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A Tale of Two Bookers (C-Verse)

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[COLOR="Red"](Point-of-view: Duane Strong) [B][I]February 14, 2008[/I][/B] It was time for the monthly board meeting, and I was sitting in my accustomed spot. Gareth and Emmett were to my left, Trym to my right, and Jason across from me as usual. I noticed no extra chairs in the room, and so assumed that no one would be joining us. I silently prepared for the verbal barrage from Jason Webb as I heard him clear his throat. “All right, let’s get this meeting started. First order of business…I have received an offer to buy a spot on the Board of Directors from one of our workers.” A few murmurs greeted this statement, and Trym responded, “Are you considering the offer?” “Perhaps. It depends on how well our finances hold up in the next few months.” Jason was staring directly at me when he said this, but I refused to rise to the bait. Gareth jumped in here. “Jason, you can’t be serious. If anyone can buy a spot on the Board of Directors, then pretty soon you’ll wind up with the entire roster on the Board!” “Gareth has a point,” added Emmett. “It’s not sound business.” “This coming from someone who has never run a business in his life.” “Your point, Jason?” I felt the need to intercede here. “Guys, can we get back to the matter at hand? Save the trash-talking for on-camera use.” “All right, Duane, what’s your take on it?” “Jason, you know full well you can’t ask me; I’m not on the Board.” Trym piped up, “You’re as close as you can get without being on the Board, Duane. I think you’re entitled to answer.” I sighed, and composed my thoughts. This was not what I had expected at this meeting. Finally deciding on an answer I liked, I spoke. “My opinion is that it should be a vote by the Board. Majority rules; you’d need 3 votes to get it. Anything less--including a tie vote--and it’s rejected. I’d say to make it a unanimous vote, but the odds of that happening are worse than hitting the Powerball jackpot.” “You’re actually condoning this?” an incredulous Gareth managed to ask. “The only reason I am, Gareth, is that if things don’t turn around for us soon, I was going to bring the matter up myself…and put in as much money as needed to get us above our minimum balance before the two year grace period was up.” This seemed to take the wind out of Jason’s sails, as Emmett asked, “Isn’t that laundering money?” I sighed. “Emmett, I’m down to my last chance here. Should I lose my job, I don’t see anyone else taking a chance on me. I hate to say it, but if takes me putting my entire life’s savings into this federation to keep it afloat, then I will. I am bound and determined to keep this dream alive for the rest of guys who bust their chops in the locker room. If anything, they deserve it.” No one said anything for a few seconds, at which point Jason uttered, “Well…on that note, I declare this meeting adjourned.” Without a word to anyone else, he strode out of the room, leaving the four of us sitting in the boardroom. Trym was first to speak. “Duane, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone literally shock Jason Webb into semi-silence. Were you serious about the financial stance?” “Dead serious, Trym. I hate to go that route, but the more I think about it, and the more I come to understand the way Jason had all of these contracts set up, I see me on the short end of a long rope. I have to do something to preserve my professional career.” “So now what?” “Now, Gareth, we wait and see. As for me personally…I’m going out tonight.” “Wait, Duane going out on Valentine’s Day?” Emmett grinned at me. “It wouldn’t happen to be a medium-height redhead, would it?” “And if it was?” I smirked, knowing Emmett was referring to Tori. “I’d say ‘go get her, man!’ Go on; we won’t keep you waiting.” I shook hands with them all in turn, and dashed outside to my car for the quick ride to my apartment. I had a date--my first one in years, it seemed--to prepare for. And I refused to let Jason Webb drag my spirits down today, of all days. CARD FOR WWX ST. VALENTINE’S MASSACRE[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][I][B]Chris Caufield’s Booked match![/B][/I][/COLOR] [I][B][COLOR="Red"]For the WWX Heavyweight Championship, LAST MAN STANDING Trym Severla (champion) vs. Emmett Evans[/B] The double DQ finish last month prompted this match, as last month’s prediction winner, Chris Caufield, has suggested this match to finally determine a winner. What role, if any, will Jason Webb have to play in the proceedings? [B]Undercard Attraction: Jason Webb vs. The Phoenix[/B] Hoping that Phoenix’s recent change in style (regular to technician) will be a benefit, Duane has booked these two to a rematch from Hotter than Hell back in August of 2007. In that match, Webb won to advance to the finals of the WWX Heavyweight Championship Tournament…will this be Phoenix’s revenge? [B]Three-Way Elimination Match: Rage vs. Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan[/B] This match, with heavy implications in the Desert Star championship title hunt, is a rematch from Sole Survivor in December. While it is not certain as to whether this is a Number One Contender's match, you certainly have to imagine that the winner of this bout will be the front-runner for the next Desert Star title match.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Because Chris picked a winner in his booked match, he is ineligible to predict that particular match only. The remainder of the card is fair game for him. With that said… STANDINGS ENTERING THIS SHOW: Chris/Emark: 3 each [B][I]PREDICTIONS QUICK-PICK SHEET[/I][/B] [B]WWX Heavyweight Championship: Last Man Standing[/B] (Chris ineligible to pick this match) Trym Severla (champion) vs. Emmett Evans [B]Undercard[/B] Jason Webb vs. The Phoenix Brian Foster vs. Rage vs. Jacey Morgan[/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Red"]LIVE from the Glasshouse in Pomona, California, Western Wrestling Xcitement presents [B][SIZE="5"]ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE[/SIZE][/B] Held before a paid attendance of 31 (Point of view: Duane Strong)[/COLOR] As normal, I was out in the main arena, overseeing the last-minute set-up of our equipment and ring. It was about a half-hour prior to showtime when I heard footsteps closing in behind me. Just like clockwork, I thought as I turned, smiling. "I was starting to worry that you'd be late." "Me? Late? Surely you jest, Duane." Tori smiled at me, sitting in my chair at ringside. "So, what's on the agenda?" "Nothing too earth-shattering. After all, we aren't TCW or even SWF. It's not like we're going to set a national attendance record tonight. I'm just looking to have a decent show." "Should be no problem; you've been doing just that recently. So has Jason said anything else to you since the board meeting?" "Nope. I think he doesn't know how to take my statement about adding my own finances to the federation. Perhaps now he'll understand that I'm trying to make this work." "Have you thought about seeing if they'll change their contracts?" "I have, but haven't done anything about it yet. I want to make sure I think everything through before I decide anything for certain." By now, I noticed the first of our attendees beginning to enter the arena. "Looks like it's showtime." She nodded. "You do realize that just because you took me to dinner, I'm still not going to cheat my grades in your favor, right?" I noticed her smile as she said this. "I know, Tori. I wouldn't ask you to do that anyway, and it never was my intention to try to force that. I just wanted to take a beautiful woman to dinner. Why is there an ulterior motive in that?" She laughed. "You have me there. I'll see you after the show." And before I could react, she kissed me on the cheek and took her seat at the entryway. I literally had to shake myself back into the groove before the show started. It wouldn't do to sound flustered to the fans, after all! [COLOR="red"][I][B]Three-Way Elimination Match: Jacey Morgan def. Brian Foster and Rage[/B] Order of Elimination: Rage eliminates Foster, 11:57 via pinfall (OverRage). Jacey eliminates Rage to win the match at 12:48 via pinfall (Jacey Death Drop).[/I] Tori's Notes: It would seem to me that Duane is stuck in a rut. We really need to bring in some different contenders for the Desert Star title instead of running these same three through it all of the time. With that said, it was a standard match for these three-not too many technical holds and a lot of punching, brawling, and just plain old fighting. [B]MATCH RATING: D- [I]Hey, hey...I wanna be a referee![/I][/B] At this point, we go backstage, where we see WWX General Manager Tracy Brooks on the phone with someone.[/COLOR] Brooks: Yes, it’ll be fine…no, I don’t know if he’s ready for…would you let me finish? I’m telling you- [B][After the sound of a door opening, enter “The Prototype” Gareth Simpson from the right side of the camera shot, dressed in black knee-length shorts and what appears to be a referee’s shirt.][/B] Brooks: Erm…let me call you back. I have some business to handle. [B][closes her cell phone and glares at Gareth][/B] What do you want? Simpson: Ma’am, I figured that you would want a referee that is unbiased to call the next match with Jason Webb and The Phoenix. I’m here to volunteer my services. Brooks: And what in the hell makes you think I’m looking for a referee? Simpson: Because I’m the reason the people came here to see this show! Brooks: No…I think you just want another shot at Phoenix after he humiliated you a few months ago. Your request is denied, now get out of my office! Simpson: But- Brooks: Do I have to levy a fine on you, Gareth? I said to get out! [B][Shooting Tracy a look that could kill, Gareth finally leaves the camera shot. The sound of a door slamming closed immediately follows.][/B] Brooks: [B][muttering][/B] Self-centered egomaniacal jack@**.... [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: I know that Duane is hesitant to use Tracy in a show, as it costs him over $1,000 each time she shows up…but when she does, it usually leads to a decent segment…at least by WWX standards, at any rate. [B]SEGMENT RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]Undercard Bout: The Phoenix def. Jason Webb[/B] Finish: Phoenix wins at 11:32 via disqualification.[/I] Tori's Notes: Apparently, the change in style for Phoenix didn’t help the chemistry. These two still don’t click. It seemed a little smoother than last time, although there wasn’t as much on the line here. This match’s finish came after Webb managed to escape the Blaze of Glory [ankle lock] finisher, and grabbed a chair from ringside to blast Phoenix over the head with it. The ref had no choice at this point but to call for the bell. [B]MATCH RATING: D- [I]The frustration mounts[/I][/B] Deciding not to give up so easily, Webb shoves the referee out of the ring and blasts Phoenix with a couple more chair shots before getting a sick grin on his face. Focusing on Phoenix’s left ankle--the one that Webb himself broke with an ankle lock gone horribly wrong in mid-2002--Webb took the chair and stuck Phoenix’s foot in it, looking to shatter the ankle and possibly Phoenix’s in-ring career. Just before he could do it, however, Phoenix’s long-time tag team partner and the reigning Desert Star champion, Chris Waits, sprinted to the ring, caught an unsuspecting Webb with a MowDown, and sent the heel running for cover as Chris checked on his friend. Tori's Notes: Hmmm…do I sense a Waits vs. Webb match next month for the Desert Star title…or is it a handicap match I sense? Should be interesting…. [B]SEGMENT RATING: F+[/B] [B][I]Stereotypical Hype Video[/I][/B] In order to give the crowd time to use the restroom before the main event, a stereotypical main event hype video played, recapping last month’s match between Emmett Evans and Trym Severla, which sets up this month’s Last Man Standing match. Tori's Notes: Out of 31 people, at least five stuck around to watch it (and that includes me), so we’re making some sort of progress! [B]SEGMENT RATING: F+[/B][/COLOR] [B][I][COLOR="Green"]Chris Caufield's Booked Match![/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]WWX Heavyweight Championship Match, conducted under Last Man Standing rules Trym Severla (champion) vs. Emmett Evans[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][CUT to the ring, where Duane stands in the center, microphone in hand.][/B] Strong: The following contest is the Last Man Standing match for the WWX Heavyweight Championship! There are no countouts, disqualifications, pinfalls or submissions; the only way to win is to weaken your opponent to the point where he can no longer answer the referee’s ten-count. [B][The theme music of Emmett Evans-“In Da Club” by 50 Cent-plays on the speakers as he comes to the ring.][/B] Strong: Introducing first, the challenger. From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing 277 pounds…Emmett Evans! [B][The normal jovial look on Emmett’s face is nowhere to be seen tonight, as he is strictly business for this contest, quite possibly the most brutal match held to date in the reformed WWX.] [Darude’s “Sandstorm” hits next as the champion makes his entrance.][/b] Strong: His opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 230 pounds…he is the reigning WWX Heavyweight Champion…Trym Severla! [B][Trym enters the ring, seemingly focused on the task at hand as he hands the title off to referee Terrance Warder.][/B] Charles Simmons: You can see the tension in the ring as these two men are ready to wage war for the Heavyweight title. Dean Johnson: And a war it’s going to be, Charles. Someone is going to get beaten and beaten soundly tonight! Duane Strong: I know how violent they can get if needed. Trym is no stranger to this type of match, and I’ve seen Emmett in street fights, falls count anywhere matches, and even a few Texas Death matches. This should be a brutal contest, gentlemen. Johnson: There is the bell, and this championship match is underway! Collar-and-elbow tie-up, into a side headlock by Trym. Emmett shoves Trym into the far side ropes, and a shoulder block takes down the champion. Simmons: Trym cannot match power with Emmett. He needs to stay in a vertical base, and use his speed to stay away from the power shots that Emmett can unleash. Strong: May I remind you two that there’s still the unfinished issue of a bounty that Jason Webb has put out on Trym, in the sum of $35,000? That was done in November, at Harvest of Pain, and as far as I know it’s still open. Johnson: Now that you mention it, I do recall that. I don’t like the champ’s odds in this one. Simmons: Back to the match, gentlemen…both men are back in the neutral position, and again it’s Emmett with a side headlock. Trym again with a shove to the ropes, and drops under an oncoming Emmett, now a leapfrog over Emmett, and a Japanese-style arm drag sends the challenger to the mat! Strong: This is Trym’s area of expertise. If he can keep this match fast-paced, he has the advantage. Johnson: Emmett is back on his feet as they lock up again…and a forearm shiver to the side of the head staggers Trym momentarily! Simmons: Now Emmett with an Irish Whip to the left side…and a backdrop on the champion! That was some elevation there! Johnson: Normally you get in-flight service when you go that high! Emmett seems to be in charge here! Simmons: Trym back to his feet, only to be sent down again with a bodyslam. Now Emmett has a rear chancery locked in, forcing the champion to carry the extra body weight of Emmett. This is a classic wrestling tactic, wearing your opponent down. Johnson: Can you be a bit more obvious, Charles? I don’t think you’ve put the fans to sleep yet. Crowd (in unison): D***it, Johnson! Johnson: (stunned) What did I do now? Strong: (chuckling) It’s the new WWX drinking game. You take a drink every time Charles says that. Anyone left standing after the show wins! Johnson: I really don’t like you right now…. Simmons: Can we get back to the match, please? Trym has managed to get back to his feet and there’s an elbow to the ribs, and a second one, causing the break. Trym comes off the near-side ropes…but Emmett with a wicked clothesline nearly sends Trym out of his boots as he rolls to the floor! Strong: I expect the ref to…yep, there he goes. The referee is beginning his ten-count now as Emmett leaves the ring on the opposite side. Johnson: It’s too early; Trym is back on his feet at four. But he looks wobbly and dazed, however. That hard clothesline rocked the champion! Simmons: Emmett sees his foe back on his feet, and starts to come around…no! Trym was playing possum and caught Emmett square in the face with a beautiful standing dropkick! Johnson: Trym has the edge now, can he make the most of it? He waits for Emmett to regain his feet…and a bodyslam sends Emmett down onto the protective mats around ringside! Strong: And now, the mayhem begins. Simmons: Trym hauls Emmett back to his feet…Irish Whip into the steel guardrail! It was only a matter of time before we degenerated to this level! Johnson: Here comes Trym, probably looking for a clothesline…and Emmett backdrops the champion into the front row! Strong: I’d say it was lucky there were only five people sitting in that row, but…. Johnson: Now Emmett comes over the rail himself, and it looks like this fight is going to be taken to the streets! Simmons: Emmett with a few solid right hands to the face of Trym, and now another whip sends the champion into an empty row of folding chairs! Johnson: Emmett senses an advantage, as he nears Trym…and the champion, in an act of desperation, waffles Emmett with one of the steel chairs he just got thrown into! Strong: But that’s not keeping Emmett down! He’s slowly getting to his feet, but Trym seems ready for him! Johnson: Trym now with a kick to the gut, could be the Implant…no, Trym hooks in the front facelock and jumps off a chair, spinning into a tornado DDT on the concrete floor! Simmons: And the referee is wisely beginning his ten-count here! Johnson: The ref is up to three, now four as Emmett starts to show some signs of life. Strong: And Emmett is up at the count of six. It’s a wonder that DDT on the floor didn’t bust him wide open. Johnson: Trym is not wasting any time; he knows that the sooner he can put Emmett down for good, the better off he’ll be. Trym now has Emmett by the head, and literally throws him through one of the exit doors of the arena! Looks like our camera is going to follow them… Simmons: They’re in…the bathroom? Strong: And why do I have a feeling of déjà vu all of a sudden…? Johnson: Trym still in control here as he sends Emmett shoulder-and-back first into the side of one of the stalls! Emmett staggers forward and takes a high knee for his troubles! Emmett is down again! Simmons: But Trym doesn’t think he’s done enough as he has Emmett up again-no, don’t tell me he’s going to whip Emmett into the bathroom mirrors! Strong: Looks like he’s trying for it…reversal! Johnson: No, Trym re-reverses, but misses a short-arm clothesline! Emmett doesn’t miss with a clothesline of his own, and Trym is down! Emmett is slumped against the wall, but still standing as Trym slowly regains his vertical base. Simmons: I don’t know if Emmett had enough time to recover there, however! Trym shakes the cobwebs out, and advances towards Emmett…and eats a right hand! There’s another…and yet another, and Trym is stunned! Strong: And another clothesline sends the champ down…wait, what is Emmett doing? Johnson: Emmett has Trym by the head…and shoves the head of the champion into one of the urinals! Simmons: Now that’s just disgusting! Strong: I would make a remark about “toilet humor,” but…. Johnson: Trym finally gets his head out of there, and walks right into a bodyslam on the tiled floor! Emmett seems to have taken control here! Simmons: Now Emmett has Trym up again, and they’re coming out of the bathroom and back amongst the rest of us! Strong: I’m surprised at how…well…”tame” this match has been. I would have been expecting the trash cans and tables to come into play by now. Johnson: I think Emmett heard you, Duane, as Trym gets sent into a cart full of steel chairs sitting near the entryway. He has his eyes set on the trash can nearby, and now he has it in hand! Simmons: Here comes Emmett, looking to slam it over Trym's back...no! Mule kick from Trym forces Emmett to drop the can! Trym back to his feet, hooks up Emmett for a DDT...but Emmett will not go down! Johnson: Look at the power of Emmett! Emmett with the champion in the air--but Trym slips away, grabs the challenger by the neck...hangman's neckbreaker on the concrete! Emmett landed hard! Strong: But look at the challenger refusing to stay down! Emmett is already getting back to his feet, and Trym has to be wondering what it's going to take to keep the big man from Atlanta down. Simmons: Trym sees the trash can now, and I can almost swear I see an evil gleam in his eyes as he picks the can up. I think the extremist inside Trym has finally joined the party! Strong: The challenger is back to his feet, and Trym dumps the trash can over Emmett...good grief! Reverse crescent kick to the trash can around Emmett, and the challenger looks dazed! Johnson: How can you tell? Emmett is in the trash can, dumb-***! Simmons (along with crowd): D***it, Johnson! Strong: They're learning. Good! Back to the action, however...Emmett is still inside the can, and Trym...oh, no. Simmons: Trym has a steel chair! Is he going to-- [B][CRASH!][/B] Strong: Trym Severla just hit a trash can-covered Emmett Evans with a vile chair shot! Simmons: Look at the dent in that can! Can Emmett even get out of it now? Johnson: We're going to find out; the referee has begun his ten-count! [B][The count gets to six, before...][/B] Simmons: Wait, who is that? Strong: That's Jacey Morgan, the Boston giant! Johnson: What's he doing out here? Simmons: Trym sees the giant, and decides that if he's going to be attacked, he's not going to be on the defensive! He's going right after Jacey! Strong: Guys, Emmett's back to his feet, but he's still inside the trash can! He has no idea what's going on! Johnson: And apparently Jacey's had enough! A single left-hand punch sends Trym staggering back, and now a big foot sends the champion down! Strong: I think Jason Webb had best get his checkbook out; Jacey may be ready to cash in the bounty right here. Simmons: Morgan has Trym up on his shoulders...and throws Trym like a javelin into the concrete wall! Trym is down...and Jacey sees the sound table! Don't tell me...! Johnson: Jacey has Trym back up, and remember this is legal; there are no disqualifications! Jacey hoists Trym to his shoulders... All announcers (in unison): OH, MY GOD! [B][Sparks fly from the electrical equipment as it scatters.][/B] Johnson: Trym Severla just got planted through the sound table by the 7'4" behemoth Jacey Morgan! The Jacey Death Drop, through the sound equipment and the table! Simmons: And Emmett is finally making progress in getting the can off, but the ref is counting Trym out! There's the count of three...now four.... Strong: Trym is not moving, gentlemen! I think he's been knocked unconscious! There's the count of six! Johnson: Now the ref is at seven...eight.... Simmons: Emmett has the can off, and he sees what's happened! He's trying to get the ref to stop the count! Johnson: There's ten! The referee has called for the bell! Simmons: Emmett was too late! He's trying to convince the ref to resume the match, but there are already EMT's tending to Trym! Johnson: The ref is talking to Duane...here's the official decision. Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has counted Trym Severla out. Therefore, the winner of this bout, and NEW WWX Heavyweight Champion-- [B][Emmett snatches the microphone from the hand of Duane.][/B] Evans: NO! I refuse to win the title this way! I forfeit the match, Trym is the rightful winner! Johnson: Can he do that? Simmons: Good question! Evans: I refuse to accept the title and the victory...therefore, your winner is STILL the Heavyweight Champion--Trym Severla! Strong: Emmett, I'm not sure you can do that.... Evans: I don't care! I will not accept the victory! [B][With that, Emmett leaves the title with Trym, who is still being given medical attention, and leaves the arena. Duane finally comes back to ringside, and flips all three announcers' microphones to broadcast inside the arena, as he hangs up a cell phone.][/B] Johnson: What's going on, Duane? Strong: I just got off the phone with WWX General Manager Tracy Brooks. She states that there is a clause in the WWX Rulebook that says that the winner can forfeit the match if he so wishes, giving the victory to the opponent. Simmons: So [B]Trym wins[/B]? Strong: Yes. However...in the event that a title is at stake, and the victor forfeits the match in this manner, the title is considered to be vacant until a rematch can be held! Johnson: What...so Trym wins the match but loses the title? Strong: Confusing, I know, but that's the ruling! If Trym is able to compete next month, these two will go at it again for the newly-vacated WWX Heavyweight championship! [COLOR="red"](Tori's Notes: I didn’t see this coming! Is this the end to the bounty that Webb posted a few months back but no one managed to collect on yet?) [B]MATCH RATING: D- END OF SHOW[/B] (There is no end of show segment, as there is really no way to add on to what has already been done.) [B]OVERALL RATING FOR WWX ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE: D-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Author's Note: Yes, I know, it's confusing. You see, I accidentally booked Emmett to win in-game, but Chris said that the champ should retain. This is the result of human error, and the match above is my way of trying to reconcile this mistake on my part. In other words... OOPS![/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Green"](This pre-show storyline segment will differ slightly from the others as I’ll be having both user characters react to breaking news that occurred in my save game.)[/COLOR] [B][I]March 1, 2008, 7:35 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) Standard Time[/I][/B] [COLOR="blue"](Point of View: Evan Toliver) As was my custom, I spent the first hour of my working day looking over the headlines on the Internet. However, I didn’t get more than five minutes into my workday when I stumbled upon a blockbuster.[/COLOR] [from CVWrestlepedia.com – Main Page, Headline Banner] [B][SIZE="5"]CHANGE IN THE WORKS FOR SWF[/SIZE][/B] [B]EXCLUSIVE to CVwrestlepedia.com, reported by Curtis Hill[/B] HARTFORD (CT): In a move that comes as no surprise to those who follow the wrestling business, Supreme Wrestling Federation has removed Sam Keith as the head booker of SWF. This move comes after the former #1 promotion in the world lost its’ top position, both TV show positions, and was relegated to a “cult” following as determined by this site. SWF owner and C.E.O. Richard Eisen is expected to make the official announcement at noon Eastern Standard Time today. It is yet uncertain whether Eisen will elect to promote from within, or try bringing in an outsider to provide some new ideas for the once-dominant company. [COLOR="Blue"]This got me to thinking. I knew I likely wouldn’t have much of a shot of getting in…but still, this was the SWF. For most people, they would consider it their dream job…and to be honest, the idea appealed to me as well. I knew I had a snowball’s chance in Hades of getting the job…but I was going to put in for it regardless. I didn’t know how Rip would react to it, so I elected to opt for the never-too-wise idea of not telling him unless I got accepted for the job. I quickly typed out a letter of interest in the position, as well as my résumé, and sealed them inside a standard envelope to be sent to SWF Headquarters. With that done, I looked up in time to see Casey Valentine approaching me. “Morning, Casey.” “G’mornin’, Evan. Can I talk to you for a bit?” Now how did I know that was coming? “Sure, Casey. What’s on your mind?” “I was wondering…did you have plans for me having a Mid Atlantic title match in the near future?” “Before I answer, Casey, let me ask—does this have anything to do with you turning down a contract offer from CZCW?” The brief widening of his eyes told me that he hadn’t expected me to know this. “No. I was just curious.” “I see.” [I]I’ll let you slide this time, Casey, if only because you said you wanted to stay with Rip here in MAW[/I]. “As it stands, I’m tossing around a couple of main event ideas for this month, and have yet to decide anything. I’ll let you know when I’ve decided.” At this, Casey nodded and walked off, leaving me to my thoughts once again. I realized that I had best get my application sent off as soon as possible, and decided to make a breakfast run. The sooner I got the d**ning evidence out of my office, the better. Besides, I wanted to be done in time to catch the news conference.[/COLOR] [I][B]March 1, 2008, 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time SWF NEWS CONFERENCE (aired exclusively on CVWrestlepedia.com) Hartford, Connecticut[/B][/I] [At precisely the stroke of noon, Richard Eisen walks out onto the dais and stands behind a podium, ready to address the media and those watching on the Internet.] Eisen: Every business, no matter the size or purpose, will experience a period where nothing seems to proceed as planned. Whether it is the economy hampering the business, a lack of interest in whatever it is the business is selling, or just a high turnover rate among the staff, there will always be a time where things spiral out of control. Supreme Wrestling Federation has reached one of these times. Every person who is standing in this room, and watching over the Internet, is aware of the events that have transpired over the last five to six months that have sent SWF into a free-fall. Although I am not saying that this free-fall is the fault of Mr. [Sam] Keith, I will say that even given some time to correct the problems that have led us down this path, Mr. Keith has been unable to do so. So, in a strictly business move, I have elected, as C.E.O. of Supreme Wrestling Federation, to remove Mr. Keith from his position as head booker, effective as of this moment. I will be accepting applications for the position, both from within SWF and from external sources. I am looking for the most qualified candidate to lead SWF back to its’ rightful position as an internationally-recognized wrestling federation. Mr. Keith will remain on the payroll of SWF, but in a different capacity, as is to be expected. I’ll take a few questions at this time…starting with you in the front row. Reporter 1: Jim Phillips, Wrestling Monthly. How much of an effect has losing both television shows and thus the bulk of your audience had on your popularity? Eisen: It’s had quite an effect, which is no surprise. However, that does not mean that we are giving up the fight yet. It just means that we have to try that much harder. Next question. Reporter 2: Curtis Hill, CVWrestlepedia.com. Will there be any bias in your deliberation while choosing the next head booker of SWF? Eisen: Suffice it to say, experience is a plus. In addition, how well-known the applicant is in the wrestling world will also factor in heavily to their placement on the list. Last question. Reporter 3: Sara Spellman, Beyond the Squared Circle. What was Sam Keith’s reaction to this news when you informed him? Eisen: That is the business of Mr. Keith, and I will let him answer that in his own time. Thank you, no further questions. [Eisen walks off the stage as the reporters continue to try to pepper him with questions until he is out of sight.] [I][B]March 1, 2008, 12:30 p.m. Eastern (U.S.) Standard Time 9:30 a.m. local (Pacific (U.S.) Standard) time[/B][/I] [COLOR="Red"](Point of view: Duane Strong) There were five of us watching that webcast: all of the members of the Board (save Jason Webb, who had taken a trip to New Jersey to see his family), and Tori Montgomery. As soon as Eisen walked off the stage, Gareth asked me, “So are you going to put in for the job?” “Are you kidding? The only experience I have in booking is here, plus how many people outside of WWX know my name?” “At least three,” Tori replied. “How do you figure?” “For starters, there’s me. Then you have two people in the Mid-Atlantic….” I chuckled. “Touché.” Emmett then asked, “Who are you talking about?” Tori replied before I could. “Evan Toliver and Rip Chord, the upper management for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. Remember, Duane almost went there before Jason informed him that you guys were back together again.” Trym looked at me. “How does she know so much?” I gave him my most level stare and said in a dead-pan voice, “If you were going out with someone, Trym, they’d know a lot about you too.” That got a chuckle from Emmett, who added, “He has you there, man.” I looked over at Tori. “I know this is going to sound like a stupid question, but…why don’t they have you covering TCW? They’re originally based out of Los Angeles, if memory serves.” “They assign one or two people to each promotion. I was the only one free in the Southwest area when you opened shop, so I got assigned here. I don’t regret a minute of it.” Gareth immediately replied, “And what is your company’s policy regarding dating the people you’ve been assigned to report on?” Tori blushed and stammered, “Erm…um…ah…you see…they…don’t know it yet.” Trym laughed uproariously at this. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Tori shook her head. “No. It’s never happened before; I don’t think there is a set policy on it.” Emmett smiled at this. “How important is your job there?” “It’s not anything I could live without…why?” “Hold that thought.” With that, Emmett walked across the room and picked up the company phone, dialing it as he returned. Activating the speakerphone capability, he set it on the desk and then waited. After three rings, the line connected. “CVWrestlepedia.com headquarters.” Emmett replied, “Who would I talk to in regards to one of your writers dating a person he or she is supposed to be covering?” “In what area, sir?” “Southwestern U.S.” The woman at the other end of the line chuckled. “You must be talking about Tori. Is she there now?” Tori was blushing furiously, so I answered for her. “Yes, Miss Montgomery is here, but she’s a little tongue-tied at the moment.” “I see. Let me get her supervisor on the line.” A moment later: “Tori, are you with that guy again?” “Um…erm…y-y-y-yes.” Tori finally managed to stutter. “It’s about damn time! We’ve all been waiting for you to finally get over that loser who dumped you a year ago.” I had to jump in here—Emmett might have made the call, but I was the reason for it. “Sir, I’m the person that Miss Montgomery has been going out with for the last month.” “And you are?” “Duane Strong, head booker for Western Wrestling Xcitement, the federation that Miss Montgomery was sent here to cover.” “Ah. So I take it that you’re wondering whether it is OK for Tori to date you and still keep her job here?” “In a nutshell, yes.” “Although it’s not something I’d encourage…in this case, I’ve noticed that Tori can remain impartial during her job. What she does in her own time is her business. As long as your dating her does not affect the quality of work she submits to us, we will not discipline Tori.” “That’s all we wanted to know, sir. Thank you for your time.” “You’re welcome. Oh, and Tori?” “Yes, sir?” “Enjoy yourself. That’s an order!” We all heard him laugh as he closed the line, and Tori let out a huge sigh of relief. Gareth smiled behind her. “OK, you two. Go out and have breakfast together; we’ll hold the fort down until you get back.” I looked up. “You sure?” Trym barked, “As a Member of the Board and thus as one of your bosses, I ORDER you to go to breakfast with Tori, and enjoy yourself! Any problems with that?” We all got a laugh at this, and the two of us walked out of the office, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from off of both our shoulders.[/COLOR] THIS MONTH’S CARDS [COLOR="blue"][B][I][SIZE="5"]MAW Spring Slamfest (Friday, Week 2), from Stanley Hall, MD[/SIZE][/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Chris Caufield’s Booked Match![/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Mid-Atlantic Championship Match, one fall to a finish Mainstream Hernandez (champion) vs. To be announced vs. To be announced[/B] Although the participants in this match have been determined already, MAW Head Booker Evan Toliver has elected to keep it a surprise until the show actually occurs. The front-runners for the two spots are The Mean Machine and Steven Parker…but with Casey Valentine snubbing CZCW due to his admirable loyalty to MAW, could he find a way into this match? Or could it be someone totally unexpected?[/I] [B][I]Undercard Bouts[/I][/B] Antonio vs. Ricky Douglas Erik Strong vs. Max Mayhem[/COLOR] [B][I][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]WWX Survival of the Fittest (Sunday, Week 4), from The Sets in Tempe, Arizona[/SIZE][/I][/B] [B][I]Steel Cage match for the VACATED WWX Heavyweight Championship[/I][/B] [B][I]Emmett Evans vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Trym Severla[/I][/B] [I]After the controversial finish last month, head booker Duane Strong set this match up to determine who the new champion would be. Emmett wants to win the match fairly, Trym wants revenge on Jacey, and Jacey…well, who knows what Jacey wants? In the end, we WILL have a winner and a new WWX Heavyweight Champion![/I] [B][I]WWX Cruiserweight Championship Match—Two out of Three Falls The New Dynamite Kid (champion) vs. Jayzon Styles[/I][/B] [I]This is a rematch from WWX Whiteout in January, which saw the Kid retain the title after an incredible Spider German Suplex from near the top of a steel cage. This month it’s a straight-up wrestling match…can the Kid keep his title reign going?[/I] [B][I]10-Man Survival of the Fittest match[/I][/B] [I]Winner receives a guaranteed shot at a title of his choosing that he qualifies for![/I] Featuring: Brian Foster, sTk, Gareth Simpson, Rage, The Phoenix, Kendall Lightwater, Jason Webb, Graves, Sage Sabbot, and Illium se Levanto [I]After relentless pressure from Jason Webb, Duane finally caved in and allowed a 10-man lottery-style battle royal. The winner of this match gets a guaranteed title shot, as long as he fits the weight class needed (so Phoenix couldn’t get a Cruiserweight title match, for instance). That title match would happen in three months’ time, at Xtravaganza. Could this be the opportunity for someone to finally taste gold?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Chris, you already know which match you can’t predict. Everything else is fair game. [B] PREDICTION QUICK LIST FOR BOTH SHOWS[/B] [I]MAW SPRING SLAMFEST[/I] Mainstream Hernandez vs. TBD vs. TBD (Mid-Atlantic Title match) Antonio vs. Ricky Douglas Erik Strong vs. Max Mayhem [I]WWX SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST[/I] Emmett Evans vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Trym Severla (Steel Cage/WWX Heavyweight Title match) The New Dynamite Kid vs. Jayzon Styles (WWX Cruiserweight Title match) Brian Foster vs. sTk vs. Gareth Simpson vs. Rage vs. The Phoenix vs. Kendall Lightwater vs. Jason Webb vs. Graves vs. Sage Sabbot vs. Illium se Levanto (Survival of the Fittest match)[/COLOR]
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MAW SPRING SLAMFEST [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. TBD vs. TBD (Mid-Atlantic Title match) [B]Antonio [/B]vs. Ricky Douglas [B]Erik Strong [/B]vs. Max Mayhem WWX SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST [B]Emmett Evans[/B] vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Trym Severla (Steel Cage/WWX Heavyweight Title match) The New Dynamite Kid vs. [B]Jayzon Styles [/B](WWX Cruiserweight Title match) Brian Foster vs. sTk vs. Gareth Simpson vs. Rage vs. The Phoenix vs. Kendall Lightwater vs. [B]Jason Webb[/B] vs. Graves vs. Sage Sabbot vs. Illium se Levanto (Survival of the Fittest match)-Complete shot in the dark
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[B]Antonio[/B] vs. Ricky Douglas [B]Erik Strong [/B]vs. Max Mayhem WWX SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST [B]Emmett Evans[/B] vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Trym Severla (Steel Cage/WWX Heavyweight Title match) The New Dynamite Kid vs.[B] Jayzon Styles [/B](WWX Cruiserweight Title match) Brian Foster vs. sTk vs. Gareth Simpson vs. Rage vs. [B]The Phoenix [/B]vs. Kendall Lightwater vs. Jason Webb vs. Graves vs. Sage Sabbot vs. Illium se Levanto (Survival of the Fittest match)
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Well...this should be interesting...similar picks, except for the SotF/Royal Rumble match. I won't count this towards the prediction contest (since that'd be unfair to Chris, who set the match up), but who do you think the two "TBD" workers are in the Mid-Atlantic Title match? (My money is on you saying Parker and Mean Machine :D ) I'll be writing up the show over the weekend (and on Monday if needed)...I just need to figure out theme music for the MAW workers now since this will be the first match I've written in that promotion. If anyone else out there stumbles upon this, then feel free to predict away. The more, the merrier after all!
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Actually, I'm liking Casey Valentine getting into this 3-way dance. I'm going with Parker and Valentine. I know you said April for Casey, but it takes some pressure off going with the 3-man match for the title. I still think Mainstream takes the match in a fast paced feature bout.
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[COLOR="Green"]Normally, I’d be posting the first show of the month here…however, I have some news to deal with first in this post before I get to MAW’s Spring Slamfest.[/COLOR] Evan’s bid to become head booker of SWF met a miserable end as on March 4, SWF announced that Farrah Hesketh, of AAA fame, would be their new head booker. The following day, Shane Sneer stepped down as RIPW head booker. Once again Evan tried to get that job, and failed again as Johnny Martin (most notably from DAVE) was signed to take over. The internet rumors were flying on March 6, as it was rumored that Mainstream Hernandez was “hotly-tipped” to become a huge star with DAVE. The Mid-Atlantic Champion, who has a PPA deal with DAVE as a face opener, seems to be set for bigger things…especially considering that the following day, Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling offered Hernandez a PPA deal. [COLOR="Blue"]However, things are not all quiet on MAW’s home front. Evan has decided to let the following people go at the end of their contracts, all of which expire at the end of March: Eddie Howard, who wanted more than what Evan was willing to pay per show. This will leave the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles vacant, as Howard and Rayne were the reigning champions. Huey Cannonball. Although he was willing to work cheap, with the inability of Flash Savage and Oscar Golden to work a match together Huey was released, as the storyline involving the former Canadian Blondes was scrapped. The inability of Huey to work longer than a 9-minute match without tiring was another reason Evan decided to let him go. Max Mayhem: Again, due to financial reasons. Evan could not justify paying upwards of $500 per show for Max. Des Davids: This one gave Evan some thought, but with Des having signed a deal with USPW, Evan was confident that Des would be better served bringing some youth into Sam Strong’s promotion. That, and Des also wanted in the $700-per-show range, as well.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]In WWX news, Debra Jameson finally has a chance to make her name known elsewhere, as Rage’s manager signed a PPA deal with Canadian Charisma Championship Combat (4C) on March 26. Faced with financial issues as well, Duane Strong was forced to make two cuts to the roster, effective at the end of the month: William Prydor: For Duane, this was a no-brainer. William had been working a schedule with PGHW (and more recently, TIER 1) almost since the rebirth of WWX. With that knowledge in mind, and the fact that WWX always hosted their shows on Sunday, Duane decided to let William try his hand in Japan. sTk: This one hit Duane the hardest, though. A LWF/WWX original, sTk wanted almost $900 per show on his new contract. Already in a deep financial hole, that was an amount that Duane thought too high, and sadly resigned himself to the fact that sTk would be released on April 1.[/COLOR] Finally, news regarding the #1 promotion in the world…or should I say, “Former” #1 Promotion? (Main Headline Banner-CVWrestlepedia.com: March 25, 2008) [B][SIZE="6"]TCW IN DOWNWARD SPIRAL[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]#1 Promotion follows rival SWF’s lead, falls to complacency[/SIZE] By Ed Nelson, exclusive to CVWrestlepedia.com SAN DIEGO (CA): The complacency bug has struck once again. In a move similar to the one that occurred nearly five months ago, the reigning top wrestling promotion in the world has taken a massive tumble as site president Adam Ryland has decreed that TCW has fallen from its’ International status to a Cult following. “There are a lot similarities between what happened to SWF last October and what is occurring with TCW at this point at time,” Ryland is quoted as saying. “Having reached the pinnacle, both companies decided that with no serious competition available, they could afford to not push the envelope and produce exciting shows. The end result, both then and now, is that the fans have walked away from their respective products.” With this announcement comes the announcement that TCW owner Tommy Cornell has given the following workers their release from the now-floundering company: Ice Man C.A., Steve Gumble, Chance Fortune, Nathan Coleman, Freddy Huggins, Calamari Kid, Corporal Doom, Ronnie V Pain, Blonde Bombshell, and Ray Johnson. With no true “national” promotion now in the United States, the debate is in the air as to who is the new top promotion in not only the US, but globally. Several promotions can make a claim for being the top promotion in the world at this point in time. Only time will tell as to whether one of the States’ “Big Two,” or a rising upstart such as CZCW or DAVE, will rise once more to a national spotlight. [COLOR="Green"]With that said, the NEXT post will be MAW’s Spring Slamfest. The card remains as posted above.[/COLOR]
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Interesting cuts from the MAW roster. Completely agree with Huey going, he stinks and has zero stamina. A complete waste. Eddie Howard, a good tag wrestler-what will DC Rayne do without his running buddy :D Des was going to happen one way or another. He winds up pricing himself out of the smaller promotions.
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[COLOR="Green"](Let’s start the show a little differently, shall we?)[/COLOR] [B]LIVE[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]from Stanley Hall, Maryland…Mid-Atlantic Wrestling proudly presents [SIZE="4"][B]Spring Slamfest[/B][/SIZE] In front of a paid attendance of 111.[/COLOR] [FADE IN to the announcers’ table, behind which is the three-man announcing team for MAW.] Marv Earnest: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Spring Slamfest 2008. I’m Marv Earnest, joined as always by my cohorts, Evan Toliver and Manuel Ramirez. We have an interesting card for you tonight, as our main event features the reigning Mid-Atlantic champion, Mainstream Hernandez, defending against not one, but two as-yet-unnamed opponents. Evan, your thoughts on this? Evan Toliver: Hernandez has always said that he is a fighting champion, willing to take on any and all comers. We’ll find out tonight if it’s just trash-talk, or if he really can back it up. Earnest: We have two other matches on tap for you tonight leading up to the three-way-dance main event, and here is Manuel to tell you more about them. Manuel Ramirez: Tonight we have a pair of rising stars, as Ricky Douglas squares off against Antonio in a match that could well have meaning in regards to the Mid-Atlantic Championship. First, however, we have Max Mayhem, who sadly will be leaving us after this show, taking on the runner-up in this year’s Rip Chord Invitational, Erik Strong. Let’s go to Jay in the ring for the opening introductions…. [COLOR="blue"][We now resume the normal write-up of this dynasty.] [I][B]Undercard Bout 1: Max Mayhem def. Erik Strong[/B] Finish: Max wins at 11:50 due to countout.[/I] Evan’s Notes: Erik said that he would lose this match to Max before the show, but didn’t want it to be a clean victory-something about keeping the momentum for down the road, which I can actually relate to. In any event, the crowd did give a fair send-off to Max, who I would have kept if he hadn’t wanted so much money to wrestle every show! Hopefully in a few months’ time, he’ll want to return for less money-or we’ll be able to afford the higher wages, whichever is fine. [B]MATCH RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]What in the…?[/I][/B] The camera cuts to backstage, where we hear voices off-screen in a sort of commotion. The camera turns down a few hallways in the building, eventually stumbling upon the source of the commotion-someone has waylaid Steven Parker, who is bloodied and slumped up against the wall! We can hear his manager/girlfriend, Persephone, trying to revive Parker as E.M.T.s arrive. Parker was considered one of the front-runners to be in the main event…with him out, who does that leave? [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [B][I]Undercard Bout 2: Antonio def. Ricky Douglas[/B] Finish: Antonio wins via pinfall at14:06 via Italian DDT[/I] Evan’s notes: You know, I was surprised to hear cheers for Antonio, who is supposed to be a heel the last time I looked. Ah, the wrestling fans…fickle and vocal about what they want. In any event, a solid match, which is more than I had expected if truth be told. Perhaps these two can go at it again sometime. Hmmm…it has possibilities…. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]Intermission/Bathroom Break Time![/I][/B] The airing of a video hyping Mainstream Hernandez training for this main event against his unknown opponents led to 71 of the 111 attendees leaving for snacks, restrooms, or something else. In any event, the show was delayed until everyone decided to come back. After all, it was only fair! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]MAIN EVENT: Three-Way-Dance for the Mid-Atlantic Championship[/I][/B][/COLOR] [CUT to a shot of the ring, where announcer Marv Earnest and referee Devin Holston are ready to begin the final match of the evening. The bell sounds to get everyone’s attention.] Earnest: The following contest is a three-way dance, scheduled for one fall to a positive finish, and is for the Mid-Atlantic Championship! [The theme music of the champ hits first: “Livin’ On the Edge” by Aerosmith] Earnest: Introducing first, from Victoria, British Columbia, weighing 222 pounds, the reigning and defending Mid-Atlantic Champion… James “Mainstream” Hernandez! [Hernandez enters the ring to a decent pop and hands his title off to the referee before bouncing off the ropes and stretching out. The music slowly fades to silence.] Earnest: Introducing his opponents…. [For a few moments, nothing happens, until…Megadeth’s “Symphony of Destruction” hits. The fans seem confused; this is a song they’d never heard before in MAW…and then begin to boo as the first opponent approaches.] Earnest: First, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, weighing 278 pounds…this is “Mean” Jean Cattley! [The former “Mean Machine,” who apparently has decided to adopt a more Bad A** look and abandon his old entrance music (Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man,” which seemed to fit his “Machine” gimmick), enters the ring and never takes his eyes off of Hernandez, who watches with a slight look of amusement on his face.] Earnest: And finally…. [Another few seconds pause, then from the speakers comes “Carry On My Wayward Son” by Kansas. The fans pop, knowing only one person who would choose that song as an entrance theme...almost as much a tribute to his father as it is to his mentor.] Earnest: From Buffalo, New York, weighing 237 pounds, the 2008 Rip Chord Invitational winner…Casey Valentine! [Cautiously, Casey enters the ring, watching both of his opponents as Marv leaves the ring. Holston displays the belt for all to see, and then hands it off to Marv at ringside before calling for the bell.] Earnest: And our main event is underway! All three men are staring down each other…now a three-way tie-up in the center of the ring, and Machine--erm, Cattley, I’m sorry--shoves the other two opponents down with relative ease! Manuel Ramirez (color commentary-face): Hernandez and Valentine cannot match strength with Cattley. They need to hit-and-run, and a double-team to get rid of Cattley may be to their advantage. Evan Toliver (color commentary-heel): In other words, Manuel, they should take the coward’s way out. Ramirez: No, it’s good strategy! Earnest: Both Hernandez and Valentine are back to their feet…here’s another three-way tie-up, and again Casey goes flying away, but Hernandez keeps his footing and responds with a wicked knife edge chop on the big man! Hernandez refuses to back down from Cattley here! Toliver: Cattley is too strong this early, as a hard right hand sends the champion down in a hurry! There's the power we know from "Mean" Jean Cattley! Ramirez: Here comes Casey from the opposite corner, trying to lay into Cattley with right hands...but gets sent away by Cattley, as he shoves Casey back several steps. Earnest: Cattley is showing that he has the power advantage in this match, and both of his opponents are walking right into it! Here comes Cattley out of the corner--and the champion from the side with a dropkick to send Cattley to the outside! Ramirez: That should neutralize Cattley for the time being, but this could come back to bite them later on. Earnest: Now the two winners of the Rip Chord Invitational lock up, and it's Hernandez with a side headlock--pushed into the ropes by Casey, who ducks under the oncoming Hernandez, and catches Mainstream off the return with an arm drag, nicely executed. Toliver: If he thinks that will hurt the champ, he has to be mistaken. Earnest: Both men back to their feet now, and it's Valentine coming off the ropes, nice leapfrog by Hernandez-- Ramirez: And Casey tumbles to the outside, low-bridged by Cattley! Toliver: [chuckles] And now we're about to witness the end of Casey's title hopes, gentlemen! Earnest: Valentine slow to his feet...and a wicked clothesline from Cattley turns Casey inside out as he falls hard to the mats outside! Ramirez: Cattley is putting the boots to his fellow challenger on the outside; and remember, there are no countouts here, so Cattley can take his time working over Valentine here. Toliver: And if Hernandez was smart, he'd let Cattley do most of the work here, and pick up the scraps. Earnest: Wait, inside the ring, here comes Hernandez...baseball slide into a spinning head scissors to send Cattley down! Nice move by the champion, who is back on the apron...springboard moonsault on Cattley; Mainstream caught all of that! Ramirez: He shouldn't spend this long playing the crowd, guys; he's giving both of his challengers a chance to recover! Toliver: That's the stupidity of playing to the fans--they won't help you win a match! Earnest: Sure enough, Casey is back to his feet, and a kick to the gut of Mainstream. He has him hooked up...snap suplex on the outside; Mainstream landed hard on the mats! Ramirez: Casey is quick to pick up Hernandez, and sends him back into the ring, coming in immediately after. Casey comes off the ropes, and drops an elbow...cover! Earnest: The champ is still too strong; he's out before the count of two. Valentine is starting to get momentum...could his first taste of gold be in just a few minutes? Toliver: Not if Hernandez--and especially Cattley--have their way, Marv! Earnest: Valentine back to his feet, pulling Mainstream up after him...scoop and a slam by Casey! Here he goes to the ropes-- Toliver: And Cattley grabs the ankle of Casey and pulls him out of the ring...and there's a hard whip into the ring steps! Smart move by the big man! Ramirez: It's a cheap shot, and you know it, Evan! Toliver: It's still effective, though! Earnest: "Mean" Jean Cattley now rolls into the ring, where Mainstream's starting to get up...from behind, nice belly-to-back suplex on the champion! Ramirez: Choke hold on the champion--come on, ref, break the hold! Toliver: He has a five-count, Manuel. He can break on four. Earnest: And that's what Cattley does, as he breaks the hold and brings the champion to his feet. Here's an Irish Whip to the corner, and Mainstream went in hard! Toliver: And Cattley is putting the boots to the Canadian; Mainstream is down! Ramirez: Wait, Casey's back in the ring! Earnest: Valentine spins Casey around, tries a roundhouse right but Cattley ducks...Mood Swing! Cattley just hit his trademark head-and-arm suplex on the protege of Rip Chord! Toliver: New champion! Cover him, Jean! Earnest: Cattley does just that...1...............2...........broken up by a double axe-handle from Hernandez! Ramirez: Guys, I think Casey's hurt; he rolled to the outside and hasn't moved since. Earnest: Back in the ring, it's now Mainstream and Cattley going toe-to-toe...Mainstream starting to find his second wind as he stuns Cattley with a right hand--standing enzuigiri kick sends the big man down! Toliver: Ref, stop those closed fists, they're illegal! Ramirez: And where was that when it was Cattley throwing them? Earnest: Here comes Hernandez off the ropes, sending Cattley down with a clothesline! Mainstream is in control here, as he catches a rising Cattley with a nice standing dropkick! Toliver: Come on, Jean, get with it here! Earnest: Mainstream senses the end is near, as he keeps an eye on his prey. Casey Valentine is still down outside the ring; I think Manuel is right; he could be badly hurt. Cattley back up to his feet-- Ramirez: Super kick! Cattley just got dropped by Hernandez's lethal super kick! Earnest: Mainstream doesn't look for the cover, though...he could be looking to take to the air here! Toliver: This is a mistake, Hernandez should go for the cover right here! Earnest: Mainstream to the rop rope...deep breath...and there's the shooting star press, the Apparition #14! That's got to do it...cover! 1.................2.....................3! He got him! Ramirez: The champion retains; what an effort by the champion! Earnest (on arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, the [I][B]winner of the bout and still the Mid-Atlantic Champion...Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/I]! Toliver: Hernandez got lucky tonight; but his luck can't last forever! Ramirez: It's not luck all the time, Evan! Mainstream is for real! [B][COLOR="blue"]MATCH RATING: D+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="blue"]No post-show segment this time around; Evan has decided to pull a Rip Chord and get roaring drunk after the show. Seeing as the author doesn't drink, he cannot do a drunken Evan justice by writing him properly. [I][B]OVERALL RATING FOR MAW SPRING SLAMFEST: D[/COLOR][/B][/I]
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[COLOR="Red"]LIVE from The Sets in Tempe, Arizona, Western Wrestling Xcitement presents its’ second “major” show of the year… [SIZE="5"][B]Survival of the Fittest[/B][/SIZE] Held before a paid attendance of 40 people. (Point of view: Duane Strong)[/COLOR] I still cannot believe that I let Webb talk me into doing a lottery-style battle royal. I mean, we’re already up to our ears in financial trouble; what more does he want from me? As a result, I was in a semi-foul mood as showtime started to roll around. As expected, Tori was the first in the door, new computer in hand and a smile on her face…which faded as she saw my agitated state. “Duane…you OK?” I took a deep breath. “I don’t know, Tori. Jason knows how bad the cash situation is, and yet he was adamant about our main event. I wish I knew what his problem was.” “He’s a control freak.” Tori’s bluntness surprised me. “He’s not happy unless he’s yelling at those underneath him and making them miserable.” “In other words, my stepmother with testosterone and muscles.” She laughed at this. “If you say so. I heard what you’re advertising before-hand; is that all you have for the night?” “No; I needed one more match to fill the time without killing everyone physically. You’ll see as it comes along.” “Ah. Before I forget, next week I’m starting a segment on the site, trying to better introduce the guys and gals in the locker room here.” My eyebrows rose at this. “Really?” “Yeah, and I’ve already gotten three volunteers. I’m doing two next week, and I’ll do more as time goes along.” “Well, who is it?” She coyly smiled at me. “You’ll see as it comes along.” I chuckled ruefully at this. “Touché. Anyways, here comes the rest of the crowd, I need to get ready.” “Go ahead; we’ll talk more after the show.” A quick embrace, and Tori took her seat across the ring from me. Sometimes, I thought she did that just to try to distract me…but there was no time for thoughts like that. It was showtime! [B][I][COLOR="red"]Repercussions of last month come to light[/COLOR][/I][/B] [Darude’s “Sandstorm” hits the speakers as the former WWX Heavyweight champion, Trym Severla, comes to the ring, already dressed to compete. He doesn’t spend a lot of time playing to the fans, as he usually does, but calls for a microphone as soon as he enters the ring.] Trym: All right, I’m going to make this short and simple, so even a lumbering big ox like Jacey Morgan can understand me. [Small pop] Jacey, you cost me the title last month. This month, I’m putting your a** in the hospital! So drag your big, ugly carcass out here so I can beat you from pillar to post! [Silence, as nothing happens and no one emerges from the back. One can almost imagine a cricket chirping somewhere.] Trym: Jacey, I’ve got all night. I’m not leaving this ring until you get out here and get the a**-whipping you deserve! [A few more seconds of silence follow. Trym, looking frustrated, raises the mic to say something, when the opening strains of Metallica’s “The Unforgiven” hit the speakers. Jacey emerges from backstage, also dressed to compete-remember, he’s one of the men in the Triple Threat Steel Cage match later tonight.] Jacey: Trym, you don’t get it, do you? Trym: What, that you’re a towering piece of snake-s***? [This nets a good pop for Trym, who seems more frustrated than normal…and it shows as he never uses this many expletives in an interview, either.] Jacey: No. It’s all about the money, Trym. That’s all it was. Trym: And the fact that you and Webb were running buddies in Degeneration Next, as well. [A lot of the crowd look confused at this piece of LWF/WWX trivia/history. In this federation’s previous incarnation, Jason Webb, Jacey Morgan, and the now-departed Big Daddy Rick formed a stable they called Degeneration Next. I’m certain you can figure out where they got their influence from in another universe.] Jacey: What does that have to do with anything? Trym: It’s real simple, Jacey. It means…it’s payback time. [With that, Trym drops the mic and slides outside the ring, sprinting up the aisle to bum rush Jacey. A couple of shots is all he gets in before backstage staff come in and break up the fracas. It wouldn’t do to ruin the main event this early in the show, after all.] [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: Are we certain that Trym wasn’t doing a shoot segment? It seemed rather good…and for this promotion, it was quite decent! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]WWX Cruiserweight Title Match: Scheduled for 2 out of 3 falls! Jayzon Styles def. The New Dynamite Kid, two falls to one, to become the new champion[/I][/B] [I]Finishes (in order): 1) Styles via Small Package, 9:27. 2) DK via Magistral Cradle, 12:31. 3) Styles via pinfall after shot with brass knuckles, 14:45.[/I] Tori’s Notes: I’m a bit iffy about that finish, I don’t think Duane had it in mind for the title to change on such a method. However, the fans didn’t complain about it, and I heard that it was a decent match, on the same caliber as the steel cage match last month. Not a bad combination at all. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]Drawing a number, part one[/B][/I][/COLOR] [We go backstage, where there is a tumbler with ten balls inside. Standing to the left of the tumbler is Adrianne Wright, one of the females of the WWX. From the opposite end, sTk appears in what is going to be his final show in WWX, and draws a number. He stares at it for a few seconds, then re-folds the paper and walks away, leaving Adrianne wondering what number he ended up drawing.] [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: Why do I have a feeling that we’re not done with these segments tonight? Maybe this is just time filler…? [B]SEGMENT RATING: E[/B] [I][B]Speaking of money…[/B][/I][/COLOR] [CUT to another camera backstage, which is apparently in Jason Webb’s locker room. Sitting beside him on a small couch is a briefcase, and in the foreground is a half-empty bottle of Scotch, with an empty glass next to it. A knock on the door precedes the entrance of Jacey Morgan, upon which Webb stands to greet his fellow worker.] Webb: Jacey, glad to see that someone could get the job done. Morgan: Should have called on me in the first place, Jay. Webb: I know, but I wanted Trym to worry. A deal is a deal, however, so here you go…$35,000 in cash. [Jacey takes the briefcase from Webb, and looks at the money inside before closing the case, nodding.] Morgan: Looks good to me. Give ‘em h*** in the main event. Webb: Oh, I intend to…one way or another, I will win the title shot. I promise you that. [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: [Yawn]…can we wake up yet? I’m starting to get bored…. [B]SEGMENT RATING: F+[/B] [B][I]Bonus Undercard Match Wesley Fyreheart and Xavier Fyrestorm fight to a draw[/I][/B] [I]Finish: Draw declared at the end of the 15-minute time limit.[/I] Tori’s Notes: For a match that Duane said he added to fill the rest of the time, he picked a good match! These two have chemistry in the ring; it’s just the matter of not being well-enough known. The chants of “five more minutes” by the fans, however, had to go unheeded as the show had to continue…but I would have liked to see it! [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]Drawing a number, part two[/B][/I][/COLOR] [We go backstage, where the tumbler now has six balls inside. Adrianne Wright is still to the left of the tumbler. From the opposite end, Debra Jameson leads her client, Rage, to the tumbler. Rage quickly picks a ball and looks at the number. A moment later, he slams the ball to the ground in disgust and storms off. Before Adrianne can react, Debra grabs the paper with the number on it and hurries off to follow her client, leaving Adrianne confused as to the number he drew.] [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: That makes two. Do I hear a third coming? [B]SEGMENT RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]It’s hype, it’s hype-it’s better than bad, it’s good![/I][/B][/COLOR] [CUT to ringside, announcer’s table.] Dean Johnson: Our next match is steeped in a bit of controversy, especially after last month’s shock ending. By order of General Manager Traci Brooks, it will be the former champion, Trym Severla, facing both his opponent from last month, Emmett Evans, and the man behind all of the controversy, Jacey Morgan, in a Triple Threat Steel Cage match. Charles Simmons: That match is for the newly-vacated WWX Heavyweight Championship, as well…and the only way to win is to escape the cage. There are no pinfalls, submissions, or DQ’s in this match. Duane Strong: This should be a hard-hitting match, and it’s coming up…right now! [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: Eh…stereotypical hype video. Contrary to the header above, it’s not good…just slightly below average. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [I][B]Triple Threat Steel Cage match for the vacated WWX Heavyweight Championship Emmett Evans def. Trym Severla and Jacey Morgan[/B][/I] [I]Finish: Emmett escapes the cage in 20:51 after laying out both competitors with a double Drive By (Lariat Clothesline).[/I] Tori’s Notes: For a title match…this wasn’t the best one I’ve ever seen. Granted, it was a little long (which was to the disadvantage of Jacey Morgan, who was tiring near the end), and both Jacey and Emmett seemed stale to me…but all in all it wasn’t terrible. Just be happy this wasn’t the main event. [B]MATCH RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]Drawing a number, part three[/I][/B][/COLOR] [We go backstage one last time, where there is only one ball left in the tumbler. Adrianne is still there, waiting for the last participant to enter…and finally he does, as The Phoenix enters the camera shot. He looks at the tumbler and sees the lone ball in there, and chuckles, muttering something about “being last as usual.” He pulls out the ball and reads the paper, and a grin crosses his face. He seems happy as he exits the shot.] [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: Oh, good, that was the last of it. It’s time for Survival of the Fittest! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]Survival of the Fittest Match (10-Man Battle Royal Lottery), Winner gets a title shot of their choice in the future.[/I][/B] [I]Basic premise: Two men start, another comes in every FIVE minutes (not two as may be expected). Elimination is over the top rope, and both feet must hit the floor.[/I] [B]MATCH HIGHLIGHTS[/B] Start (0:00): First two entrants are Kendall Lightwater and Illium se Levanto. Entry #3 (5:00): Sage Sabbot enters the match. Elimination #1 (7:56): Kendall Lightwater eliminated by both Illium se Levanto and Sage Sabbot. Entry #4 (10:00): Rage enters the match Entry #5 (15:00): Brian Foster enters the match. Elimination #2 (16:21): Illium se Levanto eliminated by Brian Foster Elimination #3 (16:27): Sage Sabbot eliminated by Brian Foster Entry #6 (20:00): Jason Webb enters the match Entry #7 (25:00): Graves enters the match. Elimination #4 (26:18): Graves eliminated by Jason Webb Entry #8 (30:00): sTk enters the match Entry #9 (35:00): The Phoenix enters the match. Eliminations #5 and 6 (36:27): Rage and Brian Foster eliminate each other. Entry #10 (40:00): Gareth Simpson enters the match. Elimination #7 (40:29): sTk eliminated by Jason Webb Elimination #8 (43:22): Jason Webb eliminated by The Phoenix Final Elimination (44:38): Gareth Simpson eliminated by The Phoenix [B][I]WINNER of the Survival of the Fittest match: The Phoenix[/I][/B] Tori's Notes: I heard a few boos when Foster came out; other than that I thought this was a decent set-up. Granted, Webb may have forced Duane into it...but it was still a good match, all things considered. [B]MATCH RATING: D END OF SHOW[/B] (Point of view: Duane Strong)[/COLOR] The arena had cleared out, and only Tori and I were left in the main arena. I was about to walk over and talk to her when I heard a voice booming from the entryway. "Strong! I need a word with you!" [I]Oh, bloody hell.[/I] "What is it, Jason?" "Why in the hell was I not scheduled to win Survival of the Fittest? It was my idea, and I was due that!" "And make our federation that predictable? If I did that, we'd just be a lower form of TCW of SWF; we'd have become too complacent!" "So? I own the business--" "Along with three others." "--And I can have you fired!" I chuckled. "Have you already forgotten that it takes a unanimous vote from the Board to fire me? Last I checked you didn't have it yet." The anger in Jason's eyes was palpable. "So help me, Duane, I will see you gone from this position. I thought you would be a benefit to us...but I now see the error I made. You will drive this federation into the ground, and I will not stand by and watch it happen without fighting you!" As Jason turned and stormed off, I chanced a glance over at Tori, who had apparently watched the entire altercaton. She was looking at me with a mixture of fear and respect--an unusual combination, to say the least. "Duane...what was that about?" "That, Tori, was ego clashng with business sense...and ego lost." "So what happens now?" I shrugged. "All I can say is that I'm not looking forward to the next Board meeting...." [B][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING FOR WWX SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST: D-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="green"][B]For the first time in the short time I've been doing this, we have a tie for the predictions! (I knew I should've made a tiebreaker...) So, here's how I'll settle this. Both winners (naturally, Chris and Emark) will get to pick a match. How I intend to do this is for both of you to PM me with your choice of match for EACH promotion (in other words, two matches. One for MAW, the second for WWX). Based on what I get, I'll either do one match if you both pick the same match/winner (and maybe stipulation) in one of the feds, or two matches (one in each) if things are different, based on what sounds better to me. One thing to note: the next WWX show, No Limits, is similar to ECW One Night Stand--every match has a stipulation (extreme rules, Last Man Standing, Ladder, etc.) so please keep that in mind when you send your match choices to me. Looking forward to seeing what comes up![/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Green"]And NOW the nomination is official... *laughs*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Green"]OK...I've received both "pick-your-match" replies, and am not at all surprised that they are different. With that said, I'm picking [COLOR="Red"]Emark's WWX match[/COLOR], which (believe this or not) was something I was toying with just today, trying to determine ideas and the like. You are warned to stop reading my mind immediately. :p [COLOR="Blue"]Chris[/COLOR], that means that by the rules I set forth for myself, [COLOR="blue"]I'm taking your MAW match[/COLOR]. I was also toying with this idea, but hadn't committed to it yet (unlike above). I hope to finalize the MAW pre-show storyline tonight, and get it posted tomorrow. One other thing--in the interest of time, I [B][I]might[/I][/B] be forced to cut back on the full match write-ups, and maybe do highlights and/or the ending for each of your selected matches. The main reason for this is because I don't want to bog the dynasty down unnecessarily if I develop a case of writer's block (which has been known to happen before). :D Enough pointless rambling from me; my next post will be story-based. This out-of-story message will self-destruct in...ah, you get the point. ;) [/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Blue"](Point of view: Evan Toliver) [B][I]April 1, 2008[/I][/B] My phone was ringing before I even unlocked the door to my office. I knew things were going to get ugly when I had to make roster cuts, but to start at 7:30 in the morning? I finally got the door unlocked and managed to pick the phone up before the answering service kicked in. I didn’t even get a word out before I heard, “I thought you were going to keep me there, Evan.” It didn’t take long for me to recognize Eddie Howard on the other end of the line. “Eddie, it was a business decision. Right now, I need this job. To do that, I need to cut costs somewhere, and sadly you wanted a little more per show that I was willing to pay. If you’d wanted just a little less, I’d have pulled the trigger on the deal.” I heard him sigh. “Very well. I don’t like the fact that you had to do it…but I respect your decision. Keep me in mind in six months’ time; we might be able to work out a deal then.” “I understand, Eddie…and I’m sorry.” The click of a phone hanging up was the only response I got. Somehow I was not surprised. Nor was I surprised when, ten minutes later, Rip came into my office. From several feet away, I could smell the stench of alcohol, and I vaguely wondered how bad he had it the night before. “Morning, boss.” “What’s so d**n good about it?” [I]Oh, boy. I can tell this is going to be fun.[/I] “I take it you had a rough night last night.” “Just a long discussion with my son.” Now that got my attention. In the nine months I had been working for Rip, not once had he ever mentioned his family to me. I wanted to know more…but didn’t want to say something that would cause Rip to clam up. “Is everything OK?” “Yeah…he just has this hare-brained idea that he wants to become a wrestler and follow in my shoes.” “And I presume from that comment that you object to the idea.” “I just don’t want to see him get hurt and go through what I did thirty years ago. I’m worried that he’ll end up a bitter old man who drinks too much.” Justifiably so, I thought silently. Out loud, “Rip, I’m sure that he’ll do the right thing in the end. You have to realize that there comes a time that you have to let go.” “This coming from a man who has no children.” “True, Rip…but the premise remains the same.” He sat for a few moments, pondering this. “I think you’re right. I am going to have to trust him.” “Spoken like a true father,” I smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, I better get started with the bills and the like. You have a card ready to go?” “It’s sitting on your desk; I finished it last night.” With that he left, and I immediately turned and opened a window, needing fresh air. I knew I had a job in front of me taking over as Head Booker…but never did I expect to be Rip Chord’s personal counselor, either! [B][I]CARD FOR MAW FOOLS RUSH IN[/I][/B] [B][I]Mid-Atlantic Title Match as decreed by Chris Caufield![/I][/B] Mainstream Hernandez (champion) vs. Casey Valentine [B][I]#1 Contender's Match--Three-Way Dance[/I][/B] D.C. Rayne vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley vs. Steven Parker Antonio vs. Erik Strong K-Squared/Thomas Morgan vs. Mark Smart/Cal Sanders[/COLOR]
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Mid-Atlantic Title Match as decreed by Chris Caufield! [B]Mainstream Hernandez (champion)[/B] vs. Casey Valentine #1 Contender's Match--Three-Way Dance D.C. Rayne vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] Antonio vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B]-giving the win to Strong for letting Mayhem win on his way out [B]K-Squared/Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Mark Smart/Cal Sanders
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[QUOTE=Emark;304269]Chris, very interesting as we go complete opposite. Best of luck.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Green"]Oh, good, no tie-breakers likely needed this month. :D With that said...it's show time!!![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]LIVE from the Atkins Fire Dept. in Atkins, Virginia, Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: [B][SIZE="4"]FOOLS RUSH IN[/SIZE][/B] In front of a paid attendance of 117. (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/COLOR] “Evan, there’s no way I can ask you to reconsider that segment, is there?” I looked at Rip, shaking my head. “No, sir. I think it would be a touch of brilliance to have that segment. Think about it from my point of view for a few moments.” He did…then finally sighed and nodded. “All right, I see your point. But don’t make a habit of this!” “I don’t intend to, Rip. As it stands, I want this to be a one-shot deal.” He nodded curtly and stood up, leaving to give some last minute instructions to the guys. The whole reason he was upset was that I asked him to actually show up on camera backstage for a segment, which I had avoided doing since I started here last July. I won’t say it was a stroke of genius on my part, but…I thought it had potential. Rip apparently thought so, too, otherwise he wouldn’t be doing it. A part of my mind was worried that he’d be drunk when it was time for his segment, which is why I scheduled it for the first segment of the main show. “Better safe than sorry” was my opinion on it. I was also taking a chance tonight with two matches--with Rip showing up on camera, I thought I’d try lessening his load for the evening, and set up two matches to be called in-ring. From what I had seen, Erik and Antonio (to a lesser degree) had a grasp of in-ring psychology, and I thought I’d experiment with those two to see if it would work well. That led me to the reigning Mid Atlantic Champion, Mainstream Hernandez. He, too, had a knack for building a match, so I asked him to walk his opponent through tonight’s match in-ring. I just hoped that my ideas would not come back to haunt me by show’s end. [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Dark Match: Tag Team Attraction Cal Sanders and Mark Smart def. Thomas Morgan and K-Squared[/B] Finish: Sanders pinned Morgan at 10:32[/I] Evan’s Notes: Well…there was a reason why I had this match set to go off pre-show. It certainly does not help matters any that Smart was tiring at the end of this match…the last thing I need is a second Huey Cannonball gumming up my roster. I’m definitely going to have to keep my eyes on these lower-end workers…. [B]MATCH RATING: E+ **START OF MAIN SHOW** [I]You never call me when you’re sober….[/I][/COLOR][/B] [B][FADE IN to an office. Sitting on a chair, looking over some paperwork, is MAW’s owner, Rip Chord. The fans actually give a rousing ovation at seeing Rip “officially” on-camera for the first time in almost a year. As the ovation dies down, a knock is heard off-screen.][/B] Chord: Yeah? [B][From the right side of the shot, ENTER Casey Valentine, again to a decent pop.][/B] Valentine: Rip, can I talk to you for a minute? Chord: You’re already in here, Casey. What’s on your mind? Valentine: Well…I was wondering. Besides being known as the winner of the Rip Chord Invitational, does the position include a future Mid Atlantic Title match? Chord: Correct me if I’m mistaken, son, but didn’t you have that last month? Valentine: I meant a one-on-one title bout. We both know that I was thrown in at the last minute last month because I was the only one available. Chord: True… Valentine: Besides, look at Mainstream Hernandez. He won the first Invitational, and he’s the current Mid Atlantic Champion. I think I deserve that sort of opportunity. Chord: You’re right…OK, Casey. You have your match tonight--you versus Mainstream for the title. But if you lose, don’t come crying to me about it…be a man and earn another shot. Valentine: If that is what it would take…fine. But I don’t intend on letting it go to that. [B][Casey exits the shot, as Rip looks slightly amused at the audacity of his young protégé.][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: Without my previous notes in front of me, I would think that ties the MAW record for the best non-wrestling segment we’ve ever done in terms of fan response! [B]SEGMENT RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]Undercard Bout: Erik Strong def. Antonio[/B] Finish: Strong picks up the duke in 13:17, using a Strong Sault.[/I] Evan’s Notes: I was underwhelmed by this contest-I expected better from them. However, seeing as I asked these two to call it in-ring, I feel obligated to take the blame myself. I’m thinking also that it’s time I switched this pairing up, to find something that might work better. [B]MATCH RATING: E[/B] [B][I]And when you think it was over…[/I][/B] Antonio decides that he isn’t happy losing the match (and really, who IS happy losing a match), and decides to beat up on Erik a little bit before finally leaving the ring. Evan’s Notes: Time filler, I freely admit it. NEXT! [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [I][B]Three-Way Dance, #1 Contender’s Match D.C. Rayne def. Steven Parker and “Mean” Jean Cattley[/B] Finish: Rayne wins the match at 17:11, pinning Cattley after hitting the Storm Damage.[/I] Evan’s Notes: The only negative things I have to say are, sadly, directly related to D.C. The fans wanted to jeer Rayne all match; it seems like his character is in desperate need of changing. The other down side is that he was getting tired after this match…which I’m not surprised at. For a normal tag wrestler, going 17 minutes in your first singles match in a while is asking quite a bit…but glad to see D.C. was up to it. [B]MATCH RATING: D[/B] [B][I]Tonight’s Main Event, for the Mid-Atlantic Championship[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][As the intermission ends, we CUT to Marv Earnest, who is in the ring and ready to go with the introductions for tonight’s main event.][/B] Earnest: This contest, scheduled for one fall to a finish, is for the Mid Atlantic Championship! [B][There is a brief lull, before the opening vocals hit, [I]a capella[/I]:[/B] [I]Carry on my wayward son, there’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest; don’t you cry no more.[/I] [B]Then, it’s the unmistakable opening guitar riffs of Kansas’ “Carry On My Wayward Son” as the first participant enters the arena.][/B] Earnest: Introducing first, the challenger…from Buffalo, New York, weighing 237 pounds, he is the winner of the 2008 Rip Chord Invitational tournament…this is Casey Valentine! [B][Casey plays to the crowd a little as he gets into the ring, getting stretched and ready for this championship match. As Kansas fades off of the speakers, the song of the champion hits.][/B] Earnest: His opponent: from Victoria, British Columbia, weighing 222 pounds, the inaugural winner of the Rip Chord Invitational tournament, and the reigning and defending Mid-Atlantic Champion… James “Mainstream” Hernandez! [B][It is to Aerosmith’s “Livin’ on the Edge” that the champ enters, also playing up to the fans as he makes his way to the ring. One can also sense the confidence flowing from Mainstream as he enters the ring, and hands the title off to referee Devin Holston.][/B] Manuel Ramirez: I think the fans are going to be split on this one. Both of these guys are known fan favorites, and it could go either way here. Evan Toliver: Don’t bet on it, Ramirez. Mainstream is the champion until someone can beat him. I don’t think Casey has it in him to do it tonight. Marv Earnest: In any event, there’s the opening bell, and this title match is underway! [B][COLOR="Green"][Due to time constraints, we move ahead in our coverage. We pick up action in the 13th minute, with Mainstream having had the offensive advantage for close to nine minutes now.][/COLOR][/B] Ramirez: Mainstream has just been dominating this match so far tonight, and unless Casey can get on the offensive, I think his title hopes are all but extinguished. Earnest: Wait, Casey is starting to show signs of life as he begins to work out of a Mainstream rear chinlock…side elbow to the gut, now a second, and the hold is broken. Casey comes off the side ropes-double clothesline and both men are down! Toliver: If Hernandez can get up first, he can put this match away. He’s had the advantage for a while; he’s the fresher of the two. Ramirez: It’ll be a moot point if no one gets up, Evan! Earnest: Referee Devin Holston is up to a count of six…now seven-and Mainstream kips up! Ramirez: He looks ready to finish this, as Casey finally staggers back to his feet! Earnest: Hernandez with a couple quick left hands, and an Irish Whip into the corner…Casey ducks a clothesline…ducks the next attempt on the rebound…floatover DDT on the third rebound by Casey, and Mainstream is down! Toliver: That had all the look of a desperation move…cover! 1……………2…no, a short two as Hernandez gets the left shoulder up. And that quick, it’s the challenger in control of the match. Earnest: Valentine pulls Hernandez to his feet and backs him into a corner…hard knife-edge chop to stun the champion as Casey puts him on the top turnbuckles. Ramirez: This could be a superplex coming up…and indeed, superplex from the middle rope! Toliver: The impact was all Mainstream; Casey is back on his feet and he looks like he’s ready to pounce! Earnest: Hernandez back up slowly…kick to the gut, into an Implant DDT! Ramirez: That’s the Massacre DDT, Casey’s new finisher! We have a new champion! Earnest: Here’s the cover…1……….........2……………..foot on the rope! Toliver: A rookie mistake by the challenger, not pulling his opponent away from the ropes. That may have been Casey’s best chance to end the match. Earnest: Valentine looks frustrated, wondering what else he might have to do to put the champ away as he pulls Mainstream to his feet. Ramirez: Hernandez looks to be out on his feet, guys. I don’t think he even knows where he is. Earnest: Valentine from behind, now…and it appears to be a Cobra Clutch on the champion! Toliver: Tried a DDT to knock him out, now he’s looking to put Mainstream to sleep and take the belt that way! Earnest: Mainstream seems to be fading as the crowd comes alive, trying to will the champion back into it-- Ramirez: Mainstream drops down, jawbreaker on Casey forces the break! Ingenious counter! Toliver: Ingenious nothing…that’s a standard counter if you think about it. Ramirez: Who asked you? Earnest: Casey staggering back around as Mainstream gets to his feet--Super Kick! Toliver: Finisher out of nowhere! Ramirez: That took all Mainstream had as he collapses on top of Casey--cover! Earnest: 1……………….2…………………3! Ramirez: And that quick, it’s over! All it takes is three seconds! Earnest (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match at 18 minutes and 41 seconds, and STILL the Mid-Atlantic Champion…[B][I]James “Mainstream” Hernandez![/I][/B] Toliver: I’ll admit it…Hernandez did well to bring that super kick out of nowhere. I think, though, he got lucky! [COLOR="Blue"]Evan’s notes: Not a bad match. Granted, it was a month or two before I wanted to do this match, but I think it came out well enough. [B]MATCH RATING: D END OF SHOW (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/B][/COLOR] By this point, I was getting tired. I wanted nothing more than to go find a bed and sleep. Thankfully, no one held me up tonight, and I was to my hotel room in record time, falling asleep within three minutes of entering. I knew nothing else until the morning, when I came to. I knew the show we had run wasn’t too bad, though it was not our best…but if we kept this rate going, fairly soon we’d be able to go to different places and try performing there…maybe hosting weekly shows? I admit, the idea gave me some food for thought. As I left the hotel and got back onto I-95, heading north, my business cell phone rang. “Evan Toliver, Mid Atlantic Wrestling.” “Good morning, Mr. Toliver, this is Leonard McCray from the Florida State Athletic Commission. We were wondering if it would be possible at some point in the near future to meet with you concerning possibly hosting a show here in the Sunshine State.” That got my attention, and as I started to talk it over with this gentleman, I began to think that maybe this idea was worth pursuing…. [B][I][COLOR="blue"]OVERALL RATING FOR MAW FOOLS RUSH IN: D-[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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[COLOR="Red"][I][B]April 11, 2008[/B][/I] [from CVWrestlepedia.com, South West US section] [B]Beyond the Ring: A Candid Look at Rising Stars in WWX[/B] [I]First part of an occasional series[/I] By Tori Montgomery, CVWrestlepedia.com (also reprinted in the [I]Arizona Times[/I] on this date). Tori: This is the first in what will be an occasional series, as we spotlight the workers for the fledgling promotion calling themselves Western Wrestling Xcitement. I’m joined today by two of the original members of this federation: David Strong, better known as “The Phoenix,” and his wife, Brandy McDonald-Strong. Phoenix: Thank you for having us. Tori: Now, first things first--you share the same last name as the current Head Booker and third announcer for WWX. Are you two related? Phoenix: Yes, but it’s so distant and indirect that both Duane and I feel it easier to say that we’re not related to each other. It’s far easier that way. Tori: I’ve heard it said that you’re the “resident historian” of WWX. What do they mean by that? Phoenix: It basically means that if the guys in the back had a question about what happened during a show, be it during this current run or even before that, I’d be the one they asked because they knew I’d have an answer. Brandy: It even got to the point where they [the other workers] would make bets on who would be the first to stump David. Tori: Now, for those “casual” fans who are just starting to come to WWX events, could you explain your comment about before the “current run?” Phoenix: Certainly. In mid-2001, the first incarnation of this federation was created, and was called Labbers Wrestling Federation, or LWF. The popularity of that federation spawned a second, “sister” fed called LCW--Lightz Championship Wrestling, after the guy who came up with the concept. A few months later, as interest died down and things become normal, the two combined, forming the Labbers Wrestling Alliance, LWA. Still with me so far, Tori? Tori: Yeah. Go ahead. Phoenix: The LWA went until late 2002, when management decided to go for a grander-sounding name. Thus was born the first incarnation of the initials WWX--World Wrestling Xtreme. It lasted about another six months, and by early 2003, the federation folded due to the workers being lured away elsewhere due to more lucrative deals. Jason Webb was able to maintain rights to anything related to the LWF and its’ successive names, and some four years later, decided it was time to try it again. That brings us to today, and Western Wrestling Xcitement. Tori: So how did the two of you end up returning to this federation? Brandy: Last March, we got a call from Jason [Webb], who mentioned that he had gotten together with three other people to re-form WWX, and asked if David and I would like to give it another shot. We--meaning David and I--had a good lengthy discussion about this. At the time, he was considering an offer to join either United States Pro Wrestling or Mid Atlantic Wrestling, as it was closer to home. On my part, I was considering taking a stab at Angel Athletic Association, or joining David in a managerial capacity wherever he decided to go. I had no idea at the time that Duane--our Head Booker now--was one of the writers for AAA; I did not find that out until after we had committed to WWX. Tori: But both of you signed pay-per-appearance deals, correct? Phoenix: Actually, Jason had most of the “originals” sign exclusive PPA deals, us included. That would explain why we’ve had folks like Ethan Eller, Chris Chambers, and [Big Daddy] Rick Majors leave WWX to work in more prestigious promotions. Tori: I see…switching topics slightly, I have to know, David--how do you get that orange hair-do? Phoenix: Ah, the one question I am asked more often than anything else. I’m afraid it’s really a trade secret. The hair stylist who does it specifically requested that I not divulge her secrets, so I won’t. All I will say is for the record, my natural hair color is brown. Brandy: We’ve had some lucrative offers wanting to know the secret, but that’s something that we’ve decided will not be released as long as we’re in the business. Tori: Speaking of being in the business, David…what’s this I hear about you and Trym being uncrowned champions? Phoenix: [laughs] So, I see Duane’s told you that story. Well…while we were still LWA, Jacey Morgan was our heavyweight champion. We had been building up to a major showdown between him and Trym [Severla] at Survival of the Fittest in January 2003. A week before the end of the year, management decided to change us to WWX…and summarily, all of the current storylines were scrapped, as were all of the titles. Trym never got to wear the LWA Heavyweight Title that he was scheduled to win at SotF…although that has been rectified with his title run here. Tori: How’d they get away with it? Brandy: That is one of the few things we cannot figure out. But anyways…as WWX started to take shape, the writers decided to make a Heavyweight Title storyline out of the old Phoenix vs. Webb feud that started back in LWF days. Phoenix: For those who may not know, it was an in-ring accident in 2002 that we’re referring to. I was supposed to lose to Jason Webb via anklelock, which I did. He was supposed to keep it on me after the bell for a few moments as Jacey Morgan and Big Daddy Rick entered the ring…which also happened. What was NOT supposed to happen was Webb losing his balance for a moment and bending my foot the wrong way, breaking my left ankle. Brandy: Anyways…we were in Toronto that night, and I was at ringside, “unannounced” as a ticket-holding audience member. After Webb’s match, he basically called me into the ring, made some disparaging remarks about David and his hometown football team, the Ravens [COLOR="Green"][American football--Sorry, Chris :D --SF][/COLOR], and basically said that he (Webb) was going to make an example out of me. I forget exactly what he said, but that’s the gist of it. Phoenix: Oh, I could tell you exactly what he said. It went like this: “Hey, Brandy, where’s Dusty? Oh, he’s probably sitting at home eating chicken wings and watching Jamal Lewis getting arrested for being a crack dealer. So he’s having his women do his fighting now?” Tori: Dusty? Who is that? [COLOR="green"][See note at end of interview--SF][/COLOR] Phoenix: It’s an inside joke, I’ll have Duane explain it to you sometime. Anyway, to make this long story a little shorter, I came out in cover of darkness, kendo stick-called “The Ugly Stick” by my fans-in hand and chased Webb off. A few weeks later, the WWX folded before a planned best-of-three series that would have led to me becoming the Heavyweight Champion. Tori: I see. I’m afraid we’re running out of time, and I haven’t covered all of the topics I wanted…would you two mind if I interviewed you again down the road? Brandy: Not at all; it’d be our pleasure. [End of interview] [B]CARD FOR WWX NO LIMITS[/B] From The Simmons Center in San Diego, CA [B][I]WWX Heavyweight Championship, stipulation to be determined[/I][/B] Emmett Evans (champion) vs. Jason Webb, stipulation: (insert correct answer here for a bonus point) [B][I]WWX Desert Star Championship, Texas Death Match[/I][/B] “Crazy” Chris Waits (champion) vs. Jacey Morgan [COLOR="green"][B][I]Emark’s Decreed Match![/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][I]WWX Cruiserweight Championship rematch, “House of Fun” match[/I][/B] Jayzon Styles (champion) vs. The New Dynamite Kid [B][I]Undercard Bout, Hardcore rules[/I][/B] Graves vs. Kendall Lightwater vs. Xavier Fyrestorm[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Author’s Note: The original incarnation of WWX made references to real-life workers. Since I’m trying to keep this enveloped in CV data, I had to write off the Dusty reference as a joke between workers. The last time I checked, Dusty Rhodes wasn’t in the C-Verse. :D Also…the idea I’ve come up with for the “House of Fun” match is my take on it; in no way do I mean to use that as the standard for all HoF matches in the C-Verse. I've managed to post the pic I used as concept...and this, folks, is why I do not say I'm a graphics artist. Don't say I didn't warn you... [IMG]http://a518.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/39/l_b8f41a0905a1d0678daf805734e14a6d.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
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WWX Heavyweight Championship, stipulation to be determined Emmett Evans (champion) vs. [B]Jason Webb[/B], stipulation: Coal Miner's Glove match [nothing like going really old-school] WWX Desert Star Championship, Texas Death Match [B]“Crazy” Chris Waits (champion)[/B] vs. Jacey Morgan Undercard Bout, Hardcore rules Graves vs. [B]Kendall Lightwater[/B] vs. Xavier Fyrestorm
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CARD FOR WWX NO LIMITS From The Simmons Center in San Diego, CA WWX Heavyweight Championship, stipulation to be determined [B]Emmett Evans (champion)[/B] vs. Jason Webb, stipulation: (hell in cell?) WWX Desert Star Championship, Texas Death Match “Crazy” Chris Waits (champion) vs. [B]Jacey Morgan[/B] Emark’s Decreed Match! WWX Cruiserweight Championship rematch, “House of Fun” match [B]Jayzon Styles (champion)[/B] vs. The New Dynamite Kid Undercard Bout, Hardcore rules Graves vs. [B]Kendall Lightwater[/B] vs. Xavier Fyrestorm
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[COLOR="Red"]LIVE from The Simmons Center in San Diego, California, Western Wrestling Xcitement sets… [B][SIZE="4"]NO LIMITS[/SIZE][/B] Before a paid attendance of 39. (Point of view: Duane Strong)[/COLOR] I was in the back, making certain we had all of the apparatuses for the House of Fun match, as well as the thing I had ordered for the main event. I had just finished my final counts when I heard Jason’s voice bellow from behind me. “What in the blue hell is this?” I turned around to find him inspecting an odd-looking cage, and smiled. “This, Jason, is your main event.” He spun to look at me. “I asked for a cage match, not…whatever this is! What the hell is this, anyway?” “This, Jason…is a shoot fighting cage. I figure that since you claim to be such a ‘bad @$$,’ and Emmett claims to have grown up on the streets of Atlanta, what better way to settle it than a shoot-fight setting?” “This is absurd! Who in the audience would think this to be believable?” “Look at TIER 1, Jason.” “At what?” I realized that my so-called boss didn’t keep up on the competition. “TIER 1 is a hybrid MMA/wrestling promotion in Japan. I thought it was worth a try…to push the limits of what we do in this promotion.” “And this is the best you can do?” “He got the vote from the rest of us, Jason,” I heard Gareth say as he approached us. “And why wasn’t I included in the decision?” barked Jason. Gareth’s reply was so simple, it was all I could do to keep my laughter in check. “You were at home getting drunk and refused to come in when Trym called you last week.” “I did what?” “He’s right, Jason,” I added. “Emmett, Trym, Gareth, and I were all in the room when Trym called you. If memory serves…you called Trym a ‘heartless b***ard for interrupting your drinking during the Devils hockey game.” Once again, Jason was speechless. We had him pegged dead to rights. I couldn’t resist one last parting shot as I walked toward the arena proper. “Oh, Jason…make sure you’re sober for the match tonight…I have a feeling you’re going to need it.” God, but it felt good to get one up on the boss! [COLOR="red"][I][B]Undercard Attraction: Three-way Hardcore Dance Graves def. Xavier Fyrestorm and Kendall Lightwater[/B] Finish: Graves wins in 7:33, pinning Kendall after an F6 Tornado through a table.[/I] Tori’s Notes: Cruiserweights don’t fare too well in hardcore matches. The proof is right here. In addition, Graves may be getting a little stale…I’m not going to suggest turning him or changing his gimmick yet, but just be warned. [B]MATCH RATING: E-[/B] [B][I]Interview Time![/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][We CUT to the locker room of Jason Webb, who is slowly taping his hands up, preparing for the main event.][/B] Webb: So, Emmett…you’ve won the title. Congratulations. It’s a shame that you’re going to lose it so quickly. You see, it doesn’t matter what type of match--Coal Miner’s Glove, Steel Cell…hell, even a parking lot brawl--I will emerge victorious. Emmett, you’re just keeping my title warm, and tonight, I’ll claim what is rightfully mine! [COLOR="red"]Tori’s Notes: And maybe I’m the only one who caught the pure anger in Webb’s voice--I think he’s still miffed at Duane for his choice of match in the main event. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E[/B] [I][B]WWX Desert Star Title Match, contested under Texas Death Match rules Chris Waits def. Jacey Morgan to retain the title.[/B] Finish: Jacey Morgan was unable to beat the referee’s ten count after the pin, and the match was called at 10:48.[/I] Tori’s Notes: This wasn’t too bad of a match. Granted, I thought the finish a bit hilarious…the fight had spilled to the back, and eventually Chris hit the MowDown spear on Jacey. Then, after the pinfall, Chris walked off-camera…and came back a few seconds later driving a forklift! This forklift had a pallet on it, and Chris made sure to lower the forklift and pallet until it left Jacey almost no room to move. This WAS a legal move, as Chris wasn’t touching Jacey himself…and even the giant Jacey Morgan couldn’t escape a forklift, giving Chris the win. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]Video Recap[/I][/B] A three-minute video played here, documenting the history between Jayzon Styles and The New Dynamite Kid. It all leads up to our next match, once again for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship. Tori’s Notes: I know the reason this was going on was to allow the crew some time to properly set up the next match. Seemed fair enough. [B]SEGMENT RATING: F+[/B] [I][B]WWX Cruiserweight Championship, contested under “House of Fun” rules[/B][/I][/COLOR] [B][CUT to the ring, where it looks like a tornado has come through the arena. There are small trampolines near the ropes on two sides of the ring, a slide-looking apparatus along a third side that actually extends over the top rope to the outside a few feet, and what appears to be a seesaw on the final side. In the center of the ring are some foam-filled blocks, leading to a...trapeze?... hanging above the middle of the ring. There is scaffolding at each corner of the ring, with a wire running about ten feet above and parallel to the top rope on each side. There are also small trampolines at the center of each side of the ring, on the floor, and sturdy ladders at each corner of the ring on the outside. To round out this nightmarish decoration, the ringside mats all around the ring (and the extended space as well) are a bright yellow, and look to be about three times as thick as normal mats. In other words, it looks like an interior decorator's nightmare. At least it now becomes apparent why the ringside seats were moved back about 10 feet prior to this contest. It is amidst this confusing layout that the referee is standing, looking a bit wary as the opening introductions are made.][/B] Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a "House of Fun" match, scheduled for one fall and is for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship! In this match, there are no countouts and no disqualifications; the man who earns a pinfall or submission victory within the ring or the surrounding area, marked with yellow mats, will be declared the winner! [B][Having explained the reason everyone is squinting around those bright yellow mats, the music of the challenger hits the arena: the British National Anthem which quickly segues into "Don't You Wish You Were Me?" by Fozzy.][/B] Strong: From Blackpool, England, weighing 212 pounds, here is the challenger...The New Dynamite Kid! [B][The Kid warily walks to the ring, looking at all of the devices in and around the ring, and slowly climbs in the ring. He isn't sure what to make of everything in the ring...not that anyone can blame him.] [As Fozzy fades out, it's quickly replaced by AC/DC's "Back in Black" as the champion emerges, a c*cky grin on his face as he surveys the area.][/B] Strong: And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing 208 pounds, he is the reigning WWX Cruiserweight Champion...Jayzon Styles! [B][It's evident that Styles is in his domain here as he enters the extended ringside area, and tests the trampoline near the entrance ramp. Satisfied by the bounce he gets, he quickly slides into the ring, where he stares daggers into his opponent, the former champion. Referee Terrance Warder holds the belt high for everyone to see, and hands it off to Strong at ringside.][/B] Charles Simmons: The Kid asked for a return bout for his title that he lost last month...but I don't think he was expecting this, Dean. Dean Johnson: You can say that again; this match is the brainchild of the current champion. Jayzon must feel that he can out-fly his opponent, and created a match specifically to do just that. Duane Strong: It's only fitting, gentlemen, that this match be held here tonight, at No Limits. It seems to me that maybe there will be no limits to the aerial assault we're about to behold. Johnson: And there's the bell; this unorthodox title match is underway! [B][COLOR="Green"][Due to time constraints, we pick up action in the 5th minute, with neither man having an advantage and no major high-risk moves having been attempted.][/COLOR][/B] Johnson: DK with a right hand, now another, and the champ is staggering! The Kid backs up a few steps and charges--but Styles steps aside and DK goes out to the floor! Simmons: And I think that things just got interesting here. Now we'll see if Styles has the goods to back up that ego of his. Strong: I thought I'd never say this in a wrestling match, but...Styles is climbing up the slide's ladder! Johnson: The Kid slow to get to his feet...here comes Styles off the slide, into a very fast spinning head scissors! The slide gave Styles a little extra momentum to land that move! Simmons: Styles seems pleased with himself...and he spots the trampoline standing a few feet away from DK! This could be trouble! Johnson: Styles with a running start, off the trampoline...good Lord! Strong: Jayzon Styles just landed a trampoline-assisted shooting star press on the challenger! What impact on that landing...cover! Johnson: 1..................2..................no! The Kid just gets a shoulder up before the three, but I don't know how! Simmons: It might have been on pure instinct; DK has not moved since escaping the cover. Guys, he may be seriously hurt after that aerial move from Styles. Johnson: Wait, Styles is back in the ring, and is climbing the blocks in the middle of the ring...oh, no. Strong: This cannot be good. Jayzon Styles has made it to the trapeze above the ring, and slowly starts to build momentum! I hope he isn't thinking what I think he's planning, guys! Simmons: You can almost hear the hush in the crowd as Styles swings ever closer to where DK remains prone on the floor...wait, Styles has reached the cables above the ring and has latched his legs around that, releasing the trapeze! Strong: Styles is now hanging upside-down on the cable some ten feet above the ring...and he slowly moves himself into a standing position on the cable! He's not going to...is he? Johnson: Look! [B][Just then, in a moment that seems to transcend time, Styles leaps off the high wire, tucking into a ball as he jumps. He completes one full revolution...then a second and winds up in position to splash the Kid! HOWEVER...][/B] Simmons: DK moved! Somehow, the Kid manages to save himself--quite literally--as Styles crashes hard into the protective mats! [B][The crowd begins a "Ho-ly $#!*" chant at this point...and who can blame them, after that?][/B] Strong: It looked like Styles was trying for a full revolution beyond a 450 Splash--I guess it would be an 810 Splash--but took too long to set the move up! Johnson: How high was Styles, anyway? Simmons: However high it was, he needed a flight plan! Strong: [I][mutters quietly, figuring heights before replying][/I] As best as I can figure, guys, that was about a 20-foot drop from that cable to the floor below. I don't know if Styles can continue after that drop! Simmons: It can't be--DK is back to his feet! Johnson: And boy, does he look angry! [B][COLOR="green"][For the next couple of minutes, DK presses his advantage over Styles. Only your run-of-the-mill aerial offense is displayed during this time. Once again, we fast-forward our coverage. We're now in the 9th minute of the match, with DK still having a decisive advantage.][/COLOR][/B] Simmons: Scoop and a slam on Styles, who hasn't done much of anything since that horrific fall following the...what'd you say, Duane, the "810 Splash?" Strong: Yes. Wait, DK is climbing one of the ladders on the outside--even he can't reach Jayzon from there! Simmons: Styles is about fifteen feet away from the ladder, there's no way that the Kid can go that far! [B][However, that's not the Kid's intent. DK goes about halfway up the ladder...and a sick grin crosses his face.][/B] Johnson: Guys...could he be looking to...drop onto the trampoline? Simmons: D***it, Johnson, why didn't I think of that?! Strong: The Kid leaps off the ladder...onto the trampoline...OH MY GOD! [B][The crowd begins another "Ho-ly $#!*" chant.][/B] Simmons: The New Dynamite Kid just executed what I can only call an incredible move! From the ladder, to the trampoline, and a vicious sky twister press onto the champion! Johnson: Surely that double-jump sky twister press has to do it...COVER! 1.......................2......................NO! Strong: How was that not three? Johnson: And the Kid is asking himself that very question right now as he gets to his feet! He looks absolutely livid; and I think DK is ready to end it right now as he enters the ring! Simmons: And Styles somehow is moving, crawling back towards the ring...but DK sees him! Johnson: The Kid back outside the ring, and a hard right hand drops the champion in his tracks! [B][The Kid can be heard telling Styles to "stay down!" as he slowly makes his way back into the ring.][/B] Simmons: The Kid is looking to take to the air once again as he climbs the turnbuckle-- Johnson: Styles somehow rolls in himself...but his head is near the lower end of the seesaw! Strong: Oh, no, if DK hits this, not only is this match over, but so is Styles' career! Johnson: The Kid smirks, and leaps! [B][However, Styles somehow senses that DK is doing this. Showing uncanny awareness, he raises his end of the seesaw, not allowing DK to execute whatever vicious move he had in mind.][/B] Strong: Wait, DK landed with his feet on either side of the board-- [B][--And a collective groan can be heard from the predominantly male audience as Styles quickly brings his end of the board down, sending the opposite end careening squarely into the crotch of DK.][/B] Johnson: I think the Crown Jewels have been shattered! That was purely a desperation move! Simmons: DK is down on the mat, obviously hurt as Styles slowly picks him up...and somehow manages to hit the JZ Clash finisher [COLOR="green"][Springboard Tornado DDT][/COLOR] with assistance from one of the trampolines in the ring! I didn't think he had enough in him to pull it off! Strong: There's the cover...1...................2.........................3! And finally this match is over! Johnson: I have never seen offense like that in my life, Charles! This has got to be one for the record books! Simmons: You're quite right, Dean. What a match! Strong [arena microphone]: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match and STILL your WWX Cruiserweight Champion: [I][B]Jayzon Styles![/B][/I] [B][At this point, EMT's have come to ringside, tending to both competitors. DK is stretchered backstage, while Jayzon manages to walk out with assistance. Both wrestlers receive a standing ovation from the fans after the continuous highlight-reel match they just put on.][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tori's Notes: I just hope that both of those guys are all right...there were several bumps that no ordinary worker should be taking...and even the extraordinary ones would have to think twice! I'm hoping this situation has finally come to a conclusion between these two, as I shudder to think what could happen if they took it any further. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [I][B]WWX Heavyweight Championship, contested under Shoot Fight rules Emmett Evans def. Jason Webb[/B] Finish: Emmett wins via pinfall at 10:51 following a Wreckoning (Gutwrench Facebuster/”Dominator”). This was immediately preceded by Trym Severla interfering in the match by distracting/blinding Jason Webb.[/I] Tori’s Notes: First off, here’s the set-up for the match. The crew took the ropes off of the ring, and then put a cage around the ring. The walls of the cage were slanted outwards, meaning you could climb up somewhat easily but would have a difficult time descending outside. Now that you have a picture in your head…this was out and out brutal. These two left nothing out, and went at it so hard one would almost think it actually was a real fight. The finish came when Trym came out from the back, got Webb’s attention, and threw some white stuff (known elsewhere as “Mysterious White Wrestling Powder™”) into the eyes of Webb, who staggered into the Wreckoning to end the match. [B]MATCH RATING: D END OF SHOW[/B] (There will be no post-show segment as this write-up went a little longer than planned.) [B][I]OVERALL RATING FOR WWX NO LIMITS: D-[/I][/B][/COLOR]
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