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ok, so this is what i did. i started up a new promotion in Japan. i made the difficulty Rock Hard, but soon found out it was too hard, especially starting off with only $2,500. so after a few months the company went into debt and came close to closure. so what i did was, in a nutshell, gave myself a loan. over time i paid off the debts my promotion built up (i think about 5 times) and added them to my debt, but at the same time added 3% monthly interest to the debt, so by the time i actually was making money i owed $114,925 (i know, i suck). eventually i was making more money and reached cult and reached a high enough level of wealth to pay off my debt which by then was about $200,000. so basically i gave myself a loan to keep myself in business and paid it back when i had the money. what i wanna know is, do you think this is cheating?
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Nah. Or if it is, it's cheating with a conscience. :) A loan option would be a nice feature for the game. Especially for smaller promotions. Risky since failure to keep up with payments could mean going out of business but with the potential for rapid growth if done right.
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;261806]Nah. Or if it is, it's cheating with a conscience. :) A loan option would be a nice feature for the game. Especially for smaller promotions. Risky since failure to keep up with payments could mean going out of business but with the potential for rapid growth if done right.[/QUOTE] i completely agree. i think a loan option would really help out smaller promotions. perhaps i should explain how i got into so much debt. i tried running a touring schedule, running 1 show a week for 6 months a year at local and 2 shows at small. so while my popularity went up pretty quickly i really started hemoraging money at a very fast rate. this is why so many small Japanese promotions go out of business; its impossible to tour at local/small and make money. why do you think WEXXW goes out of business in EVERY GAME and yet Hinote Dojo and SAISHO NEVER go out of business
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[QUOTE=flamebrain;261806]Nah. Or if it is, it's cheating with a conscience. :)[/QUOTE] I second this notion. [QUOTE=flamebrain;261806]A loan option would be a nice feature for the game. Especially for smaller promotions. Risky since failure to keep up with payments could mean going out of business but with the potential for rapid growth if done right.[/QUOTE] EWR had exactly that.
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[QUOTE=NOAH fan 4 life;261803]oh thanks that was a really informative and valuable accessment and response to the question...[/QUOTE] It's also not really a question that demands informative and valuable respons... Is it cheating? Who cares? It's not like it's a perfect sim, where all money you would spend is kind of exact. I find it kinda funny you're 'loaning' money with interest... LOL. :D Maybe you won the lottery. Or who really cares...
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Guest loves2spooge
or maybe you married a 90 woman and inherited it that way at least you worked for it (picture in head now (Vomiting Incontrolably))
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[QUOTE=NOAH fan 4 life;261798]what i wanna know is, do you think this is cheating?[/QUOTE] It's outside of the realms of the game's usual operation, so yeah, it's cheating. At least you're being creative and to a degree realistic about it. I'd would have though a loan option for TEW would have been a viable addition to the TEW series, although if Adam originally had it in EWR, then I'm sure he has his reasons for dropping the feature. Probably because it balanced too heavily in the player's favour.
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[QUOTE=NOAH fan 4 life;261798] what i wanna know is, do you think this is cheating?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=sebsplex;262053]It's outside of the realms of the game's usual operation, so yeah, it's cheating. At least you're being creative and to a degree realistic about it. I'd would have though a loan option for TEW would have been a viable addition to the TEW series, although if Adam originally had it in EWR, then I'm sure he has his reasons for dropping the feature. Probably because it balanced too heavily in the player's favour.[/QUOTE] /nod. It's cheating, but cheating with style. I also aggree with everyone else, this is a simulation/game, and things could happen outside of it's reach very easily... such as a loan, marrying into money, or whatever else someone can think of. It's all part of the "fantasy" that TEW tries to create anyways. It's not unreasonable to think that a bussiness might recieve a nice sized loan to help them out, heck, you could have said a Government grant! LOL.
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Its technically it is cheating because loans aren't in the game. But the fact you payed it back meens it isn't technically cheating. Its up to you what you do, I personally would do what you did, rather than my promotion going bankrupt...
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;262155]Its technically it is cheating because loans aren't in the game. But the fact you payed it back meens it isn't technically cheating...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=soccergalaxy13;262157]What?[/QUOTE] I think what W3L was trying to say is, it both technically is and isn't cheating. Technically cheating because he went into the database and gave himself cash, and technically isn't because he paid it back with interest. On the one hand technically yes because in the spirit of the game editing the database is cheating, and technically no on the other because he made the internal moral decision to pay it back, so it in fact negatively impacted himself (via the interest). The question "Is this or is this not cheating" is a moral one. That sort of question always is, and as such there are always gray areas because everyone has their own ideas of what is right and what is wrong, and how right or wrong each thing is. I think in this case the OP did a very creative and at the same time morally correct thing. It helped him, and he did it in a way that made him feel good, if not "less bad", about what he did. [B]And[/B], he felt he still had to ask, which says his heart is in the right place if nothing else. And ultimately, it didn't hurt anyone [I]else[/I], either. :D
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