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In light of the "The She & The He-Rahn" thread by Farrah I decided to post some pics of me. Now remember, I was an "actor" at one point who did a few low budget movies so some of these pics were for casting/portfolio reasons. So please forgive the outrageous poses. Here is the first one: This one was me posing for my casting agent in Chicago for a sitcom in LA. I never got the part but what the hell.
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A photo of me can be had [url=http://football-freaks.com/btmlltt/madcat/demo/docs/credits.html]here[/url]. I just finished my B.Ed last spring (6 long years of university in total) and am working as a substitute teacher right now. Hoping to either get a short term contract sometime this year, and/or get a full-time position next year. :) brad
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[QUOTE=btmlltt]A photo of me can be had [url=http://football-freaks.com/btmlltt/madcat/demo/docs/credits.html]here[/url]. I just finished my B.Ed last spring (6 long years of university in total) and am working as a substitute teacher right now. Hoping to either get a short term contract sometime this year, and/or get a full-time position next year. :) brad[/QUOTE] You young bastard. :D
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