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ECW - Extreme Concessions And An Olympic Gold Medallist

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ecwdiary3c.png[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"]"ECW was a lifestyle, it was anti-establishment, it was counter-culture and it was up in your face!"[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER] Struggling to navigate the stairs through the billowing smoke, Paul Heyman stumbled and fell against the railing, spilling the contents of the beige folder he'd been so desperate to secure. He dropped to his knees and clawed at the scattered sheets, trying to retrieve as many as he could, but his frenzied actions saw many of them smeared with the unpleasant mixture of glistening sweat and sticky crimson blood as the heat from the inferno intensified. A boot landed on one sheet as the ECW figurehead pulled at it, tearing the document in half. Distraught, Heyman looked up and gazed into the eyes of Bob Holly whose eyes were almost as wide with fear as his own. He begged, pleaded even for the Alabama native to help him, but Holly was frozen to the spot as several other panicked individuals forced their way down the wide stairway to escape from the blaze. Reaching out his hand, the Messiah of Extreme could only watch in horror as Holly turned his back on the man whose same hand had guided his ECW tenure since the promotion was resurrected (although moreso for his own benefit) and melted into the fleeing masses. Cursing Holly's name, Heyman tried to stand, but his legs gave way beneath him and caused him to lurch down the next five or six steps. It began to dawn on Paul E. that this could very well be his end, his time spent and run out like film on a reel. Pressing himself against the glass side panel, Heyman watched as those twenty feet below swiftly made for the exit doors. Gripped by a prevailing sense of helplessness he watched as security tried to stem the flow of disorder, screaming orders at one another to get fire equipment or evacuate the premises with the utmost haste. He had no idea whether the fire service were inbound, but he struggled to believe that they would arrive soon enough to make much difference as he oversaw Kelly Kelly being carried out by a couple of the officials, her face stained black from smoke and her eyes red with irritation. Behind her, Cyrus slipped through the mesh of individuals. Heyman noted with rising amusement that his movements were snakelike, so typical of the man himself. For the briefest of moments he believed Cyrus had actually glanced upward and seen him stranded above, but if he had, the administrative representative wanted escape far more than the preservation of Heyman's own life or indeed that of his promotion. Both were being left to burn. [I]"Come on Paul E, I'm not letting you go up in flames with the rest of this building!"[/I] He felt a clammy hand pull him up to his feet and looked up to see Tommy Dreamer supporting him. [I]"Tommy! Grab the files! Please!" "Forget it! We've got to get out of here!" "But you don't understand! You don't understand what's going on here!"[/I] He continued to protest until his incessant coughing made it impossible to verbalise his dilemma any further. All Heyman could do was clutch the few documents he already had his hands clamped around as 'The Innovator of Violence' dragged him down the stairs, away from the increasing heat. The ECW veteran called out for assistance, catching the attention of CM Punk who unlike Holly, Cyrus as several notable others, had stayed behind to help as best he could rather than save his own skin. Making his way through sea of bodies pushing in the other direction, the straight edge superstar bounded up the stairs and helped Dreamer lead their figurehead to safety. For everything Heyman had put the pair through in recent months, they were risking their necks to save his hide. Perhaps they simply wanted him to survive this night so they could still have the satisfaction of wrapping their hands around his chubby neck? That was a distinct possibility, but yet he could detect the sincerity in their voices and actions. These men genuinely had no wish to see him perish... of all the allies he'd surrounded himself with in ECW, his saviours were two of his fiercest detractors. Men that the regime he'd supported had suppressed to breaking point. That was until he'd discovered the truth that lay behind the contingent that now operated what was once his creation and his alone to influence. Battling to retain his consciousness, Heyman could feel the cool night air against his face as he was pushed through the double doors and his mind began to slip back to the sequence of events that had led them to this fateful point. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ecwbreak.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]The Proposal - Early Spring, 2007[/U][/B][/CENTER] In the early Spring of 2007, World Wrestling Entertainment ™ approached network President Bonnie Hammer with a business plan for the ECW broadcast that included several proposals. The key component of the brand's strategy centered around acquiring an additional thirty minutes of air time in order to take the broadcast's total running time towards the approximate figure of ninety minutes. The WWE front office held the belief that this was the ideal timeframe for their weekly product, a similar request that the USA network had already declined in regards to Monday Night RAW in favour of retaining their strong ratings for the second hour. Like the suits at their parent company USA, the executives that represented the Sci-Fi channel were content with the existing arrangement. Despite ECW's ratings gradually decreasing over time, the programming still drew acceptable numbers for its designated timeslot and platform. On the contrary however, the current product was not pulling in the figures to warrant an extra half an hour of the Tuesday night schedule, especially on such a specialised network. In conclusion; if the WWE expected the network to play ball, some significant concessions were required on their part. The main bone of contention lay with the content of the programming or more specifically, the lack of a sci-fi element. The union between the largest wrestling promotion on the planet and the dedicated science-fiction network had always been greeted with a raised eyebrow. The executives efforts to invite borderline genre and mainstream programming to their network in recent times had often disgruntled a proportion of their key demographic. To this day, their official site forums still contain numerous sci-fi enthusiasts laying into the decision to screen WWE content, apparently oblivious to the irony of deriding wrestling for its 'fake', choreographed majesty as opposed to bastions of realism and factuality such as Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica and multiple reruns of Emmanuelle 2000. Hammer believed that ECW would fit the channel's theme of stretching the imagination, when in reality that statement was stretching the truth. It seemed an awkward working relationship and whilst it wasn't exactly 'chalk and cheese', the ECW writing team had never truly attempted to embrace their host. Early plans regarding supernatural characters and events, such as a wrestling zombie and Gangrel-led stable of Vampire warriors, either never fully materialised or were scrapped in their entirety. Good intentions aside, the WWE would need to deliver product that adhered to this basic network principle if they were to receive their desired allotment of time. Token gestures wouldn't cut the executive mustard. The Sci-fi Channel required a full commitment from the WWE and demanded drafted plans of their key storylines, intent on vetoing any time extensions unless the content met their expectations. In response, the corporate largesse of the WWE acquired a small panel of specialist writers to pen a overarching storyline that would encompass the ECW brand to the satisfaction of the network, without creatively mutilating the wrestling product. It proved a daunting task, but one that Vince McMahon was determined to accomplish. ECW had rapidly developed into the Chairman's pet project, scripting a pioneering new direction for the brand had become a personal priority, invoking the same hold that Hollywood had on him. When dominating the wrestling industry alone was no longer enough to satisfy Vince, he'd turned his hand to the silver screen. Whilst the Scorpion King was an undeniable success, further film projects such as The Marine had floundered at the box office. Perhaps ECW represented a creative redemption? Countless hours worth of midnight oil were burnt and it was approaching the middle portion of May when the final plan was green lighted for submission to the network executives at the Sci-Fi Channel. Forty eight hour cycles later, their proposal was accepted and taking into account a few minor details that were still to ironed out, the overhaul of the ECW brand would coincide with the companies lead storyline heading into the Summer... the death of Vincent Kennedy McMahon. [CENTER][B][U]ECW On Sci-Fi - June 5, 2007[/U][/B][/CENTER] Two nights removed from One Night Stand and his defeat to Bobby Lashley, Vincent Kennedy McMahon held Extreme Championship Wrestling to ransom. The threat of imminent destruction hung over the heads of every worker involved in the brand, like a guillotine with the patriarch of the McMahon family's twitching hand looking ever more likely to allow the blade to fall and severe the EC Dub collective from the main body of World Wrestling Entertainment. In his own words, this second "death" of ECW would contain all the hallmarks of a homicide and the carcass of Extreme Championship Wrestling would forever have his fingerprints smeared all over it. Lauding the fact that he could end careers with a few strokes of a pen and his signature alone, McMahon gave the remainder of the fragmented locker room a choice... a reprieve for their ailing brand, which had become consumed by the Chairman of the Board's intense hatred of the new champion. Setting a deadline for their decision, Mr McMahon would spend the remainder of his time preparing his son for his imminent ECW Championship match later in proceedings. Dangling the carrot of regime change and much needed reform in front of the extremists, the senior McMahon's plot would come to fruition in the evening's Main Event. Operating under the regulation of standard rules, Shane McMahon sought a deliberate disqualification by scrambling Lashley's brains with a steel chair. It seemed that reclaiming the title for the illustrious McMahon family was off of the agenda and had been replaced by a campaign for cold, cruel revenge. Sporting his regrown buzz cut, Mr McMahon gestured to the entrance and brought out the entire active roster who would systematically take Lashley apart. Coerced by the direct threat to their livelihood, the ECW workers complied. Some with far more reluctance than others. Whilst pleased with the sight of Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von inflicting damage on the champion, the McMahons truly revelled in seeing proud men like Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman forced to act against their will for the sake of a paycheck and the few precious memories of what being an extremist once entailed. Like a wise and considerably wealthy individual once said... 'Everybody has a price.' It seemed CM Punk was the only worker to noticeably resist the terms McMahon had laid out, his brief refusal to wade and further put the boot to the beaten and bloodied champion was overlooked when Lashley amazingly fought to his feet only to be downed soon thereafter. Mr McMahon, the black tracksuit-clad instigator of this unprecedented mauling, smiled sadistically as Lashley was overcome by his fellow ECW brethren once more. By the time the former Army sergeant's ordeal was over, he'd been left in a pool of crimson and surrounded by the multiple men who had betrayed him. That night the deal had been sealed, figuratively written with Bobby Lashley's own blood. Having been smothered by McMahon's personal vendetta, ECW would get their promised regime change, free from his tyrannical rule. Six days later, Mr McMahon's time on this Earth would expire. The fireball that claimed his life caused untold turmoil in the company, but outside of the investigations, accusations and seemingly endless roll call of suspects, the men and women of ECW would come to realise the true cost of selling their souls to Sport Entertainment's Lucifer. [CENTER][B][U]The Post McMahon Era - June 12, 2007[/U][/B][/CENTER] Following the most controversial episode of Monday Night RAW for several years, ECW on Sci-Fi was pulled from the air and replaced by a one hour special in which the content was entirely dedicated to the continuation of the McMahon Death storyline. During the opening minutes of footage in which local firefighters fought to contain the twisted shell of the blazing limousine, a trailing ticker tape advised fans to visit wwe.com for breaking news on the status of the ECW brand. Carrying the headline 'Extreme $ale Of The Century', the corporation's official site declared that Vince McMahon had sold half of his 90% stake in ECW to an unknown consortium. Following his death, his remaining share would be split amongst his surviving family members, with the outstanding 10% owned by various minor and private shareholders. In effect, despite remaining underneath the WWE's corporate umbrella, the controlling share of ECW now lay in external hands. Next Tuesday night on Sci-Fi, ECW would resume with a new direction, that would 'stretch the imagination' and indeed the very limits of the extreme landscape. [QUOTE][B]OOC Notes:[/B] That should suffice for the obligatory, convoluted backstrory. The short hand version is simply that this dynasty focuses solely on the ECW brand following The Draft / McMahon Death Saga, with Vince having sold a major portion of his interest in the company prior to his scripted demise. Although the continuation of the McMahon storyline will play a role, it's not the focal point of the dynasty and due to this scenario the tragedy caused by Chris Benoit that derailed the angle has/will not occur. However, instead of utilising Benoit throughout this diary as a central character (as he was originally intended) I've opted for a 'what if' premise based on Kurt Angle opting against a switch to TNA and actually using his time out from the business to recover and refocus before returning to the ECW brand. Not exactly true to life I realise, but Angle will play the role set for Benoit (this diary concept was in the works before the real events unfolded) as I'm not convinced I'd be comfortable portraying Benoit as I had planned and that some people might well be uncomfortable with reading it. That and I always loved the move to take Angle to ECW upon its original launch, so it should be interesting to work with. Moving away from that subject, overall this dynasty whilst not being an absolute paragon of realism, should at least be plausible. It's based on a hypothetical idea of incorporating a science fiction element to the product, whilst some of the dynasty itself will be based around net rumours, half truths, real life booking (I've included and will run with John Morrison for instance) and a little dose of fanboyism. In other words, if the WWE really gave half a damn about the ECW brand going into the summer of 2007, then this could well have transpired... well, possibly at least... after a little reality manipulating. Up next, ECW receive their share of the WWE Draft spoils and the reconfiguration of the brand begins... [/QUOTE]
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Well, I'm interested. Always wondered what would happen if they had actually tried to do the sci-fi stuff with ECW. Good backstory, and it looks like you'll be doing the same pseudo-kayfabe writing you did with the HGC diary, which is cool. Only thing is, Angle didn't choose to switch to TNA, he was just fired.
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[QUOTE=Imerak;275883]Well, I'm interested. Always wondered what would happen if they had actually tried to do the sci-fi stuff with ECW. Good backstory, and it looks like you'll be doing the same pseudo-kayfabe writing you did with the HGC diary, which is cool. Only thing is, Angle didn't choose to switch to TNA, he was just fired.[/QUOTE] While Kurt Angle was indeed released, the exact terms used be the WWE suggested that basically he was being released to sort his head and life out, then they would resume a working relationship... [I]"Due to personal issues, Kurt Angle has been granted an early release from his contract. WWE looks forward to establishing a new relationship with Kurt in the near future,"[/I] Instead, Angle took some time off to heal/recover/recharge and joined TNA out of the blue despite the avenue back into the WWE seemingly wide open for him in due course. It wasn't a straight forward 'WWE fired him and TNA was the next best place that would take him' situation. It wasn't until Angle signed for TNA that he began burning his bridges with the 'E'. His place in this dynasty basically goes on the premise of him sorting himself out and getting his WWE job back rather than heading elsewhere. And yes, this dynasty will feature similar pseudo-kayfabe writing, although perhaps to a lesser extent seeing as this is based in the real world and not all of the C-Verse freedoms are available. [QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;275883]Awesome backstory. After your great writing in the HGC diary, I'm definately going to be reading this one, especially since ECW has alot of my favourite WWE wrestlers.[/QUOTE] Yeah, ECW features (and featured) some of my favourites and overall is the only WWE brand I still watch now with any regularity, even if I think it's suffered post-draft, which is one of the main catalysts for this dynasty. Thanks for the thoughts guys, much appreciated.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/WWE_Draft.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] With every spin of the WWE Draft machine at Wachovia Arena came nervous superstars and anxious fans. Despite not faring well in the matches where draft picks were contested, ECW benefited from Elijah Burkes underhanded tactics in the closing Battle Royal as the 'guiding light' of the New Breed disposed of the unsuspecting Randy Orton to win the contest and secure immunity for ECW for the Supplemental Draft. The clause stipulated that ECW talent would not be relocated in the second draft process that followed last night's RAW and insured that the ranks of the WWE's third brand would be bolstered with five additional picks. Those superstars shifted across to Tuesday nights would be forgiven their reservations however as the status of ECW altered dramatically following the demise of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. Here's how the winds of change blew for ECW during these monumental forty eight hours... [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] drafted to ECW from RAW (following CM Punk's victory over Carlito) [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] drafted to RAW from ECW (following Candice's victory over Kristal) [B]Matt Striker[/B] drafted to RAW from ECW (following Snitsky's DQ loss to The Miz) [U]2007 Supplemental Draft results (June Week 3)[/U] [B]The World's Greatest Tag Team[/B] drafted to ECW from RAW [B]Shannon Moore[/B] drafted to ECW from Smackdown! [B]Super Crazy[/B] drafted to ECW from RAW [B]Jamie Noble[/B] drafted to ECW from Smackdown! [B]Eugene Dinsmore[/B] drafted to ECW from RAW Due to the cancellation of tonight's live event, those superstars drafted to ECW will have to wait until next Tuesday night to make their impact on Sci-Fi. [QUOTE][B]OOC Notes:[/B] For those interested, The Boogeyman has been drafted to RAW, The Miz remains on Smackdown and finally Viscera remains on RAW but will be repackaged as Big Daddy V (where Striker also now resides). I also gave ECW five drafts like the other two brands had. The rest of the draft has remained true to life (excluding ECW superstars that were moved in the supplementary draft) and thus hopefully explaining the differences from those switched in the current day ECW. RAW and Smackdown are short of the other ECW trades, but seeing as I'm running ECW as seperate promotion, the AI will likely butcher the WWE roster anyway... not that it's really relevant to this dynasty. The next post will be the final instalment of the backstory/set up and then I'll be diving into the shows.[/QUOTE]
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Some good choices to join your brand, there. WGTT will obviously be good as it gives you somewhere to start from if you want to build a tag team division up, and the rest will give you some good midcard/undercard talent to work, hopefully resulting in more good matches on the weekly TV shows and less squash matches (and obviously a 90 minute timeslot makes it easier to do this also) - maybe with a midcard title being added eventually, if that's the direction that you want to go in. Super Crazy should be an obvious good addition from his ECW history, and another person who I look forward to seeing booked by you is Jamie Noble. I could never really appreciate his talent until I saw some of his matches from ROH.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/HeymanBack.png[/IMG] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"][B]“And here comes Doctor Frankenstein himself!”[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] As announced on June 16th (courtesy of wwe.com), Paul Heyman would be brought back into the fold by the new administration to lead ECW into a new era. Behind the scenes, the decision was made several weeks prior and was no doubt a gamble. Heyman's WWE contract was set to expire in the fall (September to be exact) and unsurprisingly Paul E opted to play hardball during negotiations for an extension, upon realising that Vince required him to play an integral role in the overarching storyline pitched to the Sci-Fi Channel. He managed to secure the same (although now somewhat reduced) influence that Dusty Rhodes held in the direction and writing of the brand. In addition to this, Heyman and Rhodes had pulled several strings in an attempt to secure key workers for their brand in light of the kayfabe 'Tri-branded Draft', but the inner politics of the corporate WWE machine saw their efforts hindered for the most part. Despite management's intentions to heavily strengthen the ranks of ECW, they were loath to take decisions that would be to the detriment of the two 'home' brands. Projected plans for Batista and Matt Hardy were vetoed, the latter of which Heyman had strongly pushed for since 'coming in from the cold'. A storyline involving Rey Mysterio was also mercilessly shot down, although a compromise to address ECW's need for further starpower was eventually reached. The draft itself saw ECW dealt a reasonable hand. Johnny Nitro was arguably the biggest name in the clutch of talent that had been shifted to Tuesday nights. His push on RAW had stalled since his program with John Cena reached its conclusion, leaving him treading water ever since. The plan was to ultimately repackage the Tough Enough 1 winner, with management holding high hopes for him now that Melina had been prised from his side. Hampered by inconsistent booking and stop-start pushes, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin would also be keen to start afresh with their move suggesting that management were leaning towards Rhode's suggestion of instating a tag team division for the brand. Meanwhile Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore had been deemed surplus to requirements due to the faltering state of the cruiserweight scene on Smackdown following Gregory Helms long term injury and creative had no real direction planned for Eugene, opting to offload the burden onto Heyman. Departing from the brand, Matt Striker had all but ran his course in ECW, but the heaviest loss was that of their champion, Bobby Lashley. It was no secret that Lashley was always being groomed for the flagship show, having spent more time working Monday nights in the past couple of months, but the timing of his switch and the fact that he held the brand’s only belt were far from ideal circumstances to deal with. Internally the desire to push Lashley as the ‘uncrowned champion’ left ECW with an unclaimed belt and the lack of a franchise player. It was a vacancy that initially unbeknownst to Heyman, had already been filled by a reinvigorated former multiple WWE champion and an individual the ECW charge had at one time managed no less. With the centrepiece in position, priorities shifted to filling the key storyline–specific roles required for brand’s new direction in the summer. Brian Mailhot (otherwise known as Palmer Canon) rejected the option of a return out of hand, citing the previous harassment he suffered during his brief tenure with the company at the hands of JBL and the infamous ‘Wrestler’s Court’, as the reason behind his decision. Management would later contact Don Callis as an alternative, with speculation inevitably assuming a return of the ‘Cyrus’ character whom Heyman had initially created as an outlet to vent his frustrations with TNN back in 2001 and which the WWE now held the rights to. In order to tempt Callis from his current employment away from the wrestling ring, he received a corporate position that would allow him to utilise the MBA achieved following the collapse of ECW and would be briefly assigned to Ohio Valley Wrestling to hone his microphone skills. On the subject of OVW, Heyman and Rhodes assumed the developmental books of the WWE feeder league would be open for them to cherry pick upcoming talent in order to boost the roster to the size required to fill the brand’s new schedule. Once more, the pair would find their efforts hampered by the likes of Brian Gerwitz and Stephanie McMahon who were intent on preventing Vince’s sudden focus on ECW unravelling already carefully laid blueprints. Time wore on and internal conflicts intensified as plans were drafted, disregarded and redrafted in a continual cycle. Disputes over the creative licence given to Heyman in particular saw his rivals within the workings of the WWE act as obstructively as possible to his plans and progression towards the new era of the company’s lesser brand ground to a halt. In retaliation, Heyman and Rhodes became less cooperative creating something of a boardroom stalemate. Eventually a series of crisis meetings with the individual camps were held and disputes were ironed out by Vince’s volition alone. The results left neither party completely satisfied, but ultimately the Chairman’s decision was final. The hotly anticipated reconfiguration of the ECW brand was at hand... [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ecwbreak.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B][SIZE="1"]Further developments summarised for convenience.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [INDENT][LIST] [*] In an effort to establish the brand as an independent entity, ECW will no longer have a presence at current WWE pay-per-views. The annual ‘One Night Stand’ event has been designated as the brand's Wrestlemania equivalent, whilst discussions are ongoing concerning the addition of further pay-per-views. In particular management have favoured repackaging the Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday concept shows to replicate the Cyberslam events of old. Following the disastrous December to Dismember of 2006, the event is set to be cut from the schedule and replaced with November to Remember, which would take place a fortnight earlier in the calendar. Other plans are tentative at best at this time and although the WWE own the rights to classic events such as 'Guilty as Charged', 'Hardcore Heaven' and 'Heat Wave', no firm decisions have been made regarding their status. Despite the current approach seemingly favouring the promotion's past, no one has ruled out the possibility of installing new, WWE-created shows and concepts, with Vince understood to be as keen as ever to stamp his own creative mark on the brand's operating schedule. Given that One Night Stand has already been held as a tri-branded effort this year, the earliest a standalone ECW event would be staged is predicted to be September, although again, nothing has been set in stone at this juncture. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] In return for the recent concessions made to suit the Sci-Fi channel, the brand would be given more lenience towards the content of their programming. In the past, the network has tried to steer the Tuesday night show away from the frequent bloodletting and some of the more dangerous weapon spots that featured in the earlier editions immediately following ONS 06. Aspiring to draw in higher numbers from the 18-30 male demographic, the brand will deliberately appeal more to this section of the market than its in-house rivals, however the overall content will remain within the remit of WWE-acceptable programming. 'Extreme Rules' bouts will still be handled as a speciality stipulation and not the norm, remaining true to their WWE/ECW roots for the foreseeable future. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Provisional plans are in place to audition members of the crowd and form what insiders have dubbed a ‘hardcore choir’. Ranging from anywhere between twenty and a sixty individuals, the intention behind the move is to encourage the ECW atmosphere of old, but in a deliberately controlled fashion. Notably, the direct action will be made to create a product that feels more out of control and edgy, giving rise to talk of WSX style crowd spots being considered. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Rob Van Dam's current deal does not run beyond ECW's first extended show on Sci-Fi and despite being 'encouraged' by some of the recent changes, he is determined to take a break from in-ring competition before reassessing his options at a later date. Management are keen to bring the ECW original back onboard with the project and given the good nature in which he has ended his current WWE run, will seek to re-establish a working relationship when Van Dam's batteries have been sufficiently recharged. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] At this time no approach to resign Sabu has been considered, due to the worker's poor attitude during the final days of his WWE run and the likelihood that a return would be of no interest to him. Should RVD return to the company however, this stance may be re-evaluated. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Mike Bucci (aka Simon Dean) will make his return to television as former ECW stalwart Nova and primarily work with the midcard, however there are currently no plans to utilise Al Snow in any form other than the occasional cameo. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] James Mitchell, otherwise known as the Sinister Minister, has inked a written deal with the ECW. Mitchell attributed his decision to the collapse of his planned program with Ricky Banderas following a breakdown of relations between TNA and AAA. Unsettled with his position in the company due to Abyss's new direction and the lack of appealing alternatives, Mitchell will reprise his original ECW character although the exact gimmick is expected to be overhauled due to management's concern with its overtly occult nature. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Mick Foley declined from any fulltime involvement with the brand due to an amount of ongoing projects eating into his time, but he has however has left the door open for future discussions on the subject. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*]Johnny Jeter (Formerly of the Spirit Squad) has been recalled for OVW and reassigned to ECW. Jeter had begun teaming with Christian York on OVW TV tapings and recently competed in a non-televised match KC and Kassidy James. Whilst Jeter’s direction on the brand is unknown, it’s unlikely he’ll be teamed with York who himself will be given the opportunity of a fulltime WWE deal in the coming weeks. Recently returning from a hiatus, York has competed in a couple of WWE tryout matches already, the most notable against Chuck Palumbo on HEAT. In other OVW developments, Michael Depoli (Roadkill) has been recalled to the ECW brand; however moves to bring Harry Smith and Paul Burchill to ECW have been blocked. With cousin Teddy Hart in the process of signing a new developmental deal, Smith and his tag team partner TJ Wilson are being earmarked for Smackdown with management keen to push ‘the New Hart Foundation’ which will also include Nattie Neidhart. No specific reasons were given for denying Burchill’s move. Rene Dupree is however poised for an ECW return, along with Sylvan Grenier in order to revisit the briefly attempted reformation of La Resistance that was pulled from TV several months ago. Mike Knox is expected to be recalled to the main roster too and whilst Sonny Siaki had also been linked to the new ECW, nothing more has transpired. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] On a former talent signings purge, Danny Doring, Tony Mamaluke and CW Anderson have all signed new short term deals, despite being released by the WWE less than 12 months ago. The company have also reacquired the services of Kid Kash, however Kash’s deal is more tenuous than most, with the worker literally operating on a ‘one strike’ basis due to his past actions. Justin Credible decided against resigning. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] One decision that seemingly came like a bolt out of the blue was that to recruit Steve Corino on a deal that would mean he saw out the remainder of his career with WWE/ECW. 'The King of Old School' explained that it was a wrench to leave what he considered as his home (Pro-Wrestling ZERO1-MAX), but he'd arrived at a point his career where he needed to consider a life outside of the ring. It's understood that a pivotal part of his decision hinged on being instated in an 'agent' role for which Dusty Rhodes strongly went to bat for him. On the subject of Tommy Dreamer, Corino joked that the plan was apparently to put the two in a room together and lock the door for a good hour or more and if both men made were still alive after the hour had passed, then they'd consider the issue resolved. Despite being a former ECW, NWA and AWA Champion, Corino was overlooked for the Invasion angle when the WWE first purchased and despite heavy rumours of some involvement with ONS 06, he never featured on the show or figured in the initial re-launch of ECW. The structure of Corino's contract will also allow him to fulfil a couple of remaining commitments in Japan including a final 'retirement match' in Zero-One following over five years of service, whereas his WWEECW tenure could well end with a short program against CM Punk. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Having put the feelers out for a permanent return last month, Yoshihiro Tajiri returned to the WWE on a short term basis and will figure in the next two months of ECW's new schedule. Any extension to this agreement is dependant on Tajiri's willingness to stay involved with the brand's new direction and delaying a return to his homeland. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Regardless of his father proposing it, Cody Rhodes will break onto TV via RAW as part of Randy Orton's latest push, instead of the young lion angle Dusty had penned for ECW. [/LIST][/INDENT] [INDENT][LIST] [*] Finally, there are rumblings of a planned ‘Bring Your Own Weapons’ match being trialled at one of the July House Shows. The concept proved a big hit with the original ECW faithful, however if such a contest were to happen, there would likely be increased restrictions on the items fans would be allowed into the arena with. [/LIST][/INDENT] [QUOTE][B]OOC Notes:[/B] And that concludes the set up. It became a bit lengthier than I intended, but then, that just seems to be my way. As I warned, some of the developments would be unlikely in real life, whereas others have been plucked from various net-nonsense, interviews and blogs I've encountered. Despite revealing most of my hand, there will likely be the odd additional face popping up here and there depending on what TEW and the real world throw at me. Hopefully that's set the scene well... the first show is in the works.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;276354]I kind of pity the WWE, you just stole most of their talented workers.[/QUOTE] Given the way they usually seem to book, I don't think they'll miss any of them. Also thanks for the previous comment about expecting greatness... nice raising the bar for everyone to be disappointed. ;) If this runs anywhere near as consistantly as your Rebirth dynasty however, I will be pretty pleased with myself. [QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;276354]Some good choices to join your brand, there. WGTT will obviously be good as it gives you somewhere to start from if you want to build a tag team division up, and the rest will give you some good midcard/undercard talent to work, hopefully resulting in more good matches on the weekly TV shows and less squash matches (and obviously a 90 minute timeslot makes it easier to do this also) - maybe with a midcard title being added eventually, if that's the direction that you want to go in. Super Crazy should be an obvious good addition from his ECW history, and another person who I look forward to seeing booked by you is Jamie Noble. I could never really appreciate his talent until I saw some of his matches from ROH.[/QUOTE] That's the main thinking behind the moves you've mentioned. On the subject of Jamie Noble, indeed he is very much overlooked in the WWE. It wasn't until I watched Velocity frequently where he (and others) were given sufficient time to work solid (non-story-driven) matches that I really saw what he could do. Still however, I will try to maintain an aura of WWE-style booking... so the outlook for him might not be as bright as you would hope.
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[center][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ECWIntro.gif[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Tahoma"]A TRUE HARDCORE HOMECOMING[/FONT] [/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]ECW[/COLOR] on Sci Fi Episode 001 - Tuesday, July Week 1, 2007 - LIVE From The Expo Center Coliseum [/SIZE][/B] ________________________________________________[/CENTER] The opening montage rolled to the new and unrelenting beat of ECW's marching anthem, "This Is Extreme". The music continued during transition to the LIVE feed, fading out slightly as it was overpowered by the dull hum of the air conditioning units backstage in the Ohio arena where the camera rested on a shot of firetruck-red double doors. These would soon swing open as Paul Heyman strode through with the ECW World Championship clasped over his shoulder as if he were a proud father cradling his newborn child. Heads turned, necks twisted and eyes focussed as the workers congregated behind the scenes displayed varying degrees of interest and unease at the return of their self-proclaimed messiah. Joey Styles applied tags that ranged from 'the mad scientist' to 'father hardcore' and began discussing the ramifications caused by Vince McMahon’s death as the reinstated ECW charge eventually emerged through the luminous pink glow of the entranceway and headed to the ring. Beaming the widest smile his chubby face could muster, Heyman took control of a microphone and waited for the duelling “ECW” and “Weclome Back” (instigated by the hardcore choir no less) chants to subside. [CENTER][I]“Perhaps it’s not wholly appropriate at a time like this, but nothing is going to wipe this smile from my face! I am back and this is ECW! Now I realise that there’s a Federal Investigator in the building tonight, so I should really choose my words more carefully, but I’m a man with murder in mind and from this point forth we are going to kill the twisted, decaying legacy that Vincent Kennedy McMahon has left behind in ECW!”[/I] – [B]Paul Heyman[/B][/CENTER] Doing his utmost to whip the often listless WWEECW followers into a frenzy, Heyman launched into a worked-shoot-esque promo about Vince, the state of ECW and his ‘removal from office’, suggesting that he did the best he could with the limited tools at his disposal. He’s been doing that all of his life, building ECW whilst utilising and manipulating inferior workers to the point where in 2001, he took his brand of hardcore to a national platform. This prompts Heyman to remark that thus far, the new administration have backed him to the hilt, unlike the days under TNN’s network standards or Vince’s self-gratifying regime. With his spleen now well and truly vented, Paul E changed his focus to the ECW World Title and loosely referenced Rhino’s TNA shoot promo as he reveals he himself was tempted to set alight to the belt after having the patriarch of the McMahon family defile the brand’s only gold. He resisted and is determined to re-establish the credibility of the vacant belt with a brand-spanning tournament to crown a new, deserving champion at which point he called out the only former champion still involved with the brand… cue the music of Rob Van Dam. RVD gingerly made his down the aisle and joined the General Manager in the squared circle, making sure to sell the lingering effects of his stretcher match against Orton at ONS sixteen days ago. Labelling it a decision skewed by megalomaniacal tendencies and the desire to rechristen the WWE Championship, Heyman apologises for the ‘South Philly Screwjob’ that ended RVD’s title reign and whilst he simply couldn’t just hand the belt back to ‘Mr Tuesday Night’ he was going to ensure that Van Dam had the chance to rectify his mistake. Heyman manages to get across the schematics of the tournament and mentions that several of tonight’s contests will be assessed as qualification matches when an all too familiar voice and an all too familiar line gatecrashes the opening segment. [CENTER][I]“Cut… cut… cut! The Network isn’t very happy…”[/I] – [B]Cyrus[/B][/CENTER] Despite Heyman’s earlier vow, his smile instantly disappears as his former TNN nemesis, 'Cyrus the Virus' appears in the entranceway sporting a little less hair, an ‘all access’ pass pinned to his lapel and a microphone of his own. Joking that old habits die hard (re: his catchphrase) Cyrus explains that he isn’t involved with the network, but in fact ‘The Administration’, who now control the fortunes of ECW following Mr McMahon’s demise. They head-hunted the one-time manager of The Truth Commission on the basis of his TNN résumé and even though The Administration saw Heyman as the man to lead their new investment to new heights in Sports Entertainment, they were aware that the founder of ECW was an evil genius that would have to be [I]moderated [/I]. [CENTER][I]“That is where [B]I[/B] come in.”[/I] – [B]Cyrus[/B][/CENTER] Turning a mild shade of purple, Heyman berates his anti-extreme adversary, accusing him of being a disease whose Canadian blood would run rivulets over ECW if allowed. Before the General Manager could dispense further threats of eradicating Cyrus, the Administration’s representative protested his innocence and claimed that TNN oppressed him, forcing him to bend further to their will each passing day in order to keep bringing a pay-packet home to his family. This caused RVD to interject by telling Cyrus to literally cut the crap. If he really did have a family, he’d sell them a heartbeat if it meant another step up the corporate ladder and demanded the former Network Rep get the hell out of town before ‘the whole damn show’ came down there and kicked him across the whole damn arena. RVD places one foot through the ropes and the gesture alone sends Cyrus backtracking. Promising that this incarnation of ECW is a blank slate and that he now stands on the same side of the trenches as Van Dam and Heyman, Cyrus offers forth a gesture of goodwill from him on behalf of The Administration and motions to the glowing entrance set. [CENTER][I][B]THIS… IS A TEST… [/B][/I][/CENTER] Former ECW employee and wellbeing victim, Andrew ‘Test’ Martin strides out, flanked by Cyrus who directs the impressive physical specimen to the ring. Styles and Tazz take the opportunity to remind the fans of Test’s past exploits and bring up that he was one the key players behind Heyman’s previous dictatorship. With music still blaring, Test postures on the second rope, before viciously big booting the unsuspecting Van Dam in the side of the head. If ‘Mr Tuesday Night’ wasn’t concussed prior to this evening, he surely was now as he lay motionless on the canvas with Test towering over him. Heyman furiously confronted Cyrus who looked equally shocked at what had transpired, leaving ECW on Sci Fi to head into the commercials with medics rushing to the scene.
The show returns with Elijah Burke making the short journey to the ring for the night’s opening contest, accompanied by his enforcer and the only remaining member of the New Breed, Marcus Cor Von. Aided by a brief ‘during the commercial’ package, Joey Styles informs us that Rob Van Dam has been rushed to the nearest medical facility following Test’s vile and almost definitely pre-meditated attack. He then filled in the less informed viewers on the significance of Cyrus’s appointment as the crowd rose to their feet for the entrance of CM Punk. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/CMPunkAAF4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ElijahBurkeAAF2.jpg[/IMG] [B][Standard Rules Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]CM PUNK[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]ELIJAH BURKE[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The heat from the fans encouraged Punk to start the match on the front foot, causing Burke to retreat to the outside on a couple of occasions for a breather and a pep talk from Cor Von. Styles explained the rather convoluted tournament situation and stated that both participants of the bout have apparently been seeded and therefore weren’t required to win this match in order to have a chance at claiming the ECW World Title. Cor Von continued to make himself a factor and indeed it was the actions of Burke’s stablemate that allowed ‘the Guiding Light of the New Breed’ to gain a foothold in proceedings, trying to wear Punk down before succumbing to a judo throwdown and leg lariat for a nearfall. Burke would recover soon after, but the flow of the battle was with the Straight Edge Superstar and Punk nailed a springboard clothesline whilst in the ascendancy. Unaware that Cor Von was inbound off of the ropes, Punk falls victim to The Pounce and subsequently earns a victory via disqualification. [CENTER][B]Winner: CM Punk (in 04:12 via DQ due to outside interference) Match Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] Burke grabs a microphone post match and delivers a promo centering on the tried and tested ‘New Breed Unleashed’ blurb that featured heavily in the brands advertising material not too long ago. Issuing a warning to the new additions to the roster, including the recent draftees and especially the former ECW alumni that had returned, he vowed that from this night forward the New Breed will grow in strength, influence and numbers. Claiming that CM Punk lacks vision, Burke demands Cor Von make a further example of the Straight Edge Superstar only for the intended victim to gain his second wind. Punk clears the Alpha Male from the squared circle and avoids Burke’s attempted cheapshot, sending him packing by bowling him over the ropes on the opposing side. Punk stood his ground, trying to predict who would make the next move as the two New Breed members circle the ring menacingly. Unexpectedly Cyrus makes his return to the stage and states that the Administration is truly excited by the potential of those in the ring, but they also demand a fair contest. The representative goes on to announce that tonight’s main event will pit the New Breed against CM Punk and an ECW Original of his choice in a tag team match. Appearing to favour those terms, Punk nods confidently in agreement and leaves Styles to question whether this is indeed a new Cyrus who is far removed from his 2001 counterpart.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]INNOVATIVE WARM-UP[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The feed went backstage where Nova was clenching his buttocks in Simon Dean fashion when Steven Richards enters the room. Visibly disturbed, Richards shields his eyes and tries to inform Nova that qualification schedule has been pinned around the backstage area and that his former BWO-mate doesn’t have a match to prepare for until next week. Continuing his unappealing warm-up routine, an undaunted Nova insists that one should always prepare ahead of time and promises that after a cardiovascular workout like this, his opponent will have no chance of advancing in the tournament. Before Richards can question if this really qualifies as cardiovascular exercise and demand again that Nova desists, the sound of raised voices causes the camera to roam elsewhere.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]NEW RELATIONS AND PAST MISTAKES[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The focus switches to the General Manager’s office or ECW’s version of Mission Control. Paul Heyman is in the midst of a heated conversation with Cyrus, not helped by the latter’s decision to book the night’s main event. Heyman tells the Administration’s representative that due to his actions earlier, Test will blackballed from the World Title tournament. Agreeing with Paul E, Cyrus tells the General Manager that even though Test’s actions were against all decent codes of conduct, The Administration viewed him as too great of an asset to bar from the planned tournament. Instead he suggested that Heyman should seek some other form of disciplinary action in this case, to which Heyman told Cyrus not to worry… Test will get what’s coming to him in the not too distant future. After telling the GM that he’s glad they have an understanding, Cyrus leaves the office and bumps into Steve Corino and Johnny Jeter in the corridor. Jeter is massaging Corino’s neck as ‘The King of Old School’ exchanges insincere pleasantries with the Administration representative, ahead of his debut on WWE’s third brand. Obviously a man of mixed agendas, Cyrus’s tone quickly drops as he bluntly warns Corino that he’d be best advised not to consider ‘rocking the boat’ like he did at the end of his last ECW run. This isn’t TNN and The Administration is a far greater force than The Network ever were, to which Corino awkwardly laughs and tells the stern looking representative not to worry. He and Jeter depart, leaving Cyrus to audibly think aloud and hope that history doesn’t repeat itself… for Corino’s sake. Regretting his threatening tone, Cyrus is collared by Federal investigator Daniel Beck who was positioned slightly off screen having just arrived in Columbus. Beck suggests that perhaps they should discuss this elsewhere to which the Administration’s representative reluctantly agrees.
Commenting on Corino’s appearance, Joey Styles mentions that Mr McMahon’s death had opened up a wealth of job opportunities for several individuals and that they would have to wait a while to see how ECW is reshaped following that dramatic finale on Monday Night RAW. Noting Daniel Beck’s presence, Tazz argues that all these guys coming simply add to the growing list of suspects as Styles has just proved they all had a motive. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/SuperCrazyAAF2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/LittleGuidoAAF.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/Tajiri3.jpg[/IMG] [B][Triple Threat, Qualification Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]SUPER CRAZY[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]NUNZIO[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="DarkRed"]TAJIRI[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] The traditional ECW three way dance takes place next under the guise of the WWE-christened ‘triple threat’. Super Crazy is already inside the ring, along with Nunzio who has Tony Mamaluke at ringside when Tajiri returns to a strong response from the crowd. The match itself is typical of the men involved, Tajiri doled out stiff kicks like cards at Christmas, while Super Crazy pulled out his regulation spots and Nunzio generally spent his time on the receiving end of both men’s offence. The match reached it’s conclusion in a sequence that begins with Nunzio dropping Super Crazy with the Sicilian Slice only to take a lethal roundhouse from Tajiri. Having dispatched the interfering Mamaluke from the apron with a crowd-pleasing Green Mist, The Japanese Buzzsaw lines the little Italian up for his finishing strike when the Sinister Minister pops up at ringside. Unsure of his intentions, Tajiri takes his eye off of the bout and pays the price when Super Crazy leaps onto his shoulders and scores the win with a victory roll. [CENTER][B]Winner: Super Crazy (in 06:58 via pinfall on Yoshihiro Tajiri) Match Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] Tajiri looks at Super Crazy with wide eyes and despite looking slightly sympathetic to Tajiri’s cause, the former Mexicool is delighted to have secured himself a place in the tournament. Bearing him no real ill will, Tajiri snaps back to glare a hole through the Sinister Minister who returns a dismissive smirk before breaking out into a trademark laugh as he slowly backs up the aisle.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]THE SYSTEM IS OPPRESSIVE[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] CM Punk is hanging out backstage with new draftee from Smackdown, Shannon Moore. The Straight Edge Superstar tells Moore that his current look is a vast improvement on his Reject days where Punk considered him as nothing more than a poser. Moore acknowledges this and says that if he were an ECW Original, Punk could count on him as a partner for the main event against the New Breed. Appreciative of the gesture, Punk heads off to find a viable partner, turning back to joke with Moore that ‘the system is oppressive’, harkening back to a soundbyte from the cruiserweight’s previous gimmick. When Punk pivots back around, he finds himself standing face to face with Test and the two engage in a tension-filled staredown before breaking off.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR WATER COOLER[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Elsewhere in the back, The World’s Greatest Tag Team stand around a water cooler in their matching hooded vests. Charlie Haas laments that they got drafted to a brand that offers them hardly any competition and doesn’t even have their own Tag Team belts. Shelton Benjamin nods, but doesn’t appear to be giving his partner his full attention as the view pans back to show Extreme Expose getting ready for their dance routine slot nearby. Grabbing Benjamin, Haas tries to put across the seriousness of their dilemma and runs down the lack of opposition in ECW when La Resistance show up on TV for the first time in months. Backed up by Sylvan, Rene Dupree flicks back his still long brown locks of hair and informs the WGTT that they need look no further to see ECW’s premiere tandem. Benjamin responds by telling Dupree that whilst he and Grenier might well be the greatest team in France, he and Haas are the greatest team on the face of the planet. Before the debate can escalate further, The Major Brothers approach having exchanged smiles with the Expose girls. Brian Major reiterates that he and his sibling, Brett are lifelong ECW fans and will one day follow in the footsteps of legendary teams such as Public Enemy and The Dudley Boys. This prompts a battered Nunzio and Green Mist stained Tony Mamaluke to weigh in with their opinion and accuse Brian of leaving out one of ECW’s greatest ever teams… the FBI! Finally Danny Doring joins the crowded scene after checking out Extreme Expose for himself and scoffs at Nunzio’s boast. A stand off develops with all nine men when Doring’s partner Roadkill finally pops up, intrigued by the camera itself. Seemingly confused by the technology, the Amish Warrior gazes into the lens before bellowing the most profound statement of the whole segment. [CENTER][I]“Chickens!”[/I] – [B]Roadkill[/B][/CENTER]
Following a Tommy Dreamer hype package, the live feed returns with Extreme Expose occupying the ring for their obligatory dance routine, with Eugene watching from the outside. The recently drafted ‘special’ superstar covers his eyes from the booty-shaking display, which ironically is what some of the crowd feel like doing. The response to the neither extreme nor particularly exposing choreography is lukewarm with a small section of fans trying to drum up a ‘we want wrestling’ chant. Once finished, a new WWE junk theme plays and Steve Corino strolls out with Johnny Jeter bouncing behind him like a hyperactive goof akin to his Spirit Squad days. Styles reveals that Jeter has been employed Corino as his personal trainer in an apparent attempt to hone his body to the toned WWE-ideal. Tazz mockingly questions whether they’ve had any sessions yet as Corino gets a hold Justin Robert’s microphone. Shaking his head as the Expose girls exit the ring, Corino turns his attention to Eugene and asks the cape-wearing superstar if he realises who he’s standing in the ring with. Eugene scratches his head and takes a moment to ponder the question, before supposedly misreading the initials on Corino’s trunks and guessing that the double S’s stand for Shawn Stasiak. The King of Old School understandably flips out and calls Eugene the retard of all retards before laying intp him prior to the bell. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/EugeneAAF.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/SteveCorino2.jpg[/IMG] [B][Standard Rules, Qualification Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]EUGENE DINSMORE[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]STEVE CORINO[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Styles pipes up with a little bit of trivia and tells the viewers that Corino’s middle name is in fact Eugene as the one-time ECW World Champion goes to work on his namesake. Dictating the pace throughout, Corino never lets off his opponent in this glorified squash. Eugene gets in some minor offence by countering Corino into a Rock Bottom, but that’s as good as it gets with Corino using his patented Old School Bomb to mark his debut with a comfortable triumph. [CENTER][B]Winner: Steve ‘Eugene’ Corino (in 02:36 via pinfall) Match Rating: D[/B][/CENTER] Johnny Jeter joins his client in the ring and makes sure that it is he alone who raises Corino’s hand in victory.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]YOUR BARGAINING POSTURE IS HIGHLY DUBIOUS[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Reverting backstage once more, the New Breed approach Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke, questioning whether they intend to team up with CM Punk later tonight and advise them not to pursue such a venture. Mamaluke asks what’s it to them and makes a hand gesture for some green bills when Burke asks for any inside information regarding the identity of Punk’s partner. Raising the lightweight FBI member from his feet, Cor Von demands that Mamaluke complies and pins him against the nearby set of lockers. Stepping forward Nunzio manages to weasel his way out of the situation by guaranteeing that Burke can count on them not to involve themselves in New Breed business. ‘The Guiding Light of the New Breed’ is pleased that they see things his way, telling Nunzio that bad things tend to happen to people who meddle in their affairs… conveniently making such a damning statement in front of Daniel Beck who had approached unnoticed. Beck raised an eyebrow, causing Cor Von to release Mamaluke as ECW on Sci Fi headed into another set of commercials.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]FUELLED BY YELLOW TEETH AND POWERED BY NITRO[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The live broadcast returns to a scene of pandemonium as referees and officials flood the squared circle, rushing to the aid of Cassidy O’Reilly. Under his OVW alias of Kassidy James, the former Hotshots member rests in a crumpled heap at the feet of an enraged Snitsky. The yellow-teethed psychopath has destroyed his prospective opponent before the match could even be started and having obliterated him with a pumphandle slam, it’s clear that it wouldn’t be starting anytime soon. Prowling the ring aggressively, Snitsky picks off a couple of hapless officials before being shepherded out of the ring by security. Even so, it’s clear that Snitsky is leaving more of his own accord than the instruction of the rent-a-cops. But then, this is extreme… [CENTER][I] “Apparently I’d be ill-advised to suspend Test, but boy… have I got something for you!”[/I] – [B]Paul Heyman[/B][/CENTER] Paul Heyman marches out in his leather coat with a microphone and tells Snitsky that he picked the wrong night to try something like this. From this moment on, the shaven monster is suspended from active competition until further notice. Upon hearing this, Snitsky snaps, lashing out and hauling one unfortunate (if planted) fan over the barrier and even motions for the General Manager before security manage to subdue him. Heyman barks a final warning to Snitsky which seems to hit home, leaving Styles to connect the dots and realise that this must surely rule Snitsky out from the tournament. Tazz echoes this and goes on to point out that the boss clearly means business as Heyman stomps into the ring. With Kassidy James still prone next to him, Heyman goes into pseudo-shoot-mode and brings up high profile draftee Johnny Nitro. The GM goes on to blast Nitro, claiming that he had been booked to face CW Anderson in a qualification match tonight only for Nitro to blow the show off due to ‘commitments in L.A.’. The consequences of this mean that Nitro forfeits his chance at the ECW World Title and CW Anderson will be advancing at his expense. If Nitro doesn’t like that, then he get on his Nextel and phone his opinion to some who’ll listen, because here in the land of extreme it’s Paul Heyman who calls the shots. Tazz insists that statement was also directed at Cyrus as Heyman calls for an impromptu eight man tag team match to fill the void left by Nitro’s no-show, before leaving. And that match starts [B]now[/B]. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/CharlieHaasAAF2Black.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/SheltonBenjaminAAF5Black.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ReneDupree-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/Sylvan_Grenier4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/BrettMajorAAF.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/BrianMajorAAF.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/DannyDoring.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/Roadkill3.jpg[/IMG] [B][Impromptu Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]THE WORLD’S GREATEST TAG TEAM[/COLOR] & [COLOR="DarkRed"]LA RESISTANCE[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]THE MAJOR BROTHERS[/COLOR] & [COLOR="DarkRed"]DORING & ROADKILL[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] The faces came out with a combined entrance for time purposes, whereas La Reistance came out in their full beret-wearing and flag-waving glory, followed by Haas and Benjamin who made their way out last. Serving as an exhibition of all four teams, each tandem was allowed a couple of high spots each to get across their abilities. The Majors incorporated their double leapfrog, whilst Doring and Roadkill scored a nearfall with their bear hug / lariat combination known as the Lancaster Lariat of Lust. On the opposing side, Haas and Benjamin displayed their usual tag team fluidity and much to Tazz’s delight, Rene Dupree even worked in a French Tickler. The end sequence saw Brian Major’s inexperience result in his brother betting clocked with the pole of the Quebec flag by Grenier and German suplexed for the pin by Charlie Haas whilst Benjamin and Dupree managed to occupy Doring and Roadkill. [CENTER][B]Winners: The World’s Greatest Tag Team & La Resistance (in 07:16 via pinfall on Brett Major) Match Rating: C [/B][/CENTER] Haas and Benjamin hug to the slight bemusement of their French partners and leave Brian Major to reflect on what will have to go down as a learning experience.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]NOBLE INTENTIONS, FROM A MAN WITH BALLS[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] A graphic aired to hype the upcoming coming main event featuring CM Punk and a yet-to-be-named ECW original before the broadcast switched to Jamie Noble's locker room. Sat on the wooden bench, Noble is unlacing his boots and baring the usual facial expression… one that would sour fresh milk, when he suddenly feels the room begin to vibrate. Climbing to his feet, the cruiserweight trips over the flap of his half undone boot as the rumbling becomes stronger, causing the very fixtures of the room to shake. A blinding white light then floods the scene, forcing Noble to cover his face for a few moments until the disturbance suddenly subsides as if it had never occurred. Snatching his belongings, a literally shaken Noble almost tumbles into the outside corridor to the bewilderment of Joel Gertner who stood positioned at the designated interview backdrop ahead of his inbound segment as the spooked redneck scuttled past. The camera continues to track Noble until he passes Balls Mahoney heading in the opposite direction. The ECW original gets stopped by a stagehand carrying a bouquet of flowers who asks the direction to Kelly Kelly's dressing room. Balls points out that they're standing only a couple of feet from his destination when Kelly displays an impeccable sense of timing and opens the door. Seeing the tag on the beautiful gift, she naturally presumes they originated from Balls and kisses the rough-looking superstar on the cheek. Balls tries to confess that the flowers aren't actually from him, but Kelly is too busy gushing over the gesture to listen. [CENTER][I] “They're beautiful, you're so thoughtful I couldn't... OH MY GOD!”[/I] – [B]Kelly Kelly[/B][/CENTER] The Expose girl screams, but Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von ignored her distressed pleas as they blindside Balls, bundling him into a nearby equipment trolley. The assault is swift and brutal, leaving the New Breed's victim strewn across the floor, spluttering for breath as Kelly tries to tend to him. Chalk up one ECW original who won’t be in contention for the vacant slot in the main event.
Elsewhere in the back, the Sandman is perched atop one of the equipment crates with his Singapore cane in one hand and a can of beer in the other. Fellow ECW veteran Tommy Dreamer walks into view packing a steel chair and asks his fellow original if he's aware that their Extreme Rules match is up next. Sandman nods in response and adds that it's gonna be just like old times. Dreamer asks him if he's ready as a wry smile forms on the mugs of both hardcore icons. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/TommyDreamerAAF.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/SandmanAAF.jpg[/IMG] [B][Extreme Rules, Qualification Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]TOMMY DREAMER[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]THE SANDMAN[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Shooting to his feet, Sandman wields his cane and cracks it against the steel chair of Dreamer who shared similar intentions. The pair duel with their weapons of choice for a few moments longer until Dreamer bundles his opponent against the nearby wall and effectively disarms him. The Heart and Soul of ECW then takes a swing for the fences, but connects with nothing other than concrete pillar until Sandman tackles him to the floor. The pair then embark on a tour of the backstage area, slamming one another into every conceivable object and surface that appears on their travels. It doesn't take long for referee Mike Posey to catch up with the combatants and count the nearfall that results from Sandman delivering a white Russian legsweep on top of a wooden palette. The match is the standard WWE Hardcore fare, with steel trays and aluminium trashcans being used in abundance, serenaded by Styles and Tazz trying to sell the contest as well as they can. Styles makes sure to mention that this is just an example of how lawless the ECW brand can be as Dreamer mounts a comeback by back-body-dropping his fellow ECW alumni onto a nearby table. This leads to the finish where Dreamer clambers onto the table as well and DDT's Sandman to the floor below, landing amongst a pile of cardboard, wires and other debris. [CENTER][B]Winner: Tommy Dreamer (in 10:07 via pinfall) Match Rating: C-[/B][/CENTER] Elijah Burke ambushed Dreamer before he could savour his hard-fought victory, but the ‘Heart and Soul of ECW’ shrugged the blows off and gave chase to the fleeing New Breed’er… unwittingly running straight into Burke’s trap. Sprinting in from stage-left, Cor Von crosschecked Dreamer and sent the original’s frame crashing against the nearby plaster wall with the Pounce. The cracked surface tells the tale behind the impact of the collision as an indignant Burke stands the fallen ECW original with Tazz highlighting that another of CM Punk’s potential partners has been taken out of the equation.
The cyberpunk, trance beats of Kevin Thorn’s entrance theme dominate the main arena bowl as he heads to the ring unaccompanied, with Tazz reminding the viewers that he dropped Ariel not too many shows ago. Steven Richards heads out as the opposition for the night’s next contest, which doubles as a gateway to the ECW World Championship tournament. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/KevinThornAAF2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/StevieRichardsAAF2.jpg[/IMG] [B][Standard Rules, Qualification Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]KEVIN THORN[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]STEVEN RICHARDS[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The crowd seem fairly flat going into match, expecting Richards to do little more than make up the numbers. Certainly proceedings seem to follow that formula as Thorn controls large portions of the short bout. A ‘lets go Stevie’ chant sparks a comeback for the ECW original who nearly takes the win with a Stevie Kick that has his fanged foe down for only a two count. Following that rare peak of offence from Richards, Thorn jumps back into the driver’s seat, but comes undone when Richards slips out of the outsiders edge/crucifix bomb set-up and schoolboy’s his opponent for the upset win. [CENTER][B]Winner: Steven Richards (in 03:24 via pinfall) Match Rating: D+[/B][/CENTER] The voice of Joey Styles reaches a new octave as he proclaims Richards the winner, leaving a furious Thorn clutching his head in dismay. Anxious not to lose his focus too much, the announcer calms himself a little and informs the viewers that Joel Gertner of all people is positioned for an interview segment.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]THE QUINTESSENTIAL INTERVIEW SEGMENT[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Sneak previewed in the earlier segment, the broadcast returns to Joel Gertner as he stands in front of an ECW interview set consisting of little more than a steel mesh in front of a psychedelic purple background. More interestingly, the recently returned Andrew ‘Test’ Martin is located next to him. [CENTER][I] “Well, well, well....It is I, the quintessential studmuffin, Joel 'Delivers more package than UPS' Gertner.”[/I] – [B]Joel Gertner[/B][/CENTER] Unimpressed by the tame introduction (at least by Gertner’s standards), Test bounces the former ECW announcer from the set and cuts a forceful promo stating his intentions for the near future. Claiming that the opening incident with RVD was little more than score-settling, Test puts the rest of the roster on notice and predicts that the next superstar to hold the ECW World Title would be him.
[CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]THE FIRST SKELETON OUT OF THE CLOSET[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] With only the night’s feature bout remaining, the feed picks up with Paul Heyman in the midst of a phone call. The General Manager is alone for about the first time since he entered the arena and seems unusually upbeat. [CENTER][I] “No, thank [B]you[/B]. You’ve made my evening and you can tell Bobby Lashley that if he can get to the show next week… he’s got himself a deal. ”[/I] – [B]Paul Heyman[/B][/CENTER] The creator of ECW replaces the receiver and reclines back in his leather chair with the widest smile of the night as Styles questions whether we really heard Heyman state that Lashley could turn up at ECW on Sci Fi next week.
The announce duo recap the major talking points of tonight’s premiere ninety minute show, which adequately brings us up to speed with the main event scenario. Styles contemptibly discusses the New Breed’s calculated attempts to take out any viable ECW originals on whom CM Punk could have selected as a partner. Tazz joked that the Straight Edge Superstar might even have to ask him to step in unless he fancied facing Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von in a handicapped scenario. On that note, the New Breed made their way to the ring, brimming with confidence. CM Punk followed and also exudes a confident demeanour, which slightly unsettles Burke who grabs a microphone and demands to know whether Punk has a partner or not. Removing his t-shirt, Punk returns a knowing glance to Burke who repeats the question with increased bluntness. After a suspenseful pause, the remixed theme of Kurt Angle sounds and the fans roar with approval. Brandishing a gum-shield with ‘REVENGE’ imprinted on it, the Olympic Gold Medallist emerges and heads to the ring underneath a quick burst of blazing pyrotechnics. Styles lets a trademark ‘OH MY GOD!’ slip out as he and Tazz debate whether Angle constitutes an ECW original. Tazz reminds his colleague that Angle was indeed involved in the promotion, albeit briefly, back in the mid-nineties which prompts Styles to recall the lawsuit Angle threatened should his name be linked to the controversial event at which he appeared. Tazz feigns a search for the phone number of his lawyer as Angle enters the ring to raucous welcome and takes his place in the corner of CM Punk. Protesting that the inclusion of the multi-WWE champion isn’t fair game, Burke’s complaint falls on deaf ears as the bell sounds. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/KurtAngleECW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/CMPunkAAF4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/ElijahBurkeAAF2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/MarcusCorVonAAF.jpg[/IMG] [B][Standard Rules, Tag Team Match]: [COLOR="DarkRed"]KURT ANGLE[/COLOR] & [COLOR="DarkRed"]CM PUNK[/COLOR] versus. [COLOR="darkred"]THE NEW BREED[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Punk and Burke pick up from where they left off earlier in the evening, with the Straight Edge Superstar once again forcing the pace of the contest until the New Breed leader intervenes with an eye gauge. Tagging out to Cor Von, the powerhouse throws his weight around until the Straight Edge Superstar avoids a corner splash and nails the New Breed member with an enziguri. The tag to Angle ups the noise level in the Expo Center Coliseum as the Olympian sets about German suplexing Cor Von, leading to the first Ankle Lock attempt. Luckily for Cor Von, the former NFL linebacker is able to grab the ropes and makes the reluctant Burke the legal man. Burke fares little better than his partner, but does manage to sucker Angle into a cheapshot from Cor Von on the padded floor. Burke manages to land his high hanging elbow drop for a two count, but is unable to capitalise as Angle sends him sailing through the air with an overhead release belly-to-belly. Styles comments on the apparent lack of ring rust on Angle’s part as the Gold Medallist tags CM Punk back in, which leads to the OVW graduate adopting the ‘face in peril’ role. The New Breed take control for the next portion of the bout (part of which takes place during the final commercial break), successfully isolating Punk from his team mate. Eventually the crowd manage to rally the Straight Edge Superstar to a comeback that involves a high knee in the corner, followed by a bulldog and the energy-sapping crawl to reach his partner. Despite his best efforts, Burke can’t prevent Angle from receiving the hot tag and ultimately falls victim to the returning wrestling machine as he cleans house. Dispensing the illegal Cor Von with a release throw over the top rope, Angle finds himself in Burke’s sights as the New Breed’er rushes in for an opportunistic Elijah Express. Sidestepping, Angle allows Burke to go steaming knee-first into the buckle before snapping him into the Ankle Lock. Cor Von tries to save his leader, but Punk cuts him off and once Angle grapevines the leg, Burke has no option other than to tap out. [CENTER][B]Winners: CM Punk & Kurt Angle (in 14:28 via submission on Elijah Burke) Match Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] The victorious unit celebrate with CM Punk wearily applauding an intense Kurt Angle as the Olympian snarls through his gum shield whilst balanced on the second rope. This shot and those taken from several other perspectives are displayed on a wall of monitors elsewhere with a barely audible voice heard surmising that they’re found the perfect subject as ECW on Sci Fi ends with a flickering close-up of Angle’s sweat-soaked cranium. [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: [COLOR="DarkRed"]C+[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]All World Wrestling Entertainment programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, and logos are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ECW is a trademark of WWE Libraries, Inc. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. © 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][B]OOC Notes:[/B] That’s the first edition of ECW on Sci Fi in the books and in truth, it stretched a little longer (in time and length) than I’d intended, but seeing as it was the first show I felt there was a lot that needed detailing. I also used a fair bit time creating a format I like. Generally the ratings weren’t that spectacular, but then working with most of the current ECW roster is never going to yield instant hits and many of the additions (Test, Corino, etc) aren't exactly dripping in overness. Hopefully this show set the tone well for what is to follow from a pretty warped version of reality. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/bannerecw1qc.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kurt Angle ground on his gum shield and celebrated victory to close out an eventful first edition of the extended ECW on Sci Fi as the brand took its first cautious step unto new frontiers of the imagination-stretching kind. Internally the WWE are understood to have been pleased with the outcome, citing a .5 ratings bump from recent episodes and are content with the subtle transition the final product made towards its planned direction. Network president Bonnie Hammer however, is not said to be as taken with last night's effort with a perceived lack of star power arising as the main concern. Indeed Test's resigning and subsequent return (despite being released for breaching the wellbeing program earlier in the year) was a decision taken to appease the Network president ahead of time, but it seems Hammer remains undaunted in the quest to raise the show's profile. The current ECW roster has fluctuated considerably in recent months and that trend is unlikely to be bucked anytime soon following this semi-cloaked ultimatum. The immediate effect of this could mean that Bobby Lashley’s appearance on next week’s show might not be a one-night deal, but even his inclusion is unlikely to satisfy those demands from above. Such pressure from the network at this early stage has not been well-received by some involved with the brand, notably Dusty Rhodes. It’s alleged that Rhodes has spoken out against Hammer’s input, highlighting how out of touch the Network president is with the current product and the industry with names like Mick Foley and Stone Cold Steve Austin being banded about to spike ratings. Although both do have histories with ECW, they’re certainly not individuals on which the brand’s success can be built on or will provide the new ECW with its own identity. There has even been talk of Bill Goldberg’s name being mentioned, despite the mutual disdain the former WCW superstar now shares with key individuals in management. Once again, critics have used leaks like this to air their grievances over network interference and voice their concerns over where the brand is ultimately headed. Goldberg is undoubtedly not going to appear on the WWE radar, however the fear is that the longer the Network makes noise, the more likely their demands will be heard. Management are said to have invested time in several new video packages to educate WWEECW on some of the newly recruited ECW alumni, especially Cyrus, but those who appeared last night made effective appearances. Given recent developments with the owners of the Sci Fi Channel, some suspect Cyrus’s role could soon be tailored to mirror current developments, however Mr McMahon remains intent on crafting several of the old ECW characters to his own specifications. On a more show related note, the event was well-received by the live crowd and seemingly those watching on TV. The ongoing story with The New Breed threaded the show together well, climaxing with Kurt Angle’s unexpected return and added to the strong opening segment featuring what could well be RVD’s final appearance for the WWE. With Johnny Nitro set to make his belated ECW bow and Lashley being used to stack next Tuesday’s broadcast, it’s clear that management intend to build on this positive debut showing. Finally, Joel Gertner was only contracted to appear last night, but the former ECW announcer is hoping to secure a regular spot should he convince those in power that he can add something to the brand on a permanent basis. It’s strongly expected that Gertner will play some part in next week’s show at least.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]OOC Note:[/B] I picked up the ECW.com banner from an old pack I had for EWR. I have no idea who to credit, but thanks to said individual. I'll try and whip my own up when I've got a bit more patience to sit with Paint Shop Pro. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=The Ego;281810]Dude, straight away, the detail on this thing is immense. You have thought of everything. Its very consuming, and i only wish i could write in the same manner as you. Keep it up and im defo reading.[/QUOTE] Cheers Ego. Yeah detail seems to be my 'thing' although I'd like to be able to write a bit more concisely sometimes, lol.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;282127]One word.. wow. 'Nuff said.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=mad5226;282149]awesome stuff man keep up the great work.[/QUOTE] Thanks for reading and for the positive reinforcement. The next show is in the works and will feature the last set of qualification matches before the road to the ECW World Championship really begins. I'm not really one for prediction contests for every TV show, but I might well hold one for the tournament overall when the brackets get finalised. As a minor additional comment, being based in the UK, apart from the WWE incarnation I only really got to view ECW at the end of it's run on TNN. Whilst the promotion certainly wasn't at it's peak then, I always felt there were a few positives to take it at the time and I've tried to incorporate a little of this in the dynasty whilst trying to keep it all rather WWE-ised. It's like throwing a few more ingredients into the bubbling Sports Entertainment cauldron... or something. ;)
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I just love the idea of rehashing the Cyrus angle from ECW on TNN, I swear I thought that very idea would work [I]SO[/I] well in real life back when WWE debuted the ECW brand, even if it were someone like a Jonathan Coachman filling the role of administration stooge, reporting to Heyman that the front office wasn't happy, making it a real "us versus them" deal.. its what WWE tried to do with the New Breed / Originals feud, but it lacked that heat to really get people emotionally invested.
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