckle – Austin is reeling as The Rock sends him across the ring with an Irish Whip. Rock goes for a Clothesline, but Austin ducks and rebounds with a Lou Thesz Press and a series of right hands. Stone Cold is quickly up to his feet and runs straight for the cage and begins to climb – but doesn’t get far as The Rock is up as well. Rocky pulls Austin down by the leg and sends him throat first onto the top rope – sending Austin reeling backwards into the ring. The Great One grabs hold of Austin’s arm and twists it into a DDT; but Austin spins out and nails Rocky in the mid-section before grabbing him for the Stone Cold Stunner. The Rock pushes Austin away and both men charge at each other looking for a Clothesline – with both men connecting and being left down on the canvas. Vince McMahon runs down the ramp and pushes the referee away from the cage door and struggles to unlock the padlock – he succeeds but stops as Triple H runs down the ramp with a Sledgehammer in hand. The Game threatens Vince and forces him to back away from the door – with Triple H climbing inside the ring. Triple H lines Austin up as both men slowly get to their feet – with The Game stalking The Rattlesnake. Both Austin and The Rock get to their feet as Triple H charges; but Stone Cold ducks and Triple H connects with a vicious Sledgehammer shot to the head of The Rock. Triple H and Austin square up to each other, before smiling as Triple H raises Austin’s arm in victory. Vince McMahon climbs into the ring clapping as Triple H and Austin proceed to stomp away at The Rock – before Vince instructs Triple H to pick him up. The Game does so, which allows Austin to nail Rocky with a Stone Cold Stunner. Suddenly, Shane McMahon’s music plays and the WCW Owner makes his way out onto the ramp. [b]Winner by Disqualification: The Rock (10:12)[/b][/color] [b][Shane McMahon][/b] – “Raise the Cage! Raise the Cage Damnit! Vince, congratulations on this new alliance you have in the ring – because you need as many close friends as possible. In case you have forgotten I am the owner of World Championship Wrestling – and if you were listening earlier in the show you would’ve heard the words ‘declare war’. Now Vince, you don’t seem to be following me very well here – let me show you what I mean by ‘war’.” [color=red]Shane McMahon walks down the ramp, but stops just shy of the apron and shakes his finger – he signals towards the crowd as a group of men jump the barricade.[/color] [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Oh My God! That’s the WCW Champion – Booker T; along with Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and the WCW Tag Team Champions – Palumbo and O’Haire! The troops are here J.R. Shane-O Mac wasn’t lying at all!” [color=red]The WCW group slide into the ring and surround Austin, Triple H and Vince McMahon – before a brawl ensues. Booker T takes Austin over the top rope with a Clothesline before going out of the ring and stomping away at him. Lance Storm Superkicks Triple H into an Awesome Bomb from Mike Awesome – causing The Game to roll to the outside of the ring and lie motionless alongside The Rock. Chuck Palumbo nails Vince McMahon with a Jungle Kick as Sean O’Haire mounts the top rope – before launching himself off with a Seanton Bomb onto the WWF Owner. Booker T drags Stone Cold around the ring towards the announce table and lifts him up – before planting him through the table with a Back Drop. Shane McMahon and Booker slide into the ring with WCW standing tall over the WWF.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “That ungrateful little bastard Shane McMahon has taken out his own father – has he really declared war on the WWF?” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Of course he has J.R. and this is only the beginning – The Battle Lines have Been Drawn! [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Don’t miss Smackdown on Thursday on UPN! Goodnight Everybody!” [color=red]Shane McMahon and his WCW contingent celebrate in the ring over the fallen Vince McMahon as Raw goes off the air. ---------------[/color] [quote=Raw Recap](WWF) The Rock def. Steve Austin © via DQ (Hardcore) Raven def. Kane © (Hardcore) Kane © def. Raven Rhyno def. Steve Blackman (WWF Tag) Edge & Christian © def. Kaientai (European) Eddie Guerrero © def. Al Snow Total In-Ring Time: 19:35 Nielsen Rating: 5.72 [/quote]
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Smackdown Preview - 05/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/smackdown.png[/img] [color=blue][u][b]The Battle Rages On[/b][/u] WWF Smackdown! Preview [i]After the shocking events that went down this passed Monday night on Raw, the WWF heads to Oklahoma for Smackdown. Shane McMahon and WCW have apparently declared war on the WWF and tonight we will see whether Shane McMahon has the fortitude to follow up on his threat. Both Shane and the WWF Owner, Vince McMahon are expected in attendance on Smackdown and it is sure to be a volatile situation should these two clash head on. In the ring on Smackdown we have been promised a Four-on-One Handicap Match which will pit Chris Jericho against the whole of the Right To Censor. Should Jericho lose he will be forced to defend his Intercontinental Title at Backlash against the WWF Commissioner, William Regal. Speaking of Titles, Crash Holly will defend his WWF Light Heavyweight Title against one of the WWF’s hottest stars – Jerry Lynn. Also this week we will determine who will face Eddie Guerrero at Backlash for the WWF European Title, as Matt Hardy and Test go one-on-one. The X-Factor faces the team of Grandmaster Sexay and Steve Blackman whilst Rhyno takes on Haku in singles action. Catch all of this on Thursday night on UPN![/i] [u]Confirmed Matches[/u] Contendership for the [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfeuropean.png[/img]: Matt Hardy vs. Test 4-on-1 Handicap: Chris Jericho vs. Right To Censor [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/img]: Crash Holly © vs. Jerry Lynn X-Factor vs. Grandmaster Sexay and Steve Blackman Rhyno vs. Haku [/color] [i]---OOC--- We're now up to date with Corp-X so expect updates to happen less often.. im hoping to get a show up every week or ten days or so.. a lot of effort is going into this and it has been recieved well over at Corp-X and i hope it will be recieved just as well over here... and I promise, ill stop mentioning Corp-X right now :P Predictions and feedback are very welcomed and shall be responded to each week (diary-time) after Heat Results and a News Update.. ---OOC---[/i]
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Smackdown Results - 05/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/smackdown.png[/img] [U][B]WWF Smackdown[/B][/U] Thursday, April 5th 2001 Oklahoma City, OK [COLOR=blue]Smackdown opens with a quick highlight package from Monday Night Raw’s main event – where we see Triple H joining forces with Stone Cold and Vince McMahon only for Shane McMahon and WCW to declare war and dominate the new McMahon-Alliance. We head inside the arena for a quick pyro display and we are emanating from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Vince McMahon is in the ring as Smackdown begins.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Shane McMahon – I want you in this very ring, right now. We have some unfinished business so let’s finish this right now – one-on-one!” [COLOR=blue]Shane McMahon is quick to answer his father, and makes his way down to the ring and goes face to face with Vince.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Look Vince, it’s really quite simple – I out-smarted you when I purchased WCW from right under your nose and now Im going to do the exact same thing that you did to your father. I am going to run you out of business and take over your empire. My WCW guys won’t stop this invasion until we get some equal footing around here and we will continue to do things this way until we have a chance to do things the nice way, and face you head on.” [COLOR=blue]The Undertaker’s music hits and The Deadman rides down to the ring on his motorcycle much to the displeasure of both McMahon’s.[/COLOR] [B][The Undertaker][/B] – “I have had enough of this bickering – you two need to shut your traps and keep them shut whilst you are in my yard. Now-“ [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Your Yard? This my ring, damnit – and I will not have you or any body else tell me to shut up! This is none of your business, so get the hell out of my ring!” [B][The Undertaker][/B] – “Is that so? Well maybe I just wanna make this my business – how would you like that?” [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “You wanna be involved in this? Well that’s fine by me – tonight in our main event we will see you, The Undertaker, team up with The Rock to take on The Game, Triple H, and the WWF Champion – Stone Cold Steve Austin! How do you like that?” [B][The Undertaker][/B] – “I like that just fine, Vince, just fine.” [COLOR=blue]The Rock’s music hits and The Great One makes his way down to the ring with a microphone in hand. The Rock squares to Vince and speaks right into his face.[/COLOR] [B][The Rock][/B] – “Finally… The Rock… has come back… To Oklahoma City! Let me get this straight Vince, The Rock, The Great One and The Undertaker joining forces for one night only to take on your team of ‘best friends’ in the main event. Is that what The Rock is hearing?” [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Yes it is Rock, and you know something else-“ [B][The Rock][/B] – “Know your role, and shut your damn mouth – The Rock isn’t done yet. Tonight – The Rock is gonna take Triple H’s eighteen foot nose; The Rock’s gonna shine it real nice. The Rock’s gonna give it to The Undertaker – so he can shine it up too – and then The Rock is gonna take that sum-bitch, turn it about ninety degrees to the right – or maybe even the left. And then shove it straight up Steve Austin’s roody poo candy ass! If ya smell…” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Look, my business here is done – I’m gonna leave you guys to it.” [COLOR=blue]The Rock looks on in complete disgust at being interrupted, as Shane tries to leave the ring – only to be stopped by The Undertaker.[/COLOR] [B][The Undertaker][/B] – “Listen boy, you don’t leave my yard unless you have permission to do so – and you don’t have permission just yet. Now, I know you want this little invasion thing to be great – so why don’t you start out right at the top of the pile. Why don’t you try and take out The Big Dog? Now, what I’m saying Shane – is why don’t you face The Undertaker at Backlash and put your money where your mouth is?” [COLOR=blue]Shane nods his head, before climbing out of the ring and backing up the ramp.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “You’re on Taker, me and you at Backlash – in a Street Fight!” [COLOR=blue]The Undertaker smiles, before looking at Vince McMahon and then The Rock – Rock and Undertaker then proceed to shake hands.[/COLOR] [B][The Rock][/B] – “What The Rock… Is Cookin!” [COLOR=blue]---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]We return from the break with Test in the ring and Matt Hardy making his way towards it – but we cut to Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Welcome to Smackdown folks; and tonight we have already heard two bombshells. Tonight’s main event will see the team of Stone Cold and Triple H take on the partnership of The Rock and The Undertaker.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “But that’s not all Cole – at Backlash it will be The Undertaker and the WCW Owner, Shane McMahon in a Street Fight!” [COLOR=blue][B]Test vs. Matt Hardy[/B] Test starts the match by taunting to the crowd – but garnering a poor response from the fans. Matt Hardy mounts the second rope and taunts them – but he gets a great response and visibly annoys Test; who charges and knocks Hardy from the second rope with a clothesline. Test drags Hardy out of the corner and clubs away with forearms to the back – before grabbing Hardy with a gut wrench and lifting him onto his shoulder. Test looks for a Powerbomb but Hardy wriggles free and slides behind Test; he grabs Test’s head and nails Test with a Falling Neckbreaker. Hardy makes the cover, but Test powers out at two – the European Champion, Eddie Guerrero walks down to ringside for a closer view. Hardy throws his arms out and stalks Test as he gets to his feet – Test gets up and Hardy grabs him and nails him with the Side Effect. Hardy mounts the second rope, before launching himself and landing a Leg Drop on Test. Hardy makes the cover, but Test kicks out just before the three. Hardy gets to his feet and stalks Test again with Test slowly getting to his feet. Hardy meets Test with a boot to the mid-section and sets him up for the Twist of Fate – only for Test to push Hardy into the ropes. Test nails him with a clothesline to the back of the head; before backing away and stalking Hardy for a Big Boot. Hardy gets to his feet and turns round – but is taken straight back down with a Big Boot from Test. Instead of making the cover, Test leans through the ropes and mouths off at Guerrero at ringside. Guerrero gets in Test’s face as Hardy slowly recovers – before grabbing Test and rolling him up with a School Boy. The referee counts the three as Guerrero backs up the ramp clapping Hardy – his new number one contender at Backlash. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Matt Hardy (2:43)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Eddie Guerrero with the unlikely assist – and it looks like it’s gonna be Eddie against Matt Hardy for the European Title at Backlash.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “I wonder what Jeff thinks about this? I mean, his brother getting a Singles Title Match doesn’t bode well for the team now does it?” [COLOR=blue]We head backstage to Edge and Christian, the WWF Tag Team Champions, in their locker room.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “I know, but I mean come on – it reeks of; well if just reeks.” [B][Christian][/B] – “I know, if it’s not a prank then I’m not your brother.” [COLOR=blue]Edge looks bemused for a second, before quickly smiling and walking passed Christian. Rhyno walks into the room, complete with black bag over his shoulder, and Edge puts his arm around him.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “Rhyno! How’s it going buddy?” [B][Rhyno][/B] – “It’s going fine guys, what are you pair talking about in here?” [B][Edge][/B] – “Erm, nothing pal – we’re talking about the…” [B][Christian][/B] – “Dudleyz! We’re talking about our match with The Dudleyz at Backlash - gotta be ready to defend this gold baby.” [COLOR=blue]Rhyno gives them an iffy look before getting serious.[/COLOR] [B][Rhyno][/B] – “I just wanna know something – did you guys look at my package?” [B][Edge][/B] – “Ha-ha – No! Why would we do something like that, that’s not something we would do.” [B][Rhyno][/B] – “Look, it doesn’t matter whether you did or you didn’t – everyone will find out by Backlash, trust me. It’s gonna be huge!” [COLOR=blue] Edge and Christian both look uneasy, before cracking a smile and Christian gives a big thumbs up to Rhyno as we head to commercials. ---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The WWF Intercontinental Champion – Chris Jericho makes his way towards the ring and grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “Welcome to Smackdown is Jericho! All day I’ve been in the back, and everybody has been asking me ‘How are you gonna beat the RTC?’ well my response was simple ‘Junior, I am gonna beat the RTC cause my name is Chris Jericho!’ and-“ [COLOR=blue]The RTC alarm blares throughout the arena and all four members of the Right to Censor make their way to the ring and Steven grabs a microphone. Richards thinks about saying something but stops himself.[/COLOR] [B][Steven Richards][/B] – “…Ring the Bell!” [COLOR=blue][B]Chris Jericho vs. Right to Censor[/B] Venis charges at the bell and hits Jericho with a stiff forearm and sends him backwards into the ropes; Jericho rebounds and hits Venis with a forearm of his own. Venis charges again, but is taken down by a Spinning Heel Kick from Jericho – who is quickly jumped on by Mr. Buchanan and a clothesline. Buchanan drags Jericho to his feet and tries an Irish Whip only for it to be reversed – with Buchanan heading for the corner, before using his momentum to mount the top rope. Buchanan rebounds and launches a Flying Clothesline – but Jericho nails Buchanan with a dropkick to the mid-section. The Goodfather climbs into the ring and charges at Jericho – blindsiding him with a Mafia Kick. Goodfather stalks Jericho as he pulls himself up in the corner – Goodfather charges looking for a Ho Train, but Jericho moves out of the way causing The Goodfather to crash into the corner. Jericho grabs Goodfather and connects with a one handed Bulldog – Jericho runs at the ropes and springboards himself; and connects with a Lionsault on The Goodfather. Steven Richards stomps his foot in the corner, before launching a Morality Check at Jericho – who catches it and spins Richards around. Jericho grabs Richards and nails him with The Breakdown and makes the cover – the referee counts to three as the other members of the RTC are down on the outside and Jericho picks up the victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Chris Jericho (2:02)[/B] Commissioner William Regal makes his way down the ramp with a grin on his face.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “Mr. Jericho – you haven’t quite won the match just yet. See, you have defeated one member of the Right to Censor – you still have three more to beat. Come on now sunshine, ring that bell.” [COLOR=blue]Regal smiles and waves at Jericho and the crowd as Jericho shakes his head in disbelief. The Goodfather and Mr. Buchanan attack Jericho from behind and take him down with duelling clotheslines. Goodfather drags Jericho to his feet as Buchanan rebounds off the ropes and nails an Axe Kick. Venis mounts the top rope from the apron and launches himself onto Jericho with the Money Shot – and all 3 men make the cover, much to the delight of Commissioner Regal. [B]Winners by Pinfall: Right to Censor (0:46)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Commissioner Regal has screwed Jericho; forcing him into a match at Backlash for the WWF Intercontinental Championship.” [COLOR=blue]---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]We return from the break with Jerry Lynn taunting in the ring before the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion – Crash Holly makes his way down. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/IMG] [B]Crash Holly © vs. Jerry Lynn[/B] The Champion charges at the newcomer, but is quickly taken down with an arm drag – but both men are quick to their feet. Holly charges again, but Lynn connects with a dropkick to the knee and sends the champion face first into the mat. Lynn locks in the armbar, but Holly rolls through and gets to his feet – and rolls Lynn up with a small package for a two count. Lynn breaks free and gets to his feet before charging and hitting Crash with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors – Lynn follows up with a side headlock on the canvas, only for Crash to roll into a hammerlock on Lynn. Lynn tries to break free as he gets to his feet, only for Crash to nail Lynn with a Bulldog for a quick two count. Lynn gets to his feet, but is met by a dropkick from Crash – Crash lifts Lynn to his feet and hoists him onto his shoulder. Crash attempts to lock Lynn into the Crash Course, but Lynn slides out and hoists Crash onto his own shoulders – before connecting with a TKO and getting a two count. Both men get to their feet with Lynn mounting the second rope – he dives off and attempts a Tornado DDT; but Crash blocks the move and wriggles free. Crash goes for a Tornado DDT himself but Lynn has it scouted and places Crash onto the top turnbuckle. Lynn nails Crash with two right hands before dragging him down and connecting with a huge Cradle Piledriver – Lynn slumps into the cover and picks up the pinfall victory and the his first taste of WWF gold. [B]Winner by Pinfall and NEW WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Jerry Lynn (2:41)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Lynn from out of nowhere with that Piledriver – Crash had things under control and then, wow – New Champion!” [B][Tazz][/B] – “On his WWF television debut as well Cole; Lynn deserves all of the praise he’s getting from these fans.” [COLOR=blue]We head backstage to Vince McMahon, Triple H, Stone Cold and Debra.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Where the hell is Stephanie?” [B][Triple H][/B] – “She’s away on business – didn’t she tell you?” [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “Damnit I don’t care about your wife – we’ve got bigger problems tonight, don’t ya think? Damn Vince, The Rock and The Undertaker – what’s wrong with you?” [B][Triple H][/B] – “Calm down, we’ll think of something – we can handle those two tonight.” [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “And what the hell are we gonna do about Shane and WCW? You know full well they’re gonna stick their little bastard noses into our business again.” [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Don’t you worry about Shane – I’ve got him covered. Just concentrate on the match tonight and everything else you can leave to me.” [COLOR=blue]---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]We return from the break with both Grandmaster and Blackman in the ring, and we are soon joined by X-Pac, Justin Credible and Albert – The X-Factor.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “What do you think Mr. McMahon meant by ‘I’ve got him covered’, Tazz?” [B][Tazz][/B] – “Calm down Cole, it’s bad enough we’ve got Stone Cold and Triple H back there worrying so much about it – you’ve got a job to do, so quit involving yourself in things that don’t concern you.” [COLOR=blue][B]X-Factor (w/ Albert) vs. Grandmaster Sexay and Steve Blackman[/B] Credible and Blackman start the match as Albert looks on from ringside. Credible attempts a headlock on Blackman, but The Lethal Weapon wriggles free and unleashes vicious side kick after vicious side kick – taking Credible to the canvas. Blackman drags Credible into the corner and nails him with three karate chops – before Grandmaster tags in. Sexay laughs maniacally and dances as he pulls Credible out of the corner – before whipping him across the ring. Credible rebounds, but Sexay drops to the canvas – Credible rebounds again and Grandmaster attempts a Hurricanrana; only for Credible to connect a Sitout Powerbomb for a two count. Justin makes the tag to X-Pac – who charges at Sexay, only for the Grandmaster to land a drop toe hole onto the bottom rope. Sexay pulls X-Pac to his feet and nails him with a Sexay Buster from behind – Grandmaster doesn’t make the cover, and instead climbs to the top rope. Credible distracts the referee as Sexay dances on the top rope and puts on his sunglasses – only for Albert to mount the apron and launch Sexay to the canvas. X-Pac gets to his feet and kicks Sexay in the gut, before nailing him with an X-Factor – X-Pac makes the cover as Albert pulls Blackman from the apron and slams him into the steps; with The X-Factor being victorious. [B]Winners by Pinfall: X-Factor (2:15)[/B] Albert slides into the ring and raises the hand of X-Pac but is suddenly taken out from behind by a stiff clothesline from Sean O’Haire. Chuck Palumbo is also in the ring and connects with a Jungle Kick to the head of X-Pac and sends him crashing to the canvas.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “How the hell did these two get passed security? WCW has made its first mark on Smackdown.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “They got passed security cause they’re with Shane McMahon, Cole – it’s obviously he’s been paying off security to make sure his guys can get in here – there’s no other explanation.” [COLOR=blue]Bradshaw and Faarooq rush down the ramp and into the ring. All four men exchange rights and lefts until Lance Storm and Mike Awesome jump the barricade and the numbers game catches up to the APA. The APA aren’t alone for long though, as Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko rush out and even up the odds. The APA and The Radicalz clean the ring of WCW and are left standing tall.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Unlikely back-up for the APA, this is a true show of the bond between WWF superstars.” [COLOR=blue]---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]We return to the action with Haku making his way to the ring, and he is soon followed by Rhyno – complete with black bag over his shoulder. [B]Rhyno vs. Haku[/B] The bell sounds and the match is underway; Haku charges straight from the bell – only for Rhyno to grab the Samoan and launch him with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Rhyno makes the quick cover, but Haku kicks out at two – and shoots straight back up to his feet. Rhyno throws a right hand, but it is blocked by Haku – who gets his revenge by landing a headbutt. Rhyno staggers backwards and Haku charges at him – with Rhyno gaining his senses and connects with a Rolling Spinebuster. Rhyno crouches in the corner as Haku slowly gets to his feet – as Haku groggily turns to face Rhyno, The Man Beast charges and nails him with a huge Gore for the three count and the victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Rhyno (1:03)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Tazz][/B] – “Haku has been broken in half Cole – Rhyno gored him straight to hell!” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Another victory for Rhyno, he is on a huge role here in the WWF!” [COLOR=blue]We head backstage to the Commissioner’s Office as Bradshaw, Faarooq, Saturn and Malenko burst through his door.[/COLOR] [B][Bradshaw][/B] – “Damnit Regal – we want those four little WCW punks right now!” [B][William Regal][/B] – “Calm the bloody hell down, you know full well that I have no control over WCW or its superstars – my jurisdiction covers the WWF and the WWF alone.” [B][Bradshaw][/B] – “I don’t give a damn what your jurisdiction covers – give us those four guys at Backlash in an eight man tag.” [COLOR=blue]Perry Saturn barges to the front and gets in Regal’s face.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “Please, I will do my best to get you your match. Now – in the spirit of competition and in order to exercise my power I am making a match for this Monday on Raw. It will feature the APA and the Radicalz; but they will be on different sides of the ring, in a tag team match.” [COLOR=blue]The Commissioner waves the four men away and sits behind his desk – Malenko shakes Bradshaw’s hand and pulls Bradshaw towards him.[/COLOR] [B][Dean Malenko][/B] – “At Backlash, we got your back – but until then the APA are fair game!” [COLOR=blue]All four men stare at each other as we head to commercials. ---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]We return and immediately head backstage to Jonathon Coachman and the Rabid Wolverine, Chris Benoit.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “I am here with Chris Benoit, and Chris in 24 days live on pay-per-view you go one-on-one with the Olympian – Kurt Angle, in a Submission match.” [B][Chris Benoit][/B] – “Well Coach, Kurt Angle knows that I am the best technical wrestler in the WWF today and he knows that he can’t beat me. At Wrestlemania, everybody saw Kurt Angle cheat to defeat me – but then the whole world saw Kurt Angle tap out to the Crossface. At Backlash, Kurt Angle needs to prove me-“ [COLOR=blue]Kurt Angle blindsides Benoit with a forearm shot and begins to beat down on Benoit; only for Benoit to get a couple of shots in himself before agents separate them and Commissioner Regal walks in to shot.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “I have had enough with you two bickering with each other and I am at my wits end as to what punishment the pair of you shall receive for causing havoc in my backstage area. The only solution I can find is to put you two blithering idiots in the ring together on Raw – but it will have to be in a six-man tag team match. Kurt Angle, you will team with Edge and Christian; whilst you Chris Benoit will team with the Dudley Boyz. Thank you; and id appreciate if you didn’t stain my corridors with this horrific display of sportsmanship.” [COLOR=blue]The Commissioner storms back towards his office before we cut to The Dudley Boyz walking through a corridor presumably looking for someone. We then cut to the WWF Hardcore Champion, Raven doing exactly the same thing. Raven stops and we pan out to see him standing face to face with The Dudley Boyz outside a door. All three men enter the room and shut the door behind them.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “What the hell was that all about Tazz?” [B][Tazz][/B] – “Shut your mouth Cole, there is nothing wrong with three guys going into a room and shutting the door – you’ve got an over-active imagination.” [COLOR=blue]---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]We return from the break and The Rock makes his entrance towards the ring. The Undertaker is the next man out and he rides down to the ring before joining The Rock inside.[/COLOR] [B][Tazz][/B] – “It’s time Cole, the main event baby – this one is gonna be a Rocket Buster!” [COLOR=blue]The WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and his new associate – Triple H, are out together and seemingly as a unit. The pair uneasily climb into the ring and the match is underway. [B]Steve Austin and Triple H vs. The Rock and The Undertaker[/B] Triple H and The Rock start out the match on the inside and the pair tentatively lock up as the bell sounds; with Triple H locking in a quick headlock – only for Rocky to break free. The pair lock up again with Triple H once more getting a headlock – this time The Rock pushes Hunter in the ropes; but is nailed by a stiff clothesline from The Game. Triple H tags in Austin and The Rattlesnake goes on the offensive and stomps away at The Rock; before dragging him into the corner and stomping a mudhole into The Great One. Rocky nails Austin with a thumb to the eye before rising out of the corner and nailing Stone Cold with a series of right hands taking the champion down. Rocky makes the tag to The Undertaker and The Deadman stalks Austin as he gets to his feet. Austin is up, but is taken straight back down with a Big Boot from Taker; who proceeds to knock Triple H from the apron with a vicious elbow to the jaw. Stone Cold is up, but is grabbing by the head and driven into the top turnbuckle – and as he reels backwards is hoisted onto the shoulder of The Undertaker. The Deadman charges across the ring and nails Austin with Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle. Undertaker rebounds off the ropes and catches a blind tag from The Rock, before nailing Austin with a Big Boot – and makes the cover. The referee doesn’t count as Rocky climbs into the ring and Taker breaks up the pin. Triple H slides into the ring and charges at The Undertaker, and pushes him into The Rock and both men go into the corner. Taker stumbles backwards and is clotheslined over the top rope by Triple H, with The Game and the referee following him to the outside. Booker T and Shane McMahon run through the crowd and jump over the barricade. Booker slides into the ring with Shane on the outside directing traffic – Booker stalks Austin as he gets to his feet, before nailing him with a kick to the gut. Booker rebounds of the ropes and connects with a huge Axe Kick – but is immediately met by right hands from The Rock. Booker dodges a right hand and The Rock walks straight into a Book End from the WCW Champion – Shane shouts instructions to Booker, and Booker rolls The Rock over Austin and Shane alerts the referee. The Undertaker launches Triple H into the ring steps as the referee calls for the bell to signal the victory. [B]Winners by Pinfall: The Rock and The Undertaker (7:12)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Why have Shane McMahon and Booker T helped The Rock?” [B][Tazz][/B] – “It’s all mind-games Cole – Shane is playing with The Rock’s head.” [COLOR=blue]The Undertaker begins to chase Shane McMahon around the ring, and follows him over the barricade and through the crowd – chasing the WCW Owner completely out of sight. The Rock slowly gets to his feet and has his hand raised by Booker T – with Rocky quickly rejecting Booker’s praise and squaring up to the WCW Champion. The Rock takes a quick look at the people before nailing Booker with a series of right hands and knocks him to the canvas – Booker gets back to his feet but is met with a Spinebuster. The Rock stands over Booker and slowly takes his elbow pad off – launching it into the crowd. The Rock rebounds off of both sets of ropes and connects with a huge People’s Elbow.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “The Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment – listen to those fans Tazz.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “There’s no doubt about it, The Rock is standing tall tonight and the fans are loving it.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “That's all we have for you tonight fans – from myself and Tazz, I’ve been Michael Cole and goodnight everybody!” [COLOR=blue]Triple H drags Austin from out of the ring and the pair retreat up the ramp and away from The Rock as Smackdown goes off the air. ---------------[/COLOR] [quote=Smackdown Recap] The Rock/Undertaker def. Austin/Triple H Rhyno def. Haku X-Factor def. Grandmaster and Blackman (Light Heavyweight) Jerry Lynn def. Crash Holly © Right to Censor def. Chris Jericho Matt Hardy def. Test Total In-Ring Time: 18:42 Nielsen Rating: 4.72 [/quote]
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Heat Result - 08/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/sundaynightheat.png[/img] [u][b]WWF Sunday Night Heat[/b][/u] Sunday, April 8th 2001 Oklahoma City, OK [color=orange]We open the show with highlights from the end of Raw.[/color] [quote=WWF Raw is War - April 2nd 2001][color=red]Vince McMahon runs down the ramp and pushes the referee away from the cage door and struggles to unlock the padlock – he succeeds but stops as Triple H runs down the ramp with a Sledgehammer in hand. The Game threatens Vince and forces him to back away from the door – with Triple H climbing inside the ring. Triple H lines Austin up as both men slowly get to their feet – with The Game stalking The Rattlesnake. Both Austin and The Rock get to their feet as Triple H charges; but Stone Cold ducks and Triple H connects with a vicious Sledgehammer shot to the head of The Rock. Triple H and Austin square up to each other, before smiling as Triple H raises Austin’s arm in victory. Vince McMahon climbs into the ring clapping as Triple H and Austin proceed to stomp away at The Rock – before Vince instructs Triple H to pick him up. The Game does so, which allows Austin to nail Rocky with a Stone Cold Stunner. Suddenly, Shane McMahon’s music plays and the WCW Owner makes his way out onto the ramp. [b]Winner by Disqualification: The Rock[/b][/color] [b][Shane McMahon][/b] – “Raise the Cage! Raise the Cage Damnit! Vince, congratulations on this new alliance you have in the ring – because you need as many close friends as possible. In case you have forgotten I am the owner of World Championship Wrestling – and if you were listening earlier in the show you would’ve heard the words ‘declare war’. Now Vince, you don’t seem to be following me very well here – let me show you what I mean by ‘war’.” [color=red] Shane McMahon walks down the ramp, but stops just shy of the apron and shakes his finger – he signals towards the crowd as a group of men jump the barricade.[/color] [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “Oh My God! That’s the WCW Champion – Booker T; along with Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and the WCW Tag Team Champions – Palumbo and O’Haire! The troops are here J.R. Shane-O Mac wasn’t lying at all!” [color=red]The WCW group slide into the ring and surround Austin, Triple H and Vince McMahon – before a brawl ensues. Booker T takes Austin over the top rope with a Clothesline before going out of the ring and stomping away at him. Lance Storm Superkicks Triple H into an Awesome Bomb from Mike Awesome – causing The Game to roll to the outside of the ring and lie motionless alongside The Rock. Chuck Palumbo nails Vince McMahon with a Jungle Kick as Sean O’Haire mounts the top rope – before launching himself off with a Seanton Bomb onto the WWF Owner. Booker T drags Stone Cold around the ring towards the announce table and lifts him up – before planting him through the table with a Back Drop. Shane McMahon and Booker slide into the ring with WCW standing tall over the WWF.[/color][/quote] [color=orange]We head to the ring as WWF Hardcore Champion, Raven, makes his way out with his shopping trolley full of weapons – whilst in the ring is K-Kwik. [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/img] [b]Raven © vs. K-Kwik[/b] The bell sounds and Raven charges at Kwik and takes him down with a clothesline – before heading straight for the trolley and hunting through it. Raven throws a Scream mask over his shoulder before pulling out a piece of broken wood. Kwik gets to his feet, but is met by a shot to the face from the wood by Raven; who then picks up the Scream mask and forces it over the head of Kwik. Raven sets a chair up in the ring and drags Kwik to his feet – before whipping him across the ring and nailing him with a drop toe hold onto the chair. Raven goes for the cover, but Kwik kicks out. Raven heads to the trolley and pulls out a garbage can and a stick – before calculating his next attack. Raven places the garbage can in the centre of the ring as Kwik gets to his feet; Raven locks Kwik up with a choke hold using the stick before connecting with the Raven Effect through the garbage can. Raven rolls the lifeless Kwik over and gets the victory. [b]Winner by Pinfall: Raven (1:47)[/b] --------------- We return from the break see videos from both Raw and Smackdown.[/color] [quote=WWF Raw is War - April 2nd 2001][color=red]Two men run through the crowd and jump over the barricade, before sliding into the ring.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “What the hell!? Is that, is that Lance Storm and Mike Awesome – from WCW?” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “You’re damn right J.R. but what business have they got out here?” [color=red]Lance Storm spins K-Kwik around and nails him with a Super Kick. K-Kwik staggers backwards and is grabbed by Mike Awesome. Awesome nails him in the mid-section and connects with a huge Awesome Bomb over the top rope.[/color] [b][Lance Storm][/b] – “If I could be serious for a minute… I am here to deliver a message, on behalf of Team Canada and World Championship Wrestling – I would like to declare war!” [color=red]The APA storm the ring as Storm and Awesome quickly escape – with Bradshaw and Faarooq giving chase through the crowd.[/color] [b][Jim Ross][/b] – “Declare War? What is he on about? Why the hell are Lance Storm and Mike Awesome of WCW interfering in a match on Raw? Thank god for the APA is all I can say.” [b][Paul Heyman][/b] – “This has gotta be something to do with Shane McMahon – maybe he’s trying to beat Vince at his own game?”[/quote][quote=WWF Smackdown - April 5th 2001][color=blue]Albert slides into the ring and raises the hand of X-Pac but is suddenly taken out from behind by a stiff clothesline from Sean O’Haire. Chuck Palumbo is also in the ring and connects with a Jungle Kick to the head of X-Pac and sends him crashing to the canvas. [/color] [b][Michael Cole][/b] – “How the hell did these two get passed security? WCW has made its first mark on Smackdown.” [b][Tazz][/b] – “They got passed security cause they’re with Shane McMahon, Cole – it’s obviously he’s been paying off security to make sure his guys can get in here – there’s no other explanation.” [color=blue]Bradshaw and Faarooq rush down the ramp and into the ring. All four men exchange rights and lefts until Lance Storm and Mike Awesome jump the barricade and the numbers game catches up to the APA. The APA aren’t alone for long though, as Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko rush out and even up the odds. The APA and The Radicalz clean the ring of WCW and are left standing tall.[/color] [b][Michael Cole][/b] – “Unlikely back-up for the APA, this is a true show of the bond between WWF superstars.”[/quote][quote=WWF Smackdown - April 5th 2001][color=blue]We head backstage to the Commissioner’s Office as Bradshaw, Faarooq, Saturn and Malenko burst through his door.[/color] [b][Bradshaw][/b] – “Damnit Regal – we want those four little WCW punks right now!” [b][William Regal][/b] – “Calm the bloody hell down, you know full well that I have no control of WCW or its superstars – my jurisdiction covers the WWF and the WWF alone.” [b][Bradshaw][/b] – “I don’t give a damn what your jurisdiction covers – give us those four guys at Backlash in an eight man tag.” [color=blue]Perry Saturn barges to the front and gets in Regal’s face.[/color] [b][William Regal][/b] – “Please, I will do my best to get you your match. Now – in the spirit of competition and in order to exercise my power I am making a match for this Monday on Raw. It will feature the APA and the Radicalz; but they will be on different sides of the ring in a tag team match.” [color=blue]The Commissioner waves the four men away and sits behind his desk – Malenko shakes Bradshaw’s hand and pulls Bradshaw towards him.[/color] [b][Dean Malenko][/b] – “At Backlash, we got your back – but until then the APA are fair game!” [color=blue]All four men stare at each other.[/color][/quote] [color=orange]We come back to the ring with Kaientai warming up inside – they are joined by The Goodfather and Mr. Buchanan of the Right to Censor. [b]Kaientai vs. Right To Censor[/b] Goodfather starts the match out with Funaki – but is soon caught off guard by a quick dropkick. Goodfather recovers quickly, but Funaki attempts an Enziguri – but Goodfather dodges the kick and nails him with a Clothesline. Goodfather forces Funaki to his feet and whips him across the ring – only for Funaki to hold onto the ropes and tag in Taka. Taka charges at The Goodfather but is dropped by a Spinebuster – which is followed up by a Leg Drop. The Goodfather tags in Mr. Buchanan before grabbing Taka and hoisting him up and locking in a bearhug – only for Buchanan to charge off the ropes and nail Taka in the face with a standing scissor kick. Taka slumps to the canvas, and Buchanan makes the cover as Goodfather clotheslines Funaki from the apron. [b]Winners by Pinfall: Right To Censor (0:58)[/b] --------------- After the break we are joined by Billy Gunn and then Jeff Hardy as we prepare for out next contest. [b]Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Hardy[/b] Hardy tries to pump the crowd up as the bell sounds, before the pair lock up in the centre of the ring. Gunn takes the early advantage by locking in a side headlock – only for Hardy to break free and rebound off the ropes. Gunn sees it coming and hits a shoulder block to take Jeff down – before dragging him straight back to his feet. Hardy is whipped across the ring, and Gunn connects with a hip toss into a Neckbreaker before making a cover for a two count. Gunn gets to his feet and slaps his thigh signalling for the end early on – but as Jeff gets up he notices Gunn hit the ropes and meets him with a flying clothesline. Jeff grabs the legs of Gunn, and nails him with a leg drop to the groin. Hardy mounts the top rope, but Gunn is up again and tries to pull him down – Hardy kicks him away and Gunn staggers backwards. Hardy launches himself off and connects with a Whisper in the Wind – for a quick two count. Both men get to their but Gunn is the aggressor as he kicks Hardy in the gut and bounces off the ropes – he looks for the FameAsser but Hardy moves, sending Gunn crashing to the canvas. He gingerly gets to his feet but is caught by a Twist of Fate from Hardy – who heads straight to the top rope and connects with a Swanton Bomb, picking up the three count. [b]Winner by Pinfall: Jeff Hardy (2:34)[/b] We head backstage to Jonathon Coachman and the WWF European Champion – Eddie Guerrero.[/color] [b][Jonathon Coachman][/b] – “Eddie, this past Thursday night on Smackdown we found who would be facing you in three weeks time at Backlash in Chicago – Matt Hardy. We also saw you come down to ringside and seemingly distract his opponent, Test – your comments?” [b][Eddie Guerrero][/b] – “Orale homes – you want to know why I distracted that vato loco Test? I distracted that chump cause I knew I could, and hey I like Matt Hardy homes. And come Backlash esse, we’re gonna blow the roof off in Chicago – but no one beats Latino Heat in the end. Viva La Raza!” [color=orange]The European Champion walks away to get ready for his title defence tonight as Coachman is left looking on and we head to commercial. ---------------[/color] [quote=WWF Smackdown - April 5th 2001][color=blue]The Deadman charges across the ring and nails Austin with Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle. Undertaker rebounds off the ropes and catches a blind tag from The Rock, before nailing Austin with a Big Boot – and makes the cover. The referee doesn’t count as Rocky climbs into the ring and Taker breaks up the pin. Triple H slides into the ring and charges at The Undertaker, and pushes him into The Rock and both men go into the corner. Taker stumbles backwards and is clotheslined over the top rope by Triple H, with The Game and the referee following him to the outside. Booker T and Shane McMahon run through the crowd and jump over the barricade. Booker slides into the ring with Shane on the outside directing traffic – Booker stalks Austin as he gets to his feet, before nailing him with a kick to the gut. Booker rebounds of the ropes and connects with a huge Axe Kick – but is immediately met by right hands from The Rock. Booker dodges a right hand and The Rock walks straight into a Book End from the WCW Champion – Shane shouts instructions to Booker, and Booker rolls The Rock over Austin and Shane alerts the referee. The Undertaker launches Triple H into the ring steps as the referee calls for the bell to signal the victory. [b]Winners by Pinfall: The Rock and The Undertaker (7:12)[/b][/color] [b][Michael Cole][/b] – “Why have Shane McMahon and Booker T helped The Rock?” [b][Tazz][/b] – “It’s all mind-games Cole – Shane is playing with The Rock’s head.” [color=blue]The Undertaker begins to chase Shane McMahon around the ring, and follows him over the barricade and through the crowd – chasing the WCW Owner completely out of sight. The Rock slowly gets to his feet and has his hand raised by Booker T – with Rocky quickly rejecting Booker’s praise and squaring up to the WCW Champion. The Rock takes a quick look at the people before nailing Booker with a series of right hands and knocks him to the canvas – Booker gets back to his feet but is met with a Spinebuster. The Rock stands over Booker and slowly takes his elbow pad off – launching it into the crowd. The Rock rebounds off of both sets of ropes and connects with a huge People’s Elbow. [/color] [b][Michael Cole][/b] – “The most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment – listen to those fans Tazz.” [b][Tazz][/b] – “There’s no doubt about it, The Rock is standing tall tonight and the fans are loving it.”[/quote] [color=orange]We return to ringside for our main event – as Val Venis of the RTC is out first; followed by the WWF European Champion – Eddie Guerrero. [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfeuropean.png[/img] [b]Eddie Guerrero © vs. Val Venis[/b] Guerrero plays to the crowd a little before the bell – but means business as the match starts as the pair locks up and he immediately connects with a drop toe hold. Eddie tries to lock in an STF but to no avail as Venis rolls through and to the safety of the apron. Val climbs to his feet, but is met by a dropkick from Eddie and is sent to the floor. Venis protests to the referee through the ropes but Eddie leapfrogs the referee and Venis – but holds on and hits a sunset flip on the outside. Eddie grabs Venis and rolls him into the ring – but is slow to follow, and Venis takes advantage by stomping on the champion. Venis whips Eddie across the ring but follows him and nails him with a knee to the mid-section – and hangs on again before repeating the move across to the other side of the ring. Venis whips Eddie a third time, but this time lets go and Eddie rebounds off the ropes – but is caught by Val and dropped with a Standing Spinebuster. Venis signals for the end and heads to the top rope, but he is caught by Eddie who stops him on the top turnbuckle. Eddie leaps up and nails Venis with a Hurricanrana – sending Val crashing to the canvas, and Eddie is given time to quickly mount the top rope himself. Eddie taunts the crowd before leaping off and nailing Venis with a Frog Splash, before making the cover and picking up the victory. [b]Winner by Pinfall: Eddie Guerrero (3:51)[/b] Eddie celebrates with his title as Heat goes off the air. ---------------[/color] [quote=Heat Recap](European) Eddie Guerrero © def. Val Venis Jeff Hardy def. Billy Gunn Right To Censor def. Kaientai (Hardcore) Raven © def. K-Kwik Total In-Ring Time: 9:10 Nielsen Rating: 1.6 [/quote]
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Weekly News Recap - 08/04/01 [u][b]WWF Weekly News Recap[/b][/u] [i]Week Ending: April 8th 2001[/i] - This week we saw the beginning of the WCW Invasion storyline – which has already become a key focus of both Raw and Smackdown. We have it on good authority that this angle shall be a long-term angle as it is currently scheduled for a Survivor Series or even a Wrestlemania X-8 finish. - We have heard rumours that the WWF has made contact with Sara Calloway about being involved in a storyline in the coming weeks (obviously involving her husband The Undertaker). Undertaker is said to be looking forward to having his wife brought in and is currently happy with her projected involvement. Early reports suggest that she will make her first appearance at Backlash and could stay for as long as the Invasion storyline. - Five out of a predicted eleven matches for Backlash have already been announced, and the rest are expected to be announced over the coming weeks – with Backlash in three weeks time in Chicago. One of the matches not yet scheduled is the proposed Battle Royal for the WWF Light Heavyweight and WCW Cruiserweight titles – obviously this is dependent on the WCW title being introduced and certain talent making their debuts before of during Backlash. - The current main event is slated to include the WWF Champion, Steve Austin and the WCW Champion, Booker T – but in what capacity we cannot be sure. Lips are tightly sealed amongst the Booking Team but we have heard rumours that it will be announced on Raw or Smackdown in the coming week. - We were contacted by a close-friend of Tommy Dreamer earlier in the week, who claimed that Tommy had signed for the WWF and would make his debut soon. This source is obviously un-reliable but this is certainly feasible as there have been rumours, as well as several on-screen hints, at an ECW faction joining the WWF in the coming weeks and months. We can only hope that the WWF stay true to ECW and include as many ECW stars as possible. - The WWF Women’s Champion Chyna missed both the Raw and Smackdown tapings this week – and this is straight after being crowned the Women’s Champion. We have yet to hear her reasons but it is known that many backstage are not impressed with her conduct. Possible discipline is being discussed and there is a strong possibility that she won’t be the Women’s Champion for much longer, and may not even be with the company for that much longer either. - A quick recap of the WWF’s TV ratings this week as we saw Raw improve to a 5.72 rating; Smackdown achieve an impressive 4.72; and Heat also made a slight gain with a 1.6.
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Raw Preview - 09/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/rawiswar.png[/img] [COLOR=red][U][B]A Huge Announcement[/B][/U] WWF Raw is War Preview [I]Tonight on Raw, we will have a huge announcement from Linda McMahon live at WWF Studios. The CEO is set to make a ‘clear and definitive decision’ on the situation involving WCW and the WWF. She is expected to make her announcement at the start of Raw’s second hour – so make sure you tune in. Elsewhere – we have six-man tag team action as rivals Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle find themselves on opposite sides as they team with The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian respectively. With these six men all wanting a piece of each other it is set to be a huge match. We will also see The APA take on their team-mates at Backlash – The Radicalz. These four men will team to take on four WCW superstars in an 8-man tag on April 29th but there won’t be any teamwork between the two teams tonight. Plus; Jerry Lynn defends his Light Heavyweight Title against Grandmaster Sexay and Raven defends his Hardcore Title against the former Light Heavyweight and Hardcore Champion – Crash Holly. Find out all of this and more, Live on the New TNN![/I] [U]Confirmed Matches[/U] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/IMG]: Raven © vs. Crash Holly [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/IMG]: Jerry Lynn © vs. Grandmaster Sexay The APA vs. The Radicalz Chris Benoit and The Dudley Boyz vs. Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian[/COLOR]
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[B]Raven ©[/B] vs. Crash Holly [B]Jerry Lynn ©[/B] vs. Grandmaster Sexay [B]The APA[/B] vs. The Radicalz - Tough call, but I can just see The APA sneaking it. Chris Benoit and The Dudley Boyz vs. [B]Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian[/B] Great diary, I think you've really captured the feel of this era. My only criticism is the fact the matches last 2 seconds :p What's with the short match times?
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the short match times? well its WWF 2001... based very heavily on storyline development through angles.. matches obviously have a part to play but theyre not very long.. until we get to a PPV.. its all an effort to stay realistic really... if i was putting on five 25 minute matches a show it wouldnt be realistic at all.. granted 20 minutes in a whole 2 hrs is very much at all but the amount of angles and storylines that need to be advanced is huge and is clearly the focus.. naturally as things progress ill try and get a better wrestling product going but for the time being its all about the storyline and angles.. thanks for brining the point up and voicing your opinion.. and cheers for the predictions - lets me know people over here care :p
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Raw Results - 09/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/rawiswar.png[/img] [U][B]WWF Raw is War[/B][/U] Monday, April 9th 2001 Boston, MA [COLOR=red]Raw begins with a video package highlighting the events last week and showcasing the attacks from WCW superstars. We culminate by seeing Booker T help The Rock defeat Steve Austin on Smackdown before heading inside the arena to an array of fireworks at the stage; as we settle down at ringside with Jim Ross and Paul Heyman.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Welcome everybody to what is set to be a huge night here on Monday Night Raw – I am your host Jim Ross, alongside Paul E. Heyman” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “That E stands for Extreme J.R. – but tonight we’ve got bigger fish to fry than my initials. In just under an hours time we will have a live announcement from WWF Studios in Stamford from Linda McMahon!” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “That’s gonna be huge Paul – Mrs. McMahon is set to address the WCW situation and make a ‘clear and definitive decision’; and I can’t wait. [COLOR=red]The Rock’s music blares throughout the arena and The People’s Champion makes his way down to the ring; grabbing a microphone from ringside – before posing on the turnbuckles for the fans.[/COLOR] [B][The Rock][/B] – “Finally… The Rock… has come back to Boston! Now, The Rock is out here tonight because The Rock, like the people, demands answers from Booker T. The Rock wants you to bring your Jabroni ass down to the ring and tell The Rock exactly why you helped him defeat Steve Austin on Smackdown!” [COLOR=red]Shane McMahon’s music plays and the WCW Owner makes his way down to the ring; The Rock doesn’t look impressed.[/COLOR] [B][The Rock][/B] – “You are not Booker T. The Rock did not ask for Shane McMahon, The Rock asked for Booker T. What in the blue hell do you think you are doing here?” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Rock-“ [B][The Rock][/B] – “It doesn’t matter what you think – The Rock wants to know, simply put, why did Booker T shove his nose into The Rock’s business on Thursday night – can you please tell The Rock what he wants to know?” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Rock, if you’d let me talk – I would be able to explain to you that Thursday night wasn’t Booker’s idea – it was mine. I sent Booker out there to make sure you got the job done and there’s a simple reason why I did that – it’s because I want you Rock.” [B][The Rock][/B] – “Whoa there Shane-O – The Rock does not swing his club that way. Now, the Rock understands that you’re at an impressionable age, and your body is going through changes – but for the love of god, keep those changes to yourself.” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Very funny Rock, look I’m serious – I want you to become the newest member of WCW. I want you to help me out at Backlash.” [B][The Rock][/B] – “What kind of help do you need The Rock for? And what is in this deal for The Rock? The Rock is listening Shane, make The Rock give a damn.” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “It’s simple, you do me a favour at Backlash and I pull a few strings and get you a title match at Judgement Day. All I want from you is to team with Booker T at Backlash to take on Stone Cold and Triple H in the main event – nothing more, nothing less.” [B][The Rock][/B] – “The Rock is interested with this proposal – but The Rock needs some time to think. You’ll get an answer soon – If Ya Smell… What The Rock… Is Cookin!” [COLOR=red]The Rock drops his mic and gives the fans the People’s Eyebrow before leaving the ring as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break with Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko making their way towards the ring; once inside they await the arrival of the APA and our opening contest is underway. [B]The APA vs. The Radicalz[/B] Faarooq and Malenko square up in the ring and both men lock eyes – Malenko pushes Faarooq, but is pushed right back. Malenko charges at Faarooq and looks a spinning heel kick – only for Faarooq to duck and hit the ropes, rebounding with a shoulder block. Faarooq tags Bradshaw in and whips Malenko across the ring, Saturn makes the blind tag – but as Malenko rebounds he is caught by the APA and dropped with a Double Spinebuster. Bradshaw drops down into the cover, but Saturn is quickly there to kick Bradshaw in the head. Saturn kicks away at Bradshaw as he gets to his feet, before sending him across the ring – Bradshaw rebounds, but is hit in the jaw by a Saturn Superkick. Saturn locks Bradshaw’s arm in an armbar and drags him towards Malenko to make the tag. Malenko puts the boots into the grounded Bradshaw as Saturn reaches back with the armbar. Saturn breaks the hold but doesn’t leave the ring until he and Malenko hoist Bradshaw up and nail him with a Gutbuster. Malenko makes the cover with his forearm in Bradshaw’s face, only for Faarooq to break the pin up with a boot to Malenko’s mid-section. The referee quickly sends Faarooq back to his corner as Malenko tags out and The Radicalz double team Bradshaw again – dropping him with a Double Vertical Suplex. Saturn powers Bradshaw up onto his shoulders as Malenko exits the ring – as Saturn looks for the Death Valley Driver, Bradshaw slides free and hits the ropes. Bradshaw connects with a vicious Clothesline From Hell, but is too hurt to capitalize – so crawls towards Faarooq to make the tag. Faarooq hits the ring, but so does Malenko – who charges at Faarooq but to no avail, as he is planted with a Spinebuster. Saturn gets to his feet but is grabbed by Faarooq and nailed with the Dominator – Faarooq makes the cover and picks up the well fought victory. [B]Winners by Pinfall: The APA (5:01)[/B] The APA celebrates as The Radicalz back up the ramp – only for Team Canada, Palumbo and O’Haire to hit the ring and blindside Faarooq and Bradshaw. Saturn and Malenko continue walking backstage as Palumbo nails Bradshaw with a Jungle Kick and Storm Super Kick’s Faarooq in the face. Faarooq stumbles backwards into Mike Awesome, who nails him with a vicious Awesome Bomb – O’Haire leaps to the top rope and nails the prone Bradshaw with a Seanton Bomb. The WCW quartet is left victorious in the ring with the APA down.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “That damn WCW has struck down the APA again; I can’t for Backlash and an even playing field.” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “Hey, it would’ve been an even playing field had Saturn and Malenko stayed at ringside – don’t go blaming WCW for that.” [COLOR=red]We cut backstage to Edge and Christian warming up in their locker room – suddenly The Dudleyz burst in.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “What the hell do you two buffoons want?” [B][Bubba Ray Dudley][/B] – “We just wanted to know where your buddy Rhyno is, that’s all.” [B][Christian][/B] – “He’s not here yet – why the hell do you care?” [B][D-Von Dudley][/B] – “Ha-ha – we just wanted to make sure there was no outside interference tonight.” [COLOR=red]Bubba Ray laughs sarcastically before walking out of the locker room.[/COLOR] [B][D-Von Dudley][/B] – “Oh my brother – Testify!” [COLOR=red]D-Von follows Bubba out, leaving Edge and Christian bemused.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “I guess being a dufus is cool in Dudleyville.” [COLOR=red]Edge and Christian laugh together as we head to commercials. ---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]We return in the Commissioners Office with William Regal as the APA burst in, looking a bit worse for wear.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “Bloody hell, not you pair again – what is this time?” [B][Bradshaw][/B] – “Damnit Regal, we want either of the WCW teams in a match on Smackdown – I don’t care which one it is, I just want to beat someone’s ass.” [B][William Regal][/B] – “Look I’ve told you before, I have no power over WCW – but I will try my hardest to get you your match on Smackdown.” [COLOR=red]Bradshaw and Faarooq storm out of the office and leave Regal with a slight smirk on his face. Before we head to the ring to see The Dudley Boyz enter – they are soon joined by Chris Benoit.[/COLOR] [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “Looks like we’ve got the APA in action this Thursday on Smackdown, against one of the WCW teams.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “It’ll be interesting to see how impactful the WCW team is in an actual contest, instead of cheaply interfering in every match they can. [COLOR=red]The WWF Tag Team Champions and Kurt Angle make their way out as a threesome and the sides are even and ready for the six man tag. [B]The Dudley Boyz and Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian[/B] Christian and Benoit are the legal men as the match begins, with Christian uneasy to start the match – but Benoit nails him with a stiff clothesline and takes him down. Benoit drags Christian into the centre of the ring and to his feet – Benoit spins round Christian and charges him towards the turnbuckle. Christian writhes in pain as Benoit makes the tag to Bubba Ray – who spins Christian round and nails him with a kick to the gut. Bubba drags Christian out of the corner and powers him up onto his shoulders – before dropping him with a Samoan Drop. Bubba makes the cover, but Kurt Angle hits the ring and breaks it up – Benoit takes exception and hits the ring himself. Benoit nails Angle with forearms and whips him across the ring; Angle hangs onto the ropes and drops to the outside. Benoit charges and leaps through the ropes – landing on Angle with a Suicide Dive. Bubba tags D-Von into the ring and hits Christian with a scoop slam – with D-Von mounting the top rope. Bubba holds Christian’s legs apart as both Dudleyz call for the Wazzup – D-Von sets himself, but Edge hits the ring and rolls Bubba over so his legs are open. D-Von leaps off and connects with the low blow headbutt on his brother Bubba. D-Von realises his mistake but is quickly hit with a Spear from Edge – Edge drags D-Von into the centre of the ring, but Raven runs down to ringside and catches his attention. Benoit and Angle and both up to their feet and exchanging left and rights, until Benoit clotheslines Angle over the barricade and the pair continue to brawl through the crowd. Edge shouts at Raven at ringside, but Raven grabs Edge and hangs him up on the top rope. Christian mounts the top rope – and throws himself onto Raven on the outside. Edge stumbles backwards into D-Von who hoists him up for Bubba – who nails Edge with the 3-D. D-Von makes the cover as Bubba knocks Christian from the apron and The Dudleyz pick up the win for their team. [B]Winners by Pinfall: The Dudley Boyz and Chris Benoit (5:49)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “What the hell is Raven doing helping The Dudleyz? Does this have something to do with what we saw on Smackdown?” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “It makes perfect sense JR, the Hardcore Champion and the most Extreme Tag Team in the history of wrestling – they were bound to end up on the same team eventually.” [COLOR=red]We cut backstage to Michael Cole, who is standing by with The Undertaker.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “I’m here with The Under-“ [COLOR=red]Undertaker grabs the microphone from Cole and pushes him to floor before pointing off shot.[/COLOR] [B][The Undertaker][/B] – “Get! I don’t need you here to interview me – I do need to tell to remind Shane McMahon about the last decade in the WWF. Ya see, over the last decade several things have changed – but only one thing has stayed the same. That one thing? Destruction! Ya see I, The Undertaker, have been at the head of a Decade of Destruction here in the WWF – and that won’t stop any time soon. Shane, instead of facing me at Backlash – you might as well have just signed your own death certificate. I will stop at nothing to destroy you and make you famous – and the clock is ticking Shane. It’s ticking, and when it stops ticking and its little bell rings – play time will be over, and The Deadman takes back his Yard!” [COLOR=red]Taker drops the mic to the floor before walking off as we head to commercials. ---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]We return from the break and head to Edge and Christian again in their locker room just as Rhyno arrives in the room.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “Where the hell have you been? We needed you out there and you don’t show up – what kind of friend are you?” [B][Rhyno][/B] – “Why should I tell you? I don’t answer to you pair, you don’t own me – and I owe you nothing. I’ve got my own agenda, and I always have – maybe now I don’t need you two.” [B][Christian][/B] – “We made you here you ungrateful- If you don’t get your act together, you’re through in the WWF.” [B][Edge][/B] – “Look, you better have your head in the right place on Thursday for my match against Raven for the Hardcore Title on Smackdown!” [COLOR=red]Edge and Christian storm out of the room, leaving Rhyno shaking his head in disgust. We cut back to ringside as Crash Holly makes his way to the ring for our Hardcore Title Match.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Speaking of Raven, he might not be Hardcore Champion by the time we get to Philadelphia on Thursday.” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “Philly? Hell – nothing better than a Hardcore Match in Philadelphia – I can vouch for that JR!” [COLOR=red]The WWF Hardcore Champion makes his way down to the ring, pushing his shopping trolley full of weapons down to the ring. Raven throws a garbage can and its lid into the ring; along with a stop sign, a green and yellow Celtics basketball and a Patriots football helmet.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Looks like Raven’s been to a sporting goods store before getting to the arena tonight.” [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B]Raven © vs. Crash Holly[/B] Crash grabs the football helmet and puts it on as Raven climbs into the ring – before charging at Raven with his head down. Crash hits Raven in the mid-section with a headbutt and knocks Raven into the corner. Crash picks up the basketball and chest passes it towards Raven – who rolls out of the way, sending the ball outside the ring. Crash charges at Raven and looks for a dropkick, only for Raven to push Crash away. The Hardcore Champion quickly goes on the advantage, and pulls Crash to his feet in the corner – nailing him with a Russian Leg Sweep into the middle turnbuckle. Raven slides outside and takes a chair into the ring – setting it up in the centre. Raven drags Crash up and whips him across the ring, as Crash rebounds Raven goes for a drop toe hold and sends Crash face first into the chair. Raven rolls Crash through into a cover, only for Crash to use his momentum and force a cover himself – only gaining a two count. Raven powers out and nails Crash in the face with a series of jabs, before nailing a Discus Clothesline. Raven drags Crash to his feet and sets him up for the Raven Effect – Crash grabs Raven’s arm and twists out into a DDT of his own; only for Raven to block and connect with the Raven Effect himself. Raven hooks both legs and stacks Crash up with the cover – and gets the three. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Raven (2:17)[/B] We head to commercials with Raven standing victorious in the ring. --------------- We return from the break and head straight over to WWF Studios in Stamford, Connecticut – where we are live with the World Wrestling Federation CEO, Linda McMahon.[/COLOR] [B][Linda McMahon][/B] – “Hello everybody, I am Linda McMahon – the Chief Executive Officer of World Wrestling Federation Entertainment. Tonight, I wish to address the current situation involving both the WWF and WCW. Over the last week we have seen involvement from WCW contracted superstars within WWF matches. From now this will change, as I have made the executive decision on behalf of the WWF Board of Directors to give WCW the power to promote a single match on both Raw and Smackdown. This means that for the first time in the history of the WWF, we will see WCW contracted workers legally inside a WWF ring. This also means that WCW will be allowed in the arena, but will be restricted to their own area backstage and are not permitted to intervene in WWF sanctioned contests. This solution will be in full effect tonight as we will see the WCW Heavyweight Championship defended in the main event of Raw for the first time in history – I hope that this solution satisfies all of the involved parties and will provide a definitive solution to the conflict between the WCW and WWF. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of Raw.” [COLOR=red]We cut from our cameras at WWF Studios and head backstage at the arena to see Shane McMahon and Booker T watching a monitor.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Did you hear that Booker? Tonight – you will defend your WCW Championship against any member of WCW at my discretion.” [B][Booker T][/B] – “You didn’t just say that - tell me you didn’t just say that?” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “I did Booker, and that means that Phase 1 is almost complete – Phase 2 will begin shortly.” [B][Booker T][/B] – “Now – I can dig that Sucka!” [COLOR=red]We head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break with Grandmaster Sexay in the ring and the new WWF Light Heavyweight Champion – Jerry Lynn making his way to the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “What a huge announcement from Linda McMahon – WCW get to promote a match each week?” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “This is a day I never thought I would see – the WCW Heavyweight Title being contested in a WWF ring on Monday Night Raw; I just can’t believe it.” [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B]Jerry Lynn © vs. Grandmaster Sexay[/B] Lynn and Sexay lock up as the bell sounds, with Sexay gaining the advantage with a headlock – he sends Lynn into the ropes, but the Champion hits a shoulder block. Sexay gets to his feet but is met by a scoop slam from Lynn, who quickly hits the ropes and lands a leg drop for a quick two count. Lynn lifts Sexay to his feet before nailing him in the gut and hitting the ropes; Lynn rebounds and leaps over Sexay – looking for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Sexay blocks it and lands a leg drop on Lynn – Sexay gets to his feet and begins to dance to the crowd. Lynn rolls Sexay up with a school boy but rolls through and locks in a Cross Armbar Submission on Sexay. Sexay struggles towards the ropes as Lynn pulls back on the arm – until finally being forced to break free as Sexay grabs the bottom rope. Lynn drags Sexay back into the centre of the ring and pulls him up into a Piledriver position. Lynn hooks his leg and drops Sexay on his head with a Cradle Piledriver – he makes the cover and retains his title. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Jerry Lynn (1:53)[/B] Lynn celebrates with his belt and walks up the ramp victorious as Sexay lies prone in the ring. Suddenly WCW’s Billy Kidman comes through the crowd and jumps the barricade. Kidman heads up the apron and onto the top rope – he points at Sexay before launching himself off and connecting with a Shooting Star Press. Kidman gets to his feet and up to the top rope; he points to the retreating Lynn and signals that he wants the belt around his waist.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Lynn makes an impressive defence on his Raw debut – but why was Billy Kidman out here, he’s a WCW guy.” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “It looks like WCW isn’t playing within the rules JR – Kidman sent a message to Jerry Lynn, and the WWF, right there.” [COLOR=red]We head backstage to Vince McMahon’s office – Vince is sitting on his sofa with the WWF Champion – Stone Cold Steve Austin.[/COLOR] [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “Damn Vince, that meely-mouth little bastard son of yours screwed me on Smackdown. Booker T hit me with the Book End, I got pinned by The Rock; if they think that they can just do that to Stone Cold Steve Austin and not get their asses whooped – they got another thing coming.“ [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Steve, look – we’ll have everything sorted. I know The Rock – he’s a WWF guy, he won’t help WCW at Backlash. It’ll just be you and Triple H against Booker T – and you can show my son Shane exactly what he’s getting in to.” [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “You think that Austin 3:16 is gonna wait till Backlash? Eh-Eh – Stone Cold is gonna go out there tonight, he’s gonna find Booker T and he’s gonna open up a can of whoop ass and walk it dry and that’s the bottom line… cause Stone Cold said so.” [COLOR=red]Vince smiles at Austin’s idea as we cut to commercials. ---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]We come back and we are joined by Kane as he makes his way to the ring – until he is sent rolling down the ramp thanks to a Clothesline from an angry Big Show. [/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Big Show from nowhere taking out Kane, what the hell is he playing at?” [COLOR=red]Show grabs Kane by the hair and drags him to his feet; before launching him into the steps at ringside. Show gets into an argument with a fan at ringside as Kane gets to his feet – with the distraction enough for Kane to get back into the match, nailing Show with a right hand. Kane goes on the offensive, nailing Show with several right hands and forcing him up the ramp. Kane continues to pummel away on Show as they reach the entrance way when Kane grabs Show by the throat and attempts a Chokeslam. But Show is too alert and grabs Kane by the throat – and the pair struggle for the advantage. Kane eventually forces Show backwards and into the Raw set – but both men and forced to loosen their grip. A herd of officials and agents flood out from backstage and separate Kane and Show.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “There must be thirty guys out here just to keep these two behemoths apart.” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “There’s certainly some unfinished business here JR – and I can’t wait to see them battle again.” [COLOR=red]The officials finally get Kane and Show off the stage as we cut backstage to Shane McMahon’s room – we focus on Shane.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Tonight, one WCW superstar will get the opportunity to face Booker T for the WCW Heavyweight Title.” [COLOR=red]We cut to Booker T, who is holding both the WCW Heavyweight and United States Titles. We then pan across to Mike Awesome, Lance Storm, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and Billy Kidman – who are all lined up next to the Champion; with Palumbo and O’Haire sporting the WCW Tag Titles.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Tonight, Booker T will face… None of you! Tonight you all have the night off, but come Thursday night and Smackdown – I guarantee you will all see in-ring action. Tonight, the WCW Champion will defend his gold against a former 5-time WCW Tag Champion – Buff Daddy!” [COLOR=red]Buff Bagwell walks in the room with a huge grin on his face.[/COLOR] [B][Buff Bagwell][/B] – “I’m Buff, I’m the Stuff and the girls can’t get enough!” [COLOR=red]Booker T walks up to Buff with a look of complete disgust.[/COLOR] [B][Booker T][/B] – “You didn't just say that – tell me you didn’t just say that!” [COLOR=red]Shane McMahon steps between the two and tries to defuse the situation.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Save it for the ring guys; I don’t want you to disappoint me – this is WCW’s big chance, we cannot fail now.” [B][Booker T][/B] – “Buff – you need to do what’s best for WCW and what’s best for this WCW Title; if you know what I mean.” [COLOR=red]Booker T pushes the WCW Title into Buff’s face before we cut to commercials. ---------------[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]We return from the break and find ourselves in the Commissioners Office – but Regal is nowhere to be found. Chris Jericho is sat behind the desk with his feet up and a cup of tea in his hand – when Commissioner Regal storms in.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “What the bloody hell do you think you’re playing at? Get your filthy hands off of my priceless china; and what in the name of her majesty, Queen Elizabeth, is that stain on my table? Get your feet down and get the hell out of my sight!” [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “Jeez Regal, you need to calm down and drink some tea. Why am I in your office? Well I wanted to get comfortable with the surroundings – because at Backlash, I want to make things a little interesting. I want the same thing that all the Jericholics want and I want to be able to say ‘Welcome to Commissioner is Jericho!’” [B][William Regal][/B] – “Are you proposing that I put my beloved Commissionership on the line in our match at Backlash? That’s preposterous – I would never do such a thing. The only way I will accept is if at Backlash we have a little stipulation in our match – a stipulation that I plan on choosing.” [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “Looks like the match is on, Jackass!” [COLOR=red]Jericho gets up and leaves the office, with Regal looking a little besmirched.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “What kind of stipulation will it be?” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “I don’t know JR – but what I do know is that for the first time ever WCW Superstars Booker T and Buff Bagwell will go one-on-one for the WCW Heavyweight Championship.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “It’s unbelievable – but it’s next!” [COLOR=red]Buff Daddy makes his way down to the ring, complete with ridiculous top hat and his own face on his tights. Bagwell gets into the ring as the WCW Champion, Booker T, makes his way down the ramp – and the match is on.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwheavyweight.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B]Booker T © vs. Buff Bagwell[/B] Booker mouths off at Bagwell as the bell sounds, before squaring up to him and demanding that he lay down for the Champion. Bagwell backs away and thinks about it, before turning and slapping Booker across the face. Bagwell charges at Booker and hits him with a Clothesline to take him down – before prancing around the ring and taunting to the fans and showing off his physique. Booker gets up and nails Bagwell with a stiff forearm to the face before whipping Buff Daddy across the ring – as Buff rebounds Booker grabs him and hits a Sidewalk Slam. Booker bounces off the ropes and hits Bagwell with a knee drop – he gets back to his feet and taunts the crowd. Buff Daddy gets up and the pair exchange right hands before Buff ducks and hooks both of Booker’s arms – and dropping him with a DDT. Bagwell covers but Booker kicks out – causing Buff to argue with the referee. Booker gets to his feet and Bagwell charges at him – but Booker catches the challenger and drops him with a big Spinebuster. Buff is dragged to his feet and Booker nails him in the mid-section and shouts to the crowd – he rebounds off the ropes and connects with an Axe Kick. Booker stares at his hand in the centre of the ring before performing a Spinarooni – and making the cover. The referee gets to two but is pulled from the ring by Stone Cold. Austin grabs the referee and launches him into the steps before sliding into the ring. Austin stalks Booker as he gets to his feet in confusion – before turning straight into a right boot and a huge Stone Cold Stunner. Austin slides outside and grabs a steel chair – before returning to the ring talking trash to Booker as he slowly gets to his feet. [B]Winner by Disqualification: Booker T (5:57)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Is this what Stone Cold meant by getting his revenge?” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “He’s about to open up a can of whoop ass, JR.” [COLOR=red]Austin rears back with the chair before bringing it down hard across the back of Booker T.[/COLOR] [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “Get the hell up you little bastard!” [COLOR=red]Austin stalks Booker with the chair as he gets to his feet, gives him the finger as he groggily turns to face him – before smashing him square in the head with the chair. Austin drops the chair and salutes the crowd as Buff Daddy gets to his feet – Stone Cold jumps down and nails Buff with a kick to the gut and a Stone Cold Stunner for his troubles. The Rock’s music hits and The Great One makes a be-line for the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Here comes The Rock; has he made his mind up about Shane McMahon’s offer?” [COLOR=red]The Rock climbs through the ropes and squares up to Stone Cold and the pair stare each other down. Rocky turns to the fans before returning his eyes to those of Austin’s.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “I have no idea what is going on in the mind of The Rock right now, and I don’t think we’re gonna find out tonight. Goodnight Everybody!” [COLOR=red]Shane McMahon makes his way onto the stage to take a closer look as Raw goes off the air. ---------------[/COLOR] [quote=Raw Recap] (WCW) Booker T © def. Buff Bagwell (Light Heavyweight) Jerry Lynn © def. Grandmaster Sexay (Hardcore) Raven © def. Crash Holly Chris Benoit and The Dudley Boyz def. Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian The APA def. The Radicalz Total In-Ring Time: 21:57 Nielsen Rating: 5.92 [/quote]
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Smackdown Preview - 12/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/smackdown.png[/img] [COLOR=blue][U][B]Decision Time?[/B][/U] WWF Smackdown! Preview [I]Is this Thursday night’s Smackdown decision time for The Rock? We may be forced to find out where The Rock’s allegiance lies as he takes on Triple H in the main event. Will The Rock choose to side with Shane McMahon and Booker T at Backlash on head over to WCW? Or will he snub the younger McMahon and choose to stay as a WWF guy? Whatever is the case, this week’s main event is going to be a huge encounter. Also this week, Smackdown will be jam-packed full of Title matches – as we will see three titles defended on the night. The first of which is the first defence of the WCW Tag Team Titles on WWF Programming as Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire will defend their titles against the severely pissed off APA. These two teams have had their problems in recent weeks and will both be a part of a huge Eight-Man Tag at Backlash. The remaining two title matches are both set under different circumstances. The first of which is another WWF vs. WCW match as Jerry Lynn is forced to defend his WWF Light Heavyweight Title against the man who made an impact on Raw after Lynn’s match – Billy Kidman. We will also see the WWF Hardcore Title on the line as Edge challenges the man who stuck his nose into Edge’s business on Raw – Raven. Catch all of this on Thursday night on UPN![/I] [U]Confirmed Matches[/U] The Rock vs. Triple H [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwtagteam.png[/IMG]: Palumbo and O’Haire © vs. The APA [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/IMG]: Jerry Lynn © vs. Billy Kidman [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/IMG]: Raven © vs. Edge[/COLOR]
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Smackdown Results - 12/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/smackdown.png[/img] [U][B]WWF Smackdown[/B][/U] Thursday, April 12th 2001 Philadelphia, PA [COLOR=blue]Smackdown opens with a brief outline of the events that transpired on Raw is War on Monday Night, with Booker T and Buff Bagwell being assaulted by Steve Austin – culminating with The Rock and Austin staring down with Shane McMahon looking on. We head inside the arena for a quick pyro display and we are emanating from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – and we head to Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Hello everyone, and welcome to WWF Smackdown here on UPN – and tonight, Tazz, we have a huge show in store for you all.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “That’s right Cole – tonight’s main event is gonna be a Rocket Buster; as Triple H and The Rock square off inside the ring here on Smackdown.” [COLOR=blue]We head backstage to see Shane McMahon; he is stood looking upwards at somebody or something off-screen.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Tonight is gonna be a great night, it will be an historic night. – the biggest acquisition in recent memory unveiled.” [COLOR=blue]The camera pans across to see a huge WCW shirt and logo – we pan upwards and reveal that the biggest acquisition is The Big Show, who begins to laugh at the camera.[/COLOR] [B][Big Show][/B] – “It is my privilege; no it is my honour to become an integral part of the new WCW. The old WCW had poor leaders – but I have full faith in you, Shane-O!” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Let’s start as we mean to go on tonight – Show, we’re teaming up tonight to face The Undertaker and Kane. I can only speak for myself, but it’s definitely in our best interest to make a huge impression on the ‘Brothers of Destruction’ tonight – and I know exactly what to do.” [COLOR=blue]Big Show and Shane both grin to each other, obviously hiding a secret. We cut away and head to ringside for the arrival of Jeff Hardy – we head to the ring and find Val Venis already inside.[/COLOR] [B][Tazz][/B] – “Wow! What a coup by Shane-O for WCW – you don’t get much bigger than The Big Show.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “You certainly don’t Tazz, but I’m sure we’ll hear plenty more about this later on tonight – but now it’s time for our opening contest; Jeff Hardy taking on, RTC Member, Val Venis.” [COLOR=blue][B]Val Venis vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] Val starts the match mouthing off at Hardy, but Jeff isn’t fazed as he connects with a couple of right hands, before sending Venis across the ring with an Irish Whip. Venis rebounds and ducks under Hardy, before rebounding again – but is met by a Flying Forearm from Hardy; who is quickly up before throwing his shirt into the crowd. Hardy steps onto the apron and mounts the top rope – but Venis gets to his feet and intercepts Hardy. Venis grabs Hardy and spins him round – connecting with a Spin-Out Powerbomb from the second rope. Val makes the cover, but Hardy kicks out at two – Venis shows his anger to the referee but quickly refocuses and mounts the top rope. Val leaps from the top rope, looking for the Money Shot – but Hardy rolls out of the way and sends Venis crashing to the canvas. Hardy rushes to his feet and up to the top rope – he throws himself off, and connects with a perfect Swanton Bomb – and gets the three count. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Jeff Hardy (1:37)[/B] Hardy doesn’t celebrate his win, but leans through the ropes and demands a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][Jeff Hardy][/B] – “Look, I know that my brother Matt has earned himself a European Title Match at Backlash – but I refuse to be left out here in the dark without a match on the show. So tonight, I’m issuing an open challenge to any Champion in the back for a match at Backlash.” Hardy drops the mic and heads backstage as we head to Tazz and Cole for reaction. [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Jeff Hardy feeling a little competitive with his brother tonight, he doesn’t want to be left behind.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “I don’t blame him Cole; I guess we’ll just have to wait and see who accepts his challenge for a title match.” [COLOR=blue]We head to Commercials with a graphic hyping our main event of Triple H vs. The Rock. --------------- We return from the break with one-half of the WWF Tag Team Champions – Edge making his way to the ring, looking a little sceptical with the thought of a Hardcore Match.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Edge looking very uneasy on his way down to the ring; he’s got a great chance here tonight to hold two titles at the same time.” [B][Tazz][/B] – “I wouldn’t look forward to facing Raven in Philly, Cole – Edge has every right to be uneasy.” [COLOR=blue]The WWF Hardcore Champion, Raven, makes his way towards the ring pushing his shopping trolley full of weapons down towards the ring – including a hockey stick, which is thrown into the ring at Edge. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfhardcore.png[/IMG] [B]Raven © vs. Edge[/B] Edge tries to get the early mind-games advantage as he exits the ring and circles around the outside – Raven refuses to be concerned as he heads outside and chases his challenger. Edge runs round the ring before sliding under the bottom rope and grabbing the hockey stick –as Raven follows him inside. Edge splits the stick in half over the back of Raven with a single shot – he throws away the remaining piece of stick before stomping away at Raven as he struggles back to his feet. Edge grabs Raven and tries to whip him across the ring, only for Raven to reverse and send Edge into the ropes – Edge rebounds and Raven nails him with a drop toe hold in the centre of the ring. Raven taunts the crowd before leaning through the ropes and pulling a cookie sheet out of the shopping trolley. Edge gets back to his feet but is met with a stiff shot to the head from a cookie sheet assisted Raven. Edge falls to the canvas in a heap with Raven standing tall – until Edge’s brother Christian slides into the ring armed with a steel chair. Raven turns and is met by a chair shot to the head from Christian – who then looks at his brother and then the referee, before making the cover on Raven. Raven kicks out at two but chaos breaks out as D-Von and Bubba Ray storm the ring to attack Christian.[/COLOR] [B][Tazz][/B] – “God Damnit – I’ve had enough of this.” [COLOR=blue]Tazz exits his seat at ringside and slowly makes his way into the ring; while Edge and Christian are exchanging right hands with the Dudleyz. Tazz climbs through the ropes, but goes un-noticed by the four men brawling. Raven staggers to his feet with Tazz stalking him, only for Tazz to change his target and grab Edge from behind. Tazz locks in the Tazzmission and wrestles Edge to the canvas – lighting a fire within Christian who ducks a Bubba Ray right hand and causes him to hit his brother in the face. Christian hits Bubba with a dropkick from behind and sends the Dudleyz into each other and through the ropes as Rhyno rushes down the entrance ramp and heads for the ring. Rhyno slides into the ring and carries on his momentum ripping Christian in half with a vicious Gore. Tazz releases the Tazzmission and gets to his feet to join Rhyno and Raven in the centre of the ring – The Dudleyz then climb into the ring and all five men look at each other before the music of ECW hits. With the crowd going crazy we find Paul Heyman walking through the fans heading towards the ring – he is flanked by Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. Heyman and his three associates climb over the barricade and into the ring – with a microphone in hand. No Contest (6:11)[/COLOR] [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “Ladies and Gentlemen do not adjust your television sets – what you are witnessing is not a mistake. What you are witnessing is a Rebirth, it is a Reunion – it is Extreme!” [COLOR=blue]The Dudleyz drag Edge to his feet as Van Dam throws a chair to him, which he catches – only to be hit with the Van Daminator from RVD. Heyman puts the mic in front of Van Dam who taunts along as he says his name.[/COLOR] [B][Rob Van Dam][/B] – “Rob… Van… Dam!” [COLOR=blue]The Sandman picks Christian up from the canvas and places him into the tree of woe in the corner of the ring – Rhyno places a chair in front of the face of Christian as he trash talks him. Tommy Dreamer screams ‘ECW’ before charging across the ring and nailing Christian in the face with a dropkick to the chair. The Eight ECW Superstars all pose in the ring with Paul Heyman looking on smugly behind them as we cut to commercial. --------------- As we return from commercials we head into Vince McMahon’s office where he is stood with Triple H, as WWF Champion – Stone Cold Steve Austin is sat in the corner on a chair.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “A former four-time WWF Champion; a former two-time Intercontinental Champion; a former two-time European Champion; the 1997 King of the Ring – a man who has several victories over The Rock to his name. The man who tonight will finally put The Rock away and put the final nail in his coffin and ship his remains off to WCW – he is The Cerebral Assassin – The Game, Triple H! Now how does that introduction sound Hunter?” [COLOR=blue]Triple H grins inanely and we see Austin react with disdain at Vince’s ‘introduction’.[/COLOR] [B][Triple H][/B] – “Look Vince, after that fantastic introduction I will promise you one thing – I will not disappoint you, and I will personally ensure that The Rock is in no physical condition to be cleared to wrestle at Backlash after he steps into the ring with me tonight.” [COLOR=blue]Stone Cold gets to his feet and squares up to Triple H, leaving Vince with a shocked expression.[/COLOR] [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “You can shut your mouth; if Austin 3:16 sees fit to do so, he’ll walk his ass down to the ring and take The Rock out, flip him the finger and Stunner his ass before you even get in the ring – and don’t you forget that son. Hell I might even grab a few cold ones, knock them back in the ring, hit another Stunner then walk my ass backstage, kick down Shane McMahon’s door; grab that little bastard, drop him with a Stunner – and then take that stupid bastard Booker T and drop him with a Stunner. Hell son, if anybody in this building makes it out of Philly without getting a Stunner they’ve had a good day – cause I’m the WWF Champion and I can do whatever the hell I please, ain’t that right Vince?” [COLOR=blue]Vince has a huge smile on his face and is getting visibly excited.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “You’re damn right Stone Cold – hell I’d love to see every single person in this building getting a Stunner, just for turning up. Maybe you could give Shane two Stunners, no three – hell maybe you could give him five Stunners? I love this idea Steve – you have my blessing.” [B][Triple H][/B] – “Vince calm the hell down, this stupid little idea ain’t gonna go down tonight. Austin, you’ve had your chance to take out The Rock and tonight is my chance – it’s my time. And unlike you I will get the job done, because I am The Game, and I am That Damn Good!” [COLOR=blue]Triple H storms out of the room as Vince cools down and Austin shakes his head. We head back to the announce table where Michael Cole is sat on his own, and Jim Ross is walking down to ringside.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in complete shock over what has just transpired. I don’t know what we just saw – was that really the rebirth of ECW?” [COLOR=blue]J.R. sits down next to Cole at the announce table.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Good evening Michael, and hello fans I am J.R. Jim Ross and I am no different – I have no clue what the hell just went down here in that ring. Paul Heyman, Paul E. Dangerously, whatever you want to call him has handed out his kool-aid again and those former WWF Superstars are obviously drinking it. It seems that ECW has indeed been reborn here in the WWF – all I can say is to you fans to tune into Raw on Monday Night to find out some answers, as tonight – we still have some business to attend to.” [COLOR=blue]The WWF Light Heavyweight Champion – Jerry Lynn makes his way down towards the ring and taunts the fans with his title belt as the WCW superstar Billy Kidman makes his entrance. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/IMG] [B]Jerry Lynn © vs. Billy Kidman[/B] Lynn squares up to Kidman and extends his hand for a handshake – Kidman looks at Lynn and laughs, before slapping him across the face and taunting the fans on the second rope. Lynn shakes it off and pulls Kidman down from the second rope and drags him into the centre of the ring. Lynn grabs Kidman by the arm and goes for a hip toss; but he kneels down and causes Kidman to lands across his knee in a backbreaker variation. Lynn grabs Kidman and rolls him up with a small package for a two count. Kidman wriggles free and takes the advantage as he clubs away at Lynn’s neck – before lifting him up with Fireman’s Carry, before dropping him with a Neckbreaker across the knee. Kidman taunts above Lynn, who swiftly reaches up and rolls Kidman over with another school boy, but once again for a two count. Lynn drags Kidman to his feet and locks in a headlock – but he quickly changes position and lifts Kidman up; before planting him with a vicious Brainbuster. Lynn makes a cover, but Kidman lifts his shoulder – forcing Lynn to drag him into the corner and sit Kidman on the top turnbuckle. Lynn grabs hold of Kidman’s head and locks for a Tornado DDT – but Kidman pushes Lynn from the top rope, and he crashes onto the canvas. As Kidman positions himself on the top rope, Shane Helms leaps over the barricade and onto the apron – he crotches Kidman on the top rope. Helms grabs Kidman and nails him with the World’s Highest Neckbreaker from the top rope to the canvas. Lynn gets to his feet, but Helms is ready for him and connects with a Sugarsmack on the Light Heavyweight Champion. [B]Winner by Disqualification: Billy Kidman (3:26)[/B] Helms grabs a microphone from ringside and addresses the fans.[/COLOR] [B][Shane Helms][/B] – “Ladies and Gentlemen, you are looking at the premier athlete in this weight class – you are looking at the best pure athlete on the planet; you are looking at “Sugar” Shane Helms. Billy Kidman and Jerry Lynn are great athletes, and have been great champions – but they aren’t the greatest champion in the world today; I am. This belt around my waist is the WCW Cruiserweight Championship of the World – and it means that I am the best, and I am here to stay.” [COLOR=blue]Helms drops the mic and raises his belt above his head as he taunts the fans.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Another WCW Superstar makes an impact here in the WWF – this place is a mad-house tonight J.R.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “I think somebody left the back door open as it’s just been a constant stream of invaders all night. This is unprecedented – the WCW Cruiserweight Champion and the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion in the ring at the same time. This is a huge night here on Smackdown Michael, and it’s far from over yet.” [COLOR=blue]With that we cut to commercial with a graphic hyping the main event of The Rock vs. Triple H. --------------- We return from the break and head straight backstage to Jonathon Coachman, who is standing by with The Rock, who is pacing around waiting for Coachman to begin.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Ladies and Gentlemen I am here with The Rock, and Rock I-“ [COLOR=blue]The Rock raises his hand and covers the microphone before shaking his head at Coach; he pulls the mic up to his own mouth.[/COLOR] [B][The Rock][/B] – “Finally, The Rock has come back… to Philadelphia.” [COLOR=blue]The Rock releases the microphone and allows Coach to speak again.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Rock, I know that you and Triple H have a storied past and that you know each other so well – what are your thoughts on facing the self-proclaimed Cerebral Assassin in tonight’s main event?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “You want to know about The Rock’s history with Triple H? Well you should take a look at all the titanic battles that The Rock has had with Triple H – the two out of three falls match, the Ladder match, the Strap match, Steel Cage matches, the Iron Man match, Special Referee matches, Triple Threat matches, Fatal Four Way matches, Six Pack Challenges, Hell in a Cell 2000. Simply put, The Rock and Triple H have been the reason for millions, and The Rock means millions, of PPV buys. The Rock has faced Triple H in every match possible – hell we even had a pie-eating contest.” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “A pie-eating contest?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “Ok, so The Rock lied – maybe we didn’t have a pie-eating contest. But it should’ve happened, boy does The Rock like pie – do you like Pie?” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Erm – well, that depends on what kind of pie you mean Rock?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “Does it matter what type of pie The Rock means? No – just tell The Rock, yes or no, do you like pie?” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Well-“ [B][The Rock][/B] – “It doesn’t matter whether you like pie. All that matters is that you stand there and you listen to what The Rock has to say. The fact of the matter is, tonight – after The Rock is through with Triple H – he will look like a half-eaten pie, with a gigantic nose in the middle of it. Say Coach, do you know what The Rock is going to do with that nose?” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “What are you going to do Rock?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “The Rock is going to take Triple H’s nose, and put it inside a little box – The Rock’s gonna walk down the street to the local jewellers; find the biggest rock he can find, hell maybe even a diamond – The Rock’s can bring the diamond-nose back to the arena, take it to the ring; shine it up real nice – so you can see The Rock in the rock, he’s gonna turn that sum-bitch sideways and shove it straight up Triple H’s ass. If Ya Smell… What The Rock… Is Cookin!” [COLOR=blue]The Rock raises his eyebrow and pulls down his shades as we head to commercial. --------------- We return from the break with the WCW Tag Team Champions – Palumbo and O’Haire making their way down to their ring for their first official WWF match. [/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “These two men have been a thorn in the WWF’s side over the last two weeks or so – and now The APA get their hands on them, and Michael – I can’t wait.” [COLOR=blue]Faarooq and Bradshaw make their way towards the ring and the match is on. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwtagteam.png[/IMG] [B]Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire © vs. The APA[/B] The APA both slide into the ring, but both men are jumped by O’Haire and Palumbo – but Bradshaw and Faarooq fight back. Bradshaw sends O’Haire across the ring with an Irish Whip; as Faarooq nails Palumbo in the gut with a boot. Bradshaw grabs the rebounding O’Haire and drops him with a vicious Powerslam – with Faarooq sending Palumbo crashing through the ropes. Bradshaw drags O’Haire to his feet and both of the APA beat him down with fists to the back – before Bradshaw whips him back across the ring. O’Haire rebounds but the Acolytes nails him with a Double Spinebuster; Bradshaw makes the cover – but Palumbo pulls him out of the ring. Palumbo hits Bradshaw with right hands before sending him crashing into the steps at ringside – this distracts Faarooq and allows O’Haire to roll him up from behind with a school boy. Faarooq powers out after two but Palumbo slides into the ring and the WCW superstars begin the double team. Palumbo drags Faarooq to his feet and lifts him up – only for O’Haire to nail Faarooq in the face with a Superkick. The referee finally forces Palumbo out of the ring, and leaves O’Haire and Faarooq alone – with O’Haire kneeing Faarooq in the side of the head, before making the quick tag to Palumbo. Palumbo stalks Faarooq as he staggers to his feet, before grabbing him and looking for a Belly-to-Belly suplex – but Faarooq blocks it and hits Palumbo with a Scoop Slam. Faarooq staggers into his corner and tags in Bradshaw – who storms the ring and hits Palumbo square in the face with a big boot. O’Haire hits the ring, but is taken out by a huge Clothesline From Hell by Bradshaw – who then grabs hold of Palumbo, and hits him with a Fallaway Slam. Bradshaw surveys the damage until Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak climb over the barricade and slide into the ring – Bradshaw turns round and is met by a standing dropkick from Jindrak. Faarooq hits the ring, but Stasiak catches him with a boot to the mid-section – before dropping him with a Perfect-Plex as the referee signals for the DQ. [B]Winners by Disqualification: The APA (4:03)[/B] The Radicalz storm the ring and clean house on all four of the WCW contingent – with Saturn and Malenko sending everyone over the top rope with stereo clotheslines. Faarooq and Bradshaw slowly get to their feet and the four WWF Superstars stare each other down in the centre of the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “You can feel the tension here J.R. – but at least we know they have each other’s back.” [COLOR=blue]We head backstage to see Matt Hardy and Lita talking in their locker room.[/COLOR] [B][Lita][/B] – “Did you see Jeff earlier? He made an open challenge to any Champion for a match at Backlash.” [B][Matt Hardy][/B] – “Yeah I saw him, and he’s just jealous of me. But it’s good for him to try and break out into singles competition – because after Backlash, I will be the European Champion. And with me holding a singles title, there will be no time for us to focus on the Tag Titles – maybe Backlash will see the end of The Hardy Boyz, who knows?” [B][Lita][/B] – “You can’t be like that Matt – he’s your brother. You guys need to stick together, especially with all these invasions and jumping ship going on – you can’t leave him now, when you need each other more than ever.” [B][Matt Hardy][/B] – “I’m not leaving anyone – I’m doing what needs to be done for Matt Hardy to one day become the WWF Champion. That is my goal, and that should be Jeff’s goal – I don’t need to win the Tag Titles again, I need to win the European Title.” [COLOR=blue]We see Eddie Guerrero peering through the door into the locker room and s******ing to himself. We cut to Eddie as Jeff Hardy taps him on the shoulder – Eddie closes the locker room door fully.[/COLOR] [B][Jeff Hardy][/B] – “Hey Eddie, what you doing here? Are Matt and Lita in there?” [B][Eddie Guerrero][/B] – “Don’t worry about it, homes – you’ve got nothing to worry about. It’s not like your brother Matt wants to break up The Hardyz esse.” [B][Jeff Hardy][/B] – “What are you talking about man? Matt wouldn’t say that – you’re just trying to break us up so you get an easier match at Backlash.” [B] [Eddie Guerrero][/B] – “Homes, if you don’t believe me – just go in there and ask your brother. He’ll deny everything, but he’ll be lying esse – don’t say I never warned you.” E[COLOR=blue]ddie walks away, leaving Jeff looking confused about what he just heard as we cut to commercials. --------------- We return from the commercial with Jeff Hardy walking into the locker room with Matt and Lita in mid conversation.[/COLOR] [B][Matt Hardy][/B] – “I never said I was leaving-“ [B][Jeff Hardy][/B] – “What the hell’s going on Matt? You never said you were leaving who? The Hardy Boyz?” [B][Lita][/B] – “I’ll leave you two, to it.” [COLOR=blue]Lita grabs her bag and walks out of the room.[/COLOR] [B][Matt Hardy][/B] – “Look Jeff, calm down – Lita took something I said the wrong way; I’m not leaving anyone – especially not you.” [COLOR=blue]Jeff takes in a deep breath and calms down – he looks sceptical as Matt tries to look convincing.[/COLOR] [B][Jeff Hardy][/B] – “I’ll take you’re word for it Matt, but you gotta be careful what you say around people – you never know who’s listening.” [COLOR=blue]The Hardyz stand in an awkward silence as we cut to the corridor and see Lita walking through it – she turns a corner, and bumps into Eddie Guerrero.[/COLOR] [B][Eddie Guerrero][/B] – “Orale mommy – there’s one thing that I never liked about you Lita. I never liked that you were a fiery woman, but you hung around with such losers like The Hardy Boyz. They don’t have the fiery passion that you have, not like a Latino man. Homes I’ll show you a good time, and I’ll prove to you that once you’ve tastes my Latino Heat you’ll realise why in no one beats Eddie in the end.” [COLOR=blue]Lita slaps Eddie across the face.[/COLOR] [B][Lita][/B] – “You’re a creep Eddie and you don’t stand a chance against Matt or Jeff.” [COLOR=blue]Lita storms off down the corridor, leaving Eddie with a smirk across his face – and we head to back to the announce table.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Looks like Latino Heat is trying to charm his way Lita’s good books J.R.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “I think Eddie is just trying to create tension between Team Xtreme before he faces Matt Hardy at Backlash.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Speaking of which, we here at the World Wrestling Federation are proud to present WWF Backlash: The Invasion; live on pay-per-view on Sunday, April 29th from Chicago, Illinois.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “And Backlash promises to be huge everyone, as we have a phenomenal Eight-Man Tag Team Match as The Acolytes and The Radicalz team up to face Palumbo, O’Haire and Team Canada.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “We’ve got Chris Jericho and Commissioner Regal going one-on-one for both the Intercontinental Title and the WWF Commissionership; plus Shane McMahon takes on The Undertaker.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Our main event is a slobber knocker Michael; as Stone Cold and Triple H team up to face The Rock and WCW’s Booker T. This main event promises to be huge, so don’t miss it in two weeks time at Backlash.” [COLOR=blue]We head to commercial with the Backlash Main Event graphic on screen. --------------- We return to the arena with Shane McMahon and The Big Show making their way down to the ring wearing WCW shirts.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Shane McMahon has pulled off a massive coo to take The Big Show to WCW – this is a huge acquisition.” [COLOR=blue]The arena goes dark as Kane makes his way to the ring; he reaches the apron and sends fire out of the turnbuckles as The Undertaker rides down to ringside on his motorcycle. The Brothers of Destruction touch fists and climb into the ring as the bell sounds. [B]Shane McMahon and The Big Show vs. The Brothers of Destruction[/B] The Undertaker locks his eyes on Shane McMahon, who looks back in fear – before sliding under the bottom rope and running for the entrance ramp. Undertaker exits the ring and cuts him off with a clothesline – meanwhile, Kane and Big Show square up to each other and exchange heated words. Undertaker grabs Shane by the scruff of his shirt and drags him around ringside; as Big Show pushes Kane in the middle of the ring – with Kane retaliating and a stiff uppercut which rocks Show. Taker rolls Shane onto the apron as Kane rocks Big Show with a second right hand – but when he throws a third, Show blocks it and hits his own. Undertaker climbs onto the apron, before dropping a leg drop across the throat of the prone McMahon on the apron – as Big Show backs Kane into the corner. Show whips Kane across the ring, but Kane reverses it and sends Show into the opposite corner – before Kane tags in his brother The Undertaker. Taker grabs Kane by the arm and launches him with an Irish Whip – which Kane once again reverses and sends the American Bad Ass crashing into The Big Show with a thunderous clothesline. Taker hits the ropes as Kane exits onto the apron, and launches a Big Boot at The Big Show; and takes him down. The Undertaker throws his hand in the air and signals for the Chokeslam as Show staggers to his feet – when suddenly a static feed appeared on the titantron and distracted the Deadman. The feed stopped after a few seconds and the titantron went back to its normal feed of the match, but as The Undertaker turned back to the Big Show – he was up to his feet and grabbed The Undertaker by the throat. Show powered Undertaker up and dropped him with a Chokeslam – Show went to make the cover, but Shane McMahon shouted to Show and instructed him to make the tag. Shane tags in and slowly mounts the top rope; before launching himself off with an Elbow Drop – only for The Undertaker to sit up and send Shane crashing to the canvas. Undertaker gets to his feet and hits Shane with a series of right hands before whipping Shane across the ring. Taker hits the opposite ropes and the pair meet in the middle, with Taker nailing Shane with a Running DDT. The Deadman grabs Shane and drags him to his feet – before setting him up for the Last Ride; but as Undertaker raises his arm the static feed cuts in again. We cut to the feed on the titantron that changes from static to a grainy video of The Undertaker’s wife Sara in her bedroom looking in a mirror; she picks up a tank top from the bed and puts it on – before putting her hair up. The feed then suddenly ends and returns to static – The Undertaker throws Shane McMahon aside and stares a whole through the titantron. He slowly climbs onto the apron, makes the tag to Kane and walks up the ramp without uttering a word. Kane, equally confused slowly climbs into the ring as Shane makes the tag to The Big Show – Show charges at crushes Kane into the turnbuckle. Big Show pummels away at Kane in the corner, before dragging him out and head butting him – sending Kane to the canvas. The Big Show stalks Kane as he gets to his feet and grabs him by the throat – Kane battles Show and attempts to grab him by the throat, but Show is too powerful and drops Kane with a Chokeslam. Show tags in Shane, who quickly mounts the top rope and launches himself off with an Elbow Drop without showboating – this time connecting with the point of his elbow onto Kane’s chest. Shane makes the cover and the referee makes the three count – which leads Shane and Show to celebrate their way up the entrance ramp. Kane sits up in the ring, and gets to his feet – before storming up the ramp in pursuit. [B]Winners by Pinfall: Shane McMahon and The Big Show (8:46)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Who in god’s name aired that video of The Undertaker’s wife Sara, Michael?” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “I don’t know for sure J.R. but you’ve gotta believe that Shane McMahon and his WCW had something to do with it.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “I hope Shane knows what he’s doing – because I personally would not want to mess with The Undertaker’s wife; any man’s wife for that matter.” [COLOR=blue]We head backstage to see Chris Jericho packing his bag, preparing to leave the arena – when a young Japanese man walks up to him with a beaming smile. Jericho looks up and instantly recognises him, and smiles.[/COLOR] [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “Tajiri? Wow – I didn’t think I’d see you around here, what can I do for you?” [B][Tajiri][/B] – “Regal!” [COLOR=blue]Tajiri nods and points towards the door – Jericho looks perplexed but follows Tajiri out of the locker room as we cut to commercials. --------------- We return from the break with Tajiri leading Jericho into Commissioner Regal’s office – Tajiri walks up to Regal and kneels by his side; Regal pats Tajiri on the head and grins at Jericho.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “Mr. Jericho – am I wrong in suggesting that you already are acquainted with my new assistant, Mr. Tajiri?” [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “What the hell do you want Regal?” [B][William Regal][/B] – “Well Mr. Jericho – if you would let me, I will tell you. You see in the interest of creating the best show I can for WWF Backlash: The Invasion – I feel that you should be in your optimum physical condition. Which is why, this Monday night on Raw you will be in a warm-up match against my new assistant – Yoshihiro Tajiri?” [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “Regal, I don’t care who you put in front of me – you can get all the tricks from up your sleeve and lay them on the table. Chris Jericho will not back down – and I will face you at Backlash, in whatever match you chose because I promise that you will never… ever… be the same… again!” [COLOR=blue]Jericho storms out of the office, as Tajiri grins and nods his head at Regal – who responds with a disapproving glare. Tajiri’s smile fades and he hangs his head in shame as we head back to ringside to Michael Cole and Jim Ross.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “It looks like Jericho will face Tajiri on Raw, J.R.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “It does, but right now it’s time for our main event. In what some will see as a WWF vs. WCW match; while others have the faith that The Rock has not turned his back on the WWF. A very interesting dynamic going into this match – the latest in the storied rivalry between The Rock and Triple H.” [COLOR=blue]The Game – Triple H makes his way towards the ring with his water bottle; he slowly climbs up to the apron, spits his water and taunts the crowd. Triple H’s ritual is soon interrupted by the emergence of the People’s Champion – The Rock. Rocky darts down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring to begin the match. [B]Triple H vs. The Rock[/B] The Rock springs to his feet and meets Triple H with a right hand; The Game is rocked but returns the favour – and the pair go back and forth with punch after punch. The Rock finally gains the advantage and sends The Game backwards with rights, before pushing him against the ropes and whipping him across the ring – Triple H rebounds, and The Rock catches him with a snap belly-to-belly suplex. Triple H’s momentum carries him to the outside where he catches his breath against the announce table. The Game signals that he has had enough of the match and begins to walk around the ring to the entrance way – but before he gets there The Rock slides outside and meets him. The Game backs off and slides back into the ring, with The Rock in pursuit – but Triple H gets the advantage by putting the boots to The Rock as he slides in. Triple H drops to the canvas and grabs The Rock, locking him in a sleeper hold – but The Great One is too alert and rolls into a seated position; Triple H looses his grip and both men get to their feet. The Rock is the first to the punch as he whips Triple H across the ring; but The Rock telegraphs The Game and looks for a back body drop – only for Triple to nail Facebuster to the knee. The Rock reels backwards as Triple H charges for a clothesline – but The Great One ducks and sends The Game into the ropes. As he rebounds, The Rock grabs him and plants him with a Spinebuster – which puts both men down on the canvas. Booker T runs down the ramps and hits the ring with the WCW title in hand – and he stalks Triple H as both men get to their feet. Before Booker can swing the belt at The Game, the WWF Champion – Stone Cold Steve Austin storms the ring. Booker charges at The Game, but is met with a kick to the gut from Austin – who then proceeds to nail Booker with a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin grabs the WCW belt, and lines up The Rock – before crashing the belt against The Rock’s skull. Austin and Triple H taunt The Rock as Shane McMahon leads out a group of WCW superstars. [B]No Contest (4:28)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “All hell is breaking loose right here in Philadelphia.” [COLOR=blue]Shawn Stasiak charges at Austin, but is met with a boot – and then a Stone Cold Stunner for his troubles. Mark Jindrak charges at Triple H, but finds equal treatment – as Triple H plants him with a Pedigree. The numbers advantage soon catches up to the pair as Palumbo and O’Haire beat down Austin – with Storm and Awesome doing the same to Triple H. The APA hit the ring with The Radicalz and the eight men brawl inside the ring – with Triple H and Booker T finding themselves on the outside exchanging right hands. The Rock staggers up the ramp as Austin gets back to his feet and begins to hand out Stunners to anything with a pulse. He nails O’Haire with the first, before planting Saturn with the second – Malenko attempts revenge but is given similar treatment. Triple H and Booker T continue to brawl up the ramp and through the curtain – exchanging a series of back and forth lefts and rights. Chuck Palumbo spins Austin around in the rin, but is planted with a Stunner as well – Storm backs away from Faarooq, and plants him with a Superkick. But as Faarooq rolls to the outside, Storm is caught by another Stone Cold Stunner – Bradshaw sends Awesome into the corner and charges as he rebounds. But Awesome ducks a Clothesline From Hell – and sends Bradshaw straight into Austin’s right boot; and then a Stunner. Awesome staggers towards Austin and is flipped off before receiving yet another Stone Cold Stunner.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Good God! Austin is on a rampage – Stunner! Stunner! Stunner!” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “This is huge momentum for the Rattlesnake going into Backlash – don’t miss Raw on Monday night.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Goodnight Everybody!” [COLOR=blue]Austin raises both middle fingers and mounts the top rope with the WWF Title as Smackdown goes off the air. ---------------[/COLOR] [quote=Smackdown Recap] Triple H vs. The Rock went to a No Contest The Big Show and Shane McMahon def. The Undertaker and Kane (WCW Tag) The APA def. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire © via DQ (Light Heavyweight) Billy Kidman def. Jerry Lynn © via DQ (Hardcore) Raven © vs. Edge went to a No Contest Jeff Hardy def. Val Venis Total In-Ring Time: 28:31 Nielsen Rating: 4.69 [/quote]
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Sunday Night Heat - 15/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/sundaynightheat.png[/img] [U][B]WWF Sunday Night Heat[/B][/U] Sunday, April 15th 2001 Philadelphia, PA [COLOR=orange]We open the broadcast with a brand new intro video for Heat and then cut to our announce team of Kevin Kelly and Jonathon Coachman.[/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “Hello, and welcome everyone to a brand new look Sunday Night Heat – I am your host Kevin Kelly and for the next sixty minutes I will be joined by my broadcast colleague; Jonathon Coachman.” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “That’s right KK; and tonight’s edition of Heat here on MTV is the first of a brand new format. Tonight we will see no fewer than six matches contested in this ring with three titles on the line.” [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “And that’s not all Coach, as we will see superstars from both the WWF and the WCW in this ring tonight – but without further adieu lets get the action underway with our first contest.” [COLOR=orange]We head to the entrance way to see Tajiri, the new assistant of Commissioner Regal, making his way down to the ring – he heads inside where his opponent – Grandmaster Sexay – is ready waiting for him. [B]Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Grandmaster Sexay[/B] Tajiri clasps his hands together and respectfully bows as the match begins – but Sexay doesn’t repay the favour; instead choosing to dance. Tajiri looks disappointed, and takes the offensive to Sexay by connecting with a roundhouse kick to the ribs – which is followed up by a kick to the chest. Tajiri grabs Sexay and whips him across the ring – but Sexay manages to reverse it and sends Tajiri into the ropes. Tajiri rebounds but is met by a dropkick from the Grandmaster – who proceeds to dance in the ring to show off to the fans. Tajiri is quickly up to his feet, and is equally quick to hitting Sexay in the knee with a dropkick – which sends Sexay face first into the canvas. Tajiri stalks Sexay as he staggers to his feet and throws another roundhouse kick – but Sexay ducks and grabs Tajiri for the Sexay Buster. Tajiri blocks it and sends Grandmaster into the corner – he charges and locks Sexay up into the Tarantula through the ropes. Sexay screams in pain but Tajiri has to break the hold on a five count – and allows Sexay to become free. Tajiri keeps on the attack though and lifts Sexay high above his head – before planting him with a Brainbuster; which gets Tajiri the three count victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Yoshihiro Tajiri (4:42)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “The newcomer, Tajiri picks up the victory following that vicious Brainbuster in a hotly contested match.” [COLOR=orange]Tajiri celebrates and makes his way to the back as AJ Styles makes his entrance towards the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “From one heated contest to another as the WCW Cruiserweight Title is on the line – and we see the in-ring debut of “Sugar” Shane Helms.” [COLOR=orange]The WCW Cruiserweight Champion makes his way towards the ring escorted by two attractive young models – and a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][Shane Helms][/B] – “Ladies and Gentlemen; I am “Sugar” Shane Helms – and tonight you lucky people get to witness the premier athlete in this weight class take on a young hick that nobody gives a rats ass about. This jack-off in the ring doesn’t know what I’m capable of – only the Sugarbabes know what I am capable of.” [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwcruiserweight.png[/IMG] [COLOR=orange][B]Shane Helms © vs. AJ Styles[/B] Helms takes off the belt and hands it to one of the Sugarbabes; but is caught completely off-guard as Styles springboards himself over the top rope and nails Helms with a plancha. Styles pumps up the crowd at ringside, before grabbing Helms by the hair and smashing him face first into the apron – before rolling him under the bottom rope and into the ring. Helms staggers to his feet as Styles mounts the apron – before springboarding from the top rope onto Helms. But Helms catches Styles and drops him with a Sitout Powerbomb; for a quick two count. Helms gets quickly to his feet and stalks Styles as he gets up – Helms advances and hits Styles with an arm drag. But Styles is quickly back up and delivers an arm drag of his own to Helms – both return to their feet and go for dropkicks. Neither man can connect and they find themselves at a stand off – which is quickly broken by a right hand from Helms. Helms whips Styles across the ring and as he rebounds, Helms leaps up for a Hurricanrana – but Styles blocks and nails Helms with an inverted back slam. Styles rolls Helms over and makes the cover – but Helms is able to kick out at two. Styles points to the top rope and quickly mounts it as Helms gets to his feet – Styles launches himself and looks for a Crossbody Block; but Helms connects with a Sugarsmack to the face of Styles – sending him crashing to the canvas. Helms signals for the end and grabs AJ – he sets him up for the Nightmare on Helms Street; but as Helms spins Styles reverses and launches a Super Kick at Helms. But Helms ducks and grabs Styles from behind – he lifts him up and plants him with a Vertebreaker in the middle of the ring and picks up the three count. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Shane Helms (6:12)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “What an awesome contest – Shane Helms may in fact live up to the hype of being the premier light heavyweight in the world.” [B] [Kevin Kelly][/B] – “Helms showed his class here tonight – but we’ve got more to come. Up Next we will be seeing The Radicalz in tag team action; Jerry Lynn defending his Light Heavyweight Title; Mike Awesome taking on Albert – and in our main event the WWF European Champion Eddie Guerrero faces the WCW Superstar – Hugh Morrus.” [COLOR=orange]Helms celebrates in the ring as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break with Doug Basham and his partner Danny Holliday in the ring – they are soon joined by The Radicalz; Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn – and the match is on. [B]The Radicalz vs. Doug Basham and Danny Holliday[/B] Malenko and Basham start the match out by squaring up to each other in the middle of the ring – with Malenko laughing at the rookie and pushing him away. Basham doesn’t react kindly and slaps Malenko across the face – Malenko retaliates with an arm drag and locks in an arm bar. Malenko releases the hold but stomps away at Basham, before dragging him into the corner – Saturn tags in and goes on the attack with an elbow drop to the chest. Saturn hooks Basham’s arms and drags him to his feet – before planting him with a Double Underhook Powerbomb; which garners a two count. Saturn angrily tries to whip Basham across the ring, but he reverses – catching Saturn with a Powerslam as he rebounds back off the ropes. Basham manages to make the tag to Holliday – who charges at the slowly rising Saturn and hits a Bulldog. Holliday makes the cover, but Malenko breaks up the pin after one – before putting the boots to Holliday and returning to his corner. Saturn gets to his feet and hoists Holliday onto his shoulders – before dropping him on his head with a Death Valley Driver. Saturn tags in Malenko who immediately grabs Holliday by the legs and rolls him over in the Texas Cloverleaf – Holliday battles momentarily but is quick to submit; giving The Radicalz the victory. [B]Winners by Submission: The Radicalz (3:59)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “A convincing victory for The Radicalz ahead of their eight man battle at Backlash – all four teams involved will head into that match with huge momentum. [COLOR=orange]We cut to footage of the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion – Jerry Lynn making his way to the ring; where his opponent Elix Skipper is ready and waiting.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Jerry Lynn, the fighting Champion that he is – defends here against a former WCW Cruiserweight and Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion in “Prime Time” Elix Skipper.” [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwflightheavyweight.png[/IMG] [COLOR=orange][B]Jerry Lynn © vs. Elix Skipper[/B] Lynn and Skipper lock up with Lynn gaining a headlock as the bell sounds – Lynn tries to roll through, but Skipper wriggles free and handstands out of the move. Prime Time charges at Lynn and connects with a dropkick to the face – Skipper capitalizes on his advantages and plants Lynn with a Double Underhook Suplex; for a two count. Skipper mounts the top rope and launches himself, looking for a dropkick – but Lynn rolls out of the way. The Champion rolls Skipper up and drops him with a Sitout Powerbomb; for a two count. Lynn drags Skipper to his feet by the arm, and looks for an arm bar takedown – but Skipper reverses it and plants Lynn with a One-Armed Spinebuster. Prime Time performs a head-stand; before quickly dropping into a leg drop on Lynn – but only gets a two count. Skipper lifts Lynn off the canvas and carries him over to the top turnbuckle – Skipper sits Lynn on the top rope before mounting the adjacent top rope. Skipper walks along the top rope before nailing Lynn with a leaping Hurricanrana – Skipper rolls on top of Lynn and makes the cover; but he can’t score the three count. Skipper becomes angry with the referee and begins to berate the official – which gives Lynn time to gather his senses and roll Elix up with a school boy. Instead of going for the pinfall, Lynn lifts Skipper up and charges across the ring with him – before sending Skipper crashing into the middle turnbuckle with a Powerbomb-type manoeuvre. Lynn shakes the cobwebs and mounts the top – grabbing Skipper’s head. Lynn leaps off the top rope and nails him with a Tornado DDT – and makes the cover; but Skipper powers up and sets Lynn up for a Powerbomb. But Lynn rolls through and lifts Skipper up – before planting him with a Cradle Piledriver; he makes the cover and gets the victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Jerry Lynn (5:47)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “Wow, what a match! I think Jerry Lynn might have something to say about “Sugar” Shane Helms’ claim to be the premier light heavyweight.” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “An unbelievable showing from the Champion – those two guys just put on a showcase.” [COLOR=orange]We head to commercials with Lynn celebrating with his title belt held high. --------------- We return from the break with Lance Storm and Mike Awesome backstage with a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][Lance Storm][/B] – “If I could be serious for a minute. My name is Lance Storm and I am from Calgary… Alberta, Canada. And this man standing to my right, also represents Canada – his name is Mike Awesome! Tonight, Mr. Awesome will face a World Wrestling Federation employee inside that ring – that man, is Albert. On April 29th in Chicago, Team Canada will lead a WCW Team against The APA and The Radicalz.” [B][Mike Awesome][/B] – “And I’m gonna kick all their asses – and nobody is gonna stop me! Why? Cause I’m Awesome, baby!” [B][Lance Storm][/B] – “And that’s one of those things where you don’t blame Canada – you just blame yourself.” [COLOR=orange]Awesome and Storm head through the curtain and make their way towards the ring, as we see Albert already waiting inside.[/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “This match is gonna be huge, in every sense of the word – as these two huge behemoths go head-to-head.” [COLOR=orange][B]Albert vs. Mike Awesome[/B] Awesome and Albert square up to each other and look each other dead in the eyes – Awesome shouts his own name in the face of Albert. Albert rears back and nails Awesome in the face with a stiff right hand – Albert pushes Awesome into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Awesome rebounds, and is met by a Bicycle Kick from Albert – but Awesome only staggers backwards through the ropes and onto the apron. Awesome gets to his feet and slingshots himself over the top rope – crashing straight into Albert and knocking him down with a Shoulder Block. Awesome climbs onto the top rope and waits for Albert to get to his feet – as he does Awesome throws himself off with a Flying Clothesline, which connects and sends Albert down. Awesome drags Albert to his feet and sets him up for the Awesome Bomb – but Albert drives Awesome backwards and sends him crashing into the corner. Albert backs away before charging at Awesome and squashing him with a huge splash in the corner – before dragging Awesome into the middle of the ring and grabbing him by the throat. Albert hoists Awesome up and looks for a Baldo Bomb – but Awesome catches Albert in the face with an elbow and breaks free. Awesome hits the ropes and takes Albert down with a big stiff clothesline before calling for the Awesome Bomb. Awesome drags Albert to his feet and lifts him into position – before charging across the ring and planting him with a huge Awesome Bomb. Awesome makes the cover and picks up the three count – much to the delight of Lance Storm at ringside. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Mike Awesome (5:21)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “What an awesome victory for Team Canada and WCW!” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “You really are hilarious Kevin – don’t miss our main event, up next as Eddie Guerrero defends his European Title against Hugh Morrus.” [COLOR=orange]We head to commercials with Team Canada celebrating in the ring. --------------- We return from the break with Hugh Morrus laughing his way down the ramp and entering the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “Welcome back everybody – it’s now time for our main event. Which will see this man – a former two-time WCW United States Champion; Hugh Morrus – take on the current WWF European Champion, “Latino Heat” Eddie Guerrero.” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “And you know as well as I do KK that Hugh Morrus is no laughing matter.” [COLOR=orange]The European Champion makes his entrance and plays to the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp; Eddie points at Morrus and smiles – before sliding into the ring to begin the match. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfeuropean.png[/IMG] [B]Eddie Guerrero © vs. Hugh Morrus[/B] Eddie is full of energy as the match begins – as he immediately evades the charging Morrus with a side step. Morrus charges again, but Eddie leap frogs him – but catches him with his legs, rolling him through with a sunset flip. Eddie gets a quick two count – but Morrus is able to power out and pushes Eddie backwards. Eddie hits the ropes, but as he rebounds Morrus catches him in mid-air – and proceeds to plant him with a Sidewalk Slam. Morrus makes the cover, and drives his forearm into Eddie’s chin – but only gets a two count. Morrus grabs Eddie by the hair and lifts him up for a Powerbomb – but Eddie attempts a reversal into a Hurricanrana. But Hugh pulls Eddie back up and plants him with a Powerbomb – before mounting the top rope and locking his targets on Eddie. Morrus flies through the air and lands an elbow on the chest of Eddie and makes the cover – but Eddie manages to kick out after two. Morrus gets in the face of the official, but soon returns to Guerrero – who has had time to recoup and quickly rolls Morrus up with a small package; which garners a close two count. Morrus is quickly back to his feet and charges at Eddie, who ducks and hits the ropes – before leaping at Morrus looking for a Crossbody. But Morrus catches Eddie and sets him up for a Reverse DDT – but swings him around and lands a swinging Neckbreaker. Morrus points to the top rope and slowly makes his way up, showboating to the crowd as he does so – once there he sets himself up for a Moonsault. Morrus throws himself backwards and lands a No Laughing Matter – but Eddie has already rolled out of the way. Eddie smirks as he rushes up the turnbuckles and launches himself from the top rope with a Frog Splash onto the back of Morrus – Eddie rolls the big man over and hooks the leg, in order to pick up the three count and the victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Eddie Guerrero (7:33)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “That’s all we’ve got time for you tonight, folks – don’t forget to catch Raw; Live tomorrow night on the New TNN!” [COLOR=orange]Eddie Guerrero struggles to mount the top rope, but does so and celebrates with his European title in his hand as the show goes off the air. ---------------[/COLOR] [quote=Heat Recap] (European) Eddie Guerrero © def. Hugh Morrus Mike Awesome def. Albert (Light Heavyweight) Jerry Lynn © def. Elix Skipper The Radicalz def. Doug Basham and Danny Holliday (Cruiserweight) Shane Helms © def. AJ Styles Yoshihiro Tajiri def. Grandmaster Sexay Total In-Ring Time: 33:32 Nielsen Rating: 1.64 [/quote]
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Weekly News recap - 15/04/01 [U][B]WWF Weekly News Recap[/B][/U] [I]Week Ending: April 15th 2001[/I] - During the week WWF.com confirmed that the pay-per-view on Sunday, April 29th in Chicago will in fact be called ‘WWF Backlash: The Invasion’. There had been discussion throughout the week whether the name would change from ‘Backlash’ or simply added to and that topic has been confirmed today. It is also interesting to note that no company logo appears on the official banner. Found [url=http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/backlashbanner1.png]Here[/url]. - The April 19th edition of WWF Smackdown is being advertised as a ‘WCW Special’ – it is thought from the on-going adverts that this episode of Smackdown will be a WCW exclusive and is ultimately a trial run for WCW gaining its own program each week. Many fear similar results to the farcical trial run of NWO Nitro a few years back and are not keen for this show to go ahead. - Rumours are rampant that Chris Benoit suffered a severe neck injury at Wrestlemania X-Seven and after being in considerable pain over the course of the week was sent for an MRI scan this past Tuesday. Early reports suggest that he has suffered a broken neck and will need surgery in the very near future. This puts his Submission Match against Kurt Angle on April 29th in huge jeopardy – and we will keep you posted on further developments. - The WWF has completely re-branded Sunday Night Heat and it is now portrayed as around 75% of the show devoted to matches that will showcase the young and up-coming stars of the company. Many noticed last week that the WWF New York format had been replaced by an old-style recap show – now that re-branding is complete. - Many were surprised by the inclusion of The Sandman in the ECW Reunion angle on Smackdown – it is unsure whether The Sandman will work full-time for the WWF. Last we heard he hadn’t signed an official deal, but his appearance on Smackdown may show the unreliability of this source. - Smackdown also saw the first (via video-tape) appearance of Sara Calloway – The Undertaker’s wife. We were previously unsure what capacity she would appear in, but we can confirm she has signed a 6-month deal with a further 6-month option. We have heard several conflicting reports about the direction of the angle so cannot say with any real certainty what we believe to be planned. - There have been very strong rumours rushing around all week that the WWF has suspended Chyna for 30 days for reported ‘behavioural problems’. The Current Women’s Champion is said to have only kept her job because she is a current champion. More details will be released when they become available. - The ‘Sugarbabes’ that accompanied Shane Helms to ringside at the Smackdown Tapings (the match shown on this week’s Heat broadcast) were local models who had been called in for a one-night shot and it is unknown whether Helms will continue to appear with women by his side over the coming weeks or not. - A small portion of fans have wondered where Terri Runnells has gone as her disappearance has not been explained on-screen. We have gotten word that Terri injured her ankle at a house show over Wrestlemania weekend and is taking time off to recover – she is still expected to return to the side of Perry Saturn upon her return.
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Raw is War Preview - 16/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/rawiswar.png[/img] [COLOR=red] [U][B]A Three-Way War?[/B][/U] WWF Raw is War Preview [I]Tonight on Raw, will we see the beginning of a huge three-way war between the WWF, WCW and newly reformed ECW? On Smackdown this past Thursday, Paul Heyman reformed ECW as a new renegade cell – will we hear his mission statement tonight on Raw? And what will the head’s of both the WWF and WCW have to say about this? In the ring we will see the WWF Champion – Stone Cold Steve Austin, take on the new WCW Superstar – The Big Show; in a non-title match main event. On Smackdown, Austin ran riot in the ring and hit everything that had a pulse with a Stunner. Will the new WCW giant have anything more for The Rattlesnake? We will also see The Undertaker in action against WCW’s Buff Bagwell – on Smackdown we saw video footage of The Undertaker’s wife; and it obvious that The Undertaker knew nothing of this footage and was visibly upset. We will see two title matches on Raw – with Chris Jericho facing his Backlash opponent – William Regal – ‘s new assistant; Yoshihiro Tajiri. We will also see two new ECW superstars, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman, in action as they square off against the men they attacked on Smackdown – Edge and Christian. Our opening contest is a six-man tag team match that has been made after a battle on Heat between Mike Awesome and Albert – we will see their respective groups Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Elix Skipper) and X-Factor (X-Pac, Albert and Justin Credible) in action. Catch all of this and more, Live on the New TNN![/I] [U]Confirmed Matches[/U] Steve Austin vs. The Big Show The Undertaker vs. Buff Bagwell [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfintercontinental.png[/IMG]: Chris Jericho © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwftagteam.png[/IMG]: Edge and Christian © vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman Team Canada vs. X-Factor [/COLOR]
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Steve Austin vs. The Big Show - No Contest [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell : [B]Chris Jericho ©[/B] vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri : [B]Edge and Christian ©[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman - I'm inclined to say a DQ win for E&C [B]Team Canada[/B] vs. X-Factor - They need the momentum
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Raw Results - 16/04/01 [img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/rawiswar.png[/img] [U][B]WWF Raw is War[/B][/U] Monday, April 16th 2001 Knoxville, TN [COLOR=red]Raw opens with a quick advert informing us that this Thursday night on UPN – ‘WWF Smackdown!’ is being replaced for one night only by a ‘WCW Special’ featuring the best talent the WCW has to offer. We then cut to a brief video package showing the chaotic end to Smackdown where Steve Austin hits everybody with a Stone Cold Stunner and clears the ring. We head to ringside as the pyro display goes off and we join Jim Ross and Michael Cole at the announce table.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday Night Raw – Live from Knoxville.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “I am Michael Cole, alongside J.R. Jim Ross – and tonight J.R. we have two huge main events. We’ve got the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin – in non-title action against the seven-foot WCW superstar; The Big Show.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “That’s not all Michael as The Undertaker will go one-on-one with WCW superstar Buff Bag-“ [COLOR=red]J.R. is interrupted by the playing of ECW music, and a huge “ECW” chant breaking out. The camera pans around the arena and finds Paul Heyman leading the eight man ECW contingent towards the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “What the hell does this S.O.B. want? This is the man who last week was my broadcast colleague here on Raw – but decided on Smackdown that he wanted to reform that renegade cell – ECW. That company is dead – why does he feel the need to bring it back here in the WWF?” [COLOR=red]The ECW crew enter the ring as Heyman grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “J.R. – if you would shut up for five minutes, maybe you would understand why ECW has returned. I’ll get straight to my point – I know you fans here paid to come see wrestling, and that is what you will get. But you see, over the last six years the mainstream has been ignoring something that the masses of wrestling fans haven’t – they’ve been ignoring ECW. Over the last six years, the most creative storylines, the most creative characters, the best in-ring action and the hardest hitting matches all took place in one single company. But you weren’t to know that – as the mainstream ignored that company; that company was ECW. The reason for this, is that over the past six years – there has been one focus in the mainstream; the Monday Night Wars. The WWF and the WCW have been waging a war over television ratings for six years – but the thing is they were fighting this war with another company’s concepts, another company’s talent – which they signed away to huge guaranteed deals and false promises – that company was ECW. For years ECW has been overlooked, ECW has been ignored – and last Thursday night in Philadelphia was no different. ECW made an impact but that impact was overshadowed by a war – a war between the WWF and the WCW. Well tonight – everything changes; the wrestling world as we know it, changes. You see tonight is Monday Night, and there will be a War – but not just any war. WWF and WCW – consider yourselves put on notice – because this war just got… EXTREME!” [COLOR=red]Heyman and the ECW troops scan the crowd as the “ECW” chant gets louder – but is abruptly drowned out by Shane McMahon’s arrival on stage.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Paul Heyman-“ [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “Shane, you can shut your mouth right now. I refuse to stand here and listen to you talk for the next ten minutes – you wanna get involved, then you get involved.” [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “From what I understand Paul, you want some of WCW’s spotlight – but I feel, that you don’t deserve any of the WCW’s spotlight. ECW was born and died inside a Bingo Hall in Philadelphia – and don’t get me wrong, you had a few nice ideas – but ultimately they came to nothing.” [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “You’re right on one thing there Shane, I want some of WCW’s spotlight to be shining on ECW – and yes in a perfect world it would be an ECW Special replacing Smackdown on Thursday night and not a WCW Special. But that won’t happen – because the mainstream wouldn’t accept that. ECW will never be given any opportunities like that – but that doesn’t mean we won’t take them. And speaking of taking things – I challenge you, Shane McMahon to a match-“ [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “You challenge me to a match? You’re on – right here tonight on Raw, one-on-one; Shane McMahon against Paul Hey-“ [B][Paul Heyman][/B] – “Shane – you didn’t let me finish; I was challenging you to a match on behalf of Mr. Monday Night – Rob Van Dam. And as you accepted my challenge – tonight these fans will see Shane McMahon take on Rob Van Dam, under Extreme Rules!” [COLOR=red]Heyman drops the mic and the ECW guys leave the ring, as Shane is furious on the stage.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “That bastard Paul Heyman – but at least he’s picking a fight with WCW.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “I don’t know which is worse J.R. – Shane McMahon’s WCW or Heyman’s ECW. But either way – tonight we will see Shane take on RVD under Extreme Rules; whatever they are.” [COLOR=red]We head backstage to see Team Canada – Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Elix Skipper walking towards the ring as we cut to commercials. --------------- We return to see X-Factor making there way towards the ring – with X-Pac leading Albert and Justin Credible – all three men sporting WWF t-shirts. [/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “It’s time for six-man tag team action as the WWF’s X-Factor take on WCW’s Team Canada – who added Elix Skipper to their ranks, who made his debut last night on Heat in a losing effort against Jerry Lynn.” [COLOR=red]Team Canada make their way towards the ring with Skipper waving a big Canadian flag – Storm grabs a microphone and the threesome line-up in the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Lance Storm][/B] – “If I could be serious for a minute – I would like to request that you would all rise for the playing of the Canadian National Anthem.” [COLOR=red]The Canadian National Anthem begins to play, but X-Pac grabs the microphone from Storm and the music stops.[/COLOR] [B][X-Pac][/B] – “Canada Sucks!” [COLOR=red]Awesome turns round and decks X-Pac with a stiff clothesline and the bell sounds. [B]Team Canada vs. X-Factor[/B] Albert charges at Awesome – and sends both men through the ropes and to the outside. The big men exchange rights and lefts on the arena floor as Lance Storm and Justin Credible square up to each other mid-ring – both men are blindsided by X=Pac and Skipper respectively. Storm reverses X-Pac and sends him face first into the top turnbuckle – as Credible ducks a Skipper clothesline and connects with a Super Kick to the chin. The referee finally gains control and gets everyone into their respective corners, and leaves Storm and X-Pac as the legal men. Storm beats down X-Pac with boots in the corner – before tagging in Awesome, who sends X-Pac across the ring with an Irish Whip. X-Pac rebounds, and is met with a flying shoulder block from Awesome; who makes the cover – but only gets a two count. Awesome throws X-Pac into his own corner and demands that Albert make the tag – Albert does so and the two big men hit each other with a series of rights and lefts until Albert gains the advantage and whips Awesome across the ring. Awesome ducks an Albert clothesline and catches him with an elbow to the jaw – Awesome then grabs Albert and drops him with a Spinebuster. Elix Skipper mounts the top rope, and Awesome tags him in as Albert staggers to his feet – Prime Time launches himself off the top rope and onto Albert. Skipper connects with a Flying Hurricanrana and sends Albert crashing into his own corner – which allows Justin Credible to get the tag. Justin waits for Skipper to get to his feet – but turns and connects with a Super Kick to the chin of X-Pac. Credible tells the ref to count that as a tag as he removes his WWF t-shirt to reveal an ECW shirt underneath – before climbing through the ropes and walking up the aisle. Skipper drags X-Pac from the apron into the ring and makes the tag to Storm – who grabs X-Pac’s leg and rolls him over in the Canadian Maple Leaf. X-Pac struggles, but Storm tightens the hold – forcing X-Pac to tap out and give Team Canada the victory. [B]Winners by Submission: Team Canada (5:32)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Did Justin Credible just defect to ECW?” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “That damn Paul Heyman is brainwashing people once again – I can’t believe this.” [COLOR=red]We head backstage to see Vince McMahon sat talking to Steve Austin and Triple H – Vince is pacing around the room as Austin and Triple H are seated on the sofa.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “I cannot believe that Paul Heyman has the audacity to come… to come into my house, onto Monday Night Raw – and… well declare war on both the WWF and the WCW.” [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “Damnit Vince, ECW means nothing – ya here me, nothing. Paul Heyman can run his meely little mouth all he wants – but he knows damn well that the WWF, hell that Stone Cold Steve Austin, could stomp a mudhole and walk it dry at the drop of a hat.” [B][Triple H][/B] – “Look Vince, what Austin is trying to say – is that if you want ECW to be taken care of, just add them to the list and they’ll be gone, along with your son Shane and WCW.” [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “Stone Cold Steve Austin said absolutely squat about you; I said that I, alone, will take out ECW – and WCW – and that’s the bottom line…cause Stone Cold said so.” [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Would you pair stop arguing for five minutes and let me think – I’ve called in a favour for tonight, and I’ve managed to secure some back-up for us in the main event.” [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “What the hell do you mean, back-up? Stone Cold don’t need no damned back-up – seven-foot monster or no seven-foot monster, I am the World Wrestling Federation Champion.” [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “It’s just a worse case scenario – I would feel better knowing I’ve got three of you out there taking on WCW and not just the two of you.” [COLOR=red]Austin and Triple H look at each other and are sceptical as Vince grins and we head for commercials. --------------- We return from the break and quickly head backstage to Jonathon Coachman, who is with the Intercontinental Champion.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “I am here with the WWF Intercontinental Champion – Chris Jericho; and Chris in just thirteen days you will face Commissioner Regal in a match for both your Intercontinental Title and the Commissionership of the WWF – your thoughts?” [B][Chris Jericho][/B] – “Big Johnny C – look here, Y2J has come to Knoxville for one reason, and one reason only. And that one reason is to send a message to Commissioner Regal – by beating the holy hell out of Tajiri. There is one thing that worries myself and all of the Jericholics – and that is the stipulation at Backlash. William Regal has had a whole week to think of a stipulation – which makes me come to the conclusion that William Regal, is in fact a complete and utter idiot. The fact remains that Regal can make any match he wants, he can create any wild and wonderful stipulations that he pleases – because after Backlash, the Commissioner is Jericho!” [COLOR=red]Jericho walks away and we head back to ringside with JR and Cole.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “What is the stipulation gonna be Michael? And who the hell is Vince’s third man?” [COLOR=red]The WWF Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian hit the ring and Edge grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “Last week on Smackdown, as Im sure many of you are aware – we were mugged in this ring by a group of drunken delinquents who stumbled in here wielding weapons and hitting anything that moved.” [B][Christian][/B] – “I got a damned chair kicked into my face – and that just plain old reeked. [B][Edge][/B] – “Tonight we face the village idiot and the town drunk and we’ve been forced to defend our WWF Tag Team-“ [COLOR=red]ECW music hits and we pan around the arena until Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman are spotted amongst the fans.[/COLOR] [B][Edge][/B] – “Oh come on – we did this entrance three years ago; and you claim we stole ECW’s ideas.” [COLOR=red]The Sandman is drinking beer as he climbs over the barricade, and wielding a Singapore cane – as Dreamer climbs over with a chair.[/COLOR] [B][Christian][/B] – “Whoa – get those weapons away from them; this isn’t a hardcore match. Where do you think you are – the Hammerstein Ballroom?” [COLOR=red]Sandman and Dreamer reluctantly leave their weapons at ringside before sliding into the ring – only for Edge and Christian to exit to the floor and regroup. They finally climb inside and the match is on. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwftagteam.png[/IMG] [B]Edge and Christian © vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman[/B] Dreamer and Sandman charge at Edge and Christian as they lean through the ropes – and both connect with stereo baseball slides. Edge and Christian gather themselves on the outside and re-group – as Edge decides to take lead and walks up the steps and onto the apron. Edge demands the referee back Sandman and Dreamer off as he climbs into the ring – with Dreamer on the apron and Sandman distracted Edge charges. Edge nails Sandman with a clothesline and begins to put the boots to him as he lies on the canvas – Edge drags Sandman across the ring by the arm and tags in Christian. Christian whips Sandman into the corner, as Edge kneels down in front of him – Christian charges and propels himself off Edge’s back onto the Sandman. Edge and Christian celebrate their work in the ring, as Sandman pulls himself up out of the corner – he spins Christian round and drops him with a snap DDT. Edge charges, but Sandman catches him with a bulldog – Sandman tags in Dreamer, but Christian pushes him through the ropes. Dreamer goes on the offensive with right hands to Christian – as Sandman staggers around ringside and grabs his Singapore cane; before sliding into the ring. Sandman swings his cane at Christian, but he ducks and Sandman canes Dreamer on the head – Edge rolls Dreamer up, as Christian dropkicks Sandman through the ropes. Edge pulls on Dreamer’s tights as the referee makes the three count. [B]Winners by Pinfall: Edge and Christian (4:19)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “The tag team champions are lucky to escape with their gold.” [COLOR=red]Edge and Christian are given their belts as they laugh and high five in the ring – until D-Von and Bubba Ray slide into the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Those Damn Dudleyz are doing it again – they’re shoving their god-damn ECW noses where they don’t belong.” [COLOR=red]D-Von stalks Edge as he celebrates – Edge turns round and D-Von lifts him up; the Dudleyz connect with the Dudley Death Drop. Christian has a complete look of shock on his face – but he is quickly hit in the head by a recovering Sandman and his Singapore cane. Bubba grabs a microphone and begins to talk.[/COLOR] [B][Bubba Ray Dudley][/B] – “Edge and Christian, you pair are losers and you are scum; just like everyone in this damn city – and it makes me sick to my stomach. Now when you two wake up – you can face us at Backlash for those WWF Tag Titles; you’ve got yourselves a tables match boys.” [B][D-Von Dudley][/B] – “Oh My Brother – Testify!” [COLOR=red]The Dudleyz, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman taunt the fans in the ring as we head to commercials. --------------- We return and head straight to the WCW Locker Room as Shane McMahon addresses his troops.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “As you all know, this Thursday night on UPN will be a WCW Special – but what some of you won’t know, is that every single WCW Championship will be on the line this Thursday night.” [COLOR=red]Shane walks over to Shane Helms and Billy Kidman – Shane smirks as he looks at the Cruiserweight Title.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “Billy Kidman, “Sugar” Shane Helms – you two will go one-on-one for the WCW Cruiserweight Title.” [COLOR=red]Shane turns and walks over to Palumbo, O’Haire, Jindrak and Stasiak – who are stood in a group.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “In a match for the WCW Tag Team Titles, the Natural Born Thrillers will collide – as Palumbo and O’Haire take on Jindrak and Stasiak.” [COLOR=red]The Thrillers look naturally concerned, as Shane moves on to Booker T – who is holding both the United States title and the WCW title.[/COLOR] [B][Booker T][/B] – “Now hold on Sucka – I know what you’re gonna say; but I tell you now man – it ain’t fair for me to hold all this gold. Look – take this United States Title and give it to one of these other guys; I can dig that Sucka.” [COLOR=red]Shane takes hold of the United States titles and smiles at Booker – he puts it over his shoulders and beckons Lance Storm and Hugh Morrus towards him.[/COLOR] [B][Shane McMahon][/B] – “In that case, for the vacant WCW United States Title – we will see Lance Storm take on Hugh Morrus. But Booker – you will still have to defend your WCW World Title in the main event. Your opponent however, will be decided in a company-wide over the top rope Battle Royal – the last man standing, will then immediately face you in the main event. Good Luck to all of you on Thursday.” [COLOR=red]Shane walks out of the locker room as the WCW stars pump each other up – and we head to ringside.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Well it seems like the WCW Special is gonna be a huge event for them – maybe it will get them off of our television screens for good” [COLOR=red]The countdown hits and Chris Jericho makes his way into the arena; he walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring – playing up to the fans.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “We could be looking at our next Commissioner right now J.R.” [COLOR=red]Commissioner Regal’s music hits and out he comes, accompanied by Yoshihiro Tajiri – the Commissioner gives Tajiri some last minute instructions before he slides into the ring. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wwfintercontinental.png[/IMG] [B]Chris Jericho © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri[/B] Tajiri clasps his hands together and quickly bows before Jericho – who responds with a quick handshake; much to the anger of Commissioner Regal at ringside. The pair lock up in the ring, with Jericho quickly transitioning into a side headlock – but as he tries to whip Tajiri across the ring with it, the Japanese Buzzsaw repositions and drops Jericho with a drop toe hold. Tajiri hits the ropes and nails Jericho on the chin with a dropkick as Jericho tries to get to his feet. Tajiri attempts a victory roll on Jericho; but the champion manages to roll through and sets Tajiri up for the Walls – but the Buzzsaw grabs Jericho and rolls him up with a small package; for a quick two count. Both men are up quickly, and Jericho connects with a clothesline that sends Tajiri down – and he tries to take advantage by setting Tajiri up for a Powerbomb. But Tajiri reverses the manoeuvre and plants Jericho with a flip-over DDT – and manages another two count. Tajiri lines Jericho up for a roundhouse kick – but Jericho catches his boot and trips Tajiri. Jericho hits the ropes and connects with a one handed bulldog on the Buzzsaw and looks at the fans – he hits the ropes and springboards himself off the middle rope with a Lionsault. But Tajiri rolls out of the way – with Jericho repositioning himself and landing on his feet in the centre of the ring. Jericho charges at Tajiri – but the Buzzsaw ducks and sends Jericho into the corner. Tajiri grabs hold of Jericho and looks for the Tarantula; but Jericho holds onto Tajiri and drops him with a Powerbomb in the centre of the ring. Jericho grabs hold of Tajiri’s legs and rolls him over with the Walls of Jericho – Tajiri reaches across the ring for the bottom rope, but Jericho drags him back into the centre; until the agony proves too much and Tajiri taps out. [B]Winner by Submission: Chris Jericho (5:48)[/B] Jericho celebrates as Regal is irate at ringside – as he grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “Wait a second there Mr. Jericho – as you know I have the final say on the stipulation for our match at Backlash. And you can be assured that your performance this evening has influenced me slightly – you see in our match at Backlash, that Walls of Jericho manoeuvre will be banned! Good day to you sir.” [COLOR=red]Jericho shakes his head at Regal, who waves to the crowd as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break and head to The APA office backstage. Faarooq and Bradshaw are playing poker with Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn, with Terri watching over Perry’s shoulder – Bradshaw lays his cards on the table.[/COLOR] [B][Bradshaw][/B] – “Read um and weep boys.” [B][Faarooq][/B] – “Damn!” [COLOR=red]Malenko and Saturn fold and shake their heads as Bradshaw rakes in all the cash off the table with a huge grin on his face – until the four members of the Natural Born Thrillers burst into view wielding baseball bats. O’Haire and Palumbo nail Bradshaw and Faarooq with successive shots to the ribs and back – as Stasiak and Jindrak deliver similar shots to Saturn and Malenko, as Terri runs away screaming for help. O’Haire sends Bradshaw crashing face first into the wall as Palumbo struggles with Faarooq and hoists him up – with the pair dropping Faarooq through the table with a Double Powerbomb. Jindrak grabs Saturn by the head, and launches him face first into the door and sends him crashing through it – whilst Stasiak sits Malenko in a chair; before nailing him with a shot to the chest with the baseball bat. The Thrillers stand tall over their victims as they celebrate together.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Those bastard WCW guys – I hope to god that the Natural Born Thrillers get what’s coming to them soon enough.” [COLOR=red]We cut from the Thrillers celebrating to Jonathon Coachman standing around in the parking lot – when The Rock exits a car and walks towards him.[/COLOR] [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Rocky, Rock – can I grab a quick word?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “Whoa, hold on there Coach – you want a quick what with The Rock?” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “A quick word Ro-“ [B][The Rock][/B] – “Ah, shush – Finally, The Rock has come back… to Knoxville. Now Coach, what in the blue hell do you want with The Rock?” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Well Rock – I’d just like your thoughts on tonight’s main event?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “You tell The Rock what the main event is – and The Rock will tell you his thoughts.” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “It’s-“ [B][The Rock][/B] – “It doesn’t matter what the main event is, the fact is – The Rock gets here, only to find out that he hasn’t got a match. The Rock isn’t happy Coach, the people didn’t pay to come here and see Steve Austin take on The Big Slow in a non-title match – the people came here to see The Rock.” [B][Jonathon Coachman][/B] – “Speaking of seeing The Rock – as a member of WCW, will you be at the WCW Special this Thursday night?” [B][The Rock][/B] – “Hold on – who said that you could speak? And when did The Rock become a member of WCW? Now as far as The Rock sees it, Shane McMahon wants The Rock to team with Booker T at Backlash – that’s fine with The Rock. But becoming a member of WCW – that just ain’t happening, The Rock is WWF to the core. It seems just about everybody knows that; The Rock knows it; the people know it – everyone knows it, except Shane McMahon. So tonight, The Rock is gonna go down to that ring after the main event, and show Shane McMahon exactly whose side he is on – If Ya Smell… What The Rock… Is Cookin!” [COLOR=red]The Rock raises his eyebrow and leaves Jonathon Coachman looking bewildered in the parking lot as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break with Buff Bagwell making his way down to the ring, taunting the fans as he struts down the ramp.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “The Rock is gonna show Shane McMahon what side he is on after the main event? That is huge!” [COLOR=red]The Deadman’s music hits and The Undertaker rides his motorcycle down the ramp and around the ring to the delight of the fans – he climbs into the ring and pumps up the crowd.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Another huge match right here – as The Undertaker gets his hands on WCW’s Buff Daddy. On Smackdown we saw video footage of The Undertaker’s wife – so you can expect The Undertaker to be in one hell of a foul mood here tonight.” [COLOR=red][B]The Undertaker vs. Buff Bagwell[/B] Bagwell taunts the crowd as the bell sounds – with The Undertaker just looking on with intent and staring a whole through Buff Daddy. Bagwell taunts towards Taker – who plants him square in the face with a right hand. Bagwell is quickly back up but Taker drags him into the corner, and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Takes backs away from his target – before charging into the corner and crushing Bagwell with a clothesline. Taker lifts Bagwell onto his shoulder – before dropping Bagwell onto the turnbuckle with Snake Eyes, and rebounding himself off the ropes. The Deadman plants Buff Daddy with a big boot and sends him to the canvas – as Taker raises his arm to signal for the finish. Bagwell slowly gets to his feet as Taker stalks him – before grabbing him and setting him up for the Last Ride. The Undertaker methodically lifts Bagwell up and hoists him high above the ring – planting him with the Last Ride. Taker kneels beside Bagwell and makes the cover – garnering the pinfall victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: The Undertaker (3:21)[/B] As The Undertaker celebrates his win, the static transmission appears on the titantron – before we cut to grainy footage of the pool in The Undertaker’s back garden. Sara is playing with a dog by the side of the pool before we zoom in to see her up close – we then cut to her diving into the pool and swimming around. We see her climb out of the pool and dries herself on a towel as the camera zooms in – and goes up and down her body. The footage then cuts back to the static transmission and we see The Undertaker stood in the ring in complete shock – he grabs a microphone.[/COLOR] [B][The Undertaker][/B] – “Whoever the hell is behind this get your ass out here right now – when I find out who you are, you better prepare yourself for one hell of an ass-whooping. Just like this punk-ass bitch – I will make you famous.” [COLOR=red]Bagwell slowly gets to his feet, and it catches The Undertaker’s eye – he drops the microphone and grabs hold of Bagwell. Taker lifts Bagwell up onto his shoulder – before planting him with a vicious Tombstone Piledriver. The Undertaker climbs out of the ring and rides back up the ramp on his bike – before stopping at the top and raising his hand.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Yet more footage of The Undertaker’s wife – whoever is behind this is a sick and twisted man.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “The Undertaker made an example out of Buff Bagwell here tonight though J.R. – I would not mess with the Deadman.” [COLOR=red]We head backstage to see Vince McMahon pacing around his office; with Steve Austin taping his wrists and Triple H sat on the sofa waiting. There is a knock at the door and Vince quickly walks over to the door.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Who the hell is it?” [B][Voice][/B] – “Vince, it’s Kurt Angle – you wanted to see me?” [COLOR=red]Vince has a huge smile on his face as he opens the door and leads Angle into the room – Triple H gets to his feet.[/COLOR] [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “Kurt – it’s so good to see you; come and sit on the sofa so we can chat.” [B][Triple H][/B] – “What the hell is he doing here Vince? It’s one thing you asking me to work with Austin – but this *******?” [B][Kurt Angle][/B] – “Who are you calling an ******* Hunter – I’m an Olympic Gold Medallist; who the hell are you?” [[B]Vince McMahon][/B] – “Will you two calm down – Kurt is here to help us; he is part of my contingency plan.” [COLOR=red]Stone Cold finishes taping his wrists and joins the others in the middle of the room.[/COLOR] [B][Steve Austin][/B] – “Damn Vince – I told you earlier, Stone Cold Steve Austin does not need back-up. I can go out there on my own, and I can beat the living hell out of that big freak.” [B][Vince McMahon][/B] – “It doesn’t matter whether you feel you need back-up or not, you’ve got it so be grateful. I don’t want The Rock – or any WCW wrestler for that matter – shoving there noses in where they don’t belong and ruining my plans. So whether you like it or not, the three of you are going to work together for the greater good of this organization.” [COLOR=red]Stone Cold, Triple H and Angle all eyeball each other before shaking each others hands as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break and head backstage to Jeff Hardy, standing by with Kevin Kelly.[/COLOR] [B][Kevin Kelly][/B] – “Jeff, you requested this interview time – so what is on your mind?” [B][Jeff Hardy][/B] – “Kevin – it is simple; I am upset that no champion has accepted my challenge for a match at Backlash-“ [COLOR=red]Hardy is blindsided by a shot to the head with a trash can lid – administrated by Raven.[/COLOR] [B][Raven][/B] – “Challenge accepted Jeff – Quote The Raven…Nevermore.” [COLOR=red]We pan round to see Matt Hardy running with intent at Raven – but before he reaches his target he is ripped in half by a Gore from Rhyno. Raven grabs Jeff by the hair and sends him face first into the fencing behind him – Raven raises his Hardcore Title high as he and Rhyno leave. Eddie Guerrero walks into the shot and kneels down by Matt Hardy to check on him – he smiles.[/COLOR] [B][Eddie Guerrero][/B] – “Hey could we get a trainer over here esse?” [COLOR=red]Eddie smirks as he gets to his feet – before hitting Matt with a couple of kicks to the ribs as the trainers arrive on the scene; leaving Eddie to walk off with a big smile. [/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “It looks like both of the Hardyz have big mountains to climb at Backlash.” [COLOR=red]We then cut to Commissioner Regal’s office – where he is stood behind his desk with his assistant Tajiri. They aren’t alone though as the camera pans around the room to show a collection of superstars including Jerry Lynn, Shane Helms, Billy Kidman, Crash Holly and various other Light Heavyweight competitors.[/COLOR] [B][William Regal][/B] – “Gentlemen, you have all been called here because I have an announcement to make regarding you all and Backlash. As you may understand we have two champions in this room – yet they are both champions of the same weight class. This may be viewed by some as a bad thing – but I view it as a great opportunity. Now Gentlemen, each of you will be involved in a very historic match – it will be the first match in wrestling history where a WWF and a WCW champion will battle with both titles on the line. At Backlash all of you will be involved in the Light Heavyweight or Cruiserweight Invitational – the winner of this match will be the proud owner of the two belts, and will unify the two divisions. Now, with that business out of the way – the lot of you can bloody well clear off, as Im a busy man.” [COLOR=red]Commissioner Regal waves sarcastically as we head back to ringside.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Wow – yet another match made for Backlash.” [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “It’s looking like a great show J.R. – but then so is the rest of Raw tonight; the Extreme Rules Match is up next.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “WCW and ECW collide head on – and its next.” [COLOR=red]We have a graphic hyping the Shane vs. RVD match as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break with Shane McMahon making his way towards the ring – but he has the whole of the Natural Born Thrillers backing him up as he climbs into the ring.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “A typical WCW move; Shane is obviously trying to out-number his opponent and gain the cheap victory.” [COLOR=red]The ECW music hits as Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam make their way towards the ring – with RVD taunting the fans as his name is announced. RVD climbs into the ring and once again taunts the fans – but turning his back on Shane as the bell sounds. [B]Shane McMahon vs. Rob Van Dam[/B] Shane charges at Van Dam, and clubs him across the back with a forearm – but Van Dam doesn’t seem phased as he turns to face Shane. Shane-O quickly runs across the ring and slides to the outside – Palumbo grabs hold of Shane and whispers into his ear; which turns Shane fearful face into a smile. Shane walks around the ring and mounts the apron – which prompts RVD to charge at him; only for Shane to drop from the apron. This distraction allows Palumbo into the ring – who charges and hits RVD across the back of the head. O’Haire, Stasiak and Jindrak all climb into the ring and the four-on-one assault begins – with Palumbo dragging RVD into the corner. Palumbo throws a right hand, but RVD blocks and kicks him in the face – giving O’Haire similar treatment with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Stasiak charges into the corner, but Van Dam moves and sends him crashing chest first into the top turnbuckle – RVD springboards himself off the middle rope and connects with a spin kick to Jindrak as he cleans house. But Shane slides into the ring and puts the boots to RVD as the Thrillers all get back to their feet – with all five men putting the boots to Van Dam. The APA suddenly hit the ring and the Thrillers disperse and head for the crowd – leaving Shane alone in the ring. Bradshaw threatens to punch Shane – but Faarooq convinces him to lead chase on the Thrillers. Heyman grabs a chair from ringside and slides it into the ring for RVD – before banging on the apron to alert Mr. PPV. Van Dam picks up the chair and throws it to the confused Shane – before launching a spin kick at the WCW Owner. Shane sees it coming and ducks – before throwing the chair to RVD who catches it himself. Shane launches himself with a dropkick; but Van Dam side steps him and quickly leg drops the chair onto the head of Shane. Van Dam positions Shane, before hitting the ropes and nailing the WCW Owner with the Rolling Thunder – but can only get a two count. Van Dam mounts the top rope as Shane gets to his feet – before flying off and connecting with a thrust kick to the side of Shane’s head. Van Dam points to the top rope again, and leaps up in one swift movement – he flies throw the air and lands with a Five Star Frog Splash on Shane; which gives him the three count and the victory. [B]Winner by Pinfall: Rob Van Dam (7:05)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “What a huge victory for both Van Dam and ECW – despite the best efforts of the Natural Born Thrillers.” [COLOR=red]We head backstage to see Stone Cold Steve Austin making his way towards the ring – with Vince McMahon, Triple H and Kurt Angle all in close pursuit as we head to commercials. --------------- We return from the break as WCW’s Big Show makes his way towards the ring alone.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “This is something that I was not expecting – The Big Show is going at this on his own.” [COLOR=red]The glass shatters as the WWF Champion makes his way towards the ring – he completely ignores that he is being followed by Vince and his troops as he taunts the crowd on the turnbuckles.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Vince McMahon and his two contingency plans at ringside, backing up the Rattlesnake in this non-title match.” [COLOR=red][B]Steve Austin vs. The Big Show[/B] The bell sounds as Austin gets in The Big Show’s face with the WWF Title held high – Show chuckles at Austin and pushes him backwards. Austin squares back up to The Big Show and flips him off – before kicking him in the mid-section and unleashing a series of right hands to the skull. Austin rocks Big Show with a stiff right, before chopping him across the chest – Austin pushes Show into the ropes and whips him across the ring. As Big Show rebounds, Austin leaps and catches him with a Lou Thesz press – but as Stone Cold goes for the right hands Show throws him off and staggers back to his feet. The Rattlesnake attempts to unleash right hands again, but Show blocks one and hits Austin with a Headbutt – which sends the Bionic Redneck to the canvas. Kurt Angle climbs onto the apron – but is quickly swatted away by a Show right hand. This gives Austin a chance to get back to his feet, and he immediately targets the left knee of the big man – hitting him with a chop block and several boots to the back of the knee. Vince climbs onto the apron and distracts the referee – which allows Triple H to choke Show as Austin continues to work over his knee with an elbow drop. Austin continues to stomp a mudhole in Show as he drags him into the corner to continue the targeted assault. This ultimately back-fires on Austin as Show manages to push Austin backwards from his seating position – Austin reels backwards and catches the referee with a stray arm to the face, and sends him crashing to the canvas and rolling to the outside. Triple H and Kurt Angle both hit the ring – and all three men continue the assault as they trap Big Show in the corner and put the boots to him. The three men stop their assault as The Rock’s music hits – and the People’s Champion charges down to the ring. Rock catches Angle with a series of right hands and sends him crashing over the top rope – before dodging a Triple H clothesline and dropping him with a Spinebuster as The Game rebounds. Rocky then stalks Austin – who walks straight into a Rock Bottom from the Great One. The Rock mounts the top rope with his arm held high – but he turns round to see The Big Show getting to his feet. Rocky stalks Show as he staggers around the ring – before planting him with a Rock Bottom.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “My God – whose side is he on?” [COLOR=red]The Rock talks trash as he exits the ring and walks up the aisle – as Vince McMahon looks on completely bemused by the situation. Austin slowly crawls over to The Big Show and drapes an arm over him for the cover; as the referee groggily makes a slow count – Big Show manages a last second kick-out. Austin is irate and stalks Show, calling for the Stone Cold Stunner – Show slowly gets to his feet with Austin positioned behind him. Show turns and is met with a boot to the mid-section; Stone Cold grabs Show’s head but is pushed away into the ropes – Austin rebounds and is grabbed by the throat and planted with a huge Chokeslam. The Big Show drops down into the cover – and the referee makes the three count. [B]Winner by Pinfall: The Big Show (7:56)[/B][/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “The Big Show, a WCW superstar – has a singles victory over our WWF Champion.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “This is a sad day in the WWF Michael; a really sad day and I cannot believe it.” [COLOR=red]The Big Show celebrates in the ring; until fire bursts out of the turnbuckles and Kane storms the ring. The two monsters battle it out with right hands in the ring – before Kane rears back and clothesline Big Show over the top rope and to the floor. Big Show uses his better judgement as he high-tails it backstage – but Kane is in close pursuit. In the ring – Kurt Angle tries to console Austin over his defeat but The Rattlesnake is not receptive. Austin kicks Angle in the mid-section and plants him with a Stone Cold Stunner – as Triple H and Vince McMahon look on at ringside.[/COLOR] [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “Austin obviously taking exception to Kurt Angle’s brand of ‘help’.” [COLOR=red]The ECW Champion, Rhyno slides under the bottom rope as Austin gives Angle the middle finger – as The Rattlesnake turns around he is hit with a huge Gore from Rhyno. Who has little time to celebrate as Triple H and Vince McMahon hit the ring – with Rhyno seeking safety amongst the fans.[/COLOR] [B][Michael Cole][/B] – “Oh My God! Rhyno just Gored the living daylights out of the WWF Champion.” [B][Jim Ross][/B] – “What a huge statement from the ECW Champion – and that’s all we’ve got time for tonight folks. Goodnight Everybody!” [COLOR=red]Raw ends with Triple H and Vince standing over the fallen Austin as they stare at Rhyno in the crowd. ---------------[/COLOR] [quote=Raw Recap] The Big Show def. Steve Austin Rob Van Dam def. Shane McMahon The Undertaker def. Buff Bagwell (Intercontinental) Chris Jericho © def. Yoshihiro Tajiri (WWF Tag) Edge and Christian © def. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman Team Canada def. X-Factor Total In-Ring Time: 34:01 Nielsen Rating: 6.15 [/quote]
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WCW Special! Preview [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwspecial.png[/IMG] [COLOR=blue][B][U]Hostile Takeover[/U][/B] WCW Special! Preview [I]This Thursday night – WWF Smackdown is being replaced by a World Championship Wrestling Special. The new look WCW gets its first chance to shine on its own exclusive two hour show. Shane McMahon confirmed that all of the WCW Superstars will be involved in a Battle Royal – with the winner getting a shot at Booker T’s WCW Title immediately after. The favourite for the Battle Royal has to be the seven foot giant Big Show – who just this past Monday on Raw scored a pinfall victory over the WWF Champion. We will also find a new United States Champion after Booker T relinquished the gold on Raw – as former champions Lance Storm and Hugh Morrus collide once again for the title. Will Team Canada get involved or will the defiant Laughing Man stand tall? All of the WCW Titles will be on the line, as the WCW Tag Titles are fought over by the Natural Born Thrillers – with members Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak taking on their stable mates Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire for their titles. Plus we will see a hotly contested match-up for the WCW Cruiserweight Title as “Sugar” Shane Helms defends against Billy Kidman in what could be the sleeper match of the night. Catch all of this on Thursday night on UPN![/I] [U]Confirmed Matches[/U] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwheavyweight.png[/IMG]: Booker T © vs. Battle Royal Winner 15-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwunitedstates.png[/IMG]: Lance Storm vs. Hugh Morrus [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwtagteam.png[/IMG]: Palumbo and O’Haire © vs. Jindrak and Stasiak [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i304/Anderz_Baz/wcwcruiserweight.png[/IMG]: Shane Helms © vs. Billy Kidman[/COLOR]
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Great show :) Nice to see WWF vs WCW [B]vs[/B] ECW, mainly because the Alliance was a load of bull . . . I'm liking the way you've made ECW a force, in the way they're underground and violent, and getting WCW scared. I just think you need to give WCW and WWF characteristics too, in the way ECW has a violent hit-and-run characteristic if you get me lol Anyways, here's to hopefully a ECW and WWF invasion of the WCW special :p I'd be marking out for a huge brawl! Predictions: : [B]Booker T ©[/B] vs. Battle Royal Winner - Can't see Booker dropping the title this early 15-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal - I can't really pick anyone as I don't know who's in it, you've hinted the Big Show, but I don't reckon it's gonna be him. : [B]Lance Storm[/B] vs. Hugh Morrus - Momentum : [B]Palumbo and O’Haire ©[/B] vs. Jindrak and Stasiak - Just plain better : Shane Helms © vs. [B]Billy Kidman[/B] - I don't know why, I just think a switch could happen.
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