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A Tale of Two Bookers (C-Verse)

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MAW HEATWAVE For the Mid Atlantic Championship [B]Mainstream Hernandez (champion)[/B] vs. D.C. Rayne vs. [I]Antonio[/I] Emark’s Booked Match of the Month Steven Parker vs. Casey Valentine-:rolleyes: Undercard Attraction: Three-Way Elimination Bout Oscar Golden vs. Erik Strong vs. [B]“Mean” Jean Cattley[/B] Worker to be leaving MAW at the end of the month: [I]Thomas Morgan[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWX XTRAVAGANZA WWX Heavyweight Championship Match [B]Emmett Evans (champion)[/B] vs. The Phoenix WWX Desert Star Championship Match [B]“Crazy” Chris Waits (champion)[/B] vs. “Bad @$$” Jason Webb Ladder Match--for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship [B]Jayzon Styles (champion)[/B] vs. Wesley Fyreheart Illium se Levanto vs. [B]Xavier Fyrestorm[/B] [B]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/B] vs. Sage Sabbot Kendall Lightwater vs. Graves vs. [B]The New Dynamite Kid[/B] Hardcore Rules Match Trym Severla vs. Brian Foster vs. [B]Jacey Morgan [/B]vs. Rage Worker to be leaving WWX at the end of the month: [I]Rage[/I]
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MAW HEATWAVE For the Mid Atlantic Championship [B]Mainstream Hernandez (champion)[/B] vs. D.C. Rayne vs. TBD Emark’s Booked Match of the Month [B]Steven Parker [/B]vs. Casey Valentine Undercard Attraction: Three-Way Elimination Bout Oscar Golden vs. Erik Strong vs.[B] “Mean” Jean Cattley[/B] Worker to be leaving MAW at the end of the month: (fill in the blank) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWX XTRAVAGANZA WWX Heavyweight Championship Match [B]Emmett Evans (champion)[/B] vs. The Phoenix WWX Desert Star Championship Match [B]“Crazy” Chris Waits (champion) [/B]vs. “Bad @$$” Jason Webb Ladder Match--for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship [B]Jayzon Styles (champion) [/B]vs. Wesley Fyreheart Illium se Levanto vs.[B] Xavier Fyrestorm[/B] [B]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/B] vs. Sage Sabbot Kendall Lightwater vs. Graves vs. [B]The New Dynamite Kid[/B] Hardcore Rules Match [B]Trym Severla[/B] vs. Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Rage
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MAW HEATWAVE For the Mid Atlantic Championship [B]Mainstream Hernandez (champion) [/B]vs. D.C. Rayne vs. TBD Emark’s Booked Match of the Month [B]Steven Parker [/B]vs. Casey Valentine Undercard Attraction: Three-Way Elimination Bout Oscar Golden vs. Erik Strong vs. [B]“Mean” Jean Cattley[/B] Worker to be leaving MAW at the end of the month: (Nicole Kiss) :p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWX XTRAVAGANZA WWX Heavyweight Championship Match [B]Emmett Evans (champion)[/B] vs. The Phoenix WWX Desert Star Championship Match “Crazy” Chris Waits (champion) vs. [B]“Bad @$$” Jason Webb[/B] Ladder Match--for the WWX Cruiserweight Championship [B]Jayzon Styles (champion)[/B] vs. Wesley Fyreheart [B]Illium se Levanto[/B] vs. Xavier Fyrestorm [B]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/B] vs. Sage Sabbot Kendall Lightwater vs. Graves vs. [B]The New Dynamite Kid[/B] Hardcore Rules Match Trym Severla vs. [B]Brian Foster [/B]vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Rage Worker to be leaving WWX at the end of the month: (Sage Sabbot) again :p
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[COLOR="Green"][B]UPDATE: MAW Heatwave should hopefully be posted tonight (Monday night). I say "hopefully" because we are expecting 35+ mile an hour winds, and that could lead to a power outage. :o Writeup for Xtravaganza is about 25% done; this weather has thrown me for a loop this weekend and hasn't given me time to write up the show further.[/B][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Blue"][B][I]June 13, 2008[/I][/B] LIVE from the Orange County Booster’s Park in Orange, Virginia…Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents [B][SIZE="4"]HEATWAVE[/SIZE][/B] In front of a paid attendance of 114 (Point of view: Rip Chord)[/COLOR] Damn, I wish I had a drink right about now. I still think Evan’s going a bit overboard with the whole “I’m not allowed to drink the day of the show” thing. But today, I think it’s justified. In two weeks, we’re losing one of our original members-one of our most well-known, at that. If that doesn’t deserve a drink, then what does? Oh, speak of the devil, here he comes…. “Mr. Chord?” “Yeah, son?” “I just wanted to say ‘thank you.’ If it wasn’t for you taking a chance on me when you opened MAW, I wouldn’t be here today.” “Son…you’ve done every one of us proud here. You’ll be the one that goes out and shows the world that a small-time federation can produce the next generation of stars in our business. Just don’t get so big that you forget where you started, and come back to see us once in a while, y’hear?” “I will, sir.” Then, with a firm handshake, he walked back the way he came. I sighed, and turned to face the ringside area. Damn, I wish I had a drink, and Evan be damned! [COLOR="blue"][I][B]Undercard Attraction: Jay Chord def. Mark Smart[/B] Finish: Jay wins in 9:51 by pinfall after a Cradle Piledriver.[/I] Evan’s notes: OK, next month I have to give Jay a bit more competition. Until I do, I fear this may be the best we’ll get. Still impressed by his in-ring work, though. [B]MATCH RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]Emark’s Booked Match! Casey Valentine vs. Steven Parker[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][The bell sounds, alerting everyone that the next match is about to begin as we go to Marv Earnest in the ring.][/B] Earnest: Our next contest is scheduled for one fall, with a twenty-minute time limit in place. [B][The opening guitar riffs of Guns ‘N’ Roses’ “Welcome to the Jungle” hit the speakers, as the self-proclaimed “future” of MAW emerges, along with his manager/girlfriend.][/B] Earnest: Introducing first, being accompanied by the lovely Persephone…hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and weighing in tonight at 249 pounds…he is Steven “The Future” Parker! [B][Parker enters the ring, looking confident as always as he begins to stretch out in the ring, while Persephone tries to drum up some support for her man. After a brief lull, the opening vocals hit,[/B] [I]a capella: Carry on my wayward son, there’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest; don’t you cry no more.[/I] [B]Then, it’s the unmistakable opening guitar riffs of Kansas’ “Carry On My Wayward Son” as the opponent enters the arena.][/B] Earnest: His opponent, fighting out of Buffalo, New York and weighing 237 pounds…this is Casey Valentine! [B][Casey strolls to the ring, looking confident that he can pull off what might be considered an upset should he beat Parker tonight. However, Parker isn’t willing to wait, as he is all over Valentine as soon as the rookie enters the ring, starting this match off with a bang!][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]Parker kept the advantage for most of the first six or seven minutes of this contest, really working over the nephew of Peter as retribution for the trouble Casey had been causing Steven over the last couple of months. However, a well-timed spinebuster was enough to stun Parker, giving Casey some valuable time to recover. We rejoin the match in the 12th minute, immediately following the aforementioned move.[/b][/COLOR] Marv Earnest: Both men down on the canvas, forcing referee Devin Holston to start applying his ten-count here. Manuel Ramirez: It looked like Casey got every bit of that spinebuster; the question now is “can he take advantage of it?” Evan Toliver: I’ll give you the answer to that one-no! He’s been softened up too much; Parker can put him away at a moment’s notice! Earnest: The ref’s count is up to five…now six as Parker shakily regains his feet. Casey still on both knees as Parker closes in…no, Casey with a right hand to the gut; now a second as he regains his footing, and there’s a hard left hand to the head of Parker! Ramirez: Casey’s getting a second wind here! Earnest: Casey now with an Irish Whip…and a back elbow sends Parker down to the canvas! He’s right back up, though, as Parker comes back…sent down again by a right hand! Casey picks up his opponent, another Irish Whip…and Steven Parker is almost decapitated by a lariat-like clothesline! Toliver: Come on, Steven! Don’t let Casey have anything else! Earnest: Casey Valentine is on fire here as Parker struggles to find his footing again, and finally does. Here comes Casey in…head-and-arm suplex, taking a page out of Jean Cattley’s playbook! Ramirez: And Casey is feeling it now, guys, as he goes to the top rope! Earnest: Casey isn’t known for his top-rope ability; let’s see what he can do here…Parker to his feet as he turns around…and a missile dropkick from the top rope absolutely destroys Parker! Ramirez: Casey quickly over…cover! 1……………2………….no! Casey was so close to finishing this match off right there! Toliver: Come on, Steven, beat this punk already! Earnest: Casey looks like he wants to go upstairs again, and Steven hasn’t even moved much since kicking out of the pin. Valentine to the top rope- Toliver: And Parker gets out of the way of the attempted top rope legdrop! He was playing possum and suckered Casey into making a mistake! Earnest: Parker slow to get up as Casey finally does so-Valentine can barely walk, he must have landed wrong. Toliver: And Casey stumbles into the clutches of Steven Parker…up on the shoulders…Future Shock! It’s over! Earnest: Arrogant cover by Parker…1……………2……………3! Ramirez: And somehow Parker snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! Toliver: That is why he’s a former Mid Atlantic Champion, Manuel! Earnest (arena microphone): Here is your winner, at 14:54 into the contest…Steven “The Future” Parker! [COLOR="Blue"]Evan’s Notes: Not too bad of a match! There may yet be hope for the Valentine family if Casey can improve like this…. [B]MATCH RATING: D[/B] [B][I]Three-Way Elimination Match: Mean Jean Cattley def. Oscar Golden and Erik Strong[/I][/B] [I]Finish: 1) Strong over Golden via Strong Sault, 11:02. 2) Cattley over Strong via Mood Swing, 11:35.[/I] Evan’s Notes: Solid match, which gives the duke to the reigning NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion. Oscar seemed to be getting tired by the end of this match…now I remember why I hadn’t done much with him recently. Ah, well…. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]Main Event for the Mid Atlantic Title D.C. Rayne def. Mainstream Hernandez and Antonio[/I][/B] [I]Finish: Rayne wins at 10:58 via clean pinfall on Hernandez after the Storm Damage. [/I] Evan’s Notes: This was actually a much better match than I had anticipated. It was a fairly even match, and I was overjoyed at the fact that the fans actually applauded D.C. winning the title. But something tells me that we haven’t seen the last of Antonio yet…. [B]MATCH RATING: D+[/B] [B][I]A few words[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][After the match, D.C. and Antonio leave the ring…but stay near ringside as the rest of the MAW locker room comes out to the ringside area. Mainstream Hernandez remains in the ring, a microphone in hand.][/B] Hernandez: For those of you who may have heard the rumors, it’s true. This is my last match for the foreseeable future with Mid Atlantic Wrestling. [B][A stunned silence greets this announcement. Apparently, no one had heard that rumor.][/B] Hernandez: However, it’s not the last time you’ll see me…I have every intention of succeeding at my next destination and potentially coming back to win the 2009 Rip Chord Invitational. [B][A chant of “Thank you Mainstream” starts, bringing a smile to James’ face.][/B] Hernandez: No…thank you. All of you. Because if it wasn’t for you in the crowd, those of us who risk our health in this ring would have no reason to do so. It’s because of you that we are able to do what we love. [B][Some cheering greets this statement, and rightly so.][/B] Hernandez: Now, as I mentioned, I intend to be back come this winter to become the first-ever two-time Rip Chord Invitational winner…but until then, you all can find me with Danger and Violence Extreme-DAVE-up north. Once again…thank you. [B][The fans erupt into cheers and applause as Mainstream Hernandez exits the ring, shakes the hand of every MAW wrestler on his way to the back, and stands at the curtain, a wistful smile on his face. Then, with one last wave, he walks through the curtain, and into the next stage of what is sure to be a great career.][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: What am I supposed to say to top that? [B]SEGMENT RATING: D+ END OF SHOW[/B] (There is no post-show segment from a character’s standpoint, as there really is no way to expand on this. However, the author does have something to say, and will do so after posting the final result of the show.) [I][B]OVERALL RATING FOR MAW HEATWAVE: D[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Note from the Author: This was expected. Hernandez had been making $575 a show with me, but now that he’s signed with DAVE, he wanted close to $1,200 a show! I can really only afford one high-end worker (and right now, that’s Jay Chord), so I had to let Mainstream go. I was surprised he let Rayne get a clean pin on him, though…and as for why it was a three-person match? I forgot I had advanced booked it that way (along with all of the other matches already being in), and I wasn’t able to delete it as it wasn’t the day I put it in. :o But, it works in the end…and I’m hoping that by January of ’09, I’ll be a bit more secure in my finances so that I can bring Mainstream in for another shot at the Invitational. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Also...AFTER ONE SHOW IN JUNE: Trym: 2 points Chris: 2 points Emark: 1 point Xtravaganza should [I][U]hopefully[/U][/I] be up by the end of the week--snow is scheduled for my area, which means I have to work through it (remember, I work for the State Highway Department and have to plow snow when it comes). [/COLOR]
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Geez, you cheapskate :D A nice show, too bad for the loss of Mainstream. If you get Jay to be loyal in your game, you'll have an awesome centerpiece. Try to get Hernandez on a trade and put him against Chord, you won't be disappointed. I'm in July of 2011 in my MAW game and Jay has refused offers from every promotion that has come calling.
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;330257] [COLOR="Green"]Xtravaganza should [I][U]hopefully[/U][/I] be up by the end of the week--snow is scheduled for my area, which means I have to work through it (remember, I work for the State Highway Department and have to plow snow when it comes).[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] Turns out the snow got me...a 32-hour shift from Wednesday morning into Thursday afternoon, sleep all evening Thursday, busy at work today = show not finished yet. :( I have basically the matches themselves to go yet--all of my other promos are done, entrances are done and updated, and in-between segment commentary is done. All I have to do is envision the action and type it up. (Of 7 matches, 1.5 is currently done.) I'm not going to put a timetable on it this time, as it's bitten me more times than I care to count. But I'm working on it!
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  • 2 weeks later...
[COLOR="Green"][B]Note from the Author: I’m sorry it took so long to write this up--first it was the winter weather that got me (work-related issues), and then my flash drive corrupted the file I was writing the original show on, and then it was more weather! :mad: Since it took close to a week and a half to write out the show I had (I was up to about 18 printed pages, with two matches yet to finish), I decided that it wasn’t worth that much of a delay to re-type everything. So, sadly, this month I’m forced to go into “highlight” mode. All the angles and such I’ll re-write, since they were rather short…but the matches themselves (ranging from 2 to 5 pages a shot) are a bit much to re-do. Hence, I’ll end up skipping to the end of the matches. (Even with that, it still takes over 10 pages printed to put it all on!) *sigh* Isn’t technology WONDERFUL? [/sarcasm] For those who were expecting the entire show, I apologize again. Such is the curse of technology we deal with these days.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B][I]Bonus Dark Match Report: Debra Jameson def. Queen X[/B] Finish: DJ wins in 8:07, utilizing the Hotlanta Hop (Top Rope Splash)[/I] Tori’s Notes: Duane told me the day before the show was to run that he was going to try to work with two of the females on the roster, promote them in a Women’s Division, and see if it worked better than it did a year ago. While there were no negative comments from the fans, I noticed Queen getting tired about 6 minutes in, and DJ seemed to be getting a bit stale. But Duane, here’s your proof: the Women’s Division COULD possibly work! [B][I]MATCH RATING: E- START OF MAIN SHOW[/I][/B] [/COLOR] [B][Our show starts with a close-up image of the WWX Heavyweight title belt, on a black background. The voice of Trym Severla is heard while this picture is on-screen.][/B] Trym: This is what every man in the WWX locker room is gunning for-the one thing that we all have in common. This one belt, ten pounds of leather and metal, has led to epic clashes in the ring, all for the chance to raise the belt and be called the heavyweight champion. [B][The picture now fades in transition to the reigning champion, Emmett Evans, shadow-boxing in an empty room.][/B] Trym: This is the man who holds the title, who wrestled it away from me. Emmett is a proven brawler, and looks tonight to keep his title run alive. It’s not going to be easy, though… [B][Another transitional fade, and we are treated to the sight of the challenger, The Phoenix, who is sitting in a seat in the arena staring at the ring intently.][/B] Trym: And this is the challenger. A former tag team and singles champion from our original run, he knows how to get it done in the ring. But he’s never gotten to compete for the big one…until tonight. [B][From here, we briefly fade to black before pictures of the current WWX roster cycle through the screen.][/B] Trym: Tonight is the biggest stage that we perform on. In the WWX, it gets no bigger than this. And tonight, everything will be left in the ring…because this is Xtravaganza. [B][The theme music for the show-“Tourniquet” by Evanescence-plays in the background as we cut to the title screen and in-ring announcer Duane Strong.][/B] Strong: LIVE from the McKay Events Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, and presented on the Internet in real-time streaming video…Western Wrestling Xcitement is proud to present… [B][I][COLOR="red"][SIZE="6"]XTRAVAGANZA[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][The camera cuts back to inside the arena, and the rather small crowd gathered around the ringside area. For the first time in WWX history, some people have actually brought signs to the show, and the camera briefly touches on some of them as it pans around the arena. Signs with legends such as “Webb s**ks” seem to be the standard, although there are quite a few “De-bra Debra” and “I want a shot of Brandy” signs floating about. Finally, we go to ringside, and our two-man announcing team.][/B] Duane Strong: Welcome everyone to Salt Lake City, Utah, and WWX Xtravaganza! I’m Duane Strong, taking the place this evening of Dean Johnson who is unable to join us, and as always, I’ll be joined by “The Big Easy” Charles Simmons. Charles Simmons: What, you mean I won’t get a chance to yell at Johnson tonight? Strong: No, Charles. He’s working elsewhere tonight. Simmons: Dammit, Johnson! Strong: Tonight should be an action-packed card, as every wrestler in the WWX is scheduled to compete! And we’re not going to waste any time; let’s go to the ring! [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Match #1: Illium se Levanto vs. Xavier Fyrestorm[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][The sounds of rather stereotypical Mexican music hit the speakers to begin the show.][/B] Strong: Ladies and gentlemen, this is our opening contest of Xtravaganza, scheduled for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit. On the way to the ring, from Tijuana, Mexico, weighing 186 pounds, he is the WWX’s resident Luchador…[B][I]Illium sé Levanto[/I][/B]! [B][Illium enters the ring by somersaulting over the top rope, showing off his agility and balance. However, this doesn’t help to endear him to the fans, as they boo him relentlessly. Paying them no mind, Illium adjusts his mask and loosens up in the ring to prepare for his opponent tonight. “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day hits the speakers next as Illium’s opponent enters the aisle.][/B] Strong: His opponent, from Tampa, Florida, weighing 211 pounds...this is [B][I]“Just Blaze” Xavier Fyrestorm[/I][/B]! [B][The fans also boo Xavier pretty heavily, though it seems to be about equal. Fyrestorm gets in the ring and turns to face Illium as the ref calls for the bell.][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]For the most part, Illium worked on the left leg of Fyrestorm through most of the match. About eight or nine minutes in, Xavier started making a comeback, and landed a few high-impact moves. We pick up the action about ten minutes in, after Xavier failed to pin Illium after an enzuigiri kick.[/B][/COLOR] Simmons: But you have to wonder, Duane…with the work done to Xavier’s leg earlier in the match, can he pull off his 4-Alarm Blaze [450 Splash] if the situation arises? Strong: If the adrenalin gets flowing, Charles, then yes. Remember, though, Xavier also has a submission finisher, the Opposite of H2O, a Cobra Clutch-type move. He doesn’t use it much, but when he does, it’s typically “lights out.” Simmons: Xavier pulls Illium to his feet, what’s coming next? Fyrestorm off the ropes…Illium looks like he wants to shove Fyrestorm away, but Xavier follows through and hits a swinging DDT! Illium landed on the top of his head! Strong: Xavier quick to scurry over for the cover: 1……………2…………right shoulder up, but only barely! Simmons: That was too close, and Xavier thinks so as well…he’s signaling for the 4-Alarm Blaze! Strong: If he hits this, Charles, this match is over. Xavier to the top rope…here he goes! Simmons: No! Illium rolls away, and Xavier eats the mat! Illium slow to his feet as Xavier has barely moved since landing that move…and the Luchador applies an STF! Strong: That’s the Rose Vine, Illium’s version of the STF and his secondary finisher! Xavier is in a bad way here, as he struggles to reach the ropes! Simmons: He’s closing in, trying to reach…but can’t do it! Xavier taps out! A valiant effort, but fruitless in the end as Xavier taps out to the Rose Vine! Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by submission…[B][I]Illium sé Levanto[/I][/B]! Simmons: A gutsy performance, and it ends with the Luchador getting the duke on this night. [B][I][COLOR="red"]Angle #1[/COLOR][/I][/B] Strong: Fans, I understand that Jason Webb has asked for a couple of minutes of air time, so without further ado, here is the #1 Contender to the Desert Star championship. [B][The camera cuts to Webb’s locker room, where he sits finishing up preparations for his title match. If one looks close enough, they can see a bottle of scotch in one of the locker shelves before Webb starts to speak.][/B] Webb: Tonight, I get a chance at the so-called “Desert Star” championship. What the hell kind of name is that for a title, anyway? In any event, it doesn’t matter. Chris Waits…I suggest you don’t even get out of bed for this one. Keep your disheveled, hippy-looking @$$ out of the ring, and I’ll just take your title without handing you the beating you deserve, like the one I gave you at Sole Survivor. Otherwise…I’m not going to be responsible for the total carnage I will be inflicting on you. This is your only warning. [B][We cut back to ringside, and our commentators.][/B] Simmons: He seemed rather…angry, didn’t he? Strong: That’s Jason as he normally is, Charles. He doesn’t get much friendlier, even with the scotch. Simmons: Ah, that explains it…. [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Match #2: The New Dynamite Kid vs. Kendall Lightwater vs. Graves[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][The bell sounds again, and Duane is set to introduce the next match.][/B] Strong: Our next contest is a three-way dance, scheduled for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit. [B][The sounds of acoustic guitar and keyboard that herald the start of Lynard Skynard’s “Free Bird” hit the speakers first as our first participant enters the arena.][/B] Strong: Introducing first, from Mobile, Alabama, weighing 222 pounds, this is [I][B]Graves[/B][/I]! [B][Graves gives no acknowledgment of the jeers of the fans, instead walking to his corner and stretching to make sure he’s ready. As the previous song fades from the speakers, the opening strains of “God Save the Queen” start, only to be switched a few seconds into the song by Fozzy’s “Don’t You Wish You Were Me?”][/B] Strong: Introducing the second participant in this contest…from Blackpool, England, weighing 213 pounds, he is a former WWX Cruiserweight champion; this is [B][I]The New Dynamite Kid[/I][/B]! [B][The Kid enters the ring by jumping over the top rope, and then turns to talk some trash with the fans at ringside. Across from him, Graves simply nods his head in acknowledgment; these two have teamed in the past, as Rebellion. The sound of a storm warning siren hits, which is the precursor to R.E.O. Speedwagon’s “Riding the Storm Out,” the music of our last participant.][/B] Strong: Wrestler number three…from Sacramento, California, weighing 222 pounds, this is [B][I]Kendall Lightwater[/I][/B]! [B][Kendall slides in under the bottom rope, never taking his eyes off of his opponents. WWX’s resident referee, Terrance Warder, checks all three combatants for illegal objects before calling for the bell to begin this match.][/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]This turned out to be a fairly even match-up. Graves took the early advantage after both he and DK laid waste to Kendall with their tag-team finisher, the Martial Law (Clothesline plus leg takedown from the back). The alliance was short lived, as Graves neutralized the Kid, and fought Lightwater for a few minutes. Once the Kid recovered, he and Graves fought on the outside, allowing Kendall to recover and land a jaw-dropping Shooting Star Plancha on both of his opponents. He then rolled DK back in the ring, and worked him over for a minute or so before we pick up coverage in the 12th minute of the contest.[/COLOR][/B] Strong: Kendall with the former Cruiserweight champ well in hand, here’s an Irish Whip to the near-side ropes, and a textbook standing dropkick from Kendall sends the Kid down! Quick cover by Lightwater: 1……………2..no, too much yet in the tank of Dynamite as he easily gets out of that predicament. But Kendall is in charge now as he pulls the Brit to his feet, and follows it with an Irish Whip… Simmons: And Kendall hits a spinning floatover DDT! The crowd pop rather loudly for that move, as DK gets planted dead center of the ring! Strong: Cover: 1……………2……..shoulder up at two and a half. Kendall back up on his feet, and he seems to think that one more big move is going to finish it! The Kid is slow to regain his footing, but he finally does. Here comes Kendall…whip to the corner! Simmons: This could be the prelude to the Vortex, the tornado DDT that Lightwater uses as a finisher! Here comes Kendall- Strong: But Graves slides into the ring and intercepts Kendall! Lightwater caught in a fireman’s carry…tornado face buster! Graves hits the F6 Tornado! Cover: 1……………2……………3! The Kid was just a fraction of a second too late to break the cover! Simmons: That was a short match, but had some good action in it! Let’s go to Duane for the official announcement! Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is [B][I]your winner…Graves![/I][/B] [COLOR="red"][I][B]***INTERMISSION*** (as the next match is being set up)[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][I][B]Match #3: WWX Cruiserweight Title-Ladder Match: Jayzon Styles (champion) vs. Wesley Fyreheart[/B][/I][/COLOR] [We come back from the intermission to see that two ladders have been placed in the aisle, as we go to Duane in the ring for the introductions.] Strong: This contest is a Ladder match, scheduled with no time limit, and it is for the WWX Cruiserweight championship! The only way to win is to retrieve the Cruiserweight title that is suspended above the ring! [B][Survivor’s “Burning Heart” hits the speakers first, signifying the entrance of the challenger. He emerges from backstage, passing to either side of the ladders as he walks to the ring[/B].] Strong: Introducing first, the challenger…from Portland, Oregon, weighing 203 pounds…this is [I][B]Wesley Fyreheart[/B][/I]! [B][Wes enters the ring, and climbs to the middle turnbuckle to play to the crowd for a bit before the champion comes out. Speaking of whom, here he comes, to the strains of AC/DC’s “Back in Black,” talking trash to the fans the whole way.][/B] Strong: His opponent, fighting out of Miami, Florida, and weighing in at 208 pounds…he is the reigning and defending WWX Cruiserweight Champion…he is [B][I]Jayzon Styles[/I][/B]! [B][Styles leaps over the top rope, poses for the jeering fans, and laughs c*ckily has he hands his title belt to referee Terrance Warder. Warder attaches the belt to the harness, and gives the signal to have it raised some 15 feet in the air. Once it is in position, he climbs out of the ring and signals for the bell to be rung.][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]It took Styles all of about two minutes to bring the ladder into the ring…but it was Wes who first used it as a weapon, suplexing the champ on the folded ladder. Back and forth match, that actually had one of the ladders buckle from the stress and become unusable. At this point, Wes had a slight advantage and went to grab the other ladder in the aisle, and got it in the ring. He was stopped by Styles, though, and both men are down as we rejoin coverage in the 10th minute.[/B][/COLOR] Simmons: Both men are beginning to move now, Duane…you have to think that the first man to his feet has the distinct advantage. Strong: That goes without saying, Charles. But is that advantage going to be enough to win the match? Both men to one knee now…and it’s Styles on his feet first! He closes in on Wes- Simmons: But Fyreheart with a pull of the tights, hot-shotting Styles on the second rope! Wes staggers over, picks up the folded ladder…and drops it on the spine of the champion! Styles is writhing in pain, and this could be the beginning of the end! Strong: Wes now has the ladder in hand again, and sets it up near one of the turnbuckles…and begins to climb?! What is he planning; there’s no way he can reach the belt from here! Simmons: Here comes Styles to intercept! He’s climbing the other side of the ladder, and both men meet at the top…and now they are exchanging right hands! That’s not the best place to be fighting, guys! Strong: Wes lands another right…and Styles looks stunned! Wes quick to apply a front facelock…don’t tell me- Both announcers (in unison): HOLY $***! [B][The crowd also picks up this chant, after that move.][/B] Strong: Ladies and gentlemen, Wesley Fyreheart just delivered his Flaming Vortex finisher, a tornado DDT, from the top of that 12-foot ladder! Simmons: That’s it; Jayzon is dead. There is no way anyone can survive that move! Strong: Indeed, Jayzon hasn’t moved at all as Wes slowly gets to his feet. Now the challenger sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring, and starts to climb, one slow step at a time! Simmons: If Jayzon can’t recover soon, he’s going to become an ex-champion…wait, I think he’s trying to move! Strong: Styles trying to regain his bearings, but is it too little too late? Wes is near the top of the ladder, reaching… Simmons: And Wes has the belt! Jayzon just couldn’t get to his feet to stop Fyreheart! We have a new champion; let’s get the official word now. Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is your [B][I]winner, and the NEW WWX Cruiserweight Champion…Wesley Fyreheart![/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="red"]Angle[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][At this point, we cut to backstage, and the dressing room of Brian Foster. From off-camera, there is a knock, followed by the sound of a door opening. Adrianne Wright enters the camera shot from the right, as Brian looks up.][/B] Foster: What brings you this way, Adrianne? Wright: Well…I just wanted to wish you good luck in your match tonight, and…well…. [B][Foster looks at her, a bit concerned, and is about to say something when Adrianne steps forward a bit and kisses Foster lightly on the lips. As she pulls away, Foster looks to be a bit flabbergasted.][/B] Wright: I’ll talk to you later, Brian. [B][Adrianne leaves the camera shot from the right, as Brian watches her go. He still seems stunned, to say the least…is this going to affect his chances in the match tonight?][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][I]Match #4: Gareth Simpson vs. Sage Sabbot[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][Some generic Oriental-type music hits the speakers as we prepare for our fourth match of the evening.][/B] Strong: The following contest is a singles bout, set for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit. Approaching the ring, from Beijing, China, weighing 211 pounds…[I][B]Sage Sabbot[/B][/I]! [B][Sabbot enters the ring, and doesn’t bother to interact with the fans-most of whom are booing him, by the way-as he stands in one of the corners, apparently lost in meditation. After a few seconds, the unmistakable opening notes of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” hit the speakers, foreshadowing the arrival of his opponent.][/B] Strong: His opponent-- Simpson (emerging from backstage): --will introduce himself, so keep quiet and pay attention! Hailing from Los Angeles, California, I am the All-Nighter, the Super-Exciter, and the man that all of you wish you could be! I am the best athlete in this promotion bar none; I am [B][I]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson![/I][/B] [B][As he is talking, he is staring directly at Sabbot, making sure no shenanigans are forthcoming. Then, he slides in under the bottom rope, and charges at Sabbot as the bell rings to start the match!][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]This was a rematch from one of the LWF’s very first shows. Sabbot took the early advantage with a rake of the eyes, and held it for a few minutes…but Simpson was too strong on this evening. There really isn’t a highlight worthy of being shown, but we’ll cut to the end of the match regardless. We’re in the 11th minute as we rejoin coverage.[/B][/COLOR] Simmons: For the last eight or nine minutes, it’s been the Prototype’s match to lose, Duane. Unless he makes a cardinal mistake, you can pretty much write this one in the books. Strong: And you can tell that Gareth knows this as well as he hoists Sabbot back to his feet…gutwrench facebuster, and Simpson lands the Protobuster on his opponent! Simmons: With the way he’s worked this match, Duane, you could almost call it a “[I]Dominator[/I]” tonight! Real lax cover by Gareth: 1……………2……………3. Sabbot tried, but he was simply overmatched on this occasion. Here’s Duane with the announcement. Strong (arena microphone): Here is your [I][B]winner…”The Prototype” Gareth Simpson![/B][/I] [B][I][COLOR="red"]Angle[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][CUT to backstage, and into what is apparently Trym Severla’s locker room. He is sitting on a bench, seemingly lost in thought as he begins to speak.][/B] Trym: Tonight…things become interesting. For almost a year, I have kept my baser instincts at bay, focusing on more important things like the WWX Heavyweight championship. But tonight…tonight I face three of the toughest brawlers in this promotion, in a match that is more suited to their tastes. [B][Trym chuckles at this, as if it’s some sort of inside joke.][/B] Trym: But you see…I’m an extremist by nature. I thrive in this sort of match. So, Brian Foster…Jacey Morgan…Rage…you had better be bringing your A-games tonight. Because tonight…the X in WWX isn’t going to mean “Xcitement.” No…tonight, it means… “Xtreme.” [B][Trym chuckles again, and it is on this note that we cut back to ringside.][/B] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Match #5: WWX Desert Star Title: Chris Waits (champion) vs. Jason Webb[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][The bell sounds, getting everyone’s attention.][/B] Strong: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty-minute time limit, and it is for the WWX Desert Star Championship! [B][At first, there is silence, followed by the opening vocals, sung [I]a capella[/I]:[/B] [I]I am so full of love. I am so full of hate. I am so full of these feelings That turn me every which way...[/I] [B]Suddenly, the music (“I’m a Cloud” by Boy Hits Car) hits full volume as the champ appears, almost looking like he just got out of bed…but don’t let the looks deceive you; he’s a champ for a reason!][/B] Strong: Introducing first, from the Great State of Kentucky, weighing 284 pounds, he is a former LWA Tag Team Champion and the reigning WWX Desert Star Champion…this is [I][B]“Crazy” Chris Waits[/B][/I]! [B][Waits gets in the ring, flashes the famous “rock on” hand sign to the crowd, and turns to face the entryway, awaiting his opponent. Ted Nugent’s “Stranglehold” hits the speakers next, heralding the imminent arrival of the opponent.][/B] Strong: His opponent, and challenger…from East Rutherford, New Jersey, weighing 288 pounds, this is [B][I]“Bad @$$” Jason Webb[/I][/B]! [B][However, while everyone’s attention is focused on the entryway, Webb sneaks in from the other side of the ring and blindsides the champion; and that quickly the match is underway!][/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]Webb was in control here for a few minutes, but then Webb made a slight mistake-he tried to attack Waits’ head. That just woke the champion up, so to speak, and from here Chris was on fire…until a short spinebuster countered Waits’ MowDown attempt. Webb then took control, and was working over Waits for the last few minutes before we resume coverage, 13 minutes into the contest.[/B][/COLOR] Strong: Webb has the champion in his grasp…hangman’s neckbreaker, well-executed! Simmons: Webb has been focusing on the head and neck of Chris for the last few minutes, Duane…he could be setting the champ up for the Billion-Dollar Dream. Strong: I think you’re right on that account as Webb walks behind a rising Chris Waits, stalking the champion and waiting for the right moment to strike… Simmons: Waits finally back to his feet…and there it is! Webb has the move locked in- Strong: But what a counter by the champion, getting to the ropes and ducking a little, forcing Webb to tumble to the outside! Waits had that move well-scouted; and he didn’t hesitate to counter it as soon as Jason applied it. Simmons: Wait, Duane…I think I saw Webb reach into his tights for something! Strong: Look at his left hand, Charles…Jason Webb has a set of brass knuckles on his hand! Here comes Waits to pull Webb into the ring…oh, Jason just dimmed the running lights of the champion! Simmons: Wait a second, referee Terrance Warder is coming over to admonish Webb…and sees the knucks on the challenger’s hand! He’s calling for the bell! Strong: Excuse me for a minute, if you will…. Simmons: Webb is trying to plead his case, but it’s not going to work! I think the ref has thrown this match out due to the foreign object…let’s go to Duane for an official word. Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, referee Terrance Warder has informed me that due to an illegal object, your [B][I]winner by disqualification, and STILL the WWX Desert Star Champion, is “Crazy” Chris Waits[/I][/B]! Simmons: Oh, boy…Jason doesn’t seem happy with that call as he knocks the ref out with those brass knucks! Jason Webb might be the one standing, but the story here is that the Desert Star champion retains! [COLOR="red"][B][I]Video[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][As Webb rolls out of the ring, a video starts playing. It starts as total darkness, not even with any sound…and then the sound of poker chips being riffled in someone’s hand startles most of the assembled crowd. Just then, a voice is heard.][/B] Voice: So, this is the best this company has to offer? [scoffs] They’ll be busted before too long. [B][Now an image is shown on the video…playing cards are on a green felt table, with some chips on either side of the cards. Behind the cards is a much larger pile of chips, of various colors as if to imply that there is a lot of money at stake wherever this video is being taped at.][/B] Voice: You see…I’ve grown tired of winning all of the money at these casinos. I need a challenge, although from the looks of things, the odds are better than even money that I should have no trouble dominating the competition. Another advantage of having the big stack, and dealing with all of the short-stacked players. [B][At this, a set of cards fall onto the table, showing a Royal Flush in the spade suit. Then, a pair of hands reach out of the darkness and rake in the big pile of chips that was in the middle of the table. The camera pans upwards, changing to a top-down view of the table. Where the pile of chips once were, one can see some writing on the table, in flowing gold letters, that name the person speaking.][/B] Voice: WWX, be warned…Nathaniel Ca$ino is putting you all-in… [B][There is the sound of laughter--almost sounding like the infamous cackle of a millionaire wrestler in another universe, perhaps?-before we cut back to the ringside area.][/B] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Match #6: Hardcore Match: Rage vs. Brian Foster vs. Jacey Morgan vs. Trym Severla[/COLOR][/I][/B] Strong: Our next match promises to be violent, as four of the more extreme wrestlers on the roster hook up in a hardcore rules bout. Of these four, only one has yet to hold a title in any form of this promotion…wait, I’m being told that there is an altercation backstage! Can we get a camera backstage? Simmons: Duane, I’m being told that this match has already started, and is the source of the altercation! [COLOR="Green"][B]The camera cuts backstage, where there is a virtual war going on. There are already bodies on the floor, and as we first see the chaos backstage, it’s Trym Severla holding the advantage, swinging a chair like it’s going out of style. From this point, things just get more chaotic, as the fight spreads to the concession areas (and where Rage shuts the leg of Foster inside a refrigerator), the main lobby (Trym with a diving cross body off the upper landing), one of the locker rooms (Jacey throwing Trym into a locker and closing it on him), and even the men’s bathroom (Foster slamming Rage’s head into the toilet repeatedly). Finally, though, the match comes to the arena proper, and all four men have been busted open at some point in the match. It’s Rage vs. Foster and Jacey vs. Trym as we rejoin the match, 13 minutes in.[/B][/COLOR] Strong: Inside the ring now, Rage with the Irish Whip on Foster…cookie sheet shot to the head on the incoming Foster! Rage with a cover: 1……………2……Brian gets a shoulder up! Simmons: Look out, Duane, here come Jacey and Trym...and they seem to be heading our way! Strong: No, Trym with an elbow to the stomach to stop that plan…and Jacey is sent head-first into the ring post! Trym looks under the ring for something…now with a steel chair in hand, he swings…and the ribs of the Boston giant are crushed between the chair and the ring post! What a vile shot by the former heavyweight champion! Simmons: Back inside, Rage has Foster in a form of choke hold, using a kendo stick…and Trym blasts Rage in the back with the chair, forcing the break! Foster slowly to his feet…and Severla hits the Implant DDT! That’s got to do it-cover: 1……………2…………..broken up by a chair shot to the back of Trym’s head by Rage! Strong: Trym looks to be out cold; Foster isn’t moving much after that Implant DDT, and Jacey is still down on the outside clutching his ribs! Rage in control here as he sets Severla up…double underhook facebuster! The OverRage connects; it’s academic from here! Cover: 1……………2……………3! Simmons: Man, with all of the punishment in this match, you have to wonder if they haven’t taken years off of their careers with this brutal contest! Let’s get the official word from Duane. Strong (arena microphone): The [B][I]winner of this bout…Rage[/I][/B]! Simmons: We’ll pause 10 minutes here for intermission, and then it’s main event time! [B][I][COLOR="red"]Intermission Video (repeats twice during the break)[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][Another video airs at this point. Set to Evanescence’s “Tourniquet,” footage is shown of the final moments of the Survival of the Fittest match, where The Phoenix threw out Gareth Simpson to earn a title shot. Footage then changes to last month’s show at Retribution, where Phoenix once again defeated Simpson to secure his title shot. This is then segued into the past couple of matches that Emmett Evans has won recently, eventually settling on a split-screen shot with some fade effects, as it is made to appear that Phoenix and Emmett are staring each other down in preparation for the main event, which is up next!][/B] [B][I][COLOR="red"]BONUS UNRATED VIDEO SEGMENT[/COLOR][/I][/B] Strong: This is the WWX “Dunk of the Night,” brought to you by Dunkin’ Donuts. Stop by for our holiday specialties and get fueled up before your next shopping run. Remember: “America runs on Dunkin!” [B][Flashback to Survival of the Fittest three months ago and the ending of the Survival of the Fittest match itself, with The Phoenix and Gareth Simpson the last two men in the ring.][/B] Strong: We’re down to two now-which of these men is going to go to Xtravaganza and get a title shot of his choosing? Dean Johnson: My money’s on “The Prototype,” guys! Throw that fiery b***ard out! Simmons: Phoenix is in trouble…Gareth may have him here! Strong: Phoenix is on the apron, if he gets knocked off it’s over! Here comes Gareth-low bridge! Simmons: Simpson is up and over…and he falls to the floor! Phoenix has done it! Johnson: Phoenix had to cheat to do it! That was an illegal move! Strong: Dammit, Johnson, that was a fair move and you know it! Phoenix wins and goes on to Xtravaganza; what an effort by the big man! [B][Briefly cut to some corporate sponsoring (i.e. the Dunkin’ Donuts logo), then the logo for WWX, before a transition fade brings us back to ringside.][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][I]Main Event: WWX Heavyweight Title: Emmett Evans (champion) vs. The Phoenix[/I][/COLOR][/B] [B][DING! DING! DING!][/B] Strong: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, and it is for the WWX Heavyweight Championship! [B][Most people would expect to hear the wind blowing at this point, normally the introduction to Bon Jovi’s “Blaze of Glory.” However, tonight’s just a tad different, as the challenger has elected to take a page out of his tag team partner’s playbook. It’s Jon Bon Jovi’s voice we hear first as the music hits:[/B] [I]Wake up in the morning and I raise my weary head; Got an old coat for a pillow, and the earth was last night’s bed. I don’t know where I’m going; only God knows where I’ve been; I’m a devil on the run, a six-gun lover, a candle in the wind…[/I] [B]Then, just as the music starts up in full once again, the challenger emerges, looking totally at ease, and ready for a title fight. On his left is his manager, who as always is dressed to impress.][/B] Strong: Introducing first, the challenger…accompanied to the ring by [I][B]Brandy[/B][/I], he hails from Baltimore, Maryland, weighs 365 pounds, and is a former LWA Intercontinental and Tag Team champion…this is [B][I]The Phoenix[/I][/B]! [B][Methodically, Phoenix enters the ring, bouncing off of the ropes on each side of the ring to prepare for this, his first-ever opportunity at the Heavyweight title. However, he’s going to have to go through this man, as “In Da Club” by 50 Cent blares over the speakers. ][/B] Strong: His opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing 277 pounds…he is the reigning, and defending, WWX Heavyweight Champion…this is [B][I]Emmett Evans[/I][/B]! [B][Emmett comes out, moving to the beat of the song as he plays it up for the attending crowd. He’s one of the fan favorites, and it shows in their ovation as the champ enters the ring. After playing to the crowd a few more moments, he hands his belt off to Terrance Warder, who displays it for the crowd to see before handing it off to Duane at ringside…and calls for the bell!][/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]For a contrast of two styles, this was a fairly decent match-up. The crowd was evenly split in terms of alliance, although Brandy did her part in keeping the crowd in the match. This wasn’t quite the “war” that the previous match was, but it was grueling enough. We’ll rejoin the match some 17 minutes in, as both men recover from a double clothesline.[/COLOR][/B] Simmons: Both men finally back to their feet…right hand by the champion, but the challenger fires one right back! Strong: You can tell both men want the title badly, Charles…neither one of them is backing down! Evans lands another right, Phoenix returns with one of his own! Now Phoenix with another shot, and another, and it’s the challenger who is starting to take advantage as he backs Emmett into the corner. Simmons: Phoenix with an Irish Whip, and Emmett lands hard in the corner…and Phoenix scores with the avalanche in the corner! The champ was crushed, and…wait, what the hell is Phoenix doing going outside? Strong: Oh, no…don’t tell me he’s going to try the Flashfire! Simmons: I dunno, Duane…he won his only other singles title with that same move, and he was just coming off that broken ankle! Strong: Phoenix now up on the top rope…makes the sign of the cross, and- [B][And, in a moment that most people would never expect to see, a 360+ pound man manages to make a full revolution in the air, thanks in large part to his high center of gravity. There is a stunned silence as The Phoenix, true to his name, takes flight. However…][/B] Strong: Emmett moved! Phoenix went for the Flashfire, his 450 Splash that he rarely uses, but the risk fails him as the champion rolled out of the way! Simmons: And Emmett looks like he wants to finish the match right here as he manages to get the big man to his feet…and one gutwrench facebuster later, Evans lands the Wreckoning! Strong: Cover, both legs hooked: 1……………2……………3! He got him! Simmons: Evans retains in one of the most closely-contested heavyweight title matches I’ve seen in recent memory! Let’s get the official word. Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is your [I][B]winner and STILL the WWX Heavyweight Champion…Emmett Evans![/B][/I] Simmons: It just wasn’t meant to be tonight for The Phoenix, but I have a hunch we have not seen the last of him in the title picture. And that will wrap up our show for the evening. For all of the crew of the WWX, and for my partner Duane Strong, I’m Charles Simmons…good night, everyone! [B][As the camera shows Emmett celebrating in the ring, we slowly fade to black. End of show.][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][I]WWX Xtravaganza Summary (as presented by Tori Montgomery)[/I][/B] Paid Attendance: 62 [NEW RECORD!] [Dark Match] Debra Jameson def. Queen X: E- [Match #1] Illium se Levanto def. Xavier Fyrestorm: E+ [Angle] Jason Webb hypes up Desert Star title match: E [Match #2] Graves def. Kendall Lightwater and The New Dynamite Kid: E+ [Ladder Match-Cruiserweight Title] Wesley Fyreheart def. Jayzon Styles: E+ [Angle] Adrianne Wright encourages Brian Foster: E- [Match #4] Gareth Simpson def. Sage Sabbot: D- [Angle] Trym Severla hypes the 4-way Hardcore match: F+ [Desert Star Title Match] Chris Waits def. Jason Webb: D- [Angle] Video to hype new signee Nathaniel Ca$ino: F+ [Match #6-Hardcore 4-Way Dance] Rage def. Trym Severla, Brian Foster, and Jacey Morgan: D- [Angle] Video to hype Main Event: E [Heavyweight Title Match] Emmett Evans def. The Phoenix: D- OVERALL RATING: D- Tori’s Notes: Xavier Fyrestorm and Kendall Lightwater were slightly overused on this show. Several workers were starting to become stale, but otherwise this was a good show to end your first year on. [B][I][SIZE="4"]FROM THE WWX WEBSITE, POSTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER XTRAVAGANZA[/SIZE][/I][/B] It is with a heavy heart that we say farewell to one of our own as he embarks further on his career journey. Due to being unable to satisfy contract demands, WWX Head Booker Duane Strong was forced to release now-former WWX Cruiserweight Champion Jayzon Styles immediately following the show. Both Duane and Jayzon have said that it was because Jayzon wanted close to $1,000 per show, an amount that Duane felt could not be met at this point in time. We at WWX wish Jayzon the best in his future endeavors, and express hope that someday down the road, he and the management of WWX can come to an agreement to bring him back into a WWX ring.[/COLOR]
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Also...AFTER BOTH SHOWS IN JUNE (finally....): [B][I]Trym: 2 points (MAW) + 3 points (WWX) = 5 points Chris: 2 points (MAW) + 3 points (WWX) = 5 points[/I][/B] Emark: 1 point (MAW) + 3 points (WWX) = 4 points Haven't we been here before? :p So with two winners, standard dual-winner rules apply.... [B][I]NOTE: I have one match in mind for Where It All Begins Again 2008 that I'd like to run. Therefore, you cannot use either Casey Valentine or Jay Chord in your MAW create-a-match. Betcha can't guess what match I have in mind....:rolleyes: [/I][/B] Chris, you know the deal. One for each show, I'll pick from there. Trym, I'll be sending you a PM with details. (Then again, you may remember the EWR one I did during our WWX days...same premise, just a single match instead of an entire show.)
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[COLOR="Blue"](Point of view: Evan Toliver) [B][I]July 2, 2008[/I][/B] [I]Mr. Toliver: Enclosed are the papers you requested-namely, a summary of the reports that have been done for your shows since you took over last year at this time. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. John Ruth, CVWrestlepedia.com MAW Correspondent[/I] Without going into grand detail (after all, time is money!), the summary of the notes ran something like this…. [B]Number of shows run: 12 Number of Matches: 53 Average Match Rating (16.000 (A*) is the highest possible): 6.038, which is equal to a rating of D- Average Show Rating (16.000 (A*) is the highest possible): 7.083, which is equal to a rating of D Best Match Rating: C (twice-Hernandez v. Parker in both November and December 2007) Best Show Rating: D+ (4 times: August ’07, November ’07, December ’07, February ’08) MAW Wrestler of the Year: Mainstream Hernandez (Avg. Rating of 8.333 (D+) over 9 matches) Runner-up: Steven Parker (Avg. Rating of 7.909 (D) over 11 matches)[/B] [I]The MAW Power 10 (current roster) going into year 2 of your tenure are as follows: (1) Steven Parker: “The Future” looks to lead MAW into the summer of ’08 and beyond. (2) “Mean” Jean Cattley: The former MAW Head Booker continues to be dominant in the ring. (3) Antonio: Has been greatly underused; I recommend a push into a possible title role. (4) Erik Strong: The most-used worker of your first year shows promise in the future (5) Casey Valentine: With a little more time, he could make waves in the title hunt. (6) D.C. Rayne: With experience, he has nowhere to go but up. Maybe his title reign isn’t a bad idea? (7) Ricky Douglas: Give this guy a chance. He may yet surprise you. (8-10) Several people are at this plateau. Oscar Golden, Stan Manna, Cal Sanders, K-Squared, Thomas Morgan, and Jay Chord are all similar in rank; I know Chord is going to go up, but we’ll find out in due time about the remainder of them.[/I] A knock on the door startled me from my perusal of the documents. Looking up, I saw Rip and Jay standing in the doorway, and motioned for them to come in and have a seat. A few moments later, once they had settled in, Rip spoke. “Evan, I think we’re doing very well in the popularity department compared to a year ago.” “And you wouldn’t make such an obvious statement if there wasn’t something unusual you wanted to tell me.” Rip nodded. “You have me dead to rights, son. The Norfolk City Council has asked for someone from our roster to be the honorary Grand Marshal for their Independence Day parade this Friday. The boy and I thought we’d ask you if you had any recommendations.” I was, to say the least, quite surprised at this turn of events. “Well, since you have apparently had time to think about it, why not rattle off some ideas to me, Rip? Let me get my thoughts in order and I’ll compare them to your ideas, and see what we come up with.” “Well, I figured we’d want someone who the people would know. So I’m thinking either Parker or Cattley, since they are the two most over people on our roster.” I nodded, as a thought in my mind started to take shape. “That makes sense, Rip. Normally I’d object, but most wrestling fans these days know that the guys keep the kayfabe separate from their actual persona, for the most part. But I think I have a suggestion, if you’re ready.” “Go ahead, Evan,” was the reply I received from Jay. “I propose to send up to three people. Two of them I have locked in, with the third being open to consideration. The two definites are Rip, as owner of MAW and living legend of the sport…and MAW’s current champion, D.C. Rayne.” “Makes sense…so who is the third?” inquired Rip. “For that, let me see if I have my facts straight. Rip, you set up MAW as a throwback to the territorial system, and also for the new generation to learn the business, right?” At his nod, I pressed on. “So, I am thinking we bring in someone from that ‘new generation.’ Either Casey Valentine or Jay would be my pick.” Rip was deep in thought at this, while Jay nodded. “That could work, Evan…but do we really want to send two Chords to this?” “With all due respect, Jay, Casey is as good as a Chord. After all, your father trained him and groomed him for this business.” “True.” Rip spoke up at this point. “Jay, what do you say to having Casey do it?” Jay was silent for a moment. “As much as I want to say that I should have first rights to it, I can see from a business side that it might be better to let Casey go. After all, with Evan’s proposal, you have a Chord and the champion. You bring in Valentine, the nephew of another legend…I think that would better show our faith in the new generation. By taking me, it’d just look like the owner trying to force his son on the crowd. Let Casey have it, with the understanding that I get first shot at the next opportunity.” Rip nodded, and then turned to me. “Evan, does this work for you?” Very slowly, I smiled. “It does. Jay, I’m very impressed with your maturity at such a young age. Most people would think to put themselves first…to put yourself out of the spotlight shows a lot of character.” At this, Jay grinned. “I learned from the best, after all.” Rip chuckled as we all got to our feet. “Very well. Let me get back in touch with the Council and let them know what we’ve decided. You have the card ready for this month, Evan?” “It will be by this afternoon.” “Excellent.” Both Chords left the room, as I settled back into my seat. That distraction was just the break I needed, as the rest of the card seemed to quickly fall into order. Now all that was left was the execution…. [B][U][I]CARD FOR WHERE IT ALL BEGINS AGAIN 2008[/I][/U][/B] [B][I]Chris Caufield’s Booked Match-for the Mid-Atlantic Championship[/I][/B] D.C. Rayne (Champion) vs. Antonio Having had a shot last month in a three-way dance, Antonio gets one more shot in a singles match against possibly the most unlikely Mid-Atlantic champion to date. Can Rayne prove to be more than just a transitional champion? [B][I]The Next Generation of a long-time feud begins![/I][/B] Casey Valentine vs. Jay Chord In the 70’s and 80’s, the Peter Valentine/Rip Chord feud was one of the hottest things going. A quarter of a century later, these names lock horns again…but this time it’s the new generation! Who will earn the victory for their family-the nephew of Peter, or the son of Rip? Evan is putting high hopes in this match, hoping it will be the impetus that will lead to greater popularity for MAW! [B][I]30-Minute Iron Man Match-Winner gets a title shot next month! [COLOR="Green"]WINNER TO BE DETERMINED BY RIP CHORD[/COLOR][/I][/B] “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Steven Parker This has the makings of a classic. The last time they wrestled in a singles match was in August of 2007, when Parker successfully defended his Mid-Atlantic Championship over Cattley in a C- rated match. This could possibly become the main event, depending on how Evan decides to handle this. In a little twist, Evan has asked Rip to basically decide everything about this match-how to book, whether to script, and who will win the match. [B][I]Undercard Attractions[/I][/B] Flash Savage, K-Squared, and Mark Smart vs. Oscar Golden, Thomas Morgan, and Cal Sanders Ricky Douglas vs. Erik Strong[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Seeing as Mr. Caufield did not pick a winner in his match (instead deciding to leave it up to me to choose), he is eligible to pick that match. [B]Also, since I am allowing Rip to pick the winner of the Iron Man Match, I’m going to make my prediction here. I’m thinking that Parker wins, 3 falls to 2, and the match ends up a C- rating.[/B] Quick Reference List: MAW Where it All Begins Again 2008 (5 points possible) Mid-Atlantic Title Match: D.C. Rayne (champ) vs. Antonio 30-Minute Iron Man Match (Rip to decide winner): “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Steven Parker Casey Valentine vs. Jay Chord Ricky Douglas vs. Erik Strong Flash Savage/K-Squared/Mark Smart vs. Oscar Golden/Thomas Morgan/Cal Sanders[/COLOR]
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Mid-Atlantic Title Match: [B]D.C. Rayne (champ)[/B] vs. Antonio 30-Minute Iron Man Match (Rip to decide winner): “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] Casey Valentine vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] vs. Erik Strong Flash Savage/K-Squared/Mark Smart vs. [B]Oscar Golden/Thomas Morgan/Cal Sanders[/B]
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[B][COLOR="Green"]One bout of sickness later, here we go....[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]LIVE from historic Stanley Hall, Maryland and presented live on the Internet…Mid Atlantic Wrestling takes you to… [B][I][SIZE="4"]Where It All Begins Again 2008[/SIZE][/I][/B] (Paid attendance of 119) (Point of view: Evan Toliver)[/COLOR] It’s hard to think that I’ve been doing this for just over a year now. There are times when I wonder how quickly the year passed…then again, there are just as many times that I wonder why the days seemed to take forever. However, right now that’s neither here nor there. Tonight is our headline show of the year…and I have a lot of my plans riding on more than just the one match that everyone thinks I’m banking on. I’m looking for someone tonight to step up their game and show me that they deserve more of a push than I’ve been giving them. Unfortunately, Oscar Golden won’t be one of them. He decided to show up late to the show, and he was in the first match. I had to find a quick replacement…and found him in the form of Stan Manna, who quickly volunteered to step in. I hate to tell Oscar that when he comes in, he’ll find a pink slip…but his contract expires this month anyway. Such is business, I believe. But anyways…now it’s showtime. Fellas, show me what you’ve got! [COLOR="blue"][B][I]Opening Match: Stan Manna, Thomas Morgan, and Cal Sanders def. Flash Savage, K-Squared, and Mark Smart[/B] Finish: Thomas Morgan pins Mark Smart in 13:22.[/I] Evan’s Notes: Other than Mark tiring near the end of the match, this is basically what I expected from this group of workers. I think next month I’m going to start switching things up with them, and seeing what happens from there. [B]MATCH RATING: E+[/B] [B][I]The champion speaks[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]As the last match ends, we cut back to the locker room of the reigning Mid Atlantic Champion, who looks like he has something to say.[/B] D.C. Rayne: Antonio…you don’t know when to give up, do you? It’s not enough that you managed to finagle a way into the title match last month. No, now you have to be greedy and get another shot this month. Well, I’ll make it real simple for you. Tonight, I’m going to kick your @$$ again, and send you back to your little Mafia buddies with your tail between your legs! Be warned, Antonio…the storm is coming for you! [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: You know there’s a problem when of your few faces in the promotion gets booed like D.C. did during that segment. Oh, and as an inside joke for those in the know… [B]VOTE: Antonio SEGMENT RATING: E[/B] [B][I]Undercard Attraction: Erik Strong def. Ricky Douglas[/B] Finish: Strong wins in 14:44 via Strong Sault[/I] Evan’s Notes: It occurs to me that Ricky desperately needs a change in character (for that matter, so does half of my roster). I’ll see what I can do about that…but I was pleasantly surprised with this match. Maybe that guy from the website was right-maybe Ricky DOES deserve a chance…. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]Look, it’s a video…uh…anyone here?[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]A video plays between matches, chronicling the history of the Peter Valentine/Rip Chord feud, and segueing into one of the featured contests of the evening: Casey Valentine vs. Jay Chord.[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: And of course, most of those in attendance used the opportunity for a restroom break. So predictable…. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [B][I]Family Feud, the Next Generation: Casey Valentine and Jay Chord wrestle to a draw[/B] Finish: Time limit of 20 minutes expired before a decision was reached.[/I] Evan’s Notes: I have a feeling I’m going to get called into the boss’s office tomorrow morning after basically telling Jay that I was not going to change the finish so he looked better. I have a reason for this in mind; I just need him to work with me on this. Other than that, I was happy with how the match came out. [B]MATCH RATING: D-[/B] [B][I]Mid-Atlantic Championship: Chris Caufield’s Booked Match[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]As the bell sounds, we go to Manuel Ramirez in the ring for the introductions.[/B] Ramirez: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall, with a 30 minute time limit in effect, and it is for the Mid Atlantic Championship! [B][The opening strains of Creed’s “My Sacrifice” hit the speakers as the champion elects to come out first for this contest.][/B] Ramirez: Introducing first…from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, weighing 224 pounds, he is the reigning and defending Mid Atlantic Champion…this is [B][I]D.C. Rayne![/I][/B] [B][Rayne is trying to play up to the fans inside Stanley Hall…but fails to look behind him as Antonio attacks him from behind!][/B] Evan Toliver: And Antonio apparently didn’t like that Mafia remark too much, as he just blindsided the champion! Rayne is down in the entryway, and Antonio has an advantage before the match even begins! Ramirez: Antonio knows that he might not get another shot at the title for a while, so he’s trying to use every underhanded, dirty trick in the book to wear down the champ before the bell rings, Evan. I might not agree with the strategy, but right now it’s effective as Rayne gets sent back-first into the guard rail. Toliver: Referee Devin Holston is trying to get some order restored here, and finally Antonio rolls the champion into the ring…and there is the bell to finally start this match. D.C. is already in big trouble, and things don’t look any better for him! [B][COLOR="Green"]Antonio kept the advantage through most of the match…although about 10 minutes in, he seemed to slow down some, as if he forgot what he was doing to do to the champion. The fans noticed this and were getting restless before Rayne began his comeback with a hard left-handed lariat. This is where we resume the coverage, 14 minutes in.[/COLOR][/B] Ramirez: Rayne looks to be dead on his feet, but he can’t stop pressing his newfound advantage or else Antonio is going to finish the job. Toliver: Antonio needs to recover from that lariat clothesline and get back into the program! Ramirez: The challenger is dragged back to his feet by D.C., and whipped into the far-side ropes…quick spinebuster, dead center of the ring and Antonio got planted! Toliver: But Rayne is too exhausted to make a cover right away! Antonio has worked him over but good…finally, the cover! 1……………2………..no! The left shoulder comes up; Antonio has some fight left in him! Ramirez: Both men very slow to get back to their feet, but here is Rayne with a left hand-blocked and countered by the challenger! Another shot by Antonio, and he is trying to regain his momentum here as he backs Rayne against the ropes. Toliver: Now Antonio with the whip across the ring, and a high leg lariat drops the champion…and Antonio seems to think that it’s time for the Italian DDT, which could put the champ away in his current state! Ramirez: Rayne slowly, barely gets to his feet as Antonio closes in…kick to the gut, has him hooked…wait, Rayne with a shot to the ribs, trying to fight it off, and manages to escape-- Toliver: Come on, Antonio, get him! Ramirez: Now it’s Rayne with a kick to the gut into a front chancerie…twisting neckbreaker, Antonio has suffered Storm Damage! The champion hits his finisher…and collapses into the cover! 1……………2……………3! Toliver: What a travesty of justice! Antonio dominated most of the match; how could be have lost that contest?! Ramirez (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, at a time of 18:37, your [B][I]winner and STILL the Mid Atlantic Champion…D.C. Rayne![/I][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Evan’s Notes: This wasn’t the caliber of match I was hoping for from these two. Then again, with the match dragging in the middle, I can’t honestly say that I’m surprised…. [B]MATCH RATING: E+ [I]Someone isn’t happy….[/B][/I][/COLOR] [B]As the champion tiredly celebrates in the ring, Antonio finally comes to and once again sneak-attacks the champion, hitting with a pair of Italian DDTs before spitting on the still form of D.C. Rayne and leaving the ring to go backstage. Some of the other wrestlers come out from backstage to help Rayne back into the locker rooms.[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: And judging from the fan reaction, I really need to change Rayne’s character, and fast. Otherwise…this was pretty much what I expected. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/B] [B][I]And another video to bore people with[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]As if the other videos tonight weren’t enough, here’s another one, this time hyping the 30-minute Iron Man main event that is coming up next, after the intermission.[/B] Evan’s Notes: Remind me to pay our production team some overtime for all of the work they did this month. [COLOR="blue"][b]SEGMENT RATING: E[/B] [B][I]30-Minute Iron Man Match: Mean Jean Cattley def. Steven Parker, 2 falls to 1[/B] Order of Falls: (1) Parker via Future Shock, 11:37. (2) Cattley via DQ (chair shot), 17:24. (3) Cattley via Mood Swing, 25:19.[/I] Evan’s Notes: I was disappointed with this match. I had expected these two to put on a clinic, but instead I got a standard match from these two. Oh, well…guess I can’t have EVERYTHING go my way. [B]MATCH RATING: D[/B] [I][B]Now that was unexpected![/B][/I][/COLOR] [B]After the match, Cattley goes to leave the ring but is stopped by Parker. Cattley rears back, about to knock Steven out, but Steven quickly raises his hands in a gesture of peace, and then sticks his hand out for a handshake. Wary, Jean looks at the hand, back at Parker’s face, then back at the hand once again before gripping it in a brief handshake. Parker then backs off and allows the victor to leave the ring without further incident…and thus does the show end this month.[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Evan’s Notes: I’m…shocked. I didn’t think they would do it. [B]SEGMENT RATING: E- END OF SHOW[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]There is no end-of-show segment this month as Evan was called away for a family emergency-his brother was being released from a southern California hospital and Evan needed to be there. Evan received the call about an hour after the show ended, and got on the first flight he could to take him there. We haven’t seen the last of him, though….[/B][/COLOR] [I][B][U][COLOR="blue"]OVERALL RATING FOR MAW WHERE IT ALL BEGINS AGAIN 2008: D-[/COLOR][/U][/B][/I]
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[COLOR="Red"](Point of View: Duane Strong) [B][I]July 13, 2008[/I][/B] When Tori called me and said she had something to show me, I started to get worried. Usually when someone says that, bad news is afoot. However, I was surprised when she came over, a folder in hand. “OK, Tori, so spill. What’s got you so worked up that you had to rush over here?” “I figured I’d show you something I printed up, concerning your first year in business.” This got my attention. “I see…and you figured that you’d show me first so you didn’t have to deal with Jason, right?” She chuckled at this. “You have it right, sir. So…shall we?” I nodded and took the folder from her. Opening it up, I saw something that looked a lot like this: [B][I][U]CVWrestlepedia.com Head Booker Summary: July 2007-June 2008[/U][/I][/B] [B][I]Booker: Duane Strong Promotion: Western Wrestling Xcitement (WWX), based out of Phoenix, Arizona, USA.[/I][/B] [B][U]Promotion Size:[/U][/B] In one year, you’re still a Local promotion, but are on the verge of becoming a Small promotion. All you need is another good show or two in your usual haunts to push you there. Your popularity is approximately 11% in the Southwestern US, which ranks 20th out of 39 promotions worldwide. [B][U]Prestige:[/U][/B] From starting at nothing, you’ve definitely gone up in this respect. Although still the least prestigious promotion in the world, you are now at 1.2% [B][I][U]Booking Statistics[/U][/I][/B] Since opening for business in July 2007, you have run 12 shows, one per month. In those twelve shows, you have booked a total of 56 matches, or just under five per show. Using our rating system, in which an F- grade counts as zero, and each successive grade higher is one point more (leading to a maximum of 16 points for an A* rating), your [B][I]matches average a rating of 5.946, which is a very high E+ rating.[/I][/B] Using the same system for your overall show ratings, [I][B]your shows average a rating of 6.167, which is a low D- rating[/B][/I]. For a promotion of your size, this is acceptable, given that your popularity is considered F+ or lower. The [I][B]highest rating you’ve gotten for a booked match is D+[/B][/I], which has occurred four separate times: Trym/Webb I in August 2007, Trym vs. Rage in September 2007, Trym/Webb II in October 2007, and Phoenix/Simpson I in November 2007. In terms of [I][B]overall show rankings, the best you have achieved is a D rating[/B][/I], which has occurred four times as well-namely, each month from August 2007 to November 2007. [B][U][I]Wrestler Statistics[/I][/U][/B] Using the same formula presented above for matches and shows, the [B][I]WWX Wrestler of the Year for your first year in business is…Trym Severla[/I][/B], with an average rating of 6.667 (D-) over 12 matches. The first WWX Heavyweight Champion, Trym was also in three of the four highest-rated matches in WWX this year. [I][B]The runner-up for this year is “The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/B][/I], who also had a 6.667 (D-) average rating, but only over 6 matches, including the fourth D+ match of the year. [I][B]Honorable mention goes to “Bad @$$” Jason Webb[/B][/I], who sported an average rating of 6.634 (D-) over 11 matches this year. [U][B][I]WWX Power Rankings[/I][/B][/U] These rankings are determined by overall match rating over the last year. Only the current roster will be shown here, in order to help give you a focal point for your next year in business. [I](1) Trym Severla: The WWX Wrestler of the Year should be a mainstay for months to come. (2) Gareth Simpson: Very consistent worker, he could shine if given the right opportunity. (3) Jason Webb: It’s a wonder he hasn’t been given a title run yet. (4) The Phoenix: Another consistent worker, a well-worked feud may give him the boost he needs. (5) Rage: He could make waves if he keeps performing at this level. (6) Brian Foster: If he can step his game up just a bit, he could be top 3 material. (6) Wesley Fyreheart: The highest rated cruiserweight, his current title run is deserved. (8) Sage Sabbot: A surprise of the first year; he may get better if pushed properly. (9) Emmett Evans: I’m surprised the Heavyweight Champion is this far down the list. (9) Jacey Morgan: Maybe a run with the Desert Star title will help him out…? (11) Illium se Levanto: Just a step below Sabbot, needs a chance to shine in singles bouts. (12) Xavier Fyrestorm: “Just Blaze?” He needs to show more fire in the ring. (13) The New Dynamite Kid: A lack of popularity is hurting his rankings. (13) Graves: See above. (15) Chris Waits: I’m at a loss to explain why the Desert Star champion is next-to-last. (16) Kendall Lightwater: Hit-and-miss performance doesn’t help the young rookie at all.[/I] I looked up at Tori as I shook my head. “You really go all-out, don’t you?” She smirked. “We do that for every promotion in the world. Most of the time our stuff is ignored, but occasionally someone reads their summary and pays attention.” “I see. I have some thinking to do, it seems…but it can wait. Tori, let’s go; lunch is on me.” She smiled at this and wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked out the door. Perhaps this was the thing that would help me out in getting the WWX back on track during our second year…. [B][I]PROJECTED CARD FOR WWX INDEPENDENCE[/I][/B] (The Glasshouse, Pomona, CA) [I][B]WWX Heavyweight Title Match[/B][/I] Emmett Evans (champion) vs. Rage [I]Coming off a successful title defense at Xtravaganza, Emmett seeks to continue his momentum as he faces another winner from last month, Rage. There is a little bit of history in this match as Rage’s current manager, Debra Jameson, was at one time Emmett’s manager. This has all the elements to be a good match, and is one that is being closely watched.[/I] [I][B]WWX Cruiserweight Title Match[/B][/I] Wesley Fyreheart (champion) vs. Illium se Levanto [I]Coming off his title win last month, Wesley is proving that he is a fighting champion as he takes on one of the main threats to his title in Illium. Last month was Illium’s first singles match in this incarnation of WWX, and he managed to fare well enough with a win. This should be a close contest.[/I] [I][B]TrymV1’s Booked Match, with the winner to be chosen by WWX Road Agent Sylvia Leonsol![/B][/I] Trym Severla vs. “The Prototype” Gareth Simpson [I]Coming off of his first prediction win, Trym has elected on this match as his reward…and it shapes up to be a decent one, as the top two wrestlers of Duane’s first year of tenure square off. Both men are skilled with the technical aspect of wrestling, although Trym does have that hint of extremist in him. With the road agent picking the winner of this match, one has to think that it could have serious ramifications on the Heavyweight title picture…and there is the (very good) chance that this match could be a contender for the 2008 WWX Match of the Year![/I] [I][B]Undercard Tag Team Grudge Match[/B][/I] “Bad @$$” Jason Webb and Jacey Morgan vs. Eruption (The Phoenix and “Crazy” Chris Waits) [I]For the first time in 13 months, the first-ever LWA/WWX Tag Team Champions get to shine in a standard 2-on-2 tag team bout. Their opponents are former members of the now-defunct “Degeneration Next” and have teamed before. Oh, did I mention that there is plenty of history between these four? This could be the sleeper pick for match of the night.[/I] [I][B]Dark Match[/B][/I] Xavier Fyrestorm vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino [I]This will be the debut match for Nathaniel, and he’s drawn a difficult opponent for his first match in WWX. Although Xavier doesn’t have a title to his credit, he’s still a tough competitor, and isn’t likely to take it easy on the rookie. This match will also let Duane know how well Nathaniel fits with the rest of the roster.[/I][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Green"]Due to opting for the “Road Agent Call” in his match, Trym is eligible to pick that match. In fact…I think I’ll get in on that as well-and this is a tough decision! My guess is that, in a D+ rated match, Trym barely edges out Gareth with a desperation Implant DDT. (Hey, this is pretty fun! Maybe I should guess the entire card-oh, wait, I make the cards. Never mind....) QUICK PICK SHEET FOR WWX INDEPENDENCE Heavyweight Title: Emmett Evans vs. Rage Cruiserweight Title: Wesley Fyreheart vs. Illium se Levanto Road Agent Call: Trym Severla vs. “The Prototype” Gareth Simpson Tag Team: “Bad @$$” Jason Webb/Jacey Morgan vs. Eruption (The Phoenix/”Crazy” Chris Waits) Dark Match: Xavier Fyrestorm vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/B]
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Heavyweight Title: [B]Emmett Evans[/B] vs. Rage Cruiserweight Title: [B]Wesley Fyreheart[/B] vs. Illium se Levanto Road Agent Call: Trym Severla vs. [B]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/B] Tag Team: [B]“Bad @$$” Jason Webb/Jacey Morgan [/B]vs. Eruption (The Phoenix/”Crazy” Chris Waits) Dark Match: [B]Xavier Fyrestorm[/B] vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino
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Hahahaha. Man, I didn't think I'd hit home THAT closely to picking what should be one of the more big-impact matches. I knew it would be good, but didnt expect Simpson to be #2 (nor me to be #1, really), so it all works out anyway. :D Heavyweight Title: [B]Emmett Evans[/B] vs. Rage Cruiserweight Title: Wesley Fyreheart vs. [B]Illium se Levanto[/B] .... Um... Um.... Um.... *picks* Road Agent Call: Trym Severla vs. [B]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson[/B] Something just tells me they'll think the win would help Simpson more than hurt Sev. Tag Team: [B]“Bad @$$” Jason Webb/Jacey Morgan [/B]vs. Eruption (The Phoenix/”Crazy” Chris Waits) Dark Match: Xavier Fyrestorm vs. [B]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/B] Edit: Hey! I have 2 different picks from Emark! Meaning if I get them ALL right, then we tie! I still have a chance, baby! Woo! /idioticranting
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[COLOR="Green"]UPDATE The show is almost done...this weather crap has been wreaking havoc on my writing schedule. I'm hoping to get it posted no later than Thursday, because frankly, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not planning on doing anything constructive tomorrow. (No, I don't drink, but still...it's my prerogative! :p ) Also, I have to do my end-of-month stuff...but that might get held off due to the numberous delays we've already had. But I thought I'd let you all know this thread isn't dead, it's just....hibernating. :eek: :D [/COLOR]
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[color="red"]LIVE from the Glasshouse in Pomona, California, Western Wrestling Xcitement once again celebrates… [b]INDEPENDENCE[/b] Held before a paid attendance of 66 people Point of view: Evan Toliver (this is NOT a typo)[/color] To this day, I still cannot figure out how it happened. I had to fly out west to see my brother, who was being released from the hospital due to a car wreck. He convinced me to come with him to a wrestling show here in Pomona, run by some new promotion. He said that he’s been to every show and they seen to get better with time…so the business part of me decided to come out and watch, to see if it was a group of people I should be worried about. I didn’t expect to see…him…at the announcer’s booth. I turned to my brother and asked, “Who’s the big guy over there?” He followed my gaze. “Oh, that’s the guy who basically runs the show. Name’s Duane Strong, comes from your neck of the woods.” I sighed. “I thought I recognized him.” From the corner of my vision, I saw my brother raise his eyebrows at me. “I take it you’ve met?” Nodding, I simply replied, “He was the other finalist for the job I have now.” “Ah.” Anything else he was going to say was cut off as Duane walked over towards him. “Glad to see you could make it, Ryan. How’s the leg?” “It works, Duane. Thanks for asking, and thanks for the get-well card, too.” “My pleasure.” Then he noticed me standing behind my brother. “Evan Toliver…you’re certainly the last person I expected to see here!” “Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I’m only here because my brother insisted.” Duane looked from me to Ryan. “You two…are brothers?” Ryan nodded. “Yeah, but Evan likes to keep to himself.” Duane added, in a dry tone of voice, “I noticed the one time I attended a Mid Atlantic Wrestling event. Anyways, I won’t keep you; enjoy the show. Evan, could I have a word with you in private, please?” What in the hell does he want now? Warily, I followed him to the other side of the arena, where no one was standing. Duane was first to speak. “Look, I know that for some reason, you aren’t fond of me. I understand and accept that. I’m not going to hold it against you. All I ask is that for this one night only, keep an open mind concerning the business we both are in.” “What are you blathering about?” “I figure that you’re probably prejudiced against our promotion because it’s too small for you…yet every promotion tries to take the best talent from those smaller than they are and groom them into stars. In your instance, it was DAVE taking Mainstream from you.” I was impressed-he had me pegged dead to rights. He continued, “All I’m asking is that you keep an open mind with some of the guys here. I know that part of you can’t help but treat this as a scouting mission. Do so with an open mind, and we’ll get along just fine.” He turned to walk away, but I felt I had to say something. “Hey, Strong!” He turned back to face me, so I continued. “We may not see eye to eye, but your point is valid. For this night only, I’m keeping an open mind. No more can I promise.” “That’s all I ask, Evan. Take care.” He moved back to his announcer’s table and I went back to my seat. And somewhere in the depths of my mind, I began to wonder if maybe I made a mistake in thinking him to be beneath my notice as both a booker and a human being. [color="green"]For this month only, I’ll be providing two sets of comments-one from Tori Montgomery (as is usual for all WWX events), and the other from Evan Toliver. (Evan’s comments will be in the standard MAW blue font.)[/color] [color="red"][I][B]Dark Match: Nathaniel Ca$ino def. Xavier Fyrestorm[/B] Finish: Nathaniel win via pinfall in 11:38, following a Hard Eight (Running Lariat).[/I] Tori’s Notes: This would have been a good debut match for Ca$ino but for the fact that these two had no chemistry in the ring! I’m going to withhold judgment on Nathaniel until after his next match.[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: I’m not too impressed by my first WWX match. Ryan tells me that this Ca$ino guy is new, which may explain why the bout was awkward. What the heck kind of a name is “Ca$ino,” anyway?[/color] [color="red"][B]MATCH RATING: E[/B] [I][B]WWX Cruiserweight Title Match: Wesley Fyreheart retains, defeats Illium se Levanto[/B] Finish: Wes earns the duke by pinfall at 14:32, following a Flaming Vortex (Corner Tornado DDT)[/I] Tori’s Notes: I heard a number of fans saying they wanted to see something new from Illium. Other than that, this was a slightly better contest than I thought it would be. Illium does have a chance to shine in the singles ranks, but only if we can get things sorted with his character.[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: I hate to say it, but Illium might work well in MAW, especially if he teams with Antonio. Wesley isn’t too bad either, but this match just didn’t catch my eye all too well.[/color] [color="red"][b]MATCH RATING: D- [i]More talking…joy![/i][/b][/color] [b][The camera cuts back to the locker room, where Jason Webb is getting his final preparations completed for his tag match coming up next. After a quick knock on the door, the giant Jacey Morgan enters from the right side of the shot.][/b] Morgan: Ready to go, Jay? Webb: Hell, yeah. I owe that hippy freak for last month, and being able to get my hands on that fiery b*st*rd is icing on the cake. I’m going to take great pleasure in this, and show everyone that their title reign long ago was nothing more than a fluke. Morgan: I like the way you think, Jay. Let’s go kick their @$$es. [b][That being said, the two former members of Degeneration Next leave the locker room, presumably headed to the ring.][/b] [color="red"]Tori’s Notes: Jacey kinda killed this segment, but another history lesson there for the fans concerning the past. I wonder how many caught that, though.[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: “Long ago?” They’ve only been open for a year; what the hell is that Webb guy drinking? (And better yet, let me have some!)[/color] [color="red"][b]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/b] [i][b]Tag Team Attraction: Eruption (The Phoenix/”Crazy” Chris Waits) def. “Bad @$$” Jason Webb and Jacey Morgan[/b] Finish: Jacey Morgan was counted out at 15:40 while fighting Chris Waits on the floor.[/i] Tori’s Notes: Everyone but Webb was tiring at the end of the match, not to mention that this wasn’t the best match I’ve ever seen. I think Chris enjoyed teaming with Phoenix again, though, if that’s worth anything.[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: And this, people, is why tag team wrestling is all but dead in the smaller promotions-there isn’t nearly enough talent to make a good match! (Although part of me wants to see Eruption vs. a reformed Natural Storm….)[/color] [color="red"][b]MATCH RATING: E+ [i]Break out the earplugs, it’s hype time![/i][/b][/color] [B][We go backstage once again, where the manager of tonight’s Heavyweight title challenger appears ready to talk.][/b] Debra Jameson: Well, well, well…looks like your problems are coming back to haunt you, Emmett. You seem to forget that I know how you wrestle, what your strategy is…and even your weaknesses. [Chuckles] They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…tonight, Emmett, Rage will unleash hell on you, and the Heavyweight title will be coming back with us! [color="red"]Tori’s Notes: Is it just me, or was that interview incredibly weak? DJ, you’re slipping….[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: We’ve just had an Oscar Golden sighting….oh, wait, it’s someone who’s just as bad on the mic. Same difference.[/color] [color="red"][b]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/b] [b][i]TrymV1’s Booked Match: “The Prototype” Gareth Simpson vs. Trym Severla[/i][/b][/color] [B][The bell rings thrice, calling attention to the ring for the next match.][/b] Duane Strong: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a 30-minute time limit. [B][The opening guitar strains of AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” hits the speakers as the first participant comes out, a microphone in hand.][/b] Strong: Introducing first-- Simpson: Dammit, Strong…sit down, shut up and listen to how it SHOULD be done! Hailing from Los Angeles, California, I am the All-Nighter, the Super-Exciter, and the man that all of the ladies wish they could be with! I am the best damn wrestler in the WWX…I am [b][i]“The Prototype” Gareth Simpson![/i] [As Simpson nears the ring, a fan decides that he’s going to try to slap hands with Gareth, who quickly backs away.][/b] Simpson: Don’t touch me, fool! [b][Finally, Gareth enters the ring and is trading insults with the fans as Darude’s “Sandstorm” hits the airwaves. ][/b] Strong: His opponent…from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 230 pounds…this is [b][i]Trym Severla![/i] [Trym slowly makes his way to the ring, which is a bit different than is usual entrance. It would almost seem like he’s trying to throw Gareth off of his game as he cautiously enters the ring.][/b] Dean Johnson: Well, this should be an easy match for Gareth. Trym’s nothing more than a second-rate spot monkey, I think seven minutes, tops. Charles Simmons: I don’t know how the heck you manage to sound like an idiot every show, Dean. Strong: That’s enough, you two. Dean, I have to disagree with you. Trym is a former Heavyweight Champion, after all. Simmons: The time for talking is over…there’s the bell and this match is underway! [color="green"][b]This was an even match, although Trym continued to try to throw Gareth off of his mental game throughout most of the match. However, the most casual observer could notice a definite lack of chemistry in the ring, as these two just could not click. However, the show must go on, and go on it did. We rejoin the match in the 16th minute, with Gareth having Trym in a rear chinlock, as a recovery move.[/b][/color] Simmons: Trym starting to shift his weight now, working out of this rear chinlock that Gareth has him in. Now it’s a side headlock as Trym regains his footing. Johnson: Shove into the ropes by Severla, but Simpson drops him with a shoulder tackle. Now Gareth comes off the ropes, hops over Trym, second rebound…and misses the twisting elbow drop! Trym had the Proto-Elbow scouted! Strong: The Proto-what? Simmons: Don’t ask me, Duane. I don’t know either…unless Johnson is Gareth’s press agent. Johnson: Why, I oughta- Strong: Back to the match now…Trym rocks Gareth with several right hands, backing the Californian into the corner. Here comes an Irish Whip, but Gareth reverses; Trym sent into the turnbuckles! Johnson: Here comes Simpson…but Trym moves out of the way of the corner avalanche! Gareth staggers back…and gets planted with the Implant DDT! Simmons: That should do it-cover! 1……………2………….no! Simpson got a foot on the bottom rope to break the count! Johnson: I knew he’d find a way out of it. Come on, Gareth, put this guy away! Strong: Severla up to his feet, stalking Gareth…if I know him, Trym’s looking for a twisting neckbreaker here. Johnson: Gareth finally up, stumbles into Trym-but Gareth shoves Severla away before the move could be completed…and hits a desperation Riptide lariat! Trym got turned inside out and upside down on that one! Simmons: How in the heck did Simpson have the wherewithal to hit his secondary finisher? Wait…he falls on top of Trym for a cover! 1……………2…………..no! Trym gets the left shoulder up at the very last moment! Johnson: Come on, Gareth, finish this guy off now! Strong: Simpson back to his feet, signaling for another Riptide…if he hits this he’s likely to decapitate Trym! Severla finally makes it back to his feet, and turns towards Gareth-- Simmons: But Trym counters the Riptide with a drop toe hold...and quickly applies the single-leg crab! Trym has the Crescent Moon locked in on The Prototype, dead center of the ring! Johnson: Come on, Gareth, get to the ropes! Don’t let this bum beat you! Strong: The Prototype is worming his way to the ropes…he’s almost there, but Trym wrenches even harder on that leglock! He’s trying to snap Gareth’s leg in half…and Simpson is finally forced to tap out! Johnson: Trym got lucky there…if Gareth had gotten out of that hold- Simmons: Dammit, Johnson! It didn’t happen, so deal with it! Let’s go to Duane for the official announcement. Strong (arena microphone): Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by submission…[b][i]Trym Severla![/i][/b] [color="red"]Tori’s Notes: Besides the obvious fact that these two just didn’t have the chemistry in the ring that you wanted, this was a decent match. If only they worked well together…ah, if only indeed. Oh, and Duane…you might want to seriously consider re-vamping Trym’s character.[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: And THESE are supposed to be the best two wrestlers on the roster? Well, I guess the rep is well-deserved, considering that this has been Match of the Night so far in my opinion and that’s despite losing the flow halfway through this 20-minute contest![/color] [color="red"][b]MATCH RATING: D [i]Match Announcement[/i][/b][/color] Simmons: Ladies and gentlemen…I’ve just been informed that, by order of WWX General Manager Tracy Brooks, [b]there will be a Four Corners Match next month at Hotter Than Hell for the Desert Star championship.[/b] Johnson: So that means that the resident hippie, Chris Waits, will be involved. Who else? Simmons: It sounds as if next month, it will be [b]Chris Waits defending against Jacey Morgan, Jason Webb…and The Phoenix.[/b] Johnson: And it sounds like Eruption is going to erupt for certain! Now I have something to look forward to next month! Strong/Simmons (in unison): Dammit, Johnson! [color="red"]Tori’s Notes: It’s about time you brought in some new competition for that title! Now let’s hope this match will be halfway decent….[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: “Desert Star” championship? Whose stupid idea was that for a title name? And why should I care that the four men involved in the tag match are going to be fighting again next month?[/color] [color="red"][b]SEGMENT RATING: E-[/b] [i][b]WWX Heavyweight Championship Match: Emmett Evans def. Rage to retain the title.[/b] Finish: Evans wins via the Wreckoning (Gutwrench Facebuster) at 23:53.[/i] Tori’s Notes: Holy good chemistry, Batman! You finally found someone who works well against Emmett! Add to the fact that there is history between him and Rage’s manager, Debra Jameson…you might have found yourself the first-ever “official” WWX feud! Just…try to freshen up Emmett’s character, first.[/color] [color="blue"]Evan’s Notes: Well, this match went far better than the last one did. I’ll have to give this one Match of the Night, but I’m left wondering…how would Steven Parker fare against Emmett? Possibilities….[/color [color="red"][b]MATCH RATING: D+ END OF SHOW[/b] (Point of view: Duane Strong)[/color] Overall, I thought I had put together a decent show…one of my better ones in recent memory, at any rate. This was confirmed when Tori came racing down to the announcer’s table as the show ended. “Duane, I could be wrong, but if my figures are correct I think tomorrow morning you’ll no longer be able to claim the dubious honor of being the only ‘Local’ promotion in the world.” “You mean…?” “Yep. I mean that you might be classified as a Small promotion now.” That was a bit of good news I wasn’t expecting to hear. However, I was flabbergasted at what happened next, as Evan approached. “Yes, Mr. Toliver?” “Duane…this actually pains me to say it, but I think there is some decent talent here.” “Thank you, Evan. That means a lot to not only myself, but to the guys busting their chops in the ring as well.” “I cannot believe I’m going to say this, but…let me talk it over with Rip back in Virginia. Depending on what he has to say, we might be able to have a trade-off of talent down the road. Granted, I know January’s a good ways off…but there are eight spots in the Rip Chord Invitational. What do you say to, if things don’t become strained between us, having one of your men enter the tournament in January?” The look on my face must have spoke volumes, because Evan chuckled. Composing myself, I said, “Evan…you’re right, it’s six months away yet. If things don’t happen between now and then, I think I speak on behalf of the entire WWX roster when I say that it would be an honor for us to enter a man into the tournament.” “Excellent. I’ll get in touch with you in a few days, and begin talking some preliminary ideas. With that, I should be off to see my brother home.” I extended my hand for a shake, which he carefully accepted. “All right, Evan. Take care, and please tell Ryan that I said to stay off that leg!” He nodded, and turned to walk away. And I was left wondering how things quickly changed between he and I, in this strange business of professional wrestling. [color="red"][b][i]OVERALL RATING FOR WWX INDEPENDENCE: D Western Wrestling Xcitement (WWX) rises to SMALL status.[/i][/b][/color] [color="green"][b][i]PREDICTION CONTEST: Emark: 2 (MAW) + 2 (WWX) = 4 total TrymV1: 0 (MAW) + 2 (WWX) = 2 total[/i][/b] The one-show advantage was just too much to overcome, as Emark wins this month’s predictions. You know the drill, with the following restrictions: Chris Waits, The Phoenix, Jason Webb, and Jacey Morgan are all ineligible to be chosen from WWX. On the MAW side, D.C. Rayne and Mean Jean Cattley are ineligible as well. Anyone and anything else is fair game.[/color]
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“MAIN EVENT” TIER 1. Total Championship Wrestling (US--Cult): 46.80 / +.18, Prestige 59.4%, +$832,000 2. Supreme Wrestling Federation (US--Cult): 43.77 / -.55, Prestige 58.8%, -$198,000 3. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling (Japan--National): 41.35 / +.09, Prestige 81.6%, +$1,791,000 4. Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods (Japan--National): 40.43 / +0, Prestige 90.0%, -$399,000 “UPPER MIDCARD” TIER 5. North of the Border Pro Wrestling (Canada--International): 31.01 / +1.31, Prestige 82.0%, -$381,000 6. Inspire Diversity Group International (Japan--Cult): 28.49 / +.07, Prestige 70.9%, +$78,000 7. World Level Wrestling (Japan--Cult): 26.18 / +.41, Prestige 55.3%, +$96,000 8. Golden Canvas Grappling (Japan--Regional): 24.59 / +0, Prestige 52.1%, +$7,000 9. 5 Star Supreme Wrestling (Japan--Regional): 23.57 / +0, Prestige 60.4%, +$34,000 10. Danger and Violence Extreme (US--Cult): 23.27 / +.13, Prestige 63.0%, +$61,000 “MIDCARD” TIER 11. United States Pro Wrestling (US--Regional): 18.28 / -.14, Prestige 53.5%, +$32,000 12. Canadian Golden Combat (Canada--Cult): 16.87 / -.09, Prestige 70.2%, +$38,000 “LOWER MIDCARD” TIER 13. South of the Border Pro Wrestling (Mexico--Regional): 11.10 / +.14, Prestige 41.5%, +$10,000 14. Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (Mexico--Regional): 10.06 / +.09, Prestige 50.6%, +$54,000 15. Original Lucha Libre in Extreme (Mexico--Regional): 10.05 / +.12, Prestige 59.6%, +$27,000 16. Ultimate Combat Ring (Europe--Regional): 7.50 / +.09, Prestige 26.5%, +$16,000 17. 21st Century Wrestling (UK--Regional): 7.02 / +.05, Prestige 31.5%. +$12,000 18. Angel Athletic Association (US--Regional): 6.34 / +.08, Prestige 16.3%. +$53,000 19. Japanese Championship Wrestling (Japan--Small): 5.85 / +.24, Prestige 30.9%, -$116,000 “OPENER” TIER 20 (+1). Canadian Charisma Championship Combat (Canada--Small): 2.76 / +.02, Prestige 11.3%, +$10,000 21 (NEW) All Canada Pro Wrestling (Canada-Small): 2.76 / NEW, Prestige 30.0%, $100,000 22. Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation (Canada--Small): 2.49 / +.03, Prestige 30.8%, +$3,000 23. Mexican Hardcore Wrestling (Mexico--Regional): 2.35 / +.04, Prestige 40.9%, +$23,000 24 (+1). Pro Wrestling MAX (US--Small): 2.13 / +.02, Prestige 10.8%, -$2,000 25 (-1). Men of Steel Combat (UK--Small): 2.12 / +.01, Prestige 23.3%, -$2,000 26. European Wrestling Alliance (Europe--Small): 2.11 / +.03, Prestige 20.5%, +$9,000 27. New York City Wrestling (US--Small): 1.86 / +.01, Prestige 13.3%, +$7,000 28 (+1). Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling (US--Regional): 1.77 / +.08, Prestige 39.2%, +$42,000 29 (-1). Ring of Fire (UK--Small): 1.75 / +.03, Prestige 11.3%, -$1,000 30 (+1). Hinote Dojo (Japan--Small): 1.71 / +.03, Prestige 30.1%, +$4,000 31 (+1). Phoenix Wrestling Company (US--Small): 1.71 / +.03, Prestige 21.2%, -$3,000 32 (-2). Wrestling Alliance of Mexico (Mexico--Small): 1.69 / +0, Prestige 30.3%, +$16,000 33. Pro Wrestling SAISHO (Japan--Small): 1.68 / +.03, Prestige 26.0%, +$1,000 “ENHANCEMENT TALENT” TIER [COLOR="Blue"]34. Mid Atlantic Wrestling (US--Small): 1.33 / +.06, Prestige 30.8%, $44,589 (-$1,448)[/COLOR] 35. Babes of Sin City (US--Small): 0.99 / +0, Prestige 6.3%, +$5,000 [COLOR="Red"]36 (+2). Western Wrestling Xcitement (US--Small): 0.95 / +.23, Prestige 12.2%, $182,049 (-$4,752)[/COLOR] 37 (-1). Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (US--Small): 0.94 / +.03, Prestige 44.4%, +$9,000 38 (-1). European League of Professional Fighters (Europe--Small): 0.89/ +.03, Prestige 22.5%, -$4,000 39. Quebec Pro Wrestling (Canada--Small): 0.58 / +.03, Prestige 26.0%, -$1,000 BANKRUPT PROMOTIONS Warrior Engine XXV-went out of business in April 2008 TIER 1-went out of business in July 2008 WINNOW-went out of business August 2008 [COLOR="Green"]Notes From the Author If MAW had another monthly gain like they did two months ago, they would have become the first promotion to move into a different tier during the course of the game. As it stands, they may be about to go up next month anyway if they continue to pull away from the next promotion behind them, which at the moment is BSC. Of course, WWX may take over the #35 spot if they get a third month of gaining a quarter of a percentage point in worldwide popularity! You can also see the marked improvement in their fortune as they only lost close to $5,000 this month and their prestige took a huge 11% jump. Things may be finally turning around in the desert for Western Wrestling Xcitement. TCW expands on their lead over SWF, opening up a 3.03% worldwide popularity gap, and also opening a nearly 2% popularity gap just in the United States alone. Despite being the only International promotion in the world today, NOTBPW remains mired in the #5 hole. They opened up a wider lead on #6 INSPIRE, but have a ways to go to catch #4 BHOTWG. If the Canadian promotion can just get their popularity up in the US, they could be a force to be reckoned with. Some shuffling goes on in the bottom two tiers as WINNOW goes bankrupt, only to be replaced by newcomer ACPW. Canada now has 6 promotions, ranging from International to Small (QPW). The early guess is that JCW will be next on the chopping block, as losing most of their available money in one month has led to the release of the majority of their roster. By the end of the year, though, the UK may be one promotion smaller as well, as ROF is down to $7,158 in available finances. CZCW is now at 39.1% popularity in the Southwest, 6.1% in two other areas in the US, but 1% everywhere else. We now know where Evan is getting his inspiration…. Now…time to see what another month brings! First story-based segment should be put up by Monday.[/COLOR]
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[B][I][COLOR="Blue"]August 2, 2008[/I][/B] (Point of view: Evan Toliver) I knew it was coming. I had known this since Where It All Begins Again, when Jay pitched a fit about going to a draw with Casey Valentine. As I walked into my office that morning, I saw Rip sitting in my chair waiting for me, a grim look plastered on his face. Determined to keep my wits about me, I simply said, “Mornin’, Rip. I know why you’re here, so go ahead and say what you will.” “If you already know what I’m gonna say, then let me ask you this, Evan: why? Why force Jay to wrestle to a draw when he didn’t want to do the job to someone who is considered a midcard worker for us?” “Rip, I’m working on a possible storyline here. You and Jay are just going to have to bear with me. If this is going to be the ‘Next-Generation Family Feud’ that I’m hoping it will be, I need time to build it up. Having Jay beat Casey this early on would only make people think that it’s because Jay is the owner’s son that he is being pushed over Casey. I’m trying to avoid that line of thought.” “And what of the clause in the contract that Jay wanted?” “Well, Rip…if the two people I’m looking at elect to sign with us instead of going to RIPW, then we can really make it a feud. We’d have a Chord, a Valentine…and two members of another prominent family, although only true fans would realize that.” “You don’t mean…?” I simply nodded. “They’re next generation, Rip. We DO have a reputation to uphold, after all!” “Are you certain that’s a wise move, though? Granted, they won’t be using the name that everyone else knows their family by, but…” “Rip, please trust me on this. If I’m wrong, then I’ll be wrong. But what harm will it do us by giving it a try? Besides…if this works out, they could face a united force in Jay and Casey, who feel they have come to steal their thunder. See where I’m going?” Slowly, Rip nodded. “Yeah…I think I can see how this is going. So be it; I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for the time being. That leads me to another question.” This one I didn’t see coming. “Shoot.” “When are we going to hold shows somewhere besides here in the Mid-Atlantic region? I realize that we do not have the size needed for a weekly television show, but couldn’t we do, say one show every month or maybe every other month in a place outside of our usual areas as sort of a test run?” I sat and thought about this for a few moments. Rip was right; I knew we would have to expand at some point. I really had wanted a TV show first before we did this, but it seemed like Rip was determined to begin soon. “Let me make some calls over the next couple of weeks, Rip. I’d like to know what my options are before I commit to something in one form or another.” “Fair enough. You have the card set up for this month?” At this, I pulled a folded sheet of paper out of my pocket. “Finished it this morning, Rip. Take a look.” He did so, and as he got to the end of the document he looked up at me, eyes narrowed a bit. “This third paragraph here…that worries me a bit.” I pointed at a name further up in the document. “There’s the reasoning if I need to use it.” He sighed, and then nodded once again. “All right, then. We’ll run the card as presented, barring complications. Evan, for all of our sakes, I hope this works out.” Well…good to see that I wasn’t the only one who had that sentiment! [B][I]CARD FOR MAW DOG DAYS OF SUMMER To be held at the Atkins Fire Department in Atkins, Virginia[/I][/B] [B]MAIN EVENT FOR THE MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP[/B] D.C. Rayne (champion) vs. Mean Jean Cattley [I]This is likely going to be Rayne’s toughest challenge to date. Cattley was the first Mid Atlantic champion and wants nothing more than to reclaim the belt and become the first two-time champion. Is D.C.’s “miracle run” going to end here?[/I] [B]Emark’s Booked Match![/B] Steven Parker vs. Jay Chord [I]After the time-limit draw last month, Jay’s getting a chance to prove himself against the best wrestler in MAW today, according to the web polls. This may be the closest match of the night to call, and already the buzz is that this may be what Jay needs to truly become known at this young age. Can the owner’s son find a way to stop a former Mid Atlantic Champion?[/I] [B]THE UNDERCARD[/B] Casey Valentine vs. Ricky Douglas Stan “The Man” Manna vs. Cal Sanders[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="green"]Emark, you’ve been doing this long enough that I’m not telling you what’s off limits. :P[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Green"]QUICK REFERENCE CARD FOR PREDICTIONS: MAW DOG DAYS OF SUMMER 2008 Mid Atlantic Championship: D.C. Rayne (champion) vs. Mean Jean Cattley Jay Chord vs. Steven Parker Ricky Douglas vs. Casey Valentine Cal Sanders vs. Stan “The Man” Manna[/COLOR]
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