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A Tale of Two Bookers (C-Verse)

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Board Meeting the second (Point of view: Third-person) [COLOR="Red"][I][B]December 10, 2007[/B] Executive Board Meeting Attendees: Jason Webb, Trym Severla, Emmett Evans, Gareth Simpson, Duane Strong[/I] Jason: All right, let’s get this meeting started. First thing on the agenda is our next show, Sole Survivor. Duane, I’m going to warn you now, it’s a two-hour show. Think you can deal with that?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Duane: Two hours? Jason, please explain to me how in the blazes I’m supposed to even [I]try[/I] to minimize our losses during this show! I’m barely managing it with only a 60-minute show, for crying out loud![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Well, that’s your job. Figure out a way to do it.[/COLOR] [Duane barely manages to avoid glaring at Jason at this remark.] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Now, any suggestions on what to run this month?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Gareth: Well, I have a suggestion. If memory serves from the old days, this was supposed to be the chance for two groups of four or five to settle things in the ring, right?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: True. Go on, Gareth.[/COLOR] [COLOR="olive"]Gareth: Well, we really don’t have two groups of four to work with, but hear me out here. Trym and Jason is a good start. Phoenix and I is another. That gives us two per side: Trym and Phoenix against Jason and me. Where can we find the other four people?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Emmett: Here’s an idea for you-what about adding a tag team to either side-say, Foreign Legion and Honor Bound?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Duane: Good idea, Emmett, but bad timing-Will Prydor’s going to be with PGHW on the day in question…and besides, if we are going to need to fill two hours, I might need them in a match to add some length to the show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: What about Eruption?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: What about ‘em?[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Trym: It’s a logical thought. You already have Phoenix in the match, so why not bring his tag partner Chris Waits along for the ride?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Gareth: Because he’s supposed to be a counter for me there, that’s why.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Gareth, Trym makes sense here. Now we have three against two, and two of our singles champions are in this match. Anyone else?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Emmett: If we have two champions, why not three? After all, if this is going to be our final match of the year, we might as well go out in style. Let’s add The New Dynamite Kid on the heel side…and since we already have Eruption as a full-fledged team in this mix, let’s add Graves as well, and re-unite Rebellion.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: That’s a good idea, Emmett![/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Emmett: [smirking] ‘Course it’s a good idea![/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Gareth: OK, I rescind my objection. I like how this is turning out…but who’s going to be the fourth face? If you have DK, I’d almost suggest a cruiserweight…Wesley Fyreheart, perhaps?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Duane: Why not reward the fella who suggested Rebellion? Let’s add Emmett in there to round out the group. This way we keep most of our upper tier workers in the show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Sounds good. Make it so, Duane: Trym, Emmett, Phoenix and Waits against Gareth, DK, Graves, and I.[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: The one downside I see is that people might complain we’re using Rebellion too much.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Emmett: Don’t think we can do much about that.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Emmett’s right. Unless we alter the whole dynamic of things, the fans will have to live with it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: [sotto voce] Like that’s going to help our cause.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Speaking of helping our cause, Duane…what is the deal with that web reporter that’s been to our two last shows?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Oh, you must mean Tori Montgomery. Nothing special, Jason…just trying to do my part to help our federation gain some public awareness. After all, you’re the one who knows more about the media than most of us here…with our small stature, any press is good press. Even if we lose someone to another federation, at least the mention of WWX might spark interest in the public to see what they’re missing. That’s what I account last month’s crowd boost to.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: Also, with some of our guys working multiple federations--Prydor and Jayzon Styles come to mind--the fact that they are working elsewhere can possibly bring more people in who might want to see more of that worker. Styles in particular comes to mind on that account-he is a gifted natural with the mike.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Emmett: All valid points…that and the fact that Duane has put together some decent shows given our lack of popularity is another thing to consider. We’re not out of the woods yet, gentlemen, but there may yet be hope.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jason: Anything else anyone wants to add? [pause] No? Very well, this meeting is adjourned. Duane, I expect a full card from you within two days’ time.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Duane: [muttering to self] And so it begins all over again….[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]CARD FOR WWX SOLE SURVIVOR (Sunday, Week 4 in December)[/B] To be held at the McKay Events Center in Salt Lake City, Utah [I]Eight Man “Sole Survivor” Elimination Tag Team Match[/I] WWX Heavyweight Champion Trym Severla, WWX Desert Star Champion “Crazy” Chris Waits, The Phoenix, and Emmett Evans VERSUS “Bad Ass” Jason Webb, “The Prototype” Gareth Simpson, WWX Cruiserweight Champion The New Dynamite Kid, and Graves [I]By order of the executive board, the main event is an eight-man elimination match, where one team must be totally eliminated before the match is over. Both sides have established tag teams, and all three singles champions are represented in this match-up. Tempers could come to a head here, as you have Webb vs Trym, Phoenix vs. Gareth, and a possible tag team feud with Rebellion vs. Eruption. The four babyfaces have worked together before, but is it enough to overcome two technical wizards in the ring, and two fast-rising cruiserweights?[/I] Jayzon Styles vs. Xavier Fyrestorm vs. Wesley Fyreheart--#1 Cruiserweight Contender Match [I]Jayzon returns to WWX action after signing with PWC a few months ago, as he gets a shot at the #1 Contender’s spot for DK’s Cruiserweight title. The catch is that he’s stuck between two Fyres, each intent on taking out the other. This could be the closest match of the night to predict.[/I] Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Rage (w/Debra Jameson)--#1 Desert Star Contender Match [I]Then again, it could be this one, as three brawlers go at each other with the hope of facing WWX Desert Star Champion Chris Waits in a match at Whiteout in January. There is no early favorite; but this is a match that head booker Duane Strong will be watching closely.[/I] Foreign Legion vs. Kendall Lightwater and sTk (rematch from last month) [I]Finally, we have an undercard tag attraction. Kendall and sTk shocked most people last month with a win over the now-defunct team of Degeneration…can they make it two in a row as they face another established team?[/I] QUICK PICK SHEET Eight-Man Elimination Tag Team Match Trym Severla, Chris Waits, Emmett Evans, and The Phoenix ******VERSUS****** Jason Webb, Gareth Simpson, The New Dynamite Kid, and Graves Order of Elimination (for bonus points-NOT REQUIRED) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SOLE SURVIVOR: Jayzon Styles vs. Wesley Fyreheart vs. Xavier Fyrestorm Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Rage (w/Debra Jameson) Foreign Legion vs. Kendall Lightwater/sTk[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="4"]Author’s WARNING: WWX’s next show will be written in a similar style to the one I used in the old e-fed I was a member of, but with a few differences to reflect my personal writing style I figure that I’ve gotten accustomed to doing this dynasty by now, and it’s time to shake things up a bit. Be warned, it’s likely going to be a long post (or maybe two), but I think it’s time to see if I can re-create the knack I used to have for writing full-fledged matches and/or shows. This will not be the regular theme for all of my shows; only for the major ones, and only then if I feel the urge to do so like I do now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED… [cue the evil laughter!] [/SIZE] This show will be posted the day after Labor Day, as I need to make some final re-touches on it. It ran about 13 pages using 10-point font in Word '03, so expect a two-post show coming up (barring a miracle allowing me to post it into one).[/COLOR]
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Eight-Man Elimination Tag Team Match Trym Severla, Chris Waits, Emmett Evans, and The Phoenix ******VERSUS****** Jason Webb, Gareth Simpson, The New Dynamite Kid, and Graves Order of Elimination (for bonus points-NOT REQUIRED) 1. Graves 2. Emmett Evans 3. Chris Waits 4. The New Dynamite Kid 5. Gareth Simpson 6. Trym Severla 7. Jason Webb SOLE SURVIVOR: [B]The Phoenix[/B] Jayzon Styles vs. [B]Wesley Fyreheart[/B] vs. Xavier Fyrestorm Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan vs. [B]Rage (w/Debra Jameson)[/B] Foreign Legion vs. [B]Kendall Lightwater/sTk[/B]
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This is a long post!!! [COLOR="Green"]Author’s note: I want to apologize in advance if any of my old WWX associates look at this show write-up and complain that the music I’ve chosen for them isn’t what they used to have. I don’t have the best of memories, and as such anything that I do not remember, I’ve improvised to fit how I see the characters. All in all I think I’ve done a good job given the long hiatus, and I ask that they don’t hold my creative adjustments against me. Enough jabberin’ from me, let’s start the show![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] [FADE IN to a black-and-white clip of the match between Trym Severla and Jason Webb from Nightmare in October of this year, in which the two are in a staredown.] [/COLOR] Duane Strong [Voice-over]: These are the faces of WWX, where the competition is fierce and the will to win becomes paramount. [COLOR="Red"] [TRANSITION FADE to the closing moments of the Ultimate Submission match between The Phoenix and Gareth Simpson last month at Harvest of Pain.] [/COLOR] Strong [Voice-over]: Within the confines of the squared circle they give their all, striving to become the best that this company has to offer. [COLOR="Red"] [Another TRANSITION FADE to old LWF clips, showing tag team action between Eruption and Rebellion, then another FADE to show Webb facing off against Emmett Evans.] [/COLOR] Strong [Voice-over]: It is in this ring that alliances are formed, glory won or lost, and new-age legends created. Yet, in the end… [COLOR="Red"] [TRANSITION FADE to a shot of Trym on the middle turnbuckle, proudly displaying the WWX Heavyweight Championship for the fans to see. This shot slowly FADES TO BLACK.] [/COLOR] Strong [Voice-over]: …there can be only one Sole Survivor. [COLOR="Red"] [BACKGROUND MUSIC: “Princes of the Universe” by Queen] [/COLOR] Strong [Voice-Over]: LIVE from the McKay Events Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, Main Street Music and Western Wrestling Xcitement present: [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][B]SOLE SURVIVOR[/B][/SIZE] [FADE from the main title screen to ringside, at the announcer’s table.][/COLOR] Johnson: Welcome, everyone, to the heart of Mormon country! As always, I am your host for the evening, Dean “The Scheme” Johnson… Simmons: And I’m “The Big Easy” Charles Simmons. We’re coming to you tonight live from Salt Lake City, a bit of a stretch from our normal haunts in the far Southwest, to air our final show of 2007, Sole Survivor. What a card we have tonight, Dean! Johnson: That’s right, Easy! None of the titles are on the line tonight, but that doesn’t mean that the matches we’re going to see have no meaning whatsoever! Tonight we have two different #1 Contender’s matches, and of course, our main event is the eight-man “Sole Survivor” tag match! For a little more on tonight’s card, let’s go to our third man here at the announce table and also our in-ring announcer, Duane Strong. Strong: Dean, you’re absolutely right about these matches having meaning. We’re a little over six months away from Xtravaganza, and it’s usually around this time that the true up-and-comers look to begin their march towards greatness. It will be interesting to see who starts that march to the top tonight, gentlemen. Simmons: With that, it’s time for our opening contest of the evening, as we go to Duane in the ring for our introductions! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “The Unforgiven” by Metallica] [/COLOR] Strong: This is our opening bout, a Triple Threat contest scheduled for one fall, and will determine the [B][I]Number One Contender to the WWX Desert Star Championship[/I][/B]! Coming down the aisle, from Boston, Massachusetts, standing 7’4” tall and weighing in at 353 pounds…[B][I]Jacey Morgan[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [Jacey enters the ring via stepping over the top rope, sneers at the fans and generally looks menacing while getting some minor heat.] [THEME MUSIC: “Wait and Bleed” by Slipknot] [/COLOR] Strong: Introducing next, from Staten Island, New York, weighing 281 pounds…[B][I]Brian Foster[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [Foster gets in the ring and plays to the crowd a little, wary of the giant standing in the ring behind him as he gets a small pop.] [THEME MUSIC: “Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence] [/COLOR] Strong: Coming down the aisle, being accompanied by Debra Jameson, from London, England, weighing 256 pounds…[B][I]Rage![/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"] [Rage wastes no time and goes immediately after Brian Foster as the bell sounds.] [/COLOR] Simmons: And Rage wants to end this in a hurry, it seems, as he is all over Brian Foster! Now Jacey is coming to help, looks like a double-team maneuver coming up. Johnson: Or a version of it, Charles, as Foster hops over Rage only to be caught in the face with a big boot! Now Rage and Jacey are eyeing each other up…well, more like Jacey is looking down at Rage, anyway. Strong: Don’t forget, these two have a history against each other as well, as it was Jacey who beat Rage 3 falls to 2 in a 60-minute Iron Man match at LWF’s penultimate show, “Sanitarium.” Don’t think Rage has forgiven Jacey for that loss, gentlemen! Johnson: Indeed, Rage is working on bringing the giant to his knees, connecting with punches and kicks aplenty here. Simmons: But Jacey has yet to be moved from his spot in the ring, as Foster slowly crawls towards the far-side ropes to regain his footing. Johnson: And Rage saw what has happening, and simply pushed Jacey back a step or two, over the nearly-prone body of Foster! Jacey is down on the canvas, and Rage is in a mount position, raining down right hands on the skull of Morgan! Simmons: And why do you speak in almost nothing but exclamations?! Johnson: I don’t know! Strong: The referee finally forces the break, as Rage goes back to his feet, and grabs Foster…and there’s a slam on top of Jacey. Rage seems to be in total control during the opening parts of this match. [Silence for a few moments.] Simmons: Uh…Dean, there’s a match to call. [No response.] Strong: While our play-by-play man is too busy being distracted by Debra Jameson at ringside, we go back to the in-ring action, as Rage has Jacey back up- Simmons: Why would Rage do that? Keep the big man down! Strong: --and here comes an Irish Whip; no, reversal by Morgan who catches Rage coming in…side slam, with authority! Simmons: That is obligatory move number two, Duane. Strong: How so? Simmons: It’s a wrestling man-law. Every person over seven feet tall must utilize certain moves during the match. The big foot, side slam, choke slam, stuff like that. Strong: I see…. Johnson: What have I missed? Strong: Don’t answer him, Charles. It’s not worth the time. Jacey slow to cover Rage, and only gets a one-count for his efforts. It’s going to take more than that to keep the former LWF Heavyweight Champion down! Johnson: Yeah, it’d take Debra Jameson, wearing a white string bikini and- Simmons: D**mit, Johnson, focus on the match for once! Strong: Fans, I apologize for the immature behavior exhibited by Mr. Johnson during this match Back in the ring, Jacey has regained his footing, and picks up Rage-and both men are speared by Foster, who comes from out of nowhere! Simmons: But Jacey hasn’t gone down, Duane! Johnson: Easy has a point, as Jacey staggers a bit and leans against the ropes. Here comes Foster again…and a clothesline sends the big man to the floor! Now it’s Foster who seems to be in charge of this match at the moment! Strong: He better not get too pumped up yet, though-Rage is getting back to his feet, and Foster needs to focus on the matter at hand. Johnson: Here comes Rage, sprinting towards Foster…and what a spinebuster by Brian Foster! Simmons: That’s making my back hurt, Dean! What impact on that spinebuster! Strong: Foster seems to have things under control right now, as he picks Rage up, and a fallaway slam sends Rage rolling to the outside- Johnson: And into the clutches of Jacey Morgan, who whips Rage hard into the ring post! That’s not going to sit well with DJ; maybe I should go console her or something… Strong: It’s not worth repeating, Charles. Simmons: How’d you know I was going to say that? Strong: Experience. Jacey has gotten back into the ring, and now he and Foster are trading punches…slowly Brian is getting the upper hand as he comes off the ropes- Simmons: And DJ grabs the ankle, running interference! Johnson: That’s my girl! Simmons: The referee isn’t very enamored with that distraction, but it’s done its’ job as Jacey lands a modified lifting powerbomb! Why is DJ helping Jacey? Wait, cover by the big man- Crowd: One….two….NO! Strong: Seriously, I’d like to know who started that ‘no’ stuff…they need to be strangled! Johnson [gleefully]: My, my, hit a sore spot, have we? Strong: Call the match, Johnson. Johnson: Jacey seems frustrated, and feels the end is near as Foster gets up…and there’s a ring-rattling choke slam! Simmons: And that makes three. Strong: Jacey has a smirk on his face, it could be time for the Jacey Death Drop here Johnson: Sure enough, that’s the plan, as Jacey has Brian up…and there is that Death Valley Driver he calls the Jacey Death Drop! Cover! Strong: No count! Referee Terrance Warder is being distracted by DJ again! Simmons: And look inside the ring-Rage is back up, and manages to stagger Jacey…wait, Jacey’s tied up in the ropes! Johnson: And now Rage has an evil grin on his face…double underhook on Foster, into the OverRage! It’s academic from here, folks! Strong: DJ off the apron; the referee has no idea what just happened here! He finally sees the cover; Jacey’s trying to get out of the ropes! Johnson: One…two…three! It’s over! Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and the new Number One Contender for the Desert Star Championship…[B][I]Rage[/I][/B]! Johnson: Looks like Rage is going to get lucky tonight! Simmons: Why do I bother to deal with you, Johnson…oh, good Lord. Folks, I hope you have your wading boots on, because Johnson is about to lose control of his salivary glands. [COLOR="Red"] [ENTER Amy Lynn, sporting a satchel bag with T-shirts sticking out of it. As a token of goodwill to the fans, she spends the next five minutes handing out t-shirts to all 41 people in attendance tonight…and makes sure to stay well away from Dean “The Scheme” Johnson. Once all of the T-shirts are handed out, she exits backstage.] [CUT backstage to Trym Severla’s locker room. He is getting ready, and the WWX Heavyweight Title is on a shelf behind him. A knock is heard at the door.] [/COLOR] Trym: Come in! [COLOR="Red"] [ENTER Emmett Evans from the right of the camera shot.] [/COLOR] Emmett: Trym! Whaddup, playa? Trym: Not much, just getting ready for tonight. You ready to roll? Emmett: Man, I always ready to roll wit’ it. Don’t worry, bro…I gotcha back tonight. Voice [off-camera]: You aren’t the only one! [COLOR="Red"] [ENTER The Phoenix and Chris Waits from the right of the shot.] [/COLOR] Phoenix: Trym, you and I go a ways back. I have nothing but respect for you, and I know you can get it done in the ring. I just feel sorry for Jason Webb and company. Emmett: ‘Cuz they ‘bout to be blasted, Hotlanta style! Waits: Not if we get to them first! Phoenix: The point is, all of us are ready to back you up, Trym. Tonight, we’re gonna teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget. Trym: Sounds good. Let’s discuss gameplans here… [COLOR="Red"] [FADE to Duane Strong, already in the ring to announce the next match.] [DING DING!] [/COLOR] Strong: Our next match, scheduled for one fall, is a [B][I]Triple Threat match to determine the Number One Contender for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship![/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Burning Heart” by Survivor] [/COLOR] Strong: Introducing first, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 203 pounds, [B][I]Wesley Fyreheart![/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day] [/COLOR] Strong: His opponent, from Tampa, Florida, weighing 211 pounds, [B][I]“Just Blaze” Xavier Fyrestorm![/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Back in Black” by AC/DC] [/COLOR] Strong: Their opponent coming down the aisle, from Miami, Florida, weighing 223 pounds, [B][I]Jayzon Styles![/I][/B] Simmons: This should be a fast-paced match-up here. I’m expecting a lot of frequent-flyer miles to be racked up right here. Johnson: This coming from someone who avoids the skies like the plague. Simmons: In any event, there’s the bell, and our second triple-threat match of the match is underway-wait, what the heck is Styles doing? Strong: It looks like he’s going to let the two of them go after each other, and he’ll pick the carcasses clean…what a vulture. Johnson: Sounds like good strategy to me, at any rate. Xavier shoves Wes away from a collar-and-elbow tie-up, and catches a running Wes with a knife edge chop to drop him! Simmons: Now Xavier coming off the ropes, hits a quick elbow drop, and follows it with a basement dropkick to send Wes to the outside. Strong: I think we’re in for some sort of aerial move here. Johnson: Xavier off of the near-side ropes, here he comes…no, a fake-out by Xavier as Wesley ducks…and now Styles comes from behind Xavier and sends Fyrestorm out to the floor! Simmons: And Wes is wasting no time here as he focuses once again on Xavier. Styles continues to stay out of the action for the most part, like the opportunist he is. Strong: It looks like the two men on the outside are in a stalemate; neither one has gotten any sort of advantage yet. Johnson: And just as soon as you say that, Xavier takes advantage with a thumb to the eye, and a whip into the apron of the ring… Simmons: And here comes Styles with a baseball slide to send Wes hurtling forward once again into Xavier’s clutches… Strong: …and into an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Simmons: That’s it, Wes has got to be done in this match. Can we get a replay of that? Strong: I’m looking at it right now, Charles…it looked like Wes landed head-first on the concrete. I’m going to go check on him. [Drops headset] Johnson: So while Duane goes to check on Wes, Xavier has gotten back in the ring, and now he and Styles are locking up. Simmons: Styles with an arm wringer, but Xavier rolls through, flips up and a takedown with a modified leg sweep sends Styles to the mat. Both men up-arm drag to Styles, now one to Fyrestorm, and both men looking for a dropkick at the same time but connect with nothing. Johnson: Jayzon now to the ropes, Xavier with a leapfrog, looking to catch a rebounding Styles with a monkey flip…but Jayzon lands on his feet from the flip! Styles back off the ropes, Sunset Flip for a long one-count-- Simmons: Reversal by Xavier for a one-count…rolled into another pin attempt by Styles for a short two-count…now Xavier with a kick and into another pin attempt for a short two…and now both men back on their feet! [COLOR="Red"] [Applause from the audience at the show they just witnessed.] [/COLOR] Simmons: I can see over in the entryway that medical personnel are carting Wesley Fyreheart to the back; Duane’s almost ready to rejoin us as Styles and Fyrestorm get ready to lock it up again. Johnson: Jayzon better watch himself…after what Xavier did to Wes, this might become a battle of attrition--last man standing wins. Strong: Check one, check two--am I back on? Simmons: Yeah, Duane. Strong: Wes was conscious, able to speak and wanted to get back into this match. However, the E.M.T.s in the arena thought it to be better for Wes to go to one of the local medical facilities. Essentially, this is now a singles match between Styles and Fyrestorm. Johnson: It looks like Xavier is ahead on points right now, as he has Styles in a rear chinlock. Simmons: This isn’t boxing, Dean. We don’t go by a point system here. Johnson: It was a figure of speech, for the love of-- Strong: Knock it off, you guys, we have a good match going here. Styles back to his feet, lands a couple of elbows to the guy of Fyrestorm, and looks for a clothesline…only to be caught by a dropkick by Xavier! Simmons: Xavier has all of the momentum right now; this cannot be good for Jayzon Styles. Unless things change in a hurry, Xavier Fyrestorm has all but locked up the Number One Contender’s spot. Johnson: Xavier going up top now, could be looking for his 4-Alarm Blaze [COLOR="Green"] [450 Splash][/COLOR] here… Strong: Styles is up! Simmons: And Jayzon Styles catches Fyrestorm in the corner…and a top rope hurricanrana leaves both men prone on the canvas! Johnson: First man to his feet is likely going to have the advantage here, guys…what the heck? Strong: He shouldn’t even be out here! Simmons: It’s Wesley Fyreheart, staggering back towards the ring! We’re back to a three-way dance after all! The referee stops his count as Wes rolls in…cover on Xavier! Johnson: One…two…no! Two and a half, easily! Strong: Wait, he’s covering Styles! Johnson: There’s one…two…and a kick out at two and three quarters! Simmons: Can Wes pull off this miraculous comeback? Johnson: He has Xavier back on his feet, and there’s an Irish Whip into the corner. Wes following him in, leaps to the middle turnbuckle, and a tornado DDT sends Xavier down to the mat! Strong: Cover! One…two…and Xavier barely manages to get out before the three-count! That was too close, guys! Simmons: I don’t know how Wes is doing it! Johnson: Wes sees Xavier still down on the mat, and looks to press his advantage…wait, Styles from left field with a leaping enzuigiri! Strong: Targeting the head of Wes that must have been damaged earlier in the match! Johnson: Wes is down, Xavier has barely moved since that tornado DDT, and Styles is picking Fyrestorm up…running powerslam sends Xavier down again. Styles is signaling that the end is here as he goes up top! Simmons: This might be… Johnson: It is! A somersault leg drop from the top rope, he calls it the Highlight Reel! Cover…one, two, three! Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and the Number One Contender for the WWX Cruiserweight Champsionship…[B][I]Jayzon Styles[/I][/B]! Simmons: I’ve never seen a move like that before! Johnson: This coming from a man who can’t even move out of his own way… Simmons: D**mit, Johnson! [COLOR="Red"] [CUT to backstage-Jason Webb’s locker room, where Webb is relaxing in a chair, a bottle of Scotch sitting nearby. Enter Gareth Simpson from the left of the camera shot.] [/COLOR] Simpson: Man, do you ALWAYS have to drink before a match? Webb: No…just the ones I’m going to win. Simpson: Like I said…always? Webb: It doesn’t matter. They don’t have anything on us. Besides…the bounty that is still out on Trym should help our cause a little. Simpson: I’d like to know what sick wrestling god decided to allow Trym to be a champion. He doesn’t deserve it. Webb: And you do? Simpson: More than he does, at any rate! Trym is nothing more than a second-rate spot monkey who thinks he can wrestle a technical bout. Webb: [chuckles] I like the way you think, Gareth. [mutters, as if to self] “Second-rate spot monkey….” [COLOR="Red"] [CUT back to the arena] [THEME MUSIC: Generic Oriental-type music] [/COLOR] Strong: The following contest is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 397 pounds, the team of [B][I]Illium se Levanto and Sage Sabbot…the Foreign Legion[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Riding the Storm Out” by R.E.O. Speedwagon] [/COLOR] Strong: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 482 pounds, the team of [B][I]Kendall Lightwater and sTk[/I][/B]! Simmons: This is a rather unique combination, Kendall and sTk. Kendall’s normal partner, William Prydor, is currently touring in Japan with Pride Glory Honor Wrestling. Last month, sTk stepped up to the plate and took William’s spot in a tag match. Tonight it looks like the same thing is going to happen. Johnson: What the heck does Lightwater see in sTk anyway? Simmons: Why not ask Kendall yourself? In any event, there’s the bell…looks like it’ll be sTk facing off against the mystery man from China, Sage Sabbot, to start the match. Strong: These are two conflicting styles as well…sTk is more of a brawler, Sage a high-risk/technical hybrid. This should prove interesting. Johnson: Collar-and-elbow tie-up here, sTk slowly forces Sabbot into a neutral corner. Referee Terrance Warder is calling for a clean break…and actually gets one. Simmons: That’s a nice surprise. Johnson: Speak for yourself. Back to the tie-up, this time Sabbot backing his opponent into the corner…and no clean break here, as he hits sTk with an open-handed chop! Simmons: I knew it wouldn’t last long…. Johnson: Now Sabbot with a snap mare out of the corner, and he follows it up with a hard kick to the back and spine of sTk! Strong: Man, you probably could have heard that back in San Francisco. That was a whale of a shot by Sabbot. Johnson: Now Sabbot has sTk up, and calls for Illium to set up a boot to the face…and there it is. Now a tag is made; and in comes the WWX’s resident Luchador, Illium se Levanto. Simmons: Double-team effort coming up here-whip into the far side ropes, into a double hip toss, and a pair of elbows for good measure! Johnson: Illium and Sage are in control right now; they want to show everyone that the win registered by Kendall and sTk last month was nothing more than a fluke. Strong: Say what you will, Dean. I think these two have a promising future as a tag team if William decides to seek his fortunes elsewhere. Simmons: It won't be much of a tag team if they keep working over sTk like they are, Duane! Johnson: I hate to say it, but Easy has a point. Illium and Sage have isolated sTk and have been working him over since the opening bell. He really needs to make the hot tag to Kendall, and he needs it now. Simmons: Here's another quick tag out, Sage now the legal man in the ring as Foreign Legion looks for a double-team move here. Johnson: Here's a whip, double clothesline coming up...wait, sTk ducks and a double DDT sends all three men down! Strong: This is sTk's chance; can he capitalize on the mistake of his opponents? Johnson: The ref has his count up to 5...now 6...and Illium can't stop the tag in time! Here comes Kendall! Simmons: And there go the Foreign Legion! Clotheslines, backdrops, dropkicks, you name it! Kendall is on fire here! Johnson: Kendall has the legal man, Sage, in his grasp, and there's a suplex, float over into the cover...one...two...but Illium in for the save. Strong: Here comes sTk! All four men are going at it! Johnson: And referee Terrance Warder is trying to maintain control here, trying to get sTk and Illium out of the ring, but nothing happening on that account! Simmons: And it seems like the ref is getting a bit peeved at this turn of events, guys! Strong: And now the action has spilled outside! Both legal men are outside, and the illegal competitors are inside the ring, still fighting! Johnson: It looks like the ref has had enough; he's calling for the bell! Strong: If you'll excuse me... Simmons: Duane's going to get the official decision from the referee...and it looks like he has it. Let's go to him for the official word. Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has called a stop to this contest, and has ruled this match a [B][I]draw[/I][/B]! Johnson: And these four are still going at it! They're continuing the fight up the entrance path, and they're going backstage! Simmons: Can we get a camera back there? [COLOR="Red"] [FADE to a video package. Footage of Graves staring into space is shown, as his voice plays over top of it.] [/COLOR] Graves [VO]: My entire career, I've been held down by those afraid of my abilities. Tonight, I break through the so-called glass ceiling. Tonight, my career is in my hands. [COLOR="Red"] [TRANSITION FADE to a clip of The New Dynamite Kid, training in an undisclosed gym.] [/COLOR] DK [VO]: I've worked for far too long to be held down. This title is just a stepping stone to bigger things. It's time to leave my mark on the WWX, and prove to everyone that I am more than just another cruiserweight. [COLOR="Red"] [TRANSITION FADE to a clip of Gareth Simpson running up the steps of the Los Angeles Coliseum.] [/COLOR] Simpson [VO]: For four years, I was out of the business due to sickness. In that time, I had my manager and my job taken from me. Tonight is my personal redemption. [COLOR="Red"] [Another TRANSITION FADE to footage of Jason Webb decimating a sparring partner in another gym.] [/COLOR] Webb [VO]: Everywhere I've gone, there's always been someone who manages to get lucky enough to keep me from reaching the top. This is no different, and tonight I finally take my place at top of this federation. [COLOR="Red"] [RAPID CUTS from one person to the next as their voices cut in on each other.] [/COLOR] Webb: Tonight is my night-- DK: This is my place to shine! Graves: This is my proving ground-- Simpson: The time for redemption is now! Webb: Tonight, the new age of the WWX begins. [COLOR="Red"] [TRANSITION FADE back to ringside.] [DING DING DING!] [/COLOR] Strong: The following contest is the [B][I]Sole Survivor elimination tag-team match[/I][/B]! The match can only end when one entire side has been eliminated by way of pinfall, submission, disqualification, or countout. There must be a winner! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Freebird” by Lynard Skynard] [/COLOR] Strong: Introducing the first team…First, from Mobile, Alabama, weighing 222 pounds…[B][I]Graves[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: British National Anthem, cuts to “Don’t You Wish You Were Me?” by Fozzy] [/COLOR] Strong: His partner, from Blackpool, England, weighing 213 pounds, he is the reigning WWX Cruiserweight champion…[B][I]The New Dynamite Kid[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC] [/COLOR] Strong: Their partner, from- Simpson: Strong, just sit let back and let me show you how to TRULY introduce me! I am the All-Nighter, the Super-Exciter, and the best d*mn thing going in the WWX today…[B][I]”The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [Simpson sees a fan wanting to shake his hand and Simpson glares at him.] [/COLOR] Simpson: Don’t touch me, fool! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Stranglehold” by Ted Nugent] [/COLOR] Strong: And finally, from East Rutherford, New Jersey, weighing 288 pounds…[B][I]“Bad Ass” Jason Webb[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “I’m a Cloud” by Boy Hits Car] [/COLOR] Strong: And introducing their opponents…first, from the Great State of Kentucky, weighing 284 pounds, the reigning WWX Desert Star champion…[B][I] “Crazy” Chris Waits[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Blaze of Glory” by Bon Jovi] [/COLOR] Strong: His partner, being accompanied to the ring by Brandy, from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 365 pounds…[B][I]The Phoenix[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “In Da Club” by 50 Cent] [/COLOR] Strong: Next, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing 277 pounds…[B][I]Emmett Evans[/I][/B]! [COLOR="Red"] [THEME MUSIC: “Sandstorm” by Darude] [/COLOR] Strong: Finally, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 230 pounds, the reigning WWX Heavyweight champion…[B][I]Trym Severla[/I][/B]! Simmons: This is the match I’ve been waiting to see all night, Dean. There’s a lot of bad blood in that ring right now, and I think things are going to come to a head right here. Johnson: Talk about an obvious statement… Strong: The teams are deciding their strategy, and it looks like it’ll be Chris Waits starting for his team, paired off against Gareth Simpson. Simpson, remember, left the LWF right before his chance for a Tag Team title match against Phoenix and Chris Waits due to a family emergency, and was then seriously ill for the following two or three years. And let’s not forget Gareth’s former manager, Brandy, who is in the corner of The Phoenix. This could make for a combustible situation. Johnson: Can I wake up now and call the match? Strong: Dean, you’re really starting to make me angry. Johnson: So? Simmons: If we can get to the action in the ring, gentlemen…Gareth with a side headlock on Waits here. Chris forces Gareth into the ropes, and a shoulder block takedown sends Gareth to the mat in a hurry. Strong: Gareth needs to be careful here and not underestimate our Desert Star champion. Johnson: Back to a neutral position they go here, and again Gareth with a side headlock...no, Waits has him up in the air, but Gareth rolls out of the attempted back suplex, and hits Chris with a clothesline! Gareth has his opponent back on his feet, and here comes an Irish Wh--no, reversal and Gareth goes into his own corner! Simmons: There’s the tag team experience of Waits coming into play. He sensed it was coming and wanted no part of it. Johnson: Now a tag is made, and in steps the brash New Dynamite Kid, the reigning Cruiserweight champion. You can see the size difference between the two in the ring as each person measures the other up…wait a second. What the heck is the Kid doing? Strong: Seems to me that he wants Emmett in the ring. Why he does is beyond me. Simmons: Apparently Chris is going to let him, and here is the tag to Emmett Evans. Strong: These two have not met in the ring before; I cannot figure out why DK wants to face Evans. Johnson: Perhaps he thinks Emmett is the weak link on the team? In any event, here’s a tie-up, and Emmett shoves the Kid away with ease! Simmons: And the look on DK’s face shows that he was not ready for that! Johnson: Now the two are circling each other again…thumb to the eye of Evans! Bloody good move, DK! Simmons: You are as British as I am a woman, Johnson. Strong: The Kid with a drop toe-hold, and now he has one of Emmett’s arms in a hammerlock. If DK can keep the larger man on the mat, it will be to his advantage. Johnson: Easier said than done, though, as Emmett is up to a sitting position, and now back on his feet…and now he’s reversed the hammerlock. Simmons: DK counters with a back elbow…now a second…and a third, and goes to the ropes- Johnson: And DK counters an attempted flapjack into a dropkick, sending Evans down! DK goes back to the ropes, steps over Evans…off the far side ropes and gets caught with a Samoan drop! Strong: The Kid got caught by the powerhouse. He’s in deep trouble right here. Johnson: Emmett is sizing the Kid up…here he comes! Simmons: And there’s Da Drive By, the running lariat Emmett uses to set up his finisher, the Wreckoning! The Kid is in a bad way here! Strong: And it looks like Emmett is going to end it right here! Johnson: Emmett has the Kid in position, here’s the gutwrench…wait, the Kid counters into a crucifix cradle! One…two…three?! Simmons: What the heck just happened here? Johnson: Emmett is asking himself the same thing! [B][I]Emmett Evans has been eliminated from this match[/I][/B], thanks to a counter from the New Dynamite Kid! Strong: I didn’t see that one coming, guys! You’d have to call that a bit of an upset. Johnson: And as the shock spreads throughout the arena, the Kid has wisely tagged himself out of the match, and in comes Graves. Strong: The Kid and Graves have teamed before in the past as Rebellion; they were involved in the four-team match that crowned Eruption the LWF Tag Team champions…and it looks like one-half of Eruption is coming into the contest…here comes The Phoenix! Johnson: [sarcastically] Oh, great, just what we needed…the resident fiery b***ard. Simmons: You wanna say it, Duane, or should I? Strong: Save it for later, when he deserves it. In any event, Phoenix is the largest man in this contest; he has a 140-pound plus advantage over Graves. This is something of a mismatch, and I think Graves is fully aware of that fact as well. Johnson: That’s not stopping him from trying to chop the big man down, as his open-handed chops ring through the arena! Simmons: Phoenix isn’t fazed by those shots, apparently, as with one hand he shoves Graves away, back towards his corner. Strong: And almost immediately, Gareth Simpson tags himself into the match! The last time these two hooked up, it was an epic encounter, with Phoenix winning the match. The history’s already been mentioned between these two, and- Johnson: Duane, just shut up and let us call the match already. Strong/Simmons: [in unison] D**mit, Johnson! Johnson: You can see the tension between these two as Gareth shoves Phoenix…Phoenix shoves back, and Gareth with a slap to the face of Phoenix! How insulting! Strong: That’s just going to make Phoenix angry. Simmons: Maybe that’s what Gareth is going for, as he uses an arm drag to take Phoenix down, and locks in an arm bar. He might be hoping to throw Phoenix off his game enough to cause him to be eliminated. Johnson: And good riddance it would be, too! Simmons: What do you have against Phoenix, Dean? What has he ever done to you? Johnson: I just can’t stand the guy! How in the h**l do you look as ugly as him and get someone as hot as Brandy? That’s the part that upsets me! Strong: You’ll never learn, will you? Back in the ring, Phoenix back on his feet…not for long as he goes into a roll, and turns at the end to take Gareth down with a leg sweep. Both men back to their feet, and now Phoenix with an arm drag takedown, and a clothesline to follow up. Simmons: Phoenix is most dangerous when his opponent is on the mat. Johnson: Aren’t most people? Simmons: All sarcasm aside, Phoenix knows how to pick apart a spot on the body, and it’s usually the legs he goes for, to set up his Blaze of Glory ankle lock. After all, there’s a reason he won the Ultimate Submission match against Gareth last month. Strong: Phoenix seems to be in control here as he is dissecting Gareth. Here comes an Irish Whip…armbar takedown, into the Bla--no, Gareth had it well-scouted and rolled out of the ring. He knew it was coming and…oh, no. Simmons: Simpson sees Brandy out at ringside. This can’t be good news! Johnson: Oh, this is gonna be good. Strong: Here comes Phoenix to the outside, and he and Gareth are going at it! Both legal men on the outside, as the ref starts his count! He’s up to three…now four as these two continue to pound on each other! Simmons: You can hear Brandy telling Phoenix that the count is getting ever higher! The ref is up to six, and a hard shot by Gareth stuns Phoenix! Gareth is making his way back to the ring-but Brandy is standing in his way to stop him! Johnson: Get out of the way, woman! Strong: The ref is up to eight now…and Phoenix from behind, takes down Gareth and locks in the Blaze of Glory! The ref goes to nine…and there’s ten! [B][I]Both Phoenix and Gareth Simpson have been counted out and eliminated![/I][/B] Simmons: Here comes security to break those two up, but back in the ring, Trym Severla has entered, making his first official appearance in the match! Strong: And you notice that Webb wants nothing to do with Trym yet, like the coward he is! Johnson: It looks like it will be Graves coming in to face Trym. This is more of an even size match-up than what Graves was dealing with earlier. Maybe now we can see how well Graves can do against our so-called Heavyweight champion. Simmons: Uh, Dean…he [I]is[/I] the champion. Johnson: Be that as it may, here go again. Trym with the quick headlock on Graves, who slips out the back door and uses a double-leg takedown on Trym…floatover to a front facelock as Trym regains his feet. Graves seems to have it on tight here…wait, Northern Lights suplex by Trym! One…not even two as Graves is quick to release the hold and escape the pin. Strong: I wasn’t expecting that counter from Trym; it’s not one you see too often these days. Johnson: Now Graves catches Trym coming in with a snap mare, and now a rear chinlock to try to wear his opponent down a little…and Graves jabs an elbow into the gut of Trym for good measure as the pair get back to their feet…Graves with the Irish Whip into the corner of his partners, and Trym could be in trouble here. Simmons: There’s the tag to The New Dynamite Kid; I sense a double-team maneuver coming up. Sure enough, DK goes to the top rope as Graves hoists Trym to his feet…side backbreaker, and DK with a legdrop from the middle rope! Trym could be in trouble here! Cover! Johnson: But Trym gets a foot on the rope to break the count. Simmons: Crafty move by the veteran, knowing where he was in the ring. DK is the legal man here as he brings Trym back to his feet, and an Irish Whip to the ropes-reversal by Trym, into a drop toe-hold…and into the single-leg Boston Crab he uses as a finisher; he calls it the Crescent Moon! Strong: Here comes Graves to break the hold--MowDown by Waits! Graves was nearly cut in half by that move! Simmons: And DK is forced to tap out! [B][I]The New Dynamite Kid is eliminated, a victim of the Heavyweight champion![/I][/B] Johnson: And Graves is still lying prone in the ring…I don’t think he’s moved since that frumpy-looking Waits mowed him down! Strong: In any event, Trym looks over at Graves, then back at Chris Waits…and there’s the tag! Waits now the legal man as he brings his opponent closer to his corner…and there’s a jackknife powerbomb! That’s adding injury to injury there… Simmons: And there’s the academic three-count; [B][I]Graves is eliminated[/I][/B]! That quick, it’s down to two against one! It’s Jason Webb against Trym Severla and Chris Waits! Johnson: But Webb is fresh-he hasn’t been in the match at all yet. In my book, this is an even contest. I think Jason can pull it off. Strong: And this crowd is behind Chris Waits, trying to cheer him on as he and Webb face off in the middle of the ring. Johnson: Tie-up, and it’s Webb with the advantage following a knee to the gut, and a quick suplex sends Waits down. It’s in Jason’s best interests to knock this down to a singles match as soon as possible, if he can. Simmons: The key word there is “if.” Johnson: Webb pulling Waits back to his feet, lands another shot to the gut of Waits, and lets loose with a hangman’s neckbreaker! Jason is obviously working on the head of Waits here; could be setting him up for the Billion-Dollar Dream within moments. Strong: This crowd is trying to get behind Chris Waits here, trying to will him back into this match as Webb pulls his opponent back to his feet, and plants him with a thunderous DDT! Webb looks over, and taunts Trym, standing on the apron. Simmons: And Trym is having none of it! He continues to stand on the apron…but I don’t think he will after being spit on by Webb! Strong: Apparently not, as here he comes! The referee is forced to send Trym back to the outside- Simmons: Brass knucks! Webb just laid out Chris Waits with a set of brass knuckles! Johnson: I didn’t see anything, and neither did the ref. And now it’s lights out for the mental refugee! It’s Billion Dollar Dream time! Strong: This is a travesty! D**mit, it just isn’t fair! Simmons: And referee Terrance Warder has counted [B][I]Chris Waits out of it[/I][/B], a victim of brass knuckles-- Johnson: Billion-Dollar Dream! Simmons: --instigated by Jason Webb. We’re down to two now: “Bad Ass” Jason Webb against our WWX Heavyweight champion, Trym Severla. One of these men will be the sole survivor of this contest! Johnson: I still think Webb has an advantage in this pairing. Simmons: Yeah, an illegal advantage called brass knuckles! Johnson: It’s not illegal if the ref doesn’t see it! Strong: Shades of Hotter Than Hell here…remember, these to faced off to determine the first WWX Heavyweight champion in the finals of the tournament! Johnson: And these two are forgoing the pretense of a wrestling match and are just going at it, trading right hands like it was nobody’s business! Trym with the upper hand as he staggers Webb back into the ropes; here’s the whip, and a dropkick sends Webb down to the mat. Simmons: Quick cover, only gets a one-count. Johnson: Trym with another whip--Jason holds on to the ropes, and catches Trym with a running clothesline! Cover--only a short one-count there. Strong: You get the feeling that these two know each other so well, it’ll be the most unlikely move that nets the pinfall. Johnson: Both men to a vertical base, and it’s Webb taking advantage here with a hard knife-edge chop…and another…and a third to back Trym into the corner! Now an Irish Whip across the ring, and Trym sent in hard to the turnbuckles. Here comes Webb charging in-- Strong: But Trym raises up and gets Webb in a modified Sunset Flip! One…two…th--no! Simmons: Trym almost caught Jason napping on that one! Johnson: This isn’t horseshoes--almost doesn’t cut it here! Both men up, and it’s Webb with the advantage as he nearly clotheslines Trym out of his boots! Strong: And now Webb is wrenching on the neck of Trym. No doubt leading up to that Billion Dollar Dream maneuver again. Simmons: These fans are starting to chant for Trym, trying to bring him back into this match as both men get up…elbow to the gut of Webb, and a second for good measure! Trym freed from the hold, comes off the ropes--Webb misses a clothesline, and Trym hits a spinning wheel kick! Johnson: Both men are down, and the ref is starting his ten-count! Simmons: What happens if both of them are counted out? I though we had to have a winner! Strong: We will. It’ll be first man to their feet wins. Johnson: We might have to go that route, as the referee is up to five…now six as both men start to stir… Simmons: Trym’s up at the count of eight! Strong: Webb’s up as well! We’re back to square one! Johnson: Webb with a punch…Trym gives one back! Now Webb, now Trym…Trym again…and Trym is on a roll here as Jason is staggering back! Here’s a whip to the ropes, and Webb is dropped by a leaping shoulder block! Simmons: Trym is on fire--oh, what a cheap move! Strong: Webb raked the eyes--the old adage proves true. No matter how big you are, the eyes are still vulnerable. Johnson: Kick to the gut by Webb, he has Trym in position for the Crushbomb… Simmons: Wait, Trym counters with a hurricanrana into a cover! One…two…three! Strong: He got him! Johnson: How in the heck did Trym manage to pin Webb like that?! Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, [I][B]your winner and Sole Survivor: Trym Severla[/B][/I]! Simmons: Somehow Trym pulled it off yet again, and now he’s playing to the crowd! Johnson: From behind! Strong: It’s Graves and Xavier Fyrestorm! They’ve attacked Trym from behind and are putting the boots to him! Simmons: They’re not alone! They’ve got a giant with them! Johnson: And now Jacey Morgan is adding his two cents in, as the three of them work over Trym…now the two cruiserweights have Trym back on his feet and propel him towards Jacey…. Strong: And the Jacey Death Drop on Trym, after the match he had! Why are they doing this? Simmons: Webb’s bounty money, Duane! They are looking to cash in on getting that money from Webb at any cost! Johnson: That’s right…the lure of money seems to be too powerful for these three! Strong: And we’re running out of time for tonight’s show! Next month we’ll be back to the Glasshouse if anyone wishes to join us! Until then, I’m Duane Strong for Dean Johnson and Charles Simmons…good night, everyone! [COLOR="Red"][B]END OF SHOW[/B] (There is no post-show segment this month as the show ran just a bit long.) [B][I]WWX Sole Survivor Summary (as presented by Tori Montgomery):[/I][/B] Rage def. Brian Foster and Jacey Morgan to earn a Desert Star Title Shot: D- [Angle] Amy Lynn shooting out T-shirts to the crowd: E [Angle] Trym, Emmett, Phoenix, and Waits form an alliance: E+ Jayzon Styles def. Xavier Fyrestorm and Wesley Fyreheart to earn a Cruiserweight Title Shot: D [Angle] Jason Webb and Gareth Simpson taunt Trym: E Foreign Legion drew with Kendall Lightwater/sTk (no contest): E [Angle] Video hyping team of Webb, Simpson, DK, and Graves: F+ Trym, Phoenix, Waits, and Emmett def. Webb, Simpson, DK, and Graves in a “Sole Survivor” match: D- (Order of Elimination: Evans, Phoenix/Gareth, DK, Graves, Waits, Webb) [Angle] Jacey, Xavier, and Graves attack Trym after the match: F+ [B]OVERALL RATING FOR WWX SOLE SURVIVOR: E+[/B] [U]Tori’s Notes:[/U] The fans think you used DK too much, and Graves far too much. Other than that, it wasn’t a show to write home about. Nothing big to end the year on.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="1"](Author’s Note: I’d hate to be Duane come the next board meeting-that cannot be good news for him….)[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]NEXT POST: END-OF-YEAR AWARDS![/B]
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In summation: 2007 [COLOR="Green"]But first…PREDICTIONS! Once again, Emark is our winner, with 4 correct. I have run out of prizes in the vault…turns out the condensed water was holding everything in place and now I have nothing left. :confused: Even though MAW isn’t to the point where I can run weekly shows, I’m still going to let Emark pick a match for either WWX Whiteout (in January) or MAW’s February show, since I’m out of vault prizes this month. I would say a match during the Rip Chord Invitational, but there’s a problem with that: I’ve already run the show and am working on writing it, and the requisite story lead-in, up. A PM should be in your Inbox, detailing what is already advertised, as well as any limitations I might enforce (i.e. no title changes without an excellent explanation, and so forth), so be on the lookout for that. In lieu of the quarterly report I did after September's events, I'll instead present the yearly awards as determined by wrestling journalists worldwide. With that said, here are the awards![/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][B]Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Young Wrestler of the Year: Emerald Angel (#44 on the top 100 list) Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Dread (#26 on the top 100 list) Female Wrestler of the Year: Sensational Ogiwara (#78 on the top 100 list)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"]Match of the Year: Sean McFly def. Jeremy Stone at NOTBPW Mid Summer Madness: Rating of A (this on a C+ rated card; the main event was The McWade Brothers over The Flying Stones) Card of the Year: PGHW Night of WRESTLING: B+ rated card (Friday, Week 2 of December) (Main Event was rated A: Yoshimi Mushashibo def. Mito Miwa for PGHW Glory Crown title)[/SIZE] (Promotional Awards not awarded as game started in July of 2007) [B][I]YOUR TOP 30 WRESTLERS OF 2007 ARE AS FOLLOWS:[/I][/B] (Displayed as Rank, Wrestler, Promotion, Average Match Rating/Highest Match Rating, Match Record [W-L-D, this last is displayed just for reference as it is not factored into the voting]) 1. Sean McFly: NOTBPW, Avg. B/High A (5 times), 12-5-0 2. Nobuatsu Tatsuko: PGHW, Avg B/High B+ (7 times), 10-12-2 3. Yoshimi Mushashibo: PGHW, Avg B+/High A (3 tmes), 25-4-1, current PGHW Glory Crown champion 4. Jeremy Stone: NOTBPW, Avg B+/High A (10 times), 12-7-3 5. Bryan Vessey: PGHW, Avg B/High A (2 times), 12-19-1 6. Eisaku Kunomasu: PGHW, Avg B/High B+ (12 times), 13-14-1 7. R.K. Hayes: NOTBPW, Avg B/High B+ (4 times), 16-6-1, current NOTBPW Canadian Champion 8. Tommy Cornell: TCW, Avg B/High B+ (6 times), 14-10-0, current TCW World Heavyweight Champion 9. Haruki Kudo: BHOTWG, Avg B/High B+ (2 times), 13-4-1, current Burning World Champion 10. Eisaku Hoshino: BHOTWG, Avg B-/High B+ (2 times), 9-3-1 11. Dan Stone, Jr.: NOTBPW, Avg B/High A (5 times), 10-8-0 12. Mito Miwa: PGHW, Avg B/High A (once), 26-7-2 13. BLZ Bubb: TCW, Avg B-/High B+ (three times), 12-8-0 14. Shuji Inukai: PGHW, Avg B/High B+ (6 times), 21-11-1 15. Remo Richardson: SWF, Avg B-/High B (10 times), 12-5-0, current SWF World Heavyweight champion 16. Runaway Train: Retired (SWF), Avg B-/High B (4 times), 11-7-1 17. Steve Frehley: SWF, Avg B-/High B (twice), 7-7-0 18. Duane Stone: NOTBPW, Avg B-/High B+ (twice), 7-6-2 19. Pablo Rodriguez: SOTBPW, Avg C+/High B (twice), 13-7-2 20. Alex DeColt: CGC, Avg C+/High B (once), 18-4-0, current CGC World champion 21. Buddy Garner: PGHW, Avg B-/High B+ (twice), 15-8-1 22. Toshiharu Hyobanshi: GCG, Avg C+/High B- (12 times), 14-12-1 23. Troy Tornado: TCW, Avg B/High B+ (twice), 8-7-0 24. Natsu Miyamae: BHOTWG, Avg B-/High B (twice), 6-9-0 25. Raymond Diaz: PGHW, Avg B-/High B (7 times), 10-12-0 26. Dread: PGHW, Avg C+/High B (twice), 25-9-0 27. Steve DeColt: CGC, Avg C+/High B (twice), 10-11-2 28. Hiroyasu Gakusha: GCG, Avg B-/High B (twice), 26-1-0, current GCG World Heavyweight champion 29. Eiji Hamacho: BHOTWG, Avg C+/High B (once), 6-6-0 30. Tasuku Iesada: INSPIRE, Acg B-/High B (twice), 5-7-3 [COLOR="Green"](Interesting side note: Seems like someone does more than make predictions. Observe... 63. Chris Caufield: DAVE, Avg C+/High B- (3 times), 9-8-1) Hey, Chris...where have you been hiding my tickets at?! :p [/COLOR]
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(Point of view: Evan Toliver) [COLOR="Blue"][B][I]January 5, 2008[/I][/B] If you would have told me when I woke up this morning that come the end of the day, I would have been struck speechless by something, I’d have called you a liar. I’d also have been wrong…in this instance, anyway. I was in my office, taking care of some random issues and making certain that everyone involved in this month’s show would be available when I heard a discussion down the hall from my office. Sighing, I stopped what I was doing to listen, just for a change of pace. “What about Ryan Turner? He certainly wasn’t treated all that well here!” I recognized the voice of Curtis Jenkins from where I was sitting. “CJ, you, I, and everyone else here know that Ryan wasn’t all that good of a worker.” I was stunned to hear Eddie Howard saying this. “If anything, I think it was a smart move by Evan to let him go.” “But what about the money? I’ve heard Rip saying that we’re losing money every month.” “Let me answer that with a question. Does your check clear every month?” “Yeah…” “That’s all you need to know. The day your paycheck bounces, you have a problem.” “Like that one organization in Japan, uh…Warrior…something?” “Warrior Engine XXV. Exactly. I don’t see it happening, but wouldn’t it be ironic if Evan bought them out?” “They wouldn’t be coming here to wrestle, would they?” “Not likely. Knowing Evan, he might keep one or two regular wrestlers, but I don’t think this is the place for that ‘garbage’ wrestling they seem to do. If some of them wanted, they could go to DAVE, or maybe Men of Steel Combat across the ocean. But in the end, I don’t see him doing anything about it.” “What makes you so sure?” “A hunch. Evan seems to be doing the right things here. I trust him, and have faith that he knows what he’s doing.” That comment stunned me. I hadn’t expected to get that sort of reaction from one of the people I work with. [I]Was Eddie…loyal to me or something?[/I] “OK, Eddie, hypothetical question. Say both of you no longer worked with MAW. If he were to take over, say…CZCW, would you be interested in going there?” “Yes.” “May I ask why?” “I’ve said it before. I trust Evan to do the right thing. If he went somewhere and wanted me to come along, I would in a flash.” “Man, Eddie…he must be something for you to say stuff like that….” Their voices trailed off as they walked down the hall, away from my office. I sat, unmoving, in my chair, digesting the words I’d just heard. What did I do right to deserve such loyal employees? I mean, I expected praise from Parker for bring his girlfriend Dawn “Persephone” Coombs into MAW and pairing them together…but Eddie Howard? Who would have guessed?[/COLOR] [SIZE="5"][B]OTHER NOTABLE NEWS[/B][/SIZE] **It was announced on January 15, 2008, that East Coast War winner Danger and Violence Extreme (DAVE) has signed the current Mid-Atlantic Champion, Mainstream Hernandez, to a pay-per-appearance contract. With Hernandez having prior PPA commitments with Pro Wrestling MAX, Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and Phoenix Wrestling Company, one has to think that something has to give in his schedule. **Two nights later, a new TCW World Heavyweight champion was crowned, as Genghis Rahn defeated Tommy Cornell to earn his first reign with TCW’s most prestigious title. [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="blue"]MAW’S Next Big Event: The 2008 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament![/B][/SIZE] [B][I]Opening Round Matches[/I][/B] Ricky Douglas vs. The Mean Machine Casey Valentine vs. Lex Appeal Steven Parker (w/Persephone) vs. Des Davids Erik Strong vs. Antonio [B][I]Semifinal Matches[/I][/B] (1) Douglas/Machine vs. Valentine/Appeal (2) Parker/Davids vs. Strong.Antonio [I][B]Championship Match[/B][/I] Winner of Semifinal (1) vs. Winner of Semifinal (2) [B][I] Grudge Match--The Blondes are at it again![/I][/B] Flash Savage vs. Oscar Golden (w/Nicole Kiss) [B][I]Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match[/I][/B] Natural Storm (Eddie Howard/D.C. Rayne, champions) vs. Stan “The Man” Manna & Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]As always, predictions are welcome and encouraged! Last month, the “book-a-match” era was started, which will segue into “book-a-show” when available. Don’t be left out of the fun! PREDICTION QUICK LIST (1) Ricky Douglas vs. The Mean Machine (2) Casey Valentine vs. Lex Appeal (3) Steven Parker (w/Persephone) vs. Des Davids (4) Erik Strong vs. Antonio (5) Ricky Douglas/The Mean Machine vs. Casey Valentine/Lex Appeal (6) Steven Parker/Des Davids vs. Erik Strong/Antonio (7) Winner of (5) vs. Winner of (6) (8) Oscar Golden (w/Nicole Kiss) vs. Flash Savage (9) Natural Storm vs. Stan Manna & Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE]Hey, Chris...where have you been hiding my tickets at?![/QUOTE] I was going to tell you but I thought you might want to sign me as your star attraction and I didn't want to let you down. (1) Ricky Douglas vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] (2) [B]Casey Valentine[/B] vs. Lex Appeal (3) [B]Steven Parker (w/Persephone)[/B] vs. Des Davids (4) Erik Strong vs. [B]Antonio[/B] (5) [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Casey Valentine (6) [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Antonio (7) The Mean Machine vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] (8) [B]Oscar Golden (w/Nicole Kiss)[/B] vs. Flash Savage (9) [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. Stan Manna & Curtis Jenkins
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(1) Ricky Douglas vs. [B]The Mean Machine[/B] (2) [B]Casey Valentine[/B] vs. Lex Appeal (3) Steven Parker (w/Persephone) vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] (4) Erik Strong vs. [B]Antonio[/B] (5) [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Casey Valentine (6) [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. Antonio (7) [B]The Mean Machine[/B] vs. Des Davids (8) [B]Oscar Golden (w/Nicole Kiss)[/B] vs. Flash Savage (9) [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. Stan Manna & Curtis Jenkins
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;290289]I was going to tell you but I thought you might want to sign me as your star attraction and I didn't want to let you down. [/QUOTE] Well, that makes sense then...besides, I don't know if you and Evan would get along well anyways. Evan has a mean streak that he tries to hide and usually fails with. Besides, I probably couldn't afford you at this point in time! :D Anyways, to more important matters. I've received the match that Emark wanted to book, and it's during WWX Whiteout. I plan to post the '08 Invitational sometime Friday, and will be running Whiteout sometime tonight. So the winner will be the one with the highest total from both the Invitational and Whiteout, and gets to pick a match for one of February's two shows.
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The Invitational, 2008 Style! [COLOR="Blue"]LIVE from Stanley Hall, Maryland, Mid Atlantic Wrestling rings in the New Year with: [B][SIZE="5"]THE 2ND ANNUAL RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT[/SIZE][/B] Held in front of a MAW [B]record-setting paid attendance of 127[/B] (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/COLOR] Standing backstage in the gorilla position, I had to marvel at the size of the crowd we’d drawn to us tonight. This looked to be about double the size of our normal crowd, and there was a buzz in the locker room that this could be the break we needed in order to draw more fans to our shows. Perhaps the cancellation of last year’s tournament due to a blizzard was a boost, too. [COLOR="Green"][This is my attempt to explain why there is no 2007 tournament since I started in July. -SF][/COLOR] As for me, I was just hoping I didn’t mess anything up tonight. I knew a few of the matches I had set up for the tournament were sketchy at best. I was also leery of Oscar/Flash II, given what happened before. I specifically asked Rip to script the match out with them beforehand, hoping that would take care of that matter. In a nutshell (and to use an old cliché), I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I just hoped that things went well tonight…I was too nervous to worry about much else before, or during the show. Lucky for us, we had an Internet reporter watching our show tonight, and she volunteered to share her notes with me after the show. I normally wouldn’t do that, but tonight I needed the reprieve. I had a feeling I was going to need it. [COLOR="green"](Tonight’s show write-up will be provided by a familiar face to those of you who have read this over the last few shows: Tori Montgomery. Apparently the regular Mid-Atlantic correspondent for CVWrestlepedia.com, John Ruth, was unavailable due to sickness and Tori volunteered to fill in this month. The reason you haven’t seen John’s write-ups is because…well, frankly, they weren’t all that good. [Not that what you see from me is any better, but I digress….] She’ll be back to Pomona in time for WWX Whiteout, however…thank goodness for frequent-flyer miles. :D )[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Rip Chord Invitational, Opening Round Match Erik Strong def. Antonio to advance[/B] Finish: Strong wins by pinfall at 10:56 via Strong Sault[/I] Tori’s Notes: Seemed like an average wrestling match to me. Given Antonio’s position in the roster, I was certain he would advance. Then again, what do I know? There’s really nothing else to report on this match. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]Rip Chord Invitational, Opening Round Match Steven Parker def. Des Davids to advance[/B] Finish: Parker wins via pinfall at 7:57 via Future Shock.[/I] Tori’s Notes: A little better than the previous match. Seemed like near the end of the contest, Davids was becoming more confident with his technical holds. All in all, not too bad of a match. Certainly not the caliber of Parker/Hernandez, but not every match in MAW can be. [B]MATCH RATING: D[/B] [I][B]Rip Chord Invitational, Opening Round Match Casey Valentine def. Lex Appeal to advance[/B] Finish: Valentine wins via pinfall at 8:20.[/I] Tori’s notes: This match was, simply put, ugly. The two didn’t click, and Lex simply seemed overmatched in both in-ring ability and popularity. The only saving grace in this match was the three-man announce team. It’s my understanding that Lex was on loan from United States Pro Wrestling, and if I had my way, they would keep him there. He brings down the entire roster. [B]MATCH RATING: E[/B] [I][B]Rip Chord Invitational, Opening Round Match The Mean Machine def. Ricky Douglas to advance[/B] Finish: Machine wins via pinfall at 9:34 via Mood Swing.[/I] Tori’s notes: Just like last match, these two didn’t click. In addition, it seemed to me like Ricky just didn’t have his heart into the match tonight; he just wasn’t in the game. Perhaps the battle royal last month threw him off? In the end, it was Machine, plus the two color commentators, that carried this match. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B]Obligatory Hype[/B] We go backstage, where Nicole Kiss is busy primping in front of a mirror. She begins speaking aloud, noticing the camera in her peripheral vision.[/COLOR] Kiss: Flash Savage must be insane. After the beating Oscar gave him two months ago, he thinks that tonight he has a chance against Oscar Golden? Give me a break. Tonight, Oscar is going to prove that he was the dominant force in the Canadian Blondes! Golden [off-screen]: Nicole! We’ve gotta go; it’s time! Kiss: Coming! [Smirks at her reflection in the mirror] Flash Savage, prepare to be beaten yet again. [COLOR="blue"]Tori’s Notes: Standard fare. It wasn’t the best use of two minutes, but I could find worse. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [I][B]Grudge Match Flash Savage def. Oscar Golden[/B] Finish: Flash Savage wins at 10:37 via pinfall, using a handful of tights.[/I] Tori’s Notes: Memo to Mr. Toliver: Whatever storyline you are using with these two needs to end, immediately. The match dragged in the middle, and most of the fans noticed this…from my vantage point, it seemed like both workers forgot the script and improvised. Not a good thing. Also, Oscar was starting to get tired near the end of the match. Not one of the better matches I’ve seen recently. [B]MATCH RATING: E[/B] [I][B]Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinal Match Erik Strong def. Steven Parker to advance[/B] Finish: Strong wins at 12:54 via pinfall (Strong Sault)[/I] Tori’s Notes: Decent match, but the two didn’t click in the ring. I’m shocked that the booker has let Strong, a midcarder, go over an upper mid-carder and a main event player (and former Mid-Atlantic Champion!) in the same night. Has he been hit on the head recently? [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]Rip Chord Invitational, Semifinal Match Casey Valentine def. The Mean Machine to advance[/B] Finish: Valentine wins at 8:28 via submission.[/I] Tori’s Notes: OK, I think it’s official. There is no semblance of order to this. I was expecting a Parker/Machine final, winner to get a shot at the Mid Atlantic title within a month or two. I don’t think the fans were even expecting a Strong/Valentine final. The upside to all of this is that at least it was a decent match. Maybe if it was Parker/Valentine in the finals, something could be salvaged…? [B]MATCH RATING: D[/B] [I][B]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match Natural Storm def. Stan “The Man” Manna and Curtis Jenkins[/B] Finish: Eddie Howard pins Stan Manna at 10:42.[/I] Tori’s Notes: This appeared to me to be a last-minute addition, as the challengers had never teamed before. In fact, the lack of depth in the MAW Tag Team ranks could come back to hurt them. It may get weakened further, however, seeing as I heard some fans muttering that they were getting tired of seeing D.C. Rayne as Howard’s partner. I know we’ve had one turn recently, with Oscar Golden…I don’t know if a second is warranted. [B]MATCH RATING: E+ [I]This is to be expected[/I][/B] A quick, hastily-made video previews the finals of the 2008 Rip Chord Invitational: Erik Strong vs. Casey Valentine Tori’s Notes: Waste of a good two minutes. Next! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [I][B]What’s he doing here?[/B][/I] At this point, the camera pans the crowd until it focuses on a familiar championship belt…and then pans out to see that the Mid Atlantic Champion, Mainstream Hernandez, has taken a seat among the crowd in order to watch the finals of the tournament. Tori’s Notes: Time-filler. That’s all this is. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+[/B] [I][B][SIZE="4"]The 2008 Rip Chord Invitational Tournament: FINALS[/SIZE] Casey Valentine def. Erik Strong to win the tournament[/B] Finish: Valentine wins at 11:33 via pinfall (Small Package).[/I] Tori’s Notes: Wasn’t the best match of the evening, but it was far from the worst, as well. Nice, even contest, as Casey picks up the win. Seems to me like it was pre-ordained…after all, Casey is Rip Chord’s protégé. I just wonder how many other fans saw this coming. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]Respect![/I][/B] After the match, Strong offers Valentine a handshake, which Casey accepts, and the two combatants celebrate in the ring to end the show. Tori’s Notes: This must be another time-filler. Oh well. While I have a moment, I should also mention that the fans thought you used Erik far too much tonight. Perhaps he isn’t ready for a major push? [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+ END OF SHOW[/B] (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/COLOR] I don’t know how or why, but I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this had not been one of my better shows to date. That feeling was confirmed when Rip walked up to me and said that even he had expected a Parker/Machine final…but tonight’s show wasn’t all that bad. I wish I could say the same thing. Knowing tonight’s show was far below my normal standards, it didn’t bode too well that the largest crowd I had seen at a MAW event was treated to a rather lackluster show. I just worried that things were going to go downhill from here. Too distracted to stick around long after the show, I went back home, sat in the darkness of my bedroom, and tried to figure out a way to get out of this slump I’d been having. The answers, however, seemed to elude me at every turn. What in the name of all that is holy was I going to do? [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="blue"]OVERALL RATING FOR THE 2008 RIP CHORD INVITATIONAL: D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] ***NEXT POST: WWX Board Meeting to ring in the New Year!*** [COLOR="Green"]CURRENT PREDICTION STATUS: Chris Caufield leads Emark, 4 to 3.[/COLOR]
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Round Three...FIGHT! [COLOR="Red"](Point of view: Third-person) [B]January 22, 2008: WWX Board Meeting (Present: Jason Webb, Trym Severla, Gareth Simpson, Emmett Evans, Duane Strong, and Tracy Brooks)[/B] Jason: All right, let’s get this meeting started--[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Duane: Motion to dismiss the meeting.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: Denied. Just because it’s your birthday doesn’t mean you’re getting out of here that quick.[/COLOR] [Duane shoots a venomous glare at Jason, but says nothing.] [COLOR="red"]Jason: OK, first point of discussion: last month’s show. From what I’ve read on the internet, it was abysmal in ratings. Duane, your response?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: A mistake on all of our parts, booking Rebellion in the main event. Apparently the fans did not like us shoving those two down their collective throats. I mentioned that last month, and you said they’d have to live with it. I hold this on your head, Jason.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: Not true. You’re the booker, it’s your fault.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]Emmett: Now hold up a minute, man. Once again, we’re going down the ‘Jason wants to fire Duane’ road. I’m still not buying that load of tripe. I agreed with Duane last month-that we might be using Rebellion too much. He knows what he’s doing, Jason…but the downside to all of this is that you’ve put him between a rock and a hard place. We started as unknowns here, and for the most part we still are. But the attendance in the last few months has gone up, so we’re doing something right.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: My point is--[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Gareth: Jason, your point is that you’re trying to bully around the man in charge of this whole operation. He has another 18 months left on his contract; let’s at least give him a chance to work here.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: We might not last another 18 months, however. Tracy, how are the books looking?[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]Tracy: As of right now, we’ve lost $68,670 since the start of the fiscal year. That’s 22.89% of our starting capital of $300,000. If this continues and we do not start making more money, by the end of Duane’s contract there will be a total of $25,320 to our name.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: OK, Duane, how you do answer that?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Once again, I look at you for that problem. Look at the size of our roster, for crying out loud! I’m supposed to juggle that many people and keep everyone happy with how much they are used?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: Jason, why else do you think we’ve lost as many people as we have? [Big Daddy] Rick Majors, Ethan Eller, Stan Lethan [Stleth], and Chris Chambers all left for other promotions because we weren’t big enough, or we didn’t give them enough matches. We’re lucky to still have Jayzon Styles, as I thought a couple of the new promotions would have snatched him up, and we’ve all but lost Will Prydor while PGHW is running.[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: I’m still waiting for the rest of our female staff to complain that I’m not using them enough. Adrianne Wright, Fadanae, and Queen X haven’t been used since we started-[/COLOR] [COLOR="olive"]Gareth: You tried Fadanae against DJ at Independence, remember?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: True. In any event, they were supposed to be managers…yet due to finances, I can’t use them as planned! I’m waiting for AAA to take Fadanae from us; she seems like she would be a good fit there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: Just as long as Adrianne doesn’t end up in BSC. She might have that look, but she would not like it there. Besides, I'd be afraid for the other women there--Adrianne knows how to fight, after all.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: So what do you suggest?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: For starters, after this month’s show, I’m dropping us to at most four matches per month-that includes our “major” shows, as well. Since we really don’t have any tag teams left, with the exception of Rebellion and Eruption, I’m planning on suspending the Tag Team titles come the first of February. All matches will be singles matches, with the occasional three-way, four-way, or story-based tag team match.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: What about our March show, Survival of the Fittest? That’s supposed to be our battle royal show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: I’ll make a decision on that as we get closer…though if we don’t improve our finances soon, you can kiss the battle royal goodbye.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: But that’s not good! We’ve ALWAYS planned on having a battle royal three months before Xtravaganza![/COLOR] [Duane stands up, and one can almost feel the anger in his voice.] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Jason, listen to me very carefully here. You come in here and bark about how I’m failing at my job, yet to expect me to work with almost impossible conditions set forth by you as well as dealing with your ever-changing temper. If I don’t start getting some of the respect you give the other members of the Board, then I might have to give serious thought to making a motion to have you kicked off the Board and replaced with someone else.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: You can’t do that-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Gareth: Actually, Jason, he can. The four of us agreed on rules and conditions before we reformed WWX.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: But he can’t fire me![/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: That’s true. I can’t, because of your lifetime contract. But I can certainly job you out to oblivion. It’s called “separation of power,” Jason. It’s in the U.S. government for a reason…and now you see why.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: I think he has you there, Jason. Anyways, on to other matters. The card at Whiteout…what do you have in mind there, Duane?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Well, we established two new #1 Contenders last month. So, I was going to have those matches. The New Dynamite Kid versus Jayzon Styles for the Cruiserweight strap-[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: That sounds like a good match…but may I make a suggestion?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Depends on what you have in mind.[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: We really haven’t had a gimmick-type match since we started. Why don’t we go with one of the basics?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: [dryly] A pink-slip-on-a-pole match?[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: No. A steel cage match. And I’ll even do you one better, Duane. I’m certain you already had a winner picked, right?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Yeah…why?[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: Well, we haven’t given our road agent, Sylvia Leonsol, a lot of responsibility recently. Why not let her pick the winner?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Now you’re wanting to go MAW on me, Emmett.[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: Well, think of the surprise everyone got during that battle royal in December. Why not try it ourselves?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Gareth: I think he may be on to something here, Duane. Why not try it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Are you guys really going to give me a choice on this?[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]Tracy: It appears not, Duane. Let them have it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Fine. We’ll let Sylvia pick the winner. But back to my original point…we’ll also have Chris Waits facing Rage for the Desert Star title. Our main event, since we didn’t defend the Heavyweight Title last month, will be a slight contrast of two styles. It’ll be Trym against…Emmett.[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: Me? Why me?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: Yeah…why not me?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Because I have other plans for you, Jason, during the show.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jason: What are they? I demand to know![/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: You’ll find out in due time.[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"] Tracy: Duane, may I make a suggestion?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Seems to be the day for them. Go ahead, Tracy.[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]Tracy: From our original days, I always thought that Brian Foster and Jacey Morgan would be a good match in the ring. Any chance of that happening?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Hmmm…you might be on to something, Tracy. Very well, that’ll be our fourth match.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: You think this will work, Duane?[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]Duane: Why not? Something’s bound to at some point. Besides…that could lead into a Desert Star storyline, if things work….[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Emmett: On that note, can we please end this meeting? The guys are planning to take Duane out for his birthday, and we’d like to get a move on at some point today.[/COLOR] Gareth/Duane [in unison]: Second the motion! [COLOR="Navy"]Trym: You know what, the heck with the vote. This meeting’s over. Come on, guys. Tracy, you coming?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Tracy: Certainly beats sitting here all day. Let’s go![/COLOR] [Everyone files out of the room except Jason Webb, who remains seated at the conference table.] [COLOR="red"]Webb: I’m beginning to think it was a mistake to bring Duane back to this. He’s going to dig us an early grave….[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]CARD FOR WWX WHITEOUT[/B] From the Glasshouse in Pomona, California--Sunday, Week 4 of January 2008 [B]Main Event: For the WWX Heavyweight Championship Trym Severla (champion) vs. Emmett Evans[/B] [I]This match is about respect in the eyes of Emmett Evans. After being eliminated first in last month’s Sole Survivor match, Emmett wanted to regain some of the respect he lost, and requested this match. However, Trym needs to be wary of the ever-looming threat of the bounty that Jason Webb has placed on him, as the champion seeks to retain his title once again.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]The match decided on by Emark in this month’s “Book-a-Match” prediction contest:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]For the WWX Cruiserweight Championship-to be held inside a Steel Cage! Winner to be determined by WWX Road Agent Sylvia Leonsol The New Dynamite Kid (Champion) vs. Jayzon Styles[/B] [I]Last month’s prediction contest winner, Emark, has elected to take one of the pre-advertised matches for Whiteout and add a little twist to it. By placing the road agent in charge of picking a winner, and making the bout a Modern Steel Cage match, he has effectively made a midcard match the precursor to the main event of the evening. Expect to see at least one high-risk move off the top of the cage in this one![/I] [B]For the WWX Desert Star Championship “Crazy” Chris Waits (champion) vs. Rage (w/Debra Jameson)[/B] [I]Once more, the Desert Star title will be put on the line in an all-out slugfest. Waits has shown that he can thrive outside of tag team competition, and is the champion to prove it. However, he needs to be wary of Rage, a former LWF Heavyweight champion, and the always-distracting Debra Jameson.[/I] [B]Undercard Match Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan[/B] Two old-school LWF veterans lock horns in this match, as the power of Brian Foster meets the sheer size of Jacey Morgan. No one is expected to back down out of this confrontation, and it could make for a surprise match of the night contender.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Because Emark elected to use the “Road Agent call” to determine the winner of the match he booked, he [B][I]IS[/I][/B] allowed to guess the winner, as it is not predetermined. [B][I]QUICK PICK REFERENCE CARD[/I][/B] WWX Heavyweight Championship Trym Severla (champion) vs. Emmett Evans WWX Cruiserweight Championship-Steel Cage match, Road Agent to pick winner The New Dynamite Kid (champion) vs. Jayzon Styles WWX Desert Star Championship Chris Waits (champion) vs. Rage (w/Debra Jameson) Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan [B][I]AUTHOR’S PREDICTION[/I][/B]: This note is being written prior to running WWX Whiteout. With the road agent picking the winner, my prediction is that we will see a NEW Cruiserweight Champion in that match, as Jayzon Styles is higher in the card than DK. [B]Thus, I am guessing that Jayzon Styles will become the next WWX Cruiserweight champion![/B] And now off to run the show….[/COLOR]
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WWX Heavyweight Championship [B]Trym Severla (champion)[/B] vs. Emmett Evans WWX Cruiserweight Championship-Steel Cage match, Road Agent to pick winner The New Dynamite Kid (champion) vs. [B]Jayzon Styles[/B] WWX Desert Star Championship [B]Chris Waits (champion)[/B] vs. Rage (w/Debra Jameson) Brian Foster vs. [B]Jacey Morgan[/B]
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WWX Heavyweight Championship [B]Trym Severla (champion)[/B] vs. Emmett Evans WWX Cruiserweight Championship-Steel Cage match, Road Agent to pick winner The New Dynamite Kid (champion) vs. [B]Jayzon Styles[/B] WWX Desert Star Championship [B]Chris Waits (champion)[/B] vs. Rage (w/Debra Jameson) [B]Brian Foster [/B]vs. Jacey Morgan
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Seems like I'm looking at duplicate posts...only one difference between the two of you :rolleyes: I'll be writing the show up over the weekend and should hopefully have it posted late Sunday to sometime Monday. Also, just to add more incentive of winning a booked match, I'll be writing whichever match happens to be booked by the prediction winner. So this month, the Steel Cage match will be written out in the style a la WWX Sole Survivor. (Just thought I'd make things interesting :D ) Anyone else out there want to add their two cents in before the show posts? Feel free to do so.
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A Whiteout in the desert [COLOR="Red"]LIVE from the Glasshouse in Pomona, California, Western Wrestling Xcitement presents: [SIZE="4"][B]WHITEOUT[/B][/SIZE] Held before a paid attendance of 35 (Point of view: Tori Montgomery)[/COLOR] As was my custom, I was first in the door tonight. Sure, I knew that being a member of the media meant that I didn’t have to pay to get in…but let’s face it, Duane needed all the help he could get, especially with his boss giving him a hard time every month. It was no surprise that Duane was at the announcers’ table, doing last minute sound checks. [I]At least some things remain the same.[/I] At this point, Duane looked up and saw me. “Hey, Tori! How was Maryland?” “How’d you know I was there?” “I have the Internet, you know. The Rip Chord Invitational was one of the main event headlines the other day, and I just [I]happened[/I] to see your name on the summary.” “Touché. Maryland wasn’t bad, but I was lucky. I left right before a blizzard hit.” He chuckled at that. “I have family that works for the state’s highway department. I think they’re going to get a lot of money out of that. I couldn’t stand the hours, though.” “That makes sense. So what sort of drama have I missed during my absence?” “Besides the fact that Jason called this month’s board meeting on my birthday and spent most of it ridiculing me, you haven’t missed a whole lot.” “Oh, well then…happy belated birthday! How’s the show coming along?” “It’s not the best I’ve thought up, but it does what we need it to, I think. Besides, I think this is the first show we’ve had that has all three singles titles on the line in the same night.” “That should be interesting, then. I’ll leave you to it, and go stake my seat before someone else comes in and claims it.” “No worries about that,” Duane said, smiling. “You have a reserved seat already. Right at the corner of the entrance ramp, front row ringside.” I turned to look. “What, this one with the paper that conspicuously says ‘Reserved for Tori Montgomery, CVWrestlepedia?’ ” “That’s the one. I’ll talk to you after the show.” Shaking my head and smiling, I sat in the seat and pulled out my trusted notepad and pen…when I saw a carrying case sitting beside the chair, next to the guard rail. Opening it up, I found a laptop computer-not the top of the line, mind you, but something that was a far cry better than the laptop I currently had. Taped to the lid of the computer was a note: [I]Call it a late Christmas present from someone who knows you need an upgrade. It’s not the best in the world, but it helps. -D.[/I] I snapped my head up to look at him on the other side of the ring, and he had the biggest grin on his face that I could imagine. I saw mouth the word, “Enjoy,” and I just shook my head. I activated the laptop, logged into my screen name (making a mental note that I needed to put a password on there ASAP), and saw a shortcut to a document titled “WWX Whiteout Summary.” At this, I shook my head again. He was going to spoil me if he kept this up. But then there was no more time to think, it was time for the show. [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Brian Foster def. Jacey Morgan[/B] Finish: Foster wins at 8:36 via pinfall after the Xclamation Point! (Spinebuster)[/I] Tori’s Notes: Overall, not too bad of an opening match. It was a lot better than I expected, I’ll admit that much. In this case, when power meets size, power wins. I’d like to see these two go at it a couple more times; there’s potential here…not to mention that these two could be in a Desert Star title hunt if Duane so chooses to work that route. [B]MATCH RATING: D- [I]Wait, can we repeat that here?[/I][/B] Cut to backstage, where Jason Webb has perched himself in front of a camera.[/COLOR] Webb: I'm going to make this quick. Trym, you everlasting son of a [censored], tonight I'm gonna beat some respect into that thick skull of yours. And mark my words, mo-[censored], you will remember me after tonight! I guarantee it! [COLOR="Red"]Tori's Notes: Wait, can he say that on-camera? Or is this actually a shoot segment, and no one informed the rest of us? In any event, Webb seemed truly upset. This might not be good.... [B]SEGMENT RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]WWX Desert Star Championship Match Rage def. Chris Waits via countout; Waits retains the Desert Star title[/B] Finish: Countout occurred at 9:54, as Waits was unable to get in the ring before the ten-count.[/I] Tori's Notes: Decent brawling match. In a 10-minute match, the better part of half of the match was spent on the outside, with the count broken as needed. It wasn't until after Waits missed a MowDown through the steel guard rail that Rage slid back in the ring and didn't bother to roll Waits back in himself. Instead, Waits gallantly tried to get in the ring himself, but just couldn't do it before the ten-count was reached. Thus, Rage wins the match but Waits retains his Desert Star title. One note of warning--Rage's character may need freshening up, as the fans seemed bored with his No Gimmick Needed routine. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B][I]EMARK’S BOOKED MATCH[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B][I]WWX Cruiserweight Title Match--Steel Cage match[/I][/B] [CUT to Duane Strong in-ring, as several volunteers are finishing preparations on assembling the steel cage.] [/COLOR] Strong: This contest is a Steel Cage match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship! The match can only be won by pinfall, submission, or escape from the cage and having both feet touch the floor! [COLOR="red"] [THEME MUSIC: "Back in Black" by AC/DC] [/COLOR] Strong: Introducing first, the challenger. From Miami, Florida, weighing 223 pounds...[B][I]Jayzon Styles![/I][/B] [COLOR="red"] [Styles gets in the ring, test the ropes and rattles the cage to get a feel for the apparatus before turning to face the entry-way.] [THEME MUSIC: British National Anthem, cuts to “Don’t You Wish You Were Me?” by Fozzy] [/COLOR] Strong: His opponent, from Blackpool, England, weighing 213 pounds, he is the reigning WWX Cruiserweight champion…[B][I]The New Dynamite Kid![/I][/B] [COLOR="red"] [Duane gets out of the ring as DK walks around the outside of the cage, gathering his own take on the steel structure before handing his belt off and entering the cage. Referee Terrance Warder calls for the bell to start the match.] [/COLOR] Dean “The Scheme” Johnson [main commentator]: Now, could one of you two please tell me whose brilliant idea it was to put this match inside a steel cage? Charles Simmons [color commentator]: Duane might know more than I do on this; he’s better with the backstage stuff than I am. Duane Strong [secondary commentator]: From my understanding, gentlemen, this cage was the idea of the champion. Apparently he thought Styles would try to work on the outside--much like what happened during our last match, actually. Thus, DK asked WWX General Manager Tracy Brooks to make this contest a steel cage match, and you see the result in front of you. Johnson: So we can blame DK for this mess. OK, got it. Simmons: He’s starting early this match, isn’t he? Strong: And this is news because…? Anyways, we have a match to call, guys. Simmons: Here we go, collar-and-elbow tie-up, and it’s Styles with the quick hammerlock…reversal by DK, who transitions it into a side headlock. Strong: Shove by Styles, DK into the ropes…drop toe hold by the challenger, into a front facelock. Johnson: The Kid quick to scramble back to his feet despite the hold, though…and Styles backs the champion into a corner. Strong: I’m not expecting a clean break here…and sure enough, Styles with a forearm shiver that momentarily stuns the champion! Simmons: Styles following it up with a few more, and here’s the whip-reversal by DK, no, reversed again by Styles into a short-arm clothesline! Nice counter by the challenger…cover! Johnson: Styles only gets a one out of that predicament. Far too early for this match to end. Simmons: But Styles right now has the advantage as he gets the champion back to his feet, and here’s another Irish Whip- Strong: Into a beautifully executed spinning head scissors! DK gets back on his feet, but is dropped by a standing dropkick to the face, as Styles got all kinds of height on that jump! Johnson: The champion is slumped against the ropes as Jayzon approaches…and a quick grab of the tights by the Kid sends Styles headlong into the steel cage! Simmons: It certainly didn’t take long for the cage to become a weapon in this match! Johnson: The Kid senses he has the advantage here, and he’s going to press it as he pulls Styles to his feet…springboard from the middle rope into a tornado DDT! Cover! Strong: But DK with only a short two-count for his efforts as Styles refuses to be beaten so easily. The champion seems to be in control at the moment, but can he keep the attack going? Simmons: DK with another whip into the ropes, and a drop toe hold on the challenger…and a somersault leg drop to the back of the head lands with authority! Johnson: How does a leg drop land with authority? For that matter, how can any move land with authority…and where do they get authority to land anyway? Simmons: D**mit, Johnson! Strong: Now the champion has a rear seated chinlock on the challenger, forcing Styles to carry the weight of two people. Styles is starting to fight back, though, as he gets to all fours…now to a kneeling position…and Styles starts hitting left-handed jabs to the body, looking to force a break. Simmons: He finally gets it after three shots to the ribs. He’s going to the ropes, but DK catches him and runs toward the cage- Johnson: But Styles with a springboard off the middle rope into a spinning heel kick! Both men are down! Strong: Remember, there are no count outs here…I can see the ref beginning a ten-count in the ring. I can only surmise that if neither man can answer, it’s a double knock-out draw, and the Kid retains. Simmons: It’s academic, though, as both men are back on their feet at the count of seven…and it looks like Styles is taking the initiative here and has DK reeling! Johnson: And now it’s the Kid who tastes the steel cage! Strong: And I don’t think Styles is done, as he sends the Kid into each of the four sides of the cage. The champion is in deep trouble here! Simmons: He could be in even more trouble if this move Styles is thinking about lands! Styles is on the top rope as the Kid groggily regains his footing… Strong: And a top rope rana sends DK sliding across most of the width of the ring! Cover! Johnson: And somehow DK kicks out of the pin attempt a half-second away from the three! But the momentum is clearly on the side of the challenger at this point! Simmons: I think Jayzon is looking to end it right here. It could be time for the JZ Clash! Strong: It looks like Styles has DK in position for that inverse Russian leg sweep he calls the JZ Clash…but the Kid fights out of it and goes to the ropes, only to be dropped by high leg lariat! The Kid is down! Johnson: And Styles is looking to escape right here! Strong: Indeed, Styles is in the opposite corner, starting to make his way up the cage. He’s about halfway up now, and here comes DK after him! Simmons: The champion catches him near the top of the cage! This might not go so well, guys! Johnson: Now the two of them are exchanging punches some ten feet above the ring. Wait a second…I think DK has a slight edge here! Strong: Styles seems a bit stunned here! Wait…what the heck is the Kid doing? Simmons: He has his legs wrapped through the openings in the cage, and his feet are hooked on the bar below them. I have a bad feeling… Johnson: Now the Kid has Styles in a-no, don’t tell me he’s gonna…! [COLOR="red"] [To the shock of everyone, The New Dynamite Kid grabs Jayzon Styles in a rear waistlock, making certain to keep his feet entangled in the cage. Then, suddenly, DK wrenches his upper body backwards, still with Jayzon in his grasp!] [/COLOR] Johnson: Oh, my God! Simmons: What the--? Strong: Holy [censored]! Johnson: The New Dynamite Kid just delivered a release German suplex from near the top of the cage to Jayzon Styles! Simmons: That’s it, he’s dead. Strong: And look! DK is still on the cage! He should have no problem getting out of the cage now! Simmons: How in the he** did DK manage that move?! Strong: I think a better question to ask is if Styles is still alive, Charles. Johnson: Now DK is at the top of the cage, this should be academic…wait, what is he doing now? Simmons: Oh, not the Death Plant Frogsplash as well! Come on, Kid, have a heart! [COLOR="red"] [However, the Kid isn’t listening. From the top of the fifteen-foot high cage, he throws out his hands, a la another wrestler from a different time and place, perhaps. Then, with reckless abandon, he leaps!] [/COLOR] Strong: And somehow the Kid hits the Death Plant from the top of the cage! That has got to do it! Cover! Crowd: 1…….2………3! Simmons: And mercifully, this one is over! Strong [arena microphone]: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner at 11:38 into the match, and still the WWX Cruiserweight Champion…[B][I]The New Dynamite Kid![/I][/B] Johnson: What a match! Simmons: What a massacre is more like it! Can we get some help for Jayzon Styles, please?! [COLOR="red"] (Tori’s Notes: I wasn’t expecting that finish. These two have great chemistry together in the ring, though the mood of the crowd lowered until that high spot at the end of the match. If only these two were more popular! If Jayzon’s all right, I’d say to book a re-match post-haste!) [B]MATCH RATING: E [I]More talking. Joy![/I][/B] We go backstage, where Emmett Evans is walking towards the ring. [/COLOR] Evans: Trym, last month I had your back. This month, it's business. Tonight, I'm gunnin' for your title. You better bring your A-game, playa, 'cuz tonight it's war! [COLOR="red"] Tori's Notes: Eh...not the best promo I've ever heard, but certainly not the worst. Just a bit of filler time, I think…and not much of it at that. Emmett isn’t much for mincing words right now, I gather…. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E[/B] [I][B]WWX Heavyweight Championship Match Trym Severla and Emmett Evans ends in a No Contest draw; Trym retains the Heavyweight title[/B] Finish: Referee Terrance Warder called for the bell at 12:33 after losing control of the match. [/I] Tori's Notes: This wasn't too bad of a match, believe it or not. Of course, everyone in the arena knew that Jason Webb would be factored into the match...and sure enough, he's the one who caused the no contest to come about. Webb originally came in to blast Trym with brass knuckles, but then turned and caught Emmett with the loaded fist as well. From there, Jason did your basic MMA ground-and-pound on Trym (still wearing the knucks, mind you), eventually forcing the ref to call for the bell. Trym was pretty busted open after Webb finally got off of him, requiring EMT assistance. Even without the Webb interference, this was still a decent match. A rematch might not be a bad idea. [B]MATCH RATING: D- END OF SHOW[/B] (Point of view: Tori Montgomery) [/COLOR] I managed to get backstage, where I saw the EMTs load Trym into an ambulance and speed off. To my right, I saw Duane shake his head, and I went over to him. “You OK?” “Just worried.” “At?” “Trym seemed fine, just needed a few stitches to close that cut on his forehead. I’m worried about Jayzon and Webb.” “Well, Jayzon I could understand…speaking of whom, how is he doing?” “We had him taken to the local hospital, and everything seems to check out. He’s going to be a bit stiff for the next few days, but he’ll be fine. I asked him why he wanted to take a bump like that, to which he replied, ‘Because I want the fans to have something to remember about this show for many months to come.’ I think he’ll pull through, though after a drop like that I’m naturally worried.” “So what about Webb?” “I dunno why, but I have the feeling that his planned assault on Trym today was more than just a work. I think he’s starting to regret being one of four co-founders. I sense a possible coup coming in the WWX’s immediate future.” “So what will happen to you?” “Don’t know. I guess time will tell, as always.” With that, he walked away, leaving me to watch him go. The poor guy was almost at his wits’ end, and no one except for me would know just how much it was affecting him both on and off the camera. [COLOR="red"][B]OVERALL RATING FOR WWX WHITEOUT: D-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]By virtue of a 5-3 victory, this month [B][I]Chris Caufield[/I][/B] wins the prediction contest! Chris, I'll be sending a PM to you with details and guidelines for your prize. End-of-month updates will be posted after I receive a confirmation from Mr. Caufield or on Wednesday, whichever occurs first.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Green"]Sorry it took a while to put this post up...been busy with what silly thing they call "Life." Chris did send me his reply to the booking, and it's for the WWX show this month. With that said.... [B][I]REVIEW OF THE LAST TWO MONTHS[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Analysis for December 2007 – January 2008 [B]NOTED CHANGES TO WORKER STATS[/B] Cal Sanders: Chain Wrestling to C+ Eddie Howard: Puroresu to F+, Aerial to F+, Respect to E+ Erik Strong: Acting to D-, Selling to D- Flash Savage: Hardcore to F+, Flashiness to C+, Mat Wrestling to E+, Submissions to E K-Squared: Safety to C- Mainstream Hernandez: Selling to C, Respect to D- Max Mayhem: Mat Wrestling to F+ Ricky Douglas: Toughness to C- Rip Chord: Toughness dropped to D+ The Mean Machine: Microphone to C+ [B]Mid-Atlantic Wrestling’s Financial Report for December 2007 – January 2008[/B] Start of December 2007: $53,284 Worker Fees: - $14,664 Show Cost: - $1,400 Production, merchandising, other departmental fees: - $4,123 Total after deductions: $33,097 Income from Ticket Sales--December: $240 (60 people @ $4 a ticket) Income from Ticket Sales—January: $508 (127 people @ $4 a ticket) Income from Merchandising: $1,500 Income from Sponsor Deals: $13,408 FINAL TOTAL AT END OF JANUARY 2008: $48,753 (MAW lost $4,531 during these two months.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Western Wrestling Xcitement Analysis for December 2007 – January 2008 [B]NOTED CHANGES TO WORKER STATS[/B] Emmett Evans: Psychology to B, Mat Wrestling went from D to D+ and then back to D Gareth Simpson: Aerial to E+ Graves: Flashiness to F Illium se Levanto: Stamina to B-, Respect to E Jayzon Styles: Safety to C- Kendall Lightwater: Respect to F+ The Phoenix: Charisma to D+ Trym Severla: Respect to D William Prydor: Selling to D+, Respect to F+ [B]Western Wrestling Xcitement’s Financial Report for December 2007 – January 2008[/B] Start of December 2007: $240,709 Worker Fees: - $19,775 Show Cost: - $1,400 Production, merchandising, other departmental fees: - $1,540 Total after deductions: $217,994 Income from Ticket Sales--December: $123 (41 people at $3 a ticket) Income from Ticket Sales—January: $96 (32 people at $3 a ticket) Income from Merchandising: $54 Income from Sponsor Deals: $6,591 [B]FINAL TOTAL AT END OF JANUARY 2008: $224,858[/B] (WWX lost $15,851 during these two months.)[/COLOR] [I][COLOR="Blue"]“What to do, what to do….?”[/COLOR][/I] (Point of view: Evan Toliver) [B][I][COLOR="blue"]February 4, 2008[/I][/B] I was sitting at home, mentally going over the last couple of weeks. The fan reaction seemed to be lukewarm for Casey Valentine’s Invitational win…but I had always thought that the Invitational was meant to showcase the younger, up-and-coming talent. The main problem I could foresee is that the fans knew that Mainstream Hernandez won the last Invitational in ’06, and later became Mid Atlantic Champion…and they would expect similar exploits with Casey. I wasn’t sure if Casey was ready for that level, but what was done is done, after all. Mentally shrugging, I sighed and looked out my window at the rising sun, knowing it was going to be cold out there. Richmond was in the midst of a cold snap, not to mention the two inches of snow on the ground because of a passing storm the day before. I was debating just staying home where it was warm, but I knew it would be a pointless gesture—Rip had specifically asked me to come in to talk some business. Forcing myself to move, I dressed in layers, all the while muttering curses at this unholy cold weather…where I was born, a 55-degree (Fahrenheit) day was considered “cold,” never mind temperatures under 20! Then, steeling my will, I trudged out into the wintry morning, excited beyond belief when I reached the MAW offices some ten blocks away from the loft I had rented. I was far from surprised to see Rip already standing in the reception area, waiting for me. “Took your time getting here, didn’t you?” “Rip, if you lived your entire life in Florida, and wasn’t used to this cold weather, you’d probably be slow getting somewhere, too.” He chuckled at this. “You have a point. So how is the card looking for this month?” I motioned for him to follow me into my office, where we could speak in relative privacy. Once inside, I continued. “Rip, I’ve heard some comments from our fans that they don’t think Casey should have won the Invitational. They were looking for someone more experienced…maybe Steven Parker or Mean Machine.” “Evan, where are you going with this?” “Here’s what I’m thinking. We give Casey a month or two before putting him against the champion. As of now, I’m thinking that our April show at the earliest would work for Casey to use his Invitation win for a title shot.” “Who says that Casey should get a shot?” “The fans. I heard more than a few say that it was about time that Mainstream found success after his Invitational win in ’06, and that Casey might have similar success.” “I see…so what is the plan?” “Well, here’s the scenario I have in mind. You know that the feud I’ve had going with Oscar and Flash is going rough, right?” “Yeah, they can’t seem to finish a match without some awkwardness.” “OK…well, if you’ll remember, there was an unofficial third Canadian Blonde, namely Huey Cannonball, right?” “Yeah…” “Well, we take Huey and pair him up with Flash Savage against Oscar and Casey Valentine. This was we can continue the feud, plus introduce Huey as the man in between the former Blondes, who is torn in his allegiance.” “Hmmm…it could work, Evan. What else do you have in mind?” “Well, having given Erik the push into the finals next month, we need to expand on that for at least this show. So I’m giving him a match against another guy who doesn’t have a regular tag partner any longer—Stan Manna. Regardless of who wins that match, it should be interesting.” “Interesting. And the main event?” “Mainstream defending against a former Mid Atlantic Champion—The Mean Machine.” “Hmmm…I like it! Anything else?” “Just a dark match with two of our newer workers, trying to acclimate them into our style of wrestling.” “I see. Sounds good, then.” From there, we talked about assorted things, nothing business-related, and the day seemed to pass by quickly. I still wasn’t looking forward to going home in that cold weather, though. [B]CARD FOR MAW CAPITAL CHALLENGE[/B] [I][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Match[/B][/I] Mainstream Hernandez (champion) vs. The Mean Machine [B][I]Tag Team Attraction[/I][/B] Flash Savage & Huey Cannonball vs. Oscar Golden & 2008 Rip Chord Invitational winner Casey Valentine [B][I]Undercard Matches[/I][/B] Stan “The Man” Manna vs. Erik Strong Thomas Morgan vs. K-Squared[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]Quick Reference Pick Sheet[/B] [B]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Mean Machine Flash Savage & Huey Cannonball vs. Oscar Golden & Casey Valentine Stan Manna vs. Erik Strong Thomas Morgan vs. K-Squared[/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Green"]Well, I can guarantee that we'll be tied after this show... *laughs*[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]LIVE from the Orange County Booster's Park in Orange County, Virginia, Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents [B][SIZE="5"]CAPITAL CHALLENGE[/SIZE][/B] Held before a paid attendance of 118 (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/COLOR] “Rip, what do you mean we have to fill 90 minutes tonight?” “I’m sorry, Evan, I could have sworn I told the guy an hour.” I forced myself to bite back a comment about Rip possibly being drunk when he called to book the park. Instead, I simply said, “There’s not much we can do about it now. I’m going to need to extend some matches and find some ways to kill time…and fast.” Rip said nothing, watching me work as I rattled thoughts in my mind. “OK, here’s what we’ll do. We won’t have a dark match tonight; Morgan and K-Squared can go in the opening segment. I’ll have to ask Erik and Stan to push their match a bit longer than planned, and I hope Jean and James can go at it for over a half-hour. That’s the only way we’re going to fill 90 minutes. I’ll have to remember to book the place myself next time, so I can tell them it’s only an hour-long show.” Rip kept silent, and I had to turn to look at him, to make sure he hadn’t died or (more likely) passed out. “OK, Rip, what’s wrong?” He looked at me, shrugging. “I just have this feeling that before long, you’re not going to have need of me. You’ll know more about this federation than I will, and it scares me.” “Rip, there will always be a place for you here. Trust me; I’m not gunning for your job any time soon.” “If you say so….” But I could hear the doubt in his voice. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t happy about it…but at the same time, I wasn’t upset, either. [COLOR="blue"][B][I]Opening Bout: K-Squared def. Thomas Morgan[/I][/B] [I]Finish: K-Squared won in 9:06 via pinfall.[/I] Evan’s Notes: Not too bad in the opening match department. I can see these two starting to adjust to MAW-style wrestling, and may someday see one or both of them win a title. That’s a good ways away, however. [B]MATCH RATING: E+[/B] [I]Tag Team Attraction: [B]Oscar Golden & Casey Valentine def. Flash Savage & Huey Cannonball[/B] Finish: Casey Valentine pinned Huey Cannonball at 10:50.[/I] Evan’s Notes: It took six months, but I am beginning to think that a feud between Oscar and Flash was a mistake. For starters, Oscar was getting tired near the end of this match, as was Huey Cannonball. Secondly, these two just do not seem to work together well in the ring. Finally…ah, forget it. Those reasons are good enough. The good news is that Nicole Kiss did some good work at ringside during this match, and that might have helped the match in the end. [B]MATCH RATING: E [I]Post-match shenanigans[/I][/B] After the match, as Casey and Oscar celebrate their win, Flash Savage returns to the ring, throws Casey to the outside, and proceeds to open up an entire six-pack of whoop-*** on Oscar Golden, letting him know that this situation is far from over. Evan’s Notes: I’ll cop to the fact that this was meant as time-filler. Next! [B]SEGMENT RATING: F+[/B] [B][I]Ranting, raving, and the whole shebang[/I][/B] The camera now cuts backstage to The Mean Machine’s dressing room as he prepares for his Mid Atlantic Championship match against Mainstream Hernandez.[/COLOR] Machine: It pains me to see how far the Mid Atlantic title has fallen. I was the first man to hold that title, and I was honored to hold that belt. But to see some young punk like Mainstream Hernandez hold the title, it just makes me sick. That is why tonight, I will prove to everyone here, and to Hernandez himself, that he has no right to call himself the champion. He has to beat me to earn that right…and he is not going to stop The Mean Machine! [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: Yes, more time-filler. Remember, I had to take a 60-minute show and stretch it into 90! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+[/B] [I][B]Undercard Attraction: Erik Strong def. Stan “The Man” Manna[/B] Finish: Strong wins in 20:51 via pinfall (Strong Sault)[/I] Evan’s Notes: After wrestling three matches last month, Erik showed me a lot of poise by going through another 20-minute match tonight. Manna was tiring near the end, but it was still a nice, even match-up that ended with one small mistake on Stan’s part leading to Erik’s finisher for the pin and the victory. [B]MATCH RATING: E+[/B] [I][B]Unexpected Arrival[/B][/I] We go to the commentary at ringside for our next segment.[/COLOR] Marv Earnest (Play-By-Play): You’re looking outside the tent complex we’re using here at the Orange County Booster’s Park. We’ve just had a car pull up outside, don’t know who it is. Evan Toliver (Main color commentator): From this angle, Marv, I can’t see who it is… [The door opens, to reveal….] Manuel Ramirez (secondary color commentator): That’s Steven Parker! What is he doing here tonight; I didn’t think he was on the card! Earnest: [darkly] He’s not on the card, Manuel…and judging from the look on his face, I don’t think he’s here to play nice, either. Toliver: If I were Mainstream Hernandez, I’d watch my back. Parker looks like he means business, and I wouldn’t want to get in his way tonight! [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: Bring on the main event! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [I][B]Main Event: Mid Atlantic Championship Match Mainstream Hernandez def. The Mean Machine and makes his 2nd defense of the title.[/B] Finish: Mainstream wins by pinfall at 30:24 (Apparition #14)[/I] Evan’s Notes: I was impressed by this match. It seems like Parker, Mainstream, and Cattley can all handle half-hour matches, and do well with them. I wonder…what would happen if I put all three into a match together? It has possibilities…in any event, this was easily the match of the night, as these two put everything they had into making this a good match. This is Mainstream’s second successful defense of the title, and by all indications, he may well have it for a while, if he keeps putting up these kinds of matches. [B]MATCH RATING: C- [I]Who didn’t see this coming?[/I][/B] After the match, Steven Parker emerged from the crowd, entered the ring, and proceeded to beat down Mainstream Hernandez, ending tonight’s festivities. Evan’s Notes: That does it for the show. Wait, you’re still here? Go home, already! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+ END OF SHOW[/B] (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/COLOR] I was happy with the way the show came out in the end, even despite having to stretch a few segments longer than I had originally planned. The workers were celebrating a successful show, while I sat aloof pondering the March show. That didn’t last long, however, as I was approached by both Mainstream Hernandez and Steven Parker. “Yes, gentlemen?” It was Parker who answered me. “What are the chances in making a three-way title match next month?” “Depends on who is in it.” Hernandez replied, “Call it a ‘Clash of the Champions.’ Put all three current or former Mid Atlantic champions in the same match. Steven Parker, Mean Jean Cattley, and myself…one fall to a finish.” I chuckled wryly at this. “I’ve been thinking about that. I’m not going to commit to it yet, gentlemen, but keep in mind that this idea is going through my mind. As we get closer to the show next month, I’ll give you a definitive answer.” “Can’t ask for fairer than that,” replied Parker. “Come on, Evan. You hardly go out with the guys anymore; it’s time you took a break for one night.” Those three words-“take a break”-were words that did not fit in well with my vocabulary. However, I had to admit that Steven had a point, as we headed out. I needed to re-establish contact with the workers. Besides, who was to say that I would be taking a break? My mind continued to think of ideas even as I ordered my chicken cordon bleu and joked with the guys. After all, I had to do something to occupy my time! [B][I][COLOR="Blue"]OVERALL RATING FOR MAW CAPITAL CHALLENGE: D+[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]After half of the month, both predictors are tied at 3 apiece. WWX show set-up should be posted around the beginning of the week.[/B][/COLOR]
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