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Watch old tapes of ECW, they don't like people for absolutely no reason at all. They literally verbally murder anyone who doesn't fit their criteria. Most of which would totally be made up of astericks in this board. Not that I dislike ECW, I just disliked the fan's brutal honesty. Can you imagine if Kurt Angle had joined ECW, when he was origingally supposed to, and used the dorky character he did in WWE, he would've caused a riot.
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They probably hate Panda Mask II because he's an awful wrestler ¬_¬ The Latino Kings in DaVE have a similar problem. As does Alan Parent in, well, just about any promotion ¬_¬ It is possible for the fans to warm to him, in a Dreamer-esque fashion, the more he wrestles though. So stick with him. As for why it happens, no idea. It does tend to happen more with people who either aren't very talented (like Pandie), or are the wrong style for the promotion (unlike Pandie).
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