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ECA: A New Era Begins...

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[I]Yes, I know I just started another dynasty recently, but once again I have found myself with computer issues. To make a long story short, the copy of Windows was corrupted, and the data on the PC was unrecoverable. Sucks. A lot. But I had de-liscened my copy the day before when I went to my buddies. (He likes TEW, but doesn't want to buy it, so...) So when I reinstalled Windows, I got TEW back, but no savegames. And that CZCW was actually a game I'd been playing for a good while, so I really don't feel like starting over. But hey, if Nevermore can do it, why not I?[/I] My name is Ben. My best friends name is Mark. I live in Boston, he in Teaneck, New Jersey. And this is the story of a wrestling promotion. One that would take the world by storm, and revolutionize the industry itself. We had always been fans of pro wrestling. That's what made us buds, back when I lived in Jersey. We'd get together and discuss the latest Supreme TV, or the HGC Hollyweird latest edition. As we grew older, we watched DaVE late at night, unbeknownst to our parents, and yelled at each other over the phone in whispers. Good times. As we grew older, we both knew that actually becoming wrestlers was probably not in the cards. Our relative lack of athleticism and talent would stop us there. But being in the busines... that's something any shmuck can do. And we could be those shmucks. It was a plan. We worked at our jobs, saving and saving cash. It did require me to ride a bike when all the other high schoolers bought cars, and not to splurge on video games, and all the other idle pleasures that are so very tempting. But finally, when we were seventeen years old, we had 7,500 dollars. And decided that f*** it, that was enough. Mark: "Dude. We've got the money. Now what should we call the place?" Me: "Uh.... wha?" Mark: "A name for the promotion. You know that man." Me: "Okay... we live on the East Coast... lots of people get their names from their geographical locations." Mark: "Alright. East Coast what?" Me: "There are two of us so, how about the East Coast Duo. No. East Coast Pair?" Mark: "No." Me: "Okay, you think of something!" Mark: "East Coast Alliance." Me: "Done. And titles?" Mark: "ECA Heavyweight... and..." Me: "ECA Combat." Mark: "Why that?" Me: "Let's just say that it was inspired." Mark: "Alright, now what about the talent? The wrestlers? The announcers? The road agents? The ref?" Me: "I've got this directory of indy wrestlers. I mean the really indy guys, who no one knows about." Mark: "Yeah, and they'll work for peanuts. And my brother, who lives in Canada knows a guy named Joey Poison, who he says is pretty good. And my sister who's living in Europe's dating a guy named Joey Beauchamp. He's a wrestler too. Maybe they'll fly in if we give 'em a call." Me: "Fly? For us? Yeah f***ing right." Mark: "No, my dad can get them tickets, he works at an airline." Me: "You have an extraordinarily connected family." Mark: "Convenient coincidences baby." After several days of calling, faxing, texting, begging, pleading, promising, and a nice guy at the Weston Gym, we had a roster, a venue, and a dream. Me: "Why does the show have to be near you?" Mark: "Do we really want to have to deal with a bunch of bikers? Really? They're the only place that'd return our calls. Besides, we'll have a show there in a while, don't worry." Me: "Okay, but can I book it?" Mark: "Okay, you're head booker. But I want input. And... I'm considered the owner." Me: "Alright, if that's what you want." So I sat down, and I looked at the printout that had our roster on it. [QUOTE][CENTER]ECA Roster Main Event: Joey Poison Christian Price Raphael Jerry Martin Frankie Dee Upper Midcarder: Kashmir Singh Phenomenal E Stretch The Chicken Boy Thomas Morgan Alan Parent Ginko Kuroda Midcarders: Cal Sanders Velocidad Joey Beauchamp Lower Midcard: Tempest Appleby[/CENTER][/QUOTE] And, I puzzled together a tournament, basically by combining every Main Eventer and a couple Upper midcarders I liked into a bracket. Whee. [CENTER]ECA A New Era Frankie Dee vs. Kashmir Singh Cal Sanders vs. Jerry Martin Joey Poison vs. Christian Price Raphael vs. Thomas Morgan [/CENTER] And with that, we were begun. And... it was good.
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[CENTER]ECA A New Era Saturday, Week 2, January 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (10 Fans)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]1. Cal Sanders defeated Jerry Martin[/COLOR][/B] (E) Martin takes the fight to Sanders, drilling him with stiff shots. Sanders manages to weather Martin's early storm, dodging a clothesline attempt and suplexing Martin overhead. This led to... the Leap of Faith! Cal Sanders is the first winner of a match in ECA. [B] [COLOR="Blue"]2. Kashmir Singh defeated Frankie Dee[/COLOR] [/B](D-) A minor upset here, as Singh uses his greater strength to take the advantage over the faux martial artist. Dee's a good worker, and the match is quite good, but Singh's too much for Dee and he gets the win. [B][COLOR="Blue"]3. Joey Poison defeated Christian Price[/COLOR][/B] (D+) A very solid match, with an open battle being fought between the two. Price kept going for the knockout blow, but Poison slipped around him in the ring, wearing him down and eventually catching him with the Antidote Web. [B][COLOR="Blue"]4. Raphael defeated Thomas Morgan[/COLOR][/B] (C-) Great main event, and these two are guys to watch in the future. Both are heels, but with our Face/Heel split set to "None" it's all good. But neither man cheats, and instead what we get is a technical display, ending with Raphael hitting the Blowdrier (Northern Lights Suplex) for the win, and the main event victory. [B]Overall: D+[/B] ******************************************************************************************* [B]DVD Extras:[/B] Raphael cuts a promo, hyping about how he will be the next ECA Champ. [COLOR="Red"]"I am the greatest thing here in ECA. Nothing else. I am the most athletic person, the best wrestler, and damn sexy to boot. No one will be able to stand in my way. All you fools out there know that, but you won't be able to stop me. So watch out ECA, there's a new sheriff in town, and he's beautiful."[/COLOR] ******************************************************************************************* Overall, we're pleased with the show as a building block. Mark and I got together afterwards, and planned out the second round of the tournament, to be held next month. The matchups looked like this. [CENTER]ECA Sword Slash Kashmir Singh vs. Cal Sanders Joey Poison vs. Raphael[/CENTER] And... the main event would be the two winners squaring off in a 30 minute Iron Man Match. Awesome.
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[CENTER]ECA Sword Slash Saturday, Week 2, February 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (11 Fans)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]1. Kashmir Singh defeated Cal Sanders[/COLOR][/B] (D-) That D- you see up there was with these two competitors not clicking, of course. They did put on an okay opening match though, with Kashmir Singh getting the win to advance to the finals against the winner of the next match. [COLOR="Blue"][B]2. Raphael defeated Joey Poison[/B][/COLOR] (D+) Raphael went after Poison aggressively, and took his abilities out of the match. Poison was unable to mount a comeback against the assault, and went down in the end to the Blowdrier. [B][COLOR="Red"]3. Raphael / Singh Dueling Promos[/COLOR][/B] (E+) Raphael: [COLOR="Red"]"Kashmir Singh, you know that I am the best wrestler here in ECA. That may sound like generic ****y heel talk, but I assure you, it is not. Tonight, I will walk out of here ECA Heavyweight Champion."[/COLOR] Singh: [COLOR="Blue"]"Raphael, you self-obsessed ****y son-of-a, you don't deserve to be ECA champion. I'm not saying I do either, but I've had the good graces to advance this far, and heck, I'm going to take advantage of it. Raphael, you're good. But you aren't the best. And I will prove it, right now."[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]4. Raphael defeated Kashmir Singh in a 30-minute Iron Man Match[/COLOR] to win the ECA Heavyweight Championship[/B] (C) One hell of a match is put forth by these two men, and the crowd screams it's approval in what could be the match of the year here in ECA. It's too early to call, but the possibility is there. Kashmir Singh battled valiantly to take the gold, but Raphael was too much. No cheating, just ****y strutting and preening for Raphael, but that got the fans against him. Singh had him up for the delayed vertical suplex, but Raphael slipped out, irish whipped Singh off the rops, and hit the Blowdrier for the win. [B] [COLOR="Red"]5. Raphael Celebrates[/COLOR][/B] (E) Raphael celebrates in the ring, dancing around and acting ****y. He straps on the belt for the first time, then goes over and spits in the face of the fallen Kashmir Singh. Singh charges up like a mad bull, sending Raphael scampering out of the ring. Singh and Raphael yell at one another as Raphael backs up the entrance ramp. [B]Overall: C-[/B] ************************************************************************* [B]DVD Extras[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Frankie Dee Promo[/COLOR][/B] Dee: [COLOR="Red"]"I came to the ECA to prove one thing. That I am the greatest fighter in the world today. I don't care who you are, where your from, what you did, as long as you fight me. So come one, come all. Come try and get a piece of "The White Angel" Frankie Dee. It'll be the last thing you ever do."[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tempest Appleby defeated K-Squared[/COLOR] in a tryout dark match[/B] (F+) Ooh, K-Squared, maybe you aren't the best guy to bring in. Never mind. Egh. ************************************************************************* Another really good show, with Singh and Raphael showing good chemistry in the ring with one another. And a C match to boot! The first feud of ECA is set, what else do we have in store for you? Here's the card for ECA Axe Cut. [CENTER]ECA Axe Cut Ginko Kuroda vs. Rafael Ruiz vs. Tempest Appleby vs. Alan Parent [I]ECA Combat Title[/I] Cal Sanders vs. Frankie Dee [I]Singles Match[/I] Raphael vs. Kashmir Singh [I]ECA Heavyweight Title (Rematch)[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]ECA Axe Chop Saturday, Week 3, March 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (9 Fans) [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]1. Ginko Kuroda defeated Rafael Ruiz, Tempest Appleby and Alan Parent[/COLOR]to win the ECA Tri-State Title[/B] (D-) We get right to the action in the first ever ECA title match. All four competitors go right into the action, attacking the others head on, with Appleby going up top for high-risk maneuvers, and Parent, Kuroda and Ruiz wrestling down on the mat. Appleby dropkicks Ruiz and Parent over the ropes, but is met with the Stunner Strike (Superkick) and goes down hard, with Kuroda pinning for the victory and the title. [B][COLOR="Red"]2. Parent And Ruiz Beatdown[/COLOR][/B] (E) As Kuroda celebrates, and Appleby lays down on the mat, Rafael Ruiz and Alan Parent slide back into the ring. They attack Ginko from behind, beating her down to the mat until Appleby comes to her rescue, driving the ruffians out of the ring. [B][COLOR="Blue"]3. Cal Sanders defeated Frankie Dee[/COLOR][/B] (D) A good match, not really storyline driven, just one to test out chemistry for the future. And, the chemistry is neutral, so neither good nor bad news here. Dee takes the action to Sanders, driving him into the corner with stiff strikes and kicks. But Sanders fights back, and gets the win with a Leap Of Faith onto the surprised Dee. [COLOR="Red"]4. Dee / Sanders Brawl[/COLOR] (E-) Cal Sanders and Frankie Dee brawl all the way to the back after Sanders pulls Dee up and Dee cheap shots him. [B][COLOR="Red"]5. Kashmir Singh Cuts A Promo[/COLOR][/B] (E-) Singh:[COLOR="Blue"] "I have come to ECA for one reason, and one reason alone. I want to prove myself. I want to show all the other companies out there what they've been missing by passing on Kashmir Singh. I know I've got ability, it just takes the right people to recognize it. And ECA has done that. But Raphael, they already see your talent. You're up in RIPW, strutting your stuff for the boys at the SWF. So why the heck are you here, playing with the little guys? I'll tell ya, because you are a little guy. A little fish in a pond you're finding out was bigger then you expected. The water's deep Raphael, and I'll show you how deep tonight. And, I'll prove myself to the world."[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]6. Raphael defeated Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] to retain the ECA Heavyweight Title[/B] (C) Singh gets after Raphael like a hellion as soon as the bell rings. He's out for blood, and Raphael has to slide out of the ring to collect himself. But he's met with a suicide dive to the outside, showing how bad Kashmir Singh wants this title. But Raphael fights back, showing the skills that made him a signee of the ECA. He gets Singh back into the ring, managing to shrug off the impact he felt on the outside. One Blowdrier later, he retains his gold and walks out of the Weston Gym the champion. Still. [B]Overall: C-[/B] **************************************************************************** [B]DVD Extras:[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"] Velocidad defeated Mark Smart[/COLOR][/B] (E) Just checking things out here, nothing special. **************************************************************************** A good show this month left Mark and I pleased with the direction our creation was taking. We actually made 522 dollars this month, after a 127 dollar loss the last. Eeexxccellent, in the words of one C. Montgomery Burns. And, after a quick booking session, we had the plans to do it again next month. [CENTER]ECA Explosion Ginko Kuroda vs. Alan Parent [I]ECA Combat Title[/I] Thomas Morgan vs. Rafael Ruiz [I]Winner Faces Kuroda / Parent Next Month[/I] Kashmir Singh vs. Cal Sanders [I]Winner Faces Raphael Next Month[/I] [/CENTER] Two matches to set up other matches, and the train rolls on. [I]Predictions welcome, of course.[/I]
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[B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] vs. Alan Parent ECA Combat Title [I]I've tried Parent before, he sucks[/I].:D [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Rafael Ruiz Winner Faces Kuroda / Parent Next Month Morgan has huge upside as he almost always gets incredibly over in Canada [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Cal Sanders Winner Faces Raphael Next Month Torn on this one but Singh has a bit more upside
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[CENTER]ECA Explosion Saturday, Week 2, April 2007 The Weston Gymnasium (10 Fans)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]1. Ginko Kuroda defeated Alan Parent[/COLOR] to retain the ECA Combat Title[/B] (E+) Hoo-boy, maybe Alan Parent does suck. No chemistry issues here, but the match itself is poor. I know Kuroda is better then this, but Parent is an unknown quality. And now, there's one heck of a strike against him. [B][COLOR="Blue"]2. Thomas Morgan defeated Rafael Ruiz[/COLOR][/B] (D+) Chemistry issues do exist here though, and the match suffers for it. Morgan and Ruiz are professional enough to put on a solid match though. Morgan gets the win to face Kuroda at May Mayhem. [B][COLOR="Red"]3. Thomas Morgan In-Ring Promo[/COLOR][/B] (E) Thomas Morgan grabs a mic from a ringside attendent (Me) and begins to speak. Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"Ginko Kuroda, how is it that you won an ECA title, while three talented [I]male[/I] competitors failed? By using your feminine wiles of course! Kuroda, you aren't good enough to stand in a ring with me, and when I'm done with you, you'll be in my house, cooking me dinner and ironing my shirts. I have no more stereotypical "man vs. woman" promo-type remarks, so I must end my speech. But KNOW THIS! I will win the ECA Combat Title next month, and Ginko baby, there's no way you'll stop me."[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]4. Kashmir Singh defeated Cal Sanders[/COLOR][/B] (D) Stupid. But needed. These two didn't click, and I apparently knew that. But... I wanted to make a tough prediction. So the show suffered... pssh, the choice was tough. Singh again gets a shot at Raphael, and Sanders goes home sad. But maybe what I've got for him will cheer him up. [B]Overall: D[/B] ***************************************************************************** [B]DVD Extras[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Phenomenal E defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy[/COLOR][/B] (E+) Move along folks, nothing to see here. Two straight months of bad extras, heh. ***************************************************************************** Mark and I, as well as a platter of fried dough and Diet Dr. Pepper, sat down and booked the next month's action. [CENTER]ECA May Mayhem Raphael (c) vs. Kashmir Singh [I]ECA Heavyweight Title[/I] Cal Sanders vs. ??? [I]Singles Match[/I] Ginko Kuroda (c) vs. Thomas Morgan [I]ECA Combat Title[/I][/CENTER] [I]Once again, predictions are welcomed. Hey, it got me one last time![/I]
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ECA May Mayhem [B]Raphael (c)[/B] vs. Kashmir Singh ECA Heavyweight Title [I]I think Raphael is one of those guys that can grow huge.[/I] Cal Sanders vs. [B]???[/B] Singles Match [I]Going against the grain and giving the mystery person the win.[/I] [B]Ginko Kuroda (c)[/B] vs. Thomas Morgan ECA Combat Title [I]Morgan is better, but him losing will make a better storyline[/I]
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