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Wow great backstory man, the invasion angle really made sense in this reality. Do you mind telling us who your current champs are now though. You never mentioned it after RVD vacated them, and now I see Orton is champ so they must not be vacant anymore. [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Beth Phoenix Victoria vs. [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] The Hooliganz vs. [B]Cade & Murdoch[/B] [B]Kane[/B] vs. Carlito [B]Triple H[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley [B]Randy Orton (C[/B]) vs. Shelton Benjamin for the WWF Title
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[QUOTE=mad5226;284318]Wow great backstory man, the invasion angle really made sense in this reality. Do you mind telling us who your current champs are now though. You never mentioned it after RVD vacated them, and now I see Orton is champ so they must not be vacant anymore. [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Beth Phoenix Victoria vs. [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] The Hooliganz vs. [B]Cade & Murdoch[/B] [B]Kane[/B] vs. Carlito [B]Triple H[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley [B]Randy Orton (C[/B]) vs. Shelton Benjamin for the WWF Title[/QUOTE] 'F Course I can, I even have the full roster ... somewhere :) WWF Champion - Randy Orton WWF Intercontinental Champion - Bobby Lashley WWF Tag Team Champions - The Hooliganz WCW Champion - John Cena WCW United States Champion - ... WCW Tag Team Champions - Free Flow Funk (MVP and Ron Killings) ECW Champion - Matt Hardy ECW Tag Team Champions - HArdcore Hollywood (MNM)
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]WWF RAW![/COLOR][/SIZE] Monday ~ Week 1 ~ 2007 ~ January Live from the Hartford Civic Center! [QUOTE][B]Bobby Lashley vs. Triple H[/B] A great match to start off RAW. The Intercontinental champion versus The Game. Triple H coming off his exclamation point victory over Shawn Micheals. Lashley still deep into a feud with Umaga. The match was even, until halfway through Umaga crept in, hit the Spike on Lashley and left. Trips took advantage and began to dominate, setting up the pedigree. HBK crept in, and superkicked Triple H in the back of the neck. Triple H almost fell, and by the time he looked around, HBK was gone. Lashley was up, and set up for a spear, but the pissed off Triple H reversed it into a spinebuster. Pedigree and three. Triple H over Bobby Lashley [B-][/QUOTE] Triple H grabs a microphone. “Shawn, you don’t get it do you? It’s over! I won! Time to stop interfering in my matchs and just let the game keep on rolling. You know what, as well, my father in law agrees. We both knew you’d be out here Shawn so later tonight, as punishment, you can go one on one …. With the great one!” [B+] [QUOTE] Backstage Lashley is walking, trying to shake off his loss. Umaga attacks viciously and leaves Lashley out. [B+][/QUOTE] [B]Beth Phoenix vs. Gail Kim[/B] Two women’s division keepers, in a grudge match. Gail, in her quest to reclaim the belt, has been attacking every woman she sees. Beth was last weeks victem, and now we have this match. Kim runs Beth around, until hitting the hurricanerana for the win. Gail Kim over Beth Phoenix [C+] [QUOTE]Randy Orton comes to the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen: the champion of the WWF, the main attraction of the WWF, the WWF … Randy Orton. Now let me explain the difference between myself and say … my opponent Shelton Benjamin… I’m smarter. I’m more skilled. I’m the best on the roster. Shelton, anyone else who may come, remember this. Randy Orton” Orton does his pose, “Killer!” [B+][/QUOTE] [B] Carlito vs. Kane[/B] Carlito is good and on the rise, but Kane dominates him anyway. Maybe next time, kid. Kane over Carlito [B-] [QUOTE]Torrie Wilson comes out. “The real American woman…” she point to the crowd which yells “TORRIE” “As I thought. Mickie … you’re a fake, wearing real gold. That real gold belongs around the waist of the real American woman … Torrie Wilson!” [B-][/QUOTE] [B] Torrie Wilson vs. Victoria[/B] Torrie may be a real American, but Victoria ain’t the lady to mess with! Victoria uses her strength to over power the smaller Torrie, before hitting the Widow’s Peak. Victoria over Torrie [C-] [QUOTE]Backstage Torrie is nursing her wounds. Mickie walks by and simply says, “Really?” [C-] [/QUOTE] [B]Shawn Micheals vs. The Rock[/B] The fact that they’re giving this away on free TV is amazing. Rock threw Micheals around for ten minutes, before hitting the Rock Bottom. As soon as Rock stood up, HHH’s music started, and he came out with a sledgehammer. Rock went out to greet him, and the two discussed matters for a minute. Out of nowhere Rock hits the Rock Bottom! Micheals comes down, obviously shaken up, delivers sweet chin music to an unsuspecting Rock. Micheals brings down the hammer on Triple H, the does the people’s elbow. He pulls Rock into the ring, and hits a flying elbow. Another sweet chin music, and the Rock is done. Micheals with the win. [B+] [QUOTE]Micheals takes a mic. “Hunter, this ain’t over.” [B+][/QUOTE] [B]AJ Styles vs. Jobber X[/B] Anyone think Mr. X has a chance? Anyone? No? Good. AJ Styles over Jobber X [C+] [QUOTE][B]Cade and Murdoch vs. Hooligans [/B] Two of the best of the tag team division. Kendrick and London use speed to disrupt the constant double teams by the redneck tandem. Kendrick ends up pinning Cade after a superkick. Hooligans over Cade and Murdoch [C][/QUOTE] [B]Randy Orton vs. Shelton Benjamin WWF Championship[/B] Orton spends more time posing than anyone in history. That said, Benjamin is a great up and coming talent, who surprises the young champion with his quick offense. Eventually, Benjamin tires out, and falls victim to the RKO. Randy Orton over Shelton Benjamin to retain the WWF Championship [B] Total Show: [C] ((Not enough angles ... ouch))
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;284306]Gail Kim vs. [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] [B]Victoria[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson [B]The Hooliganz[/B] vs. Cade & Murdoch Kane vs. [B]Carlito[/B] [B]Triple H[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley [B]Randy Orton (C)[/B] vs. Shelton Benjamin for the WWF Title[/QUOTE] 4 Points [QUOTE=Clarity;284315]I reckon your trying to steal my title as 'Man Of A Thousand Diaries' :D[/QUOTE] I'll take 1,000 Diary Kid. Plus its Dynasty *does manly pose* [QUOTE=mad5226;284318]Wow great backstory man, the invasion angle really made sense in this reality. Do you mind telling us who your current champs are now though. You never mentioned it after RVD vacated them, and now I see Orton is champ so they must not be vacant anymore. [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Beth Phoenix Victoria vs. [B]Torrie Wilson[/B] The Hooliganz vs. [B]Cade & Murdoch[/B] [B]Kane[/B] vs. Carlito [B]Triple H[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley [B]Randy Orton (C[/B]) vs. Shelton Benjamin for the WWF Title[/QUOTE] 4 Points I also have the belt history written around here somewhere... [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;284334][B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Beth Phoenix [B]Victoria[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson [B]The Hooliganz[/B] vs. Cade & Murdoch Kane vs.[B] Carlito[/B] [B]Triple H[/B] vs. Bobby Lashley [B]Randy Orton[/B] (C) vs. Shelton Benjamin for the WWF Title[/QUOTE] 5 Points Tyler Gadzinski 5 Points Chris Caufield 4 Pts mad5226 4 pts Prize awarded at the end of the week (in game)
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WCW Nitro Booker T vs. Samoa Joe John Cena vs. Ric Flair Elijah Burke vs. Ken Kennedy Kanyon vs. Scott Stiener Cryme Tyme vs. Duece and Domino PLUS! The Nature Boy Ric Flair announces who his prodegy, the New Nature Boy is! Anyone who guesses this correctly recieves 2 extra points
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[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]WCW Wednesday Nitro[/SIZE][/COLOR] Wednesday ~ Week 1 ~ 2007 ~ January Live from Birmingham, Alabama! The show starts out with a video of Ric Flair, highlighting his career, from NWA titles to Four Horsemen to his recent battles with Sting. At the end it states “Another Nature Boy … Another Legand. Revealed TONIGHT!” B [QUOTE]The Nitro girls dance and the fireworks go off as Nitro kicks off. Tony Schiavone welcomes us, and hypes the main event: John Cena vs. Ric Flair. B+ [/QUOTE] Kevin Nash also reminds fans that Booker T will face Samoa Joe for the number one contender to Cena’s belt….and that match is next! B+ [QUOTE]Booker T vs. Samoa Joe WCW Title Number 1 Contender These two didn’t really click too well, perhaps Joe isn’t ready for the spotlight yet. We’ll find that out soon enough, as Joe won with the Muscle Buster Samoa Joe over Booker T B-[/QUOTE] Bradshaw vs. Jimmy Wang Yang Bradshaw came out to a massive pop, as did Yang. Bradshaw dominated the smaller man for five minutes, then hit the Bradshaw Bomb for the win. Bradshaw over Jimmy Wang Yang C [QUOTE]A limo pulls up. The tag team champions Free Flow Funk step out. MVP is in a fancy suit and tips the driver a hundred. Killings is in wrestling gear, as he will be in action tonight. D[/QUOTE] Chris Kanyon vs. Scott Stiener Kanyon tries the entire match to set Stiener up for the Kanyon Cutter, but Stiener ends up winning after Rick distracts the ref and Scott uses a pipe on Kanyon’s domepiece. The two didn’t click at all, and the timing was horrid. D+ [QUOTE]Gregory Helms vs. Miz WCW Cruiserweight Title Miz gets a surprising amount of offense in here, almost getting a 3 count after a good amount of brawling. Helms fights back, and gets the crowd back also. Helms gets the title (after it got vacated for … um … reasons.) after hitting a Nightmare on Helms Street. C [/QUOTE] Cryme Tyme vs. Duece n Domino Both teams here are young and on the rise, but WCW fans are getting tired of Free Flow Funk vs. The Stieners. Both teams look very good, although the crowd is lukewarm to them because they’re not too popular. Duece is beating on JTG, until the tag is made. Shad cleans house, Domino runs in to cheat, JTG anticipates it and hits a dropkick from behind. G9 and a victory for Cryme Tyme. Cryme Tyme over Duece n Domino D+ [QUOTE]After the match Shad and JTG challenge FFF for the title D[/QUOTE] Free Flow Funk comes out, and MVP accepts. Killings gets in the ring for his match D+ [QUOTE]Marcus Cor Von vs. Ron Killings Killings puts on a clinic in wrestling with style for the three young guns watching at ringside (MVP, Shad, JTG). He hits the truth or consequences and puts a way young Marcus. Ron Killings over Marcus Cor Von C[/QUOTE] A video plays highlighting the future return of Sting after being injured by Booker T. B+ [QUOTE]Elijah Burke vs. Ken Kennedy WCW United States Title These two did all right, but honestly I expected better. Kennedy hit the Green Bay Plunge and took the US Title. Ken Kennedy over Elijah Burke B-[/QUOTE] Kennedy celebrates his victory by stating his name. B+ [QUOTE]John Cena vs. Ric Flair Cena and Flair both pull out all the stops. Flairs age gets the best of him though, as he tires late, and falls victem to the STFU. John Cena over Ric Flair B[/QUOTE] After the match Flair walks to Cena and raises his hand. B+ [QUOTE]Cena leaves the ring, and Flair gets a mic. “Wooooo! It’s time, ladies and gentlemen! Woooo! It’s time … Birmingham … Alabama! The next Nature Boy is behind that curtain. Wooooo! He is everything I was at his stage of devolopement, brash, ****y, and a winner. Woooo! He weighs in tonight at a buff 216 Wooooooo pounds! He hails from … Green Bay … Wooooooooo … WIS-CON-SON! He is the … Wooooo … United States Champion! Woooo… the next Nature Boy….” The music starts MIIIISSSSSSSSSSSTER KENNNNNNEDDY! After the signature name dropping, Flair’s music plays. Kennedy struts out, wearing a robe much like Ric’s, with the US Title underneath. He struts to the ring and shakes Flair’s hand. Taking the mic he smiles. “Ric Flair is limousine ridin’, jet flying, kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealing, son of a gun! He embodies stylin’ and profilin’! He is … the man. He is … a NINETEEN TIME WORLD CHAMPION! HE IS THE NATURE BOY! …and now so is MISSSSSSSSTERRRRRRRRR KENNNNNNNEEDDDY! … Wooo! Kennedy!” A* [/QUOTE] OVERALL SHOW: B
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;285307][B]Booker T[/B] vs. Samoa Joe John Cena vs. [B]Ric Flair[/B] Elijah Burke vs. [B]Ken Kennedy[/B] Kanyon vs. [B]Scott Stiener[/B] Cryme Tyme vs. [B]Duece and Domino[/B][/QUOTE] 2 Points [QUOTE] Chris Caufield 6 Pts Tyler Gadzinski 5 Points mad5226 4 pts[/QUOTE] Remember, you cant win if you dont play :D
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ECW TV Austin Aries vs. Mick Foley Johnny Nitro vs. Sabu Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match Raven vs. Sandman Batista vs. Rob Van Dam Non-Title Match CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy (c) PLUS The Hardcore Commishioner makes a announcement regarding the rumble. Extra point for correctly guessing the "Hardcore Commish"
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[SIZE="4"]ECW TV [/SIZE] Live! From the Hammerstein Ballroom! [B]Raven vs. The Sandman[/B] Raven’s A Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match A great way to start ECW off, with a highly violent and extreme match between Raven and Sandman. Raven took control and never let go, finishing Sandman off by pushing off the perch. Raven over Sandman C+ [QUOTE]After the match Raven comes out and demands a microphone. Mick Foley’s music starts up and he comes to the ring. They greet as friends and Raven starts the interview. He asks Foley about Austin Aries. “He is a fine young talent, but his anti-hardcore tirade and crusade comes to an end tonight. Tonight I will show him why Mick Foley is the definition of hardcore. He will not … have a nice day!” B [/QUOTE] [B]Austin Aries vs. Mick Foley[/B] Fortunately for Aries, this was not a hardcore match up. Unfortunately for Aries, when Foley is in form like this, it’s scary. Double arm DDT for the win. B- [QUOTE]After the match Foley goes to get his trusty baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. The crowd is cheering, anticipating Austin getting what he deserves. The lights go out, and when they come back on, only Foley is in the ring, perplexed. B- [/QUOTE] [B]Jerry Lynn vs. Jobber X[/B] A Jerry Lynn squash match? Yes indeed. Jerry Lynn over Jobber X D+ [QUOTE]Matt Hardy is backstage. “CM Punk, you’ve got talent. I’ve seen you go over some great wrestlers. However you are not a three-brand superstar. You are looking at a man who was WWF, WCW and IS ECW Champion. I’ve fulfilled my destiny of greatness, I’ve broken the glass celing, and I will not die! Tonight, CM Punk, you’re in for one helluva match!” B+[/QUOTE] [B]Johnny Nitro vs. Sabu[/B] This match was mainly to throw a wet blanket over the crowd, letting them cool off a bit. Sabu was in control for a bit, and then Nitro was in control. Sandman came out to help his partner, but was hurt by his earlier match, and did more help than good. Nitro with the big win. Johnny Nitro over Sabu C+ [QUOTE]Team ECW start double-teaming Nitro post match, but Mercury comes out to make the save. Nitro takes out Sandman, while Mercury puts Sabu through a table. Mercury grabs a mic. “Now THAT’S hardcore!” C-[/QUOTE] [B]Christopher Daniels vs. The Great Khali[/B] A majority of the battle was Khali swatting Daniels around. Daniels eventually knocked the giant down, then kept him down with a few good top rope maneuvers. Chris Daniels over Khali C+ [QUOTE][B]Batista vs. Rob Van Dam[/B] Rob Van Dam, hardcore icon returned from his suspension and time off with this match. The Extreme Animal had been running through the ECW locker room untamed, but RVD put him away and made it look easy. RVD over Batista B+ [/QUOTE] Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out to a massive pop. The hardcore commish tells RVD as he’s leaving that the match he just won was a number one contenders match for the title at Royal Rumble. Rob seems to have mixed emotions, but shakes Matt Hardy’s hand. B+ [QUOTE]Backstage Daniels is drinking a (ECW is brought to you by … ) Pepsi. He seems elated over his victory over Khali. Batista is also walking backstage, and spots Daniels. He goes to attack, but runs into the Great Khali instead. Khali takes out Batista as Daniels makes a quick escape, realizing what almost happened to him. B+[/QUOTE] [B]CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy ECW Championship[/B] Punk showed a lot of heart in this match, but it is hard to out-effort the tri brand superstar Matt Hardy. Hardy hit the twist of fate and put CM down for good after a long and crowd pleasing match. B+ [QUOTE]Rob Van Dam comes out and stares down Hardy, an opponent he hasn’t faced in many, many years. Matt Hardy just picks up his belt and smiles. B+[/QUOTE] Overall Show: C+
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;287871]darn it if i wouldve been on top of this i wouldve gained like 4 points... i need to remember to keep reading diaries.. lol... this is a great diary though.[/QUOTE] Glad you appreciate it. Read when you can :). [QUOTE=chris caulfield;287872]You have to keep reading to get the points. luckily for me i read this diary as soon as astil makes a post.[/QUOTE] Why, thank you. [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;287881]well my computer wasnt working for a couple days and ive been busy with training to wrestle.. so i dont have much time to check these[/QUOTE] I wish you luck in your training, you're living out MY dream there. [QUOTE=chris caulfield;288176][B]Austin Aries[/B] vs. Mick Foley [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] vs. Sabu Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match [B]Raven[/B] vs. Sandman Batista vs. [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Non-Title Match CM Punk vs. [B]Matt Hardy (c)[/B][/QUOTE] 4 points [QUOTE] Chris Caufield 10 Pts Tyler Gadzinski 5 Points mad5226 4 pts[/QUOTE] This week's winner is: LINK! ... wait wrong game. Chris Caufield! Congrats, and once I got a prize for ya.
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[B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Victoria [B]London & Kendrick[/B] vs. World's Greatest Tag Team Carlito vs. [B]Umaga[/B] [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Umaga Shawn Micheals vs. [B]Triple H[/B] vs. The Rock yeah first one to post up predictions .. and Training is really fun.. you should really try getting to a place to train Astil.. if you really want to be a wrestler.
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]WWF RAW[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Live from Anahiem, CA[/SIZE][/COLOR] The show starts with The Rock in the ring. He calls out Shawn Michaels. “Now, Shawn, I know you and Trips have this lovers spat going, but never, and the Rock means NEVER, get the Rock involved in D-X business again.” “D-X is dead Rocky. And this aint no lover’s spat, so mind your business.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you calling the Rock a liar? You don’t think the Rock’s seen all the movies you two are in? Heartbreak Kid? Showstopper? Rocker? Let me ask you something…did Steph do the camera work?” The Rock gets up to HBK’s face. “The Rock and the millions, and millions of the Rock’s fans need to know … is Triple H that … damn … good? “Reeeeal funny, Rock. You must not remember the ass whipping you got last -” Rock hits Michaels with the Rock Bottom. “The Rock never forgets!” The two brawl until security breaks it up. A [QUOTE]The Hooligans vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team A lot of fast paced action here, showcasing WWF’s tag division at it’s finest. Kendrick ended up with the win over Benjamin, with a superkick. The Hooligans over World’s Greatest Tag Team B-[/QUOTE] Gail Kim vs. Torrie Wilson Gail dominates and wins in less than five minutes. Gail Kim over Torrie Wilson C- [QUOTE]Beth Phoenix vs. Victoria Gail Kim remained at ringside to watch this match. The two female “powerhouses” brawled and brawled, until Beth went to attack Kim, leaving Victoria to mount offense and finish it with the Widow’s Peak. C+[/QUOTE] Vince McMahon announces that at the Royal Rumble Candice Michelle will defend her title against Gail Kim, Victoria and Beth Phoenix. C [QUOTE]He then announces the ten names to represent the WWF at the Royal Rumble. In alphabetical order: AJ Styles Carlito Charlie Haas Jeff Hardy Kane The Rock Shawn Micheals Shelton Benjamin Triple H The Undertaker B+[/QUOTE] Finally Vince reannounces a second main event, HBK vs. HHH vs. THE ROCK! B+ [QUOTE]AJ Styles vs. Umaga Umaga had a hell of a time catching AJ, as he hit five or so springboard moves in a row to take Umaga down. Finally, however, the IC Champ catches AJ, and almost hits the Samoan Spike. Lashley runs down and spears Umaga. This slows Umaga down enough to fall victem to the Styles Clash and give AJ a big win. AJ Styles over Umaga A[/QUOTE] Jeff Hardy sneaks into an office and takes a piece of paper. B- [QUOTE]Mike Knox vs. Scotty 2 Hotty Mainly a filler match. Nothing to see here folks. Mike Knox over Scotty 2 Hotty C [/QUOTE] Backstage, Lashley is laying in a pool of blood, with Umaga standing above him. B [QUOTE]Carlito vs. Randy Orton WWF Championship Carlito is fired up after seeing AJ, his tag partner get a big win. Orton has a bit more of a challenge with Carlito then Shelton, but still put him away with an RKO. B+ [/QUOTE] Looking to capitalize on the distraction of the match, AJ sneaks over to attack Randy … but the match has ended. He just receives an RKO for his trouble, and his good day goes sour. B+ [QUOTE]Randy looks triumphant, until Jeff Hardy’s music. He challenges Orton, saying he has his name on the contract already. Orton refuses. B[/QUOTE] The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H A truly epic match, with many near falls for its quarter hour run time. Triple H went to hit Rock with a sledge hammer after hammering Shawn, but Rock reversed it into a Rock Bottom and a pin. The Rock over Shawn Michaels and Triple H A* [QUOTE]The Rock climbs the turnbuckle to celebrate, and Triple H takes him out from behind. The crowd boos as RAW goes off the air. A*[/QUOTE] Overall Show: B+
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Sorry about the mistake guys. Free point each. [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;289902][B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] vs. Victoria [B]London & Kendrick[/B] vs. World's Greatest Tag Team Carlito vs. [B]Umaga[/B] [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Umaga Shawn Micheals vs. [B]Triple H[/B] vs. The Rock yeah first one to post up predictions .. and Training is really fun.. you should really try getting to a place to train Astil.. if you really want to be a wrestler.[/QUOTE] 4 Points I do wanna wrestle A match, but I dont wanna be a wrestler. Have you thought of a gimmick for yourself yet? [QUOTE=chris caulfield;289943]WWF Raw [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Torrie Wilson Beth Phoenix vs. [B]Victoria[/B] [B]London & Kendrick [/B]vs. World's Greatest Tag Team [B]Carlito[/B] vs. Umaga AJ Styles vs. [B]Umaga[/B] Shawn Micheals vs. [B]Triple H[/B] vs. The Rock[/QUOTE] 4 Points [QUOTE]Chris Caufield 4 Pts Tyler Gadzinski 4 pts[/QUOTE]
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