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Saved Games dissapearing

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This is a little bizzare. A couple of times now I have opened wrespri and clicked load games only to see "you have no saved games". They still have folders under the default database folder, but for whatever reason, these saved games are not registering with the program. Um, yeah. Odd. Great game BTW - I'm off to start another game ;)
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Your game is still there. Check the forum around. You will see the VERY simple instruction on how to get your game back in the saved game section. 22 seconds later: Found it! Read on this copy-paste: "My save game is not showing up in the Load Game menu, but is in the Delete Game menu..." This is because a file is missing, and therefore the game cannot be loaded. This is usually caused by people exiting using the red X in the top right hand corner, and therefore not letting the game close its files properly. To get your save game back, go to the folder that contains it, and read down until you see which file is missing. Go into the Temp folder and find the missing file, and copy and paste it back into the save game folder. You should now be able to load the game correctly.
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