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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;264037]Do we know if Drug Testing will be in the game? Can guys get suspended for doing them like Sean Sherk and Hermes Franca just did?[/QUOTE] I'd imagine anything that was already in TEW, like workers failing drug tests, will be in the game already. My thinking is that since the suspension feature has already been mentioned, fighters who have failed drug tests will probably be given mandatory suspensions or else be released from their contracts altogether. After all, this is MMA, not wrestling, and any drug use is a far more serious offense in actual competitive sports. If it isn't already set to be included, I'd argue the realism of the game may be in jeopardy. But I have a distinct feeling that it'll be in there. :p
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I'm REALLY looking forward to running a dynasty with this game. I think that's going to be so fun because, although on TEW injuries and the like can unexpectedly happen an change your plans, you still have a good idea of how the dynasty is going to progress. On WMMA, the readers will know as much as the writer about the future of the dynasty.
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Fantastic new july 20th feature! If we had straight % or A+ ect stats as in previous TEW games, there would be no reason to play the game! Why,you would simply look at the stats and there is no surprises, everything would had been very predictable. I would had made a small difference. I would had had his top 3 or 5 strengths and his top 3-5 weaknesses. As in real life. But how it is is fine
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;265053]Fantastic new july 20th feature! If we had straight % or A+ ect stats as in previous TEW games, there would be no reason to play the game! Why,you would simply look at the stats and there is no surprises, everything would had been very predictable. I would had made a small difference. I would had had his top 3 or 5 strengths and his top 3-5 weaknesses. As in real life. But how it is is fine[/QUOTE] I disagree. As a promoter responsible for making good fights 3-5 strenghts and weaknesses may not be enough when pondering individual match-ups. In fact, me being a control freak, I'm kind of skeptical on this feature. While it's perfect for assesing fighters not under my contract once I hire them I'd like to have as much info as I can. My main fear here is that the descriptions may be too vague or abstract with adjectives such as "fairly", "decent", "inadequate". I'm not saying this is bad but the text for the scouting reports should be very carefully thought out.
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I like the more vague ratings as I dont want to know the exact ratings of a fighter. I also hope in the game there will be a good balance of upsets in the mix and guys with maybe not great ratings going on winning streaks over better fighters. MMA is a sport that always has that upset chance in any fight as just look at this year at some virtually unkowns making names for themselves. Also with potential how will that be indicated in the scouting reports?
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[QUOTE=Tommy J.;265412]I disagree. As a promoter responsible for making good fights 3-5 strenghts and weaknesses may not be enough when pondering individual match-ups. In fact, me being a control freak, I'm kind of skeptical on this feature. While it's perfect for assesing fighters not under my contract once I hire them I'd like to have as much info as I can. My main fear here is that the descriptions may be too vague or abstract with adjectives such as "fairly", "decent", "inadequate". I'm not saying this is bad but the text for the scouting reports should be very carefully thought out.[/QUOTE] I am a control freak also! Just for realism sake
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I love the new feature, I wonder if that means you'll be hiring scouts now for your promotion? Or will the scouting reports just be assumed? This is the most exciting feature to me, I love the challenge of not knowing the exact stats of anyone. The game is looking better and better.
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Being someone who gets beat up by pro-MMA fighters on a regular basis, I know for a fact sometimes it's hard for anyone to gather information on a certain fighter. One of my trainer's fights, he was fighting someone whom he'd been told 'had okay stand up, and a decent ground game'. What no one knew was that this chap had dedicated himself to training full time, and was much improved over what anyone saw. I think having general comments is good, as opposed to statistical numbers. I do think that having another analysis based on what they showed in say their last 5 matches would be a good idea.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;267873]I like the future fighter option. I wil like to see it in the future TEW as i make life allot easier for our modders, nice little addition[/QUOTE] This is great and is something I hope they actually include in the new UFC video game career modes so you can have a long long careers with newer fighters coming along all the time so things keep fresh. Imagine finding the new Chuck Liddell or Shogun Rua training in some obscure gym and having him become your head guy providing you don't rush him along.
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[QUOTE=Babybackribs;268687]I hope this game includes "busts" as this kid got tons of talent but never becomes a top fighter.[/QUOTE] I'm sure there will be plenty of Joe Riggs' to go around....He still has plenty of time in real life though =)
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;268865]I really like how the game is going along, very good, but what i expected from Adam to say the truth. He is known for the depth of his games, the originality and the amount of effort to produce what we the clients really want.[/QUOTE] I would agree. I've been playing Adam's game since the old EW games he was doing in Turbo Pascal that had cheats via kiss band member names. He's always released a very quality product an remained very dedicated to improving upon any and everything he's done.
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