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Get the "F" out! "2001"

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[QUOTE]What have I gotten myself into? I can't believe this, so many things have been going on, and it's been crazy in my world. I've been asked to bassically do something WAY over my head. First off, I'm sitting around waiting on my wife to get off work. She works at this resturant that sits on a dock, it's not a "Great" place, but lots of celebrities have been known to drop by. I've seen George Straight, Jim Carrey, etc. The celebrities ussually just "park" their boats just off the side, as the resturant is also a dock, that rents docking space and so forth as well (Boat slips is what it's commonly called). Well, another really nice boat happens to pull up, and I know nothing about boats, so I couldn't tell you what kind of boat it is, outside I would call it a Yacht I guess. Four people get off, and then a slightly older (just slightly) gentleman get's off the boat, being escorted by one other. I knew this meant he was some sort of celebrity, but he didn't have a guitar, so I guessed he wasn't a country singer... Seems the Dock get's plenty of country singer's. Hank Williams Jr., George Straight (he is there the most), and Willy Nelson have all come here and ussually sing a couple songs for everyone. Realise this place is not big, it's just a small resturant on the dock. You can sit inside or outside, but the inside is all open anyways. They have windows, but it's just those big plastic ones, that roll up, and ussually they are always rolled up. I'm sitting their, and some commercial about wrestling comes on. I haven't watched wrestling in so long, it was just a slip really, I made a few comments. "What, that guy is still wrestling?" I say in disbelief, as it's advertised that Ric Flair is going to some sort of PPV for the WWE. "I could never stand that guy". "I'm a wrestling fan too!" says the older man, as the waitress poor's him some coffee. I say "Well, I was a wrestling fan back in the day, You know, when Super Fly Snuka was the coolest, and Hulk Hogan was the nerdiest." I say, laughing a bit at the end, at the joke about Hogan. "How about these other guys, like The Rock, Steve Austin, or Triple H? You like any of them?" The man asks. I say of course, but last time I was a couple of years ago, I couldn't stand the stuff. Someone called The Giant, going up against a heel Hogan, and some guy they call that Giant Killer, what's his name? Kevin Nash? That stuff was unbearable to watch. I wouldn't have used any of those character's that way at all. It was horrible, lol. Probably why I don't watch it anymore, everything got so dang ridiculous." "Yeah, I can understand that" The man says, laughing.... Did I mention I was not drinking coffee? I was drinking beer, and this was my second pitcher of the stuff. This is important, because I don't believe the rest would have gone the way it did, if it wasn't for my lack of judgement, and my feeling like "Superman" at this time. "We all know it's fake, but when you make it so obvious from repitition, it becomes so easy to figure it out, and even if you don't the results ussually tick you off anyways.... I can't stand watching stuff that becomes unbelievable.. Like a big man that has layed into a small guy, and then the small guy all the sudden becomes Superman, flying around the ring whipping the big guy... After just getting what looked to be the beating of a lifetime. That's just silly!" I remember watching Mr. T go up against Piper... I couldn't wait for that match. When it finally comes on Piper gets mad and slams Mr. T one time on the canvas.... Mr. T acts as though he's knocked out or something, yet not long before that I saw him take all kinds of worse shots that did nothing but tick him off. Just was so unbelievable, and I'm a Piper fan!" "Oh, you like the bad guys?" He asks. This is how I remember it, There was obviously more conversation, but these bits and piece's are what I feel is the most important part of my predicament. "I liked Piper, yeah!" "Hey Chris, you playing anywhere this Weekend?" Someone asks coming in the door. I say Yeah, and tell them where. During all this stuff, people come in and ask me questions about music, where's my next show, and the ussual stuff at the time. The only importance of this, is to point out that I'm a very normal person, outside of my work as a DJ. I'm not a big time partier, I never brag, and I support everyone in bassically everything. I'm the guy that roots you on even if your sucking, lol. Anyways, being sidetracked off wrestling, one of the guys in a band we know comes in. He is talking about (Still) the time he was at a certain club, playing music as he was contracted to do, and the people were boo'ing him off the stage. He didn't know, but the manager had called me and asked if I would come out there and help them out. What I did was just start jamming (as a dj does) and get the crowd going off the bat, then I made sure everyone seen me give him a big Hug, and shake all the band member's hands. I even had them up there to talk on the mic everynow and then, letting everyone know I dissagreed with them boo'ing them in the first place. I did it without making anyone feel bad, and getting the crowd to cheer, letting them get at least one good set in before the night was over. Anyways, all the girls in their recognize him right off the bat, and he's about 10 year's younger then me, and available, making him all that more "special" to them. He bassically waves at them, talks a little but mostly comes over and sits with me talking about how great I am, lol. Alot of people do that because it makes me feel uneasy and they are evil. Anyways, I'm sitting their trying to get off the topic of myself, when It hits me.... "Wouldn't it be cool to have a nightclub that had wrestling in it? I mean, everyone already watch's it on the tv's anyways, I think that would work, lol!" "What do you mean?" The older guy asks, as everyone else is going, "Yeah, that would be really cool", and my wife saying "You need to learn to keep your mouth SHUT! You know what happens when people here your ideas!" And I say "SO, If someone in here does it, I'll jsut go watch it, ha!". "You know what I'm talking about!" My wife says, "Yeah, we heard Chris, That's just BS how they did that at the Beach!". Well, I say, "They didn't do anything wrong, and besides, they are not doing it the way I would! They don't even know it was my idea!" My wife then shouts "Because you told everyone for the last 10 years your ideas!" Well, I don't feel the same way about that stuff. I feel this way. IF someone wants to use an idea I have, and it works for them, although they have no idea EXACTLY how I would do it, let them. I am confident enough in myself that I know that if I don't do it, it's not going to reach its fullest potential. SO even though I'm not the one doing it, I am the one that can make it work the best. Problem is, I have no funding, no backing to do such things.. Probably won't till About the time I retire. Just like this idea here, that I'm sharing in a diary... I'm not going out of character here, I'm just bringing it up to date to talk to YOU, the reader for a second. IF these idea's strike your fancy, then go ahead, and do them. DO NOT Blame me if it fails though, becuase I guarrentee you that although you here and get the general idea of what I'm talking about, there is probably 85% of it that you do not understand, nor will you guess at. Just so happens, around this time A "Superclub" got the same Idea I've been having for years. Only my idea was for a "WHOLE" Club, not just one dance floor/room. So it's not the same, although it utilize's a whole bunch of my ideas. It's very successfull, and I'm happy for them. They did not talk to me directly though, so I'm sure it was one of the DJ's I've ran accross here and there. I'm sort of an Underground type DJ here, you have to dig to know about me, although I guess you could say I have a gimmick... I'm a white Male, that loves old school from the 70's. I have won "MODERN" battle of the DJ's, and won them hands down. I play at place's that let me play what I like though, I leave the one's that start trying to make me play differently then how I feel the crowd wants to here.... For example, I'm not playing Hardcore Rap, when I know there is tension in the air, and I've had requests for it by people with attitudes... This leads to a fight, and possibly gunshot fire. On with the night. I later find out that this is TED TURNER!! He is enjoying the visit with us here on the dock, and finds everything very amusing..... Then it happens....... The end and the beggining of my world![/QUOTE] And now the actual fiction begins next post... as 90% of this is fact (outside of the wrestling talk with the old Man, the old man and his comrades are all fictional).
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Flyer on a pole: [QUOTE][COLOR="Sienna"]Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment! We will be holding house shows around town for free in a few weeks time. This is to show this great town how much we appreciate them, and hopefully put on a half decent show that will be entertaining for all. We hope you make this a family affair, as we will be giving away free hotdogs and Hamburger's cooked on the grill, just the way you want them! IF that's not enough to show our appreciation, we will be opening up season tickets to all of our events for locals. These tickets will be at a reduced price, and full yearly tickets will be available for even more of a savings! We don't want you to go paying for anything yet, untill you get a load of our roster and the talent we are going to enhance. So don't forget to check out one of our shows coming to YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD very soon![/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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"It's up to you Chris, this is your baby. I won't forget what you said about it having to be done a certain way, or it won't reach its fullest potential" Yep, that's Ted... "Thanks, but, You know I wasn't the only one talking in there, I had a little bit of help from a couple of beers. I didn't mean to act as though I could do anything in comparison to something this huge. I'm actually looking forward to the challenge, though! I really appreciate this opportunity Mr. Turner." Yep, I call him MR, not Ted... although I did call him Ted the whole time we were talking the other night." [QUOTE]To get up to speed here, the events that have happened are quite simple really. I was talking trash, people were interested in hearing what I had to say, so I talked more trash. I have only thought about working Wrestling into a show for a club, I've never done such a thing....... well. Unless you call the big Sumo Suits, and floor pads, and having a Sumo fight on the last saturday of the month, something like what this is.. I don't, so you shouldn't. I'm writing this "Diary" to kind of keep records of these events in my life, as I think I will look back at them one day and either laugh or cry... Depending on if I succeed or not. So I'm saving all of what I write, just in case it comes in handy at some websight or something. So Ted has set me down and told me a few things he thought I should know. First off, he asked to give me names of people I thought I could come up with some creative stuff for. So I told him all my favorites, and he........... Oh My God, not even in my wildest Dreams would I have thought I would be doing this. Anyways, I have some pretty good ones I believe have the ability to draw crowds and then some. The flyer's I have going around town are to mainly build hype before building HYPE. I know.... You have no idea what I'm talking about, ok... Here goes: Although My Budget allows much more then what I'm doing, this is my game plan for building interest in my, err... Ted's. Naw, He said it was my baby, he's going to back me up to a certain amount, and that there is more where that come from if I show promise, but need some more help. The backlash? Well, none really. The aggreement is that if I am successfull with this, he will back the project, and I will pay him back with interest through the companies profits. He wants to become a shareholder in it eventually, if things go the way He thinks I might have a chance in doing. He is willing to do all of this for... Just a chance of it to work. Either way, it's no skin off my back, because He will be paying me for the next 5 years, a certain amount... Even if we fold in the first year. So the risk versus reward is pretty sweet for me here. So I'm going about it the way I know. First I put out flyers' in key area's, mainly... close to where the shows will be held. Next will be a bit more specific flyer's, and then about a week before the first show, I'll have it on the radio. This is because I don't want TOO BIG of a crowd, as I don't have the security for it. I do however want it to be big enough to fill up wherever our show is. I will not be making Television Commercials yet, as I want to concentrate on the show itself first, getting it all together. For my security the first night, I have a bunch of the cops I know from working the clubs, coming for it. I've leaked a little information about the show to some of them, and other friends though. I'm not giving my future friends at some websight this kind of advantage though. The only clues will be in my Flyer's, and in a couple of facts. First fact, I didn't "Steal" anyone from WWE. I'm not saying that none of the talent aquainted with them aren't in mine now though. However, they were NOT stolen, I got them on contract the normal ways one goes about it.[/QUOTE]
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Wow, Someone wrote an article on it!! [QUOTE][CENTER]Gulf Buzz![/CENTER] [CENTER]Somethings going on in town!?! I'm sure some of you have noticed the flyer's going around in key locations of the city lately. Word around town is that there is going to be a Professional Wrestling association, based right here on the Gulf. This writer feels it's a great idea if the "hype" is half as good as has been promised. They have intentions of having shows year round, and could actually give us tourist in the "Off Season", so business's should be taking notice of this.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]Reply:Gulf Buzz! In reply to the letter "Gulf Buzz", I would like for you all to consider some other things, besides tourism. First of all, this would be a "Big Bussiness". One that will probably sell beer, and mess up our neighborhoods with trash from their shows. Do we really want another "MTV" Type messing up our beach's? I don't think we do, so we should probably tell them "Thanks, but No Thanks!" Sincerely, "Christian" neighbor.[/QUOTE] Yep, Here we go. That's what happens in these parts. Oh well, maybe we should just forget about it... OR Maybe not!
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Yep, I was hoping they would speak up. [QUOTE]Reply:Gulf Buzz! Sincere Christian Neighbor: I just would like to clear something up here. I actually work for the city most the time, and would like to point out to you something. Although this is not the standard, we have been contracted out to "clean up" after the Wrestling shows held in this neighborhood by Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment. They have asked that not only the premises be cleaned up, but a full city block around the show area. What this means for you Mr/Miss? "Christian" Neighbor, is there will probably be no noticeable garbage from these events. You might even experience it being "cleaner" after their shows are over. Sincerely: Your Garbage Man![/QUOTE]
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"Hey, you look kind of young for this!" Someone says to me from my doorway. I actually have an office now... Well, it's a trailor to be honest, but it's fully functional, and I have a desktop computer as well as a notebook to carry with me. This isn't like me, but I have alot of work to do. "I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" I ask. As I look up I almost fall backward in my chair. I CANNOT Believe it's him!! "Hey, I'm Chris! Nice to meet you" I put out my hand to shake, in shock/amazement, or was it fear? I don't know, I'm never like this. "Nice to meet you" He says, shaking my hand. He has a strong Handshake too, that's good. It means he's positive of what he's doing. That will give me more confidense in doing this. I hope everyone shakes hands like this. It's something about handshakes that gives me either a good impression or a bad impression about someone. For example, If I'm going to be working with you, and you want to be serious about it... A good solid handshake like I just recieved tells me you mean bussiness. If you give me a High Five, or one of those "Cool" handshakes, where I have to figure out what we are doing... Then I don't think your serious. Your just interested in yourself, and how cool you can be. Shake hands like a man, not a kid! "I just wanted to come by and get a look at the guy I'm going to be working for! I'm excited for myself, and for you too. I know something about your history from Ted. Don't worry about a thing, I like what he had to say about you. I probably would have thought the same things if I was there." He says. He sounds so confident and almost.. I think he sounds proud..... Of me? Ok, that's weird, but it's good. "I just hope everyone else feels the same as you do. I got to tell you I'm a huge fan of yours. I can't believe this is happening, I keep expecting to wake up and find that I'm just writing some type of fantasy diary on some websight or something!" He laughs pretty loud at that. I really hope I made out everything he said, sometimes it wasn't that easy to understand him, but he sure made me feel 100% better then I did before he walked in. "I'm going to check some things out Chris. Nice meeting you again!" and with that, I'm by myself again, looking at my computer wondering how I'm going to NOT make that guy the center of attention. He's obviously too old to give me the performance's night after night that it would take, but... Jeesh, he looked really cool, lol. I just noticed I'm doing that thing with my hands that he started way back in the early 80's, possibly late 70's... And of course a bunch of Rapper's do it now.
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  • 2 months later...
Close this, or delete. My game is deleted by mistake. ON SECOND THOUGHT: I have a game I've been wanting to start for a while. I'm going to be booking for TNA, and see what happens. I've done this before, but I've always been frustrated to much to give it a really good try. Reason. I've always thought booking for TNA could be easier then WWE if you could get the roster under controll. I'm not as "knowledgeable" about the workers on TNA, but so many of them I remember from being in the "E" at one time or another. SO, Maybe I can come up with something. Forgive me if I fire or let some of the contracts run out that I don't know much about. I feel that I pretty much suck at diary's, but my games are always pretty decent. I don't seem to have allot of the problems others have, so with that being said.......
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Hello. My name is Chris, and I'm head booker for TNA. I have a couple of goals to meet, which are to have more money in two years and the regular stuff. I'm the head booker for TNA because thats the Promotion I picked on the screen. I'm going to be a bit tongue in cheek, because I loved it when reading a couple other diaries that were similar. I loved the one where he always ends with "We might suck, but are roster sucks worse!" and similar sayings. I won't probably be that creative, but you get the point.
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