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[QUOTE=The Stallion;268538]Ok, how can I sign a guy who is loyal to another promotion. Is it possible or am I just out of luck with those guys?[/QUOTE] You're out of luck. Your best bet is to hope that promotion releases the worker. Loyalty to a promotion is pretty much absolute, I've found. A worker in a 'small' promotion will flat out turn down an offer from an International promotion. I dunno how much more absolute you can get. :p
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i can assure you that loyalty is air tight. however it can easily been worked in your advantage. i started a new Japanese promotion and used almost exclusively youngsters, signing every new talent that came into the Cornellverse, including foreigners like BBS, Cameron Vessey and the Gauge Brothers (Matthew is my current champion). every day i get an e-mail saying "BHOTWG has made an offer to..." or "PGHW has made an offer to...to go on tour with them" but they never sign up with them
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The loyalty thing whilst a fine feature, could be tweaked a bit.... Take this for example. In my Burning Hammer game/diary when Bulldozer Brandon Smith entered as a new worker I signed him to a short-term 'trial' contract, and he did well enough for me to sign him to a full PPA contract until the end of the year. Now from the day he signed he has been 'loyal' to Burning Hammer...that I'm not complaining about. But a few months back he got an offer to work for CZCW but turned it down because of 'loyalty' to Burning Hammer. Firstly ,I think he could do with maybe working a few dates elsewhere and secondly would he really turn down another pay-day it's not like he is on a lucrative multi year deal. When it comes to PPA contracts, surely a worker can still be 'loyal' to a promotion and still take on other contracts. I think the 'loyalty' thing should only come into play when workers are offered written contracts and even then the worker should only stay loyal to a company, if the company they are with are bigger or maybe a step or two below the promotion that was trying to sign them. * * For Example: Say they worked for a promotion that was cult sized, but got an offer from a National sized promotion....it would still be likely that the worker would turn down the offer from the National promotion due to their loyalty. Even workers working for Regional promotions might turn down written contracts with a National promotion, but could be willing to work pay per appearance deals with the bigger promotion. .
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While you're right with regard to gaijin talent, the feature itself was meant to simulate a culture that is completely opposite and foreign to the West. People in the West don't turn down "better" deals. People in Japan do it all the time (sometimes Mexico too). It could probably be improved upon (I do the exact same thing as NOAH fan points out, all the time), but about the only way to ensure it does work like that is to restrict loyalty by nationality. And that would be a bigger change than the one made to Looks based angles since it ignores all the various exceptions to the rule. But as Adam (or maybe it was Lukie) said previously, in the West, loyalty is usually person-to-person while in Japan, it's person-to-entity/company. Your BBS example is a great one. A worker is bound to be loyal to the promotion that gives them their big break. But PPA contracts are treated differently than writtens between the West and Japan. Also, keep in mind that if the change you suggest is made, something will have to be done about the decision making process when conflicts arise. As it is now, a worker will work for the bigger/more prestigious company if a conflict comes up. The change you suggest would require that to be reworked so the worker will work for the promotion where their loyalty lies, regardless of promotion size or prestige.
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there are a few stupid things with signing... IE say i am a national company and i offer a contract to an indy wrestler who has a lot of non-loyal employers. i plan to offer him a written/development deal, but he turns it down cause he has "too many contracts", not because he wants to be loyal.
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Guest Ransik
A lot times the loyalty option can make a worker look like a jackass... take er..... me for example. I started up a TNA game and tried to sign myself. I got a message a few days later basically saying "thanks but I'd rather not be on national TV or PPV... I'd rather work one date a month and not be seen by millions of people because I'm loyal."
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I think there is a simple way to tweak it to get rid of the silly stuff while keeping the entire spirit of the loyalty system in Japan and such. The first thing to do is make it so loyalty only prevents leaving the company they're loyal to no matter what. Japanese workers loyal to their promotions have still done tours elsewhere in the world, after all, and it's been more than what's possible via talent trades. I say maybe they can accept PPA agreements with other promotions, but only short term deals. Second, loyalty should only entirely prevent a worker from working for promotions that could be considered direct competitors, regardless of war status. If a company is a direct competitor of the company a worker is loyal to, the worker won't work for the competition. This would make it so a Japanese worker won't sign with competition in Japan, but would still work outside Japan on short term deals. Third, loyalty shouldn't affect PPA deals except that a worker should always, without exception, give priority to the promotion they're loyal to, regardless of prestige or size or other such factors.
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