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I think if we could run the game through the internet, that would be huge. I do not mean like TEW, where you could have a maximum of 4 players and it was in E-mail mode. I mean something like an EFED All owners of the game can enter and participate in the league. There can be an extra small fee for those willing to set up their own promotion or even training camp. You can maybe pump in cash with donations to you promotion (to build it up more quickly). Then is the interesting part. You can play the role of Fighter, backstage, scout, ref, marketing, trainer ect. You could go round earning your cash, or make donations to build up more quickly. You could earn enough to eventually open your own promotion or camp. There will be a huge database of computer generated staff\fighters, human palyers will of corse be better so as to give them an edge so as the human players will sign them.
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When I saw "EFED", you lost me. Plus, it'd be too cluttered. EDIT: And what would the people who are fighters do? The promoters book them in matches, they find out if they lose or not? It'd be basically "Who can fish out the most money on a video game" and not that many people would want to do that, I don't think.
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This has been mentioned multiple times for TEW, and dismissed quickly every time. It's not that it's a good concept, but I'm sure it would be near impossible in terms of coding - plus, when you mention that players could also take the role of a fighter, that would just be even more coding. Heck, Adam was questioning as to whether or not he should add multiplayer at all, so this is off the cards.
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Ok then, scrap all the workers ect. Scrap the word EFED, i do not like it any way. I am not actually proposing an EFED. Just the option of running your promotion as in the game, the only difference being it is done with real players on the internet. The same idea. You could have all the same characters as in the original WMMA, simply time will run like much slower. You won't be able to run a day in seconds. Maybe a day (real time) will represent 1 week, that way you could run 1 show every day. 2 months real time will be similar to 1 year play time which is ok, most guys are barely past 10 years in their games anyway.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;251731]If Adam, does not program this change now, (which he probably won't as it is too much hassle, it could be in the future added), then he never will. He will be posting the game features as of 3rd of July[/QUOTE] I'm not sure, but to me that seemed to be Tommy's point - he never will. DEFINATELY not this version of the game.
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I like this (the 2nd) idea. Deckagon is a similar idea, though much more limited than the functionality that WMMA will give us. The only problem I can see, beyond coding, is that you may run out of established fighters pretty quickly.
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[QUOTE=asdfx3;252101]I like this (the 2nd) idea. Deckagon is a similar idea, though much more limited than the functionality that WMMA will give us. The only problem I can see, beyond coding, is that you may run out of established fighters pretty quickly.[/QUOTE] I also thought about that one. You could have randomly generated fighters comming up on a daily basis. They will start with random low stats, but you can build them up through camps and so on as in TEW. Unlike TEW where useless guys stayed around forever, "inactive" personel should be deleted after 1 month of real time ( 30 weeks playing time). This is needed to stop the world from being overflowed with unneeded data. Top talent will be taken up quickly. Obviously, but they will at some point run out of contract. Even if you sign a guy on a 10 match contract. If you run 1 show a day, that means he will run out of contract in about 2-3 weeks and that is at the best case. Plus most talented guys won't sign such a deal. Also then what stops you from trying to sign him when he is close to the end of his contract? At in TEW, there will be a bidding war. He will have a slight favour towards the current promotion, assuming he is happy there, but you could out bid the parent promotion or offer a more attractive deal. This of corse could be risky! Proposing a deal worth more than you will benefit could end up bankrupting the promotion! Anyway, i can't see why people do not support such an idea. It is awesome!
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One other thing I would like about this is that we could have truely world-wide spread of MMA organizations. I'm sure the current game world will heavily favor US and Japanese territories, with fewer outside. An online game however would force players to create promotions outside of these hotspots to keep from overcrowding and (another interesting feature comming up ...) overexposure of MMA to an audience. And with these new orgs would be new pools of talent. Think about it, promotions in Korea would have excellent Taekwondo practitioners, in Iran they have greco, Russia has sambo, Brazil would obviously have BJJ but also capoeira (arguably lacking in usefullness in a fight but greatly increasing how exciting a fighter is with those flashy moves). We could create what MMA fans have been hoping for since UFC 1: The best of every combant sport from all over the world being able to enter into competition.
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Now that one is one which i virtually had an argument about. When Adam posted his plan to have a 50 US world and some 10 Japanese in a 100 region world, i strongly protested. According to the argument, the US should have 50 regions because of the athletic comissions being different in each region. I understand that they play a huge role in how MMA in the US is run today, but frankly speaking i do not see what this has to do with WMMA. I would get rid of the athletic commisions. Why? Who needs to have 30-40 states which ban MMA or which limit the action to a very minimum! That is 30-40 wasted regions which we could had spent on a huge world! Plus 50 regions makes the US very thin. I think the TEW format for regions was fantastic. We should just add the extra 70 something for other new regions.
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