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The WWF: Post Invasion

Guest Vitamin E

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Guest Vitamin E
[CENTER][IMG]http://img460.imageshack.us/img460/5919/ssbannerzl8.png[/IMG] WWF Survivor Series Results[/CENTER] [CENTER]"[I]The World Wrestling Federation. For over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports-entertainment...[/I]"[/CENTER] [CENTER]The opening words to one of the biggest and most important Pay-Per-Views in WWF history. Following those strong words came a video played to "The End" in black white, showing clips of former WWF wrestlers and events, showing Vince McMahon saying the biggest threat the WWF has seen, Shane McMahon warning his Alliance members that he'd be waiting in Hell for them if they don't pull it together for the event, showing a quick formation of the Alliance, clips of all ten participants in the main event Survivor Series match, and finally comes to an end with Freddie Blassy walking out a set of double doors.[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]WWF European Championship[/U][/B] [COLOR=red]Christian [/COLOR]def. Al Snow to retain via pinfall after an Unprettier in 6:30[/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red]William Regal[/COLOR] def. Tajiri via pinfall after a Tiger Bomb in 2:59; following the match he powerbombed Torrie Wilson[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Title Unification Match[/U][/B] Edge (United States Champion) def. [COLOR=red]Test [/COLOR](Intercontinental Champion) via pinfall in 11:17 after a Spear and a roll-up[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Title Unification Tag Team Cage Match[/U][/B] [COLOR=red]The Dudley Boyz [/COLOR](WCW Tag Team Champions) def. The Hardy Boyz via pinfall in 15:45 after pinning Jeff Hardy, who jumped from the top of the cage and went through a table[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Immunity Battle Royal[/U][/B] [COLOR=red]Test[/COLOR] outlasted Billy Gunn, Bradshaw, Farooq, [COLOR=red]Lance Storm[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]Billy Kidman[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]Diamond Dallas Page[/COLOR], Albert, Tazz, Perry Saturn, Chuck Palumbo, [COLOR=red]Raven[/COLOR], Crash Holly, [COLOR=red]Justin Credible[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]Shawn Stasiak[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]Steven Richards[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]Tommy Dreamer[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]The Hurricane[/COLOR], Spike Dudley, Hugh Morrus, Chavo Guerrero Jr., and Funaki in 7:40.[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Six Pack Challenge for the Vacant WWF Women's Championship[/U][/B] Trish Stratus def. Lita, Jacqueline, [COLOR=red]Mighty Molly[/COLOR], [COLOR=red]Jazz[/COLOR], and [COLOR=red]Ivory [/COLOR]in 4:35 after a Stratusfaction to Ivory[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Winner Take All Survivor Series Match[/U][/B] Team WWF def. [COLOR=red]Team Alliance [/COLOR]in 44:56 after Kurt Angle ran back out to hit Steve Austin with the title belt, allowing The Rock to deliver a Rock Bottom[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Eliminations:[/B] Big Show by Shane McMahon, Shane McMahon by Chris Jericho, Kane by RVD, The Undertaker by Kurt Angle, Booker T by The Rock, RVD by Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle by The Rock, Chris Jericho by Steve Austin, Steve Austin by The Rock [IMG]http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/9702/banner2hx8.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT] --------------- Next posts will be 2 show recaps, then from there Ill get into the full length shows. If youre going to post feedback, make it good feedback and not the postwhorish feedback that Ive seen a lot of in diaries at this board. That means dont post just to say "nice" or "good stuff" or something. Id rather not have my diary full of postwhoring, so if you want to do that go into another diary.[/LEFT]
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Guest Vitamin E
[CENTER][I]Obviously this format isn't the one Im going to use for all shows. Im only using it to recap the first weeks worth of results as that seems to be what I do now. Most of the layout for the first weeks worth of shows will be about the same with the exception of some things.[/I] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4234/rawbansd6.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B]November 19th, 2001[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]9,029 in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER]The show opened up with a quick segment involving Mick Foley and Vince McMahon on McMahon's private jet. Foley announced his resignation as WWF Commissioner, after a few jokes about naming a piece of furniture after him. McMahon asked if Foley was sure and after Foley agreed McMahon wished him luck in what he does outside the WWF. Before Foley leaves the jet, McMahon pulls him back in after asking Foley to do one final favor for him. A video package is shown after Foley sits back down, showing the results of last nights Survivor Series event via still shots.[/CENTER] [CENTER]After the video package is finished the camera cuts to the live broadcast in the arena with J.R. welcoming fans to the still WWF RAW. He mentions how he is alone at the broadcast booth and that he is happy to be alone for once. Vince McMahon immediately makes his way out to the ring and begins talking about a few things. He first mentions tonight is a night of celebration because the WWF defeated The Alliance last night and put WCW and ECW completely to rest, and since they are The Rock's WCW title has been renamed the World Heavyweight Championship and is the first among several changes to be made. He next gets into the WWF Championship, saying that since Austin is the champion he is once again under WWF contract, however, as a punishment for defecting to The Alliance, next week Austin would defend the title in a ten man over the top rope battle royal, consisting of only former World Heavyweight and WWF Champions. He gets back to the present and mentions the empty seat next to J.R., asking Paul Heyman to come out to the ring. Heyman comes out in smiles and goes to sit down next to J.R., but Vince calls him into the ring. Heyman kisses McMahon's ass the minute he gets in, but McMahon shrugs it off and tells Heyman that he must be confused because he didnt call Heyman out here to sit next to J.R., but to tell him, "You're fired!" Heyman stares at McMahon in shock and gets ready to 'throw down', but changes his mind when McMahon takes his jacket off. Heyman slips out of the ring and turns his attention to J.R. and goes to attack, but J.R. gets all the offense in as security rushes out to take Heyman to the back. Vince tells J.R. that since we are in his hometown that he deserves a grand present and welcomes Heyman's replacement: Jerry "The King" Lawler! Lawler gets a standing ovation from the crowd as he walks out and sits down to J.R., who welcomes The King back as best he can. McMahon tells everyone to keep watching the broadcast because the announcements aren't over yet.[/CENTER] [CENTER]After a commercial break, the first match of the night occurs when [B]Trish Stratus defeated Mighty Molly via pinfall in a WWF Women's Championship match.[/B] After the match is over the camera cuts to Vince McMahon's office where we see Test, Christian, Rob Van Dam, and The Dudleyz. Vince tells them that they are all lucky to still be employed after defecting to The Alliance and that the only reason they aren't on the street is because they all have something around their waists keeping them here, with the exception of Test who is lucky he can't be fired for a year. He tells all of them to get out of his office after announcing that RVD would face Test for the Hardcore title tonight. Christian tries sucking up to Vince, but is told he will face the now WWF employed Diamond Dallas Page and William Regal with the European title on the line tonight in a triple threat match.[/CENTER] [CENTER]With another commercial break finished, [B]Rob Van Dam successfully defended his Hardcore title against Test via pinfall[/B] after ducking a Big Boot and hitting a Van Daminator, setting up the Five Star Frog Splash onto a chair that was on Test's chest. The camera cuts to the back showing Kurt Angle arriving. He is asked how he is doing, and he replies very ****y saying that he just saved the WWF single handedly and sarcastically asks the person how he thinks he is doing before walking away. Angle walks and asks another person where The Rock is. After being told he walks some more down into a hallway and finds Rock's locker room and lets himself in. Angle and Rock have a confrontation, with Angle saying that he deserves some gratitude from everyone after what his plan worked to perfection last night. The Rock mocks him, saying all he did was secure a job for himself either way and that he should have told people about his plan instead of fighting against The Great One and the WWF. The Rock then questions Angle's integrity, saying that had it been The Rock in Austin's position last night that Angle would have hit The Great One. After things get more heated, Rock lays down a challenge for Angle tonight for Rock's title, which Angle accepts.[/CENTER] [CENTER]The camera cuts right back to the ring where [B]Christian wins the Triple Threat match after pinning DDP[/B] to retain the European title. Another commercial break goes by and we return in Vince's office where William Regal, Chris Jericho, and Lance Storm are standing before him. He tells Storm that he decided to hire him to the WWF because Storm was no major threat to the the WWF last night and tells him to leave. He then goes to Regal, saying that the triple threat match was Regal's chance to remain employed. Regal begs and pleads with McMahon, who eventually gives in and tells Regal he can stay with the WWF, if Regal agrees to be McMahon's personal bitch and does what he wants when he wants. Regal, showing his lack of satisfaction, agrees to that and leaves. McMahon then gets to Jericho, telling him he doesnt appreciate Jericho nearly costing the WWF the match last night by attacking The Rock. Jericho says that it doesn't matter that he did because the WWF still won and to quit worrying about it. McMahon says he doesn't like people like Jericho with huge ego's and arrogance and tells him that he'll be facing Kane on Smackdown! for nearly causing the WWF to lose last night. After Jericho leaves Angle makes his way in and says that McMahon doesn't have to thank him. Vince cuts him off and says that he wishes he could fire Angle for pulling a stunt like he did, but he won't because he did end up saving the WWF, but just because he did doesn't mean he'll thank Angle because he knows that Angle was selfish and could have let either team win last night and still have a job. Angle says that the only reason he defected to The Alliance was so he could protect the WWF, but Vince tells him he is full of it. He wishes luck to Angle for the main event and tells him that just because Austin hasn't shown up yet doesn't mean Angle is safe.[/CENTER] [CENTER]The next match after the break is [B]Booker T defeating Tazz via pinfall[/B], with J.R. telling everyone that Tazz has been employed by the WWF to commentate alongside Michael Cole on Thursday nights for Smackdown!, and then questions whether Booker has been given employment for his win. After a quick clip show of last night's Cage match between The Hardyz and Dudleyz, the question is answered when McMahon approaches Booker T backstage after Booker's win. McMahon tells Booker that he had every intention of coming to RAW tonight and firing each and every single Alliance member, but that he couldn't do that. He said that he couldnt fire some because they held titles and that he couldn't fire one because of the Immunity Battle Royal last night. He then said that others he couldn't fire because he'd rather make their lives hell by being employed by him, and that even some he wanted to keep because they were too talented to let go. He finishes the story off by saying the reason Booker hasn't been fired is because of next week's Battle Royal, revealing Booker to be one of the ten entrants in it for the vacant WWF Championship. Booker is excited that he is still employed, but is shot down after Vince tells Booker that it wasn't like Booker was an actual threat to the WWF anyway.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Kurt Angle is seen moping around backstage when the show comes back from another break, talking to himself and asking why he's hated for saving the WWF and then bumps into Edge. Edge laughs at Angle for trying to pretend he had some big plan of saving the WWF and that he can't wait until Austin decides to strike and kick his ass. Angle tells Edge that he should be grateful he decided to help the WWF win, but Edge tells Angle to look at the belt over his shoulder and that the belt would have been his ticket to employment no matter which side won. Angle storms off in a huff and the camera cuts to the ring where Vince McMahon makes his way out again. He gets into the ring for the second time tonight and demands that his children come out to the ring without any music being played. Shane and Stephanie make their way into the ring, with Vince even calling his own daughter a slut in referance to the chant the fans were doing, and Shane is handed a mic by Vince. Shane says that he knows Vince wants to gloat about the win last night and that he would too had The Alliance won, but he isn't going to give Vince the opportunity to do so. He tells Vince that it doesn't matter that the WWF won lost night and defeated The Alliance, because that was only their 'plan A'. He says what Vince doesn't know is that months ago, before Steph and himself even bought WCW and ECW, they sold their shares of the WWF to a consortium. Vince's night of celebration has seemed to of come to an end with that news, questioning who they sold their shares to. Shane said that everyone would find out soon enough, but until then him and Steph would act as the voices of the consortium. Vince, angered, said as calmly as possible that they can be the voices of whoever they want, but as far as tonight goes they aren't under employment and calls for security. Several security guards enter the ring and escort Shane and Steph to the back.[/CENTER] [CENTER]The final commercial break of the evening ends and the main event gets underway with [B]The Rock retaining the World Heavyweight Championship against Kurt Angle[/B], but only because Stone Cold Steve Austin made his way out and 'opened a can of whoopass on Angle'. Austin hit Angle with a Stunner and then hit The Rock with one, getting cheered by the crowd regardless. J.R. once again screams in favor of Austin, saying that even though Austin could have put his (J.R.'s) ass out of work last night he is glad that he shut the Olympic crybaby up. The first RAW after The Alliance's disbandment comes to a close with J.R. and King hyping next weeks battle royal for the vacant WWF title and questioning about the situation of Shane and Stephanie selling their WWF shares.[/CENTER]
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Guest Vitamin E
[CENTER][I]Obviously this format isn't the one Im going to use for all shows. Im only using it to recap the first weeks worth of results as that seems to be what I do now. Most of the layout for the first weeks worth of shows will be about the same with the exception of some things.[/I] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8361/smackdownbanrw6.png[/IMG] [COLOR=blue][B]November 22nd, 2001[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Kansas Coliseum in Wichita, Kansas[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]8,238 in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER]Vince McMahon opened Smackdown! inside the ring. The first thing he mentioned was the Battle Royal that would happen on next weeks RAW, rementioning that the participants would be Stone Cold Steve Austin and nine former World Heavyweight or WWF Champions. He said that Booker T would be one of those men, which he revealed on RAW, and said that there would be six entrants on the active roster and then [B]two special entrants[/B]. Before he could continue the music of Kurt Angle started up and the crowd chanted the usual "You suck" chant as it played. Kurt came out with a big smile and got into the ring with McMahon to get himself a mic. Kurt began with some ass kissing, saying that the Battle Royal was a fantastic idea and such, but McMahon obviously didn't want to hear it as he cut Kurt off to question what he was out there for. Kurt got right to the point, saying that if Vince remembers correctly Kurt is not only a former WWF Champion, but a former World Heavyweight Champion as well. Kurt then got into saying that the Battle Royal wouldn't be a Battle Royal without a former World Heavyweight Champion, a former WWF Champion, and an Olympic gold medalist. McMahon sarcastically asks if that is what Angle thinks before agreeing with Angle. The two shake hands and the crowd boos a little bit, but McMahon continues by saying that takes care of next week. After a short pause McMahon says that as for tonight, Angle will be facing both The Rock and Steve Austin in a tag team match in the main event, with Angle's partner being anyone who is willing to team with him. McMahon then sends Angle on his way with the crowd now cheering and leaves the ring himself after wishing the crowd a happy Thanksgiving.[/CENTER] [CENTER]After the McMahon-Angle segment was over, Michael Cole briefly welcomed Tazz and thanked him for choking "that overweight balding wasting of space out" on last weeks Smackdown!. Cut to the back and Trish Stratus is interviewed, being congratulated on her winning the Women's Championship four days ago. Trish said that since she won the vacant title, she is going to accept any and all challenges, which explains her match in a Thanksgiving-based Gravy Bowl match against Stacy Keibler later in the broadcast. Afterwards, [B]Test defeated Scotty 2 Hotty[/B] in a match demanded by Scotty due to him being attacked by, and replaced in the Immunity Battle Royal on Sunday by, Test. After the match Test basically showed his immunity by delivering a powerful Big Boot to the referee.[/CENTER] [CENTER]In the back McMahon is seen walking to his office and upon entering it, sees a table set up with Thanksgiving foods overflowing from it. McMahon looks confused as he walks in and Christian pops out, wishing McMahon a happy Thanksgiving. McMahon yells at Christian for going in his office without permission and then orders for Christian to defend his European title tonight as well. Christian starts yelling at McMahon, but stops when he feels someone bump into him from behind. It is revealed to be The Undertaker, who asks a nervous Christian if there's a problem. Christian replies with a simple no and thanks McMahon for the workout tonight before leaving. Taker stares at the table then at McMahon, asking about the Battle Royal for Monday. He reminds Vince that he's been with the company for over a decade, not leaving or abandoning it once, and wants to know if himself being a former 3 time WWF Champion gets him a shot at the title once more. McMahon assures Taker that he'll get his chance and Taker leaves the office. Regal then enters the office seconds later and is told that he gets to do his first task and just tells him to get to the ring.[/CENTER] [CENTER]After the break, [B]William Regal was defeated by Big Show[/B] in mere minutes. In the back The Dudleyz and Stacy are seen happy and gloating over their victory from Sunday, thanking Jeff for being the 'smart' leader of Team Extreme and for not losing his daredevil nature. Not soon after they bump into RVD, who gets a good pop despite being a part of Team Alliance just days earlier. RVD puts The Dudleyz down and vice versa, with RVD saying The Dudleyz were as good as done when Jeff climbed the cage and The Dudleyz sarcastically asking RVD who lost in the big main event at Survivor Series. This set up a handicap match soon to happen, but not before [B]The Undertaker defeated Christian via countout[/B]. Taker only got a few shots in before Christian ran away to the back to give Taker the win.[/CENTER] [CENTER]A quick cut to The Rock's locker room gets the crowd to cheer, but the entrance of Stone Cold in the locker room nearly makes them explode. The two champions stare eachother down for a few seconds, letting the intensity build, before The Rock breaks the silence by saying that it's too bad that Austin had to come back to the WWF just because he lost the ten man tag match. Austin smiles and then makes it disapear, saying that it doesn't matter what company Austin works for, that it doesnt matter if Austin is a WWF superstar or an Alliance allstar, if Austin is putting back beer after beer after beer inside a RAW ring or a Nitro ring, just as long as he gets to get his hands on "that meely mouthed some-bitch Kurt Angle." He goes on to say that he and The Rock never liked eachother, and Austin fighting for Team WWF on Sunday wouldn't have changed that and that he likes the way their 'relationship' is and has been. The Rock smiles and agrees with Austin and asks if he's ready to go out and kick some gold medal wearing candy ass later on. Austin says he will be after he knocks back a few beers. The camera comes back to the ring, or at least the side of the stage, where [B]Trish Stratus defeated Stacy Keibler in a Gravy Bowl match[/B], retaining the WWF Women's championship.[/CENTER] [CENTER]The show returns to Matt yelling at Jeff for what he did and what he cost them at the pay-per-view. Jeff tries to apologize to Matt, but Matt doesn't want to hear it and walks out with Lita trying to talk some reason into him. The only person not present is Jeff's brother Matt. Inside the ring, [B]Rob Van Dam defeated The Dudleyz via DQ[/B] in a handicap match when The Dudleyz put RVD through a table by means of a 3D. After being disqaulified The Dudleyz delivered a 3D to the ref as well. After the match the camera cuts to the back again to see that Jeff Hardy has been knocked unconsious in the backstage area with EMT's and Lita surrounding him.[/CENTER] [CENTER]After the second to last commercial break, Steven Richards made an uneventful appearance by coming out and ranting about how he was with The Alliance from the start and that he is glad he isn't working for the WWF anymore like some sellout, then mentioning Tazz. After not even a minute more of it, Tazz got up and into the ring, ducking a Steven Kick and locking the Tazzmission in. After sitting back down an interview in the back with Lance Storm was conducted by Jonathan Coachman. Storm said that he was disrespected when Vince told him that he was no threat to the WWF, but it got him to start thinking about what he has to do to prove Vince and everyone else wrong. Finally, the main event saw [B]the team of Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho beat The Rock and Austin[/B] after Jericho hit Rock with the World Heavyweight title while the ref had his eyes on Austin chasing Angle through the crowd. Jericho posed with the title as the show went to a close.[/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] I wont be posting any previews for the television shows, mainly because Id rather keep the "a will beat b and thats it" predictions out of here. Ill mainly just have something in the weekly news bits and/or at the end of the shows saying the bigger things that will be happening on the next show in internet style, i.e. "Make sure you tune into Smackdown! this week because we here at uselesswrestlingresultsandlesbianporndiscount.org/forums have been told Sting will be making an appearance" PPV's will have the prediction contests, though, because that tends to be where people will actually bust out some thought on thei predictions moreso. Thats about it....At the end of the December month ill post an actual roster and such.[/CENTER] [CENTER]So anyways, for this post I'll just say the big thing for the next RAW is the 10 man Battle Royal for the WWF Championship, pitting Steve Austin © against Booker T, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, four other WWF active wrestlers, and two special entrants. If you want you can guess as to who the two special entrants will be, asuming it is in addition to feedback and not just a post saying "I think its a and b"[/CENTER]
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Guest Vitamin E
...[quote][CENTER][IMG]http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4234/rawbansd6.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B]November 26th, 2001[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]11,254 in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The RAW opening begins the show, with it getting right underway. After J.R. and the newly instated King welcome the fans to the show and go over a few moments from last week, Vince McMahon comes out to the ring with William Regal following him out. Both of them get into the ring and Regal gets a microphone for the Chairman.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Thank you William. Before I get into my major announcement for the evening, I'd like to ask how your new job in the WWF, Mister Regal. Have you enjoyed your first week?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]William nods to McMahon[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I'm sure from opening each and every door I want to go through, driving me around the towns we've visited, and hand washing my laundry must have been the best opportunity you've been given in this business hasn't it?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Regal again nods.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]And I'm sure you would have no problem having a match after my announcement, with the outcome being that if you lose you'll have to do something even more demeaning, isn't that right?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]For the third time Regal nods at McMahon.[/COLOR][/I] [color=black][B]"[/B]I'm glad to hear that, because frankly I would have fired you right now if I wasn't having some fun with you. Onto more important matters, though. With the year coming to a close in just a few weeks and the WWF surviving after last Sunday, I have come to the decision that we need a true night of celebration. A night with great matches for the fans to watch, and one to show the greatest moments of two thousand and one. That is why on December thirty-first, the WWF will feature a special three hour countdown to the new year edition of Monday night RAW! Where you'll not only see the top matches, the top put downs, and most shocking moments of the year, but you'll get the chance to help decide them! Starting next week once you log onto WWF.com, you'll get the chance to select from a list and show what you think was the best of the year![B]"[[/B]/color] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd lets out a quick pop.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]As for tonight, everybody knows that Stone Cold Steve Austin will be defending his WWF Championship against nine men in an over the top rope battle royal in the main event. I could have stripped Austin of the title, but I've changed. I can be a fair man and let him fight to keep his title. But at the same time I have to punish him for leaving the WWF for The Alliance. For leaving the WWF fans. Having him compete in a battle royal makes both sides equally fair. We could very well see a new WWF Champion be crowned tonight, or we could see Stone Cold get in this ring and hit a Stunner! Toss someone over the top to the outside![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Vince demonstrates by running to the rope and pretending to throw someone out of the ring while talking[/COLOR].[/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B] Hit another Stunner and toss [B]him[/B] out of the ring! We could very well see a Stone Cold Stunner-fest in the main event with Austin keeping his title![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd cheers at the idea.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Or...we could see Austin be the first person eliminated in the match... We could see everyone in the match gang up on Stone Cold and eliminate him not even five minutes into the match, and to be honest that would be the best plan for them. We'll have to wait and see if Austin can keep up with nine other men going after his title, and right now I would say there's a fifty-fifty chance of that because the opponents he'll be up against are some of the best champions and toughest of challengers. I've already announced that Booker T, Kurt Angle, and The Undertaker will be partaking in the match, and of course the two special entrants won't be revealed until they make their way to the ring for the main event later on. [B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]McMahon is cut off by the sound of glass shattering and the crowd get off their seats as the WWF Champion makes his way out in his jeans and signature shirt. Austin tosses his title into the ring and ascends all four turnbuckles before ordering Regal to get him a mic.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Steve Austin[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]It appears that Stone Cold is bein' punished for his defection to The Alliance... And Stone Cold is fine with that. What? I said Stone Cold is alright with that. 'Cause the fans are cheerin' ole' Stone Cold again and the dubya-dubya-ef Championship is still with The Rattlesnake. It don't matter who ya put in yer lil battle royal. You can put The Undertaker. The Rock. Kurt Angle. Yerself. Two mystery guys. Five mystery guys. Paul Heyman. Triple H. No matter who it is Stone Cold will whoop each and everyone of their asses! What?! I said I'll whoop their asses! Kick 'em 'round the ring! Stomp a mudhole in 'em! Open up a can of whoopass! Vince, you can put Stone Cold in any match you want to punish him 'cause it'll always end up with whoopass bein delivered by him. You can put me against yer lil b*tch here if ya wanted! You could throw a celebration for Stone Cold with enough beer tah last him a week. Either way we still won't see eye tah eye and in the end we won't like eachother. Yer just an old pile-ah trash. What? I said yer trash. A waste of space. A-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Regal grabs Vince's mic.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]William Regal[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Listen here sunshine! Nobody talks to our chairman like that so I suggest you stop before you say something you'll regret![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Steve Austin[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Staring blankly at Regal.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Son you better shut yer trap and get back to that corner before I teach ya a lesson myself.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]McMahon tells Regal to calm down before grabbing the mic back.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Before Stone Cold was interupted...Even though yer a pile-ah trash, Stone Cold has problems with someone else. What? I said Kurt Angle is Stone Cold's problem. He thinks he can cost The Rattlesnake a match and not get his ass whooped? Eh eh! The second Kurt makes a mistake and gets face tah face with Stone Cold, he'll get his ass whooped all the way back tah the 'ninety-six Olympics![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd lets out a good pop.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Steve, I know you'll want to get your hands on Kurt as soon as possible, and you'll have your chance later tonight when you're in the ring with him in the battle royal. Until then you'll have to wait in your locker room like everyone else.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Steve Austin[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You want Stone Cold to wait in the back? What? You want me to go in the back and be patient? What? I'll tell ya what, Vince. I'll go in the back. Drink a few beers. Look at my title. Drink a few more beers. Take a walk 'round the arena. And if Stone Cold just happens to come across Kurt Angle, then you'll have one less person in the main event. And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Stone Cold flips Vince the bird and climbs the turnbuckle again. He steps down back to the mat and almost instantly hits a Stunner on William Regal. Vince doesn't seem to care as Austin walks back up the ramp. J.R. mentions the match Regal has now, wondering whether he'll have enough time to recover before his opponent comes out to take the advantage.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Tazz[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]William Regal[/COLOR][/B] The match returns with Tazz in control and J.R. saying that Tazz almost won the match in seconds after his entrance, but Regal was able to get his foot on the ropes. Regal only starts to come back to after hitting a quick high knee strike. [B]Regal attempted to use his brass knuckles for the Power of the Punch, but Tazz was able to duck it and quickly apply the Tazzmission on, making Regal tap out seconds later to end the match at the 6:08 mark.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]King says that Tazz should have been disqualified for using a chokehold, but J.R. mentions the brass knuckles, which goes unanswered by the King.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The camera cuts to the back where we see Matt Hardy and Lita having a conversation already in progress.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Lita[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Matt he's your brother and it was one mistake! It's not worth disowning him as a part of your family or anything just because he made a mistake! Besides it's what he does. It used to be what all of us were about. That's why they call us Team Xtreme![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Why do you think I don't do that stuff anymore?! It costs us matches! Matches that are valuable to me! I could of had gold around my waist and be known as one half of the team that unified the WWF tag titles with the WCW ones, but Jeff had to go and screw things up for me![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Lita[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Could you be anymore selfish?! You care more about those titles than you do your brother, who you didn't even care about after the cage match and who you haven't even checked in on after he was found in the back knocked out last week![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I don't have time for that! Let's go I got a match to win, which I will since Jeff won't be out there to screw things up![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Matt walks away and Lita eventually follows her man. Afterwards the camera cuts to a graphic of Booker T, citing each World Heavyweight Championship reign he has had and when he won it. J.R. and King go over his championship history briefly, with clips of the moments Booker T won each of his titles being shown real quick, before heading to a break.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The show returns showing Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo in the locker room.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chuck Palumbo[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You wanted to team together so what's our deal? I mean, what is it that sets us apart from any other team around here? We don't have a catchy name or any special ring gear or anything. Why couldn't you plan this out better before asking me to team up with you?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Billy Gunn[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Come on, Chuck. I have an idea to take care of all that. But what's wrong with just being known as 'Billy and Chuck'? It's nice and simple and we don't need a catchy name to show why we're such a good pairing. Trust me, I've been around here for a while and I know the fans. And it's not like you and what's his name had a catchy team name when you were teaming.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chuck Palumbo[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Well what's this idea of yours?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Billy Gunn[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You have to wait and see, Chucky. Everyone does. Build the suspense up! Get people to want it and then give it to them![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chuck Palumbo[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Why can't you just whisper it to me? Or at least let me help with this whole thing. Like, why don't we get in with todays crowd and start rapping?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Billy Gunn[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Rapping? I can't rap and I know you can't![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chuck Palumbo[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You don't know me too well then because I happen to be a great rapper. I used to go by Custom Chuck-Diddy before I got into wrestling.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Billy Gunn[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Then throw down some lyrics, Custom C-Diddy.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chuck Palumbo[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Alright, alright...Yo, my name is Chuck Palumbo. I bring in all them hoes... When I hit the ring and begin to swing... showin' off my bling-bling. The guys all duck in fear when my music is all they hear. From my Jungle Kick to my Chuck Deluxe all the competition is gonna be-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Billy Gunn[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Stop before you do any more damage. If you wanna rap you go back home or at least wait until I'm not around.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chuck Palumbo[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I thought it was pretty good.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=dimgray][I]The camera cuts to the ring for the next match, with J.R. questioning Palumbo's rap skills.[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]The Hurricane[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=dimgray]with Mighty Molly[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Test[/COLOR][/B] Test took Hurricane down immidiately after the bell rang and basically pounded away on the poor superhero. Mighty Molly helped his fellow hero by hopping on the apron, allowing Test to grab her and for Hurricane to attacks Test's legs. He also got in a quick Shining Wizard, but only for a two count. He tried going for a Hurrikick, but Test grabbed his foot and spun him around to deliver a kick to the gut, followed by a gutwrench powerbomb. He went for the cover, but broke the pin himself at two. He picked Helms up and sent him to the corner hard enough for Helms to stagger back out of it. [B]Test ran to the ropes and hit a Big Boot as Hurricane turned around, this time pinning him for the win at 4:41. Mighty Molly got in the ring to tend to her fallen friend, but Test picked her up and delivered a Pumphandle Slam on her.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]J.R. badmouthed Test for attacking a defensless woman like that before an image of The Undertaker came onto the screen and the two announcers went over his championship reigns, citing him defeating Hulk Hogan for the WWF title at at Survivor Series in 1991.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]After the break the cameras are showing Spike Dudley knocked out in the backstage area with medics surrounding him, and then the camera cuts to another area of the arena showing Tajiri knocked out as well. J.R. questions who is laying these superstars out and what they want before Matt Hardy's music starts playing.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Bubba Ray Dudley[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=dimgray]with Stacy and D-Von[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Matt Hardy[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=dimgray]with Lita[/COLOR] Back and forth match with D-Von and Stacy getting as much interferance in as they could. Eventually Lita went after Stacy, but D-Von walking towards her scared her back to Matt's corner. Matt had the match in his favor after moving out of the way from an attempted senton, but everything went bad for him when Stacy got on the apron to try and distract him. This led to Lita dragging Stacy off the apron and attacking her on the outside and then D-Von walking over and grabbing Lita by the hair. [B]Matt reached through the middle and top ropes to try and grab D-Von, but was rolled up by Bubba for a 3 count at 8:23.[/B] D-Von slid Lita into the ring, where Bubba grabbed her. Matt got up as D-Von got in the ring with a chair and stared both Dudleys down. D-Von took a swing with the chair but Matt ducked out of the ring. Stacy assisted them by pulling a table out and sliding it into the ring, where D-Von set it up near the corner. Matt stood on the outside unable to help as The Dudleys had the thought of putting Lita through the table, until Jeff ran down the ramp and slid into the ring, allowing Lita to escape while The Dudleys focused on him. [B]Jeff put up a fight as best he could, but ultimately ended up being put through the table via a 3D.[/B] Lita tried going back into the ring to help Jeff, but Matt grabbed her by the arm and brought her up the ramp and to the back.[/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]After some quick hate on The Dudleys for trying to put Lita through a table, another graphic appears on the screen, this time of Kane and his only title reign being only a day, but not taking away from him being a monster as said by J.R.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]In the back we see Tough Enough's Al Snow and Maven walking together, talking about how Maven is a great young talent and that the sky is the limit for him. Out of nowhere Maven is Superkicked by Lance Storm. Al Snow tried fighting Storm off, but is taken down by a Superkick himself not too long after. We are shown yet another image, Kurt Angle being the lucky one this time around, showing clips of him of winning his big title matches in the WWF.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The cameras are back and reveal Kevin Kelly standing by with the World Heavyweight Champion, The Rock![/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kevin Kelly[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I'm here standing with our World Heavyweight Champion The Rock and Rock, after coming off-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Holding his open palm in front of Kelly's face.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B].....Finally! The Rock [B]has[/B] come back....to Charlotte![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kevin Kelly[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Rock, after coming off a win at Survivor Series and saving the entire WWF, you remain the World Heavyweight champion, but last week on Smackdown! you got pinned by Chris Jericho, who is no stranger to you as you were the first person he met in the WWF upon his debut, but you also are [B]not[/B] entered in tonights battle royal for Stone Cold's WWF Championship.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Kevin, let me stop you right there before you make any more comments The Rock hasn't already been told. The Rock is indeed still the World Heavyweight champion. The Rock did save the WWF despite Chris Jericho's attack on The Rock and Kurt Angle running back out to the ring. And last week Chris Jericho did end up pinning The Rock in the middle of that ring, on his own show, one...two...three.... But 'Y2J' had to hit The Great One with his own championship to keep him down for that three count! If The Roch had known that the match allowed the use of his title then he would have knocked the remains of Jericho's brains out the second that bell rung! See Kevin it isn't that hard to take a belt and knock someone out with it to get a win. Anybody could do that. Stephanie McMahon could do it, some fan could do it, hell even you could do it! You could have been in a match with The Rock and became the new World Heavyweight Champion! Tony Chimel could have gotten on his little microphone and announced, 'The winner and the [B]new[/B] World Heavyweight Champion....' wait for the dramatic pause... 'Kevin Kelly!' How good would that have sounded, huh? How [B]good[/B] would that have been to hear?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kevin Kelly[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Well it would have sounded-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Ah get outta here jabroni![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The Rock shoves Kelly out of view and grabs the mic before staring directly into the camera.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]As far as tonight goes, it doesn't matter and The Rock means it doesn't matter that he isn't in the battle royal! The Rock doesn't need to be in it nor does he want to be in it, because The Rock knows what the outcome would be. You'd have Stone Cold and Kurt Angle going at it in one corner, you'd have Chris Jericho laying low in another, then out of nowhere The Rock would strike and clean house by whooping everyone's candy ass right over the top rope! The Rock doesn't need to be in the battle royal because he has already proven that he is The Great One. The Rock [B]knows[/B] when to step aside and give someone else the shot in the spotlight. The Rock isn't going to hog it for himself, no! He will exit stage right and let the next act come up so they can get their turn. That is-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]A hand reachs into view and covers the mic. The camera zooms out showing Jericho standing next to The Rock.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Is that it, Rock? You want to let other people shine? Is that the reason you aren't in the battle royal? Or is it because you aren't good enough to be there?! If you ask me, you don't deserve to wear a pair of wrestling boots let alone hold that title over your shoulder, especially when it belongs to me! You can hide behind your putdowns, Rock, but while you are I'll be proving that RAW is Jericho tonight when I win the WWF Championship! And then me and you can face off again and it'll end with me knocking your ass out like I did at Survivor Series and last week on Smackdown! If you wanna step aside, Rock, and let someone new take the spotlight, then why not put the World Heavyweight title up against Y2J at Vengeance?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Is that what you want, Chris? For The Rock to put his title on the line against you at Vengeance? Even though The Rock has layed you out in the middle of the ring and pinned you multiple times? You want The Rock to defend the World Heavyweight Championship against you? The Rock says you want it, you got it! It'll be The Rock's pleasure to kick your candy ass aaaaaall over again! If ya samelllllllelelelel! What The Rock-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Would you shut the hell up?! Nobody wants to hear your silly little catchphrases, Rock. Just because you aren't even given a match tonight doesn't mean you can waste peoples time by asking them what you're cooking or asking what they think just to interupt them! Since you don't even have a reason to be here, why don't you just take [B]your[/B] candyass out of this arena and go back to your hotel![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Jericho walks away for the battle royal match, leaving The Rock alone.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]....is cookin'....[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5129/titlewwflc5.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B][U]10 Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal[/U][/B][/COLOR] Once the commercial break is over we see that the men already in the ring are Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Kane, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Big Show, and The Undertaker. [B]One of the mystery entrants is revealed to be former Commissioner Mick Foley![/B] Foley walks down the ramp to a good sized pop. After Foley comes out the champion makes his way out to get the crowd going. Austin circles the ring on the outside, keeping his eye on Angle the entire time. A few seconds pass by to build the tension with J.R. and King asking who the final entrant could be. A familiar theme starts playing and the two question whether it could really be him, but their quesionts are answered when [B]the final entrant turns out to be 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair![/B] The crowd erupts as The Nature Boy makes his way out to the ring. As he is about halfway down Austin slides in and starts his attack on Angle, which causes the rest of the superstars to go at it. Flair eventually enters the mix and gets to attacking DDP. Everyone seems to just be going after anyone in arms reach at first, trying to eliminate anyone they possibly can. Jericho, Booker, Kane, and Taker all set their sights on Big Show to try and eliminate him first, but things break down when Taker goes after Booker and Kane is attacked by Jericho. With so much action going on it is hard to keep track of anything, but the [B]first elimination occurs at the 4:29 mark when DDP is sent over the top rope by Kane.[/B] A replay shows the DDP tried going for a Diamond Cutter, but Kane grabbed him and just tossed him out.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Flair gets as many chops as he can in on Booker while Austin continues going after Angle. Kane and Taker team up for a bit while going after Show. The three giants battle eachother, but Show knocks them both down with a clothesline. [B]The second elimination occurs at :6:52 when Big Show clotheslines Kane over the top rope.[/B] After Austin hits Angle with a quick Stunner he sets his sights on Booker T. The two former Alliance members go at it while Flair, Taker, Show, and Jericho all go at it with eachother. Flair breaks down the legs of Taker with chop blocks while Jericho has less success with Show. Booker T has Austin against the ropes and goes for a side kick of sorts, [B]but Austin ducks out of the way and tumbles Booker to the outside, making elimination number three at 8:02.[/B] Foley goes after Austin as well, getting a few shots in, before Taker hits Foley from behind. [B]He and Austin grab Foley and toss him over the ropes to eliminate him at 9:21.[/B] Angle starts getting back in the match by going after Ric Flair, but Austin puts a stop to it by attacking Angle from behind. Not soon after [B]Big Show is eliminated at 10:32 after Taker boots him right to the face, sending him over the top rope in a slow and sloppy manner.[/B] Big Show, obviously mad, gets back into the ring and grabs Taker, Chokeslamming him right to the mat. He gets out of the ring and all the refs at ringside all go to him to make sure he leaves. At the same time, Austin tosses Angle over the top rope, but there are no refs! With Angle technically still in the match, in the ring it comes down to Jericho, Taker, Flair, and Austin. Taker begins to stir and goes after Jericho, hitting him with a hard clothesline in the corner. As Taker turns around Austin kicks him and hits a Stunner! Flair chopblocks Jericho quickly and then applies the Figure Four Leglock as the crowd cheers him on! [/CENTER] [CENTER]The refs eventually make it back to the ring and see Kurt on the outside, who says he slid under the bottom rope. Angle continues to lay low as Austin fails to eliminate Taker and the two go at it with shot after shot to eachother. Flair tries to eliminate Jericho, but ends up being unsuccessful. Flair pulls out one of his tricks by poking Jericho in the eye. [B]Flair runs to the ropes, but Angle pulls down on the top causing Flair to tumble to the outside and become elimination number five at 14:25![/B] Angle walks to the other side of the ring as to avoid Flair, and Jericho attacks Austin from behind as he was waiting for a fallen Undertaker to stand up. Angle grabs a chair and as Taker bounces off the ropes he delivers a loud chair shot to Taker's back. [B]Austin takes the advantage and hits a Stunner, causing Taker to stumble backwards into the ropes, which Angle has yet again pulled down to eliminate Undertaker at 17:48.[/B] Now down to Jericho and Austin in the ring and Angle on the outside, who neither Jericho nor Austin realize is still in the match. Jericho and Austin brawl with eachother, teasing a few near eliminations, before Jericho gets an advantage following a thumb to the eye. Jericho is able to knock Austin down with a bulldog and goes for his Lionsault, but Austin moves out of the way. Jericho lands on his feet and Austin stands up near the ropes. [B]Jericho runs full force and Austin tosses him ove rhis shoulder and to the outside to eliminate Jericho at 20:07[/B] Austin trash talks Jericho and flips him the bird, thinking he won, and Angle gets into the ring with the chair and nails Austin in the back with it! [B]Angle quickly grabs Austin and lifts him over the top rope to eliminate him at 20:34![/B] Kurt Angle wins the battle royal and becomes the new WWF Champion! [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd boo's as J.R. complains about how Angle was eliminated and King praises Angle, saying he used his intelligence in the match. Before the show goes off the air a quick plug for Ric Flair's return to the ring is made, questioning if it was a one night thing or if it is permanent, and some more complaints of Angle being declared the champion after being eliminated.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B][U]Shortened Raw Results[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Tazz def. William Regal[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=black]Submission - Tazzmission - 6:08[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Test def. The Hurricane[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Big Boot - 4:41[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Bubba Ray Dudley def. Matt Hardy[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Roll Up - 8:23[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Battle Royal | WWF Championship[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Kurt Angle def. 9 Participants[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Elimination - 20:07[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [/quote]
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Guest Vitamin E
...[quote][CENTER][IMG]http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8361/smackdownbanrw6.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue][B]November 29th, 2001[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, North Carolina[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]11,242 in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]A replay of Monday night's battle royal is shown, first making strong emphasis on Ric Flair's return to a wrestling ring and the WWF by being the final special entrant. From there it shows a few of the out of control fighting mixed with wrestlers being eliminated one by one. It gets to Austin throwing Angle out with J.R. mentioning that the refs are distracted by Big Show, not seeing Angle's elimination. The video picks back up with showing the eliminations, with Angle aiding in the eliminations of both Ric Flair and The Undertaker from the outside. The video starts to slow down once it shows Jericho and Austin. Austin uses Jericho's momentum against him and throws him over the rope, and the video speeds up as Angle slides into the ring with the chair and nails Austin with it and lifting him over the top rope to the outside to win the WWF Championship. The videos ends showing Angle celebrate with the title and immediately after his music starts playing in the arena. He comes out wearing the belt around his waist with the crowd booing and chanting "you suck!" to him. Angle gets right into the ring and gets a mic, waiting for the crowd to die down.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The new WWF Champion has arrived! Woo! Everybody thought that Stone Cold would keep this belt around his waist Monday night, but I proved everybody wrong! That's why tonight is all about me!. [B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd starts booing again and chanting "you suck!"[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]In case you missed this title around my waist, I don't suck! If anybody sucks, it's the person that you people so shamelessy cheer for, Stone Cold Steve Austin! Oh it's true! Stone Cold was up against eight men and an Olympic gold medalist on Monday, and he went into that match thinking he was untouchable. Well I proved him wrong! I outlasted nine other men and I eliminated Stone Cold fair and square![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Cole snarks that Angle was technically eliminated and used a chair to eliminate Austin.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Everyone saw it! I grabbed Austin and I tossed his redneck ass right out of that ring! And the WWF Championship is now around it's rightful owner![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd boos some more as Angle takes a pause.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Let's face it, the WWF Championship belongs with someone that has class and is intelligent. And I'm sorry, but Stone Cold possess neither of those qualities! He is a classless redneck that should go back to the trailerpark while he still can! I know all of you must be upset that Stone Cold is no longer a champion, but don't let that ruin your night. You don't just get to see a new WWF Champion wrestle tonight, you get to see an Olympic gold medalst WWF Champion wrestle! Woo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Kurt does his little spin around taunt, smiling, while the crowd continues to boo the new Champion.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Just because you don't get to see your bald beer swilling redneck come out and disrespect a championship belt by dragging it to and tossing it into the ring doesn't mean you should shed any tears! I promise that I'll treat this championship with the respect that it deserves and the respect that you people deserve to see. This being my third run as the WWF Champion doesn't make this any less a special moment, though, so don't be afraid to cheer to your hearts content! Furthermore, being a champion of class, tonight after I defend [B]my[/B] championship against The Undertaker, I'll wait outside the arena in case any of you want a picture with your Olympic hero and WWF Champion! That's right, that's right. Tonight I will successfully defend my title against The Undertaker after I deliver an Angle Slam and get the one, two, three! Oh it's true, it's-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Angle is cut off by the sound of the glass shattering, and the crowd shifts from booing to cheering as Stone Cold walks out in his street clothes. Austin gets into the ring and Angle instantly slides out of it. Austin stars at Angle for a second before ascending all four turnbuckles. Austin keeps his eye on Angle as he picks the mic up that Angle dropped.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Steve Austin[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What's the matter, Kurt? Ya scared of Stone Cold?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The camera catches Angle saying "No I'm not scared!"[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Why don't ya get on in the ring then? Do ya think Stone Cold's upset with ya? What? I said do ya think Stone Cold's mad? What? Do ya think he's angry? As a matter-ah fact, Stone Cold ain't any of those things, Kurt. I came out here tah shake your hand. Stone Cold wants you tah get in this ring and shake hand with him, Kurt. This ain't a trick. What? I said this ain't a trick. It ain't a joke. Your the new Dubya-Dubya-Ef Champion. Ya deserve a handshake with the former champ.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Kurt slowly starts to climb back in the ring and walks up to Austin, who extends his hand. Angle reaches out and the two shake hands.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Steve Austin[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Still holdong onto Kurt's hand.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]See there? Good ole' Stone Cold just wanted a handshake. Yer the champ, Kurt. You deserve tah celebrate! What? I said ya deserve tah celebrate! Tah party! Tah go crazy![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Austin lets go of Kurts hand and walks away to the corner, looking into the crowd.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Of course, you hit Stone Cold Steve Austin with a steel chair and won the match after Stone Cold eliminated your Olympic ass![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Austin turns his head back to Angle, who goes from smiling to scared as Austin runs towards him and takes him down with a tackle. Austin starts beating into Angle with lefts and rights and then gets up to lay a few boots into him. Angle narrowly escapes from the ring, but Austin doesn't give up the chase and knocks him in the back of the head with a forearm, taking Angle down to the mats. After a few more kicks Austin grabs Angle by the head and slams it into the corner post. Austin walks over to the time keeper and takes his chair. Angle uses the ring to help himself back up, leaning against the post. Austin comes back and swings the chair at Angle's head, but Angle moves at the last second. All of a sudden several security officers come running down the ramp and grab Austin before he can hit Angle over the head with the chair. Angle smiles and laughs at Austin, who is taken to the back by the security officers. Austin gives Angle a mean stare while Cole and Tazz comment on the situation, before heading to a commercial.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue][B][U]Hardcore Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Raven[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=blue][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Tommy Dreamer[/COLOR][/B] The match starts quickly with Dreamer on the receiving end of the punishment from Raven. Raven goes for the Evenflow early, but Dreamer rams him backfirst into the corner before he can connect. Dreamer gets ouf of the ring fast and grabs some weapons to use. He tosses in a trashcan, a sign, a chair, and he enters the ring with a singapore cane in hand. Raven runs at Dreamer who knocks him in the gut with the cane, followed by a loud shot to the back. Dreamer yells and starts whacking the hell out of Raven with the cane until it's of no use. Dreamer yells again to the crowd, who cheer, but before the match can continue [B]D'Lo Brown slides in the ring after running down the ramp. He turns Dreamer around and delivers a Sky High to him right onto the trash can![/B] D'Lo taunts Dreamer by shouting something at him and shaking his head back and forth before getting out of the ring and walking to the back. Raven gets up and picks Dreamer up after taking a look at D'Lo. [B]He positions Dreamer above the chair that was tossed in and delivers the Evenflow DDT right on top of it for the pinfall at 4:52.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Cole and Tazz are surprised to see D'Lo Brown return to the WWF and wonder why he attacked Dreamer.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The camera cuts to the back, showing the WWF European Champion Christian walking. He walks down a hallway before coming to a stop. The camera spins around to show Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert dancing in the middle of the hallway. The camera backs up so that all three men are in view.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Christian[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey hey hey! Excuse me![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Scotty and Albert put a stop to their dancing and look at Christian.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]This isn't Dance Dance Revolution, fellas! This is the WWF! You know, the place where wrestling takes place? But what do either of you know about wrestling. One of you is only popular because he can move around in a way that looks like dancing and do a terrible move that should be against the law to be called dancing, and the other one is... Actually, what are you known for, huh? What have you done in the WWF?! Don't bother answering that. Just get out of my way so I can go out to the ring and defend my European Championship![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Christian walks past the two, but not far enough to miss what Scotty had to say.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Scotty 2 Hotty[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Talking to Albert.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Don't have to be jealous man...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Scotty and Albert walk away, but Christian turns around and hits Scotty in the back of the head with the European title.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Christian[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Who's jealous now?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Instead of giving chase, Albert sticks with his partner as Christian walks away. Cole says in a confused tone that a European title match is apparently going to happen, though he didn't know there was one schedule.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Christian's theme song welcomes the show back from the break and the European Champion comes out, dressed ready for a match. He gets into the ring and after being introduced takes the mic from Tony Chimel.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Christian[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]As you all just saw before the show went to commercial, I take crap from absolutely nobody! I'm a champion and I deserve to be given respect, especially by the lower forms of talent, or lack there of, that could only dream about being in the position I am in! And even though I am a champion, I've not been scheduled for a match tonight, just because I took a possible career advancement opportunity by jumping to The Alliance...but yet someone like this sack of a talentless void gets employed to commentate [B]and[/B] wrestle![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I]Christian points to and looks at Tazz.[/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You don't like that Tazz? Huh? Well I don't like that you jump ship and get rewarded! I'm the real talent around here! You aren't good enough watch one of my matches, let alone call it! Now why don't we get a ref and an opponent down here! Perferably someone who is worth two minutes of my time![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Christian drops his mic and a referee runs down to the ring. Nobody comes out and Christian yells "Come on!" towards the stage. The crowd starts cheering when Tazz stands up from his seat and starts taking his jacket off. He walks towards the ring and climbs the steps, slowly getting inside the ring. He walks behind Christian and delivers a quick release german suplex and the ref calls for the bell![/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue][B][U]Normal Singles Match | Non-title[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Christian[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=blue][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Tazz[/COLOR][/B] Tazz continues hitting a few more suplexes on Christian after the match officially begins. He went for a northern lights suplex but Christian was able to prevent it with a couple of quick elbows to the back of his head. Christian only got a few quick shots in before Tazz got back in control after hitting a hard clothesline. Tazz stalked Christian to apply the Tazzmission, but failed to lock it in long enough when Christian got up due to an unseen low blow. Christian kept Tazz on the mat with some kicks and picked him up for the Unprettier. Tazz battled out of it and ended up hitting an exploder suplex. He went for the cover but only got a two count from the move. Christian was unable to get back on the offense the remainder of the match, and getting frustrated grabbed his title to try and hit Tazz with. [B]Tazz ducked it and quickly locked the Tazzmission on again. He quickly brought Christian down to the mat and wrapped his legs around his body. Christian tapped out seconds later at 5:29 and Tazz celebrated his win by posing on the turnbuckle.[/B] Christian got to his feet, holding his throat, after Tazz was done posing and grabbed his title to leave the ring. Tazz started leaving as well, only getting a foot outside the ropes, before Christian rushed back in and nailed Tazz in the back of the head with the European title. Tazz fell out of the ring and to the mat below as Christian started his way out of the ring and to the back, Cole yelling at him as he did.[/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]We return to see another arguement involving Team Xtreme, with Lita standing between the Hardyz.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What the hell were you thinking Jeff? We could of had those titles won, but you had to go and be the attention seeker didnt you?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Lita[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Matt come on we already went through this! Jeff's sorry and you know it![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Jeff Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Ya know something Matt, I remember when being extreme meant something to you. But now what happened? You only care about winning the tag belts? The belts we've already held?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]No Jeff! We could have been the ones to unify the WCW and WWF tag titles! Those titles would have been our safety net had The Alliance won! What would we do if that happened? What then? You're just lucky that we still have jobs and that Im even speaking to you after you left me to face Bubba Ray alone last week![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Jeff Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I was told not to wrestle, Matt! Besides, who's the one that almost let his girlfriend get powerbombed through a table just because he was afraid of getting hit with a chair?! [B]I[/B] was the one who was brave enough to get in that ring and save Lita, Matt! Not you![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I would never let anything happen to her! She knows that! Your...You know what Jeff...I can't deal with you right now![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Matt walks away and Jeff walks away moments after, leaving Lita bewildered holding her head. She starts to walk away, but her hair gets grabbed by Bubba Ray Dudley! We see Bubba, D-Von and Stacy all surrounding Lita.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Bubba Ray Dudley[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Look what we got here! I think we owe you a little something, Lita! Why don't you be a good girl and come play with us for a little while![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Bubba laughs as he and D-Von drag Lita away, with Lita screaming for Matt and Jeff. The camera cuts to the announcers table where we see Jim Ross taking Tazz's place for now, and both he and Cole talk about how The Dudleyz are warped and twisted for taking Lita and wanting to put her through a table, bringing up their past history of the act.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The camera cuts to Vince McMahon's office where we see McMahon talking to former Alliance member Shawn Stasiak.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Shawn Stasiak[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Please Mr. McMahon! I need a job in the WWF! If you just give me one chance I can prove to you that I would be a great employee. I don't complain at all so you don't have to worry about that![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Shawn...I'll hire you so you'll be an official WWF wrestler...but why are you carrying around that tape recorder?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Shawn Stasiak[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Lifting a tape recorder into view.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]So I can tape my conversations so I don't forget anything.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]...I see then. Well you can get going. Go before I fire you![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I]Stasiak runs out of the room and McMahon turns around towards a changing screen.[/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Now, I do believe you have a matter of witholding your part of the agreement Mr. Regal.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]William Regal emerges from behind the changing screen, wearing a white night gown and showing his dissatisfaction.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]William Regal[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Mr. McMahon. With all due respect you can't honestly expect me to go out there and wrestle in an Intercontinental Championship match wearing this...this...horrendous outfit![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What do you think is worse, William. Having to wear a night gown for one night, or being unemployed and not being able to support your family? Believe me, I'm not doing this because I enjoy it. I do enjoy, though. No. I'm doing this because you need to learn a lesson in loyalty. See, you were the WWF Commissioner when you decided to join The Alliance. That shows a lack of loyalty after I brought you in from the sinking ship of WCW. How do you think that makes me feel? How do you think it makes me [B]look[/B], more importantly. I was kind enough to give you a job in exchange of you doing me a few tasks. If you can win your match tonight, I'll let you off the hook and you can be worry free about having to do me anything. By the way, after your match I'll need you to go and bring a few things to the laundromat around here.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]William Regal[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Couldn't you have at least gotten a better color, though? I don't understand why I have to wear this thing when Stone Cold only has to defend his title, though.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]He lost his title, William. Losing the WWF Championship is almost as bad as having to go out in front of thousands of fans and wrestle in a nightgown. Now you should go ahead and get out to the ring for your match.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Regal picks up the nightgown a bit and starts walking towards the door. He opens it and Booker T is seen about to enter the office. He stares Regal up and down before moving out of the way and letting him past. He walks up to McMahon, his head still turned towards the door.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Tell me I didn't just see that...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What can I do for you Booker?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Turning his head towards McMahon.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Yo, you saw me get eliminated in that battle royal, and you know that I shoulda won that thing! Who would be betta to represent your company than a five time, five time, five time-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Could you just get to the point?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Yo, check this. What 'bout havin' Booker T and Austin facin' eachother at Vengeance! Then the winner goes on to face Kurt Angle. What you think of that dawg?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Honestly Booker I don't quite like that idea of yours. You lost the battle royal about as fair as you can...However....I think you should you should be given a title shot...You're a good talent and I think you could help the WWF in some way. I'll let you know next week on RAW about the rest of my idea.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Trust me Mistah McMahon you won't regret it! Alright...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Booker leaves the room, talking to himself by hyping himself up. The camera cuts to the arena for the next match up.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4159/titleickj9.png[/IMG] [COLOR=blue][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Edge©[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]William Regal[/COLOR][/B] Regal wrestled the entire match wearing the nightgown of his. That didn't stop him from almost winning the Intercontinental title, though. While Edge was laughing Regal went after him pretty hard. Regal hit his Regal Bomb about midway through the match, but Edge kicked out right before the 3 count. After failing to make Edge tap out to the Regal Stretch, Regal started to untie one of the turnbuckle pads. The ref ran over and stopped him, trying to tie the pad back. With the ref distracted, Regal reached into his tights and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, showing them off to the crowd. [B]He slipped the brass knucks on and turned around, getting Speared by Edge! Edge quickly disposed of the brass knuckles and covered Regal, getting the 3 count in time after the ref finished with the turnbuckle pad at 7:43.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Cole and J.R. talked about how Regal has unfailry won many matches using the brass knuckles and how they were both glad Edge was able to Spear Regal before he could use them to win another one.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Back from the break we see Kane walking through the back. Being as he lost the battle royal on Monday, he can't be too happy tonight. Rob Van Dam takes the unlucky task of stopping Kane.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Rob Van Dam[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Dude, I totally get how upset you must be from Monday night. It's not easy losing a championship match. Luckily I don't have to worry about that. But don't et that get you down, man. You're still the big, red, machine! You'll get another chance someday! Probably...But hey. Just think. In a few years, you'll look back and think how even though you lost on Monday, a few days later you got the chance to walk into Rob. Van. Dam![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]RVD takes a step forwards to walk away, but Kane stops him with a hand over his chest. He takes a quick glance at the Hardcore title over RVD's shoulder before saying anything.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Kane[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You think walking into you would make up for me not winning the WWF Championship on Monday? Walking into you does nothing for me. The WWF title is higher than you'll ever get, and you have no idea what it's worth to me. I've held the belt before, but I ended up losing it a day later. Since then I've been unable to win it again. You couldn't begin to understand how upset that makes me. If you want to see how I feel, why don't you put your Hardcore title on the line against me at Vengeance? Then you'll know how bad it is to lose a title and your career in one night![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Rob Van Dam[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woah. No need to fly off the handle, man. If you want a shot at my title all you gotta do is ask. I'll take you on at Vengeance, because what a better way to give fans a good hardcore match than to have the big red machine go against the whole damn show![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Kane shoves past RVD and RVD starts to walk away as well. All of a sudden Kane comes back and knocks RVD down from behind. He picks Van Dam up and plants a knee right into his gut. He grabs him by his head and spins him around, slamming him right into the wall. He grabs RVD by the throat, lifts him back up, and slams him into the wall back first this time! Kane doesn't stop with that, though. He picks RVD up again and drags him to a nearby table. He picks RVD up in the air in a military press and throws him against the wall! RVD hits the wall and falls straight down through the table! Kane seems finished with his small destruction in the back as he walks away. J.R. and Cole can't believe what Kane did, J.R. even calling Kane a coward for attacking someone smaller from behind.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The camera switches to another part of the arena, where Lillian Garcia is standing by.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Lillian Garcia[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the legendary and sixteen time World champion, 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I]The [COLOR=dimgray]camera zooms out, showing Flair in his usual suit, and the crowd is mixed in cheering and letting out a big "Woo!".[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Ric, it's been eight years since you've been seen in the WWF, but on Monday night you made your return to take part in the battle royal for the WWF Championship. What brought you back to the WWF in the first place?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]There was four things that brought The Nature Boy back to the WWF, baby! One of 'em was you Lillian! I had-tah come back and give you the chance of riding Space Mountain! Woo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Lillian smiles and blushes a little bit.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Reason number two was that the WWF was in Flair country! You can't take a stop in Flair country without having an appearance from the one and only sixteen time World Champion! That's downright illegal when your runnin' through my hometown! Reason number three is you can't have a battle royal for the WWF Championship with all the participants bein' former World or WWF Champions, and not have the greatest livin' former World Champion take part! When you want a match like that, you go to the best and woooo! I'm one of 'em! The final reason is because The Nature Boy got that itch again. I got that feelin' deep down inside that everyone in this business gets when they've been gone for too long! I realized that the only place I belong is inside that wrestlin' ring and give it my all to woo, all the fans! Vince McMahon and I aren't the best of friends, you won't see us drinking at a bar together, and when McMahon bought out WCW The Nature Boy wasn't a happy camper! McMahon took everything that meant the most to me in the blink of an eye! And to be honest it not only pissed me off but it got me thinkin' that I wouldn't be wrestlin' again with no WCW ring being there anymore! I've just been sitting at home these past few months, thinkin' about the loss of WCW and how that was the home of The Nature Boy! But somethin' else got to me. Somethin' else started hurtin' me. See, it doesn't have-tah be a WCW ring I wrestle in, because all that matters is that I wrestle period! I couldn't let my fans be without the greatest, the best, the stylin', profilin', limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Flair grabs Lillian's hand and kisses it.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]stealin', wheelin' dealin', woo, on of a gun that they all love and want to see! So Vinnie calls me up and says, 'Ric! I'm havin' a battle royal for the WWF Championship, and since all the pariticpants are goin' to be former World or WWF Champions, I need ya to make a return to the ring and be one of 'em!' And you know what I told him?! I says, 'McMahon! I don't care about the WWF Championship because I've already proved that I am the man! All I want from ya is to give me the chance to give the fans The Nature Boy every week! Just let me come back to wrestle full time and I'll be in your battle royal!' And like I told McMahon, I'll tell all of you. I have no intention of taking the WWF Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship unless I earn it! Otherwise I got nothin' to prove because once the man, always the man! Wooo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Lillian Garcia[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Smiling at Ric still.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Well there's no doubt that your passion hasn't gone anywhere, Ric, and even though I wasn't around during your first run here in the WWF it's great to have you here. And you obviously don't seem too upset over losing the battle royal on Monday, but what are your thoughts on it other than the fact you were eliminated?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Let The Nature Boy say this! I don't care that I got eliminated, but it's the [B]way[/B] I got eliminated! Now, had someone actually thrown me over that top rope and sent me out of the ring face to face...I wouldn't care that much! But when someone who's already been eliminated, but lies to the refs 'cause they didn't see him get eliminated, and then pulls the top rope down on me while im runnin' towards 'em...Pal! We got problems![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Lillian Garcia[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Well Ric, since you don't have any plans of going after either the WWF or World Heavyweight Championship, what are your plans going to be in the WWF?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The Nature Boy just wants to get back inside that ring and do what he does best, and that's wrestle! I wanna make sure that everybody remembers me, and I'm givin' em one more run to make sure they do! Plus I gotta make sure that nobody's head around here gets bigger than it should be, and I gotta do that by tellin' and showin' 'em that to be the man! You gotta, woo! [B]Beat[/B] the man![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Flair struts off camera, leaving the smiling Lillian alone.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]We come back and see a close up of Jericho's face looking towards the right of the camera getting boos. The camera starts zooming out and shows The Rock staring right back at him and the crowd starts cheering. Vince McMahon then comes between the two and they back away a little.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I know that the both of you personally decided on the fact that you'd face eachother at Vengeance with the WWF title on the line, and I think that it's a good idea for you two to be involved in that kind of match. Unfortuneately I have the final decision on whether the match happens or not.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Vince...Mr. McMahon... I [B]deserve[/B] this title shot! We both know I'm the better wrestler and entertainer! So he can raise an eye brow. I can raise both of mine![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woah woah woah! Wait a minute there. Vince, what this jabroni is trying to say is that neither of us have a problem with facing off at Vengeance. We [B]want[/B] to get in the ring together and go one on one![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]For once I agree with you, Rock.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]We both [B]want[/B] to finally settle this difference in opinion as to who the better man is![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Even though we both know what the outcome will be I have to agree with that again.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]We both [B]want[/B] to see The Great One whoop this jaborni's candy ass up and down and side to side of that ring![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Exact... You son of a-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey! Cut it out! I didn't say I wasn't going to have you two face eachother at Vengeance. The two of you are going to be in the same ring come December sixteenth.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jericho smiles.[/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]But there's a change of plans to the match.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Losing his smile.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What?! What do you mean it's been changed?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]It's been changed, Chris. If you don't like it then maybe I can take you out of the match completely! Now, the match has been changed from just you two facing eachother, to a triple threat match.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]How is that fair to me?! You just throw in any random assclown around here who doesn't deserve a title shot just because they ask?! Why don't you just put me in a "Keep Y2J Down" match?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]A triple threat match The Rock has no problem with. He's won matches when two people were against him and only him. Having two opponents that can whoop eachothers candyasses instead of The Great One's just makes thing even easier![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Of course the guy who has to defend his title doesn't have a problem with it! All you have to do is have the two of us beat the crap out of eachother and then you sneak in and win the match without doing anything![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The Rock won't do that, Jericho. No. The Rock will fight his part of the match and makes [B]sure[/B] he earns the win. He won't just take advantage of two monkey pieces of crap beating the living hell out of eachother![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Listen! I've already decided that it'll be a triple threat match! So get over it and just worry about what you both should be worrying about: the World Heavyweight Championship![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The Rock and Jericho turn and face eachother again, staring one another down, and the camera zooms in on the title over Rock's shoulder. The camera then cuts to the ring where we have a non-title womens match up.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue][B][U]Normal Singles Match | Non-title[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Ivory[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Trish Stratus[/COLOR][/B] A basic women's match for the WWF. The veteran Ivory and the still rather young and new Trish put on an alright match, but it was basically just filler. Ivory's biggest mistake came after missing a clothesline. [B]Trish kicked her in the gut after she spun back around, grabbed her in a side headlock, and ran at the ropes to bounce off and deliver her new move the Stratusfaction for the win at 4:56.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5129/titlewwflc5.png[/IMG] [COLOR=blue][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Kurt Angle©[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=blue][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]The Undertaker[/COLOR][/B] Taker was obvioulsy angered that Angle caused his elimination on Monday night and showed Angle what happens when you piss the Deadman off. Try and try as Angle might, he couldn't do much that affected Taker long enough to get a strong advantage going. At first, anyway. Angle tried tripping Taker up a few times to lock in the Ankle Lock, but Taker was able to escape it by shoving Angle away with his free foot. Angle went for an Angle Slam as well, but Taker slipped out of it. After he did he grabbed Angle by the throat and picked him up for a Chokeslam, but Angle also slipped out. He ran to the ropes and ducked a clothesline from Taker, immidiately turning around and chopblocking the big man. Angle started working on his legs and had a better offense from there. It wasn't long before Taker started getting some shots back in and was eventually back to keeping Kurt on the defense. Taker hit his arm twist ropewalk move and his running lariat, but it wasn't enough to keep Angle from hitting a quick german suplex. After the suplex Angle crawled to the ropes and used them to help himself up. Taker got up not soon after and ran at Angle, who dropped and pulled the top rope down to tumble Taker to the outside. Seeing Taker exit the ring and not land on his feet is rare, but he go up a few seconds after. Taker pulled Angle out and started opening up with a series of punches as the ref began counting them out. Taker eventually had Angle trapped between the ring and steel steps, but Angle got a lucky kick in and raked Taker's eyes. Taker checked his eyes as he back away from Angle. [B]After the effects wore off, Taker ran at Angle, who delivered a drop toe hold to send Taker's head right onto the steps. Angle got up and grabbed Taker, hitting an Angle Slam on the outside! The ref was at 8 at that point and Angle quickly slid back in the ring to cheat himself another win in 11:41![/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]Angle celebrates back in the ring after just barely making it back in before the ten count. As he celebrates Vince McMahon's music starts playing. Angle looks turns the stage as McMahon comes out onto the stage with a microphone already in his hand.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=blue][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Kurt, after thinking about it for a couple of days I came to a decision. And that decision is you don't really [B]deserve[/B] the WWF Championship.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd cheers in agreement and the camera gets a shot of Angle looking confused, saying "Of course I do!"[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Had at least one referee been at ringside they would have seen that Stone Cold did in fact eliminate you from the battle royal. Not only did they not see it, though, but you also lied about not being eliminated. I think that goes against one of your 'I's Kurt. What was it...Ah yes, integrity. I should really just come down to that ring, take the WWF Championship, and [B]strip[/B] you of it right now![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd cheers again and the camera shows Angle shaking his head from side to side.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]But I won't.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd starts booing a little bit.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Because I think you should at least try and prove to me that you [B]do[/B] deserve that title. You'll be able to do that by defending you WWF Championship... At Vengeance in a couple of weeks... Against Stone Cold Steve Austin![B]"[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=dimgray]The crowd lets out a big pop and the Angle starts throwing a small tantrum inside of the ring over it. McMahon's music starts playing again and he walks through the curtain. The camera cuts to Angle, who is still upset in the ring. He turns around and Taker is in the ring! Angle quickly stumbles backwards and gets out of the ring before Taker can get his hands on him. J.R. and Cole go over the match and McMahon's announcement. Cole mentions that Taker should have won this match, but J.R. replies that as good as The Undertaker may be if he deserved the title he would have it and that as much as he hates to say it Angle outsmarted Taker tonight.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B][U]Shortened Smackdown! Results[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][U]Hardcore Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Raven def. Tommy Dreamer[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Interferance from D'Lo Brown + Evenflow DDT - 4:52[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][U]Non-title Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Tazz def. Christian[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Submission - Tazzmission - 5:29[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match | WWF Intercontinental Championship[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Edge def. William Regal[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Spear - 7:43[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][U]Non-title Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Trish Stratus def. Ivory[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Stratusfaction - 4:36[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match | WWF Championship[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Kurt Angle def. The Undertaker[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Countout - 11:41[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [/quote]
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Guest Vitamin E
...[quote][CENTER][COLOR=green][B][U]World Wide Wrestling Weekly[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=#008000][/COLOR][/U][/B] [/CENTER] As a new edition to the 4W website, we will be conducting a short review of the past weeks RAW and Smackdown! show, giving star ratings for the matches. The usual newsletter will proceed this short addition to the website. Here is our first try at attempting this: [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]WWF RAW - November 26th, 2001[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B]Tazz versus William Regal[/B] The match could have been better if it ran for a bit longer, but since it barely made it past the 5 minute mark there really wasn't too much too happen that could be considered great. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: **[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]The Hurricane versus Test[/B] This match from the start everybody knew was just a squash. That added to the huge difference in styles and size really kept the match from reaching past a certain point. The attack from Test to Molly afterwards was a good way to further Test's immunity. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: *1/2[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]Bubba Ray Dudley versus Matt Hardy[/B] With their past experience with eachother, this match had the possibility of being good if given the right amount of time. Just shy under ten minutes for the two going at it in singles competition was plenty of time, but unfortunately the match really didnt turn out as well as we hoped. Everything else, from the interferances to the aftermath, were good, just the actual match was average. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: **[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]Battle Royal for the WWF Championship[/B] Battle Royals really cant make it to a five star rating. There is no denying that. Just because there is so much going on at once it's hard to keep track of everything. The return of Ric Flair, though, has risen the star rating for us, although not too much. The way it ended was rather good and helps continue a great feud, the tides being turned though. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: **1/2[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue][B][U]WWF Smackdown! - November 29th, 2001[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B]Raven versus Tommy Dreamer[/B] We can pretty much say this match was done to aid the return of D'Lo Brown. Not even enough time to allow any decent hardcore action for a hardcore match. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: 1/2[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]Christian versus Tazz[/B] Again, like the match Tazz had with Regal on RAW, the match was too short, though Tazz looked rather good in it with the suplexes he hit. Christian was also able to get some heat back with the attack afterwards. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: **[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]Edge versus William Regal for the WWF Intercontinental Championship[/B] Slightly better from Regal's match on RAW, but Regal in a nightgown? Kind of ruins things a bit. Can only wonder where the whole being McMahon's little bitch will end up. Edge Spearing Regal before the brass knuckles could be used was a good touch I say. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: **1/2[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]Ivory versus Trish Stratus[/B] What can be really said? WWF womens matches arent too entertaining when on television. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: *[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [B]Kurt Angle versus The Undertaker for the WWF Championship[/B] This was a good main event match and it also had a reason with Angle aiding in Taker's elimination on Monday's battle royal. The two had enough time with eachother and they both looked good coming out of it. [B][SIZE=1]Star Rating: ***[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [/quote] [quote][CENTER][COLOR=green][B][U]World Wide Wrestling Weekly[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR=#008000][/COLOR][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]-Matches that were taped for the December 1st edition of WWF Jakked/Metal are as follows: Billy Kidman defeated Doug Basham, Tajiri defeated Sonjay Dutt with the WWF Cruiserweight Championship on the line, Billy and Chuck defeated The Jablonski Brothers. All three matches feature non-WWF wrestlers, with the slight exception of Doug Basham who is currently in OVW. -The following are the results for the December 2nd edition of [COLOR=#ed7c03][B]Sunday Night HEAT[/B][/COLOR]: Lance Storm explained his actions of superkicking both Al Snow and Maven by saying that he was emberassed that he was hired by the WWF for not being a threat during the Invasion and how he wanted to prove people wrong by showing them he can be a threat, RVD defended his Hardcore title against Hugh Morrus and won the match after a Van Daminator with a chair on the outside of the ring, Billy and Chuck were at WWF New York and said that tomorrow on RAW they would debut the new and improved B and C, a returning Viscera to WWF programming defeated Perry Saturn with a running splash, Lance Storm defeated Al Snow with a Single Leg Crab. -The segment from Smackdown! involving Shawn Stasiak and Vince McMahon was obviously a way to "hire" an Alliance wrestler to the WWF. The gimmick he will be using is actually taken from a real life incident that happen a few years ago during Stasiak's first run in the WWF under the 'Meat' moniker. Apparently Stasiak would secretly tape conversations, and once management found he he was fired a few weeks after. Don't expect too big a role for Stasiak, most likely just wrestling on HEAT and making a few appearances on RAW or Smackdown! here or there for some comedic relief of some sort. -The December 31st edition of RAW will run 3 hours instead of its usual two, as Vince McMahon stated this past week on RAW. The current plan is to have a few matches that would be usually be bigger than what is normally put on to bring viewers in. Vince McMahon wanted the show to run from 9PM eastern time until 12AM eastern time with an overrun so that they could do an actual countdown to the new year, but TNN didn't agree with that and said they would only give an 8-11 time slot. Had TNN agreed, a countdown clock would have ran all throughout December on WWF programming, whether it be on the titantron or in a corner of the television screen for viewers at home, similar to how they did Chris Jericho's debut. Right now it isn't determined whether the show will be live as per usual or if the show will start at 7PM and have a one hour delay for viewers at home. Either way, since it will be New Year's Eve the rating for RAW might dip a little, but that is why WWF are thinking of doing a few bigger matches that people would want to see. It is also being reported that WWF New York will be hosting a New Years Eve party, starting at 8PM and ending at roughly two in the morning. Obviously it won't be as big a turn out as Times Square. -Since some, if not most, of the WWF employees won't be having New Year's Eve off this year, the January 3rd edition of Smackdown! is currently being considered of not happening so that employees could have a day of visiting their families and home. If that weeks Smackdown! ends up not happening, the current plan is to either have a replay of Monday's show or having a more in depth look to the "Best of..." moments that would have been aired on RAW. -Don't expect for Kane to get too big of a push with his latest heel turn. It was mainly made to get Kane's reputation as being the monster back up. Also, D'Lo Brown's return to the WWF isn't something that Vince McMahon himself is too high on, as can be seen by him interfering in a throwaway hardcore match on Smackdown!. There areno current feuds in line for D'Lo, as he was basically brought in to help balance out the "midcard" scene and add another heel to the roster. -Perhaps the biggest piece of news is Ric Flair's return to the WWF this past Monday. That was kept inside a small circle of select people, the McMahons and most likely Triple H and one or two others. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler weren't told so their reactions when he came out were quite real and authentic. Vince contacted Flair a few weeks before Survivor Series, asking if he would want to come back in to be a part of the Survivor Series match between the WWF and Alliance. Flair declined the offer, saying that if he were to return he would want to be a face and with The Alliance being portrayed as heels it wouldn't look that good, and since Flair's stay in the WWF wasn't too long it also wouldn't look good for Flair to want to help the WWF instead of WCW. Another plan was for Flair to be a special guest referee, but that was scrapped. McMahon then made the offer for Flair to return during the battle royal, telling Flair he would be a face and it would be a great way to bring him back in. Of course Flair had a couple of "demands", such as not wanting a run with the main titles for now. Flair currently has no intention of holding any championships and would only hold one if he was asked to and if he felt he could help the title/if a feud would benefit the situation. -WWF ratings: RAW 11/19 - 4.4; Smackdown! 11/22 - 3.8; RAW 11/26 - 4.6; Smackdown! 11/29 - 4.1 -Hugh Morrus was suspended during the week after the HEAT tapings. Apparently he has been causing a bit of trouble in the back, making remarks towards/about several employees and wrestlers that some found offensive. He should be returning during the beginning of January, unless he is brought back early. -Mighty Molly, Hurricane, and Hardcore Holly all recently signed new contracts with the WWF. Hurricane and Holly, who is currently on the injured list and not due back until at least April of 2002, are being payed the same amount as before, with Molly being the only one to get a slight increase in pay. Management seem high on Molly and plan on putting her in the women's divsion full time at some point. Unsure as to whether it would be Mighty Molly or if they would split her away from The Hurricane first. -In some Ohio Valley Wrestling news, Leviathan defeated The Machine for the OVW Heavyweight Championship. The WWF have signed a few wrestlers to development contracts as well, but the only one known at this time is to be Kevin Fertig, aka Seven. -Here lies the current WWF Vengeance card, scheduled for December 16th:[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]World Heavyweight Championship:[/B] Chris Jericho vs The Rock© vs ? [B]WWF Championship:[/B] Kurt Angle© vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]WWF Hardcore Championship:[/B] Kane vs Rob Van Dam© [/quote] [/CENTER]
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Guest Vitamin E
[CENTER][IMG]http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4234/rawbansd6.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B]December 3rd, 2001[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]12.582 in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]The show opens up highlighting the battle royal from last week again, except this time focusing more on the eliminations and Angle/Austin. Then showed is Kurt's small celebration on Smackdown! and some of what Austin said after coming out. After showing Austin being taken away by security we see some clips from the main event between Undertaker and Angle, with Angle cheating another win out. The video ends with McMahon's announcement of Austin and Angle facing off at Vengeance with the WWF Championship on the line. After the pyros and welcoming is done with, we cut to the parking lot where a limo has just arrived. The driver gets out, opens the door, and out emerges Vince McMahon getting a decent sized pop. McMahon only gets several steps away from the limo before Kurt Angle rushes up to him[/COLOR].[/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Mr. McMahon![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Rolling his eyes.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I have a lot to deal with tonight so just get to the point, Kurt. What do you want [B]now[/B]?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What do I want? Oh I'll tell you what I want! How could you think of putting me in a match against Steve Austin with my title on the line when I've already beaten him on several occasions? I've already proved that between a redneck and an Olympic hero that the man with the gold around his waist and neck is the better man! And you make me face him again at Vengeance? After he came to the ring on Smackdown! and ruined my night of glory and attacked me? Without any physical interaction to provoke him on my part may I add. I mean... How can you reward such behavior?! If we were in the Olympics this wouldn't stand![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Kurt, as good a point you may make, Steve has his rematch clause in his contract and this [B]isn't[/B] the Olympics. Since you are the new champion and you defeated him for the title, he gets his rematch. Whether you want to defend the title or not, you're going to have it on the line at Vengeance. I don't care if you have a cold, if you sprained your ankle, or hell, even if you're blind. You'll be at Vengeance defending the WWF Championship. Stone Cold was the former champion and everyone knows that if a champion loses his title, they'll get a rematch for it.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Mr. McMahon, I'll defend my title against anyone you want at Vengeance, but Austin doesn't deserve his rematch! He attacked me in the ring without being provoked! I mean, what the hell?! He should be suspended for attacking me at the very least![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You know what, Kurt? I think I [B]should[/B] rectify this situation. The way Stone Cold attacked you on Smackdown! for no apparent reason is wrong and those kinds of acts shouldn't be rewarded with championship matches. What kind of message would that send? And who's to say that come Vengeance, Stone Cold won't just want to beat your ass all the way through the arena just to get some revenge on you? How could I risk losing a WWF superstar? Stone Cold shouldn't be given a title match after he attacked you on Thursday, even if you did hit him with a chair and cheat your way to that title on Monday like he says. If anything, I think your just outsmarted Austin![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Smiling.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Exactly! Thank you! I'm glad to know that you haven't lost your mind! And about me and Austin having a match against eachother in the main event-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]That will still be happening, Kurt. See, if I'm going to fix this entire situation, you should still have a match against him tonight. Just be thankful that it's non-title.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Okay, okay. I suppose having a non-title match against him will be worth punishing him by taking away his shot at my title.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Just make sure you don't let Austin get too much of an advantage tonight. I'm sure you remember what he's capable of when somebody pisses him off.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kurt Angle[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]As McMahon walks away.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Oh I remember. Thank you again Mr. McMahon!... I knew he was a smart man and would see things my way.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kurt smiles as he stares off into space before walking away as well. J.R. and King take their own sides to what McMahon said, J.R. saying that Austin deserves his rematch and King agreeing with what Kurt said.[/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Tag Match | Non-title[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Billy and Chuck[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]The Dudley Boyz[/COLOR][/B] with Stacy Keibler Billy and Chuck came out to a familiar song and the fans gave a pretty good pop the moment they heard, "I'm an ass man!" play through the arena. Once in the ring to pose Billy pointed to Stacy, who let out a small smile. The Dudleyz had Lita out at ringside with them, tying her hands around the corner post. A better tag team match with more back and forth action than just having The Dudleyz dominate. A couple of false finishes of sorts, with Billy unable to hit his Fameasser and The Dudleyz unable to hit the 3D. Stacy tried handing out a distraction, but Chuck instead spanked her to get her off the apron. Chuck hit a Jungle Kick on Bubba a few minutes after that, which would have been the end of the match had D-Von not broken the pin. The usual all out brawl then occured, with Chuck missing a Jungle Kick on D-Von and instead being thrown to the outside. Billy went after D-Von, but didn't get much offense in as Bubba came from behind to help his brother. Stacy ran and grabbed one of the title belts, getting on the apron and handing it to D-Von. Chuck grabbed her, but she got into the ring before he could pull her down. Chuck got on the apron and got nailed in the head with the title belt from D-Von, barely going unnoticed as the ref was distracted with Stacy's presense in the ring. Bubba used her as a shield once Billy was back up and went to punch him. He shoved Stacy to Billy, who grabbed her and moved her out of the way. [B]The ref escorted Stacy to the ropes and D-Von tossed the title to Bubba, who hit Billy between the eyes with it. After getting rid of the belt the two picked Billy up and hit a 3D for the win at 9:25.[/B][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]After the match The Dudleyz pushed Billy out of the ring. Bubba stared at Lita and smiled, telling D-Von to get a table. Bubba went and untied Lita and brought her into the ring where D-Von now had a table set up. Before they could do anything to Lita, the APA ran out and chased the Tag champions off! Jeff ran out afterwards and got in the ring to check on Lita. The cameras faded out, showing an album cover of U2's with "Beautiful Day" beginning to play. Clips of Triple H the moment he tore his quad earlier in the year are shown, with Jericho doing the Walls of Jericho to him, and clips of him during his surgey and rehab process following with shots of Triple H standing in an empty ring and what looks like an empty warehouse with some voice over work of him describing his feelings about his entire situation. Towards the end of the video Triple H mentions how his rehab was going extremely well, but now another injury is keeping him away from his fulfilling his passion. He says that he recently tore his bicep and that it will keep him away from the ring even longer and how it's like torture for him. The video finally ends with him saying that sooner or later, The Game will be back and until then he'll be waiting until he is 100% so he can give that much back to the fans. The camera cuts back to the arena real quick with J.R. mentioning Triple H's new injury and how everyone was awaiting for his return in January.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/848/titlehardcorenn8.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B][U]Hardcore Singles Match | Non-title[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]D'Lo Brown[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Rob Van Dam©[/COLOR][/B] Good amount of brawling and hardcore activity through the match. D'Lo wasn't made to look incredibly strong, but it didn't really diminish him either. The first few minutes took place in the ring or around the ring. Not too much of anything hardcore took place at this point, but from what was hardcore it was good. We saw D'Lo Brown deliver a wind up slam to RVD ontop of a trashcan, similar to how he delivered a Sky High to Dreamer last Thursday, and saw RVD deliver his trademark shoulder thrusts and while doing his back handspring picked up a chair he put down and basically dropkicked it into D'Lo's face. After some close pinfalls in the ring, the two started brawling towards the back, taking advantage of the steel ramp. D'Lo ducked a Van Daminator attempt and ddt'd RVD right onto the ramp, which should have been a three on a normal person. The match ended going from the ramp to the stage and right to the back after RVD came to from the ddt on the ramp. In the back D'Lo signaled for a ddt onto the cement, but RVD got out of it and hit a quick Van Daminator. He walked off camera and returned a few seconds later with a chair in hand. [B]D'Lo got back up and RVD tossed him the chair, hitting another Van Daminator for the pin at 7:57.[/B][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]After the win RVD got up and was given his title by the ref. He celebrated, but once he turned around Kane came out of nowhere and hit a big boot to him! He didn't seem too interested in RVD, though, as after he connected with the boot he kept walking.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]J.R. and King went over the match and wondered where Kane was heading, but that was answered when the wall of fire shot up on stage. Kane walked down the ramp and slid in the ring. He lifted his arms up, but didn't slam them down. He stared straight ahead, and the camera followed his path of sight leading to the announcers table. Kane got out of the ring and stared at J.R., who simply asked "What do you want?" Kane grabbed J.R. and dragged him over the announcers table! He shoved J.R. in the ring before sliding into it himself. J.R. stood up and Kane grabbed him again, getting right in his face. The camera zoomed in, able to hear what was being said.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Kane[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Without a mic.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You wanna call me a coward J.R.?! You wanna call me a coward for attacking someone while their back's turned?! Well I got you face to face, J.R.! Is this fair enough for you?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kane grabs J.R. by the throat and holds him there for a few seconds, slowly choking him, before lifting him into the air! Thankfully before he can slam J.R. down, the arena is filled with the sound of "Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'!" The Undertaker comes walking out and Kane brings J.R. back down and lets go of his throat. J.R. backs away as Taker walks around the ring and gets a mic. He climbs into the ring and walks towards J.R., standing between him and Kane.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Undertaker[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Kane. What the hell are you doin'? You really gonna go and Chokeslam J.R. here just because he called you a coward? Are you really that mad about that? If anything, Kane, you just made his opinion of you being a coward stronger for coming out here and dragging him into the ring. J.R., did Kane just make you think of him as an even bigger coward for attacking someone from behind and attacking someone who isnt even a wrestler?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]J.R.[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]As Taker brings the mic to J.R.'s mouth.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You bet your ass it does![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Undertaker[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Just because J.R. said that behind your back, Kane, doesn't mean you should come out here and drag him into the ring... But J.R....Didn't you say that I didn't deserve the WWF Championship?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Taker turns around towards J.R. again and J.R. stares at him but nods.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Did you say that behind my back, because you don't respect me enough to tell me that to my face?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]J.R. looks at Taker confused. Taker drops his mic and grabs J.R., throwing him towards Kane who hits an uppercut on J.R.! Taker stares at J.R. with a sadistic look as he grabs the mic again.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Undertaker[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You think it's okay to talk behind people's backs J.R.?! You can't stand seeing people get attacked from behind or seeing innocent people getting attacked, but you think it's fine to talk about people behind their back?! Is that how much of a lack of respect you got you Oklahoma piece of trash?! You know what I can't stand? People who don't respect me! I been in this company for over a decade, and you still got the audacity to tell me that [B]I[/B] don't deserve something?! You think you're more deserving of something than me, J.R.? Do ya?! You think you're so much better than me sittin' behind your little table there every week, thinking you can talk about people behind their backs all the time just because you aren't a wrestler? Pick his ass up Kane![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Taker drops the mic again and Kane picks J.R. up, holding onto him. Taker lifts his fists up and connects a few jabs at J.R.. Taker then grabs him by the throat, staring directly at him sadistically again, before bringing J.R.'s head between his legs. He lifts his fist up into the air, but before he can do the same to J.R. RVD comes running out. Taker shoves J.R. to the mat and RVD slides into the ring, being met with boots from the Brothers of Destruction. Obviously overpowered RVD doesn't stand a chance as Kane and Taker pick him up and deliver a double Chokeslam to him before tossing him out of the ring. Kane goes and grabs J.R., picking him up and bringing him over his shoulder! It can only mean one thing and Kane tries to position J.R. in the Tombstone position. He gets J.R. in position, and delivers a sickening Tombstone to the defenseless man! The crowd is booing the actions of Kane and The Undertaker, and even King is now standing up from his position. Kane and Taker exit the ring, giving Lawler the chance to get inside and check on his broadcast partner. Medics come running out with a stretcher, and obviously the night is over for J.R. as we head to a break.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The show returns, showing what happened moments before the break and during the break to show J.R. being brought to the back on a stretcher. King is now accompanied by Michael Cole, both of him say that what Kane and Taker did was sickening. After the replay is shown the camera cuts to the back where we see Big Show in an open area. Diamond Dallas Page then walks up to Show.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey Show![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Big Show[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What is it Page?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I just wanted to say, remember when you went out to the ring and you were dressed up like me and coining my now famous catchphrase?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Big Show[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Yeah. And?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I just wanted to tell you that in recollection, you doing that wasn't a bad thing. It was a good thing! Because impersonation is the sincerest form of flattery! And if you wanted to act like me, then I can help you be as positive as me, DDP! Take your current situation for instance. You were a part of the big main event at Survivor Series, but since then you haven't been seen. That isn't a bad thing. You know why? Because it allows other people to be seen by the world and it gives you some time to rest those big bones of yours![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Big Show[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I appreciate you trying to put your always positive attitude on me, but I don't want it. I can't think of everything being positive in someway because sometimes there's just things that aren't positive or good.... Hey Vince![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I]T[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]he camera spins around, showing Vince McMahon. DDP and Show walk over to him.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey. What's up with this Austin and Angle thing? I was in that battle royal and even I think that Austin should get his rematch. Angle didn't even win the match in my books.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Show, don't worry about it. I have everything covered.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]No matter what you end up doing, Mr. McMahon, it won't be a bad thing. It'll be a good thing![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Vince stares blankly at DDP for a few seconds before just walking away.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Big Show[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Can you be any more helpful than that, man?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Come on, Show![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]DDP flashes a big, white smile to Show, who takes the actions of Vince and walks away. Regal then walks into view, wearing makeup and lipstick.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]William Regal[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Excuse me, have you see Mr. McMahon?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Losing his smile.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B].....[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]William Regal[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Yes yes I know I have makeup on! Now where the bloody is Mr. McMahon?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]DDP[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]He went that way...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I]Regal [COLOR=dimgray]walks in the direction McMahon went in.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey Regal! Don't worry it's a good thing! It goes with your eyes![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Elsewhere in the arena, we see Test walking past a bunch of staff members. He stops at a group of about three and goes up to them.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Test[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey guys...How's it goin'?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Staff Member[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Um...nothing, Test. Just waiting for the show to end.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Test nods and smiles before grabbing the person who talked and tossing him to the ground. After that he punches another guy and throws the last guy into the wall. Test starts walking away and Kevin Kelly runs up to him, trying to get an interview, but Test tosses Kelly away like garbage as well.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Another place in the arena we see Trish Stratus sitting in a chair talking to one of the makeup artists with the Women's Championship sitting in her lap. After the makeup artist is done Trish gets up to leave, but the 'woooosh!' sound is heard and The Hurricane and Mighty Molly 'fly' into view.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Hurricane[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Holy Happy Days, Mighty Molly! It's the WWF Women's Champion Trish Stratus![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Mighty Molly[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Happy Days indeed Hurricane! Citizen Stratus beat five other females at Survivor Series for that title, even me![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Trish Stratus[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey guys...What's up?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Hurricane[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]We just wanted to swoop by and congratulate you, Citizen Stratus, on becoming the new WWF Women's Champion![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Trish Stratus[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Mighty Molly[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woah slow those horses down, citizen! That's not all we wanted![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Trish Stratus[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Um...what else did you guys want?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Hurricane[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]On behalf of our good friends at the Daily Globe, citizens Gregory Helms and Molly Green, we were wondering if you'd be interested in conducting an interview for the world renowned newspaper![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Trish Stratus[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]As much as I'd love to I dont think I'll have much time to do it...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Hurricane[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Understood, citizen. Quick Mighty Molly! To the Hurri-Cycle![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Hurricane 'flies' off screen with a 'woosh!' sound and Molly follows suit after giving Trish a thumbs up.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match | Non-title[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Tajiri[/COLOR][/B] with Torrie Wilson Test came out during the beginning of the match and sat down next to Lawler and Cole, explaining his recent actions as taking advantage of his immunity and nothing more and that he would have come out and made J.R. his next victim but somebody else already took care of him tonight. The match wasn't too great, as the focus was basically Test at the announcers table and not much worthwhile happened in the match. [B]Tajiri won after a Kick of Death at 4:12.[/B].[/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]After the match was over Test got into the ring and hit Tajiri with a Big Boot.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Coming back from the break we are now in Vince McMahon's office. He is seen talking with Regal with a smile on his face and Regal looking emberassed, but it can't really be made out. Booker T then enters the room with a smile on his face.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Hey Mr. McMahon! I jus' wanna thank you for allowin' me to be a part of that World Heavyweight Championship match at Vengeance. I know what you must-ah been thinkin', because even I'm thinkin' it. The WWF having a six time, six time, six time, six time-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Wait a minute Booker. I never said you were going to be put right into the match. I only said I was changing it to a triple threat match. See, I figured that you should [B]earn[/B] the right to be that third participant and decided that at Vengeance, you'll be having a singles match earlier in the night. The winner of that match will be the third participant in the triple threat match. So all you have to do is win that singles match and you could very well be a six time World Heavyweight Champion.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What?! So I gotta have two matches in one night?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]If you win your first match then yes.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Booker T[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Who do I gotta face then? What chump around here would wanna go up against Booker T! Five time, five time, five time, five time, five time World Heavyweight Champion![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The camera begins zooming out, revealing Ric Flair standing behind Booker T! The crowd lets out a huge pop before Flair speaks.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woooo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Booker T jumps and turns around.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The [B]sixteen[/B] time World Heavyweight Champion! That's who! Woo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Flair struts out of the room and lets out one last 'Woo!' as the door to the room starts closing. Booker just stares at the door as the camera cuts to the arena.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/8899/titleeurorp2.png[/IMG] [COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Christian©[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Scotty 2 Hotty[/COLOR][/B] with Albert Stemming from Christian's attack on Scotty from Smackdown!. Christian seemed annoyed at the lost at the hands of Tazz from Thursday night as Scotty didn't have too much trouble 'taking it to' the champ. The two actually put on a good show, though the crowd couldn't get too much into it. Scotty's dancing helped get the crowd to cheer, but other than that there wasn't much of a reaction. With Albert at ringside it at least let the match be fair as Christian tried going for his title a couple of times. [B]Scotty tried going for his bulldog after Christian missed a clothesline in the corner, but Christian ducked and rolled Scotty up, using the ropes for leverage to get the pin at 6:24.[/B] Christian was able to get out of the ring before Albert got in.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The camera cuts to the APA's 'office', or lack thereof, where they are seen playing cards, smoking cigars, and drinking beers. The Dudleyz and Stacy rush into view, obviously angry at their interferance in their plans from ealrier in the night.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Bubba Ray Dudley[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What, may I ask, were you two out there messin' things up for us?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The APA ignore The Dudleyz and continue on with their business.[/COLOR][/I] [B]"[/B]Hey! You going to answer me?![B]"[/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The APA still ignore Bubba, so he shoves everything off the table the APA were using, which finally gets their attention.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Oh now you notice us?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Farooq[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Damn![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Bradshaw[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Because we were payed! Apparently that Jeff Hardy cares enough about his friend Lita to pay us to help him protect her, and we weren't about to let you put her through a table. That's bad business![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Bubba Ray Dudley[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Well how about we put your asses through a table then since we didn't get to see that table from earlier wasn't broken in half?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Bradshaw[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You really wanna try and put us through a table right now?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Bradshaw and Farooq reach under the table and pull out a 2x4 each.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Because I think it'll be a little harder than you boys think. Now unless you wanna play a little strip poker with your li[/COLOR][COLOR=black]ttle friend on the line, maybe it's time you boys head on to your hotel.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Bubba Ray Dudley[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]...You guys just wait! You'll experience the real effect of The Dudleyz sooner or later![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]D-Von[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Oh testify my brothah![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The Dudleyz walk away and APA sit back down, cleaning the mess up a little.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]We are brought back to the show where we see Jonathan Coachman, standing in for Kevin Kelly, with Edge.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Jonathan Coachman[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I'm here standing with the WWF Intercontinental Champion Edge. Edge, it was at Survivor Series that you defeated Test to unify the WCW United States and WWF Intercontinental Championships. Do you have any thoughts about that?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Edge[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]It's really short and simple, Jonathan. As big and bad Test may be or think he may be, there is always someone even better than him. And that person was the guy who took him to the edge! No pun intended of course.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Jonathan Coachman[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Do you have any plans as far as being the Intercontinental Champion is concerned?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Edge[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The only plans I have are to take on anyone that thinks they can take this belt off my waist and pin them in the middle of the ring every week. There's really not many people who can match up to my credentials. I was a part of, let me rephrase that. I was the headline star in a breakout tag team and I competed in the first tag team ladder match among many other ladder matches, I broke from my mold and became the 2001 King of the Ring, I defeated my former partner to prove that I am truely the better of the two, and now I unified the WWF Intercontinental title with the WCW United States title. What else can anybody ask-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Before Edge can finish his sentance Lance Storm hits Edge with a Superkick, sending Edge backwards into the cage-like prop that he was standing in front of. Storm grabs the mic from Coachman and looks at Edge.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Lance Storm[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You just felt the impact, Edge, of a real impact player in this company! How good are you now?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Storm drops the mic and walks away, leaving Coachman and even Cole confused while Lawler praises Storm.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The camera cuts to The Rock's locker room, getting himself a loud pop just for fumbling with his duffel bag. Ric Flair then walks into view and Rock turns around to stare at him. The Rock breaks a smile and the two men shake hands.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woo! The Rock doesn't normally do this, but for you he thinks he can make an exception....Finally! The Nature Boy [B]has[/B] come back!....To the WWF![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woo you got that right! Ya just can't keep The Nature Boy out of a wrestling ring![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]And The Rock and the millions...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][I]The crowd continues by chanting "and millions!"[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]aaaand millions of fans wouldn't expect you to! The Rock's gotta tell ya, from the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today to the greatest wrestler to grace a WWF ring, it's [B]damn[/B] good to have you back here![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]It's good to be back in the WWF, Rock. It's been too long since The Nature Boy has been here and I'm glad I came back just because of the reaction the fans gave me last week! And everyone knows now that The Nature Boy is back in town, the WWF won't ever be the same! Because that wheelin' dealin', kiss stealin', jet flyin' limousine ridin' son of a gun is the man people gotta beat and the man that invented dirty wrestling! Woo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The Rock completely agrees with that, Ric. Completely agree. There is only one Ric Flair! Only one Nature Boy! You may often be immitated but you won't ever, and The Rock means [B]ever[/B], be duplicated! And The Rock has only one other thing to say to you, Ric... If you happen to win your match against the WCW Champion sucker at Vengeance... If you can beat that Rock wannabe... It'll be an honor to meet you inside of that ring and have the World Heavyweight title on the line.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]That's why The Nature Boy respects you, Rock! Because you respect The Nature Boy! Woo! And if anybody is anybody, the only way you get respect is by givin' it in this business![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]No doubt, no doubt. The Rock just wants to know one thing, Ric... How's it feel to be back in the WWF? The Rock means, how does it [B]feel[/B], deep down inside to be back?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Rock, you gotta answer something for me first! How do you think The Nature Boy feels?[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]...The Rock would have to say-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]It doesn't matter what you think! Wooo![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Smiling and laughing.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The Rock can see you're not only the dirties player inside the ring but even back here in the locker room.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Chris Jericho walks into the locker room, ruining the moment between Rock and Flair.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Ric Flair? Ric Flair?! When did the WWF allow people from the retirement home to come and wrestle?! Before you even say anything Ric, I have to introduce myself. My name is Chris Jericho. Y2J! I am the king of the world! And I am the guy that'll break your legs and back to win that title if you even make it to Vengeance without having a heart attack.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]The Nature Boy would like to know who you think you are taking that tone with him, because nobody-[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]And The Nature Boy means [B]nobody[/B]![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]talks to him like that![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]I [B]know[/B] The Nature Boy, and he isn't employed by the WWF! All you are is someone who stole the name and used it to make yourself famous. Unlike Chris Jericho, who made himself famous on his own merits. Even you didn't get famous on your own, Rock. You had to turn your back on Vince McMahon for the fans to even begin to like you. And if I can remember, you were getting booed when you debuted in the WWF, even though you were supposed to be some good guy.[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Ric Flair[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You think you're so much better?! Why don't you put your money, wooo! Where your mouth is?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Flair takes off his jacket and slams it to the ground[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=red][U]The Rock[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Woah woah woah, Ric... Chris Jericho... You like to run your mouth? Well let The Rock take [B]you[/B] down memory lane. If The Rock can remember, it was he who verbally kicked your ass when you made your debut in the WWF when you realized you couldn't make it in WCW! You can run your mouth all you want, because at Vengeance The Rock will [B]whoop[/B] that candy ass of yours aaaaall over the ring![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Chris Jericho[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You can live in your state of dilusion for as long as you want Rock, because out here in the real world that title is going to be coming around the waist of Y2J! And Ric, I wouldn't get too comfortable being in the title hunt or even in the WWF for that matter...[B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Jericho quickly slaps Flair across the face and walks out of the locker room.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The camera then cuts to another arguement between The Hardyz in progress with Lita stuck in the middle again.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Did you really go to the APA and pay them for help that wasn't needed?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Jeff Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Yeah I did! Because you obviously weren't going to do anything and I can't take on The Dudleyz by myself! At least they helped get Lita back! What did you do?! Sit around waiting?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Lita[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Listen! All that matters is that I'm safe now! Why can't you guys just drop the whole thing?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Because Jeff should grow up and realize that there's more to this business than jumping off ladders and getting a few cheap pops![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Jeff gets in Matt's face[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]What?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Jeff Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]You know you need me Matt! You think you could have become as big as you are without me?![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]At least without you I wouldn't be held back and would have a title around my waist![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Lita[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Matt you don't mean that![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][U]Matt Hardy[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=dimgray]Matt turns toward Lita and pushes her away slightly[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Stay out of this Lita![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Jeff shoves Matt and Matt shoves him back, making Jeff bump right into The Undertaker! Taker turns around and stares at Jeff. Matt walks away, as do Lita and Jeff, while Taker just stares at them. Cole and King worry for Jeff after what The Undertaker did earlier in the night to J.R. for just saying something about him. Insert a replay of that event and a quick plug for the main event and we head to another commercial.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match | Non-title[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Kurt Angle[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/COLOR][/B] The beginning of the match saw Angle playing the coward card very well and getting out of the ring as fast as he could anytime Austin started getting any offense in. If Angle hit a punch in and Austin retaliated with one of his own, Angle dropped and slid out of the ring. Angle even grabbed the ropes and rushed out when he was thrown into them and Austin jumped in the air looking for the Lou Thesz press. Finally Austin got fed up and got out of the ring and hid behind one of the corners. Angle walked into his trap and Austin popped out, jumping in the air and doing a Lou Thesz on the outside. After 'stomping a mudhole' in Angle on the outside the match got back in the ring, where Austin held onto the offense and kept Angle in the ring this time around. Austin tried going for the Stunner after gaining some good momentum, but Angle slammed a forearm into his neck, dropping him to the mat. Lawler commented how that was a smart move going after Austin's bum neck. Angle had Austin down for a few 2 count falls and got frustrated. Austin came fighting back after escaping from an Angle Slam and got the crowd cheering for him. Eventually he got Angle in the corner and started delivering the ten punch, the crowd counting them off. Austin made it to six before Angle slipped out and hit Austin in the back. He took Austin off the ropes and grabbed him and went for a german suplex, but Austin held onto the ropes. Austin then moved forward and back in one motion, knocking Angle backwards and down. Austin turned around and ran, getting met with a hard clothesline. Angle went to the corner and started untying the top turnbuckle pad. Austin got back to his feet and just stood behind Angle, who turned around once he got the pad off and just stared at Austin before rushing out of the ring again. Austin gave chase this time, following him around the ring. Angle ran behind the announcers table and Austin stood on the other side. [B]He ran around and Angle jumped over Cole and Lawler as Austin did the same. Angle slid back into the ring just as the ref got to nine and then counted Austin out at 10:27![/B][/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Angle slid out of the ring as Austin slid in and grabbed his belt and ran up the ramp celebrating again after winning the match like he did on Smackdown! against The Undertaker. All of a sudden Vince McMahon's music hits and just like Smackdown!, he comes out on stage with a mic.[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]Vince McMahon[/U]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]Before you go any further, Kurt, I want you to know that after thinking long and hard I came to a decision regarding your complaint earlier. I thought about cancelling the match between you and Austin and having you face somebody else. That was going through my mind all night long. But I have to say that this match made me come to a final decision. Since you seem to like somehow getting your opponents counted out this past week, I decided you'll still be facing Austin at Vengeance![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kurt looks at Vince in disbelief.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][B]"[/B]That's not all, Kurt. There's more. Because I figured that come Vengeance, you would again try getting Austin or even yourself counted out so that you'd retain the WWF Championship, and we can't let fans go home to that kind of an ending. That's why I [B]added[/B] to the match. In thirteen days at Vengeance, it'll be Kurt Angle defending the WWF Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin!....In a fifteen foot high Steel Cage![B]"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Angle looks like he is about to break down and cry as Austin smiles in the ring. Austin finally climbs out and walks up the ramp, grabbing Angle and sliding him back into the ring. Austin climbs back in and ducks as Angle tries to hit him with the WWF title, hitting a Stunner on him as he turns back around! The fans cheer even louder as the show comes to a close.[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=#696969][/COLOR][/I] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=red][B][U]Shortened RAW Results[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Non-title Tag Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]The Dudley Boyz def. Billy and Chuck[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Shot to the head with Tag Title + 3D - 9:25[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][/SIZE] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Hardcore Singles Match | WWF Hardcore Championship[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Rob Van Dam© def. D'Lo Brown[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Van Daminator w/ Chair - 7:57[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][/SIZE] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Non-title Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Tajiri def. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Kick of Death - 4:12[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][/SIZE] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match | WWF European Championship[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Christian© def. Scotty 2 Hotty[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Roll Up + Feet on the ropes - 6:24[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Non-title Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Kurt Angle def. Steve Austin[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Countout - 10:27[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]I love me some heel ABA and going after J.R. ike in real life was a good way to do that.[/SIZE]
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Good effort, but havent we all seen this generic blend of mind and history before. Almost as dull as that other TEW dynasty site would offer, Dude, try adding some pics or more colour.....something, You have nothing to offer people. Sorry big boy.
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It goes without saying, but I really enjoyed those shows. It sets up a few really hot matches for Vengeance brilliantly... Angle v Austin Booker v Ric Flair Flair/Booker v Rock v Jericho You've got the Hardy boyz in a state of disarray, the Dudleyz using whatever device necessary to complete their misery, the Brothers of Destruction taking down JR.... Thoroughly enjoyable, and all characters accurately represented. A fantastic job, I will be reading on.
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While Ego is living up to his name (maybe you could include some giant pictures to win him over), I too really enjoyed these shows. The characterisation and dialogue is terrific, and the level of detail is superb. My only criticism is the formatting. If you're writing long shows, it helps to break them up. Use multiple quote boxes, more pictures and more line breaks (especially between action and dialogue), and you'll make it easier for people to get into your shows.
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Also, massive cred for not following the "E"'s love of using Lance Storm as comic relief... I mean the man with the big hose, WTF? Let him be the Impact Player, that IS Lance Storm, it's ironic how the "E" shoot all over Paul Heyman and Vince Russo and the likes, but for their many errors, both of them used Lance Storm well, whereas for some reason, the "E" had no idea how to do that and missed the boat big time. Great stuff.
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I like what your doing, everything flows nicely from the original Survivor Series. Plus I always mark for the Brothers of Destruction :) My only gripe is the use of the grey "quote" background. It makes it hard for me to read especially when some of the text is grey itself. But since a lot of people use that format I guess its only my eyesight at fault! :)
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I Demand Massive Pictures Of The Wrestlers Before The Matchups And Huge Banners! :p j/k :) Great shows, nice to see good write-ups. This is shaping up well, and a heel Brothers of Destruction? :) Now make them [B]REALLY[/B] destructive and I'll love ya :p Only criticism is I agree with Flamebrain; the grey quote boxes are a bit hard to read from with greyish writing in there as well. To be honest, I think a normal white background would be more effective. Anyways, keep it up =]
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Guest Vitamin E
[quote=The Ego;254126]Good effort, but havent we all seen this generic blend of mind and history before. Almost as dull as that other TEW dynasty site would offer, Dude, try adding some pics or more colour.....something, You have nothing to offer people. Sorry big boy.[/quote] What do you mean by the first comment? As in the timeframe my diary takes place in? As Ive already made clear in your diary, I dont use pics of wrestlers because personally they dont add anything useful or appealing and take more space up than is needed. You dont need a ton of flash to make a diary good, nor to make shows look good. No need for me to have tons of color when it isnt needed. I use enough color that is needed, not color for every little thing like red for heels, blue for faces, black for tweeners, green for announcers, purple for backstage segmants, yellow for matches, ect ect. A diary doesnt have to have all that flash and flare to be viewed as good. The writing SHOULD be what make people interested in a diary, not having pictures of wrestlers for every little segmant that are just "Kurt Angle arrived to the arena." with a big picture of Angle above it. Again, I find that kind of stuff just unnessary when people, like yourself, overuse it to the point where pictures are everywhere for every little thing when theyre not needed. I would think [b]good writing[/b] would be enough to offer people as opposed to highly unnessary amounts of flash and flare. So I dont really see why youre saying "sorry big boy". I can tell that you only replied in my diary because I left you negative feedback in your diary, because I saw you in here before without saying anything and then you suddenly came in to say something negative about mine after I said negative things about yours. So thanks for the "feedback", but if thats your only reason of coming in here or if you dont have anything to say about actual shows, then no thanks. If thats the case, itd be better if you stay out of my diary and I stay out of yours then. Tommytomlin, yeah I tried keeping the format the same from the other board I post the diary at, but the boards are different so I did go back and change the last RAW show a bit. Tristram, I thought Storm was underutilized while in the WWE, except for the whole Un Americans thing, and want to give him some sort of push. Probably not a World title push, but a better push than what was really given to him. flamebrain and mtm2k6, at the moment I dont have any plans of having Kane and Undertaker actually be a team. The two together was more or less a reason to turn Taker heel more than anything.
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Guest Vitamin E
[center][img]http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8361/smackdownbanrw6.png[/img] [color=blue][b]December 6th, 2001[/b][/color] [color=black][b]Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois[/b] [b]12,672 in attendance[/b][/color] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][i]The replay to start the show mainly focuses on three things. First showed is the segment involving Kane/J.R./Undertaker, highlighting The Undertaker turning heel by helping Kane attack J.R.. Then it focuses on the Booker T/Ric Flair/McMahon segment which confirmed another match added to the Vengeance card, and the segment of Flair/Rock/Jericho with it ending with the slap from Jericho to Flair. After that was the opening moments of RAW between McMahon and Angle, followed by clips of the main event between Austin and Angle, and then ending with McMahon announcing Angle and Austin facing off at Vengeance in a steel cage match. The normal Smackdown! opening then follows with Tazz and Michael Cole welcoming fans and going over some things from RAW and hyping Vengeance in only eleven days. They are interupted by Jericho's countdown and pyros going off, and the self proclaimed king of the world making his way down and into the ring to get himself a mic.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I would welcome you all to Smackdown!..is...[b]Jericho[/b], but quite frankly this state doesn't deserve a good basketball team let alone a [b]grand[/b] welcoming from the king of the world![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Jericho gets the obvious cheap heat here.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]But I didn't show up here tonight to verbally attack your basketball team or hometown. I came out here for two reasons. The first of which is a disgustingly untalented individual who doesn't deserve the gold he holds over his shoulder. The man that you all seem to cheer for some crazy and asinine reason, when the [b]real[/b] most electrifying man in sports entertainment stands before you at this very moment! The man who has had the most impactful debut in this company...no, allow me to correct myself...in this [b]business[/b] stands before you! Yet you continue to cheer a man who got himself over by telling people how he would shine things up and stick it up their candy asses.[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd cheers for the Rock mention.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Shut the hell up! You cheer for that guy? The same guy that you all booed when he was simply known as 'Rocky Maivia'?! Oh you don't remember? I must have forgotten how wrestling fans have a limited memory and can't remember back five years ago! Take a look at some of these clips for a little crash course in having a memory![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]The crowd boo's Jericho as a few clips of The Rock's first WWF run as Rocky Maivia are shown, with The Rock being booed by the fans and the chants of "die Rocky die" being heard. The clips last all of about two or three minutes before they end and the cameras focus back on Jericho.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]What do you fans have to say to that?! The man you cheer for now you said you wanted to die?! What kind of people are you to change your tune so fast from wanting a man to die to cheering him whenever he says the word 'millions' or when he gets himself a cheap pop by saying your towns name?! It just proves that most of you fans are either braindead or can't think for yourselves and cheer whoever has the capability of saying a town name! I'll prove it right now...Welcome to Chicago...is...Jericho![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd for the most part boo's, with a few people actually cheering.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]...The only reason you don't cheer me is because I'm better than The Rock in every aspect, but none of you want to admit it! We're both c0cky, except you cheer him for being c0cky! I'm the better [b]wrestler[/b], yet you cheer him because he can take an elbow pad off during a match! I have the better looks, and you cheer him because he can raise an eyebrow! I have-[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Jericho is interupted by The Rock's music starting up, and the Great One walks out onto the stage with a mic in his hand as the crowd cheers.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Waiting for the crowd to die down.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Finally....The Rock [b]has[/b] come back-[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Would you shut the hell up![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd boos Jericho for interupting The Rock.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]You boo me for interupting him?! What about the fact that he interupted me?! What do you have to say about that?![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd cheers heavily.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]You stupid sanctimonious son of a-[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Woah! Jericho! The Rock [b]knows[/b] the people don't want to hear the next word coming out of your mouth! You can attack and trash The Rock all you want, but when you start going after the people then it you've gone over the line! Jericho, from what The Rock could gather when he was in the back, listening on a moniter, all you're saying is 'boo hoo the crowd doesn't like me!' Is The Rock right or wrong with that assumption?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]You're-[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]It doesn't matter![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd cheers and Jericho kicks the bottom rope in anger as he tells the crowd to shut up.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]The Rock thinks what the people want to say, Jericho, and that is would [b]you[/b] please shut the hell up! You steal The Rock's lines then he'll steal yours! But Jericho, let The Rock enlighten you about something. The people don't hate you because you say you're more talented. They don't even hate that you're about a year past the whole Y2J gimmick, and let's face it both you and The Rock know you were about three or four months [b]early[/b] with it, too. No. The people don't hate you for either of those reasons and not even because you come out here and tell them how stupid you think they are. Do you want to know why the people hate you, Chris? Do you wanna know why the people can't [b]stand[/b] you?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Go ahead Rock. Tell me why these people hate Y2J. Please all powerful and foreseeing Rock. Tell me why![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Jericho, the people hate you because you're nothing more than a [b]steeeaming[/b] pile of monkey crap![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Upset and waiting for the crowd to silence.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]You really think that Rock? You really think that's what these people think about the greatest entertainer to ever grace an ECW, a WCW, [b]and[/b] a WWF ring? You couldn't be more-[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd starts chanting "Monkey crap! Monkey crap!" and The Rock laughs.[/i] [/COLOR][color=black][b]"[/b]Shut up! All of you! Just shut up! You wanna know what you are then Rock? You're nothing more than a one dimensional assclown that says on every show that you've finally come back to insert town name here, evne though you probably can't even remember the last time you were in the Allstate Arena letalone Chicago! No! Don't speak! I'm not finished! Furthermore, what these fans think is the one thing that doesn't matter, because five years ago these same fans wanted you to die Rock! They all wanted you to die! They can deny all they want, but video never lies![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Chris, The Rock will be kind enough to go over both of those points. First, The Rock [b]does[/b] remember the last time he's been in Chicago. The date was August 13th of this year. You should remember, it Jericho. It was a rare night when you and The Rock were on the same side. Both of us, having some fun together making fun of Stephanie McMahon! January 18th, when The Rock teamed up with The Undertaker-[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The crowd boo's the mention of Taker after what happened on RAW.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]The Rock doesn't like his candy ass that much anymore either...and Steve Austin to defeat Kurt Angle, Kane, and Rikishi! Do you need to test The Rock's memory or honesty anymore? Or should The Rock move on to your next point? About the people, only five years ago, telling me that they wanted me to die when I tried to be the best good guy that I could be. You wanna know what The Rock has to say about that? It doesn't matter because The Rock has forgiven the people![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The fans cheer The Rock again.[/i] [/COLOR][color=black][b]"[/b]The Rock doesn't care that the fans [b]used[/b] to chant that at him, because now they [b]await[/b] The Rock's presence! Do you have anymore brainbusters for The Rock?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]....Why-[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Wait a minute! The Rock can tell by the expression on your face, the sweat from your forehead, the silence from your mouth, and the small trail of bodily fluids making its presence known in your pants that you are having trouble dealing with The Rock's reply to your points, so The Rock has two suggestions. The first is taking a guess at the second reason you came out here, which The Rock thinks is Ric Flair. And The Rock knows, he [b]knows[/b], the only reason you came out here to talk about The Nature Boy is because you're scared that at Vengeance he could beat Booker T and then beat you to become the new World Heavyweight champion in our triple threat match. The Rock says to throw that out the window because a loss to one of the greatest men in this business is nothing, and The Rock means [b]nothing[/b], to be ashamed about! What [b]is[/b] shameful is the fact that you disrespected a living legend in this business the way you did on RAW.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Chris Jericho[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]What's shameful Rock is the fact that your buddy Ric Flair had to steal someone else's moniker and has been doing the same routine for the past decade! Then again I can see why you look so highly to him since you do that too![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Rock[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]The Rock already knows you're quick with words. But just to refresh The Rock's memory a bit, why doesn't he walk down that ramp, get in that ring, and whoop your candy ass one more time![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]The Rock starts walking down the ramp and Jericho looks like he's ready for a fight. Rock makes it about two thirds down the ramp when Booker T runs out from the back and clocks him in the back of the head, making him fall and roll down the rest of the way to the ring. Booker continues an attack on the outside while Jericho exits the ring on the other side to grab a chair. The Rock begins fighting back with a few punches of his own on Booker, but when he brings his hand back in the air to look at it he tries getting his hands up as Jericho brings the chair down over his skull! Booker and Jericho both stomp into The Rock, but the assault comes to an end when Ric Flair comes out with a chair of his own! He misses one on Booker T, who quickly jumps through the crowd and escapes, and then misses Jericho as well, allowing him to escape too.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [b][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/b] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [QUOTE][color=blue][b][u]Normal Singles Match[/u][/b][/color] [color=black][b]Diamond Dallas Page[/color] [color=blue][vs][/color] [color=black]William Regal[/b][/color] Today's edition of 'Emberassing William Regal' saw him coming out and wrestling in a wedding dress. Not the easiest task for either opponent, but the dress did end up getting torn off a little bit in certain areas as the match went on. DDP had some fun with it as well, lifting part of the dress up over his head and lifting the entire back of the dress up after Regal crashed into the corner upon missing a clothesline, revealing that Regal wasn't wearing anything under the dress except a 'man thong'. The latter part actually angered Regal enough to get more on the offense and start focusing on the legs of DDP. Regal thought he had the match won when he delivered his Regal Cutter, but he only got a 3 count. Regal then tried the Regal Stretch after working DDP down again, but was unable to make the man tap out. Regal got up and shoved the ref away, reaching under his dress and pulling a pair of brass knuckles out. The ref came back over, but Regal again shoved him as DDP got up. [b]Regal wound up and went for a punch, but DDP ducked and out of nowhere hit the Diamond Cutter for the win at 7:36![/b] The ref didn't even notice the brass knuckles around Regal's hand as he rose DDP's hand in the air![/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The camera cuts to the back, showing the APA heading to their office.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Bradshaw[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Man, I can't believe you couldn't finish drinking! You had most of the club laughing at you! Even that stripper with the humpback laughed at you![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Farooq[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Damn! How many times I gotta tell you?! I had food poisoning![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Bradshaw[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Hahaha! Yeah I could tell by the way you threw up everywhere! I don't care that you got us kicked out. That was....What the hell?! Who the hell did this?![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]The camera turns around, showing the APA's office trashed, more than usual, and the door broken down into pieces. The APA walk into view again and just stare.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Farooq[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I'll be damned![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]The APA just stare in disbelief when The Dudleyz attack from behind! Stacy stands back to laugh as The Dudleyz take out both members of the APA. After beating them both down to the ground they focus on Bradshaw, throwing him into the mess of the office, then pick Farooq up and throw him into the filing cabinet that was in their office before lifting their poker table up onto him.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Bubba Ray Dudley[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]You boys ain't so tough now are ya?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]D-Von Dudley[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Haha that's right my brothah! When they got no two-by-fours with 'em, they can't fight a fight![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]The tag champs walk away, leaving the APA layed out and barely moving.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]In another part of the arena, we see Scotty 2 Hotty standing outside of a room. A moment goes by before Albert walks out of the room.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Scotty 2 Hotty[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Well?! What'd he say?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Albert[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]He said that we got the match at Vengeance. He only said that Christian has to find himself a partner and it'll be official.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Scotty 2 Hotty[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Good. Let's just hope someone around here likes him enough to be his partner.[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Scotty and Albert walk away from the door and Cole and Tazz remark on Christian having a tag match with the two at Vengeance, as well as commenting on The Dudleyz attack on the APA.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [b][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/b] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]We come back to see Kurt Angle walking proudly with a big smile down the hallway. He walks to his locker room, but when he tries opening the door he finds out it's locked.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Kurt Angle[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Great! What idiot locked the WWF Champions door?![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Just then a can of some sort is hear being opened. Kurt's face goes blank as the camera changes its angle, showing Austin standing behind him sipping on a beer. Kurt slowly turns around and sees Austin.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Steve Austin[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Looking over Angle's shoulder at the door really quick.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Looks like you're havin' some trouble there, Kurt. Some idiot must-ah locked the door on ya. Either that or it could be 'cause you weren't give you're key to the room.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Kurt Angle[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Austin, don't make me have security take you back to the police station again because I'll do it![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Steve Austin[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Kurt, you think I would attack you out of nowhere again? Stone Cold wouldn't do that to ya again... That's why I'm givin' ya a ten second head start to run. What? I said I'm givin' ya ten seconds to run. What? Nine. What? Eight. What? Seven![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Kurt starts running away from Austin.[/i] [/COLOR][color=black][b]"[/b]Six! What? Five! What? Four three two one![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Austin starts giving chase after Angle.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]We return from the break with Lita and Jeff walking down a hall.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Lita[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Jeff, please! I know Matt says he doesn't want you out there but I know him! Just go out there for him![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Jeff Hardy[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Stopping in the hallway and looking at Lita.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Lita, this is something between me and him. I don't want you getting in the middle of it anymore than you have to. Look at what happened on RAW with him shoving you. He's still my brother and you're like a sister to me, and him putting his hands on you like that... he went over the line with that.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lita[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I'm not a barbie doll, Jeff! I can take a hit! Matt would never actually hit me and give me any bruises! He's not like that! He isn't even thinking straight right now. I'm with you in this whole thing Jeff. The Team Xtreme in me hasn't died yet! I'm all for hitting moonsaults on the guys to the outside and jumping off ladders and everything! Matt's just going through something right now. Please, Jeff. If not for him then go out there for me.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Jeff Hardy[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Pausing for a few seconds.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Alright. For you, though.[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Lita and Jeff pound fists, getting a bit more upbeat and walking down the hall with their usual 'step' so to speak. Cole and Tazz talk about the recent problems that The Hardyz have been going through, right on time too as The Hardyz music begins playing. Matt comes out first and a few seconds after Jeff and Lita walk out, Matt looking on in both confusion and anger.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [QUOTE][color=blue][b][u]Normal Singles Match[/u][/b][/color] [color=black][b]D'Lo Brown[/color] [color=blue][vs][/color] [color=black]Matt Hardy[/b][/color] D'Lo got much of the advantage in the match, mostly due to Matt having problems with Jeff being at ringside and exchanging words with him. D'Lo came close to winning with what looked like a 2 and a half count when Matt yelled something at Jeff. Then realizing he wouldn't be able to get lucky, D'Lo finally decided to beat Matt down. He hit a russian legsweep to Matt and went up top for the Lo Down, but Matt moved out of the way at the last moment. [b]Once both were back up to their feet Matt hit a quick Twist of Fate for the win at 5:52.[/b][/QUOTE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Right after the bell rang instead of The Hardyz music playing, "Rollin'" hit the speakers and The Undertaker walked out and down the ramp. He got into the ring and basically made Matt back away slowly. Lita slid in the ring, with Jeff trying to stop her, and hit Taker from behind. The dead man turned around and took his sunglasses off, looking at her with his mean eyes. She tried running away, but he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back and then grabbed her by the throat! He lifted Lita into the air, but thankfully Jeff came out of nowhere and hit Taker in the back with a chair! He dropped Lita, allowing Matt to grab her and get her out of the ring and drag her up the ramp, all the while trying to go back and help Jeff who now got a big boot for his troubles. Taker grabs the chair and waits for Jeff to get back up, with Cole saying it was only months ago that The Undertaker was saving The Hardyz from this very fate, and Taker slams the chair over Jeff's head. He drops the chair and grabs Jeff by the throat, lifts him up into the air, and Chokeslams him right on the chair! Taker goes to leave, but comes right back, staring down at Jeff. He raises his fist into the air and grabs Jeff by the hair to lift him up. Cole and Tazz tell Taker to stop, but unfortunately they can't be heard as Taker lifts Jeff in the air, elevates him, and slams him down with a huge Last Ride onto the chair! The Undertaker finally leaves the ring with the crowd booing him.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Things change pace with the camera in the back where Perry Saturn is seen, talking to someone that isn't shown on camera.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Perry Saturn[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I don't know! I don't think it's right! I know, I know...But...Yeah...Well... You don't know what I'm going through! I lost her and she meant everything to me! She wouldn't want me just going out with the first...Really? I didn't know... Do you think they'd mind?... Do you want to go for a movie tonight them?[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The camera zooms out, revealing Saturn to be talking to a broom with a face taped on it![/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Really?! Let's go then![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Saturn picks the broom up and turns around, being met with The Hurricane and Mighty Molly 'flying' in front of him.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]The Hurricane[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Hooooly janitorial supplies, citizen Saturn! It was not long ago that a mop you fell in love with go thrown into a woodchipper, and now your swindling off with the first broom you see on the rebound? Whassupwitdat?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Mighty Molly[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]If I were Moppy, citizen Saturn, I would be very dissapointed in you![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Perry Saturn[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]It's..it's nothing! We're just friends! And I miss Moppy! But me and Broomy have more in common! We both like horror movies, we hate dirt, and we both want to have two kids![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Hurricane[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]What was that citizen? Did my super-enabled ears hear you correctly? Did you say you both wanted to have two kids? How could that happen?! Everybody knows that the average household contains a number of [b]three[/b] children![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Mighty Molly[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I sure would love to have three kids, but there's too many villainous enemies out there that would put them in danger.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Perry Saturn[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]No! Three is a bad number! Broomy told me that three is bad![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]The Hurricane[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]You and your broomish friend are mistaken, citizen Saturn! In the wrestling world three is a good number! Mighty Molly and I will explain it to you and your friend on a night out on the town. Come Might Molly, citizen Saturn, and citizen Broomy![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Hurricane and Mighty 'fly' off screen, and Saturn tries doing it to, but just stands there as if he isn't able to fly so instead walks off screen.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [b][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/b] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]We come back from the break with Lillian Garcia standing with Lance Storm. The crowd boo's upon seeing Storm.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Lillian Garcia[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Lance Storm, it was a week ago when you attacked both Al Snow and Maven for no reason that anyone can know of, and then on RAW on Monday you did the same thing to Edge during an interview he was in the middle of. Everyone wants to know why.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lance Storm[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Looking as serious as possible and eyeing Lillian over real quick.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]My reasons for attacking Al Snow and Maven are as simple as just being able to. That is the short end of it. Why I attacked Edge? Because I can do that too, but also because to show that I can be as impactful as anyone else on this roster. Mr. McMahon's words of me being no threat to the WWF both hurt and inspired me. I did nothing other than take backseat to The Alliance and never got my chance to truely shine. Now that I am under my own reign, I can show everyone that 'The Impact Player' Lance Storm is someone you won't want to play around with. Taking out Edge was a fine example of that, because it shows that I can strike without a moments notice and I can take anybody and anyone out anytime I can or want to. I may not have made an impact upon my debut in this company, but I'm making up for lost time and it honestly does not matter that I am either. An impact is an impact regardless of when it's made. The only thing with myself is that everynight you see me you can expect an impact![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]The camera zooms out a little as Edge walks into view.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Edge[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Smiling and pretending his chin hurts.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Oh yeah I felt your impact on Monday, Lance. I think you may have actually broken my jaw![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lance Storm[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I'm more surprised you decided to come and stand before me, Edge. You don't seem like the confrontational type to me.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Edge[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Oh yeah? What type do you think I am?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lance Storm[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]You're the type of guy who forgets his roots and the type of guy who has become stale over the years to the point where the only impact you make is when you hit the mat and get covered for the three count.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Edge[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Ouch. Lance. That really-[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lance Storm[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I'm not done, Edge. You're also the type with a lack of respect for former champions by not giving them rematches.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Edge[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]What. What are you talking about?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lance Storm[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Back at Summerslam you beat me for the title you hold over your shoulder right now, and yet I've recieved no fair rematch for the belt.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Edge[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]So a rematch for the WWF Intercontinental Champioship at Vengeance is what you want then, Lance?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lance Storm[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]You can bet on it.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Edge[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Oh I'll bet on it, Lance. And at Vengeance, I'll end up being one wealthy little champion when I walk in and out with this belt![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Edge walks away, smiling, and Storm walks in the other direction.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]We see in another part of the arena Matt still dragging Lita, this time down a hall. Lita finally breaks loose of Matt's grip.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Lita[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]What is wrong with you Matt! Did you see what your brother did for me?! Or were you being too much of a chicken hiding behind the ring?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Matt Hardy[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I got you out of there didn't I?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lita[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Oh yeah after Jeff took The Undertaker's attention away from me! All you did was grab me from the ring and drag me away while your brother was getting the hell beat out of him just because you're too afraid to stand up for me![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Matt Hardy[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]So what, all of a sudden you like Jeff now? Is that it?! You two have a thing going behind my back?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Lita[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Matt! Are you even listening to yourself anymore?! You don't make any sense! Jeff cares about you but you're too busy making an ass out of yourself to notice! Jeff is sticking up for me when you don't and he saved you from The Undertaker tonight too![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Matt Hardy[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Now I'm an ass?! Go to your precious Jeff then! Go have him support you since you two are such great buddies![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Matt walks away from Lita, who just stands there frustrated and confused with Matt.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [QUOTE][color=blue][b][u]Hardcore Singles Match[/u][/b][/color] [color=black][b]Kane[/color][/b] [b][color=blue][vs][/color] [color=black]Tommy Dreamer[/b][/color] One would think Kane would dominate this match, and they would be right for the most part. Other than Dreamer getting some nice shots in with his singapore cane, he was basically a ragdoll for Kane. The one good spot Dreamer got in happened on the outside when Kane picked him over his shoulder while Dreamer held onto the singapore cane and ran towards the corner post. Dreamer slipped from behind and wacked Kane in the back of the head with the cane as he stopped before he could slam himself into the corner post. [b]Kane ended the match moments after that by Chokeslamming Dreamer through a trashcan at 4:41.[/b][/QUOTE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]As Kane got up and lifted his arms for the pyro spot, RVD slid in the ring with a steel chair and hit Kane in the back with it. Kane turned around, much like Undertaker did, and went for a big boot. RVD ducked it and threw the chair at Kane, connecting with the Van Daminator. RVD then hit a rolling thunder to Kane after laying the chair over his chest and a spinning legdrop after placing the chair over Kane's head. To finish things off RVD went up top and hit a Five Star Frog Splash to him. RVD got out of the ring and did his thumb pointing taunt, at which point Kane sat up! RVD looked surprised as the monster rose to his feet and just stared at the Hardcore champion![/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [b][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/b] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]The cameras return and show inside a darkened locker room with several candles placed around and showing enough light to know that Steven Richards is the one kneeling in the corner.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Steven Richards[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I've tried getting these people to listen to me... I tried getting them to change their ways by censoring their crude acts... I tried using force with those two and The Alliance... I've come to the end of my rope, and that is why I seek and turn to you... This time everyone will listen... I will show them...They'll see the right path... Thou shall bow down to you. Either willingly or by force, thou shall bow down and finally be taken down the right path...[b]"[/b][/color] [center][SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [QUOTE][color=blue][b][u]Normal Singles Match | Non-title[/u][/b][/color] [color=black][b]Albert[/color][/b] with Scotty 2 Hotty [b][color=blue][vs][/color] [color=black]Christian[/b][/color] Not much of a match here. Christian evaded Albert for most of the match, taking more than a few breaks by leaving the ring. The size different left Christian with little chance in the match. Albert went for his Baldo Bomb, but Christian poked him in the eyes when he was lifted in the air. He then kicked Albert in the gut, hooked his arms for the Unprettier, and get sent into the ropes as Albert broke free. Christian got hit with a bicycle kick and at that time Test came walking from the back. Albert continued beating down Christian as Test got into the ring and threw the ref out of the ring. Albert spun Test around, arguing with his former partner, prompting Test to laugh and step back to hit Albert with a Big Boot. Scotty got into the ring, only to get a Gutwrench Powerbomb sent to him. [b]Christian covered Albert and Test threw the ref back into the ring, who barely made the three count for Christian to win the match at 5:29.[/b][/QUOTE] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [b][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/b] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]William Regal is seen walking in the backstage area, now back into his normal suit, when Christian walks up to him.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Christian[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Hey Regal. What's up with Vince McMahon making me face Scotty and Albert at Vengeance? He doesn't even give me a partner and expects me to wrestle those two fools?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]William Regal[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Christian, I understand. Please, allow me to go and talk to Mr. McMahon personally and see if I can fix the situation for you.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Christian[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Alright, thanks! You rock, Regal![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Regal starts walking in the open area, eventually making his way down a corridor or two before reaching McMahon's office. He walks in with McMahon on the phone.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Vince McMahon[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Into the cellphone.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]I'll call you back.[b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Getting up and looking at Regal.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't you know the meaning of knocking? Aren't you supposed to be some high class guy?![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]William Regal[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]I'm terribly sorry Mr. McMahon. I just have one request.![b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Vince McMahon[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]What is it?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]William Regal[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Well you made a match for Vengeance, pitting Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert against Christian, but you never assigned him a tag team partner, and the match very well can't be a handicapped match.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Vince McMahon[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]So you want me to give him a partner, is that it?[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]William Regal[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Yes, Mr. McMahon.[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]William Regal[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Alright then...Ah. I have an idea. Since you want to get involved in his business then you can team up with him. And don't worry, you won't have to do anything else emberassing if you don't win the match[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]William Regal[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Thank you, Mr.-[b]"[/b][/color] [b][color=blue][u]Vince McMahon[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Because if you don't win, [b]yooooou're fiiiired![/b] Get the hell outta my office![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Regal's jaw drops and the crowd cheers at the announcement.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [QUOTE][color=blue][b][u]Normal Singles Match[/u][/b][/color] [color=black][b]Chuck Palumbo[/color][/b] with Billy Gunn [b][color=blue][vs][/color] [color=black]Test[/b][/color] Gunn and Palumbo came out with a theme song that had the same tune as Gunn's "Ass Man" song, only with a few lyrics changed around a bit. Test didn't have as easy a task at hand in this match, what with Chuck not being someone as small as Hurricane and with Gunn at ringside. Back and forth match with Test threatening the ref a few times, either after not getting a three count or almost being pinned for the three. Test almost got himself disqualifed after grabbing the ref by the shirt and shoving him into the corner when the ref forced Test off Palumbo for using closed fists whilst in the corner. [b]Test went for his Big Boot, but Palumbo was able to duck it and hit a quick Jungle Kick for the three count at 6:41.[/b][/QUOTE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]A minute or two after the match Test got back up and in a midst of anger grabbed the ref and hit a Gutwrench Powerbomb on him.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Back in the parking lot we see Austin wandering around.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Steve Austin[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]While walking and looking around cars and the like.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Kuuur-uuuurt! Come out whereever you are! Come on Kurt! I don't like playin' hide 'n seek so just come on out![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Austin hears a door being shut and walks over to the car he thinks it was from. He looks inside but finds nothing. He walks back into the open and tires squel. The camera turns and a car comes rushing at Austin! The car gets closer and Austin moves out of the way in time! The car stops and Angle gets out, looking for Austin. He walks between the cars he saw Austin go in between but finds nothing. Angle walks backwards while looking into the parked cars. Angle now hears a car door being shut and turns towards his car, which now comes driving towards him in reverse! Angle now on the recieving end of being ran over moves out of the way in time as well.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Kurt Angle[/u]:[/color][/b] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]After walking in front of the car.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Hey! Get out of my car![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Austin accelerates the car but hits the brakes hard, causing Angle to jump back.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]"[/b]Austin! Stop![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Austin accelerates the car again, this time not stopping. Being close enough Angle jumps on the hood of the car without thinking. Austin takes advantage of the situation by accelerating more, scaring Kurt. Austin, playing mindgames, slows the car down and gets out, laughing at Kurt as he walks over to his pick up and gets in. Angle slides off the hood of his car and breathes heavily, but gets another scare as Austin backs his pick up right into the side of Angle's car! The cameraman runs around so that the view is on the drivers side of Austin's pick up after he straightened it out. Austin rolls down the window, still smiling.[/i][/center][/COLOR] [b][color=blue][u]Steve Austin[/u]:[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"[/b]Looks like ya had an accident there Kurt![b]"[/b][/color] [COLOR="darkslategray"][center][i]Austin drives his pick up out of the parking lot, leaving Angle just staring at his car in disbelief.[/i][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [b][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/b] [SIZE="5"][color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color][/SIZE] [QUOTE][color=blue][b][u]Normal Singles Match | Non-title[/u][/b][/color] [color=black][b]Booker T[/color][/b] [b][color=blue][vs][/color] [color=black]The Rock[/b][/color] A good bout between the two with a decent amount of time. The match kind of went in sections, of which had the first being Booker beating down The Rock with Rock continuingly coming back and the second having The Rock do a big comeback. The match led to the outside for what could have been a solid minute of Booker beating down on The Rock and sliding in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Booker slammed Rock's head into the steel steps a couple of times and kicked him in the gut in front of the announcers table. Booker went for the Scissors Kick on the outside, but Rock moved out of the way. Booker turned around and Rock began delivering his series of punches, laying Booker out with the final blow. Rock then slid in and out to break the count and brought Booker back in to change the pace of the match in his favor. The crowd was cheering The Rock a lot, especially when he went for The People's Elbow. That died down when Booker got back up before Rock could complete it and kicked him in the gut and connect with the Scissors Kick. Booker went for the pin, but Rock kicked out at 2. Booker got up and picked Rock up, setting him up for a Book End. Rock countered and hit a spinebuster and followed up with The People's Elbow again, this time connecting. Rock stalked Booker and Jericho came from the crowd over the barricade. He grabbed Jericho's title and slid it in the ring to Booker. Jericho got on the apron to distract the ref and was taken off the apron by a punch from The Rock. [b]Rock turned around and got nailed in the head with the World Heavyweight title, Booker tossed the title and pinned Rock for the win at 12:02![/b][/QUOTE] [COLOR="darkslategray"][i]Jericho and Booker continued their assault from earlier on The Rock inside the ring, until Ric Flair yet again made the save with a steel chair in hand. The show went off the air with Jericho and Booker walking backwards up the ramp and Flair checking on The Rock.[/i][/COLOR] [color=black][b]---------- -------------------- ----------[/b][/color] [color=blue][b][u]Shortened Smackdown! Results[/u][/b][/color] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][b][u]Singles Match[/u][/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][b]DDP def. William Regal[/b] [size=1]Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 7:36[/size][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][b][u]Singles Match[/b][/u][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][b]Matt Hardy def. D'Lo Brown[/b] [size=1]Pinfall - Twist of Fate - 5:52[/size][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][b][u]Hardcore Singles Match[/b][/u][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][b]Kane def. Tommy Dreamer[/b] [size=1]Pinfall - Chokeslam through trashcan - 4:41[/size][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][b][u]Non-title Singles Match[/b][/u][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][b]Christian def. Albert[/b] [size=1]Pinfall - Interferance from Test - 5:29[/size][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][b][u]Singles Match[/u][/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][b]Chuck Palumbo def. Test[/b] [size=1]Pinfall - Jungle Kick - 6:41[/size][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][b][u]Non-title Singles Match[/b][/u][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][b]Booker T def. The Rock[/b] [size=1]Pinfall - Interferance from Chris Jericho + Book End - 12:02[/size][/COLOR][/center][/quote]
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Guest Vitamin E
[quote][center][color=green][b][u]World Wide Wrestling Weekly[/color][/u][/b][/center] Here are the 4W's ratings for the matches that occured on this weeks editions of RAW and Smackdown!: [center][color=red][b][u]WWF RAW - December 3rd, 2001[/u][/b][/color] [b]The Dudley Boyz def. Billy and Chuck[/b] A good tag team bout. The ending kind of cheapened it for us, though we would love to see the four go at it again at some point in the future. [b][size=1]Star Rating: ***[/size][/b] [b]Rob Van Dam def. D'Lo Brown[/b] Not too much impressive. Nothing really jumped out at us, except the ddt to RVD on the ramps which was rather brutal looking. Maybe if given more time and a different opponent it could have been better. [b][size=1]Star Rating: **[/size][/b] [b]Tajiri def. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/b] Very lackluster, especially with Test's involvement at the end. Give the two more time on PPV or something and we can give them a higher rating. [b][size=1]Star Rating: *1/2[/size][/b] [b]Christian def. Scotty 2 Hotty[/b] An alright match, as obvious as to who the winner would be. Scotty being fed to Christian isn't exactly the greatest thing to do for the match, though. [b][size=1]Star Rating: **[/size][/b] [b]Kurt Angle def. Steve Austin[/b] Initially we thought it was stupid for the WWF to give the match away with their match at Vengeance just over a week away, but McMahon's announcement afterwards changed it for us. The two delivered once again with another match against one another and we can only hope the cage match next Sunday is just as good. [b][size=1]Star Rating: ***[/size][/b] [color=blue][b][u]WWF Smackdown! - December 6th, 2001[/b][/u][/color] [b]Diamond Dallas Page def. William Regal[/b] Regal's current status in the WWF is bad with what he can offer, and even with the dress on he proved he can offer a lot in the match. Another match we would like to see again, although the dress can be left out of it. The ending really emphasized DDP's Diamond Cutter being hit out of nowhere. [b][size=1]Star Rating: **1/2[/size][/b] [b]Matt Hardy def. D'Lo Brown[/b] Not anything worth mentioning. Probably only made for the Undertaker bit after the match. [b][size=1]Star Rating: *[/size][/b] [b]Kane def. Tommy Dreamer[/b] As a match to put Kane over as a monster, good. Other than that, nothing really good. [b][size=1]Star Rating: *1/2[/size][/b] [b]Chuck Palumbo def. Test[/b] From what we saw there is some potential, it just wasnt given enough time for it to show through. Of course the aftermatch bit continued Test's immunity gimmick, but will it go anywhere? [b][size=1]Star Rating: *1/2[/size][/b] [b]Booker T def. The Rock[/b] A proper main event here. Nothing to really give too much away, but it definitely was up there with their past encounters. Booker T winning the title at Vengeance would be perfect at the moment because he proves he can deliver in main events. [b][size=1]Star Rating: ***[/size][/b][/center][/quote] [quote][center][color=green][b][u]World Wide Wrestling Weekly[/color][/u][/b][/center] -Matches that were taped for the December 1st edition of WWF Jakked/Metal are as follows: Spike Dudley and Crash Holly defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Air Paris, Christian defeated Evan Karagias with the European title on the line, and Jazz defeated Jacqueline. -The following are the results for the December 9th edition of [color=#ed7c03][b]Sunday Night HEAT[/b][/color]: A segmant involving The Hurricane, Mighty Molly, Perry Saturn, and 'Broomy', showing them trying to get into a movie but being denied access; Steven Richards def. Shawn Stasiak; Viscera defeated Funaki in a quick squash; Crash Holly and Spike Dudley were both in the back, talking about how 'big' they were; Billy Kidman defeated Justin Credible -Viscera is currently set to appear on HEAT for now. No plans to bring him onto RAW or Smackdown!, unless creative can come up with something for him. Spike Dudley and Crash Holly are seemingly being put together as a team as well, having them both think they're big heavyweights. Creative thinks it would be a good team for comedic purposes and also give both of them something to do. -It's been confirmed that the January 3rd edition of Smackdown! will not air or be taped on the 1st. Since RAW will continue to air on New Years Eve, Vince McMahon wants the workers to have time with their families. UPN has agreed to air a more in depth 'Best of 2001' showing than the one airing on RAW. The current slots for the 'Best of 2001' awards are the top ten matches of 2001, top five shocking moments, top five put downs, top five diva-licious moments, top five concussions (which we gather is basically anything involving a weapon of some sort), and the top five flashbacks. Fans can log onto WWF.com and send in their votes for each of the categories now and voting will end at midnight on December 31st. -The current plan for Test is to just let him ride out the whole immunity gimmick. The WWF want to push him, but with current plans and future plans already set, there really isn't too much room to push him. -The WWF aren't sure where they're going with the Team Xtreme fiasco right now. They are split on breaking them up and keeping them together. Nobody knows what Vince himself wants to happen, but they'll have to come up with something before it's too late. -The WWF signed a few more wrestlers to development deals this week. Of them are former WCW stars Evan Kargias and Air Paris. Paris' partner in WCW, AJ Styles, tried out for a development deal, but those that were representing the WWF weren't impressed with him and felt he hit spots just for the sake of hitting them. -The women's division has no huge set plans anywhere in the future. Basically all people will see is a women's match once in a while thrown onto a RAW or Smackdown! card and that's about it. This obviously upsets the women wrestlers because they think the division should be taken more seriously. -Undertaker's heel turn was actually the idea of the man himself. He said that he wanted a change in his character and felt becoming a heel would help that and also make him more intimidating. The attack on J.R. this past week was basically up to Ross, but he agreed to go along with it because of his trust for Jacobs and Calloway. No word on whether J.R. will be announcing on Monday or not, to sell the attack some more. -WWF ratings: RAW 12/3 - 4.5; Smackdown! 12/6 - 3.6 -The WWF are thinking of changing DDP's character. They think that they could use him either as a good near main event guy or as someone to help put over younger guys when needed. If it does happen, be prepared to say goodbye to Positively Page. -As it was mentioned on RAW, Triple H's return for the new year has been set back even further due to a torn bicep. This really hurt Levesque and the entire WWF because they were awaiting for his return, so much that he was planned to win the Royal Rumble match for 2002. Now that this new injury popped up, he might be out until at least Backlash or Judgement Day. -Speaking of the 2002 Royal Rumble, a poster was leaked out on the internet over the weekend. The poster shows Big Show posing with his hand in the air and an action shot of people being tossed over the top rope of a ring behind him. Possible that Big Show will win the 2002 Royal Rumble, but until the WWF releases an official poster don't hold onto hope. -Tazz is currently contemplating as to whether he wants to wrestle or stick to commentating, which is why he is doing both currently. He won't wrestle on Smackdown! for the most part, so he can commentate the show, so expect his matches to mostly take place on RAW. -Here lies the current WWF Vengeance card, scheduled for December 16th next Sunday: [center][b]WWF Championship Cage Match:[/b] Kurt Angle(C) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [b]World Heavyweight Championship:[/b] Chris Jericho vs The Rock(C) vs The Winner of Booker T/Ric Flair [b]Winner Advances to Triple Threat Match:[/b] Booker T vs Ric Flair [b]WWF Intercontinental Championship:[/b] Edge vs Lance Storm [b]WWF Hardcore Championship:[/b] Kane vs Rob Van Dam(C) [b]WWF Tag Team Championships:[/b] APA vs The Dudley Boyz(C) Albert and Scotty 2 Hotty vs Christian and William Regal[/center][/quote] If you want you can PM me with your "votes" for the 'Best of 2001' awards I mentioned in the news report. I may not use all of them, but if you want to be involved with it then you can PM me.
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Guest Vitamin E
Against my will, from now on I will be doing a recap style for results as writing full promos out, at the moment, really isnt likely to allow the diary to stay around too long. So bye to promos and hello to shorter show write ups :( [CENTER][IMG]http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4234/rawbansd6.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B]December 10th, 2001[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]13,483 in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]The show opens with a couple of highlights from previous weeks, mostly centering on The Undertaker's heel turn, the Rock/Flair/Jericho/Booker T situation for Vengeance, and the whole Austin and Angle feud from when Angle won the WWF title in the battle royal. After, the show is opened with a view of the parking lot. Nothing of note is seen, until a few seconds later a vehicle is heard coming in. The camera turns and catches a pickup truck driving in. It comes to a skidding hault when [B]Kurt Angle[/B] comes out of nowhere and jumps in front it, smashing the windshield with a bat. Angle eggs on the driver, who gets out and turns out to be [B]Austin[/B]! Angle quickly runs away and Austin gives chase, swearing at him as he does. The chase goes through some corridors before Austin loses Angle. He looks around the area and sees a caged in area with various supplies for the arena staff. Austin grabs a tire iron while calling out Angle's name in a playful fashion. Austin hears something behind him and he turns around and swings the tire iron. The camera shows that Austin hit a staff member by accident. Angle then comes up from behind and hits Austin in the back with the bat and gets him inside the caged area, locking him in. Angle taunts Austin before walking away.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Lawler and Cole, substituting for J.R. again, talk about Angle outsmarting and trapping the rattlesnake, with Cole saying that it can't be that good an idea if Austin escapes. They stop in mid-conversation after hearing that someone has been attacked in the back again. The cameras cut there and we see a cameraman running up to a crowd of wrestlers and staff standing around [B]Big Show[/B]. The camera gets a glimpse of Big Show's head, showing that he has been busted open. The few staff members start getting the wrestlers to leave the scene so they can handle the situation. The camera cuts again back to the arena, where King and Cole try to figure out who attacked and why they would attack Big Show, and also going over how a few other wrestlers were found knocked out in previous weeks as well. Then the music of [B]Shawn Stasiak[/B] plays, followed immiediately by [B]Funaki, Billy Kidman, and Perry Saturn.[/B] Wondering why the four are in the ring ready to wrestle, they're answered when the music of the returning [B]Viscera[/B] starts up.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]4-on-1 Handicapped Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Funaki, Perry Saturn, Shawn Stasiak, and Tajiri[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Viscera[/COLOR][/B] Despite having the numbers advantage, the four men couldn't stand up to the big man. They were able to at least break up the pinfalls that Viscera kept on getting, but they couldn't really take him down to get a pinfall of their own. They actually took big Vis down after Saturn and Funaki hit Vis with a double dropkick while Stasiak and Tajiri both went after his legs to take him down. All four then tried to keep Vis down for a pinfall, but he still managed to kick out. [B]Soon enough Viscera knocked Stasiak and Kidman out of the ring, able to hit a Big Splash on both Saturn and Funaki for the win at 4:03.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B]Steven Richards[/B] comes out to the ring dressed up in all black, with a clerical collar and what looks like a bible in his left hand. He gets into the ring and starts talking about the way he has been treated in the WWF and how the fans have treated him unfairly, citing that when he tried to help give the WWF a clean image with the Right To Censor the fans booed him and his followers. He said that if he couldn't get the WWF and the fans to change their ways through simple word of the mouth, then he was going to use the word of God to make sure all the sinners in the world get owed what they deserve. He then listed off a few of the sinners, such as murderers, thieves, rapists, the unmarried sexually active and premarital sex, those who decide to take life away by means of abortion, and a couple more. Richards said that God put people on this Earth to pro-create, not to watch filth like bare skin and women wearing thongs and underwear or the use of foul language in a setting that young children can easily pick up on it and bring them down the wrong path. Richards said that through the powerr of God and himself he will gain followers through the word of one book, then holding up the bible in his hand.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]After Richards walks through the curtains the camera cuts to [B]Vince McMahon's[/B] office, who is seen talking to [B]William Regal[/B]. Regal trys pleading with McMahon in getting rid of the stipulation that if Regal doesn't win the match on Sunday that he get's fired, but McMahon doesn't budge on it and tells Regal that he can either get fired on the spot right now or have a chance at keeping his jobs by wrestling for it on Sunday. Regal leaves the room and [B]Jeff Hardy[/B] walks in. In an angry tone, Jeff demands that McMahon give him a match against The Undertaker at Vengeance. McMahon questions Hardy on if he really wants that, to which Jeff again demands the match in an even angrier tone. McMahon tells Jeff that what he is doing is noble, in that he is standing up not only for himself but for his friend and brother. Jeff stops McMahon, saying it has nothing to do with Matt and that him wanting a match with Taker on Sunday is purely for Lita and himself. McMahon says that the match is made for Sunday, sending Jeff on his way. After leaving the office, Jeff eventually runs into [B]Matt and Lita[/B], who both ask what he was doing. After telling them the match he has at Vengeance, Lita puts up an arguement about it, saying that Jeff shouldn't have done that and that he has a small chance of living. Matt, on the other hand, doesnt seem as concerned and even says that Jeff got himself into the mess and he has to learn to clean it up himself, and if ending his career is the only way to get it done then so be it. Jeff then began yelling at Matt, saying that it was Matt who got him into it with his attitude and lack of a team effort. Lita and Jeff both walk away from Matt while bickering over the match that was just made still.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Jazz[/B][/COLOR][B] [COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Lita[/COLOR][/B] with Matt Hardy Jeff tried coming out to accompany Lita as well, but Matt told him to leave. After some more bickering, Jeff got fed up and left the ringside area and headed to the back. Jazz overpowered Lita in the match, with her past of extreme being a tad more than what Lita is used to. Jazz mainly just inflicted as much pain as possible on Lita, not caring when Lita kicked out of a pinfall. Lita finally couldn't take anymore when Jazz repeatedly smashed her head into the turnbuckle. Matt couldn't stand watching it anymore when he grabbed a chair and slid it in near Lita. Unable to stand back up let alone get the chair, [B]Jazz grabbed the chair instead and started jabbing it into Lita's stomach, causing a DQ at 4:37.[/B] Matt didn't even get into the ring after the match ended, only getting in after Jazz had hit Lita with the chair enough times.[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]In the back, we see [B]Crash Holly and Spike Dudley[/B] walking and talking with eachother. They talk about how they are stronger and bigger than the other, with lines like Crash saying that he weighed nearly 600 pounds in his prime years and Spike replying by saying that before the accident he was almost eight feet tall. They eventually walk behind [B]Kane and Undertaker[/B], who just stand in the middle of the hallway. Crash and Spike try getting their attention and finally do after Spike taps Taker on the back. The two brothers turn around and just stare at the smaller prey, making them slowly slink by without harm...tonight.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Elsewhere, we see the [B]APA[/B] hunting for The Dudleyz after the stunt they pulled last week. They talk about what they'll do to The Dudleyz when they get their hands on them. [B]Stacy Keibler[/B] then runs into them, looking scared and begging them to help her. She says that Bubba and D-Von snapped and she needs their help. She leads the APA into a room. Once the two men enter she shuts the door on them and some rustling around can be heard from within. The noise eventually stops and nothing but silence is heard. The door then opens and out step [B]The Dudleyz[/B]! The camera shifts around and peers into the room, showing Bradshaw and Farooq layed out on the floor. Stacy laughs and the trio walk off.[/I] [I]Back to the caged area that [B]Austin[/B] is locked in, we see [B]Angle[/B] standing in front of Austin with a pack of beer, asking if Austin is thirsty yet. Angle opens each beer and pours them out onto the ground, one by one, telling Austin that he's sorry for accidently dropping the beer before walking away.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]After the break, a graphic with the words "Adventures of The Hurricane and Mighty Molly" in a superhero-like text is shown. It fades out and shows [B]Hurricane and Molly[/B] dressed up in reporters outfits, presumeably as Gregory Helms and Molly Green, inside the Daily Globe. They are both at conjoining desks typing away at a computer, when the video cuts to an old woman having her purse snatched by a guy. The video shows a split screen of Molly and Hurricane taking their glasses off in a Superman fashion upon hearing the old woman scream, and both jump up from their desk and ask eachother if they heard what the other did. Both then run to a window and jump out of it, and the next thing shown is Hurricane and Molly "flying" in the air while their theme is faintly heard in the background. The man who stole the purse on the run is shown now, and Molly and Hurricane 'fly' down in front of him and start beating him up, with full retro-Batman screen effects such as "Bam!" "Boom!" and "Snap!". Molly returns the purse to the woman, telling her that the world is always under the watchful eye of The Hurricane and Mighty Molly. The two then fly up into the air, concluding this weeks adventure.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Albert[/B][/COLOR] with Scotty 2 Hotty [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Test[/COLOR][/B] Two former teammates in a match against eachother, with it being a lackluster match. Some alright brawling which was the main focus of the entire match. That and Test frequently going after Scotty or the ref. Albert ducked Test's Big Boot on a couple of occasions, and Test was able to break free of Albert's Baldo Bomb at a point as well. The match came down to Scotty trying to help Albert out by grabbing the foot of Test, preventing him from running and hitting a Big Boot. Test grabbed Scotty by the hair and pulled him up. Albert came running and went for a bicycle kick, but Test moved and Scotty fell out of the way before Albert could hit him. [B]Albert turned and got nailed with the Big Boot from Test, who got the pinfall at 6:29.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]After Test's win, the camera fades to a strip club, where we see [B]Billy and Chuck[/B]. They narrate their intentions, saying they are looking for their own personal valet. They are then seen sitting down with a line of women waiting for them. One by one they show the two men their assets, except one who takes her top off for them, with her back to the camera of course. Billy and Chuck spit out their drinks and tell her that they're not looking for that and that they're looking for [B]ass[/B]...ets. A few minutes of this occurs until they are seen on the outside of the club, saying that after a night at one of the finest strip clubs that they didn't find anyone that met their criteria, with them taking a pen out on a clipboard and writing something on it.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]After the break we see [B]Vince McMahon[/B] in his office again, talking on his phone and asking the person on the other end if they know what is going on with his superstars being found knocked out in the back with not one person knowing how it happened or seeing who did it. On that note [B]Shane McMahon[/B] walks in smiling. Vince hangs up his phone and asks Shane what he's doing here, reminding him that he's out of a job. Shane corrects Vince by telling him that the consortium that he and Stephanie sold their shares to has hired him back into the company. Vince then questions who they sold their shares to, demanding that Shane tell him right now. Shane says that eventually everyone will know, but until then it's just a fun little waiting game. Shane lists off a few people as to tease his father, such as Ted Turner, Paul Heyman, and Bret Hart. Shane tells his father not to worry too much about it and goes to leave, but turns back around and mockingly says that it's an odd shame that several WWF stars are being attacked out of nowhere for no apparant reason.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Six Man Tag Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Christian, Lance Storm, and William Regal[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Diamond Dallas Page, Edge, and Rob Van Dam[/COLOR][/B] With less people and more time, would have been a great tag match. Just wasn't enough time and too many people involved. Storm and Edge were kept away from eachother for the most part, only getting involved with eachother towards the end. Regal tried using his brass knuckles during the match, but RVD kicked them right out of his hand before he could get them on. DDP tried going for the Diamond Cutter on Christian, but Storm was able to hit him with a Superkick before he could. He almost had the match won with that, but RVD broke the fall. That's when the usual hell-breaking-loose, ref not having any idea who is legal moment happened, with Christian and Regal going after RVD. Edge got into the ring and perched in the corner, waiting for Storm to turn around. [B]Once he did Edge went for the Spear, but Storm sidestepped it and rolled Edge up for the 3 count at 7:52.[/B] After the match the heels went to the back as DDP and RVD got into the ring with Edge to calm him down. At that point, fire shot up from the stage and Kane made his way out. DDP slid out to try and stop him, but got hit with an uppercut. Kane got in the ring and Edge ran at him, only to be sent over the top rope. RVD stared at him for a second before running at him and throwing wild punchs and kicks at him. He even tried going to the top and hitting a jumping side kick, but that couldn't take the monster down. Kane grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air, only to be kicked in the head. RVD fell and quickly got out of the ring as Kane stared at him.[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]The camera cuts in the back where we see [B]Ric Flair and The Rock[/B] in a dressing room, both already in their ring gear. The two talk about Ric Flair's first real match in a while, meaning a match that ends in a pinfall or submission most likely, and how they'll prove tonight and on Sunday why Flair is not only The Nature Boy, but a legend of the industry. Flair then gets into how Rock is the biggest thing since The Nature Boy, and how people like Jericho and Booker T need the respect beaten out of them instead of teaching them the aspect of respect. Rock says that not if, but when Flair and him get the chance to face off one on one, that it'd be the greatest honor for The Rock to give Flair a chance at becoming a seventeen time World champion. Flair replies by saying he doesn't want titles, but instead the respect and the cheers from all the WWF fans and to put the younger wrestlers who have no respect on the right track. [/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]The camera then cuts to a locker room with [B]Booker T and Chris Jericho[/B], who put down The Rock and Flair in every way they can. From saying how the two were greedy egotistical wrestlers who refused to let either of them get the chance to run with the ball to saying that they demean people just to make themselves feel better, whereas people like Booker and Jericho demean people because they speak the truth. They say that after tonight, Booker will be lucky to even have to wrestle for a spot in the triple threat match since Flair looks like he is about to collapse and be sent to a home.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]We see [B]Trish Stratus[/B] talking on her cell phone with someone once the show comes back, with her saying that she looks forward to tomorrow night. Out of nowhere [B]Jazz and Ivory[/B] attack her from behind and beat her down until she's barely moving. Then they put a black bag over her body and carry her off into the nearby parking lot, throwing her into the trunk. Jazz gets into the front passenger seat and Ivory in the backseat, and the driver of the car quickly speeds away.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Singles Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Billy Kidman[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]D'Lo Brown[/COLOR][/B] Not much of a match with the different styles. Mostly to try and build Brown up a bit after his losses last week. Kidman hit a few cruiserweight moves during the match, headscissor takedown and the like, but it wasn't enough to keep Brown down long enough for a pinfall. Brown hit the Sky High after sending Kidman to the ropes, and [B]followed it up with a Lo Down for the win at 5:12.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]In the back we see Austin still locked in that caged area, yelling for Kurt. Kurt arrives with the bat and asks Austin how his night has been. Angle says that since its coming to a close, they should probably get ready to head out and be ready for Smackdown! on Thursday. Austin just stares at Angle, who walks off screen for a second and comes back in with a small jail-like cell, enough room for one person, on a piece of wood that has wheels attatched at the bottom. Angle says that he got Austin his own private form of transportation. Angle opens the lock on the caged areas door and tries opening it, but Austin holds it in place to prevent it from opening. Angle gets frustrated and yells at Austin to let go. Austin lets go, sending Angle tumbling back to the ground from the momentum of the door suddenly opening. Austin rushes out and begins laying it into Angle. Austin asks Angle if he thinks he funny, if hes smart, if hes a good trap-maker, with a kick being layed in with each comment. Austin tells Angle to stay put and he walks into the caged area and grabs the tire iron he had. He walks out, but gets hit in the gut with the bat from Angle. Angle then shoves Austin into the small cell and locks that, pushing it along its way with Austin trying to reach through and grab Angle.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=black]Commercial Break[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Normal Tag Match[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Booker T and Chris Jericho[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red][vs][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Ric Flair and The Rock[/COLOR][/B] A lot of tags made throughout the match, as to not give away too much as to what people may expect from the matches on Sunday. Booker and Jericho were on the being beaten end by Flair, showing that he can still go just as good as he could ten years ago. Eventually the two started to get the better of Flair with their speed and had Flair begging for a tag. Not giving it to him, they started working on Flair's legs to take him off his feet and to make it harder for him to get his signature Figure Four locked in. Flair is able to pull one of his tricks out of his sleeve by poking Jericho in the eyes and lowblowing Booker with a quick swinging back of the leg, allowing himself to quickly make the tag to Rock. Once in the ring Rock starts cleaning house until he is overpowered by the double team. Flair gets involved, or tries to as he is thrown from the ring by Jericho who gets out of the ring and attacks Flair out there. Booker sets Rock up for the Scissors Kick, but [B]Rock moves and catches Booker for a Rock Bottom for the win at 10:41.[/B] After the match Jericho grabs the World title, gets in the ring, and hits Rock in the back of the head with it. Flair gets back into the ring to try and help, but Jericho nails him in the forehead with the belt as well, leaving the show to end with him standing somewhat victorious in a sense.[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR=black][B]---------- -------------------- ----------[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][B][U]Shortened RAW Results[/U][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]4 on 1 Handicapped Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Viscera def. Funaki, Perry Saturn, Shawn Stasiak, and Tajiri[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Big Splash - 4:03[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Lita def. Jazz[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Disqualification - Chair Shots - 4:37[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Test def. Albert[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Big Boot - 6:29[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Six Man Tag Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Christian, Lance Storm, and William Regal def. DDP, Edge, and RVD[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Roll Up from Storm to Edge - 7:52[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]D'Lo Brown def. Billy Kidman[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Lo Down - 5:12[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][B][U]Normal Tag Match[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Ric Flair and The Rock def. Booker T and Chris Jericho[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1]Pinfall - Rock Bottom from Rock to Booker T - 10:41[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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Really digging all this, especially the stuff like Stevie Richards character, The Hardyz tension, The Hurricane/Molly vignettes and Chuck and Billy's search for a valet. I dig mid-card angles, I think. The only thing I didn't really get was the Austin/Angle cage segment, it was hard to tell what was going on.
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Guest Vitamin E
Needed to put them on the show, and only thing I could think of that incorporates the two being trapped in a cage with eachother at the PPV. So Angle traps Austin in a caged area and then in a cell-like thing, basically like mind games and whatnot.
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Some great stuff so far, just read every show these past couple of days, and even in summary form the results are great. Angle putting Austin in a little cage seemed almost comical, I'd have preferred Austin standing tall there or the brawl continuing unresolved ready for escalation on Smackdown. My favourite feud right now is The Hardys, and it's interesting to see where Lita ends up. I may not like the guy, but Test could be pushed a long with with his immunity gimmick, even to a title vs. immunity match some time down the line. Abusing his position, he could set up some great feuds with workers who could help him improve in the ring. Loving this new Spike/Crash angle too, "I was eight feet tall before the accident", haha!
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