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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]News from NMW.com[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Top Five Rankings[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]1) Barry Griffin[/B][/CENTER] Griffin’s win in the three-way elimination match keeps him on top of the pile, especially since his closest contender for the position was resoundingly defeated by Pete Barnes in the main event of Born to Rumble. [CENTER][B]2) Pete Barnes[/B][/CENTER] The young high-flyer and ROF stalwart made a statement when he debuted at Born to Rumble, pinning former number two seed Jack Griffith twice in what’s been our match of the year thus far. The young high-flyer has been hitting career highs in other promotions in recent months, so NMW has rewarded him for his obvious talent and dedication by giving him the number two slot in the chase. Pete Barnes will square off against Barry Griffin at Night of Carnage in two months time to determine which contender will move onto the title match. [CENTER][B]3) Merle O’Curle[/B][/CENTER] Merle’s defeat of the Landlord raises him to the middle of the contenders ranking, especially given the bloodshed and carnage he fought through in order to establish his win. His number three ranking means he’ll be the first men in the one-hour Iron Man match at Hearts of Iron next month, facing off against the fourth and fifth contender. [CENTER][B]4) Jack Griffith[/B][/CENTER] Jack Griffith thought he had avoided the Iron Man match when he was named the number one seed at the beginning of last month, but his loss to Pete Barnes has gone a long way towards proving that the formerly unbeaten Icon of Old School isn’t as unstoppable as he once thought. He gets a chance to redeem himself at the Heart of Iron main event this month, but he’s the only contender in the match who lacks experience in the Iron Man format. [CENTER][B]5) Keith Adams[/B][/CENTER] Keith Adams drops a place this month despite eliminating hopeful Otto Hammerschmidt from the three-way elimination match at Born to Rumble. Despite sitting at the bottom of the rankings and lacking the win-loss records of his opponents in the Iron Man qualifier, it’s worth noting that Adams was the victor in the only Iron Man match that has been held in NMW to date. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Matches Announced for Hearts of Iron[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Kenny Bonza and Deejay Winks vs. The Walkabout Brothers[/B][/CENTER] A clash of the antipodean tag-teams as both Walkabouts and the students of Aussie Battler try to stake their claim on a potential shot at the world tag-team titles. The Walkabouts have been impressive since their UK debut and feel like they’re ready for a chance at the tag-team champions, while Aussie Battler and his students feel that they have a bone to pick with Otto Hammerschmidt and his allies. [CENTER][B]Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Ralph Runga[/B][/CENTER] Aussie Battler puts another one of his students in the path of the European Alliance leader, challenging Hammerschmidt’s claim of European superiority in the wrestling world. Hammerschmidt has been hitting his form in recent months, but losses to Nick Raven and Keith Adams in recent shows means that he’ll be desperate for a win in order to reclaim some momentum. [CENTER][B]The Foreign Legion versus The Minor Annoyance and Partner[/B] [B]NMW Tag-Team Championship Match[/B][/CENTER] The Minor Annoyance and Larry Wood won a title shot two months ago, but Pierre DuPont’s suspension prevented the champions from defending their titles at Ready to Rumble. Although the title match was rescheduled for Hearts of Iron, T.M.A was left standing alone when Wood refused to give up his scheduled death match with Pigeon Mask. NMW officials have decided that The Minor Annoyance will get the shot regardless, wrestling alongside any partner he can find, but Annoyance is little more than a rookie and lacks allies in the locker room. [CENTER][B]Larry Wood vs. Pigeon Mask[/B] [B]Texas Death Match[/B][/CENTER] Wood may have won the match during their tag-team encounter two months ago, but he’s still searching for the elusive pinfall over the high-flying Pigeon Mask. This match promises to be an epic clash between two of NMW’s strangest wrestlers, with the Texas Death Match rules favoring the brawling Wood’s style over Masks’s acrobatic offense. [CENTER][B]Merle O’Curle vs. Jack Griffith vs. Keith Adams[/B] [B]One Hour Iron Man Match[/B][/CENTER] The clash to determine which man will go forward in the Chase to the Championship. Griffith has been a dominant force in NMW, but lacks the experience in matches of this type. Merle O’Curle has the biggest victories leading into Hearts of Iron, but the last time he squared off in an Iron Man match he came in second to Keith Adams. Adams has the shakiest win-loss record leading up to the match, but has proved he has the capability to pull off a big win when everything’s on the line. Who will go through to the main event at Honor, Glory, Pride and face the people’s choice? [CENTER][B]Quick Picks[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kenny Bonza and Deejay Winks vs. the Walkabout Brothers Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Ralph Runga The Minor Annoyance and Partner vs. The Foreign Legion Larry Wood vs. Pigeon Mask Keith Adams vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Jack Griffiths[/CENTER]
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Kenny Bonza and Deejay Winks vs. [B]the Walkabout Brothers[/B] Walkabouts have been getting more of a push, and will eventually get a chance to face The Foreign Legion for the tag title.s [B]Otto Hammerschmidt[/B] vs. Ralph Runga [I]Otto needs to rebuild some momentum after a couple of losses. Can't have the leader of the European Alliance looking like a total chump. Plus you can add in the factor that Runga has rubbed people up the wrong way with his recent 'attitude' backstage.[/I] The Minor Annoyance and Partner vs. [B]The Foreign Legion[/B] Whoever Annoyance's partner is, the Foreign Legion wont be dropping the belts to a make shift team. [B]Larry Wood[/B] vs. Pigeon Mask [I]This could be ugly, with Wood's hardcore credentials, the match surely plays into his hands, but then again the flying rat could use his mobility to frustrate the wild man. I think Wood finally gets to dish out some punishment in this one.[/I] Keith Adams vs. [B]Merle O'Curle[/B] vs. Jack Griffiths [I]All 3 could legitamely win this, so I'll go for the guy I think is the best 'wrestler' and that's the Irish stretching machine.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]NMW Hearts of Iron[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Live on Tuesday Night, Week 4, September at the Paddington Club[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Attendance: 95 people[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The show starts with The Minor Annoyance in the ring. He tells people that he’s learned a lot from the wild man, Larry Wood, but now it’s time to learn his lessons from a new teacher. When he had to find a new partner for tonight’s match, he sought out the only man in NMW with connections higher than Woods…Harry Wilson. Wilson comes out like a sullen schoolboy, running through a mediocre promo about claming the tag-team titles. He doesn’t seem particularly happy to be here, and even less happy to be tagging with T.M.A., so it’s up to Annoyance to carry the crowd. Annoyance: So it looks like the Minor Annoyance has gone and found himself a major problem for the tag-team champions. And tonight, when we pin them one-two-three, Harry Wilson and I will stake our claim as the greatest team in the NMW locker room. (E) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MinorAnnoyance_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HarryWilson.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PierreDuPont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacquesDuPont.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [B]The Minor Annoyance and Harry Wilson vs. The Foreign Legion (w/Otto Hammerschmidt)[/B] [B]NMW Tag-Team Champions[/B][/CENTER] There were no real surprises in this one. Harry Wilson was wrestling by-the-numbers and Annoyance was just plain gassed by his occasional forays into the ring, while Jacques and Pierre did their usual divide-and-conquer approach with efficient speed. Otto Hammerschmidt cheered on his team from ringside, but it only seemed to distract Jacques from the match. In the end it was up to Pierre DuPont to carry things and put Harry Wilson away. [CENTER][B]Result: The Foreign Legion defeated The Minor Annoyance and Harry Wilson in 13:23 when Pierre DuPont defeated Harry Wilson by pinfall with a Dishonourable Discharge. The Foreign Legion make defence number 2 of their NMW Tag-Team Champion titles.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DeejayLeeWinks.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KennyBonza.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMal.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Backpackers (w/Aussie Battler) vs. the Walkabout Brothers[/B] [B]Number One Contender’s Match[/B][/CENTER] We announced that Winks and Kenny Bonza had formed a regular tag-team at the behest of their trainer, Aussie Battler, just as this match was starting. That’s about all we got through before the Walkabout Brothers proceeded to demolish their opponents with a series of lariats and knee lifts. The Backpackers took a beating, getting hammered about the ring, but eventually the veteran Aussie Battler managed to rally his students and get them back into the match. Winks caught Mike napping with a cartwheel elbow shot, allowing Bonza to gain the advantage over Mal. Bonza wasn’t flashy to watch – he’s a wrestler who knows a little about every style rather than mastering a single approach – but he certainly had the crowd behind him as he caught Mal in a hurricanrana and sent him to the floor. Mal got free and tagged in his older brother. Bonza followed suite and brought the fresher Deejay Winks into the ring. The two men fought for a few brief minutes, but Mike was visibly distracted tonight and Winks easily brought him low with a superkick followed by a half-crab for the submission. The Backpackers earn a title shot at the tag-team champions next month. [CENTER][B]Result: The Backpackers defeated The Walkabout Brothers in 7:52 when Deejay Lee Winks defeated Walkabout Mike by submission.[/B] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We go backstage where The Minor Annoyance is standing around, looking very sorry for himself following the loss in his match. He has his back to a door, which slowly opens to reveal a grinning Larry Wood, who proceeds to pick T.M.A up in a military press and carry him twenty-feet down the hall. T.M.A is screaming and struggling, causing a second doorway to open and reveal Pigeon Mask coming to check out the commotion. Larry Wood roars and launches the struggling Annoyance at Pigeon Mask like a torpedo, sending both victims sprawling across the concrete. (F) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Jack Griffith cuts an interview with Henry Ashton about the Iron Man match and his quest for the title, pointing out that Iron Man is as old-school as you can get and that he's an Icon that represents everything that once made Wrestling great. [COLOR=red]Who do we think we're kidding tonight, huh? Mr Personality Merle O'Curle? Keith Adams? We all know the only reason I'm even in this match is because Tyler Baker screwed me in my match against Pete Barnes. This is an abberation, a momentary hiccup, and after tonight's match is over I will take the next step and become the first Commonwealth Champion of the New Millenium Era.[/COLOR] (E+) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RalphRunga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Ralph Runga[/B][/CENTER] Aussie Battler appears to be sticking close to his students these days, accompanying Runga out to the ring just as he accompanied the Backpackers. This proved fortunate, given the presence of both DuPonts in Hammerschdmidt’s corner, especially when Pierre started trying some cheap tactics to distract the referee and Battler was forced to take him down with a Battler Bomb. Neither competitor has had a good run in recent months, holding but one singles victory apiece since they came to NMW, so this match was the first real chance either man had to build momentum. The match was basically a brawl, with Hammerschmidt forgoing his usual technical style in favor of matching Runga punch-for-punch. In the end it was this decision that proved his undoing – Runga was just a better striker and he soon had Hammerschmidt up against the ropes and at the mercy of a series of elbow blows and clotheslines. The weary Hammerschmidt tried to fight back, but Ralph took him down onto the mat and hit a series of knee drops before locking in an arm bar to force the submission. [CENTER][B]Result: Ralph Runga defeated Otto Hammerschmidt in 8:54 by submission.[/B] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Both DuPonts swarm the ring the moment that the three-count is done, taking Runga out with a dishonorable discharge. Aussie Battler ran into the ring to try and stop the assault, but he was met with a lariat by Otto Hammerschmidt that knocked the retired veteran out of his boots. The three members of the European Alliance then proceeded with the beat-down on Runga and his trainer until the Backpackers, Deejay Winks and Kenny Bonza, came charging out of the backstage area to join the fray. The two sides brawled with one another for a few minutes while Tyler Baker tried to break them up. Both sides were still fiery even after they were separated onto different side of the rings, so Baker talked to Hammerschmidt and Battler and then called for a microphone. Baker: [COLOR=green]Since fining you guys doesn’t seem to work, tonight we’re going to try a different tactic. The European Alliance versus the students of the Southern Hemisphere Wrestling Academy, right here, right now. Ring the bell.[/COLOR] (F) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacquesDuPont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PierreDuPont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DeejayLeeWinks.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KennyBonza.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RalphRunga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The European Alliance vs. Deejay Winks, Kenny Bonza and Ralph Runga[/B][/CENTER] No-one in this match was known for their endurance or cardio training, so no-one was expecting the prolonged struggle. The SHWS students showed a lot of heart, continually coming back from the brink whenever they were double-teamed by the DuPonts or laid low by Hammerschmidt’s punishing slams, while the European Alliance acquitted itself like the gang of cheating heels it is as they pulled out every trick in the book to try and pick up the victory. The fans were initially bored by the match, which largely consisted of big spots from the SHWS side and the standard array of rest-holds from the Alliance, but they started to warm towards the end when Kenny Bonza lead the last charge by the SHWS in an attempt for victory. Then Otto Hammerschmidt sacrificed his body with a big clothesline to get Bonza out of the ring, letting the Foreign Legion double-team Winks before kicking him under the bottom rope. Jacques went out to keep Winks busy, leaving Pierre alone with an exhausted Runga who was easy prey for a flying legdrop and a pinfall. [CENTER][B]Result: Otto Hammerschmidt and The Foreign Legion defeated Deejay Lee Winks, Kenny Bonza and Ralph Runga in 24:31 when Jacques DuPont defeated Ralph Runga by pinfall with a Flying Legdrop.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Pigeon Mask comes out in his ragged clothes and mask, cutting a promo to hype his match against Larry Wood. Mask isn’t the greatest on the mic, but he manages to summon an acceptable level of passion and trepidation as he talks about his fear of entering into a Texas death match against a Monster like wood. He doesn’t want to do it, but he has too. [COLOR=royalblue]Larry Wood has eaten some of my pigeon brethren, and there is no-one left but me who coo-coo-could stand up and defend their honour. [/COLOR](E-) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PigeonMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Larry Wood vs. Pigeon Mask[/B] [B]Texas Death Match[/B][/CENTER] No-one was surprised when Larry Wood dominated the opening of this match, but they were surprised when Pigeon Mask claimed the advantage following a flying leg lariat off the top rope that knocked Larry Wood silly for a five-count. Wood retaliated with a series of twenty-three power-slams in a row, scooping Mask up off the mat only to throw him back down. The sequence left mask groggy but unwilling to stay down, even earning him the pop of the night when he leapt to his feet and caught Wood in a spinning head scissors. Pigeon Mask dominated for a while after that, even managing to knock wood off his feet for a seven-count, but it was Wood who claimed the final pinfall thanks to a tombstone piledriver. [CENTER][B]Result: Larry Wood defeated Pigeon Mask in 14:57 when Pigeon Mask was pinned and could not beat a ten count.[/B] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KeithAdams.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Keith Adams vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Jack Griffith[/B] [B]1 Hour Iron Man Match[/B][/CENTER] This was Merle and Adams’s show at the beginning, with Jack Griffiths rolling out of the ring and letting the two technicians tire one another out with an exchange of throws and holds. It wasn’t until seven or eight minutes had passed and it looked like Merle was going to get the first pinfall that Griffiths returned to the match, rolling in and pulling Merle off at a two-count. Merle tried to retaliate, but walked straight into a series of right hands that left him rattled and sent him back into the ring ropes. Griffith pressed the advantage, trying to set Merle up for the Jack in the Box, but Keith Adams pulled it together and rolled Griffiths up with a schoolboy for another two. This set off a quick exchange of moves, with one man getting a pinfall only to get pulled off and pinned by the next, a long chain that saw the moves get bigger and bigger until Griffith’s eventually ended it with a delayed vertical suplex on Adams that was held for forty seconds before dumping him down. There was a lull after the exchange, with everyone starting to tire a little. All three men seemed at a loss at times, replaying the same moves they’d used to open match and filling in the empty space. It was until the forty minute mark when a frustrated Griffiths forged an alliance with Merle that we really recaptured the crowd’s interest. Both the heels started working of Keith Adams, taking shots the head and neck that was already sore after the suplex earlier. Adams took a hell of a beating from both opponents, but neither Griffith nor O’Curle was willing to let the other take a pinfall and eventually the alliance fell apart. Griffith slugged O’Curle, O’Curle retaliated with a Celtic Wreath and the crowd was waiting for the Old School Icon to tap out. Everyone was certain that we were going to see the first pinfall of the match occur, right up until Keith Adams peeled himself of the mat in a bloody mess and hit an enziguri kick on O’Curle from behind. O’Curle went down hard, Adams laid Griffith out with another big kick as the Jack struggled back to his feet, then there was an exhausted cover on O’Curle that scored the one-two-three. With only fourteen minutes left in the match all three start picking up the pace again, each of them working a short flurry of offense that doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Adams starts fighting defensively as the clock ticks down, breaking pinfalls and doing his best to take to many more big bumps, but both opponents are targeting him and there are moments when it starts getting hair. Griffith hits a Jack in the Box on Adams and gets a three-count, but ref Tyler Baker spots Keith’s leg on the bottom rope at the very last second and denies the score. Merle tries a roll-up on the distraction only gets a two, leading to a short brawl between the heels while Adams recovers. The countdown ticks closer to the end as the brawl gets worse, Merle and Griffith trading the advantage, until Merle locks in the Celtic Wreath for the second time in the match with only a second to go. Jack struggles towards the ropes but gets dragged back into the centre of the ring. The crowd starts counting down. Forty seconds. Thirty five. Thirty. Twenty-five. Twenty. Jack looks like he’s going for the tap when Keith Adams comes charging in out of no-where and hits a lariat to Merle’s jaw. Merle goes back and Adams falls on top of him. One…two…Jack Griffiths is there, pulling Adams off. Fifteen seconds to go and Adams is struggling back to his feet. Jack-in-the-box. Adams is down. Five seconds to go. Griffith dives in for the cover…one…two…the bell rings on the sixty second time-limit just a fraction before the three-count rings out and Keith Adams is declared the winner with the sole pinfall of the match. [CENTER][B]Result: Keith Adams defeated Jack Griffith and Merle O'Curle in 60:00 with one pinfall to none.[/B] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B][SIZE=3]___________[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Overall Show Rating: E[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Week 2, October, 2007[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] I’ve been away from the game for a while, so I’m going to skip the in-character bit and just recap some of the major happenings that had occurred just prior to my break in game-play: We hit contract negotiation month and a bunch of shake-ups happened within the roster. Our women’s division is no longer, as we’ve let go both Miss Information and Nina due to the inability to finance regular women’s matches at present. Both members of the Force, Toby Juan Kanobi and Jed High, and Stardust Phil Cox were also let go for financial reasons. All three were asking for more than we could give them at present (but in the Force’s case, certainly not more than they were worth). We’re hoping to bring them back in a years time, if the company is more financially stable. Among those let go under less amiable circumstances were Harry Wilson, who stormed off after his last match calling us all a bunch of unprofessional pricks, and “My cousin is Bruce the Giant,” Monolith. We miss them both, really we do. Everyone else resigned their contracts, though we had to give Larry Wood a huge chunk of change in order to keep him from disappearing into Japan. Probably more than we can afford at this point, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that Wood vs. Pigeon Mask is one of the hottest feuds we’ve got at present and Larry is just damn fun to have around the office. More importantly, however, is the aura of respect he’s attracted over the last month. He’s been a boon when it comes to keeping the locker room running smoothly, particularly with some of the issues surrounding Harry Wilsons departure. I guess it was just a matter of time before he became a locker room leader – he was one of the hardest working men in wrestling until the demise of Warrior Engine XXV. Now he just wrestles for us and runs the Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation, dividing his time between the continents as best he can. We did offer a new contract to Glen Ward, bringing him aboard as both a full-time wrestler and student of Nick Adams' training school. We're still not making any money, but as long as I don't lose us more than 12,000 dollars in the next 10 weeks we should succeed in paying back the bank and succeed in our initial goal from Baker. On the competition front, 21st Century Wrestling has had a steady series of D+ rated shows, resigning everyone on their locker room except that useless bladder full of lager Davey Celtic. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Coming up next at Nights of Carnage[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Walkabout Mal vs. The Minor Annoyance[/B][/CENTER] Annoyance has been beaten up, used as a weapon, generally spat upon by the rest of the locker room and made to feel like he doesn’t belong in a wrestling ring. Now he’s hit the point where he’s pissed off and not going to take it anymore, so he’s challenged on of the biggest and toughest men on the roster in the hopes of proving he’s got what it takes to compete in New Millenium Wrestling. The real question is: can he last more than five minutes in a ring with a powerhouse like Walkabout Mal. [CENTER][B]Nick Raven vs. Walkabout Mike[/B] [B]NMW Lucha-Britannia Title[/B][/CENTER] Nick Raven has expressed his displeasure with the NMW officials who refused to allow him a shot at a top-5 rankings match with Merle O’Curle by challenging Walkabout Mike to a match for the Lucha-Britannia title. Mike is a strong wrestler, but has spent his entire career in a tag-team and may not adapt well to the singles environment. Raven, on the other hand, is coming off a strong series of matches with Merle O’Curle where he proved he had the fire and the ability to hold his own against one of the companies shining stars. Can Mike walk away with an upset, or will this be the walkover that Raven expects it to be? [CENTER][B]The Backpackers vs. The Foreign Legion[/B] [B]NMW Tag-Team Title Match[/B][/CENTER] The heat between the students of the Southern Hemisphere Wrestling School and the European Alliance turned into an all-out war at Hearts of Iron. Although the Alliance scored the victory in the three-way match between the two sides, trainer Aussie Battler has outright stated that his students will be taking the straps away from the Legion when they meet at Night of Carnage. “It’s an apt name for the night,” he said. “My boys will be gunning for vengeance and ready to shed blood.” [CENTER][B]Pete Barnes vs. Barry Griffin[/B][/CENTER] The top-two contenders in the chase for the title square off, wrestling for one of the spots in the Commonwealth Champion title match taking place at the Clash of Champions to round out the year. The winner automatically goes through, the loser has to hope the fans love him enough to vote him in as the People’s Choice Challenger at Pride, Glory, Honor’s second semi-final match against Hearts of Iron winner Keith Adams. Barnes has had but a single match in NMW, but he certainly made an impact. He beat former number-two seed Jack Griffith in two straight falls to secure his place in this contest. Barry Griffin has been building his reputation as an international competitor lately, taking on challengers in Mexico and Japan in addition to his stellar work in England. More importantly, he’s undefeated in NMW competition. Will Barnes be the one to knock Griffin of his perch, or is the Strong Style Assassin going to storm his way into the Commonwealth Championship contention with another big victory. [CENTER][B]Quick Picks[/B] The Minor Annoyance vs. Walkabout Mal Nick Raven vs. Walkabout Mike The Backpackers vs. The Foreign Legion Barry Griffin vs. Pete Barnes[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]NMW Night of Carnage[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Live on Tuesday Night, Week 4, October at the Paddington Club[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Attendance: 91 people[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Pete Barnes cuts a promo where he riffs on Barry Griffins undefeated streak, calling the strong-style icon one of the most dangerous men in NMW. Barnes: [COLOR=royalblue]Or, at least, he used to be. You see, now I’m here, and Pete Barnes has his own winning streak. Two straight wins over Jack Griffith at Born to Rumble, and tonight will make three. Pete Barnes is here to prove himself, to beat down opponents and claim titles. NMW is the place where I’ll make my stand as a singles competitor, not Adam Matraver’s sidekick. And every winning streak comes to an end, Barry Griffith. Tonight’s the night it happens to you.[/COLOR] (E+) [CENTER]_________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MinorAnnoyance.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Walkabout Mal vs. The Minor Annoyance[/B][/CENTER] Annoyance squared up for this match like a boxer, both fists raised. Mal’s not a real big guy, but he still stands a good foot taller than TMA and has enough muscle to throw the young cruiserweight around. TMA started taking a beating, peeling himself off the matt after every flurry to try and bring-it against the larger Walkabout Brother, and every time he got pasted with a solid right arm, a clothesline or a fore-arm shiv that sent him straight back onto the mat. Despite the fact that both men were heels, the crowd really started to cheer for annoyance simply because the kid had the heart to keep on going when his face was a bloody mess. Then Nick Raven emerged from the backstage area and struck a pose, distracting both Mal and the referee long enough for TMA to land the low-blow. Walkabout Mike ran into the ring to try and stop the illegal tactics, but he was caught by the ref and sent to the back. Mal went down like a sack of potatoes as TMA hit another low blow and Annoyance crawled on top of his opponent, raining closed fists down across the bigger man’s face until Mal was just as bloody as his opponent. Annoyance finally locked in a cover, Mal kicked out. Annoyance tried again, Mal kicked out. Annoyance went to the top rope to try and land a flying forearm so he could finish things once and for all, but Mal recovered long enough to crotch the youngster and take control of the match. The crowd actually cheered Mal as he loaded up TMA for a muscle-buster, but Nick Raven threw a chair from ring-side that clocked Mal in the back and sent him sprawling. TMA crawled in and made the final cover for the three-count with the boos of the fans in his ears. [CENTER][B]Result: The Minor Annoyance defeated Walkabout Mal in 5:35 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] _________[/CENTER] Annoyance doesn’t wait for the referee to raise his hand – as soon as the three-counts down he’s back on his feet and laying into Mal with stiff kicks to the ribs and head. Nick Raven climbs onto the ring-ropes, spreading his arms wide as he revels in the taunts of the crowd, motioning for TMA to drag Mal into position. TMA struggles until Ellen Bathory comes to help, but eventually they move the helpless body of Mal and Raven hits a big moonsault. Walkabout Mal is left a broken mess on the canvas. Ellen Bathory starts going crazy as she trades taunts with the crowd. Raven calls for a microphone. Raven: [COLOR=red]Respect. Honor. Opportunity. These are the things I was offered when I came here, the holy trinity that would make New Millennium different to all other places. And yet I am overlooked, held down by the very men who promised me a better way. As they have killed my hopes of fighting a second title, I now murder those who have stood against me. I assemble my flock, a Raven’s Murder of those who were mistreated and overlooked, and I shall have my vengeance against all who stand in our way.[/COLOR] He turns and lays a hand on TMA’s forehead. [COLOR=red]Rise up, my brother. Claim your space among the nightmare that will plague this company. No longer an annoyance, but a Hobgoblin who haunts the dreams and dark corners where no-one else will go. Allow me to guide you and I will give you vengeance. [/COLOR] No sooner as Raven finished his rant than an irate Walkabout Mike, all fired up for his Lucha-Britannia title match after Raven’s beatdown of his brother (F+) [CENTER]_________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NickRavan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMike.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nick Raven vs. Walkabout Mike[/B] [B]NMW Lucha-Britannia Title[/B][/CENTER] We gave Mike a solo match in the hopes that it’d lift his game, but he seems to have a real lack of focus whenever he isn’t wrestling with his older brother. Raven was fired up and ready to go all-out, but Mike seemed to amble through the match and put forward a fairly token defense. Fortunately Raven covered well, going to the top rope for several big moves that really got the crowd going for the first time tonight. Mike picked up an early pinfall that looked clumsy, while Raven picked up the second at the twelve-minute mark thanks to a solid Raven’s Wing that laid Mike out. Things continued until the final bell, with Tyler declaring the match a draw. [CENTER][B]Result: Nick Raven drew with Walkabout Mike in 15:00 at one fall each. Nick Raven makes defence number 3 of his NMW Lucha-Britannia title.[/B] [B]Rating: D-[/B] _________[/CENTER] Aussie Battler is backstage with Kenny Bonza and Deejay Winks, cutting a promo about the Foreign Legion and the forthcoming match for the Tag-Team titles. Battler explains that he’s been training his boys hard for this match, preparing them mentally and physically for the challenges of taking down the French champions, and now they’re going to go forth and take control. [COLOR=royalblue]At Hearts of Iron the European Alliance and the boys from Team ANZAC had a match. Tonight, you see the start of a war. Deejay Winks and Kenny Bonza are going to fire the first shot when they walk out with the tag-team titles and things will end when we twist all three of the Alliance members into pretzels and the ANZAC's make them say I quit.[/COLOR] (E) [CENTER]_________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KennyBonza.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DeejayLeeWinks.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacquesDuPont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PierreDuPont.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Backpackers vs. The Foreign Legion[/B] [B]NMW Tag-Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] This was a solid, by the numbers tag-bout with the double-team tactics of the Foreign Legion letting them get the early lead. Winks and Bonza did their best to live up to Aussie Battlers hype, fighting hard and coming back after unbelievable punishment, stretching the tag-team champs to the limits of their endurance as the match continued and the pace started to pick up. Winks quickly became a crowd favorite with his quick spins and flips, but the DuPonts excelled at catching him unawares and laying him out. Kenny Bonza fought with a focus we haven’t yet seen from him, going for pinfalls at every opportunity but never quite getting his opponents put away. It was Deejay’s showboating that eventually gave the heels the win – Pierre DuPont rolled away from a flying leg-drop attempt and tagged in Jacques so they could hit the Dishonorable Discharge. [CENTER][B]Result: The Foreign Legion defeated The Backpackers in 18:11 when Jacques DuPont defeated Deejay Lee Winks by pinfall with a Dishonorable Discharge.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] _________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BarryGriffin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Pete Barnes vs. Barry Griffin[/B][/CENTER] Pete Barnes came out to prove a point in this match and did so admirably, holding his own against the unbeaten Barry Griffin for over twenty minutes. It appears that his time in ROF has taught Barnes a little something about working stiff and matching an opponent on the mat rather than simply hammering him with fast-paced aerial moves – while he was far from Griffin’s equal on the mat, Barnes was more than capable of pulling out a few moves that caught his opponent by surprise and scored him an early advantage. His real weapon, however, was his conditioning – like the Backpackers in the previous match, Barnes set the pace of the match and did his best to keep it high-speed and intense, wearing Griffin out. Unlike the Backpackers, Barnes had the stamina to maintain his increasingly high-risk style as the match progressed and picked up the beat with ease every time Griffin tried to slow him down with submissions or mat-wrestling. At 21 minutes everyone thought Barnes had it in the bag as he climbed to the top rope and leapt into a rana attempt, but Griffin showed his resilience and talent as he reversed the move into a powerbomb and locked in the deathlock for the win. Barnes tapped out and Griffin earns the first spot in the Commonwealth Title Match in December. [CENTER][B]Result: Barry Griffin defeated Pete Barnes in 21:46 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock.[/B] [B]Rating: D[/B] _________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Overall Show Rating: D-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Coming Up at Honor, Glory, Pride[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The road to the title is almost over, with but a single bout remaining to determine who will earn the spot against Barry Griffin at Night of Champions to become NMW’s first Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion. NMW fans are encouraged to lodge their vote for who will square off against Jack Griffith as the People’s Contender in our main event (which, if you’re still reading this an interested after a long delay, should just be PM’d to me, otherwise I’ll go with the plan B I’ve got set-up to randomly determine who gets the spot). [CENTER][B]Deejay Winks vs. Otto Hammerschmidt[/B] [/CENTER] Aussie Battler claimed that the Backpackers would fire the first shot in the war between Team ANZAC and the European Alliance, but the Aussies faltered in the final moments and the Foreign Legion picked up the win. Honor, Glory, Pride sees Deejay Winks try to claim victory over the leader of the Alliance, but can the high-flying night-clubbing Kid Wonder really stand-up to the technical excellence of Hammerschmidt? [CENTER][B]The Foreign Legion vs. The Walkabout Brothers[/B] [B]NMW Tag-Team Title Match[/B][/CENTER] Everyone knows that Walkabout Mal was screwed by Nick Raven and his new ally Hobgobling/The Minor Annoyance, so NMW officials have offered him a shot at the Tag-Team titles in order to placate him and stop any unfortunate incidents from occurring while Nick Raven is fulfilling his overseas commitments in November. While a match between Raven’s Murder and the Walkabouts has been signed for Night of Champions, The Walkabouts are hoping to walk into the clash with title gold strapped around their waists. Unfortunately for the Walkabouts, they still need to get through the in-form Foreign Legion who remain undefeated in tag-team competition since they picked up the belt. Even worse, they have to defeat the legion on a night when their Alliance cohort Otto Hammerschmidt is in the building, leading to one important question about this match – will Walkabout Mal get screwed twice in quick succession, or will the Alliance let this match play out fair-and-square? [CENTER] [B]Kenny Bonza vs. Larry Wood[/B][/CENTER] Man-Mountain Larry Wood is back and ready to continue his domination of NMW after beating the holy hell out of Pigeon Mask in their Texas Death Match at Hearts of Iron. Kenny Bonza has a new life and focus now that’s he’s discovered his mission – to prove exactly why he was deemed the veteran of choice to bring over and represent Australian wrestling. Bonza hand-picked wood as his opponent of choice this month, stating that he’s going to prove that he isn’t afraid of anyone on the roster and pick up the victory in order to support his bid for a Lucha-Britannia title match at Night of Champions. Wood doesn’t much care who he faces – he’s publically stated that any opponents will get the same treatment Pigeon Mask did, regardless of who they are. [CENTER] [B]Jack Griffith vs. The People’s Contender[/B] [/CENTER] The final match before Night of Champions in December, with the final spot in the title match decided when Jack Griffith faces off against an opponent chosen by NMW’s loyal fanbase. Griffith has fought long and heart to earn this opportunity and refuses to be beaten, but every wrestler on the roster has been fighting their hearts out in order to get a shot at being voted in. [CENTER][B]Quick Picks[/B] Deejay Winks vs. Otto Hammerschmidt The Foreign Legion vs. The Walkabout Brothers Kenny Bonza vs. Larry Wood Jack Griffith vs. The People's Contender [B]Roster Members Eligible for People's Contender Voting[/B] “Copper” Keith Adams The Landlord Pete Barnes Merle O’Curle Pigeon Mask Larry Wood Kenny Bonza Thunderbolt Nick Raven Ralph Runga Either of the Walkabout Brothers Otto Hammerschmidt Either of the DuPont Brothers Hobgoblin/The Minor Annoyance Deejay Lee Winks[/CENTER]
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[B]Deejay Winks[/B] vs. Otto Hammerschmidt [I]The Aussies are a key part of this Dynasty and the likes of Winks need to start picking up some victories to be taken seriously. [/I] The Foreign Legion vs. The Walkabout Brothers [B]DRAW[/B] [I]I don't think the European Alliance will screw the Walkabout Brothers out of the tag titles and the match will be fairly clean until Nick Raven and his chronies decide to get involved, leading to the match being declared as a No Contest.[/I] [B]Kenny Bonza[/B] vs. Larry Wood [I]Bonza frustates Wood, leading to Wood snapping and Bonza picking up the victory via DQ.[/I] Jack Griffith vs. [B]The People's Contender[/B] [I]Griffith might jump ship to one of the big boys anytime soon, so is he the wisest of choices to crown as your first champion. So I think the People's Contender will win the match and face off with Barry to crown the first Commonwealth Champion.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]NMW Honor, Glory, Pride[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Live on Tuesday Night, Week 4, November, at the Paddington Club[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Attendance: 157 people[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Aussie Battler leads Deejay Winks and Kenny Bonza into the ring, but he gets no further than Tonight, Team ANZAC- before Deejay winks taps him on the shoulder, whispers in his ear, then claims the stick as his own. Winks: [COLOR=royalblue]Yo, people, let’s get this night started right - me and my man, Kenny Bonza, we’re both going man-to-man in singles competition instead of cutting loose on the tag-team bastiches from the European Alliance. Deejay Winks versus Otto Hammerschmidt, the grand high pooh-bah and almighty Kaiser of the European Alliance. Bonza versus the Man Mountain Larry Wood, one of the biggest, toughest, roughest and all-out dangerous men in NMW. [/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Well, you know what – Deejay Winks and Kenny Bonza are walking out of here winners when we pull the curtains on tonight’s show. It doesn’t matter that we got our buts handed to us by the Foreign Legion last month. It doesn’t matter that I’m facing a low-down, cheating snake and Bonza is fighting a one-machine machine of destruction. It doesn’t even matter that never beaten Otto in singles competition - tonight Team ANZAC is a lean, mean, fighting machine; we are dervishes of destruction that will roll through our opponents without looking back. We’re hungry, focused, and we want another title shot. And as far as we’re concerned, Otto Hammerschmidt and Larry Wood are just the two suckers we’ve gotta beat to make that happen. I know I can beat Otto Hammerschmidt – hell, I’ve already pinned his shoulders to the mat twice – and Larry Wood is going to need to damn near kill my man Bonza if he wants to pick up a victory. So say it loud and say it proud, come Night of Champions you can bet your bottom dollar that Bonza and Winks are going head-to-head with the champs for another round in the war.[/COLOR] (E-) [CENTER]__________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DeejayLeeWinks.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Deejay Winks vs. Otto Hammerschmidt[/B][/CENTER] Winks started the match strong, getting up in Hammerschmidt's face and refusing to be rattled by the DuPonts standing at ringside. Everyone expected Winks to try and outrun his opponent, so it was something of a surprise when he actually locked up and chain-wrestled with the German. They lock up, trading positions, with Hammerschmidt using his superior size and power to try and dominate while Winks pulled off a series of agile counters. This progresses for nearly two minutes before Deejay hit an arm-drag and floated into a tight hammerlock on his downed opponent. Otto pulled free, but came back to his feet working some kinks out of his shoulder. Taken out of his comfort zone by Winks’ technical ability, Otto was forced to rely on brawling and raw power to take control of the match. He threw Winks into the corner and started unleashing a flurry of elbow shots and slaps, leaving Deejay’s chest red and raw, but he eventually lost momentum when a twinge in his shoulder distracted him and Winks was able to flip over the top rope and take a short breather on the floor. This prompted a short brawl, with the Jacques DuPont distracting the ref while Pierre went to tussle with Winks, only to take a clothesline to the back of the head from Aussie Battler which gave Deejay time to roll back in. Unfortunately he came right back into a flurry of punches from Otto, which finally ended when he hit a spike DDT on Deejay and scored a two-count with the cover. Deejay kips up, only to get knocked out of his shoes by Otto who comes barreling through with a lariat. Another cover with a two-count as Deejay proves that he’s a fighter. Hammerschmidt keeps things on the mat for a long stretch, proving that he’s still the superior technician on the ground, but he loses momentum when he eventually tries for the Hammer-Slammer. Winks reverses the move, catching Hammerschmidt in spinning head-scissors that rolls into a crossface. Hammerschidt tries to crawl for the ropes, but Winks has the arm that was locked-up earlier and the other members of Team ANZAC keep the DuPonts from helping. Hammerschmidt taps and Deejay picks up the win. [CENTER][B]Result: Deejay Lee Winks defeated Otto Hammerschmidt in 11:33 by submission.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] __________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PierreDuPont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacquesDuPont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMike.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Foreign Legion vs. The Walkabout Brothers[/B][/CENTER] The Foreign Legion step up into the ring and help Hammerschmidt up after his grueling match, but they’ve barely got the leader of the European Alliance on his feet before both Walkabout Brothers come tearing through the curtain and slide into the ring. The Walkabouts take the early advantage, with Mike dropkicking the weary Hammerschmidt through the ropes while Mike snapped off a quick stunner that left Pierre DuPont groggy and forced Jacques to start the match when the bell rang. The Walkabouts promptly double-teamed the only European Alliance member left upright in the ring, with Mike hitting a leg-lariat as Mal went low for the chop-block. The match is barely thirty-seconds old and all three Alliance members are down, though Jacques peels himself off the matt long enough to take a series of European uppercuts from Mal and the commentary team gets to make jokes about irony. The first half of the match was all Walkabouts after that, with the hard-hitting boys from down-under working over Jacques for five straight minutes while Pierre tried to recover from the initial assault. Jacques DuPont actually seemed a little lost without his partner, taking a hellacious beating that eventually ended when Mal got Jacques up on his shoulders and Mike hit a springboard leg lariat to send him tumbling into the mat. Mike covered…one…two…then found himself pulled through the bottom of the ropes by Pierre who had pulled himself together just long enough to make the save. With both DuPonts upright, things started going the Champions way almost immediately. They set about cutting the ring in two, moving a little slower than normal but still capable of isolating Mike Walkabout on the wrong side of the ring. Rapid tags and double-teams saw both Walkabouts get tangled up in quick pinning combinations and submissions as the DuPonts stretched the challengers to breaking point. Jacques was growing increasingly sluggish as the match wore on, however, missing the occasional move and letting his guard drop just long enough to give the Walkabouts the space to take a few shots. Pierre was always there to pick up the slack though, keeping momentum on the DuPonts side. Finally, Jacques dropped to one knee, shaking his head as though he was trying to clear it, and Mal made the mistake of coming to check on the French wrestler’s condition. Pierre and Jacques hit the Dishonerable Discharge on Mal, taking him out. Walkabout Mike came in to make the save, scoring a Yakuza kick on Jacques, but Pierre scored the three-count and the DuPonts retain their titles. Pierre turned to celebrate with his brother, but discovers that Jacques is out cold after taking one of Mike’s size-11 boots to the face. Pierre is livid and calls Otto up into the ring. Together they lay out Mike Walkabout and Otto Hammer-Slammers the younger Walkabout into his older brother as Mal tries to peel himself off the mat. [CENTER][B]Result: The Foreign Legion defeated The Walkabout Brothers in 12:54 when Pierre DuPont defeated Walkabout Mal by pinfall with a Dishonerable Discharge. The Foreign Legion make defence number 3 of their NMW Tag-Team Champion titles.[/B] [B]Rating: E+ (Match), F (Beatdown)[/B] __________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KennyBonza.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Kenny Bonza vs. Larry Wood[/B][/CENTER] Bonza started this match strong, using his speed and technical abilities to outmaneuver the Man Mountain Larry Wood. Unfortunately he never really seemed to do more than stagger his opponent and get him to the ground where Bonza would have the real advantage – Bonza discovered he could injure Wood, but overpowering him or knocking him off his feet was near impossible. The momentum turned on Kenny when he went to the top rope for a moonsault press, getting caught by Wood and rattled by a series of powerbombs and generally mauled by the big man for the rest of the match. The fans kept cheering Bonza, trying to spur him onto another flurry of offense, but as the final minutes of the match wore on Kenny took more and more shots to the face that started to draw blood. The hopes for a comeback slowly became the hope that Bonza wouldn’t be injured as he kept coming back from every brutal shot Larry Wood threw at him, including a stiff forearm that hit so hard against Bonza’s forehead that the echo carried right to the back of the building. By the end it was apparent that Bonza wasn’t going to quite, despite blood gushing from wounds on his forehead and just above his eye, and Larry Wood grew more and more frustrated when he realized that nothing was keeping Bonza down. Eventually Wood snapped and simply threw Kenny into a corner, launching a series of closed fists that pummeled Kenny before hoisting him up in a blatant choke. Kenny shook in Wood’s fists like a ragdoll as Tyler Baker counted off the five and called for the DQ, but his attempt to actually pull Bonza free just met with a punch to the stomach that left him wheezing on the mat. Finally Larry Wood tired of mauling his opponent, rolling under the ring and pulling out a vast bag of feathers that he proceeded to dump over the bloody Bonza. Kenny lay on the mat, breath bubbling in the blood smeared across his face, grey pigeon feathers sticking to the crimson mask as Wood laughed and roared Pigeon Masks name. Not over, Pigeon Mask. You and me, not over at all. [CENTER][B]Result: Kenny Bonza defeated Larry Wood in 11:51 by disqualification.[/B] [B]Rating: E+ (Match), E- (Feathering)[/B] [B]__________[/B][/CENTER] As the backstage crew cleaned up the mess made by Larry Wood’s assault, I made my way down to the ring in my wheelchair and called for a microphone. I cut a short promo about the prestige of the Commonwealth Title, the exciting challenges we’d seen in the lead-up to this match, and the open opportunity that NMW was offering to its entire roster to earn a shot at the main event come Night of Champions. Anyone on the roster could be the People’s Contender, whether they were in the main event or just a rookie like Deejay Winks trying to make their name, but after tallying the votes we finally know who will be facing Jack Griffith tonight for the second spot in the Night of Champions Clash for the Commonwealth title. Sykes: [COLOR=purple]Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your People’s Contender – Pete Barnes. [/COLOR](E+) [CENTER]__________[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Jack Griffith vs. The People’s Contender, Pete Barnes[/B][/CENTER] Jack Griffith put the pressure on early in this one, obviously remembering his two-straight losses to Pete Barnes in their clash a few months earlier. The Old-School Icon pulled out every dirty trick he had in the first seven minutes, breaking every hint of momentum Barnes managed to string together through a series of eye-rakes and low blows. Barnes appeared to be getting frustrated and reckless as things went on, but never seemed to be lured into the fatal mistake that Griffith was trying to goad him towards. As the match hit the ten minute mark it looked like Griffith’s plan had started to backfire, with Jack starting to make silly mistakes as he desperately tried to hit the quick pinfall in order to secure victory. Pete Barnes got his first big chance when he ducked out of a corner splash, leaving Griffith hung over the ropes and gasping for air. Barnes immediately took advantage, running in to hit a rolling koppou kick to the back of Griffith’s head, then controlling the pace of the match for the next eight minutes as he proceeded to bamboozle Jack with a series of high-risk offensive moves. Despite his dare-devil offense, the most dangerous thing about Barnes appeared to be his focus – gone was the fun-loving babyface that fought as one-half of the Show-Stealers. In his place was a man determined to prove that he was a legitimate singles competitor and main event wrestler whose skilled had been honed by a year of having the living daylights kicked out of him over at Ring of Fire. Things broke down at the fifteen minute mark when Griffith went to the outside for a breather and Barnes followed, launching a corkscrew plancha over the top rope that had the crowd on their feet and cheering. Griffith immediately went to work and started using the ringside area as a weapon, sending Barnes into chairs, ring-posts and tables with furious abandon. Barnes sold the beating like a champion, especially the rib-shot Griffith launched with a chair offered by an enthusiastic fan, but kept coming back with increasingly desperate moves that put his body on the line. Eventually he got Griffith on the announcers table and launched a shooting star press from the ring apron, only to find that Griffith had rolled out of the way and Barnes was stuck clutching his ribs while he was dragged back into the ring. There was no sign of the lying, cheating traditionalist in Griffith’s offense during the last five minutes of the match. Instead we got the straight-out brawler and hardcore specialist that had been starting to come through during his recent matches with DAVE. He did his best to cripple Barnes, bringing a chair into the ring and lodging it between the ring ropes so he could hammer Pete’s head into it while the crowd counted off a total of twenty-three head-shots in a row. Tyler Baker took his second bump of the night when he tried to stop the assault, but didn’t call for the DQ because it was determined that this match must have a decisive winner. Griffith put Barnes into a delayed vertical suplex and dumped him on his head, going for the cover…two-count. Griffith hit a piledriver and went for the cover…two-count. Griffith dragged Barnes over to the corner and put Barnes in a tree of woe, then started climbing and dragging Pete into position for a piledriver from the second rope. Pete Barnes recovered just enough to reverse the move, dropping his bodyweight down and hitting a quick Elevated DDT. The rattled Griffin tried to recover, but was met with a barrage of kicks and dropkicks that left him woozy. Finally Pete Barnes climbed to the top rope, steadied himself, and launched a second shooting star press that caught Griffith. There were a few agonizing moments as Pete Barnes grabbed at his ribs, selling the pain of his earlier injuries, but he managed to write his way over and clamber on top of the semi-comatose Griffin. Pete Barnes was literally tearing up as he tried to put his weight on his opponent, but he got the three count and victory. Pete Griffin advances to the Commonwealth Title match at Night of Champions. [CENTER][B]Result: Pete Barnes defeated Jack Griffith in 24:37 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.[/B] [B]Rating: C-[/B] __________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Overall Show Rating: D[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Post-Show[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We were happy. Still loosing money, but happy. The last show had seen a new attendence record, a match that could easily be our match of the year, and had been rounded out by the good news that Merle O'Curle had given up his Ring of Fire commitments in order to focus on NMW full-time. I still had my doubts on the last one, figuring that he was really hoping to score a spot in Japan, but it meant that for the next few months we had no competition for Merle's services and I intended to make good use of that. The fact that Barnes was nominated came as something of a surprise, but the fact that he'd won nearly bowled me over. I'd left the decision of who we'd be pushing into the main event of Night at Champions in Nick Adam's capable hands, fully expecting Griffith's to come out and force a face-turn from one of the two finalists. Nick came back with a very simple proposal - Pete Barnes was a great underdog and his push for the next few months was set as soon as the words "People's Contender" was spoke. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Coming up At December’s Night of Champions[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Merle O’Curle vs. Pigeon Mask[/B] [B]Lucha-Britannia No. 1 Contender's Match[/B][/CENTER] Merle O’Curle and Pigeon Mask will clash under Lucha-Britannia rules to determine who will be the number one contender for Nick Raven’s title. Merle has had his problems with Raven for months now, clashing several times with the belt on the line, but he’s never been able to pick up the victory when everything was on the line. Pigeon Mask comes into this match as a man whose only suffered one loss in his NMW singles career – when he was beaten to a pulp by Larry Wood in a Texas Death match a few months previous. Both men are looking for a little validation of their talents after being kept off the last couple of cards and they both believe wearing gold around their waist will consolidate their spot in New Milenium Wrestling. [CENTER][B]The Walkabout Brothers vs. The Raven’s Murder vs. The Foreign Legion NMW Tag-Team Title Match[/B][/CENTER] The Foreign Legion defend their tag-team titles in a three-way match that features the Walkabout Brothers and a mysterious unknown tag-team associated with the Raven’s Murder. The Walkabouts have had problems with both the Foreign Legion and Nick Raven’s friends over the last couple of shows, getting beaten by the Foreign Legion after a close contest at our last show and beaten-up by Nick Raven and his cronies at the show prior to that. No-one is entirely sure who the Murder will be, though speculation suggests that Nick Raven may team with the newly christened Hobgobolin. Despite the mystery two things is going to be certain - this match will be full of bad-blood and only one team can walk out of this match the tag-team champions. [CENTER][B]Ralph Runga vs. Larry Wood[/B][/CENTER] Ralph Runga returns to NMW with a desire to get even with the man who beat his Team ANZAC comrade Kenny Bonza into a blood mess at Honor, Pride, Glory. The former New Zealand All-Black has a reputation for being an exciting and explosive athlete, but does he have what it takes to stand-up against a man like Man Mountain Larry Wood and exact revenge? [CENTER][B]Barry Griffin vs. Pete Barnes[/B] [B]NMW Commonwealth Title Match[/B][/CENTER] For the last sixth months every wrestler in NMW has been competing to prove they were worthy of having the first shot for the title, and now Pete Barnes and Barry Griffin will square off in a contest to determine who will be the first Commonwealth Champion of the NMW era. Although he hasn’t been in NMW long, it’s hard to argue against the impact made by Pete Barnes in just a few short months. He comes into this match as the People’s Contender, hot off three straight victories against international superstar Jack Griffiths and possessing a drive to prove himself that won’t let him quit. Despite his success and status as the crowd favorite, Barnes has suffered one loss during his time in NMW, back when he squared off against his opponent in this match – Barry Griffin. Griffin is a strong-style icon that’s been making waves in England and Japan of late, a hard-hitting technician and submission specialist who has yet to be defeated by anyone in the NMW locker room. He claims that he’s more than up to the task of grounding and pounding the high-flying Barnes, but does he have what it takes to match-up against the cruiserweights heart and determination? Only one man can be the first Commonwealth Champion and you can be sure that both men want the belt. [CENTER][B]Quick Picks[/B] Merle O'Curle vs. Pigeon Mask Ralph Runga vs. Larry Wood The Foreign Legion vs. The Walkabout Brothers vs. The Murder Barry Griffin vs. Pete Barnes[/CENTER]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]Night of Champions[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Live on Sunday Night, Week 4, December, at the Paddington Club[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Attendance: 180 people[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Everyone downloading the show or buying it on DVD is treated to a short promo by the Merle O’Curle and Barry Griffin. Neither man is real hot on the mic, stumbling their way through a short speech about their puro wrestling background and time working in Japan. Griffin: [COLOR=red]I came to New Millennium Wrestling to do one thing – reinvent a dead industry in my home company by injecting a dose of Strong Style and decimating all comers. When I came here I found an ally, an English wrestler who thought as I do in Merle O’Curle. Together we are two of the most dominant wrestlers in this company, but neither of us are recognized as the future stars. Instead the bookers turns to men like Nick Raven, to high-flying show-ponies like Pete Barnes, to has-beens doing their last run behind a pigeon-gimmick and a goofy finisher. [/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Tonight that changes for three reasons. One, Merle O’Curle will win the Lucha-Britannia contenders match and come one step closer to taking the title off a man he’s already beaten twice before. Two, I’m going to walk out of here with the Commonwealth Title and I’m refusing to defend it against any of these show-pony punks that don’t deserve to be in a ring with a man of my skills. And three, just for all of you who can’t recognize talent when they see it, we’ve hired ourselves a manager who will sit down and explain to all you stupid, archaic has-beens exactly why you tapped, snapped, or cracked when you lost to Merle O’Curle and Barry Griffin. He’s the first convert to our strong style revolution…Henry Gilbert Ashton.[/COLOR] (E) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PigeonMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Merle O'Curle vs. Pigeon Mask[/B] [B]Lucha-Britannia Number One Contenders Match[/B][/CENTER] A solid little match that showed off the Lucha Britannia style perfectly; Pigeon Mask was all high-speed offense and Merle was technical excellence. We'd set this up as a bookened for our main event, since it would also see a high-flyer take on a strong style submission expert, and it whet the crowd's appetite perfectly. Merle put up a strong showing, but never seemed to be able to put Pigeon Mask away for the three count. Mask picked up the first pinfall at the halfway point using a quick roll-up and the ropes for leverage, but the second pinfall went all the way to the wire. Mask landed a flying rat splash with mere seconds to go, getting the three count and the victory. [CENTER][B]Result: Pigeon Mask defeated Merle O'Curle in 14:49 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by the Flying Rat Splash.[/B] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Pigeon Mask cuts a short, vaguely incomprehensible promo about being put out for three months by his match with Larry Wood, but the Avian Avenger isn’t afraid. Pigeon Mask: [COLOR=royalblue]Coo-coo-could someone tell woo-woo-Wood that he’s right? This isn’t over, not by a long shot. If he wants to climb back in the ring with the Piiiiiiiiiiigeeeeeooooon Maaaaaaaaask, then all I can say is bring it on. Step into this ring and I’ll put you down, one –two-([/COLOR]F+) Pigeon Mask isn’t able to finish the statement as Larry Wood charges into the ring and lays the masked Pigeon out, kicking the prone mask several times. Wood: [COLOR=red]When Wood fight you, it not going to be in the ring. Wood not want match; Wood want a fight.[/COLOR] (E) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We go to a darkened locker-room backstage, where the wrestler formerly known as the Minor Annoyance is wearing a strappy-leather wrestling outfight and face-paint, curled up in a ball in the corner and whimpering. The camera-man back there prompts a few muffled questions, reminding the newly-anointed Hobgoblin that Nick Raven he has promo-time scheduled so he could promote his new tag-team. Hobgoblin: [COLOR=red]Raven? RAVEN? There is no Raven here tonight, not here where he could help me. Nick Raven opened my heart and mind, taught me to embrace the pain and apathy the world offered me. He transformed me, made me the Hobgoblin, taught me to love every cut and fracture and broken bone like the tender kiss of a lover. And then he left me here, told me to prove myself worthy of his teaching, and he gave me a partner, told me that we would earn our names as the Murder. He’s going to make me hurt people. He’s going to make me hurt myself. He’s going to make me-[/COLOR] The door to the locker room swings open and the camera whirls, zooming in on the pierced face of a lean man wearing a Sepultura t-shirt over a prison-guards uniform. There’s a very well-worn baton hanging at his belt. Warden: [COLOR=darkred]Shut up, runt. You want to talk about pain, about being trapped, then you talk to the one man who knows what pain and entrapment really means. My name is Glen Warden and I am my brother’s keeper. This piece of S#$%#$% is mine until our master says otherwise, and you will keep your camera away from him unless you want me to break you. Now get up, idiot. We have orders, and we have needs, and we have misery to spread.[/COLOR] (E) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacquesDuPont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PierreDuPont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMike.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GlenWard.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MinorAnnoyance_alt.jpg[/IMG][/center] [CENTER][B]The Foreign Legion vs. The Walkabout Brothers vs. The Murder Boys[/B] [B]NMW Tag-Team Title Elimination Match[/B][/CENTER] When we’d originally booked this match is was supposed to focus on the disparate styles of the three teams. The Foreign Legion would keep taking control of the match thanks to their superior teamwork, utilizing solid basics and quick tags to keep their opponents from gaining the momentum they needed to get a flurry of offense going and really threaten the champions. The Walkabouts were a pair of legit tough-guys who took the offense to everyone, utilizing Mal’s brawling intensity with Mike’s willingness to take big bumps off the top rope in the name of hitting a holy-s@#t moment. Then we had the Murder Boys…and that was unexpected. The Murder Boys were there to show off Raven’s stable and give Annoyance some ring-time outside of the dark matches since Keith Adams was so high on the youngster’s work ethic. It was a throw-the-kid-a-bone kind of spot, since his role in the match was to play Glen Warden’s whipping boy and be a submissive punching bags for the opponents. Hell, they were scheduled to be the first elimination because we weren’t really expecting much from the pair, especially without Raven or Bathory there to provide the raw charisma and star power. Instead it turned out that Glen Warden and Hobgoblin played their sub/dom tag-team dynamic far better than anyone expected. Warden would send Hobgoblin into danger and let him get pounded, often chastising him if he actually tried to mount an offense, goading him into ‘loving the pain’ until Hobgoblin was little more than a broken mess. Then, finally, Warden would tag in and clear house on his opponents, taking them down with a neat series of throws and arm-locks that left them screaming in pain on the mat until someone made the save. To put it simply, Hobgoblin and Warden had the kind of chemistry that tag-teams only dream about, and while they’re still a little rough around the edges there’s enough promise there that even Hobgoblin seemed to get the rub from our normally hostile crowd. The title was really only a contest between the Walkabouts and the Foreign Legion, since it was obvious that the Murder Boys were more interested in their own mind-games and playing spoil-sport for their opponents than going for a win. The heat between the Walkabout’s and Nick Raven’s minions frequently exploded, with the Foreign Legion capitlising on the Walkabout’s distracted approach. The end eventually came when Glen Ward used the choke-chain attached to the Hobgoblin to try and choke out Walkabout Mal while he was in the corner. This led to the Murder Boys being DQ’d at the fourteen minute mark, but before they were removed from the ring Walkabout Mal went over the top rope and hit a flying plancha to take the two members of the Raven’s Murder out. They brawled on the floor while Walkabout Mike was left to face both members of the Foreign Legion alone, and he quickly fell prey to the Dishonorable Discharge for the champions to retain. [CENTER][B]Result: The Foreign Legion defeated The Walkabout Brothers and The Murder Boys in 14:43; the order of elimination was The Murder Boys first, and finally The Walkabout Brothers. The Foreign Legion make defence number 4 of their NMW Tag-Team Champion titles.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Pete Barnes comes out to mark the intermission period by cutting a promo about his title match with Barry Griffin tonight. He talks about what an honor it has been to be voted in as the People’s Contender, and what a validation it was to eventually make it to this point on his merits as a wrestler. Barnes: [COLOR=royalblue]I started 2007 with one goal – to prove myself as a singles competitor. To become someone other than “that guy who wasn’t Adam Matravers” in a mid-card tag-team. And when I hit Ring of Fire, I thought I was going to get that chance, but Ring of Fire buried me in the mid-card and held me down just like that other company I was wrestling for at the end of 2006. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]It wasn’t until I came here, to NMW, that I found what I was looking for – a shot at the big-time, a chance to prove how good I really was, and you people gave it to me. Because of you I was voted in as the man who could beat Jack Griffith and I didn’t let you down. And because of you I’m here, grasping for that brass ring, and I promise you one thing – if Barry Griffin thinks he’s walking away with that title without a fight, he’s going to be surprised. Pete Barnes has found his feet and he’s ready to cut loose. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#4169e1][/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]I started this year looking for a spot, and I’m finishing in a place I never thought I’d see. I owe each and every one of you for that, so I’m making you a promise. Tonight I’m not holding a damn thing back – everything I’ve got will be left on the mat and I’ll prove that I’m the better man and a wrestler worthy of being your first NMW Commonwealth Champion. [/COLOR](D-) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RalphRunga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Ralph Runga vs. Larry Wood[/B][/CENTER] Ralph Runga continues his fine tradition of putting on six minutes of okay match followed by three minutes of watching a blown-up ex footballer huffing and puffing around the ring. The kid’s starting to show a noticeable gut over his wrestling tights as well, but there’s still enough Kiwi ex-pats in the crowd to pop whenever Runga hits the ring wearing his All-Black jersey with Aussie Battler doing hype-work from his spot in the corner. Fortunately the match remained watchable, but that’s largely because Larry Wood is one of those professional opponents who can make other people look good. A straight-up brawl that showcased the strength of both men, with a little less of the “repeating elbow shots to the bloodied face” style brutality we’ve been seeing of Wood of late and a little focus on throwing Runga around and dropping him on his head with big power-moves. In the end Runga picked up the victory thanks to a last burst of energy that saw him Spear Larry Wood into a corner and use a springboard DDT to pick up the pinfall in a very quick three-count. Wood actually sat up, ready to keep fighting, while the referee held Runga’s hands high. Wood loomed up and squared off against Runga for a moment, then shook his head and walked away, mumbling under his breath. Runga celebrated in the ring, dancing for the crowd, when Pierre and Jacques DuPont came sliding in under the ring ropes and hit a Dishonerable Discharge on the celebrating member of Team ANZAC. They taunted him in French as Aussie Battler rolled into the ring and took a Dishonerable Discharge of his own, then headed towards the back clapping one-another on the shoulder. . [CENTER][B]Result: Ralph Runga defeated Larry Wood in 9:06 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: Match E+, Post-Match Attack F[/B] [B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BarryGriffin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Barry Griffin vs. Pete Barnes[/B] [B]NMW Commonwealth Title Match[/B][/CENTER] Pete Barnes came out and lived up to the hype in the opening minutes, hammering Barry Griffin from all sides as the young high-flyer controlled the pace and kept the pressure on his more experienced opponent. Griffin chased the youngster everywhere, but didn’t seem to be able to lay a hand on him. The first pinfall attempt came at the five minute mark, when Griffin whipped Barned into the ropes and prepared to land a hot-shot. Instead Barnes slid through his opponents legs and propelled himself back into the ring with the ropes in order to hand a bulldog and get a two-count. Unfortunately we let the match down a little on commentary after that, telegraphing the inevitable turn-around by throwing out the phrase “it’ll be all over if Griffin actually catches Barnes and locks in a submission” without really selling the offense job that Barnes was doing. It got worse when the turn-around wasn’t because of a submission attempt, but rather a power-slam from the second rope when Barnes got a little too ambitious with his high-risk approach. Once that happened the story of the match stopped being about Griffin getting his hands on Barnes and started to revolve around how long Barnes would hold on before finally submitting to the non-stop strong-style offense that Griffin threw in his direction. We saw a flurry of slaps chase Pete into the corner, followed by a tooth-rattling enziguri that knocked him to the ground. Griffin locked in a choke for the five-count, then went to work on Barnes’ back to cut down on the amount of flying around the ring Pete could do. Pete Barnes rallied at the end, but it was definitely a case of the spirit being willing while the flesh was just too beat-up to carry things forward. He went up for a top rope splash and swayed there, getting caught when Griffing shook the ropes. After that there was a simple matter for Griffin to hit the powerbomb deathlock, twice, and pick up the victory. Barry Griffin, the Strong Style Revolutionary, becomes the first NMW Commonweath Champion and celebrates in the ring. Pete Barnes stands up and shakes Barnes’ hand, drawing cheers from the crowd for both men. [CENTER][B]Result: Barry Griffin defeated Pete Barnes in 14:55 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock. Barry Griffin wins the NMW Commonwealth Champion title.[/B] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B][SIZE=3]_________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Overall Show Rating: D-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]End of Year Reports (Global)[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Or: 2007, the Year the Stone Boys Kick Everyone’s Butt.[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Wrestler of the Year: Duane Stone[/B] [/CENTER] Stone had a corker of a year over at North of the Border Pro Wrestling, especially after winning the Canadian Championship in the second week of September and putting together seven spectacular title defenses that didn’t rate lower than a B. Apart from a lackluster feud with RK Hayes in the first half of the year, it appears that the Stone could do now wrong – he has one of the best match-rating averages you’ll ever see outside of Japan. [CENTER][B]Young Wrestler of the Year: Edd Stone[/B] [/CENTER] The Twenty-Four Hour Party Animal may be a source of grief to his grandfather, but there’s nothing to complain about when it comes to his wrestling. Started the year with some great matches as part of the Flying Stones with Duane (with a short tag-team title run with Dark Angel), spend most of the June-through-August stretch defending the Unlimited Action title, and seems to be ending the year by feuding with RK Hayes and doing a better job than his older brother did. Still only averaging a C+ match rating and has only just started to pull off B+ classics without Duane’s help, but there are signs that he’ll break through the barrier in 2008. [CENTER][B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Dread[/B] [/CENTER] Still kicking butt at 46. Dread spent most of the year doing what he does best – getting into a PGHW ring and kicking the living hell out of people. He’s a little slower than he used to be, but Dread is still raw power and stiffness with a hell of a lot of wrestling talent thrown in. Won the PGHW Historical Title in June of 2007 and put together a total of 16 defenses before losing it to Danger Kumasaka in the second week of December. Seems to be moving into tag-team action with Bryan Holmes to round out the year, engaging in a brutal feud with Akinori Kwakami and Mito Miwa which is producing some of the hottest matches in PGHW’s December tour. [CENTER][B]Female Wrestler of the Year: Sensational Ogiwara[/B] [/CENTER] The grand dame of 5SSW, who outclassed nearly everyone else on this list by participating in 72 matches over the course of 2007 (and losing on 17). Didn’t hold a title all year, despite working a couple of matches with Crusher Ichihara for the 5 Star World Title during the January Tour. [CENTER][B]Promotion of the Year: SWF[/B] [/CENTER] It’s been a hard year for the 500-hundred-pound behemoth of World Wrestling, with the loss of several major stars and a drop down to cult status that send a ripple effect through the industry. Is back of TV with the launch of SWF Stars and a slimmed-down roster that has little choice but to give rising stars a crack at national exposure. [CENTER][B]Most Improved Promotion of the Year: NotBPW[/B] [/CENTER] The new International Giant – almost as popular as SFW in the states and kicking their butt in the Canadian region. SFW can still claim superiority simply because it has a solid fanbase in Europe and the UK, but if the Stone juggernaught continues in its current path of destruction then this shouldn’t last long. Expect North of the Border Pro Wrestling to be the Promotion of the year in 2008, especially in light of the Wrestler and Young Wrestlers of the year, and in light of… [CENTER][B]Match of the Year: Sean McFly Defeating Jeremy Stone at NOTBPW Clash Classic in February[/B] [/CENTER] It was the match that seemed to come out of no-where, the beginning of one of the big feuds of 2007. McFly had started the year as champion and dominated all comers. Stone had won a number one contenders match by defeating Dan Stone Jr. Neither of the men involved in the match had turned in anything particularly memorable during January, laying low while the feud between TK Hayes and Duane Stone headlined the shows, but they busted their humps and put on something extraordinary here. Not quite the five star classic it would have been if it was the match that ended the feud, especially since very few of the matches that followed could go past this one. [CENTER][B]Show of the year: NOTBPW High Impact (Week 2, August, 2007)[/B] [/CENTER] It probably says something about NOTBPW’s meteoric rise that the best show of the year wasn’t actually one of their PPVs, but instead the sold-out TV show taping that lead into the Summer Smash. The show was largely made by two classic matches – Jeremy Stone defeating Sean McFly (A) coming in back-to-back with the main event of Dan Stone Jr defeating Johnny Bloodstone (A). While the rest of the show held some solid wrestling, it was these two that really ensured that any wrestling fan who forgot to set his VCR to tape this show was going to be kicking himself the next day. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Pro Wrestling Hits Top 100 Wrestlers Stats[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Top Ten[/B] 1. Duane Stone 2. Notuatsu Tatsuko 3. Jeremy Stone 4. Yoshimi Mushashibo 5. Johnny Bloodstone 6. Sean McFly 7. Eisaku Kunomaso 8. Shuku Inukai 9. Dan Stone Jr 10. Brent Hill[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Highest Ranked Female[/B] Sensational Ogiwara (12) [B]Highest Ranked British Wrestler[/B] Tommy Cornell (13) [B]Highest Ranked British Wrestler [I](Who May actually Appear at a British Wrestling Show)[/I][/B] Jack Giedroyc (64) [B]Highest Ranked Australian Wrestler[/B] None.[/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Coming Up at the NMW First Anniversary Show in January[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Walkabout Mike vs. Glen Warden[/CENTER][/B] With his brother injured after his suicide plancha at our last show, Walkabout Mike has decided that it’s time to take up his issues with the Murder one-on-one. Mike is an accomplished wrestler with vengeance on his mind, but Glen Warden has proven to be a nightstick wielding maniac that revels in pain and violence. With both men possessing the potential to challenge for the Lucha-Britannia Title and the Tag belts, NMW officials will be watching the results of this match carefully. [B][CENTER]Pigeon Mask vs. Nick Raven Lucha-Britannia Title Match[/CENTER][/B] Nick Raven returns from his latest Japanese Tour ready to defend his Lucha-Britannia championship against the mysterious Pigeon Mask. This will be a first-time meeting between two of NMW’s most exciting high-flyers and Pigeon Mask has proved himself more than capable of countering both raw power and stiff offense in his matches with Larry Wood and Merle O’Curle. Does he have what it takes to walk away from this match with the belt around his waist? [B][CENTER]The Landlord vs. Larry Wood No Disqualifications Match[/CENTER][/B] The Landlord makes his return to NMW after a long absence, called in by NMW officials in an attempt to find someone who can halt the erratic and violent behaviour of the Man Mountain Larry Wood. The Landlord’s only requirement – that the match have no diqualificaitons and no referee stoppage. This match only ends when one men is beaten, no matter how much punishment has been dealt out. Ironically, this may give Wood his first win in months, as there’s no-one to stop him if he starts hammering the Landlord with forearms or raining blows down on his prone opponent. [B][CENTER]The Foreign Legion vs. The Backpackers Tag-Team Title Match[/CENTER][/B] Kenny Bonza and Deejay Winks get their shot at the tag-team champs, but both teams are suffering from injuries and a series of tough matches over the last couple of months. We know that Ralph Runga and Aussie Battler will both be at ringside to cheer on the Team ANZAC tag-team, but Otto Hammershcmidt will be doing his best to kept the tag-team title belt around the DuPonts waists. Can the ANZAC’s finally get the belts off the cheating Frenchman and give the NMW fans champions they can be proud of? [B][CENTER]Merle O’Curle vs. Keith Adams[/CENTER][/B] Keith Adams petitioned NMW authorities for a shot at the Commonwealth Title. Griffiths picked his own challenger, Merle O’Curle, claiming that NMW authorities aren’t reliable enough to pick competitive opponents for his matches. This means that Keith Adams and Merle O’Curle are going one-on-one for the right to challenge for the title at February’s Acts of Violence. [CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Quick Picks[/SIZE][/B] Walkabout Mike vs. Glen Warden Pigeon Mask vs. Nick Raven The Landlord vs. Larry Wood The Foreign Legion vs. The Backpackers Merle O'Curle vs. Keith Adams[/CENTER]
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[I]Am still reading this, apologies for missing out on making a predicition last time round. As a fellow diary writer, I know how rewarding it is to see feedback, whether it's from loads of readers or just one person. [/I] Walkabout Mike vs. [B]Glen Warden[/B] [I]The Murder continue to frustrate the Walkabouts[/I] Pigeon Mask vs. [B]Nick Raven[/B] [I]Think Raven will retain the Lucha title for a while longer, especially with a stable of fellow misfits behind him now.[/I] The Landlord vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] [I]Larry Wood is just better[/I] [B]The Foreign Legion[/B] vs. The Backpackers [I]Foreign Legion to keep the tag belts around their waist.[/I] [B]Merle O'Curle[/B] vs. Keith Adams [I]O'Curle got a bit of a rub at the last show with his lose association with Barry Griffin, mind you he did go on to lose to Pigeon Mask of all people. But I think he will get back on track here, and earn a title shot against his ally....immediately putting a strain on their 'alliance' [/I]
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[quote=Tigerkinney;377164][I]Am still reading this, apologies for missing out on making a predicition last time round. As a fellow diary writer, I know how rewarding it is to see feedback, whether it's from loads of readers or just one person. [/I][/quote] Given my general lack-of-commenting on the diaries I read (and the sparodic update schedule on this one), I don't think anyone need appologise for not commenting here. 'Specially when you're one of the hardest working diary commenter's I've seen on the forums :) And, at this point, no-one should be embarressed to lose to the Pigeon Mask. Goofy as the gimmick is, he's one of the few Face wrestlers in NMW that's going over with crowd courtesy of his fued with Larry Wood, and Merle's outrgrowing the point where he should be contesting for a midcard title anyway. And, since I'm slow in writing up the next show, a brief update of the rest of the British wrestling scene... [CENTER]___________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]2007: British Wrestling in Review[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]21st Century Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [B]Currently Regional (E+ Prestige)[/B] [B]Averages D popularity across the UK and E- across Europe.[/B][/CENTER] The Entertainment Giant ended the year in the same way it started, putting on average TV shows and solid events that continued to draw crowds. Live tapings typically had crowds between 500 and 800 people, with the monthly super-cards selling to packed houses at least a 1000 people strong. Rolling Johnny Stones and Daniel Black Francis were easily the companies MVPs for 2007, putting on solid match after solid match, but even the most hard-core 21CW fan would have to admit that in terms of match quality the British Giant isn’t much better than its closest rivals. What makes 21CW a success is the connections of Jeff Nova and its television deal. The expected push into Europe didn’t happen in 2007, and pundits are predicting that it’d take a massively popular break-out star to push the company into Cult by 2009. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Title Picture[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [B]21st Century World Title: Joss Thompson[/B] [/CENTER] Thompson has been champion for over a year now, defending the belt 19 times against a variety of opponents. Fans may not like the dominating heel, but it’s hard to argue with his success. [CENTER][B]21st Century Tag-Team Titles: Red Dragon and Phillip Cooper[/B][/CENTER] It’s obvious that booker Pit Bull Brown is a fan of the long title reign, because the Ivanoff Brothers held these belts right up until the second week of December when the makeshift tag-team of Red Dragon and Phillip Cooper (aka the goofy hat guy) picked up a surprise pinfall and started their reign. They’ve made a single defense against the Ivanoff’s in a rematch a few nights after winning the title, but since then both the tag-team champions have been more interested in singles matches and six-man tags with folks other than their partner. [CENTER][B]21st Century English Title: Leo Price[/B] [/CENTER] This belt was a comparative hot-potato this year. It started off around the waist of Daniel Black Francis, but he dropped it to tag-team champion Ivan Ivanoff in April when it became clear that Francis was going to be pushed up into the main event. Ivanoff put together a very respectable 15 title defenses, holding the English title alongside his tag-team belt, but finally the strain got to much and it was dropped to “Wiggan Bulldog” Leo Price in August. Price has now made almost as many defenses in the last four months as Joss Thompson has made in the entire year, slowly increasing the prestige of the English Championship. [CENTER]_________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Man of Steel Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B]Currently Small (E Prestige)[/B] [B]E popularity in North England and Scotland[/B][/CENTER] MoSC know what they do and they do it well, putting on blood and beer brawls that routinely sell-out small venues across the north of England and Scotland. They’ve actually upped their game, just a little, towards the end of the year, with the average quality of the matches held at their monthly live shows picking up and allowing them to consistently put together a D- card. No longer forced to rely on the Highland Warrior to carry the promotion, it’s now pushing British indy stars such as Danny Patterson and Geordie Jimmy Morrus as well as moving up-and-comers Buff Martinez, Shane Hannigans and Thug into the main event scene. While it rarely hits the match quality of its Midlands competitor, Ring of Fire, it’s obvious that Men of Steel is being guided by a steady hand and its ability to deliver on its formula may well see it become the first promotion to truly rival 21st Century Wrestling’s top spot. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Title Picture[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The UK Championship: The Highland Warrior[/B] [/CENTER] Warrior won the main event title in 2006 when Joss Thompson made the jump to 21CW. He’d held it for the entirety of 2007, defending it at every monthly show but one, and continues to draw. There are hopes that he’ll lay the title down early in 2008, with Danny Patterson looking like the most likely contender to take over Warrior’s long reign. [CENTER][B]MOSC Tag-Team Champions: Monkey Business (Shane Hannigans and Tom Foolery)[/B] [/CENTER] This belt was more or less forgotten in 2007. Monkey Business won the straps off Thug and Bruiser in 2006, made one defense in October when someone realized that they had a tag-team belt, then went back to singles competition. Given that MoSC has only ever really had two tag-teams that operated on a full time basis, both of whom look like their splitting thanks to singles pushes for their more talented halves, the eventual fate of this belt is in doubt. The only shining hope on the horizon is the formation of Violent Cunduct, an undercard team consisting of Jay B and Ultraviolence, which seems to be exciting audiences and may be worthy of holding the straps after they’ve worked their way up the card. [CENTER][B]MOSC Blood and Beer Title: Shane Hannigans[/B] [/CENTER] Jeffery McPeterson (aka Highland Warrior Junior) held this belt for the first six months of the year, putting together solid title defenses every month until he lost it to Shane Hannigans. Hannigans has proven to be a good choice for the belt, as the constant singles defenses have literally pushed him to the moon and see him become a solid mid-card draw for MoSC. [CENTER]_________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Ring of Fire[/SIZE][/B] [B]Currently Small (F+ Prestige)[/B] [B]E- popularity in the Midlands, F+ in Scotland[/B][/CENTER] Ring of Fire continues to be the little promotion that could, putting on some of the finest matches held on English soil this year. Unfortunately these matches are rarely seen by more than a hundred and fifty people, especially now that they’ve started including Scotland in their schedule. They continue to provide an interesting counterpoint to New Millenium Wrestling, as they’re both using much the same pool of talent, including Keith Adams, Merle O’Curle (recently released) and Pete Barnes. There are strong talks of talent trades taking place between the two companies during 2008, with an eye towards making sure both reach Regional status before 2008 is done. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Title Picture[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]ROF Championship: Razor Valentine[/B] [/CENTER] It says something about the quality of the ROF product that this belt could take such a beating in 2007 and still be the most prestigious belt in England. UK Dragon was the Champion at the beginning of 2007, making six defenses that included two of the highest-rated matches in ROF all year. Then a poor booking decision saw him retain against “The Demolition Druid” Ali Blixome just a few days before his contract was up, and negotiations fell through at the last moment that left RoF without a champion. The next show saw a match between the last contender, Blixome, and new hire Razor Valentine. He’s put on some solid showings, but it’s done little to match the overall excitement of Dragons reign. There’s likely to be some rocky times ahead for this belt – Dragon was so successful that there’s unlikely to be anyone on the roster that can replicate his crowd-pleasing run, plus its made the other belts largely redundant due to the massive boost of respect for the Championship in the eyes of the fans. [CENTER][B]ROF Tag-Team Champions: Walter Morgan and Keith Adams[/B] [/CENTER] Like Men of Steel, ROF suffers from a lack of quality tag-teams that can make this title meaningful. The Team of Absolute Perfection (Lance and Kelly Martin) started the year as tag-team champs, but they didn’t actually make any defenses until they were resoundingly defeated by Morgan and Adams in October. The new champs have carried on the fine tradition of doing nothing with the belts, and with the release of Absolute Perfection from the roster there’s only really one solid choice to challenge for them – the Shooters (Billy Robinson and Don Henderson), who do so little actual wrestling *as a team* that the fans are unlikely to give a damn if and when they do get around to mounting a challenge. It would take a mass tag-team revolution in ROF to make this belt meaningful again, but it could be worse, it could be… [CENTER][B]ROF #1 Contender: British Samurai[/B] [/CENTER] Another belt that was mis-managed this year, with Billy Robinson holding it until April (without actually cashing in his title shot) before Samurai won it and did his best to make the #1 Contender slot meaningful after the slump caused by UK Dragon’s run with the main event title. It’s backfired a little, as the man who was once the perennial main eventer of ROF has now become a member of its midcard, making such quality booking decisions as giving the people who lose the match against the number one contender a world championship match the following month. Fortunately there are plans to rename this belt in early in 2008, rebuilding it as a midcard Talisman title rather than a stepping stone into the main event.
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Ooh, name drop in the last post! :D Keep this going, mate. I'm still reading. Walkabout Mike vs. [B]Glen Warden[/B] [I]I like Glen Ward(en), simple as that![/I] Pigeon Mask vs. [B]Nick Raven[/B] [I]Pigeon surely can't win 2 shows running![/I] The Landlord vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] [I]Landlord has overness on his side. The flip of that is that he'd be better passing it over to people that can actually wrestle as well.[/I] [B]The Foreign Legion[/B] vs. The Backpackers [I]Foreign Legion are in my diary so I'll pick them.[/I] [B]Merle O'Curle [/B]vs. Keith Adams [I]O'Curle is just better, and needs a push towards the head of the card.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]NMW First Anniversary Show[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Live on Tuesday Night, Week 4, January 2008, at the Paddington Club[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Attendance: 300 people (Sold Out!)[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We start our first anniversary show with colour commentator and booker Jack Sykes in the ring, thanking the loyal fans who have been here month after month as well as the new fans that have come to watch the Real Future of English Wrestling for the very first time. He runs down the card, match by match, and as he gets to the end the loud techno that is Deeyay Wink’s music thunders through the room. Winks comes out into the ring with Kenny Bonza and Aussie Battler in tow, rolls into the ring and demands the microphone. It’s a credit to the young Australian’s hard work in Team ANZAC’s feud with the European Alliance that this is now something that earns a decent pop. Winks: [COLOR=royalblue]Yo, yo, yo, Party People. Team ANZAC is in the house, and we are ready to rumble. Tonight me and Bonza go after the tag-team title belts, facing off against the DuPont boys one more time. And that’s cool, ya know, because those boys can fight. Unlike their “leader” – I checked Otto’s Win-Loss record, and most of that dudes’ wins come because he’s in the ring with the tag-team champs. So this is the way this is going to go from here on in – Team ANZAC doesn’t care about Otto Hammerschmidt - he’s small fry with delusions of grandeur. From here on in, this war is all about people who have proven themselves as winners, and it’s about taking the one thing that really matters to the DuPonts, the NMW tag-team championship belts.[/COLOR] Winks takes a deep breath and gets ready to start ragging on Otto Hammershmidt again, but he’s interrupted when the master of the Hammer-Slammer comes charging into the ring with a baseball bat. Kenny Bonza comes into intercept, but he takes a shot to the head that sends him snapping backwards and onto the concrete, blood streaming from an open gash in his skull. Aussie Battler tries to help, but the DuPonts come over the barricades and take him out with a quick tag-team DDT onto the concrete. Winks glares at the three European Alliance members at ringside, then bounces off the ropes to get some momentum before flying out of the ring in a big splash to the outside. The splash takes out Jacques DuPont, sending his head into a barricade with all of Winks weight behind it. There’s a nice, sickening crack and Jacques goes down, unconscious, while Pierre DuPont and Otto Hammerschmidt go to work on Deejay. They drag him into the ring, beating him all the while, then prop his leg up on the bottom rope and take turns trying to snap it with repeated shots with the baseball bat. Otto Hammerschmidt is screaming something about “You still think I’m a loser,” Pierre is just driven by a desire to get some revenge for his brother, and Winks is screaming in pain and clutching at his leg. The crowd sits and watches what is probably the most bloody and brutal beat-down we’ve had in NMW without throwing Larry Wood into the mix. It doesn’t end until Ralph Runga finally comes charging out of the backstage area with a chair, sliding into the ring while the crowd cheers, and chases off both Otto and Pierre. We flood the ring with medical staff and stretchers, moving screaming wrestlers from the scene, while a ring-boy rolls in to start cleaning blood of the matt before our first match. Meanwhile, on commentary, announcer Joseph Youngblood makes a comment about the tag-team title match being cancelled, while Colour Commentary Jack Sykes remains strangely silent and brooding on the topic. (E-) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WalkaboutMike.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GlenWard.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Walkabout Mike vs. Glen Warden[/B][/CENTER] Both wrestlers came out without their tag-team partners, a move that surprised everyone but provided for a solid technical opening to the match. Warden even managed to avoid cheating or doing anything underhanded for the first half the match, giving the fans exactly what they’d paid for in order to cleanse the palate after the beating that opened the show. The match was characterized by solid mat work, quick pinfalls, and the seething tension between two men who didn’t like one another but had to respect their opponent’s talent. Both men get frustrated, and in the end it’s Walkabout Mike that finally snaps and hits Warden with a closed fist, driven by his inability to put the newest member of the Raven’s Murder away. Warden falls backward, puts a hand to a lip that’s been busted open by the shot, and smiles as he realizes that all bets are off. The pace picks up and Warden starts throwing a lot more strikes and kicks, pushing the limits of the rules time and again. He executes a brilliant judo throw that’s followed by Warden dropping down and putting his knee against Mike’s throat, choking him out for a four-count until referee Tyler Baker pulls him off. Mike takes a beating, starts mounting a comeback, and then the inevitable happens as Warden realizes he’s on the verge of losing. Warden signals the back and Hobgoblin starts charging out, all dressed up in his leathers and mask, the long chain attached to his dog-collar dragging behind him as he runs. That chain rattles along behind him, all fifteen or so feet of it, and Hobgoblin’s almost at the ring when Walkabout Mal comes through the curtain and puts his big boot down on the last few links. Mal’s beat-up, wearing a neck brace, but his heavy weight means that Hobgoblin leaps up and tries to enter the ring, only to get snapped backwards as the chain pulls taught. Hobgoblin goes down, crashing into the concrete, and I the ring Walkabout Mike sends Warden into the ropes and takes him down with a flying leg lariat. Mike covers and gets the three-count as both Hobgoblin and Mike Warden lie groaning on the ground. [CENTER][B]Result: Walkabout Mike defeated Glen Warden in 11:46 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Otto Hammerschmidt comes out into the ring with Pierre DuPont flanking him, grabbing the microphone and cutting a short promo about the fact that, due to injuries, tonight’s match between the DuPonts and the Backpackers will have to be cancelled. Jacques DuPont has a concussion, but both the Backpackers have suffered far worse. Kenny Bonza will be out for two months, and the damage to Deejay Winks’s leg means he’ll be walking with a knee brace for the next few months. He’s gloating about his master plan when Jack Sykes snaps and starts limping his way down to the ring on his crutches, face twisted up in anger. He rolls under the bottom rope a little awkwardly, then snatches the microphone out of Hammerschmidt's hands. Sykes: [COLOR=navy]You know what, Otto? You make me sick. For two years now, two freaking years, I’ve been rehabbing from injuries I suffered in this ring, injuries I suffered while busting my hump night after night to make a career. I’ve been commenting on matches, night after night, wishing I could get back into the ring and actually take part instead. I’ve been watching good wrestlers get held down while men who haven’t actually done anything in the ring run around telling the crowd that they’re among the greatest wrestlers in our age. Well, you know what, tonight that ends. These people paid to see a tag-team title match tonight, and they’re damn well going to see a tag-team title match tonight whether you like it or not. It seems to me that Jacques DuPont is out of commission, but we’ve still got two members of your European Alliance right here.[/COLOR] Otto starts yelling abuse at Sykes, but the crowd yells just as loud and tells him to shut the hell up. Pierre leans and whispers something into his ear and Otto smiles. Hammerschmidt: [COLOR=red]What about opponents, Sykes? Who else vill you be putting in da rink with us? No Deejay Winks. No Bonza. No Auzzie Battlers. We are booked to be taking on your Team ANZACs, not some rag-tag tag-team. The title iz on the Foreign Legion, not the Alliance. Surely you are no breakink your contract?[/COLOR] Sykes: [COLOR=navy]Yeah, you’re right, you’ve taken both Backpackers and their managers, but you forgot one person. There’s still one person left in this arena who can fight for the ANZACS – Ralph Runga. And as of right now he’s got fifteen minutes to track down a tag-team partner. And Otto, I’ll make this as clear as I can – you’re right, I can’t make this a tag-team title match, but that doesn’t mean that the title is on the line. If you and Pierre don’t win this match tonight, the Foreign Legion will be stripped of the title and I’ll declare it vacant.[/COLOR] Otto frowns a little, but he’s still smirking. [COLOR=red]Do it. The DuPonts have beaten everyone on this roster, they can beat them again.[/COLOR] This time it’s Sykes turn to smirk. [COLOR=navy]They have to be in a title match to win the title, idiot. Did you forget that I’m one of the guys who books this little shindig? Lose tonight’s match and I guarantee you that no-one in the European Alliance is going anywhere near a title match for the next five years. So read my lips, bucky – this ain’t a title defense, but if you lose it won’t really matter. You’ll still lose the belts, you’ll never be champions again, and I’ll have all three of you working opening matches against Larry Wood for the foreseeable future. These people paid to see a show, and you’re damn well going to give it to them. Am I understood?[/COLOR] (E-) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PigeonMask.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NickRavan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Pigeon Mask vs. Nick Raven[/B] [B]Lucha-Britannia Title[/B][/CENTER] This was a first-time match-up for NMW, but easily one of the matches that fans have been waiting to see for over a year. Raven proved to be a good opponent for the goofball Mask, able to read his opponent well and position himself for the trademark spots while possessing enough innovation to fill in the gaps with exchanges that kept the match from dragging. In 2007 we had only one person who has adapted to the Lucha-Britannia style well enough o draw big matches out of Nick Raven, but this quickly proved that Pigeon Mask may be the second man to really get what’s required to win under the LB rules. He pulled out all the stops early, going for his trademark moves in the opening minutes and damning the consequences if he missed. Unfortunately the approach didn’t pay off, as a missed Flying Rat Splash at the three minute mark saw Raven pick up the first pinfall. Despite this, Pigeon Mask came out of the match looking strong, primarily because Nick Raven could never actually put together the second pinning combination himself. The Lord of the Murder unleashed everything he had, but he couldn’t keep Mask down. Even the stiffest shots from Nick seemed like love taps after the brutal beatings that Pigeon Mask, so Mask took some of the champion’s stiffest shots and kept on coming. Mask is Raven’s equal in the air, so the high-risk offense was easy to counter for the masked veteran. Even the area where Nick Raven had the advantage – on the mat – didn’t seem to be enough as Pigeon Mask kicked out of cover after cover. As the fifteen minute mark approached the story ceased being about whether Pigeon Mask would win, but rather whether he could pull out the draw that would see him get a rematch. Mask finally started to put together the combinations he needed to really threaten Nick Raven, adapting his style to counter the champion’s techniques and overcome his defenses. A stepping enziguri with thirty seconds to go looked like it would be the deciding factor, with a tiring Pigeon Mask hooking the leg and using the ropes for leverage to make sure there was no escape. Tyler Baker started the count…one…two…and Pigeon Mask suddenly screamed in pain and crumpled over as Ellen Bathory low-blowed him. Nick Raven recovered long enough to get the second fall with twenty-one seconds left on the clock, retaining his championship in the hardest-fought match he’s had since his last clash with Merle O’Curle. [CENTER][B]Result: Nick Raven defeated Pigeon Mask in 14:39 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall when Ellen Bathory interfered. Nick Raven makes defence number 4 of his NMW Lucha-Britannia title.[/B] [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Otto Hammerschmidt and Pierre DuPont are in the ring, warming up and looking unhappy, when Ralph Runga comes out and stares them down. He calls for a microphone and thanks Jack Sykes for giving Team ANZAC this shot, tells the crowd how enthusiastic is that he’ll get his hands on the European Alliance. Runga: [COLOR=royalblue]Fifteen minutes isn’t a long time to find a partner, especially when some of the best men for the job are laid up courtesy of the guys you’re facing, but I’ll admit I got lucky. You see, finding a partner on short notice is never easy, especially when you’re stepping into the ring with a couple of right bastards like those two. Finding a partner who actually wants to be in the match, whose going to put everything on the line just like you will, is even harder.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Fortunately I did manage to find someone that fit the bill, because there was a guy backstage who was hungry for a chance to climb back into a NMW ring, a guy we haven’t seen here for a long damn while, and who wants to prove that he should be here full-time. In short, a guy who has just as much on the line in this match as Me, as Otto Hammerschmidt and as Pierre DuPont. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my partner and my own personal hero…Thunderbolt.[/COLOR] (E-) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/OttoHammerschmidt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PierreDuPont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RalphRunga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Thunderbolt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Otto Hammerschmidt and Pierre DuPont vs. Ralph Runga and Thunderbolt[/B][/CENTER] Runga and Thunderbolt started this match hard, striking down Hammerschmidt and DuPont with furious vengeance. They hit a couple of very effective double-teams, really finding their rhythm when they sent DuPont into the corner and hit a quick Thunder-Splash/Dropkick duo that earned them a two-count. The two members of the European Alliance just didn’t seem like they could get onto the same page – Pierre kept looking for Jacques in the corner, setting up for the Foreign Legion’s double-teams out of habit – while Otto seemed determined to prove his worth as a competitor and ignored Pierre for long stretches of the match. Unfortunately for Otto he didn’t really achieve what he was attempting; Thunderbolt and Runga would hammer him while he was in the ring and it’d be up to Pierre to pull the Alliance back from the brink and save his tag-team title. For the first seven or eight minutes it looked likely that the DuPonts would be stripped of their titles, but then Ralph Runga’s conditioning started to unravel and Thunderbolt found his corner empty more and more often when he needed a tag. Pierre seized upon the advantage with all the experience years of tag-team wrestling had given him. He would beat up Thunderbolt, forcing the tag, then keep Runga in the ring until he was on the point of exhaustion by cutting him off from the face’s corner. Eventually Thunderbolt would be forced to come into the ring and save his partner, usually with something high-risk, and Pierre gradually wore down the masked Super-Hero as well. By the fourteen minute mark the match was going Pierre’s way. Runga was out, Thunderbolt was wrestling alone and stretched to the limit, and Pierre set up for his finisher. Then, out of no-where, Hammerschmidt tagged himself in and hit a gutwrench suplex to claim the pinfall. Thunderbolt went down, Pierre looked as though he didn’t know whether to be outraged or simply relieved that they’d saved the tag-titles, and Otto celebrated like he’d won a great victory. [CENTER] [B]Result: Otto Hammerschmidt and Pierre DuPont defeated Ralph Runga and Thunderbolt in 15:02 when Otto Hammerschmidt defeated Thunderbolt by pinfall with a Gutwrench Suplex.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We go backstage, where Pigeon Mask has cornered Jack Sykes. They appear to be mid-argument about Pigeon Mask’s next booking, railing about whether he’ll get to face who he wants, and Sykes keeps saying no. Mask: [COLOR=royalblue]You know why I failed tonight, Jack? Why I coo-coo-couldn’t get the job done? Because I’m distracted, because I’ve got unfinished business. You’ve got a problem in this coo-coo-coompany. A problem that you’re trying to fix the wrong way. You’ve already got a man who can beat him, someone who wants to be back in the ring with the monster. So just let me have him. Let me get this over and done with. Then I can come back and do what I need to be, be the champion I deserve to be. Let me prove that the Man Mountain Larry Wood can’t stand up to the might and the glory of Piiiiiiigeeeeeeeoooooooon Maaask![/COLOR] There’s a momentary pause as Sykes considers this, but eventually he just shakes his head. [COLOR=navy]Not going to happen, Mask. Wood’s too dangerous. We can’t guarantee your safety in the match and we can’t afford to pay the insurance if something goes wrong. With the history the two of you have, I’m afraid I just can’t condone putting you in the ring together.[/COLOR] (E) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We go back to the ring, where the Landlord is standing dead centre with a lump of two-by-four wrapped in barbed wire. He calls for a microphone. Landlord: [COLOR=royalblue]One year ago, I came into this ring and welcomed you to a new era of English Wrestling. I told you this company was going to be about three things – sports, not sports entertainment; Athletes, not actors, and innovation, not imitation. It was a place where men came to fight for glory and honor. And then I told you something very important, something that everyone in NMW seems to have forgotten – I am the Landlord. This is my house. And whoever is dumb enough to step into the ring is going to find out that the rent is @#$@# due. It’s been a couple of months since I came around to collect that rent, but when the boys in the back found themselves having trouble with the tenants who do you think they called to take care of it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Yeah, that’s right, they called me. Now Larry Wood’s going to find out what the rest of you already know. Bring the Man Mountain out, ‘cause I got his eviction notice right here.[/COLOR] The Landlord flashes his gap-toothed smile at the audience and pats his trusty lump of barbed-wire wood as Larry Wood’s music starts to play. While the promo lacks the pathos it had a year ago, it still draws a good pop from the crowd. (E) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheLandlord.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Landlord vs. Larry Wood[/B] [B]No Disqualifications[/B][/CENTER] This was pretty much what you’d expect from the participants – lots of brutality, blood, and big hardcore spots that left the audience wincing. It was a match that would have been more at home in Men of Steel than it is here, but the fans really got into it. The Landlord spent most of the match unleashing hell on Larry Wood, using a small arsenal of weapons to make up for the height difference between the two, and Larry Wood actually seemed to be rocked by the assault. Unfortunately Wood is at his best in a hardcore environment, soaking up punishment, and when he finally wrestled the barbed-wire bat from the Landlord at the ten-minute mark of the match things went very, very bad. Wood raked the barbed wire across the forehead, hit a crotch-shot with the bat, then proceeded to choke the Landlord out with his own weapon. The Landlord refused to submit, bleed buckets of blood, and eventually fought his way free. They fought over the bat for a while, eventually snapping it in two over The Landlord’s head, and Larry Wood was forced to pick up the victory with a Running Big Boot. [CENTER][B]Result: Larry Wood defeated The Landlord in 14:42 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot.[/B] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] With the match over, Wood picks the barely conscious Landlord up off the mat and holds him up. He glares at the Landlord, face to face, then holds him in place as he delivers a headbutt straight to the comatose Landlords face. Blood fountains from the Landlord’s nose and Larry Wood smiles. He delivers another headbutt. And another. After the third he lets the Landlord drop the floor, boneless and limp, amid a pool of blood. Larry wood calls for the microphone and looks directly into the camera. Wood: [COLOR=red]Nothing. Stops. Me. [/COLOR](D-) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] We set up for the main event, with Keith Adams coming up to considerable applause from the fans. Merle O’Curle comes out with Henry Gilbert Ashton, who calls for a microphone as the pair linger next to the backstage curtain. Ashton: [COLOR=red]Good evening. I come here tonight with a statement that the leader of the Strong Style Revolution, Barry Griffin, wishes me to read on his behalf. [/COLOR][I]Ashton rummages around in his pocket and pulls out a small pile of palm cards.[/I] [COLOR=red]First, Barry Griffin would like to apologize to you, the NMW fans, for not being here tonight to issue this statement in person. He realizes that this deprives you of the opportunity to see one of the greatest practitioners of Strong Style in action, but his absence is necessary – he was called away to work in a real company, facing off against real wrestlers, and the only challenge that NMW really has for his title is one of Barry Griffin’s best friends and loyal followers. [/COLOR] There is a pause so that Merle O’Curle can nod and revel in the jeers of the crowd. [COLOR=red]Do not make the mistake of assuming that Barry Griffin has called for this match in order to face Merle O’Curle in a match when he wins. We are the Strong Style Revolution. We are here to reinvent the face of English wrestling, to prove the superiority of our training and mindset over men like Keith Adams. We see pro wrestling for what it is – a sport, a martial art, a clash between warriors. We prove nothing if Strong Style faces Strong Style. We wish to destroy all comers, to prove that the men who follow the old paths of entertainment and goofy gimmicks are gone. [/COLOR] [COLOR=red]When Merle O’Curle wins this match – when, not if, for there is little chance of Keith Adams picking up a victory – there will be no title match. He will not fight his friend. He will hold the spot, retain it, and force others to fight him until such time as he is beaten and Barry Griffin has a challenger worthy of him, even though all such challengers are destined to lie broken and defeated at Barry Griffin’s feet, for Merle O’Curle is the second-most-dangerous man in England, and if he is ever beaten there will be a cost. There will be injuries. There will be blood. Anyone who beats Merle O’Curle will know they have been in a fight, not a wrestling match. If he is beaten, [B][I]if[/I][/B], then the man who defeats him will be facing Barry Griffin with a broken spirit. He will be easy prey. He will learn that he has passed the first hurdle, climbed the first mountain, only to discover that the worst is yet to come. He will learn that it is no longer enough to be a wrestler. To face the champion, to beat him, one must become a fighter. A warrior.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red]And Barry Griffin is pleased by this. It is good. Because until such time as someone can defeat Merle O’Curle without being injured, without being broken, there is no-one that truly deserves to take the title from around Barry Griffin’s waist. Barry Griffin will defend this title because he must, but he will not call these defenses fights. They are matches, meaningless clashes between the Greatest Living English Wrestler and a man who has no business stepping into the ring with him. [/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red]This is the age of the Strong Style Revolution. You are all witness to the birth of greatness. This is the end of Barry Griffin’s statement. Let the fight begin.[/COLOR] (E+) [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2]vs[/SIZE]. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KeithAdams.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [B]Merle O’Curle vs. Keith Adams[/B] [B]Number One Contender’s Match[/B][/CENTER] These two men are the workhorses of the promotion, thought neither has the out-and-out popularity and fan support of wrestlers like Griffin, Griffiths or Pete Barnes. Despite this they put on a technical classic, with Keith Adams utilizing old school British chain wrestling while Merle O’Curle battered his opponent with stiff blows and submissions. By ten minutes in both men’s chests were raw after unleashing barrages of chops at one another. By fifteen minutes they were both slick with sweat, Merle O’Curle limping courtesy of Adams focusing on his left knee while Keith kept staggering a little and clutching at his back after submission after submission were used to weaken him. Neither man seemed to get a strong advantage over the other, but neither was willing to give up and go down for the three. Ashton’s statement proved prophetic, as what unfolded in the ring was a straight-up fight by the time we came into the closing stretch. Punches, kicks, tight submission holds. Merle O’Curle almost snapping Keith Adams in two with a sickening Backbreaker. Keith Adams almost forcing O’Curle to tap when he locked in an armbar that was, unfortunately, just a little too close to the ropes. Neither man may be among the popular icons on the wrestlers, but the match was a classic despite that, one that showed off the talents of both without making either look bad. Finally, nearly twenty-five minutes in, Keith Adams hit a Thin Blue Line that took Merle O’Curle out of the fight. There was a three-count, and a battered Adams had his hand raised in victory. He tried to celebrate, but finally settled for limping out of the ring, hunched over to alleviate the pain in his back, as Merle O’Curle picked himself up and watched Adams leave with a satisfied smile. [CENTER][B]Result: Keith Adams defeated Merle O'Curle in 24:46 by pinfall with a Thin Blue Line.[/B] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B][SIZE=3]____________[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Overall Show Rating: D-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Wrestling News: January 2008[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] TCW has once again reached the national level after nearly six months of languishing at Cult. The news came on the back of a newly announced television show for the former wrestling powerhouse – TCW Modern Day Warriors – which airs for one hour every Friday on the US-based Pop! Network and the debut show TCW Chaos scheduled to debut on Sports America come March. February’s CZCW Desperate Measures may hold special interest for NMW fans, as it saw rookie wrestler Hobgoblin make his US debut against Davis Wayne Newton. The match was a solid clash, something that may surprise many people given Hobgoblin’s lack of exposure and talent, and marks the first of many talent exchanges scheduled to take place between the two companies over 2008. In a move that surprises everyone, Australian Super-Heavyweight Bruce the Giant has abandoned his long-time home USPW due to a failure in negotiations about his current contract. His last match with the company was an ignoble jobbing out to Pete the Hillbilly just a few days after losing the World Title strap to Freddie Huggins in the culmination of the greatest feuds of Bruce’s USPW tenure. Fans were left wondering what’s next for the Giant, especially with the recent rise in TCW’s fortunes and the constant allure of Japan’s growing wrestling industry, but that answer came just a few days later when Bruce announced that he’d signed on for the current Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Tour. Marks around the world go wild at the thought of a Dread/Bruce fued. 5SSW has removed head booker Kuniyoshi Chisu from the committee, replacing her with male veteran The Great Histato. Chisu has also been removed from announcing duties, being replaced by 5SSW owner Sakurako Kagawa for the rest of the current tour. Nick Raven has signed on for another World Level Wrestling tour starting in February. The young Australian wrestler has really started to make a name for himself in Japan with his hard work, although he's yet to pick up his first win in the promotion. The European League of Professional Fighters is rumoured to be suffering from financial difficulties, primarily caused by the complications generated when trying to run a scripted MMA program, but also because the supply of wrestlers capable of crossing over to that style provides some relatively slim pickings. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]New Hires for NMW[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] There are rumors of new hiring and graduates from the Truncheon Wrestling Academy, which NMW fans can look forward to seeing on the cards in future months. [CENTER][B]Herman and Wolfgang Klose [/B][/CENTER] A pair of German technicians best known for their work in Ultimate Combat Ring. Wolfgang Klose was pivotal in the early years of the company, but lacked the charisma and mic skills to really make something of his run. Herman wrestled under the name Herman the German and was a two-time UCR tag-team champion with his partner Kurt the Turk. The pair are joined by new women’s division hire Aud D’Hoffryn, who is expected to take on a managerial role. [CENTER][B]Drop Bear[/B][/CENTER] A recent graduate of the Truncheon/Southern Hemisphere Wrestling Academy training program who has signed on to do a tour of the UK in an effort to find more work. Standing only 5’2”, Drop Bear makes for an unlikely wrestler, but he makes up for his lack of size with a daredevil approach and the kind of intensity and reslience that few men can match. Still raw and in need of some polish, but Nick Adams sees something in the kids drive and desire to compete. I tend to see something in his ability to take a goofy gimmick – a kid raised by savage man-eating koalas who wears a fanged mask to the ring and speaks gibberish – and turn it into something worthwhile. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Coming up at Acts of Violence in February[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Drop Bear vs. Deejay Winks vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Otto Hammerschmidt[/B] [/CENTER] A fatal-fourway between some of the young turks of the company, with every man promising to go all-out in order to impress NMW officials and secure their place on the roster. Drop Bear is an exciting new talent fresh out of the Truncheon training program, a short-but-feisty high-flyer that’s eager to prove that size isn’t everything. Davis Wayne Newton is a Coastal Zone Wrestling Star making his British debut and has already stated that he’d like to secure a full-time berth in NMW. For Deejay Winks this will be all about pride – he proved himself as one of NMW’s hottest rookies in 2007, and you can bet that he wont be willing to give up his position to any of the challengers. He'll also be gunning for Otto Hammerschmidt, the man who put a knee brace on the young Australian at last months show. As for Otto Hammerschmidt, this match will be his big change to prove his worth after having his win-loss record in singles competition called into question at the last show. There are rumors that Pierre DuPont was non-too pleased by Hammerschmidt stealing the pinfall in their tag match last month, so Hammerschmidt needs a win if he’s going to be taken seriously by the other members of the European Alliance. [CENTER][B]Merle O’Curle and Larry Wood vs. Pigeon Mask and The Landlord[/B] [/CENTER] Merle O’Curle is looking to regain some pride after losing to Pigeon Mask in their clash to determine the number one contender for the Lucha Britannia title two months ago, so he’s teamed up with the man mountain Larry Wood whose had his own issues with the masked superstar over the last year. Pigeon Mask has turned to the only man who actually seems eager to climb back into the ring and go head-to-head with the man-mountain – the hard-brawling Landlord who wants to get his own back after losing a bloody no DQ brawl with Wood at the First Anniversary Show. [CENTER][B]Pete Barnes vs. Jack Griffiths[/B] [/CENTER] Pete Barnes stormed into New Millenium Wrestling towards the end of last year, earning a title shot as the people’s contender and easily becoming one of the hottest names on the roster. Unfortunately he did it at the expense of one man – the Icon of Old School Jack Griffiths, who had enjoyed an undefeated streak in NMW right up until Pete Barnes pinned him in two straight falls at For Queen and Country in July of last year. For all his success in overseas promotions, Griffith’s has yet to prove that he can beat the plucky newcomer, and with DAVE calling for more and more of his time he’s asked for one last chance to get his win back over Barnes before he leaves NMW for good. [CENTER][B]Quick Picks[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Drop Bear vs. Deejay Winks vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Otto Hammerschmidt Merle O’Curle and Larry Wood vs. Pigeon Mask and The Landlord Pete Barnes vs. Jack Griffiths[/CENTER]
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