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DOTM July: Voting Thread

DOTM July: Voting Thread  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. DOTM July: Voting Thread

    • Battlelines have been drawn, what if NWA had struck first? by theoutlaw321
    • ECW Worldwide by Nevermore
    • Death of the WCW? by tristram
    • WWE: Rebirth by G-Prime
    • WWE: A New Attitude by Consrvtve
    • WWE: Frank Sinatra Style by flamebrain

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This is the hardest one yet. I'm nearly caught up on them all and will have a long hard think. What I will say is some diaries like Rebirth and New Attitude have stepped up a gear while the old classics haven't lost a step. I honestly don't know who to put through.
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I note with chagrin that ECW by Nevermore stands at one vote. People only need read how the man set up the Burchill angle to see it was one of the most crafty, most deft pieces of booking seen on these boards. I urge you all to read all the diaries, but particularly have a look at this underrated piece of history which for ions has been the benchmark for good real world workmanship.
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[QUOTE=tristram;272152]I note with chagrin that ECW by Nevermore stands at one vote. People only need read how the man set up the Burchill angle to see it was one of the most crafty, most deft pieces of booking seen on these boards. I urge you all to read all the diaries, but particularly have a look at this underrated piece of history which for ions has been the benchmark for good real world workmanship.[/QUOTE] I agree, that reveal was top notch! :)
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;272404]I think that it gets harder each month to decide who to vote for. Vote people![/QUOTE] You're right, it does get harder. And you're also right about people needing to vote... Do it. Do it now! [SIZE="1"]More specifically, vote for WWE Rebirth ;)[/SIZE]
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This is so hard. I am struggling so much between four. Outlaw's NWA has been so incredibly consistent since it started, and the last month was as good as any, maybe even more so with the handling of the Flair - Race title match. Tristram never ceases to amaze me. The attention to detail of the whole roster, the continual fondling of the lower card to keep even them fresh (see: Lord Helms), and the fact that after all this time each member of the roster still is as interesting as they've ever been. Nevermore's plan of making the Burchill the top face obviously came true this month which in any month would win it for him automatically, it was so well handled. Brilliant. G-Prime has really steppedup his game with Rebirth as of late. It must be quite easy to try and rebuild following the current technique of WWE- keeping the same people at the top and not shaking things up at all. Instead G-Prime breaks convention by handing Taker the IC belt, pushes Kendrick and Garrison Cade into the main event as part of DX, all things that most people wouldn't try. And he pulls it off. Who do I choose? You know what... I still don't know. More time is needed...
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;271622] What I will say is some diaries like Rebirth and New Attitude have stepped up a gear [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;272613] G-Prime has really steppedup his game with Rebirth as of late. It must be quite easy to try and rebuild following the current technique of WWE- keeping the same people at the top and not shaking things up at all. Instead G-Prime breaks convention by handing Taker the IC belt, pushes Kendrick and Garrison Cade into the main event as part of DX, all things that most people wouldn't try. And he pulls it off.[/QUOTE] Endorsements from a legend of the dynasty board... What more do y'all need? VOTE FOR ME!!! [SIZE="1"]Or I'll cry :([/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;272649]Endorsements from a legend of the dynasty board[/QUOTE] Lets not get carried away, I'm no legend, but you certainly have my endorsement if anyone hasn't seen your diary. The fact that I can't pick between you and three bonafide dynasty legends says something.
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If y'all think the voting is hard now, just think how hard it's going to be if we get DOWCW, NWA Battlelines, NWA Return to Glory, ECW Worldwide and WWF Montreal to Attitude in one month... That'll be insane... The rest of us may as well pull out of the voting if that happens, lol.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;272664]Bloody hell, I've come like a shot out of nowhere! I was in last place when I last looked. Thanks to all who have voted for me. Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] No, thank you for providing us with that slow clue ridden revelation. It was one of the real highlights on this board since I've been here.
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I feel sorry for you Nevermore. That was such a great revelation, and normally would get my vote on the back of that (and you know what a huge fan I am of your work) but such is the standard I just can't call between you. That must be really frustrating after constructing something really good to not get the just rewards but this month is too damn hard! Can I forward the motion that we end this months one and just have 6 winners, please?! That seems fair in my eyes. To me. As I don't have to pick between them.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;272984] Can I forward the motion that we end this months one and just have 6 winners, please?! That seems fair in my eyes. To me. As I don't have to pick between them.[/QUOTE] Sounds good to me, it's the only way I'm ever going to win, because I'll always be competing against the legends.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;272984]I feel sorry for you Nevermore. That was such a great revelation, and normally would get my vote on the back of that (and you know what a huge fan I am of your work) but such is the standard I just can't call between you. That must be really frustrating after constructing something really good to not get the just rewards but this month is too damn hard![/QUOTE] Meh, it's cool by me. I enjoyed writing that story and the feedback from you boys is enough; any form of award would just be an aesthetic addition. Plus, having Trist, the guy who seems to pull a lot of these things, cite me as an influence is enough for me. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Okay... I've made a decision. All 6 are great this month, and everyone has done a great job. Tristram hasn't lost his touch and still stands tall above all else in my book (overall). Nevvy had one of the great GDS moments, and outlaw's knack for keeping the 80's feel is unreal, and when coupled with his ability to write makes one of the top diaries ever on here. But my vote this month goes to G-Prime, who has really raised the bar as of late. In what is a relatively short time he has managed to get people to the upper reaches of the card which seem strange (as they are alien to those spots in r/l) but also realistic, such is the pushes. If WWE had followed his example in real life, they wouldn't be having the injury problems with their main event. So my vote is for WWE: Rebirth for this month. But the rest were particularly good, and sorry for not voting for you.
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