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USPW: When Sam Strong wants the absurd...

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT] [B]The Tic hates Kelsey Campbell[/B] [INDENT] Apparently the Tic flew into a mindless rage and made it publicly known that he hates Kelsey Campbell, following the announcement of his release from the USPW. While this event is not shocking, giving the tenuous relationship that he developed with Campbell after showing up late to several shows, his latest outburst probably ensures that the Tic will not return to the USPW while Campbell is still the head booker.[/INDENT] [B]USPW Superstar Showcase preview[/B] [INDENT]Wednesday, from the Arkansas Coliseum live on National Pride TV![/INDENT] [INDENT]Wanda Fish vs. ???[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Last week, Wanda explained that the “open male” challenge would continue until Kelsey Campbell entered the ring with her. Who will accept the challenge this week and will he be able to match up with Fish the Dish?[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Fox Mask vs. Citizen X[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall were visibly disappointed with Citizen X’s performance in a dark match at last week’s Superstar Showcase taping. Can X get back on track or will Fox Mask find success in singles competition? [/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Forces of America vs. Real Big Men[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Jakki’s boys couldn’t keep it together in their title match last week, squandering the opportunity by allowing a double count out to occur. They look to get back on track this week, but first have to face the Forces of America, who, lately, have not appeared to be on the same page. [/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Jesse Christian vs. Rhino Umaga[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][I]Last week, Christian and Flash announced that they had been granted a tag team Texas tornado cage match against Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga at USPW Freedom Fight. In addition to this match, USPW Commissioner Campbell has set up two preview bouts for this contest. The first of these bouts is this week, as Jesse Christian squares off against the Samoan monster, Rhino Umaga. [/I][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]Also: Bruce the Giant will be in action! And will Thomas Morgan meet his deadline?[/INDENT] [/INDENT]
[SIZE="1"]Prediction List: Wanda Fish vs. ??? Fox Mask vs. Citizen X Forces of America vs. Real Big Men Jesse Christian vs. Rhino Umaga[/SIZE]
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[B]Wanda Fish[/B] vs. ??? Wanda doesn't lose until its PPV (or at least a major show) [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs. Citizen X Forces of America vs. [B]Real Big Men[/B] Because Giant Crapwood needs a squash win so his team can get another tag title shot. [B]Jesse Christian[/B] vs. Rhino Umaga Rollup win, but pays for it with a nasty three on one beatdown.
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[B]Wanda Fish [/B]vs. ??? [B]Fox Mask [/B]vs. Citizen X Forces of America vs. [B]Real Big Men[/B] [B]Jesse Christian [/B]vs. Rhino Umaga Yeah, I'd go along with D-Mack's choices too. Less sure about the last one, but I'll give it to Christian. Real Big Men continue a build while the Forces show a bit more dissention. X to continue getting berated and made an example of. And Wanda to keep winning...for now.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] Wednesday Week 2 April 2007 Location: The Arkansas Coliseum Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!) [/CENTER] [INDENT][CENTER][B]Dark Match: Kashmir Singh vs. Fumihiro Ota[/B][/CENTER] Ota was presented Singh as a sacrificial dark lamb, allowing Ota to get in some work while Singh hopefully improves. This was a one-sided match that featured all of Ota’s big spots, which ended after a Ninja Strike. [CENTER][U]Fumihiro Ota defeated Kashmir Singh in 7:54 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Dark Match: Demon Spite vs. Madman Boone[/B][/CENTER] The second dark match of the evening had Demon Spite in one on one action against Madman Boone. The tag team legend couldn’t keep up with the mad chef, who wrestled the first quarter of the match with his chef’s hat on. Spite was eventually put down with a Boone and Bust. [CENTER][U]Madman Boone defeated Demon Spite in 8:07 by pinfall with a Boone and Bust.[/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [USPW Superstar Showcase opens with Bruce the Giant and Seduction heading to the ring. As usual, Bruce receives an enormous response from the crowd. As they enter the ring, Bruce starts to work the microphone.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] G`day. [The crowd, as usual, responds with a “G’Day” of their own.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] In the last two weeks, Bruce has smashed his mate Freddie Datsun `n` again smashed that jerk Peter Valentine. As best Bruce `n` Sey-duck-shin can tell, there aren't any top contenders for Bruce's shiny belt. [Seduction shakes her head and lifts up her hands, as if to say, “I can’t think of any.”] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] Well, that's a shame, cause Bruce likes ta defend his shiny belt for his fans. After all, Bruce loves his fans! [The crowd loves him too.] [B]Bruce the Giant:[/B] So, here's what Bruce wants ta do. Bruce will defend his shiny belt... tonight, against anyone back there that wants a shot. So, who wants ta get clobbered by Bruce? [Bruce and Seduction stand in the ring, waiting for a response. Suddenly, the Towers of Power’s theme music begins to play, and out marches Rushmore and Muscles.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Muscles:[/B] So, you want to defend your world title tonight, is that right? [In the ring, Bruce and Seduction nod.] [B]Muscles:[/B] Well then, the Towers of Power accept your challenge! [Bruce looks on, apparently undaunted by the thought of wrestling Rushmore and Muscles at the same time. Seduction, however, is shaking her head. She leans across Bruce and speaks into the microphone that’s he holding.] [B]Seduction:[/B] Hey, I don’t know if you two realized this or not… but the World Championship is a single’s title. Bruce will take on [I]one[/I] of you. [Muscles and Rushmore do a mini-huddle.] [B]Muscles:[/B] So, you want to do a handicap match? Afraid to face the Towers of Power one on one, huh? That’s fine! My main man Danny Rushmore will take you out tonight, isn’t that right, Danny? [B]Rushmore:[/B] Yea’. [B]Muscles:[/B] Because you might be bigger than him, and stronger than him, and maybe more experienced… but Danny has this all wrapped up! Isn’t that right, Danny? [B]Rushmore:[/B] Yea.’ [B]Muscles:[/B] And then, after he takes your… “shiny” belt, the Towers of Power will be the World and National Champions! Isn’t that right, Danny? [B]Rushmore:[/B] Yea’. [CENTER][U]Bruce opens the show, issues an open challenge[/U] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [U]Which is accepted by Rushmore.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[Following Rushmore’s acceptance of Bruce’s open challenge, Bruce and Seduction head to the back, making sure to slap hands with fans along the way. After they clear out, Wanda Fish’s music, which seems to be the music of choice for Sneer when accompanied by his entire group, begins to play. Fish, Ota, Umaga, and Sneer head to the ring.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Sneer:[/B] So, apparently Kelsey Campbell hasn’t learned her lesson yet. She’s still sticking her nose in my business… and she’s still holding on to her precious little position, as if that gives her any power in [I]my[/I] USPW. [Fish shakes her head, stating that Campbell doesn’t have any power.] [B]Sneer:[/B] And so tonight, she’s put Rhino Umaga, my Samoan mercenary, in a match against Jesse Christian. And I guess she’s trying to use her match making abilities to “punish” my clients. Well, I’m afraid that that’s going to backfire tonight, when Umaga destroys Christian. Instead, it’ll be like she used her match-making powers to punish my ex-clients and her current friends. And at Freedom Fight, she’s signed another tag team match between my clients, Ota and Umaga, and her “wrestling consultant” Steve Flash and that ingrate, Christian. And this time, it’s a Texas Tornado Cage match… presumably to keep Fish and I away. Well, you’ve just signed Flash and Christian’s death warrants. Because there is no way that they’re getting out of that cage in one piece. [Sneer hands the microphone to Fish.] [B]Fish:[/B] Our pretty, pretty precious little commissioner still has not accepted my one-on-one challenge. But it’s no surprise, after all of the beatings that I’ve given her, I can understand that she’s more than just a little hesitant to step in the ring with me. But, her fear doesn’t really concern me… just her departure. I want Campbell out, and I want her out now. And until she leaves… well, the Fish Open Male challenge continues, and more poor, young male wrestlers will suffer. So, who is brave enough to accept my challenge tonight? [CENTER][U]Sneer and his clients trash talk Campbell, Flash, and Christian.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Nicky Champion vs. Wanda Fish[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NickyChampion.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Nicky Champion’s music soon begins to play and apparently he has accepted her challenge. As soon as Champion hits the ring, Fish attacks him, keeping her larger and stronger opponent off balance with a series of high impact, high speed maneuvers. Champion eventually turns things around, catches Fish, and literally tosses her across the ring vicious looking fall away slam. Fish really sells the throw and writhes on the ground, holding her back. Nicky seems to feel bad, as he leans over and checks on Fish. He then starts to help her up and appears ready to call the match off. This wasn’t a good idea, as Fish drops the act and blasts Champion across the throat with a super kick. Champion stumbles around, and Fish connects with a Dish of the Day to the back of the head, allowing her to pick up another win. [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish defeated Nicky Champion in 5:47 by pinfall with a Dish Of The Day.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[The scene again switches backstage. Kelsey Campbell walks into her makeshift office at the arena. She approaches her desk, sits down, and sits back, apparently deep in thought. Out of the shadows, a man jumps out, wearing a luchador mask, carrying a golf club.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/kc9e.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]“Masked Luchador”:[/B] Ah ha! I have caught you Senor-ita! [Campbell turns her head towards her masked assailant. She then shakes her head, as if to say, “I don’t have time for this.”] [B]Campbell:[/B] Who are you and what are you talking about… is that you Thomas? “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan? [B]Masked man:[/B] Uh… Thomas Morgan? Who is that? … I am not “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan! I am… I am…. I’m… “Mex Driven” Tomas M… M…. Maestas! [B]Campbell:[/B] Mex Driven? [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] Si, Senor-ita! [B]Campbell:[/B] Funny, I don’t remember hiring any wrestlers with the nickname Mex Driven. How did you get back stage? How did you get past our security? [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] I… snuck across? [Campbell smiles. The absurdity of this comment, and, of this entire situation, is not apparently lost on her.] [B]Campbell:[/B] So, “Mex Driven”, what are you doing in my office? And why are you carrying that golf club, Mex Driven? What…[I]exactly[/I]… were you planning on doing? [By now, “Mex Driven” has lowered the golf club. He’s struggling for a response. His Spanish “accent” is awful.] [Kelsey eyes “Mex Driven Tomas Maestas”, seemingly fully prepared for another silly response.] [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] I wasn’t going to do anything! You see, senor-ita Cambpell… I carry the golf club… because… well, I carry the golf club… for Mexico! [B]Campbell:[/B] For Mexico? [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] Si! It’s our national sport. [B]Campbell:[/B] Hmm, I would have guessed that your national sport was soccer. [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] Senor-ita… please do not insult my culture! [B]Campbell:[/B] Whatever... So, what are you doing in my office? [“Mex Driven" Tomas Maestas twitches, as if to say, “oh yeah, there is a point to this.”] [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] I have captured you. Now, I am free to do what I like with you! [B]Campbell:[/B] How do you figure? [Campbell tries to stand up, but for some reason, cannot.] [B]Campbell:[/B] Thoma…Mex… why am I stuck to the chair? [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] I glued your chair to the ground and left a pile of epoxy on the back and seat of your chair. Senorita, I think you will find yourself completely unable to move. [Campbell tries to move, but, “Mex Driven” is right. She seems stuck.] [CENTER][U]“Mex Driven” succeeds at capturing Kelsey Campbell?[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Forces of America vs. Real Big Men[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/TRex.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JakkiWhiteTrash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This train wreck of a match saw more dominance by Jakki’s boys, as she continues to do good work outside of the ring. This short match consisted of Giant Redwood and T-Rex trading tags and executing power moves on Jim Force. Force eventually felt the “FORCE” and made a brief comeback. After double clotheslining both of his opponents, he tried to make the hot tag to Captain USA… …who refused the tag and, instead, throw an overhand right, dropping a stunned and unsuspecting Jim Force to his knees. Cap’ then hopped off the apron and started yelling at Force. Force looked dumbfounded (even more so than normal), which allowed T-Rex to grab him and execute the Extinction, picking up the win for his team. [CENTER][U]Real Big Men defeated The Forces of America in 3:44 when T-Rex defeated Jim Force by pinfall with The Extinction. During the match we also had Captain USA turn on Jim Force. During the match, Captain USA turned heel and it went pretty well.[/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER] [After the pinfall, Captain USA enters the ring and throws Jim Force out. He follows him to the outside and pile drives his ex-partner on the outside. The crowd boos Captain USA, as he yells that Jim Force has betrayed him and let him down.] [CENTER][U]Cap turns![/U] [B]Rating: E+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Fox Mask vs. Citizen X[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fox Mask and X really seemed to click and it showed, as in a short amount of time, they were able to get the crowd really excited. Fox Mask controlled most of the action, as he seemed just “that much” better than Citizen X. X used an eye rake to take back control of the match, but his advantage was short lived, as Fox Mask soon sidestepped a dropkick, and finished X off with his Fox Flip Off DDT. [CENTER][U]Fox Mask defeated Citizen X in 3:34 by pinfall with a Fox Flip Off DDT.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] [Following the match, Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall appear on the entrance ramp.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Eagle stares down at Citizen X, while Raven Nightfall runs his ear off. While no specific words can be heard, it is safe to assume that Eagle and Nightfall were unimpressed by Citizen X’s performance.] [CENTER][U]Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall seem disappointed in Citizen X.[/U] [B]Rating: D-[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, Micky Starr is talking to some backstage workers. Then, Frankie Perez marches into the screen and directly into Micky Starr’s face.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickyStarr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Perez:[/B] Why the hell don’t I have a match tonight, Micky? [B]Starr:[/B] I don’t make the matches, Frankie. [B]Perez:[/B] Whatever! I’m undefeated! You tell Campbell to give me a match! [B]Starr:[/B] Frankie, two things. One, you can tell her yourself. And two, your not undefeated… Oxford made you submit at Liberty and Justice! [Perez turns away, on the verge of exploding. He swings around quickly and drills Micky Starr with a right hand, dropping the older man on the ground.] [B]Perez:[/B] He cheated and it doesn’t count! I know that you old bastards have it in for me! Well I’m not going to take it! [And Perez continues his assault on Starr, driving several boots into his torso, before several backstage workers can intervene.] [CENTER][U]Frankie Perez assaults Micky Starr[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, “Mex Driven” is pacing in front of the desk that is in front of the seat that Kelsey Campbell is glued to.] [B]“Mex Driven”:[/B] Why don't you come over here, sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up? [B]Campbell:[/B] I’m glued to the chair. [B]Mex Driven”[/B]: Oh yeah. Well… how about, “if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.” [B]Campbell:[/B] Do any of these lines ever work? [B]”Mex Driven”:[/B] No, not so much. [B]Campbell:[/B] I didn’t think so. Ok, you've had me glued to this chair for the last 15 minutes and all you've done is try back-up line, after bad-pickup line, after bad pick-up line. “Mex Driven”, or should I say “Sex Driven”, I think the jig is up. I know your Thomas Morgan. I've known he entire time. It's time to take the mask off and talk. [“Mex Driven” takes off the mask. He shall now be referred to as “Sex Driven” Thomas Morgan.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Campbell:[/B] So, what’s the deal? Why do you have me glued to a chair? [B]Morgan:[/B] Uh... well, you see… Wanda Fish said that if I took you out, she’d take me in… and if I don’t take you out, she was going to let Umaga and Ota have their way with me. [B]Campbell:[/B] And, are you actually planning hurting me? [B]Morgan:[/B] Well, Wanda is pretty damn fine and Umaga and Ota are pretty scary, but, well, I don’t know… I’m still thinking about it. [B]Campbell:[/B] Do you know what I’ll do if you lay a finger on me? [B]Morgan:[/B] Fire me? [Campbell shakes her head no.] [B]Campbell:[/B] No, I’ll make you wrestle Bruce the Giant next week. Then I’ll send you to DAVE on a talent exchange and recommend that you wrestle Eddie Peak. When you get back, I’ll kick your ass myself, and then… finally, after all of that… I’ll fire you. [Morgan gulps.] [B]Morgan:[/B] That sucks. What do I get if I let you go? [B]Campbell:[/B]: Thomas… were you hatched? [B]Morgan:[/B] Huh? I don’t get it. [B]Campbell:[/B] Forget it. You don’t get anything for letting me go. So, unless you’re planning on attacking me, I’d say it’s time for you to leave. [B]Morgan:[/B] Well… I guess you’re right… [And suddenly, Fumihiro Ota pops out of a shadow.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Ota:[/B] (Insert angry Japanese stuff here. The name “Wanda” can be heard.) [B]Morgan:[/B] Oh crap. [B]Campbell:[/B] Ota! What are you doing in my office? [Ota points at Thomas Morgan.] [B]Campbell:[/B] Following Morgan?? [Ota nods.] [B]Campbell:[/B] This is so weird. Ok, I have some actual work to do and need to head out. So, unless there is anything else, you two need to scram, because I’m going to be leaving now. [B]Morgan:[/B] How are you going to do that? [B]Campbell:[/B] I’m going to cut my skirt off, then unbutton my shirt, slide out, and stand up. [Campbell has pulled a pair of scissors out of a desk drawer. She notices that Ota and Morgan are still staring at her. She makes a motion with her head, as if to say “well, get going!”] [B]Ota:[/B] (Insert disappointed sounded Japanese stuff here.) [B]Morgan:[/B] Damn it, I wanted to watch you take off your shirt and skirt. [B]Campbell:[/B] GO! [And Morgan and Ota scram out of the door way. The camera man continues to film Campbell, who starts to unbutton her shirt. She notices the camera, gives him a dirty look, and then he follows Ota and Morgan out. Outside of the room, Ota makes a throat-slicing motion at Morgan, who runs down the hall away from Ota.] [CENTER][U]Thomas Morgan opts to not attack Kelsey Campbell.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Jesse Christian vs. Rhino Umaga[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As expected, Christian and Umaga had a hard-hitting and fairly impressive match. Both men were able to get off most of the trademark maneuvers, with Umaga seeming to get the better end of the exchanges. Christian, however, caught the large Samoan off guard with a Flying Tackle, which abruptly ended this match. [CENTER][U]Jesse Christian defeated Rhino Umaga in 6:39 by pinfall with a Flying Tackle. [/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER] [Following the match, Fumihiro Ota and Wanda Fish run to the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [And, as expected, they assault Christian. Umaga is soon up and joining the assault, as the trio, at the direction of Shane Sneer, soon have completely decimated their victim. The crowd pops, as Steve Flash runs onto the entrance ramp, carrying a steel chair.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Flash runs to the ring and slides in. Fish immediately bails out. Flash drills Umaga with a chair shot, that sends him to the ground. Flash takes a shot at Ota, who ducks the shot and bails from the ring. Meanwhile, Fish and Sneer yell at Umaga to roll out, and he does. As Flash checks on Christian, Sneer and his clients walk to the back, laughing at Christian and beckoning Flash to chase them. He does not.] [CENTER][U]Rhino Umaga, Fumihiro Ota and Wanda Fish attack Jesse Christian in the ring, and leave him down and out. But Steve Flash runs in to make the save before to much damage is done. [/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, Peter Valentine is stomping down the halls, with a rather insane look on his face.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PeterValentine-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Valentine grabs a backstage worker.] [B]Valentine:[/B] Why? [The worker is shocked, and doesn’t respond.] [B]Valentine:[/B] Why can’t I beat Bruce? WHY? [Valentine shoves the worker off to the side.] [B]Valentine:[/B] Why can’t anyone beat Bruce!? I’ve tried and tried and tried! [Valentine is fuming, shaking his head in disbelief, as he marches down the hall.] [B]Valentine:[/B] And failed! [Valentine kicks over a random folding table that he walks by.] [B]Valentine:[/B] And the Demons failed! And Braun failed! And Tana… and Corporal Doom and Mick Muscles and Ota and …. Everyone has failed! Is there no one that can beat Bruce the Giant??? [A female voice responds.] [B]Female Voice:[/B] There is a man that can help you. [Valentine and the camera man swing around, to see Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall, standing behind Peter Valentine.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Nightfall:[/B] Black Eagle knows of a man that can defeat Bruce the Giant. But it’ll cost you, Valentine. [Valentine stares at Black Eagle. Black Eagle continues to stare ahead, emotionlessly, as he appears to look past Peter Valentine.] [B]Valentine:[/B] Who? [Eagle continues to stare ahead, paying no attention to Valentine.] [B]Nightfall:[/B] Black Eagle is not interested in directly exchanging words with you, Valentine. [Valentine turns his attention toward Raven Nightfall.] [B]Valentine:[/B] Whatever! I don’t give a crap about his mysteriousness! Who is it and how much will it cost for you two to point me in this direction? [B]Nightfall:[/B] How much will it cost?... In terms of money, this information is free. In terms of general cost… this information, well, it’ll cost you everything. Take it or it leave it. The sacrifice is yours to make. [And with ninja like sleigh of hand, Black Eagle produces a business card out of seemingly thin air. Eagle drops the card, which slowly floats to the ground, as he and Nightfall walk past Valentine. Valentine picks up the card.] [B]Valentine:[/B] This card doesn’t have a name on it…. And it’s completely eaten up? What, did you wash your wallet? [Nightfall responds, as she and Eagle leave the scene.] [B]Nightfall:[/B] The number, Valentine. If you want assistance with your giant problem, call the number. But don’t say that we didn’t warn you… [Valentine turns the card over and sees a telephone number. He shrugs.] [CENTER][U]Valentine is freaking out about Bruce, when Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall give him a suggestion.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW_World.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bruce the Giant vs. Danny Rushmore for the USPW World Title[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Seduction.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Danny Rushmore immediately attacked Bruce, as he entered the ring. This seemed to irritate the gigantic world champion, who apparently wanted some microphone time to connect with his fans. To this end, Rushmore earned himself a solid 5 minute beating. This one-sided beating turned around after a referee bump, which allowed Muscles to enter the ring and assault Bruce the Giant. Together, the Towers of Power did a number on the champion, even powering him up for an impressive double vertical suplex. The referee came to at this point and Rushmore went for the cover, but Bruce easily pressed him off and got to his feet. Rushmore tried to press the attack, but Bruce was in fine form, and without Muscle’s assistance, Rushmore just couldn’t get the big guy down again. Eventually, Bruce brought an end to Rushmore’s opportunity with a Giant Choke Slam. [CENTER][U]Bruce the Giant defeated Danny Rushmore in 7:47 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. During the match we also had Mick Muscles run in and attack Bruce the Giant. Bruce the Giant makes defense number 9 of his USPW World title.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] [Immediately after the announcer names Bruce the winner, Valentine runs onto the entrance ramp, holding a microphone.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PeterValentine-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Valentine:[/B] The end is near, Bruce! I’ve found a man that even you cannot defeat! Next week Bruce, I’ll bring this man to the USPW! And you’ll get to meet the man that will destroy you! [Bruce looks on, staring off at the seemingly crazed Valentine. Seduction is now in the ring, shaking her head, telling Bruce not worry about it. And to be fair – he doesn’t appear that concerned. He is a 7 foot, 600 pound giant, after all… no one can really hurt him, right?] [CENTER][U]Peter Valentine warns Bruce![/U] [B]Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] [/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] DM: Fumihiro Ota defeated Kashmir Singh (D+) DM: Madman Boone defeated Demon Spite (E+) Wanda Fish defeated Nicky Champion (C) Real Big Men defeated the Forces of America (E+) Fox Mask defeated Citizen X (C-) Jesse Christian defeated Rhino Umaga (D+) Bruce the Giant defeated Danny Rushmore to retain the USPW World Title (C-) Overall: D+ [/SIZE]
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[center][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom.jpg[/IMG][/center] [indent][indent] [b]NYCW sign Fumihiro Ota[/b] [indent]NYCW signed Fumihiro Ota to a pay per appearance contract. The USPW is reportedly happy with this development, as this will give Ota a bit more time in the ring in an environment that is unlikely to result in injuries. [/indent] [b]USPW Superstar Showcase preview[/b] [indent]Wednesday, from the Arkansas Coliseum live on National Pride TV! Fox Mask vs. Mick Muscles [/indent][indent][indent][I]Fox Mask has looked impressive in single’s competition this month, while Muscles has been more or less silent. Can Fox Mask continue to pick up wins or will Muscles prove to an insurmountable roadblock in his path?[/I] [/indent][/indent] [indent]Stevie Grayson vs. Black Eagle[/indent] [indent][indent][I]Grayson’s partner, Fox Mask, scored a win over Black Eagle’s disciple last week. Now, Black Eagle promises to show Citizen X how to get the job done. [/I] [/indent][/indent] [indent]Steve Flash vs. Madman Boone[/indent] [indent][indent][I]Flash has been struggling with Sneer and company for awhile now, but gets a chance to make waves in the single’s division as he takes on the red hot (and disturbingly crazy) Madman Boone? [/I][/indent][/indent] [indent]Freddie Datsun vs. ??? [/indent] [indent][indent][I]Freddie Datsun has agreed to take on Valentine’s mysterious acquisition this week. Who is Valentine’s mysterious associate? And can he overcome Datsun, a former number one contender?[/I] [/indent][/indent] [/indent][/indent]
[size=1] Prediction List Fox Mask vs. Mick Muscles Stevie Grayson vs. Black Eagle Steve Flash vs. Madman Boone Freddie Datsun vs. ??? [/size]
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[B]Fox Mask [/B]vs. Mick Muscles Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] Steve Flash vs. Madman Boone Freddie Datsun vs. [B]???[/B] Agree with the Dragon - the mystery man needs to beat Freddie to look a real threat to Bruce. Black Eagle should win his match to show Citizen X how it's done. Fox Mask to continue momentum building. I'd imagine the other match will get thrown out somehow - Sneer's lot to attack and possibly Braun to get involved as well. Big melee.
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[INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/USPW.jpg[/IMG] Wednesday Week 3 April 2007 Location: The Arkansas Coliseum Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches:[/B] The dark matches this evening started off with Jakki’s Real Big Men squashing Savage Fury in a surprisingly well received match (D+). Captain USA gave his new heel gimmick a spin as he got the win in a short contest over Kashmir Singh (D-). And in the final dark match of the evening, the Lords of War and Alex Braun scored a win over the Demons of Rage and the Masked Mauler (D).
[USPW Superstar Showcase starts off with Shane Sneer, Wanda Fish, Rhino Umaga, and Fumihiro Ota in the ring.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Sneer has the microphone.] [B]Sneer:[/B] So last week, Jesse Christian stole a victory from my Samoan charge! [Rhino Umaga flips out and yells crazy Samoan stuff.] [B]Sneer:[/B] And then Steve Flash ran into the ring and tried to assault my clients with a deadly weapon. [Wanda Fish nods, while Umaga stares… savagely into the crowd. Ota, however, remains stoic and motionless.] [B]Sneer:[/B] Now, ladies and gentlemen… I want you to think about something. And I want you think seriously about it… is this the type of entertainment that you want? Cheaters and madmen with weapons? [The crowd responds favorably, because, well, they like Christian and Flash.] [B]Sneer:[/B] Because this is the type of USPW you get with Kelsey Campbell in control! Pure mayhem! No sense of order, no sense of fair play, and no sense of safety! She doesn’t care about her employees, she doesn’t care about you fans, and she definitely doesn’t care about the integrity of our great sport! [As usual, the crowd is booing Sneer.] [B]Sneer:[/B] And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we remind you, each, and every week, why she must be removed from the USPW! And the person to remove her… [Sneer hands the microphone to Fish.] [B]Fish:[/B] That would be me. Sooner or later, you’ll have to stop dodging me, Kelsey. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to get into the ring with me. And sooner or later, I’m going to hurt you…and I’m going to send you back to Hollywood, beaten, battered, bruised, and abused. Sooner or later, I’m… [Kelsey Campbell’s music begins to play, and the extraordinarily hot USPW Commissioner walks onto the entrance ramp, wearing fairly revealing, yet professional (looking, at least) clothes.] [B]Campbell:[/B] Oh, it’ll be sooner. I get it, Wanda. You want me in the ring. Well, get this… I want you in the ring too. [The crowd erupts with cheers.] [B]Campbell:[/B] But I can’t make that match, and you know it. But I know someone who can. And I’ve asked Sam Strong to make that match. And next week, he’s going to show up and he’s going to step into the ring and he’s going to tell the world his decision. [Fish has a devilish smile on her face.] [B]Campbell:[/B] But, in the meanwhile, I [I]can[/I] make other matches. Like the one I’m making right now. Sorry, Wanda… the “open male” challenge is getting a face lift tonight. It’ll be you, Umaga, and Ota… against American Spirit and Jesse Christian. And that match… is now. [CENTER][U]Sneer and his clients talk trash about Campbell, she interrupts and places them in a match.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Wanda Fish, Fumihiro Ota Rhino Umaga vs. American Youth and Jesse Christian[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/WandaFish.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/HappyElwood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/NickyChampion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Following Campbell’s announcement, American Spirit and Jesse Christian hit the ring at full speed. A lengthy three on two started (Fish bailed), which Christian and American Spirit got the better of, as they soon sent Ota and Umaga out of the ring. Soon after, a referee entered the ring and made the match official. Ota, Umaga, and Fish regrouped on the outside, prompting the referee to start counting them out. At the 8 mark, they entered the ring, and Ota and Christian started things off. Unfortunately, the referee really couldn’t control the match, which was characterized by illegal double teams and all out brawls. During one of these exchanges, Umaga drilled Elwood down with a Rhino Charge. Christian and Champion tried to make the save, but were (barely) delayed by Fish and Ota. [CENTER][U]Wanda Fish, Fumihiro Ota and Rhino Umaga defeated Jesse Christian and American Spirit in 4:41 when Rhino Umaga defeated Happy Elwood by pinfall with a Rhino Charge.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[Now we jump backstage, where we see Frankie Perez run across the screen and blindside Micky Starr.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickyStarr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Micky Starr never saw the assault coming, and Perez’s attack drops the retired veteran to the floor in a heap. Perez continues the assault, by driving kicks into the down Starr, while yelling at him.] [B]Perez:[/B] Oh! You think it’s funny to keep my off of another show!?! [Backstage workers finally pull Perez off. This stops the physical assault, but doesn’t slow down the verbal barrage.] [B]Perez:[/B] You damned old bastard! You’re just jealous that I’m better at 22 than you ever were! EVER! I’m sick of all of you all has-beens! [And Perez storms off, seeming both happy to have assaulted Starr, yet frustrated with his (perceived?) oppression.] [CENTER][U]Perez assaults Starr and announces that he hates old people.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Fox Mask vs. Mick Muscles[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Fox Mask and Mick Muscles have fairly contrasting styles, yet both bring enough of the basics and psychology to make the match watchable. This was another short USPW contest, going back and forth with both wrestlers hitting their big spots. The match ended after Mick tried to use a running power slam on Fox Mask, who slid out the back and connected with a Fox Hunter. [CENTER][U]Fox Mask defeated Mick Muscles in 5:56 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter.[/U] [B]Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, we see Black Eagle, Citizen X, and Raven Nightfall walking towards the gorilla position.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [Before they reach the curtain, Black Eagle stops. He stares forward, points at Citizen X, and shakes his head.] [B]Nightfall:[/B] Black Eagle will show you how it’s done tonight. But you cannot accompany him to the ring tonight, as he is embarrassed by your current level of performance. Instead, he wants you to watch…and learn… from backstage. So find a monitor, strap yourself in, because your lesson… begins now. [Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall continue towards the ring. Citizen X looks dejected and turns around.] [CENTER][U]Black Eagle and Raven Nightfall want Citizen X to stay backstage.[/U] [B]Rating: D[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B]Stevie Grayson vs. Black Eagle[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/RavenNightfall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stevie Grayson and Black Eagle had pretty good chemistry and it pushed this short, high speed match to a higher level than expected. Grayson seemed to control the general flow of the match, but Black Eagle was persistent and tireless, seemingly empowered by Grayson’s assault. The match ended after Grayson missed a moonsault. Eagle stumbled out of the ring, yelled “BRAVE NEW TURNPIKE” and executed a spectacular Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop on Grayson, picking up the win. [CENTER][U]Black Eagle defeated Stevie Grayson in 5:31 by pinfall with a Brave New Turnpike.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[As we return from the commercial break, Madman Boone in is the ring. He is, as usual, wearing his ridiculous chef’s hat. A cooking station has been setup in the ring for Boone, with a sign handing over the edge, reading “Boone’s Bistro”. A variety of ingredients and cooking utensils are located on the platform.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Boone:[/B] Welcome to Boone’s Bistro! Tonight, folks, I have a special dish planned out for you guys. And get this, the best part is that this dish only takes about 10 minutes to prep AND cook. [The crowd is already booing Boone. Not that he’s said anything particularly offensive, but, for whatever reason, his presence gets them riled up.] [B]Boone:[/B] So, tonight, we’re going to make what I like to call… Aged Flash in the Pan! [The crowd continue to boo, apparently already having an idea of Boone’s target this week.] [B]Boone:[/B] Now, all you need for this dish is a medium sized skillet, some good olive oil, a cup of diced onions, some garlic, and maybe a pasta to set it on. OH! And the most important ingredient… the aged beef. Hmm… [Boone looks around the table. He then looks under the table.] [B]Boone:[/B] I don’t seem to have any aged beef with me. This is going to be a problem. Maybe someone backstage has some aged beef for me? [Boone stares at the entrance ramp.] [B]Boone:[/B] Come on, guys! I just want to make a little Aged Flash in the Pan! Certainly, someone out there has something that would be appropriate for a Flash in the pan dish… Flash in the pan? Steve Flash! [And again, the crowd shows their displeasure with Boone.] [B]Boone:[/B] Come on, Steve! Let’s face it bud, you’re aged and… well, your career can best be described as a flash in the pan. That couldn’t all be a coincidence, you must have some aged beef for my dish… [Steve Flash’s music begins to play.] [CENTER][U]Boone’s Bistro.[/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Steve Flash vs. Madman Boone[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/MadmanBoone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Flash approached the ring and did not appear amused by Boone’s segment. Ring attendents quickly entered the ring and dismantled Boone’s set. A referee sprinted past Steve Flash and entered the ring. Boone was holding onto his giant whisk like a baseball bat, beckoning Flash to enter. Flash entered the ring, while the referee talked Boone out of using the whisk, reminding the mad chef that this was not a hardcore match. Boone finally agreed to put the whisk down, and the match was underway. As usual, Steve Flash looked great in the ring. Furthermore, his in-ring prowess pushed Boone to another level, and the two workers put on a solid match that had the fans vocal and interested. Flash eventually went for the Flash Bang, but Boone countered with several elbows to the head. Boone then scored with a Boone and Bust, picking up another win and continuing to look impressive. [CENTER][U]Madman Boone defeated Steve Flash in 6:49 by pinfall with a Boone and Bust. [/U] [B]Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER]
[Backstage, Peter Valentine is standing in front of a backdrop in the backstage interview area.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/PeterValentine-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Valentine:[/B] Tonight, Bruce, you meet the man that will destroy you. You meet the man that will end your reign. The man that will make vengeance mine! [Valentine starts to laugh, rather maniacally. Valentine is a bit batty. He really hasn’t been right since losing that last match to Bruce.] [B]Valentine:[/B] And tonight… my agent of vengeance will make his presence known! And he will demonstrate his power against one of your greatest challenges to-date! Tonight, my agent of vengeance will destroy Freddie Datsun. And then, Bruce, it’s only a matter of time. Vengeance... will be mine! [CENTER][U]Valentine hypes his agent of vengeance.[/U] [B]Rating: C[/B][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][Commercial Break.][/B][/CENTER]
[As we return from the commercial break, Freddie Datsun is standing in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent. The overhead lights suddenly go out and green lasers begin too illuminate the arena. Suddenly, dense, bright green smoke begins to pump out along the entrance ramp, down the entrance way, and around the ring. Soon, the ring is full of smoke. As the smoke clears, the lasers cease, and the lights return, Acid is standing in the ring.] [CENTER][B]Freddie Datsun vs. Acid[/B] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/Acid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Valentine’s agent of vengeance is none other than Acid, the mysterious hardcore warrior from DAVE. If Datsun was impressed with Valentine’s agent, it didn’t show, as he immediately went to work on Acid. And to be fair, Datsun beat the holy hell out of Acid, beating him from ring post to ring post. But Acid kept getting up. His uncanny resilience, innate ability to heal, and complete disregard for pain, eventually wore on Datsun, who at one point in the match, after executing a vicious pile driver, stared down in disbelief, as Acid rolled over and again struggled to his feet. Datsun then decided to go for broke, as he hoisted Acid on his shoulders, looking for the Patriot Press. Acid countered by rolling out and connecting with a beautiful inverse DDT. Datsun scrambled to his feet, only to run into a barrage of loud, slapping kicks, starting with a low kick to the instep, then a crushing kick to the thigh, followed by a spin kick to the stomach and a savate kick to the ribcage. Acid followed this up with an impressively loud super kick, which planted Datsun in the center of the ring. Acid then sprung to the top turnbuckle, and connected with the Acid Rain Bomb, which earned him the victory. [CENTER][U]Acid defeated Freddie Datsun in 8:37 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb.[/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] [Following the victory, Bruce the Giant stomped through the entrance curtain. As usual, this prompted a huge cheer from the crowd. Bruce then marched to the ring, ready to confront his would be assassin.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [However, as Bruce approached the ring, the green smoke was again pumped into the arena. And by the time the smoke cleared, only Bruce, and a fallen Datsun, remained in the ring.] [CENTER][U]Bruce tries to confront Acid. [/U] [B]Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] [/INDENT][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] [B]Summary of Results and Ratings:[/B] DM: Real Big Men defeated Savage Fury (D) DM: Captain USA defeated Kashmir Singh (D-) DM: The Lords of War and Alex Braun defeated the Demons of Rage and the Masked Mauler (D) Wanda Fish, Fumihiro Ota, and Rhino Umaga defeated American Spirit and Jesse Christian (D) Fox Mask defeated Mick Muscles (D+) Black Eagle defeated Stevie Grayson (C+) Madman Boone defeated Steve Flash (C-) Acid defeated Freddie Datsun (C+) Overall: C- [/SIZE]
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Just read this from the beginning (well I mean I read some last night, and some today), and I like what i've read so far. You can thank Marcel Fromage with his suggestion in the DOTM nominations for giving me a heads up towards this one. Now I don't know if it's the case with other people, but I may have skipped this one and thought not another USPW diary. Especially when you have something like J.Silvers long standing diary, which is pretty much universally seen as one of the best diaries on these boards. But I'm glad I checked this out and I think the effort you have put into this is on a par with J.Silver's take on USPW....they're both very good but different. To compare the two diaries.....J.Silver's has evolved away from traditional USPW and is more like a work-rate fed with some sports entertainment thrown in, with only really Jim FOOOOORCCCCEEEEE !!!! and Bruce The Giant being any sort of proper connections to the family friendly 'semi retirement home' that USPW starts out as. Your take seems a little different, with your take, you are trying to modernize but you've still got backstage influences such as Strong and Redwood preventing you from fully taking USPW in a new direction and as much as you would like to get rid of some the washed up [I](ex. Demons of Rage)[/I] or never will be [I](ex. Happy Elwood) [/I]dross, you're kind of stuck with them. [I]Now for some comments on individual characters:[/I] - The Dark Fall stuff I thought was really well written, and you did a good take on the Citizen X character, as the mouth-piece of the trio. But it's a classic case of one of those angles where it looks entertaining to us diaries readers, but not so much to the CPU fans. - Thomas 'Sex Driven' Morgan has me in stitches with his tragic pick up lines.
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Thanks for the feedback Tigerkinney and theunholyicon. It's good to hear of people reading the dynasty. Regarding Thomas Morgan - glad to see someone else likes his goofy pickup lines. I've spent a lot of time at this desk, giggling to myself over some of the things that he's saying. Once again, thanks for reading!
[center][IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x92/d_w_w/uspwfandotcom.jpg[/IMG][/center] [indent][indent] [b]NYCW sign Shane Sneer[/b] [indent]In something of a continuing trend, NYCW signed another USPW talent to a pay per appearance contract. This time it is Shane Sneer who is heading that way, likely to serve as a color commentator. [/indent] [b]Jim Force late again.[/b] [indent]Jim Force showed up late to another USPW show last week. This time, Campbell handed down a stern warning, but opted against fining the veteran competitor. [/indent] [b]USPW Superstar Showcase preview[/b] [indent]Wednesday, from the Arkansas Coliseum live on National Pride TV! Jim Force and Kashmir Singh vs. Captain USA and the Masked Mauler [/indent][indent][indent][I]Former partners, Jim Force and Captain USA, square off against each other in this tag team match (which gives Singh and Mauler a little bit of TV time). [/I] [/indent][/indent] [indent]Fox Mask and Stevie Grayson vs. Black Eagle and Citizen X[/indent] [indent][indent][I]Black Eagle gave Citizen X a demonstration in how to win last week, when he scored a victory over Stevie Grayson. This week, X gets the chance to prove that he’s worthy of serving Eagle, when he teams with his mentor to square off against the always game duo of Fox Mask and Grayson. [/I] [/indent][/indent] [indent]Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles[/indent] [indent][indent][I]Datsun lost a close, tough match to Acid last week in the main event. This, combined with his losing effort at taking the gold from Bruce last month leaves him on the verge of losing his main event status. A win here, however, would work towards slowing (and possibly reversing) that descent. Muscles, on the other hand, has failed to find any success in the USPW outside of the drowning tag team division (and as a mouthpiece for Rushmore). Will this be Muscle’s opportunity to turn things around?[/I] [/indent][/indent] [indent]Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota [/indent] [indent][indent][I]Flash and Ota tie up once again, as we head towards USPW Freedom Fight, in which Flash will team with Christian and face off against Ota and Umaga. Who will score the victory in this one on one encounter?[/I] [/indent][/indent] [/indent][/indent]
[size=1] Prediction List Jim Force and Kashmir Singh vs. Captain USA and the Masked Mauler Fox Mask and Stevie Grayson vs. The Dark Cure Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota [/size]
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[B]Jim Force and Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Captain USA and the Masked Mauler [I]I'd actually pick the heel Captain USA for the win, but Masked Mauler getting a victory is just wrong![/I] :p [B]Fox Mask and Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. The Dark Cure [I]Citizen X gets a humiliating lesson after failing Plague again.[/I] [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. Mick Muscles [I]Datsun regains some momentum[/I] Steve Flash vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] [I]I know Apu will go the other way, but I think Ota needs this win more[/I].
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[B]Jim Force and Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Captain USA and the Masked Mauler [I]Though he's having to team with the Masked Mauler, I'll stump for the newly heeled up Captain USA to pick up the victory. [/I] [B]Fox Mask and Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. The Dark Cure [I]It looks like you're taking the Dark Cure angle in a slightly different direction, a sort of Citizen X can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk kind of a direction[/I] [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] vs. Mick Muscles [I]Datsun's mini slump ends here, Mick 'Mediocrity' Muscles is just not main event calibre material in my opinion.[/I] Steve Flash vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] [I]Booking 101 here, you want the fans to think that Flash & Christian have it all to do against Sneer's Boys going into the PPV.[/I]
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Jim Force and Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Captain USA and the Masked Mauler[/B] [B]Fox Mask and Stevie Grayson [/B]vs. The Dark Cure [B]Freddie Datsun [/B]vs. Mick Muscles Steve Flash vs. [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] I reckon Captain USA needs a win over Jim Force somewhere and this might be it. Dark Cure to continue to have problems. Datsun to regain momentum. Ota to give the heels more credibility.
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Guest cmdrsam
I'll take Capt and The Masked Mauler. Fox and Grayson over The Cure Freddie Datsun And Ota Sorry I am ashamed I have not posted on your work sir. I have been a closet reader and decided I would post. It really is a fine work sir.
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