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WCW - Starrcade '97 and Beyond...

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[CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/wcwsn.jpg[/IMG] WCW Saturday Night TAPED from the Fogleman Arena ATTENDANCE: 5,000 (SELL OUT!) Dark Match Ultimo Dragon vs. Disco Inferno Ultimo beats Disco with a Tiger Suplex to kick us off and warm up the fans… (D+) [B]Dat’s Funkah…[/B] We cut to the announcer’s position, where Tony is holding a mic for the one and only American Dream, Dusty Rhodes… Dusty: Hewo, everybodah, an welcome to anuddah edition of Dubba See Dubba Satudah Night, if you weel. Big thangs be happenin’ right now, and Dubba See Dubba is lookin ready to fight back against this menace…against this powahorse…the N Dubba O, if you weel. The legendarah Ric Flaih got the first shot Monday on Nitro, babuh, live on the biggest show in the land. He didn’t beat Hollywood Hogan for the belt, babuh, but now he runnin’ scared. Scared of the man dey call Steeeeng, if you weel. Hogan’s time is commin at Starrcade, babuh…and all that the N Dubba O have to ask themselves now is…whaddaya gonna do, when Dubba See Dubba, Ric Flaih, Steeeeeng, and the Big Boys run wild on you? (B+) [B]The Public Enemy vs. Harlem Heat[/B] Public Enemy’s table based offence backfires when Rocco Rock attempts to connect with a Drive By, only for Booker T to move! Seconds later, Booker is crashing down with the Harlem Hangover for the win! WINNERS: Harlem Heat (D+) [B]Billy Kidman vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] An extremely quick match between two extremely fast opponents, Billy gives it his all, but it just isn’t enough to bring down a determined Mysterio, who takes it to the Pay Winda with his patented Springboard Hurricanrana. WINNER: Rey Mysterio Jr. (C-) [B]La Parka vs. Konnan[/B] A shocking upset victory for the Chairman of WCW here, as Ric Flair interferes at the end, chain wrapped around his first, and clocks Konnan in the kidney with it, allowing for a small package victory! WINNER: La Freakin’ Parka (D+) [B]WOOOOOOOOOOO~[/B] We cut to the back, where Ric Flair has just grabbed a mic from the hands of “Stagger” Lee Marshal… Flair: Stagger…WOOOOOOOOOO…Lee! Did you see that? WOOOOO! Did…you see…THAT? Stagger Lee…that is what happens when you mess with the Dirtiest Player in the game. That is what happens when you get between Ric Flair and the World Heavyweight Championship! And Stagger Lee…that is just the beginning, as far as “K-Dawg” is concerned. Stagger Lee: Just the beginning? Flair: Did I stutter? WOOOOOO! Stagger Lee…did…I…stutter? No? WOOOOO! Stagger Lee…Roddy Piper, the new president of World Championship Wrestling, said that the consequences of interfering in my match with Hollywood Hogan would be severe…and they are. Konnan…at Starrcade…WOOOOOOO…the Grandaddy of Them All…it will be you and me, one on one, on the show that I made famous. This time Konnan…I don’t have a Flair for the Gold…I’ve got a Flair…for revenge! Revenge for you busting me open with this steel chain… Flair raises his hand, still wrapped in the chain he hit Konnan with… Flair: WOOOOO, for busting me open with it in front of my friend, in front of my family, in front of my hometown, and in front of the world! WOOOOO! You and your buddies in the nWo might think that you’re too sweet, but K-Dawg…come Starrcade, the only thing you’ll be thinking is that diamonds are forever, and so is that limo ridin’, jet flyin’, wheeling, dealing son of a gun…WOOOOOO…So…is Ric Flair! (B+) [B]Quoth The Raven…[/B] After an extremely Ric Flair promo, we cut to the ring, where Raven is sitting in the corner with a microphone… Raven: Chris Jericho fashions himself a champion. He sees himself as the kind of man who deserves accolades, awards, pats on the back for putting in a good performance here and there. What about me? What about Raven? Last week, I beat Chris Jericho in the middle of this ring, proving that his attempt to face Perry Saturn for his title was an attempt rife with futility. Tonight, I prove that the World Television Championship belongs with the Flock…and I prove it by beating a man who has held the World Television Championship no less than four times. So it is written…so it will come to pass…quote the Raven…nevermore… (C+) [B]Raven vs. Steven Regal[/B] An extremely awkward bout between two men who have vastly different styles, as Regal is a grinding submission worker, and Raven is one of the best brawlers on the roster. This match definitely had its kinks, but with any luck, they’ll be at it again, looking to improve upon this showing…Regal wins clean with an exploder suplex… (D+) [B]Who in the Bloody Hell Made You #1 Contender?[/B] We cut to the back, where Mean Gene is about to plug his Hotline, but Steven Regal interrupts, taking the mic from the diminutive shyster. Regal: Jog on you bloody yank. Gene scurries away… Regal: You people really expect me to believe that that bloody pillock deserves a shot at the World’s Television Title? After that schooling I just gave to him? Give me a break…everybody knows that the minute I receive a match for that championship, I’ll be winning it once more, and next time, you can bloody well bet that I’ll be retiring the thing! (D+) [B]Bill Goldberg vs. Fit Finlay[/B] Do you even have to ask? Spear, Jackhammer, Splat. (D+) [B]Tomorrow on Nitro…[/B] Goldberg vs. Hennig, US Title on the line! I guess this is Hennig’s punishment for interfering in what would have been a landmark World Title Match. Needless to say, I guess we won’t be seeing Spear, Jackhammer, Splat. Is the Streak over??? (C) [B]Ric Flair vs. Buff Bagwell[/B] Flair said he’d wrestle anybody in the New World Order, and this is who they send…the “Pretty Boy Redneck” and former American Male, Buff Bagwell. Flair wrestles like a man possessed, in a form we haven’t seen him in for quite some time. Buff tries to mount an offense, but it is to no avail, as Flair has him down, and before long, in the figure four! Bagwell taps! (C+) [B]WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Eddy Guerrero © vs. Juventud Guerrera[/B] More fast paced lucha action, which is good. It shows that WCW is willing to focus on the little guys, as well as the monsters in the nWo. Guerrero tries to cheat on his way to victory, but Guerrera is one step ahead until the end. Juvi goes for a hurricanrana, only to be planted in the center of the ring with a Black Tiger Bomb! Guerrero retains the belt! (C) [B]No Hard Feeling, Holmes…[/B] We’re in the back with “Stagger” Lee Marshal, when Eddy Guerrero walks to him, just defended WCW Cruiserweight Title resting on his shoulders… Stagger Lee: Eddy Guerrero…you’ve just come away with a huge defense of your Cruiserweight Championship, and…surprise, surprise, you kept it clean in the process… Guerrero: It’s like my father said, holmes, there’s no honor amongst rudos…and Lee Marshal, I am no rudo. I still have my honor, holmes. I’d like to think that what happened between me and Dean on Nitro was a misunderstanding…that’s it! But now I hear that tomorrow, he’s going to be wrestling Chavito? What did he do to you, Dean? Why are you punishing him because Randy Anderson can’t call a match? What’s next, Dean? Are you going to beat up my grandma? Assault Hector? Mando? Chavo Sr.? I guess that not only is there no honor amongst rudos…but there’s no honor amongst friends either (D+) [B]Chris Benoit vs. Randy Savage[/B] If their encounters on Saturday Night last year were any indication, this match will rock. And it does. From the beginning, it is just a wild brawl, in and out of the ring. An epic, 20 minute encounter that makes Tony Schivone forget about Nitro, Starrcade, and every other WCW Production he gets paid to plug, The two make it into the crowd…and like that, the match is called on a double count out, much to the fans chagrin… (B-) [B]Crippler…Crippled…[/B] The fans don’t seem to mind much though, as Savage and Benoit continue brawling! Outside the ring, the action seems to have picked up since the bell rang, with Mach trading punches with Benoit like he was DDP and Benoit firing back with knife edged chops like he were fighting Kevin Sullivan! Macho Man goes for a shortcut though, thumbing Benoit in the eyes! A kick to the gut…no! Not a piledriver on the floor! Not on The Muddashyp~! Savage does it! Jesus, the horror. Dusty is silent for a change, and Tony is just flabberghasted…Randy Savage has just piledriven Chris Benoit onto a concrete floor! Macho spits on Benoit and walks away, while the camera remains focused on Chris Benoit… Tony: Fans…I can’t believe what we’ve just witnessed…the Macho Man Randy Savage just piledrove a man on the outside of the ring…spit on him…and walked away. We knew the New World Order was dangerous…we knew they were out for blood…but we had no idea it was like this… Dusty: Tone…Chris Benwah is movin’ down there! He movin’! Indeed, Benoit is clutching at the apron, trying to pull himself up, one word flying out of his mouth as he does so… Benoit: SAVAGE! WCW Saturday Night goes to black…or intermission, or whatever. I feel bad for whomever is wrestling on {Pro}, because that was fantastic… (B+)[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Final Show Rating: B- [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://steveswrestling.com/logos/wcw/wcwpro.jpg[/IMG] WCW {Pro} TAPED From The Fogleman Arena ATTENDANCE: 5,000 (SELL OUT!) [B]Psicosis vs. Yuji Nagata[/B] Probably would have been an awesome match, if not for the horribly dead crowd. The higher-ups must be feeling generous, because this match gets a surprising amount of time. In the end though, it’s Psicosis who has just enough to pull off the win over the rising Japanese phenom, using his vaunted Guillotine Leg Drop. (D+) [B]Mortis vs. Norman Smiley[/B] If two jobbers meet in the middle of the ring, but everybody in the arena is off getting nWo shirts, does a match happen? Well…yeah, but not a well viewed one. Mortis beats Smiley with a Northern Lights Suplex in less time than it took for him to come to the ring. (D-) [B]Alex Wright vs. Kevin Nash[/B] Jackknife~! Poor Alex. Looks like he’ll never break free from his role as a dancing **** jobber. (C) [B]Fe Fi Fo Fum[/B] It looks like the Giant has been watching the match from the front row! Nash looks over at him as he stands, face full of rage. Nash’s face goes white with horror as Giant remains wordless, merely raising his hand…and signaling for the chokeslam. (B+) [B]Because it Was So Good a Day Ago…[/B] We’re given a replay of the Flair promo from last night, presumably as some sort of hype for the just announced encounter between Flair and Konnan at Starrcade. Flair: Stagger…WOOOOOOOOOO…Lee! Did you see that? WOOOOO! Did…you see…THAT? Stagger Lee…that is what happens when you mess with the Dirtiest Player in the game. That is what happens when you get between Ric Flair and the World Heavyweight Championship! And Stagger Lee…that is just the beginning, as far as “K-Dawg” is concerned. Stagger Lee: Just the beginning? Flair: Did I stutter? WOOOOOO! Stagger Lee…did…I…stutter? No? WOOOOO! Stagger Lee…Roddy Piper, the new president of World Championship Wrestling, said that the consequences of interfering in my match with Hollywood Hogan would be severe…and they are. Konnan…at Starrcade…WOOOOOOO…the Grandaddy of Them All…it will be you and me, one on one, on the show that I made famous. This time Konnan…I don’t have a Flair for the Gold…I’ve got a Flair…for revenge! Revenge for you busting me open with this steel chain… Flair raises his hand, still wrapped in the chain he hit Konnan with… Flair: WOOOOO, for busting me open with it in front of my friend, in front of my family, in front of my hometown, and in front of the world! WOOOOO! You and your buddies in the nWo might think that you’re too sweet, but K-Dawg…come Starrcade, the only thing you’ll be thinking is that diamonds are forever, and so is that limo ridin’, jet flyin’, wheeling, dealing son of a gun…WOOOOOO…So…is Ric Flair! (A) [B]Malenko Challenges![/B] We cut to another pre-recorded video, but this is a new one, as Dean Malenko is doing the most exciting thing he can think of…taping his wrists. Malenko: Eddy Guerrero. There was a time when I thought I could look at that name and take heart that there was another man out there who fought for honor, who fought for pride, and who fought to prove himself. It seems as though times have changed, because Eddy Guerrero doesn’t fight for honor…for pride…or for tradition. He fights not for the benefit of the industry that raised us, but for the benefit of his pocketbook. Eddy Guerrero isn’t the man I respected anymore…he’s a liar…a cheat…and a man who is holding on by a thread to that which he holds most dear. Eddy Guerrero…if you’ve got any of your manhood left…you’ll give me another match for the Cruiserweight Championship…and this time, if you win, you’ll do it the way your father taught you and your father taught me. By wrestling. (D+) [B]Dean Malenko vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B] Dean must be really pissed at the Guerrero family, because he just takes it to Chavo. Poor kid had no chance, because Malenko beat him from pillar to post, before opting to completely destroy Chavo with the Super Gut Buster! Malenko gets the pin, then motions that the Cruiserweight Championship belongs to him! (C+) [B]The Giant vs. Scott Norton[/B] It looks as though Giant is on the warpath, as he takes on nWo member Scott Norton, who is actually a really good wrestler, jobber status be damned. He tries to get some offense in on the big man, but Giant merely shakes it off en route to a Chokeslam and a victory! (C-) [B]Chris Benoit and Ric Flair vs. The Public Enemy[/B] The Public Enemy have a huge opportunity, and as they cabbage patch their way to the ring with the Plundah, David Penzer announces that Chris Benoit cannot wrestle this match, as a result of the attack he took but an hour ago at the hands of Randy Savage. This leads to Ric Flair, 12 time World Heavyweight Champion, coming out on his own. The bell rings, and Flair looks like he has no idea what to do against the boys from South Philly, who know exactly what to do with Flair. Ric takes a beating from the two, though he occasionally sneaks in a thumb to the eyes, a donkey kick, or a Flair chop to a tremendous ovation. Grunge and Rock double whip Flair into the corner, where Flair flips over the turnbuckle and runs across the apron, climbing to the top of the next set! Just when Ric is about to leap with a cross body, he is caught by Grunge, while Rock points to the table! There is a look of horror etched on the faces of those sitting ringside…but the place comes unglued when Chris Benoit comes out, head bandaged, and slides into the ring! Rocco Rock charges Benoit, but Chris ducks a clothesline attempt! Rock bounces off the ropes, but Benoit catches him sleeping and grabs the ropes, sending Rock over the top and through the table reserved for Ric Flair! Johnny Grunge attacks Benoit, who ducks once more and catches him…Tiger Suplex! It’s over! Benoit is a machine! (C+)[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Final Show Rating: C+[/CENTER] Diary Notes… I'm not dead! The Good: Saturday Night. I’m actually pleased that it got a B-, considering that I booked a few matches that nobody really cared about. Screw what people want though…I’m a Nagata mark, so I get Nagata. Also, Flair is a beast. It seems that just about everything I put him in scores an insanely high mark. The Public Enemy are lower Midcard job boys right now, and the match was still a C+, as did his match against Buff freakin’ Bagwell. Benoit/Savage did better than I expected it to, considering that Savage bitched about the Draw. I wonder if any of you can see a few of the matches I’m looking to book for Starrcade? The Bad: After the one Goldberg squash that got a C+, the rest have been pretty freakin’ lame. It’s time to see if Bill can handle somebody a bit bigger and better than Billy Kidman, hence the Curt Hennig match on Nitro. Also, Regal/Raven bombing totally blows, being as I had hoped Regal’s brawling skills would make up for Raven’s lack of technical acumen. The Ugly: {Pro}. It sucks that I get C+ final ratings for booking a fairly stacked {Pro}, but it is the C-Show. I don’t plan on asking for a renewal for it after this season though, because THUNDAH~! > {Pro}.
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[QUOTE=marchhaire;283459][CENTER] Final Show Rating: B- Final Show Rating: C+[/CENTER] Diary Notes… I'm not dead! The Good: Saturday Night. I’m actually pleased that it got a B-, considering that I booked a few matches that nobody really cared about. Screw what people want though…I’m a Nagata mark, so I get Nagata. Also, Flair is a beast. It seems that just about everything I put him in scores an insanely high mark. The Public Enemy are lower Midcard job boys right now, and the match was still a C+, as did his match against Buff freakin’ Bagwell. Benoit/Savage did better than I expected it to, considering that Savage bitched about the Draw. I wonder if any of you can see a few of the matches I’m looking to book for Starrcade? The Bad: After the one Goldberg squash that got a C+, the rest have been pretty freakin’ lame. It’s time to see if Bill can handle somebody a bit bigger and better than Billy Kidman, hence the Curt Hennig match on Nitro. Also, Regal/Raven bombing totally blows, being as I had hoped Regal’s brawling skills would make up for Raven’s lack of technical acumen. The Ugly: {Pro}. It sucks that I get C+ final ratings for booking a fairly stacked {Pro}, but it is the C-Show. I don’t plan on asking for a renewal for it after this season though, because THUNDAH~! > {Pro}.[/QUOTE] Good stuff dawg, particularly liked the Flair interview... glad you replayed it :D and the Savage piledriver on Benoit. You're not dead? Who the hell are you... Pink? At least she's semi hot.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]BREAKING: WCW Releases 16 Wrestlers![/B][/SIZE] In the wake of the release of Al Poling (Tombstone, better known as 911 in ECW), it seems as though World Championship Wrestling has decided to trim the fat, and have given papers to the following 16 individuals... [LIST] [*]Virgil [*]The Booty Man [*]Ray Traylor [*]John Tenta [*]Prince Iukea [*]Medusa [*]Kevin Sullivan [*]Johnny Swinger [*]Jim Duggan [*]Glacier [*]Van Hammer [*]Jeff Farmer (nWo Sting) [*]Brian Knobbs [*]Jerry Saggs [*]James J. Dillon [*]Ice Train [/LIST] While usually, the release of 17 people would be cause for alarm, World Championship Wrestling has been experiencing unprecedented popularity, in and out of the States. Especially surprising are the releases of several of Hulk Hogan's friends, as well as members of the white hot New World Order faction. When asked for comment, WCW Creative member Paul Arrand Rodgers offered the following: "While it is regrettable to let go of so many people at once, the brass at the top of Turner would like for us to move towards a product that is more geared towards the athlete. Releases were made to reflect this request, and everybody has been wished the best in their future endeavors." When asked if he regretted releasing any of the workers, he again gave his thoughts... "On some level, I regret letting everybody on that list go. Wrestling is a profession where everybody involved becomes like family, from Ric Flair on down to Ice Train. As a fan, there are people I watched from the outside looking in that I certainly wish I could have kept. Medusa, for starters, but the Women's Division fell apart long before I came to work here and frankly wasn't a priority, heading into Starrcade and even after. Guys like Ray Traylor, Vincent, Hacksaw, and even J.J. are hard to see go, because of the memories I'll associate them with. There just wasn't anything in the cards for them, and when we got word from Turner...it was time to let them go..." It remains unclear if this is just the beginning of a federation wide purge of underutilized and otherwise useless individuals, or if Turner brass really does want to see WCW focus on a more athletic product. The just announced signing of current ECW and former WCW star [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] seems to indicate that the former is true. Stay tuned for all the latest breaking wrestling news, here on pwinsider.com![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Nitro Preview[/B] [I]Provided by World Championship Wrestling[/I] Starrcade looms in the distance, but WCW Monday Nitro rolls into the Carrier Dome for two hours of the best pro wrestling you can watch...LIVE on TNT! [B]"Warm Up Match" Non Title Hulk Hogan vs. ?????[/B] With a huge match on the horizon with Sting, Hulk Hogan will be going from the frying pan and into the fire. Fresh from a dubious defense of his WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Ric Flair, Hollywood has demanded a match (ooc: lol at Hogan demanding to work) this Monday, to be selected by him, in an effort to ready himself for the man they call Sting. [B]Dean Malenko vs. Psicosis[/B] In the wake of Dean Malenko's challenge to former friend Eddy Guerrero, the Cruiserweight Champion released a statement, saying that if Dean wanted him, he'd face an opponent of his choosing this Monday on Nitro, with Dean getting the shot if he won. Malenko was quick to accept the counter-challenge, and Eddy announced that Dean would be facing Mexican stand-out Psicosis. The question is, with a shot at Guerrero at Starrcade on the line, will anybody be able to stop the Iceman? [B]Chris Jericho vs. Steven Regal[/B] With the search for a clear #1 Contender for Perry Saturn's World TV Title still underway, Steven Regal looks to assail all doubt as to whom that man is by eliminating the other top contender. Jericho looks to rebound this week after a solid outing against Raven last Monday... [B]WCW World Television Championship Perry Saturn (c) vs. Stevie Ray[/B] The tag team successes of Harlem Heat have put them in the public eye of late, and tonight, Stevie Ray is rewarded with a shot at the World Television Championship against the Flock's gargoyle. Will the man from 110th Street pull off the win, or with Raven's Flock descend and pick apart the tag team specialist? Suckas gots to know! [B]Booker T vs. Scott Steiner[/B] Stemming from the recent conflict between Harlem Heat and The Steiner Brothers, the two younger members of both teams face each other in the center of the ring in an effort to settle the score. [B]WCW United States Championship Curt Hennig (c) vs. Bill Goldberg[/B] As punishment for his interference in last weeks Hollywood Hogan/Ric Flair title match, WCW President Rowdy Roddy Piper has placed Curt between a rock and a Jackhammer, as he faces the undefeated rookie from Atlanta, Goldberg. Will Curt be next, or will his experiance prove to be the undoing of the Streak? [B]Ric Flair/Chris Benoit vs. Randy Savage/Konnan[/B] Stemming from brutal nWo attacks both last Monday on Nitro and on Saturday Night, Ric Flair and Chris Benoit have somewhat of a Horsemen reunion as they take on their respective attackers, Savage and K-Dawg. Benoit's head is still wrapped as a result of Savage's devastating piledriver, so it will be interesting to see how well Benoit preforms against men of this caliber. [B]Main Event Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant vs. The Outsiders[/B] Do you really need an explanation? The Battle of the Giants! Page and Hall! What more could you want? Don't miss out on Nitro, this Monday, LIVE on TNT![/CENTER] Quick Picks Hulk Hogan vs. ?????? Dean Malenko vs. Psicosis Chris Jericho vs. Steven Regal Perry Saturn vs. Stevie Ray Booker T vs. Scott Steiner Curt Hennig vs. Bill Goldberg Flair/Benoit vs. Savage/Konnan DDP/Giant vs. The Outsiders
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Quick Picks [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] vs. ?????? I'm tugging at the long one to come up with a decision here dawg, but I think with Starrcade approaching, the big giant M&M cannot lose here dawgy dogg. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs. Psicosis A match made in little man heaven, the Iceman to take it out, and then give us a charismatic speech... well maybe not the last part. Chris Jericho vs. [B]Steven Regal[/B] Jericho's that blimey little toerag, I think this should be a good 'en too. [B]Perry Saturn[/B] vs. Stevie Ray Suckas gots to know, how does the Rings of Saturn feel? [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Scott Steiner Fo shore fo the win. Curt Hennig vs. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Grab the flip pan and the spatula. [B]Flair/Benoit[/B] vs. Savage/Konnan It's a dawg eat dawg world dawg and the dirtiest dawg and his apprentice are barking in the yard. DDP/Giant vs. [B]The Outsiders[/B] Yup, the tag specialists.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/info/nitro.jpg[/IMG] Monday Nitro LIVE from the Carrier Dome Attendance: 23,272 [B] Dark Match Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Super Calo[/B] Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Super Calo with the Springboard Hurricanrana. (C) [B]n-n-n-new world order presents: Catchphrase-A-Thon ‘97[/B] The show opens up as it is prone to opening, with the entirety of the New World Order walking out to the ring. I say “the entirety,” usually with disdain because of some of the chumps who are in it…but Vincent is gone! Huzzah! The fans are furiously throwing garbage down onto the ring, when Easy E grabs the mic… Bischoff: And I love each and every one of you, too! No really, I do. Honestly. If it wasn’t for me…you wouldn’t have Hollywood Hogan. You wouldn’t have Randy Savage. You wouldn’t have Hall and Nash, Konnan, the Cruiserweights, Monday Nitro, or hell…any of this. WCW was a cesspool before I came in! I saved it! And how do they reward me? By firing me and replacing me…with Rowdy Roddy Piper…a man whom the nWo has already proven to be futile…and will prove it again tonight, when we take out each and every one of the men Piper has booked against us…isn’t that right? Randy Savage takes the microphone… (C) Savage: Ohhhhhh yeah! Starting off with Ric Flair and the Crippler Chris Benoit…when I piledrove him on the concrete last week…he was merely beginning to feel just what the madness was all about. Tonight, he and Flair face K-Dawg and the Macho Man…right here! And all I can say is that if Benoit thought he was in pain last week…he hasn’t snapped into the Madness yet! Dig it! Konnan now has the mic. Hot potato! Konnan: Yo, yo, yo…lemme speak on dis! Orale! The crowd is silent. Konnan: Fu*k you, too! The arena is still silent, but now it is a stunned silence. Tony Schivonne breaks the mood, while the nWo gloat. Tony Schivonne: Fans, I want to apologize right now for this outburst… He is quickly shut up, to the delight of everybody. Konnan: It looks like old man Flair has a bit of a problem with K-Dawg, ever since I busted him open in front of his familia with a steel chain. It looks…like old man Flair wants to take out a little bit of frustration on K-Dawg…and it looks like he wants to start tonight. Tonight…Starrcade…it really doesn’t matter, vato…because what happened to you last week is going to happen again…and again…and again, because I’m boudit boudit, and rowdy rowdy…4 life, Flair. See you tonight. Now Hall has the microphone as Konnan and Savage high five… (B+) Hall: Hey…hey yo. It’s survey time! Massive…just massive pop. Hall is over here tonight! Hall: How many of you came here tonight…to see The Giant? There’s some decent popage for the Giant… Hall: How many of you came here tonight…to feel the Bang? Massive poppage… Hall: And how many of you…came here tonight…to see Big Sexy, Medium Sexy, and the rest of the gang? Super, deafening, massive poppage. Hall: One more for the good guys… Nash: Because we are just…too…sweeeeeeeet! They flip the mic to the Orange Goblin, who catches it…the pop goes from deafening, to quieting, to booing, to deafening boos. Hogan…has heat. (B+) Hollywood Hogan: Y’know something brothers? I’m getting a little tired of this chump Sting, coming down from the rafters, hitting us with baseball bats, and running away like a nancy boy at the end of the night. Bobby Heenan: Nancy boy? Hollywood Hogan: That’s right…I’m getting downright sick and tired of it, brothers! I offered him a match two weeks ago, and he sends out some decoy. I get told I’m facing Ric Flair and successfully defend my nWo Heavyweight Championship…and my brothers in the nWo get punished. Meanwhile, Sting, the coward, gets to sit up in the rafters, ready to attack us like we were dogs. So tonight, I issued an open challenge, a tune up match for Starrcade, brothers. If Sting wanted to prove to us that he deserved a title shot at Starrcade, he could come down here and fight me like a man! The crowd erupts, and Tony has an orgasm. Hollywood Hogan: But he didn’t show up and sign the contract, brothers…this man did! Some generic guitar riff hits…and it’s La Parka! The crowd seriously turns on this as La Parka air guitars down to the ring on his trusty steel chair. Tony Schivone: La Parka? But La Parka is a cruiserweight! Mike Tenay: At 240 pounds? No he isn’t. Bobby Heenan: Just because he’s from Mexico, Tony? I’m ashamed to call you my partner… La Parka is in the ring and does his famous La Parka strut, with the nWo clapping wildly for it. Bischoff sneaks behind La Parka and rips his mask off…revealing another La Parka mask…Parka looks shocked. Tenay is outraged… Hollywood Hogan: Just making sure, brother…let’s have a good one out there, alright? Hogan extends his hand…and La Parka shakes it! The nWo vacate the ring, a ref comes down…and a Hulk Hogan match is OPENING Nitro? (B+) [B]Non Title Hollywood Hogan vs. La Parka[/B] Hogan dominated Parka, to the shock of nobody, in the early goings of this one. Like…Parka got in zero offense. It was Hogan beating the piss out of him until the bodyslam and leg drop. Hogan went for it…and Parka rolled out of the way! This brought forth massive applause, shock from the announcers, and horror from Hogan. Parka got up and dominated, chopping Hogan into a corner…and hitting the Stinger Splash! Hogan stumbled out from the corner, and Parka unmasked, revealing himself as the very man who patented the move, drawing deafening applause as he hooked Hogan up for the Scorpion Death Drop! The nWo floods the ring…and we’ve got an extremely heated no-contest! WINNER: No Contest (B+) [B]Beat Off the Brats[/B] Hogan lies flat on the ring, and Sting rips off the La Parka bodysuit, revealing his trademark black and white, and a baseball bat at his side. The nWo storms the ring, but Sting has his bat ready…down goes Konnan! Down goes Hall! Down goes Hennig! Hogan rolls out of the ring, where he is led away by Eric Bischoff while Sting continues to lay out the nWo! (B+) [B]Hogan is Next…[/B] Hogan and Bisch turn around at the top of the ramp, only to see Sting standing tall. Sting’s eyes lock with Hogan’s…and the bat slowly comes up. Once again, the Orange Goblin turns white. (B+) [B]Dean Malenko vs. Psicosis[/B] Another stunning Cruiserweight contest, Dean Malenko takes on Psicosis, with a shot at Eddy Guerrero on the line. A grinding technical affair between the two, seeing hold after hold exchanged, even shutting Eddy Guerrero, guest commentator, up at one point. Psicosis goes for a top rope rana, but Dean catches him…Super Gutbuster! That is seriously the most visually disturbing move in the game. Dean gets the cover, and gets the win. WINNER: Dean Malenko (C+) (Malenko and Psicosis didn’t click. Funny, they’ve produced my highest rated Crusier match thus far…) [B]Eddy Accepts[/B] Eddy gets up from the broadcast position with a live mic… Eddy: You know what holmes…that was pretty impressive. Since I’m a man of my word…and since I believe in honor…esse…you can have your match with me at Starrcade. Eddy storms away from the ring, while Dean motions for the title… Tony Schivonne: Another match announced for Starrcade! Mike Tenay: All the pride and honor Dean Malenko holds dear he is going to be putting on the line against Eddy Guerrero, his former friend…this one might steal the show, Tony. (D) [B]Monday Night Jericho![/B] We cut to the back, where Chris Jericho is standing by… Jericho: I’ve heard a lot of talk about who the so called number one contender to the WCW Television Title is. Steamboat Regal wants a shot because he’s held it for a cup of tea. Raisin wants it because…well…because he’s a whiny, mangy, nappy headed, skirt wearing loser. Saturn…he hasn’t said much of anything at all…but deep down, he knows that that shot belongs to Chris Jericho. Tonight, on Monday Night Jericho, I’m going to prove to him, and to the world, that the only man who will be getting a shot at that title is me. C’mon, baby! Jericho exits stage right, for it is time for his match with Steamboat Regal. (C-) [B]Chris Jericho vs. Steven Regal[/B] Another mostly technical affair. These two work well together, but need to be pushed a bit more before the fans get into it. Regal dominated the opening part of the match, but Jericho’s obvious speed advantage turn the match to his favor. Regal simply cannot catch up with the young Canuck, try as he might, and when Jericho hits the Lionsault, it’s over. WINNER: Chris Jericho (C) [B] World TV Championship Perry Saturn © vs. Stevie Ray[/B] An interesting match-up…Ray is gunning for the tag strap, and Saturn is trying to keep his belt against three possible challengers. Not that suckas wouldn’t mind a TV Title reign. The two brawl in and around the ring, until Stevie gets the upper hand. A 110th Street Slam looks like the end, but Raven slides into the ring and hits the Evenflow! We’ve got a DQ! WINNER: Stevie Ray via DQ (C-) [B]Flock…in turmoil?[/B] Perry Saturn gets up from the 110th Street Slam as Stevie Ray lies out on the mat. Saturn turns to face Raven…only to get a kick to the gut and an Evenflow! Tony Schivonne: Goodness! Bobby Heenan: What he said! Mike Tenay: I think we know what this is about… Raven confirms nerdy Mike Tenay’s suspicions by reaching down to the mat and grabbing the World Television Championship, before extending it in his usual crucifix pose… Bobby Heenan: Bizarre doesn’t even begin to describe that bird… (C-) [B]Steiner Hype[/B] We cut to the back, where “Mean” Gene Okurlund is standing by with one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Scott Steiner Mean Gene: Scott Steiner, tonight, you face one half of Harlem Heat, Booker T, in a match that surely has implications for your tag team championships… Scott Steiner: Mean Gene, you’re absolutely right. Tonight’s match against Booker T is important, because tonight, I’m going to prove that Harlem Heat doesn’t stand a chance against the Steiner Brothers. Me and my brother are the greatest tag team champions of all time…and if Booker T has a problem with that, he needs to quit running his yap, and start cleaning house! Steiner walks away from Gene in a huff… Mean Gene: That match is next! (B-) [B]Booker T vs. Scott Steiner[/B] It’s the best parts of the two best tag teams in the world, looking to either settle a score or push for a World Tag Team Championship match. Obviously, this is a hard hitting affair, with no clear cut dominance. Late in the match, Steiner goes for a belly to belly suplex, but Booker hits him with a knee, doubling him over, leading into the scissors kick! He makes the cover…and it’s over! WINNER: Booker T (B-) [B]United States Championship Curt Hennig © vs. Bill Goldberg[/B] Curt Hennig comes out apprehensively…he doesn’t toss a towel over his shoulder, he doesn’t swipe gum into the stands. He’s focused on the task at hand. Goldberg’s march hits…and a curious thing happens. The fans start chanting… Crowd: GOOOOOOOOOOOOLDBERG! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLDBERG! Bill come out, and the crowd erupts…they want to see him take Curt’s championship. He gets into the ring, and does his damndest to take it…high impact moves aplenty. The crowd is so loud during this that it’s almost impossible to hear Tony, Bobby, and Mike. Curt does a marvelous job of selling Bill’s offense…and it’s Spear time! Curt moves out of the way! Bill hits the turnbuckle, and Curt leaves the ring! Hennig sprints up the ramp, not even stopping to grab his US Title…and Mickie Jay calls for the bell. David Penzer: Your winner…by count out…GOOOOOOOOOOLDBERG!!! The fans half boo, half cheer as Goldberg stomps around the ring, looking furious. WINNER: Bill Goldberg via count out (Curt Hennig retains the US Title) (C) [B]Oh no you don’t…[/B] Curt Hennig is shown trying to leave the arena, when he runs across WCW President Rowdy Roddy Piper, who is eating an apple, watching a monitor. Roddy Piper: Going somewhere, Curt? Curt Hennig: Back to the hotel. Roddy Piper: Forgot something, didn’t you? Curt Hennig: What are you talking about? Roddy Piper: Your title. Curt realizes that he left his belt at the ring…he turns back… Roddy Piper: I wouldn’t do that…a certain Mr. Goldberg is still out there…and besides that…it isn’t your title anymore. Curt Hennig: What? Roddy Piper: You shirked on your responsibilities as a champion. Curt Hennig: I didn’t! Roddy Piper: You ran away, boy-o. Curt Hennig: I did not! Roddy Piper: I could ask them to show the replay, if you wish… Curt Hennig: You can’t strip me of the belt! Roddy Piper: I already did. And I booked the tournament that’ll see your successor…thing is…you’re not in it. Curt Hennig: WHAT? Roddy Piper: Well, I’d already booked you in a match for Starrcade…and it wouldn’t be fair to you or your opponent if you had to wrestle in two matches that night. Curt Hennig: My opponent? Roddy Piper: I think you’d do well to sit down and watch the monitor… (B-) [B]The Best There Is…[/B] We cut to a black and white video…there’s a basement, pipes hanging from the ceiling, weights strewn on the floor. A hutch is down there, with pictures of wrestlers…Chris Benoit. Dynamite Kid. Davey Boy Smith. Lance Storm. Chris Jericho. Owen Hart…before the camera can pan to the last picture, a man walks in front…the camera zooms out…and Bret Hart stands there…in the arena, the crowd has reached supernova. Bret Hart: I imagine that most of you know who I am…and I know that most of you know why I’m here. At Starrcade…the granddaddy of them all…I’m going to prove to you…the WCW fans…that I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Curt? You’re in for a long night. We cut to the crowd, who are going crazy. Heenan, Tony, and Mike try to hype the Hitman, but they literally cannot be heard. We quickly cut to commercial. The fans in the arena are shown ads for the Buff Bagwell mastercard to bring them down… (B-) [B]Flair and Benoit vs. Savage and Konnan[/B] We come back from commercial with the first of our two huge main events, as Flair and Benoit go up against their respective rivals, K-Dawg and the Macho Man. If you were expecting a wild brawl, you got it. Midway through the match, Flair pulled a chain from his tights, and was about to drill Konnan with it, but K-Dawg hits the floor and high tails it! Flair chases him out of the arena…and we’re left with Benoit-Savage! If Flair-Konnan was heated…Savage just tried to end Benoit’s career Saturday! The two work really well together, and the crowd was definitely into it. Benoit gets Savage down and goes up for a headbut…and it connects! But he can’t go for the cover! Neither can Savage! Referee Randy Anderson begins the count…and makes it to ten! WINNER: Draw via double knock out. (B+) (Flair improving in technical skills, Konnan improving in rumble skills) [B]The Outsiders vs. Giant and DDP[/B] Our other main event sees another heated brawl, possibly more heated than the last. The Giant has his issues with the nWo. DDP has his issues with the nWo. Both of them stem from last year’s Starrcade, when Hall hit DDP with the Outsider’s Edge to cost him the US title against Eddy Guerrero and when the nWo turned on the Giant. This is their chance at revenge. Sadly, a pair of brass knuckles from Hall’s hand to DDP’s forehead makes this quest as unsuccessful as the rest of them. Cue the rain of garbage. WINNERS: The Outsiders (B) (Nash improving in technical skills)[/CENTER] Final Show Rating: B- Needless to say, I’m a bit upset that this show will damage my popularity. Two good tag team main events, the Hogan/La Parka swerve, and Bret’s debut? Curt/Goldberg went over better than I expected it to though, and the cruiser matches are starting to pick up some steam. Nobody seems to care about the TV Title though. Goldberg has officially risen up the card with his match against Hennig, as he has C+ popularity across the board, with a solid B in mid south. Which is why I did the chant thing. I don’t think they started chanting for Bill till February ’98. Needless to say, his Starrcade match will be much better than what he got from Steve McMichael. Monday Night Raw Report… Raw was live from the Save-On-Foods Centre in British Columbia, before a paying crowd of 5000. Those 5000 were quickly pissed off, as they were presented with a show featuring Steve Blackman beat TAKA Michinoku, Jeff Jarrett beating Mable, Shawn Michaels defending his European Championship against Mark Henry, and Ken Shamrock…losing to Ahmed Johnson in the main event. Mick Foley, Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H were nowhere to be seen, resulting in this being one of the worst Raws in recent memory, with Dave Meltzer giving the show a paltry D+ rating. Coming soon: Updated Starrcade Card, WCW Saturday Night/{Pro} preview, brackets for the US Title tournament, general awesomeness.
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Needless to say, I’m a bit upset that this show will damage my popularity. [COLOR="Red"]It happens in '07 bro ;-)[/COLOR] Two good tag team main events, the Hogan/La Parka swerve, and Bret’s debut? Curt/Goldberg went over better than I expected it to though, and the cruiser matches are starting to pick up some steam. Nobody seems to care about the TV Title though. [COLOR="red"]Me me me, pick me, I do care about the TV title due it's prestige and history. When it's booked right, it's a main stay of the show. Heh, love the La Parka swerve.[/COLOR] Goldberg has officially risen up the card with his match against Hennig, as he has C+ popularity across the board, with a solid B in mid south. Which is why I did the chant thing. I don’t think they started chanting for Bill till February ’98. Needless to say, his Starrcade match will be much better than what he got from Steve McMichael. [COLOR="red"]How can you possibly do better than the Mongo match? :D [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]The Big Boys are out to play, this weekend on the Superstation![/B][/SIZE] [I]Weekend Preview from World Championship Wrestling[/I] We are one week away from Starrcade, the Grandaddy of them all, the biggest spectacle in pro wrestling today, and WCW rolls into Houston Texas and the Hofheinz Pavillion for three solid hours of the superstars of WCW and the nWo! First, on The Mothership... [IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/wcwsn.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Dean Malenko vs. Ultimo Dragon WCW World Television Championship Raven's Rules Saturn (c) vs. Raven Curt Hennig vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1 Goldberg vs. Eddy Guerrero WCW World Tag Team Championships Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers (c) nWo vs. WCW Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, and Konnan vs. Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, Chris Benoit, and Ric Flair[/SIZE] [IMG]http://steveswrestling.com/logos/wcw/wcwpro.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero and Psicosis Randy Savage vs. La Parka WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1 Booker T vs. Rick Steiner Scott Hall vs. Chris Benoit[/SIZE] The big boys are out to play...this weekend![/CENTER][/QUOTE] Quick Picks... Dean Malenko vs. Ultimo Dragon Saturn vs. Raven Curt Hennig vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. Goldberg vs. Eddy Guerrero Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers Hall, Nash, Savage, and Konnan vs. Page, Giant, Benoit, and Flair Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero and Psicosis Randy Savage vs. La Parka Booker T vs. Rick Steiner Scott Hall vs. Chris Benoit
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I just realised you've used Piper as WCW Prez as well heh I've been reading a bit of this and I'm liking it, I think you're doing a good job of capturing the essence of WCW at the time and are presenting what seem like could be actual episodes Nitro. Digging the humour too, 'Tony has an orgasm' heh. And also loved the La Parko swerve :) Good job
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[QUOTE=tom_wk;288846]I just realised you've used Piper as WCW Prez as well heh I've been reading a bit of this and I'm liking it, I think you're doing a good job of capturing the essence of WCW at the time and are presenting what seem like could be actual episodes Nitro. Digging the humour too, 'Tony has an orgasm' heh. And also loved the La Parko swerve :) Good job[/QUOTE] Yeah. I like Piper as WCW prez, because he tends to be useless as a wrestler. Bisch as the leader of the nWo and as WCW prez doesnt add up at the end of the day. I was a big fan of the Nitro formula, before it went to hell midway through 99. They had long talk segments, sure, but they also had the best wrestling on TV to break it up. Sting beating up the nWo is also always awesome. Tony pretty much did have an orgasm every Monday night. The greatest night in the history of our industry. Thanks for reading...BROTHER~
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[B]Dean Malenko[/B] vs. Ultimo Dragon Saturn vs. [B]Raven[/B] [B]Curt Hennig [/B]vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Eddy Guerrero Harlem Heat vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] Hall, Nash, Savage, and Konnan vs. [B]Page, Giant, Benoit, and Flair[/B] Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. [B]Eddy Guerrero and Psicosis[/B] [B]Randy Savage[/B] vs. La Parka Booker T vs. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] [B]Scott Hall[/B] vs. Chris Benoit
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Yeah. I like Piper as WCW prez, because he tends to be useless as a wrestler. Bisch as the leader of the nWo and as WCW prez doesnt add up at the end of the day. [COLOR="Red"]Piper as President was cool. Or as Roddy would say, he was rowdy before rowdy was cool! But you were right, he was useless as a wrestler... AT THAT STAGE. You see, before that, Roddy Piper told some great stories in the ring. If you want to see violence, look no further than his dog collar match at Starrcade 1 with Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine, that was brutal. And then of course the two faces of Piper against Bret Hart.. Pipers Pit was uber-cool too. Piper before the early 90s probably when his hip really started to play up on him could give a goodish match, he was no Ricky Steamboat, but he was believable and he'd put all his limited marbles on the line.[/COLOR] I was a big fan of the Nitro formula, before it went to hell midway through 99. They had long talk segments, sure, but they also had the best wrestling on TV to break it up. Sting beating up the nWo is also always awesome. [COLOR="Red"]The problem with the formula was too many convoluted run ins, not enough substance to the top end of the card. Could have had that substance, had Sting gone over, and had the Four Horsemen broken up the nWo in 1998 IMO.[/COLOR] Tony pretty much did have an orgasm every Monday night. The greatest night in the history of our industry. [COLOR="Red"]Tony was the talking orgasm fo shore dawg.[/COLOR]
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No question Piper was awesome, but seriously, post WM 8, he didn't do all that much. His run as WWF Commisioner was where he started to get useless, and in WCW, instead of somebody else getting the rub from beating Heel Hogan the first time, Piper gets the duke(s) in a few terrible matches. He was/is/will be great on the stick though.
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"]WCW Championship Committee Announces Brackets![SIZE="6"][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]From WCW.com[/I][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Starrcade is starting to shape up, and now with the announcement that United States Heavyweight Champion Curt Hennig has been Stripped of his title due to interference in Nitro's Hollywood Hogan/Ric Flair main event comes the announcement of the tournament to crown a new champion.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v653/marchhaire/Untitled-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Will Goldberg continue to plow through the competition? Will the heated rivalry between the Steiners and Harlem Heat see either team with singles gold? Will Curt Hennig recapture his title? Who is the mystery man? Stay tuned and find out![/QUOTE] OOC: Sorry for the lack of updates and crappy brackets...I do what I can. Saturday Night and {Pro} will be up sometime tonight/tomorrow, and then I'll update regularly. Hopefully.
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