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Top Rope Wrestling: Over The Top and Under The Radar (C-Verse)

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[B][SIZE=4]Friday, November, 2nd Week, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [I]'Somehow I always knew it would end up like this.' [/I]I thought to myself as the two large men in tailored Italian suits threw a bag over my head and then one of them laid in a stiff uppercut to my gut just for good measure, I couldn't be sure but I think it was the guy on the left. I was thrown into the back of some vehicle, a van judging by how far I managed to roll before hitting a wall, and then it took off. I knew it would end up like this because for the last ten years I've been trying to put my family history behind me and make a name for myself. The reason I was doing that is because my father was a low-level accountant for the mob in Boston who had a habit of skimming some money off of the accounts he was in charge of and then running down to the Foxwoods Casino and gambling it away. My train of thought was suddenly cut off as the van came to a stop. I heard a sliding door open and was suddenly being dragged to my feet. After walking for a few minutes we stopped, I took another shot to the gut (felt different this time, must be the guy on the right took his turn) and fell to my knees. The bag was suddenly yanked off my head and I was blinded by a bright light shining directly on my face. After a couple of seconds my eyes adjusted and could make out that I was in a large warehouse ([I]just like the movies[/I], I thought) and there was a wide screen TV about five feet in front of me. A few more seconds went by and I was about to ask what was going on when the screen came to life. [IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/Top%20Rope%20Wrestling/MysteryOwner.jpg[/IMG] "Hello Mr. DuVall," the voice was smooth, with a subtle yet just noticeable accent that I couldn't quite make out. The man was back lit so that all I could make out was his bald headed silhouette and the fact that he was smoking. He took a drag and I could see the ember light up at the end of cigarette and I realized that this probably wasn't someone from the library telling me I had books that were overdue. "I'm sorry for the way I needed to bring you in, I hope that Bruiser and Crunch didn't hurt you too much. Now I'm sure that you're wondering why you're here, yes? Well, let me say that this could actually be your lucky day." I couldn't help but laugh before I caught myself. Bruiser (or was he Crunch) was about to give me another wallop when the smoking man held up his hand causing the man to stop in his tracks. "Now, now Bruiser ([I]I was right!) [/I]we don't want to hurt our guest, at least not until we've finished our business. Now Mr. DuVall your father is an associate of mine, he does my taxes and he runs some of my...err...accounts. He generally does good work and so I've looked the other way when he's had some, well shall we say, indiscretions with my money. However, this time I'm afraid that James has done something rather stupid and left me in a predicament that I would rather not be in. You see I have a large sum of money that I need...well, I won't bore you with the details, let's just say that this is money that I need to invest in something...quickly. So I have a proposition for you." He paused to take another dramatic drag from his cigarette. "Well sir I'm afraid that if you need me to launder money that you've got the wrong DuVall. You see I'm a sports announcer and I wouldn't know the first thing about...." he cut me off before I could go on. "Of course you don't! I'm not asking you to...as you say...launder my money. I want you to open a business, a wrestling company actually. Your father tells me that your somewhat of a wrestling nut always talking about running your own company...well now I'm giving you the chance. I'll give you the money to start-up and run a wrestling promotion here in Boston." My mind raced with ideas at what was being said. Was this guy serious? Why on earth would he trust the son of a man who put him in this situation to get him out of it? "What's the catch?" I asked after a few moments of silence. The man chuckled as he put out his cigarette and then blew a big puff of smoke in the air around his head. "The catch? Oh there's no catch, in fact my only demands of you would be that you ensure that the company grows before a year's time is up and that you don't hire anyone over 42. After all this wrestling business is a young man's game, I don't want to see my money being invested in some has-been or never-has-been. So what do you say?" "Well the thing is, wrestling is a hard business to get into. It's going to be difficult to convince people to come work for a company that no one's ever heard of and never sees who the owner is. I mean...." again he cut me off. "Very well, give me a list of who you would like for your roster. 16 names by tomorrow. I shall give you two months to get your affairs in order and then you shall be the head booker for Top Rope Wrestling." Something inside just had to ask or I would never forgive myself. "And what if I don't accept your offer." There was a long pause, even Bruiser and Crunch stopped fidgeting with their suits waiting to hear their boss' response. "Oh that's very simple Mr. DuVall, first you'll watch your father die, and then you'll join him." The screen switched suddenly to show James DuVall sitting in a room with what looked like Bruiser's twin brothers on either side of him. The screen then suddenly switched back to the mystery man. "Well?" He asked he reached for and lit another cigarette. Again I just couldn't resist "What kind of dental plan do you have?" I don't remember anything after that until I woke up back in my apartment. [B][SIZE=4]Saturday, November, 2nd Week, 2006[/SIZE][/B] Aside my splitting headache and the pain in my stomach, I really wasn't much worse for the wear than I normally would have been on a Saturday morning. Just when I was about to start thinking that everything that happened yesterday was a dream, I spotted a large envelope on my computer with a rather subtle note that said "READ ME" on it. I ripped open the envelope and a CD fell out with a note that said "PLAY ME" on it. "I guess that my new boss doesn't leave anything to chance." I said out loud as I popped the CD into my computer. A window opened up as a program began to run. It was like an excel sheet program but instead of something boring like 3rd quarter earnings reports, instead it listed every wrestler that I had ever heard of (and some I hadn't). It showed where they worked (or had worked) and what their relative strengths and weaknesses were. Just when I was beginning to really wonder who the hell my new boss was another small window opened a video file and I was again facing the shadowy silhouette of cigarette man. "I hope that you are well this morning Mr. DuVall. This elaborate program you have now in your possession is a powerful tool that took several resources to put together. In it you will find detailed reports on any wrestler you could ever possibly want to hire for our new little venture. Your task today is to select the sixteen workers who will comprise our opening day roster. twelve who will be our active wrestlers, one referee, one road agent and then two managers, one for our "face" wrestlers and one for our "heel" wrestlers. In case you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm counting on you to do the announcing. I'll expect your selections by the end of the day. Good luck to you...oh, and your father says hello. HA HA HA!" With that the video clip ended and I was faced with just the spread sheet of names and the awful feeling that my life was never going to be the same again. I knew that for better or worse I was stuck with this operation until Mr. Smokey decided I had repaid my father's debt, which most likely meant a life sentence knowing Dad. Under any other circumstance I should be ecstatic that I was about to embark on running my own company, but knowing that my father's life hung in the balance of how well I did took a little of the warm fuzzy feelings out of it. But I figured that since my boss had offered to let me get anyone that I'd really see how good his connections were. Now I wasn't going to tell him I wanted Tommy Cornell (although that idea did go through my mind) but I wanted to see if I could get a couple people that right were working for other companies. If he couldn't get them, perhaps I could somehow get out of this little deal. But just on the chance that he could get them, I also put together the rest of the list with the cream of the independent American crop so that if this nightmare company ever came into existence, I would have the tools to put on the best small show possible. And who knows, maybe this company will actually grow into something. Maybe it will get so big that I can use the profits to pay off Mr. Joe Camel and then Dad and I can be free of him... ...or most likely we were both going to end up with cement shoes in the bottom of the Charles river. But hey, I was always the optimist of the family. [CENTER][IMG]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w195/trackersan/Top%20Rope%20Wrestling/TRW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=5]TOP ROPE WRESTLING[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]COMING SOON...[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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I'm not sure what I think about the backstory. On one hand I think it's a little "out there", even for a wrestling game diary, but on the other hand I find myself hoping we'll see an actual ending to the diary eventually, so we see how this whole mess with the mob ends. Definately interesting and since I was a big fan of your last dynasty, I'll be reading this one too.
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[B][SIZE=3]Saturday, November, 2nd Week, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] I spent the rest of the day going over in my head what would make for a good opening roster. I had to admit that the depth of the scouting reports in the program sent to me by my "boss" was extensive and soon I had my list down to exactly who I wanted. My idea for the promotion was going to be something radically different than anything the U.S. had seen; I was going to try to mix the high flying luchadore action of Mexican wrestling with some of the Sports Entertainment angles of American wrestling. My logic was that in order for a new wrestling company to really stand out they had to bring something different to the table. I didn't want TRW to be SWF-lite or USPW but with people who aren't collecting social security, I wanted it to be it's own unique entry into the world of wrestling. With those thoughts in mind, I emailed off my "dream" roster to Mr. Shadow and then did the hardest thing I would have to do today...wait. [B][SIZE=3]Later that day[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] I nearly fell of my recliner when the buzzer to my apartment went off, waking me from a nap I didn't think I could possibly take with everything on my mind. I went to the door and looked in the peephole and saw it was a UPS driver. I opened the door and saw the small business envelope he had under his arm with the bright red letters stating "URGENT" on it. "Richard DuVall?" He said as he punched some numbers and scanned the package into his tracking computer. "Yeah, that's me." I said as he handed me the computer, I signed off and handed it back to him as he handed me the envelope. He tipped his hat and started back toward his truck as I pulled the tab on the envelope slowly to see that there was another CD inside...this time without the "PLAY ME" instructions on it. I went back to my computer and put the CD in and saw that it was another video message from Mr. Man-behind-the-curtain (I really have to think of one nickname for this guy). He took a long drag from his cigarette before he launched into his quick reply to my list. "Mr. DuVall, you do not disappoint. Thank you for your quick response to my demands. I am a business man and appreciate punctuality. However I've noticed that two names in particular are currently working for other companies...one of them is in Japan in fact and the other is working for SWF's feeder company. I don't know if you think this is a funny joke on your part or a challenge to my power...but I am always one for a challenge. I will contact you the week before New Years, please be ready to start working then. In the meantime, I have released your father but will have my men watching him. You have done as you have been told and so I feel that that should be rewarded. But I warn you, do not cross me...but I won't spoil this day with talks of threats. I shall speak with you a week before New Years." With that the video ended leaving me feeling...well just weird I guess. I was glad to hear Dad had been released but I wondered if that was just going to lead to more problems. But at least I didn't have to worry about Mr. I-See-Lung-Cancer-In-Your-Future for another month. I went back to my comfy chair and fell asleep. [B][SIZE=3]Monday, 1st Week, December, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] I had gotten my life back to a semblance of normalcy in the past two weeks without hearing a thing from anyone mysterious...including my father. I was beginning to wonder if anything at all was ever going to come of this whole fiasco, that maybe this was just a ploy to scare my father into returning whatever money he had stolen from his boss. It was that idea that got me through the days until this evening when I came home and checked the local wrestling news fan site. [B][FONT=System]John Greed Released from RIPW[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][/FONT][/B] [FONT=System]Reports are coming from various sources that John Greed and SWF's training camp RIPW were not able to come to terms on a contract and so decided to release the star from his last two months of a contract he signed earlier in the year. Greed was not really on anyone's radar and didn't seem to fit into the SWF's view of what a star should look like, but most industry insiders realized his potential as a high-flying star that could really shine if given the chance. Greed's immediate plans are not known at this time.[/FONT] [FONT=System][/FONT] Things had just gotten real...if Mr. Bossman could get to the likes of SWF to alter contracts...than there's telling what he can or can't do. I decided it was time for an early Monday afternoon drink. [B]MORE TOP ROPE WRESTLING COMING SOON[/B]
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Interesting start. The backstory was a bit of a stretch in places... I'm still not exactly sure on pieces of it, such as why exactly your character's father's misdeeds would land you with the opportunity to run a wrestling company, but I'm willing to let that slide, since there's always the chance that your smoking man could pull the rug out from under you in the future. Since this is the C-Verse, suspending disbelief is easier and regardless of any flaws with the story, the most important part is that it brings in the mob and sets the backdrop for your promotion. I'm keen to see how TRW operates and the extent of mob interference... I liked how you tied in the owner goals and operating the dynasty under restrictions will play all the more realistically with your oppressive boss. Finally John Greed in a mob-funded promotion... nice touch. Not quite sure who you've got your eye on in Japan, but I'd love to see a big name forced into TRW. I've just got this great vision of someone like Remo or Ricky Dale Johnson getting signed over and then bundled into a sentinal or something. ;)
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I normally don't browse that extensively through diaries, partly due to the fact there are so many of them, and partly because I am so very busy. But as I was skimming the list briefly this evening, the title caught my eye. So I looked in. I like this! It's a really refreshingly different start and premise from any story I've read, whether within TEW or without. It's got that hook to it that reeled me in, and I'm very interested to see where this goes. What other workers will you pull in? Will there be a women's division? (yes, I am a very weak man...:rolleyes: ) How will the shows go, especially given the mob interferance? It's all very intreaguing, as are the possibilities for what the specific situation is and how 'you' will get out of it. If indeed you ever do... *smirk* Very well done, and very well written. You got me. Nice job!
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[B][SIZE=3]Friday, December, 4th Week, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] To say that it had been a strange December would be a drastic understatement. After seeing the John Greed story I had been on edge wondering if this whole TRW business was really going to happen. On top of everything I still hadn't heard anything from my Dad. When I called his office the secretary would only say he was not available, his home phone number was unlisted and he had moved out of the condo where I had spent my teen years growing up. I was just beginning to wonder if I should contact Mr. Smoking Man but instead decided to check up on the news in the wrestling world. After browsing through the boring stories about SWF and TCW I found another story that made my blood run cold. [FONT=System][SIZE=3][B]A Slice of Americana[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=3]Long time indy star American Elemental, who has been working in WLW of Japan under the name Americana, is coming back to the states after his contract was not renewed. This comes as both a shock and a pleasant surprise for American wrestling fans who made him an underground success during his last run with CZCW in 2002 as most wrestling insiders had him pegged to become the next big thing in Japan.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=3]It is unclear right now where American Elemental will be working in the states but he's sure to draw interest from several companies. It's a good time to be a Indy fan right now![/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=System][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] I had to take a moment to catch my breath as the realization dawned on me that within a month's time my boss had freed up the only two workers on my list who were contracted to another company (and might have given me an out of this deal) and that I was really going to have to go through with this. The door buzzer jolted me out of my daze and I wasn't surprised to see it was the UPS man with another package that contained another CD. I popped in the CD and waited for the video to come up. "So Mr. DuVall, I'm sure by now you've seen that I have been able to free up the two small challenges presented to me on your list. I have already sent associates to offer them deals and the others on your list were only too eager to accept the terms offered to them for employment. Everyone on your list will be ready to work starting the week after New Year's Day. "I expect you to have a show put together by that time which will become a weekly running show that will be called TRW High Octane. Since we're getting a late start this month there will only be three shows before our first big event show at the end of the month...New Year's Desolations. I think that this would be a good time to crown our first champion...don't you? "Well, I've taken up enough of your time already. Please have the details for the first show sent to me no later than a week before the first show, after all there is advertising to look after. Oh and I'm afraid that I had to do something rather unpleasant with your father, you see he tried to flee the country, so until our little venture is underway he'll be staying with me. Good day Mr. DuVall." I can't say that I was exactly surprised about anything on the video, but I suppose I was disappointed. Dad had tried once again to bail out on his family and leave me to pick up the pieces, although running my own wrestling company is some nice pieces to pick up...but still. I stared at the spreadsheet in front of me with my dream roster...took a stiff shot of whiskey, and went to work. Coming Soon: A roster listing and booking details for the first show. [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B]
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[B][SIZE=3]Monday, January, 1st Week, 2007[/SIZE][/B] To say that it had been a strange Holiday season would be a serious understatement. Between debating weather I should go to the police or just hop in my car and start driving, I decided that I would see this through. I rationalized that I was never going to have an opportunity like this again (God I hope not anyways) and that by running this business it was the best chance that I would see my Dad alive again. With that in mind I went over the roster of workers who were all on their way to Boston for our first show next week. I was told in another CD message that I would have full use of a local establishment called Bikers' Paradise to use for all of our shows. When I walked in the place yesterday to check it out I was almost thrown out by the large mountain of man that was the bouncer until another man (I guess the owner) came out screaming at the bouncer to put me down. He then profusely apologized and said if he could ever do anything for me to just ask. The place was...well, it was a dump, but it did have a ring and enough seats for 300 of our adoring fans. Also it appeared that my boss had either coerced or bribed the owner into bending over back wards for our company so I knew that anything we wanted to do here we could. Today I was sitting in my office in my apartment staring at the roster list and organizing the first tournament that would crown our first New England Champion: [quote] (Faces in Purple, Heels in Black) Main Event [COLOR=purple]American Elemental[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Brady Prince[/COLOR] (managed by Vita) John Greed Roderick Remus (managed by Duke Hazzard) Upper Midcard [COLOR=purple]Mark Smart[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Frankie Dee[/COLOR] (managed by Vita) Harry Wilson Rex Reeves (managed by Duke Hazzard) K-Squared Midcard [COLOR=purple]Velocidad[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] (managed by Vita) Lower Midcard Tempest Appleby Managers [COLOR=purple]Vita[/COLOR] Duke Hazzard Road Agent [COLOR=purple]Reese Paige[/COLOR] Referee [COLOR=purple]Bret Graveson[/COLOR] [/quote] I figured that since all my employer was looking for was the company to grow that I would go all out for this first month and try to use the roster to it's fullest. In order to get people to care about the workers, they've got to see them, and since I hadn't heard anything about a TV deal (not yet anyways...maybe there's a TV exec somewhere that owes a favor) I figured that these weekly TV-Like shows would be a good way to introduce the roster. Then at the end of the month at our PPV-esque show we'd have the championship match. After some long discussions with myself and a couple of throws at a dartboard I had the tournament laid out: John Greed vs Mark Smart Kashmir Singh vs K-Squared Velocidad vs Tempest Appleby Rex Reeves vs Frankie Dee Brady Prince vs Roderick Remus American Elemental vs Harry Wilson I felt good about these pairings and the subsequent matches that would follow them. My good feeling lasted until I received an email video message back from Mr. Shadow-boxer replying to the tournament bracket. "Mr. DuVall, again you do not disappoint. I always knew you had it in you. Now I'm sure that you have a winner already in mind but I wanted to let you know who I think should be the winner...and more importantly who I'm going to be telling some close associates who will be the winner." I paused the video and went into the kitchen to grab something to drink. Unfortunately I had drank all the whiskey over Christmas and the hardest thing I had left was Mike's Hard Lemonade (how did that get in my fridge) so I cracked open a Mike's and sat back down at my computer. So this was the game; Mr. Dances-with-shadows was going to use this company as a front for some gambling ring. While I knew that wrestling results are always fixed, I had a higher purpose in my booking when I selected the winners. Now it looked like the all mighty dollar was going to be the deciding factor. "Happy New Year's!" I shouted out to nobody, took a long swig on my Mikes (it is surprisingly refreshing) and then hit play on the video message. [B]Coming up soon: [/B]The first edition of TRW High Octane. Stay tuned. OOC: I just wanted to say that I'm overwhelmed with how many views this has gotten so far and to say thank you to those of you who have responded with comments. I hope that everyone enjoys the ride as much as I do.
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[quote=sebsplex;272982]Looks like a fairly solid roster to begin with Greed and American Elemental being the standouts qualitywise. I'm a little disappointed that there's no place for Honest Frank though. ;)[/quote] Thanks for the reply Sebs. While Honest Frank would be an amusing addition to the roster I'm not sure if he's the type of wrestler we're looking to currently add to our roster...but you never know. Just a quick update...this is my anniversary weekend and so I most likely won't have the first show up until later this week. But please keep the comments coming and any roster requests will be sent to the Smokey man for consideration! Cheers.
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I'm not super familiar with all of the c-verse workers yet, so maybe you already have this covered... But I think you should recruit a known drug or steriod abuser. Someone with a decent chance of dying from an OD. If it happens, you could take a little creative license and have your boss inform you that "so and so had an [I]unfortunate [/I]accident" due the problems he was causing by being late and/or no showing.
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