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1994 WWF: Fantasy Version

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[B]Hey Everyone, you are probably wondering what I mean by Fantasy Version of 1994 WWF. Well, it is simple. I have taken all WWF Shows that I know, including some present ones, and combined them. So every week is filled with shows. The Schedule is below. Sunday: WWF Sunday Night Heat Monday: WWF Monday Night Raw Tuesday: WWF Tuesday Night Main Event (SNME but on Tuesday) Wednesday: WWF Velocity Thursday: WWF Shotgun Friday: WWF Smackdown Saturday: WWF Livewire The first week of this dynasty takes place on the first week of January 1994. I hope you enjoy and follow all that will happen. The First show's preview will be coming up shortly![/B]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]1st Week of January 1994 The New Era of Wrestling[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]With the 1994 year under way, what will Vince McMahon have up his sleeve to start the crowd off right? There have been rumors that Randy Savage challenged Yokozuna for the WWF World Title. That is rumored to take place on the very first show of WWF in 1994. We interviewed Vince McMahon about what he will do to make the fans happy this year. [SIZE="2"][I]Todd: Mr. McMahon, can you tell us any upcoming projects that will please me and the fans? McMahon: Well not right now I can't. The only thing I will tell you is that the main event for Monday Night Raw will be Randy Savage vs. Yokozuna for the WWF World Title. I hope this really makes an impact on our company and the fans. Todd: Thank You Mr. McMahon.[/I][/SIZE] Well Monday Night Raw has been spiced up with a huge main event. We had some sources go and ask Mr. McMahon for the full card which he has released to us. Here it is ladies and gentlemen the first Card for WWF This Year. [center][COLOR="Red"]WWF Monday Night RAW The 1-2-3 Kid vs Damien Demento Tatanka vs Shawn Michaels The Quebecers vs Men on a Mission for the WWF Tag Team Titles Randy Savage vs Yokozuna for the WWF World Title[/COLOR][/center] To send in your predictions just reply to us or you can just wait until the show airs to see if your mental Predictions came true. For Gorilla Monsoon, this has been WWF Live Preview. We will see you for WWF Monday Night RAW!![/B][/SIZE]
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[B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] vs Damien Demento=[I]Though it would be awesome to see Demento get a push.[/I] Tatanka vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B]=[I]A tough decision for me but HBK has the better upside.[/I] [B]The Quebecers[/B] vs Men on a Mission for the WWF Tag Team Titles=[I]MOM were a joke.[/I] Randy Savage vs [B]Yokozuna[/B] for the WWF World Title=[I]Who betta than Yokozuna? Not the Macho Man.[/I]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Monday Night RAW Live from Fayetteville Stadium - Fayetteville, Arkansas[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Jim Ross: Hello Everybody and welcome to WWF Monday Night RAW. I am Jim Ross alongside Gorilla Monsoon. Monsoon: Yes and welcome. Tonight we have a huge Main Event that was announced yesterday on WWF Live Preview. It will be Randy Savage taking on Yokozuna for the World Wrestling Federation Title. Jim Ross: Standing by with Randy Savage is our very own Todd Pettengill. Todd take it away. Todd: Thanks guys, I am standing here with the man who will be facing Yokozuna later tonight. Randy Savage, Randy do you have a complete strategy to take out this huge man. Savage: You Know Todd, if I told you my strategy then that means Yoko would hear it in his locker room and then I would have to hurt you. Todd: Oh Sorry Randy. In your own opinion, do you think you can beat Yokozuna for the WWF Title? Savage: Well, in fact yes I do. Nothing is impossible in the WWF. Todd: Thank You Randy. Back to you guys. Savage: OOOOHHH YEAH!!!! Jim Ross: Thank You Todd. Well let's kick things off with our first match of the night. Vince is our ring announce for the evening. Vince McMahon: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, The 1-2-3 Kid.[/I] The 1-2-3 Kid makes his way out to the ring quickly. He slides in and looks at the crowd who is cheering him on heavily. The 1-2-3 Kid then shakes Vince's hand and awaits his opponent. [I]Vince McMahon: Introducing his opponent, Damien Demento!!![/I] Vince leaves the ring as Damien comes to the ring to take on his opponent The 1-2-3 Kid. [CENTER][B][I]The 1-2-3 Kid vs Damien Demento[/I][/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This match was in favor of Damien a lot. It would go back and forth for a little bit then Damien Demento would just flat out dominate. Damien was about to superplex The 1-2-3 Kid but the Kid pushed Damien off the top rope. The Kid would then deliver a flying elbow drop onto Demento. Damien then gained advantage back when he speared The Kid through the ropes and to the outside. Demento would celebrate in the ring as he thought he had won, but when he turned around The Kid gave him a Spinning Heel Kick and knocked him out. The Kid then won the match 1-2-3. [B]WINNER:[/B] [B]THE 1-2-3 KID[/B][/CENTER] The Kid would leave Demento in the ring in disbelief that he had lost. Damien would get a mic and yell at The Kid. [I]Damien: I cannot believe this. Eversince I lost to The Undertaker I have not been able to get a win. Undertaker I'm challenging you to a match. You better not decline.[/I] Damien went to exit but the Gong went off. Damien froze in his tracks when he saw The Undertaker and Paul Bearer come out to the ring. Paul would get a mic and speak for The Undertaker. [I]Bearer: Damien, you say you want to challenge The Undertaker. Well The Undertaker happily accepts. He wants to say three words to you.[/I] Paul Bearer hands the mic to The Undertaker. [I]The Undertaker: Rest in Peace![/I] Damien would scurry off as The Undertaker and Paul Bearer would make their exit through the curtains. [I]Jim Ross: Wow, things are really heating up between those two. Monsoon: Well let's go to Vince McMahon for our 2nd Match of the Evening. Vince McMahon: The Following Match Up is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Antonio, Texas. Shawn Michaels![/I] Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring with Diesel right behind him. The Crowd booed him while he made his way to the ring. He climbed in as Diesel stayed on the outside. [I]Vince McMahon: His Opponent from the Jungles of Africa. TATANKA!!![/I] Tatanka makes an Ultimate Warrior entrance and instantly attacks Diesel then attacks Shawn. [CENTER][B][I]Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka[/I][/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well not much to say about this match. We expected Tatanka to win but that didn't happen. Shawn Michaels completely dominated this Native American. The only Tatanka Highlight during the whole match was when he took out Diesel with a chair. After that Shawn grabbed Tatanka and slammed him. He then delivered the Sweet Chin Music to end the match. 1-2-3 [B]WINNER:[/B] [B]SHAWN MICHAELS[/B][/CENTER] Diesel and Shawn Michaels would then continue their attack on Tatanka. With Shawn giving another Sweet Chin Music and Diesel delivering a Jacknife Powerbomb. Tatanka seemed helpless but help came out as Razor Ramon came and cleaned house. Clotheslining Diesel over the top rope and giving Shawn The Razor's Edge. Tatanka and Razor would stare each other down in the middle of the ring as the two exited. [I]Monsoon: I hope Razor and Tatanka will team up and take out those two thugs. Jim Ross: Well we are just a few minutes away from the WWF Title match with Randy Savage and Yokozuna. Monsoon: Yes, but first we have a WWF Tag Team Title Match. The Quebecers challenged Men on a Mission to a match placing their own titles on the line. Due to time constraints we will not have anymore Ring Announcing. The teams are in the ring ready to wrestle for the Tag Titles.[/I] [CENTER][B][I]The Quebecers vs Men on a Mission - WWF Tag Team Titles[/I][/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well Mo and Mabel looked like they were ready to fight, and they did. They completely dominated this match inside and out. The Mountie was fighting Mabel when Mo came in and helped Mabel out. Then the tables were turned when The Mountie acted like he was injured and Pierre came in and took Mo and Mabel out with a chair. The Mountie the lead the ref's attention to him giving the Cannonball to Mo for the victory. [B]WINNER AND STILL WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS:[/B] [B]THE QUEBECERS[/B][/CENTER] [I]Monsoon: Alright Jim Ross, this has been the moment we have all been waiting for. It is now called the battle of Japan and USA. Representing Japan is Yokozuna. Representing USA is Randy Savage. They are battling for the WWF Title.[/I] [CENTER][B][I]Yokozuna vs Randy Savage - WWF Title[/I][/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yokozuna came out wearing Japan Colors on his tights. Randy Savage came out wearing American Colors. The two would duel it out for a long time. Yokozuna would dominate most of this match, but Randy Savage would get the upper hand as Yokozuna injured his ankle on a failed Bonzai Drop. Randy Savage would give all his energy into pulling Yoko away from the top rope. Randy then delivered his Trademarked High Flying Elbow Drop. Yokozuna was too injured to continue so Randy got the win pinning Yoko 1-2-3. [B]WINNER AND NEW WWF CHAMPION:[/B] [B]RANDY SAVAGE[/B][/CENTER] [I]Monsoon: We have a new champion!! Jim Ross: But is Yokozuna alright? Paramedics are rushing in to aide the giant.[/I] The Injury was minor, a dislocated bone in the foot. He would not be able to wrestle for a few days. Well there you have it, a nice overall Monday Night RAW. I hoped you liked it, this show was infront of 23,452 people and recieved a B rating. Please give your own ratings to this show. Thanks and stay tuned for WWF Live Preview!
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[SIZE="4"][I]With Yokozuna side lined for 1 week with a Dislocated Bone in the foot, will Randy Savage have a break of getting some title defences in? Tonight Randy Savage must defend the WWF Title in a Final Four Elimination Match. The participants are: Randy Savage, Diesel, The Undertaker, and Bret Hart. We surveyed 50 people and 83% of them voted that Diesel would come out as the new WWF Champion. Also tonight all the Titles will be defend with the addition of 1 New Title. Please tune in as we reveal tonights Card To You:[/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"][B]WWF Tuesday Night Heat From Chicago, IL Money Inc vs The Quebecers - WWF Tag Team Titles Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels - WWF IC Title Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon - WWF Ladies Title Giant Gonzales vs Mabel - WWF Ironman Title Randy Savage vs The Undertaker vs Diesel vs Bret Hart - Final Four Match - WWF Title[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [I][SIZE="4"]Shawn Michaels became the Number 1 Contender for the IC Title last night in Fayetteville when he destroyed Tatanka. After the match, the damage wasn't finished. Diesel and Michaels continued the beat down until Razor Ramon came out and cleaned house. Diesel got away with a clothesline over the top rope, but Shawn Michaels recieved the Razor's Edge. Also Luna Vahon coming off of a loss to Alundra Blayze back in November, is finally getting her rematch. This time it is for the Ladies Title. Also two big men will be in the ring at the same time. The debut of the WWF Ironman Title will be tonight when Giant Gonzales takes on Mabel. Giant Gonzales qualified for this title when he defeated Abdullah the Butcher in a cross promotion event. Also Money Inc will take on the Quebecers who have already made their first defence of the Tag Team titles here in 1994. Tune in tonight to WWF Tuesday Night Heat - Night Of Champions. [/SIZE][/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]WWF Tuesday Night Heat Chicago, IL - Night of Champions[/SIZE][/B] [B][I]The Quebecers vs Money Inc - WWF Tag Team Titles[/I][/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This Match was very good. Back and forth the whole way through. DiBiase was very fit and in shape and so was IRS. The Quebecers wasn't on their game and got defeated when IRS delivered the Write-Up to Pierre. Money Inc celebration ended quick when The Steiner Brothers ran in and chased Money Inc out of the ring to the pleasure of the fans. [B]WINNERS AND NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: MONEY INC[/B] [B][I]Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon - WWF IC Title[/I][/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting a Razor's Edge last night, Shawn Michaels was looking for some revenge. With his partner in the back getting ready for his WWF Title match, Shawn was all alone. Razor Ramon seemed to have the match won with the Razor's Edge but Diesel's music started to play. That was distracting Ramon away from Michael's who was tuning up the band. When the music stopped and Ramon turned around, he got the Sweet Chin Music. Shawn Michaels would steal a victory and the WWF IC Title. [B]WINNER AND NEW WWF IC CHAMPION: SHAWN MICHAELS[/B] [B][I]Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon - WWF Ladies Title[/I][/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Luna lost to Alundra in November at the Survivor Series, Luna thought she deserved her rematch. This time it was for the Ladies Championship. Luna started off the instant she hit the ring. She would not let go of Alundra when the Referee told her too. She was almost DQed but Luna backed off. Alundra caught her breath and the match began. Luna was smelling blood as she would not back off of Alundra. The tables turned when Luna started taunting the fans. Alundra got mad and gave Luna a spinning heel kick when she turned around. That would be enough to take out Luna. [B]WINNER AND STILL WWF LADIES CHAMPION: ALUNDRA BLAYZE[/B] [B][I]Giant Gonzales vs Mabel - WWF Ironman Title[/I][/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trash began to fly when Giant Gonzales entered the arena. Mabel then came out to the standing ovation of the Chicago crowd. Mo was right behind him protecting any interference. Mabel got in the ring and was met by Gonzales. Gonzales had the Height but not the Weight. Gonzales was easily dominated and Mabel gave the Giant a huge splash for the victory. [B]WINNER AND THE NEW WWF IRONMAN CHAMPION: MABEL[/B] [I][B]Final Four Elimination Match - WWF Title[/B][/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Well who would of thought that the WWF Champion would be the first one to be eliminated. WWF voted the MVW of the match went to The Undertaker making 2 Eliminations but then getting Eliminated last. The Order of Elimination is: Randy Savage, Diesel, The Undertaker. That is right Bret Hart walked away as the victor and the new WWF Champion. The Undertaker should of been champion but Damien Demento scrambled to the ring with a chair and took out the Deadman. Bret Hart then finished him off and got the victory. [B]WINNER AND NEW WWF CHAMPION: BRET HART[/B][/CENTER] [B][U][I]TUNE IN TOMORROW FOR THE WWF LIVE PREVIEW OF WEDNESDAY'S SHOW!![/I][/U][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]WWF Special Report Another Injury to the WWF Roster[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]Last Night Mabel took on Giant Gonzales for the Ironman Title. He did win that match, but afterwards he was hurting bad. He asked Comik, the new owner of WWF, if he could take a break. Comik happily agreed as he did not want any further injury to occur to Mabel. There is no report on how serious this is. Comik released the following statement.[/I] [I][B][U]"At this time, the extent of any injuries Mabel has is unknown. We do hope that he does not have to have any major surgeries, but he will be set as inactive, while remaining on the roster."[/U][/B][/I] [I]In further news, Yokozuna is recovering nicely. His doctor spoke with Comik and told him that the seriousness of Yokozuna's Injury went from a level Echo to the Level Alpha. Yokozuna is expected to return to action tonight as it was only a Minor Sprain and Cramp that seemed like a dislocation. When X-Rays were taken, the doctors was suprised that it was this minor. Yokozuna nor the WWF is gonna be charged for the Hospital Bill. This has been a WWF Special Report.[/I]
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