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WCW - Starrcade '97 and Beyond...

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wcw/wcw.gif[/IMG] “Well? What do you think?” I was almost slack jawed, standing in WCW’s office within the massive CNN Center. A few weeks ago, I put in an application to write for World Championship Wrestling, which had quickly become the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. A few weeks later, here I was…standing before Eric Bischoff, the President who had acquired the pieces that made it possible for WCW’s current position. “It’s incredible, but I’m a bit confused. You want to give me the book?” “Is there a problem with that?” “Well…no. But there might be people who are more experienced…Sullivan…Nash even…” “You know the Dungeon of Doom was Sullivan’s idea, right?” “Well yeah…” “Imagine a whole fed based around that concept…” “Wouldn’t that pretty much be the entire year of 1995?” “Heh…you got me. And that’s the exact thing I want to avoid. The New World Order is hot right now. Incredibly hot. I can’t just hand the keys to the kingdom over to anybody. It’s like I’m Willy Wonka…and you’re Charlie. All you need to do is sign on the bottom line.” “And all you need to do is show me the contract…” “I thought you might say that…” … Oh yeah…signing on the bottom line was easy. Are you kidding? A chance to run the biggest wrestling company in the world? A promotion that was in good standing well before the Montreal Screwjob, but now just so happens to have the greatest roster ever assembled? 80’s Legends? Check. Technical masterclasses? Check. High flying lucha stars? Check. Combine that with the red hot nWo program…and nothing could go wrong. Nothing. I’m coming in during the build to Starrcade ’97, Mr. Bischoff’s baby. When I asked him why he’d give up the book at a time like this, he said that he’d done his job…he’d put the pieces in place to burry McMahon, and that now he was going to shop his ideas around elsewhere…while maintaining his high profile role as the President of WCW/the man behind the New World Order. He only has one match on the card, but considering how huge it is, I could fill the card with “The Best of the Nasty Boys” and still break every record buy rate ever put forth by a pro wrestling federation. My job is to build the undercard, and carry WCW past Starrcade. It would have been easy without the Screwjob…but now? With Bret Hart on my roster? With Davey Boy Smith back in WCW? This is gonna be easy…[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Nitro Preview[/B] [I]Provided by World Championship Wrestling[/I] The Road to Starrcade continues, as we near the epic confrontation between Hollywood Hogan and Sting! This week, we are LIVE from the Norfolk Scope for what WCW's Championship Committee has declared to be a Night of Champions. Every WCW Title will be on the line! How will this shake up WCW's landscape as we near the biggest PPV event in the history of this industry? Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Psicosis Bill Goldberg vs. Billy Kidman WCW World Television Championship Perry Saturn © vs. Rick Martel WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. Ultimo Dragon WCW World Tag Team Championships The Steiner Brothers © vs. The Faces of Fear WCW United States Championship Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Jericho Dean Malenko vs. Chris Benoit Raven vs. The Giant WCW World Heavyweight Championship "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan © vs. ?????[/CENTER]
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Rey Mysterio Jr vs. [b]Psicosis[/b] [b]Bill Goldberg[/b] vs. Billy Kidman WCW World Television Championship Perry Saturn © vs. [b]Rick Martel[/b] WCW World Cruiserweight Championship [b]Eddy Guerrero ©[/b] vs. Ultimo Dragon WCW World Tag Team Championships [b]The Steiner Brothers ©[/b] vs. The Faces of Fear WCW United States Championship [b]Curt Hennig ©[/b] vs. Chris Jericho [b]Dean Malenko[/b] vs. Chris Benoit Raven vs. [b]The Giant[/b] WCW World Heavyweight Championship [b]"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan ©[/b] vs. ?????
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[B] Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] vs. Psicosis This will be a wicked, wicked match... man I wish this was real and we were kicking it back in '97 with Rey Rey y'all [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Billy Kidman I don't think Kidman can stop Goldberg here, the streak is growing and I think it was a good thing overall for WCW, except it was poorly ended and he was booked badly post that match at Starrcade '98. Knowing you as I do, I know you'll do a sweet job on this. WCW World Television Championship [B]Perry Saturn ©[/B] vs. Rick Martel Very differing personalities, that is for sure. Was it around this time that Martel was right in the TV title picture, and from that we got the Best of 7 series with Benoit and Booker? Those were the days... WCW World Cruiserweight Championship [B]Eddy Guerrero ©[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon This would be a super sweet match, I'd go Ultimo because I really respect him and certainly the 9 or so titles he has or whatever is a great angle, but I think Eddy has the charismatic entertaining skills edge so it'd be worthwhile pushing him. WCW World Tag Team Championships [B]The Steiner Brothers ©[/B] vs. The Faces of Fear I sense some Outsider interference here, but I still can't see a very tough and physical Faces of Fear team getting the job done on WCW's top tag team. WCW United States Championship [B]Curt Hennig © [/B]vs. Chris Jericho I sense Jericho is going to be over Hennig like a hot rash, but 'Ravishing' Rick Rude will save the day with a Rude Awakening, to really hot plate this one. I said in another thread, Hennig himself, while often not recognised was a name grossly mismanaged. In my book, post Fall Brawl '97 he should NOT have given the robe to Hollywood Hogan, but instead wore it himself and carried on the feud with Flair via that avenue. From there he was used as an upper midcard jobber to the stars, and I think that was a poor move. Dean Malenko vs. [B]Chris Benoit[/B] Great match fo shore. Two great friends, yet two brilliant wrestlers. Spooge. Raven vs. [B]The Giant[/B] I'm a massive fan of Raven, and I'd love to see him go over, but I don't think the time is right here. WCW World Heavyweight Championship [B]"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan ©[/B] vs. ????? I don't think you'd get Sting in there before we go to Starrcade, and I sense to build Starrcade Hogan has to be politically evil like he is, so I'll have him go over the mystery man. This is going to be sweeeeeet. And I know you will know how to cast the matches, seeing as you have so many great matches on your site. I've still got it saved in the favourites dog. Welcome to GDS by the way :D
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[B]Rey Mysterio Jr [/B]vs. Psicosis [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Billy Kidman WCW World Television Championship [B]Perry Saturn ©[/B] vs. Rick Martel WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] WCW World Tag Team Championships [B]The Steiner Brothers ©[/B] vs. The Faces of Fear WCW United States Championship [B]Curt Hennig ©[/B] vs. Chris Jericho Dean Malenko vs. [B]Chris Benoit[/B] Raven vs. [B]The Giant[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship [B]"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan ©[/B] vs. ?????
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/nitro.jpg[/IMG] WCW Monday Nitro LIVE from the Norfolk Scope Arena Attendance: 10,000 (SOLD OUT) Dark Match La Parka d. Disco Inferno (2:53) The familiar opening video of WCW’s flagship show plays, and we are LIVE in the Norfolk Scope, a wrestling hotbed, and a frequent stop for WCW. We get pyro, and in short order, we’ve got Tony Schivone, too. Tony: Welcome fans to the show that has set the standard for Professional wrestling each and every Monday…welcome to Nitro! We’re but weeks away from Starrcade, which promises a final confrontation between Hollywood Hulk Hogan and the man known as Sting, and tonight’s show promises to be one of the grea- “N-n-n-new. N-n-n-new World Order…” [B]It’s Survey Time…[/B] We open up tonight, how else, with the New World Order. All of them. Even Vincent. Hogan plays air guitar on his belt, while the gang hits the ring. Easy E has the microphone and looks ready to talk, but the mic is quickly snatched from his hands by Scott Hall. Hall: Hey…hey yo. The crowd pops… Hall: It’s time for your favorite part of the show…it’s time…for a little survey. Tony: For those of you keeping score at home…quit. Hall: What I want to know…is if you came here to see…Dubya Cee Dubya… There’s mild cheering… Hall: That’s pretty good…about what I’d expect, considerin’ that we’re in a WCW town…but now I wanna know if you guys came here to see the N…W…O. The usual loud mixed reaction washes over the arena… Hall: That’s one more…for the good guys! (B+) [B]Ya Know Something, Brother?[/B] Hall grins, and hands the mic over to the current World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hogan: That’s right brother, one more for the good guys! Now that Hogan has the mic, the fans boo furiously. Hogan: Now I know that all you Virginia red necks are well aware that your hero, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, is being forced by WCW’s Championship Committee to put the nWo Heavyweight Title on the line at Starrcade against Sting. Heenan: It’s the downfall of the nWo, just waiting to happen! Hogan: You morons think that I’m afraid of the Stinger, brother…that I’m crying myself to sleep at night, clutching my title with everything I’m worth, because you think that Sting is going to drop down from the rafters and put Hollywood on his back. Tony: Personally, I can’t wait. Hogan: Well brother, Sting ain’t got nothing on the largest arms in the world brother, because Sting hasn’t even been in the ring since the New World Order stood next to the mountain that was WCW and chopped it down with the edge of this hand. Hogan makes a chopping motion while Eric bows to him… Hogan: But seeing as I’m so generous…I’ve asked my man Easy E here to give Sting a little bit of a warm up tonight…against the Hulkster. Tony: Hogan…is offering Sting a shot at him tonight? Hogan: That’s right brother…we don’t have to wait till Starrcade. You and me tonight for the belt, brother…which only leaves us with one question…whatcha’ gonna do when these 24 inch pythons and the New World Order run wild on you? Heenan: That’s it…Hogan’s lost it…he’s flipped his lid… Tony: Fans…I can’t believe it, but we’re having the main event of Starrcade tonight! Sting vs. Hogan…an entire year in the making…nWo vs. WCW…the greatest night Professional Wrestling has ever seen! Heenan: Normally I’d call you an idiot, Tony, but considering the rest of the matches on tonight’s show…I might just agree with you. Tony: It’s a night of champions fans…don’t you dare turn that dial! (B) [B]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis[/B] • An incredibly fast paced math to kick us off. • What else would you expect from these two? • Rey and Psicosis trade showstopping moves, and Rey makes the suicide dive to the outside. • Psicosis takes advantage late in the match and goes for the Guillotine Leg Drop, but Rey rolls to the apron! • Springbord Hurricanrana…1,2,3! (C-) [B]Bill Goldberg vs. Billy Kidman[/B] • Spear. • Jackhammer. • Splat. (C) [B]Who’s Next?[/B] Post match, Mean Gene Okerlund trots out to meet Bill Goldberg, who is going up the ramp… Mean Gene: Bill Goldberg, it seems as though you plow through everybody that WCW throws against you. I have got to ask… Goldberg snatches the mic away from Gene… Goldberg: No Gene…I have got to ask…WHO’S NEXT? Goldberg spikes the mic and walks to the back, leaving Gene flustered. Heenan: That man is the future, Tony. [B]World Television Title: Perry Saturn © vs. Rick Martel[/B] • Our first title match tonight…The Flock’s hitman against The Model. • Rick would stand a better chance if he had a bottle of Arrogance handy… • Because Saturn is all over him from the opening bell. • Rick attempts to mount an offense… • But Saturn gets him down to the ground with a DVD. • To make matters worse, Perry goes up top and drops the elbow. • 1…2...3. (D) [B]What are you looking at?[/B] Saturn walks away from the ring, hopping the guardrail to rejoin the Flock. Tony: That man is bizarre. Heenan: Bizarre? They’re all bizarre. Tony: Well, Saturn is successful tonight, but you’ve got to wonder how his boss is going to fare tonight against The Giant. Heenan: In a word? Poorly. (D) [B]The Greatest Technical Match Up of All Time[/B] Tony: Well Brain, be that as it may…I’ve just received word that tonight, we’ll be seeing Dean Malenko going one on one with Chris Benoit! That, plus Sting vs. Hogan? And all the other title matches tonight? Bobby Heenan: It’s like a free Pay Per View, Tony! (D) [B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Eddy Guerrero © vs. Ultimo Dragon[/B] • Another great match-up tonight… • Eddie and Dragon seem to be getting time to showcase their skills. • Guerrero takes every shortcut in the book… • But Dragon retaliates with his usual kick combo. • He immediately goes for the Dragon Sleeper, but Eddy grabs the ropes and rolls to the floor. • Guerrero grabs the title from the timekeeper’s table and rolls back into the ring. • Referee Charles Robinson tries to take the title from Guerrero and succeeds… • But while he’s handing the title back to David Penzer, Guerrero low blows the Dragon and rolls him up! • 1…2…3! • What a dastardly move! (C+) [B]WCW Tag Team Championships: Steiner Brothers © vs. Faces of Fear[/B] • Oh Great…a Steiner Brother’s victory… • At least it won’t be a total squash. • In fact, it almost looks like the Faces are going to win… • But Barbarian misses the Kick of Fear… • And the Steiners resume control, leading the a Frankensteiner on Meng. • 1…2…3! [B]An epic Hulk Hogan promo…BROTHER![/B] We skip to a black and white video of Hulk Hogan, who is laughing… Hogan: Sting, brother…I offer you a chance at the gold…I offer you a chance at the Hulkster…and you’re still silent. Still hiding in the rafters. Do you know how many people would kill for a match with Hollywood? How hard Flexy Lexy has been begging for another shot? How bad the big ugly Giant wants a piece of me? You’ve got a shot, brother…and even though we both know the outcome, you may as well give it the old college try. Hogan laughs once more… Hogan: Where are you Sting? Where are you, ya coward? I’m waiting. I’m ready. And tonight? I’m going to run wild on you! (B+) [B]WCW United States Championship: Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Jericho[/B] • A title shot for the Lion Heart… • Against a real legend in this industry. • For the love of God, a clean finish, please. • Hennig and Jericho feel each other out… • And tie up. They go to the corner… • Hennig goes to the eyes! • He beats on Jericho in the corner, until Nick Patrick gets him to lay off. • Hennig charges Jericho again, but Lion Heart rolls out of the way, and Hennig goes into the turnbuckles! Jericho rolls Hennig up…but only gets a two count! • Chris goes to the top, looking for his missile drop kick, but Curt is quick to shake the ropes! • Curt goes up to the top, looking for a superplex… • But Jericho shoves him from the top! • Hennig gets up… • Missile Dropkick! Jericho covers… • Hennig gets his foot on the ropes! • Chris pulls Hennig to the middle of the ring and goes for the Liontamer… • But Hennig kicks away from Jericho and goes outside. • Jericho tries to get him with a baseball slide, but Hennig takes control… • Jericho is sent into the guardrail… • And into the ring post… • Finally, the two make it into the ring before being counted out. • Hennig toys with Jericho… • This costs Hennig, as Chris rolls him up… • 1…2… • Curt kicks out! • Jericho gets a bodyslam… • Lionsault attempt…Hennig gets the knees up! • Jericho is doubled over…Hennig-Plex! • 1…2…3! • Awesome match. A shockingly clean finish, as Rude hangs out on the outside. (B-) [B]Dean Malenko vs. Chris Benoit[/B] • From one awesome match to the next. • Back and forth chain wrestling starts us off… • A knee to the guy by Benoit gives him control… • Right into an abdominal stretch. • Benoit works on Malenko’s ribs. • And drops him into a roll-up… • 1…2…kick out! • Benoit picks Malenko up and whips him… • Dean comes back…leg lariat! • Malenko takes control, using some grinding offense. • Benoit refuses to quit, getting to a standing position from a rear chinlock… • Back suplex from Benoit! • Cover! 1…2…kick out! • Chris signals for the headbutt and goes to the ropes, but Dean is getting back to his feet. • Benoit charges Malenko, but Dean trips him and hooks in an STF! • Benoit to the ropes! • The two make it to their feet again… • And tie up… • Benoit with the advantage… • Malenko into the ropes, Benoit ducks… • Dean with a powerbomb! The Cloverleaf! • Benoit makes it to the ropes again! • They tie up once more…Benoit gets behind Malenko… • Standing switch from Dean… • Dean goes for a German… • But Benoit lands on his feet! • Dragon suplex from Benoit! • 1…2…3! (B) [B]Tough Luck, Vato…[/B] Benoit leaves the ring, as does Malenko. We follow him to the back, where he bumps shoulders with Cruiserweight Champion Eddy Guerrero… Eddy: Hey holmes…why don’t you watch where you’re going? Dean is silent… Eddy: I’m just kidding man…you and I? We go way back! We’re like brothers, esse! Like I care that you bump into me…it isn’t like you smudged my belt or anything… Dean is still silent… Eddy: Too bad about the loss, homes…it was a real good match, until Benoit outsmarted you. Unlike when I got the drop on the Dragon…you know? Malenko: You cheated. Eddy: Me? Cheat? Never holmes! I take offense to being called a cheater, vato! Malenko: Then how about you prove yourself in the ring against the Iceman? Eddy smiles… Eddy: Take it easy man…you want a match? Against me? Fine. It’s the least I can do for a friend like you… Dean grunts and walks away… [B]Raven vs. The Giant[/B] • Raven’s rules • The Flock runs interference for what seems like forever… • Chokeslam-a-thon! • Raven runs into the ring and drills the Giant with a stop sign… • This barely fazes the big man, who turns and plucks the sign away from Raven… • Giant swings, but Lodi takes the sign for his boss! • Raven goes on the attack… • But a massive headbut stops that. • Chokeslam on the stop sign! • 1…2…3! (C+) [B]Something Ain’t Right[/B] Hollywood Hogan comes out to some Hendrix, air guitaring all the way. He gets to the ring and mauls his shirt. Sting’s music hits, and the fans wait with baited breath, as the man drops to the ring! He tries to get out of his harness…but appears to be stuck! Tony: I’ve never seen anything like this before, fans… Heenan: Look at that…that can’t be Sting… Tony: I…I don’t think it is, Bobby! We’ve been set up! (B+) [B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Hulk Hogan © vs. “Sting”[/B] • Oy vey… • To think we were getting the main event of Starrcade for free… • Only to wind up with some hack stuck in his harness. • Hogan takes off his weight belt and starts ripping into this poor soul. • Garbage starts to fill the ring. • This is getting ugly. • Finally, the schmoe is out of the harness… • AXE BOMBER~! He never uses that… • 1…2…3! • He didn’t even deem “Sting” worthy of the mighty legdrop… (C) [B]All’s Well that Ends Well[/B] Tony: This is disgusting…this is terrible…this is the worst night in the history of professional wrestling! Heenan: Hogan played us all for fools, Tony. Luckily, I just so happened to have placed a bet on the man! Tony: Don’t make this any worse, Brain… Hogan stomps away at “Sting,” when the crowd goes wild. Why? From the rafters…Sting just so happens to drop behind Hogan. Tony: There he is! The real deal! Heenan: How can you tell? Sting quickly unhooks himself and pulls out a bat… Tony: That’s how! Hogan mugs for the crowd, whom he thinks are going crazy for him. He poses a bit, before backing into Sting’s bat! Hogan slowly turns around…and the orange goblin turns white! Tony: Get him! Sting continues to point at Hogan, who begs off…but before Sting can attack, a cadre of security flood the ring, separating the two in a sea of minimum wage employment… Tony: I can’t believe this! Hogan and Sting…separated by security…and we’re out of time! See you next week! (B+) Overall Show Rating: C+[/CENTER] Oh well…I’m slowly building to Starrcade, which is what matters I guess. Monday Raw Report Raw was a D+ Show from some Very Small arena in Northern Mexico. HBK beat D’Lo Brown, Mankind lost to Undertaker, and Austin beat Owen. If it weren’t for location, the show would have rocked. Also, Kurrgan beat Recon in a candidate for worst match ever. Oh...and that's probably the first and only time regular results will be that long. PPVs, maybe. The upcoming Sat. Night/{Pro} tapings will be how Nitro is presented.
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heh, definitely not predictable player. I loved in particular the Eddie and Malenko segment, that was a nice way to put some heat on Eddie as a snide but lovable heel, the type he was synonomus for in the "E". Orange Goblin? LMAO! That's funny as mate, love it! :D :D :D
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[QUOTE][B]The Big Boys are out to play, this weekend on the Superstation![/B] [I]Weekend Preview from World Championship Wrestling[/I] After another unpredictable two hours of Monday Nitro, LIVE on TNT, WCW rolls into the Tad Smith Colliseium for three solid hours of WCW action this weekend...first, on Saturday... [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/wcwsn.jpg[/IMG] Ultimo Dragon vs. Yuji Nagata Psicosis vs. Super Calo Dean Malenko vs. Alex Wright The Giant vs. Hugh Morrus Disco Inferno vs. Bill Goldberg Kevin Nash vs. Norman Smiley Diamond Dallas Page vs. Mortis Harlem Heat vs. Faces of Fear WCW Cruiserweight Title Eddy Guerrero © vs. Chris Jericho 6:05 PM, on TBS! Then...on Sunday... [IMG]http://steveswrestling.com/logos/wcw/wcwpro.jpg[/IMG] La Parka vs. Alex Wright The Public Enemy vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully Bill Goldberg vs. Glacier Chris Jericho vs. Psicosis Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Villano V WCW United States Championship - Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Benoit Don't miss a moment of action, Saturday and Sunday, 6:05...the Superstation![/QUOTE] Quick Picks [B]Saturday Night[/B] Ultimo Dragon vs. Yuji Nagata Psicosis vs. Super Calo Dean Malenko vs. Alex Wright The Giant vs. Hugh Morrus Disco Inferno vs. Bill Goldberg Kevin Nash vs. Norman Smiley Diamond Dallas Page vs. Mortis Harlem Heat vs. Faces of Fear WCW Cruiserweight Title Eddy Guerrero © vs. Chris Jericho [B]{Pro}[/B] La Parka vs. Alex Wright The Public Enemy vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully Bill Goldberg vs. Glacier Chris Jericho vs. Psicosis Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Villano V WCW United States Championship - Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Benoit
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[b]Ultimo Dragon[/b] vs. Yuji Nagata Psicosis vs. [b]Super Calo[/b] [b]Dean Malenko[/b] vs. Alex Wright [b]The Giant[/b] vs. Hugh Morrus Disco Inferno vs. [b]Bill Goldberg[/b] [b]Kevin Nash[/b] vs. Norman Smiley [b]Diamond Dallas Page[/b] vs. Mortis [b]Harlem Heat[/b] vs. Faces of Fear WCW Cruiserweight Title [b]Eddy Guerrero ©[/b] vs. Chris Jericho {Pro} La Parka vs. [b]Alex Wright[/b] [b]The Public Enemy[/b] vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully [b]Bill Goldberg[/b] vs. Glacier [b]Chris Jericho[/b] vs. Psicosis [b]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/b] vs. Villano V WCW United States Championship - [b]Curt Hennig ©[/b] vs. Chris Benoit
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Saturday Night [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs. Yuji Nagata You know, I liked Yuji Nagata too. I liked the Japanese invasion, a load. But Ultimo Dragon, he's just freakin unbelievable. [B]Psicosis[/B] vs. Super Calo Super Calo was good, but Psicosis... sheesh, he's like wow. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs. Alex Wright I think Dean to go over here to give him a push prior to getting onto Eddie. [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Hugh Morrus Won't be no laughing matter for Hugh old boy. Disco Inferno vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Disco Fever won't outlast this groove. [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Norman Smiley A good match in that Smiley has a good grasp of psychology, and I think a good ability to sell how powerful Big Sexy is. [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] vs. Mortis I'd love to see Mortis go over, everyone knows I'm a Kanyon fan. But frankly, at this time DDP is straight out uber hot. [B]Harlem Heat[/B] vs. Faces of Fear Harlem Heat, say no more fellas. WCW Cruiserweight Title [B]Eddy Guerrero ©[/B] vs. Chris Jericho I think Eddy has to gain the win to retain so he gets that match with Malenko for the Title. {Pro} [B]La Parka[/B] vs. Alex Wright The Chairman, everyone loves the Chairman. [B]The Public Enemy[/B] vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully Everyone loves celebrating in the crowd with Fly Boy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge after popping someone through a table. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Glacier The beginning of the end for one of the ****t!est characters of all time :D [B]Chris Jericho [/B]vs. Psicosis It's Jericho.. say n more. [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. vs. Villano V The Villanos were a good tag team, but fodder to Rey Rey in singles. WCW United States Championship - [B]Curt Hennig ©[/B] vs. Chris Benoit I'd love nothing more than Benoit to go over, but I think Hennig needs the belt right now.
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[B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs. Yuji Nagata [B]Psicosis[/B] vs. Super Calo [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs. Alex Wright [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Hugh Morrus Disco Inferno vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Norman Smiley [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] vs. Mortis [B]Harlem Heat[/B] vs. Faces of Fear WCW Cruiserweight Title [B]Eddy Guerrero ©[/B] vs. Chris Jericho {Pro} [B]La Parka[/B] vs. Alex Wright [B]The Public Enemy[/B] vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Glacier [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Psicosis [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] vs. Villano V WCW United States Championship - [B]Curt Hennig ©[/B] vs. Chris Benoit
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[B]Ultimo Dragon [/B]vs. Yuji Nagata [B]Psicosis[/B] vs. Super Calo [B]Dean Malenko [/B]vs. Alex Wright [B]The Giant [/B]vs. Hugh Morrus Disco Inferno vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [B]Kevin Nash [/B]vs. Norman Smiley [B]Diamond Dallas Page [/B]vs. Mortis [B]Harlem Heat [/B]vs. Faces of Fear WCW Cruiserweight Title [B]Eddy Guerrero ©[/B] vs. Chris Jericho {Pro} [B]La Parka [/B]vs. Alex Wright [B]The Public Enemy [/B]vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Glacier [B]Chris Jericho [/B]vs. Psicosis [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. vs. Villano V WCW United States Championship - [B]Curt Hennig ©[/B] vs. Chris Benoit
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Saturday Night Ultimo Dragon vs. [B]Yuji Nagata[/B] [I]Ultimo can get over just being Ultimo, push Nagata as the technical bad ass that he is, get him up the card and into the US title division. Him versus Benoit or Hennig would rock the house.[/I] [B]Psicosis[/B] vs. Super Calo [I]Reading these lineups make me all misty eyed about not being able to tune into WCW 'C' and 'D' shows every weekend and see some real wrestling. Gotta' give props to pre-insane car stealing Psicosis.[/I] [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs. Alex Wright [I]Not much else to say, Malenko is the man. Thought don't bury Wright completely, WCW never gave him fair shake, as he was a pretty solid talent. I thought Berlyn was a fantastic character, a damn shame they didn't really run with it. *hint hint*[/I] [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Hugh Morrus [I]Same as above, The Giant obviously wins because Paul Wight is awesome.. BUT, don't bury Bill DeMott. Hugh Morrus is about one of those WCW standouts WCW just overlooked and overlooked until it was to late.[/I] Disco Inferno vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]It begins..[/I] Kevin Nash vs. [B]Norman Smiley[/B] [I]Just to let you know, you could book anyone against Norman Smiley, you could book him against Hogan or Flair and I'd pick Screamin' Norman to win. I'm a complete mark for that man, no idea why.[/I] Diamond Dallas Page vs. [B]Mortis[/B] [I]Hate Kanyon, love Mortis.. strange but true. Push him, push him hard. Make him the creepy serious character we all know he could be! Even if its a shady victory, give Mortis the upset.[/I] [B]Harlem Heat[/B] vs. Faces of Fear [I]Sucka'..[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Title [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] © vs. Chris Jericho [I]Such a classic bottom to middle of the card match from WCW during this time period, both guys were so on top of their game, trying so hard to stand out from the crowd. Keep your Benoit, these two were the reason to watch these shows. These two plus Malenko and Mysterio, a whole host of show stealers waiting to happen.[/I] {Pro} La Parka vs. [B]Alex Wright[/B] [I]Give it to Wright, the Chairman of WCW doesn't need wins to get over.[/I] [B]The Public Enemy[/B] vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully [I]Rocco and Grunge, the best worst tag team in wrestling history. Do something cool with Spicolli though, dude was talented.[/I] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Glacier [I]And the train kept 'a rollin'..[/I] [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Psicosis [I]Another classic WCW undercard match, Jericho is a star waiting to happen at this point, don't make the same mistakes WCW made.. but don't overpush either. A nice slow build over the next year or so.[/I] [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] vs. Villano V [I]I love the Villano's, but as someone said above, along with El Dandy and Super Calo, they're a part of the "job over and over to Mysterio and Psicosis" brigade.[/I] WCW United States Championship - [B]Curt Hennig[/B] © vs. Chris Benoit [I]Seven simple words.. "push Hennig to the main event now".. easy peasy. The man was easily as misused as Bret Hart, if not more. Curt is one of the most talented pro wrestlers of all time, he was just so comfortable in a wrestling ring, such a great heel.. please push him into a feud with someone like Flair or Sting, I beg you.[/I] I can't wait to read more of this, this was [I]MY[/I] era, just about a year or so before this, around mid 1996 I became a wrestling fan watching these shows and these stars. Keep this one up man, I'll be reading for sure.
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Good start to the diary. Plus you gotta love anything with "And Beyond" in the title...I think I need to trademark that and start making some money! Anyway here are my picks: [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] vs. Yuji Nagata [B]Psicosis[/B] vs. Super Calo [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs. Alex Wright ~The man of 1,000 holds will not be defeated by a man with zero holds. [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Hugh Morrus ~Giant will crush Morrus. Disco Inferno vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] ~I don't like Goldberg but even he can defeat Disco. [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Norman Smiley ~Big Sexy puts the hammer down on the Smiley man. [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] vs. Mortis ~DDP is the way to go here as Mortis doesn't really get the fans very excited. [B]Harlem Heat[/B] vs. Faces of Fear ~Nobody messes with the Heat unless they are a sucka! WCW Cruiserweight Title Eddy Guerrero © vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] ~Go Jericho go! [B]La Parka[/B] vs. Alex Wright ~Alex Wright is lucky to have a job, La Parka should own this matchup. [B]The Public Enemy[/B] vs. Louie Spicolli and Blacktop Bully ~It is Public Enemy...enough said! [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Glacier ~Will he win 186 in a row or whatever that insanely inflated number was or will he open up with a defeat to the uber popular Glacier?!?!? [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Psicosis ~Time for the Jericho push to begin! [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] vs. Villano V ~Rey has too much talent for V man to handle. WCW United States Championship - [B]Curt Hennig ©[/B] vs. Chris Benoit ~Benoit is a sub-human animal and should be released.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/wcwsn.jpg[/IMG] WCW Saturday Night TAPED from the Tad Smith Coliseium Attendence: 10,000 [B]Dark Match: WCW TV Title - Perry Saturn © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] [QUOTE]Sadly, an awkward match between the two. It showed, as Saturn seemed to have trouble selling Mysterio’s offence and keeping up with his speed. A couple of majorly blown spots, and what could have been a great match turns into a theater of pain. Saturn wins with the Elbow Drop in 9:43, making for his 2ed defense of the belt.[/QUOTE] (D) [B]Mean Gene Plugs the Hotline…[/B] [QUOTE]“Attention hot line fans…” I’m not a hotline fan, so I kinda zoned out. Gene said something about Hogan/Sting at Starrcade, and hinted that WCW would be getting a shock this coming Monday on Nitro. If you have to pay $1.59 a minute for this schlock, God save you.[/QUOTE] (A) [B]Ultimo Dragon vs. Yuji Nagata[/B] [QUOTE] A pretty good match between these two, but the crowd doesn’t care. Nagata is made to look like a threat, but Dragon comes back with his kick combo. Ultimo wraps it up with the Tiger Suplex, and the few fans who care about awesome wrestling cheer. This one is over at 7:08.[/QUOTE] (D) [B]Psicosis vs. Super Calo[/B] [QUOTE]More awesome cruiser action from WCW. If there’s something they’ve got over the WWF, it’s great action like this. The crowd is more into this than the last one, but with the amount of flashy moves Calo and Psicosis pack into a match, they’d have to be dead to not care. Dusty calls “Psicozussss,” one of “the highest paid Mexicun restlerz in this bidnuzz.” Tony asks how much he makes. Dusty responds “A thousand pesos a week, Tone! Dat’s like…fiddy centz. Dat’s funkay.” Psicosis goes to the pay winda at 7:11, with a “Twisting Body Attack!” Tony knows his stuff…[/QUOTE] (C-) [B]Monday on Nitro~[/B] [QUOTE]A recap is shown of Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko’s confrontation from Monday, with an announcement that the two will meet in the ring! If it’s given more than ten minutes, I’ll cream.[/QUOTE] [B]Dean Malenko vs. Alex Wright[/B] [QUOTE]Speaking of Dean, here he comes. And his opponent…Alex Wright. Hopefully Dean breaks his arms or something…I hate that techno dance. The two put on a good match together, as we’ve seen in the past. Lots of chain wrestling, with Dean coming close to putting Alex away several times with well done roll ups. Alex gets a cross body on Dean…and Eddy Guerrero pops up from under the ring to hold Dean’s feet down! It’s over! Alex with a tainted upset victory over the Iceman![/QUOTE] (C+) [B]Latino Cheat[/B] [QUOTE]Alex rolls off Dean and techno dances, turning his back on Malenko in the process. This allows him to attack Alex and throw him through the ring ropes! Malenko turns around…and Eddy belts him between the eyes with the Cruiserweight belt! He goes up top…Frog Splash! Guerrero spits on Malenko’s fallen body while Tony laments. Dusty puts it to us that perhaps Eddy will get his in his title defense against Chris Jericho in tonight’s main event.[/QUOTE] (C-) [QUOTE]Meanwhile, Eddy is backstage (at the CNN Center, of course…), with Mean Gene Okerlund. Mean Gene: Eddy Guerrero…you just attacked Dean Malenko, a close, personal friend of your family and- Guerrero: Of my family, Mean Gene! Not me…not Eddy Guerrero. Dean Malenko crossed the line on Nitro, esse…he offended me, tried to embarrass me in front of millions. Eddy Guerrero doesn’t play it that way, Mean Gene…so tonight was a message. In two days? On Nitro? I prove to the world that Eddy Guerrero is, pound for pound, the greatest wrestler in the world, and that nobody, not even a man who knows a thousand holds, can take this belt from me. Eddy walks off the set, and Okerlund hypes his coming match with Jericho tonight, as well as Malenko on Monday.[/QUOTE] (D) [B]The Giant vs. Hugh Morrus[/B] [QUOTE]Hugh laughs a little, but a goozle silences him. Chokeslam, pin, over. Sad. Hugh is too talented to be squashed like that. 2:55, and we’re out.[/QUOTE] (C-) [B]Disco Inferno vs. Bill Goldberg[/B] [QUOTE]Disco boogies his way down to the ring…until Goldberg’s march hits. He tries to beg off from the match, but to no avail. Spear. Jackhammer. Splat.[/QUOTE] (D) [B]Also on Nitro[/B] [QUOTE]Dusty and Tony give a quick rundown of what we can expect on Nitro, with Malenko/Guerrero, a Hogan appearance, and, interestingly enough, a match between DDP and Scott Hall.[/QUOTE] (B+) [B]Kevin Nash vs. Norman Smiley[/B] [QUOTE]Do you even need to ask? Jackknife. Pin. Over.[/QUOTE] (C) After the match, Nash makes sure to tell everybody how sweet he is. (B+) [B]Feel the BANG~![/B] [QUOTE]DDP comes out to the ring. I guess he has a match tonight. He grabs a mic… “So I hear that on Nitro, I’ve got a match with everybody’s favorite fake Cuban. We all know how this goes…Hall, Nash, or Hogan get a match, and suddenly, the ring is flooded with a bunch of jokes like Buff, Vincent, or Norton. That’s fine by me. You all know that there’s no love lost between the nWo and DDP…so if it happens to be one on one…or seven on one…Scott Hall…monkey boy…get ready to feel the BANG!”[/QUOTE] (A) [B]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Mortis[/B] [QUOTE]An interesting match, as one of WCW’s most popular goes up against an innovative newcomer. Scott Hall makes a cameo appearance at ringside, distracting DDP enough that Mortis gets the upperhand. He eventually goes for the Flatliner, but Page reverses…and hits the Diamond Cutter at 4:38! Seconds later, we’ve got a winner.[/QUOTE] (C+) [B]Hey…hey yo…[/B] [QUOTE]After the match, Scott Hall gets into the ring and stares down with DDP. Before there’s any contact between the two, Kevin Nash, Buff Bagwell, and Curt Hennig hit the ring and take Page out! They throw him to Hall, who mocks DDP’s Diamond Cutter symbol…before dropping him with the Outsider’s Edge.[/QUOTE] (B-) [B]Harlem Heat vs. Faces of Fear[/B] [QUOTE]Another decent tag matched from WCW’s well seasoned crew. Meng and Barbarian look dangerous as always, though Meng is totally the more talented of the two. Booker and Stevie make like Rick and Scott and clean house, as Booker pins Barbarian at 7:37 with a Harlem Hangover. That move is so cool…[/QUOTE] (C-) [B]Suckas got to know![/B] [QUOTE]After the match, Stevie Ray grabs a house mic from David Penzer! Yes! “You see that, suckas? Harlem Heat is the best tag team in all WCW. Ya’ll wouldn’t know it though, if you looked at the champions. Bunch of sorry white boys…the Steiner Brothers. Suckas got to know…why ain’t those fruit booties in the back giving me and my brother a title shot?” He gives Booker the mic… “Rick…Scott…Monday Night on Nitro…me and my brother Stevie Ray want to take you on. We already proved that we can beat whoever you can beat…now it’s time that you two came down to 110th street and got some. Now can you dig that?” The crowd finishes Booker’s promo with a rousing “SUCKA!”[/QUOTE] (C) [B]WCW Cruiserweight Title Match – Eddy Guerrero © vs. Chris Jericho[/B] [QUOTE]A fantastic match, but really…what did you expect from these two? This is Jericho’s second title shot in a week, and much like his match against Hennig, it looks like he’s going to win at several points. He hits Eddy with the Missile Dropkick, but Guerrero kicks out. Jericho immediately goes for the Lionsault, but Eddy gets his knees up. Guerrero sets Jericho up…and hits a powerbomb! Eddy holds on for the pinfall…and gets his feet on the middle ropes! It’s over! Tony laments that Guerrero has cheated his way to two title defenses this week while Dusty consoles him. We out on the muthaship, baybuh.[/QUOTE] (B-) Final Show Rating: C+ [IMG]http://steveswrestling.com/logos/wcw/wcwpro.jpg[/IMG] WCW {Pro} TAPED from the Tad Smith Coleseium Attendence: 10,000 [B]Welcome to {Pro}[/B] [QUOTE]The Professor and the Living Legend run down tonight’s episode, featuring a huge match between Chris Benoit and Curt Hennig for the U.S. Title. Is this really {Pro}? They immediately hype Nitro…I guess it is. [/QUOTE] (B-) [B]La Parka vs. Alex Wright[/B] [QUOTE]The chairman faces off against Das Wunderkind. It’s chair guitar vs. techno dance. The results aren’t nearly as good as you’d expect. La Parka wins, which is about the only positive.[/QUOTE] (D+) [B]The Public Enemy vs. Blacktop Bully and Louie Spicolli[/B] [QUOTE]Well…that’s a weird team. And it shows. For all of Barry Darsow’s tag team experience, he and Spicolli don’t get on well, and they pay for it when PE puts Louie through a table in broad daylight and win as a result. Next thing you know, they’ll really execute a drive by en route to victory. [/QUOTE] (E+) [B]More Starrcade Hype…[/B] [QUOTE]We only have one match booked. Fathom that. Here, Larry Z. hypes it to hell. Hogan/Sting! Once in a lifetime! Minus that one match on Nitro! w00t![/QUOTE] (A) [B]Goldberg vs. Glacier[/B] [QUOTE]Blood runs cold, but Goldberg, like the rest of us, doesn't care. Spear. Jackhammer. Splat.[/QUOTE] (D-) [B]Chris Jericho vs. Psicosis[/B] [QUOTE]This should be a pretty damn good match. Unsurprisingly, the action is fast paced and furious, with nary a spot missed. Jericho and Psicosis seem to have fantastic chemistry, which allows the two to really showcase what they’ve got. Sadly, it has to end at some time, and with a Lionsault, Chris Jericho takes it at 8:09. I hope they get longer matches in the future.[/QUOTE] (C+) [B]Tomorrow on Nitro~[/B] [QUOTE]Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers. Non-Title. For shame.[/QUOTE] (B-) [B]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Villano V[/B] [QUOTE]Rey goes up against the bigger Villano V, representing Villanos I through MMCLV. I actually hear that Villano III and Villano IV are pretty good. Villano V is serviceable, and is actually good for putting people over. Which is what he does here, as Rey takes a small beating before hitting a springboard rana out of nowhere. Uno…Dos…Tres. We’re out at 2:48.[/QUOTE] [B]WCW United States Title Match – Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Benoit[/B] [QUOTE] I’m shocked this is on {Pro}. The gods smile upon me this day. Like, seriously. This is the kind of match that you’d expect to find on a Pay Per View. Or at least a Nitro. In any case, the two hook up in the center of the ring, and magic happens. An excellent display of chain wrestling from the two, seeing both men go for their finishers, only for them to be reversed. Finally, Benoit gets Hennig down and in the Crossface…and the bell rings! Larry and Mike go crazy, thinking that we’ve got a new US Champion…but Randy Anderson gives the belt to Curt Hennig! We’ve got a time limit draw![/QUOTE] (B) Final Show Rating: B-[/CENTER] Notes: Rey not clicking with Saturn sucks. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy. Saturday Night and {Pro} won't always have high profile matches like Hennig/Benoit, but every now and again, they were thrown a bone, so I gave myself some leeway. Afterall, if Booker T/Bret Hart can happen on Saturday Night, and Jushin Liger can wrestle on Worldwide, the US Title can be defended on the C Show. Nitro is shaping up to be awesome. I've got ideas for Starrcade that should improve over the original. Prediction Results soccergalaxy13 - 12/15 Tristram - 13/15 mad5226 - 13/15 theoutlaw321 - 13/15 Ping von Erich - 9/15 (my favorite predix though. Smiley>Nash! I'll probably wind up pushing him eventually) DocStevens - 12/15 Malenko/Wright threw everybody off, as did the draw...but draws don't really count. I'll have a Nitro preview up shortly.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Nitro Preview[/B] [I]Provided by World Championship Wrestling[/I] We're just under three weeks away from Starrcade, the grandaddy of them all, and things in WCW are heating up. What will happen as we roll into Charlotte, North Carolina, for the hottest two hours on live TV? Tune in this monday on TNT to find out! Confirmed for Monday Bill Goldberg vs. Brad Armstrong Raven's Rules Chris Jericho vs. Raven Non Title Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers Lucha Libre Elimination Match Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. Dean Malenko Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Hall And MORE of your favorite WCW competitors! Don't miss it, Monday on TNT![/CENTER]
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I am likely this one keep up the good work Bill Goldberg vs. Brad Armstrong Winner-Goldberg Raven's Rules Chris Jericho vs. Raven Winner- Raven Non Title Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers Winners- Steiners Lucha Libre Elimination Match Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis Winner- Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. Dean Malenko Winner- Eddy Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Hall Winner- Scott Hall (With Some Help)
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[B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Brad Armstrong Raven's Rules Chris Jericho vs. [B]Raven [/B] Non Title [B]Harlem Heat[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers Lucha Libre Elimination Match [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. vs. La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis WCW World Cruiserweight Championship [B]Eddy Guerrero ©[/B] vs. Dean Malenko Diamond Dallas Page vs. [B]Scott Hall[/B]
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[B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Brad Armstrong Poor Brad Armstrong. You know, a lot of "marks" or "smarks" one or the other pined for Brad Armstrong to get a push. Me? I could never see it... he was just an average jobber who'd been around a while. He was totally vanilla IMO. Raven's Rules Chris Jericho vs. [B]Raven[/B] Set it up baby, Jericho and Raven. Make Jericho the c0cky underdog trying to battle the odds. Anything with either of these two men is ace, both is just... spooge. Non Title [B]Harlem Heat[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers Harlem Hangover time... but damn, what a match it would have been. Lucha Libre Elimination Match [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. vs. La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis I'd love to go either of the latter mentioned, but at this time, Rey Rey is just super Rey Rey hot and super hot. Love to see La Parka go over just quietly, for the dance and the Chairman spots alone. WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] Malenko via count out. Guerrero to take a hard knock, and walk to the back. Iceman to stay stoic in the ring in a show of defiance against breaking the rules. Diamond Dallas Page vs. [B]Scott Hall[/B] To add to the Master of the Diamond Cutter's frustrations, but DDP will make Hall a member of the Union of the Diamond Cutter's come Starrcade should it advance to this match.
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[B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Brad Armstrong Raven's Rules Chris Jericho vs.[B] Raven[/B] Non Title Harlem Heat vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] Lucha Libre Elimination Match [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B]. vs. La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] [B]Something cheap as he keeps the belt. [/B] Diamond Dallas Page vs. [B]Scott Hall[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/nitro.jpg[/IMG] WCW Monday Nitro LIVE from the Charlotte Coliseum Attendance: 30,000 (SELL OUT) [B]Dark Match[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr. d. Villano V via submission. (2:38) (D) [B]N-n-n-new World Order[/B] [QUOTE] We start Nitro off…how else…with a New World Order promo. Out comes Bisch. Out comes Hall. Out comes Nash. Out comes Hogan. Out comes Vincent. The Elite, baby…the man is a former Million Dollar Champ! Nash gets on the mic, and gives us a customary “Wolfpac in the house!” before handing it over to Medium Sexy himself, Scott Hall. Hall: Hey…hey yo. It’s survey time. What I want to know…is how many of you came here to see…Diamond Dallas Page? DDP gets a surprisingly wild reaction… Hall: Or did you all come here tonight…to see Da Bad Guy? An equally solid reaction for Hall! Hall: Y’know…that’s close. Real close. Nash talks into the mic… Nash: You gotta hand it to DDP. Even though it looks like he just got out of rehab, it looks like he’s found a whole trailer park full of people who identify with his Blue Collar plight… Hall: And I know all about rehab. Nash: This might be too close to call, Medium Scott. Hall: Oh no, Big Kev…I’ve tallied the votes…and it looks like one more…for the good guys! Hall flips the mic to Hogan, who is roundly booed. Hogan: Y’know somethin’, brothers? Last week, I offered that yellow bellied coward Sting a shot at my World Heavyweight Championship. I told him he could have a match with me…fair and square…to determine who the be-[/QUOTE] (B) [B]Bagpipes?[/B] [QUOTE] Thankfully, Hogan is cut off by the sound of bagpipes. Wait…bagpipes? It’s Roddy Piper! Bischoff starts hopping up and down like a rabid weasel, while the Orange Ghost of Wrestlemania Past turns a deathly shade of white. Tony S. nearly creams himself in the booth. Roddy just so happens to have a mic in hand… Piper: That’s right, Hogan…you promised, just last week, that you’d give Sting a title shot live on Nitro. You even had your pet rat there to draw up copies for the WCW Championship committee. Signed and notarized. A legally binding contract that said you were facing Sting…not Piper does air quotes… Piper: “Sting.” Needless to say, the board was less than pleased with your trick…and the blame fell on the shoulders of poor Uncle Eric. See…Hogan can’t be punished because he has the belt…and Sting can’t be punished because he wasn’t in on it. Eric Bischoff though? Well…he can be punished…which is why, Eric, you need to clean your crap out of the office before the end of the night. You’re fired, boy! And guess who has the job now? Piper smiles, telling us all we need to know. There’s a massive pop, followed by a rousing chorus of “Na Na Na Na. Na Na Na Na. Hey hey hey. Goodbye!” Bischoff looks furious. Hogan looks scared. Piper: So what are we going to do…about you… Piper points his finger squarely at Hogan, who reacts as though he’s been shot. Piper: It’s no secret Hogan…we’ve had our ups and downs…mostly downs, because, as history shows, I’ve always hated you. That alone wouldn’t be enough to do this to you, seeing as I intend to be a fair sport in all this…but the fact of the matter is that you breached contract. So tonight…to make up for last weeks indiscression…you will be defending your WCW World Heavyweight Championship against this man… “Thus Spake Zarathustra” hits, and the crowd goes insane…[/QUOTE] (B+) [B]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~[/B] [QUOTE]Out walks Ric Flair, confirming the huge match Piper just booked! The crowd gets louder, as if that were possible, and Flair struts across the ramp, before taking the mic from Piper. Tony: Fans, this is amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever heard a crowd as loud as this! Heenan: What? Flair smiles, and the crowd quiets down. His gaze is fixed on one person, and one person alone…Hollywood Hogan. Flair: Charlotte WOOOOO North Carolina! Did somebody tell me that tonight…Monday Nitro is being broadcast from Flair Country? WOOOOOO! The fans pop again, as Flair wildly struts around. The nWo, understandably, are pissed. Flair: And here…in my hometown…I get a shot at you, Hollywood Hogan, for the belt that I made famous? WOOOOO! Disney World might be a few state lines south of here, but brother, Space Mountain has landed, and you can bet your ass that it has the longest line. WOOOO! Tony and the Brain try to speak, but are drowned out by more cheering. Flair: Hogan! You don’t deserve Sting! You don’t deserve Starrcade! You don’t deserve to be wrestling against one of the greatest of all time! You certainly don’t deserve that belt! MY belt! So tonight…you’d better walk that aisle, style, and profile one last time, because the Nature Boy is home, and the Nature Boy is looking for number 13! WOOOO! Flair drops the mic and struts to a massive ovation, and Piper picks it back up. Piper: Oh, and Hogan? Incase you were thinking that maybe you could send your goon squad down to the ring and help you against Flair…tonight…if there is any interference from the New World Order…there will be dire consequences. That ain’t a threat boys…that’s a promise! We cut to commercial.[/QUOTE] (A) [B]Bill Goldberg vs. Brad Armstrong[/B] [QUOTE]Jackhammer. Pin. Splat. Poor Brad…there was a time when he could pick up a few wins…or wrestle for more than three minutes. WINNER: Goldberg[/QUOTE] (D) [I]Raven’s Rules[/I] [B]Chris Jericho vs. Raven [/B] [QUOTE]Now this is what I’m talkin’ about. Jericho and Raven are both awesome, and both deserve a win here. Raven tries to get his pre-match promo, but Jericho cuts it off before he can even begin by charging into the corner and kicking Raven in the face! Jericho is a surprisingly skilled brawler considering that he’s usually booked in faster paced matches. The hardcore element to the match doesn’t really throw him though, seeing as he spent time in ECW. The two brawl around the ringside area for a bit, where Jericho takes a swing at Perry Saturn, sitting in the front row. This doesn’t prove to be a smart move, as Saturn clocks Jericho with his TV Title! Jericho stumbles into the ring, where Raven hits him in the gut with a chair…and drops him with an Evenflow, right on the chair! It’s over! WINNER: Raven[/QUOTE] (C+) [I]Non-Title Match[/I] [B]Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers[/B] [QUOTE] If past matches between the two teams are any indication, this stands to be a whole lot of fun. It’s a straight up brawl between two teams who want to prove to each other who the best team is. Personally, I’d vouch for Harlem Heat. The Steiners would be better if they were heel. Booker T looks good throughout the match, controlling Rick Steiner in a way few men do. Scott Steiner looks especially good as well…his clotheslines and suplexes look especially crisp. At the end of the match, he hits Stevie Ray with the Frankensteiner for a huge pop, but Sister Sherri is up on the apron! Scott goes over to deal with her, and she throws powder at his face in plain view of the referee! Teddy Long has no choice but to call for the bell! WINNERS: The Steiner Brothers, via DQ[/QUOTE] (B-) [B]Hey, hey, hey, hey…monkey boy…[/B] [QUOTE]We come back from commercial to see the one and only Diamond Dallas Page standing by with Mean Gene Okerlund. Mean Gene: Diamond Dallas Page, three days after the events of WCW Saturday Night, you face one Scott Hall tonight, live on Nitro. Let’s take a look at the brutal- DDP snatches the mic away from Gene… DDP: No, Gene-O, let’s not. On Saturday Night, Hall and his boys punked me out. They got me Gene…they got me good. But tonight, it’s going to be a little different, because tonight, I’m gonna see them coming. So tonight, Scott Hall…I got a little survey myself, but it’s only got one question. Are you ready…to feel the BANG? DDP flashes the Diamond Cutter symbol, and the crowd goes crazy![/QUOTE] (B+) [I]Elimination Match[/I] [B]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis vs. La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera[/B] [QUOTE]Oh…man. Four lucha superstars in the ring at once? This is going to be tough to call. The ring quickly becomes a blur of flashy masks and flashier moves. Psicosis, the only clear heel in the match, draws the ire of pretty much everybody, then ducks out of the ring. Juventud Guerrera goes for a suicide dive, but Psicosis dives out of the way! La Parka tries next, going for a twisting body attack over the top, but Psicosis again dives out of the way! He gets up…only for Rey Mysterio Jr. to catch him off guard with a somersault Thez press! Mysterio gets up and rolls Psicosis in…and he covers him for the elimination! Juventud and La Parka eventually make it back in the ring, but both of them are disorientated from missing their planchas on Psicosis earlier. Juventud goes for a hurricanrana on La Parka, but Parka is too strong, and powerbombs him to the mat! He hangs on the the pinfall…and the Juice is out! Mysterio was waiting on the outside…springboard hurricanrana! It’s over! WINNER: Rey Mystero Jr. Order of Elimination: Psicosis (Rey Mysterio Jr.), Juventud Guerrera (La Parka), La Parka (Rey Mysterio Jr.)[/QUOTE] (C) [B]Backstage…[/B] [QUOTE]We follow Ric Flair backstage, where he turns a corner, and runs into the Enforcer, Arn Anderson! Flair: Double WOOOO A! Brother, did you see the look on Hollywood Hulk Hogan’s face when he found out that he had to face the man tonight? Double A: Yeah Ric…I did. But you’ve got to be careful…even with Piper’s warning, the nWo will do anything to protect that belt, Ric… Flair: Believe me Double A…I know. You and I…we’ve done all this before Hall and Nash had the idea to start a war. You and I? We’ve done it all. Tonight…I’m going to show the New World Order that no matter how big and bad they think they are…that diamonds are forever…and so are the Horsemen! Now what do you have to say to that? Arn says nothing…a thumb across the throat speaks volumes… Flair: WOOOOO![/QUOTE] (B+) [I]WCW Cruiserweight Championship[/I] [B]Eddy Guerrero © vs. Dean Malenko[/B] [QUOTE] Ahem…this match will be fantastic. Guerrero and Malenko had words last week, then Guerrero cost Malenko a match against Alex Wright, the Dancing ****. Meanwhile, Guerrero has eked out two defenses of his belt, both by pretty underhanded means. Eddy and Malenko spend the early portion of the match chain wrestling, which Malenko dominates. Guerrero grabs the ropes and ducks out of the ring to collect himself, and quickly gets back in when Malenko follows him out. Dean tries to get back into the ring…but Eddy cuts him off with a dropkick to the face! Guerrero then dominates proceedings for a little bit, using shortcuts whenever Malenko seems primed for some offense. Eddy goes for a whip to the corner, but Malenko reverses it and follows up with a leg lariat in the corner…a total knockout shot! Dean isn’t finished though, and puts Eddy on the top turnbuckle. He follows up, looking to set Guerrero up for the Super Gutbuster, but Eddy shoves Malenko off! Eddy dives off the top…sunset flip! He has the ropes! 1…2…3! Guerrero cheats to win once more! WINNER: Eddy Guerrero[/QUOTE] (C+) [B]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Hall[/B] [QUOTE]If it wasn’t for the promise of Hogan/Flair, this would be a more than awesome main event. Hall and Page have fantastic chemistry, and really are two of the better brawlers you’ll find in WCW or anywhere else. Hall takes the advantage, beating Page into the corner, but DDP battles back, battering Hall in the corner! Hall stumbles out…DDPancake! Here come the troops! Vincent climbs onto the ring apron, and Page goes to take him out. Vince swings, and Page ducks…Vincent catches Hall! DIAMOND CUTTER! DDP makes the cover…and gets the three! Here come the rest of the gang, but DDP has victory! WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page[/QUOTE] (A) [B]DDP has the Battle…[/B] [QUOTE]Page tries to get out of the ring, but it is quickly flooded with nWoites. Vincent is first in the ring…and he gets a Diamond Cutter for being useless. Norton, Bagwell, Hennig, Konan, and the rest of the gang get in the ring though, and the numbers game quickly becomes too much. Just like Saturday Night, DDP is beaten like a dog, then thrown to Scott Hall…for an Outsider’s Edge! The nWo celebrate in the ring, as Tony, Mike, and Bobby ruminate over what this means for the main event.[/QUOTE] (B+) [I]WCW World Heavyweight Championship[/I] [B]Hollywood Hogan © vs. Ric Flair[/B] [QUOTE]This is it. A classic battle. Good vs. Evil. Nature Boy vs. Hollywood. And man, does it deliver. Say what you will about Hogan, but he knows how to structure a brawl. Of course, this is Ric Flair we’re talking about…and he knows how to do a whole lot more than that. The Charlotte, NC crowd is on fire, thinking that Flair is finally going to break the Charlotte Curse, and when Hogan misses the Leg Drop o’ Death, it looks as though this could be the night. Flair quickly hooks Hogan in the Figure Four! Here come the nWo! It’s Curt Hennig and Konnan…and K-Dawg’s fist is wrapped in a chain! Flair sees it out of the corner of his eye, and adds more pressure by shaking Hogan, trying to get him to tap. Hogan’s hand goes up…and Konnan drops a chain wrapped fist on Flair’s forehead! Randy Anderson calls for the bell! WINNER: Ric Flair via DQ[/QUOTE] (A) [B]The Destruction of the Nature Boy[/B] [QUOTE]Curt Hennig picks Flair up from the ground and holds him for K-Dawg, who lays into him with the chain. In short order, Flair is busted open in his home town, who are booing like mad and pelting the ring with drinks and other garbage. Flair busted open in his own town? The shock! K-Dawg nails Flair one more time, and he goes down…allowing Hogan to hit the Leg Drop! Hogan gets up…and does it again! Hogan does it once more…only to find that K-Dawg and Hennig are out![/QUOTE] (B+) [B]Look…up in the sky![/B] [QUOTE]Hogan looks frantically around the ring for the assailant of Hennig and Konnan, the identity of whom is indisputably Sting. The black bat on the mat confirms it, as does the empty harness. Tony, Bobby, and Mike are going crazy as Hogan picks up the bat…revealing that Sting is right behind him! Hogan straightens out…but Sting grabs him…SCORPION DEATH DROP! The roof explodes! A bloodied Ric Flair makes it back to his feet…just in time to see Sting go back to the rafters as another edition of Monday Nitro comes to a close.[/QUOTE] (B+) Final Show Rating: B+ [/CENTER] w00t! A B+! I need to develop the cruiser division so that they get the B rated matches they deserve, but Hall/Page wound up rocking harder than I expected, as did Flair/Hogan. Piper as the new WCW Prez is something more for the future, but it’s time for WCW to fight back against the New World Order. Monday Raw was a C rated show, which saw Undertaker beat Ken Shamrock in the main event, and HBK defend the European Title against Marc Mero to the delight of nobody. There were no other notable matches, and no sign of SCSA, Mankind, or the Rock. In other news, I traded Bret to NJPW for a surprise for Starrcade, and he beat Power Warrior by Count-Out in a B- rated match. His one appearance deal with NJPW is over. I fired Tombstone (911), because he sucks. Prediction Results chefboyrdz - 5/6 Astil - 4/6 Tristram - 3/6 theoutlaw321 - 4/6 Hall/Page threw everybody off, as did Eddy vs. Malenko. I promise to start booking stuff for Starrcade, possibly as soon as Saturday Night~
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That was a good ending for one major reason to me.... WCW sold Ric Flair down the river badly in the Carolinas at the end of their run. Real bad. Everytime they went there, some midcarder would invariably wipe the floor with him, or he'd be turned at the wrong time, or something along those lines. Flair in the Carolinas is gold... heck, you only have to look at the reformation of the Horsemen in 1998 how much they popped for him BAD! That was an epic, killer pop like very few others. (Yet they died that down quick too, believe it or not). It looked like you were going to kill Flair again, but to see him get up, bloodied, but still seething and hoping for more defines the Nature Boy. Flair takes a face beating like no other, and he sells it brilliantly when he's given a chance to either fight back or ask for more. Conversely, he can give a heel beating like no other, begging off, and then using every trick in the "dirtiest player in the game" playbook. Kudos on a good show, looking forward to how Starrcade pans out too fo shore. I hope to see it soon, I think every WCW fan on this board is pining to see Starrcade '97 and how you go with it from there.
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Yeah, as a young wrestling fan, I never quite understood why Flair got pasted in Flair Country, a tradition that continues to this day (only now it seems as though the E has a propensity for letting Flair put up a fight before having Edge/Trips/whomever squash him, with his family in the front row.) Needless to say, Naitch will be getting some revenge... Saturday Night/{Pro} will be going up tonight, once I take care of some other business, then we'll be back to regular updates.
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That's the thing - beat the man down, but let him make the comeback. Except when he's a heel, let him cheat and steal his way to whatever the outcome is. Isn't it a simple booking push? It worked for 25 years, and then WCW thought you know what, it works, lets change it. ARGHHHH!!!!
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